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Lesson A GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Unscramble the job titles. Complete the sentences. (hpootragephr)He'sa_photographer (nolitpcaii) She's a (cnadre) He's a (fche) She's a (icelop fofcire) She's a (tolpi) Ho's a (lervta getna) He's a {anjtutros) She's a ex ee eens Write the nationality 1. France French 5, Australia 2. Jordan, Peru 3. Ireland 7. Mexico 4, Japan 8. Your nationality: Read the conversations. Write the pronouns and the correct form of be. Gristina: Where (1) 2°" from, Mike? Mike: (2) from Australia. Cristina: So,(3)_______ Australian, Sounds cool (4)__from sydney? Mike: Yes, | am. And you, Cristina? (5)_______ Mexican? Cristina: No, (6) ty Brazilian. Mike: Wow! Brazil 'd love to go to Brazil Which city (@)______trom? Cristina: (9) from Rio de Janeiro. (10)__ a coo city! People 9 10. Unit Lesson B GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY What's My Name? is a TV show. Read the information below and complete the sentences. Name: Anita Name: Isabel Name: Carmen Age: 23 Age: 25 Age: 25 Nationality: Mexican | Nationality: Chilean —_| Nationality: Mexican City: Puebla City: Santiago City: Mexico City Job: travel agent Job: travel agent Job: dancer Contestant: (1) _‘" ‘Woman #1: (2) Contestant: And (3) ‘Woman #1: No, (4) Conte Woman #1: Yes, (5) Contestant: Are you 23 (6) —___ ‘Woman #1: Yes! Contestant: Is (7) Woman #1: Yes! You're right! Contestant: Are you Mexican? Woman #2: Yes, (8) Contestant: (9) Woman #2: Yes. Contestant: Are you a travel agent? ‘Woman #2: No, (10) Contestant: So, (11) Woman #2: Yes. You're right. Contestant: Is your name Carmen? Woman #2: Yes, (12) Write the contractions. 4. tam! 2. she is 3. itis Hmm, So, you're Mexican. ____a travel agent? Lam, Chilean? Anita? 25 years old? a dancer. 4. you are. 5. isnot 6. weare Lesson C GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Match the opposites. (¥ z ae good? 1 a. easy 2. rich b. bad > 3. boring _ 6. safe 4. happy __ d. poor 5. dangerous __ ®. unhappy 6. difficult__ 4. interesting on Complete the sentences about jobs. Use your ideas. 1, Hor job is dangerous. She's_@plloe 2 Hisijob is interesting. He’s__ 3. Her job is boring. She's 4. 5. . His jobis difficut, He's i i fh R= Se psec aca ee Complete the sentences with possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, their). 4. Hello! name is Yong-Min, 2. Ms. Costa is a photographer. job is very interesting. 8. They're my brothers. ‘names are Martin and Julio. 4, You're a dancer! Is job difficult? 5. like my teacher. name is Mr. Clark. 6, Mr. Shen likes. job. He's an engineer. Unscramble the questions. Then write your answers. 41. (your what name is) 2 2. (from you arewhere) 3. (you what do do) eee 4. (work is your interesting) Lesson D READING AND WAITING The World of Work Today, many people go to work in new countries. Here, well learn about four people and ther jobs. Michael Murphy is a doctor. He's from Ireland, but he works in many countries. He says, “My work is sometimes dangerous, but it's always interesting, It's a difficult job, but! love helping people.” Natsuko Mori is from Osaka, Japan. She works in Brazil now. She says, “!'m a teacher in a language school. | teach Japanese to Brazilian students. My students are very good, and | like my job.” ‘Shaukat All is a taxi driver in London, England. He's from Pakistan. He says, “! love my job! Its difficult because London is so big. But the people ae very nice. | love talking to people trom different countries, so i's an interesting job.” ‘Moses Agba is a soccer player from Nigeria in Africa. Now he plays for a team in Italy. He says, “People think my job is exciting. That's true, but it isn't easy. | like living in taly, and I ove playing soccer, so I'm a really happy person! Read the sentences. Circle T for true or F for false. 4. Natsuko is Brazilian, 2. Shaukat works in a car. 3. Playing soccer is an easy job. 4, Michae'’s job is dangerous. 5. Shaukat's and Michael's jobs are boring. 6. Teaching Japanese is a difficult job. 7. Moses isn't happy. . These people like their jobs. Hana aaa PEOPLE 1 Write the person’s name. You can repeat names is Japanese. lives in taly. works with students, has a dangerous job. works in a big city. is Irish, has an exciting job. SAN eee eno loves talking to people. Look at the picture. Write sentences about Lina and her job. Use your ovn ideas. Lina is Mexican, but: she lives in France. She's. | Look at the picture. Write sentences about Dave and his job. Use your own ideas, People 13 Ww Solve the crossword puzzle with vocabulary and grammar from this unit Review Across 4, not sate 6. not poor 7. He's from Canada. He's 40. m from Mexico. 'm 13. not easy 14. not interesting 16. They students 1. She's from France. She's 9. A_____works ina school Bou 40. 1 tike job because i's 2. They're from Korea. They're exciting sang iA works in an 3. havea brother. —__ airplane. name is Hiroshi 42. I'm Colombia 5. job 45. My name Elisa 8. |____a journalist. Write about you and your job or about somebody you know and his or her job. Use words from the unit 14 Unit 1

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