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CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT KS HU REVISION KIT FOR BGCSE SCIENCE DOUBLE AWARD PAPER 2/3 DQoos 2015 PaPeTS Please do not write on this booklet 1.1 shows a man of mass 9) Whal form of energy does he gain as he gous up the tree? ®) Calculaie the work done by the man in climbing the tee (lake g= work done = {¢) Whe reaches the top of the tree in 10, what power does he develop? power = - 2) ve the speed of ne watch ad in iront of @ high wertical cliff 640m aw hapo hits a orum Kagiso staris a siopw when she hears the echo. The fime measwed by Kagiso is 4s y om atch. She siops. 2) Calculate the speed of sound in ai speed of sound = (8) How will the pitch of the original sound compare with thal of the echo? {1} Te) Exptain why the original sound is louder than the echo. (i) 5 [Tum ov- Fig. 3.1 shows wna rays of light rel ecied irom 4 pebble al ihe bottom of a pool, On the chagram: ) (9) continue the paths of the two rays when they emerge {rom the water surlace. [2] (Huse the refracted rays to show the position of the image of the pebble: label the image | 2] The real depth of the pool is 1.5m and the image appears to be 1.1 m beneath the water surface Caloulaie the refractive index of the water refractive index =... (2) Jw neutial meial spheres, A and 8 are mounted on insulating oN iB) jands. ~ nsulating 8 Describe and illustrate how a negaiively charged rod may be used to charge the spheres by induction $o that A is negatively charged and B is positively charged, 4) (a) Use dot and cross diagrams to draw the electronic structures of (i) methane (2) (ii) calcium chloride 8) {b) Give two properties of ionic compounds. 1 2 2 £ Fig. 4.2 shows the direction in whic table. pass needle points when itis plac jotting compasses are then placed near @ meial bat, AB and the compass needles point a8 shown in Fig. 42 a _ Sy Fig. 4.2 | {a) How do the plotting compasses show thal bar AB is a magnet? {b) Draw the magnetic field around metal bar AB. (©) Desorive an el ectrical method of demagnetising a magnet. (Turn over egal 1g a mixture of carbon, hydkooarbons and sulphur compounds. When coal 1s bu sur dioxide is produced. a} Name two olher gaseous products formed when coal is burne le (2) fo) Ina coalired factory, sulphur dioxide can BP removed before the waste gases are released into the atmosphere. 18) Suggest a reason for removing sulphor dioxide culphur dioxide is removed oy passing the waste gases through a mixture of water and | powdered catcium carbonate ' Explain the action in this process of: | (i) water (2) calcium carbonate soe . {31 Hycrochloric acid is a strong acid and ethanoie acids & weak acid. (2) What is meant by a strong acid? ' {1} (6) What is the pH of dilute hysrochloric acid and ethanol acid likely to be? | (dilute hydrochloric acid: ' {ti} ethanote acid: . 2) | coma [Tum over 8 y 19 obiain differen| fractions hom crude cil (a) Complete the diagram by drawing a thermometer used to measure the boiling point of ihe fractions. My {b) (Name the proces carried out in this experiment. ) Name two elements that are found in compounds in the fractions of crude oil i (iil) Name the fraction with the highest boiling point {3} (e) The flow diagram shows the production of gas ¥ from one of the fractions of crude oll Liquid X does not react with bromine water Dut the colourless gas ¥ reacts with bromine water to give a colourless solution. colourless: gas Y | fraction -}= | { Tiquid Le} TM (i) Name th process shown in the flow diagram. what colour is bromine wale Mame the homologous series of organic compovnes whic State one difference between the structures of molec! molecules in liauid ®. ules of gas hn liquid X belongs. ¢ and the il [Turn over 4 y 10.1 shows = sei up used Wy WO StUdenIs investigzil They used a freshly cut shoot reshly cul shoot layer of oll water —lop pan bal ee 1ey weighed the plant, with beaker, water and oil layer, al Ti id of each complete day for six days, Al the slart the total mass was 90g $ of beaker + water + oll + shoot g (a) Name the process under investigation, [1] (b) State the purpose of using oll in the experiment y 2) (2) Slate the day with the highest amount of water loss. a (ii) Suggest the likely weather conditions of the day. (d)_ Explain the importance of nitrogen and magnesium to plants nitrogen; magnesium: 2] 1 guile often. Dineo advises hin to robe (tripe) and he eal iwigho tikes: Slate one problem Mpho is hkely to face if he eats too much serobe. } Explain how the problem in {i} above occurs, (b) Explain how Dineo’s advice is sensible. (i) | {6} Dingo also suggests that Mpho shoulé eat his serobertipe with plenty of fresh vegetables, Give one reason why this is good advice. coo [Turn over Fig. 12.1 shows parts of a flower mats he — (a) Slate how this flower is pollinated. (e) Describe the path taken by the pollen grain nucieus from the stigma to the region where fertlisation takes place. {3} 43. Conservation involves preserving habitats and protecting individual species of plants and animals io get maximum advantage without degrading i (2) What is meant by habitat? i) (bp) Exolain why conservation of habitats is important for | i) medicine, (i) employment. 2] {e) Suggest the importance of recycling paper. | it] 4d) Describe how overstocking can contribute to destruction of a local environment. [3] shows verier catlipers wooden block Fig. 1.4 What is the length of the wooden block? (s) 4.400m runner takes 50s to complete a race. a) Calculate the average speed of the runner fength average speed block -om (1) Towards the end of the race she slows down from 6 mvs until she slops in 3s Calculate her acceleration acceleration @ bus itavelling closely behind a car. The speed of the car is v 's onto the road and both crivers stam on the brakes ai the Fig, Which vehicle is likely to stop first? lain your answer, ) Why is it necessary for the passengers of the car to wear seat belts? | (i) | cxeacoones {Turn over nadcasis al a (ec) 7 MH around Mahalapye. The speed of ves ig 3 x 10%mis | uate the wavelength of the wansmitied | | wavelength = . m (i | 4 {8} Fig. 4.1 shows an electric circuit. The reading of the voltmeter is 6 V. | | | | {Name meter A . ty Work out the reading of meter A. | reading = {2} {ili) The cells in the circuit have the same voltage What is the voltage of one cell? voltage = ... va | shot ironing plate — Fig. 4.2 () On Fig. 4.2 name each of the wires in the electrical cord connected to the electric iron. (3) (Ui) Explain the function of the wire connected to the ironing plate, Explain the funetion of the fuse. (21 & Fig. 5.1 shows emissions trom @ radioactive source directed to pass near a positively charged plate. [sess] ¢}—<$—— radioactive source Fig. 5.1 {2} Identify the emissions X and ¥. Y vse - 2) {b} Arrange the three radioactive emissions according to their ability to penetrate matter. “Teast penetrating 2) most penetrating ro) [Turn over Fig. 6.1 shows the siruc ng of an afom of an element {2} (@) Name the particle labelled . (il) What does the circle labelled Vf represent? {o} Slate twe components of the part labelled Z. and fo) Write the name of the element with the structure shown. {6}. State the group in which the element is found, nee from the list given that best suils the desc-iptions casbon mone: obalt chloride ium ¢ bachan sutphal niglont nitrogen dion glucose stance can be used once or not at all A sall prepared by precipitation An acidic oxide. ©} A salt thal is found in hard water. {a} The chemical used for testing for the presence of water. A synthetic masromolecule, [Turn over US Jossnnwrs Use ———= diesel —— lubricating oil <== —— bitumen | b} (i) Name the process by which ihe components are separated, @) Why is it possible to separate the components of crude oil by the process named in| {b} (i) above? | (2) {e} State one use of bitumen and of natural gas. | bitumen natural gas 2] (@) {i} In which fraction is methane the main organic compound present? {3} Write an equation for the complete combustion of methane. | (2) from pentane tig 3 Oph, + C3H, a w the siruciural formula of CoH, Oi) The compound C,H, can undergo polymerisation, Name the organic compound formed when C,H, undergoes polymerisation. of Draw the structural formula of the compound formed when C,H, undergoes | polymerisation. (2) cxese2onea [Turn over 0 oP |_____chioroplest \ | Fig. 5.4 \ (i) Label structures &, & and ©. {i} What is the main constituent of 4? | | ' State the function of X 15) | fis) In which plant organ is the cell in Fig, 9.1 found? i i | (i) Give one reason fo support your answer to {1} above: 2) ane Selibe joliuiion problem irom sulphur Inher dioxide forms when it dissolves in + Desoribe the effect of this substance on plants 2 | (h) The table shows the mass of sulphur dioxide produced in Selibe Phikwe and released info the aimosphere over a period of twenty years. iv mass of SO, | | y Yar | (arbitrary units) | i ae | | 1975) | 28 | | 4980 34 | i985 35 | \ 1990 | 33 \ 1995 33 | Give twe possible reasons wi io 1990. | cxeuenones [Turn over volume of urine! _ | timefmin (s} On the grid below, plot a graph showi Join the points with a ruler. er urine ouipul was then 1 nin the table “oo 250 | 90 | 80 9 | 60 | = | 120 | 150 | 180 Le - ag Keneilwe's urine output over the 180 minutes | iB): Name the pr ss that leads fo the changes Fig. 12.1 shows a cross-seciion of a Devil's thorn flower fa) Name the parts W and X. w x {©} Using a label line and the letter ¥ show the part of the flower w {©} Suggest how this flower is pollinated. Explain your answer. ad above, (2) ere fertilisation occurs. (1) al J shrown verticatly upwards. {g = 10en/s4 timers {ij What is the speed of the ball at the highest point? speed .. mH {ii} How long does the ball iake to reach the highest point? {ii What isthe energy Wrensfer faking place as the Ball falls from the mate, eight | back to the thrower? from {o} A box is pushed by to coceenneseeee o (1) force of 1001N along a surface al a constant speed of 0. Sis in 3 seconds | (3) What is the friction force? | i | ce i) Calculate the work done in moving the box along the surface. work done = . 2 REC 2004 openios1oned Fig, 2.4 chow: weaier ‘After some time droplets of waier are formed on the outer wall of the glass beaker. | Explain how the water droplets are formed on the outer wall REC s68/030NDE [Turn over image object (a) Complete the path of the ray after passin Label il f. fh) What is the focal length af the lens? ig through thi REC 2004 os68/0301N08 e tons and find the principal foc mm A transmitter sends out shock wav 1. How deep is the coal depo signal, ¢ jon, Suggest why the receiver pick: and the ¥é sr detects an echo [om the coal {Tum over fig, 5.1 shows an aleciric circu: The reading of Ay = 1.5A fg) Siate the current through @ -, aR, 45) Calculate the voltage across each resistor. (Voltage across R, ii) Voltage across R; (iil) Voltage across Ry REC 2008 ‘056 8/03:07N08 fl a] diagram shows some of the liligr found on @ piich afer = jooiball weeks ago. | i do adil Lege [ ab j rusted drink cans glass bottles plastic cups fruit, vegetable peels { Fig. 6.4 Name (a recyclable piece of liter found costs | a biodegradable piece of litier found (b} @ Suggest the name of the metal {rom winich the cans were made, | £ Explain your answer, ah (ii) Slate twe other substances that caused the cans (o rust | and (2) (iii) Suggest another metal that can be used for making the cans \ i! iv) Whyis il better to use the metal in (b)( {if} for making cans than that in (b)@)? | | [1] psparoa'onos [Turn over dic Table diagiam shows the position of iran, Fo, in \ha Peri (a) Name the group of metals to which iron belongs: {h)_ State two properties of metals in the group named in (@} 2 {e} Won is used in the manufacture of ammonia, NH, a dot and eros diagram to show the bonding in a molecule of ammon'a, {iy What type of bonding is present in a molecule of ammonia? (a) Ammonia dissolves in water to form a weak alkali, aqueous ammonia (i) Why is aqueous ammonia a weak alka? © BFC 2008 eseenaonoe we "1 “1 yogest the pe! of aqueous emmonia. Describe us ammonia ig used to fest for the presence of zine ions ina solution vague (2) 5 Lime, calcium oxide, (CaO). is sometimes added to neutralise acidic soils. i (a) @) Write an equation fer the reaction between lime and dilute hydrochloric acid, HCl 2 2) (i) Write the ionic equation for the reaction in (a). | (2) 5} Lime is obtained from the thermal decomposition of limestone, CaCO,, (i) What is meant by thermal decomposition? i] (fi) State one use oj calcium carbonate ather than the production of lime 4] oscaraxcines [Turn over io demonstrate uptake of water in ianis Miho sucked w shown in Fig, 9.1 ior from a glass using Explain why wafer moves wp the straw when Mpho sucks at the end tb) Name the part of the vascular bundles represented by the straw. | 16 {a} Define hormone. | Be | \ {} Complete Table 10.1 to show hormones, their sources and their functions. i Table 10.1 | | hormone | source function in the body i | . \ ‘i pl —@ } pancreas (ii) . adrenal gland | prepares body for action | a | \ i | | ae 2008 (056 8,03:0N08 nd placed ther 5 show i After one hour the dot | (Using the information in Fig. 44 i cribe any changes that had taken place in each baich af dough in dishes % and after one hour Y . (24 (9) Explain the cifferences in the resulis for the two batches of dough. [4] (2) Suggest why it is conveniont to use microorganisms in biotechnology. {4 eur [Turn over able 12.1 shows the results of an experiment to protein digesting enzyen temperature in) time taken for complet digestion in seconds | i } 250 j | 25 | 210 \ 30 | 150 | | | 25 105, | ' | 40 140 | | 45 170 \ | {b} {State the optimum temperature for the reaction. | 8) Give a reason for your answer in (3) above (2) BEC 2H08 seaman BEC 200a Explain change eriment was carted oul 2t pH 5, # nich Is c hat will happen to the times iaken for Stale twe disadvantages of asextial reproduction. osseoa0rtwea digestion \ io the opiinwim for this en: compiete i the ay oH is (2) ig. 1.7 shows 6 horse pubiag 2 cart of mass 200hg © REC 2008 The cart moved 10m in 20 Calculate the average speed of the cart speed (the speed of the cari changed as it approached an inters Fig. 1.2 Describe the motion of the cart during the 5s, osaqi02-0iN05 mvs [2h ion. S mis? [2] V belav aeightl forw: backward rot securely lied down on ihe hack of ihe rocavery truck, when the vuck | piakes sud car inoves. because of ils, vp) [Turn over shai e san elseinic molar eloctiie motor (2) What is the energy change in the solr pane!? f) i) (iy BEC 2005 ‘The motor raises a load of 0.2K io aheighi of Smin Ss ‘what form of energy does the load gain as it rises? Caiculate the work done by the moter to raise the load. work done = Define power. esearoz0nue5 hom ant object incident on @ convex ier jens —1 1 1 OF Fe ae Fig. 8.7 {a} On the diagram draw the paths of the tays after refraction by the lens. al | (i) On the diagram draw the image formed (2) 2008) oS6H/OR!ONNI05 [Turn over vealed 10 boiling, eae! volun \,aluminiun kettle (gas heaied) electric xettle aaa Wi (=) By which process does heai energy {i) reach the water in the aluminium kettle? (ii) spread in the water? ' (2) In which kettle wail the weter cool f Fwhen heating stops? kettle .. explanation BEC 2008 ‘ones ys i The fable gives same iniormation about the structure of atoms of some elemenis. ojumberof arrangement — Group in the: metal or clement | protons of electrons Periodic Tabie non metal 7 non-metal i o 12 2,8,2 2 & 16, 6 non-metal S$ 18 28,8 | non-metal Complete the table by filling the blank spaces. re {h) Element P reacts with & to form a crystalline salt. | i) Write the formula of ihe alline salt formed, | a (ii) Which is the least tive element in the table? Explain your answer. i | 3} {c) Element P exists as a diatomic molecule. What is meant by diatomic? 1 2005, OzIOMOS, [Turn over BEC 2005) of zine weie « hydrochione cation waol hydrochloric acie pieces of zine balance \Witie @ balanced chemical equation far this reaction (2) The experiment was carried aut at 20°C. The table shows the loss in mass of the ov xlure at 50 second intervals during the reaction. times 50 too | 180 | 200 250 | 300 Foss in massig 020 | 0.95 | oat | oat | 0.46 0.45 | {1} wsean2io1Nns loss in mass The warmed to 40°C, me experiment was repeated using hydrochloric « fi) On the same grid, skeich the graph you would obtain from the second experiment. Label it X. (2) 3 In terms of particies, explain why graph X is different from that obtained using hydrochioric acid of the same concentration at 20°C | REG 2008 osamnzio.nios {Turn over folist of dilig aqueous sotuti eulphurie ec iron(li} sulpnene ssitric acted Name a solution in ihe list that 4) gives a white precipitate with aqueous silver nitrate, {ii} has a pH value of approximately 10 i) is coloured, {iv} would react with magnesium (o form hyetrogen ‘o} Name the other produci of ihe reaction described in (a) iv} bso ky Miaich the iatiowing teins wiih dei: cowect desetipiions: diug enzyme sion ferifligetion jhe’ descriplior i term biological caialyysi which is proiein in nature i productiun of food by plants i removal of waste producis [rom the boy | release of energy from food by ying organisms i | cells oo a on (2) the fusion of mate and female sex | | | externally administered subsiance | that ailects chemical reactions inthe body BEC 2005; eB8/9210 N05 [Turn over Ye io Name the sirustures labelled ? and © {h) Name process © | fy (e) Slate twe ways by which ¥ may aitract insects. | Fagen . . | 2 secs een {2} | eRFC 2005, ses az0unos {2} On ihe diagram, label the structures RS and T (3) {6} Slate the functions of the bladder and testis. bladder iestis . (2] (c} Structure F becomes infectad with gonorrhoea bacteria Siale twa signs oF sympioms of gonorrhoea 2 essen 2} zs State how gonorrhoea is treated | BEC 2005, O2IOINIOS, [Yurn over anergy requements of three peopl 2 game Sex energy requirements (1000) ke fa} Which individual is most tikely to be: a manual worker doing 8 hours work f diay? silor doing 8 hours work per day? (ii) a ste year old student? {3] {) Stale the simpiest form of food that is used by body cells to provide energy. {t] fe) State what happens when the energy intake of an individual is greater than the daily energy requirements, ( BEC 2008 sea naonies depth = ches the bottom of the caisulate the velocity of # 2 well, velocity = . sevefZH 2) Hf the boy now drops 4 7.0 kg stone into the well, how would the valve of the kinetic energy. compare with your answer to (b}? © BEC 2008 osea/oa'0rMiog pstiog of the pendulum. imple ps hows jive te © BEC 2008 pendulum would stop escillat osearnavonios {Turn over heal slide projector Fi 1g. 41 (2) On Fig. 4.1, draw two rays to show how an image of the slide is formed on the soreen. (2) (2) Give two properties of the image formed, t 2. SEC 2006 spa10901NIO camera, BEC 2006 cay in whi h the image 3 by 8 projector is os6ainar0ino6 arent from thal formed by & [Turn aver balloon woollen cloth Explain why the balloon becomes negatively charged. Explain why the balloon is attracted to the woollen cloth. } Fig. 5.2 shows a piestic rod brought near the meial cap electroscope. The 4 the leaf increases. Diastic rod metal cep ——= Fig. 5.2 (i) What is the charge on the plastic 100? BEC 2006 oseg1oworN06 of & pe oot] BEC 2096 os69103/0"08 [Turn over Calculate: ‘The current through t 2 bulb, current = The poten cross the §@ bulb, potential difference = Whats the potential difference across the battery? Poiential difference © BEC 2006 os6a09 0105 (2) um carbonate, coun calou Fini =... iy Calculate the mass of carbon dioxide produced when 25.09 of caleiu cis wills excess hydrochloric acic. mass = pocnsencee Calculate the volume occupied by the mass of carbon ‘oom femperatuve and pressure dioxide in (2}{) measured at vohume REC 2008 A9Nas'ONNo6 {Turn over v0% ‘ihode sp aqueous: copperti} ; sulphate Complete the statement below by using som: jords in the dizgram. P ihe electrolytic cell the door handle is connected es th 2} | _ i i (i) copper rod ' [2) Explain why the 2olour of the solution does not change. | ses ee cen oe (G} Write ionic equations for the ai {3 anode cathode . BEC 2006 osearosonv05 chloroahytt proceeds in stages. Bonds beiween atoms in reactant «bonds formed between aioms in the product n ion to expiain wy ihe reaction is endothermic. j le, nylon, fe shown | ° i (5) Write one similarity and one dilference between the structures of nylon and the protein. @® similarity: | At] (i) difference: | a {it} Name the type of compounds produced by the hydrolysis of proteins. {i} | fo} What are the producis of the hydrolysis of fats? | and (2) | e960 2000 ocea0a7O N05 [Tum over idle oF ni 2} (3) Name the sotic led X. (3) What is the colour of chlorine gas? BEC 2006 oper (ormed in ear of 2 catalytic converter in @ cai concentrated uric acid What is the purpose of the water in the test tube? nsea0ai01Nion exhaust system? (21 chin ¢ jormule of this product of aluminium ions, 409 2 aqueous solution positive vesulis BEC 2006 opaoiagionos [Turn over Samples irom the test tube: tof the experiment. The test tubes sre then placed in 2 waier opi al he conienis were tesied for starchy start of biue ~ bleck (g} Name the reageni that was used io test for starch, | i in which iest tube would the conients fest positive for reducing sugar at the end of the experirnent? (1 top fi) (3) Explain your answer io {©} What factor was being investigated in the experiment? (2) Name a part of the alimentary canal where amylase acis. © BEC 2008) esso0310 106 concentration of dissolved! oxyge numbers of jist numbers of bacteria 0 20 20 40 50 disiznoe down strearn (rn) Fig. 18 At what distance from cid the river become polluted’ , Slate the effect ef the pollution on 6 distance of 20km from Explain why the numbers of bacteria started decreasing after point ® BEC 2006 oseaoayoinvion 1S Fig. 46.4 shows the oha fanusry ane August. | Number oi |. organisms duly Aug be} A pesticice was sprayed to kill organisms % ‘Suggest in which month organism X wes sprayed, (8) Give a reason for your answer. ‘Suggest why the population of organism ¥ remained constant ence oseaoa10nven fin moist soil | valer loss by evaporation | polyitione bag re @ row the polythene hay helps to raduce iesves of siem | i i k coloured one? | . i SEC 2000 a569,0310906 [Tura over wire gauze insect ame the prc cess under investigation, puraose of sade lime in ihe er 20 minutes, would the colo: Explain your answer. test vid Mow 1006 058/0810,N08 towards or 66 {2} BS} Give tw iierences bi | - | | | \ j | i | a ~— e] fc} 8 state iis function and describe how it is adapted for the named & function adaptation .. 2) function adapiation .., (2 | reasonable oft has been made by the publ (BEC; to vace copyngy Pasar bu Hany tars renung centres Hava stingy Dose nck. te Isher wl os plaased 9 make Ans 3 he eaten oss spent, i © BEC 2005 ose9roa40,nw06 6? i tlom the tabletop aitached io a spring of tengtt Som. When a load of 10N ie put on the mass hanger the distance between the tabletop and the mass hanger becomes, zm 3 ——spring i z | 3 1 “mass 3 hanger __ mass hanger load Fom | 4em | Fig. 1.4 | Calculate the length of the spring when a 20N load is placed on the mass hanger (Assume the spring is not deformed). length of spring (8) Fig. 1.2 shows a load-extension graph for a spring load/N 4 at Ia sxtonsion om Fig. 1.2 | {i} What does point X represent? ©8EC 2007, os6a00MI07 aiter point ¥ has been | Gi) What would happen io the passed? oney if the load is {ii} Why does the graph go through {0, 0)? A load hung from the original spring causes an extension of Use the graph to find the value of this load. | load wey | 2 Acrane lifts 100 bricks each of mass 2kg to the top of a building 4m high in 19 seconds. | (iake g = 10 Nig) i (8) Gatculate the work done by the crane. WOFK GONE = ene J 2] Calculate the power developed by the crane. power = Ww 2) (6) What form of energy do the bricks gain? ‘REC 2007 osenazomur [Turn over cold | immersion ' walter yiheater Explain why the hot water accumulates at the top of the tank underneath ihe outlet pipe. | (4) 4 Fig, 4.1 shows a convex lens used to form an image of bail hanging from a hook on apiece | of sting. Position fis the focal point | lens | | | - Go | $ ball | Fig. 44 | (2) Identity the feature © c 0) © BEC 2007 oseaia2ieonwo7 Use Fig. 4.1 io complete a ray diagram showing the fo Label the image formed f } Stale to properties of the image for 5 Fig. 5.1 shows simple transformer. rimary coll secondary coil Fig. 5.4 5.1? type of transformer is shown in Fi 8} Which liquid is Used to cool a transformer? {ce} Which material is used to make the core? Give a reason for your answer, (2) A radio transformer operates from a 240 a.c. supply to give an output of 6V. F the primary coil has 2000 turns, how many turns will be in the secondary? number of turns BEC 2007 esaeionxonvar [urn over ist 0 ill the bianks in nel The atoms that undergo radioactive decay ere cecay occurs within the nucleus and il is theretore called a As the nucleus emits small particles and Which instrument is used to detect radioactivity? {@) State one danger of exposure to radioactive emissions. Here is a list of substances. aluminturn anhydrous conper(Ih) sulphate nigkel sodium carbonate Choose one substance from the list which {2} is used to test for the presence of water, (©) 1s an air pollutant, (2). is used in the production of glass, {@)_ is used for making overhead electrical cables. e107 ” stable The radioactive change it becomes more siable Q) Give one safety precaution when handling radioactive materials. (iy a) £4] carbon dioxide sulphur diow (i) (b) © BEC 2007 mant of eleciror Use the Periodic Table to identity the element. | (i) What term deseribes the relationship between atoms ¥ and ¥? [ih Calculale the mass number of atom X. i fi) | Draw a ‘dot’ and ‘cross’ diagram fo show the arrangement of electrons after a compound | has been formed between lithium and ¥. Show all the electrons. j o56910201N07 [Turn over of an oxide. Calculate the mass of ov, mass of oxygen . . git} {G} Calculate the number of motes of oxygen atoms that reacted moles of oxygen atoms =... . (2) {e) Calculate the number of moles of carbon atoms that reacted. | moles of carbon atoms =. (i) (4) Deduce the empirica! formula of the oxide of carbon. (2) {ron is @ metal thal can be recycled. | (2) Name tw other types of materials that can be recycled | and ven 2} (0) Give two advantages of recycling, | 1 I 2 [2] ‘9 pec 2007 asea020Nor reaction beiween zine meiai and 2 dilute zing + acich zine choride + hydrogen | me ihe Giluie acic which reacis with zine to form zine chloride I (b} Write a balanced chemicat equation for the reaction using the acid you have nam: [2] Siate the observation made when a few drops of aqueous sodium hydroxide are added io zine chloride solution, [2] Methane and propene belong to two differen! homolagous series. (2] State two characieristics of a homologous series. | 2 eevee [2] Draw ihe structural formula of ethanoic atoms. ! showing all the bends between all the (31 | {e) Ethanoic acid is a weak acid. Suggest the name of (2) a gas formed when ethanoic acid and calcium react, (fi) one product formed when ethancic acicl and aqueaus calcium carbonate react, {@))_ the type of reaction between ethanoic acid and aqueous sodium hydroxide. | i EC 2007 c sarnzionwo7 | [Turn over An experiment io find oui the effect of amylase on si larch were mixed in 3 iesi-iube and placed in a water bath ihe beginning and endl of the experiment, the contents were tesie solutions. The resulis are shown in Table 13.1 fed oul. Amylase al 38°C for 40 minuies, Ai v3, Benedicl’s solution test iodine solution test siart of uecbiack - end of experiment (2) Name the group of protein subsiances to which amylase belongs (1) ) (From Table 13.1, what can you deduce about the substances in the test-tube at the end of the experiment? 2) (8) Explain why the resulls of the tesis at the end of the experiment were different from resulls of ihe Lesis at the siart of the experiment. [2) (c}_ Predict the results for the iodine and Benedict's tests at the end of the experiment if the experiment was carried out at 60°C. iodine test Benedict's test oss [2] © BEC 2007 osesrezionio? Fig. 4 | (2) On Fig. 14.1, label structures & and B. (2) | (} Name the process responsible for movement of food along the alimentary canal, Describe the role of the pancreas in fet digestion | i | (21 | (i) Name the substance in structure 8 which increases the efficiency of fat digestion. (1) w6eC 2007 ssaa2I0NO7 [Turn over teh p8kC 2007 easons for conserving animals Suggest ore method! used to conserve animals in Botswana Suggest why sewage water should be recycled in Botswana, aseameronuor (2) (i) (b) (ay On Fig. 18.1 label structure F m What type of birth control method Is illustrated in Fig. 16.1? | | Explain why this method is retiable. Aman who has had the type of birth control shown in Fig. 16.1 is HIV positive. Explain why he can still iransmit the virus through unprotected sexual intercourse. Gi) How can the virus tansmission be prevented? oseauonver {Turn over Fig. 17.4 shows how the quantitie: lemperaiuie of the sursouncings. quantity of urine or sweat a produced ee a — Lo using {2} Describe what is shown by the graph [2] (2) Name the component of the ciet that hes the largest influence on the volume of urine produced: {6} State two situations in which the blood sugar concentration of a healthy person would temporarily rise above normal. 4 2 {2} BEC 2007 s69020/N07 {8) Identity blood vessel {} Describe how blood vessel 2 is adapted for tis function. (| nt party owned waters pe fontnas ie meat by te Dori tode's but ary Hens ein Cearance na wnat Gen tae. © BEC 2007 pssaaDonNor ty conyngh @ mouded rac boon soug?tanglaared where possible Ever oasonasie ube be Fig. 1.4 $0.25 for ihe pendulum to swing irom 2 to ls (8) Calculaie the period of the pendulum. period = Calculate 1 wenoy of the pendulum, frequency = (21 Fig. 2.4 show vitae: ball hae a mass of 1 kg ‘al bat being dropped from ihe nd ii moves wiih consiani eccelaveiion of & neial ball Calculate the resuliant ‘ore acting on the ball reauliant force Calculais the fiction g = iON}, FICTION = ese (2) fe) Calculale the time taken by the ball to reach the bottom of the tube. | time = 2) BEC 007 4 60ONG? [Turn over poin on the plate on the off a few minu! in on the plate on alain what is happening ig. 4.4 shows 3 ¥8 with a lighi ray incident on ihe side PS si on gngie ot ineiden the glass block as shows io from side GP. The retractive index of glass is 1.50 and ihe critical angle is 4 (2) Caleulais the angle of retraction on side PS. Show your working angle (2) Explain why the ray does noi emerge irom side F', put does e1 (2) 8591080107 [Turn over 8.1 shows an arrengemeni used joaciive emissions HW. \ and Fig identify the emissions Hand, (3) Give one medicinal use of radiosctiviyy. (@} Which of the redicscive em jons Wy, 3 and is the least ionising? {@} Stale ene source of background radiation The charged cloud induces @ charge on the ground. Draw these charges on the ciagram. fa} i A lighining sivike occurs between the cloud and the ground, which discharges the cloud completely. The lighining sitikes (akes 0.0175, during which a current of 100000 flows. Draw the lectri¢ field lines on the diagy he cloud before the lighining sir'ke, charge {2] ‘09007 [Turn over oF naneni A magnelised sige! needle, hele by # cork, floals upright on water uppermost. It is rsieased near ihe north pole of 2 permanent magnel. h its north pole Mark on the diagram the path the floating neodle would follow alter itis released, — [2] The magnelised n Hie is 95 ced by 6 similar unmagnetised needle. What would hi magnet? pen ii this needle wes released né ihe north pole of the pern (o} The uamagnetis: ci needle 18 now replaced by 0 cop What would happen if this needle was released near the north pole of the perme magnet? Explain your answer. (2) 1007 loner ‘ap 7] | I | i I | potassium permanganaie lg. 6.4 Name the acid X. yy What properiy of chlorine onat (it i) Expiain why chlorine cannot be collecied over waier : [2] fe) Slate iwo uses of chiorine 1 2 . (2), (e} Describe the chemical test for chlorine. test results wl) osee'0vouNaT [Turn over Gi) Chlorine is said io be more + Exolain how th Decane. C,H». is broken down to ethene, bu equation ne and compound as shown by i Crottas > OH, + Cth ular formula of compound (©) @) Write the mote i] (2) Name the proce suation 8) ib) Siate the observation mace when bromine waier is shaken with sinens, 6, | butane, C4 yo . 2) Drew ‘he siruciural jormulee of iw isomers oF bui i @ The equation for the reaciion between zine and nitric acid is shown. | 2nis) + 2HNO.faq) _ Zn(NO,}.(aq) + Hog) In an experiment 10g of zinc were reacted with excess dilute nitric acic {2} Write an ionic equation for the reaction. ti) (i) Whatis the nu ii) Calculate ihe relgiive molec: raie. i y i of zine aitvaie produce {i} ei) Desenibe a chemical 'esi to shove thai the solution ing nitrate, NO”, ions, fap ' (4) The zine nitrate crystals obtained weighed 25.7 9. Calculaie the percentage yield of ihe zine nitrate. (2) 8c 2007 oseansio mio? [furn over of 3 S42 95 18 21 2 27 30 33 38 time/seconcs Describe whe! happens to the enaiins conceniva {il} Suggest thre eifecis of the change in {ei} on the ruse i 3 (3) tb) @_ Name a hormone which has a similar effect io adrenaline, but th at usually acts ior a longer period of time. (6) When is the hormone in {b}{8) secreted in larger amounts? oxomNar — maiher's ierioie roihers varie umbilical umbilical ~ vein arlery | umbilical cord ——ielus Neme twa substances thai are at a higher concentration in the u the umbilical vein. ilical artery then in 2 12) Desoribe how oxygen is transferred from ihe mother’s blood to the ieius’ blood, | (2) Siate three structural differences between the umbilical artery and umbilical vein. umbilical artery | umbilical vein - - Bl Suggest what would happen to blood vessels in the fetus if the mother's blood flawed directly into them, [turn over $2 ond within en sgriculiual rea cultivaied ‘\ land @) Stale two poor agricultural praciices thal are illusireied in Fig, 13.4 i 2 v2) () The farmer uses ferilisers on his fields. After the rainy season, many fish in the pond Glest Suggest how ihe fertilisers eculd have caused this to happen [4] {6} Suggest one substance, other than fertilisers, that coulé pollute the Pond water from the farmer's fields. (| BEC 20% BEC ‘ wil Siir io mae ga! at high temperature end then cool Add microorganism Seperaic solids (macila) from liquid Package and refrigerate Big. 14.1 pose of heating the milk? Ideniity microorganism W reasons for ret ating madila afier packaging Explain why low fai madila is recommended as part of a healthy diet ascanaonior eps ioliowed in the indusival productian of sour mit (media). (2) [Turn over a> 1) ay fe two effects of this drug on the body, 1 2 (2) {© & person continues taking a rug unt he can no longer do without it Which term describes this condition? fy s6030N07 A helmet of mass $009 falls from a neticopier, Alter iating far § seconds, the 1 uniform speed of SOnvs. (g = 10NAg}. Describe the motion of the helmet during the first § seconds. () Caleulate the weight of the helmet weight = Nia] {What is the value of the air resistance when the helmet falls with a uniform speed? ai resistance = (ce) What term is given {o this uniform speed? (d) On Fig. 1.1, sketch a graph of velocity against time for the motion of the helmet. “| | 40 v | mis i 20 i \ 8 Sn ED en 0 5 10 15 (2) BEC 2008 oseio2 0108 s AF) open a cold lightly closed glass bottte. She put he metal tid of the | boiite then opened easily (2) Tshego not put the whole belile into the water? Explain your answer. | (2) 5) Explain why it was easier io open the lid of the glass bottle afler putting the lid into the hot | water. © BEE 2008 ossen2ionvo [Turn over {@) The ship blows its horn and 106 later the sound is heard again on the ship. @ ci) tiv) (BEC 2008 ship 1580m away from @ chil What causes this effect? Gaiculate the speed of sound in air speed of sound in alt = The ship is travelling at Sms. Express this speed in kin/h How long will the ship take to reach the cliff? sea (8) Fig. 8.2 shows now wil oblains an image of en unborn womb (3 On Fig. 3.2 draw the reflected waves. 2] (4) What is ultrasound? (1) a i i | (il) Why is ulirasounc used rather than X-rays? | 1 | | fhe) The ultrasound pro! is 5000042, ends @ pulse of sound fasting 0.58. The frequency of the waves How many complete waves are emniited duting 0.58? number of waves = asoanaonon {Turn over 2 Fig. 4.1 shows how ihe potential difference (p.c.j across the ends of a cond the current passing through the conductor current A Fig. 4.4 (2) What is the relationship between potential difference and the current? 0) tb} y law defines this relationship? i (i) (e)_ Use the graph to find the resistance of the conductor, | | resistance = a (a) On Fig, 4.1, diaw a graph for a conductor of the same length and material but with twice the cross-sectional ar (2) © pecens ose9i020:Ni08 fe; Natural radioactive sources produce Uvee type Name three types ol radiaiion produced by ai 9 (2) Which of the three radiations is most damaging to the living cells? Explain your answer {©}. Give one example of a natural radioact ive source, 0) REC 2008 nseeinzvonu (Turn over fer € _Diluie hydrochioric acid is added to four substances as shown in Table 6.1, Some of the results | ablained are shown in the table le 6.1 | metal clour of solution formed | gas given off zine [colourless hyerogen - | magnesium carbonate | copper remains colourless ironiI11) sulphate no gas | i {2) Complete the table by filling in the blank spaces. ij | (6) Describe a positive test for one of the gases produced. \ ! gas \ test | | i resull 2] | (c) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of zine with dilute hydrochioric ac! i (2) (a) Some substances in the table are able to form alioys. What is meant by an alloy? m Name the alloy of zine and copper a © BEC 2008 05691020 NI08 The diagrams show the « 7 1) ator Of oxy Be Xf ¢ ¥{ ¢ i calcium atom oxygen atom {2} (i) Use the diagrams to write th tronic arrangement af a calcium atom " (i) Draw dot and cross diagrams to show the bonding in caicium oxide. i fa {8} Give two physical properties of compounds with the same type of bonding as calcium oxide. 12) (€} Siate whether calcium oxide is acidic, neutral, basie or amphoteric Explain your answer [2] (@) Calcium oxide is formed in the blast furnace during the extraction of iron | () Describe how calcium oxide is formed in the blast furnac ' | 2, ) What happens to the calcium oxide in the blast furnace? | (i) c Paws aseamaianog [Turn over y chlorine gas ean be prepared in th own fr \ concentrated hydrochloric acid card board — ir =a L \ ncn ] _/ death manganese(IV') water concentiated chlorine oxide sulphuric acid Fig. 8.4 (a) @ State the colour of chlorine gas (i) Suggest the purpose of water and concentraied sulphuric acid in the set-up, water concentrated sulphuric acie ‘What property of chlorine makes it possible to be collected as shown? | sec 2008 The equation ior the reaction between man acids shown \) oxide and concentiat: d hyctrochlovic Wind, + HEL + HO + Cig) {Complete the equation by balancing it and writing in the missing state symbols [4] (i) During the reac on, 8.79 of manganese(IV) oxide reacts with the acid. Calculate the number of moles in 87g of manganese(iN') oxide, MnO,. Use the periodic table on page 20, (H) Use the equation and your answer fo (6){i) to calculate the number of moles of the acid thal reacted with the 8.7 g of manganese(IV) oxide, i o iaie one use of chlorine. can also be produced from concentrated sodium chloride. (® Name the process used to oblain chlorine gas from concentrated sodium chloride solution 1} (il) Give a source for concentrated sodium chloride, (1) @ BEC 2008 5 [Turn over pe 2 Fig. 9.1 shows investigations on some faciors affecting iranspiralion sing a poramsier he same plant was used for three investigations. Each set-up was carried out in the laboialery St room temperature: eleotic fan | YL, blowing \ capillary fubing ~ air bubble ~~ \ water — i reservoir setup & setup 8 | Fig. 8.4 \ | Jablo 9.1 shows results of the time taken to absorb Scm? of water during the investigations, ‘Table 9.1 a - - | setup timeiminutes | | osoanzionioe (a) In which sei-up ¥ {b) Slate two environmental factors that were investigated in the set-ups shown in Fi (ate which set-up was the control (d) Slate one lactor that should have been kept constant during investigation. © BEC 2008 s910201N08 [Turn over ry dissue. capillary tissue ‘ cell venule R \ biood_ (J) pea 8 J heart ig. 10.1 shows part of liver tissue with its blood supply. (©) Name the main blood vessels of which venules @ and R are branches. {e) Venule @ has a high concentration of amino acids, {Slate one use of amino acids in liver cells, 4) Name one waste product of the metabolism of amino acids in the liver calls. e a blood, BEC 2008, pssaie2i0nune di) State one property of capillaries that enables the substance in (d}() 10 Move from (1 14 show g east Suspension at a lemperaluy coneenwvation che of 36 C, yen @ glucose s ast concentration in arbitrary units oN glucose 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 timethours Describe and exglain what happens to the glucose concentration during the first eight hours, 3 {b) (i) AtO hours, the pH of the mixture was pH7 and after 15 hours it was pH5. Name the substance produced which caused this change a (ii) State one other substance that is released by the yeast cells. mn {c} Suggest how the results would differ if the yeast suspension was kept at 20°C. | i osaonoirveR [Turn over fz} Name tube *. (a). Using (otters only, complete Table 12.1 to match a part (o its function: Table 12.1 function stores urine | | arries oxygenated blood removes urea from blood | 8 REC 2008, oseoo2iovwiog I oO (3) iniected with gonorthose during unprote i () List one symptom or sign of gonovvhoea in males. are found 19 contain glucose, Name one organ that is likely to be not functioning properly. pesaa20N08 {Turn over he Fig, 93.1 shows the lemate reproductive eystem and a methad of birth conirol birth control method @) 3.5 label with label line and letter: where fertilisation normally takes place. ') [where implantaiion normally takes place (21 Identify the method of birth contro! shown on Fig. 13.4 explain how il works. method. how it works: ..... cece ceecesteecneenene [Bh (e) State one advantage of using this method of birth contre. ossaa2ionvon japetile) harvest Sengapaiile harvested x 1000Kg 6 1980 1981 1982 42) In which year was ihe harvest of sengaparite h 1] {b) Give one reason why se ngaparile is harvested. (c) 1ggest two reasons why the sengaparile harvest decreased over the years. (2) — rs weve Wat ‘ious qroteond By eopyanht © wmudod Fay Hoon south and cared amare poEAMe E BEC 2008 sea.02008 ae, Fig. 14 2) What is the reading on the vernier callipers? reading = m Fig, 1.2 shows the same vernier calipers used to measure the diam — = \Yy > of a small test tube. {b) What is the reading on the vernier callipers? reading = (i © BEC 2008 Determine the diameter of the ies! tube. diameter = (1 BEC 2008 ose2/9310n008 {Turn over fa) Airain moves at 20nVs. tt then acceleraies uniormly fo 3Omvs Hh Calculate the acceleration of the train acceleration = hy (b) Immediately after reaching & speed of 3mis, the driver applies the brakes and the Wain slows down unifoi graph for the m n of the Wain. (c) Calculate the distance travelled by the train from when the brakes were stopped. distance = aseynsoiri08 nly from 30qvs to rest in 10 seconds. Sketch the speed against time | (3) applied unti it Fig. 3.ia and 3.1b show two identicat meial balls, and @ released a the s same height. One metal ball falls throughs oil while the other falls through sit metal é | 2am point x | ot | Le tube ot | air =) J Fig. 3.12 Fig. 3.16 (a) Explain why the metal ball falling through air reaches point X fist. 21 (2) As the metal ball falls through ol, i eventually reaches a constant speed Explain this. 2) {c) (i) Afeather is released at the same time as metal ball Q. Explain why the feather would reach the bottom last? { (ii) Metal ball P is re-shaped such describes this shape? at it now moves faster through the oil, What term a) © BEC 2008 psseaaionune [Turn over 6 HE son lor a water wave in as displacemenvicm @] timers (2) Whatis the amplitude of the wave? amplitude = nm al is the period of the wave? period = i) (2) Determine the frequency of the waves. - rn (a) The waves travel 6m along the pond in 45, | (i) Calculate the speed of the waves. | speed = rl (i) Determine the wavelength of the waves (2) eaones Fig. 8.1 shows a 2000\W kellie placed on al electronic balance. The ke ecled ihe mains supply and is used to boil some water | boiling | water _ electronic balance Fig. 5.1 (2) {)) Aller boiling water for a while, the balance displays a reading of 320.04, What mass of water vaporised? | mas {1} It water was boiled in 8 pan witt a tigntly closed lid, the lid may be blown off Explain why this happens. 2) (9) The kettle is operated for 15 minutes. | (i) Calculate the electrical eneray supplied to the water in kilowatt-hours, energy = kWh [1] (ii) The cost of electricity is $0t per unit. How much will it cost to use the kettle for 15 minutes? (2) BEC q es891030808 [Turn over

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