ai unit 1 notes

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introduction to ai “review notes.

● the ability to perceive and infer information and to retain it as knowledge to be applied
towards adaptive behaviours within an environment. ability to communicate and interact
effectively. ability to communicate and interact effectively. ability to reason, plan, solve
and comprehend problems. ability to learn and adapt by upgrading your internal system.

different types of intelligence

1. intrapersonal - ability to understand yourself, for ex, mahatma gandhi.
2. spatial - ability to visualise world in 3d, for ex, leonardo da vinci.
3. naturalist - understanding living things and nature, for ex, charles darwin.
4. musical - skill of composing, performing and appreciating musical patterns, for ex,
5. logical mathematical - quantifying things, analysing problems logically, for ex, newton.
6. existential - tackling the questions of why we live & die, for ex, gautam buddha.
7. interpersonal - sensing people’s feelings and motives, for ex, psychologists.
8. bodily kinesthetic - coordinating with mind and body, for ex, dancers, players.
9. linguistic - finding the right words to express what u mean, for ex, william shakespeare.

artificial intelligence
● machine is said to be intelligent when it can accomplish tasks by itself using
mathematical operators and complex algorithms.
● ability to collect, analyse, learn and understand data.

machines become intelligent

- data + algorithm = ai machines

ai applications around us
● google search - autocorrects, catches incomplete words, suggestions, display lists
according to ur preferred search history.
● digital assistants - can interact with humans and understand their language to
accomplish tasks such as making a phone call or playing music.
● google maps - predict traffic for you.
● preferred recommendations - youtube, netflix, spotify recommend us on the basis of
what we like by judging our previous activities.
● chatbots - communicating with users / customers.
● autocorrect feature (uses nlp).

machine learning
● subset of ai, uses statistical methods to enable machines improve with experience.
● science of - interpreting, processing and analysing data to solve problems.
● smaller dataset, low end machines requirement, break down the problems into sub
divisions to combine later for desired result, less time to train.

deep learning
● subset of machine learning. inspired by the functionality of our brain cells (neurons).
process of implementing neural networks on high dimensional data to gain insight and
form solutions. large amounts of data, high end machines requirement, solves the
problem end to end, long time to train due to many parameters.

data science
● domain of ai. processes the data using stats and mathematics; deriving information from
the data-set provided to grab a meaning/sense out of it.
● ex - (1) recommendations (2) weather forecasting > satellite imagery and ai to predict
the climate conditions to monitor hail, tornadoes, tsunamis etc.
computer vision / cv
● domain of ai.
● processes graphical data such as images, videos, collecting info from pixels analysis.
● ex - (1) google lens / object classification (2) face lock > analyses facial features and
patterns to unlock ur phone (3) self driving cars > recognise lamp posts, tell difference
b/w pedestrians and stop signs, identify obstacles.

natural language processing / nlp

● domain of ai.
● deals with data to be inferred out of linguistics and computer science to decipher
language structure and provide guidelines to make models which comprehend, break
down and separate significant details from text and speech.
● ex - (1) autocorrect feature (2) plagiarism checker (3) email filters (4) chatbots

ai ethics
● system of moral principles and techniques intended for the development and responsible
use of ai technology

data privacy
● the protection of personal data from those who should not have access to it and the
ability of individuals to determine who can access their personal information.
● the ability of an individual to control how their personal information is shared with others.
this includes information such as name, location, contact information, and online or
real-world behaviour.

1. self driven cars - replace human drivers.
2. hospitals - robots used for vaccinating patients.
3. ai enabled devices attached to patients’ bodies to monitor - replace nurses.
4. chatbots - replacing humans at customer care services.
5. drones + robots - replacing courier and delivery people.
6. labourers - replaced by ai robots and machines.

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