overweight or obesity on cancer incidence in China from 2021 to 2050

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Impact of changing the prevalence of smoking, alcohol

consumption and overweight/obesity on cancer incidence in
China from 2021 to 2050: a simulation modelling study
Song Song,a,c Lin Lei,b,c Han Liu,a Fan Yang,a Ni Li,a Wanqing Chen,a Ji Peng,b,∗∗ and Jiansong Rena,∗
Office of Cancer Screening, National Cancer Center / National Clinical Research Center for Cancer / Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy
of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100021, China
Department of Cancer Control and Prevention, Shenzhen Center for Chronic Disease Control, Shenzhen 518000, China

Summary eClinicalMedicine
2023;63: 102163
Background Smoking, alcohol consumption and overweight/obesity are key cancer risk factors contributing to the
cancer burden in China. We aimed to quantify the cancer burden in China associated with smoking, alcohol con- Published Online xxx
sumption and overweight/obesity, and estimate the potential effect for cancer prevention interventions under
different scenarios. 102163

Methods We used a macro-simulation approach called Prevent Model to estimate for a 30-year study period
(2021–2050) numbers and proportions of future avoidable cancer cases under different scenarios of reducing the
prevalence of smoking, alcohol consumption and overweight/obesity in Chinese adults. Cancer incidence was
predicted under three scenarios: elimination, ambitious target (between elimination and manageable target) and
manageable target (from national policy or global action plan). Risk factor prevalence was obtained from China
Chronic Disease and Risk Factor Surveillance, and cancer incidence data were derived from the China Cancer
Registry Annual Report. Relative risks were obtained from several recent large-scale studies or high-quality meta-
analysis. Population data were extracted from the China Population & Employment Statistical Yearbook, China
Health Statistical Yearbook and World Population Prospects.

Findings Estimates of the avoidable cancer burden varied with different scenarios. In the theoretical maximum
intervention scenario, where the prevalence of smoking, alcohol consumption and overweight/obesity would be
eliminated, 9.17% (males: 13.50%; females: 1.47%) of smoking-related cancer cases, 7.06% (males: 11.49%; females:
1.00%) of cancer cases related to alcohol consumption and 8.22% (males: 7.91%; females: 8.52%) of overweight/
obesity-related cancer cases were estimated to be avoidable during 2021–2050. Other scenarios, with more
moderate goals in the exposure prevalence of smoking, alcohol use and overweight/obesity were also found to be
associated with substantial reductions in the future cancer burden.

Interpretation Our results suggested that a substantial number of future cancer cases could be avoided in Chinese
adults by reducing the prevalence of smoking, alcohol consumption and overweight/obesity.

Funding National Science & Technology Fundamental Resources Investigation Program of China; Sanming Project of
Medicine in Shenzhen.

Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Keywords: Cancer; Primary prevention; Risk factor; Potential impact fraction

Introduction cases and deaths in China will continue to increase

Cancer has become one of the major causes of death with aging and growth of population. Previous
in China, accounting for 25.43% of all deaths in 2020 studies showed that primary prevention, by reducing
in the country.1 Furthermore, the number of cancer exposure prevalence of related risk factors, is an

*Corresponding author.
**Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: ren.js@cicams.ac.cn (J. Ren), pengji126@126.com (J. Peng).
These authors contributed equally to this work.

www.thelancet.com Vol 63 September, 2023 1


Research in context
Evidence before this study consumption and overweight/obesity. The estimations were
We searched PubMed on 31 May 2023 with no date or also conducted under different scenarios with more moderate
language restrictions using the search terms (“primary goals, which were also found to be associated with substantial
prevention”) and (cancer) and (China) and (risk factor) and reductions in the future cancer burden.
(model). However, current cancer burden prediction studies in
Implications of all the available evidence
China mostly focused on population attributable fraction
Cancer has become one of the major causes of death in China
(PAF) of risk factors, and did not consider the future
and primary prevention is an important way for taking
demographic change and time dimensions of effects of risk
control of the cancer burden in China. Our results can be used
factor changes.
to understand the potential impact and significance of
Added value of this study primary prevention interventions. This is especially important
To our knowledge, our study is the first analysis that has because the connection between smoking, alcohol
systematically assessed the health effect on cancer incidence consumption, overweight/obesity and cancer risk is not well
of varying intervention scenarios with different prevalence of known among the public. Furthermore, our results should
smoking, alcohol consumption and overweight/obesity in motivate public health planners and policymakers to take
Chinese adults. Our results illustrated the estimated number effective action against smoking, alcohol use and overweight/
of future cancer cases that could be avoided in Chinese adults obesity.
by eliminating the prevalence of smoking, alcohol

important way for taking control of the cancer burden dimensions of effects of risk factor changes. In this
in China.2 study, we therefore aimed to use a macro-simulation
Cancer risk is determined by a range of risk factors, model to quantify the cancer burden in China associ-
including environmental/occupational factors, behav- ated with smoking, alcohol consumption and over-
ioural factors, metabolic factors and so on. According to weight/obesity, and estimate the potential effect for
the report of Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and cancer prevention interventions under different sce-
Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2019, 32.78 million cancer narios over a 30-year period (2021–2050).
DALYs (disability-adjusted life years) (48.52% [95% UI:
44.78–53.12] of all cancer DALYs) in China for both
sexes combined were attributable to the included 34 risk Methods
factors. These risk factors at the most detailed level Model specification
contributing to China cancer burden defined by age- In this paper, we used Prevent model (see
standardized DALY rates were shown in Supplementary materials), which had been applied in
Supplementary Table S1, and the top three risk factors several studies for estimating the impact of potential
that can be intervened at the individual level are smok- interventions on the cancer burden, to estimate the
ing, alcohol use and high body-mass index (BMI).3 potential impact of smoking, alcohol consumption and
Moreover, the prevalence of smoking, alcohol use and overweight/obesity intervention scenarios on future
high BMI are still high in China. The smoking rate of cancer incidence in China.6–8 Data needed for applica-
Chinese adults in 2018 was 26.2%, which was lower tion of the Prevent model were risk factor prevalence,
than previous surveys (28.3% in 2010), but still had a cancer incidence rate, relative risk (RR) estimates, pop-
large gap with the tobacco control goal of the outline for ulation data (projected population sizes), time effects
the “Healthy China 2030” initiative.4 The alcohol con- (Lag and latency time) and change in risk factor preva-
sumption rate among Chinese adults was 39.8% in lence under different scenarios.
2018, 3.4% higher compared with 36.4% in 2010.4
In addition, overweight/obesity (high BMI) population Exposure prevalence
in Chinese adults is gradually increasing due to the The age-, area (urban/rural)- and sex-specific prevalence
change of diet structure.5 Data showed that the over- of smoking, alcohol use and overweight/obesity in
weight and obesity rates of people aged 18 years or older Chinese adults (population aged 18+ years) was ob-
in China were 34.3% and 16.4%, respectively.4 Assess- tained from China Chronic Disease and Risk Factor
ing the cancer burden, attributable to each modifiable Surveillance (CCDRFS) in 2018, which was a multistage
risk factor, helps optimize the resource allocation for stratified cluster sampling study covering 298 sample
primary prevention. However, current cancer burden sites from all 31 provinces (Supplementary
prediction studies in China mostly focus on population Tables S2–S4).4,9
attributable fraction (PAF) of risk factors, and did not Current smokers referred to those who currently
consider the future demographic change and time smoke, including daily smokers and occasional

2 www.thelancet.com Vol 63 September, 2023


smokers. Participants who consumed alcoholic beverage cancer sites obtained from recent studies of large-scale
in the past 12 months were defined as drinkers. Ac- pooled analyses or high-quality meta-analyses. When
cording to the World Health Organization (WHO) In- possible, we used sex-specific relative risks
ternational Guide for Monitoring Alcohol Consumption (Supplementary Table S5).
and Related Harm,10 alcohol use was divided into
moderate (male: 1–40 g, female: 1–20 g), hazardous Population data
(male: 41–60 g, female: 21–40 g) and harmful (male: China’s population for 2021–2050 were projected by sex,
61 + g, female: 41 + g) using average ethanol intake per area (urban/rural) and 1-year age group. We used pa-
day. Based on the guidelines for the prevention and rameters from open-source publications or datasets. We
control of overweight and obesity in adults in China,11 obtained China’s population data for 2020 by sex, area
BMI was categorized as low weight (<18.50 kg/m2), (urban/rural) and age group (0–84 years by 1 year and
normal weight (18.5–23.9 kg/m2), overweight 85+ years) from the China Population & Employment
(24.0–27.9 kg/m2) and obesity (≥28.0 kg/m2), with Statistical Yearbook 2021.15 Mortality rate was extracted
overweight and obesity implying high BMI. Our study from China Health Statistical Yearbook; and because of
combined low weight and normal weight into one group relatively stable all-cause mortality rate from 2011 to
called normal body weight. 2020, ranging from 7.07‰ to 7.16‰, we used mortality
rate for 2020 as predictive parameters and assumed it
Incidence rate and relative risks of related cancers stable over 2021–2050.1,16–25 We extracted the projected
Cancer sites were chose based on reports by the World fertility rate and urbanization data for 2021–2050 from
Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and the International the Population Division of United Nations.26
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) working group
(Table 1).12 We obtained China cancer incidence rates in Lag and latency time
2017 by sex, area (urban/rural) and age group (0, 1–4 One of conditions of Prevent Model was the introduc-
years, 5–84 years by 5 years and 85+ years) from the tion of a time dimension, including lag (LAG) and la-
China Cancer Registry Annual Report.13 To estimate the tency (LAT) time (Supplementary Fig. S1). LAT
incidences of oesophageal and gastric cancers by his- expresses the time between the moment of cessation of
tologic subtype, cancer cases by histology diagnosed in exposure and the moment that changes in risk factor
the 2008–2012 from 35 cancer registries in China exposure are reflected in changes in cancer risk. LAG,
included in the Cancer Incidence in Five Continents starting after LAT period, is the time taken for the RRs
database volume XI14 were integrated, where the urban- to reach the risk of an unexposed person (RR = 1), where
rural division was based on the principle of the National the risk decreases linearly during the LAG time. For
Bureau of Statistics (urban areas: prefecture-level and smoking, according to previous studies, we defined the
above regions; rural areas: counties or county-level cit- LAT to be 5 years.27 For alcohol consumption and
ies); sex-, area-, age-specific proportions by histology overweight/obesity, this was set to be 1 year.27,28 As for
were computed and then multiplied with the total LAG, we set it to be 15 years for smoking, 4 years for
number of oesophageal cancer and gastric cancer cases alcohol consumption, and 9 years for overweight/
in 2017 database, to estimate the incidences of oeso- obesity.27,28
phageal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), oesophageal
adenocarcinoma (AC) and gastric cardia cancer. Be- Theoretical intervention scenarios
sides, we defined premenopausal breast cancer cases as Smoking.
those diagnosed at age 49 years and below; post-
menopausal cases were those diagnosed at age ≥50 1. Elimination: An absolute elimination of tobacco
years. smoking by 2030.
For our study, we used summary relative risks (RRs) 2. Ambitious target: Overall prevalence of tobacco
of smoking/alcohol consumption/high BMI for specific smoking reduces to 10% by 2030.

Modifiable risk Cancer site (ICD-10 code)

Smoking Oral cavity, pharynx (C00–C14); oesophagus (C15); stomach (C16); colorectum (C18–C20); liver (C22); pancreas (C25); larynx (C32); lung, bronchus, trachea (C33–C34);
cervix (C53); kidney, renal pelvis, ureter (C64–C66); urinary bladder (C67); myeloid leukaemia (C92–C94, D45–D47)
Alcohol Oral cavity, pharynx (C00–C14); oesophagus (C15, SCC); stomach (C16); colorectum (C18–C20); liver (C22); larynx (C32); breast (C50, female, premenopausal); breast
consumption (C50, female, postmenopausal)
Overweight/obesity Oesophagus (C15, AC); stomach (C16.0, cardia); colorectum (C18–C20); liver (C22); gallbladder (C23–C24); pancreas (C25); breast (C50, female, postmenopausal);
corpus uteri (C54–C55); ovary (C56); kidney, renal pelvis (C64–C65); thyroid (C73)
SCC: squamous cell carcinoma; AC: adenocarcinoma.

Table 1: Smoking, alcohol consumption and overweight/obesity and related cancer site considered in the analysis.

www.thelancet.com Vol 63 September, 2023 3


3. Manageable target: Overall prevalence of tobacco relative risk for the category, an p∗c is the prevalence after
smoking reduces to 20% by 2030. the intervention. t, r, d, s, a, u are indicators for time,
risk factor, cancer site, sex, age group and area (rural/
Alcohol consumption. urban), respectively, and j is for reference if 0 and
intervention population if 1.
1. Elimination: (a) An absolute elimination of alcohol In our study, the reference scenario has no change
use by 2030; (b) An absolute elimination of in both risk factor prevalence and cancer incidence
dangerous use and harmful use of alcohol by 2030; rate, which means the variations in numbers of future
(c) An absolute elimination of harmful use of incident cancer cases per year reflect population
alcohol by 2030. changes. To estimate the site-specific cancer incidence
2. Ambitious target: A 50% relative reduction in rate under different intervention scenarios for each
dangerous use and harmful use of alcohol by 2030. year, the cancer-specific PIF by age, sex and area (ur-
3. Manageable target: A 20% relative reduction in ban/rural) was applied to the reference cancer inci-
harmful use of alcohol by 2030. dence rate (Iref) (Iref*(1-PIF)). We estimated total
numbers of age-, sex-, area (urban/rural)- and site-
Overweight/obesity. specific cancer cases for each year of the 30-year
period (2021–2050) by multiplying incidence rates for
1. Elimination: (a) An absolute elimination of over- each intervention scenario with the projected popula-
weight and obesity by 2030; (b) An absolute elimi- tion. The avoidable number of cases is the difference
nation of obesity by 2030 between the reference scenario and each intervention
2. Ambitious target: A 50% relative reduction in scenario.
overweight and obesity by 2030. In our sensitivity analyses, we examined the impact
3. Manageable target: Growth rate of obesity reduces to of the uncertainty in the assumed LAT, LAG and the
0 by 2030. The growth rate is based on observed cancer-specific relative risk estimates. We used varying
prevalence trends between 2010 and 2018 in China.4,29 LAT and LAG, as well as the lower and upper limit of
the 95% confidence interval of the cancer-specific rela-
All scenarios were assumed to start in 2021. The tive risk estimates, and then compared the numbers of
numbers of avoidable or extra number of cancer cases prevented cancer cases.
under each scenario were calculated for the 30-year All statistical analyses were performed with R soft-
period (2021–2050). Scenario 1 (Elimination) is com- ware (version 4.2.1 R Foundation for Statistical
parable to estimates of the PAF in other studies. Sce- Computing, Vienna, Austria).
nario 3 (Manageable target) is based on national policy
of China or Global action plan for the prevention and Ethical approval and informed consent
control of non-communicable diseases.30,31 Scenario 2 None applicable.
(Ambitious target) falls between scenario 1 and scenario
3. It is assumed that interventions move individuals to Role of the funding source
unexposed, so the decrease in any exposed group leads The funders were not involved in study design, data
to an increase in the group of unexposed persons. collection, data analysis, interpretation of data, writing
of the report or decision to submit the paper for publi-
cation. All authors had full access to all the data in the
Statistical analysis study and had final responsibility for the decision to
Prevent Model was originally developed in 1988 to es-
submit for publication.
timate the health effect of changes in risk factor preva-
lence for a population.7 It is based on the epidemiology
effect measure “potential impact fraction (PIF)”. PIF
means the incidence that is avoided by a preventive
intervention as a proportion of the incidence that would
The estimated numbers and percentages of avoidable
have occurred in that population without the interven-
cases, due to smoking, were presented by sex, cancer
tion, and can be calculated by age, sex, area (urban/
site and each intervention scenario (Table 2). Under the
rural) and cancer site using the following formula:
most optimistic scenario (Scenario 1) where smoking
r,j=0,d,s,a,u r,j=1,d,s,a,u
was eliminated in Chinese adults, we estimated 13.50%
∑c=1 pc RRc,t −∑nc=1 p∗c RRc,t and 1.47% of smoking-related cancers could be avoided
PIF r,d,s,a,u
t = n r,j=0,d,s,a,u
∑c=1 pc RRc,t over the study period in males and females, respectively,
corresponding to approximately 10,724,214 and 655,045
Where pc is the prevalence of the risk factor in category c cancer cases. Under the ambitious target scenario
and n is the number of exposure categories, RRc is the (Scenario 2) in which prevalence of tobacco smoking

4 www.thelancet.com Vol 63 September, 2023


Cancer site (ICD-10 code) Scenario 1a Scenario 2b Scenario 3c

No. (%) avoided No. (%) avoided No. (%) avoided
Oral cavity, pharynx (C00–C14) 390,770 14.41 237,722 8.76 84,675 3.12
Oesophagus (C15) 699,153 8.56 425,320 5.21 151,488 1.85
Stomach (C16) 936,396 7.98 569,639 4.85 202,882 1.73
Colorectum (C18–C20) 289,905 2.75 176,356 1.67 62,807 0.59
Liver (C22) 724,945 6.63 441,014 4.03 157,084 1.44
Pancreas (C25) 96,173 3.74 58,504 2.28 20,835 0.81
Larynx (C32) 149,481 14.69 90,934 8.94 32,387 3.18
Lung, bronchus, trachea (C33–C34) 6,814,668 26.47 4,145,537 16.1 1,476,406 5.73
Kidney, renal pelvis, ureter (C64–C66) 88,996 4.63 54,139 2.82 19,282 1.00
Urinary bladder (C67) 479,855 15.36 291,902 9.34 103,950 3.33
Myeloid leukaemia (C92–C94, D45–D47) 53,873 5.67 32,772 3.45 11,672 1.23
Total (2021–2050) 10,724,214 13.50 6,523,841 8.21 2,323,469 2.92
Oral cavity, pharynx (C00–C14) 16,226 1.35 9871 0.82 3516 0.29
Oesophagus (C15) 13,910 0.42 8462 0.26 3014 0.09
Stomach (C16) 12,019 0.23 7311 0.14 2604 0.05
Colorectum (C18–C20) 48,115 0.62 29,269 0.37 10,423 0.13
Liver (C22) 54,255 1.19 33,005 0.72 11,754 0.26
Pancreas (C25) 21,968 1.04 13,364 0.64 4759 0.23
Larynx (C32) 1667 1.56 1014 0.95 361 0.34
Lung, bronchus, trachea (C33–C34) 472,141 3.45 287,213 2.10 102,285 0.75
Cervix (C53) 1763 0.05 1073 0.03 382 0.01
Kidney, renal pelvis, ureter (C64–C66) 4050 0.34 2464 0.21 877 0.07
Urinary bladder (C67) 5908 0.67 3594 0.41 1280 0.14
Myeloid leukaemia (C92–C94, D45–D47) 3022 0.40 1839 0.24 655 0.09
Total (2021–2050) 655,045 1.47 398,478 0.89 141,910 0.32
Males and females
Oral cavity, pharynx (C00–C14) 406,995 10.39 247,593 6.32 88,190 2.25
Oesophagus (C15) 713,063 6.23 433,782 3.79 154,501 1.35
Stomach (C16) 948,415 5.57 576,950 3.39 205,486 1.21
Colorectum (C18–C20) 338,020 1.84 205,626 1.12 73,231 0.4
Liver (C22) 779,200 5.03 474,019 3.06 168,838 1.09
Pancreas (C25) 118,141 2.53 71,868 1.54 25,594 0.55
Larynx (C32) 151,148 13.44 91,948 8.18 32,748 2.91
Lung, bronchus, trachea (C33–C34) 7,286,810 18.48 4,432,751 11.24 1,578,692 4.00
Cervix (C53) 1763 0.05 1073 0.03 382 0.01
Kidney, renal pelvis, ureter (C64–C66) 93,046 2.98 56,603 1.81 20,159 0.65
Urinary bladder (C67) 485,763 12.11 295,496 7.37 105,230 2.62
Myeloid leukaemia (C92–C94, D45–D47) 56,895 3.34 34,611 2.03 12,327 0.72
Total (2021–2050) 11,379,259 9.17 6,922,319 5.58 2,465,379 1.99
Scenario 1: Elimination: a total elimination of tobacco smoking by 2030. bScenario 2: Ambitious target: overall prevalence of tobacco smoking reduces to 10% by 2030.
Scenario 3: Manageable target: overall prevalence of tobacco smoking reduces to 20% by 2030.

Table 2: Estimated number and proportion of avoidable smoking-related cancers 2021–2050 (30 years) under different scenarios in China, compared
with constant levels.

would be reduced to 10% between 2021 and 2030, about The cancer with the largest absolute numbers and
6,523,841 (8.21%) and 398,478 (0.89%) of smoking- highest proportion of potentially preventable cancer
related cancer cases could be prevented in males and cases was lung cancer.
females, respectively. Under a more manageable target The annual number of prevented cancer cases under
(Scenario 3), in which the proportion of smoking was different scenarios was explicitly shown in Fig. 1A and
reduced to 20% by 2030, the proportion of avoidable B. In the scenario of an elimination of smoking in
smoking-related cancer cases would be 2.92% Chinese adults, approximately 810,000 and 50,000 can-
(2,323,469) for males and 0.32% (141,910) for females. cer cases in males and females, respectively, were

www.thelancet.com Vol 63 September, 2023 5


Fig. 1: Total number of annually prevented cancer cases over a 30-year period (2021–2050) for different scenarios of smoking (A and B), alcohol
consumption (C and D) and overweight/obesity (E and F) in the Chinese adults, stratified by sex. A and B: Scenario 1: Elimination: An absolute
elimination of tobacco smoking by 2030; Scenario 2: Ambitious target: Overall prevalence of tobacco smoking reduces to 10% by 2030;
Scenario 3: Manageable target: Overall prevalence of tobacco smoking reduces to 20% by 2030. C and D: Scenario 1: Elimination: (a) An absolute
elimination of alcohol use by 2030; (b) An absolute elimination of dangerous use and harmful use of alcohol by 2030; (c) An absolute
elimination of harmful use of alcohol by 2030; Scenario 2: Ambitious target: A 50% relative reduction in dangerous use and harmful use of
alcohol by 2030; Scenario 3: Manageable target: A 20% relative reduction in harmful use of alcohol by 2030. E and F: Scenario 1: Elimination: (a)
A total elimination of overweight and obesity by 2030; (b) A total elimination of obesity by 2030; Scenario 2: Ambitious target: A 50% relative
reduction in overweight and obesity by 2030; Scenario 3: Manageable target: Growth rate of obesity reduces to 0 by 2030.

6 www.thelancet.com Vol 63 September, 2023


Cancer site (ICD-10 code) Scenario 1 (a)a Scenario 1 (b)a Scenario 1 (c)a Scenario 2b Scenario 3c
No. (%) avoided No. (%) avoided No. (%) avoided No. (%) avoided No. (%) avoided
Oral cavity, pharynx (C00–C14) 338,508 12.48 195,823 7.22 145,830 5.38 98,028 3.61 29,320 1.08
Oesophagus (C15, SCC) 2,443,849 34.47 1,753,880 24.74 1,399,572 19.74 877,957 12.38 281,331 3.97
Stomach (C16) 187,611 1.60 187,611 1.60 136,620 1.16 93,909 0.80 27,459 0.23
Colorectum (C18–C20) 739,460 7.00 739,460 7.00 549,414 5.20 370,120 3.51 110,403 1.05
Liver (C22) 1,222,165 11.17 1,222,165 11.17 924,191 8.45 611,805 5.59 185,806 1.70
Larynx (C32) 128,622 12.64 76,946 7.56 57,409 5.64 38,515 3.78 11,539 1.13
Total (2021–2050) 5,060,215 11.49 4,175,885 9.48 3,213,035 7.29 2,090,334 4.75 645,857 1.47
Oral cavity, pharynx (C00–C14) 53,617 4.45 15,050 1.25 10,677 0.89 7533 0.62 2146 0.18
Oesophagus (C15, SCC) 106,162 3.79 37,713 1.35 26,921 0.96 18,876 0.67 5410 0.19
Stomach (C16) 2451 0.05 2451 0.05 2451 0.05 1227 0.02 492 0.01
Colorectum (C18–C20) 10,435 0.13 10,435 0.13 6985 0.09 5223 0.07 1403 0.02
Liver (C22) 15,312 0.34 15,312 0.34 15,312 0.34 7665 0.17 3077 0.07
Larynx (C32) 3597 3.36 1078 1.01 764 0.71 539 0.50 153 0.14
Breast (C50, female, premenopausal) 23,303 0.88 2737 0.10 1518 0.06 1370 0.05 306 0.01
Breast (C50, female, postmenopausal) 107,576 1.39 23,018 0.30 15,561 0.20 11,522 0.15 3128 0.04
Total (2021–2050) 322,453 1.00 107,793 0.33 80,189 0.25 53,956 0.17 16,116 0.05
Males and females
Oral cavity, pharynx (C00–C14) 392,125 10.01 210,873 5.38 156,506 3.99 105,561 2.69 31,466 0.80
Oesophagus (C15, SCC) 2,550,011 25.78 1,791,593 18.11 1,426,494 14.42 896,834 9.07 286,741 2.90
Stomach (C16) 190,062 1.12 190,062 1.12 139,070 0.82 95,136 0.56 27,952 0.16
Colorectum (C18–C20) 749,896 4.08 749,896 4.08 556,399 3.03 375,343 2.04 111,806 0.61
Liver (C22) 1,237,477 7.98 1,237,477 7.98 939,503 6.06 619,470 4.00 188,883 1.22
Larynx (C32) 132,219 11.76 78,023 6.94 58,173 5.17 39,055 3.47 11,692 1.04
Breast (C50, female, premenopausal) 23,303 0.88 2737 0.10 1518 0.06 1370 0.05 306 0.01
Breast (C50, female, postmenopausal) 107,576 1.39 23,018 0.30 15,561 0.20 11,522 0.15 3128 0.04
Total (2021–2050) 5,382,669 7.06 4,283,678 5.62 3,293,224 4.32 2,144,290 2.81 661,974 0.87
SCC: squamous cell carcinoma. aScenario 1: Elimination: (a) An absolute elimination of alcohol use by 2030; (b) An absolute elimination of dangerous use and harmful use of
alcohol by 2030; (c) An absolute elimination of harmful use of alcohol by 2030. bScenario 2: Ambitious target: a 50% relative reduction in dangerous use and harmful use of
alcohol by 2030. cScenario 3: Manageable target: a 20% relative reduction in harmful use of alcohol by 2030.

Table 3: Estimated number and proportion of avoidable alcohol-related cancers 2021–2050 (30 years) under different scenarios in China, compared
with constant levels.

estimated to be avoided annually, when the impact of respectively, can be avoided over the 30-year period if
the intervention scenarios has reached their full effect. there is a 50% relative reduction in dangerous use
and harmful use of alcohol by 2030 in the total Chi-
Alcohol consumption nese adults (Scenario 2). Under the manageable target
Table 3 showed the number and proportion of ex- (Scenario 3), in which the proportion of harmful use
pected avoidable alcohol-related cancer cases accord- of alcohol was reduced by 20% by 2030, we estimated
ing to gender under various scenarios. An absolute 645,857 (1.47%) and 16,116 (0.05%) of alcohol-related
elimination of alcohol (Scenario 1 (a)) or dangerous cancers would be avoided among males and females
use and harmful use of alcohol (Scenario 1 (b)) or respectively.
harmful use of alcohol (Scenario 1 (c)) by 2030 in the By cancer site, under no consumption scenario
total Chinese adults would lead to a reduction of (Scenario 1 (a)), cancers with the highest proportion of
about 5,060,215 (11.49%), 4,175,885 (9.48%) or potentially preventable were oesophageal SCC and can-
3,213,035 (7.29%) incident cancer cases in males. For cers of larynx and liver among males and females.
females, analogous estimates amount to about Cancers with the largest absolute numbers of potentially
322,453 (1.00%), 107,793 (0.33%) or 80,189 (0.25%) avoidable cancer cases were oesophageal SCC, cancers
prevented cancers for the respective intervention of liver and colorectum among males, and post-
scenarios. Compared to the reference scenario of menopausal breast cancer, oesophageal SCC and can-
constant levels of alcohol consumption, approxi- cers of oral cavity and pharynx among females (Table 3).
mately 2,090,334 (4.75%) and 53,956 (0.17%) alcohol- Fig. 1C and D demonstrated the impact of different
related cancer cases in males and females, intervention scenarios by presenting the total number of

www.thelancet.com Vol 63 September, 2023 7


annually prevented cancer cases from 2021 to 2050. In estimates, and then compared the numbers of pre-
the scenario of an elimination of alcohol consumption vented cancers (Supplementary Figs. S2–S7 and
in Chinese adults, approximately 220,000 cases and Tables S6–S8). Results from the sensitivity analyses
14,000 cases in males and females, respectively, were showed that the number of avoidable cancers differed
estimated to be avoided annually, starting from the somewhat between the different analyses, but the per-
point in time when the impact of the hypothetical centage of avoidable cancers was fairly robust.
intervention would have completely indicated in cancer Assuming different LAT for the scenario of eliminating
risk. smoking led to more total avoidable cancer cases, from
11,379,259 cases to 13,426,042 cases for both sexes
Overweight/obesity combined. In the sensitivity analyses, when used lower
Table 4 showed the estimated total numbers and pro- and upper confidence limits of the relative risk, esti-
portion of avoidable cancer cases under different sce- mates of cumulative prevented incident cancer cases by
narios of changing the proportion of overweight/obesity eliminating smoking over the 30-year study period
in Chinese adults. In the ideal scenario (Scenario 1(a)), ranged from 6,972,529 cases to 14,418,076 cases for
where overweight and obesity were eradicated in Chi- males, and from 297,404 cases to 1,258,526 cases for
nese adults by 2030, 2,772,792 (7.91%) and 3,093,623 females.
(8.52%) overweight/obesity-related cancer cases in Using varying LAG and LAT, estimates of total pre-
males and females, respectively, can be prevented over vented cancer cases by eliminating alcohol use were
the 30-year period. An absolute elimination of obesity from 3,242,661 cases to 5,382,668 cases for both sexes
(Scenario 1 (b)) by 2030 in the total Chinese adults combined over the 30-year study period (2021–2050).
would lead to a reduction of about 1,227,222 (3.50%) Further sensitivity analyses using lower and upper
incident cancer cases in males and 1,535,492 (4.23%) confidence limits of the relative risk estimates resulted
cases in females. Approximately 1,388,799 (3.96%) and in total avoidable cancer cases in the range from
1,548,171 (4.26%) alcohol-related cancer cases in males 2,400,948 cases to 7,676,279 cases for males, and from
and females, respectively, can be avoided over the 30- 177,371 cases to 506,048 cases for females.
year period if there is a 50% relative reduction in over- Assuming diverse LAG and LAT for the scenario of
weight and obesity by 2030 in the total Chinese adults eliminating overweight and obesity, estimates of total
(Scenario 2). If the prevalence of obesity continued to prevented overweight/obesity-related cancer cases went
rise and the growth rate reduced to 0 over the period from 3,957,806 cases to 5,866,415 cases for both sexes
2021–2030 (Scenario 3), we estimated a 0.81% (283,079) combined. Sensitivity analyses, using the lower and
increase in obesity-related cancers in males and 0.97% upper limit of the 95% confidence interval of the cancer-
(353,994) in females over the 30-year period. specific relative risk estimates, estimates of cumulative
Under the ideal scenario (Scenario 1(a)), the cancer avoidable cancer cases over the 30-year study period
sites with the highest proportion of potentially avoidable ranged from 1,445,003 cases to 4,196,084 cases for
cases were oesophageal (adenocarcinoma (AC)), kidney, males, and from 1,881,443 cases to 4,271,586 cases for
renal pelvis and liver cancers among males, and oeso- females.
phageal (AC), corpus uteri and breast (female, post-
menopausal) cancers among females. The cancer sites
with the highest numbers of potentially avoidable cases Discussion
were liver, colorectum and stomach cancers among Based on a macro-simulation modelling approach, we
males, and breast (female, postmenopausal), liver and illustrated the health effect of different scenarios of
corpus uteri cancers among females. changing the prevalence of smoking, alcohol use and
Total number of annually prevented cancer cases overweight/obesity. We found that approximately
over a 30-year period (2021–2050) for different scenarios 13.50% and 1.47% cancer cases in males and females,
of overweight/obesity in the Chinese adults stratified by respectively, were estimated to be avoided over a 30-year
sex was explicitly shown in Fig. 1E and F. In the most period (2021–2050) if smoking was eliminated in Chi-
ideal scenario (Scenario 1(a)), where overweight and nese adults by 2030. Up to 11.49% of alcohol-related
obesity were eliminated in Chinese adults by 2030, cancers among males and 1.00% among females could
approximately 140,000 and 156,000 cancer cases in be prevented over a 30-year period if alcohol was elim-
males and females, respectively, were estimated to be inated from Chinese adults by 2030. An estimated
avoided annually, when the impact of the intervention 7.91% of overweight/obesity-related cancers in males
scenarios has reached their full effect. and 8.52% in females could be avoided over a 30-year
period if everyone could have normal weight by 2030.
Sensitivity analyses Other scenarios, with more moderate goals in the
In our sensitivity analyses, we used varying LAT and exposure prevalence of smoking, alcohol use and over-
LAG, as well as the lower and upper limit of the 95% weight/obesity were also found to be associated with
confidence interval of the cancer-specific relative risk substantial reductions in the future cancer burden.

8 www.thelancet.com Vol 63 September, 2023


Cancer site (ICD-10 code) Scenario 1 (a)a Scenario 1 (b)a Scenario 2b Scenario 3c
No. (%) avoided No. (%) avoided No. (%) avoided No. (%) avoided
Oesophagus (C15, AC) 113,661 16.19 50,316 7.17 56,928 8.11 −11,570 −1.65
Stomach (C16.0, cardia) 427,474 7.43 179,767 3.13 214,183 3.72 −41,462 −0.72
Colorectum (C18–C20) 657,477 6.23 283,883 2.69 329,358 3.12 −65,309 −0.62
Liver (C22) 1,102,400 10.08 498,459 4.56 552,079 5.05 −115,191 −1.05
Gallbladder (C23–C24) 99,000 8.13 42,684 3.50 49,593 4.07 −9810 −0.81
Pancreas (C25) 95,981 3.74 40,468 1.57 48,088 1.87 −9305 −0.36
Kidney, renal pelvis (C64–C65) 176,564 10.29 80,372 4.68 88,417 5.15 −18,531 −1.08
Thyroid (C73) 100,236 6.19 51,273 3.17 50,152 3.10 −11,901 −0.74
Total (2021–2050) 2,772,792 7.91 1,227,222 3.50 1,388,799 3.96 −283,079 −0.81
Oesophagus (C15, AC) 49,384 16.25 24,805 8.16 24,710 8.13 −5688 −1.87
Stomach (C16.0, cardia) 177,886 8.42 85,993 4.07 89,039 4.21 −19,815 −0.94
Colorectum (C18–C20) 323,528 4.14 155,131 1.99 161,945 2.07 −35,621 −0.46
Liver (C22) 507,279 11.11 250,937 5.50 253,864 5.56 −57,672 −1.26
Gallbladder (C23–C24) 142,936 9.75 70,340 4.80 71,533 4.88 −16,129 −1.10
Pancreas (C25) 88,133 4.19 42,217 2.01 44,115 2.10 −9678 −0.46
Breast (C50, female, postmenopausal) 1,030,379 13.29 518,828 6.69 515,588 6.65 −119,725 −1.54
Corpus uteri (C54–C55) 392,462 16.14 201,402 8.28 196,358 8.07 −46,651 −1.92
Ovary (C56) 45,226 2.36 21,528 1.12 22,641 1.18 −4977 −0.26
Kidney, renal pelvis (C64–C65) 105,355 10.54 52,310 5.23 52,723 5.27 −12,033 −1.20
Thyroid (C73) 231,054 4.76 111,999 2.31 115,656 2.38 −26,004 −0.54
Total (2021–2050) 3,093,623 8.52 1,535,492 4.23 1,548,171 4.26 −353,994 −0.97
Males and females
Oesophagus (C15, AC) 163,045 16.21 75,122 7.47 81,638 8.12 −17,257 −1.72
Stomach (C16.0, cardia) 605,360 7.70 265,760 3.38 303,222 3.86 −61,277 −0.78
Colorectum (C18–C20) 981,005 5.34 439,013 2.39 491,303 2.67 −100,930 −0.55
Liver (C22) 1,609,679 10.38 749,396 4.83 805,943 5.20 −172,863 −1.11
Gallbladder (C23–C24) 241,935 9.01 113,025 4.21 121,126 4.51 −25,939 −0.97
pancreas (C25) 184,113 3.94 82,685 1.77 92,204 1.97 −18,984 −0.41
Breast (C50, female, postmenopausal) 1,030,379 13.29 518,828 6.69 515,588 6.65 −119,725 −1.54
Corpus uteri (C54–C55) 392,462 16.14 201,402 8.28 196,358 8.07 −46,651 −1.92
Ovary (C56) 45,226 2.36 21,528 1.12 22,641 1.18 −4977 −0.26
Kidney, renal pelvis (C64–C65) 281,919 10.38 132,682 4.89 141,140 5.20 −30,564 −1.13
Thyroid (C73) 331,290 5.12 163,272 2.52 165,808 2.56 −37,904 −0.59
Total (2021–2050) 5,866,415 8.22 2,762,713 3.87 2,936,970 4.11 −637,072 −0.89
a b
AC: adenocarcinoma. Scenario 1: Elimination: (a) An absolute elimination of overweight and obesity by 2030; (b) An absolute elimination of obesity by 2030. Scenario 2:
Ambitious target: a 50% relative reduction in overweight and obesity by 2030. cScenario 3: Manageable target: growth rate of obesity reduces to 0 by 2030.

Table 4: Estimated number and proportion of avoidable overweight/obesity-related cancers 2021–2050 (30 years) under different scenarios in China,
compared with constant levels.

Very few studies have used the same approaches to (2016–2045) period if they obtained normal weight from
model the potential impact of smoking, alcohol use and 2016 onwards. Our results of the theoretical maximum
overweight/obesity interventions on cancer incidence in intervention (13.50% males, 1.47% females, for smok-
China. It was estimated that 19.3% smoking-related ing; 11.49% males, 1.00% females, for alcohol con-
cancer cases in the Nordic countries could be avoided sumption; 7.91% males, 8.52% females, for overweight/
during 2016–2045 if smoking was eliminated from 2016 obesity) were discrepant from these results, though we
onwards.32 A study of Australia reported that over a 30- using similar parameters and timeframe. One possible
year period, 3.90% (males: 6.40%; females: 2.5%) of explanation is the difference in the prevalence of
alcohol-related cancers could be prevented if alcohol smoking, alcohol use and overweight/obesity between
consumption was eliminated in the population.33 regions. For example, 66% of males and 49% of females
Another study of Nordic countries28 estimated that were defined as drinkers in Australia,33 while there were
9.50% of overweight/obesity related cancers in the 60.3% of males and 19.1% of females consuming
population could be prevented over a 30-year study alcohol in China.4 Another possible reason is that the

www.thelancet.com Vol 63 September, 2023 9


cancer burden distribution in China was substantially Therefore, to avoid uncertainty, our study assumed that
different from other countries. In China, lung cancer risk factor prevalence changes from start according to
was the most common cancer in cancer, followed by different scenarios, and our study did not cover which
female breast cancer, colorectal cancer, stomach cancer, kind of intervention would be more effective and how
liver cancer and oesophageal cancer.13 Taking oesopha- long it would take for the interventions to have an effect.
geal SCC and alcohol consumption for example, in our One of the advantages of our modelling approach
study, alcohol-related cancers with the largest absolute introduced a time dimension, including LAG and LAT
numbers and the highest proportion of potentially pre- reflecting delayed changes in risk after the cessation of
ventable were oesophageal SCC, which is obviously exposure. Moreover, we incorporated the changes in
distinct from western countries. Finally, the variation in population size and structure into the projection.
RR values in different studies might partly account for To our knowledge, our study is the first analysis that
the differences. has systematically assessed the health effect of varying
Like all such modelling studies, the accuracy of our intervention scenarios with different prevalence of
model is heavily dependent on a number of assump- smoking, alcohol consumption and overweight/obesity
tions and the input data. Our exposure prevalence of in Chinese adults. However, our study has some limi-
smoking, alcohol consumption and overweight/obesity tations. Firstly, due to the lack of data, we could not
were from a nationally representative survey4,9; however, consider interactions between smoking, alcohol con-
we did not have detailed data so that we cannot treated sumption and overweight/obesity in our models. How-
alcohol use and BMI as continuous covariate or divide ever, etiologic effects used in our study were from
alcohol use into more groups. Our reference scenario multivariate models adjusting for related risk factors.
has no change in cancer incidence rate over a 30-year Secondly, some etiological effects of risk factors used in
period, with the variations in numbers of future can- this study were from western populations. Future esti-
cer cases per year resulting from population changes. It mations among Chinese populations are warranted
can provide a stable base for comparing across cancers when data become available.
and acquire the full impact of the modelled intervention The results from our simulation modelling study can
scenarios versus the reference scenario, as the only be used to understand the potential impact and signifi-
difference between the two scenarios are due to differ- cance of primary prevention interventions aiming to
ences in the prevalence of the exposure. This approach reduce the prevalence of smoking, alcohol consumption
may underestimate future cancer incidence, but it does and overweight/obesity in Chinese adults. This is
not require assumptions to be made about projected especially important because the connection between
trends in cancer incidence by sex, age, area (urban/ru- smoking, alcohol consumption, overweight/obesity and
ral) and cancer type, and thus avoiding uncertainty to cancer risk is not well known among the public. For
these current projections. When choosing cancer caus- example, only about 60% of population know that
ally associated with smoking, alcohol consumption and smoking can cause many malignancies other than lung
overweight/obesity, we followed the reports by the cancer.34 Furthermore, our results should motivate
World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and the Inter- public health planners and policymakers to take effec-
national Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) work- tive action, especially given that smoking, alcohol use
ing group (Table 1).12 Moreover, summary relative risks and overweight/obesity have also been causally associ-
(RRs) came from recent large-scale pooled analyses or ated with other diseases.
high-quality meta-analyses of studies, providing the best
estimates of the etiology effect of the risk factors. Contributors
We tested a number of assumptions in sensitivity Jiansong Ren contributed to funding acquisition of the study. Song
Song, Lin Lei, Ji Peng and Jiansong Ren co-designed the study. Song
analyses. Sensitivity analyses were conducted by using Song, Lin Lei, Ji Peng and Jiansong Ren accessed and verified the un-
varying LAT and LAG, as well as the lower and upper derlying data reported in the manuscript. Song Song and Fan Yang
limit of the 95% confidence interval of the cancer- contributed to the analysis and visualization of the study. Song Song
specific relative risk estimates. These sensitivity ana- drafted the manuscript. Lin Lei, Han Liu, Fan Yang, Ni Li, Wanqing
Chen, Ji Peng and Jiansong Ren contributed to the validation of the
lyses showed that the proportions of prevented cancer
analysis and study findings, and critically revised the manuscript for
cases were fairly robust to changes in those modelling intellectual content. All authors approved the final version of the
parameters and indicated a substantial public health manuscript. All authors had full access to all the data in the study and
impact. Even so, the results should be treated carefully had final responsibility for the decision to submit for publication.
as the main purpose of the model is not to accurately
predict future cancer burden, but rather show the dif- Data sharing statement
This study does not involve any patient data or participant data. Readers
ference in the number of cases under different exposure
can access the data used in this study from the links to public domain
prevalence. Furthermore, our study did not consider the resources provided in the Manuscript and Supplementary materials.
lag time between specific interventions and consequent
changes in risk factor prevalence. Actually, risk factor Declaration of interests
prevalence is influenced by many kinds of interventions. All authors declare no conflict of interest.

10 www.thelancet.com Vol 63 September, 2023


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Fundamental Resources Investigation Program of China Press; 2011.
17 Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China. 2012 China
(2019FY101105); Sanming Project of Medicine in Shenzhen (SZSM
health statistical yearbook. Beijing: Peking Union Medical College
201911015). Press; 2012.
18 National Health and Family Planning Commission. 2013 China
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org/10.1016/j.eclinm.2023.102163. 19 National Health and Family Planning Commission. 2014 China
health and family planning statistical yearbook. Beijing: Peking Union
Medical College Press; 2014.
20 National Health and Family Planning Commission. 2015 China
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