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Additive Manufacturing 89 (2024) 104265

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The role of crystallization and annealing on the thermal conductivity of

material extrusion additively manufactured parts
Daniel J. Braconnier a , Ryan M. Dunn b , Eric D. Wetzel b , Randall M. Erb a, *
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Northeastern University, 360 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA
DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, USA


Keywords: Despite the significant research being conducted on the mechanical reliability of additively manufactured parts,
Thermal Conductivity Fused Filament comparatively little focus has been paid to the property of thermal conductivity. Additively manufactured
Fabrication thermally conductive parts have the potential to benefit thermal management technologies that are currently a
Polymer Matrix Composites
bottleneck of many classes of advanced electronic devices. Creating parts with high thermal conductivities re­
Polymer Crystallinity
Thermal Management
mains a major challenge for the most prevalent form of material extrusion additive manufacturing, fused fila­
ment fabrication, which creates parts by extruding multiple layers of molten polymeric extrudate using an
automated gantry system. The low thermal conductivity of these parts stems from several types of interfaces and
voids inherent to the fused filament fabrication additive process, which create significant internal resistance to
the flow of heat through a part. To increase thermal conductivity, many researchers and companies have added
thermally conductive particles into the polymeric filaments. Still the achievable properties are largely con­
strained by the printing defects inherent to the printing process, especially when compared to injection molded
parts. In this work, we investigate the role of thermal post-processing to both anneal the printed part and to tune
the crystallization state of the polymer. We find that careful thermal post-processing of parts made with com­
mercial filaments can improve thermal conductivity values to 2.5 times the as-printed property values. Further,
we detail several correlations between processing conditions and thermal conductivity outcomes that will
improve the implementation of fused filament fabrication for addressing thermal management challenges in

1. Introduction conductivities of FFF parts are limited by the low thermal conductivity
of common thermoplastic polymers (~0.2 W/m⋅K).
The energy density of everyday electronic devices is increasing, To improve the thermal conductivity of FFF feedstock filaments,
creating thermal management challenges that limit processor speeds many companies and researchers have considered loading the thermo­
and degrade battery performance. A way to increase the efficiency of plastic with thermally conductive fillers like copper or graphite particles
thermal management solutions is to leverage topological optimization to to create thermally conductive polymer composites (TCPCs) [4]. TCPCs
generate new complex heatsink geometries using software [1–3]. Often, are both lightweight and amenable to economic, tailorable
these topologically optimized designs require additive manufacturing to manufacturing processes like injection molding and FFF printing. A key
generate. Several additive manufacturing processes can be leveraged to advantage of these materials, compared with pure metal heat sinks, is
generate topologically complex thermal management devices including, that they can be engineered with low or negligible electrical conduc­
for example, powder bed fusion, vat photopolymerization, and material tivity to reduce the likelihood of device-level electromagnetic interfer­
extrusion. Of these, the material extrusion additive manufacturing ence or electrical shorting. With injection molding, TCPCs can reliably
process commonly referred to as fused filament fabrication (FFF) is the achieve thermal conductivity values of 6–8 W/m⋅K, sufficient for effi­
cheapest and most prevalent form of additive manufacturing in which cient dissipation from low-power electronics [5–8]. However, thermal
parts are created by laying traces of extruded thermoplastic on top of conductivity drastically reduces when TCPCs are processed with FFF
each other guided by an automated gantry system. The thermal printing [9,10]. The FFF process produces heterogeneous parts filled

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R.M. Erb).
Received 5 March 2024; Received in revised form 5 June 2024; Accepted 14 June 2024
Available online 17 June 2024
2214-8604/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
D.J. Braconnier et al. Additive Manufacturing 89 (2024) 104265

with a high population of inter/intra-layer interfaces and voids, leading can play in enhancing the thermal conductivity of TCPC FFF parts.
FFF parts to have significantly higher thermal resistance (and thus lower Overall, higher thermal conductivities can be achieved with optimized
thermal conductivity) than comparable injection molded parts. Seppela printing and annealing processes; however, clear thermal sagging of the
et. al demonstrated some improvement could be achieved by optimizing part can be observed if the annealing temperature surpasses the poly­
the weld formation during the print process by tuning FFF parameters meric melt temperature (Fig. 1). We believe that a deeper understanding
and closely monitoring temperature [11]. Current market-leading TCPC of the processing, structure, and property relationships in FFF parts
parts printed via FFF have conductivity less than 4 W/m⋅K [1,12–14]. comprised of TCPCs will enable this economic form of manufacturing to
These lower values significantly limit the relevance and impact that FFF address some of the pervasive thermal management challenges in
can play in addressing thermal management challenges. industry.
An underexplored route to improving TCPC parts printed via FFF has
been in the thermal post-processing of these parts to heal defects in the 2. Materials and methods
as-printed structure, as well as growing crystallites that are more
conducive to heat flow. Such thermal post-processing has shown 2.1. Filament materials
promise recently to increase mechanical properties of FFF parts. Hart et.
al demonstrated that annealing FFF parts above the glass transition Two different off-the-shelf thermally conductive FFF filament ma­
temperature of the polymer matrix offers an adept way to heal inter- terials were chosen that exhibited high thermal conductivity and low
layer defects and improve overall mechanical strength [15,16]. For batch-to-batch variation: i) 2.85 mm Copper Filament (“Cu-PLA”, The
thermal conductivity, these inter-layer defects serve as a thermal resis­ Virtual Foundry, Stoughton, WI), and ii) 2.85 mm Ice9 Rigid (“Graphite-
tance to the transfer of heat. In addition, tuning the crystallization state PA6", TCPoly, Atlanta, GA). Cu-PLA is a TCPC comprised of polylactic
of the matrix polymer should serve to increase the efficiency of phononic acid (PLA) and ~50 vol% copper filler with no manufacturer-reported
transport through the microstructure. Increased crystallization per­ thermal conductivity [21]. Of note, Cu-PLA is not marketed as a TCPC
centages have been shown to increase the number of ordered and low but rather as a green body filament to achieve copper parts through
resistance pathways for phononic transport, thus increasing the thermal sintering. The copper phase is spherical particles with diameter of 75 ±
conductivity of polymers [17–20]. Exploring these concepts through 50 µm, as determined by scanning electron microscopy (Fig. 2a).
thermal post-processing may offer an avenue to improve the perfor­ Meanwhile, Graphite-PA6 is a TCPC comprised of polyamide-6 (PA6)
mance of FFF parts in thermal management applications. and ~50 vol% of graphite filler with a reported thermal conductivity of
Here, we provide a systematic study into the role that thermal post- 4 W/m⋅K in the strong axis and 1 W/m⋅K in the weak axis for printed
processing plays in the resultant thermal conductivity of FFF parts. To parts [22]. The anisotropy here is reported to be due to the predomi­
minimize variability in feedstock, we rely on two different off-the-shelf nance of inter-layer defects between printed layers. Of note,
FFF filaments that exhibit high thermal conductivity and low batch-to- graphite-filled thermoplastics have a lower electrical conductivity than
batch variation. First, we investigate the dependence that print quality thermoplastics containing similar loadings of metal fillers. The graphite
and print orientation have on the microstructure outcomes and resultant phase in Graphite-PA6 appears to be 75 ± 25 µm aggregates of graphitic
thermally conductive properties of FFF parts. Second, with optimized flakes. The graphitic flakes are polydisperse with diameters ranging
printing parameters, we investigate the function that annealing has on from 5 to 25 µm with consistent aspect ratios of ~12 as determined by
healing inter/intra-layer defects, by bringing post-process temperature scanning electron microscopy (Fig. 2b). Some additional characteriza­
conditions from room temperature all the way through melt tempera­ tion in the as-received filaments is provided below and in Supplemen­
tures. Third, we turn our attention to the role that crystallization of the tary Information. These two commercial filaments exhibit more rigidity
polymeric matrix has on the thermal conductivity of the final part. We and brittleness than standard polymeric filaments due to their high filler
then offer a holistic assessment on the role that thermal post-processing content.

Fig. 1. : Schematic showing the microstructure of a typical FFF part that is characterized with inter-layer and intra-layer defects that can create thermal resistance
and reduce the thermal conductivities of printed parts. These defects can be tailored through various processing pathways including a) unoptimized printing, b)
optimized printing, and c,d) annealing after optimized printing either below (c) or above (d) the polymeric melt temperature. The bar chart reports actual weak-axis
thermal conductivity values for a Graphite-PA6 part discussed in further detail within this paper. The “D” from the DAPS Lab logo was selected to demonstrate the
effect of various processing parameters to the final part geometry.

D.J. Braconnier et al. Additive Manufacturing 89 (2024) 104265

Fig. 2. a) A PLA filament filled with 50 vol% copper particles and b) a PA6 filament filled with 50 vol% graphite particles were used to print thermally conductive
parts, such as the cubes shown here, using an off-the-shelf FFF 3D printer. Scanning electron micrographs of the cross-sections of fractured filaments were collected to
confirm filler morphology. Both filaments were used to produce parts.

2.2. Manufacturing and post-processing methods thickness that ranged from 0.5 mm to 3.0 mm. The hot-rolled filament
sheets were removed from the hotplate and allowed to quickly acclimate
For printing the TCPC filaments, a TAZ6 FFF machine (LulzBot, to room temperature at a cooling rate of approximately − 10 ◦ C/second.
Fargo, ND) was employed. No structural modifications to the TAZ6 were Subsequently, 33 mm diameter disks were punched out of the composite
required to print the commercial filaments. Micro Swiss (Ramsey, MN) film for thermal characterization.
stainless-steel nozzles were implemented on the TAZ6. It was deter­
mined that a 1.2 mm nozzle allowed both commercial products a suffi­
ciently sized orifice to flow through. Smaller nozzle orifices (below 2.3. Thermal characterization
0.5 mm for Graphite-PA6 and below 0.8 mm for Cu-PLA) led to poor
filament flowability. Most print parameters were held constant across all Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA): TGA was performed with a
studies. The extruder temperature was set to 240 ℃. The bed tempera­ Discovery TGA (TA Instruments, New Castle, DE). Each ~ 10 mg sample
ture was set to 65 ℃. The print speed was fixed at 15 mm/s, with a layer was ramped to 600 ℃ from ambient under an air environment. TGA was
height of 250 µm. Prints were conducted with 2 outer shells and − 45/45 used to confirm that both composites had ~ 50 vol% filler particles and

infill raster (unless otherwise specified) at 100 % infill. Retraction was to determine the thermal degradation temperatures of both filaments
left off; however, each of the TCPC filaments were capable of with­ (Supplementary Information).
standing print processes with retraction enabled. A thin polyvinyl Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC): DSC was performed with a
alcohol coating was required to achieve stable bed adhesion to complete Q2000 DSC (TA Instruments, New Castle, DE) using TA TZERO non-
the prints successfully. All filaments were stored in sealed desiccant hermetic pans with lids in an argon atmosphere at a samples size of ~
filled chambers when not in use. Sample sets were printed at the same 10 mg. DSC was performed to characterize as-received filament and
time and all samples were removed from the build plate immediately printed parts at all stages pre- and post-annealing. Specifically, the
after completion to minimize any effects of residual build plate heat crystallization changes were monitored in the filaments and printed
transfer to the prints. Samples were stored in air tight containers. All G- materials to understand relationships between property outcomes and
code to print each sample was generated using Simplify3D version 4.1.2 polymer conformations. A baseline protocol of the following steps was
(Cincinnati, OH). used to assess the as-received commercial filaments (PLA/PA6): (1)
Annealing of samples was done by placing printed specimens into a Ramp 10 ℃/min to 200/250 ℃, (2) Isotherm for 5 min, (3) Ramp − 20
pre-heated DX302C drying oven (Yamato, Tokyo, Japan) at tempera­ ℃/min to 22 ℃, (4) Ramp 10 ℃/min to 200 /250 ℃, (5) Ramp − 1
tures of 100 ◦ C, 135 ◦ C, and 170 ◦ C for times ranging from 0 to 14 hours. ℃/min to 22 ℃, (6) Ramp 10 ℃/min to 200/250 ℃, (7) Ramp − 10
Samples were either removed from the hot oven and allowed to quickly ℃/min to 22 ℃. All other DSC runs were a ramp at 10 ℃/min to 200/
acclimate to room temperature at a cooling rate of approximately − 10 250 ℃ to assess the material’s characteristics after printing and

C/second or were slowly cooled within the oven chamber at a rate of annealing steps. Percent crystallinity, Xc , was calculated based on Eq. 1
− 1 ◦ C/minute. as follows:
For comparison, hot-rolling of filament material was conducted to ΔHm − ΔHcc
create samples that lacked printing interfaces. The feedstock filaments Xc = (1)
ΔHf ⋅w
were placed between two 3 mm silicone sheets on top of a hotplate set to
180 ◦ C for Cu-PLA and at 270 ◦ C for Graphite-PA6. The filaments were Here, ΔHf is the enthalpy at 100 % crystallinity, ΔHcc is the enthalpy
allowed to melt. While on the hotplate, the composite melts were then of cold crystallization for the TCPC, ΔHm is the enthalpy for melting for
hot-rolled with an aluminum rolling pin. To ensure high levels of shear the TCPC, and w is weight fraction of polymer in the TCPC. ΔHm and Δ
alignment along the rolling direction, the composite melt was rolled thin Hcc were determined from the DSC characterization with the TA Uni­
and then folded over onto itself, and re-rolled several times. Once versal Analysis software. The values used for ΔHf for PLA is 93 J/g and
visually homogenous, the composite melt was rolled to a desired for PA6 is 230 J/g [23,24]. The values used for w for filaments were
based on the TGA measurements and were 0.12 for Cu-PLA and 0.30 for

D.J. Braconnier et al. Additive Manufacturing 89 (2024) 104265

Graphite-PA6. 2.5. Heatsink testing

Thermal interface measurement (TIM) testing: A TIM tester from
Analysis Tech (Burlington, MA, USA) was used to characterize the The application of both Cu-PLA and Graphite-PA6 as TCPC feedstock
thermal conductivity of FFF parts manufactured from the two com­ for FFF processable heatsinks was tested using a custom benchtop
mercial TCPC filaments. Sample sets of 33 mm diameter disks of heatsink testing setup (see Fig. 4). The setup is a benchtop wind tunnel
different thicknesses were run to determine the thermal conductivity of that can flow laminar air across a heatsink that is affixed to the heating
the samples. The bottom plate of the TIM tester was actively cooled to a side of a TEC1–12706 12 V 6 A Peltier plate (HiLetgo, China). K-type
set point of 18 ℃. The target sample temperature was set to 50 ℃, which thermocouples (Omega, Norwalk, CT, USA) are embedded between the
was maintained by the tester actively tuning the elevated temperature of heatsink and the Peltier heating element to track local temperature. The
the top plate. High viscosity silicone oil (Dow Corning 200®, 60,000 cSt, system was controlled by a Raspberry Pi 2B (“RPi”) connected to a
CAS 63148–62–9, Sigma-Aldrich, Saint Louis, MO, USA) was used as an Robogaia Temperature Controller Relay, Waveshare 4-CH Current/
interface fluid to ensure even and full contact with both TIM surfaces. Voltage/Power Monitor HAT, Waveshare BME280 Environmental
The contact pressure was set to 100 kPa. Each tested formulation con­ Sensor, and Neem Tech Octo K-Type MAX31855 Thermocouple
sisted of 3 or 4 different sample thicknesses ranging from 0.25 mm to Breakout Board. The Robogaia relay was programed to turn on and off
4.0 mm that were each measured 3 times such that the thermal con­ the HiLetgo TEC1–12706 40×40 mm Peltier plate heat source and the
ductivity was determined from 9 to 12 individual tests, as shown in Noctua NF-A12×25 5 V 120 mm fan. The Waveshare Monitor HAT was
Fig. 3. The TIM tester was used to determine both the weak axis and the used to record the input voltages and current. The thermocouple
strong axis thermal conductivities of FFF parts (Fig. 3). For weak axis breakout board was used to measure the temperature from the
measurements, simple 33 mm diameter disks could be printed according embedded thermocouple pad between the bottom of the heatsink sam­
to the process described in Section 2.2 , with the disk’s circular face ple and the heat source. The environmental sensor was mounted to the
parallel to the build plate. For strong axis measurements, large cylinders outside of the heatsink testing chamber and was used to measure
(extrusions of a 33 mm disk) oriented with the disk’s circular face ambient temperature, humidity, and air pressure. The enclosure and
perpendicular to the build plate were printed then cut with a bandsaw diffuser were printed via FFF out of 2.85 mm Natural PETG filament
into three disks of increasing thicknesses. These cut disks were sanded (IC3D Inc., Hilliard, OH, USA). The diffuser was designed to take in the
smooth prior to TIM testing. forced air from the 120 mm fan and funnel the flow into a near laminar
flow prior to hitting the heatsink chamber. An aluminum mesh with
1 mm perforations was used to further ensure the directionality and
2.4. Structural characterization
diffusion of the air flow from the fan. The temperature difference, ΔT,
between the embedded thermocouple pad and the ambient temperature
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): SEM Micrographs were ob­
thermocouple was monitored over the course of a testing run.
tained from a S-4800 SEM (Hitachi, Japan). All samples were sputter-
To test a heatsink, the following protocol was followed: (i) the
coated in 12 nm of platinum prior to imaging. Cross-sections of all
heatsink was affixed to the Peltier heating element using PK-3 Thermal
samples were embedded in EpoFix epoxy resin (Struers ApS, Denmark)
Compound (Prolimatech Inc., Taiwan) and a mounting bracket; (ii) the
and polished prior to sputter coating. Micrographs of samples pre- and
benchtop wind tunnel was closed and allowed to equilibrate at ambient
post-annealing were collected at a probe current of 7 µA and an accel­
(~ 25 ℃) for 1 minute; (iii) the Peltier heating element was then fully
eration voltage of 12 kV to investigate the physical changes to the inter/
powered at 5 V until the temperature reached a steady-state; (iv) the fan
intra-layer interfaces within each printed part.

Fig. 3. Weak axis samples include all FFF interfacial defects within the TIM testing direction. Strong axis samples provide a set of continuous print beads along the
direction of TIM testing.

D.J. Braconnier et al. Additive Manufacturing 89 (2024) 104265

Fig. 4. a) A schematic of the heatsink tester used to measure the steady-state passive and active cooling performance values of the printed heatsinks. b) Schematic
depicting the strong axis and weak axis print orientations for the printed heatsinks. c) Example temperature output for a machined aluminum heat sink test. Passive
and active cooling values were determined when the slope the temperatures remained constant for 240 seconds.

was then turned on to apply active convection – and the temperature run on the parts to characterize Tg , Tc , Tm , and Xc , as reported in Table 1.
decrease was monitored until the system again reached steady-state; (v) For the Cu-PLA filament, minimal changes in the phase change tem­
finally, the heat source was powered off and the temperature was peratures are observed before and after printing. On the other hand, the
monitored until the fan cooled the system back down to ambient. Graphite-PA6 filament exhibits over a 10 ◦ C change in Tg and Tc after the
Steady-state conditions were determined when the slope of temperature printing process.
across 240 seconds worth of data reached zero. Cu-PLA and Graphite- In both Cu-PLA and Graphite-PA6 filaments, significant changes to
PA6 heat sinks were printed in two orientations depicted in Fig. 4 the percent crystallinity (Xc ) were observed depending on the processing
including a strong-axis orientation (print beads parallel with the heat­ conditions. Cu-PLA subjected to a − 20 ℃/min “fast cool” from melt at
sink fins) and a weak-axis orientation (print beads perpendicular with 200 ℃ to 22 ℃ was found to have no crystallinity (Xc = 0.0 %). In
the heatsink fins). All heatsinks were tested in the as-printed state and contrast, a − 1 ℃/min “slow cool” resulted in a significant crystallinity
after being annealed. A test with an aluminum heatsink of the same increase to a Xc = 27.3 %. Further, when the Cu-PLA filament was
dimensions and surface topography was also run for comparison. The printed, the as-printed percent crystallinity was Xc = 5.6 %. For
chosen heatsink geometry had five straight fins that were 3 mm thick Graphite-PA6, both a “fast cool” and a “slow cool” resulted in the sig­
separated by gaps of 5 mm, centered on a 3 mm thick substrate. The heat nificant Xc values of 47.7 % and 54.6 %, respectively. The as-printed
sink filled a cubic build envelope that was 40 mm on each side. The final Graphite-PA6 showed a decreased crystallinity of Xc = 34.4 %.
weights of the heat sinks were 126.0 g (Cu-PLA), 40.2 g (Graphite-PA6), In addition, the degradation temperatures for Cu-PLA and Graphite-
and 72.4 g (machined aluminum). PA6 were assessed using TGA (data supplied in Supplementary Infor­
mation). Degradation in Cu-PLA had an onset at 230 ℃ and peak at 260
3. Results ℃. The Cu-PLA was found to extrude well at 240 ℃ during printing,
which raised the concerns of degradation occurring. However, no
3.1. Initial characterization of commercial TCPCs degradation was observed during printing of Cu-PLA at these higher
extrusion temperatures likely because the printing nozzle creates an
The DSC baseline procedure (Section 2.3 ) was performed on the as- oxygen deprived environment for the melted composite, and because the
received Cu-PLA and Graphite-PA6 filaments to characterize the thermal time at elevated temperature is less than 1 minute. Degradation in
properties of the polymeric matrices. The glass transition (Tg ), crystal­ Graphite-PA6 had an onset at 420 ℃ and a peak at 450 ℃, well above
lization (Tc ), and melt (Tm ) temperatures as well as the percent crys­ the print nozzle temperature.
tallinities (Xc ) for a − 20 ℃/min and − 1 ℃/min cooling rate are
reported below in Table 1 (n=3). Next, the filaments were printed with
printing conditions as described in Section 2.2 . These “as-printed” parts
were subjected to DSC testing in which a 10 ℃/min single ramp up was

Table 1
Thermal Phase Characteristics of Polymeric Components of Tested TCPCs.
Material Condition Tg (℃) Tc (℃) Tm (℃) Xc (%) after − 20 ℃/min Xc (%) after − 1 ℃/min Xc (%) after printing

Cu-PLA As-received 62 ± 2 112 ± 9 170 ± 1 0.0 27.3 -

As-printed 64 100 170 - - 5.6
Graphite-PA6 As-received 49 ± 0.5 169 ± 7 195 ± 0.8 47.7 54.6 -
As-printed 60 146 196 - - 34.4

D.J. Braconnier et al. Additive Manufacturing 89 (2024) 104265

3.2. Effect of printing conditions on microstructure and resultant thermal offset, Zoffset , according to:
Vd td Ad
φ= =( ) (2)
Va td + Zoffset Ad
Within the Simplify3D software, there are over 150 directly
controllable printing variables including extrusion temperature, bed Here, td is the designed thickness of the sample and Ad is the area of
temperature, print speed, z-offset, flow rate (extrusion multiplier), print each layer which remains the same between the Vd and Va .
orientation, nozzle diameter, infill patterns, outline overlap percentage, The discovered linear relationships between thermal conductivity
fan speed, and many others. Such a variable space can obfuscate causal and average print density percentage for Cu-PLA and Graphite-PA6
dependencies [25,26]. Since the focus of this effort was to investigate sample sets are shown below (Fig. 5a, b). Across both materials sets,
the role that thermal post-processing steps play in thermal conductivity, lower z-offsets delivered higher average print densities which are
a limited set of conditions were studied to determine their effect on the correlated with higher thermal conductivities. Cu-PLA samples that
resultant microstructure and thermal conductivity. Inter-layer and were printed with the z-offset that corresponded to a print density of
intra-layer welding of extrudate, as well as print orientation, are ex­ 100 % exhibited occasional voids in the material (seen clearly in
pected to be key variables that influence the part’s resulting thermal Fig. 5a). Instead, Cu-PLA samples printed with a negative z-offset, which
conductivity. Inter-layer and intra-layer interfaces are characterized by provides a calculated print density of 121 % had a surface microstruc­
the extent of wetted contact area, and the extent of molecular reptation ture that lacked voids and an internal structure that was denser than the
across that interface [16,27,28]. These interface characteristics can be near 100 % print density sample. Graphite-PA6 prints with a calculated
affected by time, temperature, and contact pressure, which are driven by print density of 89 % had a lower thermal conductivity than parts with
print parameters such as extrusion rate, layer height, nozzle tempera­ 100 % print density. However, this negative z-offset height is ultimately
ture, time per layer, bed temperature, chamber temperature, and z-offset a detriment to the print accuracy of a final part. As such, further results
parameter. in this study are all based on a z-offset that corresponds to calculated
While tuning print conditions, an informative dependency was print densities of 100 %.
observed between the part thermal conductivity and the z-offset Next, the effect of print orientation on thermal conductivity was
parameter. The z-offset parameter is the distance between the pro­ investigated. TIM disks described in Section 2.3 in both the weak-axis
grammed z-axis origin and the physical z-axis origin as calibrated from orientation and the strong-axis orientation were printed (Fig. 5c). As
the true print bed position. The z-offset parameter can be leveraged to seen in Fig. 5d, the thermal conductivity of the Cu-PLA disks that were
produce different part densities within the first two layers of a print by printed with the weak-axis in the direction of TIM testing was 0.68 W/
providing too little or too large of a layer envelope for the extrudate to m⋅K, while the strong axis was 0.89 W/m⋅K. The strong-axis therefore
fill. A smaller z-offset can better weld extruded print beads while also exhibited a 31 % higher thermal conductivity than the weak axis. This
delivering higher shear that can cause micro-structure change to the anisotropy was higher in Graphite-PA6 samples. TIM disks made from
particle-filled filaments used in this work. A higher z-offset can lead to Graphite-PA6 that had their strong axis along the thermal testing di­
weaker inter-layer and intra-layer welding in the first few layers. Given rection exhibited a thermal conductivity of 2.51 W/m⋅K, while the
the flow rate was held constant and the same amount of material was weak-axis samples tested at 0.56 W/m⋅K. Therefore, the strong axis
extruded every time, a calculated print density percentage, φ, was orientation was 348 % greater than the weak axis orientation.
determined based on the designed volume of the printed part, Vd , rela­
tive to the actual volume of the printed part, Va , as changed by the z-

Fig. 5. a) Schematics and scanning electron micrographs of printed specimen cross-sections printed with different φ values. b) Plotting of the weak axis thermal
conductivity of samples with different φ values. c) Schematic of weak axis and strong axis TIM measurement. d) Measured thermal conductivity for weak axis and
strong axis samples for Cu-PLA and Graphite-PA6. Graphite-PA6 exhibits large anisotropy.

D.J. Braconnier et al. Additive Manufacturing 89 (2024) 104265

3.3. Effect of annealing conditions on thermal conductivity thermal conductivity from as-printed values toward hot-rolled values.
Further, annealing at the temperatures considered here did not lead to
To uncover the effect that various annealing conditions have on the measurable changes in geometry due to effects like thermal sagging.
thermal conductivity of printed parts, a design of experiments was
created that included several annealing temperatures and times for both 3.4. Effect of crystallinity on thermal conductivity
Cu-PLA and Graphite-PA6 printed parts. Anneal temperatures of 100 ℃,
135 ℃, and 170 ℃ were investigated with annealing times ranging from Both the PLA and the PA6 matrices within each of the composites
0 to 14 hours. For consistency all sample sets were printed with a z-offset herein are semi-crystalline. As represented in Fig. 7a, crystallites have
that corresponded to a calculated part density of 100 % and in the weak been shown to improve transfer of phonons relative to amorphous
axis orientation. The weak axis orientation is used for easier printing and polymers by increasing the order and the rigidity of atomic bonds
faster iteration. Across all conditions tested, annealing at 135 ℃ for through a material. Crystallinity in the tested TCPCs can be tuned by
6 hours produced the most compelling microstructural changes in both bringing the part temperature toward Tm and then either cooling slowly
Cu-PLA and Graphite-PA6. All annealing results are provided with dis­ to maximize the formation of crystallites or cooling fast to minimize
cussion in Supplementary Information. For the case of 135 ℃, the crystallite formation. Crystallinity was considered first for hot-rolled Cu-
microstructure of Cu-PLA and Graphite-PA6 4-layer print samples pre- PLA samples to isolate the variable of crystallinity from the effects of
and post-annealing were cross-sectioned and imaged with SEM as shown printing and filler anisotropy. Fig. 7b shows the resulting thermal con­
in Fig. 6. Interfaces (circled in red) are shown to decrease in severity ductivity of hot-rolled Cu-PLA samples (all at 50 vol% Cu isotropic filler)
with increased annealing time. with different levels of crystallinity (diamonds) plotted over Lewis-
Cu-PLA samples annealed at 135 ℃ for 6 hours experienced an in­ Nielsen percolation models (L-N, solid lines) for each recorded crystal­
crease in weak-axis thermal conductivity to a saturated value of 0.85 W/ linity (Xc) value (see Supplementary Information for details). Lewis-
m⋅K, which represents a 29 % increase from the as-printed weak axis Nielsen models can show the role that percolation plays in thermal
conductivity (0.66 W/m•K). Further annealing to 14 hours produced no conductivity relative to effective medium theory models (e.g. the
further measurable increase. A similar trend was observed for Graphite- Maxwell model, dashed line) [29,30]. The crystallinity of each sample
PA6 samples. The weak-axis thermal conductivity of Graphite-PA6 set was determined with DSC according to Eq. 1. Plotting the PLA matrix
samples annealed at 135 ℃ for 6 hours increase from 0.58 W/m⋅K to crystallinity in these hot-rolled samples against the composite thermal
0.66 W/m⋅K, which represents a 14 % increase. For comparison, hot- conductivity, as shown in Fig. 7c, further highlights the positive corre­
rolled samples were also produced (described in Section 2.3) to under­ lation that increasing crystallinity has on composite thermal conduc­
stand thermal conductivities of samples without print interfaces. Both tivity. To determine if these correlations also exist in printed specimens
material types have hot-rolled thermal conductivities well above the that have interlayer interfaces, weak axis Cu-PLA and Graphite-PA6
measured values for printed specimens. Cu-PLA hot-rolled specimens prints across all tested annealing conditions were characterized for
measured 42 % larger than printed and annealed Cu-PLA specimens. crystallinity and thermal conductivity and are plotted in Fig. 7d. There is
Graphite-PA6 hot-rolled specimens measured 27 % higher than printed a positive correlation between crystallinity and thermal conductivity
and annealed Graphite-PA6 specimens. Although printed samples do not across all weak-axis printed samples for both Cu-PLA and Graphite-PA6.
match or exceed hot-rolled conductivity, annealing appears to improve Considering this data for printed Cu-PLA, Lewis-Nielsen behavior was

Fig. 6. a) Schematic depicting how annealing at a temperature well above the Tg and below the Tm of the TCPC matrix can heal many inter-layer and intra-layer
interfaces. b) Scanning electron micrographs of printed specimen cross-sections to reveal existence of inter-layer interfaces (circled in red; dark regions that are
not circled are cavities from particles that were extracted during polishing). Inter-layer interfaces decrease in severity with increased annealing time at 135 ◦ C for
both Cu-PLA and Graphite-PA6. c) TIM measurements were conducted at 0 hr, 2 hr, and 6 hr marks during the annealing process. The thermal conductivity of both
Cu-PLA and Graphite-PA6 subjected to annealing was found to increase from as-printed values, but remain below hot-rolled values.

D.J. Braconnier et al. Additive Manufacturing 89 (2024) 104265

Fig. 7. a) Schematic comparing bonding schemes in regions of amorphous (less ordered bonds) and crystalline (ordered, stiffer bonds) TCPC matrix that affect the
efficiency of the phononic transfer of heat. b) Thermal conductivity of hot-rolled Cu-PLA post-processed with different cooling rates to achieve variations in crys­
tallinity (diamonds) plotted against Lewis-Nielsen percolation models (solid lines). c) Fixing the volume fraction of Cu particles at 50 vol%, the increasing thermal
conductivity of samples with higher crystallinity also follows the Lewis-Nielsen percolation model. d) Plotting the thermal conductivity and percent crystallinity of
weak axis samples subjected to several annealing conditions reveals a positive correlation despite the existence of interlayer interfaces, n=4. e) Comparison between
weak axis and strong axis prints for Cu-PLA and Graphite-PA6 samples which exhibit maximum crystallinity achieved through very slow cooling rates.

Fig. 8. Performance testing of FFF printed heat sinks under passive and active cooling. A machined aluminum heatsink is also tested as a comparison. The best
performing FFF printed heat sink made of strong axis Graphite-PA6 reached equilibrium temperatures less than 5 ℃ over the aluminum heat sink for the tested
heating load. The temperature reached without a heat sink is shown by the dotted line (n=3).

D.J. Braconnier et al. Additive Manufacturing 89 (2024) 104265

not evident. Despite post-treatments that increase crystallinity in printed of thermally post-processed Graphite-PA6 heat sinks with strong axis
Cu-PLA samples to nearly 50 %, weak axis conductivity remained below orientation were within 11 % of the measured temperature rise of the
1 W/m⋅K. When compared with the higher conductivities measured for machined aluminum heat sink.
hot-rolled Cu-PLA, these results supported earlier observations that in­
terfaces and voids in printed samples strongly limit composite conduc­ 4. Discussion
tivity (seen in Fig. 6).
Next, the effect of part orientation coupled with high crystallinity 4.1. Effects of filler in FFF filaments
was investigated. Weak axis and strong axis parts were printed,
annealed, and subjected to a final slow cooling rate to produce In this work, two commercial filament materials were investigated
maximum crystallinity (Fig. 7e). Strong-axis Cu-PLA parts exhibited that both contained ~50 vol% of particle filler. Previous work has
0.87 W/m⋅K, while the most crystalline weak axis Cu-PLA parts ach­ established that the volume percent of filler has a large effect on thermal
ieved 0.85 W/m•K. This nominal change was a stark difference from the conductivity, with higher volume fractions of filler leading to higher
effect observed in Graphite-PA6. Weak axis Graphite-PA6 samples with thermal conductivity. At lower volume fractions, thermal conductivity
maximum crystallinities of ~60 %, exhibited thermal conductivities of with isotropic fillers such as the Cu particles in Cu-PLA increases with
0.68 W/m⋅K. Instead, strong-axis Graphite-PA6 samples that were volume fraction according to effective medium theory models (e.g. the
slowly cooled exhibited thermal conductivities of 6.36 W/m⋅K. This Maxwell model). These models do not incorporate percolation and are
strong axis value is 9.35 times (or +835 %) the weak axis value. This not considered valid above ~30 vol% filler. Instead, the Lewis-Nielsen
value rivals common commercial thermal pastes used in thermal man­ model has been implemented to incorporate percolation as particles
agement devices [31]. Further, this measured value is well-above the approach close-packed configurations. The outcomes of these two
supplied commercial technical data sheet for these printed parts [32]. models are shown against the hot-rolled Cu-PLA sample conductivity in
Fig. 7b (assuming the copper particles have a conductivity of 400 W/
3.5. Performance testing of FFF printed heat sinks m⋅K and the PLA has an amorphous conductivity of 0.18 W/m⋅K and a
crystallite conductivity of 0.91 W/m⋅K). Comparing this effective me­
To assess material performance in a relevant application test, 5-fin dium theory prediction to the measured hot-rolled Cu-PLA values sug­
heatsink geometries of both Cu-PLA and Graphite-PA6 were printed in gest that percolation is occurring in the Cu-PLA system and is better
both strong axis and weak axis print orientations (shown schematically described by a Nielsen model that incorporates a percolation condition
in Fig. 4) with printed part results shown in two orientations in Fig. 8. near the maximum packing fraction for the given particle geometry (see
The heat sinks printed with both Cu-PLA and Graphite-PA6 exhibited Supplementary Information for detailed calculations and assumptions).
geometries of satisfactory accuracy relative to the designed geometry. This suggests that the Cu-PLA system was formulated near the percola­
As is commonly observed, the FFF printed heat sinks showed striated tion threshold. Of note, rheology responds in non-linear ways around the
texturing from the print beads along the print direction. Each of the percolation threshold, with particle jamming and interactions signifi­
weak axis and strong axis printed heatsinks were tested both in the as- cantly increasing molten filament viscosities. Such dependencies create
printed state and after thermal post-processing in which the heat sinks a relatively small design window to produce printable and highly filled
were annealed and slow-cooled to maximize crystallinity, as explained FFF filaments likely resulting in similar commercial offerings despite
in the previous sections. Of note, no changes to part geometry, including disparate particle morphologies. The comparison of the Lewis-Nielsen
shrinkage or warpage, were observed during the annealing process, model was limited to the Cu-PLA system as the particle anisotropy of
which has been previously noted for injection molded parts [33]. In the graphite flakes within the Graphite-PA6 introduces additional pa­
addition, a test run with an extruded aluminum heatsink of the same rameters within the Lewis-Nielsen model that require systematic vali­
shape and dimensions was considered. The aluminum heatsink exhibi­ dation not possible with a commercial material system. Likely, a
ted a surface waviness that approximated the striated texturing of the combination of phenomena (discussed below) is required to explain the
FFF printed heat sinks. strong increase in thermal conductivity of the strong axis Graphite-PA6
All heatsink performances were measured with the procedure system.
detailed in Section 2.5 and are shown in Fig. 8. Across all tested heat Similar particle loading in the two filaments was somewhat seren­
sinks, clear trends were observed between the measured intrinsic ther­ dipitous allowing for a more direct comparison of the role played by
mal conductivity of the material and the maximum temperature rise particle morphology. As seen in Fig. 5d, a clear difference between the
measured between the heating element and the heat sink. Temperature two commercial filaments lies in the strongly anisotropic nature of the
rise is reported in degrees Kelvin above ambient. The machined graphitic flake based Graphite-PA6 system relative to the isotropic na­
aluminum heat sink with an intrinsic thermal conductivity of 237 W/ ture of the Cu-PLA system containing spherical copper particles. Two-
m⋅K achieved the lowest temperature rise of ΔT = +48K with the dimensional fillers align along the print direction in the shear flows
convective cooling fan turned off and ΔT = +28K with the convective characteristic of the extrusion in the FFF process both in the nozzle and
cooling fan turned on. CU-PLA heat sinks in strong and weak axis ori­ between the nozzle and the prior print layer [34,35]. In such a shear
entations exhibited temperature rises of around ΔT = +59K with the flow, flakes will experience a fluidic velocity gradient across their sur­
convective cooling fan turned off for all print orientations in as-printed face. By orienting the flake’s long axis perpendicular to this gradient
and post-processed configurations. These CU-PLA heat sinks achieved (and parallel to the flow direction), the hydrodynamic energy is mini­
reduced ΔT’s between +42K and + 44K, with the convective cooling mized [36]. Though the small velocity gradient that remains leads to
fan turned on. Graphite-PA6 heat sink performance tests appeared to occasional particle tumbles known as Jeffrey orbits [37], the
depend strongly on print orientation. In the weak axis orientation, both time-averaged orientation of the flakes remains predominantly aligned
as-printed and thermally post-processed Graphite-PA6 heat sinks with the flow direction. Thus, the long axes of the graphitic flakes will be
exhibited a ΔT ≈ +65K with the convective cooling fan turned off and mostly oriented along the print direction. This anisotropic orientation
ΔT ≈ +52K with the convective cooling fan turned on. In comparison, during the printing process is compounded with the intrinsic anisotropy
as-printed Graphite-PA6 heat sinks in the strong axis orientation of the graphitic flakes which showcase ~2000 W/m⋅K thermal con­
exhibited a ΔT ≈ +51K with the convective cooling fan turned off and ductivity along the basal plane (along the long axis, [38]) and over two
ΔT ≈ +34K with the convective cooling fan turned on. These temper­ orders of magnitude less conductivity through the basal plane. The
ature rises were further reduced upon thermal post-processing of the coupled orientation of the flakes with the high intrinsic conductivity of
Graphite-PA6 heat sinks down to ΔT ≈ +50K and ΔT ≈ +31K with and the basal plane produces a high thermal conductivity in the strong axis
without the convective fan, respectively. These lower temperature rises and a relatively modest thermal conductivity in the weak axis. Another

D.J. Braconnier et al. Additive Manufacturing 89 (2024) 104265

contributing factor here is the role of interlayer interfaces (discussed isotropic thermal conductivity for the printed part. However, the effect
below). Meanwhile, in the Cu-PLA system, the spherical copper particles of crystallization on thermal conductivity within the printed Cu-PLA
are less likely to show orientability within shear flows. Further, the system was relatively small, especially in comparison to the higher
copper particles themselves are generally polycrystalline showcasing an conductivities of the hot-rolled specimen. This lower effect of crystal­
intrinsic thermal conductivity that is isotropic. Despite the printing linity on the thermal conductivity of printed Cu-PLA was likely due to
process creating anisotropy in interlayer interfaces along the heat flow the creation of micro-porosity during the printing process which would
direction, both the weak and strong axes of the Cu-PLA system measure limit percolation and increase thermal resistances.
similarly. The strong axis measurements of Graphite-PA6 show something
remarkably different. Annealed Graphite-PA6 parts that were slow-
4.2. Effects of inter-layer and intra-layer interfaces from FFF process cooled at − 1 ℃/min from 135 ℃ to increase the formation of crystal­
lites within the polymeric matrix exhibited strong axis thermal con­
Poor printing conditions can result in significant porosity and ductivities of 6.36 W/m⋅K. Likely, the crystallites are forming local to
increased resistance, especially along inter-layer interfaces. These con­ the particle-polymer interface, allowing for a more effective phononic
ditions can be seen in the samples with low calculated print density transition from the basal planes of the particles or the crystallites are
percentage (φ) in Fig. 5b and in comparing Figs. 1a and 1b. Optimizing serving as a phononic bridge between the sidewalls of neighboring
printing conditions can reduce the thermal resistance of these inter-layer particles. Post-annealing followed by a slow-cooling step is easy to
interfaces and increase thermal conductivity of printed parts even by implement and can achieve thermal conductivities even above the
30–50 %. Even with tuned printing conditions, inter-layer and intra- manufacturer listed values.
layer interfaces will remain. As shown in Fig. 1, the orientation of a Though crystallinity improves thermal conductivity, the FFF printing
part during the FFF process changes the amount of inter-layer and/or process instills cooling rates that are too fast to encourage the growth of
intra-layer interfaces which affects the thermal conductivity of the end crystallites. Analyzing the measured crystallinity of the as-printed parts
part. The role of inter-layer interfaces can be investigated by considering in Table 1, shows that both Cu-PLA and Graphite-PA6, as-printed parts
the weak axis orientation (maximum inter-layer interfaces) compared to exhibit reduced levels of crystallization as compared to slowly cooled
the strong axis orientation (minimum inter-layer interfaces). For the Cu- melts of these materials. Cu-PLA likely undergoes a cooling rate between
PLA, as seen in Fig. 5d, there was a surprisingly small effect with the − 1 ℃/min and − 20 ℃/min during the print process and allows for some
strong axis only exhibiting a 31 % increased thermal conductivity formation of spherulites, consistent with prior work on PLA [20,45,46].
relative to the weak axis. The role of inter-layer interfaces was obfus­ The reduced crystallinity in as-printed Graphite-PA6 suggests that the
cated in the Graphite-PA6 system since the orientation of the graphitic cooling rate experienced by the extrudate during printing was poten­
flakes was coupled to the thermal conductivity as described above. tially faster than − 20 ℃/min, which could be in part due to the high
The role of inter-layer interfaces can be further understood by strong axis thermal conductivity of the Graphite-PA6 that would pull
considering the hot-rolled and annealing results in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. The heat quickly through the extrudate dropping the temperature quickly.
hot-rolled values represent the ceiling value of weak axis thermal con­ Without subsequent annealing and slow-cooling steps, parts made from
ductivity when no inter-layer interfaces exist. These values are well Graphite-PA6 would not exhibit properties consistent with those re­
above the achieved printed and annealed weak axis values suggesting ported in Fig. 7e. The thermal conductivity of a printed part can be
that inter-layer and intra-layer resistances exist across all printed spec­ dramatically improved by conducting a facile annealing and slow
imens even after annealing. Still, annealing below Tm led to a reduction cooling post-process. Using a controlled cooling rate to enhance the
in voids (as evidenced in Fig. 6b) and increases the weak axis thermal thermal conductivity of a TCPC part appears to be an underappreciated
conductivity of a printed part by 29 % and 14 % for Cu-PLA and yet facile approach in the field.
Graphite-PA6, respectively. The added step of annealing parts is In considering formulations for next generation TCPCs, crystallinity
straight-forward and requires simple ovens, making this a valuable step should be a primary consideration. Selecting polymer grades that have
for many implementations. Annealing above Tm, further reduces the high inherent crystallinity, or formulating with additives to enhance
inter-layer and intra-layer interfacial resistances, but also results in crystallinity, are strategies that could further enhance conductivity. In
thermal sagging, as shown in Fig. 1d, resulting in major loss to geometric fact, the conductive particles themselves, particularly faceted particles
accuracy. Stabilizing printed parts during annealing above Tm may be a like graphite, might also encourage polymer crystallization or be func­
fruitful research direction that parallels prior studies focused on me­ tionalized to encourage polymeric crystallization (consistent with pre­
chanical outcomes that implemented shells or dual-material filaments vious work [47]). In all cases, post-processing is essential and printed
[39–42]. parts should be annealed and slow cooled to improve part thermal
4.3. Effects of crystallinity
4.4. Practical implications for thermal engineering
Polycrystalline thermoplastic polymers like PLA and PA6 form
crystallites depending on the thermal processing of these materials. FFF In this work, the process-structure-property learnings were applied
printing delivers a complex thermal process to polycrystalline thermo­ to produce TCPC heat sinks with FFF that could be measured for per­
plastic polymers that can drive anisotropy and heterogeneity in crys­ formance. Through tuning the printing process, designing the print
tallinity [43]. Prior work has demonstrated statistical but nominal paths relative to the part geometry, and conducting optimized thermal
improvements to the thermal conductivity of PLA and PA6 by increasing post-processing, application-relevant heat sinks were produced as
the amounts of crystallinity in these systems [17,18,44]. As seen in shown in Fig. 8. For this design problem, the resulting ΔT for the top-
Fig. 7d, the weak axis thermal conductivity of the Cu-PLA system performing printed heat sink was within a few degrees of a machined
increased by ~20 % as the crystallinity content went from ~5 % to aluminum heat sink. This result is particularly impressive considering
~50 %. Such an increase can be predicted using effective medium the­ that the printed heat sink was 44 % lighter than the aluminum heat sink.
ory models. Similarly, the weak-axis of the PA6 system increased by In addition, because of the geometric freedom afforded by additive
~15 % as crystallinity content went from 32 % to 58 %, consistent with manufacturing, heat sinks produced via FFF could likely outperform the
prior findings. In both cases, the crystallites appear to be increasing the aluminum heat sink if the fins were topologically designed in more
thermal conductivity as a bulk effect, and not creating percolation or efficient geometries. FFF heatsinks can be comprised from lattice
reducing phononic dispersion at particle-matrix interfaces. A similar structures including protrusions with narrowing fin thicknesses or fine
trend holds for the strong axis Cu-PLA measurement showcasing an holes and hollows within the structure to promote convective heat

D.J. Braconnier et al. Additive Manufacturing 89 (2024) 104265

transfer. Many of these features would be challenging to implement in Acknowledgements

machined aluminum or would add significant cost to fabrication.
Meanwhile FFF can produce geometric complexity with no additional We would like to give special thanks to Sandra Chai, Isabella Ste­
costs provided the geometry follows the required design guidelines of panek, and Evan Toth for their help with creating and testing TIM
the FFF platform. samples. We would like to thank In-Chul Yeh for providing the PLA
crystallite conductivity value from molecular dynamics simulations.
5. Conclusions Research was sponsored by the Army Research Office under Cooperative
Agreement Number W911NF-22–2–0261 and by the DEVCOM Army
In this work, we uncover key process, structure, property relation­ Research Laboratory Cooperative Agreement W911NF-20–2–0024. The
ships in the fused filament fabrication (FFF) of thermally conductive views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the au­
polymer composites that can be tuned to improve the abilities of this thors and should not be interpreted as representing the official policies,
manufacturing method and of these composite materials to help address either expressed or implied, of the Army Research Office or the U.S.
thermal management challenges in industry. We relied on two disparate Government. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and
off-the-shelf FFF filaments that exhibited high thermal conductivity and distribute reprints for Government purposes notwithstanding any
low batch-to-batch variability. A strong dependency on print quality and copyright notation herein.
print orientation was shown to affect structural morphologies and
resultant thermal conductivities within the FFF parts. With optimized Appendix A. Supporting information
printing parameters, the function of low temperature (< Tm , melt tem­
perature) annealing was demonstrated to partially heal inter-layer and Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the
intra-layer defects. Further, the role of crystallinity within the polymeric online version at doi:10.1016/j.addma.2024.104265.
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