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UNDERSTANDING THE SELF Viktor Frankl’s Book: Man’s Search for Meaning

Spiritual Self -he shared his experiences in the Nazi Concentration Camp
-he explained how a prisoner passes through Three (3) Major
How does spirituality influence on individual? Phases when they undergo suffering
 Acts of Faith 1. State of Shock-state of being so disturbed
 Hope 2. Develops Apathy-blunting of the emotions; feeling that one
 Love could not care anymore; protective shell that numbs the
-The Spiritual Self Enables the person to experience a feeling 3. Depersonalization - state in which everything seemed
of oneness with a higher being and the universe and gives a unreal e.g. dream
deeper purpose or meaning of one's life
-Develops through interaction, observation, and imitation -Wrote that those who found some meaning were more likely
-Family, school, and church -- play a very important role in a to survive the camps and those who had lost their purpose
child's spiritual development. were almost certainly doomed
-His experiences led him to develop the "Basic Tenets of
Spiritual aspect of the self → inner essence Logotherapy" which is proved valid even amid all the dark
forces in human existence
What is Spirituality? -Concluded that inevitable human suffering could contribute
-Latin word spiritus-breath or life force to human achievement (Frankl to be able to publish a book)
-can be understood as the search for the Sacred ? and the search of meaning in life (Frankl to be able to find his
-generally refers to meaning and purpose in one's life, a purpose in living)
search for wholeness, and a relationship with a Transcendent
being. Logotherapy is the pursuit of human existence as well as on
-originally developed in "Early Christianity" man's search for such a meaning,
-Christians uses the term "SPIRIT" to describe the "HOLY -The striving to find a meaning in one's life is the primary
SPIRIT" motivational force in man
-One can discover the meaning of life in three different ways
Spirituality  By doing a deed (through achievements or
In Christian Ethics, Peschke (1994) describes that the accomplishments)
experience of the sacred is characterized so the  By experiencing a value (loving a person)
characterization of sacred is REVERENCE, FAITH, FEAR, TRUST,  By suffering (if there is purpose in life at all, there
LOVE, & ADMIRATION WHICH are intimately CONNECTED TO must be a purpose in suffering and in dying.)
WORSHIP- an ESSENTIAL ACT TO REALIZE the ultimate "He who has a why to live can bear almost any how"
meaning of transcendence and human life.
Spirituality is connected with Religion -Frankl further suggests that one should not search for an
RELIGION - an organized system of ideas about the spiritual abstract meaning of life. Everyone has his or her own specific
sphere or the supernatural along with associated ceremonial vocation or mission in life.
practices. -Each individual is questioned by life; and he or she can only
-all religion recognized the spirituality in one's life. answer to life by answering for his or her own life; to life he or
Spirituality and religions fulfill numerous social and she can only respond by being responsible.
psychological needs.
Search for the meaning of life -from Latin: anima, 'breath, spirit, life'
-The search for the meaning of Life pertains to the seeking of -originated in Africa, also the oldest of all religions ever. It is
what one's life as a whole really means. What purposes and very traditional.
objectives does it serve. -the belief that objects, places, and creatures all possess a
-It refers to the idea that individuals are deeply motivated to distinct spiritual essence.
explore meaning in their lives, understand the nature of their -perceives all things-animals, plants, rocks, rivers, weather
experience and feel it is significant and purposeful systems, human handiwork, and perhaps even words as
(IResearchNet, n.d). animated and alive.
-Life's meaning had been a task of artists, theologians and
philosophers. People would exert great effort and run errands What are good example of Animism?
in finding one. • Animism puts more emphasis on the uniqueness of each
-Abraham Maslow believed that through achieving self- individual soul. In pantheism, everything shares the same
actualization (highest level in the hierarchy) life's significance spiritual essence there are no distinct spirits and/or souls.
can be perceived and recognized

Examples of Animism can be seen in forms of

 Shinto
 Hinduism
 Buddhism
 Pantheism
 Paganism Neopaganism

Local Practices of Animism

-Beliefs about the sacred also include the primitive concept
about animism or the belief that creatures, objects, and
places possess certain spirits.
-Animism is also the belief that things and places are alive and
grounded by a supernatural order. In the Philippines,
indigenous people are known to practice Animism. Some
groups, for example, believe that the spirits of the sun, sky,
and moon are their gods and that different deities exist to
protect them and guide them toward a fruitful life.

Animism in others
Others believe that spirits inhabit animals and nature such as
trees, rocks, mountains, and bodies of water, among others,
and that respect must be given to them through acts of
worship (e,g offerings, prayers, sacrifices) to please or
appease them.
Being linked with folk belief, animism cultivates among people
a consciousness of the environment that they are in, thus
making them more mindful of how they act according to the
different things they come in contact with.
Math in the Modern World Candidate A = 12 = 12
Candidate B = 16 = 16
Candidate C= 8+10 = 18
THE VOTING SYSTEM Candidate D= 4 =4
Therefore, we can declare that using Plurality, Candidate C
Voting- is a tool used by groups of people in making a wins the election.
collective decision. It can be presented conveniently in terms
of an election system in which one can select a particular 3. Borda Count Method
candidate out of a set of candidates on the basis of ballots In this method, each candidate is assigned a weight according
cast by voters. to their rank in the preferences list. For n number of
-In a democratic country like the Philippines, voting is an candidates, the highest rank (the most favorite) will have n
exercise of rights and duties as citizens of the country. points and the lowest rank (the least favorite) will have 1
Filipinos vote in the local elections, national elections, reality point. The Borda count is the sum of these weights given to a
shows, and even small organizations. Any voting process candidate. The candidate who receives the highest Borda
starts with a voting for a candidate followed by the counting count will be declared the winner.
of votes and then declaring the winner of the election.
Example 3:
1. The Majority System Using the Borda count method, determine the winner in
The majority system is the common voting system applied to the preference list in Example 2.
an election with only two candidates. The winner in the
majority system requires more than half of the people voting
for an issue or a candidate. Majority means more than 50% of
the total voters or all the other votes combined.

Example 3: Solution
Using Borda Count, we have the ff. points for each candidate:

Example 1: Solution
a. Observe that 50% of 414 is 207. Since no one got more
than 207 votes, none of the candidates receive the majority
of the votes.
b. Candidate A receives the most number of votes, therefore,
we can declare that Candidate A wins the election.
Therefore, we can declare that Candidate C is the winner.
2. Plurality of Voting
For more than two candidates, it is possible that the one with 4. Plurality with Elimination
the most votes may not constitute a majority. In this case, the Plurality with elimination is a variation of the plurality method
winner of this election will be based on the plurality method in which the alternative choices of the voters are taken into
of voting. The winner by this method is the candidate with the consideration. The candidate with the fewest number of first-
most votes or most first-place votes for ranked candidates. In place votes is first eliminated. In case there are two
the plurality system, alternative choices are not considered. alternatives with the same lowest votes, then both are to be
eliminated. The remaining candidates are re-ranked with the
Example 2: assumption that voters' preferences do not change from
The result of an election with 4 candidates and 50 voters round to round.
are shown in the preference list below. Using the plurality
method of voting, which candidate wins this election? Example 4:
Answer Example 2 using the method of plurality with

Example 4: Solution
Example 2: Solution
Using Plurality, we have the following votes in each candidate,
Example 6: Solution
By Approval Voting system, we have the following votes in
Therefore, we can conclude that Candidate C wins the each candidate:
Harry Liam 5+3+4 = 12
5. The Top Two Runoff Method Liam =5+3 = 8
The two candidates with the most number of first-place votes Louis = 5+2 = 7
are removed from the preference list and are then re-ranked Niall =3+2+4 = 9
for a new preference list. The one with the higher first place
votes in the new preference list between these two
candidates will be declared the winner. The top two runoff Therefore, we can conclude that Harry wins the election.
method satisfies the majority criterion.

Example 5:
Apply the top two runoff method to the preference list
from Example 2.

Example 5: Solution

Therefore, we can conclude that Candidate C wins the


6. Approval Voting System

In this type of voting, a voter may choose more than one
option or candidate. Each vote coming from one voter will be
counted as one vote, and the one with the most number of
total votes will be declared the winner. For large elections,
approval voting may be considered a better method because
it measures the overall support for a candidate.

Example 6:
The members of a scholarship council have picked their
choices from the top 4 applicants for a scholarship. The
results are indicated in the table below.
GRAMMAR Gerund as Objects of preposition - gerund follows a
preposition * Kira is obsessed with texting.
VERBALS Gerund phrase * Kira is obsessed with texting her friends.
Verbals are a type of lexical category in English
grammar that includes the parts of speech that can be Gerund as Subject compliment - verb comes after a
derived from verbs. They are used in language to preposition
express actions, states, or conditions and are used in * He is good at observing people.
many different ways to modify other words in a
sentence. An infinitive is a verb form (often preceded by "to," e.g., "to
dance," "to sing") that can function as a noun, an adjective, or
Verbals are different from actual verbs in that they do not an adverb.
necessarily express action or state and they can be used in
places where verbs normally appear, they inflect or use a An infinitive as a noun:
helper verb to create new verbal forms. Some examples of To win was everything.
verbals in English include including: (The infinitive is the subject of "was.")
1. Infinitives (e.g., "to speak")
2. Gerunds (-ing form of the verb, e.g., speaking) An infinitive as an adjective:
3. Participles (-ed form of the verb, e.g., spoken) It is an appropriate saving to propose.
(The infinitive modifies "saving." This means it is functioning
Participles-a verbal is a word formed from a verb but as an adjective.)
functioning as a different part of speech. A participle is a
verbal that functions as an adjective. An infinitive as an adverb:
The man paid to watch.
Two kinds of participles: (The infinitive modifies the verb "paid." This means it is
A. Present participles, always ending in -ing. are created from functioning as an adverb.)
the form of a verb used with the verb to be (am, is, are, was,
were, been) A participle phrase is a combination of words, including a
B. Past participles, usually ending in -ed or -en, are created participle, modifier, and pronoun or noun phrases. It's action
from the form of a verb used with the verb to be as an receiver, and requires a comma at the start of a sentence or at
auxiliary verb (passive voice). the end.


Where is the boiling water? ("Boiling" is the present * Ex: Removing his coat, Jack rushed to the river.
participle of the verb "to boil." It is also functioning as an * Present Participle (removing) + Whole Sentence (Subject:
adjective.) Jack, Verb: rushed)
The participle phrase in this sentence is removing his coat,
Past Participle which is at the beginning of the sentence with a whole
Where is the broken chair? sentence following it so a comma is needed.
("Broken" is the past
participle of the verb "to break." In this example, it is WHOLE SENTENCE + PARTICIPLE PHRASE
functioning as an adjective.) * Ex: Delores noticed her cousin walking along the shoreline.
* Subject (Delores) + Verb (noticed) + Present Participle
A gerund is a verb in its present participle form (root verb + (walking)
"ing") that acts as a noun in a sentence. * The participle phrase in this sentence is walking along the
shoreline, which is at the end of the sentence so a comma is
Gerund as a Subject gerund performing the action in the not needed.
sentence Reading became my favorite hobby.
Gerund phrase * Reading romance novels became my WHY ARE VERBALS IMPORTANT?
favorite hobby. Verbals enrich language by enabling verbs to take on various
grammatical forms, each serving distinct functions.
Gerund as Direct Object - gerund receives the action in the Proficiency in understanding and using verbals is essential for
sentence * The team practiced kicking. clear, precise, and expressive communication, contributing
Gerund phrase * The team practiced kicking from the sideline. significantly to the subtleties and eloquence of language, and
is thus indispensable in both effective communication and
Gerund as Indirect Object - specifies who, whom, or what the creative writing.
action is aimed at * I made learning my priority.
Gerund phrase * I prioritized learning for the exam.

 much bigger place
Types of prepositions Example:
 At the library
 Simple prepositions  On the wall
 Compound prepositions  In a room
 Phrase prepositions  Stars are above the sky
 Preposition of time
 Preposition of place Preposition of Direction
 Preposition of direction -It indicates that something is headed for or directed to
 Preposition of agent somewhere.
-Preposition of Direction: towards, into, up, across, around
A preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or -Used for: expressing a direction Example: He swarm across
phrases to other words within a sentence. They act to connect the river. The store is right up the road
the people, objects, time and locations of a sentence.
Preposition is a word that expresses relationship of noun or Preposition of Agent
pronoun to other words of sentence. (e.g. in, of, to, at, by, for, -It is used for a thing which is cause of another thing in the
with, under, above, onto, upon, about, etc) sentence
Preposition usually describe the position of something, the Preposition of Agent: by
time when something happens and the way in which Used for:
something is done.  how something has been done.
 how somebody commutes.
Simple Preposition Example:
-Preposition that consist of one word. Examples: At, by, for,  Manufactured by machine.
from, in, of, off on, out, through, till, to,up, with, under.  She is playing with her brother
 The paper is on my desk.
 Rita wasn’t at home yesterday. QUESTION TRANSFORMATION
 There are kites in the sky.
 They were sitting by the tree. • Question transformation pertains to the process of changing
a sentence from one form, such as a declarative sentence (a
Compound Preposition statement), into an interrogative question). Sentence (a
-It is formed by prefixing a preposition to a Noun, an Adjective question)It is typically achieved by altering the word order or
or an Adverb. adding question words (e.g., who, what, when, where, why,
Examples: About, along, admist, before, behind. beside, how) to the sentence.
inside, within.
 These trees are lined up along the road. WHAT IS ITS FUNCTION?
 This article is about computers • It makes the structure of your writing look better, to sound
Phrase Preposition • It increases the consistency, clarity, and content readability
-It is a group of words used with force of a single preposition. of academic writing.
Examples: According to, along with, in palce of, etc. • It turn the statement into a question to seek information or
 The word was done according to her instructions. clarification
 Kumar was arrested along with his friends
Preposition of Time 1. Gathering information
It explains at what point of time did an event occur. 2. Yes/no questions
Preposition of Time: at, on, in 3. Wh-questions
Used for: specific time, days/dates for longer periods of time 4. Tag questions
duration 5. Indirect questions
Example: 6. Reported speech
 The shop closes at midnight. 7. Embedded questions
 In England it often snows in December. 8. Alternative questions
-It can be used to show where something is located. INTO A QUESTION
Preposition of Place: at, on, in, above Changing Word Order: create a question by inverting the
Used for: subject and the auxiliary verb (or "helping verb").
 specific place For example:
 referring to a area of surface Statement: She is going to the store. Question: Is she going to
 a place with boundary the store?
Adding Question Words: You can introduce question words to
the sentence to create questions that seek specific
For example:
Statement: He ate lunch.
Question: What did he eat for lunch?



Using Question Tags: Question tags are short phrases added

to the end of a sentence to turn it into a question. They often
involve the us auxiliary verbs.

For example:8-10/25
Statement: You like pizza, don't you? Question: You like pizza,

Changing the Verb Tense: In some cases, changing the tense

of the verb can transform o statement into a question.
For example:
Statement: They will go to the party. Question: Will they go to
the party?

Using Modal Verbs: Modal verbs like "can," "will," "should,"

"would," etc., are often used at the beginning of a sentence to
form questions. For example:
Statement: She can swim. Question: Can she swim?

Rephrasing with "Do" or "Does": In simple present tense,

questions often start with "do" or "does."
For example:
Statement: They play tennis. Question: Do they play tennis?
"Be" verb- It describes states of existence.
To create a question using the "be" verb, you have to change
the word order. Switch the position of the subject and the
"be" verb.
You are a student.
She is German.
Are you a student?
Is she German?
Question using " action words or verbs"- utilize and answers
the WH question

Question using " action words or verbs"- utilize and

answers the WH question (what, when, where, who)
Example: Anna is leaving. Who is leaving?
I'm leaving tomorrow. Who's leaving tomorrow?

• In yes/no question formation, the sentence order is often
inverted, and an auxiliary
verb is added before the subject. For example, "He is
studying" becomes "Is he studying?"

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