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Grade 8 Natural Sciences

▪By the end of the lesson learners must know

what mixtures are and provide examples of
▪By the end of the lesson learners must know
the different ways of separating a mixture
▪In grade 7 you learned that a mixture is a
combination of two or more materials
▪You also learned about pure substances and
▪Elements are made up of one kind of atom
▪Compounds are made up of two or more
elements that are chemically combined in a
fixed ratio
▪ Mixtures are defined as substances that are made
up of two or more different pure substances that
are physically combined.
▪ In mixtures we find both elements and compounds.
▪ Unlike compounds, which are chemically bonded,
mixtures retain their individual properties and can
be separated by physical means.
▪ Examples are the air around us has many elements
and compounds, sea water is made of water and
different salts and fruit which contains sugars, water
and vitamins
▪ A mixture can be separated into separate
substances by physical means. Separation by
physical means is separation by hand or with a tool.
▪ Separation techniques are:
a) Hand sorting
b) Sieving
c) Filtration
d) Evaporation
e) Distillation
f) Chromatography
▪How would you separate the mixture of beads
in the image below into different colours?
▪ Filtration is a good method for ▪ Sieving is a suitable separation
separating an undissolved solid method when the pieces are
from a liquid sized differently
▪ We can sieve the mixture, small particles
• Muddy water is will fall through the openings in the sieve
while larger particles stay behind
poured through
a funnel lined
with filter paper
to remove the
small sand clay
▪ Evaporation is a suitable method for
removing a liquid from a solid
▪ In saltwater, salt is dissolved in water. By
heating the saltwater, the water evaporates,
leaving behind the salt.
▪ Distillation is a suitable ▪Chromatography is
method for separating two
liquids with different
a good method for
boiling points e.g. mixture separating coloured
of oil and vinegar can be pigments from each
separated by distillation. other.
▪ By heating a mixture, the
component with the lowest
boiling point vaporizes first,
then condenses back into a
liquid, leaving behind the
higher boiling point

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