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70, 2021 8001314

Sensor-Fusion and Tracking Method for Indoor

Vehicles With Low-Density UHF-RFID Tags
Andrea Motroni , Member, IEEE, Alice Buffi , Member, IEEE, Paolo Nepa , Senior Member, IEEE,
and Bernardo Tellini , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract— This article presents a novel sensor-fusion method solutions for vehicle tracking exploit the satellite navigation
for indoor vehicle tracking. The phase of the signals backscat- systems, for example, global positioning system (GPS) and
tered by a set of Ultra High Frequency-Radio Frequency Iden- other global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs).
tification (UHF-RFID) reference tags spread in the scenario is
combined with the information acquired by on-board low-cost However, the signal attenuation due to the building walls
kinematic sensors. The RFID data are acquired by the on-board hardly limits their employment in indoor scenarios. In this
reader, during the relative motion of the vehicle with respect context, several alternative solutions have been proposed to
to the static reference tags, by resembling a synthetic-array develop indoor positioning systems (IPSs) that are specific for
approach, with an advantageous reduction of the reference-tag autonomous vehicles [6].
spatial density. In particular, such phase samples are combined
with the kinematic data collected by odometers, through a A detailed state-of-the-art analysis discussing the main
sensor-fusion approach. The method capability is investigated features of the different technologies together with their critical
through a numerical analysis that accounts for the main sys- issues can be found in [7]. Classical solutions are based on
tem parameters. Then, the tracking capability is demonstrated computer vision, ultrasounds, magnetic fields, and laser imag-
through a measurement campaign in a laboratory test set with a ing detection and ranging (LIDAR) [7]–[11]. More recently, a
UHF-RFID robot prototype equipped with commercial encoders.
Experimental results show an average localization error of widespread variety of radio frequency (RF) technologies such
centimeter order in the estimation of medium-length trajectories as Wi-Fi, ZigBee, Bluetooth, UltraWide-Band (UWB), and RF
by employing only two reference tags in a relatively small area. identification (RFID) have been proposed [12]–[16]. Generally
The proposed method does not need for any calibration procedure speaking, radio waves are more robust to the presence of obsta-
and can be implemented by commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) cles and they can guarantee good performance in dynamic and
crowded environments, such as shops or warehouses, where
Index Terms— Radio frequency identification (RFID) appli- the continuous motion of people or objects could interfere on
cations, RFID localization, RFID robot, RFID vehicle, robot the vehicle tracking based on LIDAR or cameras, the latter
localization, synthetic aperture radar, tag localization, ultra-
high frequency (UHF)-RFID position measurement, vehicle being also prone to privacy issues.
tracking. In such framework, passive RFID systems represent a
valuable solution, thanks to their low cost, easy deployment,
I. I NTRODUCTION and maintenance [17], [18]. Furthermore, if the vehicle is
already equipped with the RFID reader for inventory pur-
N OWADAYS, the localization of mobile devices, agents,
robots, and people has gained increasing attention to
develop solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT) and the
poses [19]–[21], it can also be exploited for the vehicle self-
localization, with no additional hardware and then reducing
Industrial IoT (IIoT) paradigms [1]–[3]. Indeed, location the total cost of the tracking infrastructure. When phase-based
awareness represents an enabling feature for a lot of social and methods are implemented [22], a RFID tracking system allows
industrial applications [4], [5]. In outdoor scenarios, typical to get a centimeter order localization error similar to the one
achieved by UWB nodes with reduced costs. Indeed, despite
Manuscript received June 22, 2020; accepted September 20, 2020. Date UWB devices allow to cover larger areas with less reference
of publication September 30, 2020; date of current version January 5, 2021. anchors, only additional passive RFID tags are required as
This work was supported in part by the University of Pisa within the Project
AURORA of the “Bando Dimostratori Tecnologici” (D.R 1528, September 13, passive beacons if the robot is already equipped with RFID
2018), in part by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research (MIUR) hardware for inventory purposes. They are low-cost devices,
in the framework of the CrossLab Project (Departments of Excellence), which do not require for batteries or any other powering
and in part by the University of Pisa under the PRA 2018–2019 Research
Project “CONCEPT—COmmunication and Networking for vehicular CybEr- sources. Thus, they can be easily installed all around the
Physical sysTems.” The Associate Editor coordinating the review process was application scenario, with a spatial density depending on the
Yuan Gao. (Corresponding author: Alice Buffi.) expected tracking performance. The analysis of the RFID-
Andrea Motroni and Paolo Nepa are with the Department of Infor-
mation Engineering, University of Pisa, Pisa 56122, Italy (e-mail: based tracking systems [23]–[43] is better described later in; the next section.
Alice Buffi and Bernardo Tellini are with the Department of Energy, Recently, the authors of this article patented a novel
Systems, Territory and Constructions Engineering, University of Pisa, Pisa
56122, Italy (e-mail:; RFID phase-based method for vehicle tracking [44]. The
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIM.2020.3027926 method combines the phase of the signals backscattered by
1557-9662 © 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Pisa. Downloaded on August 29,2022 at 19:53:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

the Ultra-High Frequency (UHF)-RFID reference tags with to the widespread utilization of such identification technology
some kinematic data, through sensor-fusion techniques. Phase that can guarantee much larger reading ranges (up to 10 m).
samples can be collected during the relative motion of the Beyond the tag detection information [25], [26], the ampli-
robot-mounted RFID antenna with respect to the reference tude [27] and the phase [22] of the tag backscattered signal
tags, by resembling a synthetic-array approach [45], [46]. can be both employed for localization purposes. The signal
A preliminary numerical analysis was proposed in [47]. amplitude is commonly measured through the received signal
The method is mainly proposed to face with the problem of strength indicator (RSSI). Performance of RSSI-based solu-
the robot self-localization, when the latter is already equipped tions depends on the typology of the reference tags, and they
with an RFID reader for inventory purposes. Thus, the cost require time-consuming calibration procedures, which should
of the tracking systems is mainly given by the reference-tag be repeated anytime some changes occur in the scenario.
deployment. In complex scenarios, where strong reflections On the other hand, phase-based localization methods typically
and obstructions may occur, due to the presence of metallic allow for a better localization accuracy, and they are more
shelves or other obstacles, the proposed UHF-RFID tracking robust to the multipath propagation phenomena with respect
system still guarantees good performance especially thanks to to the amplitude-based methods, as described in [28]. Phase-
the exploitation of the robot movement which significantly based localization requires a coherent RFID receiver, which
mitigates shadowing and multipath effects. On the contrary, is employed in most commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) UHF-
UWB systems operating at frequencies greater than 1 GHz RFID readers. It is noteworthy that phase measurements may
would require for complex multipath cancellation algorithms. be exploited only with tags operating through the modulated
Moreover, people continuously walking and moving goods backscattering principle, namely with passive or semipassive
might interfere with a laser-navigated robot. RFID tags [18].
The proposed method can be employed both in small sce- In phase-based UHF-RFID methods, two main issues exist.
narios, for example, retails, and in big scenarios, for example, The first one is the ambiguity due to the phase periodic-
huge warehouses, provided that the reference tags meet the ity, which is typically solved through the employment of
required performance in terms of sensitivity and detection operations with phasors [29], or unwrapping techniques [30],
range. [31]. The second one is the presence of a phase offset term,
This article presents the mathematical formulation of the which is unknown a priori and depends on the tag typology,
sensor-fusion method [44] when different kinematic sensors the reader antenna, the transmitted power level, and the
are used to estimate the 3-D trajectory of the vehicle. Besides, tag–reader relative orientation. To release from long calibration
a particular case is described, in which the RFID phase procedures, the phase difference of arrival (PDoA) approach
samples are combined with the kinematic data collected by can be employed.
odometers placed on a wheeled vehicle moving at the ground To reduce the number of reference tags when performing
side. The method is characterized through both a numerical vehicle tracking in relatively large spaces, RFID data can be
analysis as well as experimental results to show the tracking suitably combined with data from proprioceptive kinematic
capability in real scenarios. sensors, such as encoders, optical flow sensors, or Inertial
This article is organized as follows. Section II describes Measurement Units (IMUs) equipped with accelerometers,
a state-of-the-art analysis of the RFID-based systems for gyroscopes, and magnetometers. The data combination typ-
vehicle tracking. Section III provides a detailed description of ically occurs through a sensor-fusion approach [32], [33].
the tracking method by combining RFID data and kinematic Usually, data fusion algorithms rely on sequential Bayesian
data, together with the particular case of odometer adoption. or Monte Carlo estimators for dynamic systems, such as, for
In Section IV, the algorithm capability is investigated through example, the Kalman Filter and its extensions, for example,
numerical simulations by accounting for the most relevant Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) or Unscented Kalman Filter
algorithm parameters and geometrical quantities. In Section V, (UKF), and the Particle Filter (PF). In some cases, smoothing
an experimental validation is presented, through real mea- algorithms, or finite impulse response filters are adopted too.
surements in an indoor scenario by an RFID robot. Tracking Typically, two main algorithm steps can be recognized: a
performance is demonstrated through a comparison with a prediction step and an update step. The first one is usually
standard dead-reckoning algorithm. Finally, Section VI states executed through the kinematic sensor data, for example,
conclusions and future work. odometry data, and it consists of a first hypothesis on the
vehicle path. In detail, the moving agent trajectory is estimated
II. R ELATED W ORKS through successive integrations of kinematic data, namely with
The first tracking methods exploited the RFID system a dead-reckoning approach [34], [35]. After that, the RFID
working at the HF band (13.56 MHz) [23]. The mobile node is data are employed in the update step, to compensate for the
a robot equipped with the HF-RFID reader which detects the drift of the estimated trajectory due to the errors accumulated
reference tags deployed at the floor side. The robot position by the kinematic sensors.
can be estimated as the position of the detected reference tag, In [36] and [37], the mobile node, for example, a robot,
thus the localization resolution depends on the tag density at is equipped with an RFID reader, and fixed RFID reference
the floor. tags are deployed in the environment. Then, sensor-fusion
More recently, the employment of the RFID systems oper- techniques or estimation algorithms such as Kalman filter, PF,
ating in the UHF band (865–928 MHz) [24] is increasing, due or their variations are adopted for positioning estimation.

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Pisa. Downloaded on August 29,2022 at 19:53:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

The localization method proposed in [38] relies on a fixed

infrastructure of reader antennas. The phase measurement
ambiguity is solved by using the EKF and the Rauch–Tung–
Striebel smoother, where the dynamic state includes the posi-
tion, the velocity, and the phase-offset term for each antenna.
Such a solution allowed a root mean square of the localization
error equal to 1–2 cm in an indoor scenario of 3 m × 3 m,
when four reader antennas are used.
In [39], the robot localization is achieved through a multi-
hypothesis EKF that combines the data from odometry sensor
and the phase of the signal backscattered by custom reference
tags placed at the ceiling. A calibration procedure for each
reference tag is required to estimate the phase-offset term.
Such a method is extended in [40], by employing both RSSI
and phase data. The new algorithm shows higher robustness
with respect to the errors on the knowledge of the reference-
tag positions. Moreover, the phase offset calibration procedure
is avoided. Experimental results showed that a robot can be
localized with an average error of around 4 cm in a 4 m ×
3 m room, by employing two reference tags in the whole area.
Finally, the authors state that the method can be employed
in scenarios of arbitrary size by deploying a reference tag
every 2 m2 . In [41], the issue of not exact knowledge of the
RFID tag position is addressed by proposing a Simultaneous
Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithm.
In [42], the authors investigate the local nonlinear observ-
ability of the system composed by a unicycle robot able to
measure the PDoA data from multiple UHF-RFID reference
tags in the environment. It is demonstrated that a dynamic
position estimator based only on the signal phase measurement
may be effective, when an UKF algorithm is adopted. The
prediction step is done with the encoder data, while phase data
are employed to estimate the radial speed of the vehicle with
respect to the detected tags. Then, the latter is used as input
Fig. 1. (a) Sketch of the UHF-RFID vehicle moving in the indoor scenario
for the update step. Preliminary results in a realistic simulated where UHF-RFID tags are deployed. (b) Graphical representation of the
scenario show that the localization error is of centimeter order trajectory portions along which the RFID and the kinematic data are collected
with a 99% probability. The global observability of the same to perform the vehicle tracking.
system is discussed in [43].
At the best of the authors’ knowledge, the phase-based
UHF-RFID localization methods based on a sensor-fusion during the vehicle movement. Thanks to the agent movement,
approach still require a set of reference tags with a relatively the phase samples of the tag backscattered signal are collected,
high spatial density. The sensor-fusion method for vehicle so resembling the synthetic-array concept that allows for
tracking recently patented by Buffi et al. [44], which is deeply phase-based localization with a tag low-density grid.
investigated and characterized in this article, allows to deploy The proposed tracking method aims to estimate the 3-D
a low-density grid of reference tags. They can be installed on vehicle route through consecutive estimations of different
the floor, at the ceiling or on any fixed infrastructure placed trajectory portions [Fig. 1(b)], which can be either overlapped
all around the scenario. Besides, it overcomes both the phase or not, as better described later in this section.
ambiguity problem and the offset problem, as better described
in the following.
A. Signal Model
Let us assume that, during its movement, the vehicle posi-
tion evolves according to p(t) = [x(t), y(t), z(t)]T ∈ R3 ,
Let us consider a vehicle moving in an indoor scenario and t ∈ R+ . When considering real systems, the continuous
equipped with a UHF-RFID reader connected to at least one time vector becomes a discrete sequence of values tk with
antenna and a set of kinematic sensors, as depicted in Fig. 1(a). temporal sampling of t, where k ∈ N+ is the sampling index.
The proposed RFID-based method aims to perform the vehicle Consequently, the vehicle position vector becomes a discrete
tracking, by exploiting multiple readings acquired from a set sequence of values p(t = t k ) = p(tk ) = p[k], which is briefly
of passive reference tags placed all around a 3-D scenario, indicated as pk = [x k , yk , z k ]T ∈ R3 .

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Through the article, the subscript “k” indicates the k-th B. RFID-Based Tracking Method
value of the discrete sequence of the corresponding parameter Now, we consider a set of hypothetical positions P =
at the time tk . {1, . . . , N p } of the vehicle initial position p1 . We name those
Now, the vehicle position at the k-th instant pk can be as particles, by inspiring to the PF algorithms [44]. Thus, the
written as a displacement pk ∈ R3 relative to the position at (p)
position of the p-th particle at the initial instant, q1 ∈ R3 ,
the previous instant k − 1, according to can be modeled as
⎛ ( p) ⎞
pk = pk−1 + pk ∀k ∈ Wn . (1) ux
(p) ⎜ ( p) ⎟
q1 = p1 + H⎝ u y ⎠ ∀ p ∈ P (6)
It is noteworthy that the vehicle/moving agent position repre- ( p)
sents the position of the RFID reader antenna phase center. All
( p) ( p) ( p)
around the scenario, NT passive tags are considered, which are where [u x , u y , u z ]T ∈ R3 is a vector of normal random
placed at known positions pTj = [x T j , yT j , z T j ]T ∈ R3 , being variables with zero mean value and unitary variance. Without
j ∈ WT , the tag index and WT = {1, . . . , NT } the set of tags. loss of generality, we assumed H ∈ R3×3 to be diagonal and
Along the path, the vehicle-mounted kinematic sensors defined as
measure the kinematic data with a time sampling of t, ⎛ ⎞
σx 0 0
by guaranteeing the local observability of the dynamic
H = ⎝ 0 σy 0 ⎠ (7)
system [43]. 0 0 σz
Similarly, the UHF-RFID reader collects the tag backscat-
tered signals, and without loss of generality, we suppose that where σx , σ y , and σz are the standard deviations of the initial
the tag replies to the reader queries at the same instants as position errors.
those of the kinematic data collection, namely with the same Starting from the set of N p particles, it is possible to build
time sampling of t. a set of particle trajectories, namely a set of hypothetical
Now, by considering the n-th portion of the vehicle trajec- trajectories of the vehicle. In particular, the p-th particle
tory, we suppose to collect a set Wn = {1, . . . , Nn } of both position at the k-th instant, qk ∈ R3 , can be derived as a
kinematic data and RFID phase data, being Nn the number function of the position at the previous step (k − 1) according
of collected samples. The selection of such parameter will be to:
⎛ ( p) ⎞
discussed later. Thus, along the n-th portion the index k ∈ Wn . ux
The phase of the signal backscattered by the j -th tag at the (p) (p) ⎜ ( p) ⎟
qk = qk−1 +pk + α ⎝ u y ⎠ ∀k ∈ Wn , ∀ p ∈ P (8)
k-th instant can be written as ( p)
4πdk, j
ϕk, j = + ϕ0, j ∀k ∈ Wn , ∀ j ∈ WT (2) where α is empirically determined on the basis of the class of
accuracy of the kinematic sensors and the speed of the vehicle,
where and pk ∈ R3 represents the kinematic-based displacement
  of the vehicle position at the k-th instant with respect to the
dk, j = pk − pTj 2 ∀k ∈ Wn , ∀ j ∈ WT (3) previous one, affected by error. Such displacement can be
written as
is the distance between the vehicle position pk and the j -th ⎛ ⎞
tag position pTj , λ is the free-space wavelength, and ϕ0, j is εx k
the phase offset of the j -th tag, which includes the effect of pk = pk + ⎝ εyk ⎠ ∀k ∈ Wn (9)
cables, reader components, and the tag typology itself [27]. εzk
 · 2 represents the Euclidean norm. where [εxk , εyk , εzk ]T ∈ R3 is the error vector on the
To release from the knowledge of the phase offset, we con- displacement of the vehicle position at the k-th instant, when
sider the phase difference between each sample and a reference considering measurements done by the kinematic sensors.
one, to construct the so-called relative phase history. Indeed, Thus, N p particle trajectories starting from the random
the above phase offset can be considered as constant if the (p) (p)
position q1 up to the position qNn are formed. They have
tag is detected within the main beam of the reader antenna different shapes due to the random component in (8), which
radiation pattern. Without loss of generality, we choose the is the process noise [49] necessary to emulate the effect of the
first available sample as reference (k = 1), thus the relative typical uncertainty growth over the time of the position suc-
phase history reads as follows: cessive updates by proprioceptive kinematic sensors. We could
imagine the particles as a cloud of points which moves
ϕ k, j = ϕ k, j − ϕ1, j ∀k ∈ Wn , ∀ j ∈ WT . (4)
and expands: more the cloud is wide, more the hypothetical
The term ϕ 1, j becomes equal to zero and we build the trajectories are widespread.
phasor sequence bT j ∈ C Nn for the j -th tag Now, from the particle trajectories it is possible to build a
set of hypothetical distances between the particle position qk
 T and the j -th tag
bT j = 1, e− j ϕ 2, j , . . . , e− j ϕ k, j , . . . , e− j ϕ Nn , j  
( p)  (p) 
∀ j ∈ WT . (5) d̃k, j = qk − pTj  ∀k ∈ Wn , ∀ j ∈ WT , ∀ p ∈ P. (10)

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From here, the hypothetical phase of the signal backscattered The number of consecutive displacements which allow to
by the j -th tag can be calculated (11) and consequently a get the traveled path higher than a fixed threshold L th , deter-
set of hypothetical relative phase histories (12) can be written mine the number Nn of the points of the set Wn . Now, the
according to (4) subset On ⊂ Wn is chosen in such a way to estimate the
( p) first part of length L est of the vehicle trajectory portion of
( p) 4π d̃k, j
φk, j = ∀k ∈ Wn , ∀ j ∈ WT , ∀ p ∈ P (11) length L th [Fig. 1(b)]. In other words, the tracking method
λ processes groups of data collected during the vehicle trajectory
( p) ( p) ( p)
φk, j = φk, j − φ1, j ∀k ∈ Wn , ∀ j ∈ WT , ∀ p ∈ P. (12) portion of length L th to estimate a trajectory portion of length
Thus, a set of N p hypothetical phasor sequences can be L est ≤ L th .
derived (13) The trajectory length threshold L th is a parameter that
affects the tracking performance. Indeed, the proposed RFID-
( p) ( p) ( p)
aT j = 1, e− j φ2, j , . . . , e− j φk, j , . . . , e− j φ Nn , j based method is a synthetic-array approach, which requires
a relative motion between the vehicle and the tags, and
∀k ∈ Wn , ∀ j ∈ WT , ∀ p ∈ P. (13)
exhibits a localization accuracy that improves for longer
Now, for the j -th detected tag, it is possible to compare the paths. On the other hand, longer spatial intervals L th may
phasor sequence (5), with the set of the hypothetical phasor improve the method accuracy at the expense of longer process-
sequences through a matching index (14) ing temporal intervals, especially for low-speed vehicles.
 (p)  This trade-off must be considered if real-time tracking is
 bTj , aTj  mandatory.
( p)
Cn, j =     ∀ j ∈ WT , ∀ p ∈ P (14)
bT   (p)  Next, the estimation procedure is repeated by using a
j 2 aT j 
2 new set of kinematic and RFID data, which are collected
being · the scalar product operator and the operator  · 2 during a vehicle trajectory portion of length L th , consecutive
applied to a vector of complex numbers must be intended as with respect to the previous estimated portion of length
the Euclidean norm in the complex domain. Consequently, L est . If L est = L th , the processed data always belong to
( p)
Cn, j is a scalar real number in the [0, 1] interval. not-overlapped trajectory portions, otherwise data belong to
Then, for the p-th particle, we combine the matching overlapped trajectory portions.
( p)
indexes Cn, j obtained from all the detected tags ( j ∈ WT ) After determining the estimated vehicle position p̂k for
through an average operation according to (15): k ∈ On , we select a subset Sn ⊂ P of hypothetical trajectories
that show higher average matching indexes [50]. In particular,
( p) ( p)
Cn = C ∀ p ∈ P. (15) we select a factor η ∈ (0, 1] of the particles with the best
NT j =1 n, j average matching index and we get a number of “survivor”
Since the matching index (14) is in the interval [0, 1], the aver- particles equal to Nsp in such a way that Np /Nsp = 1/η ∈
age matching index (15) belongs to the same interval. N+ . Before to proceed with a further portion estimation,
( p) to overcome the “sample impoverishment” phenomena [51],
The Cn is a kind of likelihood index which indicates if
it is required to replicate the selected Nsp particles of a factor
the p-th particle trajectory is close or not to the actual vehicle
( p) 1/η. In other words, each survivor particle is copied 1/η times.
trajectory. In fact, a set of similar d̃k, j values with respect to
( p) Therefore, we can start the consecutive estimation procedure
the dk, j values leads to a set of φk, j close to the ϕ k, j , thus with a set of N p particles, by keeping unchanged the particle
( p)
resulting in a high value of the average matching index Cn . number employed in the n-th trajectory portion estimation. The
( p)
After determining the Cn indexes for all the particles, block diagram of the proposed tracking method is reported
they are employed to estimate the 3-D vehicle position in Fig. 2.
p̂k = [x̂ k , ŷk , ẑ k ] at the k-th step through a weighted average It is noteworthy that, due to the anticollision protocol of
operation: the EPC Global C1 G2 [52], the tag replies occur at different
  ( p)   time slots. To account for such phenomena, the algorithm
p∈P Cn qk should be applied by considering a subset Wn j of the set Wn
p̂k =   ( p)  ∀k ∈ On (16)
which is different for each j -th tag. The reference reading
p∈P C n
to build the relative phase history becomes the first available
where On ⊂ Wn is a subset of the set of the processed number reading of each subset Wn j . This peculiarity makes possible to
of RFID and kinematic readings. run the algorithm even in large areas with a low-density tag
In more detail, first, we need to determine a selection deployment, once a few successful readings or intermitting
criterion of the set Wn . During the vehicle movement, it is readings are available. We recommend the tag deployment in
possible to estimate the pk vehicle displacement from the any position to ensure that at least one RFID tag is inside
kinematic sensor measurements, as better described in the next the robot antenna detection area for each trajectory portion.
section. By summing such consecutive displacements, it is Besides, we recommend to carefully choose the tag chip
possible to derive the vehicle traveled path at the k-th instant which achieves the detection range required by the application
scenarios, being either a small retail shop or a huge warehouse.

Lk = ph  . (17) If it is not possible, a slight performance degradation must be
h=1 accepted.

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of the vehicle rotation center is r1 = [x C1 , yC1 , z C ]T and the

initial orientation is ϑ1 . At the k-th instant, the vehicle rotation
center position rk is determined through the odometry data by
computing the displacement rk with respect to the previous
position as follows:
⎛ u +u ⎞
Rk Lk
cos(ϑk−1 )
⎜ 2 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
rk = ⎜ u Rk + u L k ⎟
⎜ sin(ϑk−1 ) ⎟ ∀k ∈ Wn (18)
⎝ 2 ⎠
where u Rk and u L k represent the distance run by the right and
the left wheel, respectively, between the (k −1)-th and the k-th
instants. Contextually, the vehicle orientation ϑk is calculated
according to
u R − u Lk
ϑk = ϑk−1 + k ∀k ∈ Wn (19)
being la the length of the robot axle. To determine the
vehicle displacement pk , namely the RFID reader antenna
displacement, it is required to apply a roto-translation to
the displacement vector rk of the vehicle rotation center
according to
⎛ ⎞
cosϑk −sinϑk 0
pk = rk + ⎝ sinϑk cosϑk 0 ⎠ A ∀k ∈ Wn (20)
0 0 1
where A = [x A , y A , z A ]T is the distance of the RFID
antenna phase center with respect to the vehicle rotation center
as shown in Fig. 1(a).
The encoders measure the distance run by the right and the
left wheels with a certain uncertainty. The latter depends on the
quantization process of the sensor, namely on both the encoder
angular resolution and the wheel radius. Thus, we model it as
uniform random variable in the interval U[0, qe ], where qe
represents the encoder quantization interval. This determines
Fig. 2. Flowchart of the proposed sensor-fusion tracking method. the measurement error vector [εx k , εyk , εzk ]T in the dis-
placement measurements in (9).
C. Displacement Estimation With Odometry Since the phase of the RFID backscattered signal mainly
As described in the previous section, the tracking method depends on the tag–reader distance (2), rather than the
exploits an estimation of the vehicle displacement pk tag-antenna relative orientation, the proposed tracking algo-
obtained by the kinematic sensors. They can be usually rithm does not foresee to make an update of the vehicle
accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers, encoders, or opti- orientation on the basis of the RFID measurements as usual
cal flow sensors. in phase-based methods for vehicle tracking [39], [40].
In the following, we describe the employment of rotary
encoders placed on the left and right wheels of a vehicle to get IV. N UMERICAL A NALYSIS
the above-mentioned displacement along the trajectory. In this To show the effectiveness of the proposed sensor-fusion
particular case, the vehicle moves on the ground to perform method, a numerical analysis is carried out. We built a simula-
bidimensional trajectories. tion framework with the MATLAB software. It allows for the
We consider a planar unicycle-like vehicle with a differential evaluation of the RFID-based tracking method performance
drive kinematics, and the adopted dynamic motion model when different parameters may change: speed and trajectory
is the unicycle-robot motion model. We denote with rk = of the vehicle, density and configuration of the reference tags,
[x Ck , yCk , z Ck ]T the vehicle rotation center position at the k-th signal-to-noise ratio, level of multipath interference caused by
instant [Fig. 1(a)]. The z-coordinate of the vehicle is z Ck = z C , obstacle reflections, uncertainty in the phase measurements
which is constant since the vehicle can only move on the from the reference tags, and uncertainty in the kinematic data
ground floor, coincident with the x y plane. measurements.
We also denote with ϑk the vehicle orientation with respect In particular, the simulator allows for the simulation of
to the global reference frame [Fig. 1(a)]. The initial position several kinematic sensors, as for example an IMU [23], or the

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Fig. 3. Example of the “S-shape” trajectory run by the vehicle in an indoor

scenario with several reference tags.

encoders as investigated in this article. As a first example,

we consider a vehicle equipped with rotary encoders and an
RFID reader which moves along an “S-shaped” trajectory
(Fig. 3) on the ground with an average speed of 1 m/s. The path
is 60 m long, thus N R = 6000 samples are available from the Fig. 4. Simulated phase samples, normalized over π , of the signal backscat-
encoders, if considering a sampling time t = 10 ms. Without tered by the reference tags A–C, when the vehicle follows the “S-shaped”
loss of generality, we consider the antenna phase center as a trajectory in Fig. 3.
point moving on the ground plane and we show 2-D tracking
We suppose to know the vehicle initial position p1 , thus
The initial vehicle position is p1 = [x 1 , y1 , z 1 ]T =
the particles are randomly initialized around it. This can be
[0, 0, 0]T m, and its initial orientation is ϑ0 = π/2 rad. At the
seen as the vehicle entrance in the target area. Fig. 5 shows
path curves, the vehicle has an angular speed ω = 1 rad/s.
the estimated trajectory (dashed green line) by applying the
The encoder quantization interval is set at qe = 3.5 mm.
proposed sensor-fusion tracking method by considering the
Besides, we consider a grid of UHF-RFID reference tags
portion n = 1 [Fig. 5(a)], n = 15 [Fig. 5(b)], n = 27
placed at a different height with respect to the vehicle trajec-
[Fig. 5(c)], n = 55 [Fig. 5(d)], n = 80 [Fig. 5(e)], and the
tory plane, as for the case of an installation at the ceiling.
last one corresponding to n = 116 [Fig. 5(f)]. The reference
They are arranged on a regular grid of step s = 5 m
tags are also depicted (gray star markers), by underlying
and the height difference between the tag place and the
with the black circular markers the tags that are detected
vehicle plane is h = 3 m from the vehicle, that is here
along the considered trajectory portion. Fig. 5 even shows
considered as a single point rather than as a rigid body. The
the actual robot trajectory (blue solid line), the set P of
first three tags in close proximity with the first portion of
the particle trajectories (cyan circle markers), and the esti-
the vehicle “S-shaped” trajectory are the Tag A, the Tag
mated trajectory by employing only the odometry data (dash-
B, and the Tag C, placed at pTA = [0, 0, h]T m =
dotted red line), namely by estimating the vehicle trajectory
[0, 0, 3]T m, pTB = [0, s, h]T m = [0, 5, 3]T m, and
from (9) only, which represents a standard dead-reckoning
pTC = [0, 2s, h]T m = [0, 10, 3]T m, respectively.
approach [34], [35].
By referring to typical characteristics of UHF-RFID com-
The results are obtained for the following algorithm parame-
mercial readers and tags, we assume that the reader antenna
ters: [σx , σ y , σz ] = [0.3, 0.3, 0] m, N p = 500, α = 5 × 10−4 ,
installed on the vehicle facing upward has a half-power
L th = 1 m, L est = 0.5 m, NT = 63, and η = 0.25. From
beamwidth HPBW = 105◦, with a reading range of rr = 5 m.
the results in Fig. 5, it is apparent that the proposed tracking
Without loss of generality, we suppose that the tag replies to
method allows to reduce the localization error with respect to
every reader query, anytime it is inside the antenna reading
the case in which only the odometry data are employed.
region. The measurement error in the RFID phase sample is
The number of detected tags along each n-th trajectory por-
modeled as a Gaussian random variable with zero mean value
tion is represented in Fig. 6 (blue circular markers). It varies
and standard deviation of σϕ = 0.1 rad, by comprising both
between 1 and 4 tags, depending on the distance between
thermal noise and multipath effects.
the reader antenna and the reference tags in the considered
Fig. 4 shows the phase samples of the signal backscattered
trajectory portion.
by the reference tags A–C, when the RFID vehicle follows the
“S-shaped” trajectory of Fig. 3, together with the trajectory
portion during which the RFID antenna detects each tag. A. Effect of the Reference-Tag Density
The operating frequency is set to f 0 = 865.7 MHz, channel A further simulation was carried out by adopting a
#4 according to the European Telecommunications Standards larger distance between the reference tags. In particular,
Institute (ETSI). we employed a grid step of s = 8 m, by keeping the same

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Fig. 5. Simulated “S-shaped” actual and estimated trajectories with a reference-tag grid step of s = 5 m, by considering data acquired along the
(a) n = 1 portion, the (b) n = 15 portion, the (c) n = 27 portion, the (d) n = 55 portion, the (e) n = 80 portion, and the (f) n = 116 portion.

the odometry data (dash-dotted red line). The corresponding

number of detected tags along each vehicle portion is reported
in Fig. 6 (red square markers). Tracking performance is still
satisfying (Fig. 7) even if less tags are used in this case.
For the considered grid step of s = 5 m, we analyzed
the error on the estimation of the x-coordinate and the
y-coordinate at the k-th instant, with respect to the distance
traveled by the vehicle along the trajectory: x = x̂ k − x k
[Fig. 8(a)] and y = ŷk − yk [Fig. 8(b)], respectively. We also
calculated the residual cartesian error [Fig. 8(c)] between
the estimated p̂k and the actual position pk , defined as
d = ( x + y)
2 2 1/2
Fig. 6. Number of detected RFID tags versus the trajectory portion n by . By using the odometry data through the
varying the tag grid step s. dead-reckoning approach (dash-dotted red line), the residual
cartesian error reaches a value of around 3.3 m at the end of
the path, with a maximum value of nearby 4.5 m after traveling
a path 48 m long. When using the proposed sensor-fusion
tracking method, above error becomes less than 10 cm (dashed
green line).
Performance is not significantly modified by the tag spacing
reduction, as shown in Fig. 9 through the comparison of
the localization errors when varying the s parameter. For
s = 8 m, the residual cartesian never exceeds 10 cm
(solid pink line). This suggests a satisfactory robustness of
the method with respect to the reference-tag deployment and
spacing. Indeed, the method can work by employing the RFID
phase data from a single tag at-a-time during each trajectory
portion, by keeping a valuable improvement in the tracking
Fig. 7. Simulated “S-shape” actual and estimated trajectories with a
reference-tag grid step of s = 8 m.
performance with respect to the dead-reckoning approach.
It is noteworthy that, if no RFID tags are detected in the n-th
trajectory portion, the algorithm can proceed by exploiting the
algorithm parameters as those used for getting the results dead-reckoning approach until a new tag is detected.
in Fig. 5. The trajectory (dashed green line) estimated by Fig. 10 shows the histograms of the localization error on
applying the proposed sensor-fusion tracking method is repre- the x-coordinate [Fig. 10(a)], the y-coordinate [Fig. 10(b)],
sented in Fig. 7 together with the actual robot trajectory (blue and the histogram of the residual cartesian error [Fig. 10(c)],
solid line) and the trajectory estimated by employing only by applying the dead-reckoning approach (red bars) and the

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Fig. 8. Simulated localization errors for two tracking methods by considering the “S-shaped” vehicle trajectory of Fig. 5 with a reference-tag grid step of
s = 5 m. (a) Error on the x-coordinate. (b) Error on the y-coordinate. (c) Residual cartesian error.

Fig. 9. Simulated localization errors for the proposed sensor-fusion tracking method by considering the “S-shaped” vehicle trajectory of Fig. 5 by varying
the reference-tag grid step of s. (a) Error on the x-coordinate. (b) Error on the y-coordinate. (c) Residual cartesian error.

Fig. 10. Histogram of localization errors for two tracking methods by the “S-shaped” trajectory of Fig. 5 for ten different Monte Carlo simulations with
s = 5 m and L th = 1 m. (a) Error on the x-coordinate. (b) Error on the y-coordinate. (c) Residual cartesian error.

sensor-fusion tracking method with s = 5 m and L th = When increasing the length L th , the localization error
1 m (green bars) to the “S-shaped” trajectory of Fig. 3. reduces, as shown by the relative frequency bars. Indeed, when
The results are related to 6000 positions along the trajectory the RFID data are acquired and processed along a longer path,
and ten repeated Monte Carlo simulations. A path step of the average matching indexes (15) of the considered particle
10 cm is employed in the graphs; thus, a main bar can be trajectories are more distant each other. This means that such
noticed for the sensor-fusion tracking method, which reaches parameter is more significant to estimate the vehicle trajectory
nearby the 100% relative frequency. On the contrary, the error for longer trajectory portions, according to the synthetic-array
distributions of the dead-reckoning approach are in the interval theory [29].
[−5, 5] m for the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate, while the
residual cartesian error is in the interval [0, 7] m. C. Effect of the Sensor Accuracy
The class of accuracy of the kinematic sensors impacts on
B. Effect of the Portion Length Threshold L th the method performance.
The effect of the length of the trajectory portion threshold We expect that larger errors of the rotary encoders lead to
L th on the tracking performance was also investigated. We still a lower accuracy for the sensor-fusion tracking method.
consider the “S-shaped” trajectory of Fig. 3 with the reference- To verify such effect, we investigated the impact of the
tag grid step of s = 5 m. Fig. 11 shows the histogram encoder resolution on the dead reckoning and the sensor-fusion
of the localization error on the x-coordinate [Fig. 11(a)], the tracking method, when the robot moves along a “C-shape”
y-coordinate [Fig. 11(b)], and the histogram of the residual trajectory of length 4 m (Fig. 12) similar to that acquired
cartesian error [Fig. 11(c)], when the trajectory length thresh- during the experimental analysis (Section V).
old is equal to L th = 1 m (blue bars), L th = 2 m (orange bars), The robot had an average speed of 0.16 m/s, and
and L th = 3 m (green bars). The histogram still considers N R = 1696 data samples were acquired by the encoders
the localization results of 6000 positions of the “S-shaped” along the whole trajectory. Two reference RFID tags were
trajectory of Fig. 3, for ten repeated Monte Carlo simulations. attached at the ceiling at pT1 = [1.00, 0.65, 2.40]T m and

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Fig. 11. Histogram of localization errors versus L th variations for the proposed method by considering the “S-shaped” trajectory of Fig. 5 for ten different
Monte Carlo simulations with s = 5 m. (a) Error on the x-coordinate. (b) Error on the y-coordinate. (c) Residual cartesian error.

commercial rotary encoders on the wheels. A photograph of

the robot can be found in Fig. 14. The robot axle length is
equal to la = 0.528 m. The encoders belong to the Parallax
Arlo Robot kit and operate with 144 pulses for a full tire
revolution and 100 Hz acquisition frequency. The robot tires
have a diameter of 152 mm. The encoder quantization distance
is of around 3.3 mm.
The robot is also equipped with an Impinj Speedway
R420 UHF-RFID reader connected to four UHF-RFID Time-7
Compact Outdoor RAIN RFID antennas with HPBW = 115◦
and Gain = 5 dBiC, and a portable PC employed to collect
Fig. 12. Simulated results for “C-shape” actual and estimated trajectories and transmit data through a Wi-Fi communication module.
by simulated data, when two reference tags are considered. It also carries out a Slamtec RP LIDAR A34 laser range
finder (LRF) employed to provide the ground truth data of the
vehicle trajectory through a state-of-the-art SLAM algorithm.
pT2 = [1.00, 1.25, 2.40]T m, respectively. The height of the The robot is also equipped with an IMU platform reserved for
antenna from the floor was z k = 0.68 m, so h = 1.72 m. further experiments. The robot payload is powered through
The other simulation parameters were as follows: L th = two batteries.
2.5 m, L est = 0.3 m, [σx , σ y , σz ] = [0.1, 0.1, 0] m, N p = 500, The measurement setup together with the chosen coordinate
α = 5 × 10−4 , η = 0.25. We varied the encoder quantization reference system is illustrated in Fig. 15. The operating
interval qe ∈ [1, 10] mm and we fixed the standard deviation frequency is set to f0 = 865.7 MHz (ETSI channel #4). Two
of the phase measurement to σϕ = 0.1 rad. For each value EasyRFID Bone reference tags (NT = 2), with Monza R6
of the encoder quantization interval, we performed ten Monte chip, are placed at the ceiling at pT1 = [1.00, 0.65, 2.40]T m
Carlo simulations of the trajectory in Fig. 12. Fig. 13 shows the and pT2 = [1.00, 1.25, 2.40]T m, respectively. Only the
average localization errors on the x-coordinate [Fig. 13(a)], the upward reader antenna is on, by avoiding the time switching
y-coordinate [Fig. 13(b)], and of the residual cartesian error loss among antennas. The robot initial position, namely the
[Fig. 13(c)], by applying the dead-reckoning approach (dash- position of the phase center of the upward reader antenna is
dotted red line) and the sensor-fusion tracking method (dashed p1 = [x 1 , y1 , z 1 ]T = [−0.31, 0.50, 0.68]T m, and the robot
green line), when varying the encoder quantization interval. initial orientation is ϑ1 = 0 rad. Thus, the height of the
As apparent, the kinematic sensor performance impact on the antenna from the floor is z k = 0.68 m and h = 1.72 m.
sensor-fusion tracking method performance, but the RFID data The RFID antenna distance with respect to the robot rotation
usage allows for reducing the localization mostly when the center, namely the middle point of the segment joining the two
encoder resolution increases, as expected in real scenarios. wheels, is  A = [−0.31, 0.00, 0.50]T m. That is, the robot
It is noteworthy that the present numerical analysis does rotation center is placed at a height of z C = 0.18 m.
not want to be exhaustive, but aims to show the capacity and
the flexibility of the proposed method when the robot runs
arbitrary trajectories, by considering the effects of the involved B. Experimental Results
significant parameters. Several trajectories were performed during the measurement
campaign, by manually piloting the robot via a remote control.
V. E XPERIMENTAL A NALYSIS In the first trial, the robot performed a small “C-shape” path
of length 4 m. The robot average speed was 0.16 m/s, and
A. Experimental Setup N R = 1696 data samples were acquired by the encoders
To validate the feasibility of the proposed tracking method along the whole trajectory. Fig. 16 shows the measured phase
and its effectiveness, we conducted an experimental analysis samples of the signal backscattered by the two tags at the
in a laboratory test set. We built a unicycle wheeled mobile ceiling. In this scenario, both tags are detected continuously
robot with a differential drive kinematics, equipped with two during the vehicle trajectory.

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Fig. 13. Average simulated localization errors for the proposed sensor-fusion tracking method versus encoder quantization interval qe by considering
N R = 1696 positions of the “C-shape” trajectory of Fig. 12 for ten different Monte Carlo simulations. (a) Error on the x-coordinate. (b) Error on the
y-coordinate. (c) Residual cartesian error.

Fig. 16. Measured phase samples (normalized to π ) of the reference tags

installed at the ceiling during the experimental analysis.

Fig. 14. UHF-RFID robot employed for the experimental campaign.

Fig. 17. Measured “C-shape” trajectory by the laser range finder and
estimated trajectories by measured data for two tracking methods, when two
reference tags are considered in the scenario.

Fig. 15. Experimental indoor scenario with the UHF-RFID robot and the
two reference tags. with the LRF data (solid black line). It can be noticed that the
RFID-based estimated trajectory is closer to the LRF ground
truth than the trajectory estimated by the dead-reckoning
The fluctuation on the curve behavior suggests the presence approach. It is worth noting that the RFID-based estimated
of strong multipath components since the antenna has a trajectory obtained by processing the measured data is different
considerably wide HPBW. To perform the robot tracking, with respect to that obtained by processing the simulated
the proposed sensor-fusion method was applied, with the fol- data and illustrated in Fig. 12. Such differences, even if
lowing parameters: L th = 2.5 m, L est = 0.3 m, [σx , σ y , σz ] = minimal, can be seen at the first trajectory corner and at
[0.1, 0.1, 0] m, N p = 500, α = 5 × 10−4 , η = 0.25. the trajectory end. The similarity of the two abovementioned
The particles were randomly initialized around the assumed estimated trajectories confirms the validity of the simulation
vehicle initial position p1 . Fig. 17 shows the estimated tra- model including the effect of thermal noise and multipath on
jectory (dashed green line) by applying the proposed sensor- the phase samples.
fusion tracking method to the measured data in Fig. 16. The To better visualize the result of Fig. 17, Fig. 18 shows
trajectory estimated by applying a dead-reckoning approach the localization errors on the vehicle position estimation with
(dash-dotted red line) is also shown together with the trajectory respect to the LRF ground truth of Fig. 17. The proposed
estimated by employing a state-of-the-art SLAM algorithm RFID-based tracking method achieves a localization error

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Fig. 18. Measured localization error with respect to the ground truth related to the estimated vehicle trajectories of Fig. 17. (a) Error on the x-coordinate.
(b) Error on the y-coordinate. (c) Residual cartesian error.

Fig. 19. Histogram of localization errors from all the nine measurement sessions. (a) x-coordinate. (b) y-coordinate. (c) Residual cartesian error.

TABLE I of reference tags. No geometrical constraints are imposed on

M EAN VALUE AND S TANDARD D EVIATION OF THE L OCALIZATION E RROR the reference-tag locations; indeed, they can be placed on the
floor, at the ceiling or installed on structures placed all around
the scenario provided that at least one tag is detected for each
robot trajectory portion. The method does not require any time-
consuming calibration procedures.
The numerical analysis investigated the tracking capability
by considering a vehicle moving in an indoor scenario with
lower than 5 cm, with a residual cartesian error below 4 cm, an arbitrary trajectory. It accounts for the vehicle speed,
by avoiding the typical drift of the dead-reckoning approach, the density and configuration of the reference tags, the uncer-
which appears at the end of the trajectory (Fig. 17). Nine test tainty in the RFID phase measurements and in the kinematic
cases were carried out with the same setup parameters and measurements as well. The preliminary experimental results
similar trajectories. The histogram of the localization error for by employing an RFID robot in a real indoor scenario demon-
the x-coordinate [Fig. 19(a)], the y-coordinate [Fig. 19(b)], strated that satisfactory tracking capabilities can be achieved
and the residual cartesian error [Fig. 19(c)] is shown for by low-density reference tags in a limited area.
48 000 robot positions. The number of test cases showing The proposed sensor-fusion and tracking method can be
a vanishing error is greater for the proposed sensor-fusion extended to operate with vehicles equipped with multiple
tracking method. Table I shows the corresponding mean value UHF-RFID antennas. Besides, it can be employed with several
and the standard deviation of the localization errors. moving agents such as robots, walkers, unmanned ground
Such preliminary analysis in a compact laboratory scenario vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones which move both
confirms the method tracking capabilities with a limited num- in indoor and outdoor scenarios. As a future work, the method
ber of reference tags, already shown in the numerical analysis. effectiveness will be studied with different vehicles moving at
higher speed in a more complex and wider area, yet requiring
for a low-density deployment of reference tags.
A novel sensor-fusion and tracking method for wheeled
vehicles equipped with low-cost kinematic sensors has been
described and validated to target the self-localization of robot The authors want to thank AITRONIK s.r.l., Pisa, Italy, for
already equipped with RFID hardware for inventory purposes. the realization of the UHF-RFID robot prototype.
The method combines the phase of the signal backscattered by
the UHF-RFID reference tags with odometry data. Thanks to R EFERENCES
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[19] Fornes. (Feb. 28, 2017). Robots Will Be In Retail Stores Sooner Than [40] F. Martinelli, “A robot localization system combining RSSI and phase
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[20] F. Bernardini et al., “Particle swarm optimization in SAR-based [41] F. Martinelli, “Simultaneous localization and mapping using the phase
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Meas., doi: 10.1109/TIM.2020.3033728. doi: 10.1109/I2MTC.2019.8826864.

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Pisa. Downloaded on August 29,2022 at 19:53:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

[43] V. Magnago et al., “Ranging-free UHF-RFID robot position- Dr. Buffi is a member of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society
ing through phase measurements of passive tags,” IEEE Trans. and of the Antennas and Propagation Society. She was a recipient of the Best
Instrum. Meas., vol. 69, no. 5, pp. 2408–2418, May 2020, Paper Award at the IEEE RFID-TA 2019 International Conference and of
doi: 10.1109/TIM.2019.2960900. the Young Scientist Award from the International Union of Radio Science,
[44] A. Buffi, P. Nepa, A. Motroni, and B. Tellini, “Mobile device self- Commission B, in 2013 and 2016. She serves as an Associate Editor for the
location method using at least one passive radio-frequency device,” Appl. IEEE J OURNAL OF R ADIO F REQUENCY I DENTIFICATION.
no. EP2019 7 281.7, 2019.
[45] A. Motroni et al., “SAR-based indoor localization of UHF-RFID
tags via mobile robot,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Indoor Position-
ing Indoor Navigat. (IPIN), Nantes, France, Sep. 2018, pp. 1–8,
doi: 10.1109/IPIN.2018.8533847.
[46] A. Parr, R. Miesen, F. Kirsch, and M. Vossiek, “A novel method for
UHF RFID tag tracking based on acceleration data,” in Proc. IEEE
Int. Conf. RFID (RFID), Orlando, FL, USA, Apr. 2012, pp. 110–115,
doi: 10.1109/RFID.2012.6193037.
[47] A. Motroni, P. Nepa, A. Buffi, and B. Tellini, “A phase-based method
for mobile node localization through UHF-RFID passive tags,” in Proc.
Paolo Nepa (Senior Member, IEEE) received the
IEEE Int. Conf. RFID Technol. Appl. (RFID-TA), Pisa, Italy, Sep. 2019,
Laurea (Doctor) degree (summa cum laude) in elec-
pp. 470–475, doi: 10.1109/RFID-TA.2019.8892264.
tronics engineering from the University of Pisa, Pisa,
[48] S. Jain, S. Nandy, R. Ray, and S. N. Shome, “Application of particle fil-
Italy, in 1990.
tering technique for sensor fusion in mobile robotics,” in Proc. IEEE Int.
Since 1990, he has been with the Department of
Conf. Mechatronics Autom., Beijing, China, Aug. 2011, pp. 2285–2290,
Information Engineering, University of Pisa, where
doi: 10.1109/ICMA.2011.5986341.
he is currently a Full Professor. In 1998, he was with
[49] P. Vorst and A. Zell, “Particle filter-based trajectory estimation with
the Electro Science Laboratory (ESL), The Ohio
passive UHF RFID fingerprints in unknown environments,” in Proc.
State University (OSU), Columbus, OH, USA, as a
IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intell. Robots Syst., St. Louis, MO, USA, Oct. 2009,
Visiting Scholar supported by a Grant of the Italian
pp. 395–401, doi: 10.1109/IROS.2009.5354627.
National Research Council. At the ESL, he was
[50] M. S. Arulampalam, S. Maskell, N. Gordon, and T. Clapp, “A tutorial
involved in research on efficient hybrid techniques for the analysis of large
on particle filters for online nonlinear/non-Gaussian Bayesian tracking,”
antenna arrays. In the context of UHF-RFID systems, he is working on
IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 174–188, Feb. 2002,
techniques for radiolocalization of either tagged objects or readers. He has
doi: 10.1109/78.978374.
coauthored more than 300 international journal articles and conference
[51] P. Vadakkepat and L. Jing, “Improved particle filter in sensor fusion for
contributions. His research interests include the extension of high-frequency
tracking randomly moving object,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 55,
techniques to electromagnetic scattering from material structures and its
no. 5, pp. 1823–1832, Oct. 2006, doi: 10.1109/TIM.2006.881569.
application to the development of radio propagation models for indoor and
[52] (2018). EPC UHF Gen2 Air Interface Protocol Standard. [Online].
outdoor scenarios of wireless communication systems. He is also involved
in the design of wideband and multiband antennas, mainly for base stations
and mobile terminals of communication systems, as well as in the design
of antennas optimized for near-field coupling and focusing. He was working
on channel characterization, wearable antenna design, and diversity scheme
Andrea Motroni (Member, IEEE) received the B.E. implementation, for body-centric communication systems.
and M.E. degrees (summa cum laude) in telecommu- Dr. Nepa is a member of the Technical Advisory Board of URSI Com-
nications engineering from the University of Pisa, mission B—Fields and Waves and served as the General Chair for the IEEE
Pisa, Italy, in 2015 and 2017, respectively, where RFID-TA 2019 International Conference. He was a recipient of the Young
he is pursuing the Ph.D. degree in information Scientist Award from the International Union of Radio Science, Commission
engineering. B, in 1998. Since 2016, he has been serving as an Associate Editor for the
He has coauthored one European patent applica- IEEE A NTENNAS AND W IRELESS P ROPAGATION L ETTERS .
tion. His current research interests include indoor
radiolocalization systems, with specific focus on
UHF-RFID phase-based algorithms for robot track-
ing, UHF-RFID smart gates and applications for
Internet of Things and Industry 4.0. In 2019, he has been the President of the
IEEE Student Branch of the University of Pisa.

Alice Buffi (Member, IEEE) received the B.S. Bernardo Tellini (Senior Member, IEEE) was born
and M.S. degrees (summa cum laude) in telecom- in Pisa, Italy, in 1969. He received the M.S. (Laurea)
munications engineering and the Ph.D. degree and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from
(Doctor Europaeus) in “Applied electromagnetism the University of Pisa, Pisa, in 1993 and 1999,
in electrical and biomedical engineering, electronics, respectively.
smart sensors, nanotechnologies” from the Univer- Since 2000, he has been with the University
sity of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, in 2006, 2008, and 2012, of Pisa, where he is currently a Full Professor of
respectively. Electrical Measurements with the Department of
In 2011, she was a visiting Ph.D. student with the Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engi-
Queen Mary University of London, London, U.K. neering. His current research interests include char-
Since 2012, she has been with the University of acterization of electrical and magnetic properties of
Pisa, where she is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of materials, aging process in battery cells, electromagnetic emission associated
Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering. She has coauthored with fast electromagnetic transients, sensors and transducers for pulsed power
several international journal papers and international conferences contributions applications measurement of position, magneto hydrodynamic problems.
and one European patent and one European patent application. Her current Dr. Tellini is a member of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement
research topics include measurement methods to locate static or moving Society and of the IEEE Magnetics Society. He is currently the Chair of the
items through radio frequency identification (RFID) systems operating at the IEEE Italy Section. He was the Chair of European Pulsed Power Laboratories
ultra-high-frequency (UHF) band in Industry 4.0 scenarios. Besides, she has from 2010 to 2014. He served as the General Chair and the General Co-Chair
interests in classification methods for smart gates and smart storage systems for several IEEE Conferences in the field of measurements and other IEEE
and aging process in battery cells. technological topics.

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Pisa. Downloaded on August 29,2022 at 19:53:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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