Solved_ Reverse trasanction on specific Depreciation Area - SAP Community

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24, 15:05 Solved: Reverse trasanction on specific Depreciation Area - SAP Community


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 Reverse trasanction on specific Depreciation Area

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Reverse trasanction on specific Depreciation Area

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on ‎08-29-2012

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Hello SAP Guru,

Good day!

I have an asset with 3 depreciation areas (Book 1, 10 and 15). Book 10 is our tax
book. It is not linked to GL (do not create any postings). The business posted
unplanned depreciation to Book 1, 10 and 15 but according to tax department, no
unplanned depreciation must be posted on book 10. How can we reverse the
unplanned depreciation on Book 10 only.



SAP Managed Tags:

SAP ERP, FIN (Finance), FIN Asset Accounting 1/6
10.06.24, 15:05 Solved: Reverse trasanction on specific Depreciation Area - SAP Community

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please test following scenario

1. create your own t.type by copying 642/652 in AO78

2. select account assignment as debit transaction
3. limit the area 10 only for the created t.type in OAXE
4. Now use this t.type in ABSO


Murali. N

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10.06.24, 15:05 Solved: Reverse trasanction on specific Depreciation Area - SAP Community
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Since you made the dep. area 10 as identical and absorbs the values from dep. area
01, you can't post anything directly.

You might have to do a complete reversal of the earlier transaction unplanned

depreciation, and post it again. When posting it again, you need to delete the values
on area 10.

Try this Quality


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