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Name: _________________________________________________

Date: ______ /______ /______

I think computer games can
be dangerous.
To outrage To eliminate To interfere To compete


Do you use to play games? What is your favorite one?
Do you prefer digital or physical games? Why?
Do you think these tips are relevant? Which one do you think is the
best? Why?

Listen to the conversation below. After, practice with a partner.

Kate: As I see it, I think computer games can be dangerous. Children

copy things they see, so in the case of violent computer games, this
could be harmful to themselves and others.
Mary: Yes, but don’t you think that video games are a good resource for
children to learn about strategy, risk-taking, and cooperation?
Kate: On the contrary, I feel computer games reduce children's
creativity and physical skills. Besides this, they should be banned
because of their low social and moral values.
Mary: I totally disagree! Banning video games would deny people their
basic freedom of choice. Doesn’t everybody have the right to have fun
the way they prefer? Not only children but either adults play video
Kate: I partly agree with you. However, talking about adults and old
children we can mention that most of them are addicted to video
games. It is a difficult problem nowadays and it doesn’t have an easy
solution yet.

Grammar - Transitive and intransitive verbs

Transitive verbs require an object and can be used in the

active and passive voices.

The soccer referee eliminated my team from the
My team was eliminated by the soccer referee from the

Intransitive verbs do not require an object and cannot be in

the passive voice.

The coach didn't interfere in the game match.
The two athletes are competing for the gold medal.

There are some transitive verbs that cannot be used in the
passive voice.
The coach let the player outrage the referee.
The players was let to outrage the referee.

Decide whether the verbs below are transitive or intransitive.
After, make new sentences with them.

to advise to sleep to drink

to interfere to give to feed


A) ___________________________________________________
B) ___________________________________________________
C) ___________________________________________________
D) ___________________________________________________
E) ___________________________________________________
F) ___________________________________________________

Vocabulary - Types of games

cooperative simulation strategy

quiz adventure role-playing puzzle

Match the types of games vocabulary to their definitions.

( ) a game or toy in which you have to fit separate pieces

( ) an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience
or activity.
( ) a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or
overall aim.
( ) involving mutual assistance in working toward a common
( ) a test of knowledge, especially a brief, an informal test
given to students.

A) Cooperative
B) Strategy
C) Quiz
D) Adventure
E) Puzzle

Look at the picture below and make a short paragraph
describing it. After, make a short role-playing game with a
Grammar - Indefinite phrases

An infinitive phrase is the infinitive form of a verb plus any

complements and modifiers.

I want to compete with him.

There are different types of indefinite phrases. Look at them


Perfect infinitive - when the action took place before the

time we are talking about - to have + past participle
e.g.: They appear to have outraged the referee. 6
Continuous infinitive - when the action is in progress
around the time we are talking about - to be + verb with
e.g.: She should be competing with every inch of her being.

Passive infinitive - when we want to focus on the object,

not the subject. - to be + past participle
e.g.: The game could be interfered with by the cheering

Look at the sentences below and find de infinitive phrases.

After, explain the difference in meaning between each pair of

A) He helped to build this new house.

He is helping to build this new house.

B) Some teenagers would like to have more time to play

games over the internet.
Some teenagers would like to have had more time to play
games over the internet.

C) I love detective books. I like to read one next weekend.

I love detective books. I would like to read one next weekend.
D) The artists don’t appear to know why they are here.
The artists didn’t appear to know why They are here.

Vocabulary - Nouns about games

prestige risk initiative

protection motivation challenge

Match the nouns about games with their definitions.

A) ________ is the respect and admiration given to someone

or something, usually because of a reputation for high
quality, success, or social influence.

B) ________ deals with the general desire or willingness of

someone to do something.

C) ________ is the condition or state of being kept safe from

injury, damage, or loss.

D) ________ is a new plan or process to achieve something or

solve a problem.

E) _________ is the possibility of something bad happening.

F) _________ something that needs great mental or physical

effort in order to be done successfully and therefore tests a
person's ability. 8
Look at the picture below, and make three sentences about it.

1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________

Grammar - Quantifiers (Review)

Quantifiers are words responsible for giving the number of

specific nouns. To use them, we need to separate the nouns into
countable and uncountable.

For countable nouns, we use a few and many.

Examples: My nephew has many strategy games.
I complete a few puzzles per year.

For uncountable nouns, we use a little and much.

Examples: These modern videogames have much noise.
We spend a little energy playing this game.

Complete the sentences using much or many:

A) I don’t have ____ time to study French.

B) My sister was hired. Now, she doesn’t have _____ money to
pay the bills.
C) Jack has ___ adventure books. He loves reading!
D) Please, don’t make ___ noise. The baby is sleeping.
E) You bought ____ new T-shirts at the mall yesterday.
F) Do you have ____ dollars to travel to the U.S.A.?

Answer the questions about yourself:

A) How many T-shirts do you have?


B) How much money do you save during one year?


C) How much sugar do you like to put in your coffee?


D) How many shoes do you have?


E) How many windows are there in your house?


Listen to Sara talking about a specific game.

Now, listen again, and answer the questions:

A) What game is she talking about?

( ) War game ( ) Game of life ( ) The twister game

B) What is the beginning of the game?


C) What is the end of the game?


D) Who wins the game?


E) According to the speaker, what are some topics of the


Grammar - Expressions of quantity and verbs agreement

A particular agreement problem occurs when the subject

is an expression of quantity followed by the preposition of.
Some expressions of quantity are all, most, and some.
In this situation, the subject can be singular or plural,
depending on what follows the preposition of. Considering
the subject, we can make verbs agree correctly after
expressions of quantity.

Examples: Most (of the game) is interesting.

Most (of the games) are interesting.

In the first sentence, the subject most refers to the singular

noun game, so the correct verb is therefore the singular verb
is. In the second sentence, the subject most refers to the
plural noun games, so the correct verb is therefore the plural
verb are.

TOEFL Time - Underline the expressions of quantity, and
circle the head nouns. Then, correct the incorrect sentences.

1. Some of the animals from the zoo was released into the
animal preserve.______________________________________

2.We believe that some of the time of the employees is going

to be devoted to quality control. ________________________

3. She did not know where most of people in the room was
from. _______________________________________________

4. In spite of what was decided at the meeting, half of the

procedures was not changed. ___________________________

5. I was sure that all of the questions on the test were


6. Half of food that we are serving to the guests are still in

the refrigerator.______________________________________

These are some phrasal verbs about games. Phrasal verbs are
verbs that are made up of the main verb together with
an adverb or a preposition, or both. Typically, their meanings
are not obvious from the meanings of the individual words

to cheer on to try out to drop out

to set up to count down

Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs above.

A) I want to _____ these new shoes.

B) We will ___ our classmates in the football league.

C) He _____the top 10 gamers every Friday.

D) The company _____ a huge plan for this semester.

E) She injured her leg in the first round and had _____ the


TOEIC time - You will listen to a short talk. Then read the
questions and the four sentences, after choose the best

1.Where is the introduction probably taking place?

A) ( ) At a business meeting.
B) ( ) At a job interview.
C) ( ) At a TV game show.
D) ( ) At a dinner party.

2. What does the speaker say about Stan Kramer?

A) ( ) He is an engineer.
B) ( ) He has three children.
C) ( ) He is not married.
D) ( ) He will win a prize.

3. What will the listeners probably do next?

A) ( ) Start booing.
B) ( ) Remain silent.
C) ( ) Ask questions.
D) ( ) Clap their hands.

Oral practice

Make a short talk about your favorite game. Explain the

rules, and your experiences with it (whom you played
with, when, where, what you liked and disliked the

Return to the conversation above, and practice with

your partner, replacing the words in purple with other
suitable words.


Write a composition about a game you would like to play.

Explain its possible theme and rules.


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