Treatment Chart Updated Health Seeker - 8271

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Niramayam-Yoggram Village, Patanjali food & Herbal Park Vill- padaratha, Laskar Road ,Haridwar,

Uttrakhand - 249404 CIN :- U2423PLC2006PLC144789

Contact:- +91-7407719342 , Email-

Date: - 14/05/2024 Booking MR No- PYII/638271

Mr./Mrs./Miss Sumitra Devi Jain with Nemi Chand Jain
Gender – Male/Female
Consulting in charge- Mata Dasi Niramayi Devi, Acharya Ramkrishna Mukunda & Acharaya
Gyaneshwar Mishra

Yog & Meditation:-

Swami Ramdev is a renowned yogi who is famous for revolutionizing yoga. His Yoga is a set of
different yoga poses and methods that help in achieving good health and treating or controlling
different ailments in the body. A subset of his methods, Pranayama is a collection of breathing
methods that focus on increasing the blood circulation of the body and improving the flow of
blood to all the internal organs of the body so that overall health of the individual improves.

• Helps in relieving emotional and nervous anxiety

• Improves immunity of the body
• Rejuvenates and refreshes both body and mind
• Releases chronic muscle tension around vital organs like heart and digestive organs
Abhyang therapy is an ancient practice which predates the Vedic period.

The word Abhyanga is derived from Abhi + Anjana. Abhi - towards, into, upon etc., Anjana - to
smear, to anoint Rubbing with unctuous substance, smearing the body with oil.

Abhyang means massage of whole-body including head with oil. Often medicated and usually
warm, the oil is massaged into the entire body . It can be beneficial for maintaining health and
used as a medicine for certain disorders. It can be incorporated into a routine appropriate for
almost everyone.

• Massage in specific direction improves blood circulation, facilitates removal of the toxins
from the tissues
• relieves physical and mental fatigue
• improves the functioning of musculoskeletal system, clears stiffness and heaviness of the
body and leads to feeling of lightness.
• It assists development of healthy body, helps in improvement of body figure, recuperates
the body tissues and reduces body weight as well as fat
Virechana, also known as medical purgation therapy, is one of the five procedures of
Panchakarma which is specified for Pitta doshas. It is the cleansing process for Pitta and
the purification of the blood toxins from the body that are accumulated in the liver and
gallbladder. It completely cleanses the gastro intestinal tract. This karma mainly aims to
eliminate Pitta doshas that cannot be removed by Vaman karma. Virechan is the
procedure which expelled out the doshas through adhomarga i.e., Guda. After Virechana
Therapy, The person gets purity of channels of circulation, clarity of the sense organs,
lightness of the body, increase in energy, promoting power of digestion and metabolism,
freedom from diseases, expulsion of faeces, etc.
• Slows down the ageing process
• Enhances the immune system of the individual
• Increases sexual power
• Remove Stones
• Calms the mind and relaxes the body
• Improves digestion, metabolic power and cleans the gastrointestinal tract entirely
• Increase blood flow in every cell of the body and enhances the beauty of the
• A completely safe procedure for the removal of excess doshas from the body
without any complications or side effects
Diet Therapy:-
Diet is an important component of a comprehensive naturopathic healthcare plan. Food is
regarded as medicine at many systems of medicine but this is more obvious and apparent
in Naturopathy. Naturopathy promotes and encourages the natural food, i.e., the food
which is provided by nature and is consumed essentially in the natural form.
• Eliminative Diet: Liquids-Lemon, Citric juices, Tender Coconut water, Vegetable
soups, Butter milk, Wheat Grass juices etc.
• Soothing Diet: Fruits, Salads, Boiled/Steamed Vegetables, Sprouts, Vegetable
chutney etc.
• Fasting Diet: juice fasting, fruit fasting & raw diet fasting .These ways of diet
rotation helps us to detoxify & cleanse inner system of body which relevantly
results as a cure to our health seekers. Being alkaline, these diets help in
improving health, purifying the body and rendering it immune to disease. To this
end, a proper combination of food is necessary.
In these medicated fats like oil and ghee are used for stream pouring. It is highly beneficial in
tackling Vata disorders like neuromuscular and musculoskeletal disorders, diseases like
osteoarthritis, myalgia, fibromyalgia, paralysis, GB Syndrome etc. Sneha-dhara is best in dealing
degenerative conditions. Its sub-types are as below mentioned:

1. TAILA DHARA-medicated oils are used

2. GHRITA DHARA-medicated ghee is used
3. YAMAKA DHARA-medicated oils and ghee se used together as a combination or the
medicine itself is prepared having both ghee and oil as base substances.
4. KASHAYA DHARA -stream pouring of herbal decoctions or extracts. This is useful in
diseases caused by morbid Vata and Kapha or Vata-Kapha. It also combats ama (cellular
toxins caused due to sluggish metabolism tending to block the cellular functions and
channels of the body). This is not used over the head
5. DHANYAMLA DHARA OR KANJI DHARA - medicated fermented liquids are used. This is
mainly used in combating the presence of high ama and inflammatory conditions. Its use
in Rheumatoid arthritis is unparalleled. This is not used over the head. Ksheera Dhara-
medicated milk is used in this type of treatment. Basically it is used for strengthening
purposes and also to combat inflammation. It is highly beneficial in gout. It is used for both
body and head.
6. TAKRA DHARA-medicated buttermilk is used in this type of treatment. Basically it is used
in stress related disorders, blood pressure, psoriasis etc. it is used for both body and head.
• It is highly beneficial in tackling Vata disorders like neuromuscular disorder like paralysis,
GB Syndrome
• Musculoskeletal disorders, diseases like osteoarthritis, myalgia, fibromyalgia, etc.
• Enhanced production of lubrication inside joint.
Kati Basti:-
The word Kati refers to Low back and Basti stands for retaining something inside, in this case
mainly medicated oil. The procedure of applying heat to the sacral or lumbar region by retaining
warm medicated oil within a specially formed frame in this area is popularly known as ‘Kati Basti’.
This is form of giving fomentation to localized area.
• Increases the circulation in the region, as the herbal oil gets deeply absorbed into the skin,
• it both nourishes and strengthens the muscles and nerves.
• Pacifies one of the primary sites of Vata, relieving pain, soreness, and tension and
• restoring flexibility.
• Relieves chronic lower backaches and painful muscle spasms, stiffness, and degenerative
• problems.
Shirodhara is a classical and a well-established ayurvedic treatment procedure of slowly dripping
of medicated oil on center of forehead of the patient. Other liquids like kwath, buttermilk, milk,
medicated oil etc. are also been used depending on the individual condition of the patient. The
etymology of Shirodhara is from shira = head and dhara = flow.
• It enhances the function of the central nervous system, treats diseases like anxiety,
depression, and mental fatigue and bestowes a whole new experience to the mind and
• It reduces Blood pressure.
• Relives Migraine or any kind of headache, reduces hair fall, Neurological Disorders.
Treatment Charges:-

Sr Treatment Name Patient Name Cost(Days X Amount

1. Yog & Meditation (2 Times/Day) 2 person 12 X 400 X 2 9,600.00
2. Abhyang 2 person 12 X 375 X 2 9,000.00
3. Virechana 2 person 12 X 405 X 2 9,720.00
4. Diet Therapy ( 3 Times/Day ) 2 person 12 X 450 X 2 10,800.00
5. Snehdhara 2 person 12 X 450 X 2 10,800.00
6. Kati Basti 2 person 12 X 425 X 2 10,200.00
7. Shirodhara 2 person 12 X 300 X 2 7,200.00
Grand Total 67,320.00
*Note – This is final payment which is necessary for your treatment after this payment you do not
need to pay any kind of payment in any how and any where.

Account Details:-
Bank Name:- Federal Bank of India
Account Name- Patanjali Yogpeeth Trust II
Account Number- 99980123632825
IFSC Code- FDRL0002475
Branch- Haridwar, Uttarakhand
You can make any kind of payment method like
IMPS/NEFT/RTGS/via transfer.
(Note:- Cash Deposit is not allowed in account. Cash
Regards, deposit only accept on the trust office)
This account is only for treatment and booking
Health Team
purpose only if you want to donate for the trust you
Patanjali Yogpeeth Trust Unit II have to contact trust for different Account Details.

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