Introduction and Number Systems

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Introduction to Digital

Wednesday, June 26, 2024 9:09 AM

- Why we Require Digital Design?

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This is the area where all
digital design engineers will

- Every thing we are going to give as an input is in the form of

- Lets see what we can do with this voltages.

- While creating this IC, the designers(R&D Team) came up with an idea that, as we are not working on the transistor level, so we
don’t need too much of voltate ranges.
- For that what they did is, they selsected two ranges of transistors.
1. Cut off stage: Where the transistor wont work
2. Saturation stage: where the transistor will going to work.
3. With this two things, what they created is a switch.

Analog engineers work here

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- I can do two things with the transistor.
1. Transistor as a switch.(It works on Cut off and saturation Region) -> Here Digitial engineers will work
a. Here the transistor will work as A SWITCH.
2. Transistor as a amplifier.(It works on Active region) -> Here analog engineers will work.
a. Here the transistor will work as Amplifier or oscillator, etc

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- In Mobiles phones , we have Millions of transistors.
- All these transistors are working as a switches, and amplifiers(based on the requirement)
- When , we touch something, in our mobile phone touch screen, first it will be given feed to the Application layer.
- This application will communicate with the operating system layer.
- That operating system layer will communicate with the Embedded system layer
- That embedded system layer will communicate with the Actual IC
- That IC contains(Gates and gates contains transistors)

- All The above things are happening in the order of Nano seconds.
- This depends on Nodes of the transistors(10nm,5nm etc), types of transistors(BJT,FET,CMOS,FINFET,GAAFET) etc

Chipset Qualcomm SM8650-AC Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 (4 nm)

CPU 8-core (1x3.39GHz Cortex-X4 & 3x3.1GHz Cortex-A720 & 2x2.9GHz Cortex-A720 & 2x2.2GHz Cortex-A520)
GPU Adreno 750 (1 GHz)

- What is NODE?
- Previously , when there is the technology of around 200um, the node(nano meter only) is nothing but the length of the channel .
- Now after some evolutions in the node, say around, 90nm or 80nm, they face a problem, that ever further reduction in the gate will
result in shorting of the source and drain.
- So to avoid this, R&D Team came up with an idea that, ok We need to reduce the area of the source and drain as well.
- For every updating in the node, they are shrinking the source, drain and gate areas by some percentages.

What is Zero and ONE?

- In the starting stage of development R&D team, took 0V as Zero and 5V as ONE.
- They faced a problem that what value need to take, whether the voltage came as 3v.
- Now the device is in Metastability
- To avoid this, they came up with an idea that, instead of taking a single voltage, go with range of voltages.

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- To avoid this, they came up with an idea that, instead of taking a single voltage, go with range of voltages.
- So now:
○ If voltage is in between 5v - 3.5v they consider it as ONE
○ If voltage is in between 1.5v to 0v they consider it as ZERO.

Chip-1 Chip-2

0.8 Million gates

1 Million gates

- If gate count reduced, we have some advantages:

○ It will be less complex.
○ Low power consumption
○ Requires Less Size.
○ Less cost
○ Portable

- There is a digital mantra:

○ Always try to put minimum gates in an IC
○ Try to reduce how much we can.

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Digital Design Syllabus
Wednesday, June 26, 2024 10:47 AM

- Digital Design Consists of two things:

○ Combinational Circuits
○ Sequential Circuits

- Combinational Circuits:
○ Number systems
○ Boolean Algebra
○ Minimization Techniques
○ Digital Arithemetic Ckts
○ MUX and DeMux Ckts
○ Decoders and Encoders
○ Comparators ckts
○ Code coverters

- Sequential Circuits:
○ Latches and Flipflops
○ Counters and its Applications
○ Registers and shift Registers and its applications
○ Frequency Divider circuits
○ Frequency Multiplier circuits
○ Edge Detectors
○ Finite State Machines

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Number Systems
Wednesday, June 26, 2024 11:02 AM

- What is combinational Circuits?

- Output of this circuits will only depends on the present Input only.

Logic Circuit)

Number Systems:
- Binary
- Octal
- Decimal
- Hexadecimal

- Binary Number System:

○ Digits: "0" and "1"
○ Base or Radix : b,B,2
○ All my digital processors will work on the binary systems

- Octal Number System:

○ Digits: 0 to 7
▪ 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
▪ 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17
▪ 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27
○ Base or Radix: O,o,8
○ We are going to use this in Cryptography, Encoding and Decoding areas.

- Decimal Number System:

○ Digits: 0 to 9
▪ 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
▪ 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19
▪ 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29…
○ Base or Radix: d,D,10
○ We are going to use this in our daily life.

- Hexadecimal Number System:

○ Digits: 0 to 15( 0 to F)
▪ 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F
▪ 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,1A,1B,1C,1D,1E,1F
▪ 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,2A,2b,2C,2d,2e,2f …..
○ Base or Radix: H,h,16
○ All Hardware are understood this number system.

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Decimal Numbers:

0000 => 0
0001 => 1
0010 => 2
0011 => 3
0100 => 4
0101 => 5
0110 => 6
0111 => 7
1000 => 8
1001 => 9


Hexa decimal :
0000 => 0
0001 => 1
0010 => 2
0011 => 3
0100 => 4
0101 => 5
0110 => 6
0111 => 7
1000 => 8
1001 => 9
1010 => A
1011 => B
1100 => C
1101 => D
1110 => E
1111 => F

- Conversion of Number systems:

○ Binary will going to convert into following number systems:
▪ Octal
▪ Decimal
▪ Hexa Decimal
○ Octal will going to convert into following number systems:
▪ Binary
▪ Decimal
▪ Hexa Decimal
○ Decimal will going to convert into following number systems:
▪ Binary
▪ Octal
▪ Hexa Decimal
○ Hexa Decimal will going to convert into following number systems:
▪ Binary
▪ Octal
▪ Decimal

Binary Number Conversion:

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Octal Decimal
Hexa Decimal

Binary to Octal Conversion:

- Binary is a 1 bit number system: 0 and 1

- Octal is a 3 bit number system: 0 to 7

(10101100110)2 convert into Octal.

Ex-2: 11000011 convert into octal number

Step: Group 3 bits from Right to left and then find the equivalent value of that in octal number system:

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Ex-3: Convert binary number 11000011.1010 in to octal

First group 3 bits from right to left before binary point

After binary point we need to group from Left to Right.

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Binary to Decimal Conversion:

To do this conversion , we need to do the Weighted sum

Convert binary number 10100101 into decimal.

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Ex: Convert binary number 10100101 . 1010 into decimal.

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Binary to Hexa Decimal Conversion:

- Binary is a 1 bit number system

- Hexa decimal is 4 bit number system

- Steps:
○ Group every 4 bits and write its equivalent Hexa number.
○ Before binary point, we need to group from Right to left
○ After Binary point, we need to group from Left to right.

Ex: Convert binary number 10100101 into Hexa decimal.

Ex: Convert binary number 10100101.10010011 into Hexa decimal.

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