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10 Kindness Ethics
Short Questions.

Q1: Write a quote on Kindness in light of Quran.




Q2: How does being Kindness help us?




Q3: How did the Prophet treat People?




Q4: Write down a saying of the Holly Prophet about Kindness.




Q5: Write a note why Kindness is important?







Fill in the blanks.

1. The _______________ kindness has fundamental information in Islam.

2. Kindness is an _______________ of Allah Himself.
3. The Holly Prophet treated all the captives _____________
4. The _____________ threw stone at him but he showed kindness even to them.
5. Allah ________ those who are kind.

True and False

1. The Quraish were kind to the Holly Prophet ___________

2. The Holly Prophet took revenge from his enemies. _________
3. In his boyhood, the Holly Prophet always showed kindness and friendship towards
boys of his age. ________________

Fill in the blanks

1. Abu Hurairah mother _________ the Holly Prophet.

2. Hazrat Fatima cleaned the refuse of camel from her father’s back.
3. Tolerance also means ________ control.

Short Questions

Q1: What is Tolerance?


Q2: Write down the saying of the Holy Prophet about Tolerance.




Q3: Who was Abdullah bin Ubbay?





Q4: Who placed the stomach of a dead camels on the back of the Holy Prophet (pbuh)?



Long Questions

Q: How is the life of the Holy Prophet the best example for Muslims in term of






Fill in the blanks.

1. The Holy Prophet married ____________ to Hazrat Zaid, a freed slave.

2. The Holy Prophet did not have any separate _____________ arrangement.
3. The Holy Prophet also helped in digging __________ during the battle of Ahzab.

Answer the questions.

Q1: What is Equality?



Q2: What is Equality in light of Islam?




Long Questionns

Q: How are people treated before the advent of Islam?




Q: Write a note on Equality in the light of Sunnah?





Fill in the blanks.

1. Hazrat Khadija asked the Holy Prophet to take her goods to __________ for
2. Islam expects its followers to conduct their business with __________ and
3. A man who has honesty has no ________________
4. If a few people are _______________ an adverse effect are felt by others around

Short Questions.

Q1: What is Honesty?





Q2: What is honesty in the light of Islam?




Q3: Why do you think honesty is important to live a good life?







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