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Graduate School of Business and Management

Transnational, Education and Extension Program

Master of Information Technology (MIT)

Mobile and Web Loan Application System for the Employees

Association of the XXXXX

A Capstone Project presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of

Business and Management (GSBM)

In partial fulfillment
of the Course Requirements for the
degree of Master of Information Technology


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Information

Technology (MIT) this Capstone Project entitled “XXXXXXXX” has been
prepared and submitted by XXXXXXX. and who is hereby recommended for oral

______________________________ ______________________________
Norman B. Ramos, Ph.D.
Capstone Project Chairman / Dean for Language Editor
College of Informatics

Eng’r. Jay Espedido, Ph.D., D. Hum,
Capstone Project Professor/ Technical Adviser

Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of _____.

______________________________ ______________________________
Eng’r. Friolan De Guzman, DIT Mario G. Miranda II, Ph.D.
Panelist Panelist / VP for Information and
Communications Technology

Expert Panelist

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

Master of Information Technology.

Margie DG. Dela Cruz, Ph.D.
Vice President for Global Education and Extension

Date: _________

This Capstone Project entitled “XXXXXX," prepared and submitted by XXXXX. in

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Information
Technology (MIT), has been examined and recommended for Oral Examination.


Language Editor

Norman B. Ramos
Capstone Project Chairman /
Dean for College of Informatics

Eng’r. Jay Espedido, Ph.D., D. Hum.
Capstone Project Professor /
Technical Adviser

I dedicate this work to our Almighty God and Father, the Source of life, wisdom,
and infinite goodness. Nothing is possible without you.

To my husband, Anthony, and our daughters, Graciela Anne and Antonia Grace,
for being my constant source of joy, support, and encouragement, especially
during the challenging months of graduate school. I am grateful for your love and

To my parents, XXX and XXXX, for being my strength and inspiration to

continuously strive for everything that I aspire to achieve, both professionally and
personally. You have always shown that hard work begets good results.

And lastly, thank you to my dear sisters and friends for your care and support,
especially during those times that I struggled to find a good balance between
work, home, and academic obligations.

This paper would not have been possible without the invaluable help and
support of many people.

To the Philippine Christian University faculty and staff, thank you for the
quality education afforded me while the world is adjusting to the "new normal."

To my technical adviser, Engr. Jay Espedido, Ph.D., D. Hum., thank you for
your assistance and crucial insights throughout this capstone project. Also,
thank you to the committee members, Eng’r. Friolan de Guzman, Dr. Mario
Miranda, Ph.D.; your encouraging words and detailed feedback have been an
immense help in the completion of this project.

Thank you to the XXXX and staff for sharing their time and knowledge as I
conducted my research.

A special thanks to Mr. XXXX and Engr. XXXX, for the guidance and wisdom
you have unselfishly imparted to me.

And lastly, to MIT Class of 2021 and my colleagues in the XXXX Management
Information Systems Division, I am grateful for your professionalism, integrity
and cooperation for the course duration.
APPROVAL SHEET............................................................................................... i
ADVISERS RECOMMENDATION.........................................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................v
LIST OF FIGURES.............................................................................................. vii
LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................viii
CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1
1.1. Background of the Study..........................................................................1
1.2. Objectives................................................................................................ 2
1.3. Statement of the Problem.........................................................................2
1.4. Significance of the Study..........................................................................2
1.5. Scope and Limitation................................................................................3
2.1. Review of Related System.......................................................................3
2.2. Related Local System..............................................................................4
2.3. Related Foreign System...........................................................................4
2.4. Synthesis of Related System...................................................................5
2.5. Review of Existing System.......................................................................5
2.6. Procedure of Manual Process..................................................................6
2.7. Data Flow Diagram...................................................................................8
2.8. Definition of Terms...................................................................................8
CHAPTER 3 – METHODOLOGY........................................................................10
3.1. Conceptual Framework..........................................................................10
3.2. Project Planning and Management........................................................11
3.3. Project Design........................................................................................12
3.4. System Architecture...............................................................................12
3.5. Process Flows........................................................................................13
3.6. Diagrams................................................................................................15
3.6.1. Data Flow Diagrams...........................................................................15
3.6.2. Data Dictionary................................................................................... 16
3.6.3. UML Diagram......................................................................................19
3.6.4. Entity-Relationship Diagram................................................................20
3.7. Project Development..............................................................................20
3.8. Testing and Evaluation Procedures.......................................................21
3.8.1. Criteria................................................................................................ 21
3.8.2. Methodology....................................................................................... 22
3.8.3. Metrics................................................................................................ 22

Figure 1 – Manual Loan Application DFD.............................................................8

Figure 2 – Research Model................................................................................11
Figure 3 – Project Timeline..................................................................................11
Figure 4 – Project Work Breakdown Structure...................................................12
Figure 5 – Proposed System Architecture..........................................................13
Figure 6 – Proposed Mobile App Process Flow.................................................14
Figure 7 – Proposed Web Application Process Flow.........................................15
Figure 8 – Proposed Context Data Flow Diagram...............................................16
Figure 9 – Proposed Data Flow Diagram Level 1................................................16
Figure 10 – Use-Case UML Diagram for Proposed System................................19
Figure 11 – Chen Entity-Relational Diagram for Proposed System.....................20
Figure 12 – SDLC Methodology..........................................................................21

Table 1 – Table of Conditions................................................................................5

Table 2 – Step-by-Step Loan Application Procedures...........................................7
Table 3 – Proposed Data Dictionary...................................................................19
Table 4 - Sub-characteristics of Usability............................................................22
Table 5 – Table of Usability Metrics....................................................................23
Table 6 – Likert Scale..........................................................................................23

A – User’s Manual
B – Project Cost
C – Computation of Evaluation Results
D – Other Supporting Documents
1) Samples of Actual Documents
2) Transcripts of Interview
3) Letter of Communications
4) Acceptance Letter
5) System Software Evaluation
6) Pictures of Software Deployment
7) Curriculum Vitae
8) Grammarian Certification

1.1. Background of the Study

The lure of digital loans has driven many to engage with this moderately
regulated industry to unparalleled growth. The ease of applying for, receiving,
and even repaying these microloans digitally, especially during the current health
situation, has been the industry's driving force. Unfortunately, however, clients
find it too late that they have authorized an unknown entity to delve into their
data, charge exorbitant fees, and expose them to questionable collection
practices. The price of convenience, so it seems.

By circumstance, a better alternative has always been available to the XXXXXX

(BI) employees in the form of short-term loans from the XXXX (Buklod), the
agency's official employees association.

Executive Order No. 180, Series of 1987, signed by then President of the
Republic of the Philippines, Corazon C. Aquino, on 1 June 1987, provided
guidelines for government employees' right to self-organization to promote and
protect their interests.

With the desire to strengthen its rank and file, employees of BI, then known as
the CID, organized and formed Buklod ng mga Kawani ng CID in the year 1988.
Much emphasis is on safeguarding the general interest, cultivating unity and
moral, social, spiritual, and intellectual development, and sponsoring programs
geared towards promoting and improving the economic wellbeing of its members.

The years have shown that the Buklod has successfully represented its 1,600
members in the tri-annual Collective Negotiation Agreement with the top
management. In addition, it has actively ensured that the BI Personnel Selection
Board equitably deliberate qualified members who are applying for promotional
appointments. Moreover, the association espoused and spearheaded numerous
activities geared towards personal capacity building and wellbeing.

The association's Executive Board passed resolutions establishing programs to

provide for its members.
Among these are programs geared towards providing financial assistance
through loans or benefits for retirement, disability, sickness, or death of a family
member. Democratically, members have the option to sign up/apply for any of
these programs by authorizing the salary deduction of minimal amounts of
money as determined by the Board.

Given the nature of the agency's operations, members are geographically

dispersed in over 70 offices, covering 17 regions and 48 provinces of the country.
In addition, due to the prolonged pandemic situation, members cannot travel
freely to the head office to handle transactions in person.

1.2. Objectives

Therefore, the main objective of this Capstone Project is to provide Buklod with a
viable solution to bring its services closer to its members. Migrating its current
lending program from pencil-and-paper online might help bridge the gap between
the association and its members who may very well be assigned "mula Aparri
hanggang Jolo."
Specifically, the system will support:
 electronic submission of loan applications;
 automate loan records management;
 collect data for forecasting financial assistance requirements; and
 reduce the use of paper.

1.3. Statement of the Problem

While there may be considerable investment costs in migrating its transaction

online, more members will likely avail of Buklod’s lending services if they are
more accessible, particularly during this period when movements outside the
home are restricted.

1.4. Significance of the Study

This Capstone Project is beneficial to the following:

 Employees / Members – as primary users of the system, members will be
provided with a paperless, 24/7 online facility that will enable the filing and
monitoring of loan applications from the comforts of their own homes.
 Association – as the owner of the system, Buklod will be provided: [a] with
automated loan application records; [b] data to analyze trends and patterns of

members' financial needs; as well [c] data to determine applicant's credit
 Future Researchers – can broaden the program's scope; add features that
will improve the system's functionality, bringing about a holistic and more
satisfying customer experience.

1.5. Scope and Limitation

As the project aims to automate the loan application for the Buklod, only duly
registered members can file applications using the system.

All user accounts are subject to final review by the Committee on Membership.
Bogus or unverifiable accounts will be disapproved and deleted within a
reasonable period.

The system is intended for loan application and tracking only. Other services,
such as applications for retirement or other benefits, are not included. Similarly,
this project excludes verification of paid association dues, the release of loan
proceeds, and loan repayments.


It is common knowledge that digital technologies transform the way an

organization conducts its business. To develop a relevant proposal for the
association, the author analyzed available related and existing systems to:
 examine various functions of top-rated financial mobile apps; and
 acquire a thorough knowledge of the process for automation.

1.6. Review of Related System

Considering that no mobile apps cater to loan applications published for any
government employees' association at the national level, such as BI, the author
deemed it appropriate to examine one of the more popular loan mobile apps
available in Google Play.

1.7. Related Local System

The top result for "best loan apps in the Philippines" is the blog maintained by All
the Best Loans. This site claims to provide reliable information to the Filipino
people searching for "profitable loan offers."

Tala Financing Philippines Inc., a company duly listed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission as an Online Lending Platform, offers microloans through
the Tala Loan app.

Currently, the app’s features include:

 Data privacy promise
 Individual input of consent for the app to harvest call and messaging data,
geo-location, and contacts list
 Registration of user account
 Online application of loan
 Payment due date notification
 In-app Loan Payment

As of date, it is one of the highly rated apps in Google Play with a rating of 4.7
stars due to its speedy approval process and release of proceeds through
various channels. Users have also indicated that the company offers lower
interest charges and has not employed harmful collection practices.

1.8. Related Foreign System

One of the more popular loan apps in Nigeria is the QuickCheck Loan app,
launched in 2017. In a review conducted by published on its
website on 24 August 2021, Arve Limited launched QuickCheck Loan app to help
alleviate the challenges of financial inclusion in Nigeria.

QuickCheck Loan app features more of the same features that the Tala Loan app
 Registration of user account
 Online application of loan
 Payment due date notification
 In-app Loan Payment

Key differences noted were the range of loanable amount, interest rate, service
fees, and mode of release of funds.

1.9. Synthesis of Related System

The past two decades have proven that automation has dramatically improved
process efficiency; this, in turn, leads to higher client satisfaction. In addition, the
rise in the popularity and use of smartphones has provided the IT section with
immense opportunity to develop mobiles apps for most industries.

Of the features observed in available loan apps, the author proposes the
incorporation of the following:
 use of the mobile app in the deployment of the system;
 verification/validation through user-provided electronic mail address or short
messaging system;
 electronic submission of loan applications; and
 full disclosure of applicable charges.

1.10. Review of Existing System

The transaction is available to all bona fide members of the Buklod. Per existing
regulations, the following conditions are considered:

Condition Values
Range of loanable amount Php 10,000.00 to 100,000.00 only
Period 1 to 12 months
Interest rate 1% per month
Service charge Php 30.00 / transaction

Table 1 – Table of Conditions

The following sub-sections illustrate the step-by-step procedures and flow of

data within the transaction.

1.11. Procedure of Manual Process

1 Receiving To secure blank To issue blank 2 mins. Staff
application from the application form to
Buklod office requesting party
2 To fill-out application 5 mins
3 To request co-maker 5-10
to sign the application mins
4 To submit a duly To check for 2 mins Staff
filled-out application completeness of
form entries
5 To receive loan 5 mins. Staff
application and
created logbook entry
6 Verification To validate co-maker 5 mins. Staff
if a permanent to 1 day
employee of BI; if not
on employee list, to
request verification
with the BI Personnel
7 To verify existing 1 hour Staff
8 To endorse reviewed 1 min. Staff
loan applications to
Chair, Committee on
Loans for review
9 Review To review and 15 mins Chair,
recommend final Committee
action to the Board on Loans
10 Approval Final action on loan During Board or
applications (if for monthly President
Board action, meeting
otherwise, the of the
President renders Board
11 To prepare a check 30 mins. Staff
payable to the name
of the borrower
12 Two authorized 5 mins. President
signatories to sign the Treasurer
13 To update form to 5 mins. Staff
indicate check
number and loan
14 To inform the 5 mins. Staff
applicant that the
check is ready for
15 Releasing To receive check and To secure member’s 5 mins. Staff
sign logbook signature and release
evidencing receipt check
16 Endorseme To prepare a list of 30-60 Staff
nt approved loans with mins.
monthly payments for
salary deduction
17 To submit to BI 5 mins. Staff
Payroll Unit
16 Filing To properly file all 5-10 Staff
documents related to mins.
loan application
Total Processing Time 4 – 14 hours
Release Date 3 – 5 days
Total Fees Interest plus
Php 30.00 service fee

Table 2 – Step-by-Step Loan Application Procedures

1.12. Data Flow Diagram

Figure 1 – Manual Loan Application DFD

1.13. Definition of Terms

The author used the following definitions for the terms used throughout his paper:
 Buklod – refers to the accredited employee association of the XXXXXX
registered as Buklod ng mga Kawani ng CID (now BI)
 XXXXXX (BI) – refers to the national government agency principally
responsible for the administration and enforcement of immigration,
citizenship, as well as alien admission and registration laws following the
provisions of the Philippine Immigration Act (PIA) of 1940 (CA 613, as
 Client – refers to the user who is applying for a loan through the use of the

 Cloud computing – refers to the delivery of hosting services that are provided
to a client over the internet
 Commission on Immigration and Deportation (CID) – refers to the previous
official name of the XXXXXX
 Internet – refers to the globally connected network system facilitating
worldwide communication and access to data resources through a vast
collection of private, public, business, academic, and government networks
 Loan – refers to a form of debt incurred by an individual (client) wherein
lender (association) advances a sum of money to the client, and in return, the
client agrees to a specific set of terms, including any finance charges,
interest, repayment date, and other conditions

 Member – refers to a bona fide employee of the XXXXXX holding a plantilla
item and has filed his/her application to become a member of the association
 mula Aparri hanggang Jolo – refers to the phrase coined by a popular
television show theme song depicting that it is shown throughout the country,
covering the provinces of Aparri in the north and Jolo in the south of the
 Mobile app – refers to the type of application software designed to run on a
mobile device; similarly known as an app, web app, online app, or
smartphone app
 Pencil and paper – refers to a manual process wherein an activity (loan) is
 Plantilla item – refers to the employee holding a permanent position in the
government agency, i.e., XXXXXX
 Smartphones – refers to device or machine: appearing to have a degree of
intelligence; able to react or respond to differing requirements, varying
situations, or past events; programmed to be capable of some independent
 Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) – refers to the process used to
design, develop and test high-quality software applications
 User or authorized user – refers to the Buklod staff or member authorized to
approve/deny applications of system accounts, update the status of loan
applications and generate reports
 Waterfall – refers to a sequential software development process where
progress flows steadily toward the conclusion through the phases of the

 Web-based application – refers to any program that is accessed over a
network connection using HTTP, rather than existing within the memory of a
device; often runs inside a web browser; also known as web apps


The association engages in financial transactions, mainly to provide its members

with contingency funds as they go through life’s certain uncertainties.

Buklod, as the lender, releases a sum of money to the member, which the latter
has to pay back in installments through a regular monthly salary deduction, in
coordination with the BI Payroll Unit. Therefore, this proposal aims to provide the
association an alternative to its current manual process.

From time to time, the Board issues guidelines for loan approval: conditions can
cover mandatory inclusion of a co-maker and adjustment of loanable amount,
period, and service/interest charges. For these reasons, implementing an
automated system will benefit the members and the association staff, who
manually calculate, record, and process each loan application.

1.14. Conceptual Framework

This study was conducted by using the Input-Process-Output Model. Proceeding

illustration indicates that quality output is the by-product of careful consideration
of relevant process information to determine the solution most suitable to
improve the association's operations. Relevant information includes current
policies/regulations and procedures governing the loan program.

Figure 2 – Research Model

1.15. Project Planning and Management

The following section shows how the author planned to accomplish the project.
 Identified deliverables:
o Complete project report
o Prototype of LAS
 Identified timeline:
o End of the current school term.

Figure 3 – Project Timeline

The author requested a coordination meeting with the President of the

association. As a result of this meeting, the author submitted a formal letter
requesting authorization to conduct research.

To facilitate the development of work schedules, the author developed a Work

Breakdown Structure for this project as follows:

Figure 4 – Project Work Breakdown Structure

1.16. Project Design

The following sections detail the components used to design the proposed

1.17. System Architecture

A study completed by Ahmad et al. (2017) concluded that cloud computing offers
small businesses the opportunity to innovate their services by providing solutions
through an inexpensive approach. Furthermore, cloud services reduce the
complexities and costs involved in bringing services online since cloud service
providers offer a pay-as-needed scheme where they take charge of finance and
personnel investment of the procurement, maintenance, and upgrades of
required resources.

To this end, the author proposes using cloud services to enable the association
to innovate its services while minimizing operational and maintenance costs.

Figure 5 – Proposed System Architecture

1.18. Process Flows

Proceeding figures illustrate the process flow of the proposed LAS mobile and
web applications for the use of client-member and user-staff, respectively.

Figure 6 – Proposed Mobile App Process Flow

Figure 7 – Proposed Web Application Process Flow

1.19. Diagrams

1.19.1. Data Flow Diagrams

The following diagrams depict how data from external and internal entities are
processed and used within the system.

Figure 8 – Proposed Context Data Flow Diagram
Level 1 shows data are required from or by all entities, the processing of data
within each relevant process, and the various data storage required by the

Figure 9 – Proposed Data Flow Diagram Level 1

1.19.2. Data Dictionary

Users UserId (Primary Unique key Integer 11 Yes
UserName Inputted user String 255 Yes
account name
Password The inputted user String 255 Yes
account password
SecurityStamp Code String 255 Yes
Roland (Foreign Foreign key Integer 11 Yes
IsActivated Status Boolean 1 Yes
DateCreated Date account was DateTime 10 Yes
Roles Roland Unique key Integer 11 Yes
(Primary Key)
Name Role String 255 Yes

Divisions division Unique key Integer 11 Yes
(Primary Key)
Name BI office name String 255 Yes
Employees EmpId (Primary Unique key Integer 11 Yes
PlantillaNo Agency position String 255 Yes
Name Name of BI String 255 Yes
Gender Sex String 255 Yes
DOB Birthdate DateTime 10 Yes
division Foreign key Integer 11 Yes
(Foreign key)
DateCreated Date account was DateTime 10 Yes
Admin admin (Primary Unique key Integer 11 Yes
Information Key)
UserId (Foreign Inputted user Integer 11 Yes
key) account name
ItemNo Agency position String 255 Yes
FirstName Given name String 255 Yes
MiddleName Mother's maiden String 255 Yes
LastName Family or surname String 255 Yes
Gender Sex String 255 Yes
DOB Birthdate DateTime 10 Yes
MobileNo Mobile contact String 255 Yes
division Foreign key Integer 11 Yes
(Foreign key)
Loaner LoanerId Unique key Integer 11 Yes
Information (Primary Key)
UserId (Foreign Foreign key Integer 11 Yes

PlantillaNo Agency position String 255 Yes
FirstName Given name String 255 Yes
MiddleName Mother's maiden String 255 Yes
LastName Family or surname String 255 Yes
Gender Sex String 255 Yes
DOB Birthdate DateTime 10 Yes
MobileNo Mobile contact String 255 Yes
EmailAddress Inputted electronic String 255 Yes
mail address
division Foreign key Integer 11 Yes
(Foreign key)
Loan LoanId (Primary Unique key Integer 11 Yes
Applications Key)
LoanerId Foreign key Integer 11 Yes
(Foreign key)
LoanerPlantilla Agency position String 255 Yes
No number
LoanerName Fullname String 255 Yes
LoanerContact Mobile contact String 255 Yes
No number
guarantor Foreign key Integer 11 Yes
(Foreign key)
GuarantorPlanti Agency position String 255 Yes
llaNo number
GuarantorName Fullname String 255 Yes
GuarantorConta Mobile contact String 255 Yes
ctNo number
LoanAmount Amount applied for Decimal 10,2 Yes
LoanGuarantor Confirmation/ String 255 Yes
Status consent of the
named guarantor
LoanStatus Application status String 255 Yes

DateCreated Date account was DateTime 10 Yes
Pending PendingGuaran Unique key Integer 11 Yes
Guarantor torId (Primary
Request Key)
LoanApplication Foreign key Integer 11 Yes
Id (Foreign Key)
Status Confirmation/ String 255 Yes
consent of the
named guarantor
DateCreated Date account was DateTime 10 Yes

Table 3 – Proposed Data Dictionary

1.19.3. UML Diagram

The author employed a Use-Case UML diagram to summarize the two types of
users or actors and their interactions with the proposed system.

Figure 10 – Use-Case UML Diagram for Proposed System

1.19.4. Entity-Relationship Diagram
Using Chen ERD, Figure 11 illustrates how the different entities: client,
association and user or the association staff, interact within the system.

Figure 11 – Chen Entity-Relational Diagram for Proposed System

1.20. Project Development

Establishing timelines and deliverables during the Capstone Project briefing

allowed the author to employ the Waterfall framework to develop the project.

Following the principles of SDLC, the sequential phases for this project are:
 The author gathered inputs for the proposal through
meetings/consultations with the officers and staff of the association
who provided documents related to the transaction.
 Determination of appropriate tools and methodology to develop the
system was made possible after gathering essential information from
the association.
 The author considered specific technical details required to design the
system, including its user interface and database structure,
determining data inputs and outputs, and reports.

 The system design serves as a guide for the development of the
 After coding, the software is subject to testing to ensure no errors are
encountered once the application is rolled out. Any bugs, errors, or
problems encountered during this phase are addressed and tested
 In coordination with the association, users’ training is scheduled before
the software is published. In addition, any bugs encountered are
documented and reported to facilitate resolution.

Figure 12 – SDLC Methodology

1.21. Testing and Evaluation Procedures

Chua et al. (2004) and Moumane (2016) have utilized ISO 9126 Quality Model to
evaluate e-learning and mobile systems, respectively. The international
standards provide six characteristics: functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency,
maintainability, and portability.

1.21.1. Criteria
For purposes of this Capstone Project, the author submits the evaluation of the
proposed system's Usability characteristic, which is further subdivided into four

Sub-characteristics Relevant Question
Understandability Does the user comprehend how to use the
system easily?
Learnability Can the user learn to use the system
Operability Can the user operate the system without
much effort?
Attractiveness Does the interface look good?

Table 4 - Sub-characteristics of Usability

1.21.2. Methodology
The author submits the use of the following methods in the usability evaluation of
the proposed system:
 Observation evaluation - involves the collection of data relating to what
users do when interacting with an interface by using video recording,
thinking aloud protocol, or direct observation; and
 Surveys - used to identify the user's view and feedbacks to understand
their expectations for the product.

1.21.3. Metrics
Mifsud (n.d.) recommends the use of the following metrics to measure a system’s
usability based on ISO/IEC 9126-4 metrics:
Category Metrics

Effectiveness Completion rate

 the accuracy and  It can be calculated by assigning 1 or 0 if the
completeness with which participant completes a task or not
users achieve specified goals Number of errors
 Counting the errors that the participant
encounters while attempting to complete a
Efficiency Time-based efficiency
 the resources expended in Overall relative efficiency
relation to the accuracy and  Time taken to complete a task
completeness with which
users achieve goals
Satisfaction Task-level satisfaction
 comfort and acceptability of  Administered immediately after a participant
system use attempts a task, regardless if successful or

Category Metrics

Test-level satisfaction
 A formalized questionnaire administered at
the end of the test session

Table 5 – Table of Usability Metrics

For purposes of this Capstone Project, the author proposes the use of System
Usability Scale with the following levels:

4 Strongly Agree / Outstanding / Excellent / Recommended
3 Agree / Very Good / Above Average / Acceptable
2 Disagree / Needs Improvement / Below Average / Not Acceptable
1 Strongly Disagree / Poor / Fail / Extremely Not Acceptable

Table 6 – Likert Scale


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