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Arjun Dangle

I'm telling you, you have to do

'No, I won't. it.'
'Look here,
and this proposal the lady's on
has to be sent in leave for two more days
yOu dontI shall have to today. Please get it ready. lf
Vou can report me if
imes that this is not my job.' like. I have told you a thousand
Have some manners and learn to
know you are my superior, but respect
your superiors.
note that.' senior to you. Please
Please get out.'
Waghmare drew a sheet of paper towards him to file a report
aainst Godbole. He gulped down a glass of water. Putting
together the report in his mind, he stared at the whirring fan
above. Actually, there was no point in filing a report. He knew
from experience that no action would be taken against Godbole.
The entire department knew that Godbole was Joshi Saheb's
emissary and carried his tribute every month-to appease the
powers that be.
No one ventured to make enemies with Godbole. Still, it was
Detter to file a report. He would have a legitimate reason to offer if
eWere questioned regarding the delay in submitting the proposal.
e rang for the peon and asked him to bring two
120 paans; he also asked him to tell Awale Saheb to come
192 Poisoncd Bread
The pcon left. For
up for a cuphead in his hands. Then he soMe time
of tea.
rang again,
sat with his pcon to come in. He rang once
Mr Singh's He finally got up and walked
turncd up. papers
table. rummagedproposal. Godbole sat and
among the
across but no
to Mrs
retrie ved
dealing with the Waghmare
didn't budge an Every
paused, in he
his chai pane Karnt
he should entrust
pressure of
assignments. Really speaking,
table groaned under to andng
Godbole the whom
proposal, since it came within his
with thistook
dealtWaghmare ought to hehanve
the file inside and began reading it.
Suddenly the cabin door was flung open and
stormed in, in his usual
'Why, you seem to be mighty busy,
eh?" he said
as he sat
Awale Saheb
Yes-that Godbole doesn't listen to me. From down.
have to be prepared to face these
hassles. now on, I
"To hell with it. Why should you be doing his work?
agood hammering and get him to do the work Give him
'No, he doesn't listen to me.'
You're a timid bugger. Why don't you go ahead
him a memo instead of whining like this. Renmember noand issue
one has
obliged you by promoting you in the reserved category."
There's no question of an obligation, but relations
spoilt." get
Does Godbole respect you?
'He doesn't. And Isuppose it's quite natural that he shoulA
resent the fact that I've been promoted to the post of Asistant
Purchase Officer, though I'm junior to him.'
Listen, it's only now that we are being promoted to the 'Saheb
positions in this 33% category. But remember these other people
have enjoyed the privilege of being in the 100% reserved category
for centuries. Doesn't that mean anything to you?"
Forget it.'
Forget it indeed! You'llwake up only when you are left high
and dry with a pot slung around your neck.
They had tea. Waghmare hoped Awale would go away. e
always remembered Awale whenever he was tormented y
Dalit Short Stories 193
problemsconcerning his caste. Awale lent him firm support but
distressedhim further.
Chewing paan, Awale asked, 'By the way, do you deal with
to be done?
yes. Anything
'Nothing much. The Backward Class Workers' Association
some receipt books for Ambedkar Jayanti."
needs unnecesarily
No,that will create problems.
'Areyouaware offall that goes on in your Purchase Department?
Railways are being fleeced there-and you are scared of
gettingafew receipt books
No question of being scared, but.
Eorget it. By the way, why don't you attend the meetings of
r Backward Class Association?
Our people from the staff are
upset because you don't
WellI've to attend to this proposal. Shall we meet later?"
It was well past four by the time Waghmare prepared the draft
of the proposal. He decided to give it a final look in the morning
and then send it for typing. Suddenly he remembered Godbole,
but soon banished him from his mind. There was no point in
tagging behind Awale. He would only make matters worse and
people would humiliate him. Waghmare reminded himself that
after all he was an officer now and had to maintain a certain
standard. The wheels of thought began to spin furiously. He
suddenly realised he was thirsty. He rang for the peon.
May Icome in, Sir?" asked Miss Godambe.
Sir, I'm going on three days' leave from Monday.'
Mrs Karnik
How can you take leave now? Don't you know
hasn't resumed yet? Take your leave later.'
'No, Sir, Imust take it now."
'Anything special?"
We're going to Shirdi.'
beginning? Don't worry.
'Oh! Why didn't you say so in the my behalf.' He
And remember to offer an abhishek on
Go ahead.
opened his wallet to take out the
'No, I'Il make the
194 1bisoned Rread
Come on, take the money, otherwise you'l|
smid Waghmare, chhuckling.
instend of me,' happily.
Miss Godambe lefidown the glass of
As sOon as he 'urchase water, the
"Hello, Assistant
'Sahcb, I'm speaking
behalf of Waghmare
donc. I have it
and Sons rAng
'Yes! Your work in mind.
coming this side?"
'Saheb, why don't you come
Shall Isend When arc yo
pick you up?*
No, not today. We'll see about that next wepl
Waghmare felt clevated. Godbole vanished
It was past five.
The office was empty. from mind.
taken the 5.05 local. But he let that go.
All his old cronies travelled on the 5.05 in
could have
Now that he was an officer he was given a first
was ill-mannered and coarse. Instead of
pass. Awalclass.e
class he travelled second class with his friends.
in the
had noisy discussions with them in the train. only that, he
remembered his friend from his clerical Waghmare suddenly
Gaekwad whose booming voice greeted him days-
with -'Jai
G ackwad.
Waghmare Saheb!' Waghmare shuddered at the thought. Bheem,
was no reason why Gaekwad shouldn't say lai Bheem' oi
Whenever Gaekwad thundered thus, Waghmare got the leeling
of being closely watched by those around.
Waghmare entered the first class compartment of the 5.15
local. He got his usual window seat. There were four minutes
to go. Just then, the man with The Evening News entered the
compartment, panting, having had to run to catch the train. He
plonked into the seat opposite Waghmare's, looked at him, smilkd
and said, You seem to have reserved this seat on a permanent
basis. You always get the window seat.'
Waghmare started when he heard the word 'reserved. He
wondered whether his fellow commuter knew that he belonged
to a scheduled caste. After assuring himself that he couldn'
Dalit Short Stories
know his identity, he 195
pulled out again he felt he ought
andbeganleafing through the pages. OnceThe
llustrated Weekly
1ochangehis surname. Akolkar would be the right choice, since
thetime he rcached the Officers'
He remembered that thereRailway
past six.
was a Ouarters it was
TV He quickened his pace. Marathi film on
The TV was on, with his wife and kids
Waghmare changed and settled down on the intently watching it.
There was a knock on the door.
sofa to watch the
film. His wife went to open it and
usheredin adirty, shabbily-
cqually unkempt children. -dressed woman, accompanied by two
'Come in, the film has just started,'
Waghmare Saheb's face too turns dirty and unkempt. The film
Kusum, Pl take your leave now,' says the shabby woman.
Have a cup of tea before you go.'
No. He must have got up now. He's on night shift today.'
The woman and her children go away.
Who was that woman?"
She's my aunt. She lives in the slum opposite our quarters.
You seem to have specially invited them. Why didn't you
receive them in grand style?"
Ill tell you what happened. I met her when I was going to the
market. She was always so good to me. She didn't know I lived
here. I had met her after ages
'Come, don't get carried away. We don't live in the B. D. D.
chawls. Next, you'l have the entire slum visiting you-what will
our neighbours say?
Well, are they going to rob you?"
'Don't talk too much. Learn to maintain your status. After all,
you're an officer's wife.'
Kusum burst into tears. She thought of her poor aunt who had
loved her so much. She recalled being fondled and fussed over
Bombay. Her
by this aunt. She wondered when she had come to
aunt was so near, yet
"Come on, serve me dinner.'
scrve ?"
hastencdto buyany fruit
you'd been to
the market.
said too expensive."
"But you ruit was
go; satthe
but onthesofa. His five-year-old son came and laic
I did noticed his bruised|
head on his lap. hurt, Pappu?"
his'D'you youget
'How didknow that Pramod, who has a super Ganpati? His
youbeat him?
No. We were playing andI drank water from his water pot."
mindis filled with the image of Godbole. His
sprung wings of promotion fall off and a mere mortal named
crashes helplessly into
Satwa Waghmare the
Translated by Lalita Paranjape

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