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Topic 1: Call a friend and thank them for helping you with a difficult task (studying for an

exam/shopping for a new outfit for a date/etc)

A: Hello B. Where are you?
B: What’s up? I’m at school and preparing for a new class.
A: I want to give you a good news. That I passed the final exam.
B: Really! Congratulations. I keep worrying that you will have to retake the exam
A: I won’t take much of your time. I call you just want to thanks for helping me pass the exam.
B: Oh. Don’t mention it. I only help what I know.
A: Do you know? I really appreciate your help or else I’ll have to take this course again.
B: Don’t say that, but try to study better next time.
A: At the weekend, are you free? I’ll take you to eat fried chicken and go coffee shop.
B: That sounds good. I’ll arrange a time.
A: I’m waiting to hear from you soon. Byeeeeeeeee
B: OK bye.

Topic 2: Explain why you are thankful for the people in your life (friends & family). Share
your personal experience
Q: Hello N, How are you getting on?
K: Thanks. Everything as usual. What are you doing?
Q: Ah, Thanksgiving is coming, so I’m shopping for gifts.
K: Oh, Could I come along? I want to buy gifts too.
Q: No problem. Who do you want to give the presents to?
N: My parents. I'm so grateful for them.
Q: Yes, I have a lot of empathy for you.
K: Yeah, thanks to my parents I’m alive. I have been fed, nourished, and sheltered by my
parents. In addition, at some point, I all face pain and hardships, such as illness, financial
setbacks and loss. In the face of tough times, my parents can offer my love, emotional support,
and encouragement to persevere. There are so many ways in which the love and support of my
parents help carry me through life’s challenges. I appreciate it.
Q: I'm just saying I think so, too. My parents have sacrificed so much, half of which I might not
be even aware of. There is nothing I could possibly do that will make my parents love you less.
Their love doesn’t see how much I earn, or how much I spend on them. They won’t scold me
because you couldn’t buy them a car, but because I couldn’t make yourself happy. I think we're
both bassically saying the same thing - we both thankful our parents.
N: Yes, so we need to thankful they made us a half-responsible, half-notorious, absolutely
breathtaking adult.
Q: Well done! We need to show our gratitude to our parents during the upcoming Thanksgiving.
Now, we will buy gifts for our parents, hope they will like it.
N: I hope so.

Topic 3: You just watched a movie with your best friend. One of you liked the movie, and one
of you didn’t. Make an argument with why you liked or didn’t like the movie.
A: Nice! I like this movie. What did you think?
B: To be honest. I don’t really like this movie
A: Why? What make you not like it? B: I felt it quite boring and acting didn’t reach me.
A: Oh no. Their actors are very good. They’re famous actors.
B: Actually, They may be famous actors but that doesn't mean they can act in any role
A: Are you too picky about the movie?
B: I know what you mean, but it’s just my opinion
A: Ok. I think we’re so different. Let choose another movie to watch.
B: I think it’s a great idea.

Topic 4: Your daughter/son is moving to a new country where they don’t speak the language.
Express your concern and why you don’t think it’s a good idea. In response, the daughter/son
should explain why it will be okay
M: Oh my son. How are you? Is everything all right?
T: Mom, I’m Ok. Everything OK.
M: But you can't understand what the people there are saying and can't talk to them. I am really
T: Mom, Don’ worry .I can learn the language gradually.
M :I don't think that's okay. Living alone in a strange place will be very dangerous and difficult.
T: i'm grown up and i can be independent.
M: I can say that you are not old enough to experience and live in a foreign country and away
from your family. Everyone will miss you very much. I don't think it's a good idea to move there.
T: Yes, I get your point.But I have friends here and I can ask for help so you don't have to worry
much, everything will be fine. I will try to learn a new language and live well.
M: Well, I suppose. I can see your point. If it doesn't work, call me right away.
T: It'll be fine. Do not worry.

Topic 5: You’re having a party. You’ve told your best friend three times now that it started at 7
pm. It’s now 8 pm and she hasn’t shown up. Let her know how you feel
B: Hi A. Sorry, Did I miss the party?
A: Why do you come late? I’ve been waiting for you for so long
B: My bad. Please don’t be mad at me
A: Tell me, the reason why you come to my party late?
B: I have to do a few things before coming here
A: Are you serious? You promised me you would be on time
B: Actually, I was on my way to the party but suddenly the company told me to come back and
fix the report
A: I’m really angry.. I thought that If you didn’t come, I would be really mad at you.
B: My apologize. Anyway I’m here, let’s go inside and continue the party.

Topic 6: Both of you are at a protest for protecting the environment. What are some
arguments you might make to help the earth? Discuss this together.
M: I think we should improve the compost bin and put it in more places.
T: That's a good idea. But perhaps the cost of improving the trash is not cheap.
M: I can make use of what I already have. I have researched and they are not too expensive.
T: But if it's just trash, people won't be interested in them.
M: We will add small gifts or wishes to it when people throw in the trash.
T:also there.What about garbage around water sources, polluted water and dust?
M:We will call for a volunteer team to pick up trash. With water and dust, we will find a way to
filter them.
T: How to form a volunteer team?
M:We will post information on social networking sites and appeal to everyone.
T: What about water and dust?
M: Call on people to maintain hygiene, install clean water systems and install air filtration
T: It was okay?
M: It will be fine. If we try, we will. Try for a clean environment.


Quỳnh: This morning, I watched the news and I realized how bad the pollution problem is to our
world. Does the government still turn a blind eye to this?
Minh: I don’t think so, since Covid19 makes the pollution literally reduce dramatically. For
example, people have to stay home for quarantine, so they no longer travel by vehicles.
Quỳnh: I’m not talking about air pollution reduction. I’m talking about plastic pollution. They
are not getting better at all.
Minh: How come? There isn’t that much plastic trash outside the street, or at the beach, or in the
forest since Covid19 happens right?
Quỳnh: Yeah, but people start using online shopping and ordering a lot of things to their homes,
like food and personal accessories, etc. And you know how much plastic there is? Plastic is hard
to decompose, so even though they are not littering trash outside the public, the amount of plastic
we have to decompose is off limits!
Minh: I mean, they can at least choose not to use plastic chopsticks or spoons when they order
food or only buy environmentally friendly stuff. A lot of organizations and brands are now
launching campaigns and using bags, straws, eco-friendly food boxes, etc. People can totally
afford that. And if it’s impossible to live a life with no plastic around, you can recycle it.
Quỳnh: Sorry to cut through your words but.. Easier said than done, my friend. It’s a lie that
wasteful consumers cause the problem and that changing our habits can fix it. If they are still
producing plastic, then reusing it doesn’t solve anything, it even multiples itself more and more.
Eventually, we have nowhere to contain plastic trash, except space. Even now, there is too much
trash outside of space. At this rate, we can’t stop plastic pollution, and it will lead humans to
Minh: I can see your point. At least, what we can do right now is tell people to talk about our
plastic problem loudly and often. Supporting bottle bills, plastic bag taxes, and increasing
producer responsibility for reuse and recycling. A: Yeah. That’s what I’m trying to say.
Topic 7: You are at an art critique and your classmate’s piece is being critiqued. Tell them if
you like it and why or why not. Discuss how he/she could improve it next time.
A: Can you introduce your art product?
B: This is a painting of a rural village
A: It looks so great. Where do you get your inspiration from?
B: On a summer trip, I visit this place and the beauty of that place made a deep impression on
me. So I decided to draw this picture to keep this memory.
A: You are talented. But I also have some suggestions for you. Looking at the overall picture
everything is in harmony with each other. I really like it, but?
B: Let me know what I need to improve for next time.
A: See. Why don’t you add some people? And You should use brighter colors.
B: : I thought like you but I can’t. this picture will be messed up.
A: You just try it. This picture will be more lively.
B: Thanks for your feedback. Next time I’ll improve
A: I look forward to you, now I have to go. See you later
B: Byeeeee

Topic 8: Tell your friend about how they could have done better regarding a speech that they
gave to the class.
A: Hey B, can I have a quick word ? Do you have time to listen ?
B: Yes I do have time, just say it, what’s going on ?
A: You know about the speech of enviroment last Monday.
B: Oh, that speech, so what wrong with that.
A:The presentation is ok about the slide but about the way you speak prerhaps you should be
more slowly, maybe at that time you are heart in your month, so you speak really fast that is hard
for everyone to listen on what you have say
B: Look! As you can see my presentation is way too long but the time that teacher had given is
too little. Because of that I have to speak as fast at I could, I scared that I will run out of time.
A: You know what! If I were you I would not say that it because of the time the teacher had
given is too little that I could not speak slow. Instead of that, I will try to do my presentation
shorter and practise it more to make it be on time.
B: Alright, thanks for your advice, I got it. I will do it better next time.
A:Okok. Oh and one more thing, I think your information is quite enough, but I think that you
should add more picture to make it more lively so it could attract their attention to focus more on
your speech.
B: Ok noted. Thank you for your advice it really good for me. I will try and do it even more
better next time.

Topic 9: Your mutual friend just graduated from university and you are planning a
graduation party for him/her. Discuss how you are going to do this.
A: Hey B. I’m looking for you
B: What’s wrong?
A: T graduated. Let’s celebrate with her
B: That’s wonderful news: What should we do now?
A: Let’s me think. What do you about an outdoor party with grilled food?
B: In my opinion, we should still make a family meal. It’s simpler
A: Is that too simple? Let’s create a memorable one for her
B: OK. She deserves it. As you said, we still have an outdoor party. But the food we should
change to something else.
A: Let’s make a snack buffet or hot pot and cake.
B: I think it’s better we should choose hot pot than that when outdoors.
A: We’ll decorate the surroundings beautifully and hang a congratulatory sign-on graduation
B: In addition, hang colorful balloons and also let them fly on the ground
A: It’s a great idea. I think that party will be impressive
B: Let’s get ready

Topic 10: Your conversation partner just landed their dream job. Ask him or her the secret for
K: Hi Quynh
Q: Hi khanh
K: How are you?
Q: I’m fine. Thanks.(unit16) And you?
K: I’m ok. You look very excited today, what's happened?
Q: Guess what? (unit20)
K: I cannot guess. But i think you've probably found a job or just bought favorite things.
Q: Exactly. I just found my dream job. I'm so excited!(unit20)
K: Really? Congratulation! (unit20)
Q: Yeah. Thanks.(unit16) I can't believe it.(unit20) I found my dream job.
K: Can you tell me about your job?
Q: That job is an accountant.
K: To be honest (unit17), it's a fascinating job.
Q: I have dreamed of becoming an accountant for a long time. I chose this job because I like the
numbers, I want to be calculated with the numbers every day. Being able to do my dream job is
really exciting. Do you think so? (unit18)
K: I get your point (unit18). Can you tell me what it's like?
Q: I will work in a private company with a suitable salary from 7 million to 10 million. My job is
to record financial activities, check accounting books.
K: That’s fantastic! (unit20) Congratulations on finding your dream job.
Q: However, I'm still a bit nervous because tomorrow is my first day at work
K: No worries.(unit16) You can do it. I wish you success in your work.
Q: I hope so.(unit19) Thanks for (unit20) your wishes

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