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Pass package Questions

Sem/Sec: II Subject:POP USING C (G and H section ) Questions CO

1 Explain basic structure of c program with example CO1

2 Describe Generation of Computer in details CO1

3 Explain operator with Example . CO1

4 Explain Data type in details ?Define a token ?Explain different type of Token in C CO1

5 Write a C program to compute simple Interest with flowchart CO1

Write a C program to calculate area of a circle with Flowchart

6 Explain if, if-else, nested if-else and cascaded if-else and switch case with examples CO2
and syntax.

7 Write a C program to print numbers from m to n. (where n > m) CO2

Write a Switch case program for calculator

8 Demonstrate the working of break and continue statement with a suitable CO2
Write a C program to calculate given number is odd or Even

9 Write a C program to find the sum of natural numbers from I to N using a while loop. CO2
Develop a C program to generate and plot the Pascal triangle.

10 List the differences between while loop and do -while loop along with syntax and CO2

11 Define an array. Explain with suitable examples how to initialize lD array and CO3
2D array.Write a C program to find factorial of a given number using recursion

12 . CO3
Write a c program to search an element using binary search and linear search

13 What is a function? Explain different classification of user defined functions based CO3
on parameter passing and return type with examples .

14 Explain call by value and call by reference in detail CO3

15 What is recursion ? Write a c-program using functions to generate the Fibonacci series CO3
Write a C program to find factorial of a given number using recursion

16 Mention various operations that can be performed on strings using built-in functions. CO4

Explain any two functions

17 Write a C program to copy one string to another CO4

18 Using suitable code, discuss the working of the following string functions: CO4

i.strcat ii.strcmp iii.strcpy iv.strlen v.strstr

19 Write a program in C to find the sum and mean of all elements in an array CO4
using pointers.

20 Define pointers. Explain pass by value & pass by reference with statements and an CO4
example.What is preprocessor directive ?Explain # define and #include

21 What is a Structure? Explain with syntax and examples ? difference between CO5
structure and union

Write a c-program using structures to read, write, compute average - marks and
display the students scoring above and below the average

23 How is union different from structure? Give example CO5

24 Write a C program to maintain a record of n student using structures with 4 field Roll CO5
no ,Marks,name and grade.Print the name of the student with marks >=70.

25 Give the general syntax to initialize a structure to store a Book information CO5

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