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Module 3 Notes

Lasers and Optical Fibers

I/II SEMESTER Physics for EEE Stream

Subject code: BPHYE102/202
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1 Lasers 5
1.1 Interaction of Radiation with Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.1.1 Induced absorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.1.2 Spontaneous emission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.1.3 Stimulated emission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2 Einstein’s A and B Coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2.1 Expression for energy density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2.2 Worked Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3 Laser Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3.1 Conditions for laser action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3.2 Requisites of a laser system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.4 Carbon dioxide Laser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.5 Characteristic Properties of Laser Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.6 Applications of Laser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.6.1 Laser Range Finder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.6.2 Laser Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.7 Model and Previous Year Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.8 Numericals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.8.1 Ratio of Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.8.2 Power and photons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.8.3 Laser Diffraction (Lab) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

2 Optical Fibers 21
2.1 Total Internal Reflection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.2 Optical Fiber Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.3 Propagation Mechanism in an Optical Fiber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.4 Acceptance Angle and Numerical Aperture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.4.1 Worked Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.5 Fractional Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.6 V Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.7 Types of Optical Fibers and Modes of Propagation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.7.1 Step-index single mode fiber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.7.2 Step-index multimode fiber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.7.3 Graded-index multimode fiber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.8 Attenuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.8.1 Absorption Losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.8.2 Scattering Losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.8.3 Bending Losses (Radiation Losses) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.8.4 Coupling Losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31


2.8.5 Worked Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

2.9 Attenuation spectrum and communication windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.10 Applications of Fiber Optics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.10.1 Fiber Optic Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.10.2 Intensity-based Displacement Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.11 Advantages of Optical Fibers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.12 Disadvantages of Optical Fibers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.13 Model and Previous Year Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.14 Numericals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.14.1 Numerical aperture, acceptance angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.14.2 Attenuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Department of Physics 4 Physics for EEE Stream Notes

AMC Engineering College BPHYE102/202
Bengaluru-560083 Prof. Nithin Manju
Chapter 1


Lasers and Optical Fibers
Lasers: Characteristics of LASER, Interaction of radiation with matter, Expression for
Energy Density and its significance. Requisites of a Laser System. Conditions for Laser
action. Principle, Construction and Working of Carbon Dioxide Laser. Application of
Lasers in Defense (Laser range finder) and Laser Printing. Numerical Problems.

LASER is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

Laser is a device that produces a very intense, concentrated, highly directional, monochro-
matic, and coherent beam of light with very little divergence. (More on this later in sec-
tion 1.5)

1.1 Interaction of Radiation with Matter

Consider an assembly of atoms or molecules in a material which is exposed to light radiation
(a stream of photons with energy hν, where h is Planck’s constant and ν is the frequency of
the photon).
In general, three different processes occur when light radiation interacts with a material.
They are

ˆ Induced absorption

ˆ Spontaneous emission

ˆ Stimulated emission

1.1.1 Induced absorption

Figure 1.1: Induced absorption


An atom (represented by a black dot in the given figure) in the ground state with energy
E1 absorbs an incident photon of energy hν and is excited to higher energy state with energy
E2 only when hν = E2 − E1 . This process is known as induced absorption and is shown in
1.1. This type of interaction can be represented as

atom + photon → atom⋆

where atom⋆ is the excited state of the atom.

The excited atoms do not stay in the higher energy state for a long time. It is the tendency
of atoms in excited state to come to the lower energy state. Thus, the atoms in the excited
state quickly return to the ground state by emitting a photon of energy hν. Such emission
of photons takes place in two ways, namely spontaneous emission and stimulated emission.

1.1.2 Spontaneous emission

Figure 1.2: Spontaneous emission

The atom in the excited state E2 (higher energy state) stays there for around 10−8 s and
then returns to the ground E1 (lower energy state) by emitting a photon of energy hν such
that E2 − E1 = hν without the influence of any external agency. Such an emission of light
radiation which is not triggered by an external influence is called spontaneous emission. This
process is shown in 1.2. This type of interaction can be represented as

atom⋆ → atom + photon

It is a random and uncontrollable process. The photons emitted in this process travel in
random directions.

1.1.3 Stimulated emission

Figure 1.3: Stimulated emission

Einstein suggested that there must be another mechanism by which an atom in the
excited state (E2 ) can return to the ground state (E1 ). He found that there is an interaction
between the atom in excited state and a photon. During this interaction, the photon (of
energy hν = E2 − E1 ) triggers the excited atom to make a transition to the ground state.
This transition produces a second (stimulated) photon which is similar to the triggering
(stimulating) photon with respect to frequency, phase, and propagation direction. Such kind

Department of Physics 6 Physics for EEE Stream Notes

AMC Engineering College BPHYE102/202
Bengaluru-560083 Prof. Nithin Manju

of a forced emission of photons by the incident photons is called stimulated emission and is
as shown in 1.3. This type of interaction can be represented as

atom⋆ + photon → atom + photon + photon

This process plays a key role in the working of a laser.

1.2 Einstein’s A and B Coefficients

Consider an assembly of atoms with two energy states E1 and E2 at an absolute temperature
T . Let N1 be the number of atoms in state E1 and N2 be the number of atoms in state E2 .
Let light radiation of frequency ν = (E2 − E1 )/h with energy density Uν be incident on this
assembly of atoms. Uν is the number of photons incident on the system per unit area per
unit time.
From statistical mechanics, for thermal equilibirum condition, there is a relation between
an energy state Ei and the number of atoms Ni in that state. It is given as
Ni ∝ e kB T

This is called the Boltzmann’s relation. For two energy states E1 and E2 such that E2 > E1
and (E2 − E1 ) = hν, we can write
E2 −E1
N1 e kB T hν
= −E2 = e kB T = e kB T
e kB T
We notice here that since (E2 − E1 ) is positive, N N2 > 1, which says that at thermal

equilibrium condition, there are more number of atoms in the lower energy state than the
higer energy state.
Now we write relations for the rate at which the three different process that we discussed
above occur.
The rate of induced absorption is directly proportional to the number of atoms in the
lower energy level N1 and the number of incident photons Uν . So we have

rate of induced absorption ∝ N1 Uν

rate of induced absorption = B12 N1 Uν

where B12 is the constant of proportionality called Einstein’s coefficient for induced absorp-
The rate of spontaneous emission is directly proportional to the number of atoms in the
higher energy level N2 only. This is because spontaneous emission occurs... well, sponta-
neously. Uν does not play any role in this interaction. So we have

rate of spontaneous emission ∝ N2

rate of spontaneous emission = A21 N2

where A21 is the constant of proportionality called Einstein’s coefficient for spontaneous
The rate of stimulated emission is directly proportional to the number of atoms in the
higher energy level N2 and the number of incident photons Uν . So we have

rate of stimulated emission ∝ N2 Uν

Department of Physics 7 Physics for EEE Stream Notes

AMC Engineering College BPHYE102/202
Bengaluru-560083 Prof. Nithin Manju

rate of stimulated emission = B21 N2 Uν

where B21 is the constant of proportionality called Einstein’s coefficient for stimulated emis-
The Einstein’s coefficients tell us about the probability of the respective processes occuring
in the system.

1.2.1 Expression for energy density

At thermal equilibrium, the rate of all absorptions is equal to the rate of all emissions. So
we have

rate of induced absorption = rate of spontaneous emission

+ rate of stimulated emission
Therefore, we have
B12 N1 Uν = A21 N2 + B21 N2 Uν
B12 N1 Uν − B21 N2 Uν = A21 N2
(B12 N1 − B21 N2 )Uν = A21 N2
A21 N2
Uν =
B12 N1 − B21 N2
A21 N2 1
Uν = B12 N1
B21 N2 B21 N2 −1
But we know that
N1 hν
= e kB T
Thus we have  
A21  1
Uν = 
B21 B12 e khν
BT − 1
Comparing this equation with Planck’s law (in terms of frequency) given by
8πhν 3 1
Uν =
c3 hν
e kB T − 1
we see that
= 1 or B12 = B21
A21 8πhν 3
B21 c3
Since B12 = B21 , we can say that the probabilty of occurence of induced absorption
is equal to the probabilty of occurence of stimulated emission. Further, we can drop the
subscripts and simply write B12 = B21 = B and A21 = A.
Therefore the above equation can be written as
A 1
Uν =
B e khνBT − 1

This is the expression for energy density in terms of the Einstein’s coefficients.

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AMC Engineering College BPHYE102/202
Bengaluru-560083 Prof. Nithin Manju

Consequence of the B relation
We have the relation
A21 8πhν 3
B21 c3
where ν is the frequency of the incident photon, A21 and B21 are the probabilities for spon-
taneous emission and stimulated emission respectively.
Normally, for a system under thermal equilibrium, the probability for spontaneous emis-
sion is greater than that for stimulated emission. This is because by the time a stimulating
photon can cause stimulated emission from an excited atom, the atom would already be
de-excited and instead undergo spontaneous emission.
According to the above relation, the relative probability for spontaneous emission in-
creases proportionally with the cube of frequency of the emitted photon. This means that it
becomes more difficult to produce photons of higher frequencies from a laser. This is why we
see blue and higher frequency lasers very rarely, because they are expensive to manufacture.

1.2.2 Worked Examples

Q 1. Find the ratio of population of two energy levels in a laser if the transition between
them produces light of wavelength 6493 Å, assuming the ambient temperature at 27 ◦ C.
λ = 6493 Å = 6493 × 1 × 10−10 = 6.493 × 10−7 m
T = 27 + 273 = 300 K
To find: =?
We know that
N1 hc
= e λkB T
Let’s consider the exponent,

hc 6.625 × 10−34 × 3 × 108

= = 73.94
λkB T 6.493 × 10−7 × 1.38 × 10−23 × 300
So we get,
N1 hc
= e λkB T = e73.94 = 1.289 × 1032

Q 2. The ratio of population of two energy levels is 1.059 × 10−30 Find the wavelength of
light emitted at 330 K.
= 1.059 × 10−30
To find: λ =?
We know that, N1 = e λkB T
After, rearranging the terms, we get

−6.625 × 10−34 × 3 × 108

λ=  = −23 × 330 × ln (1.059 × 10−30 )
= 6.323 × 10−7 m
kB T ln N1 1.38 × 10

λ = 632.3 nm

Department of Physics 9 Physics for EEE Stream Notes

AMC Engineering College BPHYE102/202
Bengaluru-560083 Prof. Nithin Manju

Q 3. The average power output of a laser beam of wavelength 6500 Å is 10 mW. Find the
number of photons emitted per second by the laser source.
λ = 6500 Å = 6.5 × 10−7 m
P = 10 mW = 10 × 10−3 W = 0.01 W
To find: N/t =?
The formula to solve this problem is

N Pλ 0.01 × 6.5 × 10−7

= = = 3.27 × 1016 photons/s
t hc 6.625 × 10−34 × 3 × 108

= 3.27 × 1016 photons/s

Q 4. A pulsed laser with power 1 mW lasts for 10 ns. If the number of photons emitted per
pulse is 5 × 107 photons/pulse, calculate the wavelength of laser.
P = 1 mW/pulse = 0.001 W/pulse
t = 10 ns = 1 × 10−8 s
N = 5 × 107 photons/pulse
To find: λ =?
We know that
N Pλ
t hc
After, rearranging the terms, we get

N hc 5 × 107 × 6.625 × 10−34 × 3 × 108

λ= = = 9.937 × 10−7 m
Pt 0.001 × 1 × 10−8

λ = 9.937 × 10−7 m

1.3 Laser Action

1.3.1 Conditions for laser action
Under normal conditions of thermal equilibrium in an atomic system (a system of many
atoms), we can show that the number of atoms in the lower energy state E1 will be more
than that in the excited state E2 . In other words if N1 and N2 are the number densities
of atoms in the lower and excited states respectively, then N1 > N2 . This can be shown as
follows: Since E1 < E2 , then according to the Boltzmann’s relation, we get
− (E −E )
N2 e kB T − 2 1
= E1 = e kB T
N1 −
e kB T
But we know that (E2 − E1 ) = hν. So we get

N2 − hν
= e kB T

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AMC Engineering College BPHYE102/202
Bengaluru-560083 Prof. Nithin Manju

As E2 > E1 , the RHS of the above equation is always less than unity, hence N2 < N1 .
But we know that lasers work under the principle of stimulated emission (it’s in the name
- LASER), and for this process, we need many atoms in the higher energy state. In other
words, we need to have the system in a situation where N2 > N1 . This situation, if attained,
is called Population Inversion.
But there’s another problem. When an atom is excited to a higher energy state, it gen-
erally stays there for a very short amount of time, around 10−8 seconds. This is such a short
amount of time that stimulated emission may not take place (the atom can get de-excited
even before a photon can initiate stimulated emission). So to realize stimulated emissions,
we need the atoms in the excited states to stay there for a longer time. This is achieved by
using elements which have a special kind of excited state called the Metastable state. Atoms
excited to these metastable states are found to stay there for around 10−6 to 10−3 seconds
(which is 100 to 100000 times longer than that for the regular excited states).

Population Inversion

Figure 1.4: A 3-level system with metastable state

To understand how the presence of a metastable state helps in attaining population

inversion, let’s consider a 3-level system as shown in figure 1.4. Here E2 is the metasable
state. Initially, there are more number of atoms in E1 compared to the other energy levels.
So when a photon of appropraite energy (here, E3 − E1 ) is given, the atoms are excited to
the higher energy state E3 . But these excited atoms won’t stay at E3 for long and will get
de-excited to any of the lower levels. If the atoms fall to the E2 level, they will stay there
for a longer time since it is a metastable state. While the atoms are still present in level E2 ,
the process of excitation from E1 to E3 continues and more atoms can fall down to E2 and
stay there longer. Eventually, there will arise a situation when there are more atoms in E2
than in E1 . This is the situation of population inversion. At this point, a photon of energy
E2 − E1 is given to initiate stimulated emission.
The situation of population inversion can be achieved by supplying energy from an ex-
ternal source. This process of supplying energy externally to attain population inversion is
called Pumping.

1.3.2 Requisites of a laser system

ˆ Active Medium: It is the quantum system between whose energy levels the pumping
and lasing action occurs.

ˆ Excitation Source: To achieve population inversion, pumping is required. Pumping

can be done in different ways, such as optical pumping, electrical pumping, and chemical

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Bengaluru-560083 Prof. Nithin Manju


Figure 1.5: Laser Cavity

ˆ Laser Cavity: The system containing the active medium between two mirrors of high
reflectivity is called the laser cavity (see figure 1.5). The mirrors (one fully reflecting
and one partially reflecting) reflect the photons produced due to stimulated emission
to and fro through the active medium. This arrangement ensures that the direction of
photons is parallel to the axis of the cavity. If a photon travels in any other direction, it
escapes out of the cavity from the sides. Thus the radiation inside the laser cavity builds
up resulting in amplification of photons from stimulated emission in only one direction.
Hence the output of the system is a coherent, unidirectional laser light. Note that the
length (L) of the cavity should be such that L = nλ/2, where λ is the wavelength of
the laser light, and n = 1, 2, 3, . . . (this is the condition for standing waves).

1.4 Carbon dioxide Laser

Vibrational Modes of CO2 molecule
A carbon dioxide molecule has a carbon atom at the center with two oxygen atoms attached
at both sides. Such a molecule exhibits three independent modes of vibrations. They are:
ˆ Symmetric stretching mode: In this mode, both of the oxygen atoms oscillate along
the axis of the molecule simultaneously approaching and departing the carbon atom
which is stationary. The energy associated with this mode is intermediate to that in
the other two modes. The lowest energy state in this mode is represented by (100).
ˆ Asymmetric stretching mode: In this mode, all the three atoms oscillate along the
molecular axis, but while both oxygen atoms move in one direction, the carbon atom
moves in the opposite direction. The energy associated with this mode is the highest
among the three modes. The lowest energy state in this mode is represented by (001).
ˆ Bending mode: In this mode, all the three atoms move perpendicular to the molecular
axis. The energy associated with this mode is the least among the three. The lowest
energy state in this mode is represented by (010). There is also an excited state in this
mode which is represented by (020).
All the three modes of vibration of a CO2 molecule are shown in figure 1.6.

CO2 Laser
For N2 molecules, the vibrational levels are metastable. Also, there is a close coincidence
in energy between its first excited state (labelled as v = 1 state) and the state for asym-
metric stretch vibration mode (i.e., (001) state) of the CO2 molecule. This helps in causing
population inversion of CO2 gas laser by means of resonance transfer of energy.

Department of Physics 12 Physics for EEE Stream Notes

AMC Engineering College BPHYE102/202
Bengaluru-560083 Prof. Nithin Manju

Figure 1.6: Vibrational modes of CO2 molecule

A typical CO2 laser (see figure 1.7) consists of a tube of about 5 m length and 2.5 cm diameter.
The tube is water-cooled and is filled with a mixture of CO2 , N2 and He gases in the ratio
1:2:3. Sometimes traces of hydrogen or water vapor is added; this is because, during dicharge,
some CO2 molecules break into CO and O. The hydrogen or water vapor additives help to
reoxidize CO to CO2 . The pressure inside the tube is about 6-17 torr. The ends of the tube
are closed with NaCl Brewster windows. These windows are used to obtain plane polarized
laser beam. Outside the ends of the tube, two concave mirrors (or optically plane mirrors)
are fixed on either side of the tube out of which one is perfectly (100%) reflecting and the
other is partly (99%) reflecting; this forms the resonant cavity.

Pumping mechanism employed here is electric discharge. When a suitable voltage is applied
across the two electrodes, a glow discharge of the gases is initiated in the tube. During
discharge many electrons are rendered free from the gas molecules. These free electrons
accelerate towards the positive electrode at which time they begin colliding with the N2
molecules. As a result, the N2 molecules are excited to the first vibrational level (v = 1)
which is a metastable state. This process can be represented as follows:

e1 + N2 −→ e2 + N⋆2

where e1 and e2 are the energy values of the electron before and after collision respectively,
and N2 and N⋆2 are the energy values of the N2 molecule in the v = 0 (ground) state and v = 1
state respectively. For N2 molecules, since v = 1 state is a metastable state, the molecules
remain there for a relatively long time which leads to an increase of population in v = 1

Department of Physics 13 Physics for EEE Stream Notes

AMC Engineering College BPHYE102/202
Bengaluru-560083 Prof. Nithin Manju

Figure 1.7: CO2 Laser

Now for CO2 gas, it so happens that there is a close coincidence in energy of its (001)
state with the v = 1 state of N2 molecule. Therefore when a N2 molecule in the metastable
state collides with a CO2 molecule in the ground state, because of the matching of the energy
levels, resonant transfer of energy takes place from the N2 molecule to a CO2 molecule. As
a result, the CO2 molecules get elevated to the (001) state whereas the N2 molecule returns
to the ground state. This process can be represented as follows:

N⋆2 + CO2 −→ N2 + CO⋆2

where CO2 and CO⋆2 refer to the energies of CO2 molecule in the ground and the excited
state respectively. Thus the population of the (001) level of CO2 increases rapidly which
leads to population inversion.

Figure 1.8: Energy level diagram of CO2 laser

Now let us designate the various states viz., the ground state, (010) state, (020) state,

Department of Physics 14 Physics for EEE Stream Notes

AMC Engineering College BPHYE102/202
Bengaluru-560083 Prof. Nithin Manju

(100) state, and the (001) state as E1 , E2 , E3 , E4 , and E5 levels respectively as shown in the
figure 1.8.
Once the population inversion is established between the E5 level with the respect to the
E3 and E4 levels, two laser transitions start as shown in the figure. Both of them are within
the CO2 energy level scheme:

ˆ transition from E5 level to the E4 level which gives rise to radiation of wavelength
10.6 µm which is in the far infrared region, and

ˆ transition from E5 level to the E3 level which gives rise to radiation of wavelength
9.6 µm which is also in the far infrared region.

Following the above mentioned two transitions, the CO2 molecules arrive from the E5
energy level to the E3 and E4 levels. Further transitions also occur during collisions that
keep going on between various gas molecules due to thermal energy. Curiously, there is a
close matching of energy differences between pairs of energy levels which is given by

E3 − E2 ≈ E2 − E1

Due to such a matching of energy differences, resonance transfer of energy can take place
between molecules in the respective energy levels. In this scheme, CO2 molecules in the E3
level come down to E2 level during collision with those in the E1 level by giving up energy
while those in the E1 level (with which they collides) also arrive at E2 level by absorbing the
same energy.
Also, since E3 ≈ E4 , we have

E4 − E2 ≈ E2 − E1

and the same kind of resonance energy transfer takes place between the CO2 molecules in
E1 level and E2 level. But these two mechanisms for E3 and E4 levels are hindered by a
competing mechanism given as follows:

ˆ (E2 − E1 ) is of the order of the thermal energy of the surroundings. Hence by absorbing
thermal energy also, CO2 molecules arrive at E2 level from E1 level.

ˆ As a result, the depopulation of E3 and E4 levels reduces since there will be lesser
number of CO2 molecules with empty E2 level for the de-excitation to occur.

ˆ So the molecules in the E1 level also decreases. This in turn adversely affects the
population inversion conditions for the E5 level.

ˆ To combat this, He is used. The CO2 molecules in the E2 level undergo collisions
efficiently with He and the water vapor molecules present in the tube and come down
to the ground state. As a result, E2 level will be depopulated which works favorably for
the population inversion condition for the E5 level, thus boosting the laser emission.

Also, Helium gas because of its excellent thermal conductivity, transfers the heat of
discharge to the tube wall, thus bringing down the thermal excitations of CO2 from the
ground level to the E2 level which helps reducing its population.
A CO2 laser operates with an efficiency of upto 30%. Power output of few kilowatts can
be maintained continuously in a medium-sized unit.

Department of Physics 15 Physics for EEE Stream Notes

AMC Engineering College BPHYE102/202
Bengaluru-560083 Prof. Nithin Manju

Applications of CO2 laser

ˆ Material processing (welding, cutting and drilling)

ˆ Open air communication systems

ˆ Micro surgery and bloodless operation

ˆ Laser remote sensor

1.5 Characteristic Properties of Laser Beams

1. Intensity: Since a large number of photons are emitted by stimulated emission con-
tinually, the laser beam is highly intense.

2. Monochromaticity: Since laser results from stimulated emission, all the photons in
the beam are of the same frequency and the line width of radiation is negligible.

3. Coherence: Coherence is another important characteristic that distinguishes laser

from other types of monochromatic light. Coherence means constancy in phase differ-
ence between any two points in a wave separated by the same distance, in any of the
waves emitted by the source.

4. Directionality: The laser cavity mirrors can reflect only those photons incident normal
to their planes. Due to this, photons moving even at slightly different angles fail
to return to the lasing medium and form standing waves. Such beams are therefore
suppressed and hence the laser beam is highly directional.

5. Focussability: Since laser beam is highly monochromatic and collimated, it can be

brought to a sharp focus by a lens.

1.6 Applications of Laser

1.6.1 Laser Range Finder

Figure 1.9: Laser range finder

To knock down an enemy tank, it is necessary to range it very accurately. For this
purpose, we need a high intensity and very low divergence light even after it travels quite a
few kilometres. Laser is ideally suited for this purpose.

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The laser range finders using neodymium and carbon dioxide lasers have become a stan-
dard item for artillery and tanks. These laser range finders are lightweight and have higher
reliability and superior range accuracy as compared to the conventional range finders.
The laser range finders of medium range (up to 10 km) are used in several Defence areas,
including Tank laser finder for artillery, an armoured vehicle, or a truck. Laser walkie-talkie
range finder is useful to range objects at distances less than 5 km.


A high-powered, pulsed laser beam from a laser device such as Nd-YAG laser is directed
towards the target from a transmitter. The pulses are narrow with high peak power. Upon
incidence, the beam bounces from the surface of the target as a reflection (see figure 1.9). A
part of the reflected beam is received as a signal by the receiver. Inside the receiver, there will
be an interference filter. It is a narrow-band optical filter tuned to the frequency of laser light
which wipes off the background noise. Then the signal is amplified using a photomultiplier.
The rangefinder’s high speed clock measures the exact time from the instant the pulses left
the unit until they returned, and then converts it into distance.

1.6.2 Laser Printer

Figure 1.10: Schematic of Laser Printer

The primary principle at work in a laser printer is static electricity. Since oppositely
charged atoms are attracted to each other, objects with opposite static electricity fields cling
together. A laser printer uses this phenomenon as a sort of ”temporary glue.” As seen in
figure 1.10, the core component of this system is the photoreceptor, typically a revolving
drum or cylinder. This drum assembly is made out of highly photoconductive material that
is discharged by photons. Initially, the drum is given a total negative charge by the charge
corona wire, a wire with an electrical current running through it. (Some printers use a charged
roller instead of a corona wire, but the principle is the same.) As the drum revolves, the
printer shines a tiny laser beam across the surface to discharge certain points (see figure 1.11).
In this way, the laser ”draws” the letters and images to be printed as a pattern of electrical

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Figure 1.11: Laser Assembly (for reference only)

charges - an electrostatic image. The system can also work with the charges reversed, i.e., a
negative electrostatic image on a positive background.
After the pattern is set, the printer coats the drum with negatively charged toner, which is
a fine, black powder. Since it has a negative charge, the toner clings to the positive discharged
areas of the drum, but not to the negatively charged ”background.” With the powder pattern
affixed, the drum rolls over a sheet of paper, which is moving along a belt below. Before
the paper rolls under the drum, it is given a positive charge by the transfer corona wire (or
charged roller). This charge is stronger than the positive charge of the electrostatic image,
so the paper can pull the toner powder away. Since it is moving at the same speed as the
drum, the paper picks up the image pattern exactly. To keep the paper from clinging to the
drum, it is discharged by the detac corona wire immediately after picking up the toner.
Finally, the printer passes the paper through the fuser, a pair of heated rollers. As the
paper passes through these rollers, the loose toner powder melts, fusing with the fibers in the
paper. The fuser rolls the paper to the output tray, and you have your finished page. The
fuser also heats up the paper itself, of course, which is why pages are always hot when they
come out of a laser printer or photocopier.
After depositing toner on the paper, the drum surface passes the discharge lamp. This
bright light exposes the entire photoreceptor surface, erasing the electrical image. The drum
surface then passes the charge corona wire, which reapplies the negative charge.

1.7 Model and Previous Year Questions

Q 1. Define LASER and Discuss the interaction of radiation with matter.

Q 2. Derive an expression for energy density for a system in thermal equilibrium in terms
of Einstein’s co-efficient.
Q 3. Explain requisites of LASER system.
Q 4. Explain the construction and working of a CO2 Laser with the help of energy level
Q 5. Discuss the applications of laser in defense.
Q 6. With the help of a sketch describe the principle, construction and working of the laser

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1.8 Numericals
1.8.1 Ratio of Population

Q 1. Find the ratio of population of two energy levels in a medium at thermal equilibrium,
if the wavelength of light emitted at 291 K is 6928 Å.
Q 2. Calculate the ratio of population for a given pair of energy levels corresponding to
emission of radiation 694.3 nm at a temperature of 300 K.
Q 3. A laser source has a power output of 10−3 W. Calculate the number of photons emitted
per second given the wavelength of LASER 692.8 nm.
Q 4. Find the ratio of population of two energy levels in a medium at thermal equilibrium, if
the wavelength of light emitted at 300 K is 10 µm. Also find the effective temperature when
energy levels are equally populated.
Q 5. In a laser system when the energy difference between two energy levels is 2 × 10−19 J,
the average power output of laser beam is found to be 4 mW. Calculate number of photons
emitted per second.

1.8.2 Power and photons

Q 1. The average power of a laser beam of wavelength 6328 Å is 5 mW. Find the number of
photons emitted per second by the laser source.
Q 2. A Ruby laser emits a pulse of 20 ns duration with average power per pulse being
100 kW. If the number of photons in each pulse is 6.981 × 1015 , calculate the wavelength of
Q 3. A pulsed laser has an average power output 1.5 mW per pulse and pulse duration is
20 ns. The number of photons emitted per pulse is estimated to be 1.047 × 108 Find the
wavelength of the emitted laser.

1.8.3 Laser Diffraction (Lab)

Q 1. In a diffraction grating experiment, the laser light undergoes second order diffraction
for diffraction angle 1.48◦ . The grating constant is 5.08 × 10−5 m and the distance between
the grating and the source is 80 cm, find the wavelength of laser light.
Q 2. In diffraction grating experiment, the laser light undergoes first order diffraction with
diffracting angle 23.86◦ . The grating constant is 1.66 × 10−6 m. Calculate the wavelength of
laser source.

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Chapter 2

Optical Fibers

Lasers and Optical Fibers
Optical Fibers: Total Internal Reflection, Propagation mechanism, Angle of Accep-
tance, Numerical Aperture, Fractional Index Change, Modes of Propagation, Number of
Modes and V Number, Types of Optical Fibers. Attenuation and Mention of Expression
for Attenuation coefficient, Attenuation Spectrum of an Optical Fiber with Optical Win-
dows. Discussion of Block Diagram of Point to Point Communication, Intensity based
Fiber Optic Displacement Sensor, Merits and Demerits, Numerical problems.

An optical fiber is a device which can conduct light along any desired curved path. It
transmits light through a bundle of thin fibers of transparent material from one end to other
end covering a very long distance. It works on the principle of total internal reflection.

2.1 Total Internal Reflection

Figure 2.1: Total Internal Reflection

Let a luminous object O be placed in a denser medium of refractive index n1 (see figure
2.1). A ray OA incident normally on the interface of two media proceeds undeviated into


the rarer medium of refractive index n2 . But a ray OP passing from the denser medium into
the rarer medium bends away from the normal; this process is called refraction. As the angle
of incidence (i) increases in the denser medium, the angle of refraction also increases, and
for a particular angle of incidence, the refracted ray just grazes the surface of separation of
the media, i.e., angle of refraction is 90◦ (see the third ray). This angle of incidence in the
denser medium for which the angle of refraction is 90◦ is known as the critical angle (C) for
the given pair of media and for the given colour of the light. For further increase in the angle
of incidence, i.e., i > C, (see the last ray) the ray is not refracted but gets reflected back into
the medium. This phenomenon is known as total internal reflection (TIR).

Conditions for TIR

We observe the following conditions for total internal reflection to occur:
1. The ray of light must travel from a denser medium into a rarer medium.
2. The angle of incidence in the denser medium must be greater than the critical angle
for the given pair of media and the given colour of light.

2.2 Optical Fiber Construction

Fibers that are used for optical communication are waveguides made up of transparent di-
electrics whose function is to guide visible and infrared light over long distances.

Figure 2.2: Optical Fiber

An optical fiber consists of a cylinder of glass or plastic called the core which is surrounded
by a cylindrical shell of glass or plastic of lower refractive index (compared to core) called
cladding. The cladding in turn is covered by a polyurethane jacket (see figure 2.2). Light
is transmitted within the core. The cladding helps to keep the light waves confined to the
core on account of its lower refractive index than that of the core. In addition, the cladding
provides some mechanical strength to the core. The additional jacket provided protects the
fiber from moisture and abrasion (rubbing or scrapping away).
Many such fibers, each one protected by individual jackets, are grouped to form a cable.
A cable may consist of one to several hundred fibers.
In optical fibers, the core and cladding are made up of either plastic or glass, and it is
found that plastic fibers are flexible and inexpensive. Usually there are 3 types of optical
fibers based on the fiber material:
ˆ Glass core with glass cladding
ˆ Plastic core with plastic cladding
ˆ Glass core with plastic cladding

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2.3 Propagation Mechanism in an Optical Fiber

A waveguide is a tubular structure through which energy of some sort could be guided in the
form of waves. Since light waves can be guided through a fiber, it is called light guide. It is
also called fiber wave guide or fiber light guide.

Figure 2.3: Propagation Mechanism in an Optical Fiber

The cladding in an optical fiber always has a lower refractive index than that of the core.
The light signal which enters into the core can strike the interface of the core and cladding
only at large angle of incidence (greater than critical angle), because of the ray geometry
shown in figure 2.3. Therefore the light signal undergoes total internal reflections many
times and the signal sustains its strength and also confines itself completely within the core
during propagation. Thus the optical fiber functions as a waveguide. Any sharp bends in
the core is avoided, since for sharp bends, the light fails to undergo total internal reflections
because of which the signal strength comes down drastically.
The main difference between regular reflection and total internal reflection is that in the
case of the latter, there is absolutely no absorption (loss) of light energy at the reflecting
surface; the entire incident energy is returned along the reflected light (which is not the case
in the former). Because of this phenomenon, optical fibers are able to sustain the light signal
transmission over very long distances in spite of large number of reflections that occurs within
the fiber.

2.4 Acceptance Angle and Numerical Aperture

Figure 2.4: Acceptance Angle and Numerical Aperture

Let us consider a ray having critical incidence at the core-cladding interface (see figure
2.4). Consider ray AO entering into the core at an angle θ0 to the fiber axis. Let it be

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refracted along OB at an angle θr in the core. It will proceed to fall at the critical angle of
incidence (= 90◦ − θr ) at B. Since it is a critical angle of incidence, the ray is refracted at
90◦ to the normal drawn at the interface i.e., it travels along the interface. Hence it is clear
that any ray which enters the core at an angle less than θ0 will have refracting angle less than
θr because of which its angle of incidence (90◦ − θr ) at the interface will become more than
critical angle of incidence, and it undergoes total internal reflection. On the other hand, if
the ray enters the core at an angle greater than θ0 , then, by following a similar argument, we
can say that the ray won’t undergo TIR at the core-cladding interface and will be refracted
into the cladding region and lost.
If AO is rotated, keeping θ0 constant, it describes a conical surface called the Acceptance
Cone. Only those rays which fall into the fiber within this acceptance cone will be totally
internally reflected and are confined within the fiber for propagation. Angle θ0 is called the
acceptance angle and its sine i.e., sin(θ0 ) is called the numerical aperture (N.A) of the fiber.
The light gathering capacity of the fiber is represented by the numerical aperture.
Let n0 , n1 , n2 be the refractive indices of surrounding medium, core and cladding of the
fiber respectively. Applying Snell’s law at O, the point of entry of the ray AO, we have

n0 sin(θ0 ) = n1 sin(θr ) (2.1)

Now, apply Snell’s law at B. We get

n1 sin(90◦ − θr ) = n2 sin(90◦ )
n1 cos(θr ) = n2

because sin(90◦ ) = 1 and sin(90◦ − θ) = cos(θ).

=⇒ cos(θr ) = (2.2)

Now 2.1 becomes p

n0 sin(θ0 ) = n1 1 − cos2 (θr ) (2.3)
because sin(θ) = 1 − cos2 (θ).
Substitute 2.2 in 2.3
s  2
n0 sin(θ0 ) = n1 1−
n21 − n22
n0 sin(θ0 ) = n1
n0 sin(θ0 ) = n21 − n22

Therefore we have p
n21 − n22
N.A = sin(θ0 ) = (2.4)
This is the expression for the numerical aperture (N.A) of an optical fiber given the
refractive indices of the media involved.
If the surrounding medium is air, then n0 = 1, and
sin(θ0 ) = n21 − n22 (2.5)

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If θi is the angle of incidence of an incoming ray at the point of entry O, then the ray will
propagate through the fiber (i.e., TIR will occur) only if

θi < θ0
sin(θi ) < sin(θ0 )
sin(θi ) < N.A

This is the condition for propagation of light in an optical fiber.

2.4.1 Worked Examples

Q 1. Calculate the numerical aperture and angle of acceptance for an optical fiber having
refractive indices 1.563 and 1.498 for core and cladding respectively.
n1 = 1.563, n2 = 1.498, n0 = 1
(since n0 is not given, we take it to be 1.)
To find: N.A and θ0
First let’s calculate N.A. We know that,

n1 2 − n2 2 (1.563)2 − (1.498)2
N.A = = = 0.4461
n0 1
Next, we’ll find θ0 . We know that,

θ0 = sin−1 (N.A) = sin−1 (0.4461) = 26.49◦

Q 2. Calculate numerical aperture, acceptance angle and critical angle of a fiber having a
core RI 1.50 and cladding RI 1.45.
n1 = 1.50, n2 = 1.45, n0 = 1
(since n0 is not given, we take it to be 1.)
To find: N.A, θ0 , and θc
First let’s calculate N.A. We know that,

n1 − n2 2 (1.5)2 − (1.45)2
N.A = = = 0.3841
n0 1
Next, we’ll find θ0 . We know that,

θ0 = sin−1 (N.A) = sin−1 (0.3841) = 22.58◦

Finally, let’s find θc (we had θc = 90◦ − θr in the derivation. Note that the question asks
us to find θc and not θr ). We know that,
−1 n2 −1 1.45
θc = sin = sin = 75.16◦
n1 1.5

Q 3. The angle of acceptance of an optical fiber is 30◦ when kept in air. Find the angle of
acceptance when it is in medium of refractive index 1.33.

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θ0a = 30◦ (acceptance angle when fiber kept in air)
n0a = 1 (RI of surrounding when fiber kept in air)
n0m = 1.33 (RI of surrounding when fiber kept in medium)
To find:
θ0m =? (acceptance angle when fiber kept in medium)
We know that, q
n0 sin(θ0 ) = n21 − n22
The RHS of this equation is independent of the surrounding medium, whereas the LHS
is dependent on the surrounding. This means that the product of the terms on the LHS is
constant no matter which medium the fiber is placed in. So we can say

n0m sin(θ0m ) = n0a sin(θ0a )

Rearranging the terms, we get

n0a 1
θ0m = sin−1 sin(θ0a ) = sin−1 × sin(30◦ ) = 22.08◦
n0 m 1.33

2.5 Fractional Index

The ratio of the difference between the refractive indices of core and cladding to the refractive
index of core of an optical fiber is called fractional index. It is denoted by ∆ and is given by
n1 − n2
∆= (2.6)

Relation between N.A and ∆

Consider the optical fiber’s surrounding medium to be air. So from 2.5 we have
N.A = n21 − n22
N.A = (n1 + n2 )(n1 − n2 )

From 2.6 we have

n1 − n2 = n1 ∆
and since for practical purposes n1 ≈ n2 , we can write

n1 + n2 ≈ 2n1

Substituting these two terms in the above expression, we get

N.A = 2n21 ∆

N.A = n1 2∆ (2.7)
Therefore the value of numerical aperture (N.A) can be increased by increasing the value of
fractional index (∆) so as to receive maximum light into the core. But fibers with large ∆
will not be useful for optical communication due to the occurrence of a phenomena inside
the fiber called multipath/intermodal dispersion. This phenomenon introduces a time delay
factor in the travel length and may cause distortion of the transmitted optical signal. This
leads to pulse broadening, which in turn limits the communication distance.

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2.6 V Number
Practically, it is difficult to make a single ray of light enter the fiber for propogation. There
may be multiple rays of light in a single beam which enter into the fiber at slightly differ-
ent angles relatively to each other but still undergo TIR although at different points on the
core-cladding interface. These different light rays are called modes. (Refer the section ’mul-
timode fibers’ for more information) A high number of modes causes the above mentioned
phenomenon of intermodal dispersion. Due to this issue, there is a limit on the highest N.A
we can achieve for a given optical fiber (which means a limit on the amount of light that can
be gathered by the fiber).
The number of modes supported for propagation in the fiber is determined by a parameter
called V number (denoted as V ). It is given by the expression

V = (N.A)
where dpis the diameter of the core, λ is the wavelength of light used for propogation, and
n21 − n22
N.A = is the numerical aperture of the fiber, with n0 , n1 , and n2 being the refrac-
tive indices of the surrounding medium, the core, and the cladding of the fiber respectively.
If the surrounding medium is air, then we have
V = n21 − n22
Note that if for a given fiber the V number is less than 2.405, then that fiber is a single-
mode fiber. And if the V number is greater than 2.405, then that fiber is a multi-mode fiber.
If the fiber is a step-index multi-mode one, then the number of modes allowed in the fiber is
given by .

2.7 Types of Optical Fibers and Modes of Propagation

Figure 2.5: Classification of optical fibers

The classification of optical fibers can be made based on three major categories as shown
in figure 2.5, i.e., based on material used or number of modes or the refractive index (RI)
profile of the fiber.
What is a refractive index (RI) profile of a fiber? It is a plot of the refractive indices
(both core and cladding) of the fiber (on the y-axis) versus the diameter of the lateral cross
section of the fiber (on the x-axis). Sometimes this profile might also include the refractive
index of the surrounding medium.
Now, between the kinds mentioned above, there are three main types of optical fibers:

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ˆ Step-index single mode fiber

ˆ Step-index multimode fiber

ˆ Graded-index multimode fiber

2.7.1 Step-index single mode fiber

(b) Lateral cross section

(a) Longitudinal cross section

(c) RI Profile

Figure 2.6: Step-index single mode fiber

A step-index single mode fiber consists of a very thin core of uniform refractive index n1
surrounded by a cladding of uniform refractive index n2 (see figure 2.6). The refractive index
abruptly changes at the core cladding boundary. This is reflected in the RI profile as shown
in figure 2.6c and is the reason why it is called a step-index fiber (RI changes step wise). The
diameter of the core is about 8 to 10 µm and external diameter of cladding is about 60 to 70
µm (see figure 2.6b). Since the core is narrow, it can guide just a single mode as shown in
figure 2.6a. Hence it is called a single mode fiber. Single mode fibers are the most commonly
used fibers and are moderately expensive among the three types. They need lasers as the
source of light. They find particular application in submarine cable system.

2.7.2 Step-index multimode fiber

A step-index multimode fiber consists of a large core of uniform refractive index n1 surrounded
by a cladding of uniform refractive index n2 (see figure 2.7). Just as before, the refractive
index abruptly changes at the core cladding boundary and the RI profile is as shown in figure
2.7c with the main difference being that the line for n1 in the profile is longer than before.
The diameter of the core is about 50 to 200 µm and external diameter of cladding is about
100 to 250 µm (see figure 2.7b). Since the core is large, it can guide more than one mode as
shown in figure 2.7a. Therefore it is called a multimode fiber. The rays travel in a zig-zag
manner, in which the high angle modes travel a longer distance as compared to the low angle
modes, causing modal dispersion. Therefore a sharp incoming pulse broadens as it travels
long distances in the fiber, which inturn limits the communication distance. These are the
least expensive of the three types.

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(b) Lateral cross section

(a) Longitudinal cross section

(c) RI Profile

Figure 2.7: Step-index multimode fiber

2.7.3 Graded-index multimode fiber

(b) Lateral cross section

(a) Longitudinal cross section

(c) RI Profile

Figure 2.8: Graded-index multimode fiber

A graded-index multimode fiber, also known as GRIN fiber, has a similar shape to a step-
index multimode fiber (see figure 2.8), but it’s core is made of a special type of material that
has a refractive index that decreases continuously from the center to the outer edge of the
core. At the interface between the core and the cladding, the refractive index of the material
is equal to that of the cladding. The refractive index of the cladding remains uniform. The
refractive index profile is as shown in figure 2.8c. In this fiber, a number of modes can be
transmitted. The rays move in a sinusoidal path through the core. Light travels at a lower
speed in the high refractive index region of the core (around the center) than that in the low
refractive index region (near the edges). Since the fastest components of the rays take the
longer path and the slower components take the shorter path in the core, the time of travel
of the different modes will be almost similar. This reduces the effect of modal dispersion.
Therefore losses are minimum with only little pulse broadening. The source used is either a
laser or LED.

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2.8 Attenuation
The loss of power suffered by the optical signal as it propagates through the fiber is called
attenuation. It is also called fiber loss.
Factors contributing to the attenuation in optical fiber are
ˆ Absorption losses.

ˆ Scattering losses.

ˆ Bending losses (Radiation losses).

ˆ Coupling losses.

2.8.1 Absorption Losses

This kind of loss of signal power occurs due to absorption of photons associated with the
There are two types:
1. Absorption by impurities: The impurities that are generally present in fiber glass
are iron, chromium, cobalt, and copper. During signal propagation, when photons
interact with these impurities, the electrons (in the impurities) absorb the photons and
get excited to higher energy level. Later these electrons give up their absorbed energy
either as heat or light energy. The re-emission of light is of no use, since it will usually
be in a different wavelength or in different phase with respect to the signal. Hence it is
a loss.

2. Intrinsic absorption: The fiber itself has a tendency to absorb light energy however
small it may be. Hence there will be a loss and is termed as intrinsic absorption.

2.8.2 Scattering Losses

This kind of loss occurs due to the scattering of light energy due to the obstructions caused
by imperfections and defects, which are of molecular size, present in the fiber itself. The scat-
tering of light by the obstructions is inversely proportional to the 4th power of the wavelength
of light transmitted through the fiber. Such a scattering is called Rayleigh scattering. The
loss due to the scattering can be minimized by using an optical source of large wavelength.

2.8.3 Bending Losses (Radiation Losses)

This kind of loss occurs due to bending of finite radius of curvature in optical fibers.
There are two types
1. Macroscopic Bends: If the radius of the core is large compared to fiber diameter,
it may cause large-curvature at the position where the fiber cable turns at the corner.
At these corners the light will not satisfy the condition for total internal reflection and
hence it escapes out from the fiber (see figure 2.9a). This is called as macroscopic
bending losses. Also note that this loss is negligible for small bends.

2. Microscopic Bends: Microscopic bending losses are caused due to non-uniformities or

micro bends inside the fiber. These micro bends in the fiber appear due to non-uniform
pressures created during the cabling of the fiber or even during the manufacturing stage
itself. This leads to losses of light by leakage through the fiber (see figure 2.9b).

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(a) Macroscopic Bending Loss (b) Microscopic Bending Loss

Figure 2.9: Bending Losses

2.8.4 Coupling Losses

Coupling losses occur when the ends of different fibers are connected. At the junction of
coupling, a film may exist or a joint may be inclined or may be mismatched which can
produce a loss. This is known as coupling loss. This loss can be minimized by a technique
called splicing.

Attenuation Coefficient
The net attenuation in an optical fiber is given by a factor called the attenuation coefficient
(α) and its unit is dB/km. It is expressed by the relation
10 Pout
α = − log10
L Pin

where, Pin is the power of the input signal, Pout is the power of the output signal, and L is
the length of the fiber in km.

2.8.5 Worked Examples

Q 1. An optical fiber of 600 m long has input power of 120 mW which emerges out with
power of 90 mW. Find the attenuation in fiber.
L = 600 m = 0.6 km
Pin = 120 mW = 0.12 W
Pout = 90 mW = 0.09 W
To find: α =?
We know that,
−10 Pout (−10) 0.09
α= log10 = × log10 = 2.082 dB/km
L Pin 0.6 0.12

Q 2. The attenuation of light in an optical fiber is 3.6 dB/km. What fraction of its initial
intensity is remains after i) 1 km and ii) 3 km ?
α = 3.6 dB/km

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i. L = 1 km ii. L = 3 km
To find:
We know that,  
−10 Pout
α= log10
L Pin
Rearranging the terms, we get
Pout −αL
= 10 10
First, we will find for L = 1 km
Pout −3.6×1
= 10 10 = 0.4365
Next, we will find for L = 3 km
Pout −3.6×3
= 10 10 = 0.08318

2.9 Attenuation spectrum and communication windows

The attenuation spectrum of an optical fiber refers to the behavior of how light signals
propagate through the fiber over a range of wavelengths. In optical communication, the
choice of wavelengths is crucial as it determines the transmission characteristics and the
effectiveness of the communication system. The attenuation spectrum is a representation of
the fiber’s ability to transmit light at different wavelengths, as shown in figure 2.10.

Figure 2.10: Attenuation Spectrum with Communication Windows

Optical fibers have specific wavelength ranges, often referred to as communication win-
dows, where they exhibit low attenuation, allowing for efficient transmission of signals. These
windows are typically centered around certain wavelengths where the fiber material has min-
imal absorption and scattering losses. The three main communication windows in optical
fibers are the 850 nm, 1310 nm and 1550 nm windows, although other windows exist as well.

Department of Physics 32 Physics for EEE Stream Notes

AMC Engineering College BPHYE102/202
Bengaluru-560083 Prof. Nithin Manju

The 850 nm window is used primarily for short-range communication, such as within
buildings or metropolitan areas. This window is located in the lower end of the spectrum
and provides relatively low attenuation, making it suitable for these applications.
The 1310 nm window is used for intermediate-distance communication, such as within
a city or between neighboring cities. This window has lower attenuation compared to the
850 nm window, allowing for signals to travel over longer distances without significant loss.
The 1550 nm window is used for long-distance communication, such as in undersea cables
or across continents. This window has even lower attenuation compared to the 1310 nm
window, allowing for signals to travel over even longer distances with minimal loss.
By understanding the attenuation spectrum of an optical fiber within these communica-
tion windows, engineers can design and optimize optical communication systems for various
applications with minimal signal loss and efficient transmission.

2.10 Applications of Fiber Optics

2.10.1 Fiber Optic Communication
The purpose of any kind of communication system is to transfer information from one point
(source) to another (destination). If the information is sent as light signals with the help of
optical fibers, then we call that system as a fiber optic communication system.

Figure 2.11: Point-to-point Communication System

The block diagram of an optical fiber communication system is shown in figure 2.11. It
consists of an information source, coder, optical transmitter, optical fiber, photodetector,
amplifier, and a decoder.

Analog information such as voice of a telephone user gives rise to electrical signal in analog
form. The coder converts the analog signal into binary data which comes out as a stream
of electrical pulses. These electrical pulses are transformed into optical power with the help

Department of Physics 33 Physics for EEE Stream Notes

AMC Engineering College BPHYE102/202
Bengaluru-560083 Prof. Nithin Manju

of a light source such as laser; this unit is called as optical transmitter from which the
optical power is fed into the fiber. The light will travel along the fiber by undergoing total
internal reflections. Finally, at the receiving end, the optical signal from the fiber is fed into
a photodetector, where the signal is converted into pulses of electric current which is then
fed to decoder which converts the binary data into analog signal which will bow be the same
information as the input voice signal.

2.10.2 Intensity-based Displacement Sensor

Figure 2.12: Displacement Sensor

Light is sent through a transmitting fiber and is made to fall on a moving target. The reflected
light from the target is sensed by a detector. With respect to intensity of light reflected, the
displacement of the target is measured.

A schematic of the displacement sensor is shown in figure 2.12. It consists of a bundle of
transmitting fibers coupled to the laser source and a bundle of receiving fibers coupled to the
detector as shown in the figure. The axis of the transmitting fiber and the receiving fiber
with respect to the moving target can be adjusted to increase the sensitivity of the sensor.

Light from the source is transmitted through the transmitting fiber and is made to fall on
the moving target. The light reflected from the target is made to pass through the receiving
fiber and the same is detected by the detector. Based on the intensity of the light received,
the displacement of the target can be measured, i.e., if the received intensity is more, than
we can say that the target is moving towards the sensor, and if the intensity is less, we can
say that the target is moving away from the sensor.

2.11 Advantages of Optical Fibers

ˆ Optical fiber material are easily available.

ˆ Optical fibers carry very large amount of information in either digital or analog form.

Department of Physics 34 Physics for EEE Stream Notes

AMC Engineering College BPHYE102/202
Bengaluru-560083 Prof. Nithin Manju

ˆ Cost of optical fiber communication is less compared to the other modes of communi-

ˆ Optical fibers are light in weight and compact, so the transformation is easy.

ˆ Optical fibers cannot be tapped as easily as electrical cables.

ˆ Optical fibers do not carry electricity; therefore no shock hazard.

ˆ Optical fibers are not effected by lightning or sparkling.

ˆ Optical fibers do not radiate energy.

ˆ Optical fibers protect the electrical signal from corrosive and flammable environments.

2.12 Disadvantages of Optical Fibers

ˆ Optical connectors used for connecting two fibers are highly expensive.

ˆ Whenever a fiber suffers a line break, operations required to establish the connections
are highly skillful and time consuming.

ˆ Fibers undergo expansion and contraction with temperature that upset some critical
alignments, which lead to loss in signal power.

ˆ Maintenance cost of the systems with optical fiber is very high.

ˆ Optical fibers break if sharply bent.

2.13 Model and Previous Year Questions

Q 1. What is refractive index profile? Discuss three different types of optical fibres based
on modes of propagation and refractive index profile.
Q 2. Define acceptance angle and numerical aperture. Derive an expression for numerical
aperture in terms of refractive indices of core, cladding and surrounding.
Q 3. Define the terms: (i) angle of acceptance, (ii) numerical aperture, (iii) modes of
propagation and (iv) refractive index profile.
Q 4. Describe attenuation and explain the various fiber losses.
Q 5. Discuss Point to Point communication using optical fibers.
Q 6. Explain the Fiber Optic Networking and mention its advantages.

2.14 Numericals
2.14.1 Numerical aperture, acceptance angle

Q 1. An optical fiber has a numerical aperture of 0.32. The refractive index of cladding is
1.48. Calculate the refractive index of the core and the acceptance angle of the fiber.
Q 2. An optical fiber has core RI 1.5 and RI of cladding is 3% less than the core index.
Calculate the numerical aperture, the angle of acceptance, and the critical angle.

Department of Physics 35 Physics for EEE Stream Notes

AMC Engineering College BPHYE102/202
Bengaluru-560083 Prof. Nithin Manju

Q 3. Given the Numerical Aperture 0.30 and RI of core 1.49 Calculate the critical angle for
the core-cladding interface.
Q 4. The numerical aperture of an optical fiber is 0.2 when surrounded by air. Determine
the RI of its core, given the RI of the cladding is 1.59. Also find the acceptance angle when
the fiber is in water of RI 1.33.

2.14.2 Attenuation

Q 1. Obtain the attenuation co-efficient of the given fiber of length 1500 m given the input
and output power 100 mW and 70 mW.
Q 2. An optical signal propagating in a fiber retains 85% of input power after traveling a
distance of 500 m in the fiber. Calculate the attenuation coefficient.
Q 3. The attenuation of light in an optical fiber is 2.2 dB/km. What fraction of its initial
intensity is remains after i) 2 km and ii) 6 km ?

Department of Physics 36 Physics for EEE Stream Notes

AMC Engineering College BPHYE102/202
Bengaluru-560083 Prof. Nithin Manju

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