Online Case Referencing II Sem LLM, Qs

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f Printed Pages : 8

No, o - - - - - - 7
tion Booklet Code
A Q'llestioD Booklet [
Serial Number ..__ .
2QQQ37 l
_________ _,

L.L.M. II Semester (Ntp) Degree Examination,

October _ 2023

Online Case Referencing
'fime: 1 Hour Maximum Marks : 30

h The Question Paper will be given in the form of a Question Booklet. There will be four/ two
- versions of Question Booklets with Question Booklet Code viz. A, B, C & D / A & B/ A only.
2. The Question Booklet Serial Number is printed on the top right margin of the facing sheet. If
your Question Booklet is un-numbered, please get it replaced by new Question Booklet with
same Code.
3. Immediately after the commencement of the examination, the candidate should check that
the Que~ ., B_ ooklet supplied to him contain; ~! the 30 questions in serial orde} . The._Question
Booklet does not have unprinted or torn or missing pages and if so he/she should brirtg_it to
the notice of the Invigilator and get it replaced by a comJ?lete booklet with same Code. Thi~ is

\i 4.
most important.
A blank sheet of paper is attached to the Question Booklet. This may be used for Rough Work.
Please read carefully all the instructions 0111:he top of the Answer Sheet before marking
your answers.
Each question is provided with four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) having one correct answer.
,. Choose the correct answer and darken the bubble corresponding to the question number using
Black Ball-Point Pen in the OMR Answer Sheet.
7. No candidate will be allowed to leave the examinatio~ hall till the end of the session and
- · - - without handing over his/her Answer Sheet to the Invigilator.
8. Strict compliance of instructions is essential. Arl.y malpractice or attempt to commit any kind
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First fifteen minutes is provided to fill the general information of the Student. Eg. Student
Name, Student ID, etc. in the OMR Answer Sheet
lO. Without the instruction of the Invigilator do not open the Question Paper Booklet Seal.

A I~111111111111111111111 lll1111111111111~ 1~111111111111111 1 21LLM2S2LT

1. Who proposed the constitution of thee- 6. Whether virtual courts have started in state of I(arnataka?
(A} Justice R.C. Lahoti (Bl • Chandrachud (A) Yes (B} No
(D) (C) Maybe None of the above
(C) Justice Krishna Iyer (D) (
7. Whether conferencing rules eltists in High courts or not ?
2. What are the objectives of Case Infoi1Da1
(A) Yes (8) No
(A} Tracking the status and details of case pending in any court in (C) Maybe (D) None of the above
the country.
(B} Managing pendency of matters in judicial institutions across the
s. Whether video conferencing for Courts and virtual courts same ?
(A) Yes (B) I No
,(C} Extraction and utilisation of the d :o fast track categories of cases.
(C) Maybe (D) None of the above
(D} All the above.
9. The e-Committee of the Supreme Court of India and Department of Justice was
awarded the prestigious National Gold Award for Excellence in Government Process
3. Services offered on the Virtual Court we
Re-engineering for Digital transfonnation with a cash Prize of Rs. 2 Lakh in
(A} Search by Mobile Number which year?
l. (A) 2022~ (B) 2023 ' (C) 2020 (D) 2019
(C) Ser ch by Party Name
,,..' -,
10. NJDG, a ship project implemented ~ der the aegis of the
4. What is NSTEP ? I.I (A) Ministry of Science and Technol
(A) National Service and Tracking of E~ectronic Processes
I (BJ Notional Service and Tracking of Electronic Processes

e-Courts Project
Make in India
(C) National Service and Telecommunication of Electronic Processes (D) All of the above
(DJ National Service and Tracking of Electrical Processes
11. What is full form of LIMBS?
NSTEP does not enable : (A) Law Information Management riefing System
Enables serving of Notice/Su=ons in electronic form (B) Legal Intelligent. Management rie~g System
Posting and recordal of real time4updates from "remote locations reducing (C) Legal _Information ¥anagement arrister System
inordinate delays in process service (D) Legal Information Management riefing ·S ystem
(C) Time required for serving Inter-district or Inter-state process by Post is
drastically reduced by serving it in electronic form
(DJ Virtual conference of accused/party , 12. e-Prisons consists of how many compo:
(AJ 1 (B) 2
s ?
3 (D) 4
21LLM2S2LT 2 IUIIIIIIIIHllllllll!I .- A
111111111111111~01110111111 21LLM2S2LT
. • ~- ·,- -
' "
art of e-prisons? 1s. Which phase is being implemen, tly by e-committee of Supreme Court of
. is not P , India?
13- Which of the foliowmg nt Information System used at the prisons for
. JS : Manageme I; (A) Phase I (B) (D) Phase IV
(A) e-pnsons M activities. Phase III
the; • ..-
their day to day . ns Jn f -ation P,ortal is a _:citizen-centric portal showing
o.. ,. . ~-
(B) NPIP : National PnsO ·ous jails in
. . ata of van , . , 19-
statistical d h wcasing · . e products manufactured (A) Yes
. Portal for s o . .
(C) Kara Bazaar_·. f the country by 1 Either (A) or (B)
in different Jails O . (CJ
. . nline conferencing
(D)e-conferencmg · 0
20. ·cular section of an Act ?
(A) Yes
14. What is JCJS?
Internet operable Criminal Justice
(A) (C)
(B) Inter-operable Civil Justice System
(C) Inter-operable Criminal Justice Sys
(D) Inter-operable Civil and criminal J
uploaded by police in PDF
15. Documents like FIR, case diary and ch
format in ICJS for utilization by the cou
\A) Yes '•
(B) ) I
(C) Maybe
16. What statistics are shown by National J
(A) Criminal cases only
(B) Civil cases only
(CJ Both Civil arid Criminal cases
(D) None of the above IC stands for :
17. Who framed the Model Rules for L" (C)
Proceedings ?
(A) Supreme Court
Modem is a_ "If.
(B) High Court (A) DD
(C) National Consumer Dispute Redu!
(C) Hardware
(D) National Green Tribunal
lll~IIHl!mI1u11u1iHI\III IIII 21LLM2S2LT
26. 'fhe use of computer for business appli' SPAQ ~ .oUGH WORK
(A) Accuracy (Bl
(C) Speed
27. USB stands for :
(A) .Universal Serial Bus
(CJ Uniform Serial Bus
28- Among them which is not a softWare ?
(A) !ntemet Explorer (Bl
(CJ MS Word
29. WJuch of the following is an example of,
(A) Microsoft Windows (B)
(C) Mac OSX (D)
30. Which file are contents ready-made sty!,
\A) Maw-c1wands \Bl
(C) Templates (DI

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