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Orientation Unit and Career Placement


Senior Project Guide

Spring 2019

Beirut – Jadra – Kaslik – Chtoura – Sin El Fil - Tripoli

-2018 Fall 2018
Senior Project Guide OUCP Guide 2017

I. Senior Project Guidelines

A. Prerequisites: Senior Standard.

B. Objectives: This Senior Project is a part of your graduation requirements. It is intended to
allow graduating students to apply all of the knowledge and technical skills they have
acquired through their education, in developing their projects.
In addition, while preparing for their final presentation, students will be guided on how to
improve their presentation skills, which is of great help for them in their future careers. At
the end of this guide, you will find guidelines on how to prepare your presentation.
C. The Senior Project includes the following parts:
1. The Cover Page: A template attached below.
2. The Title Page: A template attached below.
3. The Project Release Form (signed): A template attached below.
4. The Dedication: A template attached below.
5. The Acknowledgments: A template attached below.
6. The Table of Contents Page: With the corresponding page numbers. A template
attached below.
7. The Abstract Page: which starts with the project title and informs readers what they
are about to read. The word Abstract should be centered exactly above the
abstract’s body. The abstract body is a brief, comprehensive summary of the content
of your paper. It should be typed as a single paragraph, and should be typed in block
format (without indentation), it should be in Italics bold text, not enlarged in font
size, or enclosed in quotation marks. A template attached below.
8. The TEXT: the part that you develop with the guidance of your instructor. It must
start with an objective and finish with a conclusion. When applicable, within the
text, the project should include1:
 Introduction
 Objective of the research
 SWOT analysis (suggestions and signs are highlighted in a template attached below)
 PEST Analysis
 Problematic
 Research Question
 Methodology of research
 Results
 Recommendation
 Conclusion

Templates are available end of this guide

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9. The Reference Page: for proper and detailed referencing styles, you can refer to your
English books and notes. Plagiarism is not accepted, plagiarism means using
someone else’s work and claiming it as your own. The way to avoid plagiarism is by
citing sources appropriately.
10. The page Header and Footer throughout the project. It must show the project title,
page number and semester.
D. The Course Guidelines:
1. Senior projects are assigned by departments/ instructors.
2. Seniors projects to be prepared either individually or by group of 2 to the maximum.
3. Regular meetings between instructor and student are held during the semester.
4. Progress report(s) should be handed to the instructor on regular basis.
5. Deadlines are set and respected.
6. No projects are accepted after deadline.
7. Students are not allowed to change topic unless agreed upon with their instructor/
8. Students are evaluated according to their hard work, follow up, content of the
project and final presentation. (50% the Project and Instructor’s Evaluation, 50% the
9. Parents are welcomed to attend students’ presentations.
10. Committee members comprise department(s)’ representatives and OUCP
representatives from all AUL branches.
11. Incomplete due to major reason, should be petitioned. Once accepted, the
department with the OUCP assigns a new presentation date and follow the change of
grade process.

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Senior Project Guide OUCP Guide 2017

Arts, Sciences &Technology University in Lebanon

Faculty of [Business Administration, Arts and Humanities]

Final Year Project

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the [Bachelor of Business

Administration –- Bachelor of Arts] - [Emphasis]

[Project Title]

Prepared By:

[Your Name]

Supervised by:

[Instructor’s Name]


[Semester– Year]

4 Fall 2018
-2018 Fall 2018
Senior Project Guide OUCP Guide 2017

Arts, Sciences &Technology University in Lebanon

Faculté de [Gestion, ………]

Projet de fin d’étude

En vue de l’obtention de la license en [gestion, …..] – Option [ ….]

[Project Title]

Préparé par:

[Your Name]

Sous la direction de:

[Instructor’s Name]


[Semester – Year]

5 Fall 2018
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Senior Project Guide OUCP Guide 2017



Student Name

Authorize the Arts, Sciences & Technology University in Lebanon

to supply copies of my project to libraries or individuals upon request.

Do not authorize the Arts, Sciences & Technology University in

Lebanon to supply copies of my projects to libraries or individuals
for a period of two year starting with the date of project defense.





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Senior Project Guide OUCP Guide 2017


To whom you want to dedicate your project

Family – Friends – Wife – Husband

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Senior Project Guide OUCP Guide 2017


First, I would like to thank our university higher management, my project advisor
name for his advice, and support, chairman name and whoever you like to thank.

Outline of chapters and sections


This is a template, the final required outline to be provided by your supervisor

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Senior Project Guide OUCP Guide 2017




IV. CHAPTER I – Introduction

a. Introductory paragraphs
b. Statement of the problem
c. Purpose
d. Significance of the study
e. Research questions and/or hypothesis

V. CHAPTER II – Background
a. Literature review
b. Definition of terms

VI. CHAPTER III – Methodology

a. Restate purpose and research questions
b. Primary and Secondary Data
c. Population and sampling
d. Instrumentation, i.e., questionnaires, research instruments (include copy in
e. Procedure and time frame
f. Analysis plan
g. Validity and reliability
h. Assumptions
i. Scope and limitations


a. Diagrams, Exhibits

VIII. CHAPTER V - Conclusions and recommendations

a. Summary of your work and findings
b. Discussion (explanation of findings)
c. Recommendations (based on your findings)

a. To include at least 3 books
b. AUL E-Library
c. Other Reliable Websites



9 Fall 2018
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Senior Project Guide OUCP Guide 2017

It is a Briefing about your project to be placed in the Center of the paper, after the table of
content, in Italics, Bold Text. Your reader is expected to know from your abstract what the
project is about; prepare it at the end of Project. Despite the fact that an abstract is quite brief,
it must do almost as much work as the multi-page paper that follows it. In most cases it should
include parts of your introduction or Motivation (Why do we care about the problem and the
results?) This section should include the importance of your work, the difficulty of the area,
and the impact it might have if successful. Problem Statement (What problem are you trying to
solve?) What is the scope of your work (a generalized approach, or for a specific situation)?
Approach and Limitations (How did you go about solving or making progress on the problem?
Why you didn’t go more in depth?) Results (What's the answer briefly?) and Conclusions (What
are the implications of your answer?)

Keywords: words that are used throughout your project.


Signs and criteria examples of a Company’s position that you can use in your research:

1. Signs of competitive Strength:

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Senior Project Guide OUCP Guide 2017

- Important resource strengths and competitive capabilities.

- Strong market share.
- A pacesetting or distinctive strategy that is hard for rivals to copy or match (company’s
competitive advantages).
- Growing customer base and customer loyalty.
- Well positioned in attractive market segments.
- Strongly differentiated products.
- Cost advantage.
- Above profit margins.
- A creative alert Management.

2. Signs of Competitive Weakness

- Confronted with competitive disadvantages.
- Eroding market share.
- Short in financial resources to pursue new opportunities.
- Weak in areas where there is the most market potential.
- A higher cost producer.
- Lacking skills, resources and competitive capabilities in key area.
- Weaker distribution capability than rivals.

3. Criteria Examples
Strengths criteria examples
Advantages of proposition? Capabilities? Competitive advantages? USP's (unique selling points)?
Resources, Assets, People? Experience, knowledge, data? Financial reserves, likely returns? Marketing -
reach, distribution, awareness? Innovative aspects? Location and geographical? Price, value, quality?
Accreditations, qualifications, certifications? Processes, systems, IT, communications? Cultural,
attitudinal, behavioral? Management cover, succession? Philosophy and values?

Weaknesses criteria examples

Disadvantages of proposition? Gaps in capabilities? Lack of competitive strength? Reputation, presence
and reach? Financials? Own known vulnerabilities? Timescales, deadlines and pressures? Cashflow, start-
up cash-drain? Continuity, supply chain robustness? Effects on core activities, distraction? Reliability of
data, plan predictability? Morale, commitment, leadership? Accreditations, etc.? Processes and systems,
etc? Management cover, succession?

Opportunities criteria examples

Market developments? Competitors' vulnerabilities? Industry or lifestyle trends? Technology
development and innovation? Global influences? New markets, vertical, horizontal? Niche target
markets? Geographical, export, import? New USP's? Tactics: eg, surprise, major contracts? Business and
product development? Information and research? Partnerships, agencies, distribution? Volumes,
production, economies? Seasonal, weather, fashion influences?

Threats criteria examples

Political effects? Legislative effects? Environmental effects? IT developments? Competitor intentions -
various? Market demand? New technologies, services, ideas? Vital contracts and partners? Sustaining
internal capabilities? Obstacles faced? Insurmountable weaknesses? Loss of key staff? Sustainable
financial backing? Economy - home, abroad? Seasonality, weather effects?

11 Fall 2018
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Senior Project Guide OUCP Guide 2017

III. The Presentation Evaluation

During the Senior Projects Presentation, Students will be evaluated according to the
following criteria:
4. Student Evaluation (40%): Attire, use of English language, time management and use of
body language.
5. Presentation Preparation Evaluation (50%): Objective is well defined, Quality of visual
aids, logical flow of information, answering questions raised by committee and
6. Book layout (10%): According to the previously required layout and referencing.

III. The Presentation Evaluation

Speaking before a group, or public speaking, is known to be on the top of the list of human
fears, below you will find some points that might help you to deliver a successful

A. Effective Presentation Skills

1. There is no correct way to deliver a presentation, make it your own way.
2. Control your nervousness. Even if your heart is beating, still, you can control your tone of
voice and show confidence.
3. Know your purpose and your topic: if you have a well-prepared topic, we can tell!
4. Organize, organize, organize…: nothing can work better than a well-organized
presentation, and a well-organized project.
5. Use supportive evidence: when appropriate, use life examples even if they are not stated
in your project. It will support your argument if used correctly.
6. Deliver your speech effectively.
7. Use visual aids: a well-prepared power point presentation, brochures, posters, or
whatever you see can help you ensure good project delivery.

B. Presentation Delivery
1. First impressions are important. So be confident, and prove understanding of your topic.
2. Speak clearly and audibly.
3. Speak to all the audience.
4. Put expressions and use gestures, nonverbal communication is important.
5. Hold notes low if reading from them.
6. Ensure eye contact with your audience.
7. Don’t get glued to board or chart. Make small steps and movements but take care, do
not take uncomfortable positions.


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Senior Project Guide OUCP Guide 2017

C. Reminders:
Your presentation is for 20 minutes, be sure that all group members are participating evenly
and leave 5 or 7 minutes for questions.
One more hint, if you don’t know the answer of a certain question, don’t wriggle or panic,
someone in the audience may be able to help. If not, promise to look it up and report on it.

The day of your presentation, be sure to arrive early, formally dressed, ensure that visual
aids are available and working, and don’t forget to SMILE and show enthusiasm.

The presentation dates will be circulated to you through your departments.

Wish you best of luck!!!

OUCP Department

13 Fall 2018

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