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Analysis Of Improving Basic Listening Skills

In English Using Youtube Media

For Ten Graders Of Senior High School





1.1 Background

English is an international language that has an important role in global communication.

Listening skills are one of the key aspects in effective mastery of English. Listening well
allows a person to understand conversations, lectures, audio materials, and various other
sources of spoken language.

However, among high school students, problems in English listening skills often become a
significant obstacle in the learning process. Especially in tenth grade students who are just
starting a higher level of English learning, improving listening skills becomes very important.
Traditional classroom teaching is often less effective in overcoming these obstacles.
Therefore, a more innovative and interesting approach is needed to improve students'
listening skills.

1.2 Research Problems

The problems faced in this research are:

1. What is the current level of basic listening skills of tenth grade students at [School Name]
High School?
2. To what extent can the use of YouTube media be effective in improving basic listening
skills in English among high school students?
3. Are there differences in students' perceptions and preferences regarding the use of
YouTube media in learning English?

1.3 Research Objectives

The main objectives of this research are as follows:

1. To assess the current proficiency level of tenth graders in basic listening skills in English.
2. To investigate the impact of utilizing YouTube media as a supplementary tool for
improving listening skills.
3. To identify the factors that influence the effectiveness of YouTube in enhancing listening
4. To provide recommendations and insights for educators and policymakers to improve
English language education in senior high schools.

1.4 Research Delimitations

To ensure the feasibility and focus of the research, several delimitations are in place:
- Grade Level: This study is specifically limited to tenth graders in senior high schools.
- Location: The research will be conducted in a select number of senior high schools in a
particular region, rather than nationwide.
- Language Proficiency Level: The research will focus on improving basic listening skills,
and not advanced proficiency levels.
- YouTube as a Primary Medium: YouTube will be the primary media tool assessed for
improving listening skills.

1.5 Significance of the Research

This research is significant as it contributes to the ongoing efforts to enhance English

language education in senior high schools in Indonesia. The findings are expected to provide
valuable insights for educators, policymakers, and curriculum designers to make informed
decisions on integrating multimedia tools like YouTube into language learning. Additionally,
it has the potential to benefit students by improving their basic listening skills, thereby
fostering better English language communication.

2.1 Concept and Theory

Listening skills are an important component in language learning. They serve as the basis for
effective communication and understanding in a foreign language. Researchers such as
Rivers (1981) and Rost (2002) highlight that listening skills are essential for the development
of language proficiency.

Input Hypothesis Krashen (1985) argues that language acquisition occurs when learners are
exposed to language input that slightly exceeds their current level of proficiency. This theory
emphasizes the importance of comprehensible input, which can be a key aspect in improving
listening skills.

Vygotsky's (1978) Sociocultural Theory underlines the role of social interaction and cultural
context in language learning. This theory is relevant to this research because it emphasizes
the importance of the environment in which language learning takes place.

2.2 Previous Study

The use of multimedia media, such as video, audio, and images, has gained recognition as an
effective learning tool (Mayer, 2009). Multimedia media can increase student interest and
involvement in the learning process. In the context of language learning, multimedia media,
including YouTube, can provide access to a variety of different accents, dialects and
communication situations in the target language.

YouTube is the world's largest video sharing platform providing access to millions of videos
in various languages, including English. Its use as an English learning resource has gained
significant popularity in recent years. Videos on YouTube cover a wide range of topics, from
English courses to movie clips, interviews and other educational content.

Several studies have shown that the use of YouTube in language learning can increase
students' motivation, broaden their understanding of various accents, and improve their
listening skills (Snelson, 2011; Chorianopoulos, 2010). Using this method also allows
students to learn in a more interactive and in-depth way.

In the Indonesian educational context, especially at the secondary school level, the use of
YouTube as an English learning tool is still under-explored. This research will provide a
better understanding of the potential of using YouTube in improving the English listening
skills of tenth grade students in Indonesian secondary schools.

2.3 Framework

2.2.1 Digital Learning Environments

The shift toward digital platforms in language education.

The benefits and challenges of using digital media in language learning.

2.2.2 Multimedia Learning

Mayer's Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (2009) and its implications for
incorporating visual and auditory elements in language learning.
The effectiveness of multimedia in enhancing language comprehension and retention.


3.1 Kind of Research and Approach

This research will use a quantitative research approach. This approach will allow us to collect
objectively measurable data on the effectiveness of using YouTube in improving the English
listening skills of tenth graders in middle school. We will use standard measurement
instruments to collect quantitative data that can be analyzed statistically.

3.2 Research Setting and Subject

The research design that will be used in this research is experimental. The experimental
group will be involved in learning with the help of YouTube media, while the control group
will be involved in learning with conventional methods. Thus, we can compare the learning
outcomes of the two groups to assess the impact of using YouTube in English language

3.3 Role of Research

1. Participant selection: Students will be randomly selected from the schools participating in
this research.
2. Preliminary measurement: A pretest will be conducted to measure students' initial listening
3. Intervention: The experimental group will be involved in learning with the help of
YouTube media, while the control group will use conventional methods.
4. Final measurement: A final test will be conducted to measure students' listening abilities
after the intervention.
5. Data processing: Data will be analyzed using statistical software to evaluate the impact of
using YouTube in English language learning.

3.4 Techniques of Data Collection

a. Initial Test (Pre-Test)

The initial test will be used to measure the level of students' listening skills before
intervention with the use of YouTube media. This test will contain listening questions in the
form of conversations and narratives in English.

b. Intervention with YouTube Media

The intervention will be carried out over [Intervention Period] weeks. During this period,
students will be given access to selected YouTube videos with material relevant to basic
listening skill levels.

c. Final Test (Post-Test)

The final test will be used to measure changes in students' listening skill levels after
intervention with YouTube media. This test will cover similar material to the pre-test.

d. Questionnaire
Students will be asked to fill out a questionnaire that will assess their perceptions regarding
the use of YouTube media in learning English. The questionnaire will also ask about their
preferences regarding the types of materials that are most helpful in improving listening

e. Interview
Interviews will be conducted with several English teachers to understand their views
regarding the use of YouTube media as an additional tool in language learning.

3.5 Tehniques of Data Analysis

Quantitative data from the pre-test and post-test will be analyzed using statistical software such as
SPSS. Qualitative data from questionnaires and interviews will be analyzed using a thematic analysis
approach to identify patterns and themes in student and teacher responses.

3.6 Trustworthiness of Data

1. Credibility
Using multiple data collection methods to confirm findings, for example, interviews, observations,
and surveys. Involving an independent party to confirm the data collected.

2. Transferability
Provides a rich and in-depth description of the research method, sample population, and research
environment to enable readers to identify whether the findings can be applied to similar contexts.

3. Dependability
Carefully recording all steps in the research process so that other researchers can repeat the study
with similar results. Perform data analysis appropriately and consistently and provide details
regarding the coding process.

4. Confirmability
Researchers note their personal reflections, influences, and assumptions that may influence the
interpretation of the data. Involving an independent third party or research team to verify the data
collection and analysis process.

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