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_—_—_ My practical inquiry questi on ~~ ( ) (een OPM ae Y t the area of questioning and extending Eee eeu eed improvement (Ore eee LT Rota rua) eee ecu ued ow do | improve my classroom questioning skills) to engage and promote high quality responses of standard 8 pupils who are learning about population change? STEM ae Lead Etat Sees eee eet EU Lord ESTE aC SC RIUC Lr Teach mola yi » Reve eT shift on the ene ares) Pre eee *A valuable learning tool that helps to identify and close gaps. systematically investigation to reinforce, probe and draw inferences. “Socratic questioning &Blooms taxonomy — Cognitive complexities for deeper understanding. Differentiation to boost confidence. *Developing the pupils’ ability to raise their own questions De) Rana understanding, eee Sc Blea =a Taal ay =4 SSCs * Starter — Students write SWH(What, Where, Why, When, Who and How) questions on the population change graph displayed. * Expectations for the class — No hands up(DW), Full sentence answers and Geographical vocabulary * Discussion of keywords, lesson objectives and_presenting new information. + Analysing the reasons to draw the graph and identify some limitations(Socratic questioning(Shulman) and Pose-Pause-Pounce-Bounce) « Individual - Describing the graph - using geographical vocabulary © Pair work - 5Whys and So whats(Toyoto) * Group work — sorting in order of importance and justifying(Shulman) Video questionnaire(Hattie —VL) * Plenary - Questioning —Mini-WhiteBoards(Dylan William) * Pair work and Group work Mentor’s observation of questioning approaches Number of contributions (Audio) Students’ oral contributions — length of response The type of questions Students’ feedback on how questioninghelped Teacher vs Student talk time Talk time(Approx.) 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 15 2ath Oct 7th Nov Teacher mStudent | time Number of student contributions... 4 507-Nov practice Student outcomes Oral response fetta ae CUT More Low order questions(What) Call out the pupil and then ask the question Students responded with single word/phrase Responses ranged from 1 to 3 seconds boadtwalariles ry End - Term A good combination of Low and High order questions Average wait-time allotted ranged from 1 to 9 secs Students attempting to give responses in full sentences with geographical vocabulary The responses ranged from 1 to 15 seconds High mMedium «Low e developme s Wee develope) My learning — 1)Develop expertise — subject specific and classroom questioning. 2)Formulating, phrasing the questions before, estimating the effect and reworking before implementing. 3) Reflective practice +1 will monitor and develop my own practice by investigating new strategies and es and create a professional development plan *Spend more meaningful time in preparation for instruction - Looking out for big ideas in generalisations, values, definitions and skills leading to higher level questions and help students build advance organisers. «Prepare a question bank and phrase questions within the vocabulary limit of the class. “Be more flexible with the pace and encourage more pupil talk and number of student involvement. Less teacher intervention by scaffolding and promoting discussion among the groups. “To use the results of this inquiry in school improvement by forming focused groups with the help of the management to embed questioning as a regular teaching practice.

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