11_End of CW_Reagan

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The Development of the Cold War

Ronald Reagan

Began a new phase of rearmament. He reasoned that US could afford the cost of new
Arms race
escalation but the Soviet Union could not.
Reinvigorate America with new strength and the will to lead the free world in its struggle
Campaign pledge
against communism.
[First term] Fervent and outspoken anti-Communist. Described the Soviet leaders as ‘the
focus of evil in the modern world’ and their domain as ‘an evil empire.’
Views on USSR
[Second term] ’We are ready to work with the Soviet Union for more constructive
Foreign policy Reject detente.
Proxy wars Need for using ‘special forces’ in covert counter-insurgency operations.
Defence spending increased by nearly 50% (7% of GDP) [immense budget deficits and by
Defence expenditure
cutting back on domestic welfare programmes]
Mikhail Gorbachev
Stop and not continue the arms race, and propose to freeze nuclear arsenals and stop
Arms race
further deployment of missiles.
Move forward into a system of socialism with more democracy and social consciousness,
Programme outline
and of the need for greater openness.
Views on USA Renewed dialogue with the US was worthwhile.
Must champion a lasting detente. Envisaged not just ‘cosmetic changes’ but a ‘U-turn’ on
Foreign policy
foreign policy.
Radical, but not revolutionary. Wanted to bring a breath of fresh air to the existing system,
Domestic reforms
not replace it with a new one.
Made energy and raw materials available at low cost to its socialist allies, who had little to
Client States
offer in return.
Knew that current defence expenditure was crippling the Soviet Union. Soviet economy
Defence expenditure
could not match new surge in the arms race with US. 3

What is the end of Cold War?

Nuclear Arms Third World

Eastern Europe
Race Rivalry


Development of Cold War characteristics

Ideological 1) Ideological contest between rival political and socio-economic 10) Ideological
con ict systems shifts within USSR

9) Re-emergence 11) Summit meetings

2) Ideo difference drove both 8) End of
Superpower of hostilities after + improvement in
sides’ misperceptions + hostile brinkmanship,
relations Soviet invasion of perceptions + loss of

12) Collapse of USSR

policies + lack of high-level contact toward detente Afghanistan Soviet hegemony

5) Tightening of 8) Geographical extension of Cold

10) Collapse of
3) Division of alignment War E.Europe + Soviet
Rival blocs Europe withdrawal of
7) Superpower policies in uenced by how each bloc
viewed the cohesion of the other side

Indirect 6) Brinkmanship 8) Increase in number and intensity

4) Berlin 11) Reversal of arms
and escalation of of proxy wars, arms race (strategic
con ict Blockade
tensions and conventional)

1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1991

The ‘Second Cold War’

Reagan’s confrontational rst term

Ques on: Using Reagan’s speech to the Na onal Associa on of Evangelicals
[Source 3.1A p140], what was Reagan’s message and the agenda behind it?

The ‘Second Cold War’

3.1.4 Reagan’s Cold War in Europe

Reagan authorised an array of economic, diplomatic and

covert measures to destabilise the communist government of
Provided substantial covert support for Solidarity Party in
Poland (outlawed by the communist government).
Impact: Paved the way for revolutions of 1989 that President Reagan and Pope John Paul II

Disrupted Soviet exports of natural gas to Western Europe
and Soviet Union’s hard currency earnings from the West.
Impact: significant damage to Soviet economy that
contributed to the _____________________________________
Natural gas pipelines in Siberia
The ‘Second Cold War’

3.1.5 Reagan and the arms race

The ‘Second Cold War’

3.1.5 Reagan and the arms race

Ques on: Using Reagan’s SDI speech video, answer the following ques ons:

1. What was Reagan’s approach to ending the arms race with the Soviet Union?

2. What could be the reasons/factors explaining Reagan’s approach?

3. What was Reagan’s agenda behind the speech, and the possible audience(s)?

The ‘Second Cold War’

3.1.5 Reagan and the arms race

Introduced unprecedented American military
build-up to counter increasing Soviet nuclear
Arms control negotiation (INF Talks and
START) that were more in favour of the US and
could not come to an agreement.
Strategic Defence Initiative or a missile
defence system to protect the US from
incoming Soviet missiles.
Reagan’s Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI),
Impact: also known as ‘Star Wars’ program

Do you think Reagan’s arms race sped up

or delayed the end of the Cold War?
The ‘Second Cold War’

3.1.5 Reagan and the arms race

Based on US increased military spending and aggressive nuclear
proposals, how do you think the Soviets would respond to these?

The ‘Second Cold War’

3.1.6 Reagan and his support for anti-Soviet forces in the 3W

1981 CIA organised and supported the

contras to counter the Sandinista
dictatorship in Nicaragua that was backed
by Cuba and Soviet Union.
NSDD-166: Programme of covert assistance
for the Mujahedeen and increased the
supply of arms to the rebels fighting the
Soviet-backed government.

Impact: Reagan’s tough rhetoric against

Soviet Union that pressured the end of
Soviet involvement in Third World rivalry.


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