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pifferentiation 0 Inmathematics, differentiation is concerned with the study of the rates at which quantities change. The derivative of a function at a chosen input value describes the rate of change of the function near that input value. The process of finding a derivative is called differentiation. Geometrically, the derivative at a points the slope of the tangent line to the graph of the function at that point. provided that the derivative exists and is defined atthat point. Derivatives and their generalizations appear in many fields of mathematics such as complex analysis functional analysis, differential geometry. measure theory and abstract algebra, In NDA exam, there are generally 5 10 6 Questions from this chapter. @ Differentiation Let y= (x) be a given continuous function. Then, value of ¥ changes according to x. Let-8y be @ change in the value of ¥ corresponding to the change dx in ‘Then, 9+ AME 3) ay py = y= fxs 6x) flay 2 WEEE S tim 2 tim Mes 62-102) alogx ato ix ‘The above expression is called the derivative or differeptial coefficient of y = (x) with respect to x and it is denoted by > or SZ tavor pesory: art Be ‘This process of finding the derivative is called differentiation. Laws of Differentiation 1 te dr once 9 hy M+ 88)- fe where cis a constant. 2 FE tefeon=e% fo) 8. Eure esc =£ faye 4 ae 4. faye) 10) aa) dL fa) 6. FE ineont = reoye? ay tog fe ” Standard Results d 4 tenet fy onstant) = + Le ene Lene + ZLea)=0 toga + Steg, 29-2 + Ssinxscoss . cos -sine . Stans sees + Lcots =—cosec's + Leccrescextans + “cose x=-cosee rcotx ¢ sintye—t We . tants ne . see teh fort xto bie forlxl>1 Slere d Ix 4 dog tx) 4, Note DE UD= Axed dogs 4x00 Example, The derivative of 11x —*C08x is given by xsinx + cosx x? # (xsinx + cos xP 2 : x . © Gainx 053) Sol) Lat y = 810 = XCOS x xsinx + 608 x (b) sin® x in x + c08 x) 4 (ain x = xc08 x) ae ~{sin x ~ xe0s x} (xsin x cos x) poe (esinx + cos xy (esin x + c08 x) (08 x ~c0s x + xsin x) - =(sin x - xc0s x) (sin x + xeos x~sin x) (isin x + c08 x} X + xsin xcos x ~ xsin xc0s x+ x? os! x (orsin x + eos ay? 2 * (esinx +008 xf Chain Rule Let ¥= f(t) be a differentiable function of t and ¢= g(x) be any other differentiable function of x. ‘Then, y = f(t) = flex) 5 dy _d Gan db In this case, 2% (x)= =2 py. B tniS nse, = yg Ma = FA} =F M0) tal a jf) Fe) This rule is called the chain complicated functions. Replacement to Make the Questions Easy For 1+ x* putx=tano rule and it is implied for For 1~x* put x=sin0 or cos For 1 +x and 1~x put x—cos 20 For a®+x* putx=atand For a® —x* put x=a sin0/a cos0 For a+ xand a—xputx=a cos20 Example. If y = sin! E+ % + VI= x, 2 then find the value of NDA/NA Entraney im sa yong VEEN ' x Pul x= con20=2 on) os fhe eo yoann! Y nv ini | ce pe(aralieeet 4 Y= ean Osco) “8 yoqtae Wa (242d cot 1 dx "de a) * 2 de“ 2yi-e Differentiation of Parametric Functions Let y= f(t)and x= (0) where, tis any parameter wo gis py Bald df Then, dx del dt” dad ~ g(0) dt Example. 1fx = ae® (sin —cos 6) and y =ae® (sin 0+ cos 0), then find 2. (ecto (e)acos 0 @ersine (e%cos 0 Sol. (0) Given, x = ae? 0~cos 0) a 6 (si . : gp 722" (sin 0~cos OF + ae" {cos 0 + sins} =200% sino and ¥=ae*(sin 0+ cos 0) Fy ae8, ° Gp 20° (sin 0+ cos 6) + ae* (cos 6- sing) =2ae" cos 8 Hence, d¥ dv /d0 _ 2ae* coso 0 de de/d0 ~ 2ae* sind Differentiation of a Function with respect to Another Function Let u = f(x)and v = «{x)be two functions of x. Then, to find the derivative of u with respect to vie, we have tofind first derivative of w and v with respect to x ie., #4 and” du respectively and then apply = fx ae yathemati Differentiation air ye. Find the derivative of sin-1 it es po te Vi=a with respect to Sol, () tog oe Patan a = Flow? + y= tant ll) 1 @-! (b)- Here x and y cannot be separated, So, this is an implicit = x? function. So, differentiate Eq, (1) with Tespect tox " 1 1 meat » o) A vy, ddy| # Or. 208 FY ay ye le + Sob (Lot «sin? JI ana a ~ ot { rh 2 { neo ates yt oF 75 ¥e al Fey nien; du _duldx = wv v1 sox dy” vide ell) eS oy yen ty Now, uesint fia de yox "x=y Put x=c0s0 ' ; ot es unain (Yio Differentiation of an Infinite Series s ve 0seei Suppose there are infinite terms in a serien, Ifa single term aaa is removed from the series then its value remains So, Fe cost xe unaffected. de de So, to differentiate the questions containing infinite term a vecot! series, the above principle is used. 1a Example. If y = sin x + /sinx + then Put x=cos0 4 cos. find 2. : = vmcor( 220) a sino. es 2 vmOsculs OF (@)c0s x @y ~1) de 50, El ea sinx ome oss Sol () y= sing du = yz Pom ay = alacant hoe yl® a = ey-1)=c0s x Differentiation of an Implicit Function . dy _ cosx the variables x and y are related by a relation /(x, 9) =0 ae 2y-1 and itis not possible to express y as a function of ¥ i.e, =f), then y is said tobe the implicit of Tn these yPe® Logarithmic Differentiation sf functions to find 2, differentiate function each term dy With respect to.vand separate the terms containing Sand Ifa function contains another function as its exponent or the function is the product or quotient of the number of functions, then first take logarithm and then differentiate dy it. This process is called logarithmic differentiation. thus ig obtai “ep e ay ames TE? = 7, then find , Example. Iflog yx? + y? = tan? Z then, the value of [is ot py zee y xty (+109 xP (+ log x? or gO a7 eax (6) None of these ; cs wx were Slog af ‘Mare SOL) x yt Taking tog on both sides J log x n(x J log xe x 1? Tog x Differentiating Eq (i) J Flog x + tog x 2 de ea MS Aa yt Mog x +1 x Mog x+y (log x + 1) x-y (t= log x) with the help of dy _ loge en of. Tea Differentiation of Determinants To differentiate a determinant, we differentiate one row (or column) at a time, keeping others unchanged. fi) x4 u(z) uz) =|) a9) ,| fe el ur(a) ufz)) | u(x) va) eg, Let A(x)= a | 4) AG fe) Similarly, ifMx)=| (2) ge) (2) | then, (Ay) hela) hy(a)) £G@) KG) Ke) S@)= 4) 22) B) Aya) hfs) hy(x)| eo) +l | aya £@) re) ) ge) A(x) hy(2)| | AG) fla) £2) | + a) 2G) 9) [AgG@) AG) hy’) Successive Differentiation Let y = f(x) be any function then, & « p(x) =first order derivative az d(dy\_d +(x) ii 4x) _ 4 (2) = 7"(x) is called the second de a(Z) a order derivative. Zipron of nis called the third order derivative and s0 on. Hence, nth order derivative is dy LY spe a w » fy de a a ay ax Example. If y= e*, then find eae (ze — ()-30* ah apa (a)-2e" Sol (o) Hence. ad ae a Example. If x =¢? and y =t?, then find - 3 3 -3 est Ox oF @ ae at Sol.) xeto Baa and yt Example. If sin y =x sin (a+ y), then find 2, @ sey) sna @)sina+y) | esin’ia + y) @ Sm@+y) sina Sol (a) sin y= xsin (a+ ¥) sin’ sin(a+ 5) & . sinla + veos ycosta+ j188! sin? (a+ 5) =Sin(a+y-y)__ sine sin’ (@+y) sin (a+¥) dvd sin? (a+ y) sina dk dx dy | yathematies Differentiation a aryset e then Fis wer -—2t ee ey O-arey @—_ ree ot |g tty=e"* andu=togx, then & ig du ony @ ie (0) xe» © = (9) None of these seed tan®0 1 RIFfG)=[Osecx —tanx x], then f'(0)is 1 tanx—tano o @o (o) -1 (@) independent of 6 (@) None of these 4. Ty = logcor4Sin x, then 2 is equal to (cotxlogcos x + tanxlogsinx) (logcos x? (tanxlog cosx + cotxlog sinx) | (log cos x | Gg Wet xlog cos x+ tanxtogsinnd (log sina? (6) None of the above @ (@ (sinx re“) sinx-@" (cosx+ er"? _sinx=e" | © eosxxe? | 9 | sinx +e | | | © Gxre QUESTIONS 8. The differential coefficient of a0" yee conor pei OF cqeoeae)4 i 22 — Ocoee yea ee en? 6 Ocoee XP t (@ Alo-ty @ ans ny ey ry 11. The derivative of cos (2x® ~1) with respect to cos"* x is (2 o— aye 2 “8 oF ot 4 gant £08 4 L gant{ 228%] equals Pelee @} o-$ @-1 13, If fe) = log,» (logx), then J") atx = eis @o 1 1 as Os Ox oe 320) 14. The differential coefficient of f(logx) w.r.t. x, where £(x) = logx is (©) (xtog x7" (4) None of these 15, The derivative of the function cot™ {(cos 2x)"/?Jat x = 0” o(3)" 3? we? 2 16. If x+y + Jy-x =6, then 2 equals 2 : 2 o3 2 od faeces Ui. IE f(x) =3e"”, then f(x) ~2xf (x) + i (0) - f'(0)is equal to (a) 0 7 oy = =ce'/~ 9), then © equals 1 (@) None of these ata b) - (@) a(x- ay © - Gra (0) (xa? (@) None of these 19. If y =a + bx’; a,b are arbitrary constants, then oy oy ) She ay & xyes, oY Wye ae (@ *4-4syno (0) «Sfa2y 20, If sin (x + y) =log (x + y) then © is equat to @2 © -2 or o-1 21. The derivative of tan” pes] with respect to tan“? xis ' 1 1 @t os os or 22. The second derivative of f(e*) with respect to x, where fis 2 polynomial, is (0) 1"@")0" + We") (©) ("0")0% + Net" fore") (8) Mo"p?* + Hop" 23, If f(x) = sin(cos x), then f(x) is {@) cos (cos) (©) sin(~sinx) (@) ~sinvcosx) (€) ~sinxcos(coss) OO) =? fata a vx -1 198 +1 5 cos 25. Ify =cosec™” Fy ene Oe gy deat’ then a 80, 2 © ee 4 @o OW Q. Nos. 26-28) Let f(x) ={1x1-Ix-1))2 OK 44 Directions ( 26, What is f’(x) equal to when x >1? @o ()2x-1 (0) 4X-2—) Beg 27. What is f"(x) equal to when 0 @-t (© None of these 50. If y=ylogx + flogx + Jlogx +... 00 ten Bis (a) xtog x (0) 27 Oma (@) None of these BoP nen his ‘ wer © y-e* (@) None of these “52. Let f0€+ y) = f(%) f(y) for allx and y, Then, whatis f"(5) equal to [where, f"(x) is the derivative of f(x)P {WDA 2017, seta, 88) (2) 49)140) (b) H5)- 0) Xe). 16) 0) (©) 15)+ 110) | | i 53, 55. 56, 37, 58. 59. 60. 61. Tx =cost and y=sint, then tts a ttt = 2%, is equal to oy wo 8 (0 (d) po of these Ix =a(1~cos 0) and y = a(0+ sino, Lat O=2is (ao : (c) -2 on Boge (8) None of these © derivative of log sin x with respect to cosy is (©) cos? xsinx (0) None of these with respect to x logx is (©) xlog x (9) None of these ‘The derivative of x* ax o, The derivative of log (1 + x) with respect to tan x is @ 7 (b) (1+ 22) © 2 (6) None of these The derivative of sin’ “(5 with respect to @ fi-2 1 (x? (@) None of these Zeinx cos x) is equal to (a) sin2x (b) cos 2x (c) 2x. (@) None of these a (ge a (sin?) is (@ 2sinx (0) sinx (©) sinax (@) None of these dy =log,, x, then & Tey =log,2 x, then Fis @o 2 (1 (6) None of ese 62, What is the derivative of logyo(5x° + 3) with respect to x? (w0L2017, se, a8 — p a OS NDA/NA Ente 63. Ify sector x), then 2 7 oT a ) x\oy (d) — ° io ) ie 64. If y=tan? [{J1+x* -1}/x} then (@ YO=1 ©) Yo=12 (0) yO)=0 (0) None of these 1+x] , 65. The derivative of tan“! { ia} is ©) 2 OTF 1 al. OT ra 66, Suppose the function f(x) =x",n=0 is diferent, all x. Then, n can be any element of the interval OL eu © @x) a (2) None of these (@) [) als) 67. If x =acos? 0, y =a sin® 0, then \ (tan?e ey sec (<) sec 0 iene (6) Isec 9 68. If y =(cos x)" , then 2 is equal to? woa. 2017 Sets # tans ey Yan y log (cos x) 1+ yin (cosx) F tanx Ysnx vyin(sina) © nem 69. Ify © then x (= y1ogx og y) Zi (@) logy (©) ylogy ok, id Nene 70. Ifu=sin (mcos™ x), v =cos (m sin“ x), then z (a) teu? OES (©) mu-v) (0) None of these A. Ity toga, then Sis + ) - om (6) None of these 7. matics Differenti gather na serentiation seit EO iy i Jo conx 4% then which one of the folowing is ce * a (WOR. 207, set4,073) ert oa) he Oh=, ap. isiny =* cos(a+ y), then the value of Y at x = =0, is (@) cosa ty (0) cos y sna (0) None of these 14 Hey =log| then Bis 1 1 © KH © Fam ‘fi ot (0) None of hese 15, Iflog, (1ogx), then f(a), atx =eis “ fae (o) al @2 (0 e 46. A function is defined in (0, e) by 1-x* for O. T(t) ives displacement ofa particle at timet , then # sives its acceleration at that instant, Which of the above statements is/are conrect? then fa(t) dt +e (2) tand2 0) ony 2 TS ea (9 1.2anaa d , 91. S| tant | Acosx~bsinx} ]_. ax [ (ge +a s @ m1 wo o> (8) None of these 4s 92. IP + axyey? @) x-y-xy 20+) 2+ oF Ore (6) None ofthese © 93. If y =x’, then x (1 logx) Bis (a) x2 wy © xf (@) None of these Ea oY, 94. Ify =cos siz} ten Yetta (WOA-112017, Set, a 82) -2 <2 Been < 2 for allx| > 9) Be toratixi1 (©) 2 forallix| <1 (8) None of these 95. If x! y? 2+ 9)”, then x. Bis (a) 2y ey 1 “5 @o @-5 96, e+ e¥ wet, then 4 0 ¥ is wer 5 @-1 wo ‘1. lex asin 20 (1+ cos 20), ¥=be0s20(1 ~cos20), then 4 is «tne en (q Beato a (@) None ofthese 98. 99. 100. 101, 102, 103. 104. 105, 106. Derivative of sin"* (eax Ji—a) with — rene 2 2 @1-a? ~x (Raw 1 eect) gn ™2) then 8, If y =sec’ (8)-s (Sp ne Liseuny Nok, Se, @o 1 @ oun mi A curves given by the equations x =a00s + beau, pbeone, y=asin 0+ 2b sin20, Then, the points for which “Y ae axe given by 2a® + b? (2) sino= (©) cose =-| ° ty Ee 460 then thevalueot Laty te @-4 (15 18 (os Staintax ~4x°NJis ©) ° es 3 o 3 even Lis (@) cosex (b) 2cosec2x (©) logx (6) None of hese x 5+tan® ity=2og then 5 "| 5-tan® = (5) (@) seo xtane - 25-1ai(2) (©) tan? x (0) sec?x Find the derivative of Y=(1=x) (2 =x) 8 =X) vesee(n—x) atx =1 @) 0 Om © 90-1! © C-1 HEF 0) = [osx ~sinx hen (2) e) -1 @0 tree gas ov. 1630) -2(2) /=%, then find the vatue of f°). Directions (Q. Nos. 116 and 117) az aay Consider the function f(x) =1x? ~ 5x + 61 a2 2 116. What is f*(4) equal to? 1WOA.12016, Set, 0.701, ) @2 (a4 ©)-3 Iry=(1-x) (14.2% re i] 2 3 (2 we YEO ea)... 42, then find the 17+ Whats 25) equal to? {WOH 2016, Ser 0881 value of © at x 3 we (0 2 @- eo! LIB. If y =logigx + log, 10 + log, x + logo 20, then what is i ey te). canal to? (WOK 2016,se-A. 0181 +3 © Lew 109. eon (x) be es ar @o 1 t f(x) and 9 (x) be twice differentiable functic 4 0 satifying £0) = 9" (2) FO) =4, g O)=8 FO) edad 9(2)=9, then what is f(x) ~9(x) at x =4 equal to? feta @ 0 wo 3 MNase o @4 @ 2 Directions (Q. Nos. 110 and 111) 6 Consider the function IS sink: cosa 120. ify =ae™ +be™, then yp is f@)=|6 -1 0 | where pis cons (@) my e) -n?y pw opt ameent oy (6) None of these @x 0, What is the value of f*(0)? twontzns.senam) 7h gz Ses? eresaaiatee! ar (o) 3p ‘aPyV" Py tay? | oo (0-69 @ (3) » =) (%) LL What is the value of p for which /*(0) =0? a 7s pais TWOAL 2016, et, 035) © (2) @ {22)(2) @-Loc0 (b)-100 “ ‘ (ee =(y', then Yi (-tort (6-101 Fe rey ee G (a) xy (1+ log) v{ Directions (Q. Nos. 112-115) me i ae eee let f:R+R be a function such _that © freon {+2090 [e)=2 + 2p (1) +x f"(2)+ f"(8)forxeR. =x) + (0=¥4) = fx - x Ne, What i f(0) equal to? amonsan sagas 1S HYG) +VA-y) ale yp, then SE @-2 (b)-1 ed (0 wa @ te) o (lt =| ‘13. What is f’ (1) equal to? {WDA 2016, Set-A, 62} - ¥. @-6 (o)-5 © -e0-¥F7) (@) None of these 1 (do 124. Differential coefficient of logy. x with respect to log, 10s MA What is f (10) equal to? (a -foox? @t (5 (log toy 6 (a8 o) 2910 US. Consider the following. ‘ogi 1. f2)= f(1)- f00) a 2 Horan ii 125, Value of ae AN ore + tanx) is Which of the above is/are correct? _{NOA-1 2016, Se, 0641 (at wo) 1 (2) Only 1 (0) Only2 2 © Both 1 ana2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 (@)_ None of these 126, If xy(+ ¥) + y+) =0, then dy / dx is (a) 17004 9 (o) 114 x? (mien (2) Nono of those 127, IE f(x) = C08 x cos 2x cos 4x cos Bx cos 16x, then f"(n / 4) 8 (a1 () v2 uve (4). None of thoso 128. IE f (x) =|cos x} then /' (2) is 1 1 @ 5 o + ot (@) None of thoso 129. Ify (8 = ana = sinx?, then Y atx =O equals x41 cs Jom ©) sint (©) 2sint (©) Nooo of those ix be yout om [ED], yee ie) Vase ay / dis Le a7 © 7 la-) Wi-<*) 1-2 1 ORF © aa 131, If y =log{see(e*)), then 2 is equal to (@) 2xtane*)e"* (©) 2xje"te0ce" tare) (0) Xe" tane** (2 tone" 132, If gis inverse of f and f(x) == sy then (x) equals @ie ©) 1+ thor (0 1 (40r (2). None ofthese 138, If y=(+ x4) (14 x4) (1/4), then, 2 is (o) ve ) x o- 1 134. ", then the value of £20) , f°) 3 an (0) er (@ 2 138, Hyahn ea a + Bet togtx + fot ah) even % i (a) ta ) Hee () Were (6) Non@ o the above £10) ain+ 1) 136, 1st, 138, 139, 140, ia. az, 143, 14a, 12h 42 22" *y, then © (0) 42°)" -2") werent ore 1 any) (a et 272" ity = sin" xeosme, then 4s (4) msi?" x008 (0+ (0) resin’ xsin(ng x (6) asin’ xc08 (n= x (6) asin?" xcosne I y=F0)- ay then & i en is (@o () tan"? x # ae (zy ( NDA/NA Entrance Exam, {s equal to ot (a) None of these » hen the value of © forx =O et ray =e, then the value of $F forx =0is (@) ve (@ ve® If y =10g, (log, x), then (o) Vee (2 Nono of these. wy, a ‘og? iw tog (None of nese If2f(sin x) + f(cosx) =x, then Si is 1 Ons 1 (b) sinx + cosx (2) None of these ort [E Jw 1 © 3 @a Ifx =2logcott and y = tant + cott, then &sinat +1= (@) cos*t (© coset Ify= > tan 1 OTe oo Atntn (@) sintt (@) 2cos*t ¥ then His er ee 1 © Tee (2) None of these Mathematics Differentiation mS ~ ser ps Ify = 109%, then Big 148, If? y* =1, then Yi vat. then x+ (oy — 1 oa Roxie y (o) Yrs Hoo) py 20+ Hoa») © Sisto @ x(ylogx x) x(y* xlogy) yi yakgs vy xlogy) ¥+logx () -e xeon) (0) None of these we ity x(x+ ylogx) 149. What is the derivative of the function fe) fogx+er) © yoox( 20") fla)=e%* + 0g see x) eat x= 2 2 (©) ye*(ogx+ x) © [ox 1) wer we (W041 208, Set, 0871 . (©) 2e : (@) 4e if 1 then (@~ ylogx) % ig 150. If y=e" sin2x, then what is © at x =x equal to? ax ay © x (NDA-1 2018, Set-A, 098) 2 x (@) (1+ me* (b) 22% ay (@) None of these (2 (er Answers L @) 2 © 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6 (c) i. @ 8.) 9% @ 10. (b) L@ BO B@ WO 1B @ Bo 2 Bo Bo ww @ 2% © 2% © 2 @ 4 © 2% @ 2% @ 2% @ BW @ % @ 30. w 3 @ 3% & 3 & FH © 3 @ 3% @ 3 © B © 9 @ 40. @ 1@ 2 © 4 ® 4 © 6 @ 6 @ 4 © & @ 4. © 50. © 3. @ 52 @) 5 @) HO). @®) 5K @®) 5. @ KH) 60. () 1 @ 6 © 6. @ 6. 6. @M 6. @ 6 © 68 @ 6 @ 7 L@® 2% B@ wO BO BO BO BO © %%. © 1%) 8 @))— 8.) oH. . )8H) 8. BLO @ 90 «@ 1 @ 92 © 9% & MM @ 9% @ % © 9. @ 8 & @ 10. © WL (102. (a) 103. (b) «104, (@)—105. ©) 106. G@) 107.) 108. @) 10. @)_—O. @) IL @ 12 @ 13 ® M4 © MS. © ME © 1 & US @ UZ @ 10. @ WL (@) 122, 128. (@)_—«*TRA, (a). ) 12H, D) ZB. DW.) 130.) BL @ 132. © 133 © I. © 15. © 136 © 1% @ 138 @ 139, M0. ~@ iL @ M2 ® 1 @ 1 ® 15 © ME @ MO HE © M2 ©) 15. © r (ees Efi] SOON: Le yaxee! Person & gees ¥ “ee su =logx 8. Let y= arene” * Y _ gree" JogaS og.cose'») jansith logcosec"'x oom oan) = armies (2 ets)(aes) ‘3. f(x) = Josecx tanx 1 tanx= tend Onerpanding, we get _atneene 1 coco" Ixiyre x)= xtandsec0 ~ xtanxsecO + xtan? O + Oso xtanx ~ Osec xtan0 ~ tanx 9. x=at?=>0k/at =2at (x)= tandsec 0 - tanxsecO~ xsec?xsec 0+ tan? 0 + Ose0%x+ soc xtan? x Osec xtanxtand ~ sec*x =2at => dy/at =2a Pux=0 = M0)=-1 . rw sing 4 NBs 58 Coax 10, year"! + be" f°) - logs yy Lib ay, (088 (222) - 1 sin Za tos ae ~ nbc! o (log cos xP oy 1 cot _Colxlogeos x + tan iogsinx i a flogcos xi 2D rine nar + nln + Noe = 40+ ty 3%) oe 11. LetU = cos"@x - t)and V =cos""x let x=coso U =cos"@cos*0 — t)and V = cos""(cos6) a-y = eb ssintooe) oF + plex ay’ a) -(@- Aifexs ay) i (fF 2 Mee P24 Pleayees Pa r- yh % a cos? - sin?* ce fsa i{ £08 ‘ A oy CS sli (s)ks ‘aera = g. (cos3 + sin) Hi rial) 6, ymsinx + 02% wcosxs ot y Gem COaK + 0 ox, ay” ales i cane 1 _sinx ary Pte weary Now, 2% 20. sates yetogixs yy oer, une extn afi. Byscr es ] <2 |.2sran 2sren 1+ ces2x) J 2Ncosx Preys etre’) 23. fix) =sin(cosx) > fit) = ~cosicosaisinx oh aves (2 eave 2 Jee in MK fy- J Onsqasing, x4 y+ yrs 2) FoF act So. ty) -2xtx)+ FO- Fo) tae? ter? «9-001 . Mh pacge-w 26. fa) = {Ux| [x= 119° fy) 1. xso fete oS 1... ise ° xs0 = rteeetan aces oO. tex So, f(x) = Owhen x>1 WSisao 27, Same as solved in Question 26, P)= 4 x= when D fhe 2)= 45) and (-2)= 0,/05)= 8 1")=0 So, #-2)+ 1"0.5)+ 1")= B44 So, only Statement 1 is correct. 29, y= (x)= x"" logy = 29% o> yams often sees | pa) re) ~ov[Peee= 2). [me git 2,2 r= 2 (1+ logxy — toate") ett) “Al fogF wh ya=e" | DY cet eter’ 35. y=0 % = Bre cosa. NDAINA Entence ig 36. f(x)=0"'* > 82, ystan (ie x +») let tand lan''(soc 0+ tand) [Se] Let x= atano y= tar] Stand ~ tan? 1= Stan’ 0 = tan"Canao) = 30 atan'(2) yt a Fae 2H gag t te 80. yosin' 2% + soo tH +0051 Te Tee + 2tan" x= tan" x nae «() - Frogs, () and (i, d’y ox a ome M6 yee'ogx a yt" logy = 1010910 12 « s0r104, 110910 S107 (log 10) G7 107 AO Gogior Wye ee re Yexsty 2 yh, oF 2 yay Ya a > Matar (LE cn’ fA) x re cong fen (2) v=cos" (200508in0) cos 4 = 0.7 =c05" (c05(90~26) v= H-26 2 oy ay 1 a ba-5 a 0 O) ear) 80. y= WOIXT P= slogee y aya, W eel 1 Oe on” y—H SL. year? = logyaxey im M5 thin 18) ey EMC y= te 0 180 hig U Hospital rule) 175) = toy 46) 1-1 = 5)°(0) 58. x= cost. yx sint 34. x= a(1-cos0) and y = (0 + sino) 4 G10 _1+.c0s0 4 axle ~~ sing (% eu 55. u =log feos i dulce costing = 22 (cos? 1” dls ~ = sinxia Noose” sin? 56. Um x,y xlogx logu = xlogx =v tu | _ ay agape tule 51. u =log (1+) andy = tan" x Let x= tandandy = 0 U=log sec’Oandy = 0 u=2legsec 0 Qe _JUIe _ 2600 tang) _ dy dvj00 ~ sec 0 (1) 2 eno a2k 58. u =si =cot* a oot Fat (gt) tebe cos, nen (600) = Candy cat’ (S080) oan" an omy cat (222) du _duloo a vido a 1d 59, 7 (Ginx cosn) = 5 7 (Gh2x) = cosax 60, © (sits) =2 sinxcosx «sna NDAINA Entrzes G7. x= 200s y= aero YO. sng a b/B 2 uo ; fist’ o=ure 6 tty atgs «BOE 2D v[a) “4 wy 110% 68. y=(cosxt""**” * ok logi0 5x43 = y= (cost 10K > logy = ylogoos” Ps (G+ Bi0gi0 2 IY VEO oy cone D _ 10x1099¢ oe B43 sy = Sec (tan x) Lot x= tand = =sec’ 0 ” > om 69, y=a" =logy=7 toga So, y=sec 0 = lop teas) ylogx-+ tog dogs) ay ale eee TINY LY ogc «506 0tand x2» 0c tan = meres oe tan x 41 _togy] at 5000” fis = thes var] x D = xb yrogxioan = ¥ ay Yio, aed 66. M(x)=x'.x#0 Ho) fy =e lim er LOA CON Cx Fh 0 Cf} =X fey es es he B = Cx! ane! = x" Is differentiable for all positive values of x Gc hy =x n 70. u=sin (meos” dandy = cos (msin” 7) —_ f=? = sin'u = moos" xandcos'y =msia' eee = fri & iF iv & 50 Co a \iF Yy 4 TL y=tog|x| =%= 4 yeboald =a 7y “= 109, does not contain (~) ve values, oo there is no rest sign: Hence, S pery igen, 2. = ZL e")m0"" cose aa wt x a) n et" Moos (x+ h)- 0 = lim et cos Hence, $y = ty 73, siny = + Yax= SY siny x08 a+ Yiax= ot cosa yoosy + sinla + y)siny costa +) oY 25+ 0 ‘cosa ences costar p= entiation : +i iw yebo| ‘i y=Woats V)—log it~ yz, for O ¥.=2 ope ilet 95. xy 2084 yr = 18logx+ Slogy=17 10g (2 + y . (asin 0+ bsin2oF = 3+ 2b + Sab (sindsin20 + cosdcos20) =0 > 005 20-9) = a +267 Sab 16 ow TI yy or cosa (E20) = a loxa Y 2426? x ¥] Sab -18 x or yy So 8 50 10x84 x =1% oe 7 8-54 18-1218 | | —tan® Stank = 1| sec? x/2 10|25—taiPx72 = 800? x/2 25-tan® x/2 105. y= (1-0) (2-2) 8- x). 29} gd 2 ~NGLE-B-..10-9} + {2-2 (3-9). =p Stn) Axet y Ba 02 11-2-8-.0l0-1} eD=EIN=D! 106, (x) =|c08x—sinx lcosx-sinx, 0s x<% 1)= ‘ cos Sexe sinx: Fsxs5 wen fo)=sinx-cosnat n= P(x) =cosx+ sinx Mx /2) =cos5 + sin 107. ao-2i(2)= x 0 rec ty = a(2)-2r0- ® x= Ufg-2) me renetfse2} So, 33s ae) or yn NA=w)) Hs x) Mt). or) Wade Ae A) ey 10, y= (1 agra y+ x4) S0, a Gwen r¢ = ue $0, ax-5890) "64-3 Then, Me)-9b)= 23-2 Kt =f) a0) = 10 Xe sinx cosx| as finle | ppp J sinx cose) J? cosx cosa fe sx sind f@)=|0 -1 0 |+\6 0 O+ 6 -1 oO} ee $0, ~Sp*? - 6p cos x- 6p" sinx—psinx “oo LLL. #"(x) = ~6p°x + 6p sinx~ 6p cosx— peosx #"(0)= 0 -6p'-p=0 = p=002 6 Sol. (Q. Nos. 112-115) . fx) = 8 + EP) ¥ "2)+ 19) 0 19) = 8e 42x) 2) © f"3)= 6+ 2") @ me = £"(3)= Band 1” (10)= 6 So, rom Eq, (0, x)= x + FUN) + xI"Q)+ 6 FromEg. (i, P()=3+2F()+ 1") o f =F) FromEg (i, 1"@)=12+2") > 3-1 12 + 2rt) or f)=-5 andihen 1"Q)=12-10=2 $0, a)= 0-58 + 2x46 {)=1-542+6=4 1Q)=2° ~ 5.2 +2.2+6=-2 and{"(10)=6 $0, t)= 0) = 4-6= -2 = 12) And #"Q)~2¢N) =2-2 x(-S)=12 Wisse Sol, (Q.Nos. 116 and 117) us. Hix) 1X? = 5x4 6 lx 2)(x-3)] toyefi 78 @ xs2orns9 M4 8x6 25x53 xa neors roel Sx cosa + cosB = a (sina —sins) cosas cosh * ina sing or cot $= 8 za = a-B=2cot!a or sin! x-sin'y=2cot1a HAST yg = fim inv a 1 WWogid”° ~ NDA/NA Eran 124, Lot «log, cand g log, 10, iia) af, atte | dliog to dy” og fae” 0) a loge Mog xy? x =alog 10 xiog 10 . tlogx? (log 10” —~ ea tans) (ae (Sar) w fee cos! ¥ si 4 cos* + sinX Stan 9" oe cos, ~ sins -a((-d)e2 126. cove EF =-Witx or 4 tye ys yx or (8 -y')+ (Py yrx)=0 or (x= y)ixt y+) =0 : Xey = xtytrye0 or 2 Tee ck (14 xP 121. (2) =cosseor2xcosxcosbxcos16< = Sin(2x] ‘sin32x 2sinx — 32sinx 1 [S2sinxcossonaind2ncnst > rope [328 al ‘sin’ ] 1 x30 = (a) 5e9 |e 4) 32) a 2 128. f(x) =|cosx} cose, O Ya ‘134. f(x)= x (ne? f(x) = n(n 1) (N= 2)? re er ery, 80, f+ a 7 alo), nUn=n=2) , A=W (N~2).B-BA sta at y+ "C+ wy af x0) aeral ede al ‘ape aw gts wT ia dere) ee ther 136, 2° 427 =2 2og2-+2"logat Baar gran yy 2-2") aK” 2 G2) 137, y=sin’ xcosnx yy Si 7 “Asin xsinnx+ nisi“ xc0s xcosnx in" x{oosmc08x—sinnesinx} ie" x08 (n+ 1x J (ee) (eel tax) (tan y= tanxy?* (anal y= (lanxy 138, xe 140. y=10, too, ) = 2000022 MAL. 2f (sina) + £(c0sx)= x 0 Replace x by a x =e (coss)+t(einn)= Bx From Eqs. () and (i 8 fsinn)= x lt toret t)=sin't =a or x) = sin ‘W-E j OTF J 0 ae re _ ix ral Let x=cos@ => @=cos'x So, Seincot"tano/2)) 143. x =2logcott _ ok _ ~2c0sect ~~ cott y= tant + cot s x sectt ~cosectt = = a. ay/at _ cosat Gk cat ~ sin2t sinat % + 1= 100821 = 20088 1 =F tan {ot d=0 Sew ficse=3} 144. y= Star Sttan'(n+ 1) tan'n} y= tan" 1)—tan'4 yt Ok 14 (1+ x) 145, y=log, x= 29% a5. y=l09,x= (Oy = foax= yooy tox tee! slogy=1+loay = a x” logy = & = Xx (14 togy) y Bo ae a ~ x(i+ logy) NDAINA §; cae i] Mey 146. y= *" = bic fades er ) loge + log (log a tog tony) ‘moet = Frosy ' » + 7 %- yoarfte ] 1 = ye'to| t+ oa 1 ye'(loax+ 3) Mat yo = yaoi > logy = oor dy. +k a = ja ea 148, x'-y'=1 S yoox seoy=0 y YD iogy = = ZstoaxSh+ *8 +loay= 0 (251 z oe. (: v2) afresen a tex?) * x4 vlog} 149. f(x) =0"" + log(sec x) -e* hig) we" (ecty) a (800K: tare) na (eek fan (wy =e%" (sooty) + COOK fer 4 (8) e'(2) + ()-1=26 150. Given, y =e" sin2x x =e" @c0s2x)+ Qxye"(sin2x) A " {2008 2n} + 2ne" {sin2x}=e"@)+

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