Application of Derivatives

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(Monotonic functions and Application of oma Derivatives ® This chapter deals with the nature of the function in its domain or ina particular interval, Here, we will earn to find out the equations of tangent and normal of a given function at any point and the maximum and minimum value ofa function. In NDA written exam, there are generally 3 to 5 questions from this chapter. —) Functions are of two types (i) Increasing function (ii) Decreasing funetion Let [be an interval, then @ # Increasing Funetion if f(y # Decreasing Function if f(x) 2 2)" function f(z)in interval Fis said tobe )< flay) ¥ m1 S%2 and Hie ‘ex, and m2! RS em 2 Ha) fa) VT x2 fly)? fla) ee ‘Strictly Increasing Function % Monotonic Function notonic in an interval if it is either A function f(x) is said to be mo increasing or decreasing funetion in that interval. RulestoFind out The Interval ofMonotonic Function 1. A funetion /( rereasing if f (x)>0- js said to be monotonic in 2. A function f(x)is said to ‘be monotonic decreasing if f (x) <0. (REMARKS ‘+E fs)is increasing. then f-"(x)is also in (x) is also decreasing. creasing. + If f(x}is decreasing, thenf™ Example. Find the interval in which the function f(x) =x? —2x is strictly increasing, @-2-9 @-10) OO (t=) Sol (4): (x)is strictly increasing So, f'(3)>0 = 2x-2>0>x-1>0 oF x>1 So, f(x)is increasing in (1, x). a sinx +b C0SX 55 decreasing for all values of x, then esinx + d cosx find the relation between a,b, cand d. (a)ad -be <0 (db) ad -bc >0 {jad -cd >0 (ad -cd <0 Sol. (o) »: f(x) is decreasing So, f'(x)<0 iésin'x + dcos x)(acos x ~bsin x) ~ (asin x + b c0s x) “(eeos x-dsin) (esin x +d cos xF Example. If f(%) = == = (ad ~be) (cos? x + sin* x) <0 => ad -be <0 Example, Find the interval in which f(x) = sinx -cosx is strictly decreasing (0 (D7 xel. Extreme Values Maximum and Minimum values of a function in a particular interval are called extreme values. Rules for Finding Extreme Values 1 First Derivative Test Let fix)be the given function. Step 1 Find f(z) Step 2 Put f'(z)=0 Thus we find critical points, £= 0,0, 64.0. (5a5). ‘Step 3 Place these points on number line. Step 4 G) If (x) changes from (+)ve to (Wve, then f'(x) has a maximum value at x =a. Gi) If f(x) changes from (ve to (+)ve, then f'(x)has a minimum value at x=a, (iii) If the sign of f(x) does not change, then f(x) has neither maximum nor minimum value. 2. Second Derivative Test Step 1 Find /*(x) Step 2 Pur f(x Thus critical points. Step 3 Find f(x). Step 4 () If f"(a)> 0, then f(x) has a minimum value at x=a and ‘a’ is the point of minima. Gi) If f"(a)<0, then f(z) has a maximum value at «=a and ‘a’ is the point of maxima. 1b, ¢, ... (say) are obtained. NDAINA Entrance Exan (ii) If f"(a)=0 then, we cannot say about maximum op minimum value at x=a. (iv) Now find ?"*(a) (s) If f'"(a)z0 then, f(x)has neither maximum nop minimum value at x =a. Critical Points é All such points where f(x) =O are called critical points or “stationary points’. Points of Inflection All such points where f'’(x)=0 are called points of inflection. At a point of inflection it is not necessary that first derivative is zero but second derivative must be zero. Absolute Maximum and Absolute Minimum Values of a Function A function f(x) is said to have the greatest value or absolute maximum value at a point ‘a’ in an interval J, if f(2) < f(a) ¥ x € I. So, “ais a point of maximum. A function f(x) is said to have the least value or absolute minimum value at a point ‘a’ in an interval I, if f(2)2 fla) ¥ x €I. So, ‘a’ is a point of minimum. Example. Find the maximum value of x*, when x >0. @2 wer @e* — @e* Sol. 4) Let y = x* taking log. log Put ee = loge =-torx=tasx* 20 Now again differentiating Eq. (i (Ive So, yis maximum at x = e Hence, maximum value of y = ( *le ple Find the maxi bah) sinx (1+cosx) M™ Value of function a3 98 4 ane (d) None of thes Sol. (0) f(x) IN (14.c0s easing Bains Fis)=cosxteoszx * Put I) =0= 005 x + c052% <9 ee 0s 2x =—cos 3 2 2x#x-xoryek \ ; Now, J's) =—sin x-2sineyy af R x 1°(8)=-sn Ean = #() <0 Hence, f(x) is maximum at x = So, maximum value of f(x) = 3) =sin§(1-+e0s2) 98 Example. Find the Xitel YaxeT maximum and minimum value of 21 1,0 Sol. (b) Let f(x) === or foy=1+ ost > ftxy=1+ 2, where g(x) =x-1+~ aro 7 => f(x) will be max or min as g(x) is min or max respectively. 1 Now, on solving g(x) = x-1+ glajer-eo 3 xf -1e09x=81 and a") a ug ayee)va = gr'(t)=(4) veand g""(-1) So, g(x) will be min at x =1 and max al ¥ =! > f(x) will be max at x=1 and min at x=— So, maximum value of f(x) = (1) =9 and minimum value of f(x) = J-D = 3° 's and Application of Derivatives sar Example. A running track of 440 ftis to be laid out enclosing football field, the shape of which isa rectangle with a semicircle at each end. If the area of the rectangular portion is to be maximum, then find the length of the sides of rectangle. (a) 110 ft, 70 ft (b) 120 ft, 60 tt (ce) 130 ft, 50 ft (d) None of the above Sol. (2) Let the sides of rectangle be ! and 2b. ‘Then, according to the question - a or 1+ 2b =220 ae => A =(220- xb) x2b A= 440b -2xb? dA i @ 4a xb dA m db = Ais maximum atb =35 So, sides of rectangle are I and 2. ie, 110 ftand 70 ft. Rolle’s Theorem According to Rolle’s theorem, Ifa function f(x)is () Continuous in the closed interval [a,b Gi) Differentiable in an open interval (a, 6)and Gil) fla) = (0) then, there exist a point ¢ in the interval (a,8) such that FO=0. Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem Tha fumetion /(a)is () continuous in the closed interval fa.) and i) differentiable in an open interval (a, 8) ‘Then, there exist a point e in the interval (a,) such that 7 (e)= MO fa) boa Tangent and Normal Let y = /(a)be any function and P(x, y,)be any point then, slope or gradient of a curve y=/(x) at a point dy Co : m=tno-(22) ayn) Equation of Tangent Tangent at (x, 34) to the curve y = /(x) is given by ds yom -(2) (ex) eho. n) Equation of Normal Normal at point (x,y) to the eurve y= /(x)is (e-m) * Iftwo lines having slopes m, and m, aro parallel, thon If tivo lines having slopes m, and m, are porpendicular to each other, then mim, = Jone = Slope of a line ax + by +c = ois-2 coefficient of x coefficeint of y ie., slope m= Slope ofX -axis = 0 So, slope of a line parallel to X-axis = Slope of Y-axis = 0 So, slope ofa line parallel to Y-axis = = Parametric coordinates of Circle are (acos0, asin) Parabola are (at? 2at) Ellipse are (acos6,b sin) Hyperbola are (asec 0,6 tand) Equation of tangent at any point x,» J) + Forcircle x2 + y2 + 2gr-+ 2ff + ¢ = Otangont is givon by xx + yy, + lX4 44 SU + Yi)t =O For parabola y?=4ax, tangent is given by Wy = Pax %) 2 a, tangont is givon by + For. ellipse “5+ 55 iy Mey ge Maas ¢ a —< NDAJNA ance Erg Example. Find the point at which the tangent dray area 4 y? ~2x ~3 =0 is parallel to Reais” tothy (a) (1,2)and (1-2) {o) (1, 2) only (©) (1,2) and (1, 4) (d) (2, 1) and (1,-) Sol. (0) Let the xe oon 90. . VY nom & On differentiating 2x + 2y de a Wy So, m= (2) dehes. 9) But tangent is parallel to X-axis , som =O=> x, = O> y=t2 point be (x3) from curve x2 + y7 - 2x, So, points are (1,2) and (1, ~2) Example. Find the value of t, for which the tangent line fr the curve x=t?-1, y=t? -t is perpendicular to X-axis. @1 (o)-1 ©o 2 Sol, (¢) Curve is x=? -1and y $0, aide 2-1 ‘dx dx/dt 2t Now, tangent is perpendicular to X-axis. ‘s Slope of X-axis =0 So, slope of tangent 1 =1 61 Hence, cs o = t=0. Example, Find the equation of normal to the curve (2 -x)at the point (2, 0). v= (a) y-2. (x-2y=2 (c)x+2y=2 (€) None ofthe above Soh (6) y =2x— 32 > ge 22% =2-22)=-2 N20) Slope of tangent m = (*) ade = Slope of normal =} Equation of normal is Yo e-7 Ee Mathematics Monotonic Functions and Application of Derivatives SXEGETG QUESTIONS 1, For the curve y = xe", the point (@) x=-1's apointof minima (©) x= is a point of minima {@) x= Tis a point of maxima (6) x= 018 a point of maxima 2 fle) =sin' x + cos! x increasing in 2 zat oy [3,5 ay |S oe ala» eal olF al ose ‘The equation of the tangent to the curve y=x +, that is parallel to the X-axis, is @y=0 Wy=1 — @y=2 — @yaa asinx+2cosx a cone increasing for all values of x, then @act — ac2 art are 5. The values of a for which y =x? + ax +25 touches the axis of Kare @ss ) #10 #15 (3) None of these 6 The values of, parameter ‘a’, so that the line @G~a)x + ay +a —1=0 is a normal to the curve xy=1 is/are @ x) (©) (-~,0) 03) (0) None of these The coordinates of a point on the parabola y* =8x whose distance from the circle x? + (y + 6° =1is minimum, is 24 — He-4 |CMA-12) HER F(x) =x? ~ 3x? ~105 x + 25 is decreasing in the interval (@) J-=,-7[ (0) 1-8-1 (©) )-7.5[ (0) None of these 8. The equation of the tangent at the point t on the curve =a(t+sint),y= i y-t-avw(’) © y=t-atycxt(S) . Ifthe line ax + by + ¢=Oisanormal (@) a>0,b>0 (>) a>06<0 © aaq<0 (b) p<0q>0 (0) p39 + 1550 (@) p+ 8q-15<0 25, Equation of tangent to the curve x =acos? t, y= attis (@) xsect ~ yoosect (0) xsect + yeosect =a (©) xcosect + ycosect =a (0) None of these 1 touches the curve y=be"*/* at the point ® ® (a3) (43) @(%) BI. f(x) =(x° —5x* + 5x? = 1) has (@) maxima at x= 3, minima at (0) maxima at x = 0, minima at. (c) maxima at x = 3, minima at {@) mania at x= $ inia at x sin?t 26, The line ~ a (a) (ab) Jand neither at x= 1 and neither at x= 1 and neither at x= 0 Sand neither at x = 0 Directions (Q. Nos. 28 and 29) f(a)=|x—U +2", where xR j. Whi if the following statements is correct? eB. one * ‘INDA-1 2016, Set-A, 0.19) (anaysreasngin(-.3) ana cozesrain($») ara irereasingin (3) eytarcceninan(-< {6) fois increasing in (--,1)and decreasing in (1, =) (©) (is increasing in (L<0)and decreasing in (--, 1) 29, Which one of the following statements is correct? (WOK 2016,Set-A 020) (a) fs)has local minima at more than one point in (~<, 2) (©) f()has local maxima at more than one point in (<=) (6 109 has local minima at one point only in (-0, 29) (©) fog has neither maxima nor minima i (25,22) NDA/NA Entec fi ; 30, The tangent tothe curve y=0r5 + BR Bhs to x-axis. Then, 4 (0) a-20 a=2,b=-2 wer? abana 31, The straight line x + y =a will bea tangent tothe wy, 2/949 /16=Lifais as (35 (36 (#10 32, Which one of the following is correct in respect ofp, function f(x) =x(x 1) (c+ 3)? WOAH Se {@) Te beal maximum valveis larger than local minimum aig {b) The local maximum value is small than local mii, valve (©) The function has no local maximum {@) The function has no local minimum 33. Coordinates of the point P on the curve y* =2x? tot tangent at which is perpendicular tothe tie 4x ~3y +2 =O are given by @@4 (©) (78 -1/16) ‘34. All points on the curve y* n4a(x +asin x) at which the tangents are parallel to the axis of X, lie on a (0) Parabola (&) (0.0) (@)_ None of these (a) Circle (e) Line (d) None of these 35. f(x) = {x (x -3)¥ is increasing in (a) 02 ©) J-eat st a agbraer 36, Let fx) = 2 x then, ino, Fs) = 2 and ge)= 2 en, in(0.2) (@) f0)is increasing and g(x)is decreasing (©) f(x) decreasing and g(x)is increasing (6) Both (x) and g(x)are increasing (@) Both 1) and g(x) are decreasing 831, For all real x, the minimum value of 2=*+%* ieee wo ‘ tb) 3 @1 @s 38. A flower-bed in the form of a circular sector has been fenced by wire of 40 m length. If the flower bed has the greatest possible surface area, then the radius of the circle is, (a) 25m (b) 20m. () 10m (¢) 5m 39. The maximum distance of the point (k, 0) from the cuv® 2x? + y -2x =0is equal to (a) t+ 2k- (0) fivakvar Wo) fin 2k 4 ( in2ka rections (Q. Nos. 40 and Diners Tx+2and the straight hee aay {he parabola 4p, What are the coordinates of ‘ich is the point aa ‘rset S, the stright tine? tok i vee (a) (0, 2-8) (7, 2) ‘ 7 (a) (1, 10) a ala nea Aistance from the above point on the oes 1 wObsn sam) 2 3 °F of 42, The points on the curve y= _ = ay Nhe the tangent is inclined at angle x / 4 to the X-axis (00.03. -V512) 0,85, (©) (03, 3/2) @ eongaae” <¥ fy 43, The curve &) +() =2 touches the straight line x5, at p72 Ht the point (a,b), then the value of mis 2 & 3 @4 (6) any real number 44, Any tangent at a point P (x, y) to the ellipse 8 8 meets the coordinate axes in the points A and B such that the area of the triangle OAB is least, then the point P is (@) (8.0) (0) (016) oes (@) None of these 45. If the tangent to the curve xy + ax + by =0 at (1,1) is inclined at an angle tan“ 2 to axis of x, then (a, b)is equal to HZ) E42) |L-2)— (CAA 46. The equation of the normal to the curve ‘y(x -2) (x-3)-x+7=0 at the point where it cuts the Xaxis is (@) x-20y=7 (0) 20x-y=7 (© 20x+ y= 140 (6) 20x- y= 140 47. If a <0, the function f(x) =(e* + ¢"®) is monotonically decreasing for all values of x, given by (@) x>0 (0) x<0 (xt () x? Directions (Q. Nos 49 and 50) f(x) =(x-1)"(e + )(x- 2? %. is the number of points of local hina athe function F(X? [WOKS 2016, Set, 28) {@) None (b) One (c) Two (d) Three 50. What i points of local_maxima of the Fact mean cake (a) None (b) One (c) Two (d) Three 51. The tangent to the curve y =x? + 3x will pass through the Point (0, —9) if it is drawn at the point Maw My rs GO 52, The real number x when added to its inverse gives the 53. 55. 56. 57, 58. 59, 61. ‘minimum value of the sum at x equal to @-2 wt on we On the interval [0, 1] the function x°5(1~x)’> takes the maximum value at the point 1 1 @s 5 ot wo ‘The difference between the greatest and least values of the function f(x) = sin2x -x on [x /2, x/ 2}is @r : M342 x 1 +2 (d) (3+ v2) ont 508+) If y=allog|x| + bx” +x has its extreme values at x and x =2, then 1 =2,.b=-, () a=2b=-5 (None of these All the values of A for which f(x) = 2x? -9x? + 9x + 10is an increasing function on R, are given by (@) 453 ) 2<3 (aes (6) None of these The value of k in order that f(x) = sin x ~cos x — ke +b decreases for all real values of x, is given by (a) ket (b) kot () k>v2 0G) kB Ifp, and p, be the lengths of perpendicular from the origin on the tangent and normal to the curve x%/? + y*/? = q?/? respectively, then 4p + pf is equal to @) 4a? (o) 2a? oa (@)_ None of these If the parametric equation of a curve is given by x=etcost, y=e' sint, then the tangent to the curve at the point t= x / 4 makes with the axis of x the angle @o is @n/3— @)x/2 Tangents are drawn to the curve xy = 1 y at the points where it is met by the curve xy=1-y. The point of intersection of these tangents is @@-1 © @ oan (@) None of these Consider the following statements. Statement I. x > sinx for all x >0, ‘Statement II. x —sin x isan increasing function for all x >0. Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements? ‘UNOA-HI 2017, Set-A, 0.93) {@) Both Statement | and Statement Il are true and Statement Il isthe corect explanation of Siatement | {b) Both Statement | and Sitement I ae tue and Statement is not the cortect explanation of Statement (c) Statement | is true but Statement Il is false. (@) Statement | is false but Statement Il is true. Wisse 162. The area ofthe triangle formed by the tangent to the curve y=8 / (6+x2) atx =2 and the coordinate axes is (@2squnts (o)4squnits (c)Bsqunts (d) 7/2squnis 63. If the tangent at any point on the curve x? — px? +x +1 makes an acute angle with the (+) ve direction of X-axis, then @) 20 () 2sv3 © 35258 {@) None of these G4. The equation of one of the tangents to the curve y=cos(x + y), -2n< |x|<2z that is parallel to the line x+2y=0is (a) x+2y=1 (0) x+2y=n/2 (6) x+2) (6) None of these 65. Equation of the normal to the curve y=x+sinxcosx atx =Fis ()x=x ()x=2 ()x+e=0 x 66. The slope of the tangent tothe x=t? +3t-8, y=2t* ~2t -5 at the point (2, ~1) is 2 6 @2 oF (6) 6 (0) None of these 67, If the normal to the curve y= f(x) at the point (3, 4) makes an angle 3x /4 with the positive X-axis, then f=? @-1 3 4 @-F @F @1 68. The fuel charges for running a train are proportional to the square of the speed generated in miles per hour and costs 248 per hour at 16 miles per hour. The most economical speed if the fixed charges i.e., salaries etc., amount to 3300 per hour, is (10 (o) 20 Directions (Q. Nos. 69 and 70) Bx? 4 12e-1, -15x82 B1-x, 20 has the maximum yg, x =e, then Be (eto (pet0, x ef2,3) is 19 () qartesina-sing (Bar rg 28n9 18 (@) Fa-t+2sing (@) None of these at 43, IEafunction f(x) has f*(a) =0 and fi (@) x=ais amaximum ior fay (0) X= ais aminimum tor a) (©) tis dict to imply (a) and (by (@) fadis necessaniy a constant function cs a eeleie of the tanale of perimeter 36 em which volume as lar about one of ts sides, are Posse when revolved (@) 10,8 ©) 12.6 (a) =0, then (o) 11,7 (@) None of these 85. The maximum value of sia(x z 3) Pens (« + 5) in the 6 é oF OF 0} 3 86. The minimum radius vector of the curve ts + 5 Lis of length (a-o (asd (©) 2a+b (6) None of these ‘81. The minimum value of f(x) = B -x|+ 2 +x|+|5—x|is (a7 (b) 10 oe (0 Answers L@ 20 3@ 4@ 5&& LO BO B@ Wo © 1 @ Bw BEe@® WO Bw Lo Ro BO Ww % @ Lo 2 @ 8 @ 4 © 1 © @ 2 © 3. © SL @) 55 1 @ 2 & B& © Ho 6. @ 1@® B@ BO %@ % @ BL (@) 82 ©) 8) BA.) 8S) Lo 2 @ 8 © ‘88, The coordinates of the point on the curve the tangent at which passes through the origin, is equal to (a) @ 14), (-2.2) (0) 2.14),(-2,-2) (© @.14).2.2) (d) None of these 89. Ifx>0, (2) fog (1+ x (6) tan xx (@) Both (a) and (c) 90. The function f(x) = tan x -x (a) always decreases {0} nover decreases, (©) sometimes increases and sometimes decreases (@) None ofthe above Directions (Q.Nos. 91-93) Consider the following information for the questions that follow. Three sides of a trapezium are each equal to 6 em. Let «(0,2 be the angle between a pair of adjacent sides, 91. Ifthe area of the trapezium is the maximum possible, then what is « equal to? (WO 2018 Set. 0781 5 oF 03 oF 92 If the area of the trapezium is maximum, what is the length of the fourth side? (WOR: 2014 Set. 0771 (80m —(—)8em (Wem @) 12em 93, Whatis the maximum area ofthe trapezium? (04.2018 seth 078) (@) 96,3 om? (b) 30v3 em? (0 27y3em? (@ 2N3em? 6 FO &@ 2 @ @ % © %@ B@ wo @ %@ 2% @ Wo Ww © B @ 3% OB) a, & 6 © 4 O Bw I © ro) 5. © 52. © 5) 5, sy 6.) 6 @) BRO |) (a) BO MO BWA Ww 80 @ 86.) 8) BBD.) agasas at So, yis minimum at x = - and x = — tis a point of minima. 2 fix)=sin' x+ cost x = (sin? x + cos® x? - 2sin® x-cos® x 1 21 inan pisnenyt Made J xdsingxcos2x= ~sindx = fx)>0-=sindx Zexcd 2 4 2 aS ¥ ‘Slope of X-axis = 0 a = 1-S.05 8-8 ¥ « x=? 4 So, yo? gad asinx + 2008x 4. A: ‘sinx + cosx. = toy= 2-2 Ginx conn? 1204-2 >0 = a2 Fras 0 Yy Heoxsa 7 Letittouches the X-axis at(x, yh then slope attr, y\) #2 + & ‘Slope of X-axis = 0 2 21, + a= 001% and ead or «slope of normal at (% Given (3-a)e + ay + a? a-3 So, a 2>0>2=%>0 a So, ae(3~) 1 ~ =o Herea =2 ‘Any point on parabola is (at®, 2at)i-e..(2t°, 4) Contre of circle + (y + 67 = 1is (0-6) Distance between @t?, 4£) and (0. ~ 6 p= er? + (at + oF Let Aa? aap! + at? +12+9] aL Now, =o = at3 + Bt + 12)=0 or et + Nt? -t+3)=0 = t= at So, Ais minimum att =—1 Hence, point is (2, - 4} 8 flx)= 8 - 34 — 105e-+ 25 P(x) = 3x7 ~ Gx — 105 Ax + §)(x-7) For decreasing function 1"(x) <0 > A+ H(K-7)<0 = xe)- 9% .alot _asiy “S187 ak” axle ~ aT costy * 5 Y= tt cost)= tant af + st 1 -a(e00# Jaana’ 2st (2) = x= anand — 2a Y= (x~atytan’ 5 mati i i Mathematics Monotonic Functions and Application of De 1 1 yy wt. th 7752 8OPC Of roemal = x? Sope tine a+ by +e =ois—2 b a % Peto Sete > a>0, b<0 wr wy u. y-(3) = logy =~ slogx » ont ge) = 0% x=} Loc 04 woaF ; (I... S0, is a point of maxima. Hence, maximum value = e*. 12, x)= x7 4 3X + 6 1a) Ta + 1594 for increasing function (2) >0 = I") >for all non-zero values of x 18.14 =40 Az ib=1(40~=40-° AL ao-at di Put SA _9-540-21= a = 1-20 So, area is maximum at / = 20 Hence, both sides are equal. 14. Letthe radius of cylinder be rand height h then ww? + 2nth=a {constant} capacity V=nth= x a {given} 0) {romEg. 2 ew) > yve for = V5 1 = fe-*r > nazy 8 a a nee Given_kh= 2”) wl 349 ative: 15, Letthe point bel.) then y=sinx = =c087, 20 y, «807, Befetad- So, point ie on the ova — f= A/F ye BB? esd) _ 12 Fe 2e-3 (x4 K-43 5 16. 5 a1 Ngai fa hisauaps ye Inisinceasng nts doman. 11. A2. Giles oncure nar’ + Be ore 5 = bb -fa+5=0 9 Cine ots Vans, ie 1=0 4 5 209.2 so, y=5atag. tas je, tat +2br-0=3 6 o ca3 2(-2,0,4-0= 224 -2-c=0 or 128-44 320 @ From Eas. ()and @.2=-fareb=-2 18. f09= (04 BP)2 = 2b 1 @ Pa ra=0 = athe byes 2b = 00 x From Ea (), 1x)=2(0+ d°) roasorx paisrinenanatx=—— 2 =o sa minmeemvabete)= 2) oe a 1 (1 beg Be ote tg co mb)=(1 OF aor ae Crearly 0 xe OorSsinxs r00sx=0 Now, I(x) = 6xsinx + 6¢ cose ~ x Six =2f710)=0 Frys Bsinx + TBxcosx- 96 Sax — 1 SH = MQ)=0 . f= 2écosx- ors 12x costs FSO 1°"(Q)=24>0 = f(x) has loca! mamum at x= 0 20, ya ox? x41 tae pontvo tc yninteat> (2) a ay-1 har ‘As tangent is parallel to y= 3x+ 9=> 4x -1=3 > x, = land from curve y, = 2 So, the required pointis (1,2). BL fade (x4 SPOx= 9) > MO) = Fx + BP (x= IP + x P(x 4 3 = x= Plt BP K+ 1) x)isincreasing function, if f(x) 2 0 > x= lxe SP lee 20 > weet xe [-10[ , x30 x=0 fet (x= +1 fay=}— e220 2 = xe0 = M()>0¥ x>0= f(x) increasing vx>0 23, AHL atx= 0 im 10+ 1) im 21 and (0)=0 . PHL # (0) > f(n)is neither continuous at x= 0 nor ight continuous at x=0, So, both statements are fas. 2A. fa)= P+ pe? + qx + Ssin? x Ha)= 39? + 2px +g + Ssinax 0 For increasing function, 1) 0 = 3 + 2pr +g - 520 = 4p? 124-5) <0 = 27+ 1550 25. x= aces", y= ashn’t Oy Sid, sit a” at ~ cost Equation of tangent at (acos*t, asin") is yasin't = = (x acos’t) ‘cost xsint + ycost = asintcost(cos*t + sin*r) or xsint + ycost = asintcost or xsect + yeosect =a. 26, Let the point be (a.q) 2 gabe 0) {asi ies on the given curve} WS 0 a = Peron -2 {oy Eq. (0 Hence, the tangent is a NDAINA Entrang ante fy, y-g=2te-p) ov Poke %argl = ak ame wena a x,y with 2 + Z = 4, we get Comparing with 2 + 5 of =bandt+ Pat a . p=0 Hence, the point of contact is (0,6), 21, fx)=X8 — 5x4 + SH = Sx! — 2018 + 15x? = 8x2(x? ~ ax + 3) re 1(0)=10x2%? - 6x + 3) 1°%(x) = 60x? — 120x + 30 Now, 1% 3 (K-(K- =O > HOLD. 18) = 90>0 M")=-10<0 1"(0)= Oand ""(0) = 30 0 -.f(x)has a maxima at x = minima at x = Band neither at x= 0. 2B. M(x) ]x— 1422 Be Ka, x21 = co veal xi («+ wet or fy [eae vi [24 arin fer} Forxe1 Ma)=2x—1 cnet re)somena} and 1x) a=2 and be Butx+ y=aisa tangent =16 $0, $5). y, and xead So, a=x+yass =x Nx4 Dee —x 1) = =1 f)=0 = 3-1-0 (Hveanar(— #) = f(x)is maximum, at x= (“ve 1 1 1nd minimus Bedminimem atx= $0, maximum vaio otte)= {= an isimam vate ott) = {$= =F Hence, the local maximum value is larger than local minimum valve, 33, 7 22x soe y > ie = or ¥ =16x* = 2x° = 16x4 pu ager ae! 1 yd a “6 1 snes in wes in) 4. pane aan’) J tats cod] a tangents are || to X-axis So, %n0 or 1+ 008% = = cos! =-1=c08x ‘a or xeon 80 = 4a[x+ asine] y= tae 35." 1(0)= bx - 9)P = PX) = 2x{x- 3) @x-3) r)20 {increasing function} 2 3)Rx- 320 > xe 3] vB=f 2 x x 36. 10) = and a(x) = 2 1) w SIDX= HCO8x arts 1) AX x50? x and y= SE Let 9) =sinx - xc08x Then, $(x)= xsinx and x)= tanx — xsec? x Then, h(x) = ~2xtanxsec?x ‘nl (2 3} 40s increasing x>0 = Ox)>40)=0 in(02) mais cern a = hocny=0 Fontan tiereosegangiacsonegn(aZ) 2 exe 2x ieee 37. Let {areree steted Ys minima hens macnumn ort= $14 erin =03 1-4-0 ¥* iSdase 38. Circumference of flower bed Y é Surtace area, A= 129 ange[9-2] ate A=120-1) cA oA G-20-2r= 02972104 2(-je Henco, area is maximum atr= 10m 39. Let (x, y) be the point on the given curve y2 = 2x ID be the distance from (k, 0), then x K+ 2 = (-)ve, hence maximum. (1~ 2k)? + 2(1~ &) 201 — KP 2k? = 2k +1 = 2k + 2k? 7 40. y= 2 + 7x4 2-(x+2) 7 Let the coordinates of the point be (p~ 2, ~ The equation of the line is y y- 3x4 3= Distance of the point from the line so pane(2 41, Same as above solution, 941 ana ~2x8 (x KP + 2x-2x? “) aop=t_@__b {from Eq. ()} b x,y oftine* + ¥ =2is slope ofine 2 +X =2is -2 So, there can be any real value of n, 44. Let the point on ellipse be (acoso, bsin0) Then, tangent at this point is x0080 | 'ysinO a ’ fis intercepts on the axes are —2— and then aea¢ 2080 *”° Sind ba = it wi -10 2o080 Gnd ” Say I il be last when sco ® b) (ve v8 0-4 soponts($. 2 Jor(8 1B). 8 POS eB) ee {ea=VBandb 3) 45. y+ ax+ by=0 Ye year oY ytarp%g t ).ma at ym=—t 2. tan(tan"'2) 3 at2b=-3 4 from curve at point (1) asb=-1 + Eas. ) and (), b= —2 anda but @ m Mathem: Mathematics Monotonic Functions and Application of Derivatives 46. HERES, y= 0.50 x7 Hence, pont i 7,0) 2) e~ yest = 2) = 8 BGM) . Slope normalis -20andits equatonis(y - 0) 2+ y= 140 41, va0 fx) =e +e", p30 = Fe)= pe — pe = pom em For monotonically decreasing, I"(x)0 = psinxs poo 20(x-7) 1 p>-5sinx tssinx <1 Vege! 3S G9M55 1 80, pas 49, = (= HF e+ eB Fad (e-1F L0 ta 2P lees ncmap Ste? = AP e+ 1 3-2 + (= 27 I+ 4 Nax-2)-20—1) She tla NAF + KF) 20+ K-21 = 2P x H{B(K= (+ 1)+ (x N(x -2)+ 204+ MX-2)] 2 (x= 2P (x= {9(e2 = 1) (2? 3x4 2)+ 24? 22-4] 27 (x Mf62 5x5] eyo i (BI 8+ VOID _» , SVMS 5+ VES 12 ‘ 12 12 12 1" (x 2)(Bx -5)(5x° - 8x1) Atxn2.t(8)=0, Atxe {M0}. sts teal masa, axa 5221 p20 soit local minima, 530, Same as above solution, ‘Number of points of local, maxima ofthe function is one. BL yar? + 3x Yoox oe & onl), oars } So, tangent is yyy 2 2X + Dx =m) | y= ¥,=2un-2e + 9x - 94 Inpasses through (0, ~ 9) So, -9- y= -28 - 3%, o 8-8 = 94, =-28 - 3% o Reda Hnt3 y,=18010 So, points ef (3 18)0r(-8 0) 52, LotAnxs oA 1 Boga t-t 0m xet-1 gros! 1 e fA ae A SA soatx=t oe So, Ais minimum at x= 1 53, Let y= 25(1- x)" Yoo & 25.751 = xi! + 25"(0 - 2) 25x2*(1- x1 x- 3x] = 0 : = wait axe dan Loose tgs on 21, ernest sgn tno) Nom, 1) — Ande #) a asin® >0 and (2) = - asin < #)csont 0 an (2) sent co 2 ue at = dimum value of ~% in value at and masimum value of Hence, difference between greatest and least values ae =alog|x| + be + x ¥ geo $+ 2be+1= 0atx=—tand2 So, a+2b=1anda+ a =-2 1 a=2andb=—3 56. f(x) = 2x9 9x? + 9x4 10 For increasing function F(x) >0 i Bi? -18x+ 9>0 forthis condition >0 “ and DsQor924~- 1081.50 q = 423 0) From Eqs. () and (i), deo BU. f(x) =sinx—cosx—be+ b 10) =c08% + six k= VEcos(x—4)~& Ma vate of cos(x—2) = For, k>02,"(x)<0 vx = fis a decreasing function 5B 29 4 219 2g? So, parametic equation be x= asin @, y= acos?@ oa So, Yn-coto So, tangentis 6080+ ysind = Zsinze ‘and normal s ycos@ - xsin® = acos20 Perpendiculars from (0 0)0n tangent and normal are Seinzo = 2sin20 fcos*6+ into 2 acos20 - = acos20 Pe ste si? teh + of = atsint20+ ateost20= a? & _ellcost + sint) 59. oe el(eost aint)! Hence, tangent makes an ani of Sth Xai 60, Ineraectn pointotx?y = 1 yanday = 1 yi nana(t 2) Now, Pynta yor att = ax y a, So, tangents are y= 1and x+2y-2=0 ‘These tangents intersect at (0.1) orm, ah.) G1. Let f(x) = x-sinx 1"9)= 1 c08x 1199 50 x> Oand aso 3) 20 ¥x<0 creas nereasing fr al values of x> and x<0 Sta) >f0)¥x>0 : Fain 0¥x20 oF x>sinx¥ x50 ‘Statement | and Statement I! both are cores SenSment tne corect explanation of Statement" # 8 82. yo A -1 MRT Yee = mK Fee a shaded canoe Jad = J 4x2 = Asqunts 63, yet teat x ow Tangent makes acute angle with positive X-axis, So, » S20 98 ~2ix+ 120 = 48 ~ 49)50 = 0-94 V3)<0 = “8 s25 V3 64 yecos(e+ y) a Ba-enes yf} tangent is paaliel 0 x4 2y = =sin(x + y) 1 i Te sinGes yj "73 3 sinte+ yet @ or xtyense $0, ymcos(x+ y)mcos® 9 2 $8? 2a y= O,s0sinx= Y= Ososinx=1 frome.) a anki J 08-2nen2e corsue( $0) equator ol tangents are -on-3fay y-02-(c+ S) any. 2 2182y Faden aya yous sinxcosx ors cox $0, ope of normal = 2 yet 1 Eqalontromal "2 «mace xek 2 2 6, ot? 431 -Bye2t? 21-5 ¢ =2torthe point. ~1) Oy dt at-2 6 ak” okiat “20377? £9, Slope of normal at point (3.4) istrovaveol— axed or oO pentane Fe FG=1 88. Lethe speed of train = v ‘and distance to be covered = $ total me takenis = hours Given, cost of fuel per hour = kv? {kis constant By given condition, 48 = k-16 bed % 3 * Cost of fuel per hour = 7 (Other charges per hour are 300 So, charges pertour= Zu" + 300 Total expenses for the journey eat on)tas(2 "G6" vo Wi 2(2-2)-0 on 80) oyneeve % Els minimum at = 40 Hence, most economical speed = 40miles/hou ns and Application of Der 388'sa fav? + 12x-1 - 15x52 ata eye anes fox0 12, - 15x52 roe ea > f)>0v= 15152 and fnycOV2fa)¥x>0 or te) >a) s elt ait > cot TR, Let, 2=ax+ by, where xy = pF ° (say) 0Wx>1and x<=1 M) M(x) decreases in the interval (0,1) TD. Mx) = 2x8 ~ Bax? + Rake + 1 M)=0 6x? ~ 18ax + 12a" = 0 or x= a)(x-2a)=0 or x=a,x=20 108) = 12x ~ 18a 1(a)= ~6a 1a) = 6a So, (x)is minimum at) = 2a and maximum at a = a Aliso given, p= a 2anatoranz 7B. yax45 Ya ae ua Atpoint (x. 44) ‘slope m = 3x7, which is perpendicular to x + 3y = 2having slope 1 3 So, 3% =30rx=+1 Hence, points are (1, 6)and(-1 4) acosé 79, & 960 cote dk ~ dxb0 ~ ~a(sing) Equation of Normal y-asind {(X~ {1+ c0s8)} Scot sind = asing = £9 x _ a + c0s6) Y~asind = S250 alt + C056) xsin@ - yoos0= asind Itis satisfied by (a, 0) So, passes through (a, 0) NDAINA Fa 80, f(x)= 4sin?x+ 1 a)willbe maximum wen sin? x= 1 ‘80, max. value of (x)= 5 81. ((x)= [iat? + 1+ costyst,a >0 1x) = at + 14 cosx>0Va >Oand xR = is nereasing unten P5150 18 mat aa, min. atx=2 Hence, difference between greatest and least values 3 = 1(9)~ 12) =f) (at? + 1+ cost ~ Lal? +15 cou, 19, a4 14 sind—sin2 ve * ". x=e is a point of maxima, 1 1 Maximum valuo = ogo = = 83. For max. or min. /"(a) should bo (-)ve oF (+) vay respectively Hence, itis aificlt t imply options (a) and (). 84. 2x4 y)= 98 = xty=18 when it is revolved about side yt will generato@ oylncee height yand radius x So, that V= nth ney Vm mx(18 ~ x)= n(18x? ~ x9) So n060-a%2)=0 = x= 12 (36 ~ 6x) = (-)ve +. Volume is large when x= 12 85. yesn[r+ 2) +08 (x+ 2) y= {J sin(xe 3) pees (x =} = sBoos(x+ EF) ny=6 4 y= cos(x- 5) 09 Bein(x- 2) 0 > x Bro a ee oe x ae “Boe(x- 2) Atx= 5 S2< 0 80 maximum thematics Monotoni . an a wathomatrcs Monotonic Funtions and Application of Derivatives 387 gg. t="? = 2200? 0+ bieosec%9 . ‘ OR _ 2a* sec Osec Otand—2p?, ‘ then FX) 20V x + b*Cosec*® + 2cosec# cosecd cot@ cot 6)] = f(x)never decreases. aR 91, Let the trapezium be ABCD, where AD = DC =CB = 6 cm and “ap Owen tant angle between AD and AB is. een = Risminimum attar®o So,for min value ot, putan? 0 = © ina, ¢) sen sem Aer? =a\1+ tan? 0)+ b°(1+ cot?) ks 4 AaieP 8 wis 2) -o(142) 5 ee ee Let oP =CO=h =a? +b? +2ab =(a+ by b x Se peed In = Pandcosa =% 81. 0) =[9~ x] + 24 af +15— af = he 6sinaand x= 6cosu 6-3, xs-2 Areaoftrapezim(A) = 3 (Sumot paral sides) xHeight « fyyul On ® 25X93 Ce xt4 3Sx<5 516+ 6+ 2x} xh x6 x28 = (6+ »)h =(6+ Bc0sa)6sina Now f(9)=(-We forxs~2and 2 sx

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