Evidence of Learning revised

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Unit 2

Evidence of Learning

Evidence of learning (600 words)

1. Explain why a lesson plan must have clear aims and objectives and a coherent
2. Explain why new learning should be built on students’ existing learning.
3. Identify the assessment methods used during the lesson and explain why
they were used.

A lesson plan acts as a strong foothold for the teacher to carry an effective
execution and delivery of learning content. However, efficiency will be achieved
when it has clarity in its aims, objectives, and proceeds logically with a deliberate
progression towards transferring the responsibility of work to the learners. An
effective lesson plan should have a coherent structure that walks the learners
through “I, WE, YOU” (Lemov, 2022).
In my lesson, I shared the learning objectives after introducing the concept of
adjectives and activating their prior knowledge. In this way, students were given a
foundation for constructing new learning and their path was clearly defined. The
lesson started with teacher’s assistance by giving them introduction and
examples. It progressed from ‘I’ to ‘WE’ domain with the Adjective Charade game.
At this point, both the teacher and students were involved. As the students
understood the concept well, they were taken outside for an Adjective Hunt. This
was the beginning of transition from ‘WE’ to ‘YOU’ domain. However, they were
in complete ‘YOU’ domain when they started the independent practice of
constructing sentences using adjectives and nouns. In this way, the lesson
progressed coherently with a beginning, middle, and end.
Students learned experientially by developing knowledge outside the classroom
and with the help of active learning strategies like Think Pair Share and Adjective
Charade game which helped them assimilate and accommodate knowledge
leading to their cognitive development (Pardjono, 2022).
Teaching becomes effective if it gives consideration to the way individuals learn.
Learning is a process that involves change in the students’ knowledge and beliefs.
But as teachers, we can only influence the way that a student adopts to learn
because he/she constructs his own learning by responding to various experiences.
Every student comes to the classroom with a set of social, intellectual and
emotional experiences which form their prior knowledge. This provides a strong
foundation for building new knowledge as the brain naturally makes connections
of the known with the new. A teacher can meaningfully connect these dots for
students to make sense of the new knowledge and for them to be able to retain
and retrieve it (Ambrose et al., 2022).
In my lesson plan, I connected their previous information on speech and writing
used in everyday life, to portraying it effectively with the help of describing words
or adjectives. Students were made to probe further by identifying the part of the
speech that can be described i.e. a noun. They were then grouped in pairs to use
adjectives to describe their favourite nouns. With the help of various examples,
they came to realize how they have been already using a lot of adjectives in their
routine conversation. In this way, their prior knowledge was activated and the
lesson proceeded further by giving them new vocabulary on adjectives with the
help of flash cards.
Formative assessment or Assessment for Learning should become an integral part
of the teaching process. It may not always take the form of a task to assess the
knowledge of learners. Motivating them either intrinsically or extrinsically is also a
part and purpose of formative assessment. Such activities help to organize their
thought process and make them ready for learning ahead (Kyriakou, 2022).
Thinking along these lines, I used Think-pair-share activity and Adjective Charade
game to let their learning and knowledge reflect into action. A thorough
observation of the class during these activities helped me understand their levels.
The information helped me support them during the next steps of lesson
advancement when they went for Adjective Hunt and we discussed their findings.
In the last part of the lesson plan, they practiced creating sentences by thinking
and analyzing, thus advancing to the higher order thinking skills (Krathwohl,


1. Ambrose, S., Bridges, M., DiPietro, M., Lovett, M. and Norman, M.,
2022. How Learning Works. [online] Firstliteracy.org. Available at:
Works.pdf> [Accessed 9 October 2022].

2. Krathwohl, D., 2022. A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy: An Overview. [online]

Cmapspublic2.ihmc.us. Available at:
%20a%20measurement%20tool.> [Accessed 12 October 2022].

3. Kyriakou, C., 2022. Essential Teaching Skills. [online] Google Books.

Available at:
id=zcFE-SecBUgC> [Accessed 12 October 2022].

4. Lemov, D., 2022. Doug Lemov, Teach Like a Champion. [online] Teach Like a
Champion. Available at: <https://teachlikeachampion.org/doug-lemov/>
[Accessed 9 October 2022].

5. Pardjono, P., 2022. Active Learning: The Dewey, Piaget, Vygotsky, and
Constructivist Theory Perspectives. [online]
%20experiences%20%28Pardjono%2C%202016%29. Available at:
%20experiences%20%28Pardjono%2C%202016%29> [Accessed 9 October

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