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Narra ve … @ssb_journey

You are a group of students from Rohitgad College who have come for a picnic on the banks
of river Neeru. Your bus dropped you near the bridge and would be back to collect you at 5:30 pm.
While you were having lunch at the boat club, you no ced a helicopter crash land in the nearby
sugarcane fields. When you reached the accident site you saw that the pilot was badly injured and
bleeding profusely. The passenger with him, though in a state of shock, told you that he was an
engineer at the Gabar Hydel Project. He said that he was urgently required there to release the
excess water by 4:30 pm as the electronic controls of the gates had been damaged. If not released in
me, the dam would be breached and the en re area would be flooded. While you were thinking
what to do, a woodcu er came running from the forest and on seeing you told you that he had seen
some suspicious looking people cu ng and loading sandalwood trees onto a truck. Just then the
boat club manager came running towards you shou ng and waving his arms towards the river where
one unmanned boat was dri ing downstream. Time now is 1:30 pm. As energe c young students
what will you do?

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