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SESSION : 2024-25




CLASS: X (2024-25)


Book: Footprints Without Feet
Unit/Topic: The Thief’s Story

Q1. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
I think he knew I made a little money this way but he did not seem to mind. Anil made
money by fits and starts. He would borrow one week, lend the next. He kept worrying about
his next cheque, but as soon as it arrived, he would go out and celebrate. It seems he wrote
for magazines-a queer way to make a living!
(i) Anil made money 'by fits and starts' means that he_________
(a) deemed it fit to start investing money
(b) started earning money in the recent past
(c) received money intermittently
(d) put his money to use frequently
(ii) The information in the extract suggests that Anil could be a _________
(a) salaried professional(b) freelancer
(c) business man(d) volunteer
(iii) If borrow:: lend, then pick the ODD pair from the options below:
(a) give:: take(b) lose:: find
(c) hop:: skip(d) buy:: sell
(iv) The reference to making a little money 'this way' refers to a way that is viewed by most
people as
(a) sensible(b) inappropriate
(c) charitable(d) aggressive
(v) Based on your understanding of Anil in the extract, choose the option that synchronises
with his thinking.
(a) So what if I don't have much money? Giving it to that person is important as they could
do with a helping hand.
(b) I better learn how to protect my money. I think I'm being looted.
(c) I earn money with such tremendous effort. Where does it all go?
(d) When I become rich, I can begin to help friends then. Right now, I will spend only on

Q2. Answer the following questions in 40-50 words:

a) Why did Hari Singh smile in the most appealing way towards the end of the story?
b) How does the act of missing the Lucknow Express shape the thief’s destiny?
c)What message does the story convey about the transformative power of education and
d) Why doesn’t Anil confront the thief directly about the wrongdoing?
e) What lessons does the story impart about the capacity for change in an individual?
Q3. Answer the following questions in 100-120 words:
a) Education, love and sympathy can transform even a thief. How is it true in case of Hari
Singh ?

b) How does the story articulate the notion that mentorship can act as a bridge between one's
past mistakes and a hopeful future?



कक्षा -10

ग्रीष्मावकाश कार्य

अरुणाचल प्रदेश, मेघालय और उत्तर प्रदेश का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन करते हुए एक परियोजना (Project) तैयार करें

जिसमें निम्न बिंदुओं को आधार बनाया गया हो-

1. भूमिका

2. विषय सूची

3. धन्यवाद ज्ञापन

4. अरुणाचल प्रदेश, मेघालय तथा उत्तर प्रदेश में बोली जाने वाली भाषाएं

5. उत्तर प्रदेश के प्रमुख साहित्यकार

6. उत्तर प्रदेश के किसी एक साहित्यकार की रचना

7. अरुणाचल प्रदेश, मेघालय तथा उत्तर प्रदेश के प्रमुख साहित्यकार

8. निष्कर्ष
उपरोक्त परियोजना कार्य समूह में किया जाएगा। सभी पांच-पांच विद्यार्थियों का समूह बनाकर इसे करेंगे तथा एक

फाइल में समायोजित (compile) कर प्रस्तुत करें।

व्याकरण की पुस्तक में दिए गए सभी अनुच्छेदों तथा औपचारिक पत्रों को ध्यान पूर्वक पढ़ें।

अभ्यास में दिए गए किन्ही पांच अनुच्छेदों को हिंदी की कॉपी में लिखें।



कक्षा - दशमी

ग्रीष्मकालीनम् गृहकार्यम्

विषयम् - सं स्कृ तम्

प्रश्न १. 'मतुप्' 'ठक् ' इत्यनयोः प्रत्ययोः दश-दश उदाहरणानि स्वपाठ्यपुस्तकात् चित्वा लिखत ।

( मतुप्' व 'ठक् ' प्रत्यय के 10 -10 उदाहरण अपनी पाठ्यपुस्तक में से चुनकर लिखें )

प्रश्न २. 'किम्' शब्दस्य त्रिषु लिङ्गेषु रूपाणि लिखित्वा स्मरत । ( 'किम्' शब्द के तीनों लिंगों में रूप लिखें व याद करें )

प्रश्न ३. अधोलिखितानां अ‌ङ्कानां कृ ते समयवाचिपदान् सचित्रं लिखत । ( नीचे दिये गये समय को चित्र सहित

दर्शाकर सं स्कृ त में लिखें )

(i) 6.00
(ii) 7.15
(iii) 8.45
(iv) 2.30
(v) 5.15
(vi) 9.45
(vii) 11.30
(viii) 12.00
(ix) 8.00
(x) 10.15

प्रश्न ४. विसर्गसन्धेः दश उदाहरणानि स्वपाठ्यपुस्तकात् चित्वा लिखत । ( विसर्ग सन्धि के 10 उदाहरण अपनी

पाठ्यपुस्तक में से चुनकर लिखें )

प्रश्न ५. 'रमणीया हि सृष्टिरेषा' इत्यस्मात् पाठात् श्लोकद्वयं लिखित्वा स्मरत । ( 'रमणीया हि सृष्टिरेषा' पाठ के कोई दो

श्लोक लिखें व याद करें)

नोट:- गृहकार्य हेतु दिये गये इन सभी अभ्यास प्रश्नों को अपनी सं स्कृ त की पुस्तिका में लिखें।



Art Integrated Mathematics Project.

States Assigned by CBSE for Noida

STATES- Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya & Uttar Pradesh

AIM- The project aims to explore the mathematical aspects observed in Arunachal Pradesh ,
Meghalaya and Uttar Pradesh . Through various mathematical concepts , students will analyze and
compare the two regions , integrating art to visually represent their findings .

Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation(ppt ) on analysis of mathematical aspects observed in Arunachal

Pradesh,Meghalaya and Uttar Pradesh on the conceptual basis of Geometry/Mensuration / Statistics
or any other topic .

Weaving is an ancient craft of the tribes of Meghalaya and Arunachal pradesh.It has a rich variety of
hand woven textiles, with unique characteristics that reflect the state and its skilled artisans. Weaving is
a fun and creative way to explore real mathematical ideas. Simple “mat “ weaving offers a way to
experience basic concepts in Geometry.

With a blank grid , plan out any weaving pattern of states mentioned above.
3. Presentation must have slides clearly showing the
● Title page
● Acknowledgement
● Introductory slide about the states.
● Comparison of Widely used Textile patterns in the states.
● Analyze and compare the collected data using Bar graph / Histogram / Pie Chart / Weaving
pattern based on the topics mentioned against your roll number.
● Use Geometric shapes and patterns used in the textile of the above states in Bar Graph/
Histogram / Pie chart
● Name of class and group members
● Links and pages you referred for the project.( Bibliography).
● A minimum of 5 to 8 slides to be made .

2. Do the Comparative study on the basis of following subtopics

Roll 1 to 5. Population of three states.
Roll. 6 to 10 Any one Weaving /Textile Pattern of States mentioned above
Roll 11 to 15 Literacy Rate of three states
Roll 16 to 20 Any one Weaving/Textile Pattern of States mentioned above
Roll 21 to 25 Percentage of Rural and urban population of three states
Roll 26 to 30 Any one Weaving/ Textile Pattern of States mentioned above
Roll 31 to 36 Birds and Animals of three states
Roll 37 to 43 Any one Weaving / Textile Pattern of States mentioned above


1. Sodium and chlorine are reacted, and as a result, sodium chloride is formed, which is also
called table salt. What option gives the reactants and products of the reaction?
(a) Reactants – sodium; products – chlorine
(b) Reactants – sodium and table salt; products – chlorine
(c) Reactants – tables salt; products – sodium and chlorine
(d) Reactants – sodium and chlorine; products – sodium chloride

2. Which of the following reaction can also be termed a thermal decomposition reaction?
(a) Combination reaction
(b) Decomposition reaction
(c) Displacement reaction
(d) Double displacement reaction

3. A student performs an experiment to form aluminium chloride from aluminium and chlorine.
Which of the following option gives the chemical equation of the reaction?
(a) Al + Cl2 → AlCl2
(b) 2Al + Cl2 → 2AlCl
(c) 2Al + 3Cl2 → 2AlCl3
(d) 3Al + 3Cl2 → 3AlCl3

4. A researcher adds barium hydroxide to hydrochloric acid to form a white-coloured barium chloride.
Which of the following option gives the balanced chemical equation of the reaction?
(a) HCl + Ba(OH)2 → BaCl2 + 2HOH
(b) 2HCl + Ba(OH)2 → BaCl2 + 2HOH
(c) 2HCl + Ba(OH)2 → BaH2 + 2HCl + O2
(d) HCl + 2Ba(OH) → 2BaCl2 + 2HOH + O2

5. One of the following processes does not involve a chemical reaction, that is:
(a) Melting of candle wax when heated
(b) Burning of candle wax when heated
(c) Digestion of food in your stomach
(d) Ripening of banana

6. A student adds lead and silver to two different test tubes containing an equal amount of copper
sulphate solution. The student observes that the colour of the solution in the test tube with lead
changes. What explains the change in the colour of the solution?
(a) A displacement reaction takes place as lead replaces copper from the solution.
(b) A combination reaction takes place as lead combines with sulphate in the solution.
(c) A decomposition reaction takes place as copper dissociates from sulphate in the solution.
(d) A double displacement reaction takes place as copper dissociates from sulphate and lead
combines with sulphate in the solution.

7. The chemical reaction between potassium chloride and silver nitrate is given by the chemical
equation, AgNO3 + KCl → AgCl + KNO3.
What can be inferred from the chemical equation?
(a) Silver nitrate and potassium undergo a decomposition reaction to form silver chloride and
potassium nitrate
(b) Silver nitrate and potassium undergo a displacement reaction to form silver chloride and
potassium nitrate
(c) Silver nitrate and potassium undergo a combination reaction to form silver chloride and
potassium nitrate
(d) Silver nitrate and potassium undergo a double displacement reaction to form silver chloride and
potassium nitrate

8. Which of the following shows an oxidation reaction?

(a) Gain of oxygen
(b) Loss of oxygen
(c) Gain of hydrogen
(d) None of the above

Each question consists of two statements namely Assertion (A) and Reason (R).For selecting the
correct answer,use the following code:
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are the true and Reason (R) is a correct explanation of
Assertion (A).
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are the true but Reason (R) is not a correct explanation of
Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true and Reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is true.

1. Assertion (A): Iron articles are painted so as to prevent them from rusting.
Reason (R): When the surface of iron is coated with paint, its surface does not come in contact with
oxygen and moisture therefore rusting does not take place.
2. Assertion (A): Chips manufacturers usually Ilush bags of chips with gas such as nitrogen to prevent
the chips from getting oxidised.
Reason (R): This increase the taste ot the chips and helps in their digestion.
3. Assertion (A): A lead nitrate on thermal decomposition gives lead oxide, brown coloured nitrogen
dioxide and oxygen gas.
Reason (R): Lead nitrate reacts with potassium iodide to form yellow ppt. of lead iodide and the
reaction is double displacement as well as precipitation reaction.
4. Assertion (A): AgBr is used on photographic and X-ray film.
Reason (R): AgBr is photosensitive and changes to Ag and bromine in presence of sunlight and
undergoes decomposition reaction.
1. A reddish brown coloured metal, used in electrical wires, when powdered and heated strongly in an
open china dish its colour turns blacks. When hydrogen gas is passed over this black substance, it
regains its original colour. Based on above information answer the following question.
(i) Name the metal and the black coloured substance formed.
(ii) Write balanced chemical equation for both the equation.
2. What is redox reaction? Identifying the substance oxidised and the substance reduced in the
following reactions:
(i) 2PbO + C → Pb + CO₂
(ii) MnO₂ + 4HCl → MnCl₂ + H₂O + Cl₂.
3. What is rancidity? Mention any two ways by which rancidity can be prevented.


Corrosion is the phenomenon of deterioration of surface of metal in presence of air and moisture. It is a
natural process and in the presence of a moist atmosphere, chemically active metals get corroded. This
is an oxidation reaction. Rusting is the process where iron corrodes due to exposure to the atmosphere.
The main circumstance of corrosion occurs with iron because it is a structural material in construction,
bridges, buildings, rail transport, ships, etc. Aluminium is also an important structural metal, but even
aluminium undergoes oxidation reactions. However, aluminium doesn’t corrode or oxidize as rapidly as
its reactivity suggests. Copper (Cu) corrodes and forms a basic green carbonate.

(i) What is rusting?

(ii) Which two metals do not corrode easily?
(iii) Write the chemical name of the compound formed on corrosion of silver.
(iv) Corrosion is
(a) a redox reaction
(b) a reduction reaction
(c) a displacement reaction
(d) an oxidation reaction



1. Rhizopus grows on dead decaying organic matter. Which kind of nutrition is this:
(a) Parasitic nutrition
(b) Holozoic nutrition
(c) Autotrophic nutrition
(d) Saprotrophic nutrition

2. Which of the following events in the mouth cavity will be affected if salivary
amylase is lacking in the saliva?
(a) Starch breaking down into sugars.
(b) Proteins breaking down into amino acids.
(c) Absorption of vitamins.
(d) Fats breaking down into fatty acids and glycerol.

3. Identify P, Q and R in the given figure?

(a) P-Gastric gland, Q-Pancreas, R-Small intestine

(b) P-Salivary glands, Q-Stomach, R-Large intestine
(c) P-Gastric gland, Q-Pancreas, R-Large intestine
(d) P-Salivary glands, Q-Pancreas, R-Small intestine

4. Write the correct sequence of air passage involved in inhalation?

(a) larynx→ Nostrils → Pharynx → lungs
(b) nostrils→ Pharynx→ larynx→ Trachea → alveoli
(c) nasal passage → larynx → Trachea → Pharynx→ Alveoli
(d) None.

5. Which of the following statement(s) is (are) true about respiration?

(a) During inhalation, ribs move inward and the diaphragm is raised

(b) In the alveoli, exchange of gases takes place i.e., oxygen from alveolar air
diffuses into blood and carbon dioxide from blood into alveolar air sacs

(c) Haemoglobin has greater affinity for carbon dioxide than oxygen Alveoli does
not help in increasing surface area for exchange of gases
(d) None

6. Which of the following statement (s) is (are) true about heart?

(a) Left atrium receives oxygenated blood from different parts of body while
right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from lungs

(b) Left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to different body parts while right
ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood to lungs

(c) Left atrium transfers oxygenated blood to the right ventricle which sends it
to different body parts

(d) Right atrium receives oxygenated blood from different parts of the body
while left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to different parts of the body.

7. Choose the correct statement that describes arteries:

(a) They have thick elastic walls, blood flows under high pressure; collect
blood from different organs and bring it back to the heart

(b) They have thin walls with valves inside, blood flows under low pressure
and carry blood away from the heart to various organs of the body

(c) They have thick elastic walls, blood flows under low pressure; carry blood
from the heart to various organs of the body

(d) They have thick elastic walls without valves inside. The Blood flows under
high pressure and carries blood away from the heart to different parts of
the body.

8. The given figure is of the circulatory system. Identify the labeled parts (A-D) from the list
(I) Pulmonary circulation (II) Systemic circulation (III) Superior vena cava

(IV) Inferior vena cava (V) Aorta (VI) Veins and venules

(VII)Arterioles and capillaries

(a) A-(V), B-(lII), C-(I), D-(VII)

(b) A-(VII), B-(IV), C-(I), D-(VI)

(c) A-(V), B-(III), C-(lI), D-(VII)

(d) A-(VII), B-(V), C- (I), D-(VI)


Following questions consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions
selecting the appropriate option given below:
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.

9. Assertion (A): In plants there is no need of specialised respiratory organs.

Reason (R): Plants do not have great demands of gaseous exchange.

10. Assertion (A): Human heart is four-chambered.

Reason (R): Vena cava is the only artery that supplies deoxygenated blood to the heart.

11. Assertion (A): Pyruvate is a six-carbon molecule

Reason (R): It is prepared in the cytoplasm as the first step to cellular

12. Assertion(A): Phloem helps in translocation of food from the leaves.

Reason(R): Phloem provides mechanical support to plant.

13. What advantages does a terrestrial organism have over an aquatic organism in obtaining
oxygen for respiration?

14. How are the lungs designed to maximize the area for exchanging gases in humans?

15. Name the following:

a. The process in plants that links light energy with chemical energy
b. Organisms that can prepare food on their own

c. The cell organelle where photosynthesis occurs

d. Cells that surround the stomatal pore

e. An enzyme secreted from the gastric glands in the stomach that acts on proteins.


16. Write one difference and one similarity between mode of nutrition in amoeba and
17. Draw a sectional view of the human heart and label the following

a. The chamber of the heart that pumps out deoxygenated blood.

b. The blood vessel that carries away oxygenated blood from the heart

c. The blood vessel that receives deoxygenated blood from the lower part of
our body.
d. Part that prevents the backward flow of blood into the right atrium.

18. Draw a sectional view of the human respiratory system and label the following
parts: -

a. Parts that condition the air for lungs.

b. Part that has as C shaped cartilaginous rings

c. Part that acts as a common passage for food and air.

d. Part where exchange of gases takes place.

e. Part that channels the air to the left lung.

f. Membrane that helps in movement of lungs.


19. Respiration is a metabolic process that occurs in all organisms. It is a biochemical process
that occurs within the cells of organisms. Like other living organisms, plant also
exchange gases with their environment. However, plants do not possess any transport
system for the gases. Different parts of plants exchange gases independently. The gases
move entirely by diffusion. Different parts of the plant respire at different rates. Energy
liberated during oxidative breakdown of respiratory substrate is partly stored in ATP. The
rest is dissipated as heat.
a. What are the different ways in which glucose is oxidized to provide energy in various

b. “All plants give out oxygen during day and carbon dioxide during the night”. Do you
agree with this statement? Give reason.

c. If a plant is releasing carbon dioxide and taking in oxygen during the day, does it
mean that there is no photosynthesis occurring? Justify your answer.

d. Differentiate between photosynthesis and respiration in plants with the help of a


20. The absorption of these substances therefore occurs through the part in contact with the
soil, namely roots. If the distances between soil-contacting organs and chlorophyll-
containing organs are small, energy and raw materials can easily diffuse to all parts of the
plant body. But if these distances become large because of changes in plant body design,
diffusion processes will not be sufficient to provide raw material in leaves and energy in
roots. A proper system of transportation is therefore essential in such situations.

a. A system exists in plant for transportation of water and food separately.

Differentiate between these systems.

b. Why plants can use relatively slow transport system?

c. Why does plant wilt during the day even if it is well watered?

d. How is food transported in plants?



Social Science Project Work for Class X ( 2024- 25 ( as per CBSE guidelines)

Every student has to compulsorily undertake any one project on the following topics:
Consumer Awareness
Social Issues
Sustainable development

The Project Report should be handwritten by the students themselves.

Project will be done in the project file using coloured pages. (10 - 15 Pages)
The project should include the following pages-

● Introduction

● Acknowledgment

● Index

● Content

● Conclusion

● Bibliography
Contents (subject matter) should be well illustrated ( News paper cuttings, drawings/ sketches
pictures/ collage to be made/ pasted) & presentable.

Last date of submission is 25th July 2024

Project report to be submitted to the respective subject teacher.



Artificial Intelligence
1. AI Project
AI technology is impacting UN Sustainable Development Goals, both positively and
negatively. The goal is to promote the positive use of AI for Sustainable Development
Goals. You need to design your project based on any SDG Goals. Identify a SDG related
problem and find its solution and do the following task in the Practical File.
Define the following for the project:
a. Problem Definition , Identify WHO,WHAT,WHERE,WHY)
b. Data Acquisition (Sources like text,video,audio related to the project)
c. Data Exploration (find the patterns and analyse it)
d. Suggest the type of AI Model and explain like it will be supervised learning
based ,unsupervised, reinforcement or any other )
(Hint: Environment control, Sales Tracking, Health and Hygiene, Prediction)
2. Read the Chapter Communication Skills and do the following questions in the
1. What is Communication?
2. How many types of Communication methods?
3. What are the important parts of communication?
4. What are various elements of a communication cycle?
5. What are the seven elements that influence the communication skills?
6. What are the right methods of communication?
7. What is effective communication?
8. What is verbal communication and its type?
9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of verbal communication?
10. Write down the different types of verbal communication. Give an example for each type.
11. What is public speaking?
12. What is non-verbal communication?
13. What is the importance of Non-verbal communication?
14. What is the purpose of non – verbal communication?
15. Type of non-verbal communication?
16. What is Visual Communication?
17. What is feedback in communication skills?
18. How many types of Feedback in communication skills?
19. What are the good feedbacks in communication skills?
20. What are the different ways to overcome communication barriers?
3. Visit the website “” Complete at least two online courses available on the
website. Submit the completion certificate of the same

PART A: Employability skills
Read the Chapter Communication Skills and do the following questions in
the notebook.
1. What is Communication?
2. How many types of Communication methods?
3. What are the important parts of communication?
4. What are various elements of a communication cycle?
5. What are the seven elements that influence the communication skills?
6. What are the right methods of communication?
7. What is effective communication?
8. What is verbal communication and its type?
9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of verbal communication?
10. Write down the different types of verbal communication. Give an example for
each type.
11. What is public speaking?
12. What is non-verbal communication?
13. What is the importance of Non-verbal communication?
14. What is the purpose of non – verbal communication?
15. Type of non-verbal communication?
16. What is Visual Communication?
17. What is feedback in communication skills?
18. How many types of Feedback in communication skills?
19. What are the good feedbacks in communication skills?
20. What are the different ways to overcome communication barriers?

PART B: Introduction to financial markets

1. Visit various trading channels and monitor the change in opening price and closing
price of atleast 10 companies listed in National stock exchange (NSE) and Bombay
stock exchange (BSE) each. Also show the same in an A4 size sheet in attractive
2. Prepare notes for Chapter 2 Securities (already covered in class) in your notebooks.

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