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State: West Bengal Ranking
Package No : WB-01-436 0 Not included
CUCPL No : 1 Poor Standard
Road Number: T07 2 Fair Standard
Road Name: T07-JASAIKATI TO BURUJ 3 Good Standard
District: North 24 Parganas
Block: Baduria
No. Chapter Description Ranking Review
1 Introduction Name of work, its status vis-à-vis mastar plan, core network, priority, terrain, geography, climate condition, habitation served, population of the habitation(s) ----
connected (direct + indirect) served by the proposed road, land used, predominant type of agriculture
2 Planning and Basic District and Block hierarchy, through road or link road, potential for future through road, traffic destination (eg. Markets, Block center) potential development and ----
design consideration future traffic generator, constrictions on ROW (productive land, irrigation and drainage channels, power polls and utitities building and structure) obligatory points
( eg. existing bridges, ponds, etc.) existing tracks, intersection, school and Government Buildings. Consideration of alternative alignment, alignment improvement,
bye passes and preparation of design brief.
3 Topographic Survey Temporary bench mark, ceterline, cross section, digital terrain model, setting out, actual road width available. ----

4 Soil and material Borrow area, quarry charts, availabality of the local materials, subgrade testing, soil testing, test result. ----
5 Traffic Survey Different types of vehicle plying per day, network transport and traffic impacts, base year traffic data of motorised and non motorised vehicles, growth rate adopted ----
and projected traffic for the horizon year based on the design life.
6 Hydrological Survey Local drainage system for the road, catchment, identification, data required for hydraulic design cross drainage works, agriculture, irrigation crossing. ----
7 Geometric Design : Roadway width, carriageway width, shoulders, design speed, horizontal curves, vertical gradient, cross slopes etc. ----

8 Alignment Design : Horizontal profile, vertical profile, cross sections, utilities and services, intersection layouts, road safety treatments. ----

9 Pavement Design : Types of pavement, thickness design, use of local material, types of surfacing adopted, layer wise design of the pavement along with a sketch of dimension, cross ----
section indicating the pavement layer, carriage way, road way and road land width.

10 Design of Cross Type of culverts, submersible bridges, paved dips, high level structure, bridges, irrigation crossing, catchment and discharge calculation high flood level estimates ----
Drainage : and justification for selection.

11 Protective Works : Retaining walls, breast walls, check walls, stone pitching, turfing and planting. ----
12 Land Acquisition : Obtain existing village plans from the revenue authorities, determine requirement for land acquisition, prepare plans showing the land acquisition. ----

13 Utility Shifting & Detalis of execiting utilities and details of new location of utilities to be relocated the departments responsible for each utilitys. ----
relocation Detalis and location of speed breakers, line markings and edge lines, traffic advisory and warning sign, stone markers and guide posts, audit the design at the stage
14 Road Safety and ----
Traffic Management when the major conceptual and layout decisions have already being made. Ensure that safety measures are incorporated into design, especially when design is
constrained, eg. narrow carriage way sections or speed needs to be controlled.
15 Specification : Choice of technology, Specification adopted. ----
16 Environmental Reinstatement of borrow areas, erosion control, filling of ponds, vegetation and tree removal, forest areas, wildlife, antiquities, historici ----
Issues : and religious sites, environmentally sensitive areas, constniction camps, pennits and clearances required, etc.

17 Analysis of Rates . Derivation of rates for all different items making up the designed works. ----
18 Cost Estimate : Estimate of quantities for all items of work provision for contingencies, provision for quality control provision for supervision, provisro ----
for logo and other road fumrture total cost of the ro used road, bnd es and drainage, cost of land acquisition and cost per km for the same.
19 Construction Brief methodology statement descnbrng construction activities and sequence, estimated duration of activies, estimated overall time required for construction and ----
Program analysis of impact of monsoon season on constniction period.

No. Drawing Description

1 Key Map : Showing the state in relation to India, district in relation to state, and a district map showing all the blocks, with the name of each block marked. ----
2 Block Road Map : Showing the master plan and the core network and the proposed road. ----

3 Index Road Map : Showing the full road to a suitable scale, topographical features like rivers canals, streams, railway lines, villages, market centres, othe ----
road and legend. Altemative alignments, alignment improvements, bypasses.

Longitudinal Section sections 1 Drawing showing 1 km in each sheet with chainae, level infomiation, gradient details, horizontal and vertical cun/e details. Utilities an services,
intersection layouts, road safety treatments, longitudinal drainage and drainage in builtup (village) areas, Existing roa Obligatory points including existing features
and fixed obstracles (eg. bridges, ponds, temples, etc) existing tracks, intersections, schoo and govemment buildings. LARGE SCALE DRAWINGS WHERE

5 Typical Cross Drawing showing typical road cross sections, pavement details including BT and CC, hard shoulder and soft shoulder, batter slopes longitudinal drainage. Typical ----
Section: cross sections in builtup village areas and typical sections in nomial rural areas 2

6 Detailed Cross Drawing showing detailed cross section with level infomtation, centre line offset details and so on. ----
7 Cross Drainage : Drawings of culverts, submersible bndges, paved dips and high level bridges, giving general anangement drawing (GAD), structure details. ----
8 Protective Works Drawing of protective works like retaining walls, breast walls, check walls, drains. ----
9 ----
Traffic and Drawing like kilometre stones, trafiic signs, hazard signs, advisory signs, speed breakers, line marking, stone markers, guide posts ,project sign boards.
Miscellaneous :

Reviewed By
Organisation: Total Score

Instructions and Notes -

1. Complete the road details in the title block and th reviewer details in the Reviewed by block
2. Review DPR Report chapter by ¢hapier. Rank each as not included (0), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell
Review drawing section by section Rank each as not included (O), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell.
3. Review drawing section by section. Rank each as not included (0), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell
4. DPR report chapter 2, 5 & 18 and Drawing Sections 2,3,4,5,6 and 7 are critical categories and have higher weighting.
5. If mandatory information is not included (report chapter 2& 5 and drawing section 4), score is zero and DPR will not be aproved.
6. Ranking less than (1) or less than (2) for critical categories means the chapter/ drawing can not be reviewed and the DPR will not be approved.
7. The outcome for each chapter and session will be automatically displayed. If it is CHECKED (cell highlights green), the review continues.
8. All lreports chapter and drawing section must achieve CHECKED status to proceed to check the overall score.
9. If any report chapter or drawing section does not achieve CHECKED status, the DPR will not be approved and the overall score will not be checked.
10. If the total score is not greater than 70%, the DPR will not be approved.
11. If the total score is greater than 70%, the decision will automatically be APPROVED (cell highlights green).
12. Only when all review cells give result of CHECKED and APPROVED (all review cells highlighted green) will the DPR be approved for issue.
State: West Bengal Ranking
Package No : WB-01-436 0 Not included
CUCPL No : 1 Poor Standard
Road Number: T07 2 Fair Standard
Road Name: T07-JASAIKATI TO BURUJ 3 Good Standard
District: North 24 Parganas
Block: Baduria
No. Chapter Description Ranking Review
1 Introduction Name of work, its status vis-à-vis mastar plan, core network, priority, terrain, geography, climate condition, habitation served, population of the habitation(s) ----
connected (direct + indirect) served by the proposed road, land used, predominant type of agriculture
2 Planning and Basic District and Block hierarchy, through road or link road, potential for future through road, traffic destination (eg. Markets, Block center) potential development and ----
design consideration future traffic generator, constrictions on ROW (productive land, irrigation and drainage channels, power polls and utitities building and structure) obligatory points
( eg. existing bridges, ponds, etc.) existing tracks, intersection, school and Government Buildings. Consideration of alternative alignment, alignment improvement,
bye passes and preparation of design brief.
3 Topographic Survey Temporary bench mark, ceterline, cross section, digital terrain model, setting out, actual road width available. ----

4 Soil and material Borrow area, quarry charts, availabality of the local materials, subgrade testing, soil testing, test result. ----
5 Traffic Survey Different types of vehicle plying per day, network transport and traffic impacts, base year traffic data of motorised and non motorised vehicles, growth rate adopted ----
and projected traffic for the horizon year based on the design life.
6 Hydrological Survey Local drainage system for the road, catchment, identification, data required for hydraulic design cross drainage works, agriculture, irrigation crossing. ----
7 Geometric Design : Roadway width, carriageway width, shoulders, design speed, horizontal curves, vertical gradient, cross slopes etc. ----

8 Alignment Design : Horizontal profile, vertical profile, cross sections, utilities and services, intersection layouts, road safety treatments. ----

9 Pavement Design : Types of pavement, thickness design, use of local material, types of surfacing adopted, layer wise design of the pavement along with a sketch of dimension, cross ----
section indicating the pavement layer, carriage way, road way and road land width.

10 Design of Cross Type of culverts, submersible bridges, paved dips, high level structure, bridges, irrigation crossing, catchment and discharge calculation high flood level estimates ----
Drainage : and justification for selection.

11 Protective Works : Retaining walls, breast walls, check walls, stone pitching, turfing and planting. ----
12 Land Acquisition : Obtain existing village plans from the revenue authorities, determine requirement for land acquisition, prepare plans showing the land acquisition. ----

13 Utility Shifting & Detalis of execiting utilities and details of new location of utilities to be relocated the departments responsible for each utilitys. ----
relocation Detalis and location of speed breakers, line markings and edge lines, traffic advisory and warning sign, stone markers and guide posts, audit the design at the stage
14 Road Safety and ----
Traffic Management when the major conceptual and layout decisions have already being made. Ensure that safety measures are incorporated into design, especially when design is
constrained, eg. narrow carriage way sections or speed needs to be controlled.
15 Specification : Choice of technology, Specification adopted. ----
16 Environmental Reinstatement of borrow areas, erosion control, filling of ponds, vegetation and tree removal, forest areas, wildlife, antiquities, historici ----
Issues : and religious sites, environmentally sensitive areas, constniction camps, pennits and clearances required, etc.

17 Analysis of Rates . Derivation of rates for all different items making up the designed works. ----
18 Cost Estimate : Estimate of quantities for all items of work provision for contingencies, provision for quality control provision for supervision, provisro ----
for logo and other road fumrture total cost of the ro used road, bnd es and drainage, cost of land acquisition and cost per km for the same.
19 Construction Brief methodology statement descnbrng construction activities and sequence, estimated duration of activies, estimated overall time required for construction and ----
Program analysis of impact of monsoon season on constniction period.

No. Drawing Description

1 Key Map : Showing the state in relation to India, district in relation to state, and a district map showing all the blocks, with the name of each block marked. ----
2 Block Road Map : Showing the master plan and the core network and the proposed road. ----

3 Index Road Map : Showing the full road to a suitable scale, topographical features like rivers canals, streams, railway lines, villages, market centres, othe ----
road and legend. Altemative alignments, alignment improvements, bypasses.

Longitudinal Section sections 1 Drawing showing 1 km in each sheet with chainae, level infomiation, gradient details, horizontal and vertical cun/e details. Utilities an services,
intersection layouts, road safety treatments, longitudinal drainage and drainage in builtup (village) areas, Existing roa Obligatory points including existing features
and fixed obstracles (eg. bridges, ponds, temples, etc) existing tracks, intersections, schoo and govemment buildings. LARGE SCALE DRAWINGS WHERE

5 Typical Cross Drawing showing typical road cross sections, pavement details including BT and CC, hard shoulder and soft shoulder, batter slopes longitudinal drainage. Typical ----
Section: cross sections in builtup village areas and typical sections in nomial rural areas 2

6 Detailed Cross Drawing showing detailed cross section with level infomtation, centre line offset details and so on. ----
7 Cross Drainage : Drawings of culverts, submersible bndges, paved dips and high level bridges, giving general anangement drawing (GAD), structure details. ----
8 Protective Works Drawing of protective works like retaining walls, breast walls, check walls, drains. ----
9 ----
Traffic and Drawing like kilometre stones, trafiic signs, hazard signs, advisory signs, speed breakers, line marking, stone markers, guide posts ,project sign boards.
Miscellaneous :
Reviewed By
Organisation: Total Score

Instructions and Notes -

1. Complete the road details in the title block and th reviewer details in the Reviewed by block
2. Review DPR Report chapter by ¢hapier. Rank each as not included (0), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell
Review drawing section by section Rank each as not included (O), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell.
3. Review drawing section by section. Rank each as not included (0), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell
4. DPR report chapter 2, 5 & 18 and Drawing Sections 2,3,4,5,6 and 7 are critical categories and have higher weighting.
5. If mandatory information is not included (report chapter 2& 5 and drawing section 4), score is zero and DPR will not be aproved.
6. Ranking less than (1) or less than (2) for critical categories means the chapter/ drawing can not be reviewed and the DPR will not be approved.
7. The outcome for each chapter and session will be automatically displayed. If it is CHECKED (cell highlights green), the review continues.
8. All lreports chapter and drawing section must achieve CHECKED status to proceed to check the overall score.
9. If any report chapter or drawing section does not achieve CHECKED status, the DPR will not be approved and the overall score will not be checked.
10. If the total score is not greater than 70%, the DPR will not be approved.
11. If the total score is greater than 70%, the decision will automatically be APPROVED (cell highlights green).
12. Only when all review cells give result of CHECKED and APPROVED (all review cells highlighted green) will the DPR be approved for issue.
State: West Bengal Ranking
Package No : WB-01-436 0 Not included
CUCPL No : 1 Poor Standard
Road Number: T07 2 Fair Standard
Road Name: T07-JASAIKATI TO BURUJ 3 Good Standard
District: North 24 Parganas
Block: Baduria
No. Chapter Description Ranking Review
1 Introduction Name of work, its status vis-à-vis mastar plan, core network, priority, terrain, geography, climate condition, habitation served, population of the habitation(s) ----
connected (direct + indirect) served by the proposed road, land used, predominant type of agriculture
2 Planning and Basic District and Block hierarchy, through road or link road, potential for future through road, traffic destination (eg. Markets, Block center) potential development and ----
design consideration future traffic generator, constrictions on ROW (productive land, irrigation and drainage channels, power polls and utitities building and structure) obligatory points
( eg. existing bridges, ponds, etc.) existing tracks, intersection, school and Government Buildings. Consideration of alternative alignment, alignment improvement,
bye passes and preparation of design brief.
3 Topographic Survey Temporary bench mark, ceterline, cross section, digital terrain model, setting out, actual road width available. ----

4 Soil and material Borrow area, quarry charts, availabality of the local materials, subgrade testing, soil testing, test result. ----
5 Traffic Survey Different types of vehicle plying per day, network transport and traffic impacts, base year traffic data of motorised and non motorised vehicles, growth rate adopted ----
and projected traffic for the horizon year based on the design life.
6 Hydrological Survey Local drainage system for the road, catchment, identification, data required for hydraulic design cross drainage works, agriculture, irrigation crossing. ----
7 Geometric Design : Roadway width, carriageway width, shoulders, design speed, horizontal curves, vertical gradient, cross slopes etc. ----

8 Alignment Design : Horizontal profile, vertical profile, cross sections, utilities and services, intersection layouts, road safety treatments. ----

9 Pavement Design : Types of pavement, thickness design, use of local material, types of surfacing adopted, layer wise design of the pavement along with a sketch of dimension, cross ----
section indicating the pavement layer, carriage way, road way and road land width.

10 Design of Cross Type of culverts, submersible bridges, paved dips, high level structure, bridges, irrigation crossing, catchment and discharge calculation high flood level estimates ----
Drainage : and justification for selection.

11 Protective Works : Retaining walls, breast walls, check walls, stone pitching, turfing and planting. ----
12 Land Acquisition : Obtain existing village plans from the revenue authorities, determine requirement for land acquisition, prepare plans showing the land acquisition. ----

13 Utility Shifting & Detalis of execiting utilities and details of new location of utilities to be relocated the departments responsible for each utilitys. ----
relocation Detalis and location of speed breakers, line markings and edge lines, traffic advisory and warning sign, stone markers and guide posts, audit the design at the stage
14 Road Safety and ----
Traffic Management when the major conceptual and layout decisions have already being made. Ensure that safety measures are incorporated into design, especially when design is
constrained, eg. narrow carriage way sections or speed needs to be controlled.
15 Specification : Choice of technology, Specification adopted. ----
16 Environmental Reinstatement of borrow areas, erosion control, filling of ponds, vegetation and tree removal, forest areas, wildlife, antiquities, historici ----
Issues : and religious sites, environmentally sensitive areas, constniction camps, pennits and clearances required, etc.

17 Analysis of Rates . Derivation of rates for all different items making up the designed works. ----
18 Cost Estimate : Estimate of quantities for all items of work provision for contingencies, provision for quality control provision for supervision, provisro ----
for logo and other road fumrture total cost of the ro used road, bnd es and drainage, cost of land acquisition and cost per km for the same.
19 Construction Brief methodology statement descnbrng construction activities and sequence, estimated duration of activies, estimated overall time required for construction and ----
Program analysis of impact of monsoon season on constniction period.

No. Drawing Description

1 Key Map : Showing the state in relation to India, district in relation to state, and a district map showing all the blocks, with the name of each block marked. ----
2 Block Road Map : Showing the master plan and the core network and the proposed road. ----

3 Index Road Map : Showing the full road to a suitable scale, topographical features like rivers canals, streams, railway lines, villages, market centres, othe ----
road and legend. Altemative alignments, alignment improvements, bypasses.

Longitudinal Section sections 1 Drawing showing 1 km in each sheet with chainae, level infomiation, gradient details, horizontal and vertical cun/e details. Utilities an services,
intersection layouts, road safety treatments, longitudinal drainage and drainage in builtup (village) areas, Existing roa Obligatory points including existing features
and fixed obstracles (eg. bridges, ponds, temples, etc) existing tracks, intersections, schoo and govemment buildings. LARGE SCALE DRAWINGS WHERE

5 Typical Cross Drawing showing typical road cross sections, pavement details including BT and CC, hard shoulder and soft shoulder, batter slopes longitudinal drainage. Typical ----
Section: cross sections in builtup village areas and typical sections in nomial rural areas 2

6 Detailed Cross Drawing showing detailed cross section with level infomtation, centre line offset details and so on. ----
7 Cross Drainage : Drawings of culverts, submersible bndges, paved dips and high level bridges, giving general anangement drawing (GAD), structure details. ----
8 Protective Works Drawing of protective works like retaining walls, breast walls, check walls, drains. ----
9 ----
Traffic and Drawing like kilometre stones, trafiic signs, hazard signs, advisory signs, speed breakers, line marking, stone markers, guide posts ,project sign boards.
Miscellaneous :

Reviewed By
Organisation: Total Score

Instructions and Notes -

1. Complete the road details in the title block and th reviewer details in the Reviewed by block
2. Review DPR Report chapter by ¢hapier. Rank each as not included (0), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell
Review drawing section by section Rank each as not included (O), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell.
3. Review drawing section by section. Rank each as not included (0), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell
4. DPR report chapter 2, 5 & 18 and Drawing Sections 2,3,4,5,6 and 7 are critical categories and have higher weighting.
5. If mandatory information is not included (report chapter 2& 5 and drawing section 4), score is zero and DPR will not be aproved.
6. Ranking less than (1) or less than (2) for critical categories means the chapter/ drawing can not be reviewed and the DPR will not be approved.
7. The outcome for each chapter and session will be automatically displayed. If it is CHECKED (cell highlights green), the review continues.
8. All lreports chapter and drawing section must achieve CHECKED status to proceed to check the overall score.
9. If any report chapter or drawing section does not achieve CHECKED status, the DPR will not be approved and the overall score will not be checked.
10. If the total score is not greater than 70%, the DPR will not be approved.
11. If the total score is greater than 70%, the decision will automatically be APPROVED (cell highlights green).
12. Only when all review cells give result of CHECKED and APPROVED (all review cells highlighted green) will the DPR be approved for issue.
Pakage No. : WB-01-436 Name of District : : North 24 Parganas Name of State : : West Bengal

Name of the Road Type of Proposed Length (km) Total Estimated Cost (Rs.) Average Cost per Km (Rs.)
Cost of
Sl. Name of proposa Cost of CD Others
No. the Block l* N/U TOTA works (Rs.) (Rs.)
From To BT CC (Rs. In Lakh) Construction Maintenance Construction Maintenance

1 Baduria JASAIKATI BURUJ U 3.026 0.354 3.380 20791224.88 479,317.48 2986470.23 24,257,012.59 2361637.36 7176630.94 698709.28

*After 5 yeas Maintenance, Cost of Renewal Coat (in Rs.) = 4204402.98 DPR Cost ( Rs.) 119652.00

**After 5 years Periodic Maintenance Cost (in Rs.) = 2408870.11

Signature: Signature:

By :-

Name: Name:


scrutiny done


Name: Signature:



Proforma C (2021)- Part-1
( For Indvidual Road Works )
Final Proposal Details (To be filled by PIU & Verified by STA)

1. Location State: West Bengal District : North 24 Parganas Block: Baduria

2. Package Number WB-01-436

3. Name of the Road (as per

4. Planning (Check from CUCPL and GeoSadak)

a Is the road a part of DRRP and Approved CUCPL (Mark ✔as appropriate) Yes ✔ No

b Is the road proposal uploaded on GeoSadak (Mark ✔as appropriate) Yes ✔ No

Screenshot of the proposed alignment from the GeoSadak to be attached with the DPR

c Indicate coordinates of Starting and Ending point of the Proposed Road Starting Point Ending Point

Latitude 22°45'49.61"N 22°46'26.85"N

Longitude 88°46'39.02"E 88°47'57.09"E

d Details regarding the components of the candidate road?

Component Roads DRRP Road Number Road Name Trace Map Rank PCI DRRP Length considered (km)

Component Road 1 Basirhat PWD Road to Choudhurypara Via Jasaikathi Haldarpara (1824233) 13 1.7 3.368
Component Road 2 Keotsa Bazer To Jashaikati Halder Para (1528763) 26 3.24 4.221

Component Road 3 `

Total 7.589

e Through Route/ MRL Number T- 7 OR MRL-

f Name of benefited habitations (benefited habitation report generated from OMMAS to be attached with the DPR)

Sl. No. Name of Habitation Population Sl. No. Name of Habitation Population Sl. No. Name of Habitation Population

1 Jasaikati Halderpara 1,199 22 Uttar Simla Durgapur 1,676

2 0 0

3 Buruj 1,425

4 Narkelberia 1,478

5 Jashaikhati Dakshin 2,480

6 Choudhurypara 1,351

7 Narayanpur 2,031

8 Noapara 2,357

9 Purba Simla Durgapur 1,756

10 Jasaikhati Uttar 2,287

11 Gurdaha 3,841

12 Kalinga 2,578

13 Kankrasuti Paschim 1,774

14 Masia 2,971

15 Narayanpur Dakshin 2,085

16 Naturia 3,763
17 Naturia Srirampur 1,489

18 Padmapukur 882

19 Sannya 1,928

20 Simla Durgapur Dakshin 2,492

21 Sompur 1,202

Total 43,045

g Names of facilities along the Candidate road (For PMGSY-III facilities, report generated from OMMAS to be attached with the DPR)

Name of Facilities Name of Facilities

Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Name of the other Facilities
(as per PMGSY-III Objectives) (as per PMGSY-III Objectives)

1 rudrapur high school 6 bagan atghara market 16 CHALITABERIA BUS STAND


2 masia gofur sawmill 7 baduria bus stand 17 BARUY MADHAMIK SIKSHA

3 jashaikhati high school 8 atghara hat 18 BHEBIA GRAM PANCHAYAT

4 jashaikhati bedepota rural market 19

jashaikhati atghara panchayet

5 20

h Utility value 57.72

i CUCPL Rank 13

j Whether the proposed road leads to (Mark ✔as appropriate) MDR SH ✔ NH

k Average PCI of the road to which proposed TR or MRL will be connected

l Average PCI value of proposed road 1.7

If PCI of MDR / SH / NH is 3 or below , whether the State is undertaking for upgrading it from Yes No ✔
State fund available (Mark ✔as appropriate)
5. Eligible CUCPL length (km) - 3.368

6. Total Proposed Length (km) - 3.380 In Built up area (km) - 1.352 In Open Area (km) - 2.028

7. Is there any variation between eligible CUCPL length and Proposed length (Mark ✔as appropriate) Yes ✔ No

If Yes, Reason for variation to be mentioned

As per Survey length

8. Existing status of proposed road (PMGSY/ Non-PMGSY Portion)

Corresponding Corresponding Design Traffic

Chainage Length (km) Year of Construction*
existing PCU/day Category

PMGSY Portion
Non-PMGSY Portion 0+000 to 3+740 3.38 T6
Note : *Actual date of completion of previous construction/ upgradation.

9. Existing Surface Status of proposed road

Existing Surface Status

Track/ Earthen Gravel/ Moorum WBM Brick Soling Bituminous Wearing Course CC

Length Length Length

Chainage Chainage Length (km) Chainage Length (km) Chainage Chainage Length (km) Chainage
(km) (km) (km)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1074 1.074 1074-2104 1.03

2104-3740 1.636

Total 0 Total 0 Total 0 Total 0 Total 2.71 Total 1.03

10. Type of proposal

Chainage Length (km)

Riding Quality Improvement (RQI)

Upgradation without widening 000 to 1074, 2104 to 3740 2.71

Upgradation with widening

New Construction (From existing non-BT portion)

11. Type of Pavement Proposed

Chainage Length (km)

Rigid From 1+074 To 2+104 1.03

From 0+000 To 1+074 1.074

From 2+104 To 3+740 1.636

12. Whether the Proposed Road has the desired Road Land Width (RLW ) to accommodate Yes No
a. required carriageway/ roadway (Mark ✔as appropriate)

If No, what measure has been taken in DPR chainage wise Chainage
Measures taken
From To

Existing Widths (m) Proposed Widths (m)

b Indicate the widths of the following for the proposed road
In the Built Up Area In the Open Area In the Built Up Area In the Open Area
i) Carriageway 3 0.75 3.75 3.75
ii) Roadway 6 1.5 7.5 7.5
iii) Road Land Width 7.5 2.5 10 10

13. INDEX MAP (not to scale ) : To be attached saperately

Enroute Habitations Name / Chainage

H1/F1 H2/F2 H3/F3

H- Habitation
F-Facilities name


14. Traffic Data

Month & Year of Traffic Volume Count =
Motorised Traffic Non Motorised Traffic
Trucks Agricultural Tractors Trallers Buses Animal Drawn Vechicle
Days Cars, Jeep, Light
Motorised two Cycle
Vans, Three Commerci Cycles
Wheelers Over Rickshawa Num.
Wheelers al Vehicle Loaded Unloaded Over loaded Loaded Unloaded Loaded Unloaded Over loaded SWC
loaded Tyred

Day 1 287 14 4 24 10 34 11 21 32 0 0 0 414 413 0 -

Day 2 279 13 10 7 11 18 17 17 34 0 0 0 186 240 0 -
Day 3 211 19 4 8 8 16 14 14 28 0 0 0 24 416 0 -
Day 4
Day 6
Day 7
Average 259 15 6 13 10 23 14 17 31 0 0 0 208 356 0 -
3 days traffic count is required in case design is done using IRC SP:72-2015 and 7 day count required in case design is done with IRC 37:2018
a Traffic Details in case design is done as per SP IRC 72:2015
ADT in the year of Traffic Count = 1167

Growth rate adopted (%) = 6 Base Year Traffic AADT (T) = 1455
Design Life (Years) = 10

Number of Harvesting Seasons = 2

No. of Days in Each Harvesting Season (t) = 75 Cumulative ESAL = = 386371

Value of (n) assumed = Traffic Category = T6

b Traffic Details in case design is done as per IRC 37-2018

A= Intitial traffic in the year of completion of construction in terms of the number of commericial vehicles per day

D= Lane distribution factor

F= Vehicle damage factor

n= Design life in years

r= growth rate adopted %

N= The cumulative number of standard axles to be catered for the design in terms of msa
Projected Commercial Vehicle Per Day

c Projected Passenger Car Unit (PCU/day) 1898

15. Design Subgrade CBR ( for Different Sections atleast one Test/km ) =

Chainage-wise 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-8.750 9-9.299 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14

Subgrade CBR % 5.43 5.17 5.30 5.70

16. Relavant Method & Codes used for Pavement Design

a Method Used for Designing of Pavement ((Mark ✔as appropriate) Conventional New Technology ✔

If New Technology is used, indicate the name (Please indicate New Technology used in
b Subgrade, Sub-Base, Base, Surface Course layer separately) 75 mm GSB-III (widening), 150 mm GSB-III, 75 mm WBM-II, 75 mm WBM-III, 25 mm MSS with Waste
Plastic Chainage (0-1.900,2.255-2.495) Km And 225 mm GSB-III, 75 mm WBM-II, 75 mm WBM-III, 25 mm
MSS with Waste Plastic Chainage (2.495-3.026, 1.950-2.255 Km & 75 mm Brick Soling (widening), 100
mm DLC (widening), 100 mm Panelled Cement Concrete Chainage (3.026-3.380) Km

c Code used for designing Flexible pavement (Mark ✔as appropriate) IRC:SP:72-2015 ✔ IRC:37-2018

d Code used for designing Rigid Pavement (Mark ✔as appropriate) IRC:SP:62-2014 ✔ IRC:58-2011

e Any other Codes used for New Technology/ Other, please indicate

17. Existing and Proposed Pavement Cross Section drawing & details both for flexible and rigid (Separately Chainage-wise)

i) Cross Section of the Existing road showing different component layers. Cross Section of the Proposed road showing different component layers.

Chainage From 0 To 1950

From 2255 To 2495

(Drawing should be as per Existing Pavement) (Drawing should be as per actual provisions made in DPR) Thickness
Pavement Layer Thickness (mm) Pavement Layer
MSS with Waste
OGPC 20 25

WBM 75 WBM- III 75

GSB 75 WBM- II 75

GSB -II 75

GSB -II 75

GSB-II (widening) 75

ii) Cross Section of the Existing road showing different component layers. Cross Section of the Proposed road showing different component layers.

Chainage From 2495 To 3026

(Drawing should be as per Existing Pavement) (Drawing should be as per actual provisions made in DPR) Thickness
Pavement Layer Thickness (mm) Pavement Layer

MSS with Waste

Brick Soling 75


WBM- II 75

GSB -II 75

GSB -II 75

GSB -II 75

iii) Cross Section of the Existing road showing different component layers. Cross Section of the Proposed road showing different component layers.

Chainage From 1950.00 To 2255.00

(Drawing should be as per Existing Pavement) (Drawing should be as per actual provisions made in DPR) Thickness
Pavement Layer Thickness (mm) Pavement Layer


iv) Cross Section of the Existing road showing different component layers. Cross Section of the Proposed road showing different component layers.

Chainage From 3026 To 3380

(Drawing should be as per Existing Pavement) (Drawing should be as per actual provisions made in DPR) Thickness
Pavement Layer Thickness (mm) Pavement Layer
100 Cement 100
75 DLC (widening) 100

Brick Soling

Separate cross section drawings along with tabular details of the pavement layers should be repeated (chainage wise) for each type of cross section encountered.

18. Sources and the Lead distances of Materials are as under (Lead to be measured from the mid-point of the proposed road)

Sl. No. Material Source Lead Distance (km) Sl. No. Material Source Lead Distance (km)

1 Earth for embankment construction 6 M-Sand

2 Murrum/ Carted soil (Subgrade) 7 Cement BASIRHAT 17

3 Murrum/ Gravel for shoulder (Subgrade) 8 Emulsion DHULOGORI 82

4 Aggregate BARASAT 41 9 Bitumen HALDIA 175

5 Hume Pipe MADHYAMGRAM 44 10 Steel BASIRHAT 17

19. Cost Details of proposal (Please fill all the entries or write "NA" wherever applicable )
a Pavement Components
Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in
Description of layer Quantity Unit Rate in Rs. Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs

Flexible pavement

Preparatory & Earthwork

i Clearing & scarifying Sqm 280430.88 50477.56 0.601 0.83

ii Earth Work - in Excavation/ Cutting Cum 35046.00 6308.28 0.075 0.104
iii Earthwork- in Filling (Embankment) 8450.000 Cum 1673438.00 301218.84 3.585 4.951
Subgrade (if provided seperately)
a. Subgrade (Using local Soil) Cum 0
b. Subgrade (Carted Soil) Cum 0
c. Treated Subgrade (Stabilized Subgrade) Cum 0
a. Earthen Shoulder Cum 0
b. Gravel Shoulder Cum 0
c. GSB Quality Shoulder 604.240 Cum 1593.98 867925.30 156226.55 1.859 2.568
Sub-Base Course
vi Granular Sub base (Grade-III) 2147.784 Cum 2277.62 4891835.79 880530.44 10.478 14.473
vii Soil + Aggregate Mix Cum 0
viii Stabilised sub base Cum 0
Base Course
ix WBM Gr -II 866.707 Cum 2484259.52 447166.71 5.321 7.35
x WBM Gr -III 866.707 Cum 3509.23 3041474.21 547465.36 6.515 8.998
xi WMM Cum 0
xii Stabilised base Cum 0
Bituminous Course
xiii Prime Coat 11574.450 Sqm 35.86 415059.78 74710.76 0.889 1.228
xiv Tack Coat 11574.450 Sqm 10.19 117944.00 21229.92 0.253 0.349
xv Binder Course (BM/ DBM ) Indicate Type Cum 0

Surface Course 25 mm Mix Seal

Surfacing using Waste Plastic
Indicate Type 11574.450 Sqm/ Cum 193.65 2241392.24 403450.6 4.801 6.631

xvii Seal Coat Sqm 0

Surface Course with Surface Dressing
a. Single Coat Surface Dressing Sqm 0
b. Double Coat Surface Dressing (with
Indicate Type Sqm 0
or without Pre-Coating indicate)

Total cost of Flexible pavement (a) 16048805.72 2888785.03 34.377 47.482

Cement Concrete Road

xix GSB Brick Flat Soling 270.810 Sqm 326.72 88479.04 15926.23 0.19 0.262

xx WBM/ WMM Cum 0

xxi Concrete for Pavement (M30) on existing CC Pavement Cum 0

Concrete for Pavement (M30) for newly proposed CC
xxii Cum 0
Pavement portion
xxiii ICBP Sqm 0

xxiv Hard Shoulder Dry lean concrete( DLC) 70.800 Cum 3942.40 279121.92 50241.95 0.598 0.826

xxv Dry lean concrete( DLC) 37.701 Cum 3942.40 148632.42 26753.84 0.318 0.44

xxvi Panelled Cement Concrete Pavement 135.405 Cum 6695.31 906578.45 163184.12 1.942 2.682
Total cost of Concrete Pavement (b) 1422811.83 256106.13 3.05 4.21
Total cost of Pavement (a + b) 17471617.55 3144891.16 37.42 51.69
Cost deduction due to higher specification in pavement design**

Final Pavement Cost after deduction

Note : ** The details of Higher Specification considered in pavement design over & above admissible guidelines need to be provided under 19 (g) and detailed calculation of the same to be attached with the DPR separately.

b Cross Drainage (CD) Works

i Existing CD (requiring repair)

Type of CD Location/ Chainage Number Total Length of CDs Amount in Lakhs

ii Existing CD (requiring replacement)

Type of Existing
Type of Proposed CD Location/ Chainage Number Total Length of CDs Amount in Lakhs
1 1.50 0+629 1 7.5
0.60 1.50 3+288 1 7.5

iii New proposed CD

Type of CD Location/ Chainage Number Total Length of CDs Amount in Lakhs

0.5 m Slab culvert 4 4.80 3.58

1.5 m Slab culvert 0 0.00 0.00
0.3 m ACP 3 30.00 0.45
Note: Similar type of CDs may be grouped together for each category
Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in
Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs

Total Cost of CD works 402787.80 72501.8 0.863 1.192

c Protection works Chainage (Expand as applicable)

From To Length( m) Amount in Lakhs Average cost/ m in Lakhs

i 280 1016229.20 0.036

Retaining wall / U.C. Pilling
i 14675.00
Breast wall / Bamboo. Pilling

Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in

Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs

Total cost of Protection works 1030904.20 185562.76 2.208 3.05

d Side Drains (if Provided) Chainage (Expand as applicable)

From To Length( m) Amount in Lakhs Average cost / m in Lakhs

(Indicate Type) i 60 217301.54 0.036
Pucca Drain (U/ V/ Trapezoidal/ etc)
Earthen/ Kacha Drain i

Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in

Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs
Total cost of Side Drains works 217301.54 39114.28 0.465 0.643

e Road Logo, other Road Furniture including Road safety signs (Expand as applicable)
Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in
Sl. No. Type of Road Furniture Chainage Number Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs
i Details of Road Furniture 114361.16 20585.01 0.245 0.338



Total cost of Road Furniture 114361.16 20585.01 0.245 0.338

f Any other Provisions

Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in
Sl. No. Items (Please Specify) Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs

Total cost of Other Provisions 0 0 0

g Other Items under Higher Specifications (Additional Cost to be borne by the State, apart from those under 19(a) to 19(f))
Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in
Sl. No. Items Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs
i Land Acquisition

ii Shifting of Utilities

iii Plantation

Any other (Please specify)

a DPR Cost 101400.00 18252.00 0.217 0.300

b Road Safety 1046524.05 188374.33 2.242 3.096

Total cost of Higher Specification 1147924.05 206626.33 2.066 3.396

Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in

h Total Construction Cost - Sum of 19 (a) to 19 (g) Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs

Total Construction Cost of the Project 24257012.6 4366262.27 43.663 71.766

20. Five Year Routine Maintenance

To be estimated as per provision of Operation Manual % of Total
Year Cost (I/C GST) in Lakhs Cost /km in Lakhs
construction cost
I 0.79 0.33 0.23

II 2.72 1.12 0.80

III 5.24 2.16 1.55

IV 6.16 2.54 1.82

V 8.71 3.59 2.58

Renewal coat after 5 years 42.04 17.33 12.44

Total Maintenance Cost 65.66 27.07 19.43

Maintenance after 6th years renewal coat I 0.81 0.33 0.24

II 2.77 1.14 0.82

III 5.34 2.20 1.58

IV 6.28 2.59 1.86

V 8.88 3.66 2.63

Total Maintenance Cost 24.08 9.93 7.12

Grand Total of maintenance 89.74 37.00 26.55

21.Does the Estimation Conform to Standard Rate Analysis and SSR generated for the current Phase (Mark ✔as
Vetted at NRIDA Year of SoR
Yes No

22. Final Project Cost Abstract :

Cost sharing pattern between MoRD and State (Mark ✔as appropriate) General Area (60:40) Special Area (90:10)

Total Cost (I/C GST) Average Cost/ km (I/C GST) in

Item as per Entry 19 above Total Cost in Lakhs GST in Lakhs MoRD Share in Lakhs State Share in Lakhs
in Lakhs Lakhs

19(a) Pavement 174.716 31.449 207.912 122.035 81.357 9.304

19(b) CD Structures 4.028 0.725 4.793 2.813 1.876 0.215

19(c) Protection Works 10.309 1.856 12.268 7.201 4.801 0.549

19(d) Drains 2.173 0.391 2.586 1.518 1.012 0.116

19(e) Road Furniture 1.144 0.206 1.361 0.799 0.533 0.061

19(f) Other Provisions 11.479 2.066 13.650 8.012 5.341 0.611

19(g) Higher Specifications Not Applicable 5.248

Total Project Construction Cost (Excluding

203.85 36.693 242.570 142.378 100.168 10.856
Maintenance Cost)
Proforma C (2021)- Part-2
CHECKLIST FOR PIU (To be filled handwritten by PIU Head)
Sl To be filled by wherever
No PIU (Yes/No) applicable (Page
no. in the DPR)
Whether the transect walk photographs, Minutes of Transect walk, Grama Sabha
approval attached with the DPR ?
Whether the benefited habitations and PMGSY-III facility report generated from
OMMAS attached with the DPR ?
Whether the proposal uploaded on GeoSadak and screenshot of the proposed
alignment is attached with the DPR ?
Whether clear coloured & geotagged photographs at 100m interval depicting road
pavement condition are attached ?
Is the PCI value (as in CUCPL) for the proposed road is in corroboration with
photographs attached? (Approved CUCPL to be attached in DPR)
6 Is the road eligible for upgradation based on PCI value ?
7 Is any portion/ road proposed under Riding Quality Improvement (RQI) ?
Is any portion of the road is within design life period of 10 years or PCI more than

8 If yes, whether the additional cost for such portion of length uploaded under
Higher Specification Cost on OMMAS?

b If not, whether detailed reasons indicated in the DPR?

Whether required roadway land width of 9 m and 7.50 m for 5.50 m and 3.75 m
carriageway width respectively available througout or as per codal provision
depending upon terrain ?
9 If no, whether chainage wise details of available land width is attached with
the DPR?
b If no, whether land acquisition proposed for obtaining required land width?

Whether the road has Geometrics as per Rural Roads Manual (RRM) / Latest
Circulars of NRIDA?
Whether the radius of the curves provided are adequate as per codal provisions
for design speed on rural roads?
If not, whether precautions have been taken and included in the DPR?

12 Is Road Plan, L & X section and Junction design drawings attached ?

Whether soil test report showing (a) Gradation (b) Plasticity limits (LL, PL & PI) (c)
13 Standard Proctor Compaction (MDD & OMC) (d) CBR tests on existing subgrade
soil is attached ?
Whether stabilisation of subgrade proposed in case subgrade CBR is less than 5%
for pavement in widening portion or for new pavement construction?

If stabilisation of subgrade is proposed, whether the test report of stabilised

15 subgrade for determining 'Optimum stabiliser content' and 'subgrade strength
achieved after stabilisation' is attached ?

Whether any carted soil is proposed for improvement of sub grade/ shoulder?
If yes, whether test results of carted soil is attached with the DPR?

17 Whether the test results of GSB material is attached with the DPR?

18 Whether 3 days/ 7 days traffic survey details attached with the DPR?
Whether 3rd party Traffic verification using ATCC is carried out for more than 1
19 MSA traffic as per guidelines/ as per latest circular and reports attached with the
Whether Axle load Surveys carried out for more than 1 MSA traffic and reports
attached with the DPR?
Is the carriageway width (single lane or intermediate lane) of the proposed road is
as per PCU/day consideration? (Refer to IRC 64:1990)

Whether existing road pavement has been divided into different sections (chainage
starting from and chainage up to) depending upon extent of distress for
22 strengthening/ rehabilitation of the proposed road section-wise?

If not, whether detailed reasons indicated in the DPR ?

Is the Pavement design done as per latest version of IRC Code? IRC SP:72-2015
and IRC SP:62-2014 or IRC 37-2018 and IRC 58-2011
Whether earth obtained from cutting section has been propsed for using in filling
section? (Cutting from High embankment, side drains, protection work, CD work,
24 etc.)
If not, whether detailed reasons indicated in the DPR ?
Whether hard rock or ordinary rock classification and quantity of hard rock or
ordinary rock cutting proposed are justified based on previous experiences and
25 rock outcrops seen in that area?

If yes, whether due credit given to hard rock ?

Whether the km wise existing pavement crust details (pavement layer details and
their thickness, year of construction) are properly filled in Part-1 of Proforma C ?
Whether the proper weightage is given for the existing crust thickness while
designing overlay thickness?
Whether overlay thickness is as per Clause 2.2.3 of IRC SP: 72-2015 based on
traffic category ?
Whether the Binder Course/ Surfacing Course has been proposed as per IRC
29 SP:72 - 2015 or IRC 37-2018 ?
If not, whether detailed reasons indicated in the DPR ?

30 Is Location of CDs, drains and Protections marked in L and X section drawings?

Whether length of existing/ proposed CDs/ Bridges deducted from pavement

quantity calculation?
Whether the clear coloured photographs at the location of existing and Proposed
CD structures, and protection structures are attached ?
33 Whether hydraulic calculation for each CD structures attached?
34 Whether latest rainfall data used for the design ?
Is the provision of CD structures and design is as per site requirement and as per
relevant IRC codes?
In case of CD structures which have been proposed for replacement, whether you
36 have ensured that such CDs are beyond repair and hence they need to be
Is the provision of Protection work and design is as per site requirement and as
per relevant IRC codes?
38 Whether drainage plan attached with the DPR?

39 Whether Road Safety Audit (RSA) report attached and uploaded on OMMAS ?
Is the provision of road safety furniture proposed as per RSA and site
Is the road safety furniture items (Retroreflective road signs, thermoplastic
reflective paint for road markings, Advance warning signs, Traffic calming
measures, Crash barriers, hazard markers and parapets on bridges, etc.)
proposed in DPR marked in the road plan
Whether any New technology has been proposed ?
If yes, whether the site jointly inspected by PIU, DPR consultant (technology
a provider) and STA regarding selection of technology ? If yes, date on which Date:
site inspection was made.
If proposed, whether the requisite test results and other data is attached with
the DPR ?
Whether the comparative statement using conventional method and new
technology is attached with the DPR ?
Whether the details of Higher Specification considered over & above admissible
43 guidelines added under 19 (g) of Proforma C (Part-1) and detailed calculation of
the same attached with the DPR ?
Whether the cost considered under 19 (g) of Proforma C (Part-1) uploaded under
"Higher Specification" cost on OMMAS?
Whether Format F-9A and F-9B duly signed by Head of PIU are attached with the
Whether the head of PIU inspected the site? If yes, date on which site inspection
46 Date:
was made
If yes, are you satisfied with the provisions made in the DPR as per site
requirement and duly following guidelines/ IRC Codes ?
Total cost of construction after scrutiny by PIU/Circle-Office and before scrutiny at
STA (I/C of GST) in Lakhs

Total Average cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 10.856

a Average Pavement cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 9.304

b Average CD Structures cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 0.215

c Average Other cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 1.337

Describe how the proposal meets PMGSY-III objectives (Maximum 100 words)

Signature of PIU Head




Note: Part-2 of Proforma C to be filled personally by concerned PIU Head

Proforma C (2021)- Part-3
CHECKLIST FOR STA (To be filled handwritten by STA)
Name of the STA:
Sl To be filled by wherever
No STA (Yes/No) applicable (Page
no. in the DPR)
Is the Part -I and Part-2 of Proforma C completely filled with signature? (Scrutiny
by STA should only be done after it is completely filled and duly signed by the PIU
1 officials)
If "Yes"- are you satisfied with overall entries made by PIU?
Whether clear coloured & geotagged photographs at 100m interval depicting road
pavement condition are attached ?
Have you satisfied yourself that the proposed road is part of Candidate roads and
approved CUCPL ? (Approved CUCPL to be attached in DPR)
Whether the benefited habitations and PMGSY-III facility report generated from
OMMAS attached with the DPR ?
Whether the screenshot of the proposed alignment is attached with the DPR and
have you verified the alignment from the GeoSadak ?
5 If yes, are you satisfied with the proposed alignment as Through Route/ Major
Rural Link providing access to facilities viz. Education/ Hospitals/ Markets etc. to
rural population as per the objectives of PMGSY-III?
6 Is the road eligible for upgradation based on PCI value ?
Is the PCI value (as in CUCPL) for the proposed road is in corroboration with
photographs attached?
Is any portion/ road proposed under Riding Quality Improvement (RQI) ?
8 If yes, whether only wearing coat (OGPC and Seal Coat, SDBC, Surface dressing
or BC) with some patch filling work proposed?
Have you verified the Format F-9A and F-9B duly signed by Head of PIU are
attached with the DPR ?
Is any discrepancies/ abnormalities found in the soil test reports attached with the
DPR? (if yes, STA can re-verify again from the STA laboratory). Are all the four
requisite test results on subgrade soil (Gradation, plasticity limits, compaction and
CBR) reported in DPR?
Whether stabilisation of subgrade proposed in case subgrade CBR is less than 5%
for pavement widening portion or for new pavement construction?
Are you satisfied with the type of stabilization proposed and its test results
attached with the DPR ?

If stabilization is not proposed for the subgrade CBR less than 5, are you satisfied
with the reasons provided by the PIU ?

14 Whether 3 days/ 7 days traffic survey details attached with the DPR ?
Have you analysed the ATCC report and Axle load test data and yourself satisfied
15 with the design traffic recommended for the projected traffic more than 1 MSA as
per guidelines/ as per latest circular?
Whether existing road pavement has been divided into different sections (chainage
starting from and chainage up to) depending upon extent of distress for
16 strengthening/ rehabilitation of the proposed road section-wise?

If not, are you satisfied detailed reasons indicated in the DPR?

Whether the km wise existing crust details (layer thickness) properly entered in
Part-1 of Proforma C?
Whether the proper weightage is given for the existing crust thickness during
overlay design?
Whether overlay thickness is as per Clause 2.2.3 of IRC SP: 72-2015 based on
traffic category?
If bituminous macadam usage is proposed, whether the design traffic is of T9
category as per IRC SP:72 - 2015.

21 Is hard shoulder proposed is as per IRC SP:72:2015 ?

Whether the road has Geometrics as per Rural Roads Manual (RRM) / Latest
Circulars of NRIDA?
Whether the radius of the curves provided are adequate for design speed on rural
23 roads?
If not, are you satisfied with the precautions taken and included in the DPR?
24 Is L and X section drawings, Junction design drawings attached ?

25 Is location of CDs, drains and Protections marked in L and X section drawings ?

Are you satisfied with the location and type of CDs proposed as per photographs
and Hydraulic calculations ?
Are you satisfied with the location and type of Protection work proposed as per
photographs and site requirement?
28 Whether Road Safety Audit Report attached and uploaded on OMMAS ?

29 Whether the road safety provisions in the DPR are as per RSA report?

Have you verified and satisfied yourself regarding the provisions in the DPR such
30 as junction improvements, requirement of major CDs structures, pucca drains in
habitation area, etc. from the satellite imagery of the proposal in GeoSadak?

Whether any New technology has been proposed ?

If yes, whether the site jointly inspected by PIU, DPR consultant (technology
provider) and STA regarding selection of new technology ?
If proposed, whether the requisite test results and other data is attached with
31 b
the DPR ?
Whether the requisite pavement design based on Mix design/ test results
attached in the DPR?
Whether the comparative statement using conventional method and new
technology is attached with the DPR ?
Whether the details of Higher Specification considered over & above admissible
32 guidelines added under 19 (g) of Proforma C (Part-1) and detailed calculation of
the same attached with the DPR ?
Whether the cost considered under 19 (g) of Proforma C (Part-1) uploaded under
"Higher Specification" cost on OMMAS?
Are you satisfied with the provisions made in the DPR as per site reqirements and
duly following guidelines/ IRC Codes ?
Is the Part-1 of Proforma C- "Final Proposal Details" properly/ completely filled with
signatures after scrutiny at STA?
Total cost of construction after scrutiny by STA (Should match with Total Cost at
Part-1 (I/C of GST)) in Lakhs

Total Average cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 10.856

a Average Pavement cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 9.304

b Average CD Structures cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 0.215

c Average Other cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 1.337

District: North 24 Parganas
Block: Baduria
Length (km): 3.38km.
Package No.: WB-01-436
A. PAVEMENT WORKS 17471617.55
E. DRAINAGE 217301.54
Cost of Construction (excluding GST & Cess) = 20283496.30
Cost of GST & Cess = 3853864.30
Cost of Construction (including GST & Cess) = 24137360.60
DPR cost 101400.00
DPR cost (including GST) 119652.00
1st Year Routine Maintenance 66715.46
2nd Year Routine Maintenance 228351.52
3rd Year Routine Maintenance 440425.86
4th Year Routine Maintenance 517499.09
5th Year Routine Maintenance 731577.28
Cost of Routine Maintenance (excuding GST & Cess)= 1984569.21
Cost of GST & Cess = 377068.15
Cost of Routine Maintenance (including GST & Cess) = 2361637.36
H. Cost of Renewal Coat (after 5 years ) 3533111.75
1st Year Routine Maintenance 68050.00
2nd Year Routine Maintenance 232918.55
3rd Year Routine Maintenance 449234.38
4th Year Routine Maintenance 527849.07
5th Year Routine Maintenance 746208.83
Cost of Routine Maintenance (excuding GST & Cess)= 2024260.83
Cost of GST & Cess = 384609.56
Cost of Routine Maintenance (including GST & Cess) = 2408870.39
C. Cost Per km (Excluding Maintenance) 7176630.95
D. Cost Per km (Excluding Maintenance,in Lakhs) 71.77

Sub Assistant Engineer Assistant Engineer Executive Engineer .

WBSRDA, North 24 Parganas WBSRDA, North 24 Parganas WBSRDA, North 24 Parganas
Format: F9A

Certificate of Ground Verification from Executive Engineer / Head PIU

a) Certified that the land width for the road is available and that no additional land is required.

b) Certified that the land width for the road is likely to be available as certified by the Panchayat.

a) Certified that no Forest Land is involved along the entire roadway.
b) Certified that the case for permission under Forest Conservation Act has been moved to the
Forest Department on (Date..).

3. Certified that the DPR has been checked at site by AE / EE / SE on (Date….).

Executive Engineer
WBSRDA , North 24 Parganas


DPR Name (Road Name /

Sl. No. DPRS seen In Ground by % of Total No.
Package No.)


1 A.E.



2 E.E.



3 S.E.

State: West Bengal Ranking
Package No : WB-01-436 0 Not included
CUCPL No : 1 Poor Standard
Road Number: T07 2 Fair Standard
Road Name: T07-JASAIKATI TO BURUJ 3 Good Standard
District: North 24 Parganas
Block: Baduria
No. Chapter Description Ranking Review
1 Introduction Name of work, its status vis-à-vis mastar plan, core network, priority, terrain, geography, climate condition, habitation served, population of the habitation(s) ----
connected (direct + indirect) served by the proposed road, land used, predominant type of agriculture
2 Planning and Basic District and Block hierarchy, through road or link road, potential for future through road, traffic destination (eg. Markets, Block center) potential development and ----
design consideration future traffic generator, constrictions on ROW (productive land, irrigation and drainage channels, power polls and utitities building and structure) obligatory points
( eg. existing bridges, ponds, etc.) existing tracks, intersection, school and Government Buildings. Consideration of alternative alignment, alignment improvement,
bye passes and preparation of design brief.
3 Topographic Survey Temporary bench mark, ceterline, cross section, digital terrain model, setting out, actual road width available. ----

4 Soil and material Borrow area, quarry charts, availabality of the local materials, subgrade testing, soil testing, test result. ----
5 Traffic Survey Different types of vehicle plying per day, network transport and traffic impacts, base year traffic data of motorised and non motorised vehicles, growth rate adopted ----
and projected traffic for the horizon year based on the design life.
6 Hydrological Survey Local drainage system for the road, catchment, identification, data required for hydraulic design cross drainage works, agriculture, irrigation crossing. ----
7 Geometric Design : Roadway width, carriageway width, shoulders, design speed, horizontal curves, vertical gradient, cross slopes etc. ----

8 Alignment Design : Horizontal profile, vertical profile, cross sections, utilities and services, intersection layouts, road safety treatments. ----

9 Pavement Design : Types of pavement, thickness design, use of local material, types of surfacing adopted, layer wise design of the pavement along with a sketch of dimension, cross ----
section indicating the pavement layer, carriage way, road way and road land width.

10 Design of Cross Type of culverts, submersible bridges, paved dips, high level structure, bridges, irrigation crossing, catchment and discharge calculation high flood level estimates ----
Drainage : and justification for selection.

11 Protective Works : Retaining walls, breast walls, check walls, stone pitching, turfing and planting. ----
12 Land Acquisition : Obtain existing village plans from the revenue authorities, determine requirement for land acquisition, prepare plans showing the land acquisition. ----

13 Utility Shifting & Detalis of execiting utilities and details of new location of utilities to be relocated the departments responsible for each utilitys. ----
relocation Detalis and location of speed breakers, line markings and edge lines, traffic advisory and warning sign, stone markers and guide posts, audit the design at the stage
14 Road Safety and ----
Traffic Management when the major conceptual and layout decisions have already being made. Ensure that safety measures are incorporated into design, especially when design is
constrained, eg. narrow carriage way sections or speed needs to be controlled.
15 Specification : Choice of technology, Specification adopted. ----
16 Environmental Reinstatement of borrow areas, erosion control, filling of ponds, vegetation and tree removal, forest areas, wildlife, antiquities, historici ----
Issues : and religious sites, environmentally sensitive areas, constniction camps, pennits and clearances required, etc.

17 Analysis of Rates . Derivation of rates for all different items making up the designed works. ----
18 Cost Estimate : Estimate of quantities for all items of work provision for contingencies, provision for quality control provision for supervision, provisro ----
for logo and other road fumrture total cost of the ro used road, bnd es and drainage, cost of land acquisition and cost per km for the same.
19 Construction Brief methodology statement descnbrng construction activities and sequence, estimated duration of activies, estimated overall time required for construction and ----
Program analysis of impact of monsoon season on constniction period.

No. Drawing Description

1 Key Map : Showing the state in relation to India, district in relation to state, and a district map showing all the blocks, with the name of each block marked. ----
2 Block Road Map : Showing the master plan and the core network and the proposed road. ----

3 Index Road Map : Showing the full road to a suitable scale, topographical features like rivers canals, streams, railway lines, villages, market centres, othe ----
road and legend. Altemative alignments, alignment improvements, bypasses.

Longitudinal Section sections 1 Drawing showing 1 km in each sheet with chainae, level infomiation, gradient details, horizontal and vertical cun/e details. Utilities an services,
intersection layouts, road safety treatments, longitudinal drainage and drainage in builtup (village) areas, Existing roa Obligatory points including existing features
and fixed obstracles (eg. bridges, ponds, temples, etc) existing tracks, intersections, schoo and govemment buildings. LARGE SCALE DRAWINGS WHERE

5 Typical Cross Drawing showing typical road cross sections, pavement details including BT and CC, hard shoulder and soft shoulder, batter slopes longitudinal drainage. Typical ----
Section: cross sections in builtup village areas and typical sections in nomial rural areas 2

6 Detailed Cross Drawing showing detailed cross section with level infomtation, centre line offset details and so on. ----
7 Cross Drainage : Drawings of culverts, submersible bndges, paved dips and high level bridges, giving general anangement drawing (GAD), structure details. ----
8 Protective Works Drawing of protective works like retaining walls, breast walls, check walls, drains. ----
9 ----
Traffic and Drawing like kilometre stones, trafiic signs, hazard signs, advisory signs, speed breakers, line marking, stone markers, guide posts ,project sign boards.
Miscellaneous :

Reviewed By
Organisation: Total Score

Instructions and Notes -

1. Complete the road details in the title block and th reviewer details in the Reviewed by block
2. Review DPR Report chapter by ¢hapier. Rank each as not included (0), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell
Review drawing section by section Rank each as not included (O), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell.
3. Review drawing section by section. Rank each as not included (0), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell
4. DPR report chapter 2, 5 & 18 and Drawing Sections 2,3,4,5,6 and 7 are critical categories and have higher weighting.
5. If mandatory information is not included (report chapter 2& 5 and drawing section 4), score is zero and DPR will not be aproved.
6. Ranking less than (1) or less than (2) for critical categories means the chapter/ drawing can not be reviewed and the DPR will not be approved.
7. The outcome for each chapter and session will be automatically displayed. If it is CHECKED (cell highlights green), the review continues.
8. All lreports chapter and drawing section must achieve CHECKED status to proceed to check the overall score.
9. If any report chapter or drawing section does not achieve CHECKED status, the DPR will not be approved and the overall score will not be checked.
10. If the total score is not greater than 70%, the DPR will not be approved.
11. If the total score is greater than 70%, the decision will automatically be APPROVED (cell highlights green).
12. Only when all review cells give result of CHECKED and APPROVED (all review cells highlighted green) will the DPR be approved for issue.
State: West Bengal Ranking
Package No : WB-01-436 0 Not included
CUCPL No : 1 Poor Standard
Road Number: T07 2 Fair Standard
Road Name: T07-JASAIKATI TO BURUJ 3 Good Standard
District: North 24 Parganas
Block: Baduria
No. Chapter Description Ranking Review
1 Introduction Name of work, its status vis-à-vis mastar plan, core network, priority, terrain, geography, climate condition, habitation served, population of the habitation(s) ----
connected (direct + indirect) served by the proposed road, land used, predominant type of agriculture
2 Planning and Basic District and Block hierarchy, through road or link road, potential for future through road, traffic destination (eg. Markets, Block center) potential development and ----
design consideration future traffic generator, constrictions on ROW (productive land, irrigation and drainage channels, power polls and utitities building and structure) obligatory points
( eg. existing bridges, ponds, etc.) existing tracks, intersection, school and Government Buildings. Consideration of alternative alignment, alignment improvement,
bye passes and preparation of design brief.
3 Topographic Survey Temporary bench mark, ceterline, cross section, digital terrain model, setting out, actual road width available. ----

4 Soil and material Borrow area, quarry charts, availabality of the local materials, subgrade testing, soil testing, test result. ----
5 Traffic Survey Different types of vehicle plying per day, network transport and traffic impacts, base year traffic data of motorised and non motorised vehicles, growth rate adopted ----
and projected traffic for the horizon year based on the design life.
6 Hydrological Survey Local drainage system for the road, catchment, identification, data required for hydraulic design cross drainage works, agriculture, irrigation crossing. ----
7 Geometric Design : Roadway width, carriageway width, shoulders, design speed, horizontal curves, vertical gradient, cross slopes etc. ----

8 Alignment Design : Horizontal profile, vertical profile, cross sections, utilities and services, intersection layouts, road safety treatments. ----

9 Pavement Design : Types of pavement, thickness design, use of local material, types of surfacing adopted, layer wise design of the pavement along with a sketch of dimension, cross ----
section indicating the pavement layer, carriage way, road way and road land width.

10 Design of Cross Type of culverts, submersible bridges, paved dips, high level structure, bridges, irrigation crossing, catchment and discharge calculation high flood level estimates ----
Drainage : and justification for selection.

11 Protective Works : Retaining walls, breast walls, check walls, stone pitching, turfing and planting. ----
12 Land Acquisition : Obtain existing village plans from the revenue authorities, determine requirement for land acquisition, prepare plans showing the land acquisition. ----

13 Utility Shifting & Detalis of execiting utilities and details of new location of utilities to be relocated the departments responsible for each utilitys. ----
relocation Detalis and location of speed breakers, line markings and edge lines, traffic advisory and warning sign, stone markers and guide posts, audit the design at the stage
14 Road Safety and ----
Traffic Management when the major conceptual and layout decisions have already being made. Ensure that safety measures are incorporated into design, especially when design is
constrained, eg. narrow carriage way sections or speed needs to be controlled.
15 Specification : Choice of technology, Specification adopted. ----
16 Environmental Reinstatement of borrow areas, erosion control, filling of ponds, vegetation and tree removal, forest areas, wildlife, antiquities, historici ----
Issues : and religious sites, environmentally sensitive areas, constniction camps, pennits and clearances required, etc.

17 Analysis of Rates . Derivation of rates for all different items making up the designed works. ----
18 Cost Estimate : Estimate of quantities for all items of work provision for contingencies, provision for quality control provision for supervision, provisro ----
for logo and other road fumrture total cost of the ro used road, bnd es and drainage, cost of land acquisition and cost per km for the same.
19 Construction Brief methodology statement descnbrng construction activities and sequence, estimated duration of activies, estimated overall time required for construction and ----
Program analysis of impact of monsoon season on constniction period.

No. Drawing Description

1 Key Map : Showing the state in relation to India, district in relation to state, and a district map showing all the blocks, with the name of each block marked. ----
2 Block Road Map : Showing the master plan and the core network and the proposed road. ----

3 Index Road Map : Showing the full road to a suitable scale, topographical features like rivers canals, streams, railway lines, villages, market centres, othe ----
road and legend. Altemative alignments, alignment improvements, bypasses.

Longitudinal Section sections 1 Drawing showing 1 km in each sheet with chainae, level infomiation, gradient details, horizontal and vertical cun/e details. Utilities an services,
intersection layouts, road safety treatments, longitudinal drainage and drainage in builtup (village) areas, Existing roa Obligatory points including existing features
and fixed obstracles (eg. bridges, ponds, temples, etc) existing tracks, intersections, schoo and govemment buildings. LARGE SCALE DRAWINGS WHERE

5 Typical Cross Drawing showing typical road cross sections, pavement details including BT and CC, hard shoulder and soft shoulder, batter slopes longitudinal drainage. Typical ----
Section: cross sections in builtup village areas and typical sections in nomial rural areas 2

6 Detailed Cross Drawing showing detailed cross section with level infomtation, centre line offset details and so on. ----
7 Cross Drainage : Drawings of culverts, submersible bndges, paved dips and high level bridges, giving general anangement drawing (GAD), structure details. ----
8 Protective Works Drawing of protective works like retaining walls, breast walls, check walls, drains. ----
9 ----
Traffic and Drawing like kilometre stones, trafiic signs, hazard signs, advisory signs, speed breakers, line marking, stone markers, guide posts ,project sign boards.
Miscellaneous :
Reviewed By
Organisation: Total Score

Instructions and Notes -

1. Complete the road details in the title block and th reviewer details in the Reviewed by block
2. Review DPR Report chapter by ¢hapier. Rank each as not included (0), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell
Review drawing section by section Rank each as not included (O), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell.
3. Review drawing section by section. Rank each as not included (0), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell
4. DPR report chapter 2, 5 & 18 and Drawing Sections 2,3,4,5,6 and 7 are critical categories and have higher weighting.
5. If mandatory information is not included (report chapter 2& 5 and drawing section 4), score is zero and DPR will not be aproved.
6. Ranking less than (1) or less than (2) for critical categories means the chapter/ drawing can not be reviewed and the DPR will not be approved.
7. The outcome for each chapter and session will be automatically displayed. If it is CHECKED (cell highlights green), the review continues.
8. All lreports chapter and drawing section must achieve CHECKED status to proceed to check the overall score.
9. If any report chapter or drawing section does not achieve CHECKED status, the DPR will not be approved and the overall score will not be checked.
10. If the total score is not greater than 70%, the DPR will not be approved.
11. If the total score is greater than 70%, the decision will automatically be APPROVED (cell highlights green).
12. Only when all review cells give result of CHECKED and APPROVED (all review cells highlighted green) will the DPR be approved for issue.
State: West Bengal Ranking
Package No : WB-01-436 0 Not included
CUCPL No : 1 Poor Standard
Road Number: T07 2 Fair Standard
Road Name: T07-JASAIKATI TO BURUJ 3 Good Standard
District: North 24 Parganas
Block: Baduria
No. Chapter Description Ranking Review
1 Introduction Name of work, its status vis-à-vis mastar plan, core network, priority, terrain, geography, climate condition, habitation served, population of the habitation(s) ----
connected (direct + indirect) served by the proposed road, land used, predominant type of agriculture
2 Planning and Basic District and Block hierarchy, through road or link road, potential for future through road, traffic destination (eg. Markets, Block center) potential development and ----
design consideration future traffic generator, constrictions on ROW (productive land, irrigation and drainage channels, power polls and utitities building and structure) obligatory points
( eg. existing bridges, ponds, etc.) existing tracks, intersection, school and Government Buildings. Consideration of alternative alignment, alignment improvement,
bye passes and preparation of design brief.
3 Topographic Survey Temporary bench mark, ceterline, cross section, digital terrain model, setting out, actual road width available. ----

4 Soil and material Borrow area, quarry charts, availabality of the local materials, subgrade testing, soil testing, test result. ----
5 Traffic Survey Different types of vehicle plying per day, network transport and traffic impacts, base year traffic data of motorised and non motorised vehicles, growth rate adopted ----
and projected traffic for the horizon year based on the design life.
6 Hydrological Survey Local drainage system for the road, catchment, identification, data required for hydraulic design cross drainage works, agriculture, irrigation crossing. ----
7 Geometric Design : Roadway width, carriageway width, shoulders, design speed, horizontal curves, vertical gradient, cross slopes etc. ----

8 Alignment Design : Horizontal profile, vertical profile, cross sections, utilities and services, intersection layouts, road safety treatments. ----

9 Pavement Design : Types of pavement, thickness design, use of local material, types of surfacing adopted, layer wise design of the pavement along with a sketch of dimension, cross ----
section indicating the pavement layer, carriage way, road way and road land width.

10 Design of Cross Type of culverts, submersible bridges, paved dips, high level structure, bridges, irrigation crossing, catchment and discharge calculation high flood level estimates ----
Drainage : and justification for selection.

11 Protective Works : Retaining walls, breast walls, check walls, stone pitching, turfing and planting. ----
12 Land Acquisition : Obtain existing village plans from the revenue authorities, determine requirement for land acquisition, prepare plans showing the land acquisition. ----

13 Utility Shifting & Detalis of execiting utilities and details of new location of utilities to be relocated the departments responsible for each utilitys. ----
relocation Detalis and location of speed breakers, line markings and edge lines, traffic advisory and warning sign, stone markers and guide posts, audit the design at the stage
14 Road Safety and ----
Traffic Management when the major conceptual and layout decisions have already being made. Ensure that safety measures are incorporated into design, especially when design is
constrained, eg. narrow carriage way sections or speed needs to be controlled.
15 Specification : Choice of technology, Specification adopted. ----
16 Environmental Reinstatement of borrow areas, erosion control, filling of ponds, vegetation and tree removal, forest areas, wildlife, antiquities, historici ----
Issues : and religious sites, environmentally sensitive areas, constniction camps, pennits and clearances required, etc.

17 Analysis of Rates . Derivation of rates for all different items making up the designed works. ----
18 Cost Estimate : Estimate of quantities for all items of work provision for contingencies, provision for quality control provision for supervision, provisro ----
for logo and other road fumrture total cost of the ro used road, bnd es and drainage, cost of land acquisition and cost per km for the same.
19 Construction Brief methodology statement descnbrng construction activities and sequence, estimated duration of activies, estimated overall time required for construction and ----
Program analysis of impact of monsoon season on constniction period.

No. Drawing Description

1 Key Map : Showing the state in relation to India, district in relation to state, and a district map showing all the blocks, with the name of each block marked. ----
2 Block Road Map : Showing the master plan and the core network and the proposed road. ----

3 Index Road Map : Showing the full road to a suitable scale, topographical features like rivers canals, streams, railway lines, villages, market centres, othe ----
road and legend. Altemative alignments, alignment improvements, bypasses.

Longitudinal Section sections 1 Drawing showing 1 km in each sheet with chainae, level infomiation, gradient details, horizontal and vertical cun/e details. Utilities an services,
intersection layouts, road safety treatments, longitudinal drainage and drainage in builtup (village) areas, Existing roa Obligatory points including existing features
and fixed obstracles (eg. bridges, ponds, temples, etc) existing tracks, intersections, schoo and govemment buildings. LARGE SCALE DRAWINGS WHERE

5 Typical Cross Drawing showing typical road cross sections, pavement details including BT and CC, hard shoulder and soft shoulder, batter slopes longitudinal drainage. Typical ----
Section: cross sections in builtup village areas and typical sections in nomial rural areas 2

6 Detailed Cross Drawing showing detailed cross section with level infomtation, centre line offset details and so on. ----
7 Cross Drainage : Drawings of culverts, submersible bndges, paved dips and high level bridges, giving general anangement drawing (GAD), structure details. ----
8 Protective Works Drawing of protective works like retaining walls, breast walls, check walls, drains. ----
9 ----
Traffic and Drawing like kilometre stones, trafiic signs, hazard signs, advisory signs, speed breakers, line marking, stone markers, guide posts ,project sign boards.
Miscellaneous :

Reviewed By
Organisation: Total Score

Instructions and Notes -

1. Complete the road details in the title block and th reviewer details in the Reviewed by block
2. Review DPR Report chapter by ¢hapier. Rank each as not included (0), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell
Review drawing section by section Rank each as not included (O), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell.
3. Review drawing section by section. Rank each as not included (0), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell
4. DPR report chapter 2, 5 & 18 and Drawing Sections 2,3,4,5,6 and 7 are critical categories and have higher weighting.
5. If mandatory information is not included (report chapter 2& 5 and drawing section 4), score is zero and DPR will not be aproved.
6. Ranking less than (1) or less than (2) for critical categories means the chapter/ drawing can not be reviewed and the DPR will not be approved.
7. The outcome for each chapter and session will be automatically displayed. If it is CHECKED (cell highlights green), the review continues.
8. All lreports chapter and drawing section must achieve CHECKED status to proceed to check the overall score.
9. If any report chapter or drawing section does not achieve CHECKED status, the DPR will not be approved and the overall score will not be checked.
10. If the total score is not greater than 70%, the DPR will not be approved.
11. If the total score is greater than 70%, the decision will automatically be APPROVED (cell highlights green).
12. Only when all review cells give result of CHECKED and APPROVED (all review cells highlighted green) will the DPR be approved for issue.
Pakage No. : WB-01-436 Name of District : : North 24 Parganas Name of State : : West Bengal

Name of the Road Type of Proposed Length (km) Total Estimated Cost (Rs.) Average Cost per Km (Rs.)
Cost of
Sl. Name of proposa Cost of CD Others
No. the Block l* N/U TOTA works (Rs.) (Rs.)
From To BT CC (Rs. In Lakh) Construction Maintenance Construction Maintenance

1 Baduria JASAIKATI BURUJ U 3.026 0.354 3.380 20791224.88 479,317.48 2986470.23 24,257,012.59 2361637.36 7176630.94 698709.28

*After 5 yeas Maintenance, Cost of Renewal Coat (in Rs.) = 4204402.98 DPR Cost ( Rs.) 119652.00

**After 5 years Periodic Maintenance Cost (in Rs.) = 2408870.11

Signature: Signature:

By :-

Name: Name:


scrutiny done


Name: Signature:



Proforma C (2021)- Part-1
( For Indvidual Road Works )
Final Proposal Details (To be filled by PIU & Verified by STA)

1. Location State: West Bengal District : North 24 Parganas Block: Baduria

2. Package Number WB-01-436

3. Name of the Road (as per

4. Planning (Check from CUCPL and GeoSadak)

a Is the road a part of DRRP and Approved CUCPL (Mark ✔as appropriate) Yes ✔ No

b Is the road proposal uploaded on GeoSadak (Mark ✔as appropriate) Yes ✔ No

Screenshot of the proposed alignment from the GeoSadak to be attached with the DPR

c Indicate coordinates of Starting and Ending point of the Proposed Road Starting Point Ending Point

Latitude 22°45'49.61"N 22°46'26.85"N

Longitude 88°46'39.02"E 88°47'57.09"E

d Details regarding the components of the candidate road?

Component Roads DRRP Road Number Road Name Trace Map Rank PCI DRRP Length considered (km)

Component Road 1 Basirhat PWD Road to Choudhurypara Via Jasaikathi Haldarpara (1824233) 13 1.7 3.368
Component Road 2 Keotsa Bazer To Jashaikati Halder Para (1528763) 26 3.24 4.221

Component Road 3 `

Total 7.589

e Through Route/ MRL Number T- 7 OR MRL-

f Name of benefited habitations (benefited habitation report generated from OMMAS to be attached with the DPR)

Sl. No. Name of Habitation Population Sl. No. Name of Habitation Population Sl. No. Name of Habitation Population

1 Jasaikati Halderpara 1,199 22 Uttar Simla Durgapur 1,676

2 0 0

3 Buruj 1,425

4 Narkelberia 1,478

5 Jashaikhati Dakshin 2,480

6 Choudhurypara 1,351

7 Narayanpur 2,031

8 Noapara 2,357

9 Purba Simla Durgapur 1,756

10 Jasaikhati Uttar 2,287

11 Gurdaha 3,841

12 Kalinga 2,578

13 Kankrasuti Paschim 1,774

14 Masia 2,971

15 Narayanpur Dakshin 2,085

16 Naturia 3,763
17 Naturia Srirampur 1,489

18 Padmapukur 882

19 Sannya 1,928

20 Simla Durgapur Dakshin 2,492

21 Sompur 1,202

Total 43,045

g Names of facilities along the Candidate road (For PMGSY-III facilities, report generated from OMMAS to be attached with the DPR)

Name of Facilities Name of Facilities

Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Name of the other Facilities
(as per PMGSY-III Objectives) (as per PMGSY-III Objectives)

1 rudrapur high school 6 bagan atghara market 16 CHALITABERIA BUS STAND


2 masia gofur sawmill 7 baduria bus stand 17 BARUY MADHAMIK SIKSHA

3 jashaikhati high school 8 atghara hat 18 BHEBIA GRAM PANCHAYAT

4 jashaikhati bedepota rural market 19

jashaikhati atghara panchayet

5 20

h Utility value 57.72

i CUCPL Rank 13

j Whether the proposed road leads to (Mark ✔as appropriate) MDR SH ✔ NH

k Average PCI of the road to which proposed TR or MRL will be connected

l Average PCI value of proposed road 1.7

If PCI of MDR / SH / NH is 3 or below , whether the State is undertaking for upgrading it from Yes No ✔
State fund available (Mark ✔as appropriate)
5. Eligible CUCPL length (km) - 3.368

6. Total Proposed Length (km) - 3.380 In Built up area (km) - 1.352 In Open Area (km) - 2.028

7. Is there any variation between eligible CUCPL length and Proposed length (Mark ✔as appropriate) Yes ✔ No

If Yes, Reason for variation to be mentioned

As per Survey length

8. Existing status of proposed road (PMGSY/ Non-PMGSY Portion)

Corresponding Corresponding Design Traffic

Chainage Length (km) Year of Construction*
existing PCU/day Category

PMGSY Portion
Non-PMGSY Portion 0+000 to 3+740 3.38 T6
Note : *Actual date of completion of previous construction/ upgradation.

9. Existing Surface Status of proposed road

Existing Surface Status

Track/ Earthen Gravel/ Moorum WBM Brick Soling Bituminous Wearing Course CC

Length Length Length

Chainage Chainage Length (km) Chainage Length (km) Chainage Chainage Length (km) Chainage
(km) (km) (km)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1074 1.074 1074-2104 1.03

2104-3740 1.636

Total 0 Total 0 Total 0 Total 0 Total 2.71 Total 1.03

10. Type of proposal

Chainage Length (km)

Riding Quality Improvement (RQI)

Upgradation without widening 000 to 1074, 2104 to 3740 2.71

Upgradation with widening

New Construction (From existing non-BT portion)

11. Type of Pavement Proposed

Chainage Length (km)

Rigid From 1+074 To 2+104 1.03

From 0+000 To 1+074 1.074

From 2+104 To 3+740 1.636

12. Whether the Proposed Road has the desired Road Land Width (RLW ) to accommodate Yes No
a. required carriageway/ roadway (Mark ✔as appropriate)

If No, what measure has been taken in DPR chainage wise Chainage
Measures taken
From To

Existing Widths (m) Proposed Widths (m)

b Indicate the widths of the following for the proposed road
In the Built Up Area In the Open Area In the Built Up Area In the Open Area
i) Carriageway 3 0.75 3.75 3.75
ii) Roadway 6 1.5 7.5 7.5
iii) Road Land Width 7.5 2.5 10 10

13. INDEX MAP (not to scale ) : To be attached saperately

Enroute Habitations Name / Chainage

H1/F1 H2/F2 H3/F3

H- Habitation
F-Facilities name


14. Traffic Data

Month & Year of Traffic Volume Count =
Motorised Traffic Non Motorised Traffic
Trucks Agricultural Tractors Trallers Buses Animal Drawn Vechicle
Days Cars, Jeep, Light
Motorised two Cycle
Vans, Three Commerci Cycles
Wheelers Over Rickshawa Num.
Wheelers al Vehicle Loaded Unloaded Over loaded Loaded Unloaded Loaded Unloaded Over loaded SWC
loaded Tyred

Day 1 287 14 4 24 10 34 11 21 32 0 0 0 414 413 0 -

Day 2 279 13 10 7 11 18 17 17 34 0 0 0 186 240 0 -
Day 3 211 19 4 8 8 16 14 14 28 0 0 0 24 416 0 -
Day 4
Day 6
Day 7
Average 259 15 6 13 10 23 14 17 31 0 0 0 208 356 0 -
3 days traffic count is required in case design is done using IRC SP:72-2015 and 7 day count required in case design is done with IRC 37:2018
a Traffic Details in case design is done as per SP IRC 72:2015
ADT in the year of Traffic Count = 1167

Growth rate adopted (%) = 6 Base Year Traffic AADT (T) = 1455
Design Life (Years) = 10

Number of Harvesting Seasons = 2

No. of Days in Each Harvesting Season (t) = 75 Cumulative ESAL = = 386371

Value of (n) assumed = Traffic Category = T6

b Traffic Details in case design is done as per IRC 37-2018

A= Intitial traffic in the year of completion of construction in terms of the number of commericial vehicles per day

D= Lane distribution factor

F= Vehicle damage factor

n= Design life in years

r= growth rate adopted %

N= The cumulative number of standard axles to be catered for the design in terms of msa
Projected Commercial Vehicle Per Day

c Projected Passenger Car Unit (PCU/day) 1898

15. Design Subgrade CBR ( for Different Sections atleast one Test/km ) =

Chainage-wise 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-8.750 9-9.299 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14

Subgrade CBR % 5.43 5.17 5.30 5.70

16. Relavant Method & Codes used for Pavement Design

a Method Used for Designing of Pavement ((Mark ✔as appropriate) Conventional New Technology ✔

If New Technology is used, indicate the name (Please indicate New Technology used in
b Subgrade, Sub-Base, Base, Surface Course layer separately) 75 mm GSB-III (widening), 150 mm GSB-III, 75 mm WBM-II, 75 mm WBM-III, 25 mm MSS with Waste
Plastic Chainage (0-1.900,2.255-2.495) Km And 225 mm GSB-III, 75 mm WBM-II, 75 mm WBM-III, 25 mm
MSS with Waste Plastic Chainage (2.495-3.026, 1.950-2.255 Km & 75 mm Brick Soling (widening), 100
mm DLC (widening), 100 mm Panelled Cement Concrete Chainage (3.026-3.380) Km

c Code used for designing Flexible pavement (Mark ✔as appropriate) IRC:SP:72-2015 ✔ IRC:37-2018

d Code used for designing Rigid Pavement (Mark ✔as appropriate) IRC:SP:62-2014 ✔ IRC:58-2011

e Any other Codes used for New Technology/ Other, please indicate

17. Existing and Proposed Pavement Cross Section drawing & details both for flexible and rigid (Separately Chainage-wise)

i) Cross Section of the Existing road showing different component layers. Cross Section of the Proposed road showing different component layers.

Chainage From 0 To 1950

From 2255 To 2495

(Drawing should be as per Existing Pavement) (Drawing should be as per actual provisions made in DPR) Thickness
Pavement Layer Thickness (mm) Pavement Layer
MSS with Waste
OGPC 20 25

WBM 75 WBM- III 75

GSB 75 WBM- II 75

GSB -II 75

GSB -II 75

GSB-II (widening) 75

ii) Cross Section of the Existing road showing different component layers. Cross Section of the Proposed road showing different component layers.

Chainage From 2495 To 3026

(Drawing should be as per Existing Pavement) (Drawing should be as per actual provisions made in DPR) Thickness
Pavement Layer Thickness (mm) Pavement Layer

MSS with Waste

Brick Soling 75


WBM- II 75

GSB -II 75

GSB -II 75

GSB -II 75

iii) Cross Section of the Existing road showing different component layers. Cross Section of the Proposed road showing different component layers.

Chainage From 1950.00 To 2255.00

(Drawing should be as per Existing Pavement) (Drawing should be as per actual provisions made in DPR) Thickness
Pavement Layer Thickness (mm) Pavement Layer


iv) Cross Section of the Existing road showing different component layers. Cross Section of the Proposed road showing different component layers.

Chainage From 3026 To 3380

(Drawing should be as per Existing Pavement) (Drawing should be as per actual provisions made in DPR) Thickness
Pavement Layer Thickness (mm) Pavement Layer
100 Cement 100
75 DLC (widening) 100

Brick Soling

Separate cross section drawings along with tabular details of the pavement layers should be repeated (chainage wise) for each type of cross section encountered.

18. Sources and the Lead distances of Materials are as under (Lead to be measured from the mid-point of the proposed road)

Sl. No. Material Source Lead Distance (km) Sl. No. Material Source Lead Distance (km)

1 Earth for embankment construction 6 M-Sand

2 Murrum/ Carted soil (Subgrade) 7 Cement BASIRHAT 17

3 Murrum/ Gravel for shoulder (Subgrade) 8 Emulsion DHULOGORI 82

4 Aggregate BARASAT 41 9 Bitumen HALDIA 175

5 Hume Pipe MADHYAMGRAM 44 10 Steel BASIRHAT 17

19. Cost Details of proposal (Please fill all the entries or write "NA" wherever applicable )
a Pavement Components
Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in
Description of layer Quantity Unit Rate in Rs. Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs

Flexible pavement

Preparatory & Earthwork

i Clearing & scarifying Sqm 280430.88 50477.56 0.601 0.83

ii Earth Work - in Excavation/ Cutting Cum 35046.00 6308.28 0.075 0.104
iii Earthwork- in Filling (Embankment) 8450.000 Cum 1673438.00 301218.84 3.585 4.951
Subgrade (if provided seperately)
a. Subgrade (Using local Soil) Cum 0
b. Subgrade (Carted Soil) Cum 0
c. Treated Subgrade (Stabilized Subgrade) Cum 0
a. Earthen Shoulder Cum 0
b. Gravel Shoulder Cum 0
c. GSB Quality Shoulder 604.240 Cum 1593.98 867925.30 156226.55 1.859 2.568
Sub-Base Course
vi Granular Sub base (Grade-III) 2147.784 Cum 2277.62 4891835.79 880530.44 10.478 14.473
vii Soil + Aggregate Mix Cum 0
viii Stabilised sub base Cum 0
Base Course
ix WBM Gr -II 866.707 Cum 2484259.52 447166.71 5.321 7.35
x WBM Gr -III 866.707 Cum 3509.23 3041474.21 547465.36 6.515 8.998
xi WMM Cum 0
xii Stabilised base Cum 0
Bituminous Course
xiii Prime Coat 11574.450 Sqm 35.86 415059.78 74710.76 0.889 1.228
xiv Tack Coat 11574.450 Sqm 10.19 117944.00 21229.92 0.253 0.349
xv Binder Course (BM/ DBM ) Indicate Type Cum 0

Surface Course 25 mm Mix Seal

Surfacing using Waste Plastic
Indicate Type 11574.450 Sqm/ Cum 193.65 2241392.24 403450.6 4.801 6.631

xvii Seal Coat Sqm 0

Surface Course with Surface Dressing
a. Single Coat Surface Dressing Sqm 0
b. Double Coat Surface Dressing (with
Indicate Type Sqm 0
or without Pre-Coating indicate)

Total cost of Flexible pavement (a) 16048805.72 2888785.03 34.377 47.482

Cement Concrete Road

xix GSB Brick Flat Soling 270.810 Sqm 326.72 88479.04 15926.23 0.19 0.262

xx WBM/ WMM Cum 0

xxi Concrete for Pavement (M30) on existing CC Pavement Cum 0

Concrete for Pavement (M30) for newly proposed CC
xxii Cum 0
Pavement portion
xxiii ICBP Sqm 0

xxiv Hard Shoulder Dry lean concrete( DLC) 70.800 Cum 3942.40 279121.92 50241.95 0.598 0.826

xxv Dry lean concrete( DLC) 37.701 Cum 3942.40 148632.42 26753.84 0.318 0.44

xxvi Panelled Cement Concrete Pavement 135.405 Cum 6695.31 906578.45 163184.12 1.942 2.682
Total cost of Concrete Pavement (b) 1422811.83 256106.13 3.05 4.21
Total cost of Pavement (a + b) 17471617.55 3144891.16 37.42 51.69
Cost deduction due to higher specification in pavement design**

Final Pavement Cost after deduction

Note : ** The details of Higher Specification considered in pavement design over & above admissible guidelines need to be provided under 19 (g) and detailed calculation of the same to be attached with the DPR separately.

b Cross Drainage (CD) Works

i Existing CD (requiring repair)

Type of CD Location/ Chainage Number Total Length of CDs Amount in Lakhs

ii Existing CD (requiring replacement)

Type of Existing
Type of Proposed CD Location/ Chainage Number Total Length of CDs Amount in Lakhs
1 1.50 0+629 1 7.5
0.60 1.50 3+288 1 7.5

iii New proposed CD

Type of CD Location/ Chainage Number Total Length of CDs Amount in Lakhs

0.5 m Slab culvert 4 4.80 3.58

1.5 m Slab culvert 0 0.00 0.00
0.3 m ACP 3 30.00 0.45
Note: Similar type of CDs may be grouped together for each category
Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in
Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs

Total Cost of CD works 402787.80 72501.8 0.863 1.192

c Protection works Chainage (Expand as applicable)

From To Length( m) Amount in Lakhs Average cost/ m in Lakhs

i 280 1016229.20 0.036

Retaining wall / U.C. Pilling
i 14675.00
Breast wall / Bamboo. Pilling

Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in

Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs

Total cost of Protection works 1030904.20 185562.76 2.208 3.05

d Side Drains (if Provided) Chainage (Expand as applicable)

From To Length( m) Amount in Lakhs Average cost / m in Lakhs

(Indicate Type) i 60 217301.54 0.036
Pucca Drain (U/ V/ Trapezoidal/ etc)
Earthen/ Kacha Drain i

Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in

Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs
Total cost of Side Drains works 217301.54 39114.28 0.465 0.643

e Road Logo, other Road Furniture including Road safety signs (Expand as applicable)
Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in
Sl. No. Type of Road Furniture Chainage Number Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs
i Details of Road Furniture 114361.16 20585.01 0.245 0.338



Total cost of Road Furniture 114361.16 20585.01 0.245 0.338

f Any other Provisions

Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in
Sl. No. Items (Please Specify) Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs

Total cost of Other Provisions 0 0 0

g Other Items under Higher Specifications (Additional Cost to be borne by the State, apart from those under 19(a) to 19(f))
Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in
Sl. No. Items Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs
i Land Acquisition

ii Shifting of Utilities

iii Plantation

Any other (Please specify)

a DPR Cost 101400.00 18252.00 0.217 0.300

b Road Safety 1046524.05 188374.33 2.242 3.096

Total cost of Higher Specification 1147924.05 206626.33 2.066 3.396

Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in

h Total Construction Cost - Sum of 19 (a) to 19 (g) Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs

Total Construction Cost of the Project 24257012.6 4366262.27 43.663 71.766

20. Five Year Routine Maintenance

To be estimated as per provision of Operation Manual % of Total
Year Cost (I/C GST) in Lakhs Cost /km in Lakhs
construction cost
I 0.79 0.33 0.23

II 2.72 1.12 0.80

III 5.24 2.16 1.55

IV 6.16 2.54 1.82

V 8.71 3.59 2.58

Renewal coat after 5 years 42.04 17.33 12.44

Total Maintenance Cost 65.66 27.07 19.43

Maintenance after 6th years renewal coat I 0.81 0.33 0.24

II 2.77 1.14 0.82

III 5.34 2.20 1.58

IV 6.28 2.59 1.86

V 8.88 3.66 2.63

Total Maintenance Cost 24.08 9.93 7.12

Grand Total of maintenance 89.74 37.00 26.55

21.Does the Estimation Conform to Standard Rate Analysis and SSR generated for the current Phase (Mark ✔as
Vetted at NRIDA Year of SoR
Yes No

22. Final Project Cost Abstract :

Cost sharing pattern between MoRD and State (Mark ✔as appropriate) General Area (60:40) Special Area (90:10)

Total Cost (I/C GST) Average Cost/ km (I/C GST) in

Item as per Entry 19 above Total Cost in Lakhs GST in Lakhs MoRD Share in Lakhs State Share in Lakhs
in Lakhs Lakhs

19(a) Pavement 174.716 31.449 207.912 122.035 81.357 9.304

19(b) CD Structures 4.028 0.725 4.793 2.813 1.876 0.215

19(c) Protection Works 10.309 1.856 12.268 7.201 4.801 0.549

19(d) Drains 2.173 0.391 2.586 1.518 1.012 0.116

19(e) Road Furniture 1.144 0.206 1.361 0.799 0.533 0.061

19(f) Other Provisions 11.479 2.066 13.650 8.012 5.341 0.611

19(g) Higher Specifications Not Applicable 5.248

Total Project Construction Cost (Excluding

203.85 36.693 242.570 142.378 100.168 10.856
Maintenance Cost)
Proforma C (2021)- Part-2
CHECKLIST FOR PIU (To be filled handwritten by PIU Head)
Sl To be filled by wherever
No PIU (Yes/No) applicable (Page
no. in the DPR)
Whether the transect walk photographs, Minutes of Transect walk, Grama Sabha
approval attached with the DPR ?
Whether the benefited habitations and PMGSY-III facility report generated from
OMMAS attached with the DPR ?
Whether the proposal uploaded on GeoSadak and screenshot of the proposed
alignment is attached with the DPR ?
Whether clear coloured & geotagged photographs at 100m interval depicting road
pavement condition are attached ?
Is the PCI value (as in CUCPL) for the proposed road is in corroboration with
photographs attached? (Approved CUCPL to be attached in DPR)
6 Is the road eligible for upgradation based on PCI value ?
7 Is any portion/ road proposed under Riding Quality Improvement (RQI) ?
Is any portion of the road is within design life period of 10 years or PCI more than

8 If yes, whether the additional cost for such portion of length uploaded under
Higher Specification Cost on OMMAS?

b If not, whether detailed reasons indicated in the DPR?

Whether required roadway land width of 9 m and 7.50 m for 5.50 m and 3.75 m
carriageway width respectively available througout or as per codal provision
depending upon terrain ?
9 If no, whether chainage wise details of available land width is attached with
the DPR?
b If no, whether land acquisition proposed for obtaining required land width?

Whether the road has Geometrics as per Rural Roads Manual (RRM) / Latest
Circulars of NRIDA?
Whether the radius of the curves provided are adequate as per codal provisions
for design speed on rural roads?
If not, whether precautions have been taken and included in the DPR?

12 Is Road Plan, L & X section and Junction design drawings attached ?

Whether soil test report showing (a) Gradation (b) Plasticity limits (LL, PL & PI) (c)
13 Standard Proctor Compaction (MDD & OMC) (d) CBR tests on existing subgrade
soil is attached ?
Whether stabilisation of subgrade proposed in case subgrade CBR is less than 5%
for pavement in widening portion or for new pavement construction?

If stabilisation of subgrade is proposed, whether the test report of stabilised

15 subgrade for determining 'Optimum stabiliser content' and 'subgrade strength
achieved after stabilisation' is attached ?

Whether any carted soil is proposed for improvement of sub grade/ shoulder?
If yes, whether test results of carted soil is attached with the DPR?

17 Whether the test results of GSB material is attached with the DPR?

18 Whether 3 days/ 7 days traffic survey details attached with the DPR?
Whether 3rd party Traffic verification using ATCC is carried out for more than 1
19 MSA traffic as per guidelines/ as per latest circular and reports attached with the
Whether Axle load Surveys carried out for more than 1 MSA traffic and reports
attached with the DPR?
Is the carriageway width (single lane or intermediate lane) of the proposed road is
as per PCU/day consideration? (Refer to IRC 64:1990)

Whether existing road pavement has been divided into different sections (chainage
starting from and chainage up to) depending upon extent of distress for
22 strengthening/ rehabilitation of the proposed road section-wise?

If not, whether detailed reasons indicated in the DPR ?

Is the Pavement design done as per latest version of IRC Code? IRC SP:72-2015
and IRC SP:62-2014 or IRC 37-2018 and IRC 58-2011
Whether earth obtained from cutting section has been propsed for using in filling
section? (Cutting from High embankment, side drains, protection work, CD work,
24 etc.)
If not, whether detailed reasons indicated in the DPR ?
Whether hard rock or ordinary rock classification and quantity of hard rock or
ordinary rock cutting proposed are justified based on previous experiences and
25 rock outcrops seen in that area?

If yes, whether due credit given to hard rock ?

Whether the km wise existing pavement crust details (pavement layer details and
their thickness, year of construction) are properly filled in Part-1 of Proforma C ?
Whether the proper weightage is given for the existing crust thickness while
designing overlay thickness?
Whether overlay thickness is as per Clause 2.2.3 of IRC SP: 72-2015 based on
traffic category ?
Whether the Binder Course/ Surfacing Course has been proposed as per IRC
29 SP:72 - 2015 or IRC 37-2018 ?
If not, whether detailed reasons indicated in the DPR ?

30 Is Location of CDs, drains and Protections marked in L and X section drawings?

Whether length of existing/ proposed CDs/ Bridges deducted from pavement

quantity calculation?
Whether the clear coloured photographs at the location of existing and Proposed
CD structures, and protection structures are attached ?
33 Whether hydraulic calculation for each CD structures attached?
34 Whether latest rainfall data used for the design ?
Is the provision of CD structures and design is as per site requirement and as per
relevant IRC codes?
In case of CD structures which have been proposed for replacement, whether you
36 have ensured that such CDs are beyond repair and hence they need to be
Is the provision of Protection work and design is as per site requirement and as
per relevant IRC codes?
38 Whether drainage plan attached with the DPR?

39 Whether Road Safety Audit (RSA) report attached and uploaded on OMMAS ?
Is the provision of road safety furniture proposed as per RSA and site
Is the road safety furniture items (Retroreflective road signs, thermoplastic
reflective paint for road markings, Advance warning signs, Traffic calming
measures, Crash barriers, hazard markers and parapets on bridges, etc.)
proposed in DPR marked in the road plan
Whether any New technology has been proposed ?
If yes, whether the site jointly inspected by PIU, DPR consultant (technology
a provider) and STA regarding selection of technology ? If yes, date on which Date:
site inspection was made.
If proposed, whether the requisite test results and other data is attached with
the DPR ?
Whether the comparative statement using conventional method and new
technology is attached with the DPR ?
Whether the details of Higher Specification considered over & above admissible
43 guidelines added under 19 (g) of Proforma C (Part-1) and detailed calculation of
the same attached with the DPR ?
Whether the cost considered under 19 (g) of Proforma C (Part-1) uploaded under
"Higher Specification" cost on OMMAS?
Whether Format F-9A and F-9B duly signed by Head of PIU are attached with the
Whether the head of PIU inspected the site? If yes, date on which site inspection
46 Date:
was made
If yes, are you satisfied with the provisions made in the DPR as per site
requirement and duly following guidelines/ IRC Codes ?
Total cost of construction after scrutiny by PIU/Circle-Office and before scrutiny at
STA (I/C of GST) in Lakhs

Total Average cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 10.856

a Average Pavement cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 9.304

b Average CD Structures cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 0.215

c Average Other cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 1.337

Describe how the proposal meets PMGSY-III objectives (Maximum 100 words)

Signature of PIU Head




Note: Part-2 of Proforma C to be filled personally by concerned PIU Head

Proforma C (2021)- Part-3
CHECKLIST FOR STA (To be filled handwritten by STA)
Name of the STA:
Sl To be filled by wherever
No STA (Yes/No) applicable (Page
no. in the DPR)
Is the Part -I and Part-2 of Proforma C completely filled with signature? (Scrutiny
by STA should only be done after it is completely filled and duly signed by the PIU
1 officials)
If "Yes"- are you satisfied with overall entries made by PIU?
Whether clear coloured & geotagged photographs at 100m interval depicting road
pavement condition are attached ?
Have you satisfied yourself that the proposed road is part of Candidate roads and
approved CUCPL ? (Approved CUCPL to be attached in DPR)
Whether the benefited habitations and PMGSY-III facility report generated from
OMMAS attached with the DPR ?
Whether the screenshot of the proposed alignment is attached with the DPR and
have you verified the alignment from the GeoSadak ?
5 If yes, are you satisfied with the proposed alignment as Through Route/ Major
Rural Link providing access to facilities viz. Education/ Hospitals/ Markets etc. to
rural population as per the objectives of PMGSY-III?
6 Is the road eligible for upgradation based on PCI value ?
Is the PCI value (as in CUCPL) for the proposed road is in corroboration with
photographs attached?
Is any portion/ road proposed under Riding Quality Improvement (RQI) ?
8 If yes, whether only wearing coat (OGPC and Seal Coat, SDBC, Surface dressing
or BC) with some patch filling work proposed?
Have you verified the Format F-9A and F-9B duly signed by Head of PIU are
attached with the DPR ?
Is any discrepancies/ abnormalities found in the soil test reports attached with the
DPR? (if yes, STA can re-verify again from the STA laboratory). Are all the four
requisite test results on subgrade soil (Gradation, plasticity limits, compaction and
CBR) reported in DPR?
Whether stabilisation of subgrade proposed in case subgrade CBR is less than 5%
for pavement widening portion or for new pavement construction?
Are you satisfied with the type of stabilization proposed and its test results
attached with the DPR ?

If stabilization is not proposed for the subgrade CBR less than 5, are you satisfied
with the reasons provided by the PIU ?

14 Whether 3 days/ 7 days traffic survey details attached with the DPR ?
Have you analysed the ATCC report and Axle load test data and yourself satisfied
15 with the design traffic recommended for the projected traffic more than 1 MSA as
per guidelines/ as per latest circular?
Whether existing road pavement has been divided into different sections (chainage
starting from and chainage up to) depending upon extent of distress for
16 strengthening/ rehabilitation of the proposed road section-wise?

If not, are you satisfied detailed reasons indicated in the DPR?

Whether the km wise existing crust details (layer thickness) properly entered in
Part-1 of Proforma C?
Whether the proper weightage is given for the existing crust thickness during
overlay design?
Whether overlay thickness is as per Clause 2.2.3 of IRC SP: 72-2015 based on
traffic category?
If bituminous macadam usage is proposed, whether the design traffic is of T9
category as per IRC SP:72 - 2015.

21 Is hard shoulder proposed is as per IRC SP:72:2015 ?

Whether the road has Geometrics as per Rural Roads Manual (RRM) / Latest
Circulars of NRIDA?
Whether the radius of the curves provided are adequate for design speed on rural
23 roads?
If not, are you satisfied with the precautions taken and included in the DPR?
24 Is L and X section drawings, Junction design drawings attached ?

25 Is location of CDs, drains and Protections marked in L and X section drawings ?

Are you satisfied with the location and type of CDs proposed as per photographs
and Hydraulic calculations ?
Are you satisfied with the location and type of Protection work proposed as per
photographs and site requirement?
28 Whether Road Safety Audit Report attached and uploaded on OMMAS ?

29 Whether the road safety provisions in the DPR are as per RSA report?

Have you verified and satisfied yourself regarding the provisions in the DPR such
30 as junction improvements, requirement of major CDs structures, pucca drains in
habitation area, etc. from the satellite imagery of the proposal in GeoSadak?

Whether any New technology has been proposed ?

If yes, whether the site jointly inspected by PIU, DPR consultant (technology
provider) and STA regarding selection of new technology ?
If proposed, whether the requisite test results and other data is attached with
31 b
the DPR ?
Whether the requisite pavement design based on Mix design/ test results
attached in the DPR?
Whether the comparative statement using conventional method and new
technology is attached with the DPR ?
Whether the details of Higher Specification considered over & above admissible
32 guidelines added under 19 (g) of Proforma C (Part-1) and detailed calculation of
the same attached with the DPR ?
Whether the cost considered under 19 (g) of Proforma C (Part-1) uploaded under
"Higher Specification" cost on OMMAS?
Are you satisfied with the provisions made in the DPR as per site reqirements and
duly following guidelines/ IRC Codes ?
Is the Part-1 of Proforma C- "Final Proposal Details" properly/ completely filled with
signatures after scrutiny at STA?
Total cost of construction after scrutiny by STA (Should match with Total Cost at
Part-1 (I/C of GST)) in Lakhs

Total Average cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 10.856

a Average Pavement cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 9.304

b Average CD Structures cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 0.215

c Average Other cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 1.337

District: North 24 Parganas
Block: Baduria
Length (km): 3.38km.
Package No.: WB-01-436
A. PAVEMENT WORKS 17471617.55
E. DRAINAGE 217301.54
Cost of Construction (excluding GST & Cess) = 20283496.30
Cost of GST & Cess = 3853864.30
Cost of Construction (including GST & Cess) = 24137360.60
DPR cost 101400.00
DPR cost (including GST) 119652.00
1st Year Routine Maintenance 66715.46
2nd Year Routine Maintenance 228351.52
3rd Year Routine Maintenance 440425.86
4th Year Routine Maintenance 517499.09
5th Year Routine Maintenance 731577.28
Cost of Routine Maintenance (excuding GST & Cess)= 1984569.21
Cost of GST & Cess = 377068.15
Cost of Routine Maintenance (including GST & Cess) = 2361637.36
H. Cost of Renewal Coat (after 5 years ) 3533111.75
1st Year Routine Maintenance 68050.00
2nd Year Routine Maintenance 232918.55
3rd Year Routine Maintenance 449234.38
4th Year Routine Maintenance 527849.07
5th Year Routine Maintenance 746208.83
Cost of Routine Maintenance (excuding GST & Cess)= 2024260.83
Cost of GST & Cess = 384609.56
Cost of Routine Maintenance (including GST & Cess) = 2408870.39
C. Cost Per km (Excluding Maintenance) 7176630.95
D. Cost Per km (Excluding Maintenance,in Lakhs) 71.77

Sub Assistant Engineer Assistant Engineer Executive Engineer .

WBSRDA, North 24 Parganas WBSRDA, North 24 Parganas WBSRDA, North 24 Parganas
Format: F9A

Certificate of Ground Verification from Executive Engineer / Head PIU

a) Certified that the land width for the road is available and that no additional land is required.

b) Certified that the land width for the road is likely to be available as certified by the Panchayat.

a) Certified that no Forest Land is involved along the entire roadway.
b) Certified that the case for permission under Forest Conservation Act has been moved to the
Forest Department on (Date..).

3. Certified that the DPR has been checked at site by AE / EE / SE on (Date….).

Executive Engineer
WBSRDA , North 24 Parganas


DPR Name (Road Name /

Sl. No. DPRS seen In Ground by % of Total No.
Package No.)


1 A.E.



2 E.E.



3 S.E.

State: West Bengal Ranking
Package No : WB-01-436 0 Not included
CUCPL No : 1 Poor Standard
Road Number: T07 2 Fair Standard
Road Name: T07-JASAIKATI TO BURUJ 3 Good Standard
District: North 24 Parganas
Block: Baduria
No. Chapter Description Ranking Review
1 Introduction Name of work, its status vis-à-vis mastar plan, core network, priority, terrain, geography, climate condition, habitation served, population of the habitation(s) ----
connected (direct + indirect) served by the proposed road, land used, predominant type of agriculture
2 Planning and Basic District and Block hierarchy, through road or link road, potential for future through road, traffic destination (eg. Markets, Block center) potential development and ----
design consideration future traffic generator, constrictions on ROW (productive land, irrigation and drainage channels, power polls and utitities building and structure) obligatory points
( eg. existing bridges, ponds, etc.) existing tracks, intersection, school and Government Buildings. Consideration of alternative alignment, alignment improvement,
bye passes and preparation of design brief.
3 Topographic Survey Temporary bench mark, ceterline, cross section, digital terrain model, setting out, actual road width available. ----

4 Soil and material Borrow area, quarry charts, availabality of the local materials, subgrade testing, soil testing, test result. ----
5 Traffic Survey Different types of vehicle plying per day, network transport and traffic impacts, base year traffic data of motorised and non motorised vehicles, growth rate adopted ----
and projected traffic for the horizon year based on the design life.
6 Hydrological Survey Local drainage system for the road, catchment, identification, data required for hydraulic design cross drainage works, agriculture, irrigation crossing. ----
7 Geometric Design : Roadway width, carriageway width, shoulders, design speed, horizontal curves, vertical gradient, cross slopes etc. ----

8 Alignment Design : Horizontal profile, vertical profile, cross sections, utilities and services, intersection layouts, road safety treatments. ----

9 Pavement Design : Types of pavement, thickness design, use of local material, types of surfacing adopted, layer wise design of the pavement along with a sketch of dimension, cross ----
section indicating the pavement layer, carriage way, road way and road land width.

10 Design of Cross Type of culverts, submersible bridges, paved dips, high level structure, bridges, irrigation crossing, catchment and discharge calculation high flood level estimates ----
Drainage : and justification for selection.

11 Protective Works : Retaining walls, breast walls, check walls, stone pitching, turfing and planting. ----
12 Land Acquisition : Obtain existing village plans from the revenue authorities, determine requirement for land acquisition, prepare plans showing the land acquisition. ----

13 Utility Shifting & Detalis of execiting utilities and details of new location of utilities to be relocated the departments responsible for each utilitys. ----
relocation Detalis and location of speed breakers, line markings and edge lines, traffic advisory and warning sign, stone markers and guide posts, audit the design at the stage
14 Road Safety and ----
Traffic Management when the major conceptual and layout decisions have already being made. Ensure that safety measures are incorporated into design, especially when design is
constrained, eg. narrow carriage way sections or speed needs to be controlled.
15 Specification : Choice of technology, Specification adopted. ----
16 Environmental Reinstatement of borrow areas, erosion control, filling of ponds, vegetation and tree removal, forest areas, wildlife, antiquities, historici ----
Issues : and religious sites, environmentally sensitive areas, constniction camps, pennits and clearances required, etc.

17 Analysis of Rates . Derivation of rates for all different items making up the designed works. ----
18 Cost Estimate : Estimate of quantities for all items of work provision for contingencies, provision for quality control provision for supervision, provisro ----
for logo and other road fumrture total cost of the ro used road, bnd es and drainage, cost of land acquisition and cost per km for the same.
19 Construction Brief methodology statement descnbrng construction activities and sequence, estimated duration of activies, estimated overall time required for construction and ----
Program analysis of impact of monsoon season on constniction period.

No. Drawing Description

1 Key Map : Showing the state in relation to India, district in relation to state, and a district map showing all the blocks, with the name of each block marked. ----
2 Block Road Map : Showing the master plan and the core network and the proposed road. ----

3 Index Road Map : Showing the full road to a suitable scale, topographical features like rivers canals, streams, railway lines, villages, market centres, othe ----
road and legend. Altemative alignments, alignment improvements, bypasses.

Longitudinal Section sections 1 Drawing showing 1 km in each sheet with chainae, level infomiation, gradient details, horizontal and vertical cun/e details. Utilities an services,
intersection layouts, road safety treatments, longitudinal drainage and drainage in builtup (village) areas, Existing roa Obligatory points including existing features
and fixed obstracles (eg. bridges, ponds, temples, etc) existing tracks, intersections, schoo and govemment buildings. LARGE SCALE DRAWINGS WHERE

5 Typical Cross Drawing showing typical road cross sections, pavement details including BT and CC, hard shoulder and soft shoulder, batter slopes longitudinal drainage. Typical ----
Section: cross sections in builtup village areas and typical sections in nomial rural areas 2

6 Detailed Cross Drawing showing detailed cross section with level infomtation, centre line offset details and so on. ----
7 Cross Drainage : Drawings of culverts, submersible bndges, paved dips and high level bridges, giving general anangement drawing (GAD), structure details. ----
8 Protective Works Drawing of protective works like retaining walls, breast walls, check walls, drains. ----
9 ----
Traffic and Drawing like kilometre stones, trafiic signs, hazard signs, advisory signs, speed breakers, line marking, stone markers, guide posts ,project sign boards.
Miscellaneous :

Reviewed By
Organisation: Total Score

Instructions and Notes -

1. Complete the road details in the title block and th reviewer details in the Reviewed by block
2. Review DPR Report chapter by ¢hapier. Rank each as not included (0), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell
Review drawing section by section Rank each as not included (O), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell.
3. Review drawing section by section. Rank each as not included (0), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell
4. DPR report chapter 2, 5 & 18 and Drawing Sections 2,3,4,5,6 and 7 are critical categories and have higher weighting.
5. If mandatory information is not included (report chapter 2& 5 and drawing section 4), score is zero and DPR will not be aproved.
6. Ranking less than (1) or less than (2) for critical categories means the chapter/ drawing can not be reviewed and the DPR will not be approved.
7. The outcome for each chapter and session will be automatically displayed. If it is CHECKED (cell highlights green), the review continues.
8. All lreports chapter and drawing section must achieve CHECKED status to proceed to check the overall score.
9. If any report chapter or drawing section does not achieve CHECKED status, the DPR will not be approved and the overall score will not be checked.
10. If the total score is not greater than 70%, the DPR will not be approved.
11. If the total score is greater than 70%, the decision will automatically be APPROVED (cell highlights green).
12. Only when all review cells give result of CHECKED and APPROVED (all review cells highlighted green) will the DPR be approved for issue.
State: West Bengal Ranking
Package No : WB-01-436 0 Not included
CUCPL No : 1 Poor Standard
Road Number: T07 2 Fair Standard
Road Name: T07-JASAIKATI TO BURUJ 3 Good Standard
District: North 24 Parganas
Block: Baduria
No. Chapter Description Ranking Review
1 Introduction Name of work, its status vis-à-vis mastar plan, core network, priority, terrain, geography, climate condition, habitation served, population of the habitation(s) ----
connected (direct + indirect) served by the proposed road, land used, predominant type of agriculture
2 Planning and Basic District and Block hierarchy, through road or link road, potential for future through road, traffic destination (eg. Markets, Block center) potential development and ----
design consideration future traffic generator, constrictions on ROW (productive land, irrigation and drainage channels, power polls and utitities building and structure) obligatory points
( eg. existing bridges, ponds, etc.) existing tracks, intersection, school and Government Buildings. Consideration of alternative alignment, alignment improvement,
bye passes and preparation of design brief.
3 Topographic Survey Temporary bench mark, ceterline, cross section, digital terrain model, setting out, actual road width available. ----

4 Soil and material Borrow area, quarry charts, availabality of the local materials, subgrade testing, soil testing, test result. ----
5 Traffic Survey Different types of vehicle plying per day, network transport and traffic impacts, base year traffic data of motorised and non motorised vehicles, growth rate adopted ----
and projected traffic for the horizon year based on the design life.
6 Hydrological Survey Local drainage system for the road, catchment, identification, data required for hydraulic design cross drainage works, agriculture, irrigation crossing. ----
7 Geometric Design : Roadway width, carriageway width, shoulders, design speed, horizontal curves, vertical gradient, cross slopes etc. ----

8 Alignment Design : Horizontal profile, vertical profile, cross sections, utilities and services, intersection layouts, road safety treatments. ----

9 Pavement Design : Types of pavement, thickness design, use of local material, types of surfacing adopted, layer wise design of the pavement along with a sketch of dimension, cross ----
section indicating the pavement layer, carriage way, road way and road land width.

10 Design of Cross Type of culverts, submersible bridges, paved dips, high level structure, bridges, irrigation crossing, catchment and discharge calculation high flood level estimates ----
Drainage : and justification for selection.

11 Protective Works : Retaining walls, breast walls, check walls, stone pitching, turfing and planting. ----
12 Land Acquisition : Obtain existing village plans from the revenue authorities, determine requirement for land acquisition, prepare plans showing the land acquisition. ----

13 Utility Shifting & Detalis of execiting utilities and details of new location of utilities to be relocated the departments responsible for each utilitys. ----
relocation Detalis and location of speed breakers, line markings and edge lines, traffic advisory and warning sign, stone markers and guide posts, audit the design at the stage
14 Road Safety and ----
Traffic Management when the major conceptual and layout decisions have already being made. Ensure that safety measures are incorporated into design, especially when design is
constrained, eg. narrow carriage way sections or speed needs to be controlled.
15 Specification : Choice of technology, Specification adopted. ----
16 Environmental Reinstatement of borrow areas, erosion control, filling of ponds, vegetation and tree removal, forest areas, wildlife, antiquities, historici ----
Issues : and religious sites, environmentally sensitive areas, constniction camps, pennits and clearances required, etc.

17 Analysis of Rates . Derivation of rates for all different items making up the designed works. ----
18 Cost Estimate : Estimate of quantities for all items of work provision for contingencies, provision for quality control provision for supervision, provisro ----
for logo and other road fumrture total cost of the ro used road, bnd es and drainage, cost of land acquisition and cost per km for the same.
19 Construction Brief methodology statement descnbrng construction activities and sequence, estimated duration of activies, estimated overall time required for construction and ----
Program analysis of impact of monsoon season on constniction period.

No. Drawing Description

1 Key Map : Showing the state in relation to India, district in relation to state, and a district map showing all the blocks, with the name of each block marked. ----
2 Block Road Map : Showing the master plan and the core network and the proposed road. ----

3 Index Road Map : Showing the full road to a suitable scale, topographical features like rivers canals, streams, railway lines, villages, market centres, othe ----
road and legend. Altemative alignments, alignment improvements, bypasses.

Longitudinal Section sections 1 Drawing showing 1 km in each sheet with chainae, level infomiation, gradient details, horizontal and vertical cun/e details. Utilities an services,
intersection layouts, road safety treatments, longitudinal drainage and drainage in builtup (village) areas, Existing roa Obligatory points including existing features
and fixed obstracles (eg. bridges, ponds, temples, etc) existing tracks, intersections, schoo and govemment buildings. LARGE SCALE DRAWINGS WHERE

5 Typical Cross Drawing showing typical road cross sections, pavement details including BT and CC, hard shoulder and soft shoulder, batter slopes longitudinal drainage. Typical ----
Section: cross sections in builtup village areas and typical sections in nomial rural areas 2

6 Detailed Cross Drawing showing detailed cross section with level infomtation, centre line offset details and so on. ----
7 Cross Drainage : Drawings of culverts, submersible bndges, paved dips and high level bridges, giving general anangement drawing (GAD), structure details. ----
8 Protective Works Drawing of protective works like retaining walls, breast walls, check walls, drains. ----
9 ----
Traffic and Drawing like kilometre stones, trafiic signs, hazard signs, advisory signs, speed breakers, line marking, stone markers, guide posts ,project sign boards.
Miscellaneous :
Reviewed By
Organisation: Total Score

Instructions and Notes -

1. Complete the road details in the title block and th reviewer details in the Reviewed by block
2. Review DPR Report chapter by ¢hapier. Rank each as not included (0), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell
Review drawing section by section Rank each as not included (O), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell.
3. Review drawing section by section. Rank each as not included (0), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell
4. DPR report chapter 2, 5 & 18 and Drawing Sections 2,3,4,5,6 and 7 are critical categories and have higher weighting.
5. If mandatory information is not included (report chapter 2& 5 and drawing section 4), score is zero and DPR will not be aproved.
6. Ranking less than (1) or less than (2) for critical categories means the chapter/ drawing can not be reviewed and the DPR will not be approved.
7. The outcome for each chapter and session will be automatically displayed. If it is CHECKED (cell highlights green), the review continues.
8. All lreports chapter and drawing section must achieve CHECKED status to proceed to check the overall score.
9. If any report chapter or drawing section does not achieve CHECKED status, the DPR will not be approved and the overall score will not be checked.
10. If the total score is not greater than 70%, the DPR will not be approved.
11. If the total score is greater than 70%, the decision will automatically be APPROVED (cell highlights green).
12. Only when all review cells give result of CHECKED and APPROVED (all review cells highlighted green) will the DPR be approved for issue.
State: West Bengal Ranking
Package No : WB-01-436 0 Not included
CUCPL No : 1 Poor Standard
Road Number: T07 2 Fair Standard
Road Name: T07-JASAIKATI TO BURUJ 3 Good Standard
District: North 24 Parganas
Block: Baduria
No. Chapter Description Ranking Review
1 Introduction Name of work, its status vis-à-vis mastar plan, core network, priority, terrain, geography, climate condition, habitation served, population of the habitation(s) ----
connected (direct + indirect) served by the proposed road, land used, predominant type of agriculture
2 Planning and Basic District and Block hierarchy, through road or link road, potential for future through road, traffic destination (eg. Markets, Block center) potential development and ----
design consideration future traffic generator, constrictions on ROW (productive land, irrigation and drainage channels, power polls and utitities building and structure) obligatory points
( eg. existing bridges, ponds, etc.) existing tracks, intersection, school and Government Buildings. Consideration of alternative alignment, alignment improvement,
bye passes and preparation of design brief.
3 Topographic Survey Temporary bench mark, ceterline, cross section, digital terrain model, setting out, actual road width available. ----

4 Soil and material Borrow area, quarry charts, availabality of the local materials, subgrade testing, soil testing, test result. ----
5 Traffic Survey Different types of vehicle plying per day, network transport and traffic impacts, base year traffic data of motorised and non motorised vehicles, growth rate adopted ----
and projected traffic for the horizon year based on the design life.
6 Hydrological Survey Local drainage system for the road, catchment, identification, data required for hydraulic design cross drainage works, agriculture, irrigation crossing. ----
7 Geometric Design : Roadway width, carriageway width, shoulders, design speed, horizontal curves, vertical gradient, cross slopes etc. ----

8 Alignment Design : Horizontal profile, vertical profile, cross sections, utilities and services, intersection layouts, road safety treatments. ----

9 Pavement Design : Types of pavement, thickness design, use of local material, types of surfacing adopted, layer wise design of the pavement along with a sketch of dimension, cross ----
section indicating the pavement layer, carriage way, road way and road land width.

10 Design of Cross Type of culverts, submersible bridges, paved dips, high level structure, bridges, irrigation crossing, catchment and discharge calculation high flood level estimates ----
Drainage : and justification for selection.

11 Protective Works : Retaining walls, breast walls, check walls, stone pitching, turfing and planting. ----
12 Land Acquisition : Obtain existing village plans from the revenue authorities, determine requirement for land acquisition, prepare plans showing the land acquisition. ----

13 Utility Shifting & Detalis of execiting utilities and details of new location of utilities to be relocated the departments responsible for each utilitys. ----
relocation Detalis and location of speed breakers, line markings and edge lines, traffic advisory and warning sign, stone markers and guide posts, audit the design at the stage
14 Road Safety and ----
Traffic Management when the major conceptual and layout decisions have already being made. Ensure that safety measures are incorporated into design, especially when design is
constrained, eg. narrow carriage way sections or speed needs to be controlled.
15 Specification : Choice of technology, Specification adopted. ----
16 Environmental Reinstatement of borrow areas, erosion control, filling of ponds, vegetation and tree removal, forest areas, wildlife, antiquities, historici ----
Issues : and religious sites, environmentally sensitive areas, constniction camps, pennits and clearances required, etc.

17 Analysis of Rates . Derivation of rates for all different items making up the designed works. ----
18 Cost Estimate : Estimate of quantities for all items of work provision for contingencies, provision for quality control provision for supervision, provisro ----
for logo and other road fumrture total cost of the ro used road, bnd es and drainage, cost of land acquisition and cost per km for the same.
19 Construction Brief methodology statement descnbrng construction activities and sequence, estimated duration of activies, estimated overall time required for construction and ----
Program analysis of impact of monsoon season on constniction period.

No. Drawing Description

1 Key Map : Showing the state in relation to India, district in relation to state, and a district map showing all the blocks, with the name of each block marked. ----
2 Block Road Map : Showing the master plan and the core network and the proposed road. ----

3 Index Road Map : Showing the full road to a suitable scale, topographical features like rivers canals, streams, railway lines, villages, market centres, othe ----
road and legend. Altemative alignments, alignment improvements, bypasses.

Longitudinal Section sections 1 Drawing showing 1 km in each sheet with chainae, level infomiation, gradient details, horizontal and vertical cun/e details. Utilities an services,
intersection layouts, road safety treatments, longitudinal drainage and drainage in builtup (village) areas, Existing roa Obligatory points including existing features
and fixed obstracles (eg. bridges, ponds, temples, etc) existing tracks, intersections, schoo and govemment buildings. LARGE SCALE DRAWINGS WHERE

5 Typical Cross Drawing showing typical road cross sections, pavement details including BT and CC, hard shoulder and soft shoulder, batter slopes longitudinal drainage. Typical ----
Section: cross sections in builtup village areas and typical sections in nomial rural areas 2

6 Detailed Cross Drawing showing detailed cross section with level infomtation, centre line offset details and so on. ----
7 Cross Drainage : Drawings of culverts, submersible bndges, paved dips and high level bridges, giving general anangement drawing (GAD), structure details. ----
8 Protective Works Drawing of protective works like retaining walls, breast walls, check walls, drains. ----
9 ----
Traffic and Drawing like kilometre stones, trafiic signs, hazard signs, advisory signs, speed breakers, line marking, stone markers, guide posts ,project sign boards.
Miscellaneous :

Reviewed By
Organisation: Total Score

Instructions and Notes -

1. Complete the road details in the title block and th reviewer details in the Reviewed by block
2. Review DPR Report chapter by ¢hapier. Rank each as not included (0), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell
Review drawing section by section Rank each as not included (O), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell.
3. Review drawing section by section. Rank each as not included (0), poor standard (1), fair standard (2) or good standard (3) in the ranking cell
4. DPR report chapter 2, 5 & 18 and Drawing Sections 2,3,4,5,6 and 7 are critical categories and have higher weighting.
5. If mandatory information is not included (report chapter 2& 5 and drawing section 4), score is zero and DPR will not be aproved.
6. Ranking less than (1) or less than (2) for critical categories means the chapter/ drawing can not be reviewed and the DPR will not be approved.
7. The outcome for each chapter and session will be automatically displayed. If it is CHECKED (cell highlights green), the review continues.
8. All lreports chapter and drawing section must achieve CHECKED status to proceed to check the overall score.
9. If any report chapter or drawing section does not achieve CHECKED status, the DPR will not be approved and the overall score will not be checked.
10. If the total score is not greater than 70%, the DPR will not be approved.
11. If the total score is greater than 70%, the decision will automatically be APPROVED (cell highlights green).
12. Only when all review cells give result of CHECKED and APPROVED (all review cells highlighted green) will the DPR be approved for issue.
Pakage No. : WB-01-436 Name of District : : North 24 Parganas Name of State : : West Bengal

Name of the Road Type of Proposed Length (km) Total Estimated Cost (Rs.) Average Cost per Km (Rs.)
Cost of
Sl. Name of proposa Cost of CD Others
No. the Block l* N/U TOTA works (Rs.) (Rs.)
From To BT CC (Rs. In Lakh) Construction Maintenance Construction Maintenance

1 Baduria JASAIKATI BURUJ U 3.026 0.354 3.380 20791224.88 479,317.48 2986470.23 24,257,012.59 2361637.36 7176630.94 698709.28

*After 5 yeas Maintenance, Cost of Renewal Coat (in Rs.) = 4204402.98 DPR Cost ( Rs.) 119652.00

**After 5 years Periodic Maintenance Cost (in Rs.) = 2408870.11

Signature: Signature:

By :-

Name: Name:


scrutiny done


Name: Signature:



Proforma C (2021)- Part-1
( For Indvidual Road Works )
Final Proposal Details (To be filled by PIU & Verified by STA)

1. Location State: West Bengal District : North 24 Parganas Block: Baduria

2. Package Number WB-01-436

3. Name of the Road (as per

4. Planning (Check from CUCPL and GeoSadak)

a Is the road a part of DRRP and Approved CUCPL (Mark ✔as appropriate) Yes ✔ No

b Is the road proposal uploaded on GeoSadak (Mark ✔as appropriate) Yes ✔ No

Screenshot of the proposed alignment from the GeoSadak to be attached with the DPR

c Indicate coordinates of Starting and Ending point of the Proposed Road Starting Point Ending Point

Latitude 22°45'49.61"N 22°46'26.85"N

Longitude 88°46'39.02"E 88°47'57.09"E

d Details regarding the components of the candidate road?

Component Roads DRRP Road Number Road Name Trace Map Rank PCI DRRP Length considered (km)

Component Road 1 Basirhat PWD Road to Choudhurypara Via Jasaikathi Haldarpara (1824233) 13 1.7 3.368
Component Road 2 Keotsa Bazer To Jashaikati Halder Para (1528763) 26 3.24 4.221

Component Road 3 `

Total 7.589

e Through Route/ MRL Number T- 7 OR MRL-

f Name of benefited habitations (benefited habitation report generated from OMMAS to be attached with the DPR)

Sl. No. Name of Habitation Population Sl. No. Name of Habitation Population Sl. No. Name of Habitation Population

1 Jasaikati Halderpara 1,199 22 Uttar Simla Durgapur 1,676

2 0 0

3 Buruj 1,425

4 Narkelberia 1,478

5 Jashaikhati Dakshin 2,480

6 Choudhurypara 1,351

7 Narayanpur 2,031

8 Noapara 2,357

9 Purba Simla Durgapur 1,756

10 Jasaikhati Uttar 2,287

11 Gurdaha 3,841

12 Kalinga 2,578

13 Kankrasuti Paschim 1,774

14 Masia 2,971

15 Narayanpur Dakshin 2,085

16 Naturia 3,763
17 Naturia Srirampur 1,489

18 Padmapukur 882

19 Sannya 1,928

20 Simla Durgapur Dakshin 2,492

21 Sompur 1,202

Total 43,045

g Names of facilities along the Candidate road (For PMGSY-III facilities, report generated from OMMAS to be attached with the DPR)

Name of Facilities Name of Facilities

Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. Name of the other Facilities
(as per PMGSY-III Objectives) (as per PMGSY-III Objectives)

1 rudrapur high school 6 bagan atghara market 16 CHALITABERIA BUS STAND


2 masia gofur sawmill 7 baduria bus stand 17 BARUY MADHAMIK SIKSHA

3 jashaikhati high school 8 atghara hat 18 BHEBIA GRAM PANCHAYAT

4 jashaikhati bedepota rural market 19

jashaikhati atghara panchayet

5 20

h Utility value 57.72

i CUCPL Rank 13

j Whether the proposed road leads to (Mark ✔as appropriate) MDR SH ✔ NH

k Average PCI of the road to which proposed TR or MRL will be connected

l Average PCI value of proposed road 1.7

If PCI of MDR / SH / NH is 3 or below , whether the State is undertaking for upgrading it from Yes No ✔
State fund available (Mark ✔as appropriate)
5. Eligible CUCPL length (km) - 3.368

6. Total Proposed Length (km) - 3.380 In Built up area (km) - 1.352 In Open Area (km) - 2.028

7. Is there any variation between eligible CUCPL length and Proposed length (Mark ✔as appropriate) Yes ✔ No

If Yes, Reason for variation to be mentioned

As per Survey length

8. Existing status of proposed road (PMGSY/ Non-PMGSY Portion)

Corresponding Corresponding Design Traffic

Chainage Length (km) Year of Construction*
existing PCU/day Category

PMGSY Portion
Non-PMGSY Portion 0+000 to 3+740 3.38 T6
Note : *Actual date of completion of previous construction/ upgradation.

9. Existing Surface Status of proposed road

Existing Surface Status

Track/ Earthen Gravel/ Moorum WBM Brick Soling Bituminous Wearing Course CC

Length Length Length

Chainage Chainage Length (km) Chainage Length (km) Chainage Chainage Length (km) Chainage
(km) (km) (km)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1074 1.074 1074-2104 1.03

2104-3740 1.636

Total 0 Total 0 Total 0 Total 0 Total 2.71 Total 1.03

10. Type of proposal

Chainage Length (km)

Riding Quality Improvement (RQI)

Upgradation without widening 000 to 1074, 2104 to 3740 2.71

Upgradation with widening

New Construction (From existing non-BT portion)

11. Type of Pavement Proposed

Chainage Length (km)

Rigid From 1+074 To 2+104 1.03

From 0+000 To 1+074 1.074

From 2+104 To 3+740 1.636

12. Whether the Proposed Road has the desired Road Land Width (RLW ) to accommodate Yes No
a. required carriageway/ roadway (Mark ✔as appropriate)

If No, what measure has been taken in DPR chainage wise Chainage
Measures taken
From To

Existing Widths (m) Proposed Widths (m)

b Indicate the widths of the following for the proposed road
In the Built Up Area In the Open Area In the Built Up Area In the Open Area
i) Carriageway 3 0.75 3.75 3.75
ii) Roadway 6 1.5 7.5 7.5
iii) Road Land Width 7.5 2.5 10 10

13. INDEX MAP (not to scale ) : To be attached saperately

Enroute Habitations Name / Chainage

H1/F1 H2/F2 H3/F3

H- Habitation
F-Facilities name


14. Traffic Data

Month & Year of Traffic Volume Count =
Motorised Traffic Non Motorised Traffic
Trucks Agricultural Tractors Trallers Buses Animal Drawn Vechicle
Days Cars, Jeep, Light
Motorised two Cycle
Vans, Three Commerci Cycles
Wheelers Over Rickshawa Num.
Wheelers al Vehicle Loaded Unloaded Over loaded Loaded Unloaded Loaded Unloaded Over loaded SWC
loaded Tyred

Day 1 287 14 4 24 10 34 11 21 32 0 0 0 414 413 0 -

Day 2 279 13 10 7 11 18 17 17 34 0 0 0 186 240 0 -
Day 3 211 19 4 8 8 16 14 14 28 0 0 0 24 416 0 -
Day 4
Day 6
Day 7
Average 259 15 6 13 10 23 14 17 31 0 0 0 208 356 0 -
3 days traffic count is required in case design is done using IRC SP:72-2015 and 7 day count required in case design is done with IRC 37:2018
a Traffic Details in case design is done as per SP IRC 72:2015
ADT in the year of Traffic Count = 1167

Growth rate adopted (%) = 6 Base Year Traffic AADT (T) = 1455
Design Life (Years) = 10

Number of Harvesting Seasons = 2

No. of Days in Each Harvesting Season (t) = 75 Cumulative ESAL = = 386371

Value of (n) assumed = Traffic Category = T6

b Traffic Details in case design is done as per IRC 37-2018

A= Intitial traffic in the year of completion of construction in terms of the number of commericial vehicles per day

D= Lane distribution factor

F= Vehicle damage factor

n= Design life in years

r= growth rate adopted %

N= The cumulative number of standard axles to be catered for the design in terms of msa
Projected Commercial Vehicle Per Day

c Projected Passenger Car Unit (PCU/day) 1898

15. Design Subgrade CBR ( for Different Sections atleast one Test/km ) =

Chainage-wise 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-8.750 9-9.299 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14

Subgrade CBR % 5.43 5.17 5.30 5.70

16. Relavant Method & Codes used for Pavement Design

a Method Used for Designing of Pavement ((Mark ✔as appropriate) Conventional New Technology ✔

If New Technology is used, indicate the name (Please indicate New Technology used in
b Subgrade, Sub-Base, Base, Surface Course layer separately) 75 mm GSB-III (widening), 150 mm GSB-III, 75 mm WBM-II, 75 mm WBM-III, 25 mm MSS with Waste
Plastic Chainage (0-1.900,2.255-2.495) Km And 225 mm GSB-III, 75 mm WBM-II, 75 mm WBM-III, 25 mm
MSS with Waste Plastic Chainage (2.495-3.026, 1.950-2.255 Km & 75 mm Brick Soling (widening), 100
mm DLC (widening), 100 mm Panelled Cement Concrete Chainage (3.026-3.380) Km

c Code used for designing Flexible pavement (Mark ✔as appropriate) IRC:SP:72-2015 ✔ IRC:37-2018

d Code used for designing Rigid Pavement (Mark ✔as appropriate) IRC:SP:62-2014 ✔ IRC:58-2011

e Any other Codes used for New Technology/ Other, please indicate

17. Existing and Proposed Pavement Cross Section drawing & details both for flexible and rigid (Separately Chainage-wise)

i) Cross Section of the Existing road showing different component layers. Cross Section of the Proposed road showing different component layers.

Chainage From 0 To 1950

From 2255 To 2495

(Drawing should be as per Existing Pavement) (Drawing should be as per actual provisions made in DPR) Thickness
Pavement Layer Thickness (mm) Pavement Layer
MSS with Waste
OGPC 20 25

WBM 75 WBM- III 75

GSB 75 WBM- II 75

GSB -II 75

GSB -II 75

GSB-II (widening) 75

ii) Cross Section of the Existing road showing different component layers. Cross Section of the Proposed road showing different component layers.

Chainage From 2495 To 3026

(Drawing should be as per Existing Pavement) (Drawing should be as per actual provisions made in DPR) Thickness
Pavement Layer Thickness (mm) Pavement Layer

MSS with Waste

Brick Soling 75


WBM- II 75

GSB -II 75

GSB -II 75

GSB -II 75

iii) Cross Section of the Existing road showing different component layers. Cross Section of the Proposed road showing different component layers.

Chainage From 1950.00 To 2255.00

(Drawing should be as per Existing Pavement) (Drawing should be as per actual provisions made in DPR) Thickness
Pavement Layer Thickness (mm) Pavement Layer


iv) Cross Section of the Existing road showing different component layers. Cross Section of the Proposed road showing different component layers.

Chainage From 3026 To 3380

(Drawing should be as per Existing Pavement) (Drawing should be as per actual provisions made in DPR) Thickness
Pavement Layer Thickness (mm) Pavement Layer
100 Cement 100
75 DLC (widening) 100

Brick Soling

Separate cross section drawings along with tabular details of the pavement layers should be repeated (chainage wise) for each type of cross section encountered.

18. Sources and the Lead distances of Materials are as under (Lead to be measured from the mid-point of the proposed road)

Sl. No. Material Source Lead Distance (km) Sl. No. Material Source Lead Distance (km)

1 Earth for embankment construction 6 M-Sand

2 Murrum/ Carted soil (Subgrade) 7 Cement BASIRHAT 17

3 Murrum/ Gravel for shoulder (Subgrade) 8 Emulsion DHULOGORI 82

4 Aggregate BARASAT 41 9 Bitumen HALDIA 175

5 Hume Pipe MADHYAMGRAM 44 10 Steel BASIRHAT 17

19. Cost Details of proposal (Please fill all the entries or write "NA" wherever applicable )
a Pavement Components
Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in
Description of layer Quantity Unit Rate in Rs. Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs

Flexible pavement

Preparatory & Earthwork

i Clearing & scarifying Sqm 280430.88 50477.56 0.601 0.83

ii Earth Work - in Excavation/ Cutting Cum 35046.00 6308.28 0.075 0.104
iii Earthwork- in Filling (Embankment) 8450.000 Cum 1673438.00 301218.84 3.585 4.951
Subgrade (if provided seperately)
a. Subgrade (Using local Soil) Cum 0
b. Subgrade (Carted Soil) Cum 0
c. Treated Subgrade (Stabilized Subgrade) Cum 0
a. Earthen Shoulder Cum 0
b. Gravel Shoulder Cum 0
c. GSB Quality Shoulder 604.240 Cum 1593.98 867925.30 156226.55 1.859 2.568
Sub-Base Course
vi Granular Sub base (Grade-III) 2147.784 Cum 2277.62 4891835.79 880530.44 10.478 14.473
vii Soil + Aggregate Mix Cum 0
viii Stabilised sub base Cum 0
Base Course
ix WBM Gr -II 866.707 Cum 2484259.52 447166.71 5.321 7.35
x WBM Gr -III 866.707 Cum 3509.23 3041474.21 547465.36 6.515 8.998
xi WMM Cum 0
xii Stabilised base Cum 0
Bituminous Course
xiii Prime Coat 11574.450 Sqm 35.86 415059.78 74710.76 0.889 1.228
xiv Tack Coat 11574.450 Sqm 10.19 117944.00 21229.92 0.253 0.349
xv Binder Course (BM/ DBM ) Indicate Type Cum 0

Surface Course 25 mm Mix Seal

Surfacing using Waste Plastic
Indicate Type 11574.450 Sqm/ Cum 193.65 2241392.24 403450.6 4.801 6.631

xvii Seal Coat Sqm 0

Surface Course with Surface Dressing
a. Single Coat Surface Dressing Sqm 0
b. Double Coat Surface Dressing (with
Indicate Type Sqm 0
or without Pre-Coating indicate)

Total cost of Flexible pavement (a) 16048805.72 2888785.03 34.377 47.482

Cement Concrete Road

xix GSB Brick Flat Soling 270.810 Sqm 326.72 88479.04 15926.23 0.19 0.262

xx WBM/ WMM Cum 0

xxi Concrete for Pavement (M30) on existing CC Pavement Cum 0

Concrete for Pavement (M30) for newly proposed CC
xxii Cum 0
Pavement portion
xxiii ICBP Sqm 0

xxiv Hard Shoulder Dry lean concrete( DLC) 70.800 Cum 3942.40 279121.92 50241.95 0.598 0.826

xxv Dry lean concrete( DLC) 37.701 Cum 3942.40 148632.42 26753.84 0.318 0.44

xxvi Panelled Cement Concrete Pavement 135.405 Cum 6695.31 906578.45 163184.12 1.942 2.682
Total cost of Concrete Pavement (b) 1422811.83 256106.13 3.05 4.21
Total cost of Pavement (a + b) 17471617.55 3144891.16 37.42 51.69
Cost deduction due to higher specification in pavement design**

Final Pavement Cost after deduction

Note : ** The details of Higher Specification considered in pavement design over & above admissible guidelines need to be provided under 19 (g) and detailed calculation of the same to be attached with the DPR separately.

b Cross Drainage (CD) Works

i Existing CD (requiring repair)

Type of CD Location/ Chainage Number Total Length of CDs Amount in Lakhs

ii Existing CD (requiring replacement)

Type of Existing
Type of Proposed CD Location/ Chainage Number Total Length of CDs Amount in Lakhs
1 1.50 0+629 1 7.5
0.60 1.50 3+288 1 7.5

iii New proposed CD

Type of CD Location/ Chainage Number Total Length of CDs Amount in Lakhs

0.5 m Slab culvert 4 4.80 3.58

1.5 m Slab culvert 0 0.00 0.00
0.3 m ACP 3 30.00 0.45
Note: Similar type of CDs may be grouped together for each category
Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in
Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs

Total Cost of CD works 402787.80 72501.8 0.863 1.192

c Protection works Chainage (Expand as applicable)

From To Length( m) Amount in Lakhs Average cost/ m in Lakhs

i 280 1016229.20 0.036

Retaining wall / U.C. Pilling
i 14675.00
Breast wall / Bamboo. Pilling

Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in

Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs

Total cost of Protection works 1030904.20 185562.76 2.208 3.05

d Side Drains (if Provided) Chainage (Expand as applicable)

From To Length( m) Amount in Lakhs Average cost / m in Lakhs

(Indicate Type) i 60 217301.54 0.036
Pucca Drain (U/ V/ Trapezoidal/ etc)
Earthen/ Kacha Drain i

Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in

Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs
Total cost of Side Drains works 217301.54 39114.28 0.465 0.643

e Road Logo, other Road Furniture including Road safety signs (Expand as applicable)
Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in
Sl. No. Type of Road Furniture Chainage Number Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs
i Details of Road Furniture 114361.16 20585.01 0.245 0.338



Total cost of Road Furniture 114361.16 20585.01 0.245 0.338

f Any other Provisions

Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in
Sl. No. Items (Please Specify) Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs

Total cost of Other Provisions 0 0 0

g Other Items under Higher Specifications (Additional Cost to be borne by the State, apart from those under 19(a) to 19(f))
Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in
Sl. No. Items Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs
i Land Acquisition

ii Shifting of Utilities

iii Plantation

Any other (Please specify)

a DPR Cost 101400.00 18252.00 0.217 0.300

b Road Safety 1046524.05 188374.33 2.242 3.096

Total cost of Higher Specification 1147924.05 206626.33 2.066 3.396

Amount (I/C GST) in Average cost/ km in

h Total Construction Cost - Sum of 19 (a) to 19 (g) Amount in Rs. GST in Rs.
Lakhs Lakhs

Total Construction Cost of the Project 24257012.6 4366262.27 43.663 71.766

20. Five Year Routine Maintenance

To be estimated as per provision of Operation Manual % of Total
Year Cost (I/C GST) in Lakhs Cost /km in Lakhs
construction cost
I 0.79 0.33 0.23

II 2.72 1.12 0.80

III 5.24 2.16 1.55

IV 6.16 2.54 1.82

V 8.71 3.59 2.58

Renewal coat after 5 years 42.04 17.33 12.44

Total Maintenance Cost 65.66 27.07 19.43

Maintenance after 6th years renewal coat I 0.81 0.33 0.24

II 2.77 1.14 0.82

III 5.34 2.20 1.58

IV 6.28 2.59 1.86

V 8.88 3.66 2.63

Total Maintenance Cost 24.08 9.93 7.12

Grand Total of maintenance 89.74 37.00 26.55

21.Does the Estimation Conform to Standard Rate Analysis and SSR generated for the current Phase (Mark ✔as
Vetted at NRIDA Year of SoR
Yes No

22. Final Project Cost Abstract :

Cost sharing pattern between MoRD and State (Mark ✔as appropriate) General Area (60:40) Special Area (90:10)

Total Cost (I/C GST) Average Cost/ km (I/C GST) in

Item as per Entry 19 above Total Cost in Lakhs GST in Lakhs MoRD Share in Lakhs State Share in Lakhs
in Lakhs Lakhs

19(a) Pavement 174.716 31.449 207.912 122.035 81.357 9.304

19(b) CD Structures 4.028 0.725 4.793 2.813 1.876 0.215

19(c) Protection Works 10.309 1.856 12.268 7.201 4.801 0.549

19(d) Drains 2.173 0.391 2.586 1.518 1.012 0.116

19(e) Road Furniture 1.144 0.206 1.361 0.799 0.533 0.061

19(f) Other Provisions 11.479 2.066 13.650 8.012 5.341 0.611

19(g) Higher Specifications Not Applicable 5.248

Total Project Construction Cost (Excluding

203.85 36.693 242.570 142.378 100.168 10.856
Maintenance Cost)
Proforma C (2021)- Part-2
CHECKLIST FOR PIU (To be filled handwritten by PIU Head)
Sl To be filled by wherever
No PIU (Yes/No) applicable (Page
no. in the DPR)
Whether the transect walk photographs, Minutes of Transect walk, Grama Sabha
approval attached with the DPR ?
Whether the benefited habitations and PMGSY-III facility report generated from
OMMAS attached with the DPR ?
Whether the proposal uploaded on GeoSadak and screenshot of the proposed
alignment is attached with the DPR ?
Whether clear coloured & geotagged photographs at 100m interval depicting road
pavement condition are attached ?
Is the PCI value (as in CUCPL) for the proposed road is in corroboration with
photographs attached? (Approved CUCPL to be attached in DPR)
6 Is the road eligible for upgradation based on PCI value ?
7 Is any portion/ road proposed under Riding Quality Improvement (RQI) ?
Is any portion of the road is within design life period of 10 years or PCI more than

8 If yes, whether the additional cost for such portion of length uploaded under
Higher Specification Cost on OMMAS?

b If not, whether detailed reasons indicated in the DPR?

Whether required roadway land width of 9 m and 7.50 m for 5.50 m and 3.75 m
carriageway width respectively available througout or as per codal provision
depending upon terrain ?
9 If no, whether chainage wise details of available land width is attached with
the DPR?
b If no, whether land acquisition proposed for obtaining required land width?

Whether the road has Geometrics as per Rural Roads Manual (RRM) / Latest
Circulars of NRIDA?
Whether the radius of the curves provided are adequate as per codal provisions
for design speed on rural roads?
If not, whether precautions have been taken and included in the DPR?

12 Is Road Plan, L & X section and Junction design drawings attached ?

Whether soil test report showing (a) Gradation (b) Plasticity limits (LL, PL & PI) (c)
13 Standard Proctor Compaction (MDD & OMC) (d) CBR tests on existing subgrade
soil is attached ?
Whether stabilisation of subgrade proposed in case subgrade CBR is less than 5%
for pavement in widening portion or for new pavement construction?

If stabilisation of subgrade is proposed, whether the test report of stabilised

15 subgrade for determining 'Optimum stabiliser content' and 'subgrade strength
achieved after stabilisation' is attached ?

Whether any carted soil is proposed for improvement of sub grade/ shoulder?
If yes, whether test results of carted soil is attached with the DPR?

17 Whether the test results of GSB material is attached with the DPR?

18 Whether 3 days/ 7 days traffic survey details attached with the DPR?
Whether 3rd party Traffic verification using ATCC is carried out for more than 1
19 MSA traffic as per guidelines/ as per latest circular and reports attached with the
Whether Axle load Surveys carried out for more than 1 MSA traffic and reports
attached with the DPR?
Is the carriageway width (single lane or intermediate lane) of the proposed road is
as per PCU/day consideration? (Refer to IRC 64:1990)

Whether existing road pavement has been divided into different sections (chainage
starting from and chainage up to) depending upon extent of distress for
22 strengthening/ rehabilitation of the proposed road section-wise?

If not, whether detailed reasons indicated in the DPR ?

Is the Pavement design done as per latest version of IRC Code? IRC SP:72-2015
and IRC SP:62-2014 or IRC 37-2018 and IRC 58-2011
Whether earth obtained from cutting section has been propsed for using in filling
section? (Cutting from High embankment, side drains, protection work, CD work,
24 etc.)
If not, whether detailed reasons indicated in the DPR ?
Whether hard rock or ordinary rock classification and quantity of hard rock or
ordinary rock cutting proposed are justified based on previous experiences and
25 rock outcrops seen in that area?

If yes, whether due credit given to hard rock ?

Whether the km wise existing pavement crust details (pavement layer details and
their thickness, year of construction) are properly filled in Part-1 of Proforma C ?
Whether the proper weightage is given for the existing crust thickness while
designing overlay thickness?
Whether overlay thickness is as per Clause 2.2.3 of IRC SP: 72-2015 based on
traffic category ?
Whether the Binder Course/ Surfacing Course has been proposed as per IRC
29 SP:72 - 2015 or IRC 37-2018 ?
If not, whether detailed reasons indicated in the DPR ?

30 Is Location of CDs, drains and Protections marked in L and X section drawings?

Whether length of existing/ proposed CDs/ Bridges deducted from pavement

quantity calculation?
Whether the clear coloured photographs at the location of existing and Proposed
CD structures, and protection structures are attached ?
33 Whether hydraulic calculation for each CD structures attached?
34 Whether latest rainfall data used for the design ?
Is the provision of CD structures and design is as per site requirement and as per
relevant IRC codes?
In case of CD structures which have been proposed for replacement, whether you
36 have ensured that such CDs are beyond repair and hence they need to be
Is the provision of Protection work and design is as per site requirement and as
per relevant IRC codes?
38 Whether drainage plan attached with the DPR?

39 Whether Road Safety Audit (RSA) report attached and uploaded on OMMAS ?
Is the provision of road safety furniture proposed as per RSA and site
Is the road safety furniture items (Retroreflective road signs, thermoplastic
reflective paint for road markings, Advance warning signs, Traffic calming
measures, Crash barriers, hazard markers and parapets on bridges, etc.)
proposed in DPR marked in the road plan
Whether any New technology has been proposed ?
If yes, whether the site jointly inspected by PIU, DPR consultant (technology
a provider) and STA regarding selection of technology ? If yes, date on which Date:
site inspection was made.
If proposed, whether the requisite test results and other data is attached with
the DPR ?
Whether the comparative statement using conventional method and new
technology is attached with the DPR ?
Whether the details of Higher Specification considered over & above admissible
43 guidelines added under 19 (g) of Proforma C (Part-1) and detailed calculation of
the same attached with the DPR ?
Whether the cost considered under 19 (g) of Proforma C (Part-1) uploaded under
"Higher Specification" cost on OMMAS?
Whether Format F-9A and F-9B duly signed by Head of PIU are attached with the
Whether the head of PIU inspected the site? If yes, date on which site inspection
46 Date:
was made
If yes, are you satisfied with the provisions made in the DPR as per site
requirement and duly following guidelines/ IRC Codes ?
Total cost of construction after scrutiny by PIU/Circle-Office and before scrutiny at
STA (I/C of GST) in Lakhs

Total Average cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 10.856

a Average Pavement cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 9.304

b Average CD Structures cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 0.215

c Average Other cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 1.337

Describe how the proposal meets PMGSY-III objectives (Maximum 100 words)

Signature of PIU Head




Note: Part-2 of Proforma C to be filled personally by concerned PIU Head

Proforma C (2021)- Part-3
CHECKLIST FOR STA (To be filled handwritten by STA)
Name of the STA:
Sl To be filled by wherever
No STA (Yes/No) applicable (Page
no. in the DPR)
Is the Part -I and Part-2 of Proforma C completely filled with signature? (Scrutiny
by STA should only be done after it is completely filled and duly signed by the PIU
1 officials)
If "Yes"- are you satisfied with overall entries made by PIU?
Whether clear coloured & geotagged photographs at 100m interval depicting road
pavement condition are attached ?
Have you satisfied yourself that the proposed road is part of Candidate roads and
approved CUCPL ? (Approved CUCPL to be attached in DPR)
Whether the benefited habitations and PMGSY-III facility report generated from
OMMAS attached with the DPR ?
Whether the screenshot of the proposed alignment is attached with the DPR and
have you verified the alignment from the GeoSadak ?
5 If yes, are you satisfied with the proposed alignment as Through Route/ Major
Rural Link providing access to facilities viz. Education/ Hospitals/ Markets etc. to
rural population as per the objectives of PMGSY-III?
6 Is the road eligible for upgradation based on PCI value ?
Is the PCI value (as in CUCPL) for the proposed road is in corroboration with
photographs attached?
Is any portion/ road proposed under Riding Quality Improvement (RQI) ?
8 If yes, whether only wearing coat (OGPC and Seal Coat, SDBC, Surface dressing
or BC) with some patch filling work proposed?
Have you verified the Format F-9A and F-9B duly signed by Head of PIU are
attached with the DPR ?
Is any discrepancies/ abnormalities found in the soil test reports attached with the
DPR? (if yes, STA can re-verify again from the STA laboratory). Are all the four
requisite test results on subgrade soil (Gradation, plasticity limits, compaction and
CBR) reported in DPR?
Whether stabilisation of subgrade proposed in case subgrade CBR is less than 5%
for pavement widening portion or for new pavement construction?
Are you satisfied with the type of stabilization proposed and its test results
attached with the DPR ?

If stabilization is not proposed for the subgrade CBR less than 5, are you satisfied
with the reasons provided by the PIU ?

14 Whether 3 days/ 7 days traffic survey details attached with the DPR ?
Have you analysed the ATCC report and Axle load test data and yourself satisfied
15 with the design traffic recommended for the projected traffic more than 1 MSA as
per guidelines/ as per latest circular?
Whether existing road pavement has been divided into different sections (chainage
starting from and chainage up to) depending upon extent of distress for
16 strengthening/ rehabilitation of the proposed road section-wise?

If not, are you satisfied detailed reasons indicated in the DPR?

Whether the km wise existing crust details (layer thickness) properly entered in
Part-1 of Proforma C?
Whether the proper weightage is given for the existing crust thickness during
overlay design?
Whether overlay thickness is as per Clause 2.2.3 of IRC SP: 72-2015 based on
traffic category?
If bituminous macadam usage is proposed, whether the design traffic is of T9
category as per IRC SP:72 - 2015.

21 Is hard shoulder proposed is as per IRC SP:72:2015 ?

Whether the road has Geometrics as per Rural Roads Manual (RRM) / Latest
Circulars of NRIDA?
Whether the radius of the curves provided are adequate for design speed on rural
23 roads?
If not, are you satisfied with the precautions taken and included in the DPR?
24 Is L and X section drawings, Junction design drawings attached ?

25 Is location of CDs, drains and Protections marked in L and X section drawings ?

Are you satisfied with the location and type of CDs proposed as per photographs
and Hydraulic calculations ?
Are you satisfied with the location and type of Protection work proposed as per
photographs and site requirement?
28 Whether Road Safety Audit Report attached and uploaded on OMMAS ?

29 Whether the road safety provisions in the DPR are as per RSA report?

Have you verified and satisfied yourself regarding the provisions in the DPR such
30 as junction improvements, requirement of major CDs structures, pucca drains in
habitation area, etc. from the satellite imagery of the proposal in GeoSadak?

Whether any New technology has been proposed ?

If yes, whether the site jointly inspected by PIU, DPR consultant (technology
provider) and STA regarding selection of new technology ?
If proposed, whether the requisite test results and other data is attached with
31 b
the DPR ?
Whether the requisite pavement design based on Mix design/ test results
attached in the DPR?
Whether the comparative statement using conventional method and new
technology is attached with the DPR ?
Whether the details of Higher Specification considered over & above admissible
32 guidelines added under 19 (g) of Proforma C (Part-1) and detailed calculation of
the same attached with the DPR ?
Whether the cost considered under 19 (g) of Proforma C (Part-1) uploaded under
"Higher Specification" cost on OMMAS?
Are you satisfied with the provisions made in the DPR as per site reqirements and
duly following guidelines/ IRC Codes ?
Is the Part-1 of Proforma C- "Final Proposal Details" properly/ completely filled with
signatures after scrutiny at STA?
Total cost of construction after scrutiny by STA (Should match with Total Cost at
Part-1 (I/C of GST)) in Lakhs

Total Average cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 10.856

a Average Pavement cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 9.304

b Average CD Structures cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 0.215

c Average Other cost/ km ( in Lakhs) 1.337

District: North 24 Parganas
Block: Baduria
Length (km): 3.38km.
Package No.: WB-01-436
A. PAVEMENT WORKS 17471617.55
E. DRAINAGE 217301.54
Cost of Construction (excluding GST & Cess) = 20283496.30
Cost of GST & Cess = 3853864.30
Cost of Construction (including GST & Cess) = 24137360.60
DPR cost 101400.00
DPR cost (including GST) 119652.00
1st Year Routine Maintenance 66715.46
2nd Year Routine Maintenance 228351.52
3rd Year Routine Maintenance 440425.86
4th Year Routine Maintenance 517499.09
5th Year Routine Maintenance 731577.28
Cost of Routine Maintenance (excuding GST & Cess)= 1984569.21
Cost of GST & Cess = 377068.15
Cost of Routine Maintenance (including GST & Cess) = 2361637.36
H. Cost of Renewal Coat (after 5 years ) 3533111.75
1st Year Routine Maintenance 68050.00
2nd Year Routine Maintenance 232918.55
3rd Year Routine Maintenance 449234.38
4th Year Routine Maintenance 527849.07
5th Year Routine Maintenance 746208.83
Cost of Routine Maintenance (excuding GST & Cess)= 2024260.83
Cost of GST & Cess = 384609.56
Cost of Routine Maintenance (including GST & Cess) = 2408870.39
C. Cost Per km (Excluding Maintenance) 7176630.95
D. Cost Per km (Excluding Maintenance,in Lakhs) 71.77

Sub Assistant Engineer Assistant Engineer Executive Engineer .

WBSRDA, North 24 Parganas WBSRDA, North 24 Parganas WBSRDA, North 24 Parganas
Format: F9A

Certificate of Ground Verification from Executive Engineer / Head PIU

a) Certified that the land width for the road is available and that no additional land is required.

b) Certified that the land width for the road is likely to be available as certified by the Panchayat.

a) Certified that no Forest Land is involved along the entire roadway.
b) Certified that the case for permission under Forest Conservation Act has been moved to the
Forest Department on (Date..).

3. Certified that the DPR has been checked at site by AE / EE / SE on (Date….).

Executive Engineer
WBSRDA , North 24 Parganas


DPR Name (Road Name /

Sl. No. DPRS seen In Ground by % of Total No.
Package No.)


1 A.E.



2 E.E.



3 S.E.


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