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1.The pressure which is exerted by air around us is known as

( A ) force ( B ) atmospheric pressure ( C ) muscular force ( D ) friction
2.When a given force is applied on larger area of contact the pressure exerted by it:
( A ) increases ( B ) decreases ( C ) does not change ( D ) none of these
3.Force acting on per unit area is called
( A ) non-contact forces ( B ) contact forces ( C ) force ( D ) pressure
4.The pressure exerted by a liquid:
( A ) decreases with depth ( B ) does not change with depth ( C ) increases with depth ( D ) different
5.A ___________ exerted by an object on another is a force.
( A ) Push or pull ( B ) Contact or non-contact force ( C ) Pressure ( D ) Magnitude
6.A force can:
( A ) change state of motion ( B ) change shape of an object( C ) change direction of motion of an object( D ) all
7.The force exerted by the earth to pull the object towards itself is called
( A ) electrostatic force ( B ) gravitational force ( C ) muscular force ( D ) contact force
8.Force is:
( A ) only push on an object ( B ) only pull on an object ( C ) either push or pull on an object ( D ) none of these
9.Muscular force is also called ___________ force.
( A ) non-contact ( B ) contact ( C ) gravitational ( D ) magnetic
10.Liquids exert pressure on the walls of the container:
( A ) yes ( B ) no ( C ) can’t say ( D ) none of these
11.The force exerted by a charged body on another char
( A ) gravitational force ( B ) electrostatic force ( C ) non-contact force ( D ) contact force
12.The pressure exerted by the air is known as:
( A ) air pressure ( B ) gas pressure ( C ) atmospheric pressure ( D ) none of these
13.Force changes the
( A ) motion of body ( B ) speed of body ( C ) shape of body ( D ) all of these
14.When a rubber sucker is pressed on a plane surface than it sticks to the surface because of :
( A ) pressure exerted by us ( B ) air sucked by rubber ( C ) pressure of atmosphere acting on it ( D ) none of these
15.The force exerted by our muscle is called
( A ) electrostatic force ( B ) muscular force ( C ) gravitational force ( D ) non-contact force
16.The instrument used of measure atmospheric pressure is:
( A ) mercury barometer ( B ) manometer ( C ) pressure meter ( D ) none of these
17.1 kilogram weight is equal to
( A ) 98 N ( B ) 9.8 N ( C ) 0.98 N ( D ) 0.098 N
18.The force exerted on a normal human being due to atmospheric pressure is:
( A ) 1 x 104N ( B ) 1 x 105N ( C )1 x 106N ( D ) none of these
19.A spring balance is used for measuring
( A ) mass ( B ) weight ( C ) pressure ( D ) speed
20.The SI unit of pressure is
( A ) newton ( B ) pascal ( C ) joule ( D ) meter
21.Two boys A and B are applying force on a block. If the block moves towards the boy A, which one of the
following statements is correct?
( A ) Magnitude of force applied by A is greater than B. ( B ) Magnitude of force applied by A is smaller than B.
( C ) Net force on the block is towards B. ( D ) Magnitude of force applied by A is equal to that of B.
22.When bicycle tube is punctured than:
( A ) it bursts ( B ) air escapes very fast ( C ) air escapes slowly ( D ) none of these
23.When two forces act in opposite directions, then net force acting is the
( A ) sum of two forces ( B ) difference between two forces ( C ) both of these ( D ) none of these
24.We are not crushed under the weight of air because:
( A ) air has no weight ( B ) the pressure inside our bodies is equal to atmospheric pressure
( C ) the pressure inside our bodies is more than atmospheric pressure ( D ) none of these
25.The strength of force is expressed by its
( A ) weight ( B ) mass ( C ) magnitude ( D ) longitudinal force
26.Leaves fall down on the ground due to
( A ) electrostatic force ( B ) magnetic force ( C ) gravitational force ( D ) muscular force
27.The non-contact force is:
( A ) magnetic force ( B ) electrostatic force ( C ) force of gravity ( D ) all of these
28.State of motion is described by
( A ) Position of rest ( B ) Position of motion ( C ) Both by the state of rest or motion ( D ) None of these
29.A boat comes to rest if we stop rowing it due to:
( A ) gravitation force ( B ) force of friction ( C ) muscular force ( D ) none of these
30.When the hammer strikes the gong of an electric bell, which of the following force is responsible for the
movement of hammer?
( A ) Gravitational force alone ( B ) Magnetic force alone ( C ) Electrostatic force alone ( D ) Frictional force alone
31.A football moves when we:
(a)pushit ( B ) hit it ( C ) kick it ( D ) all of these
32.During dry weather, while combing hair, we experience hair flying apart. The force respon¬sible for this is
( A ) force of gravity ( B ) force of friction ( C ) electrostatic force ( D ) magnetic force
33.Which of the following is contact force:
( A ) force of gravity ( B ) magnetic force ( C ) force of friction ( D ) electrostatic force
34.A container is filled with water as shown in the given figure. Which of the following statements is correct about
pressure of water?
( A ) Pressure at A > Pressure at B > Pressure at C
( B ) Pressure at A = Pressure at B = Pressure at C
( C ) Pressure at A < Pressure at B > Pressure at C n
( D ) Pressure at A < Pressure at B < Pressure at C
35. Pressure =
( A ) force/area ( B ) force x area ( C ) area/force ( D ) none of these
36.Two objects repel each other. This repulsion could be due to
(A) Frictional force only (B) electrostatic force only (C) magnetic force only (D)a magnetic or an electrostatic force
37.Knives, needles, saws are made sharp or pointed to:
( A ) decrease pressure ( B ) can’t say ( C ) increase pressure ( D ) none of these
38.Which one of the following forces is a contact force?
( A ) Force of gravity ( B ) Magnetic force ( C ) Force of friction ( D ) Electrostatic force
39.The pressure with the height of the liquid column.
( A ) increase ( B ) remains same ( C ) decrease ( D ) none of these
40. A exerted by an object on another is a force.
( A ) Push or pull ( B ) Contact or non-contact force ( C ) Pressure ( D ) Magnitude
41.A brick is kept in three different ways on a table as shown in given figure. The pressure exerted by the brick on
the table will be
( A ) maximum in position A(B) maximum in position C ( C ) maximum in position B( D ) equal in all cases
42.The force exerted by a charged body on another charged or uncharged body is called
( A ) gravitational force ( B ) electrostatic force ( C ) non-contact force ( D ) contact force
43.A push or pull on an object is called
( A ) Pressure ( B ) Push-pull ( C ) Force ( D ) All of the above
44.Two boys A and B are applying force on a block. If the block moves towards the boy A, which one of the
following statements is correct?
( A ) Magnitude of force applied by A is greater than that of B.
( B ) Magnitude of force applied by A is smaller than that of B.
( C ) Net force on the block is towards B.
( D ) Magnitude of force applied by A is equal to that of B.
45.If two forces act in the opposite directions on an object, the net force acting on it is the
( A ) Sum of the two forces ( B ) difference between the two forces
( C ) Multiplication of the two forces ( D ) Division of the two forces
46.When two forées act in opposite directions, then net force acting is the
( A ) sum of two forces ( B ) difference between two forces ( C ) both of these ( D ) none of these
47.Which of the following is proper example(s) to explain that force on an object may change its shape
( A ) A ball of dough rolled into chapatti ( B ) Pressing a rubber ball kept on table
( C ) Making model using clay ( D ) All of the above
48.between his shoe and the ground In desert areas, a camel can walk very easily as compared to horse because it
( A ) lesser weight ( B ) broader feet ( C ) smaller feet ( D ) heavier body
49.A ball rolling on the ground slows down and finally stops. This is because of
( A ) Force ( B ) Less force applied ( C ) Friction ( D ) None of the above
50.Which force always opposes motion?
( A ) Magnetic force ( B ) Electrostatic force ( C ) Frictional force ( D ) Muscular force
51.Force of friction always acts on moving objects and its direction shall be ____
( A ) On any direction ( B ) Along the direction of motion
( C ) Perpendicular to the direction of motion ( D ) Opposite to the direction of motion
52.Which of the following exerts gravitational force?
( A ) Earth ( B ) Venus ( C ) Saturn ( D ) All of the above
53.If In a tug-o-war, when two teams are pulling a rope, rope does not move towards any team, it implies that
( A ) Equal force is being applied in the same direction ( B ) Equal Force is being applied in opposite direction
( C ) No force is applied in any direction ( D ) Cannot be explained
54.Which force causes a charged balloon to attract another balloon?
( A ) Muscular force ( B ) Electrostatic force ( C ) Magnetic force ( D ) Gravitational force
55.An example of a non- contact force is
( A ) Force exerted by us to lift ( B ) Push a stationary car ( C ) Force exerted by magnet( D ) Hit a cricket ball
56.What is the SI unit of force?
( A ) Newton ( B ) Galileo ( C ) Einstein ( D ) Pascal
57.Pressure =
( A ) Area / force on which it acts ( B ) force / area on which it acts
( C ) Volume / force on which it acts ( D ) Force / volume on which it acts
58 .As we go to the higher altitudes, the atmospheric pressure
( A ) increases ( B ) decreases ( C ) remains the same ( D ) cannot say
59.Gravity is
( A ) Repulsive ( B ) Attraction + Repulsive force ( C ) Attractive force ( D ) Not a force
60.The pressure of the water at the bottom of the pond is than at the surface.
( A ) lowerb ( B ) higher ( C ) same ( D ) either lower or higher
61.A batsman hits the ball for a boundary past the bowler i.e. four runs. The batsman thus
( A ) Changes the direction & speed of the ball ( B ) Does not change the direction but speed only
( C ) Does not change the speed but direction only ( D ) Does not change either direction or speed
62. Which of the following produces least friction?
( A ) Sliding friction ( B ) Rolling friction ( C ) Composite friction ( D ) Static friction
3. Which of the following surfaces will offer the least friction?
( A ) Vinyl floor ( B ) Plywood ( C ) Plastic ( D ) Ice
64.A matchstick catches fire when struck against the side of the matchbox because:
( A ) of the chemicals (b ) of friction ( C ) friction produces a spark and the( D ) none of these
65. Which of the following is true about friction:
( A ) Friction can only slow things down ( B ) Friction is a force that only occurs when an object moves
( C ) Friction is a force that only occurs on rough surfaces ( D ) Friction is a force that occurs only between solids
66. Least amount of friction is required in which of the following sports?
( A ) Car race ( B ) Football ( C ) Ice skating ( D ) Tug of war
67.The frictional force of smooth surface is:
( A ) less ( B ) more ( C ) zero ( D ) none of these
68. Rolling friction is smaller than
( A ) sliding friction ( B ) static friction ( C ) both ( A ) and (b) ( D ) none of these
69.This type of friction is the most powerful of all types of frictions:
( A ) static ( B ) rolling ( C ) sliding ( D ) drag
70. Which of the following is true about friction:
( A ) Friction can only slow things down ( B ) Friction is a force that only occurs when an object moves
( C ) Friction is a force that only occurs on rough surfaces ( D ) Friction is a force that occurs only between solids
71.When two objectives are already moving the friction between them is called:
( A ) rolling friction ( B ) static friction ( C ) sliding friction ( D ) friction of fluid
72. Friction always
( A ) opposes the motion ( B ) helps the motion ( C ) both ( A ) and (b) ( D ) none of these
73.Ball-bearings are used to convert static friction into:
( A ) drag ( B ) sliding friction ( C ) rolling friction ( D ) none of these
74. Talcum powder should not be spilled on the floor of room because:
( A ) it will stain the floor ( B ) it may cause us to slip and fall ( C ) it is messy ( D ) none of these
75.To convert the static, sliding friction into rolling friction, heavy luggage carriers are attached with at their base.
( A ) ball-bearings ( B ) chains ( C ) tyres ( D ) wheels
76. Friction can be reduced by using
( A ) oil ( B ) grease ( C ) powder ( D ) all of these
77.Four children were asked to arrange forces due to rolling, static and sliding frictions in a decreasing order. Their
arrangements are given below – Choose the correct arrangement:
( A ) rolling, static, sliding ( B ) rolling, sliding, static ( C ) static, sliding, rolling ( D ) sliding, static, rolling
78. The easiest way to move a heavy wooden crate is to:
( A ) place it on a trolley ( B ) tie a rope one end and pull ( C ) push it ( D ) none of these
79.Alida runs her toy car on dry marble floor, wet marble floor, newspaper and towel spread on the floor. The force
of friction acting on the car on different surfaces in increasing order will be:
( A ) wet marble floor, dry marble floor, newspaper and towel
( B ) newspaper, towel, dry marble floor, wet marble floor
( C ) towel, newspaper, dry marble floor, wet marble floor
( D ) wet marble floor, dry marble floor, towel, newspaper
80. Static friction is less than
( A ) sliding friction ( B ) rolling friction ( C ) both ( A ) and (b) ( D ) none of these

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