Class of word

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Class of word

On the part class of word there are eight classes , there are

1. Nouns

Noun” is the term for any word that names a person, place or thing. Of course, as with everything in
English grammar, nothing is as simple as it seems at first glance. Nouns can also name vague
concepts, such as an idea or emotion.

1.1 kind of nouns

a. abstract nouns
is a nouns can not be feel by hand touch or with the five senses.
Example ; happiness, freedom, health,etc.
b. concrete nouns
is the term for name people, place,things, etc and can be feel with five sense.
Example ; chairs,book , car, parfume,etc.
c. common nouns
is nouns explain about classes of things, species,classes of place and other
example : stone, tool,bread,history book etc
d. proper nouns
is nouns for name someone,place,and only for it self and always use a capital word.
Example ; Amir,Yogyakarta,Bengawan solo,Indonesia,etc.
e. collective nouns
is a team or club or group that counts as a unit or a groups with many person it is not
only a person but it can snimal,fruits,things and others group.
Example ; a team, a committee,a club, a jury ,etc.

2. pronouns
a pronoun is a group of words that one may substitute for a noun or noun phrase.
There are eight Groups of pronouns , there are:
a. personal pronoun
is a pronoun reference to the reader (first person), respondent talk (second person), and
who talking abuot (third person).
Example : I am swimming, she is hate, they are writing.etc,
b. personal pronoun
is a pronoun for pointer or indication
example : this is a book, those are chicken
c. indefinite pronoun
is a pronoun are indefinite so this pronoun haven’t antecedent and as singgular word.
Example : another, everybody, either, nothing, each, anyone.
d. Interogative pronoun
Is a pronoun are use to ask a question.
Example : who,where,when,what,why,how
e. Reflexive pronoun
Is a pronoun are reflection from this pronoun self.
Example : I = my self, you = yourself, we = our self,etc.
f. Reciprocal pronoun
Is a pronoun are use to explain reciprocal each other or one another(more 2 person).
Example : ali and ani are talking to each other, all children love one another.
g. Relative pronoun
is a pronoun change on indonesia “yang”
example : that, who, whom,whose,which,where.
h. Posessive pronoun
is a pronoun ara use to explain about posses something.
Example : it is my book, this book is hers

3. Adjective
adjectives are a class of words that change a noun or pronoun, usually by explaining it or making
it more specific. Adjectives can be described in terms of quantity, quantity, order, quality, or
emphasis of a word.
Example : good, happy, long, sad,hot,tall,beautifull, etc

4. Verbs
A verb is a verb that is used to express the action, action or state of the subject to indicate
events or circumstances.
A. Action verbs
a. Transitive verbs
Have a defnite object on which,or for which the action is being performed.
Example : rose is a painting the bedroom, juan gave her a big hug.
b. Intrasitive verbs
Also show action but here is no specific object on which the action is being done.
Example : rose is painting now, juan sneezed repeatedly.
B. Dynamic and strative verbs.
a. Dynamic verbs
Denote an actual action or expression or process done by the subject.
Example : she buys new clothes every week
b. Strative verbs
Tell us about the state of mind of the subject, or the relation between the subject and
the object.
Example : she prefers strawberry jam
C. Linking verbs
Linking verbs connect the subject to a noun or adjective that helps in describing or providing
additional information about the subject.
Example : lisa is fussy about food, they are stubborn children.

5. Adverbs
An adverb is a word/a set of words that modifies verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. It tells
when, where, and how an action is performed or indicates the quality or degree of the action.
a. Conjunctive Adverbs:
A conjunctive adverb connects phrases or independent clauses. It provides transitions between
ideas and shows relationships. Conjunctive adverbs are also called connectors.
Example:We are still confused, however, if the umpires will come
b. Sentence Adverbs:
A sentence adverb starts the sentence and modifies the whole sentence.
- Hopefully, we will win the match.
- Apparently, the sky is getting cloudy

c. Adverbs of Time/Frequency (When?)

Adverbs of time/frequency indicate time or frequency of the action in the sentence. They
answer the question ‘when/how frequently is the action performed?’.
Example : Always, never, often, eventually, now, frequently, occasionally, once, forever,
seldom, before, Sunday, Monday, 10 AM, 12 PM, etc.
d. Adverbs of Place/Direction (Where?)
Adverbs of place/direction that indicate place/direction of the action in the sentence. They
answer the question ‘ where is the action performed?’.
Example : Across, over, under, in, out, through, backward, there, around, here, sideways,
upstairs, in the park, in the field, in that place, etc. are some common adverbs of
e. Adverbs of Degree (How Much?)
Adverbs that express the importance/degree/level of the action in the sentence are called
adverbs of degree. They answer the question ‘how much is the action performed?’.
Example : Completely, nearly, entirely, less, mildly, most, thoroughly, somewhat,
excessively, much, etc. are common adverbs of
f. Adverbs of Manner (How?)
Adverbs that express the manner/approach/process of the action in the sentence are called
adverbs of manner. They answer the question ‘how is the action performed?’.
Example : Beautifully, equally, thankfully, carefully, handily, quickly, coldly, hotly,
resentfully, earnestly, nicely, tirelessly, etc. are common adverbs of manner. These adverbs
usually end in ly.

6. Conjunctions
Conjunctions are known as connective or linking words. They join thoughts, actions and ideas,
as well as clauses and phrases. Each of the three different types of conjunctions joins different parts
of a sentence together. Let’s take a look at some of the most commonly used forms.
A. Coordinating Conjunctions
Coordinating conjunctions like "and," "nor," or "so" link equal parts of a sentence, be it
words, phrases, or independent clauses. For example:
- He was late for school, so he took a shortcut.
- Her favorite colors were purple and red.
- She doesn't like coffee, nor does she like tea.
B. Subordinating Conjunctions
Subordinating conjunctions such as "because", "since" and "after" link a dependent clause
to an independent clause, helping to show the relationship between the two clauses and
emphasize the main idea of the freestanding/independent clause. For example:
- Because it was raining, we had to cancel the class picnic.
- The house was a mess after the crazy party we had last night.
- He doesn't go skiing any more, since he had the accident.
C. Correlative Conjunctions
Correlative conjunctions work in pairs to join together words or phrases that have equal
importance within a sentence, like "either/or", "such/that" and "not only/but also". For
- You can have either chocolate or vanilla ice cream.
- He not only plays the guitar but also the drums.
- Such was his strength that he was easily able to move the fallen tree.

7. Preposition
preposition is conjunction of noun, pronoun and the Possition or where are something want
to certain, example ;
- my brother likes to jump into the water
- my book in under the table,
- he came here before them.
 Kinds of preposition ,.Preposition can be classes by the syllables quantity, there are;
A. Preposition with one syllables
- Example: At, ahead, about, above, back, behind, away, before, side to, untill
B. Preposition with two syllables or more
- Example : according to, instead of, next to, through out, upside of.

8. Interjection
Interjection is a spontaneity word for explaining them feels or they think suddenly.
Example : oh! Oh god! Hah! Damn it! Etc.

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