Settlement Geography : Reasons for settlement patterns

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Dispersed Settlement Pattern:

• Reasons:
o Availability of resources (e.g., water, fertile land)
o Topography (e.g., rugged terrain, isolated valleys)
o Security concerns (e.g., defense against attacks)
o Economic activities (e.g., farming, herding)
o Cultural or social preferences

Linear Settlement Pattern:

• Reasons:
o Transportation routes (e.g., roads, rivers, canals)
o Trade and commerce
o Communication and connectivity
o Resource exploitation (e.g., mining, logging)
o Border or frontier settlements

Nucleated Settlement Pattern:

• Reasons:
o Centralized resources (e.g., water source, market)
o Defense and protection
o Social and cultural cohesion
o Economic and political control
o Access to services and amenities

Note: These reasons are not exhaustive and may vary depending on the specific context
and location. Additionally, settlement patterns can evolve and change over time due to
various factors such as urbanization, migration, and technological advancements.

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