2. II PUC English - Monthly Test - 2 (26-7-2018) - Final

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Time : 1 h -45 min. II PUC– Monthly Test – 2, July 2018 Max Marks : 50

No. of Pages : 2 ENGLISH (02) Total No. of Qus.: 17

Topic : English Course Book – Springs : Too Dear, Everything I Need to know I learned in the forest ,
Grammar – Usage of Homonym, note making, jumbled segments, Letter writing official letters.

* Question papers has 4 parts namely A, B, C and D, Answer all the parts
I. Answer the following a word, a phrase or a sentence each. [6 × 1 = 6]
1. What was the ‘Real kinglet’?
2. From where does the special revenue come in Monaco?
3. Why did the gaming houses stopped gambling?
4. What is ‘Chipko’?
5. What is meant by logging? How does it affect women?
6. What does ‘Tapovan’ mean? When was it started?
II. Answer in two or six sentences : [2 × 5 = 10]
7. Why does the keeper pay large sum to the prince?
8. Why did the German rulers forbid business?
9. What according to Vandana Shiva is Eco–Apartheid and why is it important end
10. How do Carolyn Merchant and Francis Bacon differ in their views?
11. How are unity and diversity related to each other?
III. Answer the following question in about 8 sentences each. [4 × 4 = 16]
12. ‘You can’t earn stone palaces by honest labour’? In what is this statement made?
13. Why was the criminal reluctant to go out of the person?
14. Why is it important to promote bio–diversity intensive farming? How did the author
achieve it?
15. What does the concept of the earth university convey? How is this different from
that of the other universities?
IV. Answer the following in about 200 words. [1 × 6 = 6]

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16. Tagore sees unity with nature as the highest stage of evolution? How does
consumerism and accumulation of wealth come in the way of realizing Tagore’s
Vision of human evolution?
17. Were there other ways of dealing with the criminal? Discuss in the light of the

V. Read the following passage and make notes by and filling the boxes
given. [1 × 4 = 4]
The word ‘Oceans’ implies the large water bodies of the world, namely the pacific,
Atlantic, Indian and Arctic as well as the Antarctic Oceans where we find icebergs,
smaller seas are separated from the oceans by Island chains or under water ridges
which are called ‘bordering seas’ There include ‘North sea, the Baltic sea, the
Mediterranean sea and the Caribbean sea’. The bordering seas and the oceans have
some common features both contain salty water and restless sea beds.
The different water bodies of the world

I. The Oceans II. The bordering seas

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.

Common features of
bordering seas and oceans
VI. Write a letter of application in response to the following
advertisement which appeared in ‘Deccan Herald’ dated 09 March
2018. [1 × 3 = 3]
First Division Assistant
Qualification : Any Graduate with knowledge of computer and fluency in Kannada,
English and
Apply to : The president,
Basaveshwar Education Society
Vidyanagar, Hubballi.

VII. Rewrite the jumbled segment to form a meaningful sentence

Knowledge / not just / the source of / was / ant freedom / the forest.
[1 × 1 = 1]
VIII. Construct sentences of your own using the homonym provides.

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i) Mind, Mind ii) Draw, Draw [1 × 4 = 4]

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