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Exercise 1 :

It is also important to know the cardinal directions (North, South, East, West) when giving
directions. These directions will provide your listener with exact information about how to
understand your directions.

north northeast
south up northwest
east down southeast
west southwest

Exercise 2 :
Match the following vocabulary words with their meanings. Practice saying the words aloud.
1. lost :
2. address :
3. intersection :
4. station :
5. block :
6. street :
7. sign :
8. subway :
9. stops :
10. corner :

A. a place of building where modes of public transport stop

B. a location with a number, street, and city designation
C. a display showing the name of the street
D. location where cars drive; buildings are built along the side
E. an underground mode of public transportation
F. not able to find a location
G. places where public transport halt to let people off and awaiting passengers on
H. the meeting place at the end of two streets
I. the space between one street and another
J. the place where two streets cross one another.
Exercise 3:
Learning to use prepositions – in, at, on – is important for giving directions. First, read the chart,
which describes the meaning and uses of prepositions of place. Then, write the correct
preposition for the following locations. If working in pairs, test each other by saying “Let’s
meet…” and have your partner finish the sentence with the correct preposition.

Prepositions for Place Prepositions for Times

· To talk about the point itself or inside = in

· For days (e.g. Monday) = on
· To express something contained = inside
· noon, night, midnight, specific time of day = at
· To talk about surface = on
· other parts of the day, months, years, seasons = in
· General vicinity/in front of/area nearby = at
· A specific corner or intersection = at

“Let’s meet…” at Curtin Hall.

1. __at/in_ Curtin Hall 10. _______ The Union

2. _______ Room 119 11. _______ Burger King
3. _______ The corner of Downer Street 12. _______ The hallway
4. _______ 3:00 pm 13. _______ The lake
5. _______ The movie theater 14. _______ Room 305
6. _______ The front yard 15. _______ Lynn’s Office
7. _______ Office 674 16. _______ The Park
8. _______ Friday 17. _______ Downer & Fernwood
9. _______ The Mall 18. _______ Starbucks

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