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Bintang Shashya Adiwinata (23MJ053)
Adinda Meilanda Lesmana (23MJ079)
Holik Febriyadi (23MJ069)


Aini Husnida Wulandari, M,pd

Thank you, we pray for the presence of God Almighty, who gives abundant grace
and takes time to the author, so that he is able to complete a paper that discussed
the company "PT Ultrajaya Milk". according to the time we planned. We would
like to thank the friends who have worked together to complete this paper on time.

This paper is submitted to meet one of the English language courses. The writing
of the paper aims to provide further information on PT Ultrajaya Milk. In this
paper, several efforts can be made to add insight into PT Ultrajaya milk.

The author certainly realizes that this paper is still far from perfect and there are
still many mistakes and shortcomings in it. For that, the author expects criticism
and advice from readers for this paper, so that this paper can later become a better
paper. Thus, and if there are many mistakes in this paper, the author
apologizes profusely.


TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................ii
CHAPTER 1...........................................................................................................1
1. Background...............................................................................................1
2. Problem Formulation.................................................................................1
3. Purpose......................................................................................................1
CHAPTER II..........................................................................................................2
1. Technology Information meaning.............................................................2
2. Type and example of Technology Information.........................................2
3. Function of Technology information........................................................5
4. Advantages and disadvantages of Technology Information.....................5
5. Component of Technology Information....................................................8
CHAPTER III......................................................................................................10
1. Conclusion...............................................................................................10
2. Suggestion...............................................................................................10

1. Background
Information Technology is a technology used for processing data, including
processing, obtaining, compiling, storing, manipulate data in various ways to
produce information quality, namely information that is relevant, accurate and
timely. this technology uses a set of computers to process data, network systems
for connect one computer to another computer according to needs, and
telecommunications technology is used so that data can be shared and accessed

2. Problem Formulation
1. What is the meaning of information technology?
2. What are the types of information technology?
3. What are some examples of information technology?
4. What are the functions of information technology?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of information technology?
6. What are the components of information technology?

3. Purpose
1. Knowing the Meaning of Information Technology
2. Knowing what types of information technology
3. Knowing examples of Information Technology
4. Knowing what functions are in information technology
5. Knowing what are the advantages and disadvantages of information
6. Knowing what are the components contained in information

1. Technology Information meaning

Information technology (IT) is the use of computers, storage, networking and

other physical devices, infrastructure and processes to create, process, store,
secure and exchange all forms of electronic data. Typically, IT is used in the
context of business operations, as opposed to the technology used for personal or
entertainment purposes. The commercial use of IT encompasses both computer
technology and telecommunications.

Harvard Business Review coined the term information technology in 1958 to

distinguish between purpose built machines designed to perform a limited scope
of functions and general purpose computing machines that could be programmed
for various tasks. As the IT industry evolved from the mid 20th century,
computing capability increased, while device cost and energy consumption
decreased, a cycle that continues today when new technologies emerge.

2. Type and example of Technology Information

1. Information Technology

IT or Information Technology is a technology that is able to help humans convey

information to other people quickly and precisely. This technology itself consists
of a set of software or software as well as hardware that will later be used to
process, send and store information.

In fact, these various technological tools are also able to provide various accurate
and up-to-date information to people in a timely manner. Some examples of
information technology include television, online media (blogs, websites and
portals), and many more.

2. Communication Technology

Communication technology can be said to be a technology that is able to help

humans communicate between each other and send information to each other by

using certain devices. Currently, communication technology can be said to be the
most widely used technology in human life.

Today's advanced technological developments have improved the way of

conveying information from one place to another more quickly, comfortably and
with a high level of accuracy. Some examples of communication technology
include smartphones, email, fax machines, and chat applications.

3. Transportation Technology

Transportation technology can be said to be a technology that is able to assist

humans in moving from one location to another within a short period of time.
Some examples of transportation technology include electric trains, electric cars,
ships, planes, and many more.

4. Educational Technology

Just as the name suggests, educational technology is technology that is closely

related to the world of education, where educational activities will also use special

This educational technology is also created to improve the performance of

students by managing and building different technological resources and
processes in the classroom or in other learning environments.

Some examples of educational technology include the latest teaching methods,

online learning, computer labs, various school laboratory equipment, and many

5. Medical Technology

Medical technology is a technology related to the world of medicine where

medical activities then use various computer technologies. This type of
technology itself is considered the most useful and beneficial in improving and
extending human life.

This medical technology covers a very broad field, where innovation then plays
an important role in maintaining human health as well as minimizing pain and
speeding up the recovery process.

Some examples of products which are then included in medical technology

include blood pressure monitors, ultrasound, stethoscopes, X-Ray equipment,
body thermometer syringes, as well as infusions, health consultation software, and
many more.

6. Construction Technology

Construction technology is a technology that is closely related to building

structures. This technology is also related to the tools and methods used to build a
building or house, whether from the basic structure or to an advanced level.

Some examples of construction technology include software for drawing

structures or AutoCAD, construction work methods, and various heavy
equipment, etc.

7. Architectural Technology

Architectural technology is an important component of building engineering and

architecture which is related to construction methods, building design and
building materials. This technology can be said to be an application of modern
technology for the purposes of designing a building, both from the exterior and
interior sides of the building.

Some examples of architectural technology include building science, building

engineering techniques, developing building concepts and designs, and others.

8. Agricultural Technology

Agricultural technology itself refers more to the methods and technology for
machines used for agricultural and plantation needs. This technology is one of the
modern technologies that has had a huge impact and has greatly changed human

By using this technology, work previously done by humans and pets can then be
done using machines and various modern equipment.

Some examples of agricultural technology that are widely applied in Indonesia

include Indo combine harvesters, transplanters, soybean dryers, superior seed
sorting machines, and waste processing plants.

3. Function of Technology information

1. Capture

Information technology can capture or receive input data.

2. Processing

After receiving data, IT is also able to process the data by compiling detailed
records of activities, for example receiving input data from keyboards, cameras,
microphones and so on. The data is then processed in the form of conversion
(changing data into another form), analysis, calculation and synthesis of all forms
of data and information.

3. Generating

What is meant by producing is making information into a more useful form, for
example tables, graphs and reports.

4. Keep (Storage)

The existence of IT means that data can be stored on media, for example diskettes,
tapes, CDs, DVDs, hard disks, flash disks, and even cloud storage.

5. Looking Back (Retrieval)

IT is able to trace or search for information that has been stored. For example,
search for photos just by adjusting the face.

6. Transmission

IT makes it easier for humans to send data and information from one place to
another via computer networks. For example, sending data via Bluetooth or
internet network.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of Technology Information
A. Advantages

a. Production growth

The technology supports several-fold growth in production. Human effort and

working energy are limited. However, since machinery can perform at a higher
level, production may be increased often.

The task carried out by the machine is more precise and flawless. All of the items
are identical, which is impossible with human labour. Technology has aided
humans in generating income on several occasions.

b. Saves time

In today's world, time is money. As a result, the technique enables saving a lot of
time and boosting productivity. We can do large assignments faster.

Everything in the world today is automated, and this innovation helps save a lot of
time by automating tasks that are impossible for people to do. For instance, if you
don't have time to go shopping for clothes, you can order them online and deliver
them to your home. Therefore, one may utilize time on other crucial matters by
using technology.

c. Technology helps improve services

If you get a television, it breaks down after a few days. Given that the TV is still
under warranty, you shouldn't worry. To fix your TV, you must give the business
or its customer service a call. Thus, communication has become so simple with
only a phone call or email.

d. Easy and speedy communication

Thanks to technology, this is now possible at the touch of a button. With

technology, you can accomplish many things with a single click, like making
calls, sending emails, faxes, and online orders.

With the help of technology, we now have improved means of communication. If
you miss your loved ones, you no longer need to write them letters. Please make a
video call to sense their presence.

e. Reduces cybercrime or online crime

Today's technology is so efficient that apps are designed to identify fraud in only a
few seconds. Because there are powerful algorithms designed to detect any
cybercrime, cyberattacks have decreased.

f. Improved safety

Technology has improved people's safety. CCTV cameras have been created with
the advancement of technology to protect your assets at your house and place of
business. Finding the thief is made simple because everything was caught on

Lock mechanisms on mobile phones, computers, and Godrej lockers protect our
data and other possessions. You may use your fingerprint, eye, or facial
recognition to unlock your phone, laptop, and other devices.

B. Disadvantages

a. Unemployment

As technology has advanced, it has significantly increased unemployment. People

rely on computers for all of their tasks as well as for their survival. Because a
single computer can complete a great deal of work quickly, this has also increased

b. Data security

In the modern world, some people are knowledgeable about technology and have
become hackers, so your data isn't safe with you. They can hack your system,

bank accounts, business data, and much more from the comfort of their home
using the most recent technologies.

Online sharing of OTP and other information is now dangerous due to the
significant possibility of fraud. Sharing even a bit of information online certainly
increases the likelihood that it may fall into the hands of terrorists, hackers,
criminals, and other foreign opponents.

c. People are easily distracted

Instead of reading anything productive, they are more likely to use various
unnecessary stuff. Young people, adults, and children are all involved in social
media, which prevents them from completing their daily tasks. Since most
children today own a laptop or a phone, they might need help to focus on their

d. Health concerns

People today are so engaged with technology that they neglect to take good care
of themselves. Their health is impacted in many ways by this.

They suffer from eye issues, obesity, sleeplessness, and many other conditions.
Some individuals use their phones to fall asleep, and others find it challenging to
concentrate on schoolwork because they frequently check their phones.

e. People are exposed to undesirable content

People have been exposed to inappropriate apps, particularly students and young
people, thanks to the internet. They use applications that are beneficial for kids
developing minds but are not legal. Because of the internet and technology, some
people find pleasure in things that are not enjoyable.

Some people are addicted to using dating services, playing online games, or
watching movies every night. Some are addicted to playing online gambling,

which can have a variety of negative impacts. Everything is horrible, including

5. Component of Technology Information

A. Hardware (hardware)

Is a physical device that builds an information technology. For example: monitor,

keyboard, mouse, printer, hard drive, memory, microprocessor, CD-ROM,
network cable, telecommunication antenna, CPU, and 1/O equipment.

B. Software (software)

Is a program made for special purposes that is composed of programs that

determine what the computer should do. The software can be divided into 3 which

a. System software, is software that is specially made to be able to control all

hardware, so that all information technology hardware can work
compactly as a complete system. The example is: Window Operating
System, Linux, Unix, OS/2, and FreeBSD.
b. Programming language software, is a software that can be used to create
application programs as well as system software. For example: Visual
Basic, Delphi, Turbo C, Fortran, Cobol, Turbo Assembler and Java.
c. Application software, is a ready-to-use program that has Jet Audio
software, Windows Media Player, Winamp, Real Player. For office
application purposes: there are Microsoft Office and Open Office which
consist of several programs for various purposes such as word processing,
numbers, data and presentations.

C. Communication Network

Is a connected system that supports the shared use of sources between different

1. Conclusion
Information technology (IT) is the use of computers, storage, networking and
other physical devices, infrastructure and processes to create, process, store,
secure and exchange all forms of electronic data. Typically, IT is used in the
context of business operations, as opposed to the technology used for personal or
entertainment purposes. The commercial use of IT encompasses both computer
technology and telecommunications. consists of eight types namely Information
Technology, Communication Technology, Transportation Technology,
Educational Technology, Medical Technology, Construction Technology,
Architectural Technology, Agricultural Technology. There are five functions of
information technology including Capture, Processing, Generating, keep
(Storage), Looking Back. And lastly, there is a component of information
technology consisting of Hardware (hardware) Is a physical device that builds an
information technology. For example: monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, hard
drive, memory, microprocessor, CD-ROM, network cable, telecommunication
antenna, CPU, and 1/O equipment. Software (software) a. System software, is
software that is specially made to be able to control all hardware, so that all
information technology hardware can work compactly as a complete system, b.
Programming language software, is a software that can be used to create
application programs as well as system software. For example: Visual Basic,
Delphi, Turbo C, Fortran, Cobol, Turbo Assembler and Java, c. Application
software, is a ready-to-use program that has Jet Audio software, Windows Media
Player, Winam, Real Player. For office application purposes: there are Microsoft
Office and Open Office which consist of several programs for various purposes
such as word processing, numbers, data and presentations. Communication
Network Is a connected system that supports the shared use of sources between
different computers

2. Suggestion
We should not be lulled by the rapid development of information technology, if
we are too lulled by comfort and use instant things too often then we will be

consumed by it all and I hope we do not forget what is called reading books
because we can also get a wealth of knowledge in books. Don't leave out other
positive things outside of technology that always make people complacent

Advantages And Disadvantages of Information Technology. (t.thn.). Diambil
kembali dari Advantages And Disadvantages of Information Technology:
Ganguly, S. (t.thn.). 29 Types of Information Technology. Diambil kembali dari
29 Types of Information Technology:
Isnanto, B. A. (2023, july 23). Teknologi Informasi: Pengertian, Fungsi, Contoh,
dan Prediksi Masa Depan. Diambil kembali dari Teknologi Informasi:
Pengertian, Fungsi, Contoh, dan Prediksi Masa Depan:
Yasar, K. (t.thn.). information technology (IT) . Diambil kembali dari information
technology (IT) :


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