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“Don’t be too in a hurry, Son. Take your time for breakfast,” Ernesto’s mother said.
“I might be late for our math test, Mother,” Ernesto replied and he gulped his glass of milk as fast as he could.
He ate his pandesal in two successive mouthfuls and swallowed it with a glass of water. He rushed to his room,
grabbed his school bag and ran downstairs.
“Mother, I’m going,” Ernesto shouted from their gate. Aling Rosa peeped out of the window and called
, “Ernesto, you are barefooted. Come back and put on your shoes.”
Ernesto shook his head and said, “ It’s all right, Mother. I have my slippers on.”
“I insist. Come back for your shoes,” Aling Rosa argued.
“But, Mother, I don’t want my shoes on today. We’re going to have test in
“What has the test got to do with your shoes?”
“Without my shoes on, I can count my toes during the test, Mother.”
Aling Rosa nodded and said, “Hurry to school then.” Just the same, put on your shoes. Remove them when
you are in the classroom.”

A. Listen to the story to be read by the teacher. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the
blank provided.
______1. How did Ernesto eat his breakfast?
A. Hurriedly B. pleasantly C.slowly D. quietly
_______2. What did he have for breakfast?
A. Milk and rice B. pandesal and milk C. coffee and bread D. eggs and rice
_______3. Who did not want Ernesto to go bare footed?
A. his father B. his mother C. his teacher D. his sister
_______4. Why was Ernesto running?
A.He might be late. B. Somebody was running after him.
C. He was the monitor for the day. C. He still meet his friends.
______5. Where is the setting of the story?
A.School B. Home C. Park D. church
______6. Who are the characters of the story?
A. Ernesto and Father B. Ernesto and Aling Rosa C. Ernesto and his dog D. Ernesto and Joy
______7. What is the general feeling created in the story?
A. Sadness B. being in a hurry C. happiness D. excitement
B. Give the figure of speech for each sentence. Identify whether it is an onomatopoeia, assonance or alliteration.
______8. The buzzing bee flew away.
A. onomatopoeia B. assonance C. alliteration C. simile
______9 .The men sell the wedding bells.
A. onomatopoeia B. assonance C. alliteration C. simile
______10. She sells sea-shells down by the sea-shore.
A. onomatopoeia B. assonance C. alliteration C. simile
C. Combine the root word and suffix to form a new word.
______11. Secure + ity
A. Security B. securit C. secuty D. secty
______12. Merry + ment
A. Merriment B. merrimen C. meryment D. meryiment
______ 13. Confuse + -ion
A. Confusion B. confuseion C. confusin D. confsion
______ 14. Ab+ normal
A. Nrmalab B. abnormal C. abnotm D. abnormld
D. Distinguish reality from fantasy.
______15. The fish drove the car to the store.
A. reality B. fantasy C. simile D. simile
______16. We went to the baseball game.
A. reality B. fantasy C. simile D. simile
______17. Marion ate the four tall mountains.
A. reality B. fantasy C. simile D. simile
______18. We are all in Grade V.
A. reality B. fantasy C. simile D. simile
E. Choose the letter of the correct facial expressions, body movements, gestures that would prevail in the situation.
Rico took one step forward then stopped. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply. All he could think of was that
big, dark, empty room in front of him.
______19. Rico was ________.
A. sad B. happy C. afraid D. thoughtfulness
______20. Rico cried out,
A. “I can’t move!”.
B. “Wow, it is too dark!”
C. “Mother, help me!”
D. “Somebody, turn on the light, please!”.
______21. The night was dark and stormy. Thunder rolled, followed by flashes of lightning. The child hurdled closer to
her mother’s breast. She felt __________.
A. happy B. sad C. afraid D. excited
______22. Congratulations! You deserve it! I am proud of you.
A. happy B. sad C. afraid D. excited
II- Speaking / Writing
F. Identify the compound word found in the sentence.
______23. The time zone in the Philippines differs from that of Japan.
A. the Philippines B. time zone C. of Japan D. from that
______24. My brother’s mother-in-law has just arrived from Cebu.
A. from Cebu B. just arrived C. mother-in-law D. has just
______25. There is no place so sweet like one’s own motherland.
A. no place B. sweet like C. motherland D. so sweet
______26. My classmate stayed in our classroom.
A. classmate and classroom B. our and classroom classmate D. from that
______27. My grandmother toothbrush is new.
A. grandmother and toothbrush B. is new C. Japan D. from that
______28. We arrived late in the afternoon.
A. arrived B. arrived late C. afternoon D. from that
G. Identify from among the words in the sentence the synonym of the underlined compound word.
______29. The airfield which is located between two mountains was too small to serve as a landing strip for the jet
A. landing strip B. located C. mountains D. between
______30. The schedule of flights to the city is as tight as the timetable of sea trips.
A. city B. schedule C. tight D. trips
______31. Mario has a new wristwatch which is similar to my two-year old timepiece.
A. similar B. new C. timepiece D. has
______33. Travelling in the countryside is much enjoyable, I fell in love with the rural area which I often visited.
A. often B. enjoyable C. rural area D. travelling
______34. Wendy became disheartened when she saw how the low-spirited employees did their jobs after the typhoon.
A. became B. jobs C. typhoon D. disheartened
H. Choose the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.
______35. Leon has a delicate ear for music.
A. frail in health B. finely sensitive
c. easily damaged d. needing careful handling
______36. Joy’s delicate health does not allow her to participate in strenuous activities.
A. frail in health B. pleasing and finely flavored
c. easily damaged d. needing careful handling
______37. I admired the delicate pattern of the carpet design.
A. frail in health B. beautifully fine in workmanship
c. easily damaged d. needing careful handling
I- Infer the meaning of the unfamiliar clipped words. Use the clipped words to complete the following sentences.
______ 38. That _______ takes a trip to Mindanao.
A. Omnibus B. refrigerator C. necktie D. earthquake
______ 39. Keep perishable food in the __________ to keep them fresh for sometime.
A. Omnibus B. refrigerator C. necktie D. earthquake
______ 40. Philip prefers a broad ________ for his coat and tie suit.
A. Omnibus B. refrigerator C. necktie D. earthquake
______41. The following are the events that make up a story. Read them and arrange them in their most logical
1. First the cow looks in.
2. Three animals entered an open gate.
3. Mother drove the animals away.
4. Last came a big dog.
5. Next came the little pony.

A. 2-5-4-3-1 B. 2-3-5-1-4 C. 2-1-5-4-3 D. 2-4-3-1-5

I. Identify the rhyme and elements of the poem.
_______42. True wit is nature to advantage dress’d;
What oft was thought, but ne’er so well express’d.”
A. Thought and true B. ne’er and oft C. was and wit D. dress’d and express’d
________ 43. “Whether or not we find what we are seeking
is idle, biologically speaking.”
A. Idle and not B. seeking and speaking C. biologically and idle D. is and or

J. Identify the kind of figure of speech for each sentence.

______44. He is a lamb in his classroom.
A. simile B. metaphor C. personification d. apostrophe
______45. The waves sighed as they gently kissed the shore.
A. simile B. metaphor C. personification d. apostrophe
______46. Her eyes sparkled like diamonds. Her smile is as sweet as honey.
A. simile B. metaphor C. personification d. apostrophe
K. Choose the correct present tense of the verb for each sentence.
______47. We _______ to the market last Monday.
A. went B. goes C. will go D. goes
______48. Maria _______ gracefully.
A. dance B.dances C. will dance D. will going to dance
______49. Marion ________ tomorrow.
A. will dance B. dance C. danced D. dancing
______50. How are you going to change the statement into an interrogative sentence? Mother will cook dinner.
A. Will Mother cook dinner? C. Will Mother cooks dinner?
B. Won’t Mother cook dinner? D. Mother is cooking dinner?
______51. How are you going to change the statement into an interrogative sentence? Mother is going to cook dinner.
A. Is Mother going to cook dinner? C. Is Mother cooks dinner?
B. Won’t Mother cook dinner? D. Mother is cooking dinner?
______52. How are you going to change the statement into a negative statement? Mother is going to cook dinner.
A. Mother is not going to cook dinner. C. Is not Mother cooks dinner?
B. Mother won’t cook dinner. D. Mother is cooking dinner.
______53. How are you going to change the statement into a negative statement? Mother cooks dinner.
A. Mother going to cook dinner. C. Is Mother cooks dinner?
B. Mother won’t cook dinner. D. Mother is cooking dinner?
______54. How are you going to change the statement into a negative statement? Claire is going to attend mass.
A. Claire won’t attend mass C. Claire is not going to attend mass.
B. Claire was going to attend the mass. D. Claire is not attending mass.
L. Choose the correct progressive aspect of verbs for each sentence.
______55. I ____________ about the clouds.
A. is reading B. are reading C. am reading D. was reading
______56. Many criminals __________ the guns out of our city.
A. is smuggling B. are smuggling C. am smuggling D. was smuggling
______57. Maria _________ on London next year.
A. will be traveling B. are traveling C. am traveling D. was traveling
______58. Misagh __________ her favorite you tube video all night long.
A. was watching B. are watching C. am watching D. is watching
______59. Samuel ___________ the ball around the court.
A. are dribbling B. was dribbling C. am dribbling D. is dribbling
M. Recognize modals and Phasal Forms
______60. Can you buy the ticket for me? Answer in a positive manner.
A. Yes , I can. B. No, I can’t C. Yes, We can. D. No, you cannot.
______61. May I leave the room now? Answer in a negative manner.
A. Yes , I can. B. No, you may not C. Yes, We can. D. No, you cannot.
______62. What advice will you give to this situation? Tell your friend to see a dentist because his tooth is aching.
A. Will you visit your dentist? C. See a dentist now.
B. I do not care about you. D. It is up to you.
______63. What will you say to this situation? Tell your brother to switch off the television.
A. Switch off the television. C. Could you switch off the TV?
B. I do not care about you. D. Off it now.
______64. What advice will you give to this situation? Your classmate is always noisy during classroom discussion.
A. Be present. C. Will you always listen?
B. I do not care about you. D. None of the above.

O. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate conjunction to connect the sentences. Use and, or, either or but.
Choose the letter of your answer. Write it on the blank provided.
________65. They go home before dark, ________ they wait for the beautiful sunset.
A. Or B. but C. and D. of
________66. Joy loves fishing, ________ Maria finds it boring.
A. Or B. but C. and D. of
________67. Joey and Marie are good neighbors, ________ they have become best friends.
A. Or B. but C. and D. of
________68. We sail on ________ swim in the sea.
A. Or B. but C. and D. of
________69. With friends, we have picnics _________ in the morning _____ in the afternoon.
A. either, Or B. but, and C. and , neither D. of, for
III- Viewing
______70. What is the precise staging of actors in order to facilitate the performance of a play, ballet, film or opera?
A. blocking B. direction C. sounds D. lights
______71. Who is the person who directs the making of the film?
A. staff B. director C. sounds man D. light man
______72. ____________ is the art or practice of representing a character on a stage or before cameras.
A. blocking B. direction C. acting D. lightning
______73. How does the magazine cover communicate?
A. figures of speech B. symbolism C. poetry D. pictures
______74. This serve as advertisement _____________.
A. magazine cover B. picture C. design D. content
______75.What is the purpose of magazine cover?
A. to attract readers B. serve as design C. to give the content D. give preview
Read the paragraphs below then answer the questions that follow.

A. Do you know how to wash plates? Read the directions that follow.
First, remove the extra food from the plates. Next, put the plates, spoons, forks, and glasses
together. Rinse them once and soap them, beginning with the glasses, plates, and spoons and forks.
Rinse the glasses and drain them on the drain board. Then, rinse the plates well, followed by the
spoons and forks. Drain them on the dish drain. When dry, keep them in the dish rack.
1. What is the paragraph about?
A. Washing clothes B. Washing plates C. Washing cars D. Washing shoes
2. What is the first thing to do in washing plates?
A. Rinse the plates well B. Put the plates,spoons and forks together
C. Remove the extra food from the plates. D. Keep them in the dish rack
3. What kind of paragraph is this?
A. Description B. Cause and Effect C.Sequence D. Exposition

B. The proper eating of soup is rather difficult. One must avoid a gurgling sound. The spoon must be
held at the proper distance. Carrying it to the mouth without spilling is an accomplishment. Then, of
course, the lips must be wiped with a napkin.

4. What is the main idea of the paragraph?

A. Proper way of eating soup. B. Proper waste disposal
C. Proper way of drinking. D. Proper way of studying
5. Which of the following sentences gives a detail?
A. Proper way of eating soup is rather difficult.
B. One must avoid a gurgling sound.
C. The spoon must be held at the proper distance..
D. Both b and c.
6. What kind of paragraph is this?
A. Sequence B.Description C.Compare and Contrast D.Cause and Effect

C. Vitamins are essential to the body. Vitamin A helps keep the skin smooth and soft. When it is
absent, the skin becomes thick and rough. Another important vitamin is thiamine or Vitamin B1. Many
people who complain of being tired and irritable are actually sufferingfrom lack of thiamine.

7. What is the main idea of the paragraph?

A. Sources of Vitamin A and Vitamin B1 B. Why vitamins are essential to the body
C. How to keep the skin smooth and soft D. Thiamine or Vitamin B1
8. What is the purpose of the author in writing the paragraph?
A. To describe B. To classify C.To explain D.To compare and contrast

Study the card catalog below then answer the questions that follow:

123 Balajadia, Ma. Corazon
B4 The biological sciences by
Ma. Corazon Balajadia,
San Francisco, California
Phoenix Publishing House Inc.
C. 1998 XIV, 738 p. 25 cm.

9. What type of card catalog is this?

A. subject card B. author card C. title card D. card catalog

10. What is the title of the book written by Ma. Corazon Balajadia?
A. Botany B. The Biological Sciences
C. Phoenix Publishing House Inc. D. San Francisco, California
11. What is the call number of the book?
A. C.1998 XIV B. 738p. C. 25 cm. D. 123 B4
12. It is a small dictionary found at the back of a book that contains alphabetically arranged words
with their meanings.
A. Card catalog B. Glossary C.Dictionary D. Thesaurus
13. It contains words arranged in alphabetical order with their meaning, pronunciation, and
syllabication of words.
A. Card catalog B. Glossary C.Dictionary D. Thesaurus
14. It contains words with the synonyms and antonyms of words.
A. Card catalog B. Glossary C.Dictionary D. Thesaurus
Choose the letter of the correct verb that agrees with the subject.
15. There ___________the horse now.
A. go B. goes C. went D. have gone
16. Written on the notebook_________ his report.
A. is B. was C. are D. were
17. Here ___________ the cats under this sofa.
A. lying B. lie C. lies D. lain
18. There ____________ ten children in the council.
A. is B. was C. are D. were
19. ____________ the geese cooked?
A. Was B. Were C.Are D. Is
20. There ___________only one agendum during the meeting yesterday.
A. is B. was C. are D. were
21. The school staff ____________ attending the meeting tomorrow.
A. is B. was C. are D. were
22. The public ____________warned about the coming storm.
A. is B. was C. are D. were
23 The team __________ running towards the different exits.
A. is B. was C. are D. were

Choose the correct affix that fits the words in the sentences.
24. My sister works in the local govern____________ unit or LGU.
A. re- B. un- C.-ment D. -able
25. The children’s projects are _______finished yet so they have to work over time.
A. re- B. un- C.-ment D. -able
26. The water in the faucet is potable, so it’s drink____________.
A. re- B. un- C.-ment D. -able
27. We can buy ______packed cookies at a cheaper prize.
A. re- B. un- C.-ment D. -able

Identify the words that describe nouns in the sentences.

28. Filipinos are a deeply religious people.
A. Filipinos B. deeply C. religious D. people
29. The attic was a lovely place to play.
A. attic B. lovely C. place D. to play
30. Our country’s colorful history shows how Filipinos face problems.
A. country B. history C. colorful D. problems
31. The red peppers and spicy onions dangled over my nose.
A. red and spicy B. peppers C. dangled D. onions

Choose the correct order of adjectives to fill in the blank.

32.I was thrilled to receive a __________________ book with my order.
A. big, beautiful, leather-bound B. leather-bound, big, beautiful
.C beautiful big leather-bound D. leather-bound, beautiful, big
33. His clown costume consists of a red nose, oversized shoes, and a ________ jacket.
A. Size 4X polka-dotted silk smoking B. polka-dotted silk smoking size 4X
C. polka dotted size 4x silk smoking D. silk, polka dotted size 4x smoking
34. He was wearing a ________ shirt.
A. dirty old flannel B. flannel old dirty
C. old dirty flannel D. flannel dirty old
35. Pass me the ________ cups.
A. plastic big blue B. big blue plastic C. big plastic blue D. plastic blue big

Choose the correct degree of adjective to complete the sentences.

36. Riza is the __________ (young) in her batch.

A. young B. younger C. youngest D. most young
37. Ice cream is the ____________(delicious) food I have ever tasted.
A. delicious B. more delicious C. most delicious D. less delicious
38. Fe serves the __________(good) roasted chicken in town.
A. good B. better C. best D. gooder
39. For me, beef broccoli is __________ than roasted chicken.
A. tasty B. tastier C. tastiest D. most tasty

Identify cause and effect relationship

Match the sentences in column A with those in B to show cause and effect relationships.
________40. One morning a big ant went to the river A. because she was drowning
________41, She bent so low to drink B. because she was thirsty.
________42. The ant cried, “Help! Help!” C. that she fell into the water.
________43. A dove picked and dropped a big leaf D. so that the ant could ride on it.
near the ant
Identify if the sentence states a Fact or an Opinion.
44. Basketball was invented by Dr. James Naismith
A. fact B. opinion
45. Basketball is a very entertaining game.
A. fact B. opinion

Fill out the following information. Be accurate and careful in filling out the form. (5 points)

46. Name: _________________________________________________________________

Last Name First Name Middle Name
47. Address: _______________________________________________________________
48. Birthday:_________________________
49. Age:___________________
50. School’s Name:_______________________________
General Directions: Read the directions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
I. Listening
A. Listen from the article to be read by the teacher. Identify whether the ff. statements stated as
fact or opinion. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
___ 1. Smoke and exhaust fumes fill the air and endanger the health and well-being of the people.
a. fact b. opinion
___ 2. I think air pollution or smog is a serious problem in some cities worldwide.
a. fact b. opinion
___ 3. Smoke-belching Vehicles are checked and factories are required to reduce fumes emanating
from them under city ordinance..
a. fact b. opinion
B. Listen to the set of expressions to be read by the teacher and decide what mood or feeling is
reflected or described. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

___ 4. The bell ringer in the temple in the hill saw the flames and set the big bell booming.
The people down the beach turned and began to climb the hill. If Hamaguchi’s rice
fields were on fire, nothing would keep them from helping them.
a. anger b. curiosity c. helplessness
___ 5. When the sea went back, not a house was left below the hillside or along the shore.
The whole village had been swept away. The village people stood silent and their
tears fell.
a. cheerfulness b. despair c. grief
___ 6. Then the people woke, as if from a dream, and understood. Hamaguchi had made
himself poor to save the village people, and they bowed their foreheads to the ground
before him.
a. boastful b. gratitude c. sympathy
C. Listen to the passage to be read by the teacher to note the author’s point of view. Write the best
phrase to complete each sentence.

___ 7. The author world most likely agree with the point of view that; ___________________________.
a. Extinction is a problem with which we should be concerned.
b. People have the right to kill eagles because they need food.
c. People think it is an honor to have stuffed eagles on their home walls.
d. Predators eat their prey especially when hungry.
___ 8. The author wants to persuade everyone that actions to protect eagles are necessary because
he or she is ________________________________________________________________.
a. Does not like hunters
b. Does not want eagles to become extinct
c. Is find of eagles living
d. Is paid to write articles on eagles
D. Listen to the paragraph to be read by the teacher. Answer the questions that follow. Choose the
letter of the correct answer.
___ 9.Why did Julio and his father not takes much food with them on the trip?
a. They didn't have any food at their house.
b. They didn't want to eat too much.
c. They don't like to eat fish.
d. They were planning on eating the fish that they caught.
___ 10. Which of the following is a conclusion that can be drawn about the story?
a. Julio's father is a better fisherman than Julio.
b. Julio's mother doesn't like fish
c. Julio was disappointed at dinner because he was hoping to have fish for dinner.
d. It takes a long time to catch fish

II. Vocabulary

A. Identify the words that have similar meaning or opposite meaning of each
underlined words.
___11. The grand mountains are beautiful.
a. attractive b. elegant c. marvelous d. radiant
___12. How graceful are her stately plains!
a. delicate b. elegant c. refined d. willowy
___13. How sweet and modest are her daughters who harvest the golden grain!
a. darling b. fragrant c. harmonious d. pure
___14. How graceful are her towering emerald trees!
a. brief b. litre c. low d. twin
___ 15. How I love this dear Philippines, home on this troubled earth!
a. dignified b. gracious c. peaceful d. restful

B. Choose the antonym of the underlined word. Write the letter of the correct answer.

___ 16. The poor child who has not eaten nor drunk water for days looks sick and wan.
a. pale b. sickly c. strong d. weak
___ 17. The boys laugh out loud as they splash each other with the chilly water.
a. cold b. frozen c. icy d. warm
___ 18. Blood oozed from the wound on his forehead.
a. bleed b. sweat c. weep d. zip

C. Complete each sentence by fill in the blank with the correct compound word. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
___ 19. The __________ did their best to save the burning building.
a. firemen b. extinguisher c. headache d. policeman
___ 20. Please go to the _________ for some medicine.
a. bookstore b. drugstore c. pet store d. pharmacy
___ 21. Grandfather went to the barbershop for a ________.
a. footpad b. haircut c. manicure d. pedicure
___ 22. We will go to the ________ to harvest corn and other vegetables.
a. backyard b. cornfield c. Garfield d. rice field
___ 23. I have ________ maybe because I ate too much.
a. back pain b. body pain c. headache d. stomachache

III. Reading Comprehension

A. Read and analyze the given paragraphs or sentences. Then distinguish the type of text that is
being expressed by the following paragraphs. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

___ 24. It was the time of harvest. Hundreds of rice stalks lined Hamaguchi’s fields. It had
been a fine harvest, and tonight down in the village everyone was having a good time.
a. Cause & Effect b. Comparison & Contrast c. Problem & Solution d. To persuade
___ 25. Hamaguchi rose to his feet and looked out at the sea. The sea was very dark and
strange to see, it seemed to be running away from the land.
a. Cause & Effect b. Comparison & Contrast c. Problem & Solution d. To persuade
___ 26. In several ways, noise can be harmful. Loud noises may damage a person’s hearings. Noise
has also caused people to become tired and nervous. It makes work unpleasant and
burdensome. Today, concerned people are doing something about noise pollution.
a. Cause & Effect b. Comparison & Contrast c. Problem & Solution d. To persuade

___ 27. John didn’t know what to take to take to school for Show and tell. He asked his mother for an
idea. She suggested taking the ribbon his dog won at the pet parade.
a. Cause & Effect b. Comparison & Contrast c. Problem & Solution d. To persuade
___ 28. Insects are found anywhere. They are either harmful or beneficial. The butterfly and the bee are
beneficial. They help pollinate the flowers. The dragonfly is also a helpful insect. It eats other
insects that destroy plants. Ants, flies, cockroaches, aphids, termites and mosquitoes are insect
pests. They destroy our crops and homes, cause illnesses, and kill our plants.
They are harmful to men, animals, and plants.
a. Cause & Effect b. Comparison & Contrast c. Problem & Solution d. To persuade
___ 29. Mrs. Ramos is my teacher in Mathematics and she is funny teacher while Mrs. Padua is my
teacher in EPP and she is a serious type of person. Although they differ from one another, I love
them both.
a. Cause & Effect b. Comparison & Contrast c. Problem & Solution d. To persuade
___ 30. Even though it is great to have friends, it is much better to have family. You might not be able to
choose who they are, but you certainly can rely on them to be there and help you out whenever
you need it.
a. Cause & Effect b. Comparison & Contrast c. Problem & Solution d. To persuade

III. Grammar

A. Choose the appropriate preposition or prepositional phrase to complete each sentence. Choose
the letter of the correct answer.

___ 31. The boy runs _______ the street

a. across b. around c. behind d. on
___ 32. After the movie, we’re going ____ Vincent’s house.
a. between b. behind c. in d. to
___ 33. The people are concerned ___________________.
a. about the pollution b. around the pollution c. to pollute d. with pollution
___ 34. There is a new shopping center _____________.
a. about our house b. across the house c. in the house d. near our house
___ 35. The children hid ______________________.
a. across the bushes b. around the bushes c. behind the bushes d. to bushes
B. Complete the sentences with the correct word that is used in asking permission or making a
request. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

___ 36. I_________ a letter to my friend. a.. can write b. may write

___ 37. You _____ help you teacher. a. may b. would

___ 38. We ____ have won if we had practiced harder. a. could b. would

C. Distinguish fact from opinion. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

___ 39. The following sentences express opinion except one.

a. Boats never sink. c. Rich people are happy.
b. Ice is cold. d. There is no numbers between two and four.
___ 40. The following sentences express fact except one.
a. Christmas is the happiest season of the year.
b. Christmas is celebrated on the 25 of December in the Philippines.

c. It’s only during Christmas that Filipinos should love and joy.
d. Jesus was born in a manger.

A. Develop a three-paragraph feature article on this topic. Be guided by the given outline. 5 pts.

Climate Change

I. Causes of climate change

A. Human Cause
B. Natural Cause
II. Effects of Climate Change
A. Human health
B. Animal lives
C. Environment
III. Possible ways to reduce the effects of climate change
A. Proper use of appliances
B. Segregation
C. Reforestation

Paragraphs/Article for Listening

Paragraph A

Today, in most cities smoke and exhaust fumes fill the air and endanger the health and well-being of
the people. Smoke and exhaust fumes contain harmful by-products from gasoline burned in cars and from
factories. Air pollution or smog is a serious problem in some cities. Smog consists of smoke and exhaust
fumes mixed with fog. To control air pollution, smoke ordinances have been passed. Smoke-belching Vehicles
are checked and factories are required to reduce fumes emanating from them.

Paragraph C

Do you believe that extinction is forever? Let us do something to avoid similar findings. The Philippine
eagle’s population is being drastically reduced. Every year, these birds are being haunted for what? For
decoration and for food. The eggs are also edible. The laws that protect eagles can either be inadequate or
without proper enforcement.

Paragraph D

Julio and his father had been looking forward to their fishing trip for weeks. They didn't take much food
with them on the trip. When they started fishing they were quickly approached by a forest ranger. He asked
Julio's father if he had a fishing license. Julio's father reached into his wallet and suddenly got a terrified look
on his face. Julio was disappointed that night as he ate dinner.

I.A Listen to the story to be read by your teacher then answer the following questions
1. What did the fox felt one hot summer day?
a. Sad b. thirsty c. afraid d. happy

2. What did the fox say when he could not reach the grapes?
a. “I wish you were in a lower place” b. “These grapes were sour anyway.
c. “I wont ever eat grapes again” c. “Where are the grapes?

3. The fox was sour-graping when he could not get the grapes but leaves because it is not that sweet
anyway. What did he mean by sour-graping?
a. Making excuses to save himself from shame b. Magically turns grapes into sour
c. He hates grapes. d. He is persistent to do something

4. What kind of text type was story?

a. narrative b. argumentative c. explanation d. descriptive

B. Listen to another selection to be read by your teacher

5 What was the Lion’s feeling upon hearing the crowing of the cock?
a. Scared b. ashamed d. happy d. annoyed

6. What did the elephant ask when he saw the Lion who was extremely scared?
a. “What troubles you so?”
b. “Can anything harm a beast like you who has tremendous bulk and strength?”
c.“Do you see this little bee? If he ever stings the innermost parts of my ear, I will go mad with pain.”
d “Can a life like this be worth living? I am one of the strongest and the bravest and yet cock scares

7. What was the Elephant’s answer to the Lion’s question if what thing would harm him despite of his
tremendous bulk?
a. “What troubles you so?”
b. “Can anything harm a beast like you who has tremendous bulk and strength?”
c.“Do you see this little bee? If he ever stings the innermost parts of my ear, I will go mad with pain.”
d “Can a life like this be worth living? I am one of the strongest and the bravest and yet cock scares

C. Read the following paragraph then answer the questions that follow
One day, a Thief saw an Old Man counting his money. The Thief wished to snatch his money by
making some excuse.
The Thief decided to fool the Old Man and take away his money.
“Why are you stealing fruit from my orchard?” the Thief shouted in anger at the Old Man.
“You must be mistaken,” said the Old Man. “I do not like fruits, so why should I steal from your
“Oh stop it!” growled the Thief. Then he thought for a while and said, “Ah! Last year, you spoke bad
things about me to your neighbour.”
“No! That cannot be true. I did not live in this house last year,” replied the Old Man.
“Well then, if it was not you, it certainly must have been your brother,” shouted the Thief.
“It cannot have been, for my brother died two years ago, answered the Old Man.
“Never mind, I know it was definitely an Old Man like you, I will not accept excuses anymore,” said
the Thief. Then, he snatched the Old Man’s money and ran away with it.

8. What was the man’s answer when the thief accused him for stealing fruits from his orchard.
a. “Why are you stealing fruit from my orchard?”
b.“I do not like fruits, so why should I steal from your orchard?”
c.“Ah! Last year, you spoke bad things about me to your neighbour.”
d.“I did not live in this house last year,

9. What might be the thief’s feeling whenever he can’t fool the old man?
a. annoyed b. happy c sad d. delighted

10. What did the man’s answer when the thief told him that he spoke bad things about him last year?
a. “Why are you stealing fruit from my orchard?”
b.“I do not like fruits, so why should I steal from your orchard?”
c.“Ah! Last year, you spoke bad things about me to your neighbour.”
d.“I did not live in this house last year,
11. What did the old man’s answer when the thief said it must been his brother whom he talked to last
a. I do not like fruits, so why should I steal from your orchard?”
b.“Ah! Last year, you spoke bad things about me to your neighbour.”
c.“I did not live in this house last year,
d. “It cannot have been, for my brother died two years ago,

B. Identify the feelings expressed in each of the following situations

12. His mother became worried when she didn't hear from him for two days.

a. b. c. d.

13. A year after being fired from his job, Alan is still very bitter. He has a lot of resentment towards his
former boss.

a. b. c. d.
14. Even though I am accustomed to traveling for business, I still get homesick if I am away from my
home for more than a week.

a. b. c. d.

II. A. Identify the text type given in each paragraph. Choose the answer below

a. Narrative b. Argumentative c. descriptive d. explanatione. procedure

15. So he sat down, opened a drawer, took out of it a woman’s photograph, gazed at it a few
moments, and kissed it.

16. The nervous system works through a complex network of neurons. These are the basic
functioning cells of the nervous system and conduct electrical impulses between the central and
peripheral nervous system.

17. Yesterday, I fell over while walking in the hills and went to see the doctor, who bandaged my knee
and gave me a tetanus injection.

18. Hundred Islands is one of the promising tourist spot in the Philippines. With its 123 islands and
islets, you will enjoy swimming on its clear and cold water, as well as enjoy walking on the fine and
white sand. Moreover, there are many adventures waiting for you when you experience scuba diving,
zip lining, helmet diving and banana boat riding.

19. Here are lots of ways to make Omelet. But this is the way to make a delicious one. First of all,
you need to prepare few tomatoes, few eggs and a small amount of oil. Then you should make
tomatoes sliced. After fragmentizing the tomatoes, you should turn the stove on. After that, you
should put a pan on the stove and should pour some oil in it. Then bash the eggs in another bowl.
Finally you should put the pieces of tomatoes and pour the bashed eggs into the pan and after
waiting for ten minutes, your Omelet will be ready.

III. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

20. Manny prepared his costume for the party. He also prepared his puppet. He makes sure his
audience will be entertained because he was a very good ventriloquist. What do you think were his
a. children b. adult men c. teenagers d. old men

21. Chef Boy LagroShown his kitchen skills to the people viewing his show. Almost all of them were
amazed by the way he cook delicious food. Who do you think were his audience?
a. people who loves cooking b. people who loves kitchenware
c. people who wants kids d. people who wants to play.
22.LeBron James showed off his amazing tricks and dunks in the basketball court. Which of the
following will most likely be more interested in watching the show he is into?
a. Men b. old women c. toddlers d. zookeepers

23.Mr. Marquez discussed about the ways in teaching children on how to have fun while earning
Mathematics. Who were his audience?
a. engineers b. teachers c. chef d. doctors

Fill in the blanks the appropriate conjunction to complete the compound sentences.

24. The computer crashed ___I lost all my works

a. nor b. so c. yet d. because
25. I like chocolate ice cream ___ don't have it very often.
a. so b. for c. and d. but
26. Please bring me a towel _____ I can dry the dishes.
A. but B. not C. so d. and

27. Either she will be a teacher ___ a lawer because she is good at communicating.
a. so b. or c. and d. but

28. It is the basic element of multimedia. It involves the use of text types, sizes, colors and
background color. In a multimedia application, other media or screen can be linked through the use of
a. text b. video c. animation d. graphics
29. A multimedia application may require the use of speech, music and sound effects. These are
a. text b. audio c. animation d. graphics

30. It makes the static image like moving

a. text b. audio c. animation d. graphics

31It makes the multimedia application attractive. They help to illustrate ideas through still pictures.
a. text b. audio c. animation d. graphics

Identify if the underline words were used according to its connotation or denotation

32. Carina is feeling blue. She doesn’t want to be with anybody that day.
33. She felt like heaven when she topped her class
34 The colorblue is my favourite color.
35. People do good so they will be in heaven when they die.
36. There are some crocodiles in the government. They keep on robbing people’s money.
37 The biggest crocodile is found in Amazon River.
38. Her friend is a snake. She betrayed her.

IV. A.Match the cause in column A with its effect in column B to make a complex sentence

Independent clauses Dependent clauses

39. Sonia will buy a new house a. because Rina is so thoughtful
40. They were shocked b. unless we find the missing wallet.
41. We shall not rest c. when they heard about the accident.
42. Mother loves her d. if the inheritance money is in her hands already.

B. Make a compound sentence using the following pictures:

C. 47-50 Based from the paragraph below, use the appropriate graphic organizer.
(4 pts)

Dogs and cats are two of the most loved pets. They are both adorable and lovable.
However, they differ in some ways. Dogs always want to move and are active pets. They wanted to
run, play and they can learn trick. On the other hand, cats wanted to be cuddled. They wanted to
sleep in the lap of their owner.

Text for Listening

I. A
On a hot summer day, a fox comes upon an orchard and sees a bunch of ripened grapes. It
thinks: “Just what I need to quench my thirst.” It moves back a few paces, runs, and jumps but falls
short of reaching the grapes. It tries in different ways to reach the bunch of grapes, but in vain. It
finally gives up, and says to himself “I am sure they are sour anyway.”

Once, a Lion sat thinking by himself. He had sharp, strong claws and teeth and was a beast
with immense strength. Yet, whenever he heard a Cock crowing, he would be extremely scared.
The Lion, thus, complained, “Can a life like this be worth living? I am one of the strongest
and the bravest and yet, a lowly creature, such as, a Cock has the power to rob my life of its charm
by simply crowing!”
Just then, a huge Elephant came along, flapping his ears to and fro, with an air of great
concern. “What troubles you so?” asked the Elephant.
The Lion thought of sharing his grief with the Elephant and asked him, “Can anything harm
a beast like you who has tremendous bulk and strength?” The Elephant replied, “Do you see this
little bee? If he ever stings the innermost parts of my ear, I will go mad with pain.”
The Lion understood that even the strongest creatures have weak points. He gained self-
confidence and decided never to let troubles overshadow his joys in life.
Key to Correction

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