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BFC 21002


To determine the site’s suitability for
building and the nature and the extent of
preliminary work that will be needed
Why it is important?
It will shows the detailed to many
physical aspect such as subsoil
composition, demolition and the legal
aspect such as planning permission, right
of access and preservation order
Important to:
• Describe and establish the geological history of
the site and the nature of the present soils.
• Determine the ground water table.
• Recover soil samples (disturbed or undisturbed)
for laboratory test.
• Carry out in situ test for soils.
• Sources of preliminary information
• Topographical maps and plans.
• Geological maps.
• Statutory or authorities maps and records
• Aerial photographs

a legal obligation laid on an owner

to preserve a building of historic
interest, or to conserve trees and
natural habitat regarded as
contributing amenity value to the
• To assess the general suitability of the site
with the proposed works
• To help produce a design which is adequate
and economic
• To help overcome possible difficulties &
delays that may arise during construction
period due to ground and other local
• To predict possible changes that may
occur/cause of all changes in site condition
• To maximize potential of the site


A combination process which

ranges from looking at published
information such as maps to
arrange laboratory testing on
the soil

Information required from a site
a. Information affecting the design of the
structure: shear strength and compressibility of
the soil
b. Information affecting the construction
works: the extent and properties of material to
be excavated, or to be used for fill or for
road bases or as concrete aggregates
c. Information on ground conditions: the level
and seasonal variation of the water table, the
pressure in the soil and the permeability of the
1. Site Location
¬ Nearest town and city
¬ Schools, emergency services,
entertainment, recreation, shops,
transport and employment
¬ Distance from head office (client &
builders) & traveling time
¬ Distance from nearest railway station to
the site
2. Accessibility
¬ Approach and site access roads, width,
gradient, bends, sharp corners, condition
and construction relative to transport
heavy plant and equipment
¬ Bridges, strength, width and clearance
¬ Temporary roads, rolled metal tracts or
consider preparing sub base for new
roads as temporary access

3. Availability of space
¬ Site offices, canteen, stores and
¬ Material storage areas and handling
¬ Construction area and assembly areas
¬ Plant location


4. Services
¬ Water, drainage, electricity, gas &
¬ Location will be determined from maps
by consultation with the appropriate local
¬ An estimate of buildings usage is also for
ascertaining the demand on sewers and

5. Ground composition
Boreholes are required to determine :
¬ Changes in strata
¬ Strength of subsoil
¬ Toxicity of subsoil
¬ Stability of excavation
¬ Water table (depth below surfaces)

Strata are layers of rock, or sometimes
soil. In nature, strata come in many
layers. It is a term in sedimentary and
historical geology; the singular is
stratum. ...
These layers are laid down as sediment,
often in the sea, and are slowly changed
by pressure, heat and chemical action
into rocks.

6. Site clearance and demolition

A plan of the site should indicate trees,
shrubs and existing buildings and a site
survey will reveal the extent of necessary
leveling Demolition and excavation

¬ Method and cost

¬ Effect of trees and structural prevention

¬ Reuse of materials
¬ Protection of adjacent building
¬ Special insurance requirement
¬ Compensation payment and liability for
¬ Distance to spoil tips and charge

A spoil tip (also called a spoil bank, boney pile,
gob pile, bing, batch, boney dump or pit heap is a
pile built of accumulated spoil
• Dealt with local planning authority to
ascertain whether there are
special/significant restrictions which could
adversely affect the development of site
building line position
• Survey should include details of
neighboring development, future
development and the position with regard
to facilities in the area
• Should enquire the existence of any
restrictive covenants such as right of way,
light & drainage which may restrict the
development 18
1. Desk Study
2. Site Reconnaissance/ Walk over survey
3. Preliminary report or feasibility study
4. Preliminary Ground Investigation -
Planning of main Preliminary report
5. Main Ground Investigation
6. Laboratory testing
7. Financial Report (Return of Investment)
8. Final report

Planning an investigation
In the earlier stages of a site
investigation, the available information
is often inadequate to allow a detailed
plan to be made. The investigation
must therefore proceed in 3 stages:
• Desk Study
• Site Reconnaissance
• Detail Examination of Tests and Programs
• It is important to collect all available
information about the site before starting
• A desk study is the collation and review
of information already available about a
site, and is carried out at an early stage of
site appraisal to inform and guide the
remainder of the site investigation.

• Collect as much material as possible
about the site such as-
¬ Maps (geological, ordinance survey, etc)
¬ Air photograph
¬ Geological books & journal
¬ Mining records & reports of previous site
¬ Library, news paper, adjacent buildings,


The initial document search should
be followed by a walk-over survey of the site
and its surroundings.
This should be a methodical examination of
the site, based on defined classes of
information, which complements the desk
study and typically provides valuable
information on matters such as:
θ Topography: indications of slope
instability, spoil heaps or signs of ground
subsidence resulting from mining.
A heap formed of spoil (material discarded during
mining or excavation).
The place where spoil is dumped.

China Clay spoil heap

near St Austell,
θ Geology: exposures of soils and rocks
which can be examined and sampled.
θ Surface water and ground water:
signs of flooding; springs; water logging
θ Vegetation: signs of vegetation die-back
or restricted vegetation as a result of
contamination of the ground; presence of
invasive species such as Japanese
Knotweed; trees which may cause
shrinkage and swelling of clay soils.
Japanese Knotweed
Fallopia japonica, commonly
known as Asian knotweed or
Japanese knotweed

The invasive root system and

strong growth can damage
foundations, buildings, flood
defences, roads, paving,
retaining walls and architectural
sites. It can also reduce the
capacity of channels in flood
defenses to carry water
θ Ecology: indicators of protected species,
newts, badgers, bats, nesting birds.
θ Contamination: indications of spills,
disturbed ground, areas of fill or spoil
heaps, old fuel or oil tanks.
θ Structures: settlement of existing
structures or the use of asbestos;
indicators of archaeological/historical

Newts & badger
θ Local Knowledge: anecdotal information
on past uses of the site or past problems
in the area.
θ Access & services: information such as
access for site equipment and location of
buried or overhead services

The principal objectives of the detailed soil
test/investigation are as follows:
a. To determine in detail the geological
structure of the site, including the
thickness, sequence and extent of the
b. To determine the ground water


c. To obtain disturbed and undisturbed

samples for identification and
laboratory testing
d. To carry out tests to determine the
mechanical properties of the soil insitu


There are two principal methods of

investigating the ground conditions,
trial pits and boreholes

Trial Pits
• Trial pits are shallow excavations going
down to a depth less than 6m.

• The trial pit is used extensively at the surface

for block sampling and detection of services
prior to borehole excavation.

• Can be dug by hand or mechanical excavator

Trial Pits
• Suitable only in dry area as they allow
hand cut samples to be taken which
minimize the disturbance of sample

• Most suitable when exploring back filled

area and sites overlain by variable
natural deposits

• A borehole is used to determine the nature
of the ground (usually more than 6m
depth) in a qualitative manner
• Recover undisturbed samples for
quantitative examination.Where this is not
possible, for in gravelly soils below the
water table, in-situ testing methods are

• Obviously the information gained from a
borehole is an extremely limited picture of the
subsurface structure.
• It is therefore essential to compare the
results obtained with those from the desk
• The greater the number of boreholes the
b e t t e r correlation thus more trustworthy
• The two principal types of boring machines
used for Site Investigation are light percussive
and drilling machines.


List FIVE (5) objectives of site


And then explain about the stage

of desk study.
Links to learning materials
Site Investigation Part 1

Site Investigation Part 2

Site Investigation Part 3

1.1 Earthwork
• Earthwork: the processes whereby the surface of the
earth is excavated and transported to and compacted
at another location.

• Earthworks are engineering works created through the

moving or processing of parts of the earth's surface involving
quantities of soil or unformed rock. The earth may be moved
to another location and formed into a desired shape for a
• Much of earthworks involves machine excavation and fill or

• Scale: ranges from small works (the excavation of ditches

and trenches for drainage and pits and trenches for
foundations) to the large earthworks (highways and dams).
• carried out at an early stage in a construction project.

• completion of the earthworks within the scheduled time is

often the key to the completion on time of the whole project

• success often depends on:

o an adequate site investigation and preparing practical

and satisfactory designs of the earthworks.

o the choice and efficient use of the correct types and size
of plant to meet the particular requirements of the site.

o Weather condition
Site clearing
Parameters to be checked on before commencing the clearing works;
 marking of the respective area to be cleared and grubbed
 checked the cut-off elevations
 checked depth and size of trees to be removed
 identified clearly and verified the existing utilities and services
 ensure that monuments, markers and special trees are
properly marked for protection.
 marks all trees and vegetations that are to be undisturbed
 potential hazard such as flammable area, slipping area, etc.
 terrain, soil condition and foliage
 ensure that sub contractor has proper controls of erosion and
 environment protection plan has been approved and the
contractor is familiar with the requirements
Site clearing
• Site Clearing Involves;
demolition of existing buildings,
the grubbing out bushes and trees,
disposal works and
the removal of top soil to reduce level.

• Clearing, grubbing, demolishing, breaking up and removing

all trees, shrubs, vegetation, butts, structures such as walls,
fences and other obstruction within the site which have been
designated to be demolished or removed.

• All spoils and debris shall be removed and disposed of off-

site at an approved certified construction landfill.
Site clearing
Transport and moving
• Earthwork transportation is something that projects
seldom avoid.

• Earthwork is expressed in units of volumes (cubic

meters in metric). Increases in such volumes require
additional trucks (or more runs of the same truck),
which cost money.

• It is important for designers to design the project

which require very little earthwork.

• Trucks or dump trucks are the most necessary

equipment to transport excavated material,
aggregates and construction material.
and moving
Transport and moving
• Increased bearing capacity
• Increased compressibility
• Reduce permeability
• Improve stability
• Heavy/highway vs. building foundation
compaction operations
 All pronounced depressions left in the original
ground surface by removal of objectionable
material from within embankment limits are filled
with acceptable material and compacted to the
density required.

 The upper 6 in. of the original ground is

compacted weighing no less than 10 t, or with
other approval compacting equipment.
 Compacting equipment requirements vary
from contract to contract.
 The types of compactors commonly used
 Three wheel roller
Smooth drum vibrator roller
Vibratory tamping roller
Static tamping roller or sheepsfoot
Crawler-tread equipment or bulldozer
Mechanical tamps or vibrator.
 The compactor to be used is determined by
the Contractor and is dependent upon
several factors:
Size of embankment
Type of materials being compacted
Conditions of materials being compacted
Availability of equipments
Contractor’s preference.
Compactor type Material Lift Depth
3 wheel All soils 8 in. max
Smooth Drum All soils 8 in. max
Tamping-Foot Soil or shale Length of tamping
Crawler-Tread rock Refer specifications
Crawler-Tread aggregates 6 in. max
Smooth drum aggregates 6 in. max
Mechanical Tamp or soils 6 in. max
Mechanical tamp or aggregates 4 in. max
• Function of the natural angle of repose, density,
surface and subsurface water flow.

• Early stabilization of surfaces is critical in construction.

• Eliminate points of concentrated flow using slope

drains as outlets.

• Difficult slopes may require riprap, gabions, or other

measures for permanent stabilization .
• Slope stabilization is important to ensure
that failure or landslides will not occur.
• Properly designed slope protection and
stabilization has to include two components:
- a vegetational-biological and
- a mechanical-structural component.
• For maximum effect, both components must
be integrally planned prior to construction.

1. Control surface and subsurface water

2. Maintain optimum moisture range by drying, mixing ,
or wetting
3. Identify and monitor cut & fill quantities
4. Good layout (horizontal & vertical control)
5. Minimize handling - minimize stockpiling

6. Optimize haul lengths

7. Minimize cycle time
8. Proper selection and sizing of excavators and haul
9. Alternate haul unit wheel paths
10. Experienced personnel in the field

To be continue…..
Links to learning
Site clearing:
Earthwork Cuts & Fills
Soil transportation
Cutting and excavation
• Most construction projects require the movement of earthwork on site. This will
result in altering the existing elevation to a different or finish elevation.

• To determine the amount of soil to be moved, the estimator needs to have a plot
plan or topographic survey.

• This drawing is developed by plotting the readings (elevations) obtained from a

topographic field survey usually performed by a licensed land surveyor.
• Contour lines are lines drawn on a
map connecting points of equal

• Contour lines show elevation and the

shape of the terrain.

• They illustrate the land’s topography

on the map
Types of


Cutting and excavation

Cutting and excavation
Classification of Excavation based on type of material:

 Topsoil excavation

 Earth excavation

 Rock excavation

 Muck excavation - this usually contains excess

water and unsuitable soil

 Unclassified excavation - this is any combination of

material types
Cutting and excavation
Classification of Excavation based on it purposes:
 Stripping
 Roadway excavation
 Drainage or structure excavation
 Bridge excavation
 Channel excavation
 Footing excavation
 Borrow excavation
 Dredge excavation
Cutting and excavation
• Excavation can be either a part of the permanent works (e.g.
cuttings) or a temporary expedient in the construction of the works
(e.g. for foundations and drainage)

• The sides of the excavations

are required to remain stable
during their design life, can
be achieved by:

 excavating the material to a

stable slope angle

 retaining or supporting the

Cutting and excavation
Cutting and excavation
Cut and Fill in during earthworks
 Engineers need to concern themselves with issues of geotechnical
engineering (such as soil density and strength) and with quantity
estimation to ensure that soil volumes in the cuts match those of the
fills, while minimizing the distance of movement.
 In the past, volume analysis were done by hand using a slide rule and
with methods such as Simpson's rule.
 Nowadays, calculations can be performed with a computer and
specialized software, including optimisation on haul cost and not haul
Cutting and excavation
Cutting and excavation
Cut and Fill Calculation

There are two basic methods for calculating cut

and fill construction projects by hand

• The first is called the grid method

• The second is called the cross-section method

Cut and Fill Calculation
The Grid Method

1. Lay your plan out on the flat

surface. Then draw set of
equally spaced horizontal
and vertical lines across your

2. At each intersection of the

horizontal and vertical lines,
determine the existing and
the proposed new elevation
3. For each intersection
subtract the existing Existing elevations

elevation from the

proposed elevation.
Positive numbers are fill.
Negative numbers are cut.
Proposed elevations
The Grid Method…cont.
4. For each cell, add the four cut and fill numbers together
and divide them by 4.0 to calculate the average cut or fill
depth for that cell.
Average Depth = (n1+n2+n3+n4)/4
5. Multiply the average cut or fill depth by the number of
square meters/feet in the grid cell (Area to get the cut or
fill volume in cubic meters/feet.
V = Area x Avg. Depth


The Grid Method…cont.

6. Add all of the cut volumes up to get the total

cut for the site in cubic meters/feet.

7. Add all of the fill volumes up to get the total fill

for the site in cubic meters/feet.

8. To calculate the import or export, subtract the

fill volume from the cut volume.

If the result is a positive number, you have more

cut than fill and you will need export material from
your site.
If the numbers negative, you will need to import
dirt onto the building site.
Cut and Fill Calculation
The Cross-section Method

1. Lay your plan out, and divide your plan Existing

with a number of equally spaced elevations
horizontal lines.

vertical axis
2. On a piece of graph paper, plot out the
existing elevations from the beginning to
the end of each cross-section line.

Cut and Fill Calculation
3. The vertical axis is for elevations and the
horizontal axis is for the distance along the cross-

4. Then for each cross- Proposed new elevation

section, plot out the Existing elevation
proposed elevations
from the beginning to the
end of each cross-section
line on the same graph as
the existing.

Construction Site
The Cross-section Method...Cont.

5. For each cross-section, count the

number of squares where the existing
line is above the proposed line. This is
your cut area for that cross-section.
Cut Area Fill Area

6. For each cross-section, count the

number of squares where the existing
line is below the proposed line. This is
your fill area for that cross-section.
The Cross-section Method...Cont.

7. For each adjacent pair of cross-

sections, average the cut area
between the two and multiply it
by the distance between the two
cross-sections to calculate your
cut volume.
8. For each adjacent pair of cross-
sections, average the fill area
between the two and multiply by Distance between two cross-sections
the distance between the two
cross-sections to calculate your fill
The Cross-section Method...Cont.
9. Now add up all of your cut volumes to get the
total cut volume for your site in cubic meters.

10.Add up all of your fill volumes to get the total

fill volume for your site in cubic meters.

11.To determine the export for your site, subtract

the fill volume from the cut volume.

If this is a positive number, then you have more cut

than fill so you’ll need to export material from
your site. Red colour is cut
Blue colour is fill
If the numbers negative you have more fill than
cut, and you will need to import material onto your
building site.
There is another method using software
Can learn more about:
• Grid method
• Cross section method
• Software method
From the link below and others:
Procedure to Estimate the
Earthwork in excavation for
Road Construction
• Roads are constructed either in the plain area or in hilly areas.
• To calculate earthwork in excavation for road, we have to use the separate
formula for plain and hilly areas.
• Here are the types of estimation for road construction
1. Volume Method
• Adopted to find earthwork quantities for various civil engineering projects
such as : • Road Work • Irrigation Canal project • Tank and etc.
• It is measured in cubic meters without any allowance for an increase in
bulk. The volume of earthwork shall be calculated by multiplying the
length, breadth, and depth or height measured from the ground from
which soil has been taken out.
• During the estimation of earthwork in the road, the volume of
earthwork may be calculated by the various methods of
measurement which three methods are given below.
Method – 1, Mid sectional area method
• Quantity = area of mid section x length
• Area of midsection = Area of rectangular portion + area of two
triangular portions.
Therefore, the Quantity of earthwork,

= (Bd + Sd2) x L


d = Mean depth or height

B = Formation width
S = Side Slope
• The quantity of earthwork may be calculated in a tabular form as

Note: Typing error. It should be write as Sd2

• Calculate the quantity of earth works of a road embankment which is
200 metres in length. The height of banks at the two ends being 1
metre and 1.5 metre. The formation width is 10 metres and side slope
2:1 (horizontal: vertical). Assume there is no traverse slope.

Method 1
Quantity = L x mean sectional area
= L x (Bd + Sd2)
B = 10 m; S= 2; L = 200 m
d = mean depth = (1 + 1.5)/2
= 1.25 m
Quantity of road embankment = 200 [10 x 1.25 + 2(1.25)2
= 200[12.50 + 3.13]
= 3,126 m3
Method-2: Mean Sectional Area Method
• Quantity = Mean Sectional area x Length

• In this method, it is not necessary to calculate mean depth but, we

should calculate the mean area after calculating the area of each

• The quantity of earthwork may be calculated in the tabular form as

given below.
Am = Mean sectional area
d = Height or Depth
B = Formation width
S = Side Slope

Note: Typing error. It should be write as Sd2

Method 2
• Quantity = Mean Sectional area x Length

Area of section at one end where height is 1 m

Area of section = Bd + Sd2
= [10 (1) + 2(1)2]
= 12 m2
Area of section at other end where height is 1.5 m
Area of section = Bd + Sd2
= [10 (1.5) + 2(1.5)2]
= 19.50 m2
Mean area = (12 + 19.50)/2
= 15.75 m2
Quantity of road embankment = 200 x 15.75
= 3,150 m3
B) Estimate the Earthwork in excavation for
Road Construction in hilly area
• Earthwork for hill roads having transverse slope i.e for two-level
sections where contour lines are very close to each other (as in hilly
area) transverse or cross slope cannot be neglected in calculating
• When these transverse and longitudinal slopes are unknown in
between two cross-sections this portion of a road is called two-level
sections. The method of estimating the volume of earthwork for such
cases has been illustrated below.
Case:-1 Wholly in Banking or wholly in cutting
s:1 = Side slope

r:1 = Transverse Slope

H = Height of banking or depth of cutting

b = Half of formation width

When the centerline (FG) is in the cutting portion
(figure: a)
• Area of ABE = Area of banking
Area of ABE = Area of banking

• Area of EDC = Area of cutting

b) When center line (FG) is in banking portion

H = Center depth of cutting or banking

S:1 = Side slope of banking

P:1 = Side slope of Cutting

b = Half of formation width

r:1 =Transverse Slope

Numerical Example
• Calculate the earthwork for or portion of hill road from the following

A SunCam online continuing education course

Earthwork Basics and a Traditional

Calculation Method

Joshua A. Tiner, P.E.


Earthwork Analysis Basics and a Traditional Calculation Method

A SunCam online continuing education course

Table of Contents
A. Introduction

B. Basics and Concepts Defined

1. Background:
2. Existing & Proposed Conditions:
3. Soil types
4. Cut/Fill & Import/Export
5. Units

C. Surface Cut-Fill Analysis

1. Modern methods
2. A Traditional “Hand Method” of Surface Cut-Fill Analysis
Setting up the Surface Cut-Fill analysis
Method 1 (Averaging the quadrant elevations)
Method 2 (Averaging the differences of the nodes)
3. Cut-Fill Analysis Spreadsheet File Summary

D. Ancillary Conditions Analysis

1. Background
2. Some Considerations and Assumptions
Suitability of Existing Soil
Rock Ledge
3. Subsurface Conditions

E. Earthwork Equipment
Dump Trucks / Haulers
Front Loaders
Other Machines

F. Summary and Conclusion Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 2 of 41


Earthwork Analysis Basics and a Traditional Calculation Method

A SunCam online continuing education course

A. Introduction
This course is developed to identify the basics of earthwork and to explain a “traditional”
method of performing earthwork analysis via hand calculations. This study is for those
who are not experienced with earthwork, earthwork calculations and earthwork
equipment. Additionally it is intended to be a helpful a refresher and source to anyone
who has worked in Civil Engineering and/or Land Development looking for a resource
discussing earthwork basics. Earthwork analysis is an important topic for any Civil
Engineer involved in roadway and land development to understand associated with their
required design. This course will focus more on site analysis than on the analysis
required to economically determine the elevation of highways through mountainous

This course will also expose the student to the basic equipment used in the construction
field associated with earthwork.

B. Basics and Concepts Defined

1. Background:
In order to develop any piece of property, the earth will invariably need to be moved.
This could be as limited as stripping away topsoil in order to pour a sidewalk, and it can
be as involved as over excavating 20’ below a proposed building pad footprint in order
to remove contaminated fill, and import and install select clean fill that will accommodate
the building. Earthwork analysis is a valuable part of the Land Development process.
While many authorities having jurisdiction may have minimal interest is the volume of
earthwork required on a site, the cost associated with the minimization of earthwork has
a construction value that an owner should expect to be minimized by a competent

The parameters associated with development of a site will be influenced by many things
including the required drainage design, as well as the constraints of the grading design.
While the drainage and grading are critical to the functionality of the site, earthwork
analysis helps the engineer confirm that the most efficient use of the existing
geotechnical resources is realized.

Earthwork analysis in general is not a required subject within many Civil Engineering
curricula, and as such, often times the entry level engineer must learn earthwork
analysis on the job. This is less difficult than in the past as modern tools of analysis on Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 3 of 41


Earthwork Analysis Basics and a Traditional Calculation Method

A SunCam online continuing education course

the computer have made this process easier. In the past traditional methods of
earthwork analysis were all that was available to the engineer.

This course will identify the basics, and upon completion of this course the student
should have a confident understanding of earthwork analysis.

It is worth noting that presently most earthwork analysis can be performed by software
that is very accurate. This course will present a “traditional” hand calculation method of
performing earthwork analysis which can still be useful in conceptual planning to
determine the best elevation to set the proposed site.

2. Existing & Proposed Conditions

When preparing to perform an earthwork analysis of a site, the engineer must first be
provided with a document that defines the existing conditions, including the topography.
This document is typically referred to as the Topographic Survey or “survey”. If the
survey is received with adequate information for the purposes of re-grading a site by
design, it will identify the existing surface features, spot elevation or spot grades, and
contour lines.

In order to complete an earthwork analysis, the existing conditions need to be compared

with the proposed conditions. The graphical depiction of the proposed conditions and
elevations of the site is typically reflected in a Grading and Drainage Plan. The
fundamentals of site grading is beyond the scope of this course, however a study on the
fundamentals of site design is useful in making sure the proposed grading plan is
functionally most appropriate.

This course assumes the engineer has a basic understanding of the fundamentals of
site, grading, and drainage design and is fluent in the associated terminologies. The
Proposed Grading Plan will also need to identify the proposed surface features, spot
grades, and contour lines.

3. Soil types
The moving of earth (soil, rock, etc.) is referred to a re-grading and/or earthwork. At a
high level, soil types have various properties and conditions. Soil typically is generally
quantified as consisting of a combination of Silt, Sand, and Clay and these properties
may have expansive and/or contractive properties. For the purposes of the methods
presented in this course, we will assume in the analysis that relocated soil upon Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 4 of 41


Earthwork Analysis Basics and a Traditional Calculation Method

A SunCam online continuing education course

compaction will occupy the same volume in the proposed condition as it does in the
existing. The competent site engineer will consult with a geotechnical engineer and/or
report to confirm if any soil expansion/contraction should be accounted for in the
earthwork analysis.

4. Cut/Fill & Import/Export

In the locations where soil is excavated or removed is referred to as the “cut”. The
location where soil is moved to or placed is referred to as “fill”.

Figure F-1 provides an isometric depiction of a cut scenario.

Figure F-1
(Isometric depiction of “cut”)

Depending on the amount of soil being moved, the contractor that excavates and places
it may use heavy equipment in order to do so. Section E of this course discusses the
basic equipment that contractor have at their disposal in order to complete the tasks
associated with site work. When soil is placed in a new location, it should be done in
accordance with the requirements of the geotechnical / soils report which defines the
placement parameters through the analysis of the existing soil on site by a competent
geotechnical engineer. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 5 of 41


Earthwork Analysis Basics and a Traditional Calculation Method

A SunCam online continuing education course

Figure F-2 provides an isometric depiction of a fill scenario.

Figure F-2
(Isometric depiction of “fill”)

Although the parameters of the geotechnical report and recommendations are beyond
the scope of this course, a few basics will be discussed throughout. It is worth noting
that the site engineer (in their specifications) should either make reference to the
requirements / recommendation of the soils report, and/or they should interpret these
recommendations and reflect those requirements on the plans.

When fill is placed, there is typically geotechnical recommendations associated with the
ideal moisture content, the maximum thickness of layers (referred to as “lifts”), and other
parameters through which the soils should be placed. The geotechnical engineer may
want to witness the completed fill placement by observing a proof roll of the pad or other
completed sub-grade installation.

A site design that provides for an equal volume of cut and fill is referred to as
“balanced”. It is beneficial to balance the site if possible as there are costs to having to
bring soil onto the site or to have to take soil away from the site. Bringing soil to the site
is referred to as importing soil. When excess soil needs to be removed / taken away
from a site, this is is referred to as exported soil. Figure F-3 shows three respective Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 6 of 41


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sections of a “cut” (A) which theoretically requires export, a “fill” (B) which theoretically
requires import, and a balanced section (C) which theoretically requires neither import
or export.

Figure F-3
(Cut, Fill, and “Balanced” sections)

While the goal of the site engineer should be to minimize earthwork overall, minimizing
the import and export is one of the primary goals. Therefore the typical goal of an
earthwork analysis is to come up with a net balanced site, and the emphasis associated
with minimizing the amount of earthwork that occurs within the site is generally dealt
with associated with layout planning and preliminary grading design. Ultimately, the
designer must prepare a grading plan that works within the constraints of the site and
grading guidelines and standards. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 7 of 41


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5. Units
In general in the United States, Standard Imperial (SI) units of measure are used. Many
other parts of the world use metric units. For the purpose of this course, units will be
presented in SI.

When discussing earthwork, the analysis must determine the volume of material being
moved. In SI units, volume can be represented with wet volume units (i.e. gallons,
quarts, etc.) or dry volume units. The dry volume units are typically cubic
measurements of length (i.e. a length in three special dimensions). As a result, SI units
for dry volume measurement are cubic inches (CI or in3), cubic feet (CF or ft3), cubic
yards (CY or yd3), etc.

Some site materials such as sand or gravel may be sold in terms of weight (i.e. tons),
and there are standard conversion factors that can be used by the engineer in the
analysis in order to determine the volume that a certain weight of material will occupy.
However this topic is generally beyond the scope of this course, and will not be
discussed further as most site engineers will need to work with the volume in terms of
cubic yards.

When calculating import and export, the engineer will need to consider the volume of
the truck load in order to calculate costs. Since various size dump trucks are available,
the exact conversion may not be known, but the engineer can make assumptions to
estimate the costs.

Often times in the industry the CY is merely stated as “yards” (i.e. (as an example), “our
project needs 15 yards of new top soil and we will have to export 200 yards of excess fill
material”. This course may use CY and “yards” interchangeably.

It is worth noting (if only barely) that yards in the sense described above is not to be
confused with the required setbacks that an engineer may have to deal with associated
with planning and zoning analysis. A front yard setback will typically be presented in
terms of feet as it is not a volume being considered.

A cubic yard consists of twenty seven (27) cubic feet. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 8 of 41


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Figure F-4 depicts a cubic yard of 27 cubic feet.

Figure F-4
(Cubic yard (NTS))

6. Average (Mean)
In order for an engineer to perform the hand methods of earthwork analysis as defined
in the course, the basic concept of averaging (or finding the mean) will be used. An
average is the sum of all parts divided by the number of parts. The mathematical
definition of average is expressed in Equation E-1:

𝐴+𝐵+𝐶+⋯+𝑁 (𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑠)

𝐴𝑣𝑔. = 𝑁
(𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑠)


A simple example of this calculation is located in Problem P-1 Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 9 of 41


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P-1) What is the average of 2, 4, 10, and 16?


2+4+10+16 32
𝐴𝑣𝑔. = 4
= 4

As can be seen from this simple calculation, the average of a group of numbers takes
what can be a wide spread in values and simplifies this to a single figure. All engineers
are familiar with averaging.

C. Surface Cut-Fill Analysis

1. Modern methods
Modern methods of earthwork analysis are widely available in software programs that
are useful for contractors attempting to perform take-offs of an anticipated project; as
well as for the design engineer attempting to balance the site design. The design
engineer has tools available in the “Civil 3D” package and/or “Land Desktop” which are
the standard tools available with the AutoCAD software package. Highway / Road
design tools are also available for the engineer that is tasked with performing that type
of design.

Since modern design tools take advantage of contour elevations in design, these
modern tools are very useful, and very precise. These tools are able to perform the
analysis based on the precise understanding of the existing and proposed elevations
and various iterations of analysis can be easily adjusted and re-run based on the whims
of the engineer.

In the past, various hand methods of earthwork and cut-fill analysis were developed and
used as a standard in the industry for many years. These methods were developed
using basic geometry and math, and assumptions were made in order to approximate
the amount of earthwork anticipated.

This course will explore one of these traditional hand methods. Learning and
understanding where we came from as an industry is always useful information to the
growing engineer. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 10 of 41


Earthwork Analysis Basics and a Traditional Calculation Method

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2. A Traditional “Hand Method” of Surface Cut-Fill Analysis

The “hand method” that will be presented in this course can be referred to as a grid
method of surface cut-fill analysis. In general, this method can be performed in 1 of 2
ways. The first way is by averaging the quadrant elevations of the existing grid and
comparing that to an average of the quadrant elevations of the proposed grid. The
other way is to average the differences between each quadrant. Either is effective, and
the differences will be explained in the following sections.

In order to perform either method of surface cut-fill analysis, one needs to set up grid
over the topographic plan of the existing and proposed conditions. It is worth noting,
subsurface considerations will be discussed in later sections of the course.

The following sections will walk the student through setting up the grid.

Setting up the Cut-Fill analysis

Figure F-5 shows an example of existing topography obtained via a land survey. This
will ultimately be overlain with some proposed topography, and a grid overlain on that. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 11 of 41


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Figure F-5
(Example of Existing Conditions Grading (NTS))

Figure F-6 shows an example of a proposed grading design associated with this site.
Perhaps the proposed 107 contour is associated with the building pad, and there is site
access in the upper right corner crossing the 106 contour. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 12 of 41


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Figure F-6
(Example of Proposed Conditions Grading (NTS))

Figure F-7 shows an example of an earthwork analysis grid hand drawn over top of the
proposed grading plan overlay. As can be seen, the Grid can be spaced as is
convenient for the engineer associated with how detailed they would like the analysis to
be. Let’s assume for this example, the grid lines have been spaced at 200’. It is
typically appropriate to set up the grid so that there is an outside row and column that is
beyond the limit of disturbance. This way the outer ring of intersecting nodes will have Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 13 of 41


Earthwork Analysis Basics and a Traditional Calculation Method

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the same elevation in the existing and proposed conditions. In this case, and assumed
“Row 6” would be needed in the calculations.

Figure F-7
(Earthwork Grid Overlay (NTS))

In order to understand the two methods of analysis described above, (averaging the
quadrant elevations vs. averaging the differences of the nodes), let’s take into
consideration one of the quadrants, for example Quadrant B-C/3-4. This quadrant is
highlighted in Figure F-8. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 14 of 41


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Figure F-8
(Highlighted Quadrant B-C/3-4 (NTS))

It is worth noting, the area of each Quadrant depends on the spacing of the grid (which
has not yet been defined in our example). Each Quadrant on the grid is made up of four
nodes. In the case of Quadrant B-C/3-4, the nodes are as follows: Node B3, Node B4,
Node C3, and Node C4.

Each node can be depicted as having an existing elevation and a proposed elevation.
In the following table, Table T-1, we identify the existing and proposed elevations at
each Node associated with Quadrant B-C/3-4. The engineer must use engineering
judgement and interpolation skills in order to determine the value of each existing and
proposed Node elevation. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 15 of 41


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Quadrant B-C/3-4
Node Existing Grade Proposed Grade
B3 103.95 106.25
B4 109.00 106.25
C3 108.00 107.00
C4 106.80 106.55

Table T-1
(Node Elevations on Highlighted Quadrant B-C/3-4)

The values defined in the table can be reflected on the plan, but typically the engineer
marks up the plan and then transfers the information to a table or spreadsheet. Figure
F-9 shows the elevations as interpolated and then reflected on the plan.

Figure F-9
(Quadrant B-C/3-4 with elevations at nodes defined (NTS))

To help show what is being observed, Figure F-10 reflects an isometric of the quadrant.
Please note, since the analysis being performed is limited to the nodes being analyzed,
the isometric does not show actual existing and proposed topography, it only shows a
“flat” plane between the nodes. The existing plane appears to be a “v-shaped” swale Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 16 of 41


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between Node C4 and Node B3. This figure is not important to be developed to perform
the analysis, it is just provided to reflect what is being considered.

Figure F-10
(“Plane” Isometric of Quadrant B-C/3-4 (NTS))

As can be seen, the points in view are still fairly complex in terms of an ability to analyze
the volume of earthwork being moved and determining the net volume for the quadrant.
Some points of the existing quadrant are above the proposed, and some are below. As
a result, the analysis will use averaging in order to determine the approximate cut or fill
needed in the quadrant.

Method 1 (Averaging the Quadrant Elevations)

As noted previously in the narrative above, there are two (2) methods of averaging the
elevations in a cut-fill analysis. The first that will be explained is averaging the quadrant
elevations. In order to complete this method, each quadrant will have the existing
nodes averaged to define an average existing quadrant elevation, and the proposed
nodes will also be averaged in order to define an average proposed quadrant elevation.

Table T-2 shows the calculation to define an average of the existing and proposed
plane elevations of Quadrant B-C/3-4. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 17 of 41


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Quadrant B-C/3-4
Node Existing Grade Proposed Grade
B3 103.95 106.25
B4 109.00 106.25
C3 108.00 107.00
C4 106.80 106.55
Total 427.75 426.05
Average 106.9375 106.5125

Table T-2
(Average Elevations of Quadrant B-C/3-4 (NTS))

Figure F-11 provides a graphic representation of the average change in elevations as

developed in the above calculation.

Figure F-11
(Isometric of Average elevations across Quadrant B-C/3-4 (NTS))

The difference in elevations can be / is multiplied by the area of the quadrant to give the
net cut or fill of the quadrant depending on if the existing or proposed average elevation
is higher. In the case of the quadrant above, the quadrant results in a net cut. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 18 of 41


Earthwork Analysis Basics and a Traditional Calculation Method

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As was noted above, if we assumed that the grid lines were spaced at 200’ apart, then
the quadrant is an area of 200’ x 200’, or 40,000 SF. The volume of cut for the quadrant
is defined as the difference of the two elevations times the area of the quadrant.

The earthwork calculation for Quadrant B-C/3-4 under Method 1 is developed in

Problem P-2:

P-2) In yards, what is the calculated net earthwork requirement for a 200’ x 200’
quadrant that has an existing average elevation of 106.94 and an average
proposed elevation of 106.51?


106.94 – 106.51 = 0.43’

0.43’ x 200’ x 200’ = 17,200 CF

17,200 CF / 27 CF/CY = 637.04 CY

Answer: Approximately 637 yards of cut

Method 2 (averaging the differences of the nodes)

The second method that will be explained is averaging the differences of the nodes. In
order to complete this method, the difference of each node’s elevation is determined
and then the calculated differences are averaged to define the approximate net change
in elevation across the node. In this method, to determine the difference, the existing
elevation will be subtracted from the proposed elevation.

Table T-3 shows the Method 2 calculation to define an average of the existing and
proposed plane elevations of Quadrant B-C/3-4. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 19 of 41


Earthwork Analysis Basics and a Traditional Calculation Method

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Quadrant B-C/3-4
Node Existing Grade Proposed Grade Elevation Difference
B3 103.95 106.25 2.30’
B4 109.00 106.25 -2.75’
C3 108.00 107.00 -1.00’
C4 106.80 106.55 -0.25’
Total -1.7’
Average -0.425’

Table T-3
(Node Elevation Differences and Net Average of Quadrant B-C/3-4)

The earthwork calculation for Quadrant B-C/3-4 under Method 2 is developed in

Problem P-3:

P-3) In yards, what is the calculated net earthwork requirement for a 200’ x 200’
quadrant that has an average change in elevation of -0.425 across its 4


-0.425’ x 200’ x 200’ = -17,000 CF

-17,000 CF / 27 CF/CY = -629.63 CY

Answer: Approximately 630 yards of cut

As can be seen each method yields a very similar result.

The more frequently spaced the grid is laid out, to more accurate the results will be.
The engineer must use discretion to determine how accurate the results are needed
based on the purposes of the analysis. A conceptual grading plan might be analyzed
with a very loosely spaced grid, while a final plan might be analyzed with a much more
tightly spaced grid in order to confirm the truly anticipated earthwork volume. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 20 of 41


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Figure F-12 shows an overlay grid with a spacing of 100’ between gridlines. It is worth
noting, with the more frequent spacing of gridlines, the outer nodes of this layout are
now beyond the limit of disturbance, and will now have the same elevation in the
existing and proposed condition.

Figure F-12
(Earthwork Grid Overlay with more frequent 100’ spacing (NTS))

As can be seen, the Quadrant that was analyzed previously as Quadrant B-C/3-4 would
in this example be defined as Quadrant C-E/5-7 and is now seen to be made up of four
(4) smaller quadrants

An earthwork calculation for Quadrant C-E/5-7 is shown in Problem P-4: Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 21 of 41


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P-4) Using Method 2 (averaging the differences of the nodes), what is the
calculated net earthwork requirement for the 200’ x 200’ Quadrant C-E/5-7
as reflected in Figure F-12?


First define the existing and proposed elevations of each node:

Next determine the differences of the elevations and determine

the average net change per sub quadrant. Using a table of
spreadsheet, calculate the differences. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 22 of 41


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Quadrant C-D/5-6 (Yellow) Quadrant C-D/6-7 (Blue)

Node Existing Proposed Elevation Node Existing Proposed Elevation
Grade Grade Difference Grade Grade Difference
C5 103.95 106.25 +2.30’ C6 106.95 106.25 -0.70
C6 106.95 106.25 -0.70’ C7 109.00 106.25 -2.75
D5 106.50 106.95 +0.45’ D6 106.90 106.60 -0.30
D6 106.90 106.60 -0.30’ D7 106.40 106.50 +0.10
Total +1.75’ Total -3.65
Average +0.4375 Average -0.9125’

Quadrant D-E/5-6 (Green) Quadrant D-E/5-6 (Orange)

Node Existing Proposed Elevation Node Existing Proposed Elevation
Grade Grade Difference Grade Grade Difference
D5 106.50 106.95 +0.45’ D6 106.90 106.60 -0.30’
D6 106.90 106.60 -0.30’ D7 106.40 106.50 +0.10
E5 108.00 107.00 -1.00’ E6 107.75 106.90 -0.85’
E6 107.75 106.90 -0.85’ E7 106.80 106.55 -0.25’
Total -1.7’ Total -1.3’
Average -0.425’ Average -0.325’

Next calculate the net cut and fill associated with each quadrant:

Yellow: +0.4375’ x 100’ x 100’ = 4,375 CF or ~162.0 CY Fill

Blue: -0.9125’ x 100’ x 100’ = 9,125 CF or ~338.0 CY Cut
Green: -0.4250’ x 100’ x 100’ = 4,250 CF or ~157.4 CY Cut
Orange: -0.3250’ x 100’ x 100’ = 3,250 CF or ~120.4 CY Cut

Next calculate the net cut and fill the total analysis:

162.0 – 338.0 – 157.4 – 120.4 = -453.8 CY

Answer: 453 CY Cut required for Quadrant C-E/5-7 Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 23 of 41


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As can be seen, the “tighter” analysis of spacing the earthwork grid at 100’ x 100’ vs.
200’ x 200’ has yielded a more accurate result of only 453 CY cut required vs. 629 CY
cut as was projected in the earlier analysis.

The closer the grid spacing used by the engineer, the more accurate the results will be.

3. Cut-Fill Analysis Spreadsheet File Summary

As can be seen in Problem P-4, an earthwork analysis can be quite extensive when
performed with a hand method. It is worth pointing out that there is a significant amount
of overlap in the calculations required in terms of the data obtained and the calculations
performed. For example, the difference at Node D6 was calculated for each quadrant.
As a result, it can be understood that for an entire site analysis, the calculation at each
of the node points is used in four quadrant calculations.

The sample software / spreadsheet file provided with the course utilizes Method 1 as
outlined in the above material. As a result, if using this sort of tool, the engineer only
needs to set up the number of columns and grids, insert the grid spacing, and insert the
values of the existing and proposed elevations at each grid location.

The spreadsheet then completes all of the calculations for each quadrant and the net
cut or fill result is found automatically. It is worth noting that the spreadsheet must be
manipulated by the user depending on the number of rows and columns needed for the

The engineer should take care to confirm that all formulas properly function if the
spreadsheet as provided is modified to suit a specific project.

It is worth noting that the spreadsheet also simplifies the naming of quadrants by merely
naming each quadrant after the name of the node in the upper left corner of the
quadrant. For example, Quadrant B-C/3-4 used in the above example would be
referred to as quadrant B3 since that is the node in the upper left corner of the quadrant.

Sample data is also included in the file which can just be over written by the user when
the project specific data is inserted. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 24 of 41


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D. Ancillary Conditions Analysis

1. Background
The above sections define the difference between the surface grades. However, there
are often several ancillary items associated with a site that need to be incorporated into
the analysis. These “corrections” can be applied to the surface cut-fill analysis after they
are completed. This is related to sub-surface conditions that change the amount of soil
available and or needed in the post constructed condition.

2. Some Considerations and Assumptions

One common assumption that needs to be made is that topsoil is not a suitable fill
material. As a result topsoil is typically stockpiled on site and reused as possible in the
proposed condition. If additional topsoil is needed to achieve the design parameters,
this should be taken into consideration.

Suitability of Existing Soil

Another assumption that is often made is that the soils on site are suitable and are not
contaminated. The engineer should always consult with the soils / geotechnical and any
available environmental reports to glean any information possible associated with the

For example, there might be some geotechnically unsuitable and/or contaminated fill
that needs to be exported, outside of what was determined by the surface cut-fill
analysis. This would not only require the expense associated with export and disposal
at an appropriate receiving facility, but it may also require the import of clean/suitable fill
if the site is not adequately cut to the proposed grade or appropriate clean fill is not
available on site to comply with environmental parameters of the authorities having

Rock Ledge
Another consideration is the possibility that there is rock ledge just a few feet down on
portions of the site, which may change significantly the grading approach of the project.

In general some of these topics are beyond the scope of this course, but it is definitely
something that the engineer should be aware of and considering as they approach the
design. The thorough and experienced site engineer will document his requests for Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 25 of 41


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information and materials to support his ability to perform due diligence in these

If a formal earthwork calculation is developed (especially to be presented for review),

the assumptions should be clearly stated and documented.

3. Subsurface Conditions
Notwithstanding the situations noted in the assumptions section above, the subsurface
conditions need to be considered after the surface cut-fill analysis is completed. For
example, the existing conditions may have a building slab and driveway, while the
proposed conditions may have a new building, a parking lot, and an underground
detention basin.

Certainly the engineer has the freedom to attempt to incorporate these assumptions into
the surface cut-fill analysis by identifying the spot grades at the quadrants as those of
the subgrade, but that method is slightly more difficult to document. The strategy being
explained in this course separates the surface analysis from the sub-surface

As a result and expanding on the statement above, after completion of the surface cut-
fill analysis, it needs to be understood that in order to have been at the existing
elevation as assumed by the topographic survey, additional soil would have been
needed for the volume of the topsoil, the slab, and the driveway. This represents
additionally “assumed fill” to be at the existing grade. So the volume of topsoil, volume
of the building slab, and the volume of asphalt and stone associated with the existing
driveway should be calculated.

Additionally, the volume of the existing constructed features should be calculated. This
volume is an amount of soil “not needed” in order to get to the proposed surface grade
as determined by the surface cut-fill analysis. This represents additionally “assumed
cut” in order to achieve the proposed surface grade.

Problem P-5 and P-6 will help describe this aspect of the process:

P-5) An existing site has a 24,000 SF concrete slab that is 1’ thick on top of 6” of
¾” clean stone. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 26 of 41


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How much fill is needed to bring the site to the existing grade once the slab
and base are removed?


20,000 SF x 1.5’ = 30,000 CF

30,000 CF / 27 CF/CY = 1111.11 CY

Answer: Approximately 1111 CY of fill

P-6) If a surface cut-fill analysis determined that 555 CY of fill is needed, and the
existing constructed subsurface features account for 223 CY of material
while the proposed constructed subsurface features account for 778 CY of
material, what is the net volume of soil import/export needed on site?


555 CY Fill + 223 CY assumed fill – 778 CY assumed cut = 0 CY

Answer: None, the site is generally balanced.

The engineer should always take into account the subsurface conditions when
performing an earthwork analysis.

Problem P-7 will reflects how import/export can be calculated:

P-7) Assuming a site that requires 1110 CY of export is needed, how many trips
to the disposal location will be needed if 20 yard dump trucks will be used to
export the fill.


1,120 CY / 20 CY per trip = 56 trips

Answer: 56 trips required Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 27 of 41


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E. Earthwork Equipment

This section of the course will expose the student to the heavy equipment used in
earthwork in the construction industry. The basic pieces of equipment that will be
reviewed are as follows: Dump Trucks, Scrapers, Front Loaders, Bulldozers,
Excavators, Backhoes, Rollers, and Graders. Of course there are many other “tools”
that will not be discussed such as hand held rakes, shovels, hoes, tamping plates and
hand compactors, etc., as these are for smaller scale work, although also used on many
large project as well.

Dump Trucks / Haulers

Dump trucks are vehicles used to transport materials, including soil, over longer
distances and are used when the soil being excavated is moved by loaders. Virtually all
standard dump trucks utilize hydraulics to raise the bed which allows the material being
transported to slide off. Later in this section of the course will be a review of scrapers
which can load and transport soil themselves. Dump trucks range from small standard
dump trucks to semi-trailer dump trucks as well as side and bottom dump trucks. A
standard dump truck employed for the purpose of transporting earthwork will typically
consist of a Dump Truck with at least six (6) wheels.

Dump trucks do not load the soil, they only transport the soil. Standard dump trucks
can travel on public roads on speeds comparable to the speed limits, but are limited to
relatively flat, dry areas of transport.

It is worth noting that often the geotechnical engineer will specify / recommend that the
installation of soil be “proof rolled”. This is often defined as observing the soil under the
rolling weight of a fully loaded rubber tire dump truck.

The skilled dump truck driver can off-load and place fill relatively close to the location
needed. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 28 of 41


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Figure F-13 shows a pictures of dump trucks.

Figure F-13
(Standard Dump Truck)

Off highway dump trucks, also known as “haulers”, are made to handle the terrain on an
excavation site. Haulers are most commonly used in the mining industry or at sites with
heavy dirt and rock hauling needs. Although similar, they are rarely referred to as
“dump trucks”. Haulers come in rigid frame and articulated styles. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 29 of 41


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Figure F-14 shows pictures of an Off Highway Dump Truck / Hauler.

Figure F-14

A scraper is a machine used on site for the purpose of moving earth across shorter
distances and across relatively smooth terrain. These are ideal on a site where the soil
is suitable to be reused on site and merely needs to be relocated to another area on
site, but not across steep grades. These are used extensively in highway construction.
The scraper accomplishes the job of rough grading.

Scrapers have a blade that cuts into the soil. This blade is referred to as the apron.
When the apron is opened, the soil is captured in a bowl, or hopper, or wagon. When
the bowl is full, the apron is closed and the soil it taken to the location where it will be
placed. In order to release the soil, the apron gate is opened, and an ejector plate
pushes the soil out to release it.

There are several configurations of scrapers available that have differing benefits
depending on the specifics of the application it is being used in. Some scrapers utilize
an auger to load the material into the hopper. This can remove the need for a bulldozer
or similar pushing machine which is typically required on a “push-pull” style scraper. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 30 of 41


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A SunCam online continuing education course

Figure F-15 shows pictures of a scraper.

Figure F-15

Front Loaders
A front loader is a “tractor type” piece of equipment that is used to move relatively small
amounts of soil short distances without having to push it along the ground. This
machine is typically on wheels, although they are also manufactured on tracks.

A wide bucket is connected to the front of the vehicle with two hydraulically operated
booms or arms that allow the bucket to be raised and rotated. Front loaders can be
used to load loose soil into a dump truck or create a stock pile on site. A front loader is
sometimes referred to as a wheel loader, a scoop, or a shovel. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 31 of 41


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A SunCam online continuing education course

Figure F-16 shows pictures of front loaders.

Figure F-16
(Front Loader)

A bulldozer or dozer is a piece of equipment that consists of a substantial plate or blade
on a machine equipped with continuous tracks to drive the machine. The tracks provide
a bull dozer with excellent mobility on rough and steep terrain. Often, dozers are also
equipped with a claw like device on the rear known as a ripper. The purpose of the
ripper is to loosen densely compacted materials.

Bulldozers are also available on wheeled equipment, but wheeled dozers do not have
the same capacity to move as much dirt as efficiently as a tracked dozer.

Dozers are ideally used to move soil relatively shorter distances by pushing it along the
ground. Dozers are also good for rough grading.

The elevation of the blade can be raised and lowered by moving the hydraulic arms.
The blade can come in an assortment of configurations depending on the application
needed. “S blades” have no lateral curve nor side wings and are good for fine grading.
“U Blades” are tall and have a lateral curve and side walls and are used for moving
more material. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 32 of 41


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A SunCam online continuing education course

The dozer may be equipped with hydraulics that allow the angle of the blade to be
varied while moving.

Most bulldozers will come with a “ripper” in the rear that can consist of one or more
shanks. The ripper can be raised and lowered to tear up hard soil that can be later
moved by the blade more easily.

Figure F-17 shows pictures of a bulldozer.

Figure F-17

An excavator is a large machine used for digging, demolition, grading, and heavy lifting
site work. The excavator is typically manufactured on tracks. The machine has a
boom, stick, and bucket head, all configured on a rotating platform.

The rotating platform allows for a dump truck to be located directly behind the machine
from where the excavation is taking place. These machines can navigate very difficult

Modern excavators come in a wide variety of sizes. An excavator is sometimes referred

to as a “track hoe” presumably by comparison to a backhoe. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 33 of 41


Earthwork Analysis Basics and a Traditional Calculation Method

A SunCam online continuing education course

The bucket head can be interchanged with a variety of other useful tools such as augers
for coring, breakers (jacks) for hammering and demolishing materials such as concrete,
and grapples for picking up debris from above.

Figure F-19 shows pictures of excavators with a bucket head installed.

Figure F-18

A backhoe is a smaller machine that contains the features of a front loader and an
excavator within a single machine. The front bucket is a wide bucket located very
similarly to a front loader, while the rear of the machine has a boom, arm and bucket
head mounted for excavating and digging trenches and the like.

The seat inside the cab rotates to allow the operator to perform either the front bucket
operation and driving, or the excavator functionality.

A backhoe is equipped with outriggers that can be extended to provide safety and
stability during use of the rear boom. The rear boom is limited on a backhoe in that it
cannot rotate 360 degrees, so the operator may have to reorient the entire piece of
equipment in order to perform the excavations desired. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 34 of 41


Earthwork Analysis Basics and a Traditional Calculation Method

A SunCam online continuing education course

Figure F-19 shows pictures of a back hoe.

Figure F-19
(Back Hoe)

There are many variations of rollers used in site work construction. The two that will be
discussed here are “sheep foot rollers” and smooth drum “vibratory rollers”. The
purpose of rollers is to compact soil that has been placed or otherwise achieve the
required additional compaction.

Sheep foot rollers have “hoof like” structures protruding from the drum. These
protrusions create pinpoint pressure. Smooth drum rollers apply pressure in a more
uniform way. Traditionally the smooth drum rollers were vibratory, but manufacturers
now offer both styles of drum on machines add vibration to compact the soil.

Rollers are manufactured as single frame machines or articulating style machines. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 35 of 41


Earthwork Analysis Basics and a Traditional Calculation Method

A SunCam online continuing education course

Figure F-20 shows pictures of a smooth drum roller.

Figure F-20
(Smooth Drum Roller) Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 36 of 41


Earthwork Analysis Basics and a Traditional Calculation Method

A SunCam online continuing education course

Figure F-21 shows pictures of a sheep foot roller.

Figure F-21
(Sheep Foot Roller)

A grader is a commonly used piece of construction equipment used to create flat fine
graded surfaces. The machine is typically a 6-wheeled / tri-axle vehicle which has a
blade mounted below and in front of the cab and the 2 rear axles and behind the front
axle setting it near the center of the machine. The front of the blade is referred to at the
toe, and the rear is referred to as the heel. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 37 of 41


Earthwork Analysis Basics and a Traditional Calculation Method

A SunCam online continuing education course

The front wheels can typically tilt and pivot over mounts of soil in order to allow the
blade to remain level as the machine drives over the terrain.

The purpose of this machine is to refine the rough grade to the “finished grade” or
finished sub-grade. This machine typically does its work once the scraper and/or
bulldozer have completed the rough grading, and adequate compaction is complete.

Figure F-22 shows pictures of a grader.

Figure F-22
(Grader) Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 38 of 41


Earthwork Analysis Basics and a Traditional Calculation Method

A SunCam online continuing education course

Figure F-23 shows pictures of a grader’s blade.

Figure F-23
(Grader Blade)

There are many pieces of equipment and machines needed in construction. The above
examples provide a summary of the primary machines used in earthwork.

Other Machines
A few other vehicles / machines that are worth mentioning are as follows:

1) Water Trucks – Typically a site or road project does not have utility water
available, but water is needed in order to achieve moisture content during the
fill placement / compaction process. As a result water truck is needed. Water
trucks are merely a tanker filled with water.

The water can be used as needed for achieving the required moisture
properties of the soil being placed, but they are also useful for dust control as
construction sites often become dry and dusty which fosters wind erosion. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 39 of 41


Earthwork Analysis Basics and a Traditional Calculation Method

A SunCam online continuing education course

Figure F-24 shows pictures of water trucks.

Figure F-24
(Water Trucks)

2) Cranes – Although cranes are usually more commonly associated with the
building portion of construction (and not earthwork), there are occasions
where a crane is used associated with the earthwork portion of the project.

One example is a site where the existing soil could be useful, but is it exists in
its in situ condition, it does not have adequate compaction and the process of
removing and re-placing the soil would be time consuming. In a case like this
the geotechnical engineer might be in a position of being able to specify an
over-compaction method to achieve the compaction and/or consolidation
needed on site. This could consist of a process of using a crane to raise
large concrete blocks, several tons in weight, and dropping them repeatedly
from a substantial height to over-compact the existing soil. In this case rollers
would have been insufficient to the task, and cranes are the earthwork
machine that performed the job.

3) Bucket Wheels – more likely to be seen in the mining industry, bucket wheels
can (in conjunction with large conveyor systems) move large amounts of rock
and soil, relatively significant distances, very efficiently. While these pieces of
equipment have been used on some major developments, they are very
large, very expensive, and not in common usage on most general
development projects. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 40 of 41


Earthwork Analysis Basics and a Traditional Calculation Method

A SunCam online continuing education course

There are many other devices and pieces of equipment that could be mentioned
associated with earth moving and road development projects, but these remain beyond
the scope of this course.

F. Summary and Conclusion

This course has identified the basics of earthwork analysis, identified some
considerations that the engineer should keep in mind when tasked with performing such
analysis, and provides for an explanation of a hand method of completing a surface cut-
fill analysis.

While there are many modern design tools available for the engineer to utilize,
understanding the basics and traditional methods is beneficial to helping the engineer
think through how they approach the analysis
This course also exposed the student to the basic tools/equipment available for the
contractors to utilize in heavy earthwork projects.

The student of this course should now be able to approaching earthwork and earthwork
analysis with confidence that they have been exposed to the basics. Copyright 2015 Joshua A. Tiner, P.E. Page 41 of 41



DATE : 25 APRIL 2016














1) To establish the general nature of the

strata below at site
2) To obtain samples for laboratory testing
3) To verify the interpretation of geophysical
4) To allow in situ tests to be carried out
5) To install instruments such as piezometers


Stage 1 : Preliminary S.I.

aims to achieve the following objectives :
- To obtain general subsoil profile for estimation of earthwork
- Preliminary or confirmation of layout and formation level
- Preliminary soil parameters and water level/table
- For conceptual designs and preliminary cost and time estimates

Stage 2 : Detailed S.I.

usually carry out after optimum layout has been selected and confirmed.
aims to achieve the following objectives :
- Plan for critical areas of concern
- Refine subsoil profile
- Obtain necessary soil parameters for detailed design of foundations
- At areas with difficult ground conditions (e.g. very soft soils, etc.)
- Major fill or cut areas that are more critical
- Locations with structures (e.g. retaining walls, areas with large loadings, etc.)






Rotary Drilling
To determine the sub-surface profile,
SPT –N value
To obtain the soil samples – disturbed and undisturbed samples

Advantages Disadvantages
• Most rock formations can be • Requires capital expenditure in
drilled equipment.
• Water and mud supports unstable • Water is required for pumping.
formations • There can be problems with
• Fast boulders.
• Operation is possible above and • Rig requires careful operation and
below the water-table maintenance.
• Possible to drill to depths of over
40 meters
• Possible to use compressed-air

The water is pumped

through the rods to a
drilling bit.


No. Element No. Element

1 Project 19 Depth
Information In Deep Boring Log 2 Client 20 Number of Sample
3 Consultant 21 (SPT Test), Blows/cm
4 Reduced Level (Existing 22 Vane Shear Test (VS),
Ground Level) Undisturbed/Remoulded
5 Borehole Number 23 Rock, %RQD/%TCR
6 Sheet Number 24 Remarks
7 Chainage 25 RQD(%) Calculation
8 Coordinate 26 Legend
9 Logged by 27 Undisturbed Sample (UD)
10 Drilled by 28 Disturbed Sample (D)
11 Starting Date 29 Mazier Sample (MS)
12 Finish Date 30 Core Sample (C)
13 Weather 31 Standard Penetration Test (N)
14 Type Of Drill 32 Pressuremeter Test (PMT)
15 Soil Description 33 Recovery Ratio (R/r)
16 Ground Water Level (G.W.L) 34 Signature (Certified by)
17 Graphic Log 35 SPT plot
18 Job No

No. Element No. Element

Reduced Level (Existing Recovery Ratio (R/r)

1 9
Ground Level)

2 Borehole Number 10 Rock, %RQD/%TCR

3 Weather 11 Undisturbed Sample (UD)

4 (SPT Test), Blows/cm 12 Disturbed Sample (D)

5 Soil Description 13 Mazier Sample (MS)

6 Ground Water Level (G.W.L) 14 Core Sample (C)

7 Depth 15 Standard Penetration Test (N)

8 Number of Sample


SPT N-value
Cohesive soil Non cohesive soil
0-2 Very soft 0-4 Very loose
2-4 Soft 4-10 Loose
4-8 Firm 10-30 Medium dense
8-15 Stiff 30-50 Dense
15-30 Very stiff > Very dense
> 30 Hard


Graphic Log


Standard Penetration Test (SPT)

To determine the SPT N value
To provide information on the geotechnical
engineering properties of soil.
To provide an indication of the relative density of Hammer –
granular deposits, such as sands and gravels 63.5Kg
The test procedure is described in the British




Advantages Disadvantages

-Relatively quick and simple -The SPT does not typically

to perform provide continuous data
-Provides a representative (e.g. 5 ft. intervals),
soil sample therefore important data
-Provides useful index of such as weak seams may
relative strength and be missed
compressibility of the soil. - Limited applicability to
-Able to penetrate dense cohesive soils, gravels,
layers, gravel, and fill cobbles boulders
- Samples that are obtained
from the SPT are


1) The number of hammer blows is counted.

2) The number required to drive the sampler three successive 150mm increments is
3) The first increment (0-150mm) is not included in the N value as it is assumed that
the top of the test area has been disturbed by the drilling process.
4) The SPT N is the number of blows required to achieve penetration from 150-

Seating Test
Drive Drive


N = 50 x 300 mm
Penetration Length

Example Calculation

How to Obtain ?


Disturbed Undisturbed
- Split Spoon -Thin Wall
- Mazier


• Disturbed sample is taken when the SPT is carried out.

• The sample is used for testing, such as Particle Size
Distribution, Atterberg Limit, Density Test.
• SPT is known as Standard Penetration Test. The value of
SPT show the hardness of the soil. SPT reading start
form 0 – 50 blows (very soft – hard).
• These value is obtained from the blows produced by a
hammer pounding a rod to penetrate the soil layer.
• The maximum depth of penetration is 450mm.
• The termination of SPT is when it reached maximum
depth 450mm or 50 blows.



76cm free
fall drop • Maximum depth of
penetration is 450mm
• The blows will be counted on
every 75mm until it reach
450mm or 50 blows
• The blows represent
hardness of soil.


Disturbed Sample

450mm Split Spoon

Split Spoon

• The SPT is taken using split spoon.

76cm free • The length of split spoon in 450mm.
fall drop
• Inner diameter (35mm), outer
diameter (50mm)
• The sample inside split spoon known
as disturbed sample.

• Undisturbed sample is taken based on

engineer/site officer instruction. Usually it is
taken when the hardness of soil is changing
from one level to another level.
• Type of test for undisturbed sample is
– One-Dimensional Test
– Consolidated Undrained Test
– Unconsolidated Undrained Test.


• There are 2 types of sampling method for

Undisturbed sample :-
– Thin-Wall Tube
– Mazier

– Thin-Wall Tube
• Undisturbed sample is taken using stainless steel casing.
There are 2 types of casing, U2(1meter length) and
• These casing will be push inside the drilling hole using
hydraulic or pounded with hammer to obtain a sample.
• After that, the sample will be sealed to prevent changes of
soil properties.

The tube will be pushed

down to obtain the


These sides will be sealed to

prevent loss of moisture content


– Mazier
This technology takes large diameter (101 mm) core samples in 1,2m
length pieces.

i ) Using triple wall core barrel permits removal of the

sample as it is taken from the ground, guaranteed
the 'in situ condition of the core. Thats why these
samples in addition good for large diameter
geotechical laboratory tests beyond geological

ii) The third, inner tube made of plastic and

continuously cover the sample.

iii) The Wire Line system allows that only the core
barrel (second and third tubes) have pulled out to
the surface after 1,2 m core drilling, while the outer
tube (the first) works as a casing.


1m Pipe Culvert


• Coring is done when SPT encounter the

rock layer.
• Length of coring is 1.5m. The technique is
different from disturbed and undisturbed
sample. It use a different casing.
• The casing have its own bit to drill the
• From the obtained result, the quality of
the rock can be determine, which is also
known as RQD.

Extrusion of Coring Sample

from Casing Coring Bit

Coring Sample Coring Sample



From the RQD index the rock mass can be classified as follows:

RQD Rock mass quality

<25% very poor

25-50% poor

50-75% fair

75-90% good

90-100% excellent


Try this….
Calculate the RQD value of this sample?????

< 10cm
NIL < 10cm 10cm 15cm 40cm 28cm




RQD = 28+40+15+10 x 100

= 93 x 100
=62%, Rock mass quality = fair








Obtaining rough characteristics of surface

Preliminary tool to locate weak spots
Can be used to determine the thickness of
unsuitable material to be removed and also for
preliminary design of embankments.
Record no. of blows/ft. then correlate to
established chart to determine bearing capacity of
To check the consistency of the subsoil

Hammer – 5Kg


Rod – 1.2m





For practical application :

 Results of JKR Probe and Mackintosh Probe can be taken as equivalent.
JKR Probe created as equivalent to Mackintosh Probe as Mackintosh Probe is
patented in the early days.

Table compares the JKR and Mackintosh Probes


JKR 60° 25 12 5 28

MACKINTOSH 30° 25 13 4.5 30


Termination criteria
 Blows/ 300mm (maximum 400 blows/
 Recommended depth, 15 meters

Precautionary measures
Free fall and consistent drop height
Components and apparatus properly washed
and oiled

Drop height less than 300mm resulting higher

Blow counts
Exerting force onto the hammer resulting in Lower
blow count
Penetration depth not marked correctly
Wrong counting
Driving bent rod giving more blow counts


Unable to penetrate hard layers and problems may

arise when these hard layers are underlain by
softer layers
Unable to penetrate deeply into medium strength
material and gravelly ground
Not suitable to used in stony ground - pointer and
rods would damaged
Probing at great depth in the soft soil - wall may
collapse; side friction on the rod is measured
together with the resistance - results misleading








• Seismic waves are waves of energy that— through the earth, for example
as a result of an earthquake, explosion or some other process that
impacted ground.
• Waves that travel into the ground were reflected and refracted back to
surface and in use for living adaptation.

Adaptation usage of
Exploration of seismic Geotechnical
archaeological engineering purposes

Exploration minerals
(gold, copper, metal,
oil, etc)
Groundwater Geological &
exploration Engineering research

• Three type of seismic wave that travel into ground

1. Direct Wave
2. Reflected Wave
3. Refracted Wave

 In a seismic refraction study, refraction

waves are to be use for interpretation.
 Seismic refraction provide clear
differentiation of rock and soil boundary



Waves that generated by source (Sledge Hammer, explosive, etc)
– Waves that generated from surrounding environment

Seismic study consist of :

• Survey
• To determine and mark location of source and receiver

• Source
• Generate to released/produced energy(wave)
• Examples: Hammer, vibroseis, explosive (dynamite)

• Geophones
• Detect seismic wave

• Seismograph
• Record and measure motions of the ground, including
seismic wave.


• A seismic line consist of a series of 24 geophones with 12

on either side of geophones channel.

• The geophones are laid down about 5m length to each

others under sub-surface.

• Shots will be performed about 7 times using

sledgehammer which are divided into far shots for 2
times, end shots for 2 times ,intermediate shots for to 2
times and 1 for middle shot.

• Each of geophones will received signal/seismic wave that

produced by sledgehammer(shot) and its recorded in the


20 meter
5 meter

Far Shot Intermediate Middle Intermediate Far Shot

End Shot Shot Shot Shot End Shot


Principle of Seismic Survey


Shooter using the sledgehammer

Signal/wave will be produced


and . . .

…refraction occurs and detected by



…lastly its recorded by seismograph


5 meter
Geophone Geophone


What kind of equipment used in a

seismic survey?


• Can detect both lateral and depth variations

in a physically relevant parameter.
• Can produce detail images of structural
features present in the subsurface.
• Can be use to delineate stratigraphic and
depositional features.

• Amount of data collected in a survey can rapidly

become overwhelming.
• Data is expensive to acquire and the logistics of data
acquisition are more intense than other geophysical
• Data reduction and processing can be time
consuming, require sophisticated computer
hardware, and demand considerable expertise.
• Direct detection of common contaminants present
at levels commonly seen in hazardous waste spills is
not possible.
• A low density layer underneath a high density layer
could interfere the velocity value detected in a








• The purpose of resistivity survey is to

determine the resistance rate underneath
the earth surface.
• The soil resistivity is related to numerous
geological parameter such as amount of
liquid and mineral content, porosity and
degree of water saturation in the rock.
• This survey have been used for many
decades in hydrogeological, soil
investigation and mining as well.

• The measurement of the resistance rate of

subsurface is using the Wenner concept.
• Basically, this concept is using 4 electrodes at
the same time to get resistivity value.
• The measurement of resistance are normally
made by allowing the current flow through
subsurface. The flowing current is then being
measured. From the current and voltage
value, resistivity can calculated.


V = IR

Where V = Voltan (V)

I = Current (A)
R = Resistance (Ohm)

1.The electrode embedded about 10cm in soil.

2.Each of electrode is located 5 meter each
other and connected through cable to the
selector. The selector is connected to
resistivity meter.
3.The selector act as controller to these four
electrode, known as C1,P1, P2, C2
4.Current will flow from C1 to C2.
5.The function of electrode P1 & P2 is to determine
the resistance produce by the soil


C1 C2

P1 P2

Electric Current

Resistivity Meter

Ground Level

10 cm embedded in 5 meter between each

soil other.


• Resistance is inversely with current

• The lower resistance value, the higher amount of
current flow through it.
• Water is a bad conductor, but, the underground
water is the best electrical conductor.
• This is because the underground water contain
dissolved minerals.
• These mineral make underground water the best
• The lower reading of resistance show that the area is
• Meanwhile, a higher reading of resistance means the
layer is dry and hard.


Contoh Keputusan

Resistivity Meter


5 meter



Apparatus For
Resistivity Meter

Resistivity Meter


Non-destructive mapping technique

• The greatest advantage is it doesn't disturbs the
structure nor the function of the soil.
Temporal monitoring
• This approach is advance for monitoring the physical
changes in soil water distribution.
Data acquisition facilities
• The improvement of computer controlled multi
electrodes arrays has led to an important development
of electrical imaging.
Large sensitivity of the measurement
• The sensitivity of the electrical resistivity measurement
is spread over a wide range depending on the soil
physical properties.



• Inclinometers are used to monitor subsurface movements

and deformations. Typical applications include:
– Detecting zones of movement and establish whether
movement is constant, accelerating, or responding to
remedial measures.
– Checking that deformations are within design limits, that
struts and anchors are performing as expected, and that
adjacent buildings are not affected by ground movements.
– Verifying stability of dams, dam abutments, and upstream
slopes during and after impoundment.
– Monitoring settlement profiles of embankments,
foundations, and other structures (horizontal inclinometer).

• An inclinometer system has two components: (1)

inclinometer casing and (2) an inclinometer measurement
– Inclinometer casing provides access for subsurface measurements.
Grooves inside the casing control the orientation of the inclinometer
sensor and provide a uniform surface for measurements.
– Inclinometer casing is usually installed in a borehole. It can also be
embedded in fill, buried in a trench (horizontal inclinometers), cast
into concrete, or attached to a structure.
– Portable measurement systems include a probe, cable, and readout.
Portable systems are economical because they can be carried from
site to site. They are accurate because the entire length of the casing
is measured twice in each survey.
– The first survey establishes the initial profile of the casing.
Subsequent surveys are compared to the initial. Changes in the
profile indicate that movement has occurred.


• Piezometer
– Used to measure ground water level and pressure in a
system by measuring the height to which a column of the
liquid rises against gravity,
– Also measures the pressure (more precisely,
the piezometric head) of groundwater at a specific point.
– Installed in the borehole


• To monitor changes in the inclination of a
• Data can provide an accurate history of movement
of a structure and early warning of potential
structural damage.
• Typical applications include:
– Monitoring rotation caused by mining, tunneling, soil
compaction, or excavation.
– Monitoring rotation of concrete dams and retaining walls.
• Tilt plates are available in ceramic or bronze. Both
are dimensionally stable and weather resistant.
• The accelerometer is housed in a rugged frame
with machined surfaces that facilitate accurate
positioning on the tilt plate.
• The bottom surface is used with horizontally-
mounted tilt plates and the side surfaces are used
with vertically-mounted tilt plates



Displacement (mm/m)

0 5 10 15


Time Elapsed (days)
: TP2 (House No. 41) 1.50


Displacement (mm/m)

0 5 10 15



Time Elapsed (days)
: TP4 (House No. 42)


• The purpose of this test is to determine the vertical displacement of

existing building or structure due to settlement, slope failure or
construction activities.

• It consists of 16mm diameter steel female socket and stainless steel

male threaded plug to fit into female socket.

• A precision levelling / Total station are used for the monitoring of the
Building Settlement Marker.





Settlement (mm)







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Elapsed Day



• The purpose of installing the surface

settlement marker is to monitor the
settlement or any movement of the ground
• The surface settlement marker consist of
20mm outer diameter stainless steel rod with
a length of 0.50m. The steel rod is installed
0.48m into the ground with 0.02m above the
ground surface.
• A precision levelling and positioning
apparatus (Survey equipment ) is used for the
monitoring of the surface settlement marker.
• For more accurate result total station is used
for X,Y & Z position






Settlement (mm)







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Elapsed Day







Settlement (mm)







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Elapsed Day



The Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019
Revision) have been prepared by the Safety and Health Officer (SHO) from Giant Leap
Construction Sdn. Bhd. with collaboration from Department of Occupational Safety and
Health, Johor of the following:

From Top Management Giant Leap Construction (GLC) Sdn Bhd:


From Safety Department Giant Leap Construction (GLC) Sdn Bhd:



From Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), Johor:



From Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), Putrajaya (HQ):


Mandarin Version:


2. ELLIE ZHANG SHULING - Giant Leap Construction
3. NICOLE MA WENXIAN - Giant Leap Construction
4. YANG XIAOFENG - Giant Leap Construction

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Department of Occupational

Safety and Health (DOSH) Johor and Giant Leap Construction Sdn. Bhd. for being
committed in preparation of these best practice. The Best Practice on Occupational
Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 (1st Revision) from Giant Leap
Construction Sdn. Bhd. with collaboration from DOSH Johor is developed to
recommend the minimum roles of every construction sites and how they can execute
their responsibilities to trigger improvements in the safety and health performance.
The purpose of these best practice is to provide guidance on how good work
practices can be carried out on every activity in the construction to prevent accident to
the workers and public. We hope that this guideline will serve as a standard reference
and will be able to significantly boost occupational safety and health to protect the
employers, workers at sites and public.
We are proud that there is international company volunteer to take initially
action to accomplish this best practice. In line with that, we would encourage all parties
concerned to make the work site and its surrounding area a safer place for the workers
as well as the public by following the recommended practices. May all measures taken
be beneficial and have a comprehensive impact for all parties, in particular employers
and workers, who aspire to a safe, healthy and harmonious work environment. Let us
all work together to ensure that this best practice achieves its set vision and mission.

Thank you.
Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Malaysia

The Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 are
prepared for the Construction Safety and Health production and facilities on site and the CI
image arrangement required by Giant Leap Construction Sdn. Bhd. This best practice are
applicable for residences, public buildings, municipal construction, bridges and all
construction types, especially for high-rise building.
The best practice comprise of 26 chapters that cover the range from the sub-structure to
finishing works including piling works, pile cap foundation, main building structural works,
interior decoration, steel structure construction and installation etc.; all aspects of building
construction activities and temporary protective provisional system enhancing safety to
provide safe and healthy workplace environment. Each preventive measure mentioned in the
best practice conspicuously quote the statutory references relates Malaysian OSH Acts and
Standards. The demonstration are carefully tailored with sequential construction activities for
straightforward references. The illustration pictures adopted in this guideline are actual
pictures taken from our project sites and the sketch drawings are from Giant Leap manual
which contains vital information that has been stated clearly and simply understandable to
implement at any project sites. All the preventive measures that stated in the best practice
are implemented in our project sites within the provisional safety budget. Undoubtedly the
best practice will serve good and effective reference point to achieve the goal to provide safe
and healthy construction work environment.
The idea to formulate the best practice was initiated by Mr. Ir. Hj. Saiful Azhar Bin Said
(JKKP) upon his visit to one of our construction sites in Forest City project, Johor in 2017; his
attention was drawn to observe the standardized safety protective system applied similarly
with other adjacent sites and he was astonished the familiarity and uniformity, which prompts
him to propose Giant Leap Construction Sdn. Bhd. to produce a written manual which could
contribute to construction industries in Malaysia as reference guidance.
With the participation of DOSH officers, Giant Leap’s dedicated safety personnel
organized the construction safety best practice compositing to meet the requirement of
building construction safety in Malaysia. The team had added significant chapters to narrow
the disparity and significantly distinctive to meet Malaysian Safety Standard and made it
viable for comprehensive reference book conclusively for construction activity with sequent
arrangement of chapters from sub-structure to finishing works; some minor adjustments was
made so that it is identical to local law and regulation compliances especially OSH Act 514,
Factory and Machinery Act 139 and it’s regulations and code of practices.
The best practice has another extra advantage with bilingual language on English and
Chinese versions together and would benefit both local and foreign industry players operating
their construction activities in Malaysia. The main objective of this guideline is to strive and
stipulate hazard preventive measures to safeguard the wellbeing of workers and to cultivate
and foster safe work practices in construction industry to prevent injury to workers.
I on behalf of Giant Leap Construction Sdn Bhd want to pay our highest gratitude to
JKKP for their tireless support and guidance in achieving the accomplishment of making the
best practice. Hopefully the guidance would serve at its best to maintain construction site
safety and healthy environment during the construction work and would contribute to reduce
industrial accidents at project work sites.

Thank you

General Manager,
Giant Leap Construction Sdn Bhd
Giant Leap Construction Sdn Bhd(1076133-P) was formed on 2 January 2014, with

registered capital RM5, 000,000. We are the leading main contractor holding G7 license
specialize on construction services for railway, commercial, residential, leisure,
infrastructures and other relevant projects.
Country Garden is a Fortune 500 corporate with ranking 177 in 2019 and proudly become
the largest property developer in China. As its subsidiary company, Giant Leap Construction
Sdn Bhd have always been following their footsteps in expanding overseas markets. Till now
we have expanded our business to Indonesia, East Malaysia and soon to Thailand,
Philippines, Vietnam and others. Malaysia will be the center and leading the direction of our
company in South East Asia market.
Since we entered Malaysia in 2014, our company have completed over 15 large scale
high-rise projects, and now have 7 on-going projects. With high experience and advanced
cutting-edge techniques as well as excellent project management in quality, process and
safety control, we have garnered tremendous success and award in the industry, such as
Forest city Plot 4 successfully achieved 3million man hours without loss time injury
Our advantages are:
(1) Well established company background and financing advantages: has the capabilities to
handle approximately 2million m2. With a robust and strong company background, our
company has sufficient reserve fund that can fully support our operations.

(2) Professional Team: We have professional team that provides strategic planning,
resources, systematic project management and solution.

(3) Sufficient local resources: Nearly 200 subcontractors and 100 material suppliers, more
than 300 employees with more than 60% local management talents and 300 legal
foreign labours, allow us to provide more room in competitive pricing and speedy
(4) Innovative technology: We implement the systematic and high efficiency BIM system into
our project management our prefabricated cconstruction rresearch and development
includes PC elements planning to construction site which can improve the productivity.

(5) Research Centre: Our Building Iindustrialization Research Centre has set up a
professional BIM team to advance our current construction technology.

We are not only the pioneer but also a driving force for the technology revolution in the
construction industry, such as prefabricated building, BIM technology and smart site, which
will the future of construction industry.


1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Objective 1
1.3 Definition 1
1.4 Legal Requirement 2
1.5 Notification of an operation 2
1.6 Notification and reporting of an accident and dangerous
Occurrence 2
1.7 Safety and Health Organizations 3
1.8 General Duties of Employers 4
1.9 General Duties of Architects, Engineers and Designers 5
1.10 Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control
1.11 Emergency Response Plan 6


2.1 Introduction 7
2.2 Objective 7
2.3 Definition 7
2.4 Legal requirements 7
2.5 Procedure
2.5.1 General Construction site 8
2.5.2 Door 8
2.5.3 Main Entrance 9
2.5.4 Type of Gate at construction site 11
2.5.5 Hoarding 12
2.5.6 Guard room 13

3.1 Introduction 15
3.2 Objective 15
3.3 Definition 15
3.4 Legal Requirement 16
3.5 Procedure and Type
3.5.1 Site Office 16 Location 16 Office Structure 17 Office Requirement 19
3.5.2 Environmental Parameter 21
3.5.3 Assembly Area 25
3.5.4 Fire Protection 25
4.1 Introduction 26
4.2 Objective 26
4.3 Definition 26
4.4 Legal Requirement 26
4.5 Procedure and Type
4.5.1 Work Area Processing Shelter 27 Rebar Fabrication Yard 27 Wood Fabrication Yard 31
4.5.2 Overhead Protection Shelter 32 Safety Channel 32 Protection Shelter for Electrical Distribution Box 33 Protection Shelter for the Bottom of Tower Crane 34


5.1 Introduction 35
5.2 Objective 35
5.3 Definition 35
5.4 Legal Requirement 36
5.5 Procedure 36
4.5.1 Key Issue 37
4.5.2 Information, Training, Instruction and Supervision 37
4.5.3 Keeping Pedestrians and Vehicles Apart 38
4.5.4 Moving of Vehicular Traffic 40
4.5.5 Minimizing Vehicles Movement 41
4.5.6 Reversing Vehicles 41
4.5.7 Traffic Management Plan 41
4.5.8 Signs, Warning Devices and Visibility 42


6.1 Introduction 44
6.2 Objective 44
6.3 Definition 44
6.4 Legal Requirement 46
6.5 Procedure and Scope 47
6.5.1 Fire Safety 47 General Safety 47 Understanding the Risk 50 Giving Warning 50 Fire Escape Routes 50 Fire Safety Plan or Emergency Response Plan 51 Fire Marshal 53 Fire Protection 53
6.5.2 Temporary Water Supply 55 Temporary Water Supply Application from Provider 55 Type of Temporary Water Supply 56 Planning and Design 56 Operation and Maintenance 57 Water Pressure Control System 58 Monitoring, Sanitary Inspection and Surveillance 60


7.1 Introduction 61
7.2 Objective 61
7.3 Definition 62
7.4 Legal Requirement 63
7.5 Procedure 63
7.5.1 Planning 63
7.5.2 Cutting and Grubbing 64
7.5.3 Disposal of Material and Vegetation 66
7.5.4 Excavation 67
7.5.5 Filling 68
7.5.6 Burrow 69
7.5.7 Compaction 69
7.5.8 Miscellaneous 70


8.1 Introduction 71
8.2 Objective 71
8.3 Definition 71
8.4 Legal Requirement 72
8.5 Type 73
8.5.1 Geotechnical Pile Types 73
8.5.2 Structural Pile Types 74
8.6 Procedure 74
8.6.1 Planning and mobilization 74
8.6.2 Pitching and Driving 75
8.6.3 Pile Driving Plant 76
8.6.4 Extension of Piles 76
8.6.5 Pile Setting 77
8.6.6 Pile Cutting and Stripping Pile Head 78
8.7 Pile Driving Safety 79
8.7.1 Site Conditions 79
8.7.2 Material Storage 79
8.7.3 Material Handling 79
8.7.4 Rope 80
8.7.5 Slings, Chains, Hooks, Shoring 81
8.7.6 Moving the Rig 81
8.7.7 Noise 83
8.7.8 Vibration 83
8.8 Miscellaneous 84
9.1 Introduction 85
9.2 Objective 85
9.3 Definition 85
9.4 Legal Requirement 87
9.5 Procedure 88
9.5.1 Responsibility 88
9.5.2 Planning 89
9.5.3 Safe Work Procedure 89
9.6 Controlling Excavation Risks 90
9.6.1 Excavation Safety 90
9.6.2 Type of Ground Collapse 93
9.6.3 Stability of an Excavation 94
9.6.4 Ground Investigation 94
9.6.5 Prevent Ground Collapse 95 Managing Risk of Collapsing 95
9.6.6 Shoring 96 Flying Shoring 98
9.6.7 Excavated Material and Loads near Excavations 99
9.6.8 Fall Prevention 100
9.6.9 Manual Work 101
9.6.10 Plant and Equipment 102 Plant and Vehicle Operation near Excavations 103 Blind Spots 105


10.1 Introduction 106
10.2 Objective 106
10.3 Definition 106
10.4 Legal requirements 107
10.5 Procedure 107
10.5.1 Construction of Sewage 108 Trenches and Excavations 108 Control of Site and Trench Groundwater 108 Agreed drawings 109
10.5.2 Construction of Manhole 119 Hazard Associated with Manhole 110
10.5.3 Confine Space 111 General Requirement 111 Risk Management 111 Safe Working Procedure (SWP) 113 Permit to Work Procedure 113 Communication 114 Purging and Ventilation 115 Training 116 Emergency Procedure 116
10.5.4 Drainage System 117 Design 117 Disposal Condition 117

11.1 Introduction 119
11.2 Objective 119
11.3 Definition 119
11.4 Legal requirements 119
11.5 Procedure 120
11.5.1 Site clearing, stripping and leveling 120
11.5.2 Setting out and excavation 120
11.5.3 Footing 120
11.5.4 Foundation Wall (plinth wall) 120
11.5.5 Backfill and dump proofing 120
11.5.6 Foundation Works 120
11.6 Trench shield or shoring 122
11.7 Inspection by Competent Person 123
11.8 Road Works 123
11.9 Piling Works 123
11.9.1 Pile testing 124
11.10 Hazard 125
11.11 Control Measure 125


12.1 Introduction 126
12.2 Objective 126
12.3 Definition 126
12.4 Legal Requirements 127
12.5 Procedure 127
12.5.1 Design & Construction 127
12.5.2 Positioning & Loading 128
12.5.3 Test / Certification 128
12.5.4 Notices & Rules 128
12.5.5 Training & Inspection 128
12.6 Hazard 129
12.7 Control Measure 129

13.1 Introduction 131
13.2 Objective 131
13.3 Definition 131
13.4 Scope 131
13.5 Legal requirements 132
13.6 Design (PE) 132
13.7 Material Inspection 132
13.8 Installation 132
13.9 Inspection 133
13.10 Procedure 133
13.10.1 Erection 133
13.10.2 Modification 134
13.10.3 Dismantling 135
13.10.4 Lowering Materials 136
13.10.5 Progressive Dismantling 136
13.11 Duties of Scaffolds Erector 136
13.11.1 General 136
13.11.2 Scaffolding Contractors 136
13.11.3 Training 137
13.11.4 Communication 137
13.12 Protection 137
13.12.1 General 137
13.12.2 Inspection 137
13.12.3 Loading 138
13.12.4 Protection of the Public 138
13.12.5 Lightning protection for scaffold 139
13.13 Inspection of Scaffolds 139
13.13.1 Compliance with Statutory Regulations 139
13.13.2 Mobile Scaffold Towers 140
13.13.3 Checklist on Scaffolds 141
13.13.4 Maintenance 141
13.14 Hazard 141
13.15 Control Measure 141


14.1 Introduction 146
14.2 Objective 146
14.3 Definition 146
14.4 Legal Requirement 147
14.5 Type 148
14.6 Procedure 148
14.6.1 Formwork and Falsework 148 Planning 149 Materials 150 Safe Work Method Statement 150 Erection of Formwork 151 Bracing 154 Walkway System 155 Inspection 156
14.6.3 Stripping Formwork 157 Safe Work Method Statement 158 Certification Prior to Stripping 158 Exclusion Zone 159 Drop Stripping 159
14.6.4 Crane and Load Handling Systems 160 Loading Materials during Formwork Construction 161 Lifting Formwork Materials 161 Precast Lifting 162
14.6.5 Access and Egress 163
14.6.6 Miscellaneous 164


15.1 Introduction 164
15.2 Objective 164
15.3 Scope 164
15.4 Legal Requirements 164
15.5 Procedure 166
15.5.1 Fall Protection 166 Floor Hole Opening Protection 166 Excavation Edge Protection 168 Staircase Edge Opening Protection 169 Building Edge Protection 169 Safe Pedestrian Overhead Protection 170 Lift Shaft, Vertical Hole Protection 171 Passenger Hoist Opening Protection 173
15.5.2 Working at Height 175 Scope 175 Permit to Work and Checklist 175 Responsibility 175 Safety Requirement 175 Working at Height by Scissor Lift (EWP) 178 Working at Height by Sky-lift 179 Working on scaffold 179 Working at Height Using Portable Step Ladders 180 Working on Roof 181 Working at Height for Steel Structure or
Precast Beam Installation 182 Working at Height Using Crane Skips 185


16.1 Introduction 186
16.2 Objective 186
16.3 Definition 186
16.4 Legal Requirements 188
16.5 Procedure 188
16.5.1 Mechanical Safety 188 Plumbing system and Sprinklers 188 Mechanical Ventilation and Air Conditioning System (MVAC) 191
16.5.2 Electrical safety 193 General Safety 193 Electrical Installation 193 General Requirement 194 Electrical Hazards Electrostatic 194 Electrical Safety 196 Safe Work Practice 197 Installation, Monitoring and Maintenances 197

Chapter 17 Plastering and Brick Work

17.1 Introduction 200
17.2 Objective 200
17.3 Definition 200
17.4 Legal Requirements 200
17.5 Procedure 200
17.5.1 General Safety 200
17.5.2 Brick Works 201
17.5.3 Plastering Works 201
17.5.4 To Comply with Safety Rules and Regulation 202
18.5.5 Machinery and Equipment 202


18.1 Introduction 204
18.2 Objective 204
18.3 Definition 204
18.4 Legal Requirements 205
18.5 Procedure 205
18.5.1 General Safety 205
18.5.2 Types of Paint 206
18.5.3 Spray Painting 207
18.5.4 Safety Requirements to be provided by the Applicant 208
18.5.5 Safety 209


19.1 Introduction 212
19.2 Objective 212
19.3 Definition 212
19.4 Legal Requirements 212
19.5 Procedure 213
19.5.1 General Safety 213
19.5.2 Installation of Window Frame and Glass Safe Precaution 213
19.5.3 Sub-Frame System 214
19.5.4 Installation of Frame on Precast and Cast-in Situ RC Walls 215
18.5.5 Installation of Widow and Glass 215
20.1 Introduction 217
20.2 Objective 217
20.3 Scope 217
20.4 Legal Requirements 217
20.5 Procedure 218
20.5.1 General Safety 218
20.5.2 Roof and Roof Plant Maintenance 219
20.5.3 Access 220
20.5.4 Edge Protection 220
20.5.5 Safety Mesh 222
20.5.6 Hoisting Roofing Materials 222
20.5.7 Concrete and Clay Tile Roofing 223
20.5.8 Brittle Roofing 224
20.5.9 Temporary Working, Equipment and Facilities Protection Shed 224


21.1 Introduction 225
21.2 Objective 225
21.3 Definition 225
21.4 Legal and Other Requirements 225
21.5 Procedure 227
21.5.1 Head Protection 227
21.5.2 Eye Protection 228
21.5.3 Hearing Protection 229
21.5.4 Respiratory Protection 229
21.5.5 Hand Protection (Glove) 230
21.5.6 Fall Protection 231
21.5.7 Foot Protection 232
21.5.8 Safety Reflector Vest High Visibility for Safety 232


22.1 Introduction 233
22.2 Objective 233
22.3 Definition 233
22.4 Legal and Other Requirements 234
22.5 Procedures 235
22.5.1 Safety Colors and Contrasting Colors 235
22.5.2 General 237 Layout 237 Design of symbols 238
22.5.3 Supplementary Signs 239
22.5.4 Numbering and Marking of Floors 239
23.1 Introduction 247
23.2 Objective 247
23.3 Definition 247
23.4 Legal Requirements 247
23.5 Office 248
23.6 Standard Office Accessory 251
23.7 Living Quarters 251
23.8 Centralized Toilets for Living Quarters 252
23.9 First Aid Room 255
23.10 Drainage facilities 256
23.11 Vehicle Wash Basin Tank 257
23.12 Road and Vehicle Parking 257
23.13 Flag Tower 258
23.14 Safety Mirror 259
23.15 Rest Area cum Smoking Zone 259
23.16 Live Video Surveillance System 260
23.17 Hazard 260
23.18 Control Measure 261


24.1 Introduction 264
24.2 Objective 264
24.3 Scope 264
24.4 Definition 264
24.5 Legal Requirements 265
24.6 Power Tools 265
24.6.1 General Instructions for Power Tools 265
24.6.2 Inspection of Power Tools 265
24.6.3 Drill Machine 266
24.6.4 Power Driven Saw 266
24.6.5 Grinder 267
24.6.6 Pumps and Air Compressors 267
24.6.7 Concrete Mixer 268
24.7 Heavy Machinery 268
24.7.1 Mobile and Crawler Cranes 268
24.7.2 Sky-lift 269
24.7.3 Scissor lift 269
24.7.4 Tower crane 269 Project Site Intelligent System 270
24.7.5 Generator 275
25.1 Introduction 276
25.2 Objective 276
25.3 Definition 276
25.4 Legal Requirement 277
25.5 Type 278
25.6 Procedure 279
25.6.1 Good Housekeeping Basic 279
25.6.2 Responsibility for Housekeeping 280
25.6.3 General Housekeeping 281
25.6.4 Safe Work Practice 281
25.7 5S Concept and Housekeeping 283
25.7.1 Management Role in 5S Implementation 284
25.7.2 Implementing 5S 285 Sort 285 Straighten (Set in Order) 286 Shine 287 Standardize 288 Sustain 288
25.8 Fire and Explosion Prevention 290
25.8.1 Maintenance of Ignition Sources 290
25.8.2 Flammable and Combustible Liquid Storage 291
25.8.3 Criteria for Dust Cleanup 293
25.9 Waste Recycling and Disposal 293
25.10 Hazardous Chemical Spill Control 294
25.10.1 Spill Prevention Safety Plan 294
25.11 Electrical Parts and Equipment 295
25.12 General Storage 295
25.13 Machines and Tools 296
25.14 PPE 296
25.15 Inspections 297
25.17 Training 298
25.18 Recordkeeping 298
26.1 Introduction 299
26.2 Objective 299
26.3 Definition 299
26.4 Legal Requirement 300
26.5 Procedure and Type 301
26.5.1 Occupational Disease 301 Heat Stress 302 Lung Disease 307 Disease Cause by Noise 310 Disease Cause by Vibration 312 Ergonomic Disease 314
26.5.2 Poor Hygienic Disease 317 Skin Disease 317 Dengue 320

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter 1 Legal Requirements

1.1 Introduction

The general safety, wellbeing of workers must be safeguard against the hazards
associated with construction work that may carried out in a safe manner relatively safe
method of work being adopted at building construction workplace. This best practice
applies to all place of work in building operation and work of engineering construction
activity in Malaysia covered by the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (Act 514),
the Factories and Machinery Act 1967 (Act 139), and all its regulations made under the
Acts. It is designed to serve as a handy reference and to be read together with the
above mentioned legislations and other industry codes of practice.

1.2 Objective

The purpose of these best practice is to provide guidance to Construction

Management team on good work practices that can be carried out on every activity in
the workplace to prevent accident to the workers.

1.3 Definition

a) Employer - means immediate employer or the principal employer or

both.(Section 3, Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994)
b) Developer - any person, body of persons, company, firm or society who or
which engages in or carries on or undertakes the business of developing or
providing monies for development or purchasing buildings or partly developing
and providing monies for purchasing buildings. (Section 3, Street, Drainage,
And Building Act - Act 133)
c) Contractor - a person who has entered into a contract for the purpose of
carrying out any building operations or work of engineering construction and
includes a main contractor or subcontractor. (Regulation 2, Building Operations
And Works Of Engineering Construction – Regulations 1986).
d) Main contractor - a person who has entered into a contract with an owner or
lessee of a property or his agent for the purpose of carrying out any building
operations or work of engineering construction. (Regulation 2, Building
Operations And Works Of Engineering Construction – Regulations 1986)
e) Safety and Health Officer - a person who registered under provision of
regulation 6(1), Occupational Safety and Health (Safety and Health Officer)
Regulations 1997.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

f) Designated Person - a competent person appointed by an employer to carry

out any supervision or inspection or to perform any tasks or duty prescribed by
Building Operations and Works of Engineering Construction (Safety)
Regulations, 1986.
g) Contractor Safety Supervisor - a contractor’s safety supervisor appointed
under regulation 26, Building Operations and Works of Engineering
Construction (Safety) Regulations, 1986.
h) Site Safety Supervisor - a site safety supervisor appointed under regulations
25, Building Operations and Works of Engineering Construction (Safety)
Regulations, 1986.
i) Professional Engineer means a “registered Professional Engineer” as defined
by section 2 of the Registration of Engineers Act 2002 (Amendment).

1.4 Legal requirement

Subjected to section 17(1) under Occupational Safety And Health Act 1994, it shall
be the duty of employer and every self-employed person to conduct his undertaking in
such a manner as to ensure, so far as is practicable, that he and the other persons,
not being his employees, who may be affected thereby are not thereby exposed to
risks to their safety or health.
Subjected to section 17(2) under Occupational Safety And Health 1994, it shall be the
duty of employer and every self-employed person, in the prescribed circumstances and
in the prescribed manner, to give to persons, not being his employees, who may be
affected by the manner in which he conducts his undertaking, the prescribed
information on such aspects of the manner in which he conducts his undertaking as
might affect their safety or health.
Remarks, refer to Factories and Machinery Act and Regulations, Act 139

1.5 Notification of an operation

a) Subjected to Section 35 under Factories and Machinery Act 1967, every person
who undertakes any building operations or works of engineering construction
shall notify to Department of Occupational Safety and Health not later than
seven days from the commencement of construction activities.
b) The notification is exempted to the construction activities that can be completed
in a period less than six (6) weeks and does not involve the use of machinery.
1.6 Notification and reporting of an accident and dangerous occurrence

a) Section 32 under Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, an employer shall
notify the nearest Department of Occupational Safety and Health office of any
accident, dangerous occurrence, occupational poisoning or occupational
disease which has occurred or is likely to occur at the place of work.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

b) Method of notification and reporting an accident shall comply with Occupational

Safety and Health (Notification of Accident, Dangerous Occurrence,
Occupational Poisoning and Occupational Disease) Regulation 2004.

1.7 Safety and Health Organizations

1.7.1 Safety and Health Policy

a) Every employer shall prepare and as often as may be appropriate revise a

written statement of his general policy with respect to the safety and health at
work of his employees and the organization and arrangements for carrying out
that policy, and to bring the statement and any revision of it to the notice of all
of his employees. (Section 16, Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994)
1.7.2 Safety and Health Committee

a) The main contractor of a worksite in which forty or more persons are for the time
being employed (whether by him or by other contractors employed by him or
the client) shall establish a safety and health committee (on which both
employees and management are represented) for the purpose of keeping under
review conditions in the worksite which may affect the safety and health of the
persons employed therein or the public. (Section 30, Occupational Safety and
Health Act 1994, Occupational Safety and Health (Safety and Health Committee
– Regulation 1997)
1.7.3 Occupational Safety and Health Management System

a) Every employer should established, implement and maintain an occupational

safety and health management system and shall be in accordance with the
requirement of the relevant Malaysian Standard or with any other equivalent
Occupational Safety and Health Management System approved by Director
1.7.4 Safety and Health Officer

a) Every employer of any building operation and work of engineering construction

when the total contract price of the project exceeds twenty million ringgit
Malaysia, they shall employ a safety and health officer. (Section 29,
Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, Occupational Safety and Health
(Safety and Health Officer) order 1997)

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

1.7.5 Site Safety Supervisor

a) The main contractor of a worksite shall appoint a part time site safety supervisor
who should spend at least fifteen hours per week exclusively on safety
supervision and on promoting the safe conduct of work generally within the site.
(Reg. 25, Building Operation and Works Of Engineering Construction (Safety)
Regulations, 1986)

1.7.6 Contractor Safety Supervisor

a) Every contractor other the main contractor in charge of worksite who employs
more than twenty persons to carry out work on a worksite shall appoint a part
time contractor’s safety supervisor, who should spend at least five hours per
week exclusively on safety supervision and on promoting the safe conduct of
work generally by his employees. (Reg. 26, Building Operations And Works Of
Engineering Construction (Safety) Regulations, 1986)
1.8 General Duties of Employers

a) Every developer, main contractor, contractor and sub-contractor shall have a

written statement of his general policy with respect to the safety and health at
work of his employees and other persons who are not his employees, who may
be exposed to risks to their safety and health. (Section 16, Occupational Safety
and Health Act 1994)
b) Every main contractor, contractor and sub-contractor shall develop a safety and
health manual that has provision for safe guarding the safety and health of the
public and his employees. (Section 15(2)(a), Occupational Safety and Health
Act 1994)
c) Every main contractor, contractor and sub-contractor shall make an
arrangement during operation, handling, transport, storage of plant and
substance, to ensure the safety and health to the employees and public.
(Section 15(2)(b), Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994)
d) Every developer, main contractor, contractor and sub-contractor shall ensure
that all workers are properly informed of the hazards of their respective
occupations and the precautions necessary and adequately supervise to avoid
accidents, injuries and risk to health, and in particular that young workers, newly
engaged workers, illiterate and foreign workers. (Section 15(2)(c), Occupational
Safety and Health Act 1994)
e) Every developer, main contractor, contractor and sub-contractor shall provide
sufficient allocation for ensuring that provisions to ensure the public and his
employee’s safety and health are implemented and maintained.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

f) Every owner, developer, main contractor, contractor and sub-contractor shall

take adequate steps to develop and promote safety and health programs to
ensure not only the safety and health of his employees but also members of the

1.9 General Duties of Architects, Engineers and Designers

a) At the planning stage of any proposed building or civil engineering works,

specific consideration should be given, by those responsible for the design and
the construction, to the safety of the workers and the public who will
subsequently be affected by the plant & machineries associated with the
process of the erection of such structures.

b) Architects, engineers and other professional persons, not to include anything in

the design that would necessitate the use of unwarrantably dangerous structural
procedures and undue hazards, which could be avoided by design modifications,
should exercise care of safety in every process.
c) Architects, Engineers and other professional persons should exercise with care
not to include anything in the design that would necessitate the use of unsafe
construction procedures and create undue hazards. These should be avoided
by means of design modifications where necessary.
d) It is also of the greatest importance that engineers should take into account the
safety risk associated with the subsequent maintenance of plant where this
would involve hazards.
e) Safety and health facilities should be included in the design for such work to be
performed with the minimum of risk.
f) Measures should be taken to ensure that all necessary safety and health
program are efficiently implemented and properly maintained.

1.10 Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC)

a) When planning method of work, a suitable and sufficient assessment should be

carried out and recorded. Method, materials and equipment should be selected
to remove or minimize risk from work. Employers are responsible to carry out
the risk assessment.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

b) The principles of risk assessment listed below should be adhered to which

determining methods and sequences of work:

i. Identification of the hazards involved with the proposed work

ii. Assessment of the risk (likelihood and severity) of any potential harm
iii. Removal of risks, possibly by changing the proposed methods or
iv. Control of remaining risks
v. Review and if appropriate, update.

1.11 Emergency Response Plan

a) Emergency response plan should be established and maintained. This plan

should identify the potential for accidents and emergency situations, and
address the prevention of occupational safety and health risk associated with
them. The plan should be made according to the size and nature of activity
based on relevant international standard as per below ;

i. Ensure that the necessary information, internal communication and

coordination are provided to protect all people in the event of an
emergency at the worksite.
ii. Provide information and communication with the relevant authorities
and the neighbourhood and the emergency response services.
iii. Address first aid, fire-fighting and evacuation at construction sites.
iv. Provide relevant information and training to all members of the
organization, at all level, including regular exercise in emergency


Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter 2 Main Entrance, Fence and Security Post

2.1 Introduction

a) The purpose is to stabilize entrances to a construction site for control movement

of visitors, clients, workers and vehicles.
b) The security post and fencing of construction site is to ensure to safe guard the
project site and maintain the safety of workers while keeping the general public
out of the construction site.

2.2 Objective

a) The purpose is to stabilize construction main entrance is to reduce or eliminate

the disturbance or nuisance onto public rights-of way or streets. Construction
main entrance shall be used at all points of construction access and egress.
b) Perimeter fencing and security post to prevent the general public from entering
a construction work zone.

2.3 Definition

a) Main Entrance - A stabilized construction access is defined by a point of

entrance/exit to a construction site that is stabilized to reduce by tracking of mud
and dirt onto public roads by construction vehicles.
b) Hoarding – Temporary fencing is an alternative to its permanent structures and
when a fence is required on an interim basis or needed for storage, public safety
or security, crowd control, or theft deterrence. Other uses are for temporary
fencing include venue division at large events and priority is for public restriction
on industrial construction sites. Temporary fencing is also often seen at special
outdoor events, parking lots, and emergency/disaster relief sites.
c) Security Post – Key point of location for security guard standby at construction

2.4 Legal requirements

Factories and Machinery Act 1967 (Act 139)
a) Building Operations and Work of Engineering Construction (safety) Regulation
i. Regulation 10 : Access to workplace
b) Factories and Machinery (Safety, Health and Welfare) Regulations, 1970.
i. Regulation 7 : Access to place of work

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

c) Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994

i. Section 15 - General duties of employers and self-employed persons

2.5 Procedure
2.5.1 General Construction site

a) Review on safe construction workplace and cover all safety aspect from public
safety issue.
b) Construction site can be inherently dangerous with many changing and on-
going risks including those associated with :-
i. Slips, trips and falls
ii. Temporary electrical installations
iii. Partially constructed structures.
iv. Stored construction materials
v. On-site plant and equipment.
vi. Where dirt or mud can be tracked onto public roads.
vii. Unstable soil conditions are encountered.
viii. Limited points of entrance/exit to the construction site.
ix. Limited speed of vehicles to control dust.
x. Proper water sedimentation for each construction to prevent run off dirty
water flowing out of the construction site.
xi. Water route runoff from stabilized entrances/exits through a sediment-
trapping device before discharge.
xii. Design stabilized entrance/exit to support the heavy vehicles and
xiii. Require all employees, subcontractors, and suppliers to utilize the
stabilized construction access.

2.5.2 Door

a) Construction site should have the main entrances, entrances and exits should
be of metal gates.
b) The door is made of metal fabrication, and set the company name and slogan
as required. Specific visual image according to the company standards. Gate
can be divided into door-type gate with steel fasteners. The steel assembly type,
recommended the use of steel assembly type gate, the enclosure can be made
according to the actual situation to install the gate, but must ensure safety and
meet the standards.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

i. Recommended steel assembled door

Main Entrance (door elevation)

2.5.3 Main Entrance

a) The main entrance of the of the project site shall be in front of the project next
to main road and close to the office area.
b) The gate should have sufficient capacity and resistance to wind loads.

Sliding door gate

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Main gate of entrance at construction site, Main gate door column base
internal components connection

Main entrance to construction site Notice board of construction site

Workers enter the construction site Safety sign at entrance

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

2.5.4 Gate at construction site

a) The gate should be located at the construction site near security post.
b) Security Officers on duty must wear uniform, establish a duty roster system, and
implement the security personnel substitute system, the registration system for
visitors and the vehicle entry and exit registration system.
c) A certain number of helmets are to be kept in order to be distributed to those
who need to go in the construction site to inspect, visit.
d) To strengthen the security of personnel on the site, provide access to the
construction site personnel to wear ID card. The non-related personnel is
prohibited from entering the construction site.

Side Gate of construction areas

2.5.5 Hoarding

a) Security fence is used to control unauthorised personal entry onto a

construction site.
b) To be of a suitable height to deter entry (for example, at least 1.8 meters high)
c) To be soundly constructed ( for example, gates and joints should be secure and
not present a weak point for entry)
d) Hoarding should be locked at all times when construction personnel are not
e) To be stable and able to withstand anticipated loads or forces (for example,
strong winds).
f) Signs posted on the fencing perimeter need to warn intruders of the safety risk
at those areas .
g) Fencing with signage and shade cloth type coverings may require additional
support to resist wind loadings.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

h) To be difficult to climb as well as preventing access from underneath.

Assembled wall (Fence) Hoarding

Hoarding around construction areas

2.5.6 Security post
a) A security post (also known as security booth and security building) at main
entrance of construction site and keep security equipment.
b) It is necessary to have a standby generator to maintain lighting.
c) To keep track of all visitors and client by updating the log book on daily basis.
d) Construction site with restricted access spaces, for instance, prefab security
post may be used to ensure people don’t enter hazardous areas.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

e) Security post are generally placed at the entrance as checkpoints for monitoring,
observations and maintaining access control into construction site.
f) In addition to reduce of sediment by simple friction of vehicle tires on the gravel
pad, a vehicle washing station can be established at the site entrance. Wash
stations, if used on a routine basis, remove a substantial amount of sediment
from vehicles before they leave the site.

Main view of Security Post Security Post

Security Post and entrance of workers.


Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter 3 Workspace

3.1 Introduction

Every construction site usually provides a workspace for a worker to do their work.
It is recommended to practice by using cabin as office. Every site is to provide with
office area for smooth management. The office to be nearby the site area but isolated
from construction site. Office area must be on the “Green Zone” to avoid any accident.

3.2 Objective

The objective of this chapter are:

a) Understand the importance of site office.
b) Determine the safe area for constructing site office.
c) Ensure to meet the safety requirement, environmental requirement and fire

3.3 Definition

a) Site Office - A temporary administrative facility where business relating to

specific property is conducted. This includes department office, meeting room,
and first aid room.
b) Green Zone - Safe area or open spaces that precautionary within defined limits
where hazardous are at the lowest risk to the persons.
c) Work Station - An area with equipment for the performance of a specialized
task usually by single individual.
d) Ergonomic factor - A study of human behaviour physically and psychologically
in relation to particular environments, product or services.
e) Hydration - The absorption of or combination with water. (Water consumption)
f) Lighting - Arrangement of light used in a room to increase visibility.
g) Environmental Parameter - A study to classify characteristic in environment
that impact the survival, operation and growth of an organization.
h) Fire Protection - Manual or automatic detection and suppression of fire.
i) Assembly Area - A designated place where people have been told to wait
after evacuating a building in case of emergency.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

3.4 Legal Requirement

Occupational Safety and Health Act 514:

a) Section 15 : General duties of employers and self-employed person to their
b) Section 17 : General duties of employers and self-employed person to
person other than their employees

Factory and Machinery Act 139:

a) Safety Health and Welfare Regulation 1970
i. Regulation 6 : Floor
ii. Regulation 7 : Access to place of work
iii. Regulation 9 : Stairway
iv. Regulation 24: (1)Space of each person,(2) Height of work room
v. Regulation 25 : Ventilation
vi. Regulation 29 : Lighting
vii. Regulation 30 : Seating facilities
viii. Regulation 31 : Work bench
ix. Regulation 34 : Drinking water

3.5 Procedure and Type

3.5.1 Site Office Location

Location selection is the crucial part in the making of the office. There are many factor
needed to be conceded before set up an office including:
a) Office area must isolate from operation area and must take the corresponding
isolation measure but nearby the entrance of the operation area.
b) Office area needs to be located outside the tower crane operation radius and
any machinery to ensure protected from falling object.
c) If the office areas are within the tower crane operation radius, the safety shelter
must be erected in the corresponding range.
d) Overhead electric lines should be maintain in safe distance to avoid electric
e) To avoid from any kind of explosion, an office should be built far away from the
high voltage transmission line.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

f) Surrounding environment should be conceded as an office should not be

constructed in dangerous area such as nearby cliff, mountain torrent, debris
flow, low lying water area that can cause flooding, harmful gas or noise.
g) Office area should be easier to access such as on roadside or as close as
possible from existing traffic. Office Structure

Most of the contactor in the construction business will using mobile cabin as their
temporary office at the site. It is normally practice by using mobile cabin as temporary
office the space between person/worker shall take into account. The specification of
office structure are:
a) Standard mobile cabin.
b) The horizontal height of the indoor ground should be 50mm higher than the base
level, in order to ensure sloping to prevent flooding inside ground office.
c) All the electrical wiring must meet the standard requirements. All wires should
cover with flame retardant conduit pipes.
d) In order to improve the ability of wind resistance, choose the plank house of
regular manufacturers, and strengthen it by of adding steel pipe rack or wind
rope to the board.

Elevated View of Mobile Cabin

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Mobile Cabin Reinforcement

Wind Rope

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 Office Requirement

To meet with the requirement of an office all the factor should be considered including:
a) Facilities (Refer to Chapter 23 - Facilities)

i. All department and subcontractor have their own office.

ii. Office are equipped with air-condition, network, photocopy machine, fax
machine, water dispenser and the others office accessories.
iii. Engineering department office should set up discussion table, drawing
rack, and the others professional accessories.
iv. Meeting room should be equipped with air conditioning, projector,
multimedia equipment and others.
v. Medical room are equipped with air conditioning, single bed, first aid area,
emergency equipment and stretcher.

b) Ventilation
i. Air enters office building or space through both mechanical ventilation
system as well as naturally through window, door and etc.
ii. The ceiling is installed with PVC ceiling. Interior height should not be less
than 2.5 meters
iii. Each window are install with window mesh to prevent mosquito and
debris and steel grill to prevent from bugler.
iv. Each office will provided with one air-condition to reduce heat.

Stainless Steel Grill Mosquito and Debris Mesh

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

c) Lighting

i. 2 windows install to provide proper illumination of an office on the day

light which will provide more than 10% of the floor area.
ii. Each office will install with lights that covered more than 300 lux

d) Workstation

i. Each of the workers that working at the site will be provided with desk
and chair to execute their work.
ii. Each workstation was design with ergonomic consideration to ensure
well-being of the workers.
iii. There are multitude of discomfort which can result from ergonomically
incorrect workstation set up such as neck pain, back pain and shoulder
pain.(Refer to Chapter 26 - Health Issue)
iv. Each chair provided with the proper back support and foot-rest to ensure
work carried out without undue strain.
v. Each workstation will be provided with an electrical supply plug. (Refer
to Chapter 16 - Mechanical and Electrical)


Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

e) General Water Dispenser Station

i. Each department office will be provided with a water dispenser to ensure

worker stay hydrated when working on extreme heat.
ii. Heat stress is one of the health issue that will be faced when working at
the site as the worker are going outside to execute their work. (Refer to
Chapter 26 - Health Issue).

Water dispenser

3.5.2 Environmental Parameter

The overall goal of environmental control is to provide an environment that clean,
safe, comfort and peaceful. Excessively high or low temperature in an office area can
lead to reduce productivity. High temperature has been associated with fatigue,
lassitude, irritability, headache and decrease in performance, coordination and
a) Temperature
i. During hot day or outdoor temperature can reached up to 35-37 °C. To
reduce the heat generated from high temperature, the cabin are provided
with water sprinkler or other cooling mechanism.
ii. Spraying water should be clean, odourless, and comply health
requirements. Water can be supplied from tap water, ground water, or
spring water and etc.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Water pipe run along the roof to spray water when temperature is high

b) Drainage (refer to Chapter 10 - Sewage and Drainage)

i. The construction site should have a good drainage system to ensure
smooth water flow drainage, no stagnant water on the ground.
ii. It is forbidden to pour waste oil; poisonous and harmful substances
directly into the drainage ditch and discharge it to the municipal pipe
iii. Drainage brickwork, masonry surface with plastering treatment.
Drainage width of not less than 0.3 meters in width, the depth of not less
than 0.2 meters, and have a certain slope.
iv. Construction site should be set up a reasonable sedimentation tank, no
sewage without sedimentation, and treatment are not allowed to directly
discharge to the municipal pipe or drain network.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

3D rendering of drainage system 3D rendering of sedimentation tank

c) Vehicle Wash Station

i. Construction site must be set up vehicle wash tank, sedimentation tanks,
and high pressure flushing device.
ii. The vehicle wash tank is divided into two kinds according to different
situations. The vehicle wash tank 1 is suitable for the entrance of the
office living area that needs to go through the construction area; the car
vehicle wash tank 2 is suitable for the position of the entrance and exit of
the worksite gate.
iii. Vehicle washer base steel must strong enough to withstand the vehicle
load. There is two type of vehicle wash station, one are automated and
another are manually using general labour and water compressor.
iv. Vehicle wash tank bottom and side should be plastering and the bottom
should be not less than 2% of the drainage slope to ensure no flooding.

Automated Vehicle Wash

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

3D rendering of vehicle wash station base

d) Garden, Rest Area and Smoking Area

i. In front of the office area, there is a garden to ensure peaceful and stress
free environment. This garden include with green grass, walkway, flower
plant and flag pole.
ii. Smoking area and rest area are provided with stool, table, rubbish can
and water dispenser. This set up is to ensure safe, convenient and
hygienic environment.

Garden Area

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

3.5.3 Assembly Area

a) The main goal of an evacuation is to facilitate the safe exit of people from the
emergency site to bring them to a more secure location referred to the assembly
b) This area is designated as safe areas that are away from harm when there are
emergency happen.
c) In designating assembly area, the distance from the site and size must be
considered. It should be assessable and as close to the boundary of the
evacuation area as possible.
d) The assembly area must be safe and spacious enough in case of the basic first
aid treatment done there. The space should be enough to accommodate
tenants, personal, and member of emergency response team.
e) In case of the first assembly area destination are inaccessible or block there
must be a contingency assembly area. Informing tenants and staff about the
exit route is futile if they don’t have a clue on there to go after vacating the
emergency site.

3.5.4 Fire Protection (Refer to Chapter 6 - Fire Safety and Water Supply)

a) Every office shall provide with adequate fire extinguisher.

b) Proper maintenance and housekeeping are required to prevent fire.


Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter 4 - Overhead Protection Shelter

4.1 Introduction

A shelter is typically a simple, single-story roofed structure in the construction site

that is used for storage, workshop, or even protection against falling object or rain.
Shelters are vary considerably in the size and complexity depending on the needs and
requirements. In this chapter we will discuss about the type of shelter that can be used
in construction activity.

4.2 Objective

The objective of this chapter is to:

a) Determine the type of shelter that can be used in construction site.
b) Understand the importance of shelter in the construction site.
c) Determine the best location for erection of shelter.
d) Determine the best material to use in the making of shelter.

4.3 Definition

a) Work Area Processing Shelter : Roofed workshop set up to protect worker

from rain or falling object.
b) General Protection Shelter : Roofed storage or shelter to protect worker or
material from rain or falling object.
c) Rebar Yard Shelter: Workshop for rebar bending used in reinforced concrete
base flooring and roofed set up to protect worker from rain or falling object.
d) Distribution Board : Known as breaker panel or electrical panel that devices
an electrical power feed into subsidiary circuits, while providing a protective fuse
in case of electrical overload.
e) Fabrication : The action or process of manufacturing or inventing something.

4.4 Legal Requirement

Occupational Safety and Health Act 514:

a) Section 15 : General duties of employers and self-employed person to
their employees.
b) Section 24 : General duties of employees at work

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Factory and Machinery Act 139:

a) Safety Health and Welfare Regulation 1970

i. Regulation 5 : Machinery installed on any floor above the ground

ii. Regulation 6 : Floor
iii. Regulation 7 : Access to place of work
iv. Regulation 20 : Stacking of materials
v. Regulation 22 : Firefighting appliances
vi. Regulation 23 : Cleanliness
vii. Regulation 31 : Work bench
viii. Regulation 32 : Work clothes, personal protective clothing and

b) Building Operation and Works of Engineering Construction (BOWEC)

i. Regulation 6 : Machinery installed on any floor above the ground
ii. Regulation 10(2) : Well define access at the ground floor with overhead
iii. Regulation 20 : Illumination of passageways
iv. Regulation 21 : Storage of materials and equipment
v. Regulation 119 : Material handling and storage, use and disposal
vi. Regulation 122 : Material storage

4.5 Procedure and Type

4.5.1 Work Area Processing Shelter

They are two type of work area processing shelter that commonly found in the
construction site which is rebar fabrication yard and wood fabrication yard. This
fabrication yard usually placed nearby tower crane due to there are a lot of hoisting
activity needed such as hoisting fabricated material to the intended floor and unloading
material from the lorry. In order to protect workers from the falling object that are
exposed during hoisting activity, building a shelter are the best way to reduce the risk. Rebar Fabrication Yard

Rebar fabrication is one of the crucial activities in construction activity. The steel
bar used need to be bend according to the specification before being hoist to intended
floor. This workshop set up within tower crane hoisting area. There are few aspect that
need to be considered before building the rebar yard include:

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

a) Location
i. Rebar yard must be located within tower crane operation.
ii. Rebar yard must be located nearby site road to ensure smother loading
and unloading material from lorry.
iii. Material storage must be nearby or beside rebar bending machine.
iv. Wastage area must be nearby to ensure proper housekeeping.
v. This kind of fabrication yard can be on the other floor as long as that floor
is strong enough to withstand the load.

Rebar fabrication yard plan

b) Structure
i. The columns are made up of I-beam with 5m space in between column
and high of 3m.
ii. Double roofing are used.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Double roof structure Rebar fabrication yard

c) Material storage area
i. Material storage area placed beside or nearby the rebar fabrication yard.
ii. This area need to be barricade to separate the storage area from the site
road and traffic.
iii. Materials stacking are crucial issue that need to be consider at the
storage area.
iv. Every five bundle of the rebar will be pedestaled by hollow metal to
support from collapsing.

d) Wastage Area
i. Every rebar yard set up must have wastage area for the unwanted rebar
ii. This area is designated to ensure the working area were clean and away
from the tripping hazard.
iii. Workers need to do housekeeping 10 minute after work to keep the
working area clean. (Refer to Chapter 25 - Housekeeping).
iv. All rebar machines must provide with oil spill containment tray to prevent
oil spillage on the floor and cause slippery floor.

e) Hazard Identification
i. Activities in rebar yard require a lot of material handling and hoisting.
ii. To ensure worker’s safety, hazard must be identified to figure out the way
to reduce the risk. (Refer to table 1).
f) Fire Protection (Refer to Chapter 6 - Fire Safety and Water Supply)
i. Each rebar fabrication yard provided with 2 fire extinguishers.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019


1 Hoisting Improper Fatal, Conduct Toolbox meeting SHO
material lifting fracture, before start working. SSS
contusion  Only trained and competent Site Supervisor
Riggers, Signalman and
Tower Crane Operator
allowed to perform the task.
 Wear appropriate PPE
including glove
Moving load Fatal,  Use tag lines to control the Site Supervisor
fracture, load.
contusion  Barricade loading and
unloading area to prevent
unauthorized personal into
danger zone
 Refresh training for
signalman, rigger and
Falling Fatal,  All component brought up Site Supervisor
object fracture, to height shall assemble
contusion immediately to prevent it
from dropping accidently,
do not place any loose
component unattended.
2 Rebar Sharp object Cut, bruise  Provide worker with hand Site Supervisor
fabrication glove and safety goggle.
Caught Contusion,  To hoist or stack material Site Supervisor
between bruise, cut, properly and keep bodily
object amputation parts away from moving
load such to stationary
3 Material Awkward Slip disc,  Lift materials within Site Supervisor
handling body back pain, personal capacity follow
position muscle manual lifting procedure
while spasm  Adopt 2 man or more if
loading lifting load beyond personal
material capacity
Sharp object Cut, bruise  Keep bodily part away from Site Supervisor
moving load.
Table 1: HIRARC for Rebar Yard

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 Wood Fabrication Yard

Woods are renewable resource for construction for as long as man recorded history.
Wood properties offer several benefits that ideal for use such as biodegradable,
economically feasible and the thermal properties of wood give advantage in high
temperature surrounding.
a) Location
i. Wood fabrication yard must be located within enclose area to ensure the
saw dust are isolated.
ii. Usually wood fabrication yard located inside the building.
iii. Raw material storage located beside the fabrication yard and the end
product must be located nearby to ensure smooth operation
iv. Wastage area must be provided to ensure the area are clean at all time.
v. Safe access must be provided.

b) Structure
i. The fabrication area.
ii. Provide 2 ventilation fan for sufficient ventilation inside the fabrication
c) Fabrication area
i. All electric power tools shall be insulated to prevent electric shock.
ii. All rotating tools must be guarded and inspect daily by site supervisor
before start working.
iii. Fabrication area must be clean daily to prevent obstruction and trip.
iv. Saw dust must be collected and remove daily from the site.
v. All nails shall be extracted and collected unless it is to be burned without
further handling.
d) Hazard Identification
i. Wood fabrication requires a lots of manual handling and cutting activity.
Worker likely to expose to associated hazard.
e) Fire Protection (Refer to Chapter 6 - Fire Safety and Water Supply)
i. Each rebar fabrication yard to be provided with 2 fire extinguishers

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

4.5.2 Overhead Protection Shelter

All building under construction of more than 2 stores high shall be provided with
well-defined access at the ground floor with adequate overhead protective cover for
persons entering or leaving the building. (BOWEC Reg 11) Safety Channel

In addition to the use of safety helmet, employees must be protected by overhead

protection shelter on the personal platform when employees are exposed to falling

a) Structure
i. Every entrance of a building shall or within the building surrounding the
hazard of falling objects radius shall install safety passage for worker to
ii. Safe passage guard rails are to use steel pipe, the length of the channel
should be based on the height of the building, following the table will
show then building height to determine the radius after the fall.

Building height(H) Falling radius(M)

2~5m 3m

5~15m 4m

15~30m 5m

>30m 6m

iii. Safe passage shelter shall adopt double layer protection, the distance
between the two layers is 800mm, and the upper layer shall be metal
roofing and lower layers are cover by plywood.
iv. The roofs are covered metal zinc
v. Every side of the safe passage shall be covered with debris net to prevent
hit by flying object.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Double layer roofing system Debris net to protect from flying object Protection Shelter for Electrical Distribution Box

Electrical distribution box is a component of electricity supply system that divides

an electrical power feed into subsidiary circuits while providing protective fuse or circuit
breaker for each circuit in a common enclosure. This box need to be protected from
water and to ensure continuity it must be protected from damage. Ensure all parts of
electric power circuits are concealed to ensure no person, tool, machine become
contact with electrical. For further understanding (refer to Chapter 16 - Mechanical
and Electrical).
a) Structure
i. The shelter must be enclosed and have a door to access.
ii. As the recommendation double layer roof protection to ensure the roof is
strong enough to withstand falling object which the upper layer are
covered with 0.5mm metal zinc and the lower layer are covered with
20mm plywood.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Front Elevation View 3D Rendering Protection Shelter for the Bottom of Tower Crane

This protection shelter is to ensure safe access, protected from falling object and
prevention from trespasser.
a) Structure
i. The shelter must be enclosed and have a door to access
ii. As the recommendation the roofs are two layered roofs that made from
metal that enclosed around the mast to ensure the roof are strong
enough to withstand the falling object.

Front Elevation View 3D Rendering


Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter 5 Traffic Management and Road Work

5.1 Introduction

Traffic management is important for the organization, to arrange, guidance and

control of vehicle traffic including pedestrians. It’s aimed to provide safe, orderly and
efficient movement of vehicles and persons where possible and enhance the smooth
traffic movements.

5.2 Objective

The objective of this chapter are:

a) Understand the importance of traffic management on site.
b) Ensure safety and efficient traffic management system.
c) Determine the speed limit, barricade the roadside work area, and the
importance of flagman.

5.3 Definition

a) Flag Man : Designated person who give the signals with flag to control traffic
b) Competent Driver : Designated license driver who are qualify to handle the
c) Forklift : Self – vehicle with a pronged device in front for lifting and carrying
heavy loads
d) Visibility : Quality or state of being see or been seen.
e) Walkway : Any passage for walking, especially for pedestrians
f) Lighting : Arrangement of light use to increase visibility.
g) Certificate of Fitness : Document that certifies an individual or organization
as being fit or competent to engage in particular work activity or industrial project.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

5.4 Legal Requirement

Occupational Safety and Health Act 514:

a) Section 15 : General duties of employers and self-employed person to their


Factory and Machinery Act 139:

a) Safety Health and Welfare Regulation 1970
i. Regulation 7 : Access to place of work
ii. Regulation 11 : Catwalk, runways and gangway
iii. Regulation 19 : Object on inclines
b) Building Operation and Works of Engineering Construction (BOWEC)
i. Regulation 10 : Access to place of work
ii. Regulation 18 : Public vehicular traffic.
iii. Regulation 20 : Illumination of passageways
iv. Regulation 58 : Use of vehicle
v. Regulation 59 : Use by employees
vi. Regulation 60 : Use by wheel-barrows
vii. Regulation 61 : Slope
c) Person In Charge
i. Regulation 13 : Assessment of drivers
ii. Regulation 19 : Instruction to be given to persons working on
iii. Regulation 20 : Training to be given to operators of certain

5.5 Procedure

Managing traffic at a construction workplace is an important part of ensuring the

workplace is without risks to health and safety. Vehicles including powered mobile plant
moving in and around workplace, reversing, loading and unloading are often linked
with death and injuries to workers and members of public.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

5.5.1 Key Issue

The most effective way to protect pedestrians is to eliminate traffic hazards. This
can be done by designing the layout of workplace to eliminate interaction between
pedestrian and vehicle by prohibiting vehicle from being used in pedestrian space or
provide separate traffic route so that pedestrian not able to enter area where vehicles
are used.

Key issues to consider for managing traffic at construction workplace include:

a) Keeping pedestrian and vehicle apart including on site and when vehicle enter
and exit the workplace.
b) Minimising vehicle movement.
c) Eliminating reversing vehicles or minimising the related risk.
d) Ensuring vehicles and pedestrian are visible to each other.
e) Using traffic sign.
f) Developing and implementing a traffic management plan.’

The duty of employer includes implementing control measure to prevent people being
injured by moving vehicles at the workplace.

5.5.2 Information, Training, Instruction and Supervision.

The duty of employer is to provide necessary information, training, instruction or

supervision (flagman) to protect all persons from risks to their safety and health. The
workers must have necessary training, qualification or license to operate the vehicle,
plant for example:

a) Driving license, qualifications and required fitness for working.

b) Managing the activities of visiting drivers
c) Training drivers and operators.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Forklift Operator Training

The employer must ensure workers including contractors know and understand the
traffic rules, safety policies and procedures for workplace. Visiting driver should be
aware of restrictions on vehicle size or type before make delivery to the workplace.
Other visitor take responsible care for their own safety and must take reasonable care
not to adversely affect other people safety. They must comply, as far as practicable
with reasonable instruction given by person in charge.

5.5.3 Keeping Pedestrians and Vehicles Apart.

Consider implementing the following control measure to keep pedestrian and

vehicle apart at the construction site and when vehicle enter or exit the workplace:

a) Providing separate route for pedestrian and vehicle, where possible.

b) Providing separate clearly marked pedestrian walkways that take a direct route.
c) Creating pedestrian exclusion zone where powered mobile plant is operating.
d) Creating vehicle exclusion zones for pedestrian-only areas, for example around
rest area, facility amenities and pedestrian entrance.
e) Securing vehicle operating by installing pedestrian barriers, traffic control
barricade, chains, tape or billboard. Where needed ensure competent person
with necessary training or qualified person to operate powered mobile plant near
workers or other plant.
f) Designating specific parking areas for worker’s and visitor’s vehicles outside the
construction area.
g) Providing clear sign and lit the crossing points where walkways across roadway
so pedestrian and driver see each other clearly.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

h) Using traffic controllers, mirrors, stop signs or warning devices at site exits to
make sure drivers can see and aware of the pedestrians before driving out onto
public road.
i) Avoid blocking walkways so pedestrians do not have to step into vehicle route.
j) Scheduling work so that vehicle, powered mobile plant and pedestrians are not
in the same area at the same time.

Separate pedestrian walkway Construction car park area

Reflector mirror at the crossing point

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

5.5.4 Movement of Vehicular Traffic

In order to ensure safety of the worker from the vehicles traffic:

a) All vehicles used at worksites shall be roadworthy and comply with the
requirements of the Road Transport Department of Malaysia.
b) No person shall drive a vehicle of any class or description in a construction
worksite unless he is the holder of a driving license authorizing him to drive a
vehicle of that class or description. (Reg. 18(2)(b), Building Operations And
Works Of Engineering Construction (Safety) Regulations, 1986)
c) The design of the traffic control shall comply with the standard set and
controlled by the relevant authorities.
d) Whenever any work is being performed over, or in close proximity to a
highway or any other place where movement of vehicular traffic into and
out of the work site may cause danger to the public, the working area shall
be barricaded. Suitable and sufficient warning signs and warning lights
shall be set up to direct traffic to slow down or away from it, and when
necessary, the traffic shall be specially controlled by designated person.
(Reg. 18(1), Building Operations And Works Of Engineering Construction
(Safety) Regulations, 1986)
e) Vehicles arriving at site and leaving site should be suitably scheduled to
minimize congestion occurring on public road leading to the worksite.
f) Vehicles should be parked in designated areas within the hoarded area
while being loaded or unloaded.
g) Where it is authorized by the local authority for vehicles ferrying materials
to the worksite to be parked outside the hoarded area, suitable safety
measures should be taken. Such measures should include cordoning off
such parking areas and suitable warning signs, lights and flagman should
be provided.
h) Where it is absolutely necessary for construction machinery to carry out
work from outside the hoarded area, the operating area of the machine
outside the hoarded area should be cordoned off. Suitable warning signs
and lights and flagman should be provided.
i) Vehicles for carrying building materials, debris and excavated materials
should be clean, well maintained and in good running condition. If they
carry loose materials, they should be covered and properly sealed to
ensure that there will be no spillage of materials onto the public road.
j) Hazardous material should be rendered harmless and safe to be handled
while transported on public roads.
k) In residential areas, heavy vehicles engines should not be left idling
unnecessarily so as to prevent a nuisance to the public at night and during
public holidays.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

l) Vehicles should not be driven at speed exceeding the authorized speed

m) Vehicles should not be loaded beyond authorized load limits and all loose
materials should be securely tied down before being transported.
n) The main gate shall be attended by a flagman if it is located next to the
main road to avoid accident.

5.5.5 Minimizing Vehicles Movement

To limit the number of vehicle movement around the workplace:

a) Planning storage areas so that delivery vehicles do not have to cross the site.
b) Providing vehicle parking for workers and visitor away from the construction site.
c) Controlling the entry to the construction site e.g.; using gates or security.
d) Scheduling work to minimise the number of vehicle operating at the same area
at the same time.

5.5.6 Reversing Vehicles

Reversing vehicle are the most common cause of fatal incident. One-way road
systems and turning circles can minimize risks especially in the storage area. Where
this is not feasible other control measures should be considered including:

a) Using mirrors, flagman, reversing warning alarms, sensors or camera.

b) Ensuring the flagman wearing high visibility clothing to assist the driver who
cannot see clearly behind their vehicle.
c) Ensuring workers and other person are familiar with reversing areas and these
areas must be clearly marked.
d) Ensuring plant operators are aware of workers who may be in the vicinity of the
swing radius, articulation point and overhead load movement of their vehicle.

4.5.7 Traffic Management Plan

A traffic management plan documents and helps explain how risks will be managed
at the construction workplace. This may include details of:

a) Designated travel paths for vehicles including entry and exit point, haul routes
for debris or plant and materials or traffic crossing.
b) Pedestrian and traffic routes
c) Designated delivery and loading and unloading areas.
d) Travel path on routes remote from the workplace including places to turn around,
dump material, access ramps and side roads.
e) How often and where vehicles and pedestrian interact.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

f) Traffic control measure for each expected interaction including drawing of layout
of barrier, walkways, signs and general arrangements to warn and guide traffic
around, past or through the workplace or temporary hazard.
g) Requirement for special vehicles like large vehicles and mobile cranes.
h) The responsibilities of people managing traffic at the workplace.
i) The responsibilities of people expected to interact with traffic at the workplace.
j) Instructions or procedures for controlling traffic including in an emergency.
k) How to implement and monitor the effectiveness of traffic management plan.

Example of Traffic Management Plan

5.5.8 Signs, Warning Devices and Visibility

Signs should be used to alert workers and pedestrians to potential hazards from
vehicles entering and exiting the construction site. (Refer to Chapter 22: Signage,
Tags and Bulletin Board). Traffic routes should be clearly signed to indicate restricted
parking, headroom, speed limits, and key area.
The following control measures should be considered to manage the risks:
a) Installing mirrors, reversing cameras, sensors and alarms to help drivers see or
be aware of movement around the vehicle.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

b) Installing visual warning devices like flashing lights and high-visibility markings
for powered mobile plant.
c) Implementing safe systems of work to stop loads being carried forward where
they impair clear vision
d) Appointing a trained person to control manoeuvre (flagman/signal man)
e) Ensuring high-visibility or reflective clothing is worn by workers, plant operators
and pedestrians at the workplace.
f) Using communication method like:
a) Radio – however ensure a back-up communication process is in place
if it fails.
b) Line of sight communication e.g.; hand signals or cap lamp light signals.
The person receive the message should acknowledge the message has
been received and understood.
c) Verbal commands and confirmation of warnings and signals.



Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter 6 Fire Safety and Water Supply

6.1 Introduction

Every year there are many fires on construction sites and in buildings undergoing
refurbishment; people are injured or killed, property is destroyed, including
irreplaceable heritage buildings and the industry suffers disruption and unexpected
costs from which many never recover.
Water for construction can be anything from welfare, water to flush toilets and wash
hands, to storage sufficient amount of water, to keep processes running such as
concrete mixing. For general used and production used of water on-site, should use
general water supply to ensure water quality. For fire emergency used on-site, can use
general water supply or natural sources (such as river water, river water, etc.), and the
water source must be stable and reliable, meeting the water requirement for firefighting.

6.2 Objective

The objectives of this standard are to:

a) Provide formal description on the requirement for temporary construction

workers amenities.
b) Ensure the welfare, safety, security and health of workers are properly provided
and managed
c) Provide a reference and guideline for the provision of workplace amenities and
facilities that are reasonably practicable.
d) Prevent fires and ensure good standards of fire safety management on
construction sites.
e) Prevented by designing out risk; the risk of fire can be reduced even further by
taking a few simple precautions and ensuring that safe working practices are
defined and complied with.
f) Everyone working on site and provides information and guidance that will help
to ensure that the risk of a fire is kept as low as practicable.
g) Comply with relevant legislation and the requirements of BOMBA.

6.3 Definition

a) Access for firefighting - means an unobstructed approach to the building

including access to the fire route, fire hydrant(s), fire department connections,
principal entrance and the means of egress for the occupants.
b) Access to exit - means part of a means of egress within a floor area that
provides access to an exit serving the floor area.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

c) Assembly occupancy - means the use of a building by a gathering of persons

for civic, religious, social, educational, recreational purposes or for the
consumption of food or drink.
d) Combustible material - means material likely to ignite and continue to burn if
exposed to an open flame.
e) Fire alarm system - means an automatic or manual device designed to alert
the occupants within a building to the presence of fire
f) Fire Drill - means a practice exercise of the building’s emergency fire procedure
conducted to ensure all approved procedures and supervisory duties will be
completed by owner, supervisory staff and occupants in the event of a fire.
g) Fire Hydrant - means a device attached to the municipal water supply system,
to provide a source of water for firefighting.
h) Fire Safety Plan - means an approved document describing following:
i. The building description and schematic diagrams
ii. Occupancy type and human resources related to the building
iii. The emergency procedures, appointment and training of supervisory
iv. The control of fire hazards
v. A description of the life safety systems including the maintenance
schedules and alternative procedures in the event that those systems
become inoperative.
i) Safety signage - Emergency or danger signs, warning signs or safety
instructions that bear standard colours and sizes in accordance with the
specifications for standard colours of sign for safety instructions and warnings
in building premises.
j) Contaminant – an undesirable substance not normally present, or an usually
high concentration of a naturally occurring substance, in water, soil, or other
environmental medium. In more restricted usage, a substance in water that may
be harmful to human health.
k) Discharge – the volume of water that passes a given point during a given period.
It is an all-inclusive outflow term, describing a variety of flows such as from a
pipe to a stream, or from a stream or river to a lake or ocean.
l) Pumping water level – The water level in a well when the pump is operating
and water is being withdrawn.
m) Sediment – in the context of water quality, soil particles, sand, and minerals
dislodged from the land and deposited into aquatic systems as a result of

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

n) Amenities - The facilities provided or made available for the welfare of

employees while they are at work, which include toilets, washing facilities (hand
washing and showers), dining and changing facilities, facilities for personal
locker, provision of drinking water, rest areas and seating.
o) Workplace - Any construction site, where an employee or self-employed person
works and includes any place such a person goes to while at work.

6.4 Legal Requirement

Factory and Machinery Act 139:

a) Safety, Health and Welfare Regulations 1970

i. Regulation 15 : Containers for volatile inflammable substance
ii. Regulation 16 : Precaution against ignitions.
iii. Regulation 17 : Precaution with regard to explosive or
Inflammable dust, fume or substance.
iv. Regulation 21` : Safety provision in case of fire.
v. Regulation 22 : Firefighting appliances
vi. Regulation 36 : Washing facilities
vii. Regulation 37 : Sanitary convenience

b) Building Operations and Works of Engineering Construction Regulation 1986

i. Regulation 12 : Corrosive substance

ii. Regulation 16 : Electrical hazards
iii. Regulation 21 : Storage of materials and equipment
iv. Regulation 22 : Disposal of debris
v. Regulation 23 : Numbering and marking of floors

c) Act 341: BOMBA Service Act 1988

d) Act 581: Water Supply Act 1998

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

6.5 Procedure and Scope

6.5.1 Fire Safety

Fire risk can be defined as the product of the probability of occurrence of a fire to
be expected in a given process or procedure, and the consequence or extent of
damage to be expected on the occurrence of fire. Anyone familiar with risk assessment
should also know the difference between a 'hazard' and a 'risk' - a hazard is defined
as something with potential for injury and/or damage from fire and the presence of
uncontrolled fire hazards affects the risk, i.e. the likelihood of fire, rather than the
consequences of fire. In its simplest terms the management of fire hazard is found in
the basic 'Fire Triangle' and this applies to the fuel and ignition hazards that can be
found on construction sites - and eliminating one of the sides of the triangle will prevent
fire from starting and being sustained.

Fire triangle General Safety

a) Identify Hazards

The two areas where the site management can exercise control are with respect
to ignition and fuel sources, if the hazard can be eliminated or controlled then
the probability of fire starting and growing to a point where life is at risk is
significantly reduced.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

b) Ignition Risks

The main ignition risks under management control are listed.

i. Electrical faults
ii. Hot work - hot works are defined as all "processes involving the generation
of heat by a naked flame, electrical arc, sparks, and the use of bitumen
boilers or grinding". Cutting operations may use open flame gas cutting
equipment or disc cutting; acetylene should not be permitted on site unless
absolutely necessary. A permit to work (PTW) should be obtained before
commencing work; the permit must be specific to the work and closed when
the work is complete. (refer to Appendix for Hot Work Permit)

Type of work classified as Hot Work

iii. Smoking - smoking is usually prohibited on site or designated smoking

areas are provided away from the main work site and the site offices. (refer
to Chapter 22 Signage, Tags and Bulletin Board)
iv. Temporary lighting and lamps - where necessary the illumination of work
areas is from temporary lighting installed or from specific task lighting. The
hazards from such lighting come from placing light units too close to
combustible items or not allowing the lamps to cool or from broken lamp
units where hot surfaces are exposed. Lighting units should be secured in
position away from combustible material to prevent them being dislodged.
v. Arson - access to a site should be strictly controlled and supervised around
the clock where necessary; there are many reasons given by an arsonist for
starting a fire and the issue for the site management is to reduce the
opportunity for an arsonist to strike. Management of waste is important as
combustible materials present ready opportunities for arson.
vi. Lightning - lightning protection systems shall be provided where
appropriate and should be tested annually with certificates provided to
confirm a satisfactory test.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

c) Fuel Hazards

Where combustible materials are used on site the provision of materials should
be limited to those absolutely necessary or when appropriate those specifically
designed for high risk sites. There are a variety of flammable materials with the
potential to be stored or used on site that include scaffold boards and sheeting,
temporary covering materials, waste that has been removed from building
materials and bagged waste awaiting disposal.

Proper signage on storage area Dangerous material must controlled

i. Combustible building components - the control of combustible

materials is fundamental to site safety and materials should not exceed
the quantities required for a day's work; storage of combustible items
should be limited and a gap of 6-10m should be left between any fuel
packages. Care should be taken not to leave any readily ignitable
substances near to fuel packages.
ii. Flammable gases and liquids - fuel may be required for hot cutting and
plant and this may be in the form of flammable gases such as LPG or
liquid fuel for generators. Management of fuel is the responsibility of the
site manager and should include the whole process from procuring the
correct fuel, its use and the potentially hazardous operations such as
refueling. When combustible materials are being stored indoors the
following guidance should be followed but not limited to:
 The area should be regularly checked.
 Access to the storage area should be controlled.
 The storage area should not be in the work area.
 The storage area should be covered by the site fire detection
 Appropriate firefighting equipment should be located close to the
storage area.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

iii. Waste materials - waste should be minimized wherever possible and

disposed of as soon as possible. Packaging and waste materials from
the work processes should be disposed of regularly and part of the
management function should be to check areas for effective disposal in
accordance with a Waste Management Plan for the site. (refer Chapter
25 Housekeeping) Understanding the Risk

Understanding the risks associated with fire are essential to keeping a site safe
from fire. Legislation requires that a suitable and sufficient Fire Risk Assessment (FRA)
should be undertaken and maintained throughout construction work; all actions
regarding Fire Safety should be as a result of the FRA:

a) Identify hazards: consider how a fire could start and what could burn.
b) Identify people at risk: employees, contractors, visitors and anyone who is
vulnerable, e.g. people with disabilities.
c) Evaluate and act: consider the hazards and people identified (above); act to
remove and reduce or control residual risk to ensure people and premises are
d) Record, plan and train: keep a record of the risks and action taken. Make a clear
plan for fire safety and ensure that people understand what they need to do in
the event of a fire. Giving Warning

There shall be a system to alert people on site. This may be a temporary or

permanent mains operated, wired or wireless, fire alarm (tested weekly), a klaxon, bell,
air horn or a whistle, depending on the size and complexity of the site. This list is not
exhaustive. The warning needs to be distinctive, audible above other noise and
recognizable by everyone. Where practical it should be demonstrated at induction. Fire Escape Routes

As much as you may plan to prevent a fire occurring, in the event that one starts it
is essential that all personnel in the area are able to escape quickly, easily and safely.
Key aspects to providing safe means of escape on construction sites include:

a) Routes: the safety team should evaluate the escape routes required - these
must be kept available and unobstructed at all times.
b) Alternatives: well-separated alternative routes to ground level should be
provided where possible
c) Protection: Wherever possible (and when a need is identified by the safety
team) routes should be protected by installing permanent fire separation and
fire doors as soon as possible prior to use.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Fire escape route must be display for workers reference

d) Assembly: the escape route must have safe access to safe place away from
the building where people can assemble and be accounted for.
e) Signs: escape routes must be clearly identifiable and well signposted. Signage
should be reviewed regularly to ensure it reflects the site layout
f) Lighting: should be provided for enclosed escape routes and emergency
lighting may be required. Fire Safety Plan or Emergency Response Plan

The site safety plan should be developed from a site specific according to BOMBA
requirement. It should be specific to the site and reviewed and updated periodically
and should include the following as a minimum:

a) The organisation and responsibilities for fire safety arrangements.

b) Fire safety training for site operatives (including keeping training records).
c) General site precautions, fire detection and alarm systems and emergency
d) Fire extinguishers, general firefighting equipment and fire points.
e) A requirement to maintain all forms of access (e.g. pedestrian, vehicular) to the
site and buildings at all times.
f) The need for fire escape routes associated with the construction including
internal corridors and stairwells.
g) The need for clear signage of all fire escape routes.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

h) A requirement for all fire escape routes to be kept clear of obstructions.

Emergency Response Plan Flow Charts

i) The locations of any designated smoking areas. Smoking should generally be

discouraged, absolutely prohibited in non-designated areas.
j) The requirement for a hot works permit regime if hot works will be carried out.
k) Temporary buildings and accommodation including location, fire protection,
construction and maintenance.
l) Communications – including a fire evacuation plan and arrangements for calling
emergency services
m) Fire and rescue services access, facilities and co-ordination.
n) Instructions for anyone on site on actions to take in the event of a fire (including
assembly point location).
o) Security measures to minimise the risk of arson.
p) Material storage arrangements with particular reference to flammable materials.
q) Waste storage arrangements with particular reference to flammable materials.
r) Maintenance arrangements for electrical installations (including temporary
s) The use of fire retardant coverings as deemed necessary.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

t) Arrangements for plant and vehicles (e.g. fire suppressants).

u) Measures to prevent fire spread from the site to adjoining areas.
v) Housekeeping requirements – waste and clutter can present a fire risk. (refer
to Chapter 25 Housekeeping)
w) Appropriate segregation of materials. Fire Marshal

a) The Principal Contractor should appoint a Fire Marshal, Deputy Fire Marshal
and Fire Wardens, to assist in the implementation of the site fire safety plan.
b) The number of Fire Marshals etc. required will be dependent on the findings of
the safety team.
c) The number of Fire Marshals, Deputy Fire Marshals and Fire Wardens should
be determined by the safety team and should take into account the size and
organisation of the project.
d) Fire Marshals, Deputy Fire Marshals and Fire Wardens should receive
adequate training to ensure that they are competent to carry out their duties.
e) They should have sufficient status and authority to enable them to carry out their
duties effectively.
f) Duties of Fire Marshals, Deputy Fire Marshals and Fire Wardens should be
clearly defined in an appointment letter. Fire Protection

The project should, wherever possible, be designed to enable the early installation and
operation of:

a) Permanent fire escape stairs (including fire compartment walls).

b) Fire compartments within the building including fire doors and fire stopping.
c) Structural steelwork fire protection.
d) Firefighting shafts – these should be commissioned and maintained.
e) Lightning conductors.
f) Automatic fire detection systems (where these are planned to be installed).
g) Automatic suppression systems and other fixed firefighting equipment.
h) Temporary emergency lighting (prior to the installation of permanent emergency

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Hose Reel Box & Sand Firefighting facilities frame figure

Adequate supplies of water should be made available for firefighting; these

should be made available as part of site mobilization and reviewed at appropriate times
throughout the works. The following should be considered when setting up water

a) Any extensions to the fire hydrant main should be installed as early as possible.
b) Distance of fire main from source and resultant water pressure reduction must
be considered – and addressed as appropriate.
c) Rising and temporary mains must be provided where planned.
d) If it is necessary to move the fire brigade inlet point, information on the new
location must be readily available.
e) Periodic testing of water supplies should be carried out; testing records should
be maintained.
f) All hydrants must be suitably marked and kept clear of obstructions.

Appropriate fire extinguishers (e.g. CO2) should be within the vicinity of

distribution panels and other items of electrical equipment. Clear signs relating to fire
safety issues must be installed and maintained in prominent locations. These signs

a) Fire and rescue services access routes.

b) Fire Action Notices.
c) Escape routes.
d) Positions of dry riser inlets.
e) Fire extinguishers.
f) Fire alarms call points.
g) Manually operated devices for raising the alarm.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Signs should be reviewed regularly and replaced or repositioned as necessary

(refer to Chapter 22 Signage, Tags and Bulletin Board). Fire checks should be
undertaken at the end of each working day, especially in areas where hot work has
been carried out. No part of a building should become permanently occupied until all
fire protection and control measures have been installed, tested and, where
appropriate, commissioned.

6.5.2 Temporary Water Supply

Almost any kind of construction project needs water, if not to mix the mortar then
to brew the tea. It is self-evident that what might be considered acceptable for one
might not be for the other. Providing a source of wholesome water and keeping it that
way can be a significant challenge in the early phases of a large construction project.
Large bottle water coolers have become common in site cabins but probably not an
economic solution for showers or large scale catering, not to mention toilets. At some
point in most construction projects there either has to be connection to the local water
main or provision of water by tanker. Temporary Water Supply Application from Provider

Application of water supply can be done following the State water provider. In Johor
the application done by application trough Syarikat Air Johor, Ranhill Sdn Bhd. The
following are the documentation needed for the application. Refer to table 1:

Company Company · Identification Card for Director

Owner · Sale and Purchase Agreement

· Company Registration Certificate (SSM)

· Form 24 & 49

· Bank Guarantee (for use from RM100K)

· Authorization letter (on behalf)

· Setem Hasil RM10.00

Table 1: Application of Water Supply

The guidelines for application can be download from the water state provider.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 Type of Temporary Water Supply

Temporary water supply systems are classified into two types:

a) Independent — i.e., not connected with any other water supply system and
with its own facilities from source to service taps.
b) Dependent — i.e., receiving treated water through a pipeline from an existing
community water supply system but with independent distribution facilities.
Approaches to drinking-water safety in these two types of temporary supply

Independent system Dependent system

The risk of drinking-water contamination in an independent temporary water supply

system is usually higher than in a dependent system, because none of the components
of an independent system are well established or have a track record on safety through
long-term operation. Therefore, more attention will be needed in the case of an
independent system compared with a dependent system. It is common in the case of
a temporary water supply that a contract is made between the organizer of an event
(e.g., construction) and a water supply entity. Planning and Design

There are a variety of temporary water supply systems. These can vary in terms of
their scale, period of operation, water use, time-dependent water demand and
dependence on an existing community water supply system. These factors should be
taken into consideration during the planning and design stages. In the case of an
independent system (i.e., not associated with an existing public system), adequate
consideration should be given to the selection of a water source and treatment

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

a) For general used and production used of water on-site, should use general
water supply to ensure water quality. For fire emergency used on-site, can use
general water supply or natural sources (such as river water, river water, etc.),
and the water source must be stable and reliable, meeting the water
requirement for firefighting.
b) Water distribution layout shall be shorter as possible under conditions of

ensuring uninterrupted water supply,At the same time, the possibility of

moving of pipe should be considered during construction,. Pipe of general use
and office area should use PPR pipe, and the pipe for drainage should use
PVC. At the construction site, the fire emergency water supply system should
be combined with general water supply system and for construction site
operations use. Fire water tank diameter should not be less than diameter
100mm. For temporary plumbing, exposed pipe or concealed pipe can be
used. Operation and Maintenance

a) A temporary water supply system should be properly operated and maintained

so that the supplied water quality does not deteriorate.
b) It should be noted that a temporary water supply system is usually more
vulnerable to accidental and deliberate contamination than an existing
community water supply system.
c) Therefore, adequate attention needs to be paid to security.
d) It is recommended that an operation and maintenance manual be prepared
before the operation of a temporary water supply system is initiated.
e) The most important issue for operation and maintenance is disinfection.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Water supply pipe

f) All water treatment facilities should be thoroughly inspected at least every

day. It is recommended that signboards be installed beside each service tap
with instructions on what the water can and cannot be used for and the
measures to be taken when using the water.
g) Instructions on hand-washing before preparing foods and fresh drinks are
extremely important.
h) It is also recommended that suitable signs be installed around water sources
indicating requirements for source water protection.
i) Workers should be required to use proper sanitary facilities. Water Pressure Control System

a) Water pressure control system equipment is the AC variable frequency speed

control technology and computer control technology used in automatic pump
control equipment, and combined with the pump unit of mechatronic water
supply device. Its core equipment of AC variable frequency speed control
panel combines the advanced computer-controlled variable frequency speed
control technology, advanced computer-controlled PID regulator technology
and advanced computer programmable logic controller and other current
international advanced technology.
b) Water pressure control system equipment mainly controlled by the control
panel, pressure sensors, pumps and other components. The control panel
occupied with circuit breakers, inverters, contactors, intermediate relays, PLC
and other components.
c) The advantages of water pressure control system water supply is, no need to
build water tower, small investment, small land for facilities, automatic
operation, automatic connection of tap water, and energy saving. The water
supply still can continue even after power failure. From the construction of the
water tower save up to 70% of investment compared to the high water tank
save up to 60% only of the investment, good saving for civil investment.

i. Significant economic benefits: The use of the equipment, operate

without the construction of water towers, roofless water tanks. It’s not
only to reduce the construction cycle, but also to solve the
shortcomings of high cost of the project and also to overcome the
pressure fluctuations, frequent start and other shortcomings of the
ii. Rigorous design: The equipment uses constant pressure pump
control, no matter how the system changes in water consumption, can
make the pipeline outlet pressure remains constant.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

iii. Reliable operation: The device adopts the inverter and high-quality
pumps with perfect protection and automatic and manual conversion
functions so that the operation is very reliable, good performance,
flexible control, and anti-interference ability.

Water Supply System Area Pressure pump & Control Panel

iv. Energy-efficiency: The device can adjust the pump speed according
to the change of user's water consumption; make the pump always
work in the high-efficiency area, and saving energy which can save up
to 35% electricity than the constant speed pump.
v. Simplify operation: The device uses fully automatic control, PID
adjustment, keyboard operation, human-machine interface (text,
numbers) display. Operators simply switch panel switch, you can
achieve the desired user conditions automatic unmanned.
vi. Complete protection: from over-load, short circuit, over-voltage, low-
voltage, phase loss, over-current, short circuit, water shortage and
other automatic protection.
vii. In exceptional circumstances can signal alarm, self-test, fault judgment.
viii. Small footprint and easy installation: the entire set of equipment is
only a water supply control panel and pump unit, the installation is very
simple and convenient.
ix. Extend the service life of pumps and motors: Reliably achieve soft
start for multiple pump sets, avoid impact on power grids and pipelines,
and operate in turn, greatly extending the service life of pumps and
x. Selection of non-tower water supply system: According to the
project size, height, design flow, and other parameters provided to the
equipment suppliers, manufacturers with matching.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

xi. Tank capacity should be greater than the maximum amount of water
per hour. According to the size of the project to calculate the production
of water, domestic water consumption and fire water, according to the
total amount of water to determine the size of the tank capacity.
xii. Main pump should be greater than the actual water supply height. The
total pump flow should be greater than the actual maximum water
xiii. Water pressure Control Panel Selection: According to the water supply
and water supply height to determine the type and number of pumps,
and then control panel selection, matching by the manufacturers. Monitoring, Sanitary Inspection and Surveillance

a) Water quality and appearance should be routinely monitored at the service tap
of a temporary water supply system.
b) It is recommended that, at the very least, water temperature and disinfectant
residual should be monitored every day as simple rapid tests that act as
indicators of possible problems.
c) Other basic parameters that should be regularly monitored include pH,
conductivity, turbidity, colour and E. coli (or, alternatively, thermos tolerant
coliforms) as in an ordinary community water supply.
d) Routine sanitary inspection of a temporary water supply by the appropriate
health authority is very important.
e) If any problem related to water quality arises, remedial actions should be taken


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Chapter 7 Site Clearance

7.1 Introduction

Clearing and excavation is part of the greater job which is carried out in preparing
site for construction projects. This is the first task of site preparation. The site should
be in a cleared and graded condition. It involves the removal of trees, demolishing
buildings, removing any and all old underground infrastructure, and any other
obstacles that might affect the construction process in the future or hinder the project
to be done.
After designating the area to be cleared, the first step is to remove vegetation. This
begins with undergrowth. After the undergrowth is cleared away, only large vegetation,
such as trees and shrubs, is left to be cleared. Clearing the undergrowth first creates
a safer, easier space to do the labor or tree removal. Tree cutting can be very
dangerous and requires skill and expertise.
The trees are cut to leave tall stumps that are easier to remove. We remove the
stumps using machinery, then focus on removing the roots. It’s especially important to
remove stumps and roots, as the decaying woody material can cause cracks in
concrete structures built on the site. We also remove large stones and dig out animal
burrows and fill them with clay. Vegetation within a surrounding designated workspace
area should be cleared. Any trees and shrubs within at least 30 feet of the construction
site should also be cleared.

7.2 Objective

The objectives of this chapter are:

a) Understand the importance of site clearing.
b) Ensure the site is in condition of free of Existing obstruction such as natural
unused or none schedule of contouring earth level and native growth
plantation; dumping debris or waste on the projection schedule project site
and to be demarcates from the open public usage.
c) Plan a proper planning by provide for the measures necessary to protect the
cleared area from erosion, protect other vegetation, and proper way of
removal of the unwanted vegetation.

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7.3 Definition

a) Site - an area of ground on which a town, building, or monument is

b) Site clearance - an important part of many construction and demolition
projects. It involves removing machinery and hazardous substances from
a site, as well as levelling and preparing land for any planned construction or
c) Hoarding - A temporary board fence erected round a building site.
d) Drainage - A system of drains. To prevent flooding on site.
e) Incineration Pound - to incinerate the slit water before discharging to the
monsoon drain. To prevent the water pollution in the public.
f) Grubbing – denotes the removal of trees, shrubs, stumps, and rubbish from a
site, often from the site on which a transportation or utility corridor, e. g. a road
or power line; an edifice, e. g. a home or office; or a garden is to be constructed.
Grubbing is performed following clearance of trees to their stumps and
preceding construction.
g) Topsoil – the upper, outermost layer of soil, usually the top 2 inches (5.1 cm)
to 8 inches (20 cm). It has the highest concentration of organic
matter and microorganisms and is where most of the Earth's biological soil
activity occurs.
h) Filling – the process of constructing a railway, road or canal whereby the
amount of material from cuts roughly matches the amount of fill needed to make
nearby embankments, so minimizing the amount of construction labour.
i) Compaction - the process in which a stress applied to a soil causes
densification as air is displaced from the pores between the soil grains. When
stress is applied that causes densification due to water (or other liquid) being
displaced from between the soil grains, then consolidation, not compaction, has
occurred. Normally, compaction is the result of heavy machinery compressing
the soil, but it can also occur due to the passage of (e.g.) animal feet.
j) Borrow – excavation from outside the construction batter limits shown on the

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7.4 Legal Requirement

Factory and Machinery Act 139:

a) Building Operations and Works of Engineering Construction Regulation 1986

i. Regulation 10 : Access of the work place
ii. Regulation 17 : Power driven saw
iii. Regulation 18 : Public vehicular traffic
iv. Regulation 22 : Disposal of debris
v. Part XII : Excavation work
vi. Part XIII : Material handling and storage, use and
vii. Part XVI : Hand and power tools

b) Noise Exposure Regulation 2019

7.5 Procedure

7.5.1 Planning

The planning should include:

a) Do not begin land clearing activities until the site has been assessed, and the
trees which have been selected for cutting have been tagged.
b) Clear large-scale sites in phases to allow second-phase work to proceed in the
initially cleared area, while clearing proceeds in other areas on the site.
c) A map of the parcel showing areas previously cleared, proposed area or areas
of clearing, area of stacking removed vegetation, dumping area and traffic
management control (refer to Chapter 5 Roadwork and Traffic Management).
d) Install all required erosion and sediment control devices.
e) Review soil borings and other geotechnical information.
f) Observe existing drainage patterns.
g) Plan access and excavation patterns.
h) Determine handling of spoils.
i) Verify original ground surfaces (compare against existing contours or cross
sections shown on the plan).
j) Where the site is located in the immediate vicinity of the build-up area, hoarding
should be erected with proper and adequate signage to prevent unauthorized

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Planning process

k) All arrangement should be made to prevent landslides, sinkhole and flooding or

other unstable ground condition. These arrangements should be confirming to
the requirement of relevant authorities.
l) Verify location of underground utilities through “Miss Utility” or local “one-call”
system – check for utilities not included in one-call system – dig test pits to
confirm actual locations
m) Note location of aerial utilities for equipment and truck clearances
n) Confirm that all applicable permits and approvals have been secured.
o) The use of heavy machinery and control.

7.5.2 Cutting and Grubbing

Before starting grading operations, it is necessary to prepare the work area by

removing all trees, brush, buildings, and other objectionable material and obstructions
that may interfere with the construction of the roadway.
a) Trees and brush should cut off close to the original ground surface so that the
initial layers of fill can be placed and compacted properly.
b) Unless otherwise specified, remove all vegetation, logs, stumps, boulders, roots,
scrub, debris and dumped material and items within the limits of clearing.
c) The felling trees should be done by trained personnel to ensure the safeguards
of the public and prevent damaging of public property.
d) Demolish and dispose of any minor man-made structures (such as fences and
livestock yards), all rubbish and other materials that are unsuitable for use in
the construction.
e) The clearance will base on the site boundary to execute the clearance work.
f) Natural feature should be left undisturbed where possible.

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g) Grass and topsoil shall not be removed as part of this initial clearing.
h) In advance of clearing and grubbing operations, effective erosion and
sedimentation control measures shall be implemented.
i) All trees and stumps, on or within the limits of clearing, unable to be felled and
removed by the clearing methods used by the Contractor shall be removed by
j) Grub out stumps and roots over 75mm diameter to a minimum depth of 0.5m
below the natural surface or 1.5m below the finished surface level, whichever is
the lower.
k) Backfill grub holes with suitable spoil from excavations compacted in layers to
the density of the surrounding undisturbed soil.
l) The Contractor shall take all measures to prevent damage to existing
underground and overhead utility services.
m) Every precaution shall be taken to prevent timber from falling on private property
and the Contractor shall dispose of any timber so fallen or produce the written
consent of the owner to its remaining there. The cost of disposal of such fallen
timber shall be borne by the Contractor.

Removing vegetation

n) Vehicles and plant shall not be parked under existing tree canopies. Refuelling
and storage of chemicals and fuel shall not be permitted beneath existing tree
o) Work within 3metres of trees to be protected shall be carried out by hand to
avoid damage by equipment. Cut roots neatly in the line of the work before
commencing machine excavation.
p) If any tree is damaged during the course of the work, the Superintendent may
direct the Contractor to effect repairs or remove and replace the tree.

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7.5.3 Disposal of Material and Vegetation

Unless otherwise specified, all materials cleared and grubbed in accordance with
this Specification shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed
from the site and legally disposed of.
a) Disposal of timber and other combustible materials by burning shall not be
b) Where permitted, the Contractor shall comply with all Statutory requirements
applicable to burning off, and any such burning off shall be carried out in such
a manner that no damage is done to any trees outside the limits of clearing.
c) Smoke resulting from such burning off shall not cause a traffic hazard or a
nuisance to adjacent landholders.
d) Where possible, reduce the volume of stumps, roots, logs, brush, limbs, tops,
and other debris resulting from clearing or thinning operations, by processing
the material with a chipping machine.
e) The wood-chip mulch shall be produced from branches having a maximum
diameter of 100 millimetres and the chipped material produced shall not have
two orthogonal dimensions exceeding 75mm and 50mm.

Wood chipping process

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7.5.4 Excavation (Refer to Chapter 9 Excavation Work)

Because of the top soil at the surface of the earth cuts is usually unsuitable for use
in compacted earth fills, it is normally stockpiled for later use in landscaping the project.
The limit and depth of topsoil removal, where specified are usually included in the plans.
a) General

i. Excavate to conform to the lines, grades, cross sections and dimensions

shown on the drawings.
ii. The Superintendent may order the removal of any soft spots, debris or
organic material exposed when excavated areas have been trimmed to
finished formation levels.
iii. Remove all rocks and boulders which protrude above finished surfaces
of subgrades.
iv. Separate the best granular materials from excavations for use in the
upper layers or fill subgrades.

Excavation work

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b) Stripping and Stockpiling of Topsoil

Prior to the commencement of earthworks topsoil is to be stripped within the

limits of the earthworks. In particular topsoil is to be stripped from any areas to
be covered by paving, structures or fill. Also strip topsoil within the limits of
clearing for underground services beyond the limit of earthworks. Unless
otherwise directed, the depth of stripping shall be to the bottom of the grassroots

i. Grass shall be stripped together with topsoil.

ii. Avoid contamination by any other material.
iii. Unless otherwise specified soils shall not be stripped from around
existing trees closer than a distance equal to twice the radius of the trees
crown measured from the trunk.
iv. Temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be taken
in accordance with specified requirements.
v. Topsoil stockpiles shall not exceed 2.5m in height and the maximum
batter slope shall not exceed 2:1.
vi. If to remain unused for more than four (4) weeks, topsoil stockpiles shall
be sown as specified for “Temporary Grassing”.

7.5.5 Filling

Place and compact filling to conform to the lines, grades, cross-sections and
dimensions shown on the drawings. Allow for the thickness of materials which will be
placed in subsequent operations.

a) Before filling commences the Contractor shall make available for inspection, by
the Superintendent, the foundation of the embankment.
b) The Superintendent may order the removal of any soft spots, debris, organic
material, or other unsuitable material exposed when the nominal depth of topsoil
has been stripped.
c) This additional stripping may extend to a depth of 300mm below the general
depth of stripping.
d) Foundations of shallow embankments which are of a depth less than 1.0 metre
from the top of pavement to natural surface shall be inspected and tested to
determine if the material meets road subgrade requirements.
e) Material used in the top 150mm below subgrades shall be free of particles larger
than 75mm, material used in the top 600mm below subgrades shall be free of
particles larger than 150mm and material used in the top 1 m below subgrades

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

shall be free of particles larger than 300mm. Elsewhere rock material shall be
broken down to less than 600mm unless otherwise permitted.

f) Rock material shall be broken down and evenly distributed through the fill
material, and sufficient fine material shall be placed around the larger material
as it is deposited to fill the voids and produce a dense, compact embankment.

7.5.6 Borrow

Borrow pits will not be permitted on site unless prior written approval is obtained
from the Superintendent. In seeking such approval the Contractor shall provide
adequate information on the proposed borrow pits including size, location and
The Superintendent may approve the winning of additional material on site by:
a) uniform widening of cuttings
b) uniform flattening of cut batters
c) uniform grading of selected areas within the site

Where material is obtained from borrow pits the pit area shall first be cleared and
stripped of topsoil. On completion of the operations, grade the pit to remove abrupt
changes of slope or level, respreads topsoil and grass as specified for "Dryland
Grassing". Provide drainage and erosion protection as necessary. Pits shall be free

7.5.7 Compaction

Place and compact filling in uniform layers of thickness appropriate to the nature of
material and the compaction equipment being used. Layers shall extend for the full
width of embankments and shall be placed such that they are parallel to the finished
a) In earth fills the maximum layer thickness generally shall be 150mm compacted.
However, greater thicknesses will be permitted subject to the ability of
compaction equipment to achieve specified densities.
b) No layer shall be less than 100mm thick compacted. Each layer shall be
compacted to the appropriate density.
c) Water spraying equipment used for this purpose shall be capable of distributing
water uniformly in controlled quantities over uniform lane widths.
d) Where clay is used as filling it shall be taken directly from the excavation to the
fill site, placed and compacted without delay to prevent drying beyond the
specified limit.

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Compaction of soil

7.5.8 Miscellaneous

a) Site drainage to be comply to prevent flooding on site could cause damaging

site working access. Incineration pound to incinerate silt water before
discharging to the public.
b) Access and egress shall have maintained in condition.
c) Wash trough shall be construct to prevent dust and mud dirt generated by
d) Existing underground services and overhead utilities shall be taken proper
caution caring to avoid undue accident.
e) All personnel entry shall be register and safety briefing shall be conducted.
f) All task shall be applying PTW (permit to work) before execute.


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Chapter 8 Piling Work

8.1 Introduction

Pile foundations are used extensively for the support of buildings, bridges, and
other structures to safely transfer structural loads to the ground and to avoid excess
settlement or lateral movement. They are very effective in transferring structural loads
through weak or compressible soil layers into the more competent soils and rocks
below. A "driven pile foundation" is a specific type of pile foundation where structural
elements are driven into the ground using a large hammer. They are commonly
constructed of timber, precast prestressed concrete (PPC), and steel (H-sections and

8.2 Objective

The objectives of this chapter are:

a) Understand the purpose of foundation piling.
b) To ensure the piling work is executed in the proper and safety manner.
c) To schedule and planed a proper task manner to prevent and eliminate hazards
before danger occurrence or accident happen.

8.3 Definition

a) Anvil - The part of a power-operated hammer, which receives the blow of the
ram and transmits it to the pile.
b) Batter pile - A pile driven at an angle to the vertical.
c) Bearing pile - A pile driven or formed in the ground for transmitting the weight
of a structure to the soil by the resistance developed at the pile point or base
and by friction along its sides.
d) Cast-in-place pile - A pile formed by excavating or drilling a hole and filling it
with concrete.
e) Concrete piles - Piles made of concrete aggregate either cast-in-place or
f) Drop hammer - A weight with grooves in the sides that falls on the end of the
pile when driving.
g) Heaving - Uplifting of earth, between or near piles, caused by pile driving. Also,
uplifting of driven piles in such a mass of earth.
h) Jetting - A method of forcing water around and under a pile to loosen and
displace the surrounding soil.
i) Moon beam - A slightly curved beam placed transversely at the forward end of
the pile driver to regulate side batter.
j) Soil profile - A graphic representation of a vertical cross section of the soil
layers below ground surface.

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k) Pile - is a type of deep foundation, used to transfer the load to a deeper level
than is possible with a traditional shallow foundation. Vertical columns of
concrete, steel or wood, or a combination, are driven deep into the ground to
give extra support to the building that sits on top
l) Pile shoe - an iron casting shaped to a point and fitted to a lower end of a
wooden or concrete pile. Also called: shoe
m) Pile Cap - is a thick concrete mat that rests on concrete or timber piles that have
been driven into soft or unstable ground to provide a suitable stable foundation.
It usually forms part of the foundation of a building, typically a multi-story building,
structure or support base for heavy equipment.
n) Pitching - to set firmly; implant; embed.
o) Driving - is to insert the pile by the force of piling rig machine or plant.
p) Driving equipment - a pile driver, is a device used to drive piles (poles) into
soil to provide foundation support for buildings or other structures.
q) S.O. (superintendent officer) - Job Under administrative supervision from a
designated administrative officer, to plan, coordinate, and supervise new
construction and remodelling of existing buildings.
r) Spotter - A horizontal member connecting the base of fixed leads to the base
of the crane boom. The spotter can be extended or retracted to permit driving
piles on a batter and also to plumb the leads over the location of a vertical pile.
s) Test pile - A pile driven to determine driving conditions and required lengths.
Also a loading test may be made to determine the load-settlement
characteristics of the pile and surrounding soil.
t) Ultimate bearing capacity - The maximum load which a single pile will support.
The load at which the soil cannot be penetrated.

8.4 Legal Requirement

 Factories and Machineries Act 1967 (Act 139)

a) Building Operation and Works of Engineering Construction (Safety) Regulation

i. Regulation 124 :Stability of adjacent structure
ii. Regulation 125 :Inspection
iii. Regulation 126 :Protection of operators
iv. Regulation 127 :Qualification of operators
v. Regulation 128 :Handling of piles
vi. Regulation 129 :Pile driver not in used
vii. Regulation 130 :Ladders
viii. Regulation 131 :Working Platforms
ix. Regulation 132 :Pile
x. Regulation 133 :Pile testing
xi. Regulation 134 :Footing

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8.5 Type

8.5.1 Geotechnical Pile Types

Geotechnical pile types consist of friction piles and end bearing piles. Friction piles
derive their bearing capacity primarily from skin friction between the sides of the pile
and the adjacent soil. Such piles are often referred to as displacement piles as they
tend to displace soil to the sides of the pile during driving thereby consolidating the soil
around the pile and increasing the skin friction. End bearing piles derive their bearing
primarily from soil or rock below the tip of the pile.

Geotechnical Pile Type Illustration

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8.5.2 Structural Pile Types

H-Piles: Friction or End Bearing Piles Metal Shell Piles: Friction Piles

Concrete Piles: Friction Piles Timber Piles: Friction Piles

The pile tip must be fitted with pile shoes prior to driving. Pile shoes are considered
reinforcement for the pile tip and are intended to try and prevent damage to the pile
during driving. The need for pile shoes is assessed during design and indicated on the
plans when dense soil layers or “hard driving” conditions are anticipated or when H-
piles are being driven to hard rock such as dolomite or sandstone. If required, pile shoe
details for H-piles and metal shell piles will be indicated in the plans.

8.6 Procedure

8.6.1 Planning and mobilization.

a) Piling work shall be commence after the site clearance has being done with
the designate route access on site.
b) Schedule proper laydown area for the mobilization of the R.C pile or spun pile.
To prevent obstruction in the on the site internal route access. All mobilization.
c) Demarcate the activities area with barricade and signages only for authorise
personnel to entrance.

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8.6.2 Pitching and Driving

a) Pile shall pitch accurately and driven to the lines and level as shown on the
drawing. During and after completion of piling, the pile head shall not be more
than 75mm off centre in any one direction from its required position. Piles
deflected from vertical with an eccentricity larger that this shall, where by S.O.
be extracted or re-pitched until the proper line is obtained. No forcible method
correction will be permitted. The Re-driving and modification foundation shall be
borne by contractors if opinion of the S.O.
b) During driving, the contractor must ensure that the piles head are properly


Example Pile Driving Equipment

c) The head of pile shall at all times be central with the hammer and normal to the
length of the pile and the pile shall not run of position relative to the leaders.
d) Where cracks or fissures appear in pile while is being, the pile shall be rejected
e) All the above mention shall be handling with competent person. Stand on
supervision shall require to ensure all activities and sequence to be proceed in
proper and safety manner.

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8.6.3 Pile Driving Plant

a) The weight of the hammer, height of drop and set be achieved shall be approved
by the S.O. in general, for the heavy piles the weight of the hammer shall be
least equal to the weight of the pile for hard driving conditions and not less than
half of the weight of the pile for easy driving.
b) The plant for the pile driving shall be type of such type and capacity with the
approval of S.O.
c) Beware of falling objects and take the necessary precautions to ensure that
items are secured against wind and accidental displacement.
d) Prior to being driven into the ground, piles can be long, slender and flexible
members are difficult to handle and subject to buckling.
e) Ensure that all rigging appliances for handling and driving piling is of sufficient
capacity and suitable condition for the intended use. Do not use rigging that is
worn & frayed.
f) Do not climb on or lean against the leads that are not properly secured. To
conduct any works related to the lean the item must be lower down by
mechanical to the ground.

8.6.4 Extension of Pile.

a) As the result of measurement of the driving resistance or load bearing capacity

of piles driven, P.E. may order the length of the pile to be modified either by
lengthening in situ or by providing a longer initial length of pile.
b) Where piles have to be further extended with extension piles, they shall be
brought up to the required length by addition of an extension pile as shown on
the drawing. The extension pile shall be placed in alignment and jointed as
shown on the drawing.
c) The pile head plate shall butt joint with end cap in full weld on the four side of
the both metal cap to ensure the joint is consistent.

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Hammer Components Illustration

8.6.5 Pile Setting

a) The final set shall be recorded either as the penetration in millimetres per 10
blows or as number of blows required to produce a penetration of 25mm. as
suggested by the S.O.
b) When a final set is being measured, the following requirement shall be met:
i. The exposed part of the pile shall be in good condition, without damage
or distortion.

Damaged H-pile Damaged Metal Shell Pile

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

ii. The dolly and packing shall be in sound condition;

iii. The hammer below shall be line with the pile axis and the impact
surfaces shall be flat at right angle to the pile and the hammer axis.
iv. The hammer shall be in good condition and operating correctly;
v. The temporary compression of the pile shall be recorded.

8.6.6 Pile Cutting and Stripping Pile Head

a) When pile has been driven to the required set of depth and after load test has
been carried out, the head of the pile shall be cut off to the level specified or
shown in the drawings. The length of the reinforcing bars above shall be as
shown or specified in the drawing.

Example of Unacceptable Notches Cut into Piles

b) When piles are cut nearly flush with the ground, the heads should be covered
to keep foreign material out from and to prevent someone from stepping into the
c) When flammable gases are encountered, drop a piece of lighted oil-soaked rag
into the pile before cutting with a torch – keeping head and body away from the
head of the pile.
d) Designated person related to the piling activities must confirm all working
procedure must be followed comply with the standard requirement practice.

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8.7 Pile Driving Safety

8.7.1 Site Conditions

a) Work areas and walkways need to be kept free of loose materials, debris, pile
cut-offs, and scrap lumber. Platforms and walkways more than four feet off the
ground, or in a hazardous location, should feature a secure handrail with a toe
b) Properly built ladders must be maintained, with side rails extending 36” above
a landing.
c) Containers for oil rags, combustible materials, and trash should be provided,
with unused equipment stored outside of the working area.
d) When possible, drain any muddy area onsite and provide plank runways across
trenches if necessary. Slippery walkways and other areas should be sanded.
Construction areas must be adequately lit if night work is to occur. Typically,
temporary lights are installed, with power supplied by heavy-duty electric cords.
e) When working in areas containing harmful gases, vapours, fumes, or
inadequate ventilation, suitable precautions must be taken. Additionally, special
care must be taken when working in potentially flammable environments.

8.7.2 Material Storage

a) Stowed materials should be blocked, stacked, or secured in varying fashions to

prevent sliding, falling, or collapse. If possible, stored materials should not be
stacked higher than five feet. When storing materials on platforms or in
buildings, do not exceed safe floor-loading specifications.
b) Bore pile casing should be stored using stakes or chocks, to prevent spreading,
and placed away from the edge of any embankment.

8.7.3 Material Handling

a) When unloading shells and other pile material from a truck, make sure the load
is safely held while stakes are removed. Following stake removal, load binders
should be released from the backside of the load.
b) Handling large timbers, length woodpiles, and H-piles should be done using
lifting appliances (i.e. chain sling, webbing sling, spreader etc)
c) When handling materials, all workers should stand clear, with loads never being
swung above the heads of those onsite. Tag lines should be utilized to control
loads. No workers shall be permitted to ride on crane hooks, on top of loads, or
in a truck’s cargo section.

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Handling pile

8.7.4 Rope

a) Because ropes are easily cut or abraded, frequent inspection for wear and tear
is necessary. A rope’s tail ends should never be cut off; rather, they should be
tucked in beyond the splice.
b) During operations, workers should be advised to never stand alongside any
rope under heavy strain, and especially nylon rope, which is stretchy and can
be hazardous if a load is suddenly released.
c) Wire rope should be discarded when significant wear from outside wires, kinks,
bird cages, corrosion, and crushing or heat damage is noted. A wire rope broken
while in service should be replaced and never spliced.
d) Running ropes should be trashed when six randomly distributed broken wires
or three broken wires in one strand can be found. Standing ropes must be
replaced when more than one broken wire is present at an end connection, or
when more than two broken wires are identified elsewhere.
e) Manila rope eye splices should have a minimum of three full tucks, with synthetic
rope eye splices featuring four full tucks.

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8.7.5 Slings, Chains, Hooks, Shoring

a) Loads should always be picked up with slings and never wrapped with a hoist
line. Such slings must be inspected before each use, with workers discarding
any sling featuring six or more closely spaced broken wires. Keep slings clean
and lubricated to prevent rusting and to extend their useful life. When handling
mats, utilize a two-leg sling.
b) All chains utilized should be of alloy steel grade, and paired with links, hooks,
and rings to obtain full strength. As with ropes, chains should be inspected
regularly and replaced when showing obvious wear. A wear of 1/8” at any point
on a standard 5/8” pile chain is reason for disposal. All chains should be
permanently affixed with a tag that states their size, grade, rated capacity, and
c) Used only for temporary connections, hooks must be closely observed and
never used for drills, jets, siphons, or other semi-permanent attachments.
Instead, shackles are preferred in such cases.
d) Hooks should be turned so the pull of the line or chain is always into the hook.
If a load could be momentarily slacked, a safety hook should be used. Any
hooks showing cracks or signs of straightening must be disposed of.
e) Shoring must be installed from the top down and removed in the opposite
fashion. Hydraulic shoring should be inspected at least once per shift for leaking
hoses or cylinders, broken connections, cracked nipples, bent bases, or any
additional damage.

8.7.6 Moving the Rig

a) Operating over unstable ground represents the most hazardous aspect of

moving the rig. As a rule, avoid moving a rig over areas where the ground is soft
or uncompact. Areas above old sewers or underground structures that will not
support the rig, or areas adjacent to excavations, should also be avoided when
possible. If crossing over an old sewer or freshly backfilled trench, double
matting represents the simplest precaution.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Moving rig on stable floor

b) Working near the edge of an excavation is typically avoided, as the edge of cats
should be kept at least two feet back from the toe of excavation for each foot of
height. When working near the edge of an excavation is necessary, the slope
should be sheeted and braced, or the mats supported by stacks of mats,
cribbing, posts, or false-work piles.
c) If operating the rig above a deep excavation, cribbing may be utilized for
support. These cribs should be founded on planking. If the excavation is six or
more feet deep, a steel beam trestle should span the hole rather than one of
plank wood. The rig can also be mounted on a gantry.
d) Clearing overhead obstacles is vital to rig movement, with leaders not to come
within 20 feet horizontally or 10 feet vertically of high-tension lines. When
overhead obstructions can’t be avoided, the rig may be dismantled.
e) If a rig travels on ramps, significant coordination between the supervisor and
operator is necessary, as this operation is fundamentally hazardous.
f) Before entering on a ramp, locks should be checked, and with the operator
prepared to engage them quickly. The travel lock should be in ratchet position
when going uphill, with the leaders facing uphill and the boom down if
necessary. Additionally, the operator should hold the hammer on the brake so
that it can be lowered to the ground to serve as an anchor.
g) If it is necessary to drive piles from a ramp, wedges can be cut from heavy
timbers to fit under each track. This will temporarily level the rig for driving.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

h) When moving the rig around the site, the supervisor should position himself in
the operator’s view while also being able to view the operating areas to the rear
and sides.
i) Only the lifting supervisor, or a trained signalman, should signal to the operator,
with standard hand signals. Additionally, the lifting supervisor and the signalman
should ensure that all workers are clear before the mention operation

8.7.7 Noise

a) To ensure all measure to control the noise levels produced by this operation on
site should comply with the regulations, or by the working rules.
b) Specifically, the operators may arrange in respect of all work done under these
i. That all compressors used on the site are silenced either fully silenced
model, fitted with effective exhaust silencer and property lined and sealed
acoustic cover, all to the designs of the manufacturers of the
ii. The ancillary pneumatic percussive tools and others machinery used on
the site are fitted with silencer of a type recommended by the
manufacture thereof.
iii. That every such compressor, silencer or other contrivance is maintained
in good and efficient working order and shall not have been altered in
such a way the noise caused in operation is made greater by the
c) The employer responsibility for taking immediate steps to reduce such noise to
the acceptable noise level.

8.7.8 Vibration

a) The type of pile and method of installation is to be such that any vibration, shock
etc., caused does not damage any surrounding structures, services etc. or
cause any legally actionable disturbance.
b) All methods of working, cost, etc, necessary to avoid any nuisance, damage,
etc., are deemed to have been included in the tender.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

8.8 Miscellaneous

a) In view of the prevailing need to conserve the environment and protection of the
public health, piling machinery that generate excessive vibration, noise, smoke,
or other pollutant should not be used.
b) Where there is any question of stability of structures adjoining areas to be piled
such structure shall be supported where necessary by underpinning, sheet
piling, shoring bracing or means in accordance with design of a P.E to prevent
injury to any person. (reg 124, BOWEC (safety) regulations, 1986).
c) All pile shall be inspected daily by a designated person before the start of work
and every defect shall be immediately corrected before pile-driving commence.
(reg 125, BOWEC (safety) regulations, 1986)
d) Reasonably practice measure shall be taken to warn person not to approach
within 50 metres of a pile under test. (reg 133(2), BOWEC (safety) regulations,
e) Before placing or advancing a pile driver, the ground shall be inspected by a
designated person and, where necessary for the firm and level footing, timber
shall be placed. After placing or advancing a pile driver, inspection and correct
of footing shall be made, when necessary, to maintain stability. (reg 134,
BOWEC (safety) regulations, 1986)
f) Required ear protection to the task worker to prevent high noise impact.
g) Health hazards such as contact with contaminated risings or groundwater and
contact with hazardous materials or dusts, noise, vibration must be considered.
h) Proper monitoring upon the plant or machinery during lifting, slewing and
pitching of piling elements, the movement of piling rigs etc.
i) Plant instability caused by gradients, variable ground conditions, and/or
inadequate bearing capacity, hazards of buried or overhead services, collapse
of excavations and nearby structures etc. to be considered.


Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter 9 Excavation Work

9.1 Introduction

Excavation failures are particularly dangerous because they may occur quickly,
limiting the ability of workers (and in some cases others in the vicinity) to escape
especially if the collapse is extensive.
Excavation is the process of moving earth, rock or other materials with tools,
equipment or explosives. It includes earthwork, trenching, wall shafts, tunneling and
underground. Excavation has a number of important applications including exploration,
environmental restoration, mining and construction.
Among these, construction is one of the most common applications for excavation.
Excavation is used in construction to create building foundations, reservoirs and roads.
Some of the different processes used in excavation include trenching, digging, and
dredging and site development. Each of these processes requires unique techniques,
tools and machinery to get the job done right. The processes used will depend upon
the structure that will result from the construction process

9.2 Objective

The objectives of this chapter are:

a) Understand the safety issue in the excavation work
b) Ensure principal contractor to follow the Malaysian Law and regulation.
c) Plan a proper planning before starting excavation work
d) Ensure safe operation and taking care of the safety, health and welfare of the

9.3 Definition

a) Barrier - means a physical structure which blocks or impedes something.

Barricade means any object or structure that creates a barrier obstacle to
control, block passage or force the flow of traffic in the desired direction.
b) Backfill - means material used for refilling excavations.
c) Battering - means to form the face or side or wall of an excavation to an angle,
usually less than the natural angle of repose, to prevent earth slippage.
d) Bench - means a horizontal step cut into the face or side or wall of an
excavation to provide horizontal bearing and sliding resistance.
e) Benching - means the horizontal stepping of the face, side, or wall of an
f) Closed sheeting - means a continuous frame with vertical or horizontal
sheathing planks placed side by side to form a continuous retaining wall
supported by other members of a support system used to hold up the face of an

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

g) Designated person - means a person who appointed by employer that has

acquired through training, qualification or experience the knowledge and skills
to carry out the task.
h) Earthmoving machinery - means operator controlled mobile plant used to
excavate, load, transport, compact or spread earth, overburden, rubble, spoil,
aggregate or similar material, but does not include a tractor or industrial lift truck.
i) Exclusion zone - means an area from which all persons are excluded during
excavation work.
j) Face - means an exposed sloping or vertical surface resulting from the
excavation of material.
k) Geotechnical Engineer - means a professional engineer whose register under
Section 10(2) of the Registration of Engineer Act 1967 (Revised 2015) and who
has qualifications and experience in soil stability and mechanics and excavation
l) Hoist - means an appliance intended for raising or lowering a load or people,
and includes an elevating work platform, a mast climbing work platform,
personnel and materials hoist, scaffolding hoist and serial hoist but does not
include a lift or building maintenance equipment.
m) Overburden - means the surface soil that must be moved away.
n) Operator protective device - means a roll-over protective structure (ROPS),
falling object protective structure (FOPS), operator restraining device and seat
o) Powered mobile plant - means plant that is provided with some form of self-
propulsion that is ordinarily under the direct control of an operator.
p) Safe slope - means the steepest slope at which an excavated face is stable
against slips and slides, having regard to the qualities of the material in the face,
the height of the face, the load above the face and the moisture conditions for
the time being existing.
q) Shaft - means a vertical or inclined way or opening from the surface downwards
or from any underground working, the dimensions of which (apart from the
perimeter) are less than its depth.
r) Sheet piling - means vertical, close-spaced, or interlocking planks of steel,
reinforced concrete or other structural material driven to form a continuous wall
ahead of the excavation and supported either by tie-backs into solid ground
structural members from within the excavation as the work proceeds.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

9.4 Legal Requirement

a) Occupational Safety and Health Act 514:

i. Section 15 : General duties of employers and self-employed person
to their employees.
ii. Section 24 : General duties of employees

Factory and Machinery Act 139:

b) Safety Health and Welfare Regulation 1970
i. Regulation 7 : Access to place of work
ii. Regulation 8 : Openings generally fence
iii. Regulation 9 : Stairway
iv. Regulation 19 : Object on inclines
v. Regulation 20 : Stacking of materials
vi. Regulation 32 : Working cloth, personal protective clothing

c) Building Operations and Work of Engineering Construction Regulation 1986

i. Regulation 6 : Machinery installed on any floor above the
ground floor
ii. Regulation 8 : Slipping hazards
iii. Regulation 9 : Tripping and cutting hazards
iv. Regulation 10 : Access to workplace
v. Regulation 11 : Dust and gases
vi. Regulation 13 : Eye protection
vii. Regulation 14 : Respirators
viii. Regulation 15 : Protective apparel
ix. Regulation 18 : Public vehicular traffic
x. Regulation 19 : Stability of structure
xi. Regulation 20 : Illumination of passageways
xii. Regulation 21 : Storage of materials and equipment
xiii. Part XII : Excavation Work

d) Noise Exposure Regulation 2019

e) Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry
(Excavation Work) 2017

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

9.5 Procedure

9.5.1 Responsibility

a) Employer

Employer have primary duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that

workers and other persons are not exposed to health and safety risks arising from
the business or undertaking.

The employer who undertaking excavation work must take all reasonable steps
to obtain current underground essential services information relating to the part of
a workplace where the excavation work is being carried out and areas adjacent to
it before directing or allowing the excavation to commence. This information must
be provided to any person engaged to carry out excavation work.

b) Designers

Designers of structures must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that

the structure is without risks to health and safety, when used for a purpose for which
it was designed. Designers must give the person who commissioned the design a
written safety report that specifies the hazards relating to the design of the structure

c) Designated Person

A designated person is an individual, designated by the employer, who is

capable of identifying existing and foreseeable hazards in the surroundings or
working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous or dangerous to workers, and
who is authorized to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.

d) Safety and Health Officer

Duty to exercise due diligence to ensure that excavation activity undertaking

complies with the Occupational Safety and Health Act and Regulations.

e) Workers

Workers have a duty to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and
that they do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons. Workers
must comply with any reasonable instruction and cooperate with any reasonable
policy or procedure relating to health and safety at the workplace.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

9.5.2 Planning

Excavation work should be carefully planned before work starts so it can be carried
out safely. Planning involves identifying the hazards, assessing the risks and
determining appropriate control measures in consultation with all relevant persons
involved in the work including the principal contractor, excavation contractor, designers
and mobile plant operators. Structural or geotechnical engineers may also need to be
consulted at this stage.

Consultation should include but not limited to:

a) Nature and/or condition of the ground and/or working environment.

b) Weather conditions.
c) Nature of the work and other activities that may affect health and safety.
d) Static and dynamic loads near the excavation.
e) Interaction with other trades.
f) Site access.
g) Safe Work Procedure. „
h) Management of surrounding vehicular traffic and ground vibration, type of
equipment used for excavation work.
i) Public safety.
j) Existing services and their location.
k) The length of time the excavation is to remain open.
l) Provision of adequate facilities.
m) Procedures to deal with emergencies.

9.5.3 Safe Work Procedure (SWP)

If the excavation work is or involves high risk construction work, the employer must
prepare a SWP before the high risk construction work starts.

The Safe Work Procedure include but not limited to:

a) Identify the type of high risk construction work being done.

b) Specify the health and safety hazards and risks arising from that work.
c) Describe how the risks will be controlled.
d) Describe how the control measures will be implemented, monitored and
e) Be developed in consultation with workers and their representatives who are
carrying out the high risk construction work.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

In some circumstances one SWP can be prepared to cover more than one high risk
construction work activity being carried out at the workplace by contractors and/or
subcontractors. For example, where there is:

a) A risk of a person falling more than 2 metres

b) A trench with an excavated depth greater than 1.5 metres.

In this case, the contractors or subcontractors can consult and cooperate to prepare
one SWP. Alternatively they can prepare separate SWP. If they choose to do this they
must consult with each other to ensure all SWP are consistent and they are not creating
unintended additional risks at the workplace.

9.6 Controlling Excavation Risks

9.6.1 Excavation Safety

First try and eliminate the risks but if that is not reasonably practicable, then
minimize them, so far as is reasonably practicable. A combination of controls may need
to be used. Make sure controls prevent anyone being harmed, so far as is reasonably
practicable. They must translate into practical standards and expectations, roles,
responsibilities, and processes that are relevant for everyone in the supply chain.

Consider Example Control

Excavation Hazard

 Unstable placement a) Identify safe and secure places for excavated

of excavated materials, plant and other equipment
materials, plant or b) Soil-input for stability and best method for
other loads support
 Influence on any c) Processes for dewatering in place
nearby structure
d) Assess hazardous substances and
 Previous disturbance contaminated soil.
of the ground
 External actions
causing instability
 Presence of or
possible inrush of
water or other liquid

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Falls and Falling Objects

 Unprotected a) Edge protection with toe-board in place

excavated area b) Safe access and egress
 Unstable placement c) Catch platform

Hazardous atmosphere in
an excavation a) Gas and fumes monitoring
b) Respirators – fitted and maintained correctly
c) Confine space requirement (Refer Chapter 10:
Sewage and Drainage)

Natural hazards and

weather a) Geotechnical site assessment
b) Inspecting to find out what might affect the
stability of the excavation (an excavation face
can appear stable for 24 hours, but may be

Overhead Services
a) Identification and inclusion in safe system of
b) Minimum approach distances for mobile plant
and work activity from overhead lines
c) Minimum approach distances for excavation
and earthworks from towers and support
d) Consents or permits
e) Applying required safety measures
f) SWP

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Underground services

 Electricity, gas, a) Service plans from each service owner

sewerage, b) Trace and mark out services – detecting and
telecommunications, marking actual layout
water, services
c) Contingencies for excavations including
 Chemicals, fuel or emergencies
refrigerant in pipes or
d) Assume services are present until proven
e) Divert or making if necessary
f) Fit-for-purpose locating devices
g) Consents and permits
h) Exposing and identifying what and where
services are
i) Safe digging and excavation practice
j) SWP

Site Safety
a) Traffic management plan

 Insufficient natural b) Site security

lighting c) Safety fencing and signage
d) Provide suitable artificial lighting

Vibration and hazardous

noise a) Exclusion zones
b) Noise and vibration reduction at source
c) PPE

Manual Handling Task

a) Using lifting devices (e.g. hoist, cranes, trolleys)
b) Manual handling training

Ground Stability and

Removing Spoil a) Stabilize the ground at the head of the shaft and
remove spoil
b) Continuously line or support the shaft

Table 1 Typical Excavation Hazards

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

9.6.2 Type of Ground Collapse

Tension crack Sliding

Toppling Subsidence and bulging

Base heave Boiling

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

9.6.3 Stability of an Excavation

An excavated face’s stability depends on the strength of the soil in the face being
greater than any stresses. Some situations that increase soil stress in an excavated
face and may lead to failure in bad weather, under extra load or vibration are:

a) Deep cuts and steep slopes, by removing the natural side support of the
excavated material
b) Loads on the ground surface near the top of the face, such as excavated
material, digging equipment or other construction plant and material
c) Shock and vibration, caused by pile-driving, blasting, passing loads or vibration
producing plant (e.g. compacting and drilling plant)
d) Water pressure from groundwater flow, which fills cracks in the soil, increases
horizontal stresses and may undermine the excavation
e) Saturated soil increasing the soil’s weight and sometimes the volume > natural
hazards like floods or earthquakes (e.g. earthquakes can cause soil

Some conditions that may reduce soil strength are:

a) Excess water pressure in sandy soil which may cause boiling and saturate the
soil and increase its plasticity
b) Soil dryness may reduce cohesion in sandy soil and soils with high organic
content, which then crumble easily
c) Prolonged stress, may cause plastic deformity (squeezing or flowing)
d) Prolonged inactivity at an excavation site; reassess the soil before work begins.

9.6.4 Ground Investigation

Weak, saturated, or otherwise unfavorable ground can have a significant effect on

the construction and performance of an excavation. Consider having ground
investigations and geotechnical assessments for excavations that are complex or may
affect nearby structures or harm workers and others nearby. The ground investigation
and geotechnical assessments should include:

a) Advice on the suitability of different sites or distinct areas of a site for placing
structures or services
b) Suitable and economic design of both temporary and permanent works
c) A method to identify and evaluate possible problems in constructing temporary
and permanent works
d) A process to reduce the risk of unforeseen ground conditions. This will
decrease the need for changes in design and construction methods.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

9.6.5 Prevent Ground Collapse

If excavation work is planned without shoring, the continuing safety of the

excavation will depend on the conditions arising during construction. If the conditions
during construction are not as expected, or if conditions change during the course of
the work (e.g. different soils, heavy rain/flooding) take immediate action to protect
workers, other people and property.

Excavations shallower than 1.5 m have been known to collapse. If a worker is in

the excavation and bending over or crouching down at the time of the collapse, he or
she may suffer serious injury. Principal contractor must consider the risks associated
with these excavations and determine if special precautions or work methods are
necessary, for example shoring. Managing Risk of Collapsing

There are three main types of controls to prevent ground collapse. Make sure to
use one or more of the following controls to support all sides of the excavation:

a) Benching and battering stepping or sloping of the face, side, or wall of an

b) Shorting prevents collapse by maintaining positive pressure on the sides of
the excavation, protecting workers.
c) Shields do not ensure stability but protect workers from ground collapse, by
preventing the collapsing material falling onto them.

No matter how deep an excavation is, if there is a risk of collapse, put controls in
place to prevent this. Involve a competent person when selecting what ground collapse
controls to apply.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

9.6.6 Shoring

Shoring provides support to excavated faces to prevent soil moving and ground
collapsing. If the ground is not self-supporting, and benching or battering is not suitable,
use shoring to manage the risk of a person being buried or trapped during excavation


Combination of benching and battering controls

Benching control

Battering controls

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

When choosing shoring as a control use certified proprietary or non-proprietary

systems, within their rated load capacity limits according to manufacturer or supplier
Research regarding the soil structure and soil parameter must be done before
designing the shoring, battering and benching. Control measure is done by
Geotechnical Engineer (PE) to ensure the type of soil, the humidity of the soil, the
height of the excavation and the extra load on the surface of excavation area is taking
into account before the activity.

When doing the battering or benching, the resting gradient must not exceed
45 unless there are approval from the PE. Slight increase of the water content in
soil will affect the soil strength integrity exponentially. Frequent supervision and
inspection must be done to ensure the soil integrity is intact.

The gradient for the bettering prepared in the table below must carefully use as the
nature of the soil are different and sometimes a combination of two or more type of

Type of Soil Dry Soil (Gradient) Wet Soil(Gradient)

Gravel soil 30 – 40 10 – 30
Sandy soil 30 – 35 10 – 30
Silt Soil 20 – 40 5 – 20
Clay 20 – 45 10 – 35
Peat Soil 10 – 45 5 – 35
Table 1 Typical safe gradient for bettering in Malaysia

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 Flying Shoring

When using shoring, it may be possible to excavate below the base of the shoring,
that is: ‘flying shoring’. To do this, excavate to a minimum depth of 600 mm below the
base of the shoring, if:

a) The shoring is designed to resist the forces calculated for the full depth of the
excavation, and
b) There are no indications, while the excavation is open, of instability below the
bottom of the shoring.

Control the risk of ground collapse and carefully visually inspect for any effects of:

a) Bulging
b) Base heave
c) Boiling
d) Surcharge loading
e) Vibration and other forces.



Flying trench-shoring box

Shoring that uses soil arching is generally only suitable for excavations less than 2
meter deep and where each section of the excavation is open for less than one week.
When using shoring, make sure:
a) the soil is good enough for the excavation to stand when excavated
b) to install support as soon as practicable
c) to achieve at least minimum pressure when pumping out hydraulic support and
to maintain it
d) to use a minimum of three sets of support with a maximum spacing of 1.5 meter

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

e) to minimize the length of time the excavation is open

9.6.7 Excavated Material and Loads near Excavations

The influence of any loads near the excavation can cause ground collapse. Any
excavated material and external actions applying a load to the ground nearby can
affect the excavation’s stability through the zone of influence. The zone is normally
from the base of an excavated face to the surface. The zone’s angle will depend on
site-specific factors.

Mechanical plant, vehicles, spoil, or heavy loads should not be in the zone of
influence plus 1 meter from an excavation unless specific design can show it can
support the surcharge load.

A shored excavation designed to carry soil loads only

A shored excavation designed to carry soil, vehicle and spoil loads

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

9.6.8 Fall Prevention (Refer to Chapter 15 Fall Protection and Working at Height)

Controls to minimize the risk of falling may include but not limited to:

a) Fall prevention devices (e.g. temporary work platforms, edge protection and
guard rails) work positioning systems (e.g. industrial rope access systems).
b) Fall arrest systems such as catch platforms.
c) Using shoring itself (e.g. using trench box extensions or trench sheets taller
than the excavation’s depth). Where shoring extends above 200mm toe
boards are not required.
d) Installing and securing covers over excavations during non-work times.
e) Installing guard rails and edge protection into the ground immediately around
the excavation.
f) Installing landing platforms or scaffold towers inside deep excavations.
g) Securing ladders to shoring.
h) Providing clearly defined pedestrian detours.
i) Providing alternative access and egress points for emergency use.
j) Backfilling the excavation as work progresses.

Scaffolding staircase for a safe and quick evacuation

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

9.6.9 Manual Work (refer to Chapter 26 Health Issue)

During excavation work, there will be circumstances that require some form of
manual work including:

a) Hand excavation
b) Lifting
c) Working in close proximity to plant and other workers.

Tasks which may lead to manual handling injuries include:

a) Potholing with sharp hand tools

b) Spotting/exposing underground services in close proximity to excavator
c) Frequently accessing trenches around existing services
d) Installing and removing shoring and fall protection
e) Placing heavy pipes into the excavation
f) Using compacting equipment
g) Using breakers
h) Using drills.

Manual excavation methods are generally used for small, shallow excavations (eg
less than 1.5 m deep) in soft soils. For some excavations, manual work such as
trimming by hand will be required. Trimming can often be accomplished from outside
the excavation by shoveling or pushing the material with a long-handled tool or shovel
to the bottom of the excavation, where it can be picked up by mobile plant.
Preparatory drilling activity and hand drills may increase the risk of musculoskeletal
disorders, including vibration disorders.

Controls may include but not limited to:

a) Creating exclusion zones around mobile plant and ground buckets –

disengaging controls when spotters have to get close
b) Keeping sites tidy and free from trip hazards and loose materials which may
lead to slips
c) Maintaining safe working spaces around workers
d) Providing safe access and egress
e) Rotating tasks and making sure workers take breaks
f) Using correct lifting techniques to ensure solid footing

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

g) Using plant to place and position shoring, props and plates, and remove
h) Wearing appropriate PPE.
i) SWP

9.6.10 Plant and Equipment

Use suitable plant and equipment maintained in good condition to carry out
excavation work safely. Various plant and equipment can carry out excavation work.
Excavators in a range of sizes can:

a) Extract soil from within an excavation

b) Lift and move materials
c) Install and remove shoring.

Make sure to use an appropriate excavator for the excavation work and properly
plan and risk assess any lifting operations by the excavator before carrying out the
To use plant safely:

a) Make sure the plant is operated by a competent operator

b) Fit suitable guards and protective devices
c) Display the working load limit and make sure any load measurement devices
are operating correctly
d) Maintain plant in accordance with the manufacturer/supplier’s instructions or
relevant standards
e) Fit excavators with an operating weight of seven tonnes or more with hose burst
protection valves
f) Carry out regular planned inspections and maintenance in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations to make sure the mobile plant works safely,
whether leased, hired, or owned
g) Conduct both mechanical and electrical testing

Carry out the following checks:

a) Start checks on the general condition and maintenance of the plant

b) Specifications or relevant standards.

Plant defects should be reported immediately to the contractor. If a defect is likely

to pose an immediate or imminent risk to health and safety, remove the plant from
service until the defect is fixed.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 Plant and Vehicle Operation near Excavations

a) Powered mobile plant should not operate or travel near the edge of an
excavation unless the shoring can support such loads.
b) Plant should approach end-on to excavations. If this is not practicable, make
sure workers in the excavation get out when the plant is within the excavation’s
zone of influence or move away and stand further down the excavation.
c) Workers should never stand under a load being lifted over the excavation.

Prevent plant operation near excavations

Wheel stopper restricting plant movement

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Consider Example Control

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Attachment failure a) Use quick hitches to secure attachments

b) Make sure the operator is familiar with and
able to implement and manage any quick
hitch used
c) Make sure the operator checks any pins

Buried Contaminant a) Conduct a site assessment and carry out any

(eg; asbestos) remedial action

Lack of visibility a) Make sure operators can see areas where

people may be at risk from the operation of
the machine
b) Equip excavators with adequate visibility aids
or use a banksman

Plant instability a) Set up as per industry recommendations

Plant striking
workers a) Keep people away from areas of plant
operation. Most excavator related deaths
involve a person working in the vicinity of the
excavator rather than the driver
b) Use barriers, signage or a banksman

Spoil Placement a) Safe distance of at least 1 m from edge.

a) use a trained banksman in a safe position to
direct excavator operation and any pedestrian
b) make sure the banksman and operator
understand the signals they will use and
agree on the way to communicate with each

Strike Hazards
a) select plant with minimal tail swing if slewing
in a confined area
b) maintain over 1 meter of clearance between
any part of the machine, particularly the
ballast weight, and the nearest obstruction

Table 2 Typical Excavation Operation Hazards Blind Spots

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Operators of powered mobile plant can often have severely restricted visibility of
ground workers or nearby pedestrians, particularly those close to the plant.

Mobile plant operator blind spots

Powered mobile plant operating near ground personnel or other powered mobile
plant should be equipped with warning devices (for example reversing alarm and a
revolving light).

An effective system of communication based on two way acknowledgement

between mobile plant operators and ground workers should be established before work
commences. Mobile plant operators and ground workers should be made familiar with
the blind spots of particular items of plant being used.


Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter 10 Sewage and Drainage

10.1 Introduction

A sanitary sewer is an underground carriage system specifically for transporting

sewage from particularly a construction site covered in these best practice, through
pipes to treatment facilities or disposal. Sanitary sewers are part of an overall system
called a sewage system or sewerage. Sewage may be treated to control water pollution
before discharge to surface waters.

10.2 Objective

a) The purpose sewage of digestion is to reduce the amount of organic matter and
the number of disease causing microorganisms present in the solids.
b) To ensure that storm water and drainage water, primarily water from sand trap
basins, is drained away to outlets in water channels or culverts, streams or rivers
or sea.
10.3 Definition

Sewers shall be classified broadly with respect to use as follows:

a) Sanitary - Sewer carry sewage from construction site, designed to remove

certain construction wastes.
b) Storm - Sewers carry storm water and surface drainage, street wash and other
wash waters or drainage, but exclude sanitary sewage and industrial wastes
and effluent from septic tanks or other treatment process.
c) Combined - Sewers receive both sanitary sewage and storm runoff.
d) Collector (main) - Sewers are those sewers to which one or more branch
sewers are tributary and which serve as inlets to sewerage works system.
e) Intercepting - Sewers received dry weather flow from a number of transverse
sewers or outlets and frequently additional predetermined quantities of storm
water (if from a combined system) and carry such water to a point for treatment
of disposal.
f) Outfall - Sewers receive sewage from a collecting system and/or a sewerage
treatment plant and carry it to a point of final discharge.
g) Authorized Gas Tester – a person who have the competency to carry out
atmosphere test for confined space.
h) Permit to work - a documented procedure that authorises certain people to
carry out specific work within a specified time frame. It sets out the precautions
required to complete the work safely, based on a risk assessment.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

i) Confined space - means an enclosed or partially enclosed space that is at

atmospheric pressure during occupancy and is not intended or designed
primarily as a place of work:
i. Is liable at any time to
 Have an atmosphere which contains potentially harmful levels
of contaminants.
 Have an oxygen deficiency or excess.
 Cause engulfment.
ii. Could have restricted means for entry and exit. e.g. Manhole, Silo,
Tunnel, Pipeline, excavations, trenches

10.4 Legal requirements

a) Building Operations and Work of Engineering Construction Regulation 1986

b) Referred to INDAH WATER “Typical Civil and Structural Engineering
Specification for Sewerage Works (Sewers, Force Mains, Pipe laying, Manholes
and Appurtenances)
c) Department of Work Malaysia - Standard Specifications for Building Works 2005
(Soil Drainage).
a) SECTION 29.Prohibition of discharge of wastes into Malaysian waters.
(1) No person shall, unless licensed, discharge wastes into the Malaysian
waters in contravention of the acceptable conditions specified under
section 21.
e) The Industry Code of Practice For Safe Working In A Confined Space 2010
10.5 Procedure

a) Safe Works Procedure (SWP) covered including the excavation, trenching,

pipes & fitting, joint for drain pipes, pipe laying, concrete bed, hunching and
surround, connections, manholes and inspection chambers, septic tank, filter
bed & sewage treatment system and connection with public sewer.
b) Jobs carried out with the availability of approved “Method of Statement”.
c) The construction should have a good drainage system to ensure smooth
drainage so that shouldn’t encounter stagnant water on ground.
d) It is forbidden to pour any waste oil, poisonous and harmful substances
directly into the drainage ditch and discharge it to the municipal pipe
e) Slit trap shall be constructed and maintained including desilting when full.
f) Construction site should set up an appropriate sedimentation tank, no sewage
without sedimentation is allowed.
g) Provide the sediment pond for collecting and trapping sediments before
the water leaves the site. Sediment sedimentation tank over the capacity of
1/3 should be timely clean.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

10.5.1 Construction of Sewage Trenches and Excavations (Refer to Chapter 9: Excavation)

Trenches must be adequately supported, free from boulders and tree roots must
be taken out. Muddy ground, water and soft areas in the trench base must be removed.
Materials, spoil and equipment must be stored safely and plant should be operated
within a safe working distance. The trench must be adequately protected from slips,
trips, falls, site traffic and have a safe means of access and egress.

Trenches should be adequately dewatered to provide a firm base but not dug wider
than necessary as excessive loading may be placed on the pipe. Should ground
conditions be unsuitable for pipe laying and manhole construction, please consult with
your engineer to design a solution. Control of Site and Trench Groundwater

The discharge of site ground water and

excavation dewatering to the public sewer is
only permitted by approval from Department
of Environment, Malaysia in writing. In
addition, care must be taken to prevent site
debris, sludge or silt from entering the sewer
network which could ultimately cause flow
restrictions, blockages, flooding, and pollution
and also affect the receiving wastewater
treatment works. Costs associated with such
incidents may be recovered from those
responsible. In addition, should an
inappropriate discharge of site groundwater or
construction material because a pollution incident, this may lead to prosecution.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 Agreed drawings

For sewer adoption and diversion works, construction must comply with the
drawings agreed by Department of Work, Malaysia. Similarly for public sewer
connections, works must comply with the details which have been agreed by the Town
Counsel, the relevant Building Control Authority and the approval given by Department
of Work, Malaysia for the works to proceed.
It is recommended that a site copy of the agreed drawings are available to those
carrying out construction to avoid any mistakes or deviation from specification. Any
deviation from the agreed drawings must be agreed with Department of Work, Malaysia
before construction.

10.5.2 Construction of Manhole

Typical manhole chambers up to 3m deep. Manholes should be constructed where

there is a change of direction or a change of gradient, or where access is required for
maintenance purposes. Such changes in direction or gradient must be made within the
channel and not outside of the manhole or concealed by benching. Manholes should
also be positioned 0.5m away from curb lines, preferably with the manhole cover
positioned away from the wheel line of traffic.

Typical manhole design

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Manhole bases should be sized to accommodate the main channel, lateral

connection channels and provide a minimum 600 x 600mm square landing area
beneath the step rungs or ladder for main channels up to 375mm. However, should
there be several channels, the size of the chamber may need increased. Please note,
road cambers should be considered when positioning manholes with double covers
across the center of a carriageway.
The manhole base should be a minimum of 225mm deep to the barrel of the
channel. To prevent the ingress of ground water and associated calcified deposits
bleeding through the benching, the concrete should not be a dry mix and sufficiently
compacted to remove voids and entrained air. Channels must be steep sided to at least
the crown of the pipe. Hazard Associated with Manhole

Working near or in a manhole inherits potential dangers which may result in serious
accidents. The common ones include falls/slips, fire or explosion, oxygen depletion,
gas poisoning, heat stress, drowning, asphyxiation arising from gas, fume, vapor and
entrapment by free flowing solid. Amongst which, dangers involving gases are easily
overlooked or neglected, leading to serious casualties.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

10.5.3 Confine Space

The key characteristics of a confined space are:

a) The space must be substantially enclosed.

b) There must be a risk of at least one of the hazards listed above occurring within
the space.
c) The risk of serious injury from the hazard must be created by virtue of the
enclosed nature of the space.
d) The potential injury must be serious and be such as to require emergency action
to rescue the person involved. General Requirement

a) The employer shall determine if his facility has any confined space, and if so,
develop and maintain a record of confined spaces.
b) If a place of work has a confined space, the employer shall inform his employees
and any other persons, by posting danger signs or by any other equally effective
means, of the existence and location of the confined space, and the danger
posed by them, especially when work is being executed. A sign reading
“DANGER --- CONFINED SPACE. DO NOT ENTER” or using other similar
c) If the employer decides that his employees have to enter a confined space, the
employer shall develop and implement a confined space entry programme. This
programme shall be documented and made available to the employees.
d) If the employer decides that his employees shall not enter a confined space, the
employer shall take effective measures to prevent his employees and any other
persons from entering the confined space. Risk Management

Conducting risk management is the key to reducing risks related to entering and
working in confined spaces. Everyone, from employer to worker, must work together
to ensure that the risk assessment process identifies any expected risk and adopt all
reasonably practicable measures to make the confined space safe to enter and work
in. It is important that the risk assessment in confined space work is conducted by
knowledgeable and experienced personnel.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Key in conducting risk management of the confine space may include but not limited

a) Assess need for entry into a confined space

Before attempting to enter or work in a confined space, it is important to consider

the possibility of using alternatives and other methods to do the job without
entering the confined space. Entry into or work in a confined space should only
be a last resort.

b) Identification and evaluation of confined spaces

All confined spaces shall be clearly identified, documented and labelled. It

includes any equipment that constitutes a confined space in the workplace. The
document should contain the particulars of the types of confined spaces and
their services. For the equipment record, it is important to also include its type
and identification number. It is critical to identify and evaluate each confined
space to determine whether it has chemical or physical hazards. It is advisable
not to assume that a confined space is hazard-free. Different chemical and
physical hazards may be introduced through various work activities inside the
confined space.

c) Control of Confined Space Hazards

It is important to follow the steps in the hierarchy of control measures to manage

the identified risks:

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 Safe Working Procedure (SWP)

If entry to a confined space is unavoidable, SWPs should be established and

implemented for work which may pose safety and health risks. The SWPs should
include safety precautions to be taken in the course of work and during emergencies,
as well as responsibilities of persons involved and provision of PPE. The
implementation of the SWPs should be monitored regularly, and the SWPs reviewed
periodically to ensure their currency.

Safe Work Procedures must include, but not limited to:

a) Regulatory requirements;
b) Required permits;
c) Necessary personal protective equipment;
d) Required training;
e) Worker responsibilities;
f) Specific sequence of steps to follow to complete the work safely; and
g) Emergency procedures.

An example of a task that requires the development of a safe work procedure is

confined space entry. Individuals who must work within confined spaces must ensure
that safe work procedures are developed and followed to maximize life safety.

Make sure that the safe system of work, including the precautions identified, is
developed and put into practice. Everyone involved will need to be properly trained and
instructed to make sure they know what to do and how to do it safely. Permit to Work Procedure

A permit to work procedure is a means of achieving effective control of a system of

work through formal written documentation known as a permit to work form. The
essential components of a permit-to-work system include:

a) A written procedure, which sets out how the system is to operate and clearly
defines who may authorize particular jobs and who is responsible for specifying
and implementing the necessary precautions.
b) A form, known as the "permit-to-work form", which becomes a written and
signed statement ensuring both the establishment of safe conditions for the
work to commence and the maintenance of safe conditions for the duration of
the work, including the provision of emergency arrangements.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

c) A method of informing the persons carrying out the work of the exact identity,
location, nature and extent of the job, the hazards involved and the precautions
to be taken.
d) A system for ensuring the safe hand-back of the workplace after the job is
completed and, in the case of confined space entry, after the space is vacated. Communication

An effective and reliable means of communication among entrants inside the

confined space, and between entrants and attendants, is required. When choosing a
means of communication, it is advisable to give careful consideration to all anticipated
conditions inside the confined space (e.g., visibility, possibility of a flammable
atmosphere, and noise levels) and to the personal protective equipment in use (e.g.,
ear muffs and breathing apparatus).
The communication system used can be based on speech, hand signals,
telephone, radio, and so on. Whatever system is used, it is important that all messages
can be communicated easily, rapidly and unambiguously between relevant people. It
is important to take note on the limited penetration of radio signals into buildings,
vessels and below-ground structures. The advantages of having a person outside the
confined space in direct voice and visual contact with the entrants are clear. This also
facilitates the monitoring of entrants for the symptoms or behavioral effects of exposure
to hazards.
It is important that confined space entrant(s) are informed quickly if a situation
arises on the outside which could endanger the entrants, such as problems with a
supplied air system or ventilation system. It is essential that the means of raising the
alarm and setting in motion the emergency rescue procedures are effective and reliable.
It is also necessary that the line of communication be available at all times during the
It is required to have an appropriate means of communication between the person
working inside a confined space and the attendant stationed outside, whether by voice,
rope tugging, tapping or by a battery-operated communication system specially
designed for confined space use.
Note that radio frequency/wireless devices do not work effectively in confined
spaces such as tanks or sewers, where there is metal or concrete shielding between
the interior of the space and the outside. Body alarm devices may be useful in a
confined space where communication between entrants and attendants is difficult.
These are designed to sound if the wearer does not move during a specified period of

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 Purging and Ventilation

When a confined space is known to contain hazardous contaminants, it is crucial

to purge the space adequately before any entry. It is also important to note that purging
and ventilation do not exclude the need for gas testing by authorized gas tester.
Purging of a confined space is conducted before any entry and the purpose is to
remove any existing contaminants by displacing the hazardous atmosphere with
another medium such as air, water, steam or inert gases. The choice of a suitable
medium will depend on factors such as nature of the contaminants and their
It is unsafe to enter any confined space when adequate ventilation is absent.
Adequate and effective ventilation is required throughout the validity period of the entry
permit. Even when the confined space has been certified safe for entry, new
contaminants may be introduced from the change in conditions, or when work
performed in the space such as welding releases new contaminants.
As such, it is important to provide an adequate and effective ventilation to always
maintain the contaminants concentration level as low as possible, and the level of
oxygen within safe range. Due to the unique characteristics of confined spaces, natural
ventilation is usually not adequate and would require the use of mechanical ventilation.
Mechanical ventilation can largely be classified into two main types:

a) Forced (supplied) ventilation

b) Local exhaust ventilation (LEV)

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Example of Forced Ventilation Example of LEV

Factors to consider in determining the type of ventilation to use include:

a) The nature of contaminants

b) The configuration of the space
c) The expected work to be performed in the confined space Training

Training is critical in all work with confined spaces. Ensure that all employees are
given suitable and appropriate training to carry out the workplace task. This will include
emergency procedures and if required training in the use of breathing apparatus.

Suitable workers should meet the following requirements:

a) Have received training to become “certified workers”

b) Have sufficient experience in the type of work to be carried out
c) Have a suitable build for the work if the risk assessment highlights exceptional
constraints as a result of the physical layout
d) Be fit to wear breathing apparatus if the work requires the use of such
apparatus, and there is no medical advice against an individual’s suitability to
work in a confined space. Emergency Procedure

Emergency arrangements must put in place before any work starts. The suitable
and sufficient measures in place to make sure employees can be rescued safely if
required. Emergency procedure should include but not limited:

a) First aid procedure

b) The safety of the rescuer
c) Liaison with emergency services

There must be appropriate to the hazard presented by the activity:

a) There must be an effective means of communication for raising the alarm both
from the confined space and by someone outside.
b) Work in confined spaces is often carried out at night, weekends and times
when the premises are closed, for example holidays. Consider how the alarm
can be raised.
c) Provide rescue and resuscitation equipment. This will depend on the likely
emergencies identified.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

d) It may be necessary to shut down any adjacent plant before attempting

emergency rescue. Ensure access and a means to safely shut down is
e) Consider how the local emergency services would be made aware of an
incident. Plan what their route of access is. Also consider what information
about the dangers need to be given to them on their arrival.

10.5.4 Drainage System

Removing storm water, construction and living quarters wastewater is an important

environmental health intervention for reducing disease. Poorly drained storm water
forms stagnant pools that provide breeding sites for disease vectors. Because of this,
some diseases are more common in the wet season than the dry season. Construction
and living quarter’s wastewater may also contain pathogens that can pollute
groundwater sources, increasing the risk of diseases such as lymphatic filariasis. Poor
drainage can lead to flooding, resulting in property loss, and people may even be
forced to move to escape floodwaters. Flooding may also damage water supply
infrastructure and contaminate domestic water sources. Design

Designing and constructing drainage systems require expert advice from

engineers to make sure that water flows away quickly and smoothly and is disposed
of in a surface watercourse or soak away. Drainage installed by construction should
not create problems for other communities downstream, nor should it affect
ecologically important sites. Environmental considerations should be given adequate
attention: long-term changes to the environment may lead to greater health problems
in the future. Disposal Condition

Depending on the location, hydrology and topography of the drainage basin,

drainage water might be disposed to open surface water bodies, e.g. rivers, lakes,
outfall drains, and oceans. The oceans are often regarded as the safest and the final
disposal site for drainage water. This is true unless drainage water is contaminated
with sediments, nutrients and other pollutants and the disposal site is in the vicinity of
fragile coastal ecosystems such as mangroves and coral reefs.
Therefore, at the point of discharge, pollution may be of much concern. In general,
oceans have significant dilution or assimilative capacity. However, this is also limited
in many cases especially in enclosed and semi-enclosed seas. Inland drainage water
disposal to freshwater bodies such as lakes and rivers requires care. Rivers are
normally used for different water use purposes requiring certain qualities of water, while
the accumulation of salts and other pollutants in freshwater lakes threatens ecosystem

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

functions and aquatic life.

For contaminated water discharge sedimentation tank must be built to
ensure the water discharge is treated physically before it discharge to the open

How to keep drainage workers safe;

a) To ensure all working on the drainage network have completed their confined
space training before carry-out the works.
b) Ensuring workers are able to constantly learn and develop their skills via
appropriate training.
c) To ensure carry out regular risk assessments.
d) To make available safe system of work in place.
e) To ensure the correct use of provided appropriate tools and personal protective
f) Safe excavations and trenches activity should refer to relevant Chapter (for
Excavation and Trenches)


3-D rendering Sedimentation tank

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Joint for drain pipe Sewage system


Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter - 11 Foundations

11.1 Introduction

A foundation work in construction is the element of an architectural structure which

connects it to the ground and transfers loads from the structure to the ground.
Foundations are generally considered either shallow or deep.

11.2 Objective

a) To distribute the load of the structure over a large bearing area so as to bring
intensity of loading within the safe bearing capacity of the soil lying underneath.
b) To load the bearing surface at a uniform rate so as to prevent unequal
c) To prevent the lateral movement of the supporting materials.
d) To secure the level surface and firm bed for building operations.
e) To increase the stability of the structure as a whole and prevent overturn.

11.3 Definition

a) Footing - They are typically made of concrete with rebar reinforcement that has
been poured into an excavated trench. The purpose of footings is to support
the foundation and prevent settling
b) Foundation - Part of a structural system that supports and anchors the
superstructure of a building and transmits its loads directly to the earth.
c) Derricks - lifting device composed at minimum of one guyed mast, as in a gin
pole, which may be articulated over a load by adjusting its guys.

11.4 Legal requirements

a) FMA 1967 Act 139 Regulations (BOWEC) 1986 Part XII Sect. 111 to 118.
b) FMA 1967 Act 139 Regulations (BOWEC) 1986 Part XIV Sect. 124 to 134.
c) DOSH Guidelines on trenching for construction safety (Year 2000).
d) Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry
(Excavation Work) 2017

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

11.5 Procedure

11.5.1 Site clearing, stripping and levelling (Refer to Chapter 7: Site Clearing)

a) Clearing of the site by removing, rubble, grass, shrubs, and trunks and also
ensuring that there is no water stagnation by incorporating a proper drainage

11.5.2 Setting out and excavation (Refer to Chapter 9: Excavation)

a) After setting out, the digging up of the foundation trenches may commence, as
specified in the building plans, these excavations have to be supervised strictly
because any shortcuts made on the foundation will affect the entire structure.

11.5.3 Footing

a) Concrete of a specified mix is prepared and poured into the excavated trenches
up to a specified thickness and width.

11.5.4 Foundation Wall (plinth wall)

a) A wall built from the concrete strip footing to the height of the foundation slab,
the thickness of the foundation wall may vary from site to site, so the walls are
built as the building plans specify.

11.5.5 Backfill and dump proofing

a) The inside of the built foundation walls must be filled to a required level, either
by using the excavated soil, or ferried one, this soil should be compacted in
layers to get desired results.

11.5.6 Foundation Works

a) Duly complete the excavation checklist prior to commencement of excavation

b) Determine any underground installations such as sewers, power cables,
telephone lines, and water and gas services prior to commencement of
c) Special precautions must be taken to avoid damage to the underground
services, e.g. not to use excavator if at around the depth of the services.
d) Excavations and trenches of 1.5 meters or more in depth shall be sloped,
stepped in an approved manner or provide adequate shoring to prevent soil
cave in or collapse.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

e) Ladders shall be provided in excavations & trenches of 1.2 metres or more in

depth to ensure safe entry and exit. A ladder or run of ladder between any two
successive landings shall not exceed 9 metres. Ladders shall be extended from
the trench bottom to at least 1.0 meters above the ground level.
f) Excavated or other materials shall be stored at least 1000mm away from the
edge of any excavation.
g) Excavated trench shall be inspected daily by designated person. If there is any
evidence of cave-ins or slides, all work shall be ceased until all necessary
precautions have been taken to ensure safe condition.
h) All trenches exceeding 4 meters in depth, shoring, sheet piling or any other soil
support systems shall be designed and drawing of a Professional Engineer.
i) Adequate barricades shall guarded at open sides of excavations where a
person may fall from a height of more than 1.5 meters and suitable warning
signs in placed where they can be seen.
j) Excavated material shall be kept back at a safe distance of at least 1 meters
away from the edge of the excavation.
k) Whenever possible power machines used for excavating shall be positioned
so that the operator is on the side away from the bank.
l) Ramps and runways entering excavations shall be wide enough for men and
vehicles. They shall be substantially constructed and properly braced and
supported and shall be provided with guardrails. When inclined over one-in-
eight (1:8) walkways shall be properly secured.
m) Workmen engaged in scaling, sloping or trimming works should use safety
n) If derricks or other heavy objects are placed close to the edge of an excavation
additional bracing shall be installed to support the extra pressure due to
increased load.
o) Road crossings or designated temporary passage crossing trench shall place a
steel plate of adequate thickness over the entire trench prior to allow passing of
load trucks or construction vehicles traffic.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

11.6 Trench shield or shoring

a) The prevention of water accumulation inside excavated trench must take

measures to ensure by the use of diversion ditches, dikes, or other suitable
means to prevent surface water from entering an excavation and to provide
adequate drainage of the adjacent area. In addition, a competent person must
inspect excavations subject to runoffs from heavy rains.
b) An authorized gas tester must test any excavation deeper than 4 feet (1.22
meters) or where an oxygen deficiency or a hazardous atmosphere is present
or could reasonably be expected, such as a landfill or where hazardous
substances are stored nearby, before a worker enters it. If there are any
hazardous conditions, must provide the employee controls such as proper
respiratory protection or ventilation. In addition, the sub-contractor are
responsible for regularly testing all controls used to reduce atmospheric
contaminants to acceptable levels.
c) If hazardous atmospheric conditions exist or develop in an excavation, must
provide emergency rescue equipment such as a breathing apparatus, safety
harness and line, and basket stretcher and ensure that it is readily available.
d) All reinforcement starter bars in excavations (any depth) must be protected to
prevent the possibility of puncture injuries.
e) Do not alter or remove any supporting members unless under the direct
supervision of a designated person.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

11.7 Inspection by Designated Person

a) Inspect excavated trench daily, before work starts, after a rainstorm, or during
other inclement weather conditions such as high winds.
b) Observe for evidence of potential cave-ins, indication of failure of protective
systems, hazardous atmospheres or other hazardous conditions

11.8 Road Works

The following procedure should govern while carrying out road works:

a) Adequate warning signs should be provided at approaches at least fifty (50)

meters from the working area.
b) Adequate detours should be provided when road is under repair or is not
c) Blasting areas should be cleared within a safe distance and adequate warning
signals shall be used.
d) Railings may be provided on deep embankments and narrow portions.

Note: Workmen should not be permitted to work when weather conditions

create a hazard.

11.9 Piling Works

a) Where there is any question of stability of structures adjoining areas to be piled,

such structures should be supported where necessary by underpinning, sheet
piling, shoring, bracing or other means in accordance with the design of a
Professional Engineer to prevent injury to any person.
b) All pile-driving equipment should be inspected daily by a designated person
before the start of work in accordance of daily checklist and every defect shall
be immediately corrected before pile-driving commences. Every piling frame
and its attachments must be thoroughly examined by an approved person at
least once in every twelve months.
c) The operator of every pile driver must be protected from falling objects, steam,
cinders and water by a substantial covering.
d) The operator must carry out daily inspection of piling machine in accordance of
daily operator’s piling equipment checklist before commencement of work on
each day.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

e) Each member of the pile-driving crew must be properly instructed in the work
he is to do and the operation shall be in the charged of a designated person
who must personally direct the work and give the operating signals
f) The preparation of the piles must be done at a safe distance from the driving
operation. During the hoisting of piles, all persons not actually engaged in
operating the equipment and handling the piles must be kept out of the area
g) When the pile driver is not in use, the hammer must be choked or blocked in the
leads or lowered to the ground
h) A ladder extending from the bottom of the leads to the overhead sheaves shall
be permanently attached to the structure supporting the leads
i) Where a structural tower supports the leads, suitable working platforms of
adequate strength shall be provided on levels of the leads at which it is
necessary for men to work. Such platforms should be provided with a safety
railing and toe-board on all sides, except on the hammer or lead side of the
platform. Where such platform cannot be provided, a safety belt shall be
j) All concrete piles must have attained the required strength before being hoisted
or being subject to piling stresses

11.9.1 Pile testing

a) The testing of piles must be conducted under the direct supervision of a

designated person.
b) Reasonably practicable measures must be taken to warn persons not to
approach within 50 metres of a pile under test.
c) Under no circumstances shall anyone be permitted to approach a test pile while
the process of increasing or decreasing test loading is being carried out.
d) While the process of increasing or decreasing test loading is not in progress,
anyone approaching a test pile for any purpose must only be permitted to do so
under the specific instruction of the designated person who shall take
reasonably practicable measures to ascertain that the Kent ledge is in a stable
condition and is safe for approach.
e) To carryout inspection in accordance of test pile operation checklist.

Before placing or advancing a pile driver, the ground shall be inspected by a

designated person and, where necessary for firm and level footing, timber shall be
placed. After placing or advancing a pile driver, inspection and correction of the footing
shall be made, when necessary, to maintain stability.

[ Referred to relevant Chapter 9 Excavation Work ]

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

11.10 Hazard – (Risk of activities)

A risk management must be undertaken for the whole activity at foundation stage.

[ Referred to Risk Assessment subject to Excavation, etc. ]

11.11 Control Measure – (Preventions measures - Safe work practice)

Relevant Safe Operation Procedure (SOP) deems required to assist in developing
and controlling to any potential to cause harm to persons, construction site, materials
or the environment as identified from the results of risk assessment.


Piling cap Cutting process

Piling concrete


Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter 12 Material Loading Platforms

12.1 Introduction
About Material Loading Platform:
Loading platforms are essential for bringing materials into and out of a building on
a work site. Loading platforms consist of a cantilevered platform extends from the
building on one half and the other half going into the building with columns that are
secured to the floor and roof of the building.
Giant Leap obligation to ensure platform have a Safe Working Load (SWL) that
should be marked clearly on the platform. It is important to know that the Safe Working
Load assumes an evenly distributed load across the platform, as most loads won’t be
evenly distributed it is good idea to work a bit under the Safe Working Load (SWL).

12.2 Objective

a) All building materials shall be load / unloaded thru material loading platform in
a safe and orderly manner so as not to obstruct place of work.
b) Materials loaded/ uploaded shall be stacked in such a manner as to ensure
stability while work with material loading platform.
c) Materials shall not load / uploaded upon platform in such quantity as to exceed
its safe carrying capacity stated at SWL attached with.
d) Materials shall not be loaded / uploaded so close to any edge of platform as to
endanger persons below.
e) Debris or any materials waste should be handed through platform which will not
endanger persons.
[ BOWEC Regulation 22 (1) ]

12.3 Definition

a) Material Loading Platform – Temporary platform which is used to

loading/unloading material.
b) Banksman – Person who direct operation of a crane or larger vehicle from the
point near where loads are attached and detached.
c) Professional Engineer – a person registered as professional engineer under
the Registration of Engineer Act 1967 ( revised 2015)

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

12.4 Legal requirements

In these best practice, unless the contact otherwise requires;
a) SWL means Safe Working Load designed and endorsed by P.E.
b) To comply with such of the requirement of these best practice as relate to any
loading / uploading activity thru material loading platform.
c) No employees shall do any loading /uploading activity thru material loading
platform not in accordance with the generally accepted principles of sound and
safe practice.

[ FMA 139 (BOWEC) Regulation 4 ]

[ FMA 139 (BOWEC) Regulation 21 ]
[ FMA 139 / Section 10 ]
[ FMA 139 / Section 26 ]
[ Guidelines for Public Safety and Health at Construction Sites / 16.0 Removal
of Debris ]
d) Factories And Machinery (Building Operations And Works Of Engineering
Construction) (Safety) Regulations 1986

12.5 Procedure

12.5.1 Design & Construction:

a) It is the responsibility of the main contractor to provide & maintain loading

b) The loading platform design must be approved and endorse by a Professional
c) Suitable edge protection must be provided to the edges where persons and/or
materials can fall.
d) Any loading platform gates must provide ridged edge protection.
e) Cantilever loading platform installation shall have constructed plan through PE
approval design and comply with all the specifications.
f) Cantilever loading platform designed with SWL of maximum 800kg.
g) The main frame is welded with 16 inch I-beam and the upper path is 50 x 100 x
2000mm., surface use 18mm plywood with firmly secured or 2mm steel plate
welded on the sub keel.
h) Cantilever loading platform must connected with building structure.
i) Cantilever loading platform on both sides of the set of two removable 1200mm
high safety barrier, barrier and cantilever I-beam plug connection, and safety
barrier inner use 1.2mm thick steel plate closed.
j) Cantilever loading platform is provided with two fan 480mm (wide) x 550mm
(high) double door, frame use welding production of 25mm x 50mm steel with
thickness of 1mm, frame inner use 30 x 30 steel net and install safety net.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

k) Cantilever loading platform height is 3m. If the change of storey height or the
cantilever length changes greatly, the calculation should be recalculating.
l) The construction site prohibit the use of steel tubular cantilever loading platform,
tool type loading platform installed at the opening of the frame, must strengthen
the frame structure.
m) Recommended that cantilever loading platform, to according to the actual
situation of workplace but an obligation to have PE approval design.

12.5.2 Positioning & Loading

a) The location of loading platforms should be decided by the main contractor.

b) Locate loading platforms so that they do not create a snag hazard for the site
tower cranes.
c) Load material such that it does not exceed the guardrail height.
d) Loading activity shall be performed in the presence of competent banksman.

12.5.3 Test / Certification

a) Material loading platform shall be tested through PE approved design for each
interval of every three months.
b) Loading platforms must also be tested whenever modified or relocated.
c) Clearly display Safe Working Load (SWL) of each loading platform at both side
of cantilever loading platform.

12.5.4 Notices & Rules

a) The area under the loading platform shall be barricaded appropriately.

b) Display adequate warning signs & notices for the safe use of platforms.
c) All notices and warning signs must be in national language (Malay Language)
and then with other language that understood by the workforce.

12.5.5 Training & Inspection

a) All workers involved in the use and loading of loading platforms must be
instructed on the agreed safe system of work.
b) A competent person (professional engineer who endorse the design) must
undertake a formal documented inspection of every loading platform at least

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

General Note:

i. The upper pull point of the dismantle platform must be located on the building,
cannot set up on the scaffold and other construction equipment. Each steel
rope must be embedded with a hanging ring, which is subjected to single force.
ii. Installation should be slightly higher than the outer side of the platform.
iii. All channel connection use welding, weld height is not less than 8mm, and
weld should be full. Ensure the I-beam upper surface was in the same level.
iv. All horizontal members and vertical posts are fully welded.
v. After the cantilever dismantle platform is finished, the platform welding quality
must be checked and accepted.

12.6 Hazard

a) Risk management :
i. A risk management must be undertaken for the design, installation, use
and removal of loading platforms.
ii. A method statement must be prepared covering the procedure for the
safe use of the loading platform

12.7 Control Measure – (Preventions measures - Safe work practice)

Relevant Safe Operation Procedure (SOP) deems required to assist in developing

and controlling to any potential to cause harm to persons, construction site, materials
or the environment as identified from the results of risk assessment.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Example Photo Figure:

Cantilever Loading Platform

Cantilever dismantle platform figure Three-dimension figure

Actual on site view Loading Platform


Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter 13 Scaffold
13.1 Introduction

Scaffold is one of the vital elements in construction industry to facilitate the flow of
building construction progress by providing temporary working platform, building
perimeter protection, false work or formwork shoring support, materials loading
platform, catch platform or independent working platforms that requires for building
construction activities.

13.2 Objective

a) To ensure safe construction and the scaffold complies to stipulated regulation.

b) Understand the scaffold procedures and implement the statutory measures
which prevent hazards that involves in the construction industry.

13.3 Definition
a) Designated person – an authorized person that approved or assigned by the
employer to perform specific duty.
b) PE Design - Design produced by professional engineer that license and
approve by the state.
c) Scaffold Inspector - Competent person whose combination of knowledge,
training, experience and registered with DOSH to carry out inspection of the
d) Scaffold Erector - Trained worker who expert in installing, dismantling, or
modification of scaffold.
e) Safe working load - the maximum load calculated in accordance with sound
and accepted engineering practice, which supported safely under normal
working condition.

13.4 Scope
a) Elevated external scaffold work on building face.
b) Peripheral scaffold & peripheral net to protect against debris drop beyond the
building perimeter.
c) Structure support scaffolds for concrete formwork.
d) Scaffolds for brickwork, plastering, M & E works, architectural works and repair
e) Scaffold for loading platform.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

13.5 Legal requirements

a) FMA (BOWEC) Regulation 1986, Part X

13.6 Design (PE)

a) Employer should provide scaffold design and drawing before started any
erection of scaffold.
b) Exact scaffold location.
c) PE drawing should be signed and approved by registered professional engineer.
d) PE drawing must be kept for future reference.
e) Every metal tube scaffold and every other scaffold shall be constructed in
accordance with the design and drawings of a professional Engineer.
f) All scaffold and their support shall be capable of supporting the load they are
designed to carry with a safety factor of at least hour.

13.7 Material Inspection

a) Scaffold materials must checked, approved and endorse by CIDB.(Perakuan

Pendaftaran Standard)
b) Materials test report to be kept on site for future references.
c) Visual inspection must be done by competent person before carry out any
scaffold erection.
13.8 Installation

a) Short briefing regarding scaffold installation.

b) Permit to work (PTW) must be applied before start working.
c) All material must be inspect visually by competent person to avoid any defect.
d) Preparation of scaffold components.
e) Work area must be barricade before start working.
f) Worker must wearing PPE such as safety harness, safety helmet, safety shoes
and reflector vest and tool used inspected before start working.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

13.9 Inspection

a) Inspection should be done after the erection work have been completed to

i. Sufficient of planks or metal deck as a working platform.

ii. Foot tie, ledger and transom were installed.
iii. Brace member installed to ensure stability (cross brace, diagonal brace,
sway brace and plan brace).
iv. Tie back or outriggers were installed.
v. Foundation for scaffolding must strong enough to withstand the load
vi. Scaffold components in good condition.
vii. Comply with design or PE drawing endorsements.
viii. Access or egress.
13.10 Procedure

13.10.1 Erection

a) The procedure for erection should be such that an unstable condition is not
reached at any time disregarding the height of the scaffolds.
b) When built into an assembly, other than one requiring curved members, the
erection tolerances given in Table A should not be exceeded. However in some
instances, such as hoist toward, tighter tolerances may be required and should
be used in preference to those below.

Feature Erection Tolerance

Standards Vertical to within ± 20mm in 1.7m length
Bay length and ± 200mm on the designated height
width Level to within ± 20mm in 2m; ± 25mm in 2.5m
(subject to a max. total deviation of 50mm in total bay

Lift height ± 150mm on the designated height

Nodes ≤ 150mm between coupler center

Toe Board ± 150mm on the designated height

Mid-rail ± 600mm on the designated height

Top-rail ± 1100mm on the designated height

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Foot ties may follow the general slope of the ground on which the scaffold is founded.

a) The ties for the scaffold should be fixed in place as the erected and reaches
each tie position.
b) Single lift putlog scaffolds may be in use for bricklaying when the wall has not
reached sufficient height to give an effective tie point. In this case, the scaffold
should be stabilized by outrigger and rakers if necessary, foot ties to them, until
ties can be inserted in the wall.
c) No portion of the scaffold should be used unless that portion is fully decked,
braced and tied. Warning notices should be fixed to draw attention to those parts
of a scaffold to those parts of a scaffold which are incomplete and should not be
d) The scaffold erector shall attend scaffold training course as per “Perkeliling
Ketua Pengarah Bilangan 2 Tahun 2018, Tugas dan Kewajipan Pengadali
Perancah dan Pemasangan Perancah.”
e) Scaffold competent person shall closed monitor during the erection

13.10.2 Modification

a) All modifications to existing scaffolds should be carried out in such a way that
the stability of the scaffold is not impaired. Supplementary components should
be added before those that have to be removed are uncoupled and taken away.
b) If access ways through scaffolds are required, the number of standards
removed should be as few as possible and these should be replaced on either
side of the gap so the total number of standards is not reduced.
c) The ledger across the top of the gap should be further supported either by a ‘V’
frame or an ‘A’ frame of scaffolding tubes above it, transferring the loading over
it to the standards at the sides of the gap. Bracing should be inserted across the
top corners of the gap if extra support to the ledgers is required.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

13.10.3 Dismantling

a) During dismantling, no component that endangers the stability of the remaining

structure should be removed. Application of dismantling of scaffold permit must
be done before commencing the work. (Refer to Appendix for example)
b) If dismantling has reached the stage at which a critical member has to be
removed, e.g. a tie or a brace, the stability of the structure should be assured
by fixing a similar or otherwise adequate member in place lower down before
the member to be taken out is removed.
c) Because of the changes that are made in a scaffolding structure during its
working life, it is not safe to assume that dismantling can be carried out in the
reverse order to the erection. The scaffold especially its typing and bracing,
should be inspected prior to dismantling.
d) If the scaffold is defective, it should be mage good before dismantling
e) The procedure of dismantling should be orderly and planned and should
proceed generally from the top in horizontal sections.
f) Scaffolds should not be dismantled in vertical sections from one end towards
the other especially in cases where a hoist tower, which apparently gives
support to the scaffold, is to be left standing, unless special consideration is
given to ties and bracing.
g) The following precautions should be observed:

i. DO NOT remove all the ties.

ii. DO NOT remove the entire bracing first.
iii. DO NOT remove the intermediate and board end transoms.
iv. DO NOT remove all intermediate guardrails.

h) An access scaffold may have been temporarily stabilized during construction by

rakers that have been subsequently removed. It the level of the lowest tie point
is high, e.g. over entrance halls or above tall shop windows, temporary rakers,
or other structurally adequate means of support should be built up from the
ground to achieve stability of the part-dismantled scaffold.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

13.10.4 Lowering Materials

a) Materials should be lowered to the ground and not stored on the scaffold. In the
case where a pavement is not to be obstructed and scaffolding materials have
to be stored on the lowest lift awaiting collection, this lift should be stiffened and
fully braced or propped by rakers using materials recovered from the upper lifts.
b) Components should not be thrown on the ground; they should be lowered from
hand to hand in an orderly fashion or brought down by crane, gin wheel or other
suitable means.

13.10.5 Progressive Dismantling

a) Scaffolds that are to be progressively dismantled during the demolition of a

building should not be left projecting above the residual height of the walls more
than it is necessary.
b) Stabilizing ties should be maintained. Scaffolds that are to remain in use while
partly dismantled should be fitted with end guardrails and toe-boards at the end
of the portion in use.

c) If access is possible on to a partly dismantled scaffold, warning notices should

be posted.

13.11 Duties of Scaffolds Erector

13.11.1 General

a) Persons directly responsible for, and working on or employing persons to work

on scaffolds should familiarize themselves with the contents of the relevant
standards and codes of practice, and the relevant mandatory requirements.
b) It should be ensured that the lower portions of the scaffold are adequately
protected against damage through interference, accident, traffic or any other

13.11.2 Scaffolding Contractors

a) Persons constructing scaffolds should ensure that at the time of handing over
to the user, it is adequate for the purpose for which it is intended and that it is
stable and in safe condition.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

b) Persons constructing any type of scaffolds should employ people with the
necessary experience and competence to erect scaffolds of that type.

13.11.3 Training

a) Scaffold erector shall attend training course of construct, install, modified and
dismantle of scaffold from scaffold training centre that recognized by DOSH
c) It is mandatory that scaffold erectors and scaffold competent person have
passed any examination and obtained valid certificate of the course.
d) The scaffold erector must be appoint by employer and supervise by Scaffold
competent person

13.11.4 Communication

a) In modern construction works, the segregation of the specialist occupations

from each other requires a high degree of co-operation which should be
maintained between all concerned to avoid the creation of hazards and the
consequences thereof.
b) Any special requirements by the user should be included in a briefing to the
scaffolds contractor.

13.12 Protection

13.12.1 General

a) Persons using scaffolds and particularly subsequent users should ensure that
the scaffolds are properly constructed and suitable for the purpose.
b) They should ensure that the scaffolds are maintained in the relevant condition
throughout their use. It is essential that they should not interfere with the
scaffolding structure or platforms or ties or braces in any way whilst using it and
should not leave it in a hazardous condition for others to use.
c) They should ensure that all the necessary safeguards have been provided and

13.12.2 Inspection

a) Attention is drawn to the user’s obligation to ensure that inspections are made.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

13.12.3 Loading

a) Using of the scaffold should be aware of loading capacity and see that it is not
overloaded. It is preferable to distribute materials adjacent to the scaffolding
b) It is recommended that users should specify a loading tower, or specially
strengthened portion of the scaffold, to receive loads which are placed by
mechanical handling equipment or consist of packaged materials.
c) Persons using scaffolds on which loads are to be so placed should ensure that
the scaffold is not overloaded, either locally or in general, by excessive imposed

13.12.4 Protection of the Public

a) Scaffolds are frequently erected in areas to which members of the public has
access, such as streets, courtyards, halls and gardens.
b) The precautions which need to be taken to protect the public during the erection,
modification and dismantling of scaffolds are similar to those which need to be
taken to protect other workpeople on an enclose site.
c) As the public is unfamiliar with the dangers and thus a higher standards of
physical protection and more effective systems of work and supervision is
d) During erection, modification and dismantling, care should be taken to exclude
the public from the area of the work and a sufficient area around the work.
e) Effective steps should be taken to prevent persons being struck by falling
objects or scaffold elements. Suitable brick guards, façade nets, sheeting or
fans are be necessary.
f) In general, care should be taken that, at the lower levels of a completed scaffold,
there are no protruding tubes, low headroom, etc. that could cause damage or
injury to members of the general public or their property, e.g. clothing.
g) Where access through parts of the base of a scaffolding structure might prove
hazardous, entrance to such areas should be barred by means of a horizontal
tube or other suitable obstruction.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

13.12.5 Lightning protection for scaffold

a) Where metal scaffold is readily accessible to the general public, particularly

when it is erected over and on part of the common highway, it should be
efficiently bonded to earth.
b) A simple method of bonding such structures consists of running a strip of metal
(other than aluminium) 20mm X 3mm in size, underneath and in contact with
the base plates carrying the standards of the scaffold and earthing it at intervals
not exceeding 30m.

13.13 Inspection of Scaffolds

13.13.1 Compliance with Statutory Regulations

a) When completed, scaffolds should be in a condition suitable to perform the duty

for which they were intended and they should comply with the statutory
b) Scaffold should be inspected by the constructor before they are handed over for
use. The user should inspect them weekly to see that they remain in compliance
with the statutory regulations and should sign the reports of weekly inspection
to record his findings.
c) When equipment other than scaffolding materials are attached to the scaffold,
which is subject to statutory inspections, this equipment should be inspected
and the appropriate certification made.

d) Such additional inspections may include the followings:

i. Lighting;
ii. Lifting gear and lifting appliances;
iii. Electrical supplies;
iv. Hoist ways;
v. Ropes.

e) Day of inspection with scaffolding after 7 days of first inspection.

f) Bad weather condition (need to do inspection of scaffolding)
g) After modification and alteration.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

h) Scaffold inspection checklists must be signed by designated person.

i) Scaffold tagging system must be display within vicinity area.

i. Red for unsafe for use.
ii. Yellow for under modification or alteration.(unsafe for use)
iii. Green for safe for use.
j) The inspection should ascertain what duties to be carried out from the working
platforms. He should then assure himself that the scaffold is properly
constructed, that it is the right type for the planned duty, that it is of the correct
height, width and length and that the working platforms are correctly positioned.
k) He should check that these working platforms comply with the various
requirements of the statutory regulations and the recommendation of this code
and that access a d egress are suitable and safe.
l) He should then satisfy himself that the foundations are adequate, that they are
not likely to be disturbed and that they and the lower portion of the scaffold are
not liable to damage by interference, accident, traffic or any other cause.
m) He should then check that the scaffold is sufficiently strongly designed and well
enough constructed to carry the loads and that it is correctly tied, anchored and
braced to have and maintain stability under load and environmental influences.
n) He should see that it complies with the requirements of the local authority for
lighting, hoarding and fenders and in general that it is not constructed in a way
which can cause damage or injury to persons near the base of it by protruding
tubes, low head room etc.
o) He should see that attachments such as fans, loading bays, hoists and hoist
towers and lifting tackle are properly constructed and in compliance with the
statutory regulations.

13.13.2 Mobile Scaffold Towers

a) All mobile scaffold towers are to be erected in accordance with the

manufacturer’s instruction and shall be inspected by site engineer prior to any
use on site. Additionally, all towers are to be erected complete with access
ladder, safety rails and kick boards whatever the height. Mobile access scaffolds
are to be included in the weekly inspection of scaffolds and the results of the
inspection entered into the scaffold register.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

13.13.3 Checklist on Scaffolds

a) A scaffold in use shall be inspected at least every seven days and at other times
in certain circumstances, see ‘Inspection of Scaffolds’ of the Factories &
Machinery Act 139 (BOWEC) Regulations 85. Checks should also be carried
out to ensure the scaffolds are properly stored, constructed and dismantled

13.13.4 Maintenance

a) Maintain good housekeeping of scaffolding material.

b) End user should inform designated person if found any unsafe condition for
further action.

13.14 Hazard

a) Workers fall from heights.

b) Scaffold collapse.
c) Tripping hazard.
d) Falling objects.

13.15 Control Measure

a) Scaffold must inspect by competent person.

b) Practice good housekeeping.
c) Proper materials handling and barricade working area.(2m radius)
d) Safety harness must be worn and hook at the strong point when working at
heights. (refer to Chapter 15: Fall Protection and Working at Height)

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Access to workplace Access to workplace

Cantilever bracket Material loading platform

Hard barricade for edges protection Additionally provided outrigger support

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Provided platforms for every levels Provided platforms for scaffold

Installed horizontal bracing for scaffold Provided platforms for scaffold

Scaffold access and egress Cantilever supports for scaffold

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Side view of Cantilever supports for

Cantilever supports for scaffold

Dismantled cantilever scaffold and install

Access scaffold for car-park roof.
safety railing.

Access scaffold tagged. External scaffold on 1st level tagged

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Cantilever external scaffold tagged.


Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter 14 Concrete Work

14.1 Introduction

Concrete is a very strong and versatile moldable construction material. It consists

of cement, sand and aggregate (e.g., gravel or crushed rock) mixed with water. The
cement and water form a paste or gel which coats the sand and aggregate. When the
cement has chemically reacted with the water (hydrated), it hardens and binds the
whole mix together. The initial hardening reaction usually occurs within a few hours. It
takes some weeks for concrete to reach full hardness and strength. Concrete can
continue to harden and gain strength over many years.

14.2 Objective

The objectives of this chapter are:

a) Understand the work flow of concreting.

b) Determine the hazard when doing concrete work.
c) Control measure for the hazard that exposed to the workers.
d) Ensure safety, health and welfare of the workers.

14.3 Definition

a) Concrete – A mixture of cement, sand and aggregate.

b) Accelerator - Chemical use to speed up the hydration (hardening) process of
c) Formwork – temporary or permanent moulds into which concrete or similar
materials are poured.
d) Falsework – temporary structures used in construction to support spanning or
arched structures in order to hold the component in place until its construction
is sufficiently advanced to support itself.
e) Industrialised Building System (IBS) – term used in Malaysia for a technique
of construction where by components are manufactured in a controlled
environment, either at site or off site, placed and assembled into construction
works. Worldwide, IBS is also known as Pre-fabricated/Pre-fab Construction,
Modern Method of Construction (MMC) and Off-site Construction
f) Precast concrete – construction product produced by casting concrete in a
reusable mould or "form" which is then cured in a controlled environment,
transported to the construction site and lifted into place (tilt up). In
contrast, standard concrete is poured into site-specific forms and cured on site

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

g) Aluminium formwork system – construction system for forming cast using

aluminium in place concrete structure of a building. It is also a system for
scheduling and controlling the work of other construction trades such as steel
reinforcement, concrete placement and mechanical and electrical conduits.
h) Formwork Supervisor – person who already trained and have experience of
formwork related matters

14.4 Legal Requirement

a) Occupational Safety and Health Act 514:

i. Section 15 : General duties of employers and self-employed person

to their employees.
b) Section 24 : General duties of employees
c) Regulation 2000 :Use and standards of exposure of chemicals hazardous to
health (USECHH)

Factory and Machinery Act 139:

a) Safety Health and Welfare Regulation 1970

i. Regulation 6 : Floor
ii. Regulation 7 : Access to workplace
iii. Regulation 8 : Opening generally to be fence
iv. Regulation 12 : Working at height
v. Regulation 23 : Cleanliness
vi. Regulation 32 : Working cloth, personal protective clothing
vii. Regulation 36 : Washing facilities
b) Mineral Dust Regulation 1989
c) Building Operations and Works of Engineering Construction 1986
i. Regulation 10 : Access to workplace
ii. Regulation 11 : Dust and gases
iii. Regulation 12 : Corrosive substance
iv. Regulation 15 : Protective apparel
v. Regulation 18 : Public vehicular traffic
vi. Regulation 19 : Stability of structure
vii. Regulation 22 : Disposal of debris
viii. Regulation 23 : Numbering and marking of floors
ix. Part III : Concrete work
x. Part IV : Structural steel and precast concrete assembly.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

14.5 Type

There are many type of concreting work use in construction industries.

a) Industrialise Building System (IBS)

b) Conventional cast using woods.
c) Pre-cast
d) Aluminium cast

14.6 Procedure

14.6.1 Formwork and Falsework

Formwork is the term used for the process of creating a temporary mould into
which concrete is poured and formed. Traditional formwork is fabricated using timber,
but it can also be constructed from steel, glass fibre reinforced plastics and
other materials. While formwork is a broad term that is used in relation to the forming
process using a wide variety of materials, shuttering is a term that is often used to refer
to the process of using plywood to form the mould. All kinds of construction projects
are likely to employ formwork and shuttering techniques.

The following requirements should be satisfied by good formwork:

a) Strong enough to withstand dead and live loads.

b) Capable of retaining its shape by being efficiently propped and braced
horizontally and vertically.
c) Joints should prevent leakage of cement grout.
d) Should be capable of being removed in various parts without damaging
the concrete.
e) Material used be suitable for reuse.
f) Should be set accurately to the desired line.
g) As lightweight as possible.
h) Material should not warp or distort on exposure to the elements.
i) Should rest on a firm base.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Beam, slab and shear wall template support design Planning

Formwork used and designed for cast-in-place concrete requires special

considerations. Due to the significant weight that concrete adds to formwork and
shoring equipment, it is important to check that eccentric loads are located over
members that have been designed for such loading. If single-post shores are used one
on top of another (tiered), then additional shoring requirements must be met. The
shores must be:

a) Designed by a qualified designer and the erected shoring must be inspected

by an engineer qualified in structural design.
b) Vertically aligned.
c) Spliced to prevent misalignment.
d) Adequately braced in two mutually perpendicular directions at the splicing

Adjustment of single-post shores to raise formwork must not be made after the
placement of concrete. Reshoring must be erected, as the original forms and shores
are removed, whenever the concrete is required to support loads in excess of its

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 Materials

a) All materials and equipment used in formwork construction must be fit for the
intended purpose and meet design specifications.
b) Materials and equipment must be designed to conform to relevant Malaysian
c) Where material is designed to an international or other standard, an engineer
must certify that it conforms to the relevant Malaysian Standard.
d) Materials and equipment must also be manufactured in accordance with a
quality assurance system that ensures compliance with the design specification.
e) A suitable system must be implemented to ensure that only materials and
components that comply with the specifications of the formwork design
drawings and documentation are being used.
f) Materials and components that are damaged, excessively worn or not fit for the
intended use must not be used.
g) Evidence must be kept on site, which verifies that formally sheets conform to
Malaysian Standards.
h) materials must checked, approved and endorse by CIDB.(Perakuan
Pendaftaran Standard) Safe Work Method Statement

A safe work method statement (SWMS) must be prepared for high risk construction
work before the work starts. A range of activities defined as high risk construction work
may be carried out including work:

a) Involving a risk of a person falling more than 2 metres

b) Involving demolition of an element of a structure that is load-bearing or
otherwise related to the physical integrity of the structure
c) Involving or likely to involve the disturbance of asbestos
d) Involving structural alterations or repairs that require temporary support to
prevent collapse
e) Carried out in or near a shaft or trench with an excavated depth greater than 1.5
metres or a tunnel
f) Involving the use of explosives
g) Carried out on or near energised electrical installations or services
h) Carried out in an area that may have a contaminated or flammable atmosphere
i) Involving tilt-up or precast concrete
j) Carried out on, in or adjacent to a road, railway, shipping lane or other traffic
corridor that is in use by traffic other than pedestrians
k) Carried out at a workplace in which there is movement of powered mobile plant
l) Carried out in an area in which there are artificial extremes of temperature

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

The SWMS must:

i. Identify the type of high risk construction work being done

ii. Specify the health and safety hazards and risks arising from the work
iii. Describe how the risks will be controlled
iv. Describe how the control measures will be implemented, monitored and

A SWMS must be developed in consultation with workers and their representatives

who are carrying out the high risk work. Erection of Formwork

Formwork must be erected systematically and tied in and/or braced progressively

to stabilize the structure. Where a person is to install joists from underneath, the vertical
distance between the formwork deck and the false deck can be increased. This is
illustrated in diagram below.

Worker erecting formwork on two planks

a) Formwork must be erected on a stable base to prevent the risk of collapse.

Suspended slabs must be able to safely support loads that may be applied by
the concrete pour, workers and crane lifted loads.
b) Base plates must be provided under props and standards on formwork frames
unless the prop or standard has an integral foot or an engineer documents that
a base plate is unnecessary.
c) Sole boards designed to suit the ground conditions should also be used under
props and standards on natural ground, unless an engineer states otherwise.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

d) Frames and props must be located on a firm base, which is ground that will not
subside, fail or get washed away.
e) Persons erecting formwork frames must be trained in their safe erection.
f) Formwork frames must be erected in a progressive manner to ensure both the
installers safety and the stability of the overall structure. Braces must be
attached to the frames as soon as practical.
g) The risk of a fall can exist on edges of formwork frames during their erection. In
this situation, it is necessary to install edge protection on the frames as they are
h) Provided the side bracing (or other edge protection) is installed progressively
and as soon as enough material has been raised up additional control measures
to prevent a fall occurring do not have to be provided.
i) Many conventional formwork frames consist of diagonal braces that cross in the
j) While these braces are not considered to be suitable edge protection for a
completed formwork deck, they may provide reasonable fall protection during
frame erection. This is only the case where braces are installed in a progressive
manner as soon as the braces are handed up to a person.
k) As the height of formwork frames increase, there is a greater need to provide
lateral stability to the frames. All framing must be carried out so that it complies
with on site design documentation and any manufacturers’ requirements.
l) Do not deviate from layout drawings when erecting formwork without the
approval of a qualified designer.
m) Be certain that all wall ties are in place and secured as per manufacturer’s
recommendations. Do not weld, bend or otherwise alter wall ties as it may
seriously reduce their strength.
n) Adequate temporary bracing must be in place while initially setting formwork.
Assure that formwork is properly braced and stabilized against wind and other
external forces.
o) Safe working platforms must be installed as per applicable safety standards and
as stated in Section 5 herein.
p) When gang forming, lifting devices must be properly spaced and securely
attached as per manufacturer’s recommendations. Rigging must be arranged
so that any one lifting bracket is not overloaded and that lifting cables are not at
excessive angles, which will reduce allowable loads. Spreader beams with load
equalizers are recommended for all but simple two point lifts. Follow
manufacturer’s/suppliers recommended procedures concerning capacity and
use of lifting hardware and crane.
q) A minimum of two tag lines must be used to control movement of crane-handled
formwork. Do not allow personnel on or directly under any gang form while it is
being moved or suspended in air.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

r) Do not erect gang forms when jobsite wind conditions prevent safe manoeuvring
of gangs. Assure that all rigging connections are properly made in accordance
with safe practices and procedures.
s) Formwork should be adequately braced, anchored, or otherwise secured prior
to releasing lifting mechanism.
t) Wall forms must not be erected so as to support deck concrete loading unless
the wall forms are a designed part of the deck support system.
u) Formwork supervisor must supervise During erection of falsework,

Shear wall template support Split bolt wearing a PVC tube

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Rectangular column template

support Bracing

a) Aligners (alignment devices, plumbing struts) are considered only as alignment

devices with no provisions for withstanding concrete pressure or any portion
thereof. Maintain forms plumb during pour to ensure that aligners are not
supporting or stabilizing concrete pressures.
b) Braces used to withstand concrete pressure must be designed by a qualified
formwork designer.
c) Unless specified, wind loading and other external lateral loads are not
considered in the manufacturer’s layout drawings.
d) The adequacy of stakes, dead-men, sills, anchor-bolts, etc., must be
determined to assure safe support of the imposed brace loads. The
e) Responsibility for adequate anchorage of braces should be assigned only to
those personnel with sufficient experience to assure sound judgement.
f) Before removing braces, assure that the concrete has attained sufficient
strength to safely support the imposed load at support locations.
g) Do not exceed the rated load of the braces.
h) Inspect installed braces immediately after installation for correctness of spacing
and proper attachment device.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Aluminium formwork bracing Walkway System

a) All walkway systems must be properly positioned, spaced and fastened as per
manufacturer’s specifications and all applicable safety regulations.
b) Walkway systems must be in place along the upper level of formwork. Workers
must never attempt to walk or stand on top of forms.
c) Scaffold brackets must be attached with the manufacturer’s recommended
connectors. Never use substitutes or make-shift devices. Never hang brackets
from wall ties after removal of forms.
d) All walkway platforms must utilize at least two (2) planks laid side by side, and
must overlap their support ledger by not less than 6 inches. Unsupported ends
of scaffold planks must not project more than 12 inches past their support
e) Scaffold planks must be minimum 2 inch x 10 inch nominal lumber and must be
scaffold grade as recognized by approved grading rules for the species of
lumber used, or must be of materials having equivalent or greater strength.
Scaffold planks must safely support a minimum of 25 pounds per square foot
over a maximum span of 8 feet. (refer to Chapter 13 Scaffold)
f) When deemed appropriate by the competent person, scaffold planks must be
nailed and clinched, bolted or otherwise positively secured against
dislodgement from effects of wind, weather, gang form lifting operations or the
like. Bolt heads and nails must be driven flush with tops of planks to prevent
tripping hazards.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

g) All scaffold bracket platforms must be equipped with guardrails, mid-rails and
toe-boards along all open sides and ends and be maintained secure and in good
condition at all times. Guardrails must be of at least 2 x 4 nominal sized lumber,
with minimum 1 x 6 or 2 x 4 nominal mid-rails, with toe-boards at least 4 inches
high, supported by 2 x 4 nominal lumber uprights spaced not more than 8 feet
apart, or must be of other materials providing equivalent or greater strength and
protection. (refer to Chapter 15 Fall Protection and Working at Height)
h) Maximum spacing between scaffold brackets is eight feet. Never exceed this
distance unless the walkway system has been specifically designed for a
greater distance. Follow manufacturer’s recommendations as to loading and
spacing of scaffold brackets. Unless designed otherwise, scaffold brackets are
designed to support a maximum load of 25 pounds per square foot when spaced
on 8 foot centres. Scaffold brackets are not designed for F401 4 the additional
loads imposed from stacking rebar or placing other equipment on walkways.
i) Always brace and/or otherwise secure forms and scaffold from overturning due
to attachment and use of scaffold brackets.
j) Never allow persons to work on one level of walkways if others are working
directly below or overhead unless proper protection is provided, such as safety
k) It is unsafe and unlawful for persons to occupy any form walkway while the form
is being moved.
l) Access ladders or other suitable safe methods must be used to obtain access
to walkway platforms. Do not position ladders so that their weight while being
used can affect the strength or stability of the scaffold and formwork.
m) Do not uses form panels as a ladder.
n) If using walkway systems is not practical, personnel must be protected against
falls by means of personal fall arrest system attached to components having
adequate strength to meet or exceed applicable codes or by safety nets or other
equivalent protection. Personnel protected by personal fall arrest system must
exercise additional care when handling formwork. Inspection

a) Inspect completed formwork prior to placing concrete to assure proper

placement and secure connections of ties and associated hardware. All
threaded connectors, such as ties, inserts, anchor bolts, etc., must also be
checked for proper thread engagement.
b) Inspect erected form walkway systems before each use. Assure that bolts, nuts,
and other connections are fastened securely.
c) Inspect bracing attachments and form alignment after each form cycle. Inspect
installed forms and braces immediately prior to pour and during pour.
d) Formwork structure must be inspected by formwork supervisor before pouring

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Formwork inspection done by engineer.

14.6.2 Pouring of the Concrete

a) The contractor must verify prior to and during concrete placing that the method
of placement and rate of pour is consistent with formwork design. DO NOT
b) Concrete must not be placed in any manner which imposes impact loads that
exceed the rated capacity of the form.
c) Instruct personnel on proper vibration. Do not use vibrator to move concrete.
Do not vibrate further than one-foot into the previous lift. Avoid vibrator contact
with wall ties. External vibrators must not be attached to formwork unless it was
designed for their use.
d) All materials used to make concrete such as cement, coarse aggregate, sand,
and water are quite heavy even in small quantities. When lifting heavy materials,
back should be straight, legs bent, and the weight between legs as close to the
body as possible. Do not twists at the waist while lifting or carrying these items.
(refer to Chapter 26 Health Issue).
e) When working with fresh concrete, care should be taken to avoid skin irritation
or chemical burns. Prolonged contact between fresh concrete and skin surfaces,
eyes, and clothing may result in burns that are quite severe, including third-
degree burns. If irritation persists consult a physician.
f) Waterproof gloves, a long-sleeved shirt, and long pants should be worn. If must
stand in fresh concrete while it is being placed, screeded, or floated, wear rubber
boots high enough to prevent concrete from getting into them. (refer to Chapter
21 PPE)

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

g) Waterproof pads should be used between fresh concrete surfaces and knees,
elbows, hands, etc., to protect the body during finishing operations. Eyes and
skin that come in contact with fresh concrete should be flushed thoroughly with
clean water. Clothing that becomes saturated from contact with fresh concrete
should be rinsed out promptly with clear water to prevent continued contact with
skin surfaces.

14.6.3 Stripping Formwork

Stripping formwork can be one of the most hazardous phases of concrete

construction. While falling objects are the primary hazard, there may also be fall
hazards as a result of floor collapse and manual tasks hazards from a person working
in awkward postures, repetitive handling of materials and limited task variety. As with
formwork erection, the stripping operation must be carried out in an orderly,
progressive manner. Safe Work Method Statement

A safe work method statement (SWMS) for the stripping operation should be
prepared and provided to those who will be involved in this high risk activity. The SWMS

a) Identify the work that is high risk construction work

b) State hazards relating to the high risk construction work and risks to health
and safety associated with those hazards
c) Describe the measures to be implemented to control the risks
d) Describe how the control measures are to be implemented, monitored and
reviewed; and include:
i. The number of persons in the stripping crew.
ii. The sequence of stripping activities – this would need to detail how
the frames and/or other supports should be removed (that is, how far
U-heads are to be lowered).
iii. Whether the support system is to be completely removed in a zone
prior to removal of the formwork deck or whether the supports are to
be lowered slightly but still remain under the formply while it is being
iv. When back-propping is required or only part of the support system is
to be removed, how the structural members are to remain in place
and/or the type and layout of members that will replace the formwork

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

v. Any other special requirements involved in the stripping and or

building process (e.g. checking of back-propping after post-
tensioning) Certification Prior to Stripping

a) Prior to commencement of the stripping operation, a competent person, from

the principal contractor (i.e. the project engineer), is to provide written
certification that formwork can be removed. This certification should be based
on an engineer’s specifications for the building, the strength of the concrete mix
and the time period that has elapsed since the pour. An engineer will also be
required to have input into the stripping safe work method statement to ensure
the concrete element will not fail and must have provided details on the
structural engineering drawings.
b) Documentation from the concrete supplier verifying the concrete specification
should be available on request. A concrete sampling and testing procedure
should be in place to verify concrete meets its design specification.
c) It is important to note that the compressive strength of laboratory cured test
specimens may differ from the actual compressive strength due to factors such
as temperature and humidity on site, poor curing techniques and the addition of
water to the mix. Some builders may therefore choose to have test
samples on site to give an indication of the variation between ‘on site’ tests and
laboratory tests. Exclusion Zone

a) Only persons involved in the stripping operation should be permitted in the area
to be stripped.
b) The signs should require persons to keep out of the area (e.g. “Danger -
Formwork stripping in progress – authorized persons only”).
c) Where other trades are required to work on the same floor during stripping of
walls, columns or small sections of soffit, the principal contractor or PCBU
should ensure that stringent controls are applied that prevent other persons
from entering the stripping area.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 Drop Stripping

‘Drop stripping’ is a term sometimes used to describe the method used when all of
the formwork support system is removed and the form-ply is allowed to drop to the
floor either by its own weight or by persons levering it off. In general, this method of
stripping should not be used to strip formwork. It can be hazardous because the form-
ply is likely to fall in an uncontrolled manner and can strike persons underneath.

However, in some situations, sheets can be dropped to the floor provided the
following is ensured:

a) The formwork support system (e.g. props or frame) is only removed from under
the sheet to be dropped. Once the sheet is dropped the process progressively
continues until all sheets are dropped.
b) The person levering off the sheet is not at risk of being struck when the sheet
falls to the floor keeping in mind that sheets may fall at an angle due to their
large surface area and effect of the air– for example, the person does not stand
directly under the sheet but stands far enough away and
uses a pinch-bar to lever the sheet off. It should be noted that this method can
only be used on relatively low ceiling heights unless the person can be
positioned on a working platform or elevating work platform. The advantage of
using a platform is that the person will generally be able to get closer to the
sheet to be removed without being at risk.
c) The formwork system and sheets are not left in a haphazard manner on the
floor but are placed in stacks and progressively removed from the floor area.

14.6.4 Crane and Load Handling Systems (refer to Chapter 24 Machinery and

Materials, including stacks of ply, forms, bearers and joists, are sometimes lifted
onto a deck during formwork erection, and before the deck are signed over. Stacked
materials create point loadings which the formwork structure may not be designed to
bear. Materials should be stored only where and when the deck is able to bear the load.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 Loading Materials during Formwork Construction

To minimize the risk of collapse and other hazards:

a) Formwork drawings should clearly identify the maximum (pre-pour) point
loadings for the deck.
b) Point loadings should not exceed the maximum weight specified by an engineer.
c) Crane crews should be notified when an area of deck is ready to take a load,
and where that load should be placed.
d) Crane crews should not lift materials onto the deck until there is a designated
lifting zone.
e) Loads should only be placed in the area(s) designated as safe.
f) Loads must not be placed on the formwork deck if the formwork documentation
prohibits loadings.
g) Delivery of materials to the site should be planned so that loads are not lifted
onto unsecured decks.
h) Prior to persons leaving the site, materials and equipment should be secured to
prevent them being
moved by wind. Lifting Formwork Materials

Crane-lifted loads should be slung and secured so that the load (or any part of it)
cannot fall, as follows:

a) Tare mass of wall, lift or column forms should be provided on site with formwork
documentation and made available for inspection by all interested parties.
b) Safe working load mass should be clearly marked on bins.
c) Lifting boxes should be appropriate for the material being lifted, and be
engineer-designed and certified.
d) Four chains (one in each corner) should be fitted to lift boxes.
e) Specifically-designed lifting boxes should be used to lift smaller components
(e.g. spigots, U-heads, base plates and couplers). Boxes should have enclosed
sides or robust mesh (with openings less than the minimum size of materials
being lifted).
f) Lifting boxes should be inspected and maintained, and inspection records kept.
g) Loads within lifting boxes should be secured against movement.
h) Materials should not be stacked higher than the side of the box unless they are
adequately secured, but at no time should the box become top heavy.
i) Formwork frames should either be strapped together or lifting slings should be
wrapped around the load.
j) Loads of joists or bearers should be strapped together before lifting.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

k) Use tag lines as required to control loads and well as forms.

l) Form-ply loads should be strapped together and lifted in a flat position.
m) Ensure where possible all loads are supported with dunnage and the load is
uniformly distributed over the supporting surface. Precast Lifting

Wall and column forms must only be lifted with a positive lifting system such as
lifting lugs or by slinging the lifting slings around the form such that the form cannot slip
out of the slings. Purpose designed lifting lugs are preferable to slinging the load
because there is less risk of the load becoming inadvertently disconnected from the
crane hook.
When lifting wall and column forms always make sure:

a) There is an engineer's drawing or certification for lifting the form

b) The lifting lug type, location and attachment are the same as specified on the
c) The types and spacing of members on the form are the same as those specified
on the engineer's drawing.
d) The numbers, types and spacing of bolts and screws on the form are the same
as those specified on the engineer's drawing.
e) The form is engineer certified for any side loading lifting (i.e. when flipping the
form onto or when using multi-legged slings)
f) Any bracing on the form is the same as that specified on the engineer's drawing.
g) A competent person from the formwork contractor inspects the form every time
it is lifted and verifies it is safe to lift.
h) There is a documented system so the forms are inspected for damage or
deterioration and remain safe.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Lifting points must be endorse by PE

It is important to:

a) Never lift a wall or column form unless the form complies with the engineer's
b) Never lift a form that has lifting parts that are damaged or rotten
c) Never change the lifting points without engineer approval
d) Never drill extra holes in the lifting parts of the form
e) Never use bolts, screws or timbers different to those listed on the engineers
f) Never allow suction between two members.

14.6.5 Access and Egress

Access to the form may be provided in a variety of ways including one or more of
the following:

a) Personnel and material hoists on the building

b) Permanent stair systems in the building
c) A trailing stair system suspended from the slip form or jump form
d) An internal trailing ladder system

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

14.6.6 Miscellaneous

a) All form components and/or hardware must be kept clean, and if appropriate,
lubricated to insure proper performance and to allow for proper inspection.
b) All form components must be inspected regularly for damage or excessive wear.
Equipment found to be in these conditions must be replaced immediately and
not re-used.
c) Field repair of modular formwork components (other than plywood repairs) must
not be undertaken without consulting the manufacturer’s qualified
d) The forming layout shall be prepared or approved by a person qualified to
analyse the loadings and stresses which are induced during the construction
process. The layout shall be at the jobsite.
e) Forming installation and pouring procedures must comply with safe practices
and with the requirements of the law and governmental regulations, codes and
f) All persons who may be exposed to work health and safety risks resulting from
formwork construction must be provided with information and training that is
specific to the formwork system that is being used.
g) When cutting dry concrete, exercise caution as to a possible exposure of silica.
During training, help employees understand the risk of exposure to silica. There
are a few suggested methods that can be utilized to help control this exposure.
Using water, or the wet method, can prove effective in suppressing the amount
of dust created or dust released if one is cutting into concrete or sandblasting.
Another alternative is to have a ventilation system. N-95 respirators are
recommended for work with silica.
h) When possible, ensure that the truck is parked on a level surface. Parking on a
slope will shift the centre of gravity of the truck and increasing the potential of a
tip-over. Access should be wide enough for the truck and overhead clearance
should allow for the truck to pass without danger of touching overhead lines.
Never stand on the shoot.
i) One of the great dangers posed to concrete construction workers is motorists.
Those that lay cement, or form curbs and gutters, must take precautionary steps
to avoid traffic-caused incidents. Clearly mark off work area and ensure that
traffic is moved away from workers. Use flaggers if necessary. (refer to Chapter
5 Traffic Management and Road Work)
j) Determine the appropriate path for the hose to run to the location where cement
is being pumped. To limit the risk of injury, make sure that the hose has a clear
pathway. Look for potential hazards such as hoses running underneath ladders
and scaffolds as well as other people that could be hit or truck by the hose.


Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter 15 Fall Protection and Working at Height

15.1 Introduction

Unsafe condition prevailing in construction site may situate a person to fall or

exposed a person to strike by objects dropping. It’s important to develop standardized
protection system to safeguard workers in construction site against such as hazards.

15.2 Objective

To develop standardize and systematic fall protection provisions in construction site.

15.3 Scope

The following procedure is applicable for working at height, protection against floor
opening, building edges and object dropping from height.

15.4 Legal requirements

Occupational Safety and Health Act 514:

a) Section 15 : General duties of employers and self-employed person to their
b) Section 17 : General duties of employers and self-employed person to
other than their employees
c) Section 24: General duties of employees at work place.

Factory and Machinery Act 139:

a) Safety Health and Welfare Regulation 1970
i. Regulation 7 : Access to work place
ii. Regulation 8 : Openings generally to be fenced
iii. Regulation 9 : Stairway
iv. Regulation 10 : Fixed ladder
v. Regulation 12 : Working at height
b) Building Operations and Works of Engineering Construction
i. Regulation 10(1) : Access to workplace
ii. Regulation 15(1) : Protective equipment.
iii. Regulation 44&45 : Construction of catch platform
iv. Regulation 50-55 : Safety belts & Safety nets
v. Regulation62-71 : Ladders and Step Ladders
c) Guidelines for the Prevention of Falls at Work Place 2007

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

15.5 Procedure
15.5.1 Fall Protection (Refer to appendix for checklist) Floor opening protection

a) The floor opening on floor surface, roof, and on other building components
platform smaller than 250mm called hole, this type of floor hole use 18mm thick
plywood and cover hole. The plywood shall be fixed with concrete nails.
b) The hole opening size equal to or greater than 250mm on floor surface, roofs
and other building components platform less than 1500mm, called the floor
opening must cover with a solid cover. It is recommended two types methods
of protection details :

i. Use 2 timbers run across the hole and then covered with 18mm thick
plywood which fixed with iron nails to the timber runs, the surface of
plywood shall painted with warning sign indicator with red and white
paints (spacing 20cm, angle of 45 degrees).
ii. Cover the opening with 10mm thick plywood, and fixed with Ф8mm
diameter expansion bolts or cement nails, surface painted with warning
sign indicator with red and white paints (spacing 20cm, angle of 45

Plan Section 1-1 3-D rendering

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Plan Section 1-1 3-D rendering

Safety net figure Dense safety net figure

a) For protection of floor opening from 1500 ~ 4000mm as follows :

i. Setup Ф48mm diameter steel pipe guard rails around the hole, pole spacing
not exceeding 2000mm, lower part of the protective railing set 200mm high
and 18mm thick plywood toe board, top railings at 1.1m height and middle
railing at 600mm height, all components must have painted warning sign
indicator with red and white (with 400mm Spacing), guard rails setup full of
safety net close to the wall and display warning signboard at the top of a
horizontal railing bar "beware of falling" poster signs.

Plan Section 1-1 3-D rendering

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

b) For protection of floor opening from 4000mm ~ 5000mm as follows :

i. Install guard rails use same type of material, same pattern of installation
except that install additional guard rail in the bottom to ensure the rigidity
of the guard rails.

Plan 3-D rendering

c) For protection on floor opening with exceed 5000mm :

i. It is relatively rare, if encountered such scene of holes, should carry out a
special protection program with approval of project manager. Excavation Edge Protection. (Refer to Chapter 9: Excavation)

a) Foundation or pile cap excavation edge protection

i. Every excavation depth more than 2000mm must set edge protection
around the excavation. The edge protection around the excavation must
use steel pipe as guard rails, set of three horizontal pipe members
connect with the vertical post pipes spacing not more than 2000mm, the
horizontal pipe height ≥700mm.
ii. If the top of the foundation pit cast with concrete beam the vertical starter
steel bar Ф18mm diameter shall be embedded, the starter steel bar
anchorage allowance length is ≥500mm).
iii. The edge protection’s horizontal pipe members, vertical pipe posts and
foot plate, must brush painted red and white as warning indicator the
stripe spacing shall be 400mm.
iv. Guard rails must be setup with full of safety net and displays warning sign
notice "beware of falling" warning signs shall place conspicuously easily
to be seen.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 Staircase Edge Opening Protection

a) The staircase landing platform install with 2 horizontal Ф48mm diameter steel
tubes as protective railings.
b) The protective railing pipe, stand pole pipe must be painted brush red and white
stripes spacing at 400mm red and white as warning indicator.

Staircase protection plan On site picture Building Edge Protection

a) When the window edge height is less than or equal to 800mm, the lateral width
greater than 2000mm, it needs to set edge protection.
b) The building edge protection must have a strong connection of vertical post.
c) The structural column shall be hoop up with steel pipe and other corresponding
part adopt the span method that buckled on the floor level with expansion bolt
d) The entire protection components shall brush painted red and white as warning
indicator stripes spacing shall be 400mm.
e) Every guardrails space between any toe-board and the lowest guard-rail above
it shall not exceed 690 millimetres.
f) Toe-boards up to a sufficient height being in no case less than 200 millimetres
g) Top rails protection height are between 900mm-1100mm

Using column as support 3-D rendering

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Using wall as support 3-D rendering

Using wall plug and snap

Snap ring figure 3-D rendering
ring Safe Pedestrian Overhead Protection (Refer Chapter 4 Overhead

Protection Shelter)

a) In the entrance of the building, or within the building surrounding the falling
object radius of the pedestrian channel, need to be set up a safety passage.
b) Safe pedestrian passage guard rails, use 48mm hollow channel combining by
the erection of steel pipe, the length of the channel should be based on the
height of the building, following is the table that shows the building height to
determine the object fall radius distance.

Building height(H) Object falling radius(M)

2~5m 3m
5~15m 4m
15~30m 5m
>30m 6m

c) Safe pedestrian passage shelter adopts double layer protection, the distance
between the two layers is 800mm, and the upper and lower layers are fully
covered with zinc roofing slats.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

d) At the top section of safe pedestrian passage shelter to set up safety

support bearing pipe at the of height 1200mm with two horizontal pipe at
roof members, bearing brush spacing is 400mm red and white warning
paint, in addition to the entrance, the three face top sides filled with dense
mesh safety net.
e) Safe pedestrian passage shelter should install diagonal bracing on both
sides, and full hanging mesh safety net, all horizontal pipes control the outer
100mm of the extended pipe on the horizontal post.
f) Safety passage shelter shall install steel tube sign post (900mm x 900mm)
on both side, safe pedestrian passage shelter entrance should hanging
safety warning signs and safety publicity posters.
g) Safety signs are made of PVC board or aluminium plate, outdoor use
waterproof film surface. Lift Shaft, Vertical Hole Protection

a) Every lift shaft entrance install 1800mm height high-quality protection door.
b) At the middle and bottom of lift shaft door install 200mm height, 1mm thick
steel plate, at the bottom of steel plate brush red and white paint warning
with distance of 400mm.
c) The four corners of the protective door 50mmX30mmX2mm steel plate, use
expansion bolts and lift shaft wall fixed.
d) The lift shaft entrance doors are painted by blue paint.
e) Elevator internal hoist way install steel operation rack, its height less than
1800mm, more than a certain height, should set the unloading device. At
the next layer of hanger install safety net, below two layer of operation layer
install hard core layer closed, ±0.000 as the first closed layer; in the closed
layer; each layer should install safety net.
f) Lift shaft tool protection system is applicable to three sides of the shear wall.
g) The lift shaft protection who no shear wall shaft can refer to "2.0 horizontal
hole protection" detail, after the completion of masonry, lift installation
should also do horizontal protection in the lift shaft.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Protection for elevator shaft Detail for frame unloading

On site picture for lift shaft protection.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 Passenger Hoist Opening Protection

a) Passenger hoist ground level entrance need install safety passage; refer details
as per "10 safe pedestrian passage".
b) Passenger hoist support structure should be separated with external scaffold,
passenger hoist’s scaffold both side should install diagonal bracing, 1200mm
height, base setting 200mm height, 18mm thick timber block as baseboard.
Both baseboard and barrier are painted with red and white warning paint with
400mm distance, internal setup safety net, all horizontal rods control the outer
100mm of the extended rod of horizontal post.
c) Each floor of the Passenger hoist scaffold should install member of the wall and
diagonal barrier, and strictly follow the construction program requirements to
take dismantle method.
d) The distance between platform and lift guard is ≤ 100mm.
e) Install metal protective door at level dismantle platform, door frame and the
frame welded with 25 x 50mm steel horal section, internal frame install 1mm
thick steel board and 30 x 30 steel mesh skeleton with blue paint.
f) The height of the protective door is 1950mm, width is 1550mm, and the switch
bolt is installed on the side of the protective door.
g) Between the doors of passenger hoist platform seal up with plywood, internal
and external brush blue paint.
h) Calling system must be set up.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Front elevation for platform protection

Passenger hoist fall protection

3-D rendering

On site picture of passenger hoist entrance

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

15.5.2 Working at Height

Many activities in the construction site require working at heights. Working at

heights involves ascending/descending of ladders, carrying at height level with
assistance of scaffolding and scissor lift, and elevated working platform by the use of
temporary working platform. The hazards involved in working at height are mainly:-

a) Fall from height

b) Falling of objects such as tools/equipment/material on personnel working below.

Hence it is necessary that personnel working at heights must be familiar with the
safety requirements. Scope

The following procedure is applicable to all contractor and sub-contractor

employees while working within the construction site. Permit to Work and Checklist (refer to Appendix)

a) Appendix – Working at height permit.

b) Appendix – Integrated PTW. Responsibility

Contractor and sub-contractor supervisors are responsible to ensure that the

requirements pertaining to working at heights are strictly adhered to. Safety Requirement

The following safety requirements shall be given due consideration and complied
with while working at heights.

a) Personal protective equipment (PPE)

i. All personnel are to wear safety harness and lanyard shall be used to
anchor securely the lifeline or to any rigid point of structure while working
at height of more than 2 meters.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Safety harness training

b) Access to workplace

i. Where a permanent means of access/egress is not available, a

temporary means of access by the use of ladder to be provided.
ii. Climbing/descending over structures, equipment and beams is
dangerous and prohibited, it has to achieve by use of ladder, scissor lift
or scaffolding.

c) Ladders/Staircase

i. Both hands shall be used to hold the ladders/staircase while ascending

and descending.
ii. Firm grip of hands and firm footing shall be ensured.
iii. Persons ascending or descending shall always face towards the ladder.
iv. Hands shall not be engaged in holding other materials or tools.
v. Ladder shall be inspected for broken, missing, damaged or defective
rungs at least once weekly.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

d) Carrying of tools and accessories

i. Tools, accessories and other items required for the carryout task at height
level never be carried in hands while using a ladder. To use tool bags
specially to carry tools. The tool bag has to be slung over the shoulder when
ascending or descending ladders.
ii. Tools and accessories, etc., shall be lift, lower or shift to and from elevated
work places by using a rope or other safe means of lifting/lowering practices.

e) Working platform

i. If a permanent working platform is not provided on the elevation where work

is to be done, a proper scaffolding must be erected to facilitate the task.
ii. The scaffolding shall be provided with hand rails, toe boards etc., as per
the scaffolding requirements.
iii. Temporary working platform in erected at any elevated areas it has to be
provided with ladder of sufficient height attached to the platform for the
purpose of access and egress safely and the platform should be installing
with effective guard rail at all opening sides.

f) During the progress of work

i. The affected area at below or at floor / ground level directly below the
work area shall be cordoned off effectively by the use of warning tape
and detail a person standby at the barricaded area to caution passersby
of the activities at height.
ii. Due care shall be taken to avoid falling of any tools or articles, especially
through the gap opening in between the platform’s. If it is not feasible to
use tool bag, then tools are to be secure firmly by rope and attaching it
to the body to prevent accidental droppings.
iii. Safety harness’s lanyard must be anchored to a rigid point/structure or
into provided lifeline all the times while at height.
iv. Where work to be performed at any open side or floor opening which a
person is liable to fall a distance of more than 3m, effective barrier, life
line or opening cover must be installed to prevent falling from height.

g) On completion of work

i. All tools, articles and other items brought to the work area shall be removed
from the places of work and the area shall be cleared off of all unwanted
items. Under any circumstances no loose items are to be left at height level
it has to be brought down immediately upon completion of work.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 Working at Height by Scissor Lift (EWP)

Before operating the scissor lift a pre-check conduct by operator has under gone
training of safe operation. The following procedure shall imply for the operation scissor
lift and to obtain working at height permit prior to commencement of work.

Personnel shall not operate scissor lift, only authorized person are allowed to
operate scissor lift, the identification sticker to affix on helmet and he must strictly follow
the safe operating procedure.

a) Operators shall wear a safety harness attached to the scissor lift guardrail with
lanyard or retractable webbing lanyard while extracting or retracting the cage
b) Work tools shall not exceed safe working load of scissor lift.
c) Scissor lift shall only be used on a firm and level flat floor surfaces.
d) Operators shall ensure to adhere safe operating procedures.
e) While the cage platform at elevated level do not attempt to drive the scissor lift,
the elevated cage had to retract prior to drive the scissor lift if shifting of work
place takes place.
f) Shall not operate scissor lift within 4 metres of live electrical wires without a full
electrical isolation.
g) Operators shall park the scissor lift at designed parking area for charging of
h) While scissor lift in operation the operator to ensure all buzzers are functioning.
i) Operator shall duly complete safety checklist prior to operate scissor lift.
j) To print prominently on the scissor lift the PMA registration number, scissor lift’s
SWL capacity and optionally the user’s sub-contractor company name.
k) To display a copy of PMA certificate & checklist on the scissor lift.
l) The affected work area to barricade on floor level adequately.
m) Only 2 persons includes the operator are permitted in the platform cage.
n) Never modify or alter the scissor lift without written permission from the
manufacturer because changes could alter the structure and stability
o) Make sure that the emergency lowering mechanism works.
p) Make sure that loads are within the capacity limit and are stowed properly for
q) Do not use lumber or ladders to get additional height on the platform. Do not
step on guardrails or gate rungs and do not climb out of the platform for any

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 Working at Height by Sky-lift

Before operating the sky lift a pre-check to conduct with the use of checklist and
the operator holds a valid driving licence issued RTD and familiar with the safe operation
of sky lift. The following procedure is applicable for the operation of sky lift and to obtain
working at height permit prior to commencement of work.

a) PMA registration number and SWL to be printed on the boom and all certificates
are to keep in the sky lift for inspection.
b) Ensure the outriggers are fully extended and the outrigger footings are to be
steel based plate.
c) Only 1 person is allowed inside lifting cage.
d) The person inside the cage is to wear safety harness and hook the lanyard to
cage’s guardrail all the times.
e) Barricade the affected area at ground level adequately.
f) Materials or tools keep inside cage are to contain it within the cage and its weight
to not exceed SWL including the working person inside the cage.
g) Never use the sky lift as a crane to lift items. Working on scaffold

Scaffolds are extensively used in the construction sites for various work processes.
Once the scaffold is erected, the scaffolding inspector will inspects the scaffolding to
ensure that it conforms to safety requirements and is safe for men to work. If he is
satisfied, he signs the checklist and displays it on the scaffold together with safe to use
tag. The following procedure adopted for safe working on scaffolding.

a) The user of scaffolding to ensure that valid safe to use tag & checklist duly
completed by scaffold inspector has displayed on the intended scaffold to be use.
b) Persons working on scaffold are to wear safety harness and hook the lanyard on
the guardrail of the scaffold throughout.
c) Stacking of bricks on scaffold platform is to be below the level of toe board.
d) Do not modify scaffold, only competent scaffold erector is allowed to carry out
e) Do not remove or dismantle any part of scaffold structure, if there is a need, only
competent scaffold erector is permitted to do so.
f) To barricade adequate at ground level the affected area with warning tapes.
g) Use only provided ladders for access and egress from scaffold platform, do not
scroll down on side of scaffold by gripping on guardrails or any other structure.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 Working at Height Using Portable Step Ladders

Portable ladders are commonly used in construction site for its expediency and
reliability, hazards of falling from ladder could result in serious injury, therefore the
following safe work procedure to adhere by all workers to prevent untoward incidents.

a) The user to ensure that ladder is fitted with non-slip feet.

b) Ensure that the ladder is placed on a firm and level footing.
c) Where the ladder is being used to gain access to a platform or roof, the ladder
is to extend beyond the platform or roof level by at least 1 metre.
d) Do not work alone with ladders always work with a buddy to hold the ladder for
e) When working on a ladder above 2m from the ground level, the user shall wear
an approved safety harness and be coupled to a fixed structure or the secured
ladder via a suitable lanyard.
f) All materials are to be raised and lowered with a rope. Small items may be
placed in a safety harness bolt bag or tool frog to allow user to climb and
descend the ladder using both hands.
g) All tools to be secured effectively to prevent dropping accidentally.
h) Do face the ladder when ascending or descending, never turn away from the
i) Do barricade around ladders to protect them from being bumped.
j) Do not use the top three rungs of a ladder.
k) Do not tie or fasten ladders together to provide longer.
l) Do not “walk” or rock a ladder side to side to move it into place.
m) Do maintain three point contacts all the times (hands & feet).
n) Avoid work that imposes a side loading such as side-on drilling through solid
materials, by having the steps facing the work activity. Where side-on loading
cannot be avoided should prevent the steps from tipping over, by tying the steps
to a suitable point.
o) Only wooden or fibreglass ladders are to be used in electrical annexes, switch
rooms or near electrical cabling or circuitry.
h) Ladder inspection :

All ladders must be inspected periodically and after any occurrence, that could
affect their safe use or to carryout inspection whenever a ladder falls over and
hits the ground. Always inspect the followings:-

i. The “feet” or cleats of a ladder for damage.

ii. The back of stepladders for stability.
iii. Hooks and locks on straight ladders with extensions.
iv. The rungs of the ladder for bends or breaks.
v. The locking mechanism on a step ladder.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

The thumb rule to determine the correct leaning angle of a straight ladder is a
worker standing in front of a ladder should be able to grab a rung with both arms
extended forward at shoulder level without bending forward. Working on Roof (refer Chapter 20 Roofing Work)

If workers are working on roofs with unprotected sides and edges 3 meters or more
above ground levels, they shall be protected from falling by guardrail systems, safety
net systems, personal fall arrest systems or a combination of a warning line system and
guard-rail system, warning line system and safety net system, warning line system and
personal fall arrest system, or warning line system.

a) Warning line system

i. Employees performing roofing work between a roof edge and a warning

line must be protected by guardrails or safety nets erected around all open
sides of the roof work area no less than 3m from the roof edge.
ii. Points of access and material handling areas must be connected to the
work area by an access path formed by two warning lines close
access/offset when not in use.
iii. Warning lines must consist of ropes, wires, or chains, and flagged every
2m with high-visibility material/warning tapes rigged and supported that its
lowest point (including sag) is no less than 690mm and its highest point is
no more than 1.2m.
iv. Stanchions must be capable of resisting at least 10kg of force.
v. Warning line must have a minimum tensile strength of 225kg.
vi. Workers are not allowed to work between the roof edge and warning line
unless performing roofing work.
vii. Must not be use as fall protection on slopes greater than 2:12.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

b) Slide guide system

i. Installation of the system must be under direct supervision of competent

ii. Cannot used on roofs with ground/eave height of 25 ft. or more.
iii. Cannot used as fall protection on roofs with a slope less than 3:12 nor greater
than 8:12.
iv. Roofs that with slopes greater than or equal to 3:12 to and including 6:12.
Minimum of one slide guard placed below the work area and not closer than
6” from the eave.
v. Roofs that with slopes greater than 6:12 to 8:12. Multiple slide guards must be
used with spaced 8’ apart, vertically and lower slide guard must be placed
no closer than 6” from eave.
vi. Lowest slide guard must be 90 degrees to the roof surface.
vii. Upper slide guards cannot be less than 60 degrees to the roof surface. Working at Height for Steel Structure or Precast beam Installation

To apply hoisting permit refer Appendix.

Accidents during steel erection or installation of precast concrete beams may

cause serious injuries at construction sites, the formulation of safe work procedure will
provide greater protection and eliminate hazards associated with steel erection and

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

will thus reduce the incidence of injuries in the construction sites.

Major hazard is fall from height may occur in the steel erection or installation of
precast concrete beams activity which involves walking, working and climbing surfaces
in steel beams or precast beams while installation operations when fall protection is
not used, hence following safe work procedure to adhere.

a) Fall protection system consist of safety harness, along with an anchorage,

connectors together with a lanyard including lifeline be install to prevent the user
from falling any distance beyond 3m of height.
b) Cranes and sky lift used to carry out the activities shall be visually inspected
prior to commencement of operation in accordance of crane inspection
checklist/sky lift inspection checklist and shall observes for deficiencies during
the operation.
c) Routes for suspended loads shall be pre-planned and arranged to ensure that
no person is required to work directly below a suspended load except for person
engaged in the initial connection, hooking or unhooking of the load.
d) Structural stability to maintain at all times during the erection process.
e) Purlins and girts are not to be used as an anchorage point for a fall arrest system.
f) Prior to installation ensure that the anchor rod is undamaged and if found any
damaged anchor rod it shall be report immediately to project management for
rectification and do not attempt to self-repair, replace or field-modify.
g) Sky lift to be fully utilize for the purpose of workers access to the height level
during installation process.
h) The installed fall protection lifelines shall be test for breaking strength of not less
than 200kg.
i) Installing activity to cease immediately if weather condition change so as raining,
thunderstorm and strong windy.
j) The installation supervisor must conduct site safety briefing to his workers on
the procedures pertinent to sequences of installation and safety practices before
commencement of work.
k) For disconnecting hooks from beams to use ladder if below 3m of height and if
height exceeding 3m it has to be disconnect with the utilization of sky lift.
l) Must appoint or designate a person as safety monitor.
m) Do not release the hoisting hook until the member securely bolt or fasten into
position each structural steel member before releasing the load line.
n) When setting steel trusses, temporarily cross brace them until permanent
bracing is installed.
o) Use tagline or guide rope on all hoist to prevent swing of the load.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

a) Safety monitoring system:

A safety monitoring system means a fall protection system in which a

designated is responsible for recognizing and warning employees of fall hazards.
The duties of the safety monitor are to:

i. Warn by voice or whistle when approaching the open edge in an unsafe

ii. Warn by voice or whistle if there is a dangerous situation developing
which could not be seen by another person involved with product
placement, such as a member getting out of control.
iii. Make the designated erectors aware they are in a dangerous area.
iv. Be familiar in recognizing fall hazards.
v. Warn other workers when they appear to be unaware of a fall hazard or
are acting in an unsafe manner.
vi. Be at the working area closely or on same surface so as the monitored
erectors within visual sight distance of the monitoring person.
vii. Be close enough to communicate orally with the employees.
viii. Not allow other responsibilities to encumber monitoring. If the safety
monitor becomes too encumbrance with other responsibilities, the
monitor shall (1) stop the erection process; and (2) turn over other
responsibilities to a designated erector; or (3) turn over the safety
monitoring function to another designated person.

The safety monitoring system shall not be used when the wind is strong
enough to cause loads with large surface areas to swing out of radius, or result
in loss of control of the load, or when weather conditions cause the
walking/working surfaces to become wet or slippery.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 Working at Height Using Crane Skips

The following procedure is adapted to work safely using crane skips.

a) Crane skips shall comply with statutory requirements.

b) Users of crane skips shall wear an approved safety harness attached to the crane
hook via a lanyard or retracting web lanyard.
c) The SWL of the crane skip shall not be exceeded.
d) The crane skip shall only be used on crane hooks fitted with safety catches -
unless a Trained Rigger can satisfactorily mouse the hook.
e) A visual inspection shall be done prior to use, checking shackles, hammerlocks,
chain, slings and cracks, kinks and defects.
f) Report all faults immediately to Safety Officer or Trained Rigger.
g) Crane skips shall only be used on cranes operated by a competent crane
operator approved by DOSH Malaysia.
h) Crane skips shall not be used on mobile or filed gantry type cranes with a capacity
of less than 2000kg.
i) Crane skips shall not be used within 4m of exposed live electrical wires without
a full electrical isolation.
j) Crane skip shall be returned to proper storage area upon completion of work.


Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter 16 Mechanical and Electrical

16.1 Introduction

Mechanical engineering is a diverse subject that derives its breadth from the need
to design and manufacture everything from small individual parts and devices (e.g.,
micro scale sensors and inkjet printer nozzles) to large systems (e.g., spacecraft and
machine tools). The role of a mechanical engineer is to take a product from an idea to
the marketplace. In order to accomplish this, a broad range of skills are needed. The
mechanical engineer needs to acquire particular skills and knowledge. He needs to
understand the forces and the thermal environment that a product, its parts, or its
subsystems will encounter; to design them for functionality.

16.2 Objective

This Guideline gives guidance on the good design, installation, inspection, testing,
operation and maintenance.

16.3 Definition

A form of energy that is efficient and simple

a) Current – Electrical movement (measure in amps)
b) Resistance – Restriction to electrical flow.
c) Grounding – a conductive connection to earth which acts as a protective
d) Conductor - Substances, like metals, with little resistance to electricity that
allow the electricity to flow.
e) Insulators – Substance with high resistance to electricity like glass, porcelain,
plastic, and dry wood that prevent electricity from getting to unwanted areas.
f) Voltage – Measure of electrical force.
g) Plumbing – any system that conveys fluids for wide range of application.
h) PVC – known as polyvinyl chloride, a rigid plastic pipe usually use for plumbing
system to replace steel pipes.
i) AHU – known as air handling unit which is a device used to regulate and
circulate air as part of heating, ventilating and air conditioning system (HVAC)
j) Authorized Lockout/Tag out Employee - A person who has completed the
required hazardous energy control (LOTO) training and is authorized to lockout
or tag out a specific machine or equipment to perform service or maintenance.
k) De-energized electrical work - Electrical work that is performed on equipment
that has been previously energized and is now free from any electrical
l) Disconnecting/Isolating switch - A device designed to close and/or open an
electric circuit.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

m) Energized Electrical Work - Repair, maintenance, troubleshooting, or testing

on electrical circuits, components, or systems while energized/live.
n) Energy Source - Any source of electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic,
chemical, thermal, or other energy.
o) Exposed Electrical Parts - Energized parts that can be inadvertently touched
or approached nearer than a safe distance by a person. Parts not suitably
guarded, isolated, or insulated. (i.e. terminal contacts/lugs, bare wiring, etc.).
p) Ground Fault Circuit Interrupt (GFCI) - A device whose function is to interrupt
the electric circuit to the load when a fault current to ground exceeds a
predetermined value that is less than that’s required to operate the over-current
protective device of the supply circuit.
q) Ground - A conducting connection, whether intentional or accidental, between
an electrical circuit or equipment and the earth. Or, to some conducting body
that serves in place of the earth.
r) Hazardous location - An area in which an airborne flammable dust, vapour or
gas may be present and would represent a hazard if a source of ignition.
s) High voltage - Circuits with a nominal voltage more than 600 volts.
t) Interlock - An electrical, mechanical, or key-locked device intended to prevent
an undesired sequence of operations.
u) Isolating power system – A system comprising an isolating transformer or its
equivalent, a line isolation monitor, and its ungrounded circuit conductors.
v) Life safety equipment - Equipment that provides critical protection for safety,
in the event of an emergency or other serious hazard.
w) Lockout - The placement of a lock on an energy-isolating device according to
procedure, ensuring that the energy isolating device and the equipment being
controlled cannot be operated until the lockout device is removed.
x) Lockout/ Tag out - A standard, that covers the servicing and maintenance of
machines and equipment in which the unexpected re-energization of the
equipment or release of stored energy could cause injury to employees.
y) Tagout - The placement of a tag out device on an energy-isolating device
according to procedure to indicate that the equipment may not be operated until
the tag out device is removed.
z) Low voltage - Circuits with a nominal voltage less than or equal to 600 volts.
aa) Switching devices - Devices designed to close and/or open one or more
electric circuits. Included in this category are circuit breakers, cut-outs,
disconnecting (or isolating) switches, disconnecting means, interrupter switches,
and oil (filled) cut-outs.
bb) Outlet – A point of the wiring system at which current is taken to supply
utilization equipment.
cc) Over-current – Any current in excess of the rated current of equipment of the
capacity of a conductor. It may result from overload, short circuit, or ground fault.
dd) Qualified person: One who has received training in and has demonstrated
skills and knowledge in the construction and operation of electric equipment and
installations and the hazards involved.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

ee) Remote-Control Circuit - Any electric circuit that controls any other circuit
through a relay or an equivalent device.
ff) Service - The conductors and equipment for delivering energy from the
electricity supply system to the wiring system of the premises served.
gg) Service Equipment - The necessary equipment, usually consisting of a circuit
breaker or switch and fuses, and their accessories, located near the entrance
of supply conductors to the building and intended to constitute the main control
and means of cut off of the supply.

16.4 Legal Requirements

a) Act mean the Electricity Supply Act 1990 [Act 447], Electricity Supply
b) Act 2015 [Act A1501] and its subsequent amendment, if any.
c) BOWEC Regulation 16: Electrical Hazard
d) BOWEC Regulation 25 : Ventilation
e) Use and Standards of Exposure of Chemicals Hazardous to Health Regulation
16.5 Procedure

16.5.1 Mechanical Safety

In the aspects of building design and construction, mechanical part of building

construction includes:
a) Plumbing
b) Mechanical Ventilation and Air Conditioning System (MVAC system)
c) Sprinklers Plumbing system and Sprinklers

Plumbing system in building consists of underground tank which supplied water

via municipal or water department supply lines, from there with the help of pumps and
piping distribution system water is supplied to overhead tank and thereby due to gravity,
water reaches to home outlets.

a) Safety and health issue

Safety and health issue in plumbing work are variety of setting which include:
i. Exposure of hazardous substance such as lead, sulphur dioxide, mould,
adhesive solvent and other toxic.
ii. Proximity to flammable or combustible material
iii. Working in awkward position or performing awkward manual task which
increased risk of musculoskeletal injuries.
iv. Lifting heavy or awkward object.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

v. Slips, trips and fall especially when working at wet environment.

vi. Burn from grinding, cutting, and hot work done.

b) Safety Procedures

i. Comply with main contractor safety rules.

ii. Apply working at height permit if doing work at high places. (Refer to
Chapter 15 : Fall protection and Working at Height)
iii. Apply for hot work permit if doing welding activity. (refer to Chapter 14
Concrete Work)
iv. Get training on the potential hazards at the job site.
v. Refer and review Safety Data Sheets (SDS) about the chemical used.

c) Use of chemical substance

The most common substance use in plumbing system is PVC cement. PVC
cement used to soften the pipes and weld pieces of plumbing together. Although
the glue dries quickly and forms a strong bond, it can be hazardous to health if
comes to contact with skin or inhaled.

i. Health issue

PVC cement produces great deal of vapour which can cause eye
irritation, headache, dizziness and respiratory problem. When heated
PVC product can produce HCL fumes which toxic to human (Refer to
Chapter 26 Health Issue)

ii. Fire Safety

PVC vapour is highly flammable, so there is high risk of explosion or flash

fire. PVC gas is also heavier than air, causing it to settle and remain for
days if the room is not properly ventilated. Avoid doing any hot work
nearby as it may cause an explosion and fire. Using PVC product is a
well-ventilated room is therefore essentials.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

d) Ergonomic Factor (Refer to Chapter 26 Health Issue)

Working on installing plumbing system can cause musculoskeletal disorder as

awkward positioning during working. Most of the worker require to look up for a
long times that can cause neck stiffness. This can be reduced by:

i. Working with buddy

Using two man work system can reduce time of exposure to awkward
position. This can allow one worker to rest while other doing the work
before he started the work and his partner rest.

ii. Material handling

In handling heavy material to install the piping support from machinery

can be done to reduce the risk. By using pulley system or genie lift heavy
lifting can be done without stressing on the worker. Furthermore it help
to reduce risk of falling when they working on the ladder.

Genie Lift Buddy system to prevent collapsing

of the stairs.

e) Slip, Trip and Fall

Workers usually using ladder to install the plumbing system. This may cause
them to slip and fall. (Refer to Chapter 15: Fall protection and Working at

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

f) Chemical and Material Storage

i. Read chemical labels and SDSs for specific storage instruction

ii. Store chemicals in a well-ventilated area.
iii. Maintain an inventory of all chemical in the storage.
iv. Stack and block poles to prevent spreading or tilting unless they are in

g) PPE (Refer to Chapter 21 PPE) Mechanical Ventilation and Air Conditioning System (MVAC)

HVAC is the technology of indoor and vehicular comfort. Is goal is to provide

thermal comfort and acceptable indoor air quality. MVAC system design is a sub
discipline of mechanical engineering, based] on the principles of thermodynamics, fluid
mechanics and heat transfer.
The objective of an MVAC system is to ensure that indoor environment is both
safe and comfortable for humans. Safety here is mainly concerns the Indoor Air Quality
meaning that the indoor air should have enough oxygen and be free of noxious gases.

a) Designing MVAC System

i. All AHU rooms must have a floor drain, as condensation from the air will
collect in the unit
ii. One should provide fresh air to every AHU
iii. Split Units do not provide any fresh air, they must be use only when one
is certain that the doors to the space will be open frequently.
iv. All AHU rooms and fan rooms will be at negative pressure, so the door
leading to them must open outwards and be airtight.
v. Any rooms with foul air should be provided with extraction, so that they
remain at negative pressure. This will prevent the foul air from drifting out
to other space eg kitchen and toilet.
vi. In an office it is a good idea to provide standalone AC units for conference
rooms and executive cabin.
vii. MVAC system must have safe access and egress for maintenance

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

b) Installing MVAC system.

i. Ducting fabrication

Ducting fabrication usually done in the fabrication yard before send to the
site for installation. This process requires cutting, welding and joining
metal part.

ii. Bracketing

This process requires cutting, grinding and drilling before hoisting the
material for installation. As this part of activity PPE (Refer to Chapter 21
PPE) must be worn at all time to ensure safety of the worker. The power
tool must be inspected before using (Refer to Chapter 24 Machinery
and Equipment) and working on the ladder are part of the process.
(Refer to Chapter 15 Fall Protection and Working at Height).

iii. Insulation of ducting part

Insulation of the ducting part requires using chemical and glue to ensure
the insulation not tear up when condensed. When the use of chemical,
SDS must be review to prevent worker from harms. Using appropriate
PPE and storage of the chemical must be done.

iv. Hoisting ducting part to the ceiling

These parts require two man jobs. As hoisting of the heavy part of ducting
support from machine such as genie lift are suggested to prevent injury.
The awkward positioning of the body also needs to be considered to
prevent any musculoskeletal disorder.

c) Testing

Test must be done before running the system to ensure occupant welfare. The
testing includes:

i. Sound and vibration test

ii. Gas monitoring
iii. Fume, dust, and water filtration system.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

d) Monitoring and maintenance

Monitoring and maintenance must be done to ensure safe ventilation system.

As the MVAC system have compressor, air filters and lead-lag configuration this
system need to be monitor to prevent failure, outrage and sometimes even
equipment damage. Part of the monitoring includes

i. Temperature sensors
ii. Airflow sensors
iii. Foul odour or mold.

16.5.2 Electrical safety General Safety

Electric is a form of energy that is produced from the flow of electrons. It is

a general term that includes energy related to electricity charges, whether
static or dynamic.
a) Volt
b) The force of electric energy
c) Ampere
d) Actual flow of electricity
e) Ohm
Characteristic for the circuit or route of which electricity flows and offers
resistance to the current
Hazards include:
a) Electric shock
b) Lighting
c) Fire
d) Electrostatic Electrical Installation


a) Circuit
b) Conductor
c) Main switch, local and distributing board
d) Circuit breakers
e) Fuse
f) Socket and plug

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 General Requirement

a) Grounding

Grounding a tool or electrical system means intentionally creating a low-

resistance path that connects to the earth. This prevents the build up of voltages
that could cause and electrical accident. A service or system ground is designed
primarily to protect machines, tools, and insulation against damage. An
equipment ground helps protect the equipment operator. It furnishes a second
path for the current to pass through from the tool or machine to the ground. This
additional ground safeguards the operator if a malfunction causes the tool’s
metal frame to become energized.

b) Guarding

Guarding involves locating or enclosing electric equipment to make sure people

don’t accidentally come into contact with its live parts. Effective guarding
requires equipment with exposed parts operating at 50 volts or more to be
placed where it is accessible only to authorized people qualified to work in it.

c) Equipment of 50 volts or more shall be guarded against accidental contact by

approved cabinets or other enclosure of or other means such as;
i. By location in a room
ii. By suitable permanent, substantial partition or screen
iii. By placement
iv. By elevation of 8 feet or greater
v. Entrances with exposed parts, shall be marked:“ Danger”, “Warning” or
“Caution” Electrical Hazards Electrostatic

Results that are produced by electricity charges trapped in isolators. The

charges may be distributed inside or outside objects that have been isolated or it may
concentrate on conductors that have been earthed

High voltage, low current

Effect of electric shock and ignition sources in a highly flammable environment, if

charges are high.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

d) How electricity flow in the body

High pain
Moderate pain

How electricity flow in the body

Minimum Threshold for Feel 10 -12 Volt

Minimum Threshold for Pain 15 Volt

Minimum Threshold for Excessive 20 volt

Minimum Threshold for Voltage Grip 20 - 25 Volt

Vibration 50/60 - 2000 Volt

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 Electrical Safety

a) Protection from direct contact

i. Provides isolation to parts of equipment’s that has potential to release
b) Protection from indirect contact
i. Provides effective earthling to isolate metals that can charge electricity
in case of failure of the main isolator.
c) Mechanism of protection against electricity

i. Circuit protector
ii. Isolating switch
iii. Equipment maintenance and repair
iv. Earthling
v. Protection

d) All electric equipment’s used must have a fuse and circuit breaker that is
suitable to prevent it from overloading.
e) Isolating switch:

i. Labelled
ii. Easy reachable from the floor
iii. Is attached to each individual machinery
iv. Possess safety lock when in ‘off’ position
v. Prepare rules and conduct inspection monitoring
vi. Prepare a maintenance programme /schedule
vii. Prepare access around the equipment to allow easy maintenance and
viii. Works done by a competent technician.
ix. Circuit is connected direct, not through a switch
x. Provide for earth leakage protection such as Residual Current Devices
xi. Have an emergency stop switch, interlock switch
xii. Isolate the conductor
xiii. Display appropriate warning signage’s

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 Safe Work Practice

Workers need to follow safe practice on how to work safely in jobs involving
electrical work. The following list can be used for safe work practice:

a) Use checklist to make sure that everything is good and safe before start work.
b) Inspect tools, equipment and electrical fitting for damage or wear prior to each
use. Repair or replace damaged equipment immediately. (Refer to Chapter 24
Machinery and Equipment )
c) Use cords or equipment that related for the level of amperage or wattage,
d) Do not use outlets or cords that have exposed wiring.
e) Do not use power tools with guard removed.
f) Hang the wire to ensure not to submerge into water that can cause electrical
shock or trip.
g) Check electrical cable and plug daily and remove the worn of or damaged cable.
h) Use industrial socket to ensure safety.
i) Always use the correct size fuse or breaker.
j) Be aware that unusually warm or hot outlets may be sign that unsafe wiring
condition exists.
k) Use proper PPE for electrical job.
l) Always use ladder made of wood or other non-conductive materials when
working with or near electricity or power lines.
m) Know the location of the breakers and boxes in case of emergency
n) Label all circuit breakers and fuse boxes clearly.
o) Do not operate the electrical equipment when standing in the water.
p) Have qualified electrician inspect electrical equipment that has gotten wet
before energizing it.
q) Do not repair electrical equipment unless qualified and authorized.
r) Post warning sign to make sure worker aware of the electrical hazard. Installation, Monitoring and Maintenances.

a) Installation

i. Energization of electrical system must be done by certified person

following requirement from Act mean the Electricity Supply Act 1990
[Act 447], Electricity Supply (Amendment).
ii. The dimensions of the cable trays must be sufficient, with 50% spare
space and calculated so as to hold only one layer cable
iii. Temporary supplies for each floor have their own distribution boxes to
avoid overload and fire.
iv. All cable must be elevated or hanging to avoid contact with wet floor and
tripping hazard

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

v. Usage of industrial socket is must to ensure safety.

vi. All distribution box (DB) boxes must be lock at all times to avoid worker
to adjust it without supervision.

b) Monitoring

i. Supervisor must ensure that worker do not use multiple socket to avoid
ii. Normal domestic socket are prohibited at the construction site.
iii. All electric cable which lying on the floor must be elevated.
iv. Damaged power tool must be reported, remove immediately and tag as
“unsafe” until rectification done.
v. Any damage cable must be rectify immediately to prevent electrical

c) Maintenances

i. Electrical equipment and apparatus must be maintained in good working

order. Any equipment with an identified as fault must be removes from
service, until the fault is rectified.
ii. Any such repair or alteration must be recorded in the instrument log book.
iii. Repair to any main power circuit (240V or 3-phase) may only done by
licences electrician (PW4) or authorized technician. These repairs must
be tested and tagged as electrically safe, by competent person before
return to use.
iv. Repair to circulatory or components that are separate to the mains power
circuit (e.g.: digital or low voltage) may be undertaken by worker with
authorization from supervisor.
v. All low voltage repair must be recorded.

Floor wiring PVC sleeve fixed laying Temporary DB Box for each floor

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Lighting fixtures at night Distribution cabinet electrical


Temporary wiring at site Industrial socket used

Electrical cable hanging to avoid

soaking in the water and tripping


Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter 17 Plastering and Brick Work

17.1 Introduction

Plasterwork refers to construction or ornamentation done with plaster, such as a

layer of plaster on an interior or exterior wall structure, or plaster decorative moldings
on ceilings or walls. The process of creating plasterwork, called plastering or rendering,
has been used in building construction for centuries.

17.2 Objective

The objectives of this chapter are:

a) Understand safe work for plastering and brick work
b) Determine the health hazard when working with cement.
c) Ensure meet the safety requirement and environmental requirement.

17.3 Definition

a) Plaster - defined as Lean Mortar used mostly for covering masonry surfaces.
They are lean mixes of Binding Materials (Lime or Cement) with fillers material
such as, Sand or Crushed stones. And the process of covering surfaces with
Plaster is called Plastering.

17.4 Legal Requirements

a) FMA139 Safety, Health and Welfare 1970 Regulation 26.

b) FMA129 BOWEC 1986 Regulation 11 and 15.

17.5 Procedure
17.5.1 General Safety
To ensure that all the necessary preparation needed will be handled in the early
stage and anticipate problems that may later arise.
Hazards include:
a) Trip and Falling from height
b) Mixing Cement Dust
c) Drop of Materials.
d) Repetitive movement

Plaster worker shall wear correct type of safety shoes, body harness, and glove
before start work. (Refer to Chapter 21 PPE and Chapter 15 Fall Protection and
Working at Height)

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

17.5.2 Brick Works

a) Prohibited to other workers to enter the area of the brick work except brick
layer by installing the signage’s.
b) Brick layer shall wear a safety helmet and gloves to protect hands from bruise
or cement Corrosiveness.
c) Brick must be stacked in proper manner whether on floor or on working
d) Provide heavy duty working platform at least 1100mm wide with fully covered
flooring, but do not use timber below 50mm thick by 200mm width.
e) All working platforms shall be provided with guardrails or edge protection and
f) Housekeeping shall be done regularly after end of the day

i. Materials/ Personal Protective Equipment:

ii. Safety Helmet
iii. Safety Shoes / Safety Rubber Shoes.
iv. Semi Leather Gloves / Cotton gloves.
v. Safety Harness

17.5.3 Plastering Works

a) Housekeeping shall be made regularly every day after end of the work.
b) Provide proper access and working platform for material and person of work.
c) Wear proper hand gloves to protect hand from corrosion of cement mortar.
d) Dust mask shall be worn by a person work with dry cement.
e) Wear safety helmet except the worker is closed to the soffit level due to
f) Wear safety glasses while doing overhead plastering works.
g) Edge protection shall be providing to the working platform or work is done close
to elevated place.
h) Provide life lines if erection of edge protection impossible. (Refer Chapter 15
Fall Protection and Working at Height)
i) Wear safety harness if working more that 2m high.
j) Ground level shall barricade with signage

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

17.5.4 To Comply with Safety Rules and Regulation.

One of the main aspects of this procedure is safety and environmental control. This
is to control occurrence of injuries as well damages to any equipment and properties
during the entire works period and also to make other provision as required to safe
guard against any hazard that are involved in the work or during the preparation stage.
The following safety measure shall be implemented in order to ensure a safe working
environment during the entire concreting work.

18.5.5 Machinery and Equipment (Refer to Chapter 24 Machinery and Equipment)

a) All work shall be carried out under the direction of an experienced supervisor.
b) All operators and driver must be equipped with valid driver / operator licenses
or permit from the relevant government agency.
c) Prior to using any machineries / equipment at site, it shall be inspected by a
machinery supervisor.
d) Periodic preventive maintenance shall be carried out all equipment and
e) Only authorized signalman shall be assigned together with the operator or driver.

Plastering work Brick work

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

External working platform Fall protection against edge of the


Heavy duty working platform


Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter 18 Painting Work

18.1 Introduction
Painting is one of the work processes commonly carried out in construction
industry. The common methods of application are by means of brush/roller or spraying.
In spray painting, the paint fluid is first `atomized’ or broken into small droplets before
it is applied to the surface to be coated. Normally paints are thinned by the addition of
solvents to reduce its viscosity. Nearly all solvents have flash points below ambient
temperature. During painting, solvent vapors are being continuously liberated to the
surrounding atmosphere and can attain dangerous concentrations which may explode
in the presence of an ignition source. So, it is of paramount importance that when
painting is carried out inside confined spaces, the spaces are well ventilated and all
ignition sources removed
Fibber floor coating application of epoxy resin is equally hazardous as spray
painting processes due to its toxicity, flammability and it is more volatile which will
rapidly vaporizes of its content upon expose to air, it is important to ventilate the entire
area of the floor coating activity to dilute the contaminant to sustainable a safe level
throughout the curing period.
Spray painting & fiber coating use of epoxy resin can only be carried out in the
construction site upon obtaining a permit for the same. A painting permit is also
required for brush or roller painting inside confined space.

18.2 Objective

To ensure the safety of all workers or any person involve in the paint work to
follow this guideline. Painting Works for Exterior Walls, Interior Walls, Concrete Floor,
Exposed Ceiling/Slab Soffit, Cable Room and Below Raised Floor

18.3 Definition

A painting is an image (artwork) created using pigments (color) on a surface

(ground) such as paper or canvas. The pigment may be in a wet form, such as paint,
or a dry form, such as pastels.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

18.4 Legal Requirements

Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994,

a) Classification, Labelling and Safety Data Sheet of Hazardous Chemical.

b) Use and Standards of Exposure of Chemical Hazardous to Health. (CHRA
c) Section 15(2) (c): “Information, instruction, training and supervision”
d) Section 24: General duties of employees at work;
Factories and Machinery Act 1967,

a) Factories and Machinery (Safety, Health and Welfare) Regulations, 1970,

Regulation 12: Working at Height
b) Factories and Machinery (Building Operation and Works of Engineering
Construction) (Safety) Regulations, 1986

18.5 Procedure

18.5.1 General Safety

In general, the schedule of painting works should be planned in relation to the

work of other trades, so as to ensure that the surfaces to be painted are prepared on
time and that the subsequent construction works will not damage the paint work.

Hazards include:
a) Trip and Fall height
b) Fire Explosion
c) Drop of Materials.
d) Spill of paint.
e) Repetitive movement
Painting worker shall wear correct type of safety shoes, body harness, and glove
and mask (Refer to CHRA Report) before start work. (Refer to Chapter 21 PPE).

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

18.5.2 Types of Paint

a) Primers / Sealers:

i. These coatings are designed to provide the surface for the finish coats
of paint or clear finishes.
ii. Primers seal the surface off and provide a “tooth” for the finish paint,
they are used on bare wood and metal, previously painted surfaces that
have been repaired or are in poor condition, or if the existing surface
is to be painted with a new colour that is much darker or lighter than the
existing. Primers/Sealers are also used block out stains like water stains,
crayon, smoke, soot, ink and on woods that will bleed through a paint
iii. Primers/Sealers insure longer lasting paint work as the resins in the
finish paints stay on the surface creating the “wear layer” as they are
designed to do. Peeling and premature failure is eliminated and this is
by far the most important part in getting a long lasting, durable finish.

b) Finish Paints:

i. There are two types of paints used today, latex and alkyd. Alkyd paint
is also known as oil-based paint. Latex provides an excellent finish,
while being an easier paint to use. Latex paint cleans up with soap and
water, dries quickly, is non-flammable, easy to touch up, they remain
more flexible and allow moisture to evaporate through the film thus
reducing blistering, cracking and peeling.
ii. Inexpensive latex paints use softer vinyl resins (binders) and more
water in the formulation while the more durable of the latex paints use
100% acrylic resins and less water. The term “Enamel” is normally
associated with paints that have some gloss to the finish. Enamels are
formulated with higher concentrations of resin as they are intended to
be subjected to more wear and tear.

c) Levels Of Gloss:

i. The sheen of paint is the amount of light reflected by the surface of a paint
finish. There are four basic sheens: flat, satin, semi-gloss and gloss.
ii. Flat Paints exhibit non-reflective properties providing a matte finish. This
finish helps hide surface imperfections, and is normally used for ceilings and
walls in areas not subjected to a lot of wear and tear, dining rooms, living
rooms and bedrooms not used by small children.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

iii. Satin Finish also known as eggshell finish, provides a soft lustre sheen
similar to that of an eggshell. A satin finish provides a harder surface finish
which is more durable and more stain resistant than a flat finish. This
durability makes satin paint a good choice for walls in children’s rooms,
hallways, stairways and family rooms.
iv. Semi-gloss Paints are very durable, they are easier to clean, and are more
stain resistant than satin finish paints. Semi-gloss paints are most often
used on heavy wear surfaces or areas that are frequently cleaned such as
kitchens and bathrooms. Semi-gloss paint is also used on wood trim and
v. Gloss Paint is a harder, more durable, more stain resistant paint finish. It is
easier to clean than all the other paint finishes. Gloss finishes generally
make surface imperfections more noticeable. Gloss finishes are the best
choice for heavy wear areas like kitchens, bathrooms, furniture and cabinets,
floors, stairs, handrails, high traffic doors and trim.

18.5.3 Spray Painting

a) Spray Paint

Spray painting is the least costly of the three primary methods – brush, roller
and spray – and it is the fastest application method. The more irregular the
space being painted, the greater the advantage of spray over other methods.

i. Stay out of heat and away from fire.

ii. Make sure to keep away from heat, sparks and open flame. Don’t
smoke. Extinguish all flames, pilot lights and heaters. Turn off stoves,
electric tools and appliances, and any other sources of ignition.
iii. Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight or heat from radiators, stoves,
hot water and other hot items that may cause bursting. Additionally,
for best finish, spray paint directly in hot, humid weather.
iv. Ventilate.
v. Vapours are harmful; avoid continuous breathing of spray mist by
spraying outside whenever possible. When spraying inside, open
windows and doors to ensure fresh air entry during application and
drying. Wearing respiratory protection is also helpful – most hardware
stores sell a variety of painting masks.
vi. Avoid contact with your eyes and skin. Wear gloves or wash your
hands after using.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

b) Take the following precautions when painting lighting and electrical fixtures:

i. Inspect electrical cords for any damage that could come into contact
with unwanted paint or overspray.
ii. Do NOT paint wiring.
iii. Do NOT paint light bulbs.
iv. Do NOT paint damaged cords which may have exposed wiring.
v. Do NOT paint parts of fixtures that get excessively hot, unless using a
High Heat paint specified for that purpose.

c) Take the following precautions when painting objects in contact with open flame
(candle holders, fire pits, etc.)

i. Do NOT paint in the vicinity of an open flame.

ii. Do NOT paint any surface that will be in contact with an open flame,
especially the insides.
iii. Do NOT leave open flames unattended in any situation.
iv. If using High Heat paint, read back of product label to ensure expected
heat is within the recommended temperature ranges of the paint.

18.5.4 Safety Requirements to be provided by the Applicant

a) The safety data sheet (SDS) for the paint, solvents etc. in use to display at the
storage and work area conspicuously.
b) Adequate Fire Extinguisher shall be provided and placed within painting vicinity.
1) Enclose space

i. Prominent displaying of appropriate signboards at the storage area and

including the space where the process is intended to take place.
ii. Cordon off the storage area and the area of process.
iii. Supplying of sufficient forced and exhausts ventilation.
iv. Ensure no hot work in the space and the area of process.
v. Provide adequate flameproof lights with cables in good condition in
enclosed space.
vi. Ensure suitable cartridge type respirators are used by workmen
vii. Provide containment tray for storage of paint and epoxy resin.
viii. Receptacles or waste and empty containers to be dispose by license
contractor according to disposal of schedule waste as per statutory
ix. Adequate ventilation must be maintained during the curing period as well.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

2) Open Space

i. Prominently display appropriate signboards and cordon off at the storage

area and process area.
ii. Ensure suitable cartridge type respirators are used by workmen.
iii. Provide containment tray for storage of paint and epoxy resin.
iv. Supply of sufficient forced ventilation.
v. Receptacles or waste and empty containers to be dispose by license
contractor according to disposal of schedule waste as per statutory

18.5.5 Safety

The contractor shall also be responsible for all injury to persons or damage to
property that occurs as are sult of the contractor’s negligence and shall take proper
safety and health precautions to protect the work, the workers, the public, and the
property of others. The contractor shall be responsible for all materials delivered and
work performed until completion and acceptance of the entire work.
The contractor shall perform all its activities pursuant to this contract in a safe
manner. The contractor hall assume responsibility on the job site for the actions of all
its personnel and subcontractor(s) who are associated with performance on this
contract. The contractor shall take adequate measures to prevent injury to the public
or Authority property on the job site.

a) Fire Prevention

The contractor shall be knowledgeable and train all its employees on the
procedures and means of egress as well as the methods of reporting fires on the job

b) Smoke Free Environment

The Authority’s facilities are smoke free. The contractor and its employees shall
adhere to all applicable rules and regulations regarding maintenance of a smoke free
environment on the job sites.

c) Refer to SDS before start work.

d) Storage of Material
i. These are properly labelled on both the material and the storage area
to indicate the material status at all times.
ii. Store material in a cool, well ventilated and dry place, away from direct

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

iii. Ensure adequate ventilated application.

iv. Avoid contact with skin or eyes. Any skin or eye contamination should
be washed immediately with plenty of water and seek medical treatment.
v. If swallowed, seek medical advice immediately. Do not induce vomiting.
vi. Keep away from heat sources.
vii. All materials are under the responsibility of the material controller and
the supervisor on duty at each of the floor level.
viii. All material must be collected and returned to the designated storage
area after working hours and properly secured and locked.

To remove foreign and unstable matters Sanding/grinding/skim coating

such as construction soot, Followed by rinsing with clean
concrete/cement splashes. Water and wiping dry

Manual cleaning by chipping, scraping Window Protection

and/or wire brushing

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Floor, Sliding Door Frame and Railing External Painting work


External Painting work


Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter 19 Window Frame and Glass Installation.

19.1 Introduction

A window is an opening in a wall, door, roof or vehicle that allows the passage of
light, sound, and air. Modern windows are usually glazed or covered in some other
transparent or translucent material, a sash set in a frame in the opening; the sash and
frame are also referred to as a window. Many glazed windows may be opened, to allow
ventilation, or closed, to exclude inclement weather. Windows often have a latch or
similar mechanism to lock the window shut or to hold it open by various amounts.

19.2 Objective

The purpose of this Work Method Statement to ensure safe work environment
and prevent from accident.

19.3 Definition

Window can be fabricated from a variety of materials, for example, timber, plastic,
metal, etc. It is a system and comprises various components as follows

a) Active Panel - Primary operating door panel.

b) Aluminium Surround - The aluminium frame around a screen or energy
c) Awning Window Unit - A combination of frame and sash, hinged at the top of the
vertical jambs which allows the unit to pivot from the top with the sash opening to the
exterior of the building.
d) Blind stop - The frame member on a double hung window located between the
jambs and the casing. The blind stop forms a rabbet that supports either a storm sash
or screen.
e) Depth of the Jamb - The point where the exterior casing ends to the point where the
interior casing begins. On clad units, the point from the backside of the nailing fin to
the interior of the frame.
f) Sash Lock - A locking device which holds a window shut, such as a lock at the check
rails of a double hung unit. Larger units utilize two locks.

19.4 Legal Requirements

FMA BOWEC: Regulation 8. Slipping Hazards.

Regulation 9. Tripping and Cutting Hazards.
Regulation 13. Eye Protection
Regulation 16. Electrical Hazards

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

19.5 Procedure

19.5.1 General Safety

To ensure that all the necessary preparation needed will be handled in the early
stage and anticipate problems that may later arise.
Hazards include:
a) Falling from height.
b) Struck by falling object
c) Caught in between objects
d) Electrical Shocks.
e) Hand, foot and
f) Body injury
Window install worker shall wear correct type of safety shoes, body harness, and
glove before start work. (Refer to Chapter 21 Personal Protective Equipment and
Chapter 15 Working height.)

19.5.2 Installation of Window Frame and Glass Safe Precaution.

a) A competent and experienced site supervisor will be appointed to manage and

oversee the works, including on-site health and safety.
b) All operatives are to receive information and instruction on the content of this
method statement and the attached risk assessments. All operatives are to
receive a site safety induction prior to the commencement of works.
c) All operatives using power tools are to have received suitable and sufficient
training in the use of the equipment. Only those considered competent to use
such equipment shall be permitted to operate such tools.
d) All operatives are to receive training on safe manual handling techniques and
asbestos awareness.
e) All operatives are also to receive training in safe working practices for work at
height including the safe use of safety harnesses.
f) Due to the nature of the site, all external working areas immediately below and
around where the windows are to be replaced are to be securely fenced off at
ground level using Her as fencing to prevent any unauthorized persons entering
the working area, this will also provide protection against any falling terms
during the works. Warning sign will also be erected to advise and inform others
of the hazard.
g) Before starting work ensure that the correct window sizes have been supplied,
together with the necessary fixtures and fittings.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

19.5.3 Sub-frame System

The sub-frame system comprises a sub-frame which is either cast in or anchored

to the wall. The main frame is then installed onto the sub frame at a much later stage
of the construction.

Positioning of sub-frame using ride up blocks or aluminum shin plates

Installing temporary stiffener for sub-frame

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Protection Tape.

19.5.4 Installation of Frame on Precast and Cast-in Situ RC Walls

a) Should be provided to accommodate the installation of the straps/brackets.

b) These recesses should be provided during the casting of the RC walls and in
accordance with the specified spacing of the straps/ brackets.

18.5.5 Installation of Widow and Glass

It is recommended that glazing work for inner glass panels be carried out in the
factory, where higher work quality can be achieved. Where this is not possible, glazing
work must be carried out on site with proper handling and good workmanship. For fixed
glass panels, glazing is usually done on site.

Window Glass Installation

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Insertion of spacer blocks Insertion of gasket

Fixing of handles


Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter 20 Roofing Work

20.1 Introduction

Employers should liaise among themselves to provide an integrated fall

protection method for all persons working on the roof. This should be less hazardous
and more economic than every contractor installing their own system. See other
sections of this guide for relevant information.

20.2 Objective

To ensure the safety of all workers or any person involve in the roofing work to
follow this guideline accordingly for the prevention of fall at workplace.

20.3 Scope

a) General Safety
b) Roof and Roof Plant Maintenance
c) Access
d) Edge Protection
e) Safety Mesh
f) Hoisting Roofing Materials
g) Brittle Roofing
20.4 Legal Requirements

These best practice apply to work carried out from 2 meters or more in height, in
place of work. They will assist those with responsibilities under the Factories and
Machinery Act 1967 (Act 139) and Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (Act 514)
to prevent falls.
This guideline includes relevant sections of the Act and Regulations, namely:

 Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994,

a) Section 15: General duties of employers and self-employed person to

their employee
b) Section 15(2) (c): “…Information, instruction, training and supervision...”
c) Section 17: General duties of employers and self-employed persons to
persons other than their employees.
d) Section 20: General duties of manufacturers, etc. as regards plant for
use at work.
e) Section 24: General duties of employees at work.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

 Factories and Machinery Act 1967,

a) Factories and Machinery (Safety, Health and Welfare) Regulations, 1970,
Regulation 12: Working at Height
b) Factories and Machinery (Building Operation and Works of Engineering
Construction) (Safety) Regulations, 1986

20.5 Procedure

20.5.1 General Safety

Employers should liaise among themselves to provide an integrated fall

protection method for all persons working on the roof. This should be less hazardous
and more economic than every contractor installing their own system. See other
sections of this guide for relevant information.

Hazards include:

a) Brittle roofing such as skylights or translucent sheets;

b) Roof surface, slippery surface from roll form dress, paint finishes or dew and
c) Roof pitch and projections such as pipework and flashings;
d) Any roof opening/penetration larger than 600 mm by 600mm
e) Any roof edge.

Person on a roof shall wear the correct type of footwear to grip the roof surface.
Natural rubber; flexible-soled shoes are usually best.

As a minimum standard for all roof areas:

a) For areas that do not have a fall-protection barrier, a fall-arrest system shall
be used;
b) For surface that have a fall-protection barrier and provide a secure footing,
and edge-protection system, travel-restriction system or fall-protection
system shall be used;
c) For all roof area that do not have a fall-protection barrier or secure footing,
a fall-protection system shall be used.
On completed roofs or where persons are kept more than 2 meters from any fall
hazard by a bump rail, edge protection may be unnecessary. A bump rail consists of a
rail or tensioned rope supported on posts at a height of 1.0 meters.

Note: A bump rail shall not be used on a roof of greater than 5 degree pitch.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Where a bump rail is not practical, edge protection, travel restriction systems, or
a fall-arrest system shall be used. Edge protection can include scaffolding or a
guardrail system.

The ability of a surface to provide a secure footing will vary depending on the
roofing material, environmental conditions and the type and condition of the roofer’s

20.5.2 Roof and Roof Plant Maintenance

Where regular maintenance of plant or equipment needs to be carried out on

roofs, ramps, crawl boards, access ladders should be installed and comply with
Section 3: Permanent Fixed Access and Platforms.

Brittle roofing is a major hazard and cause of serious harm:

a) Translucent and brittle roofing materials may have weathered to become

almost indistinguishable from their surroundings.
b) Brittle areas may have been painted to match the rest of the roof.
c) Corrosion because of age or chemicals in the building can impair roofing
material so it can no longer support the weight of employees.

All roofs should be treated as brittle until a close inspection reveals otherwise.

Roofs that need regular cleaning or maintenance and that provide secure footing
should be fitted with permanent perimeter protection and access ladders. Any
skylights or other brittle areas in such roofs should have safety mesh or strong covers
fitted under or over them, or guardrails fitted around each side of the suspect area.

A bump rail may be used provided it is successful in keeping all people at least
2.0 meters away from the brittle areas.

Where an employee is required to work closer than 2 meters to the edge of any roof or
from where a fall is possible, fall protection or edge protection must be provided.

As a minimum standard on roofs from which a person may fall 2 meters or more:
a) On completed roofs that provide a secure footing, edge protection, fall
protection or bump rails 2 metres from the edge shall be used.
b) On roofs that do not provide secure footing, or are steeper than 30 degrees,
fall protection, work positioning systems or permanently installed access and
platforms shall be used.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Severe deterioration of roofing materials

may not be readily apparent from the Danger signs to be fixed at points of
upper surface. Inspect the underside of access to the roof
brittle roofing materials for hazards

20.5.3 Access

Safe access must be provided to all roof areas where work is to be carried out.
Such access must take into account the tools or equipment that need to be carried up.
Ladder towers are preferable to ladders. Ladders are not sufficient where persons are
expected to use their hands to carry materials up onto the roof. Ladders must be
secured to prevent displacement sideways and slipping out from the base. All access
equipment must comply with the relevant accepted international Standards.

20.5.4 Edge Protection

Full edge protection at eaves level will normally be required for work on sloping
roofs. The edge protection needs to be strong enough to withstand a person falling
against it. The longer the slope and the steeper the pitch the stronger the edge
protection needs to be. A properly designed and installed independent scaffold platform
at eaves level will usually be enough. Less substantial scaffolding barriers (rather than
platforms) may not be strong enough for work on larger or steeper roofs, especially
slopes in excess of 30°.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Sloping roof edge protection; typical arrangement in conventional tube and fittings
(a) Supported from window opening
(b) Working platform below the eaves

Typical sloping roof edge protection. Barriers shown in (a) can be useful where space is limited,
but they are not capable of sustaining loads as large as (b) and (c) which also provide a working

Edge Protection on slope roof(RECOMMENDATION)

On some larger roofs, the consequences of sliding down the whole roof and
hitting the eaves edge protection may be such that intermediate platforms at the work
site are needed to prevent this happening.
If the work requires access within 2 m of gable ends, edge protection will be
needed there as well as at the eaves.
Powered access platforms can provide good access as an alternative to fixed
edge protection. They can be particularly useful in short duration work and during
demolition when gaps are created in the roof.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

20.5.5 Safety Mesh

Safety mesh shall comply with accepted international Standard in both its
manufacture and installation.

Means of installing safety mesh across the roof prior to fixing it in position

When correctly installed, safety mesh will provide a fall-protection barrier for
roof workers at the time of construction and for future maintenance workers
where the roof contains skylights or other brittle roofing. It may be fixed over
Roof penetrations to prevent the need for guardrails.
Edge protection and safety mesh provides an enclosed work environment.
Mesh should be pulled over the roof by ropes or other methods, otherwise a
fall-arrest system will be needed during its installation.

20.5.6 Hoisting Roofing Materials

Bundles of roofing materials should be placed evenly along the roof to reduce
the need for `walking’ the sheets. When hoisting a bundle of roofing, workers
receiving it on the structure must have safe mobility to avoid the load. Short
lanyards that restrict movement may not be acceptable.
Where safety mesh is fitted, roofers should keep at least 2 meters from any
perimeter edge unless restriction systems or edge protection is in place.
All bundles should be securely banded while being lifted by a crane. Tag lines
should be used to control the swinging of the bundles while they are out of
Wearing leather gloves while moving sheets or bundles will reduce cut and
slash injuries.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Long lengths should be lifted using a strong-back, particularly if being lifted by a

hoisting machine or crane.

The use of strong-back for lifting roof truss

20.5.7 Concrete and Clay Tile Roofing

Tile battens may be used as fall protection barrier provided they are placed in
such a manner that the workers may not fall through and of sufficient strength to span
roof framing members. Battens may provide a safe platform for the batten fixer
provided that work starts at the lowest point and moves up the roof. Care shall be
taken to work or walk on the battens over the supporting framework to eliminate the
possibility of failure. Where the roofer needs to walk up the roof framing before battens
are fixed, fall protection should be provided.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Roofs of under 30 degrees will generally provide secure footing subject to the
correct footwear being worn. This allows the tiller to place tiles while standing on a
lower row. On roofs over 30 degrees, it is often possible for the tiles that are not fixed
to be slid up under the one above, thus forming a series of penetrations that can be
used as footholds for access up the roof. This allows the placing and pointing of ridge
tiles, etc. If this is not possible, a work-positioning system will be required.
Where tile battens or tiles provide a fall protection barrier; edge protection is
necessary if a fall of more than 2 meters is possible.

20.5.8 Brittle Roofing

a) Protection from falling through a brittle roof shall be provided. Before working
on any roof, employers and self-employed persons need to inspect the roof
from its underside for structural soundness. Skylights of matching roof profile
are a particular hazard as they may weather or be painted and so match the
surrounding roof areas.
b) A common belief exists that it is safe to walk along the line of nail heads or
roof bolts above the purlins. In reality; this is similar to walking a tight rope.
c) Fall protection shall be provided where roofing material is brittle, corroded,
and no fall-protection barrier is installed.
d) Where only part of the roof area is brittle, i.e. skylights, such areas shall be
treated as penetrations with secure covers or guardrails.
e) Where persons walk along internal gutters, such gutters must be 450 mm
wide or fall protection should be provided.

20.5.9 Temporary Working, Equipment and Facilities Protection Shed

The Overhead Protection Shelter are as per below:

a) Rebar Fabrication Yard

b) Wooden Fabrication Yard
c) Protection Shelter electrical Distribution Box
d) Protection Shelter for Tower Crane Equipment
e) Protection Shelter for others Facilities

Remarks, refer to Chapter 4 Overhead Protection Shelter

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019


Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter 21 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

21.1 Introduction

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is clothing or equipment designed to

protect the wearer (employee, contractors or visitors) against workplace hazards. PPE
should only be considered when the hazard cannot be eliminated or where the risk
cannot be controlled using other methods from the hierarchy of controls (Substitution,
Isolation, Engineering, Administration and PPE). PPE is the least effective control
measure because the hazards and risks are still present. There are also issues of
proper fit and design for different individuals. PPE can sometimes be awkward,
uncomfortable and limiting, which may make workers less likely to use such equipment.

21.2 Objective

This guideline outlines the requirements and practices for the management of
PPE to assist with the correct selection, supply, use, replacement, maintenance,
training, instruction and storage. These best practice apply to all employees
irrespective of their work location.

21.3 Definition

a) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - Safety clothing or equipment for

specified circumstances or areas, where the nature of the work involved or the
conditions under which people are working, requires it’s wearing or use for their
personal protection to minimise risk.

21.4 Legal and Other Requirements

a) Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994

i. Section 15 - General Duties of Employers and self-employed person

to their employees
ii. Section 24(1)(c) - General duties of employees at work; to wear or
use all times any protective equipment or clothing provided by the
employer for the purpose of preventing risks to his safety and health.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

b) Factories and Machinery Act 1967

i. Section 24 - Where in any factory persons are exposed to a wet or

dusty process, to noise, to heat or to any poisonous, corrosive or other
injurious substance which is liable to cause bodily injury to those persons
the Minister may prescribe the provision and maintenance for use of
those persons suitable and adequate personal protective clothing
and appliances including where necessary goggles, gloves, leggings,
caps, foot-wear and protective ointment or lotion.

c) Safety, Health and Welfare Regulations 1970

i. Regulation 12 -Working at Height; where any person is required to work

at a place from which he will be liable to fall a distance of more than ten
feet, means shall be provided to ensure his safety and such means shall
where practicable include the use of safety belts or ropes.
ii. Regulation 32 - Working, clothes, personal protective clothing and
appliance. Follow all requirement under this Regulation.

d) Building Operation and Works of Engineering Construction (BOWEC), 1986

i. Regulation 13 - Eye Protection; Suitable eye protection equipment shall

be provided by the employer and shall be used by employees while
engaged in welding or cutting operations or in chipping, cutting or
grinding any material from which particles may fly, or while engaged in
any other operation which may endanger the eyes.
ii. Regulation 14 - Respirators; Where these Regulations require
respirators to be provided, the employer shall provide and the employee
shall use a respirator suitable for the type of operation for which it is to
be used. The employer shall maintain such respirator in good repair and
shall furnish the means for its continued efficient working condition; and
he shall provide regular inspection, cleansing and sterilisation of such
equipment when not in use shall be stored in closed containers.
iii. Regulation 15 -Protective Apparel, All applicable under this regulation
and sub-regulation 15(1), 15(2), 15(3), and 15(4).
iv. Regulation 24 - Use of Safety Helmet; all persons who are performing
any work or services in a worksite shall wear safety helmets.
v. Regulation 50 - Safety Belts; Safety belts, life lines and all devices for
the attachment of life lines shall be adequate strength and of a type
approved by the Chief Inspector.
vi. Regulation 51 - Attachment required; all applicable under this regulation
and sub-regulation 51(1), 51(2), 51(3), and 51(4).

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

vii. Regulation 52 - Instruction in Using Safety Belt; Every employee who

is provided with a safety belt shall be instructed in the proper method of
wearing and using it, as well as attaching it to the life line.
viii. Regulation 53 - Protection of Life Lines; Padding, wrapping or similar
means shall be provided to protect every life line from contact with edges
or objects which may cut out or severely abrade it.
ix. Regulation 54 - Inspection of Safety Belt.
 Every safety belt and every life line shall be inspected by
designated persons before use by an employee.
 No employer shall suffer or permit an employee to use a safety
belt or life line which shows any indication of wear, damage or
deterioration likely to affect its strength and no such belt or life
line shall be kept on the worksite

21.5 Procedure

21.5.1 Head Protection (Safety Helmet)

a) Safety helmet, of an approved type (Meet Sirim Standards) must be worn at all
time on the site. Safety helmet must have identification markings such as
company’s name
b) Safety helmet is not required to be worn in the canteen, rest area, driver’s cab,
office area and any other areas where exemption is granted.
c) Welder shall wear safety helmet with face shield attachment.
d) Shell or suspension should not be altered or modified.
e) Bump cap shall not be worn at the site.
f) Issue of safety helmet must be documented and records be maintained.
g) Safety helmet colour code to adhere:
i. Red colour - for project site safety supervisor, safety and health officer,
project manager, and visitor;
ii. White colour - for project management team:
iii. Yellow - colour for site workers;
iv. Blue colour - for specialist signal man and flagman

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Safety helmet figure Safety helmet correct wear figure

21.5.2 Eye Protection (Safety Glass)

a) Eye protection must be worn when doing works such as welding, cutting,
chipping, grinding, chemical splashes and other works that particles or
fragments may fly and risk injury to the eyes.
b) Minimum requirement for safety glass is Z287+
c) Person engaged in the above works must wear the appropriate goggles, safety
spectacles and face shield.
d) Person engaged in electric arc welding, cutting or other similar operation must
wear welder’s shield.
e) Issue of safety glass must be documented and records be maintained.

Safety glasses

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

21.5.3 Hearing Protection

a) Person carrying out work which generates noise above 82 decibels-(A) must
wear ear protection during working.
b) Person working in area where noise level exceeds 82 decibels-(A) must also
wear ear protector.
c) Ear protectors must be made available by subcontractor for use in areas with
noise level above 82 decibels-(A).
d) For noise levels exceeding 115 decibels-(A), ear muff must be worn.
e) Person-in-charge of the work or area shall determine the noise level through
f) Issue of hearing protector must be documented and records be maintained.

Example of Ear Plug Example of Earmuff

21.5.4 Respiratory Protection

a) Respirators must be used if dangerous fumes are liable to be present or supply

of air is inadequate or likely to be reducing to be inadequate for sustaining life.
b) Mask must be worn for processes that generate dust, gas, or vapour.
c) Respirator must examine at least once a month by competent person.
d) Respirators must be maintained regularly and stored as specified by
e) Issue of respirator must be documented and records maintained.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Particulate Mask for protection against Respirator with R95 Cartridge Protection
dust and debris against fumes

21.5.5 Hand Protection (Glove)

a) Gloves must be selected accordingly to the type of hazards.

b) Suitable gloves must be used to protect hands against chemical, mechanical,
thermal, electrical, radiation and biological hazards.
c) PVC gloves must be worn when handling corrosive substances.
d) Discarded and contaminated gloves must be destroyed.
e) Gloves must be maintained regularly and stored in a designated area.
f) During work with any rotating machinery, no gloves are allowed.
g) Issue of gloves must be documented and records be maintained.

Types of gloves

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

21.5.6 Fall Protection

a) Workers at height and elevation of 3 meters on temporary platform must be

secured by safety harness with proper attachment.
b) Safety harness must be securely attached to anchorage and shall not be longer
than it required.
c) Safety harness must be fitted with two receptacles and bolt bag when climbing
on temporary structure.
d) Bolt bag belt fitting must be sufficient to enable the climber to carry all loose
equipment and have both hand free for climbing.
e) Padding, wrapping or similar means must be used to protect every lifeline from
contact with edges and objects which may cause abrasions, cut or severely
damage the lifeline.
f) Damage safety harness of lifeline must not be used.
g) Safety harness must be cleaned and examined with safety harness checklist.
h) Issue of safety harness must be documented and records be maintained.

Safety harness Safety harness training

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

21.5.7 Foot Protection

a) Safety shoes must be worn at site

b) Water proof safety shoes must be worn when working in water, wet concrete or
other wet footing
c) Safety shoes must be properly worn and maintained.
d) Issued of safety shoes must be documented and records be maintained.

Safety Shoes

21.5.8 Safety Reflector Vest: High Visibility for Safety

a) Safety reflector vest must be worn at site

b) Safety reflector vest is keeping an employee visible in working conditions with
less than optimal lighting
c) Safety reflector vest must be properly worn and maintained
d) Issued of safety reflector vest must be documented and records be maintained

Reflector vest


Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter 22 Signage, Tags and Bulletin Board

22.1 Introduction

The purpose of a system of safety colors and safety signs is to draw attention to objects
and situations which affect or could affect health or safety. The use of a system of
safety colors and safety signs does not replace the need for appropriate accident
prevention measures.

22.2 Objective

a) For giving information for use in the prevention of accidents, for warning of
health hazards and for meeting certain emergencies. Examples of safety
signs having particular meanings.

22.3 Definition

For the purposes of this standard the following definitions shall apply.

a) Safety colour - A colour to which a specific health or safety meaning or

purpose is assigned.
b) Contrasting colour - A colour that contrasts with the safety colour in order
to make the latter more conspicuous.
c) Symbol - A pictorial representation used on a safety sign.
d) Safety sign - A sign that gives a message about health or safety by a
combination of geometric form, safety colour and symbol or text (i.e. Words,
letters, numbers) or both.
e) Prohibition sign - A safety sign that indicates that certain behaviour is
f) Warning sign - A safety sign that gives warning of a hazard.
g) Mandatory sign -. A safety sign that indicates that a specific course of
action is to be taken.
h) Safe condition sign - A safety sign that provides information about safe
i) Supplementary sign - A sign with text only that may be used in conjunction
with a safety sign in order to provide additional information.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

22.4 Legal and Other Requirements

a) Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994

i. Classification, Labelling and Safety Data Sheet Regulation 2013

b) Factories and Machinery Act 1967

i. Building Operations and Works of Engineering Construction (Safety)

Regulation 1986 (BOWEC)

1. Regulation 23 – Numbering and Marking of Floor, Each floor of

every building under construction shall be appropriately
numbered or marked at the landing at every floor of every
staircase or other means of access.
2. Regulation 48 – Danger Sign, A simple but effective warning
notice in the national language shall be place in a
conspicuous position at the discharge end of every chute to
warn the employees and public.

c) Other Requirements

i. Related safety signage or information Board shall be place on the main

entrance in the construction site. See photo 1.
ii. Any Safety signage and information board shall meet the actual needs of the
construction site and meet the local authorities requirements
iii. A major hazard source at the construction site are required to display at
Safety Information Board which should give clear indication of the dangerous
source, type of risk and also can add in the construction time, current
progress, organizational framework, etc. for additional information of the
iv. Scaffolding is required to display "Scaffolding tag" including the project name,
construction unit, inspection date to ensure workers can notice whether the
scaffold is safety to use or not.
1. Unloading platform, tower cranes, passenger hoist and any
other equipment which required load limit requirements must
display "Save Working Load."
v. High risk area of the construction site should be set up safety warning signs,
and the contents should be easy to understand and meet the warning
vi. All Safety signage and Safety information board must written in national
language or “Bahasa Malaysia” and follow by other language that can be
understand by workers who work at the construction site.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Signage figure

22.5 Procedures

22.5.1 Safety Colors and Contrasting Colors

a) General meaning assigned to safety colours. The safety colours which

shall be used and the meanings which shall be assigned to them are given
in table 1 together with examples of the use of these safety colours and the
contrasting colours which shall be used, if required.
b) Danger identification. If identification is required of places where there is a
risk of collision, falling, stumbling, falling objects or where there are steps,
holes in floors or similar hazards, the following combination of fluorescent
orange-red or safety colour yellow and in either case black shall be used.
The proportion of fluorescent orange-red or yellow shall be at least 50%.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Table 1. Safety colours and Contrasting colours

Meaning Symbol Colour
Example of use colour
Safety Colour purpose
(if required)
Stop signs
Identification and
Stop prohibition color of Black
Red** emergency White
Shutdown devices
Prohibition signs
Identification of
Hazards (fire,
chemical, etc.)
Warning signs
Caution, risk of Black
Yellow Identification of
danger Black
(see also
Obligation to wear
Mandatory personal safety White
Blue equipment White
Mandatory signs
Identification of
safety showers,
Safe condition first-aid posts and White
Green rescue points White
Emergency exit

c) This danger identification is used to identify the perimeter of the hazard. It

may be used with or without a safety sign but where a safety sign is
appropriate to identify particular hazard. Or where the situation is covered
by a sign set out in appendix A, the danger identification marking shall not
be used as a substitute for the safety sign.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

22.5.2 General Layout
a) Prohibition signs. Background colour shall be white. Circular band and cross
bar shall be red.

The symbol shall be black and placed centrally on the background and
shall not obliterate the cross bar.
Red shall cover at least 35% of the area of the safety sign.
NOTE. Any text is to be put on a supplementary sign.
b) Warning signs. Background colour shall be yellow.
Triangular band shall be black.
The symbol or text shall be black and placed centrally on the background.
Yellow shall cover at least 50% of the area of the safety sign.

Prohibition signs Warning signs

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

c) Mandatory signs. Background colour shall be blue.

The symbol or text shall be white and placed centrally on the background.
Blue shall cover at least 50% of the area of the safety sign.
NOTE. The symbols used on the mandatory signs shown in appendix A
of this draft standard depict general types of protection. Where necessary,
a specific type or level of protection should be indicated, in text, on a
supplementary sign used and conjunction with the appropriate mandatory

d) Safe condition signs. Background colour shall be green.

The symbol or text shall be white. The shape of the sign shall be oblong
or square as necessary to accommodate the symbol or text.
Green shall cover at least 50% of the area of the safety sign.

Mandatory signs Safe condition signs Design of Symbols.

a) The design of symbols shall be as simple as possible and details not

essential for the understanding of the message shall be omitted
b) NOTE. If the symbols shown in this standard do not cover particular meaning.
It is recommended that symbols which have already been standardized in
other connections, or text only, should be used.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

22.5.3 Supplementary Signs

a) Supplementary signs shall be oblong or square.

b) The background colour shall be white with the text in black. Alternatively, the
background colour shall be the same as the safety colour used on the safety
sign it is supplementing, with the text in the relevant contrasting colour.

22.5.4 Numbering and Marking of Floors

a) Each floor of every building under construction shall be appropriately numbered

or marked at the landing at every floor of every staircase or others access.

Building & floor numbering

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Appendix A

Examples of Safety Sign and Their Meanings

Safety Sign Meaning


A1.1 No Smoking

Smoking and naked flames


A1.3 Pedestrians prohibition

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

A1.4 Do not extinguish with water

Safety Sign Meaning

A1.5 No Waste Water


A2.1 Caution, risk of fire

A2.2 Caution, risk of explosion

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

A2.3 Caution, Toxic hazard

Safety Sign Meaning

A2.4 Caution, corrosive substance

A2.5 Caution, risk of ionizing radiation

A2.6 Caution, overhead load

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A2.7 Caution, industrial trucks

Safety Sign Meaning

A2.8 Caution, risk of electric shock

General warning, caution, risk of


Caution, Laser beam


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A3.1 Eye protection must be worn

Safety Sign Meaning

A3.2 Head Protection must be worn

A3.3 Hearing protection must be worn

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Respiratory protection must be


A3.5 Foot protection must be worn

Safety Sign Meaning

Hand protection must be worn


A4.1 First Aid

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Indication of direction
(may be used in conjunction with A4.1)


Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter 23 Facilities
23.1 Introduction

Construction sites shall be provided with general facilities and utilities provisional
in order to compliment basic necessity for administrative staff and workers in
construction site so that the project progress and its execution carried out in an
organized and convenient manner.

23.2 Objective

To ensure the facilities installation are in accordance to comply and fulfill to

conform the stipulated regulation and to adopt standardized facilities arrangements for
construction site.

23.3 Definition

a) Site office – Temporary administrative facility where business relating to

specific property is conducted.
b) Living quarters – Temporary building set up for the workers to lives until the
project finish.
c) Drainage – The system of water or waste liquids flowing away from somewhere
into the ground or down pipes.
d) Site access road – Road that enable traffic to reach a construction site or area
e) Flag pole – A pole on which to raise a flag.
f) PPE self-check mirror – Mirror for which workers to ensure that they wearing
the needed PPE before entering the site.
g) Concrete test – Test for concrete strength.
h) CCTV – Surveillance system that install for security matter.

23.4 Legal requirements

a) Factory & Machinery Act 139 Safety, Health & Welfare

i. Regulation 24 – Use of safety helmet
ii. Regulation 29 – Inspection and Supervision of concrete work
iii. Regulation 30 – Beam, Floor and Roof
iv. Regulation 31- Stripping
v. Regulation 33(3) – Placing of structural members
vi. Regulation 37 – Permanent flooring
vii. Regulation 38 – Temporary flooring

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

23.5 Office

a) The office shall be set up inclusively with (offices, conference/meeting room),

parking lot, first aid room, rubbish garbage with designated collection points and
together with security guards post. The office area should be arranged centrally
according to the terrain conditions. The office area should be set up separately
from the construction area and shall not under the tower crane radius zone that
simply corresponds isolation measures, and posted with relevant signboards to
guide the public and construction workers of the office area.
b) Generally the office layout can be arranged in according to "one", "L", "concave"
shape type of which divided into two layers or storeys.
c) The specific size of the office shall take into account the actual number of
peoples to accommodate the office.
d) Concave layout caters the corner areas with larger room generally suits for
engineering, procurement office, project supervision department office of so on.
e) The project manager office should be set up in a single office, in principle; it
shall be at least 20 square meters.
f) Each office units at least 20 square meters for sub-contractors office, number
of units depends actual sub-contractors engaged for the project.
g) Project safety department office shall be set up in a single office at least 20
square meters.
h) Meeting room shall be set up in a single unit at least 50 square meters. The
meeting also utilise for training board room especially for induction course for
new workers.
i) First aid room shall be set up in a single unit at least 10 square meters.
j) Administrative office shall be set up at least 20 square meters.
k) .Toilet to be set up as requirement of FMA 1967 on ratio of every 1:25 workers.
The toilets shall adopt self-punching toilets, with good ventilation and lighting
facilities. Set up a wash basin and a faucet.
l) The office constructs by moveable steel frame panels fixture boards and brick
stone for toilet areas.
m) The ground floor surface shall be concrete with cement screeding finish flooring
n) The ceiling is to be PVC types, the interior height should not be less than 2.5
meters of height.

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Project manager and normal office plan (Recommendation)

Corner location office with larger floor plan layout (Recommendation)

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Partition office layout system of typical office floor plan (Recommendation)

Meeting room floor plan (Recommendation)

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

23.6 Standard Office Accessory

Apart of working desk, chairs and file cabinets, additional accessory shall be
provided accordingly.

a) Adequate air conditioning units shall be installing for all the office units.
b) Office accessories such as; photocopy machines, fax machines and other office
accessories shall be provided adequately.
c) Engineering office unit shall be provided with discussion table, drawing racks
and other professional accessories.
d) Project manager office shall be provided with sofa chair and mini tea table for
e) Meeting room shall equip with projector, multimedia equipment and television
or screen panel.
f) First aid room shall be equipped with full first-aid kit, medical oxygen, stretchers,
single bed and other associated emergency equipment.
g) All office units window are install with stainless grill and curtain.
h) Drinking water fountains shall be provided adequately at strategic location.
i) Adequate portable fire extinguisher shall be provided to the office area within
vicinity of each office units.

23.7 Living Quarters

a) Living quarters should consider to isolate from the construction operation zone
shall correspond isolation measures. The temporary housing shall maintain the
safety distance from overhead electric power lines.
b) The surrounding environment must consider safety condition such as soil
collapses, low lying water areas and avoid excavation ground areas.
c) Shall not set up in the radius of tower cranes.
d) The centralise garbage point shall be 15 meters away from the living quarters.
e) It is ideal to link with existing traffic lines to facilitate the workers to go and back
from work.
f) Provided with roads, smooth supply of water and electricity.
g) The living area must have drainage system that allows water flows freely
without stagnant.
h) Each living unit shall have window for natural ventilation.
i) Cooking is prohibited in the living quarters; the cooking facility buildings are to
be detached from main living units at least 15 meters away.
j) The living area should have emergency lane for BOMBA access, the width at
least 4 meters and height clearance should not be less than 4 meters.
k) Storage of flammable materials shall be 15 meters away from living quarters.
l) Corresponding group of temporary living quarter buildings shall not exceed
more than 10 unit and the distance between each buildings not less than 4
meters and the distance between groups of building not less than 8 meters

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

m) The living quarters shall not exceed two floors.

n) Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided adequately. The ground floor
surface shall be concrete with cement screeding finish flooring and 1st floor
surface with plywood 20mm thickness covering and on top of it with PVC
carpets laying.

23.8 Centralized Toilets for Living Quarters

a) Toilets and bathrooms in the living areas should be divided into 2 types which
are male and female.
b) Number of cubicles shall correspond to adapt number of people in the living

i. Sanitary unit with i) water closet ii) bath unit for every ratio of 1:15
ii. Sanitary unit with i) isolated bath unit ii) with urinal for every ratio of
1:25 workers.

(Refer to Garis Panduan Penetapan Standard Minimun Penginapan Pekerja

Asing, 2018)

c) Toilet building shall separate from living units at least 10 meters apart.
d) Septic tank capacity determines according to the number of people anticipated
to live as per the living quarter’s size.
e) The height of window is 1.8 meters for the bathrooms.
f) Set up adequate urinals and water faucets for washing.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Aerial view of standardized setting up of office, living quarters & other facilities

3-D rendering – Standard living quarter unit

Reinforcement shall install to withstand strong by 48mm diameter steel pipe on the
roof and short pipe surrounding the drainage. The short pipe shall embedded into
the ground not less than 500mm and 300mm exposed above ground level and 2
fasteners to reinforced with the steel pipe. (Recommendation)

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Cooling pipe layout

Sprinkling water pipe over the roof for cooling action (Recommendation)

Stainless steel window grill Stainless steel window grill

(Recommendation) (Recommendation)

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Toilet figure Bathroom figure

23.9 First Aid Room

a) First aid station shall be on scale of project the basis,total number of


Storage medicine cabinet Health care room real map

b) To provide first aid facilities such as first aid kit box and stretcher. (Please refer
to Regulation 38 (2)(i) Welfare, FMA 1967, Fourth Schedule)
c) Single bedding for temporary recuperation for casualty upon waiting for
ambulance arrival.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

23.10 Drainage facilities

The construction site should have a good drainage system to ensure smooth
water flow drainage system, no water should stagnant on the ground.

a) It is forbidden to discharge waste oil, poisonous and harmful substances directly

into the drainage system.
b) Drainage shall construct with brick and surface to mortar plastered or install with
pre-fabricated culvert.
c) Drainage shall not less than 0.3 meters in width and the depth not less than 0.2
meters with have a certain gradient slope.
d) Construction site should be set up a reasonable sedimentation treatment tank,
sedimentation without treatment shall not directly discharge into the municipal
drainage network.
e) Sedimentation treatment tank shall construct using lime sand brick, mortar
masonry, 20mm cement mortar plaster, to ensure that no leakage.
f) Sediments in sedimentation treatment tank over the capacity of 1/3 should be
clean regularly.

Drainage Sedimentation treatment tank

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

23.11 Vehicle Washing Bay

Construction site must be set up vehicle wash tank with high pressure flushing

a) The wash bay shall be divided into two different section according dissimilar
situations. One for vehicle wash for vehicles in and out of office and living area
and the other vehicle wash for vehicle that goes into the construction area.
b) The wash bay shall position at the exit of the gate.
c) The construction of wash bay shall use steel channel and I-beam to form the
grid to ensure sufficient strength to withstand vehicle loads. (Recommendation)
d) Specific dimensions varies however should adopt standard vehicle size.

3-D rendering for washing bay (Recommendation)

23.12 Road and Vehicle Parking (Recommendation)

The construction site road should be hardened; parts of temporary roads should
lead to different directions to achieve certain location practically and economically.

a) If the temporary construction road is to be combined with permanent road

planning, the road subgrade shall be constructed on permanent road design
b) Basic materials such as gravel and store should design based on soil condition.
c) A single side drainage to set up along the road side.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

d) The parking lot shall have better compaction on soil ground and pour sand to
arrange the inter-lock brick, other hardening methods depends on site soil

Detail for the construction of the main road hardening

The surface layer shall be 100mm thick C15 concrete. Parking lots marked with
yellow paints.

23.13 Flag Tower (Recommendation)

a) The flag tower shall set in prominent position especially in front of the project
office or at the main entrance.
b) The flag pole shall be embedded into concrete base not less than 1 meter depth.
c) The flag poles height variant if in combination of 3 flag poles set shall be ; the
middle pole height is 11 meters and other 2 poles on both sides height will be
10.8 meters.
d) The flag pole material shall be stainless steel tube thickness ≥ 2mm with 102
diameter up to 5 meters length bottom and central pole zone for length 4 meters
the diameter reduce to 96mm, the upper portion of pole shall be 90mm diameter
for length 2 and 1.8m respectively.

Flag tower plan Flag tower figure

The gap between the stainless steel flag pole and the PVC sleeve can be stuffed
with rubber material or small triangular block

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

23.14 Safety Mirror (Recommendation)

Safety mirror should be treated as a self-check tool for reminding personal

protective equipment correctly donned prior to entry into site.

a) The mirror shall install at the entrance of the site and the mirror should cover
full body height.
b) The mirror glass is made of stainless steel frame body and fixed on the ground
rigidly with 4 times expansion bolts.

Elevation Figure on site

23.15 Rest Area cum Smoking Zone

Rest area be utilize as smoking zone at construction for workers. Specific number
rest area shall be depend on the size of the project. Normally one area will be
designated for each site without corresponding the size of project.

a) Shall be provided with rubbish bin and fire extinguisher.

b) Posted with appropriate signboards indicating rest area and smoking zone.

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3-D rendering Smoking kiosk and tea kiosk (Recommendation)

23.16 Surveillance System

In order to enhance the construction site security supervision and to improve safety
management level a video monitoring system should be set up on the construction site.

a) Video surveillance system can play the role as monitoring site security and fire
b) Should designed on site personnel management to develop electronic
inspection system.
c) Number point shall be determine by project size and requirement.

Live video surveillance system

23.17 Hazard Identify Board to Setting up temporary site office & living quarters.

a) Personal falling from height.

b) Electrocution whilst handling electrical tools.
c) Struck by falling objects.
d) Caught in between object.
e) (Refer to Appendix 1)

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

23.19 Control Measure – (Preventions measures - Safe work practice)

a) Working at height more than 3 meters to erect scaffold for safe foot hold platform
and workers to wear safety harness and hook to nearby rigid points.
b) Electrical tools shall be inspected prior to usage, industrial socket to be adopted.
c) Loose tools to be secured properly to prevent drop off accidentally from height
and steel frames to be stack properly to prevent from toppling.
d) Keep bodily parts away from moving objects towards stationary objects and use
tagline to control load upon hoist or lowering by crane.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019


Appendix 1 – Risk assessment

S/No Hazard Possible Existing control Additional Legal

injuries measures control references
1 Fall from Serious All workers are Obtain an FMA SHW
height injury to use proper approved Reg.7,12
and secure working at
working height permit FMA
platforms prior to BOWEC
(scaffolding) commencement Reg.53,
when installing of work 67, 86
the metal
conductor, false
ceiling, water
proofing or

All workers are

to wear safety
harness and
anchor the
lanyard when
working near
edges of
building or on
the roof

2 Electric Electrocution Electrical tools Industrial FMA

tools or such as drill, sockets and BOWEC
appliances cutter, grinder, tools shall be Reg.147
welding use and to be
machine, etc. to check by safety
be inspect department prior
before using on to usage at site.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

3 Struck by Cuts, bruise Loose tools are Additional PPE FMA SHW
falling or fracture to be secured to be donned Reg.19,20
objects or placed such as suitable
properly to appropriate FMA
prevent them hand gloves BOWEC
from Reg.9(2)
falling off the

Steel frame to
be stacked
properly to
prevent them
from toppling

sharp edges to
be protected
from accidental

4 Caught in Crash, To hoist or stack Use tagline or FMA

between contusion or material guide rope to BOWEC
objects fracture properly and control the load Reg.35
keep bodily upon lowering
parts away from and during
moving load hoisting.


Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter 24 Machinery and Equipment

24.1 Introduction

Machineries, equipment and portable hand tools are widely being used in
construction site, misuse could contribute to accidents, extra care is to be exercise
while operating to prevent accidents and statutory machineries such as tower cranes,
passenger hoist, gondola and compressors requires authority approvals for installation,
operation and dismantling, hence special scheme of procedures to be outlines to liaise
with authority.

24.2 Objective

This procedure is develop to guide the employer to disseminate instruction to

their workers the proper and safe operation to prevent accidents due to misappropriate
or abusive usage whilst operating machinery or equipment.

24.3 Scope
This procedures applies to construction works that are involves the use of
mechanical power driven machinery or equipment.

24.4 Definition

a) Power tools – A tools that is actuated by an additional power source and

mechanism other than the sorely manual labour used with hand tools.
b) Compressor – A machine or part of machine that squeezes gas or air and make
it take up less space
c) Concrete mixer – A device that homogeneously combine cement, aggregates
such as sand or gravel to form concrete.
d) Cranes – A large machine or tall metal structure with long horizontal part that
used for lifting and moving heavy object.
e) Generators – A machine that converts one form of energy into others,
especially mechanical energy into electrical energy.
f) Competent person – Person who authorized by DOSH to operate certain
machinery or doing certain machinery inspection.
g) Competent Firm – A company that has obtained the written approval from the
Director General of DOSH.
h) Guarding – To keep safe from harm or danger; protect
i) Checklist – A list of thing to be checked or done.
j) Anti-collision device – A device or sensors that help to prevent collision
between two tower cranes.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

24.5 Legal Requirements

a) OSHA 514 Section 15

b) FMA 139
i. Section 19 – Certificate of fitness
ii. Section 36 – Installation of machinery
iii. Section 37 – Application of registration
c) BOWEC Regulation
i. Regulation 147 – General requirement
ii. Regulation 148 – Hand tools
iii. Regulation 149 – Electric power- operated tools

24.6 Power Tools

24.6.1 General Instructions for Power Tools. (Refer to Chapter 16 Mechanical &

a) Electrical equipment’s to be industrial type socket.

b) The guarding on the rotating parts of the machinery and equipment to be intact.
c) Do not operate any machine or equipment if it is not in good working condition.
d) No person shall be permitted to operate statutory machineries unless they hold
competency certificates.

24.6.2 Inspection of Power Tools.

An extensive use of electrical power tools without adequate care, maintenance and
correct use may become hazardous and endangering to life, hence it is crucial to ensure
the followings.

a) Electrical tools must be maintained in a serviceable condition at all times.

b) Carried out regular safety test or formulate routine preventive maintenance
c) Never allow electrical cables lay in water or on wet floor.
d) Do not use electrical tools in wet conditions.
e) Always assess the job at hand, then select the correct tool.
f) Check for faults or defects on plugs, flexible cords and defective guards.
g) Double adapters and three pin plug adapters or similar type fitting shall not be
h) Electrical cables should be elevated above the floor surface or working platform.
a) Use only double insulated portable electric tools.
i) Any worn or damaged equipment must be withdrawn from operation immediately.
j) Ensure the ELCB is in functional condition.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

24.6.3 Drill machine

a) Chuck wrenches shall be removed from drill chucks before activating the
b) Never attempt to hold the work with your hands. Always clamp the work on
the table.
c) Use the drill only at a proper speed; forcing or feeding too fast may result in
broken or splintered drill bits, which may cause serious injuries.

24.6.4 Power Driven Saw

a) When turning on the power stand on the side of the machine.

b) Mount the material of work only when the saw blade is completely stopped.
c) When using the sliding stock guide do not allow your fingers to stick out beyond
the end so they will not come in contact with the saw blade.
d) Be sure that the blades for both circular and band saws are in good condition
before use. A sign that the blade has a crack is a sharp regular clicking sound
that can be heard as the work is being fed. Change the blade at once if this
situation arises.
e) If the saw blade breaks during the operation, shut off the power and do not
attempt to disengage the blade from its position until the machine has come
completely stopped.
f) Bench saws shall be fitted with a riving knife, overhead guard, kicking plate and
easily accessible emergency stop push-button.

Circular saw protection figure Circular saw protection figure

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

24.6.5 Grinder

a) The face of the wheel must be flat and free from any grooves.
b) Do not apply too much pressure that might cause the wheel to strike back suddenly
due to broken disc.
c) Never use a grinding wheel that is loose on the shaft.
d) Stop the wheel if it vibrates excessively as indication of unbalance wheel.
e) Use clamps or other suitable holding devices for grinding small items.
f) Always wear eye protection when using a grinder.

24.6.6 Pumps and Air Compressor.

Exposed rotating couplings on pumps shall be adequately guarded and when the
guards are removed for oiling or repairing they shall be replaced before the pumps are
put back in operation.

a) Ensure that the compressor have valid PMT certificates of fitness issued by
DOSH of Malaysia.
b) Where an internal combustion engine is used to drive a compressor, ensure it
is place outdoor to prevent monoxide accumulation inside the building.
c) If repairs or adjustments are to be made to a compressor, ensure that the
header valves are closed and that no air pressure remains in the cylinder.
Ensure that all relief valves are open. Apply lock out and tag out procedure.
d) Place oil drip containment tray of sufficient size to contain if any oil drips during
e) All high pressure hose connections to have a secondary snap guard to prevent
inadvertent swinging of hose while connection dislodge accidentally.
f) Release the condensation on weekly basis.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Air compressor

24.6.7 Concrete Mixer

a) The rotating parts must be guarded adequately and rendered harmless for the
persons working nearby the machine.
b) Fuel fired mixer to provide oil containment tray and to be station outdoor.

Concrete mixer

24.7 Heavy Machinery

24.7.1 Mobile and Crawler Crane

a) Must be operated by competent person who hold a valid competence certificate

issued by DOSH Malaysia.
b) Must have a valid PMA certificate of fitness issued by DOSH Malaysia.
c) Must have trained rigger and signalman to sling, rig and direct the load.
d) Establish secure communication with the operator.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

e) If the load is not within the eyesight of the crane operator, use proper
communication tools as form of communication and to be establish prior to
commence of lifting operation.
f) Apply and obtain an approved hoisting permit to work system
g) Carryout pre-operation inspection checklist prior to commence lifting
operation.(refer Appendix for inspection checklist)
h) Ensure load indicator function properly and ensure safe working load
corresponding to the radius.
i) Ensure overloading warning device functioning and hoisting block limit switch
j) Ensure outriggers to be based on steel plate measuring 1x1 meter radius and
fully extended out.
k) When travelling with hydraulic cranes, the telescopic boom must be in the retracted
l) Fitted with functional safety latches and marked the safe working load.
m) Never lift the load over the head of any person.
n) The load uplifted one meter from the ground to check the load centre of gravity
and well balanced.
o) Use guide rope or tagline to control load, the guide rope must be at least three
meter of length.

24.7.2 Sky-lift

a) Must have a valid PMA certificates of fitness issued by DOSH Malaysia.

b) Carryout pre-operation inspection checklist prior to operate the sky-lift.
c) Ensure overloading and boom limit buzzer is functional.
d) Only 2 people allowed being in the cage and wearing safety harness and hooking
the lanyard to cage.
e) Outrigger to be extended fully and to be based on steel plate.
f) Always check any overhead hazards such as; power lines, building structures and
other objects.

24.7.3 Scissor lift

a) Must have a valid PMA certificates of fitness issued by DOSH Malaysia.

b) Carryout pre-operation inspection checklist prior to operate the scissor lift.
c) Only trained personnel to operate scissor lift.
d) Operators shall wear safety harness and hook the lanyard scissor lift cage rail.
e) Shall not exceed safe working load.
f) Operate on a level and hard surface.

24.7.4 Tower crane

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

a) Authority approval

i. Obtain material and design approval from DOSH Putrajaya office prior to
new tower crane to be mobilize to site.
ii. Obtain installation or dismantling “SURAT KEBENARAN” approval letter
from DOSH State office.
iii. Tower crane installation and dismantle must be supervise by competent
person for tower crane whom holds valid competency certificates issued by
DOSH Malaysia.
iv. The foundation base of tower crane shall inspect and approved by DOSH
Officer prior to cast concrete.

v. DOSH Officer and competent person will carry out load testing after
installation to ascertain the fitness of crane for operation, upon surpassing
the load test DOSH Officer may permit the tower crane for operation by
signing the conditional approval in load test inspection checklist during the
processing period to issue PMA certificate.
vi. Tie-back of tower crane shall be in accordance of professional engineer’s
design drawing.
vii. The competent person for tower crane shall notify to DOSH office for the
process of jacking up the tower crane.

b) Operation

i. Tower crane shall be operated by competent person whom holds valid

competency certificate issued by DOSH Malaysia.
ii. To formulate a written lifting plan. All lifting operation shall incorporate in
accordance of establish lifting plan.
iii. Lifting operation shall be supervise by trained lifting supervisor.
iv. Load rigging works shall be carryout by trained rigger.
v. Lifting operation shall be coordinate by the signal man to the crane operator.
(refer to Appendix for appointed letter for signal man)
vi. Shall establish standard communication between signal man and the operator
with clear and uninterrupted link.
vii. Tower crane operator shall carry out daily the pre-operation safety inspection
checklist, if found any discretion which affect the safe operation shall cease
crane operation.(refer to Appendix for inspection checklist)
viii. To ensure safe operation, Project Site Intelligent System is implemented.
ix. All operator suppliers must comply with the Malaysian Labour Law which the
company must provide the operator with KWSP and SOCSO.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

x. Supplier must obey with the contract provided by the employer and any
incompliance from the supplier, the contract will be terminated immediately.
xi. Operator must sign Compliance Agreement with the employer. (refer to
appendix for letter of compliance agreement) Project Site Intelligent System

This system is implemented to ensure safe operation of the tower crane. As to

ensure compliance of the licence operators from hiring illegal operator (without
license/foreign worker). The intelligent system also are made to ensure all the information
and decision making by management are given on-time.

1) System Category

2) Sensor Monitoring

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

3) Personnel Positioning

By using Electronic Tag and GPS tracking on the phone, management can
monitor the location of the operators at all time.

4) Weather Monitoring

This weather monitor is located at Site Weather Station that able to detect
rainfall, wind speed, wind direction, temperature, humidity, noise and haze.
By using this monitoring system operator can avoid being in the cabin
during strong wind or thunder storm that can endanger operation, operator
life and others.

System will record everyday data and then process with analysis link to
Task Management System.

5) Tower Crane Monitoring

Every tower will be installed with “Tower Crane Anti-Collision System” and
sensor system to ensure safe operation or colliding of the tower crane.

The tower crane also will be provided with needed communication between
signal man, control centre and between each tower crane that operated.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Due to safeguard of the operation, the system will record every operation
and analysis. This will ensure early warning and cut-off system during the
dangerous operation(emergency).

6) Elevator Monitoring

During the operation, all elevated will be equipt with laser sensor that will
record real-time activity and the system can further optimize the usage of
elevator by efficiency through data analysis.

7) Video Surveillance System

During construction of main structure, the camera will installed at building

height point. The real-time picture of each working surface can be view via
management system.

By combining data with analysis data, the "virtual and real combination"
can be achieved, and this will enhance on-site management to get more
precise information.

c) Maintenance

i. Carry out monthly schedule maintenance inspection and service, the service
report shall be retain for record keeping at site office.
ii. Shall install safe access platform on the tie-back beam for access and egress
to tower crane. The safe walk way platform shall install with guardrail on both
sides at 1.2m height for top rail and 600mm of height for mid rail.
iii. At the base of tower crane shall install a board to display information pertaining
to PMA certificates, operator competency certificate, the names of lifting
supervisor, rigger and signalman.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Acceptance card figure

d) Details of foundation

i. Lifting rate is less than 400kN (40T) the pit size is 6500mm x 6500mm value
must be ≤ 80kpa (8T/m²) and for lifting rate greater than 400kN (40T) the
foundation bearing load must be ≤ 100kpa (10T/m²).
ii. Reinforcement steel bar shall be arranged in accordance of engineer’s
specification, concrete grade should be above Grade 35.
iii. The foundation should be designed, constructed and installed according to
the requirements for the use of the tower crane.
iv. The foundation must be checked and approved according to PE endorsement
by the competent person before installing.
v. Free standing tower crane installation height must not more than 20 meters

vi. When installation is more than 20 meters tie back must be installed according
to PE design

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

e) Safety devices

i. Rotation limit ; to set as per requirement,

ii. Hoisting limit; minimum limit distance is 1000mm – 1500mm to boom body.
iii. Anti-collision device ; to install as per requirement to prevent collision between
tower cranes
iv. Overload limit; to set in accordance of approved safe working load.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

24.7.5 Generator

a) Generators that exceed 100KVA shall notify and obtain approval from DOE.
b) Generators shall be station externally outside the buildings.
c) Provide oil containment tray of sufficient size to contain oil spillage.
d) Portable fire extinguisher to provide nearby each generator.
e) Flammable substances or material shall store 3m away from generator.


Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter 25 Housekeeping

25.1 Introduction

Effective housekeeping can help control or eliminate workplace hazards. Poor

housekeeping practices frequently contribute to incidents. If the sight of paper, debris,
Housekeeping is not just cleanliness. It includes keeping work areas neat and orderly,
maintaining halls and floors free of slip and trip hazards, and removing of waste
materials (e.g., paper, cardboard) and other fire hazard materials from work areas. It
also requires paying attention to important details such as the layout of the whole
workplace, aisle marking, the adequacy of storage facilities, and maintenance. Good
housekeeping is also basic part of incident and fire prevention.

Effective housekeeping is an on-going operation. Housekeeping must be done

daily basis.

25.2 Objective

The objectives of this chapter are:

a) Understand the importance of housekeeping.

b) Planning the best plan for controlling hazard by housekeeping.
c) Ensure workspaces are neat and tidy.
d) Understand the element to ensure success housekeeping programme.
e) Alert and inform the building and construction industry on the potential of
injuries to workers from housekeeping hazards
f) Providing a good workplace environment and increase morale of the workers.

25.3 Definition

a) Combustible dust – combustible particulate solid that presents a fire or

deflagration hazard when suspended in air or some other oxidizing medium over
a range of concentrations, regardless of particle size or shape.
b) Deflagration - propagation of a combustion zone at a speed that is less than
the speed of sound in the unreacted medium
c) Explosion – the bursting or rupture of an enclosure or a container due to the
development of internal pressure from deflagration.
d) Budgeting – Act of creating a management system used for the allocation of
resources over a given period of time.
e) Chemical agent – A chemical added to a solution in the correct dosage that will
kill bacteria, or at least stop their growth.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

f) Coordinating – Relating the efforts of employees in the most effective

combinations. An activity of directing.
g) Housekeeping day – That period of a 12-hour day when the housekeeping is
done for all site area usually start from 8.30 a.m until 8.30 p.m
h) Safety data sheets (SDS) – Informational sheets available from manufacturers
of chemicals that describe the toxic effects of these chemicals and the proper
procedures to use when handling them. The HazComm Standard demands that
these sheets be made available to all employees who may exposed to a
potentially hazardous chemical.
i) Recycling – Breaking a product down to its essential elements and making a
new product.

25.4 Legal Requirement

Factory and Machinery Act 139:

a) Safety Health and Welfare Regulation 1970

i. Regulation 6 : Floor
ii. Regulation 7 : Access to workplace
iii. Regulation 8 : Opening generally to be fence
iv. Regulation 11 : Catwalk, runway or gangway
v. Regulation 12 : Working at height
vi. Regulation 14 : Dangerous liquid
vii. Regulation 15 : Containers for volatile inflammable substances
viii. Regulation 19 : Object on inclines
ix. Regulation 20 : Stacking of material
x. Regulation 23 : Cleanliness
xi. Regulation 24 : Space between each person
xii. Regulation 36 : Washing facilities
xiii. Regulation 37 : Sanitary convenience

b) Building Operations and Works of Engineering Construction 1986

i. Regulation 8 : Slipping hazards
ii. Regulation 9 : Tripping and cutting hazards
iii. Regulation 10 : Access to workplace
iv. Regulation 11 : Dust and gases
v. Regulation 12 : Corrosive substance
vi. Regulation 15 : Protective apparel
vii. Regulation 16 : Electrical hazard
viii. Regulation 17 : Power driven saws

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

ix. Regulation 20 : Illumination of passageways

x. Regulation 21 : Storage of materials and equipment
xi. Regulation 22 : Disposal of debris
xii. Regulation 25 : Site safety supervisor
xiii. Regulation 26 : Contractor’s safety supervisor
xiv. Regulation 27 : Safety committee
xv. Part V : Cleaning, repairing and maintenance of roof,
gutters, windows, louvers and ventilators
xvi. Part VII : Chutes, safety belts and nets
xvii. Part XIII : Material handling and storage, use and disposal

25.5 Type

Housekeeping can be divided into few part which is:

a) General housekeeping – Housekeeping focusing on the open or outdoor area

in the construction site including podium, car parks, toilet and etc.
b) Work area housekeeping – Focus on the working area such as aluminium
assembly work area, rebar installation area, cutting area, architectural work and
c) Water ponding housekeeping – Housekeeping works focusing on removing
the water ponding at the site to disposed mosquito breeding area.
d) Housekeeping day – A day for all the workers to focusing on housekeeping to
ensure clean environment.
e) Material housekeeping – housekeeping focusing on clearing all the material
waste and stacking up the material that still in used.
f) Storage housekeeping – Housekeeping focus on clearing the storage area
from debris, rubbish, and staking material to ensure proper stacking and
cleanliness of the storage.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

25.6 Procedure

25.6.1 Good Housekeeping

There are three key factors to good housekeeping. They are:

a) Overall cleanliness and orderliness

i. No matter the level of occupancy, a company can improve the

conduciveness, hygiene and safety of its work environment by keeping
all its work areas clean, organised and uncluttered.
ii. This can be achieved through regular housekeeping, timely disposal or
removal of items that are seldom used or no longer needed.

b) Adequate space and proper layout

i. Work activity requires space and the presence of people, equipment and
materials tend to obstruct orderly movement throughout the premises.
ii. A careful review of space requirements based on actual operations may
suggest ways for a better layout.
iii. A well-designed work space with equipment arranged for optimum
workflow will improve efficiency and productivity, as well as the ease with
which work activities can be carried out.

c) Correct storage and materials handling

i. Proper storage and handling equipment (e.g., engineered shelving,

forklifts, handling robots, and conveyor systems) are necessary to
facilitate the movement and placement of materials in a factory,
construction site or storage facility.
ii. This will prevent haphazard storage which can lead to blocked exit paths
and/ or obstructed access to fire control equipment (e.g., fire
extinguishers, fire hose reels).
iii. Poorly organised storage may also result in the accumulation of
unwanted items, debris and/ or waste materials especially in any
available vacant space.
iv. Good housekeeping will ensue once all the above factors are addressed.
A neat and tidy workplace can be achieved and sustained when a routine
is established for each factor.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

25.6.2 Responsibility for Housekeeping

Good housekeeping is everyone’s responsibility. Keeping a workplace safe, clean

and clutter free is an ongoing activity in which all employees have to do their part (see
Table 1).

Housekeeping Responsibilities
Prevent slips, • Do not stack items along walkways or passageways.
trips • Put away or elevate the electrical cords and water or air hoses
and falls. • Put away tools and keep drawers closed.
Limit spills • Clean up spills immediately.
• Repair leaks as soon as possible.
• Sweep up debris.
Ensure machine • Inspect machines and ensure that all guards are in
safety. place before use
• Keep area around machines clear
• Put away tools
• Clean machines regularly.
Prevent fires. • Store flammable or combustible liquids in labelled and
closed containers.
• Keep flammable or combustible materials away from
sources of ignition.
• Keep electrical equipment clean.
• Inspect electrical cords before use.
Ensure exits and • Do not block emergency exits.
access routes to • Keep evacuation routes clear.
fire equipment are • Check that fire extinguishers are accessible.
clear. • Ensure that electrical panels can be opened.

Table 1: Examples of housekeeping responsibilities.

a) Active participation from various teams of employees is required for

housekeeping to be effective.
b) Companies will need to provide the necessary resources (e.g., time and
supporting infrastructure) and develop a disciplined and systematic approach to
housekeeping so that employees will be able to carry out their housekeeping
duties as part of daily routine.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

25.6.3 General Housekeeping

Good housekeeping is important outdoors as it is indoors (i.e. inside a building or

rebar area).

a) Good housekeeping not only reduces workplace accidents and injuries. It is also
a critical aspect of fire safety.
b) Outdoor storage areas should be located at sufficient separation distances from
buildings and other combustible storage to prevent fire spread.
c) This is because the accumulation of stored items (including waste) can present
a fire load sufficient to cause damage to buildings as well as outdoor facilities
and equipment.
d) Housekeeping focuses on maintaining the separation by prohibiting even the
temporary introduction of structures or objects such as shelters, discarded
crates, or other combustibles.
e) If materials and equipment are stored outdoors, good housekeeping requires
that combustibles and obstructions are kept out of the passageways between
storage piles.
f) Keeping passageways clear will allow easy access for firefighting in the event
one break out.
g) Proper housekeeping also requires the prohibition of smoking in areas used for
outdoor storage of flammable materials.
h) Companies should provide suitable warning signs and non-combustible
receptacles for smokers to dispose smoking materials before entering a “No
Smoking” zone.
i) The regular inspection of work premises and subsequent correction of
irregularities are part of good housekeeping. Irregularities may refer to situations
that are not right (e.g. a blocked passageway) or things that are out of place
(e.g. a misplaced tool).

25.6.4 Safe Work Practice

Supervisors and workers will implement the following safe work practices for
housekeeping in all areas of the facility.

a) All Working Surfaces

i. Keep all walking and working surfaces clean, sanitary, and orderly.
ii. Keep work surfaces dry.
iii. Clean up small spills immediately; report large spills to a supervisor.
iv. Ensure that all walking and working surfaces and passageways are free from
protruding nails, splinters, holes, or loose boards.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

b) Floors
i. Provide warning signs for wet floor areas.
ii. Clean up small spills immediately; report large spills to a supervisor.
iii. Use no-skid waxes and surfaces coated with grit to create nonslip surfaces
in slippery areas such as toilet and shower areas.
iv. Immediately clean up all spilled hazardous materials or liquids according to
hazardous material spill response procedures.
v. Immediately repair, cover, or otherwise make safe any holes in the floor or
other walking surface.
vi. Re-lay or stretch carpets that bulge or have become bunched to prevent
tripping hazards.
vii. Promptly remove combustible scrap, debris, and waste, and discard them
according to the waste disposal procedures.
viii. Keep toilets and washing facilities clean and sanitary.
ix. Eliminate uneven floor surfaces.

c) Wet Floors and Water Ponding

i. Where wet processes are used, ensure that drainage channels are kept
clear and that dry standing places such as mats are provided.
ii. Use waterproof footgear to decrease slip and fall hazards in areas that are
frequently wet.
iii. Restrict or control access to wet floors or cover them with nonslip materials.
iv. Water ponding must be drain to eliminate mosquito breeding area.
v. If the water ponding cannot be drain, larvae seeding and “bunjut” must be
done to prevent mosquito breeding.

d) Aisles and Passageways

i. Keep aisles and passageways clear and marked as appropriate.
ii. Tape or otherwise anchor to the floor temporary electrical cords that cross
iii. Clean only one side of a passageway at a time.
iv. Ensure there is safe clearance for walking in aisles where motorized or
mechanical handling equipment is operating.
v. Store materials or equipment in such a way that sharp projections will not
interfere with or protrude into aisles or passageways.
vi. Clean up small spills immediately, and report large spills to a supervisor.
vii. Arrange aisles or walkways that pass near moving or operating machinery,
welding operations, or similar operations so that employees will not be
subjected to potential hazards.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

e) Elevated Surfaces
i. Pile, stack, or rack material on elevated surfaces in a manner that will
prevent the material from tipping, falling, collapsing, rolling, or spreading.
ii. Use dock boards or bridge plates when transferring materials between docks
and trucks or railcars.

f) Entryways and Exits

i. All entryways and exits will be kept clean, dry, and clear of all obstructions.
ii. Follow the housekeeping requirements in the Fire Exits section of this Plan.
g) Stairs
i. All stairways will be kept clean, dry, and free of debris.
ii. No accumulation of any material will be allowed on stairs or in stairways or
h) Lighting
i. Ensure that all halls and stairwells are well lighted to help reduce accidents
and promote security.
ii. Replace light bulbs and/or fixtures as necessary to maintain adequate
lighting at all times.

25.7 5S Concept and Housekeeping

5S is a workplace organization method based on a Japanese quality management

concept companies may use to achieve a clean and organized workplace. Through a
systematic approach, 5S offers opportunities for continual improvement and enhanced
workplace efficiency and effectiveness.

5S Element are:

Sort Straighten Shine Standardise Sustain

a) Benefits of implementing a 5S programme include:

i. Workplace becomes clean and better organised.

ii. Operations become more efficient and productive
iii. Product and/ or service quality improves with fewer rejects or complaints
iv. Results are visible to everyone (visitors included)
v. Employees become more aware of the importance of housekeeping and
personal discipline

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

vi. Employees achieve a greater sense of pride in their work and workplace,
and take on higher ownership of their work responsibilities
vii. Workplace becomes safer
viii. Company image is enhanced resulting in more business opportunities.

25.7.1 Management Role in 5S Implementation

Management plays a critical role in ensuring the successful implementation of a 5S

programed. Proposed activities for driving the 5S implementation include:

a) Communicating top management’s commitment Companies need to identify areas

top management can communicate its commitment to 5S. Possible ways include:

i. Publicising management philosophy of 5S to all staff (e.g., through a

speech or memo)
ii. Organising awareness talks on 5S and holding staff meetings on 5S
iii. Providing 5S training to all employees
iv. Allocating official time for daily or weekly 5S activities
v. Sharing key business challenges with frontline management and
highlighting how 5S may be applied as a solution to these challenges
vi. Conducting regular management walkabouts.

b) Setting up a 5S steering committee

i. A 5S steering committee may be set up to oversee and drive the

implementation of a 5S programme company-wide.
ii. Responsibilities charged to the committee include setting 5S goals and
targets, creating a 5S operational structure (e.g., comprising a main
committee and any supporting sub-committees), planning and
implementing the 5S programme, and promoting 5S company-wide.
iii. To set the pace and provide overall direction for the programme, at least
one top management representative should be included in the steering

c) Developing a 5S implementation plan

i. The steering committee may map out an implementation plan to

determine the line-up of 5S activities and resources required to carry
them out.

See Table 2 for a list of suggested activities that can be included into a 5S programmed.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Table 2: Example of a 5S implementation plan.

25.7.2 Implementing 5S Sort

Action required: Separate unnecessary from necessary items and remove

unnecessary items.
Sorting is about knowing what to keep and what to remove or discard. This
includes machines, equipment, furniture and inventory. By removing unnecessary
items, valuable industrial or commercial space can be put for better use, paving the
way for 5S-2 Straighten.
This process can be achieve by:

a) Discard items that are clearly no longer necessary or of use

b) Evaluate items that are potentially unnecessary

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Example of discarding items Straighten (Set in Order)

Action required: Organize for better workflow and store necessary items for easy
Straighten refers to organizing and labeling necessary items (e.g., tools,
equipment and materials) so that they can be easily found, retrieved or returned to its
original location. 5S-2 Straighten (set in order) is a prerequisite to implementing 5S-4

This process can be achieve by:

a) Arrange necessary items for better workflow.

i. Proper and neat storage will eliminate or significantly reduce the time
taken to look for things.
b) Create visual order. Vision controls refer to any means used to:

i. Provide visual instructional guidance on how a task should be carried out

ii. Display operating or progress status in an easy-to-see format
iii. Make the abnormality or deviation from the desired standard easy to

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 Shine

Action required: Keep workplace clean, tidy and in good condition.

The concept of 5S-3 Shine covers both cleaning and inspection. Cleaning and
inspection go hand in hand as an inspection is always carried out before cleaning an
area or a machine. Emphasis is on removal of dirt and grime from the workplace.
With the implementation of 5S-3 Shine, cleaning should become an ingrained
part of daily work habits, so that tools, machines and work areas are ready for use.
This process can be achieve by:

a) Determine target areas for cleaning or inspection. Workplace target areas may
include the following:

i. Workspace: Floors, walls, walkways, materials, windows, lights, and etc.

ii. Equipment: Machines, tools, instruments, tables, stairs, working platform
and etc.
iii. Warehouse or storeroom: Raw materials, parts, intermediate and
finished products, etc.

Pipe stacker Wood beam, template stacked

b) Assign cleaning or inspection duties. This can be done by:

i. Assignment Map: Assignment Map will provide an overview of all the

work zones at a specific workplace and indicate the person(s)
responsible for it.
ii. Schedule: Schedule may be used to list (in table format) the day, time
and workers responsible for each work zone.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

c) Establish the cleaning or inspection method.

i. Shine activities should include cleaning or inspection before work starts,

during work and after work is done.
ii. Provide sufficient time for cleaning or inspection duties so that these
activities become a natural part of everyone’s daily routine.

iii. The cleaning or inspection method should include information on the

cleaning tools (i.e., the supplies and equipment used), and cleaning
standards (i.e., the procedure to follow and level of cleanliness to be

d) Carry out the cleaning or inspection Standardize

Action required: Create standards to make Sort, Straighten and Shine a habit.

5S-4 Standardize refers to strategies used to ensure that 5S-1 Sort, 5S-2
Straighten and 5S-3 Shine are always implemented and actively practiced throughout
a company. Standardization requires the set-up of a consistent and systematic way to
carry out tasks and procedures. 5S standardization is the result when Sort, Straighten
and Shine are in place and maintained.

This can be done by:

a) Set up a S3 duty chart.

b) Develop S3 standard operating procedures.
c) Establish the S standards. 3 operating standard. Sustain

Action required: Maintain the standard and implement initiatives to sustain 5S activities.

A 5S programed helps companies to achieve better workplace organization,

enhanced productivity and workplace safety and health improvement. All employees
must be involved in order for a 5S programed to succeed. To sustain a 5S programed,
good housekeeping must not be just a chore that has to be done. It has to be something
deeply embedded in a company’s culture; something that everyone believes can bring
about improvement in their daily work.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Steps a company can take to achieve 5S-5 Sustain include:

a) Establish and implement a 5S internal audit system.
b) Implement 5S initiatives for continued employee engagement.

Area of Impact Suggested Initiatives

Training Basic 5S Training

Initial training for those new to the concept of 5S and
good housekeeping.
Advanced 5S Training
Follow-up training focusing on industry practice in 5S
implementation and the concept of preventive Sort, preventive
Straighten and preventive Shine.
Refresher Training
This is recommended at regular intervals (e.g., every 2 to 3
years) for employees to revisit 5S fundamentals, learn from
colleagues across departments and seek inspiration as they
brainstorm for new 5S projects.

Awareness and 5S Slogans

Communication These are short and memorable phrases to promote good
housekeeping and/ or communicate 5S concepts (e.g., “Do your
Best, Follow 5S”, “5S Begins with Removing Excess”, “A Place
for Everything, Everything in its Place” or “Good Housekeeping
Promotes Safety”). Slogans can be displayed on banners,
posters, stickers, and so on.
5S Banners and Posters
These may be used to display 5S slogans, description of 5S
activities or results or status of 5S activities. Using banners and
posters is a good method to create awareness and/ or remind
workers as they can be displayed anywhere in the workplace
(e.g., on noticeboards, walls, fences, machines, etc.).
5S Pocket Manual or Handbook
This is a pocket booklet (small enough to fit into a shirt pocket)
containing a summary of what 5S is all about. Every employee
can use the pocket manual as a quick reference to 5S essentials
whenever necessary.
Continuous 5S In-house Seminars
Learning These are internal talks or sharing sessions on 5S typically
given by 5S champions or project leaders on their
implementation journey and status, challenges faced, and how

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

problems were overcome.

Creativity 5S Projects
and Innovation This involves setting up 5S project teams to work on
housekeeping projects, identifying necessary resources (e.g.,
manpower, time, funds) and putting ideas into action.

Awards and 5S Rewards

Recognition This involves setting up a reward system for departments, teams
and individuals with good 5S performances. In particular,
rewards are due to those with good 5S implementation and
recommendations, those who have won 5S competitions and
those who have done well in a 5S audit. Rewards may be
offered on monthly or quarterly basis and take the form of an
award or management commendation, cash bonuses or items
such as meal vouchers.

25.8 Fire and Explosion Prevention.

Flammable and combustible materials and residues will be controlled so that they
do not cause or contribute to a fire emergency.

25.8.1 Maintenance of Ignition Sources

Equipment and systems installed on heat- or ignition-producing equipment and

processes will be maintained to prevent the accidental ignition of flammable and
combustible materials.

a) Dry Combustibles

i. Keep combustibles such as paper, cardboard, wooden pallets, or rags in

designated locations away from ignition sources. The accumulation of such
material provides a place for a fire to start and spread quickly.

b) Extension Cords

i. Electric extension cords will be inspected before each use and kept in good
ii. Employees will not yank cords from electrical outlets.
iii. Tools and equipment that require grounding will be of the three-wire
grounded-connection type.
iv. Never use extension cords to replace permanent wiring.
v. If an extension cord is used for temporary wiring, it must be listed by
Underwriters Laboratories or another recognized testing laboratory.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

vi. Avoid kinking or excessive bending of the cord; broken strands may pierce
the insulated covering and become a shock or short-circuit hazard.

25.8.2 Flammable and Combustible Liquid Storage

a) General Safe Work Practices

i. No open flames, smoking, sparks, or welding will be allowed in storage areas
with flammable liquids.
ii. Electrical equipment must be explosion-proof if flammable or combustible
liquid will be stored near such equipment.
iii. Keep flammable and combustible liquids away from direct sunlight and
stored in a cool, dry place.
iv. The storage area must be well ventilated to prevent vapors from building up;
the vents should be from floor to ceiling.
v. Store oxidizers and other incompatible materials away from flammable and
combustible liquids to prevent a dangerous reaction.
vi. Use secondary containment methods to make sure any spills are contained.
vii. Return flammable and combustible liquids to their storage location
immediately after use.

Combustible gas storage

b) Containers
i. Store flammable and combustible liquids in approved fire-resistant
containers with self-closing lids. Ensure that such containers are grounded
and bonded during any transfer of flammable or combustible liquids between
containers. These containers prevent sparks and other ignition sources from

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

igniting the liquids stored in them. Keep the containers closed when not in
ii. Used rags. Put rags soaked with flammable or combustible liquids in
approved, closed containers. The containers must be kept closed to prevent
vapour build-up.

c) Reactive Materials
i. Do not store reactive materials near one another. Reactive materials, when
mixed, often create an exothermic reaction, which produces heat and could
cause these materials to spontaneously combust.

d) Electrical and Hot Equipment

i. Keep combustible materials, dust, and grease away from electrical
equipment and hot machinery.
ii. Maintain a clear access to electrical panels at all times so that they can be
opened quickly in case of an emergency that requires the power to a
machine or the building to be shut down.
e) Fire Exits
i. Always keep evacuation routes clear.
ii. Don’t store boxes or other items in aisles, hallways, or stairwells that lead to
emergency exits.
iii. Ensure that exit doors are kept clear on both sides so that they can be easily
opened in an emergency.

f) Fire Extinguishers
i. Fire extinguishers will not be used as hangers for coats, air hoses, electrical
cords, or anything else.
ii. Access to extinguishers will be kept clear at all times.
iii. Extinguishers will always be kept visible. They will not be blocked by stacks
of boxes, forklifts, or other items.

g) Combustible Dust
Combustible dusts that accumulate on surfaces can cause a deflagration, other
fires, or an explosion. Combustible dusts are often either organic or metal dusts
that are finely ground into very small particles, fibers, fines, chips, chunks, flakes,
or a small mixture of these. These dusts include, but are not limited to:
i. Metal dust, such as aluminum and magnesium
ii. Wood dust
iii. Coal and other carbon dusts
iv. Plastic dust and additives
v. Bio solids
vi. Other organic dust, such as sugar, flour, paper, soap, and dried blood

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

vii. Certain textile materials

25.8.3 Criteria for Dust Cleanup

Immediate cleaning and collection of accumulated combustible dust is warranted

whenever a layer of combustible dust 1/32-inch thickness (i.e., approximately the
thickness of a typical paper clip) accumulates over a surface area of at least 5 percent
of the floor area of the facility or any given room.
The 5 percent factor will not be used if the floor area exceeds 20,000 square feet
(sq. ft.), in which case a 1,000 sq. ft layer of dust is the upper limit. Accumulations on
overhead beams, joists, ducts, the tops of equipment, and other surfaces should be
included when determining the dust coverage area. Vertical surfaces will be included
if the dust is adhering to them. Likely areas of dust accumulations within a plant are:
1. Structural members
2. Conduit and pipe racks
3. Cable trays
4. Floors
5. Above the ceiling
6. On and around equipment (leaks around dust collectors and ductwork)

a) Procedures for Dust Cleanup

i. Routinely remove accumulations of combustible dust from elevated surfaces,
including the overhead structure of buildings. Accumulations will be removed
and collected in dust collectors.

b) Hot Work Near Dust Collection Points

i. The contractors will ensure that approved hot work permits are issued for
any hot work in areas where hazardous levels of dust accumulations may
occur. In addition, anyone who performs combustible dust collection
operations near hot work on and around collection points and ductwork must
receive written approval to perform such work from the issuer of the hot work
permit. Dust collection operations will not be conducted while hot work
operations are in progress.

25.9 Waste Recycling and Disposal

The contractors will ensure that the following waste recycling and disposal
procedures are implemented in all work areas where such waste is generated:
a) Scrap materials will be collected and sorted for recycling or disposal.
b) Scrap containers will be placed near areas where the waste is produced to
encourage orderly waste recycling or disposal.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

c) All waste receptacles will be clearly labeled (e.g., recyclable glass, plastic, and
metal, toxic, flammable).
d) All waste containers will be emptied.
e) Covered metal waste cans will be provided for oily or paint-soaked waste.

25.10 Hazardous Chemical Spill Control

Waste and construction waste collection pool

The contractors will implement procedures for the cleanup of large and small
hazardous chemical spills at the facility. Large spills will be managed according to the

25.10.1 Spill Prevention Safety Plan

a) Spill Prevention
Regularly cleaning and maintaining machines and equipment are ways to do
this. Others are to use drip pans and guards where possible spills might occur.

b) Small Spills
The following procedure will be followed by all employees when a small
chemical spill less than has occurred:
i. Notify Safety Department.
ii. If toxic fumes are present, secure the area (with caution tape or cones)
to prevent other personnel from entering.
iii. Deal with the spill in accordance with the instructions described in the
safety data sheet (SDS).
iv. Small spills must be handled in a safe manner while wearing the proper
v. Use absorbent material to wipe up greasy, oily, or other liquid spills.
vi. Absorbents must be disposed of properly and safely.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

25.11 Electrical Parts and Equipment

Employees will not perform housekeeping duties near live electrical parts where
there is a possibility of contact, unless adequate safeguards such as insulating
equipment or barriers are provided. (Refer to Chapter 16 Mechanical and Electrical)

Electrical equipment will be kept free of dust, debris, and grease.

a) Cleaning Materials
Electrically conductive cleaning materials, including conductive solids such as
steel wool, metalized cloth, and silicon carbide, as well as conductive liquid
solutions, will not be used near energized parts unless written procedures
authorized by the contractors that will prevent electrical contact are followed.

25.12 General Storage

The contractors will ensure that the following general material storage procedures
are implemented:

a) Store or stack materials to allow a clear space of 3 feet or more under water
sprinkler heads.
b) Stack cartons and drums on a firm foundation and cross-tie them where necessary
to reduce the chance of their movement.
c) Do not allow stored materials to obstruct aisles, stairs, exits, fire equipment,
emergency eyewash fountains, emergency showers, or first aid stations.
d) All storage areas will be clearly marked.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Reinforced semi-finished products

Aerated concrete brick stacked
stacked three-dimensional map

25.13 Machines and Tools

a) Machines
i. Keep the area around machines clear of combustibles, slip and trip hazards,
or any other debris.
ii. Inspect machines before use.
iii. Ensure that all guards are in place and operating properly.
iv. Follow lockout/tag out procedures when servicing or repairing a machine.
v. When done using the machine put away tools and clean up both the machine
and the work area.

b) Hand and Power Tools

i. Store blades and sharp tools carefully so that they do not create a hazard
when not in use.
ii. Store new blades for band saws, circular saws, or utility knives in labeled
boxes so someone doesn’t accidentally stick his or her hands inside and get
iii. When it’s time to discard an old blade, cover the sharp edge with tape or
cardboard and discard the blade directly into a metal trash container or
iv. Keep blades on utility knives sheathed or retracted when not in use.

25.14 Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE)

The contractors will ensure the appropriate PPE is provided to and worn by
employees performing housekeeping activities and that the PPE is in good condition.
PPE will not be used as a substitute for engineering, safe work practice, or
administrative controls for preventing exposure to recognized physical or chemical

PPE for housekeeping operations include:

a) Eye protection
b) Gloves
c) Proper shoes
d) Dust masks

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

e) Other items such as protective clothing, respirators, and hearing protection

depending on the hazards

Employees involved in housekeeping activities will implement the following PPE

use and care procedures:

a) Inspect PPE before each use, checking for signs of wear or damage.
b) Keep PPE clean.
c) Store PPE properly according to instructions on labels or received during
training to prevent damage or contamination from dirt or chemicals.
d) Replace PPE when it is worn out, damaged, or no loner provides the protection
that is required.

When performing housekeeping tasks, employees will select the right equipment
for the job, including the right PPE. Employees must consult with a supervisor
concerning appropriate PPE when starting a new job or housekeeping task.

25.15 Inspections

Programs related to housekeeping will be regularly monitored to ensure a high

standard of sanitation and safety in all work areas, as well as to identify deficiencies.
The main contractors will conduct regular inspections of work areas to monitor hazards
and ensure that housekeeping safe work practices are implemented.
The main contractors will develop housekeeping inspection schedules and
checklists for each work area with specific hazards or work processes that differ from
those found in the facility as a whole.

a) Frequency of Inspections
The frequency of inspections for each work area will be determined by
identification of hazards and hazard control recommendations from hazard
assessments, deficiencies identified in previous inspections, frequency of
changes in work processes, and any other factors that may affect compliance
with housekeeping requirements and policies.
At a minimum, inspections of all work areas will be conducted twice a week.
Surprise inspections may be conducted at any time.
b) Inspection Documentation
Copies of inspection checklists or reports will be kept at site office. Each report
will be maintained for 6 month after the date of the inspection.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

The main contractors will ensure that:

i. All evacuation routes are clearly marked and unobstructed.

ii. Access to fire extinguishers and other emergency equipment is unobstructed.
iii. All emergency-related signs, placards, posters, notices, and markings are
clearly visible and legible at all times.
iv. All used emergency and fire-fighting equipment is replaced.

Post-emergency cleanup operations will be conducted by personnel trained and

authorized to perform specific cleanup tasks.

25.17 Training

Safety Team will provide housekeeping training to all employees at the time of
hire and as needed thereafter.
Supervisors will provide safety meetings or talks to employees as a group every
once a week and to individual employees who fail to follow safe procedures.

a) Training Records
Training will be documented with employee sign-in sheets, date of training, and
the training session agenda.

25.18 Recordkeeping

Copies of all hazard assessments and inspection checklists will be maintained at

the site office until the project is done.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Generalize housekeeping team Worker cleaning working area and

stacking up materials.


Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Chapter 26 Health Issue

26.1 Introduction

Prolonging working careers is major challenge for industries where physical work
demands are high such as in construction industry. Compared to other industries, those
with high physical work demand show higher ageing and higher shrinking rates of the
working population. Insight into health problems at worksite, and effective measure
regarding this problems, are helpful for prolonging the working careers of the
construction worker.

26.2 Objective

The objectives of this chapter are:

a) Uunderstands the health issue usually encounter in construction site in

b) Determine the cause of the disease.
c) Control measure and emergency first aid that can be done.
d) Ensure welfare of the workers.

26.3 Definition

a) Hygienic disease – A disease cause by poor hygiene.

b) Occupational disease - is any disease contracted primarily as a result of an
exposure to risk factors arising from work activity.
c) Musculoskeletal disorder – Injuries or pain in human musculoskeletal system
including joint, ligament, muscle, nerve and etc.
d) Vector borne disease – Illnesses caused by pathogens and parasites in
human population which include ticks, mosquito and fleas.
e) Rash – Braking out or eruption of the skin.
f) Heat stress – is the overall heat load to which an employee may be exposed
from the combined contributions of metabolic heat, environmental factors (i.e.
air temperature, humidity, air movement, and radiant heat), and clothing
g) Ergonomic – is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of
interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession
that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize
human wellbeing and overall system performance.
h) Dermatitis – an inflammation of the skin.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

i) Pneumonia – is an infection in one or both of the lungs.

j) Neurological system – Complex network of nerves and cells that carry
messages to and from the brain and spinal cord to various part of body.

26.4 Legal Requirement

a) Occupational Safety and Health Act 514:

i. Section 15 : General duties of employers and self-employed person

to their employees.
ii. Section 24 : General duties of employees
iii. Regulation 2000 :Use and Standards of Exposure of Chemicals
Hazardous to Health (USECHH)

Factory and Machinery Act 139:

b) Safety Health and Welfare Regulation 1970

i. Regulation 14 : Dangerous liquid
ii. Regulation 23 : Cleanliness
iii. Regulation 25 : Air cleanliness
iv. Regulation 28 : Temperature
v. Regulation 31 : Work bench
vi. Regulation 32 : Working cloth, personal protective clothing
vii. Regulation 34 : Drinking water
viii. Regulation 36 : Washing facilities
ix. Regulation 38 : First aid
x. Regulation 39 : Duty of occupier
c) Mineral Dust Regulation 1989
d) Occupational Safety and Health (Noise Exposure) 2019
e) Guidelines on Ergonomic Risk Assessment 2017
f) Guidelines for Manual Handling 2018
g) Act 342: Preventive and Control of Infectious Disease Act 1998

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

26.5 Procedure and Type

26.5.1 Occupational Disease

An occupational disease is a health condition or disorder (e.g., cancer,

musculoskeletal disorders, post-traumatic stress, etc.) that is caused work
environment or activities related to work. In general, health conditions or disorders that
occur among a group of people with similar occupational exposures at a higher
frequency than the rest of the population are considered to be occupational diseases..
Occupational diseases can be caused by:

a) Biological agents- bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, insects, plants, birds,

animals, humans, etc.
b) Chemical agents- beryllium, lead, benzene, isocyanates, etc.
c) Ergonomic issues- repetitive movements, improper set up of workstation, poor
lighting, poor design of tools, etc.
d) Physical agents - ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, magnetic fields, pressure
extremes (high pressure or vacuum), extreme temperatures, noise, vibration,
e) Psychosocial issues- stress, violence, bullying, harassment, lack of recognition,

There are other factors that determine the development of an occupational

disease, including:

a) Amount of exposure or dose entering the body

b) Duration or length of exposure
c) Route of entry into the body
d) Toxicity of the chemical
e) Removal from the body
f) Biological variation (individual susceptibility)
g) Effects of interaction, such as synergism (e.g., smoking, alcohol use, exposure
to other chemicals).

Exposure to the hazardous agent may occur only once in a while or only in very
small amounts, or the exposure may be daily and/or to very large amounts. The
number of weeks or years on the job may provide an estimate of the degree of
exposure. In general, the higher the exposure (duration and/or amount), the higher the
risk of developing a health effect.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 Heat Stress

Many workers are exposed to heat on the job, in both indoor and outdoor heat
environments. Operation involving high air temperatures, radiant heat sources e.g.
sunlight, hot exhaust, high humidity and direct physical contact with hot object.


Exposure to abnormal or prolonged amounts of heat and humidity without relief

or adequate fluid intake can cause various types of heat related illness as the following:

a) Heat Rash.

Heat rash is the most common problem in hot work environments. It causes
discomfort and itchiness. Heat rash is caused by sweating and looks like a red
cluster of pimples or small blisters. Heat rash may appear on the neck, upper chest,
groin, under the breasts and elbow creases.

b) Heat cramps

These are muscle pains usually caused by the loss of body salts and fluid during
sweating. Workers with heat cramps should replace fluid loss by drinking water
and/or carbohydrate electrolyte replacement liquids (e.g. isotonic drinks) every 15
to 20 minutes.

c) Heat Exhaustion

This is the next most serious heat-related health problem. Heat exhaustion is the
body’s response to an excessive loss of the water and salt, usually through
excessive sweating. The signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion are headache,
nausea, dizziness, weakness, irritability, confusion, thirst, heavy sweating and a
body temperature greater than 100.4°F (38oC).

d) Heat Syncope

Heat syncope is a fainting (syncope) episode or dizziness that usually occurs with
prolonged standing or sudden rising from a sitting or lying position. Factors that
may contribute to heat syncope include dehydration and lack of acclimatisation.
Symptoms of heat syncope include light-headedness, dizziness and fainting.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

e) Heat Stroke

This is the most serious form of heat injury and is considered a medical emergency.
Heat stroke results from prolonged exposure to high temperatures and usually in
combination with dehydration, which leads to failure of the body’s temperature
control system. The medical definition of heat stroke is a core body temperature
greater than 105 Fahrenheit (40.5oC), with complications involving the central
nervous system that occur after exposure to high temperatures. Other common
symptoms include nausea, throbbing headache, seizures, confusion, disorientation,
and rapid, shallow breathing. Heat stroke can cause death or permanent disability
if emergency treatment is not given.

f) Rhabdomyolysis

Associated with heat stress and prolonged physical exertion which result in rapid
breakdown, rapture and death of muscle. Deaths of muscle tissue lead to
increase in electrolytes and large protein in blood which cause irregular heart
rhythm, seizure and damaged kidneys.

Risk Factor

The risk factor includes:

a) Exposed to high temperature, humidity, direct sun exposure, no breeze or

wind for long time
b) Heavy physical labour
c) Low liquid intake and dehydrated
d) No recent exposure to hot workplaces
e) Waterproof clothing

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019


a) Heat stress can affect individuals in different ways, and some people are
more susceptible to it than others. Typical symptoms are:
b) An inability to concentrate
c) Muscle cramps
d) Heat rash
e) Severe thirst - a late symptom of heat stress
f) Fainting
g) Heat exhaustion - fatigue, giddiness, nausea, headache, moist skin
h) Heat stroke - hot dry skin, confusion, convulsions and eventual loss of
consciousness. This is the most severe disorder and can result in death if
not detected at an early stage

Heat exhaustion and heat stroke difference

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Prevention and Control

a) Identification of heat stress for example using Heat Stress Screening

b) Conduct heat stress monitoring to obtain WBGT index and compares them
with the reference values of action limit and the Threshold Limit Value
produced by The American Conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists, Inc. (ACGIH).
c) Heat stress evaluation and control based on risk decision.

The risk of heat-related stress depends on the WBGT. In general, the following criteria
in Table 1 below can be used to make a decision on the severity of the risk.



WBGT adjusted < Action Limit Low Risk

Action Limit < WBGT adjusted<TLV Medium Risk

WBGT adjusted > TLV High Risk

a) Low Risk: There is a minimum risk of excessive exposure to heat stress

b) Medium Risk: Implement general control as in Table 2 which includes
drinking of water and pre-placement medical screening.
c) High Risk: Further analysis may be required. This may include monitoring
heat strain (physiological responses to heat stress), sign and symptom of
heat-related disorders. In addition, job-specific control should be

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019


 Continue  General Controls  Implement all general control and
work applicable job specific control
 Monitor
 Applicable Job Specific Control

 Information, instructions  Engineering Controls

and training  Reduce workers activity by providing
 Regular drinks of water mechanical aids
 Self-limitation to heat  Enclose or insulate hot surfaces
exposure  Shield workers from radiant heat
 Health screening and  Provide air conditioning
surveillance  Provide adequate ventilation
 Pre placement medical  Reduce humidity where applicable
screening  Rapid cooling area
 Encourage reporting  Administrative controls
symptoms to  Acclimatize workers
management  Supervision of workers
 Encourage healthy life  Work in pairs or groups
styles  Ensure first aid is available
 Diet  Established emergency procedure
 Exercise  Establish work- rest regime to minimize
 Monitor employees with heat exposure
existing medical condition  Provide and encourage regular intake of
 Personal protective fluid/oral rehydration salt drinks
equipment  Dress appropriately
 Cool work rest area  Changing the way of work is done
 Regular health screening if required
based on employee’s medical condition
which includes physiological monitoring
 Specific personal protective equipment
 Cool vest
 Reflective suit
 Heat transfer suit
 Cool bandanas

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Table 2: Control Measure

First Aid

a) Check for worker awareness and consciousness

b) Move worker to the cooler or shaded area.
c) Remove outer clothing.
d) Call supervisor or first aider at the site for help. If not available call for an
e) Fan and mist the worker with water or apply ice pack to the armpit, groin and
shoulder to cool down the body temperature immediately.
f) Provide cool drinking water if the worker able to drink.

Lung disease is any problem in the lungs that prevents the lungs from working
properly. Occupational lung diseases are a broad group of diagnoses caused by the
inhalation of dusts, chemical or proteins. The severity of the disease is related to the
material inhaled and the intensity and duration of the exposure.


There are many type of occupational lung disease which includes:

a) Pneumoconiosis – Disease cause by inhalation of any dust which lead to

lung inflammation, coughing and fibrosis.
b) Asthma – A respiratory disease that can begin or worsen due to exposure
at work characterized by episodic narrowing of the respiratory tract.
c) Bronchiolitis Obliterans – Known as constructive bronchiolitis or
obliterative bronchiolitis cause by injury of the smallest airways called
bronchioles. This can cause by inhalation of toxins and gases such as nitric
oxides and fibreglass.
d) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) – is a disease
encompass chronic bronchitis or emphysema. This can occur due to
exposure to silica and coal dust which can be found in mining, manufacturing
and construction.
e) Lung Cancer – Disease cause by mutation of the lung cell due to radiation,
metal, dust or fibre exposure.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Risk Factor

The risk factor includes:

a) Smoking can decrease our defence mechanism toward an infection and

worsen the occupational lung disease.
b) Long exposure to toxin, mineral dust, chemical and fibre
c) Workers not wearing or using proper PPE when dealing with the exposure.
(Refer to Chapter 21 : PPE)


a) Couching
b) Shortness of breath, which often get worsen with activity
c) Chest pain
d) Chest tightness
e) Abnormal breathing patterns

Prevention and Control

a) Preventing further exposure if diagnosed.

b) Advice worker to not smoking as it increases the risk for occupational lung
c) Advice worker to do at least one medical check-up a year to ensure healthy.
d) Exposed worker with the needed information.
e) Ensure workers are aware of their health risk when dealing with chemical
and SDS must be provided and explain to the workers.
f) Provide worker with the proper PPE such as facemasks or respirators when
known to be exposed with the dust, chemical, toxin or fibre.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

First Aid

a) Move worker to the safer area.

b) Check for worker awareness and consciousness
c) Call supervisor or first aider at the site for help. If not available immediately
call for an ambulance.
d) Do an ABCDE assessment for CPR for those who have training which mean:
i. A – Airways. Check if the airways are blocked or not and stabilize
the cervical spine.
ii. B – Breathing. Check whether the worker is breathing. It can be done
by putting finger on the nose or looking at chest movement.
iii. C – Circulation. Check the pulse.
iv. D – Disability. Ensure worker consciousness or any disability found
in the body.
v. E – Environment. Protect the patient from environmental influences
such as fumes, dust, rain and etc.

Surveillance and Monitoring

a) A company should monitor their workers’ health especially to those who

normally exposed to the disease agent.
b) Health monitoring and surveillance should be done at six months period to
ensure workers health.
c) For those who are diagnosed with the lung disease should be located to
other location to prevent further exposure.

NOTE: Refer to Factories and Machinery (Mineral Dust) Regulations 1989 requirements.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019 Disease Cause by Noise

Since there are many areas of human labor associated with the use of specific
tools and machine that are subjected to noise, respectively, there is certain risk groups,
which include workers who can develop a disease cause by this exposure.
The use of pneumatic power tools e.g.; driller, grinder, hacker and etc. is
associated with noise.


There is certain type of disease cause by noise which includes:

a) Damaged to Eardrums and Loss of Hearing – Prolong exposure to noise

more than 80dB more than 8hour can cause hearing loss and damaged
b) Cardiovascular Issue – Noise above 50dB could increase the risk of
myocardial infarction (MI) by severely increasing cortisol production.
c) Stress – Noise can cause irritability and restless that can lead to stress.
d) Hypertension – Regular exposure to noise can elevates the blood pressure,
possibly due to an increase if adrenaline level at being annoyed at the noise
or associated with stress leading to heart problem.
e) Stroke – People who exposed to noise can increase the risk having stroke.
Stroke cause by blockage of the artery or bursting of the blood vessel
causing disruption of the blood flow to the brain

Risk Factor

The risk factor includes:

a) Prolong exposure to noise more than 82dB for noise for more than 8 hours
b) Exposure to noise more than 115dB at any time.
c) Workers not wearing or using proper PPE when dealing with the exposure.
(Refer to Chapter 21 : PPE)

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019


a) Bleeding on the ear

b) Loss of hearing.

Prevention and Control

a) Identification of excessive noise where daily noise exposure level exceeding

82dB (A), max SPL exceeding 115dB (A) or peak SPL exceeding 140dB (A).
b) Identify of excessive noise not more than one year after previous identification
or if there is any changes in machinery, control measures and process.
c) Carry out noise risk assessment for employees exposed to excessive noise by
Noise Risk Assessor every 5 years.
d) Employer to carry out such recommendations from noise risk assessment
report within 30 days after receiving report.
e) Provide information, instruction training and supervision for employees that
exposed to excessive noise at least once a year.
f) Reduction of noise exposure exceeding limit (NEL) where daily noise exposure
level exceeding 85dB (A), max SPL exceeding 115dB (A) or peak SPL
exceeding 140dB (A).
g) Provides personal hearing protector to employees exposed to NEL.
h) Provides hearing protection zone.
i) Appoint Audiometric Testing Centre to carry out audiometric testing for
employees exposed to NEL.
j) Conduct baseline audiometric within three months after the employee
commencing to work.
k) Record of reports to be kept and maintain.

Surveillance and Monitoring

a) Conduct an audiometric testing by competent person.

b) Provide a valid baseline audiogram.
c) Record the medical and occupational history.
d) Employer should monitor their workers’ health especially to those who
normally exposed to the disease agent.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

e) Audiometric testing should be carried out at least once a year period to

ensure workers health. Disease Cause by Vibration.

Vibration induced health conditions progress slowly. In the beginning it usually

starts as a pain. As the vibration exposure continues, the pain may develop into an
injury or disease. Pain is the first health condition that is noticed and should be
addressed in order to stop the injury.


There is certain type of disease cause by noise which includes:

a) Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) – Damaged that occur in the

fingers, hand and arms when working with vibrating tools. It causes
neurological injury, vascular injury, and musculoskeletal injury.
b) Vibration-Induced White Finger (VWF) – Dead finger due to blockage of
the blood circulation of the hand causing the finger to loss sensory and
c) Fatigue – Vibration cause workers to easily tired and restless.
d) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – Disease cause by pressure or compression on
the hand nerve causing pain, numbness and tingling in the hand and arm.


Stage Symptoms
OSN Exposed to vibration but no symptoms
1SN Intermittent numbness, with or without tingling
2SN Intermittent or persistent numbness, reduced sensory perception
Intermittent or persistent numbness, reduced tactile discrimination
and/or manipulative dexterity

a) Tingling and numbness in the fingers which can result in an inability to do

fine work (for example, assembling small components) or everyday tasks
(for example, fastening buttons).
b) Loss of strength in the hands which might affect the ability to do work safely.
c) The fingers going white (blanching) and becoming red and painful on
recovery, reducing ability to work in cold or damp conditions, e.g. outdoors.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Which tools are most likely to create a risk?

Users of the types of equipment listed below and similar equipment will often be
exposed above the exposure limit value EAV:
a) Chainsaws
b) Grinders (all types and sizes, e.g. angle, die, straight, vertical etc.)
c) Hand-fed equipment, e.g. pedestal linishers, grinders, mops
d) Impact drills
e) Scaling hammers including needle scalers;
f) Pedestrian controlled equipment including mowers, floor saws, floor polishers;
g) Powered hammers for chipping, demolition, road breaking etc.
h) Sanders and polishers;
i) Hand-held saws for concrete, metal, ground clearance etc.

Control Measure

Make sure that risks from vibration are controlled:

a) Provide information, instruction and training to employees on the risk and the
actions being taken to control risk
b) Provide suitable health surveillance.
c) Reference: Guidelines on Occupational Vibration 2003.
d) Identification of risks areas.
e) Conduct the assessment of exposure.
f) Vibrations prevention and control including replacement of hazardous
equipment, design and installation, working environment, PPE and reduction of
exposure time.

The exposure action value (EAV) and an exposure limit value (ELV) based on a
combination of the vibration at the grip point(s) on the equipment or work-piece and
the time spent gripping it.
The exposure action and limit values are:

i. A daily EAV of 2.5 m/s2 A(8) that represents a clear risk requiring

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

ii. A daily ELV of 5 m/s2 A(8) that represents a high risk above which employees
should not be exposed. Ergonomic Disease

The goal of ergonomic is to prevent soft tissue injury and musculoskeletal

disorder (MSD) caused by sudden or sustained exposure to force, vibration, repetitive
motion, and awkward posture. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are a common and
costly problem for workers and company across Malaysia.


There are many type of musculoskeletal disease which includes:

a) Tendonitis – Disease cause by inflammation or irritation of a tendon, a thick

cord that attach bone to muscle that cause painful swelling and tenderness
around the muscle.
b) Tension Neck Syndrome – Pain and stiffness of the neck and shoulder
related to muscle fatigue or overuse.
c) Thoracic Outlet Compression – Compression of nerve or vascular system
in the passageway from the lower neck to the armpit causing pain, weakness
and occasionally loss of muscle at the base of the thumb.
d) Epicondylitis – Painful condition of the elbow caused by muscle damaged
due to overuse.
e) Digital Neuritis – Inflammation of the finger nerve causing pain and
f) Disc Disease – Disease of the vertebra disc due to overuse which gradually
causing slip disc and back pain.
g) Hernia – Occurs when an organ pushes through an opening in the muscle
or tissue that hold it in place for example intestine break through a weakened
area in the abdominal due to increase negative pressure in the stomach.
This usually happen when lifting heavy material.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Inguinal Hernia

Risk Factor

The risk factor includes:

a) Exerting excessive force – Lifting heavy object or people, pushing or

pulling heavy load, manually pouring materials or maintaining control of
equipment and tools.
b) Performing the same task repetitively – Performing the same motion or
series of motions continually or frequently for extended period of time.
c) Working in awkward posture or being in the same posture for long
periods of time – Using positions that place stress on the body, such as
prolonged or repetitive reaching above shoulder height, kneeling, looking up
for a long time, twisting torso while lifting and etc.
d) Localized pressure into the body part – Pressing the body or part of body
against hard or sharp edges or using the hand as a hammer.
e) Cold temperature – In combination with any one of the above risk factors
may increase potential having MSD.
f) Vibration – Vibration can cause damaged to the small capillaries, nerve
ending and blood vessel. Using power hand tools such as drills, hacker and
grinder can cause loss of sensory for period of time if prolong exposure.
g) Combination of several risk factor.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019


a) Pain and tenderness.

b) Loss sensation of the pain, touch, heat or body part.
c) Visible protruding of an organ.
d) Numbness and stiffness.
e) Easily fatigue.
f) Unable to do a movement.

Prevention and Control

a) Identification the type of manual handling risk factor by walkthrough survey,

interview and document review.
b) Implement musculoskeletal discomfort survey questionnaire.
c) Conduct Initial Manual Handling Risk Assessment by Ergonomic Trained
Person which provides recommended weight value for manual handling
activities and helps employers to identify high risk manual handling activities.
d) Implement Manual Handling Risk Management Programme in controlling
manual handling related hazards which consist of three elements; leadership
elements, organizational elements and operational elements.

Proper Posture for Lifting Technique

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

26.5.2 Poor Hygienic Disease

Construction workers are often at risk from exposure to infectious diseases on

construction projects due to poor sanitary conditions associated with toilets and
clean-up facilities. Poor sanitation can hordes a lot of bacteria, virus, fungus and
parasite that can cause major infectious disease and can be a serious occupational
health risk. Skin Disease

Skin is the largest organ in the body and act as the first line of defence against
infection. Skin infections are caused by a wide variety of germs, and symptoms can
vary from mild to serious. Poor hygiene is one of the root causes for an infection of
the skin.


There are many type of skin infection disease which includes:

a) Cellulitis – A bacterial infection involving the inner layers of the skin.[1] It

specifically affects the dermis and subcutaneous fat. Cellulitis may first
appear as a red, swollen area that feels hot and tender to the touch.
b) Furuncle – Known as boil. Boils are bacterial or fungal infections of hair
follicles. The infected hair follicle can be on any part of your body, not only
your scalp.
c) Warts – raised bumps on your skin caused by the human
papillomavirus (HPV).
d) Ringworm – Also known as dermatophytosis or tinea, is a fungal infection
of the skin. The name “ringworm” is a misnomer, since the infection is
caused by a fungus, not a worm.
e) Athlete’s Foot – Also known as tinea pedis. It is a contagious fungal
infection that affects the skin on the feet. It can also spread to the toenails
and the hands. The fungal infection is called athlete’s foot because it’s
commonly seen in athletes.
f) Onychomycosis – Also called tinea unguium, is a fungal infection that
affects either the fingernails or toenails.
g) Scabies – A skin infestation caused by a mite known as the Sarcoptes
scabiei. Untreated, these microscopic mites can live on your skin for months.
They reproduce on the surface of your skin and then burrow into it and lay
eggs. This causes an itchy, red rash to form on the skin.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

h) Lice - Are small, wingless, blood-sucking insects. They live in the hair on
your head and feed off the blood from your scalp. A louse (a single adult) is
about the size of a sesame seed. A nit (louse egg) is about the size of a
small flake of dandruff.

Risk Factor

The risk factor includes:

a) Poor Hygiene – Poor hygiene such as sharing towel, poor housekeeping

and bad sanitation system can cause an infection of the skin.
b) Working with chemical – Chemical can kill good bacteria on the skin.
Without the good bacteria on the skin, defence mechanism will be reduced
lead to infection of the skin.
c) Diabetes – Poor blood circulation and elevated blood sugar levels prevent
the white blood cells from effectively fighting the infection.
d) Irritant substance – Irritant substance such as cement, abrasive hand
cleaner, saw dust, solvent, dirt, fibreglass, heat and sweating and etc.
e) Mechanical trauma - Recurring rubbing or increased pressure can thicken
the inflamed skin with “crazy-paving pattern” (lichenification) and callosity.
f) Temperature - Sweat stagnation can cause miliarias, which are small and
itchy rashes. Overlapping skin surfaces can become sodden, ending up in
intertrigo; which is an infectious inflammation of body folds.


a) Raised bumps that are red or white.

b) A rash, which might be painful or itchy.
c) Scaly or rough skin.
d) Peeling skin.
e) Ulcers.
f) Open sores or lesions.
g) Dry, cracked skin.
h) Discoloured patches of skin.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Prevention and Control

a) Eliminating the use of the hazardous chemical or substituting it with safer

alternatives when possible.
b) Educate workers with the SDS of the chemical they using.
c) Remind worker to regularly wash their hand after done with the activity
d) Redesigning work processes to prevent splashes or other contact with
harmful materials.
e) Supervisor to ensure housekeeping must be done before, during and after
work is done. Hired general workers for housekeeping.
f) Schedule at least once a week for general housekeeping to ensure
workplace areas are clean.
g) Employers should supplement them with proper personal protective
equipment (PPE). Often this means choosing the right gloves and
respirators for the task or chemical involved. (Refer to Chapter 21 : PPE)
h) Gloves

i. Wear suitable gloves for the job, as some substances can

penetrate through gloves
ii. Detailed and specific information is available from safety
equipment suppliers and is helpful for advising about the right
glove to protect against particular substances. Most glove
manufacturers have chemical resistance charts, which are
supplied free of charge and on their websites
iii. Certain nitrile and nitrile butatoluene gloves are also effective
against protection from epoxy resin. The Sol-Vex TM glove is
effective in protecting hands against epoxy resins, paints and
other chemicals is recommended.
iv. Wear waterproof gloves for wet work
v. Rubber gloves and PVC (polyvinyl chloride) gloves are useful to
protect against many other chemicals
vi. Powdered latex gloves may contribute to latex allergy in some
people with damaged skin. If latex gloves need to be worn,
powder-free are preferred
vii. If wearing gloves for a long period of time, wear cotton gloves
underneath to reduce sweating. You may need to change them
half way through the day. Launder them regularly.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Ringworm infection General housekeeping Dengue

Dengue is one of the leading issues in Malaysian construction industry. Ministry

of Health Malaysia (MOH) classified violation of the breeding issues under Act 342:
Preventive and Control of Infectious Disease Act 1998. Dengue is a viral
infection caused by four types of viruses (DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, DENV-4)
belonging to the Flaviviridae family.
The viruses are transmitted through the bite of infected Aedes
aegypti and Aedes albopictus female mosquitoes that feed both indoors and
outdoors during the daytime (from dawn to dusk). These mosquitoes thrive in areas
with standing water, including puddles, water tanks, containers and old tires. Lack
of reliable sanitation and regular garbage collection also contribute to the spread of
the mosquitoes.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019


a) The dengue virus is spread through a human-to-mosquito-to-human cycle of

transmission. When a dengue mosquito bites someone who is sick with
dengue fever, that mosquito is infected and becomes a carrier of the virus.
Mosquitoes are capable of spreading the disease within 8-12 days after
biting infected person.
b) The virus will multiply in the salivary glands of the mosquito and then
transferred into a healthy human body during mosquito bites. Female
mosquitoes infected with dengue virus can also transfer the virus to infect its
eggs next newly hatched mosquito.
c) Once the mosquito is infected by the dengue virus, the mosquito is a carrier
of the virus for life and it can spread the virus to other people by biting them.
The dengue virus does not spread directly from person to person. Once
inside the human body, the virus takes 3-14 days to develop before the
symptoms of dengue fever.

Mosquito Life Cycle

a) Aedes aegypti and other mosquitoes have a complex life-cycle with dramatic
changes in shape, function, and habitat.
b) Female mosquitoes lay their eggs on the inner, wet walls of containers with
c) Larvae hatch (picture 1, inset) when water inundates the eggs as a result of
rains or the addition of water by people.
d) In the following days, the larvae (picture 2) will feed on microorganisms and
particulate organic matter, shedding their skins three times to be able to
grow from first to fourth instars.
e) When the larva has acquired enough energy and size and is in the fourth
instar, metamorphosis is triggered, changing the larva into a pupa (picture
f) Pupae do not feed; they just change in form until the body of the adult, flying
mosquito is formed.
g) Then, the newly formed adult emerges from the water after breaking the
pupal skin (picture 4, inset).
h) The entire life cycle lasts 8-10 days at room temperature, depending on the
level of feeding. Thus, there is an aquatic phase (larvae, pupae) and a
terrestrial phase (eggs, adults) in the Ae. aegypti life-cycle.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

How is Dengue Transmitted

Dengue mosquito life cycle

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019


In some cases, Dengue infection is asymptomatic – persons do not exhibit

symptoms. Those with symptoms get ill between 4 to 7 days after the bite.

a) Flu-like symptoms which include a sudden high fever coming in separate

b) Pain behind the eyes
c) Muscle and joints pain
d) Severe headache
e) Skin rash with the red spot

The illness may progress to Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). The symptoms like:

a) Severe abdominal pain.

b) Vomiting
c) Diarrhoea
d) Convulsion
e) Bruising and uncontrolled bleeding
f) High fever that last from 2 – 7 days
g) Complication may lead to circulatory system failure and shock leading to

Common area for breeding

a) Canvas sheet or plastic sheet

b) Water puddle, ground depression and water stagnant
c) Container and tyre
d) Receptacles
e) Hollow metal rod or aluminium formwork.

Best Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry 2019

Canvas sheets breeding area Water ponding breeding area

Prevention and control

a) Vector control strategy

• Sectorisation of
Action • Recomend preventive
project area control
• Eradication stategy • Search and treatment • Follow up
• Dengue outbrake plan • Larvae seeding activity
• Fogging activity
• "Bunjut" activity
• Reporting
Planning Evaluation

b) Eradication planning by environmental manipulation such as :

i. Filling up or levelling the ground depression or concrete-pave bare
ii. Construct and maintain concrete drains to channel away water
iii. Pitch roof for container office
c) Regular housekeeping team to control the rubbish which following schedule
and checklist.
d) Hired outsource pest control to help with the control of the mosquito breeding.
e) Using chemical or poison that recommended by Ministry Of Health.
f) Schedules fogging, larvae seeding and “bunjut” activity. (Refer to appendix
3 for chemical used and explanation).
g) Increase awareness of the worker regarding Dengue Fever through
campaign, training and toolbox briefing.
h) Provide workers with a repellent containing 20%-30% DEET or 20%
Picaridin on exposed skin. Re-apply according to manufacturer's directions.
i) Advice workers to wear neutral-coloured (beige, light grey) clothing. If
possible, wear long-sleeved, breathable garments.

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JRK 20800 (2005) (English): Standard

Specifications for Building Works
JKR 2Cffi)...132-23

Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia



Ke1ua ~ Kaja Raya MaBysia

(2005 Edition)


A Preliminaries and General Conditions A/1 – A/16

B Piling Work B/1 – B/19

C Excavation and Earthworks C/1 – C/6

D Concrete Work D/1 – D/39

E Brickwork E/1 – E/6

F Soil Drainage F/1 – F/6

G Roofing Work G/1 – G/3

H Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works H/1 – H/14

I Structural Steel and Metal Works I/1 – I/10

J Plastering, Paving and Tiling Works J/1 – J/10

K Water Supply Plumbing, Sanitary and Rainwater K/1 – K/18

Goods Installation

L Glazing Work L/1 – L/3

M Painting Work M/1 – M/8

N External Works N/1 – N/19

List of Standards and Codes of Practice Referred To In This Specification 1–9


1. Scope of Works

1.1 The Works covered in this Contract comprise the provision by the Contractor at his own
risk and cost of all materials, scaffolding, tools, plant, labour, transport, water, light and
everything else necessary for the construction and completion of*

all to the entire approval of the Superintending Officer hereinafter referred to as the S.O.

1.2 The Conditions of Contract for the Works which is embodied in the Form of Contract
(Form PWD 203/ Form PWD 203A) shall be read in conjunction with this Specification. A
copy of the Form of Contract is available for inspection on the Tender Table on any
working day up to the time appointed for receiving tenders. If the tenderer considers that
any of the clauses of the Contract involves expenses, he shall allow for the money value
of such clauses in his Tender.

2. Location of Site

2.1 The Site is located †

3. Contract Documents

3.1 The Contract Documents shall consist of:

(a) PWD Form of Contract (Form PWD 203 Rev.10/83 for contract based on
Specification and Drawings or Form PWD 203A Rev.10/83 for contract based on
(b) Form of Tender;
(c) Letter of Acceptance of Tender;
(d) Special Provisions to the Conditions of Contract as listed in the PWD Form of
(e) Contract Drawings;
(f) Specifications;
(g) Summary of Tender (for contract based on Quantities, this item is part of the Bills
of Quantities);
(h) Schedule of Rates (for contract based on Specifications and Drawings) or Bills of
Quantities (for contract based on Quantities);
(i) Treasury Instructions as set in the Appendix to the Conditions of Contract; and
(j) Any other relevant documents included therein.

3.2 The documents shall be taken as mutually explanatory of each other and in case of any
discrepancy or inconsistency, the following rules shall apply:
(i) The Conditions of Contract (Form PWD 203/ Form PWD 203A) shall take
preference over all other documents.
(ii) Special Provisions to Conditions of Contract shall take preference over
Conditions of Contract.
(iii) In Drawings, large scale details are to take preference over small scale
(iv) The Addendum Specification shall take preference over the Standard
Specifications and Drawings.
(v) Drawings shall take preference over Standard Specifications.

Any discrepancies shall be referred as soon as possible to the S.O. who shall decide
which shall be followed.

* Give details.
† Highlight any special restrictions.

Preliminaries and General Conditions
4. Special Provisions to the Conditions of Contract

4.1 The Contractor’s attention is drawn to the Special Provisions to the Conditions of
Contract as listed in the PWD Form of Contract.

5. Examination of Tender Documents and Visit of Site

5.1 The Contractor is deemed to have fully examined the Tender Documents and have had
full opportunity to consider the details therein and make every investigation in relation

5.2 Any discrepancies in the Tender Documents shall be referred in writing, as soon as
possible and before submitting the tender, to the S.O. who shall, if necessary, amend or
clarify the matter by means of a formal Addendum to the Tender Documents. A copy of
the Addendum will be issued to every Tenderer and shall become part of the Tender
Documents. Receipt of the Addendum must be acknowledged on the form issued with the

5.3 The Contractor is deemed to have visited the Site while preparing the tender to ascertain
for himself the extent of the work involved and the nature of the working conditions and
make himself thoroughly acquainted with any site restrictions, obstructions and all other

5.4 The Contractor’s attention is drawn to the fact that no extra payment, extension of time,
right to damages or any other concession consequent upon misinterpretation or lack of
knowledge will be considered.

6. Adjoining Property

6.1 Where the property adjoining the Site is in constant use by the Employer/adjoining
owners and occupiers, the Contractor shall arrange and carry out the Works so as to
cause minimum interference or interruption to the use of adjoining properties including
roads, footpaths, other access and any existing services thereto. He shall comply with all
instructions or directions given by the S.O. in these matters.

7. Goods, Materials and Workmanship

7.1 Materials and workmanship throughout the Works shall be in accordance with the
Drawings and Specifications and to the approval of the S.O.

7.2 Where goods, materials and workmanship are referred to, the abbreviations BS, CP or
MS, reference is respectively made to the British Standard, Codes of Practice and
Malaysian Standard and they are to conform thereto unless otherwise stated. The
current edition at the date of closing tender shall be referred to in each case.

7.3 Wherever, in this Specifications any proprietary goods or materials are specified, goods
or materials of alternative manufacture may be considered for acceptance provided they
comply in all respect as regards to appearance and quality, and are approved by the S.O.

7.4 If, however, the Contractor has shown beyond reasonable doubt that the specified goods
or materials cannot be obtained and the S.O. is satisfied with regard to the non-
availability of the goods and materials, the benefit of cost savings, if any, resulting from
the Contractor’s proposal or substitution of goods or materials approved by the S.O., shall
be deducted from the Contract Sum.


Preliminaries and General Conditions

8. Use of Local Materials

8.1 The Contractor shall use locally manufactured materials and goods as listed in the
‘Senarai Bahan/ Barangan Binaan Buatan Tempatan’ issued by IKRAM QA Services
Sdn. Bhd. and/ or ‘Senarai Bahan/ Barangan Buatan Tempatan’ issued by SIRIM QA
Services Sdn.Bhd., whichever is relevant. If the Contractor fails to comply with this
requirement, a penalty shall be imposed and/ or the materials supplied shall be rejected.

The locally manufactured materials and goods which are not listed aforesaid, may be
permitted if the materials have been tested and certified by IKRAM QA Services Sdn.Bhd.
or SIRIM QA Services Sdn.Bhd. whichever is relevant. If the testing cannot be carried out
by IKRAM QA Services Sdn.Bhd. or SIRIM QA Services Sdn.Bhd., the Contractor may
apply and, subject to the approval of the S.O, carry out the testing by other agencies.

8.2 Under no circumstances will the Contractor be permitted to incorporate or supply

imported materials, plant, equipment, or other goods into the Works or forming part of the
scope of the Works except those approved by the Government, prior to the execution of
the Contract. The Contractor shall substitute any materials, plant, equipments, or other
goods proposed to be imported but not approved by the Government, with suitable local
materials, plant, equipment, or other goods, including making any necessary
subsequential changes or adjustments to the design of the Works to accommodate such
substitution, all to the concurrence of the S.O.

8.3 The Contractor shall ensure that the procurement of approved imported materials, plant,
equipment, or other goods are obtained directly from the country of origin based on Free
On Board (F.O.B) or other similar basis. The transportation and insurance of such
imported materials, plant, equipment, or other goods from the country of origin to the Site
shall be arranged by the Contractor through approved Government’s Multi Modal
Transport Operators (MTO). The Contractor shall allow in his tender all costs and time
required in complying with the requirements of this clause including the cost required for
the services provided by the MTO.

8.4 The Contractor shall submit documentary evidence of compliance with this clause to the
S.O within one (1) month from the date of each delivery to the Site of such materials,
plant, equipment, vehicles or other goods.

9. Metrication

9.1 Unless otherwise specified hereinafter or shown in the Drawings, only materials of metric
dimension shall be used for the Works. Materials of equivalent imperial dimension may
only be used if the Contractor can satisfy the S.O. that the required materials are not
available in metric dimension.

10. Ordering

10.1 The Contractor shall place his orders for specified materials at the earliest possible date
after notification of acceptance of tender or at such times as may be specifically stated for
any particular material.

11. Supply of Materials by Government

11.1 If the Contractor fails for any reason to supply any materials which he has contracted to
supply or if he fails to supply any such materials in sufficient time to enable the Contract
to be completed by the agreed date for completion, the Government may supply any
portion, or all of such materials.

Preliminaries and General Conditions
11.2 If the Government supplies such material, the cost in respect thereof to be borne by the
Contractor shall be either the current market rates or the actual cost to the Government,
whichever is greater, plus 5% on cost charges.

11.3 The cost to be borne by the Contractor, as detailed above, shall be deducted from any
money due or to become due to the Contractor under this Contract and the Contract Sum
shall be adjusted accordingly.

11.4 No action by the S.O. under this clause shall be deemed in any way to affect or modify
the right of the Government to claim for damages in the event of the Contractor’s failure
to complete the Works by the agreed date of completion.

12. Samples

12.1 The Contractor shall submit samples of materials or execute samples of workmanship for
S.O.’ s approval, and for further samples as required until the samples submitted or
executed are, in accordance with this Specification.

12.2 Samples, after approval, shall indicate the standard of materials and workmanship to be
maintained in the execution of the Works.

13. Contractor’s Plant

13.1 All mechanical plant used by the Contractor shall be of such type, size and method of
working suitable to the type and nature of the Works and site conditions where the Works
are to be executed.

14. Schedule of Rates/ Bills of Quantities

14.1 Schedule of Rates

14.1.1 The tenderer is required to check all the rates given in the Standard Schedule of
Rates. The tenderer may propose to vary any rate in the Schedule and his
proposed rate/rates subject to agreement by the S.O. as to their reasonableness
and shall be used as a basis for calculating the cost of any variations which may
be ordered in accordance with the terms of the Contract.

14.1.2 The rates in the Schedule of Rates may also be varied by percentage increase or
decrease according to the trades or sections of work as listed therein. These
percentages shall also be subjected to the agreement of the S.O. The
percentage increase or decrease shall not be applicable to the rates which had
been varied.

14.1.3 Any proposed changes or amendments to the rates in the Standard Schedule of
Rates shall be submitted together as part of the Tender Document at the time of
submission of the tender.

14.2 Bills of Quantities

14.2.1 The Bills of Quantities are to be priced in Malaysian currency i.e. Ringgit
Malaysia and Sen. Pricing shall be in INK throughout. The sum of the amounts of
all items of the Bills of Quantities priced by the tenderer shall truly represent the
amount shown in his tender. The rates set down by the tenderer against each
item in the Bills of Quantities shall be the full inclusive rates and prices for the
finished work (unless expressly provided to the contrary) and shall be held to
include providing and delivering all materials, unloading, cutting and waste on


Preliminaries and General Conditions

materials, storage, packing, carriage and cartage, hoisting, all labour, setting,
fitting and fixing in position, use of plant, providing of suspension, establishment
charges, profit and all other labour and everything else necessary for the due
and proper completion of each item.

14.2.2 Where the tenderer leaves any item blank in the Preliminaries or insert only a
dash against any item in this Bills of Quantities the value thereof shall be
deemed to be included in the prices or rates of other items therein.

14.2.3 No unauthorized alteration, addition or note entered in these Bills of Quantities

shall modify the printed text.

14.2.4 Headings and notes appearing shall not by itself be deemed to be

comprehensive and do not modify the meaning of the items in the Bills of

14.2.5 Any rates found to be overpriced, inconsistently priced, underpriced or

erroneously priced shall be subjected to adjustment and rectification before the
signing of the Contract and the authority to fix the reasonable rates/ amount shall
be with the S.O. The amended rates shall be used for computing the progress
payments and the measuring of variations.

14.2.6 Where quantities in the Bills of Quantities are marked provisional, the works shall
be remeasured on completion basing on Drawings certified as true and correct
representation of the completed works by the S.O.

15. Tendering Particulars

15.1 Tenders on the form supplied and duly filled in shall be delivered within the time and to
the place specified on the published notification.

15.2 The lowest or any tender shall not necessarily be accepted and no claim for any
expenses incurred in the preparation of tender is allowed.

16. Withdrawal of Tender Within Tender Validity Period

16.1 In the event that the tenderer withdraws his tender or fails to sign the Contract upon the
acceptance of his tender, whilst the tender validity period remains enforced, his
registration as a Government Contractor shall be suspended for a period of two (2) years
for the first offence, five (5) years for the second offence and the registration shall be
cancelled for the third offence, without prejudice to any other rights of the Government
under the Contract.

17. Access and Temporary Roads

17.1 The Contractor shall provide and maintain all necessary temporary entrance to the Site
and temporary culverts, tracks, bridges, etc. for access to and within the Site as long as
required to the approval of the S.O. The position where the site access is to be made
shall be as indicated on the site plan or as approved by the S.O. and the Contractor shall
make all arrangements and obtain all approvals and permissions required at his own

18. Temporary Diversion and Relocation of Existing Overhead and Underground Services

18.1 Before commencing any excavation, etc, the Contractor shall enquire from the various
authorities whether any underground pipes, cables, etc are present on the Site and if so,
he shall make arrangements for the disconnection, removal and if necessary, the
Preliminaries and General Conditions
relocation and reconnection of such services and pay all necessary cost and fees in
connection with all temporary diversion and relocation of existing services.

18.2 If during excavation, the Contractor comes across any underground cables, etc, he shall
immediately stop work and refer to the S.O for further instructions and make
arrangements for the disconnection, etc. The Contractor shall be responsible for making
good all damage to the cables, etc, and shall indemnify the Government against any
claims as a result of such damage.

19. Mosquito Prevention

19.1 All excavation and any portion of the Site where water stagnates or accumulates shall be
kept dry by pumping, bailing or other operations.

19.2 The Contractor must refrain from dumping or depositing rubbish, spoil, unused materials,
empty bottles, cans and other containers capable of collecting water which afford
breeding places for mosquitoes. He shall pay all charges as may be required by the Local
Authority and employ whatever mosquito destructive measures as are necessary entirely
at his own cost and expense.

20. Environmental Protection and Enhancement

20.1 The Contractor shall at all times adhere to all existing statutes regarding protection of the

20.2 The Contractor shall be aware of the following legislation and take all measures to ensure
the compliance of:

a) Environmental Quality Act, 1974 (Act 127) and subsidiary legislation made
b) Environmental Quality (Sewage and Industrial Effluents) Regulations 1979
c) Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations 1978
d) Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 1989
e) Sewerage Services Act 1993 - Act 580;
f) Street, Drainage and Building Act, 1974: Act 133 and amendment, 1978
g) Protection of Wildlife Act, 1972 (Act 1976)
h) Land Conservation Act, 1960
i) Drainage Work Ordinance 1954
j) Water Enactment - Chapter 146:Water (1935)
k) Explosives Act 1957 (Act 207 Revised1978)

20.3 The Contractor shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Government, S.O and the S.O.’s
Representatives against any damages, expenses, liabilities, losses, claims, prosecutions,
proceedings, fines and penalties caused by noncompliance or contravention of the above

21. Control of Noise and Disturbance

21.1 All work shall be carried out without unreasonable noise and disturbance. The Contractor
shall indemnify the Government, S.O and S.O.’s Representatives against any liability for
damages on account of noise or other disturbance created while or in carrying out the
Works and from and against all claims, demands, proceedings, damages, costs charges
and expenses whatsoever in regard or in relation to such liability.

21.2 The Contractor shall ensure that all equipment and machinery are in proper working
condition so as to minimise the amount of noise generated. The S.O may require the


Preliminaries and General Conditions

Contractor to replace any machinery that to his discretion, is emitting excessive noise.

21.3 The Contractor shall comply with the general recommendations set out in BS 5228: Code
of Practice for Noise control on Construction and Demolition Site. The Contractor shall
ensure that the noise levels at the work site does not exceed Leq = 65dBA and also
undertake measures to ensure that a noise level of Leq = 55dBA shall not be exceeded at
settlements and villages.

22. Drainage of Site and Erosion Control

22.1 The Contractor shall make proper provision for the drainage of surface water from the
work site including rainwater from surrounding areas which drain on to the Site.

22.2 The Contractor shall at his own cost, provide, form, fix and maintain such pumps, chutes,
walls, drains, bunds and other temporary works necessary for the proper drainage of the
Site so that no flooding or other damage or disturbance is caused to areas surrounding
the Works or to the Works throughout the duration of the Contract.

22.3 Silt trap shall be constructed as shown in the Drawings. The silt trap shall be maintained
regularly throughout the contract period, including desilting when full or as directed by the
S.O and making good of any damaged portions during the course of the Works. The
desilted material shall be transported to disposal site approved by the S.O.

22.4 The Contractor shall, if and where directed by the S.O, install silt fences as shown in the
Drawings for trapping silt and sediment from disturbed area during construction. The silt
fence shall be constructed of a vertical barrier of geotextile supported by poles at regular
intervals. The geotextile shall be made of non-woven material with minimum weight of
200g/m2 and tensile strength 15 kN/m. The fence shall be inspected after every rain and
when a sediment accumulation of approximately two third (⅔) of the fence height is
observed, the silt shall be removed and disposed of properly. The geotextile shall be
checked for rips, tears and other types of deterioration and replaced as needed.

22.5 The Contractor shall, if and where directed by the S.O, construct gabion walls which shall
consist of layers of gabion as shown in the Drawings for trapping sediments in catchment

22.6 The Contractor shall, if and where directed by the S.O, construct sediment pond or basin
as shown in the Drawings for collecting and trapping sediments before the water leaves
the Site. The sediment basin shall be maintained such that the silt shall be removed when
a sediment accumulation of approximately one third (⅓) the basin depth is observed.

23. Maintenance of Existing Roads, etc.

23.1 The Contractor shall arrange for the conveyance of materials, plant, etc. so as to
minimise damage to existing roads and culverts. The Contractor shall be responsible for
any damage caused by his lorries or workmen to any existing roads, culverts, etc. and
shall maintain, repair and reinstate same to their original condition to the approval of the
S.O. Alternatively, the Contractor shall bear the cost of such maintenance and restoration
as a deduction from any money due or to become due to the Contractor under this

23.2 If directed by the S.O, before the Contractor’s trucks or equipment which utilise public or
private roadways leave the Site, they shall be cleaned of all dirt and muds by hosing,
passing through lorry wash-troughs, etc.

23.3 For Contractor’s trucks carrying sand, aggregates, earth and other loose construction
materials, tarpaulin or other suitable materials shall be used to cover such open
trucks/equipment when these are passing on all roadways to avoid spillage.

Preliminaries and General Conditions
23.4 The Contractor shall provide suitable spraying equipment for regular spraying of water
over existing roads and access roads, completed as well as incomplete road and other
barren areas of the Site used by the Contractor and as when directed by the S.O.

23.5 The Contractor shall provide for the prompt removal of all dirt and materials spilled from
his or his sub-contractors’ vehicles on public or private roadways by reason of his work or
carelessness in execution of the Works. The Contractor shall also avoid interfering with
drainage or creating a traffic hazard to vehicles or impeding the passage of pedestrians.

24. Control of Workmen at Site

24.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for controlling all persons under his employment and
those employed by his sub-contractors, merchants and hauliers at the work site and shall
take all necessary precautions to prevent damage and nuisance of any kind and shall
indemnify the Government against any claim arising therefrom.

25. Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Act and Regulations

25.1 The Contractor shall comply with the Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan
Malaysia Act 1994 and/or regulations under the act.

25.2 For compliance with the Construction Industry (Collection of Levy) Regulation 1996, the
Contractor shall submit a notification on Form CIDB L1/96 to the CIDB not later than
fourteen (14) days after the issuance of the Letter of Acceptance/ Letter of Award/ or any
document that constitutes acceptance of a contract of Works, or not less than fourteen
(14) days before the commencement of the Works, whichever date is earlier.

26. Employment of Local Labour, Sub-contractors and Suppliers

26.1 The Contractor shall use his best endeavour to employ all labour, Sub-contractors and
suppliers used in connection with the Works from within the District or State where the
Works are situated. The Contractor shall immediately after taking possession of Site,
arrange with the local labour office, district office or penghulu to effect such employment.

27. Particulars of Employees

27.1 The Contractor shall on each working day furnish to the S.O., maintain and update a full
list of all his workers including all workers employed by his Sub-contractors or Nominated
Sub-contractors on the work site giving all particulars in the form as stated in the format
as approved by the S.O.

28. Contractor’s Temporary Accommodation and Facilities for Workmen Living On Site

28.1 The Contractor shall provide and maintain all temporary accommodation and facilities
including temporary lighting, plumbing and water storage for his labour and staff living on
Site, necessary for the execution of the Contract. Such accommodation shall be in the
form of standard cabins or constructed of plywood and/or metal deck or of other materials
approved by the S.O. and provided with adequate facilities to the approval of the S.O., in
accordance with the following requirements:

(a) The temporary accommodation shall be provided with adequate ventilation and
lighting. The sleeping area or resting area shall not be less than 5 sq metre per
person. Each accommodation unit shall be maintained, kept tidy and clean at all


Preliminaries and General Conditions

(b) The accommodation quarters shall not be more than two storeys high. Common
areas for dining, recreation and praying purposes shall be provided.

(c) Plywood used shall be new and of minimum thickness 12mm. The external walls
shall be painted.

(d) Not less than 1 no. latrine shall be provided for every 25 workmen. Bathing areas
and toilets shall be enclosed and provided with septic tank. Bathrooms and
toilets shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times to the
satisfaction of the S.O and the health authority.

(e) A separate center is to be provided if firewood, gas or kerosene stove is used for

(f) Water used for consumption shall be obtained directly from water authority
mains. Where such water supply is not available, potable water shall be provided
from sources approved by the S.O. Potable water shall comply with the
requirements of the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health.

(g) Electricity shall be obtained from Tenaga Nasional Berhad. Where such power
supply cannot be supplied, generator set can be used but safety precautions
must be taken. The use of kerosene lamps shall be not allowed.

(h) Under no circumstances shall the accommodation be provided in buildings under


(i) The location of the accommodation quarters shall be to the approval of the S.O.
before the erection and shall be such as to avoid obstruction and nuisance to the
Works and public, and shall be laid out in an approved and orderly manner.

(j) Suitable types of fire extinguishers shall be installed and maintained at the Site.

(k) The Contractor shall appoint a person to be responsible for keeping and
maintaining a register of the workmen and other persons occupying the site

(l) No rearing of animals shall be allowed at the Site.

(m) Proper provision shall be made for the disposal of all waste and refuse.

29. *Contractor’s Storage and Office

29.1 The Contractor shall provide and maintain on the Site in positions as approved by the
S.O. the following adequate, secure and weatherproof temporary buildings for use during
the execution of this Contract:
*(i) Shed for storage of cement with the floor raised 300 mm above the ground.
*(ii) Shed for bar-bending and similar works.
*(iii) Store for other building materials.
*(iv) Office for Contractor’s use.
† (v)
† (vi)

* Delete if not applicable.

† Insert other item if required.

Preliminaries and General Conditions
29.2 The Contractor is prohibited from discharging oil and grease to any water course. Storage
tank for oil and grease shall be placed on concrete base with upstand edges to contain
any spillage. Any spilled oil and grease shall be promptly removed by the Contractor. The
Contractor shall collect and store used oil and grease and dispose these according to
methods approved by Department of Environment.

30. First Aid Kit

30.1 The Contractor shall be required to provide a complete First Aid Kit which shall be kept
and properly maintained in the Contractor’s site office. The kit shall be in the charge of
either the Contractor’s site representative or some other responsible person who shall be
on the Site during all working hours to ensure that the first aid facilities are available
without delay at all times when work is in progress. At least one (1) responsible member
of the Contractor’s staff shall be trained in first aid duties.

31. Sanitation

31.1 The Contractor shall provide for his workmen adequate temporary latrine and bathing
place, built on concrete floors and provided with all necessary water and drainage. These
facilities shall, in every respect, conform to all requirements of Department of
Environment and other relevant authorities.

31.2 All waste water must be treated such that its effluent meets the requirements of all
existing regulations and legislations.

32. Office Accommodation for S.O.

32.1 The Contractor shall provide and maintain a site office for the use of the J.K.R.
supervisory staff all in accordance with J.K.R. design type as shown in the relevant
Drawings inclusive of all fittings and furniture as stated therein.

32.2 The Contractor is permitted to provide relocatable site office as an alternative to the
J.K.R. design type. The quality of such relocatable site office shall be of equivalent
standard but not inferior to the J.K.R. design type and shall be equipped with similar
fittings and furniture as indicated in the J.K.R. design site office.

32.3 Where relocatable site office is to be provided, the Contractor shall submit details of the
relocatable site office together with his tender. Such details shall include the name of the
manufacturer, floor area and layout, list of fittings and furniture and brochures (if
available). The Contractor shall also indicate whether the proposed site office is new or
had been previously used.

32.4 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, the office is to be sited, positioned and
constructed as approved by the S.O.

32.5 The Contractor shall make proper arrangement for and pay all charges in connection with
conservancy. The site office shall comply with local building by-laws. It shall be erected or
provided by the Contractor and approved by the S.O. within four (4) weeks from the date
of possession of Site.

32.6 On completion of the Works, unless otherwise stated, the site office with all fittings and
furniture shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the Site


Preliminaries and General Conditions

33. *Telephone for S.O.

33.1 The Contractor shall provide a telephone at the S.O’s site office for the sole use of the
S.O. in connection with the supervision and administration of the Contract and pay for all
installation, rental, call charges and disconnection. Call charges up to a maximum limit of
RM per month shall be paid and borne by the Contractor.

34. *Site Items for S.O./ Office Equipment and Facilities

34.1 Safety Facilities

The Contractor shall provide the following items of a standard to be approved by the S.O.
for the sole use of J.K.R. supervisory staff and official visitors throughout the duration of
the Contract:
(i) Safety helmets....................numbers.
(ii) Safety boots........................number pairs.
† (iii)
† (iv)

34.2 Office Equipment and Facilities

34.2.1 The Contractor shall provide the facilities listed in Appendix……….. for the use of
staff JKR Headquarters and the Superintending Officer (S.O.) and/ or his staff.
All equipments(s) provided for the facilities shall be new, delivered, tested and
installed within a month of the issuance of the Letter of Acceptance.

34.2.2 The facilities provided shall be maintained by the Contractor or his appointed
agent throughout the contract period until the issuance of the Certificate of
Making Good Defects. Maintenance shall include all necessary monthly servicing
according to manufacturers Specifications and supply of accessories and

34.2.3 The equipments(s) and facilities shall be in the custody of the Contractor at all
times. Upon issuance of the Certificate of Making Good Defects or the
determination of the Contractor’s employment, the ownership of the
equipments(s) shall be reverted to the Government.

34.2.4 If the Contractor fails to provide or maintain any equipments(s) for the facilities as
listed in Appendix…….. the Government shall have the right to procure the
equipments(s) from other sources or maintain it and all expenses arising shall be
borne by the Contractor and an appropriate adjustment shall be made to the
Contract Sum.

34.3 Transport Services For The S.O and His Staff

34.3.1 General Contractor shall provide suitable transportation service by means of

vehicle as stipulated in Appendix…………. Contractor shall ensure that the vehicle(s) are accident free and are
in a well maintained condition subject to certification from PUSPAKOM
at every six (6) months. vehicle(s) shall be in the custody of Contractor at all times.

* Delete if not applicable.

† Insert other item if required.

Preliminaries and General Conditions Contractor shall provide comprehensive insurances to cover all
drivers and passengers, and ensure that all road tax are valid
throughout the contract period.

34.3.2 Arrangement for Transport and Failure to Provide Transport Contractor shall provide the necessary transport from the office(s)
of the S.O or his staff or from designated pick-up points to the Site and
vice versa as requested by the S.O or his staff. The transport shall at all
times be readily available for the use of the S.O and his staff. Contractor shall notify the relevant officer should there be any delay
in the pick-up times. If the Contractor fails to notify the delay or fails to
provide the required transport, the officer shall have the option to
arrange alternative transport and the Contractor shall bear the expenses
and an appropriate adjustment shall be made to the Contract Sum.

35. *Survey Instruments and Personnel

35.1 The Contractor shall provide for the sole use of the S.O. and his staff all such
instruments, equipment and survey personnel as may be required to check the accuracy
of the setting out. The Contractor shall be responsible throughout the Contract period for
all such instruments, equipment and survey personnel and shall ensure that all
instruments and equipment are at all times maintained in good working condition.

37. Watching

37.1 The Contractor shall provide all necessary watching and lighting at all times for the whole
period of the Works.

38. Care and Protection

38.1 The Contractor shall provide and maintain everything necessary for proper protection of
materials and Works from any damage by weather, carelessness or otherwise. Any
damage caused shall be made good to the approval of the S.O.

39. Safety On Site

39.1 The Contractor shall supply, erect and maintain for as long as is considered necessary
adequate fencing, hoarding, warning lamps and such other safety measures necessary
to ensure the safety of the public and others who may be on or within the vicinity of the
Site. Where required, the Contractor shall employ a competent person as safety and
health officer and all safety measures shall be carried out in accordance with
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and relevant local by-laws. The Contractor
shall be held solely responsible for all accidents arising from any negligence in this

* Delete if not applicable.


Preliminaries and General Conditions

40. Nominated Sub-contractors

40.1 The Contractor shall allow in his tender price for attendance and facilities upon all
Nominated Sub-contractors. Such attendance and facilities shall include the following:

(i) Ascertaining from Nominated Sub-contractors all particulars relating to their work
in regard to sizes and positions in which chases, holes, mortices, etc. are
required to be formed or left.

(ii) Making good of walls, ceilings, floors, roofs, etc. and finishes thereto including
touching up of all paintwork necessitated, damaged or disturbed by the
Nominated Sub-contractor’s work.

(iii) Supplying all setting out information.

(iv) Giving all necessary dimensions and taking responsibility for their accuracy.

(v) Affording free and full use of standing scaffolding whilst it remains erected on the

(vi) Affording free and full use of storage accommodation for materials, equipment
and plant which are for incorporation into the Works and/or which require
protection against weather and deterioration, messrooms, sanitary and welfare

(vii) Providing site space only for Nominated Sub-contractor’s temporary office,
workshops, workmen’s accommodation and storage of materials, tools, plant and
equipment which are not for incorporation into the Works and not requiring
protection against weather or deterioration.

(viii) Providing temporary water supply, electric power supply, artificial lighting and
paying all fees and charges for fuel, water and electricity consumed.

(ix) Liaising with the relevant supply/service authorities for the expeditious installation
of the connections for permanent water and electricity supplies in the Works
making available such supplies to the Nominated Sub-contractors; and paying all
fees and charges for such installation, deposits for such supplies/services on
behalf of the Government. All such payments made, shall be reimbursed to the
Contractor on production of receipted bills.

(x) Providing competent personnel in compliance with the Electricity Regulations

1994 to take responsibility for the operation of the electrical installation from the
time the permanent electricity supply is made available until testing,
commissioning and handing over of the Works.

(xi) Protecting, watching and taking full responsibility for all Nominated Sub-
contractor’s work and unfixed materials and goods intended for use thereon.

(xii) Removing rubbish and debris off the Site and cleaning the Works internally and

40.2 It is deemed that the Nominated Sub-contractor shall include in the Sub-contract Sum,
inter alia, the costs in connection with the following:

(a) Unloading, getting in, storing and all handling and hoisting of these materials,
plant and tools into required positions.

(b) Providing, erecting, maintaining and removing of all his temporary office,
workshops and workmen’s accommodation including paying all assessment and


Preliminaries and General Conditions

other charges.

(c) Connecting to temporary water and power supplies made available by the
Contractor for the execution of the Works, supplying and running distribution
pipes, hoses, cables, leads, electrical gear, etc. but excluding payment for water
and electricity consumed.

(d) Provision of fuel, gas, steam, oil lubricants, chemicals and everything else
necessary (other than water and electricity) for the test running and
commissioning of the Sub-contract Works.

(e) Any scaffolding, staging, etc. that are required for the Sub-contract Works not
covered by paragraph 40.1(v) above.

41. Nominated Suppliers

41.1 The Contractor shall allow in his tender, price for attendance upon all Nominated
Suppliers which is to include taking delivery, unloading, setting in, checking and
accepting delivery, returning empties, handling, storing and hoisting of the
materials/goods supplied by the Nominated Suppliers. Packing and carriage to Site shall
be borne by the Nominated Supplier unless specifically stated to the contrary.

42. Works Programme

42.1 Except where the works programme is furnished by the Government in the tender
document, the Contractor shall within 14 days after the receipt of the Letter of
Acceptance of Tender, submit to the S.O for his approval, a programme using the Critical
Path Method (CPM) including copies of all data on computer medium and printed hard
copies. The programme shall be presented in bar chart and network diagrams indicating
the critical activities and interface dates critical to complete the work on time. The
Contractor shall be required to update all information and maintain the planned
programme using the CPM weekly/monthly by trained and qualified personnel or as
when instructed by the S.O.

42.2 Where the works programme is furnished by the Government in the tender documents,
the Contractor shall comply with such works programme and provide all the necessary
resources required as specified in the programme. Alternatively the Contractor may
subject to the S.O’s approval, propose an improved works programme which shall not
exceed the contract period stipulated, also using CPM to denote all the critical milestones
for the successful implementation and completion of the project.

42.3 The Contractor shall also furnish in writing to the S.O or S.O’s representative particulars
of the Contractor’s method statements for carrying out such works and of the construction
plant and temporary works, if any, which the Contractor intends to supply, use or
construct as the case may be. The submission to and approval by the S.O or the S.O’s
representative of such programme or the furnishing of such particulars shall not relieve
the Contractor of any of his duties or responsibilities under the Contract.

42.4 If at any time it should appear to the S.O that the actual progress of the Works does not
conform to the approved works programme, the Contractor shall submit for approval, a
revised programme showing the modifications to the previously approved programme and
additional resources necessary to ensure the completion of the whole Works within the
time set for completion.


Preliminaries and General Conditions

43. Construction Plan (C-Plan)

43.1 In addition to the works programme the Contractor shall within 14 days after the receipt of
Letter of Acceptance, submit in writing to the S.O, the following information for the
preparation of Construction Plan.

(i) Contractor’s organisation chart which shall show the staff involved, including
their relationship and interfacings for successful implementation of the project.

(ii) List of duties and responsibilities of each member of the Contractor’s project
team as shown in the organisation chart in item (i).

(iii) Maintenance and calibration schedule of the plant and equipment to be used in
the Works.

(iv) Works Programme

(v) Method Statements

(v) Inspection and Testing Schedule to be executed, itemising the type and
frequency of inspection and testing.

44. Progress Photographs

44.1 The Contractor shall take progress photographs at monthly intervals or more frequent as
directed by the S.O. The photographs to be taken from different angles as approved by
the S.O and the average number of photographs shall be sufficient enough to show the
progress of the Works but in any case the average number per month shall not be less
than six (6) per block of building.

44.2 The photographs shall be provided in jpeg or other approved format with each image set
at minimum size of 1280 x 960 pixels and at resolution of 72 pixels per inch and
submitted to the S.O monthly, in diskettes or compact discs. The Contractor shall also
supply six (6) sets of bound hard copies of the approved photographs, all properly titled
and dated.

45. Project Signboard

45.1 The Contractor shall provide, erect, paint and maintain a project signboard in Bahasa
Melayu as shown in the relevant drawing or as directed by the S.O. The signboard shall
be erected at a prominent position at the Site as approved by the S.O.

46. Clearing, Cleaning and Making Good on Completion

46.1 The Contractor shall ensure the existing roadside drains bounding the Site are clear of
any building debris, earth, etc., at all times before handing over of the Works to the S.O
upon completion.

46.2 The Contractor shall remove and clear away from Site all temporary buildings, temporary
works and temporary installation, before handing over of the Works to the S.O. upon

46.3 The Contractor shall gather up and clear away all rubbish as it accumulates during the
progress of the Works at least twice each week at times approved by the S.O. The
services shall be continued until the completion of the Works. Garbage or construction
waste shall be disposed in a locally available landfill or hauled to disposal sites approved


Preliminaries and General Conditions

by the S.O. The Contractor shall leave the Site in a clean and tidy manner upon

46.4 No burning of rubbish, construction waste and debris, etc, shall be allowed unless
necessary approval from the Director General of the Department of Environment has
been obtained.

46.5 Before handing over the Works to the S.O., the Contractor shall scrub all floors, pavings,
staircases etc. and clean out all gutters, gulleys, manholes, sumps and drains. The
Contractor shall also clean all glass panes and leave every part of the completed Works
included in this Contract in a clean, sound and tidy condition to the approval of the S.O.


Preliminaries and General Conditions



1. General

1.1 Unless otherwise specified, all piling shall conform in all respects to BS 8004. All
materials and workmanship for piling shall be in accordance with the appropriate sections
of this Specification.

2. Soil Investigation Reports

2.1 Any information and report on soil investigation for the Works made available to tenderers
are intended for guidance only. The S.O. shall not be responsible for the scope,
completeness or accuracy of the information, or for any opinion or conclusion given in the

3. Tolerances

3.1 Setting out

Setting out shall be carried out from the main grid lines of the proposed structure.
Immediately before installation of the pile, the pile position shall be marked with suitable
identifiable pins, pegs or markers.

3.2 Position

For a pile cut-off at or above ground level, the maximum permitted deviation of the pile
centre from the centre points shown in the Drawings shall not exceed 75mm in any
direction. For a pile cut off below ground level, an increase in this tolerance is permitted in
accordance with clauses 3.3 and 3.4 herein below.

3.3 Verticality

The maximum permitted deviation of the finished pile from the vertical shall be 1 in 75.

3.4 Rake

The piling rig shall be set and maintained to attain the required rake. The maximum
permitted deviation of the finished pile from the specified rake or the rake shown in the
Drawings shall be 1 in 25.

3.5 Forcible correction

Forcible correction to concrete piles shall not be permitted. Forcible corrections may be
permitted to other types of piles only if approved by the S.O. However, no forcible
correction shall be made to piles which have deviated beyond the permissible limits
specified in clauses 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4.

3.6 Piles out of Alignment or Position

The Contractor shall, if ordered by the S.O., extract and reinstall any pile which has
deviated out of position or alignment by more than the specified limit, or alternatively the
substructure shall be modified to the approval of the S.O. The cost of such extraction and
reinstallation, or any extra cost in the design and construction of a modified foundation


Piling Work
shall be borne by the Contractor, if, in the opinion of the S.O., such extra work has been
made necessary due to the incompetency and/or negligence of the Contractor.

4. Piling Programme

4.1 The Contractor shall submit to the S.O. his proposed programme for the execution of the
piling work at least seven (7) days before commencement of the Work. In addition, the
Contractor shall inform the S.O. daily of the programme of piling for the following working
day and shall give adequate notice of his intention to work outside working hours, if this
has already been approved by the S.O.

5. Records

5.1 The Contractor shall keep records of particulars as listed in Table 1 hereof for each pile
installed, and shall submit two (2) signed copies of these records to the S.O. not later
than noon of the next working day after the pile was installed. The signed records shall
form part of the records for the Works.

5.2 Any unexpected driving condition shall be noted in the records.

6. Nuisance and Damage

6.1 Noise and Disturbance

The Contractor shall take all necessary precaution in carrying out the work so as to
minimise noise and disturbance during driving.

6.2 Damage to Adjacent Structures, Utilities

6.2.1 The Contractor's attention is specially drawn to his responsibilities under the
clause ‘Damage to Property’ of the Conditions of Contract. The Contractor is
deemed to have familiarised himself with the risks likely to be imposed on
adjacent structures and all utilities by the proposed method of piling.

6.2.2 Before commencing any piling work, the Contractor shall accompany the S.O. on
a site inspection in order to consider any circumstances which may indicate the
presence of underground mains and services at or in the vicinity of the Site. If,
during execution of the Work, damage is or is likely to be caused to any utilities
or adjacent structures, the Contractor shall submit to the S.O. his proposals for
repair or avoidance of such damage.

7. Damage to Piles

7.1 The Contractor shall execute the Work in such a manner so as to minimise damage to

7.2 All piles damaged during handling, transporting, pitching, driving or at any other time shall
be replaced by the Contractor at his own expense.

8. Safety Precautions

8.1 The Contractor shall take safety precautions throughout the piling operation in
accordance with the requirements of the relevant laws and by-laws.

Piling Work
9. Definition

9.1 Preliminary Pile

A preliminary pile is a pile installed before the commencement of the main piling work for
the purpose of establishing the driving criteria for subsequent working piles and for
confirming the adequacy of the design, dimensions and bearing capacity. This pile shall
be treated as a working pile unless otherwise directed by the S.O.

9.2 Working Pile

A working pile is a pile which is installed as part of the permanent foundation work.

9.3 Ultimate Load

9.3.1 Where pile test is carried out, the Ultimate Load is defined as the constant load
at which the pile continues to settle at a steady rate, or the load at which the
maximum settlement of the pile during one continuous loading cycle is one tenth
of the pile base diameter or least dimension, whichever is the lesser.

9.3.2 Where a pile test is not carried out, the Ultimate Load is defined as the calculated
Ultimate Load, derived from appropriate static bearing capacity calculations.

9.4 Design Load

9.4.1 The Design Load shall be defined in relation to a pile loaded in isolation, without
nearby piles being loaded, except those providing test reaction.

9.4.2 Where the Ultimate Load is measured by means of pile tests, the Design Load is
the Ultimate Load divided by the specified factor of safety.

9.4.3 Where the Ultimate Load is not measured by means of pile tests, the Design
Load is the lesser of the following:-

(a) the calculated ultimate load for the pile divided by the specified factor of

(b) the calculated ultimate load of the pile base together with the calculated
shaft adhesion, as derived from appropriate static bearing capacity
calculations, divided by a factor of safety of 3.0.

9.5 Factor of Safety

Unless otherwise stated in the Drawings, the Factor of Safety shall be taken as not less
than 2.0 for piles in compression, and not less than 3.0 for piles in tension.

9.6 Working Load

The Working Load is the Design Load modified to allow for group effect, pile spacing or
any other factors changing the efficiency of the total foundation from that of a single
isolated pile, and is at least equal to the dead plus imposed loads on the pile together
with downdrag or uplift loads as appropriate.


Piling Work
TABLE 1 - ( Ref. Cl.5.1- Section B.1)

(a) Contract particulars.

** (b) Pile type.

(c) Pile reference number (location).

(d) Nominal cross-sectional dimensions or diameter.

(e) Supplied length of pile.

(f) Date and time of starting and finishing and redriving.

(g) Ground level at commencement of installation of pile.

(h) Cut-off level.

(j) Type, weight, drop and mechanical condition of hammer and equivalent information for
other equipment.

(k) Number and type of packings used, and type and condition of dolly used during driving of
the pile.

** (l) Pile driving log.

(m) Set of pile in mm per blow or number of blows per 25mm of penetration.

(n) If required, the sets taken at intervals during the driving.

(p) If required, temporary compression of ground and pile from time of marked increase in
driving resistance until pile reaches its final level.

(q) All information regarding obstructions, delays and other interruptions to the sequence of

** e.g. Precast concrete; timber; vertical or rake; compression or tension; friction or end-bearing or both.

Piling Work

1. General

1.1 The materials and the manufacture of precast reinforced concrete piles shall comply with
MS 1314.

2. Reinforcement

2.1 The main reinforcing bars in piles not exceeding 12m in length shall be in one continuous
length unless otherwise approved by the S.O.

2.2 In piles exceeding 12m long, joints shall be permitted in main longitudinal bars at 12m
nominal intervals. Joints in adjacent bars shall be staggered at least 1m apart along the
length of the pile. Joints shall be butt-welded as specified in SECTION D: CONCRETE
WORK. Other means of jointing reinforcement, such as by means of mechanical
couplings, shall be to the approval of the S.O.

3. Pile Shoes

3.1 The type of pile shoes to be used shall be as shown in the Drawings and shall comply
with the following as relevant:-

(a) Chilled-hardened cast iron shoes as used for making grey iron castings to BS
1452 Grade 10; or

(b) Mild steel to BS 7668, BS EN 10029, BSEN 10155 ;or

(c) Cast steel to BS 3100, Grade A.

3.2 Mild steel straps cast into the shoes shall be as shown in the Drawings. Rock shoes
where required, shall consist of wrought iron shoes and mild steel straps cast into chilled-
hardened cast iron blocks, as shown in the Drawings.

4. Supply of Piles

4.1 The Contractor shall only use precast concrete piles supplied by approved
manufacturers. Before the commencement of piling work, the Contractor shall notify the
S.O the name of the manufacturers.

5. Production of Piles at Site

5.1 In any area or condition where supply of piles is not practicable, the S.O. may allow the
Contractor to make arrangement and produce the piles of the same or better quality at
the construction site.

5.2 Piles made from Ordinary Portland Cement shall be kept damp for a period of at least ten
(10) days after casting. Side forms shall not be stripped less than three (3) days after
casting. After 14 days, piles may be lifted and removed to a suitable stacking area but
they shall not be driven until they are at least 28 days old.

5.3 For piles made from Rapid Hardening Cement, the above periods may be modified as
approved by the S.O.


Piling Work
6. Marking, Handling and Storage of Piles

6.1 After a pile has been cast, the date of casting, reference number, and the length shall be
clearly marked with indeletable marker on the top surface and on the head of the pile. In
addition, each pile shall be marked at intervals of 300mm along its length before being

6.2 The method and sequence of lifting, handling, transporting and storing piles shall be such
that piles are not damaged. Only the designed lifting and support points shall be used.
During transport and storage, piles shall be placed on adequate supports located under
the lifting points of the piles.

6.3 All piles within a stack shall be in groups of the same length. Packings of uniform
thickness shall be provided between piles at the lifting points.

7. Tolerances in Pile Dimensions

7.1 The cross-sectional dimensions of the pile shall not be less than those shown in the
Drawings, and shall not exceed them by more than 6mm.

7.2 Any face of a pile shall not deviate by more than 6mm from a straight edge 3m long laid
on the face, and the centroid of any cross-section of the pile shall not deviate by more
than 12mm from the straight line connecting the centroids of the end faces of the pile.

8. Length of Piles

8.1 The length of a pile shall be taken to mean the overall length measured from the tip of the
shoe to the top of the head. The length of piles shall be to the approval of the S.O. Based
on the results of pile driving resistance and/or load tests carried out on piles driven on the
Site, the S.O. may, from time to time, order the lengths of piles to be modified.

9. Pitching and Driving

9.1 Driving Equipment

The driving equipment to be used shall be of such type and capacity to the approval of
the S.O. If a drop hammer is used, it shall be of a free fall type, and the weight of the
hammer shall be as specified in BS 8004. For driving piles of sizes smaller than 200mm,
diesel hammer shall not be used.

9.2 Pitching of Piles

Piles shall be pitched accurately in the positions as shown in the Drawings. At all stages
during driving and until the pile has set or been driven to the required length, all exposed
piles shall be adequately supported and restrained by means of leaders, trestles,
temporary supports or other guide arrangements to maintain position and alignment, and
to prevent buckling and damage to the piles.

9.3 Driving of Piles

9.3.1 Each pile shall be driven continuously until the specified set and/or depth has
been reached. However, the S.O. may permit the suspension of driving if he is
satisfied that:
a) the rate of penetration prior to the cessation of driving will be
substantially re-established on its resumption, or

b) the suspension of driving is beyond the control of the Contractor.

Piling Work
9.3.2 A follower (long dolly) shall not be used for driving end bearing piles. It may be
used for driving frictional piles with the prior approval of the S.O.

9.3.3 The Contractor shall inform the S.O. without delay if an unexpected change in
driving characteristics is encountered.

9.3.4 Where required by the S.O., the set shall be taken at approved intervals during
the driving to establish the behaviour of the piles. A set shall be taken only in the
presence of the S.O. unless otherwise approved. The Contractor shall provide all
facilities to enable the S.O. to check driving resistance.

9.3.5 Redrive checks, if required, shall be carried out in accordance with an approved

9.4 Pile Driving Log

A detailed record of the driving resistance over the full length of each pile shall be kept.
The log shall record the number of blows for every 300mm of pile penetration.

9.5 Final Set

9.5.1 The final set of a pile other than a friction pile, shall be recorded either as the
penetration in millimetres per 10 blows or as the number of blows required to
produce a penetration of 25mm.

9.5.2 When a final set is being measured, the following requirements shall be met:-

a) The exposed part of the pile shall be in good condition, without damage
or distortion;

b) The dolly and packing shall be in sound condition;

c) The hammer blow shall be in line with the pile axis, and the impact
surfaces shall be flat and at right angles to the pile and hammer axis;

d) The hammer shall be in good condition and operating correctly;

e) The temporary compression of the pile shall be recorded.

9.6 Driving Sequence and Risen Piles

Piles shall be driven in an approved sequence to minimise the detrimental effects of

heave and lateral displacement of the ground. When required, levels and measurements
shall be taken to determine the movement of the ground or any pile resulting from the
driving process. If any pile rise occurs as a result of adjacent piles being driven, the
Contractor shall submit to the S.O. his proposals for correcting this and to avoid the same
in subsequent work.

9.7 Preboring

If preboring is specified, the pile shall be pitched into a hole prebored to the depth shown
in the Drawings, unless otherwise instructed by the S.O.

9.8 Jetting

Jetting shall be carried out only when the Contractor’s detailed proposals have been
approved, and not for the last 3 metre of the required depth of penetration.


Piling Work
10. Repair and Lengthening of Pile

10.1 Repair of Damaged Pile Heads

10.1.1 Damaged pile head shall be cut off square at sound concrete, and all loose
particles shall be removed by wire brushing, followed by washing with water. If
the pile is to be subjected to further driving, the head shall be replaced with
concrete of an approved grade. The new head shall be cast truly in line with the
remainder of the pile, and be properly cured and allowed to harden sufficiently to
develop the strength necessary for further driving.

10.1.2 If a pile has been driven to the required set or depth but sound concrete of the
pile is below cut-off level, the pile shall be made good to the cut-off level with
concrete of a grade not inferior than that of the concrete of the pile.

10.2 Lengthening of Piles

Where piles have to be lengthened, other than by means of welding of steel plates as
detailed in the Drawings, the reinforcement shall be stripped of all surrounding concrete
for a distance equal to 40 times the diameter of the main reinforcement measured from
the pile head for spliced joints and 300mm for butt welded joints, and all lateral
reinforcement shall be removed. The lengthening bars shall butt on the exposed bars in
true alignment, and shall be butt welded as specified or shall be spliced with bars of the
same diameters as the main pile bars, 80 times diameter in length and lapping the main
bars for a distance of 40 times diameter above and below the joint, and shall be securely
bound with 1.63mm soft annealed iron wire. New binders of similar size shall be provided
and spaced at half the centres of the binders in the main body of the pile, and shall be
securely bound with 1.63mm diameter soft annealed iron wire, and the pile extended by
concreting in properly constructed mounds to the length required. Steps shall be taken to
ensure that the concrete at the joint between the old and the new concrete is not of
inferior grade and quality than that of the concrete of the pile. The extension shall be truly
in line with the remainder of the pile, and be properly cured and allowed to harden
sufficiently to develop the strength necessary for further driving.

10.3 Driving Repaired/Lengthened Piles

Piles which have been repaired or lengthened by adding cast-insitu concrete as specified
in clauses 10.1 and 10.2 shall not be driven until the added concrete has reached the
specified strength of the concrete for the pile.

11. Cutting and Stripping of Pile Heads

11.1 When a pile has been driven to the required set or depth, the head of the pile shall be cut
off to the level shown in the Drawings or as instructed by the S.O. The length of
reinforcing bars projecting above this level shall be as shown in the Drawings.

11.2 Care shall be taken to avoid cracking or otherwise damaging the rest of the pile. Cracked
or defective concrete shall be cut away and made good with new concrete properly
bonded to the old.

Piling Work

1. Pile Sections and Dimensions

1.1 All steel H-bearing piles shall comply with JIS A5526 with regards to profile and
tolerances and the steel shall comply with the requirements of BS EN 10025 and BS
4360. The profile and grade to be used are as specified or as shown in the Drawings.

2. Straightness of Piles

2.1 For standard rolled profiles, the deviation from straightness in millimetres shall not
exceed 1.04(L-4.5) where L is the length of the pile in metres.

2.2 For proprietary sections made up from rolled profiles, the deviation from straightness shall
not exceed 1/1000 of the length of the pile.

3. Strengthening of Piles

3.1 Unless otherwise approved by the S.O., the strengthening of the toe of the pile in lieu of a
shoe or the strengthening of the head of a pile shall be made from material of the same
grade as the pile and to the details as shown in the Drawings.

4. Marking of Piles

4.1 Each pile shall be clearly marked with white indeletable marking at the flanged head
showing its reference number and overall length. In addition, each pile shall be marked at
intervals of 300mm along its length before being driven.

5. Handling and Storage of Piles

5.1 All operations such as handling and transporting of piles shall be carried out in such a
manner that damage to piles and their coatings are minimised. Piles that are damaged
during handling and transporting shall be replaced by the Contractor at his own expense.
All damaged and rejected piles shall be removed from the Site forthwith.

5.2 Piles within a stack shall be in groups of the same length and on approved supports.

6. Pitching and Driving of Piles

6.1 Pitching and driving of piles shall be in accordance with Clauses 9.1 to 9.8 as specified

7. Lengthening of Piles

7.1 Where lengthening of piles are required, the piles shall be jointed by butt-welding,
stiffened with plates fillet-welded on all four sides as detailed in the Drawings. All welding
shall be continuous and complying with BS 5135 and BS 5950. The type and size of
welding shall be as detailed in the Drawings.


Piling Work
8. Preparation of Pile Heads

8.1 When a pile has been driven to the required set or depth and before encasing in
concrete, the piles shall be cut to within 20mm of the levels shown in the Drawings, and
protective coatings, if any, shall be removed from the surfaces of the pile heads down to
a level 150mm above the soffit of the concrete. Pile heads shall be constructed to the
details as shown in the Drawings.

Piling Work

1. Timber

1.1 General

Pressure-treated timber piles to be used for the Works shall be those approved by SIRIM.

1.2 Species of timber

Unless otherwise approved by the S.O., only Kempas (Kempassia Malaccensis) shall be

1.3 Definitions

The timber terms used in the Specification shall have the meaning assigned to them in
BS 5268 or the Malayan Grading Rules for Sawn Hardwood Timber (1968) whichever is

1.4 Quality

Timber used for the piles shall not be of a lesser quality than the Selected Structural
Grades Specified in Section J (Stress Grading) of Part III of the Malayan Grading Rules
for Sawn Hardwood Timber. The timber shall be free from rot, fungal or pest attack, and
any other defects not permitted for its grade.

1.5 Tolerances in Dimension

The dimension of sawn timber piles shall be within the range of 2mm less and 6mm
greater than their specified cross-sectional dimensions. The centroid of any cross-section
of a sawn timber pile shall not deviate by more than 25mm from the straight line
connecting the centroids of the end faces of the standard length of a 6 metre pile.

2. Workmanship

2.1 Where applicable, the standard of workmanship shall conform to BS 5268.

3. Preservative Treatment

3.1 The method for treatment of timber shall be the full-cell process. The full-cell process,
compositions of preservatives, the test methods for determining the depth of penetration
of preservatives, and the weight of net salt retention in the treated timber shall be as
described in MS 1302, MS 1304 and MS 360. The minimum depth of penetration of
preservative shall be 25mm and the minimum weight net dry salt retention in the treated
part of the timber shall not be less than 16 kg/m3.

4. Marking of Pile

4.1 The treated pile shall be permanently marked with identifications which indicate that they
comply with this Specification, manufacturer’s trade mark, charge number and date of
treatment and the length of the pile.


Piling Work
5. Inspection

5.2 The S.O. may require inspection of the treatment plant to observe and ensure that the
manufacturing process and control testings of the piles are carried out in accordance with
this Specification. Records of the actual treatment schedule shall be kept during the
treatment process, and the Contractor shall furnish such records for the piles supplied
when requested by the S.O.

6. Warranty

6.1 Before commencement of work, the Contractor shall notify the S.O. the name of the
supplier and manufacturer for approval.

6.2 Before the treated timber pile is accepted for the work, the Contractor shall obtain from
the manufacturer of the treated piles, a warranty on an approved form, which provides
that the treated piles shall be free from such fungus and insect attack which may render
the supported building structurally unsound, for a thirty (30) years period.

7. Delivery and Stacking

7.1 The Contractor shall notify the S.O. of the delivery of timber piles to the Site and provide
the necessary facilities to enable the S.O. to inspect each pile and take random sampling
for determination of depth of penetration and the net dry salt retention.

7.2 Accepted piles shall be marked and stacked in lengths on levelled and well-drained hard
ground. Each pile shall be stacked clear off the ground with an air space around it. The
piles shall be separated by sticks or blocks placed vertically one above the other and
closely spaced horizontally to avoid sagging of the piles. All rejected piles shall be
removed from the Site promptly.

8. Pile Head

8.1 The pile head shall be adequately protected during driving so that brooming does not

8.2 The pile head shall be fitted with toothed metal plates as approved by the S.O. for
protection against brooming and splitting during normal driving.

8.3 In the case of hard driving, unless otherwise approved by the S.O., a metal helmet shall
be fitted to the top of the pile. The top of the pile shall first be trimmed to fit closely into
the recess of the underside of the helmet. A hard timber dolly and, if necessary, a packing
piece shall be used above the helmet.

8.4 If during driving, the head of the pile becomes excessively broomed or otherwise
damaged, the damaged part shall be cut off and the helmet refitted.

9. Pitching and Driving of Piles

9.1 Pitching and driving of piles shall be in accordance with clauses 9.1 to 9.8 as described

10. Lengthening of Piles

10.1 Piles shall be provided in one single length of 6.0m each, unless otherwise approved.
Any pile driven to the required set at a depth of 6.0m or less shall be in one continuous

Piling Work

10.2 If jointing is required, pile joints shall be made by using mild steel welded boxes, 450mm
long, fabricated from 5mm thick plates, unless otherwise shown in the Drawings. The
internal dimensions of the box shall be 3mm undersize of the pile cross-sectional
dimensions. The joint and the ends of the piles to be jointed shall be constructed so that
the necessary strength and stiffness are developed at the joint.

11. Defects on Piles while Driving

11.1 When fissures appear in a pile during driving, which, in the opinion of the S.O., will affect
its strength, the pile shall be rejected and replaced at the Contractor’s expense.

12. Preparation of Pile Heads

12.1 When a pile has been driven to the required set or depth, the head of the piles shall be
cut off square to sound wood and treated with an approved preservative and a waterproof
coating to the approval of the S.O.

12.2 The pile head shall be embedded for a depth of not less than 150mm in the concrete cap,
with a minimum of 150mm concrete surround.


Piling Work

1. General

1.1 Type of Tests Necessary

The Maintained Load Test shall be carried out on a test pile. The Contractor shall, if
required by the S.O., carry out the Constant Rate of Penetration Test on completion of
the Maintained Load Test.

1.2 Safety Precautions

When preparing, conducting and dismantling a pile test, the Contractor shall carry out the
work in a safe manner, and shall in addition make such other provisions, as may be
necessary, to safeguard against any likely hazards.

2. Definitions

2.1 Compression Pile

A pile which is designed to resist an axial force such as would cause it to penetrate into
the ground.

2.2 Anchor Pile

A pile which is designed to resist an axial force such as would tend to cause it to be
extracted from the ground.

2.3 Test Pile

A compression pile to which a load is applied to determine the load versus settlement
characteristics of the pile and the surrounding ground.

2.4 Reaction System

The system of kentledge, piles or anchors that provides resistance against which the pile
is tested.

2.5 Kentledge

The dead weight used in a loading test.

2.6 Maintained Load Test

A loading test in which each increment or decrement of load is held constant either for a
defined period of time or until the rate of settlement or rebound falls to a specified value.

2.7 Constant Rate of Penetration Test (CRP)

A loading test in which the pile is made to penetrate the soil from its position at a constant
speed while the force applied at the top of the pile to maintain the rate of penetration is
continuously measured, until the force versus penetration relationship obtained does not
represent an equilibrium condition between load and settlement.

3. Supervision

3.1 All tests shall be carried out only under the direction of an experienced and competent

Piling Work
Contractor's supervisor, with approved test equipment and test procedure as specified

3.2 All Contractor's personnel operating the test equipment shall have been trained in its use.
Tests shall be carried out only in the presence of the S.O. or the S.O’s representative.

4. Reaction System

4.1 General

Compression test shall be carried out using a kentledge, anchor piles or specially
constructed anchorages as reaction system. The reaction system used shall be designed
to transfer safely to the test pile the maximum load required for testing. Full details of the
reaction system shall be submitted to the S.O. prior to any work related to the testing
process being carried out on the Site.

4.2 Kentledge

Where kentledge is to be used, it shall have adequate weight to resist load up to 1.2
times the maximum test load. The kentledge shall be supported on cribwork, beams or
other supporting structure disposed around the test pile so that its centre of gravity is on
the axis of the pile. Kentledge shall not rest directly on the pile head. The bearing
pressure under the supports shall be such as to ensure stability of the kentledge stack
and shall not impair the efficiency of the testing operations. The distance from the edge of
the test pile to the nearest part of the supports to the kentledge stack in contact with the
ground shall not be less than 1.3m.

4.3 Anchor Pile and Ground Anchor

4.3.1 Where anchor piles or ground anchors are to be used, they shall be of adequate
strength to resist load up to 1.2 times the maximum test load on the ground, in a
safe manner without excessive movement or influence on the test pile. The
method employed in the installation shall be such to prevent damage to any test
pile or working pile.

4.3.2 The Contractor shall ensure that when the test load is applied, the load is
correctly transmitted to all the bolts and tie rods. The extension of rods by
welding shall not be permitted, unless it is known that the steel will not be
reduced in strength by welding. The bond stress of the rods in tension shall not
exceed normal permissible bond stresses of the type of steel and grade of
concrete used.

4.3.3 Where anchor piles are used, the centre to centre spacing of these piles from a
test pile shall be not less than three (3) times the diameter of the test pile, or the
anchor piles, or 2m, whichever is the greater. Under-reamed piles shall not be
used as anchor piles. Where permanent working piles are approved by the S.O.
to be used as anchor piles, their levels shall be observed during application of
the test load to ensure that there is no residual uplift.

4.3.4 Where ground anchors are used, no part of the section of the anchor transferring
load to the ground shall be closer to the test pile than three (3) times the
diameter of the test pile. Furthermore, no part of the ground anchor shall be
closer to a working pile than one-and-a-half times the diameter of the test pile
along the unbonded length of the anchor, and three (3) times the diameter of the
test pile along the bonded length of the anchor. Under-reams on ground anchors
shall not exceed 170mm in diameter.


Piling Work
5. Testing Equipment

5.1 The Contractor shall ensure that when the hydraulic jack and load measuring device are
mounted on the pile heads, the whole system will be stable up to the maximum load to be

5.2 The test loads shall be applied by means of a hydraulic jack of adequate capacity, fitted
with a load measuring device.

5.3 The hydraulic jack, pump, hoses, pipes, couplings and other apparatus to be operated
under hydraulic pressure, shall be capable of withstanding a test pressure equivalent to
one and a half (1½) times the maximum test load without leakage.

5.4 Where the C.R.P. test is required, the jack pump capacity shall be adequate to maintain
the required rate of penetration. The permissible extension of the jack shall be such that
the pile can be moved continuously and without repacking for a distance of at least

5.5 The measuring device shall be of the type approved by the S.O., capable of registering
loads in increments not exceeding 20 KN.

5.6 The hydraulic jack and measuring device shall be calibrated together to the approval of
the S.O. before and after each series of tests, whenever adjustments are made to the
device or at intervals appropriate for the type of equipment used. Certificates of
calibration shall be submitted to the S.O.

5.7 The loading equipment shall be capable of adjustment throughout the test to obtain a
smooth increase of load or to maintain each load constant at the required stages of the
maintained load test.

6. Preparation of a Working Pile to be Tested

6.1 General

If a test is required on a working pile, the Contractor shall prepare the pile for testing to
the approval of the S.O.

6.2 Driving Records

For each working pile which is to be tested, a detailed record of driving shall be made and
submitted to the S.O. daily, not later than noon on the next working day.

6.3 Cut-off Level

The pile shall terminate at the normal cut-off level or at a level required by the S.O.
However, where necessary, the pile shall be extended above the cut-off level of working
piles so that gauges and other apparatus to be used in the testing process will not be
damaged by water or falling debris. If the cut-off level is below ground level, the pile is not
extended and there is a risk of the borehole collapsing, a sleeve shall be left in place or
inserted above the pile, or other approved action shall be taken. Adequate clearance
shall be given between the top of the pile and the bottom of the sleeves to permit
unrestricted movement of the pile.

6.4 Pile Head for Compression Test

For pile that is tested in compression, the pile head or cap shall be formed to give a plane
surface which is normal to the axis of the pile. An approved mild steel bearing plate shall
be mounted on top of the pile head or cap to accommodate the loading and settlement
measuring equipment, and to prevent damage from the concentrated application of load

Piling Work
from the loading equipment.

6.5 Notice of Test

The Contractor shall give the S.O. at least 24 hours notice of the commencement of test.

7. Settlement Measurement

7.1 An independent reference frame shall be set up to permit measurement of the vertical
movement of the test pile. The support for the frame shall be located not closer than 2
metres from the test pile, and shall be rigidly fixed to the ground to a depth of not less
than 1m with concrete surround. In addition, the elevation of the supports shall be
checked frequently with reference to a fixed benchmark.

7.2 The entire measuring assembly shall be protected against rain, direct sunlight and other
disturbances that might affect its reliability. Temperature readings shall be taken when
requested by the S.O. The measurement of pile movement shall be made by four dial
gauges rigidly mounted on the reference frame that bear on machined metal or glass
surfaces, normal to the pile axis fixed to the pile cap or head. Alternatively, the gauges
may be fixed to the pile and bear on surfaces on the reference frame. The dial gauges
shall be placed in diametrically opposite positions, and be equidistant from the pile axis.
The dial gauges shall enable readings to be made to within an accuracy of 0.1mm, and
shall have a minimum travel of not less than 50mm.

7.3 The Contractor may submit other methods of measuring the movement of pile heads for

8. Test Procedure

8.1 General

Throughout the test period, all equipment for measuring load and movement shall be
protected from the effects of weather. Construction equipment and persons who are not
involved in the testing process shall be kept at a sufficient distance from the test to avoid
disturbance to the measurement apparatus.

8.2 Maintained Load Test

8.2.1 The load shall be applied in increment of 25% of the working load, up to the
working load and appropriately smaller thereafter, until a maximum test load of
twice the working load is reached. Each increment of load shall be applied as
smoothly and as expeditiously as possible. Settlement readings and time
observations shall be taken before and after each new load increment.

8.2.2 A time-settlement graph shall be plotted to indicate when the rate of settlement of
0.05mm in 15 minutes is reached. A further increment of load shall be applied
when this rate of settlement is achieved, or until a minimum time of 2 hours has
elapsed, whichever is later. The process shall be repeated until the maximum
test load is reached.

8.2.3 The maximum test load shall then be maintained for a minimum of 24 hours, and
time-settlement readings shall be taken at regular intervals, as for the earlier load

8.2.4 The test load shall then be decreased in four equal stages, and time-settlement
readings shall be as specified aforesaid, until the movement ceases. At least 60


Piling Work
minutes interval shall be allowed between the unloading decrements.

8.3 Constant Rate of Penetration Test

8.3.1 The load shall be applied to achieve a constant rate of penetration value
between 0.75mm per minute to 1.50mm per minute. The rate chosen shall suit
the jacking equipment used.

8.3.2 Both settlement and time readings shall be recorded at every minute period.
Further loading shall be discontinued when the loading varies indirectly as the
penetration in the case of end bearing piles in sand or gravel, or when the rate of
penetration is constant without further increase in the load in the case of friction
piles in clay. Loading shall then be released gradually and rebound readings

9. Presentation of Results

9.1 Submission of Results

Results shall be submitted as a signed summary in duplicate to the S.O. immediately on

completion of the test, which shall give:

i. for the Maintained Load Test for each stage of loading, the period for which the
load was held, the load and the maximum settlement. These are to be plotted as
time-settlement graphs.

ii. for the CRP test, the maximum load reached and a graph of load against

9.2 Schedule of Recorded Data

The Contractor shall provide information about the tested pile in accordance with the
following schedule, where applicable -

a) General

i) Site Location
ii) Contract Identification
iii) Proposed Structure
iv) Main Contractor
v) Piling Sub-contractor (if any)
vi) Site Office
vii) Client's Name
viii) Maintained Load or CRP Test
ix) Date of Test

b) Test Procedure

i) Weight of Kentledge
ii) Tension of Pile, Group Anchor Details
iii) Plan of Test Arrangement showing position and distance of kentledge
supports, tension piles and reference frame to test pile.
iv) Jack Capacity
v) Method of Load Measurement
vi) Method (s) of Penetration Measurement
vii) Relevant Dates and Times

Piling Work
c) Test Results

i) In Tabular Form
ii) In Graphical Form: Load Plotted against Settlement, with Times
iii) Ground Heave (if any)
iv) Effect on Adjacent Structure (if any)

d) Site Investigation

i) Site Investigation Drawing Number

ii) Borehole Reference nearest to Test Pile.

10. Interpretation of Test Results

10.1 The S.O.'s interpretation and conclusions on the test results shall be final. The pile so
tested shall be deemed to have failed if:

a) The residual settlement after removal of the test load exceeds 6.5mm;
b) The total settlement under the Design Load exceeds 12.5mm;
c) The total settlement under twice the Design Load exceeds 38.0mm, or 10% of
pile diameter/width, whichever is the lower value.

11. Completion of Test

11.1 Measuring Equipment

On completion of a test, all equipment and measuring devices shall be dismantled,

checked and either stored, so that they are available for use in further tests, or removed
from the Site.

11.2 Kentledge

Kentledge and its supporting structure shall be removed forthwith from the Site on
completion of all tests.

11.3 Ground Anchors and Temporary Piles

On completion of a pile test, tension piles or ground anchors shall be cut off below ground
level and the ground made good with approved material.


Piling Work

1. General

1.1 This Work shall consist of all the required excavation within the limits of the Works. It
shall include the removal and proper utilisation and hauling, or disposal of all excavated
materials, and constructing, shaping and finishing of all earthworks over the entire extent
of the Works, in conformity with the Drawings and this Specification.

1.2 The excavation and earthworks shall be executed in such a manner and order as
approved by the S.O. The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with by-laws
and regulations relating to earthworks.

1.3 Excavation in rock and/or hard material shall respectively be measured and paid for as
extra over to excavation and earthworks in accordance with the Provisional Bills of
Quantities. The Contractor shall give reasonable notice to the S.O to examine, classify
the excavation and to take measurement prior to breaking up. For contract based on
Specifications and Drawings, unless otherwise provided in the Contract, for the purpose
of pricing the excavation and earthworks, the whole excavation shall be assumed to be
without rock and/or hard material as defined hereunder.

1.4 For contract based on Quantities, the pricing shall be in accordance with the Bills of

1.5 Computation of volume of rock excavation for payment shall be based on nett volume
excavated as indicated in the Drawings.

2. Site Clearing

2.1 The whole Site shall be cleared to the extent as shown in the relevant Drawings. These
shall include clearing, grubbing and removing all trees, shrubs, vegetation and butts; and
clearing, demolishing, breaking up and removing all structures above ground level such
as buildings, walls, fences and other obstruction within the Site which have been
designated to be demolished or removed. All spoil and debris shall be removed and
disposed off as approved by the S.O. in accordance with Environmental Quality Act 1974
(Act 127) and Regulations.

3. Preservation of Existing Trees

3.1 The Contractor shall take precaution to protect from damage, all existing trees and
shrubs which are designated to be preserved as specified under SECTION N.4:

4. Demolition of Existing Structures

4.1 Any existing structures and other obstruction which are designated to be removed shall
be demolished, broken up, removed and disposed as approved by the S.O.

4.2 All salvaged materials arising from the demolition work shall, unless otherwise specified,
become the property of the Contractor, and shall be removed from Site as soon as


Excavation and Earthwork

5. Relocation of Existing Utilities and Services

5.1 The Contractor's attention is specially drawn to his responsibilities under the Clause
headed ‘Damage to Property' of the Condition of Contract.

5.2 Before commencing on any excavation, the Contractor or his representative shall
accompany the S.O. on a site inspection to identify the presence of underground cables,
water or other service pipes at or in the vicinity of such excavation. Thereafter, the
Contractor shall carry out the excavation work in a manner and sequence as approved by
the S.O.

5.3 If during excavation, the Contractor's workmen uncover any cables, water or other service
pipes, work shall be stopped immediately and shall not be again started until the matter
has been reported to the S.O. who will notify the appropriate local authority, and
subsequently issue whatever directions he deemed appropriate.

6.0 General Excavation

Excavation shall be divided into two categories i.e. common excavation and hard material/ rock
excavation. Payment on excavation is to be made based on the method and equipments used.

6.1 Common Excavation

6.1.1 Common excavation shall mean excavation in any material other than hard
material/ rock excavation.

6.2 Hard Material/ Rock Excavation

6.2.1 Hard material/ rock excavation shall mean excavation in any material that cannot
be loosened by an excavator with a minimum mass of 44 tons and a minimum
rating of 321 BHP. The excavator shall be in good condition, and operated by an
experienced personnel skilled in the use of excavator equipment.

Hard material/ rock excavation shall require one or a combination of the following

i. Excavation using track excavator exceeding a mass of 44 tons and 321

BHP rating.
ii. Ripping using a tractor unit of minimum weight of 37 tons and 305 BHP
rating and a ripper attached.
iii. Excavation using hydraulic rock breaker.
iv. Excavation using pneumatic tool.
v. Open blasting
vi. Controlled blasting.

Excavation of boulders of individual mass less than 0.5m³ shall not be

considered as rock but as common excavation.

6.2.2 Trial Excavation

If it is apparent that common excavation as per clause 6.1.1 cannot be carried

out, than the S.O may instruct the Contractor to submit his method statement to
the S.O., based on his proposed method of excavation for approval. A trial
excavation shall be carried out to verify and confirm the proposed method of
excavation. The trial excavation shall be witnessed by the respective
representatives of the Contractor and S.O. In the case where the method
statement is rejected by the S.O., the Contractor shall submit a new method
statement to the S.O. and the whole process of trial excavation shall be repeated
to enable the S.O. to consider the new method statement for approval.


Excavation and Earthwork

6.2.3 Method of Measurement

Levels shall be taken before and after excavation, to calculate the volume for
each method of excavation. Levels taken shall be subject to approval by the S.O.
The levels taken shall be certified by the representatives of the Contractor and
S.O, respectively. For determination of the volume of boulders, diameters in
three orthogonal directions shall be taken at 2m intervals or lesser. The average
of the three diameters shall be used to calculate the volume of boulder. Records
of measurements and photographs shall be taken and kept to support the
calculation of the volume of excavation.

6.2.4 Mechanical Equipment In ‘Good Running Condition’

Prior to the execution of trial excavation, the Contractor shall furnish the following
documents to the S.O as evidence that the excavator is in good running

i) A copy of the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) performance

handbook or catalogue, with details of the operating weight, BHP and
maximum drawbar pull of the excavator.

ii) Relevant records showing that the excavator has been appropriately and
routinely up-kept and adequately maintained in accordance with the
recommendations of the OEM’s schedule.

7. Excavation for Foundations, Pits and Trenches

7.1 Foundation trenches, pier holes, etc. shall be excavated to the levels and dimensions as
shown in the Drawings, with sides trimmed and bottoms levelled and stepped as

7.2 All excavation shall be carried down to hard ground. On no account shall foundations rest
on made or filled ground. The depths of foundation shall be decided on the site by the
S.O., but for tendering purposes, unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, the Contractor
shall assume the uniform overall depth 1.5m below formation level. Any variation to such
depth, together with any variation caused thereby to concrete and brickwork, etc., shall be
measured and valued as variations, as provided for in the Contract, and the Contract
Sum shall be adjusted accordingly. The Contractor shall at his own cost and expense,
make good any over excavation below the required depth with suitable material or
concrete as approved by the S.O.

8. Sides of Excavation

8.1 The Contractor shall ensure that at all times, the sides of the excavation are maintained
in a safe and stable condition, and shall be responsible for the adequate provision of all
shoring and strutting including sheet piling required for this purpose. All temporary works
shall comply with requirements of BS 5975.

9. Excavation To Be Kept Dry

9.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for keeping dry all excavations, whether in open cut
or in trench, so as not to interfere with the work in progress. The Contractor shall, without
extra cost to Government, provide, fix, maintain and work, as and when directed by the
S.O., such pumps, wells, drains, dams and other things necessary to effectively deal with
all water which may collect or find its way into the excavation from any cause whatsoever.
Nevertheless, such directive shall not relieve the Contractor from his liability for any
damage to the Works or adjoining land and property or water courses due to his


Excavation and Earthwork


10. Bottom of Excavation

10.1 Unless otherwise stated, the excavation, whether in open cut or in trench, shall be
proceeded with in such portions at a time as the S.O. may approve, and shall not, in the
first instance, be carried down to a depth nearer than 150mm above the required
excavation level; the last 150mm of depth to the said level shall be carried out by manual
labour immediately in advance of placing concrete.

10.2 Any pockets of soft material or loose rock in the bottom of pits and trenches shall be
removed, and the resulting cavities and any large fissures filled with properly compacted
blinding concrete (1:3:6). The Contractor shall take such steps as and when necessary,
to prevent damage to the bottom of excavation due to exposure to the weather. After the
placing of any blinding concrete, no trimming of the side faces shall be carried out for the
next 24 hours.

11. Inspection

11.1 The Contractor shall report to the S.O. when the excavation are ready to receive
concrete, and no concrete shall be laid until the excavation have been inspected and
approved by the S.O.

12. Backfilling

12.1 A portion of the excavated material shall be returned, filled around walls, columns and the
like in 225mm layers and each layer thoroughly compacted using rammers or mechanical
compactors as the S.O. may approve, until compaction is complete. However, only
suitable and approved fill materials shall be returned for backfilling. The surplus
excavated materials shall be deposited, spread and levelled on site or elsewhere as

12.2 Shoring used for the sides of the excavation shall be withdrawn in stages as the
compaction of backfilling proceeds.

13. Anti-Termite Treatment

13.1 Termiticide chemicals shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s

recommendation and label instructions prior to the pouring of concrete to construct the
ground slab or for blinding. Notwithstanding the manufacturer’s recommendation, the
minimum surface application rate shall be five (5) litres per sq. meter on all ground floor
built-up areas including apron areas, and also on all areas extending one (1) meter
beyond the perimeter drain all around the building. In addition, termiticide chemical shall
be sprayed on interfaces between the concrete ground beam and the hardcore at a
minimum rate of one (1) litre per linear meter.

13.2 Treatment shall not be performed just before or after heavy rain, unless the area to be
treated can be physically protected to avoid leaching and runoff before the termiticide
chemical has bound to the soil.

13.3 Immediately after spraying of chemical, all surfaces exposed to direct sunlight or rain
shall be covered with an impervious black PVC sheet of minimum thickness of 0.08mm to
reduce the loss of chemical by UV light, alkaline wet concrete, leaching and runoff
caused by rain on exposed treated soil. In the case of areas receiving blinding, the
coverings shall be removed immediately prior to the placement of the blinding concrete.


Excavation and Earthwork

13.4 As soon as practicable after the completion of anti-termite treatment and prior to the
issuance of the Certificate of Practical Completion, the Contractor shall submit to the
S.O., the anti-termite treatment specialist’s Guarantee against any termite attack to the
Works which may arise during a period of two (2) years from the date of Practical
Completion of Works due to any defect, fault or ineffective anti-termite treatment. The
terms of the Guarantee shall be such as shall be approved by the S.O.

14. Cut and Fill To Formation Level

14.1 General

Area for buildings, open spaces, fields, roads and footpaths shall be cut and filled to the
required formation levels and grades as shown in the Drawings. Trimming and forming of
banks shall be to the profiles as shown in the Drawings or as directed by the S.O. All
ditches, ponds or wells that are to be filled shall first be excavated to remove all soft spots
if so directed by the S.O. All excavated materials shall be removed from Site and the
depressions including holes resulting from the grubbing of tree roots shall be filled with
approved fill materials and well compacted. Unless otherwise provided in the contract, if
the fill materials obtainable from Site are insufficient, the Contractor shall at his own cost,
obtain such materials from outside source.

14.2 Fill Materials

14.2.1 Only suitable materials such as medium stiff clay, clayey sand or other approved
soils shall be used for filling.

14.2.2 Materials from swamps, peats or top soils and other highly organic clay or silt,
materials containing logs, stumps or boulders, which are susceptible to
combustion, and any other materials which, by virtue of their physical or chemical
composition or at their moisture content will not compact properly, shall not be
used for filling.

14.3 Spreading and Compacting

14.3.1 Prior to placing any fill upon any area, all clearing and grubbing operations shall
have been completed.

14.3.2 All earth filling generally, shall be carried out in layers not exceeding 225mm
thick loose layers. Each filling layer shall be thoroughly compacted by means of
six (6) passes of a smooth wheel 6T roller or other approved compacting

14.3.3 Maximum use shall be made of earthmoving plants for initial compaction, and the
Contractor shall be required to vary the routes uniformly to reduce ‘tracking’ and
to obtain uniform compaction over as wide an area as possible.

14.4 Finish to Formation Level

14.4.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, the upper surface of all platform shall
be finished to a cross fall of 1:400 and where practicable, shall, in addition, be
given a longitudinal fall to ensure rapid disposal of surface water.

14.4.2 For areas to be turfed, the formation shall be completed to an appropriate level
below the finished level indicated, to allow for placement of top soil and turf.

14.5 Soft Spots

14.5.1 Where any undue movements due to the presence of soft unstable soil under the
fill occur, or unsuitable material is encountered at the bottom of the fill, it shall be


Excavation and Earthwork

excavated to such depth and over such areas as approved by the S.O., and shall
be removed to spoil. The resulting excavation shall be backfilled with suitable
material as specified hereinbefore, and deposited in layers not exceeding
225mm thick and compacted as described above, or with compaction equipment
suitable for working in small excavation.

14.5.2 The Contractor shall allow for settlement or displacement of fill over soft areas,
and shall build up to the required finished level with necessary compaction.
Should any settlement of fill occur during construction or within the Defects
Liability Period, the Contractor shall make good the same at his own cost and

15. Filling under Floors, Aprons etc.

15.1 Filling shall be provided and laid under floors, aprons, etc. where required. Filling shall be
of suitable material as specified hereinbefore, deposited in layers not exceeding 155mm
loose thickness, and each layer well watered where necessary, rammed and compacted.
No clay shall be used for filling under floors and aprons.

16. Temporary Drainage Channels and Bunds

16.1 As earthwork progresses, the Contractor shall provide and maintain efficient drainage of
the Site as specified under SECTION A: PRELIMINARIES AND GENERAL
CONDITIONS, until such time as the permanent surface water drainage is installed.

17. Clearing of Existing Ditches, Drains, Rivers, etc.

17.1 During the execution of the earthwork, the Contractor shall take all necessary precautions
to prevent blockage or obstruction, and to ensure free-flow of existing drains, ditches,
streams and the like.

18. Protection and Maintenance of Earthworks

18.1 The Contractor shall provide all necessary protection and maintenance of earthwork,
particularly from the damaging effects of water entering the works from rainfall, runoff,
springs, rivers or streams. Damage to finished or partly completed work arising from the
lack of such protection and maintenance work, shall be made good by the Contractor at
his own cost and expense.

18.2 Where turfing is required for slope protection, they shall be planted immediately after the
embankment is formed. The turfing shall be executed as specified hereinafter under

18.3 If due to unforeseen circumstances turfing cannot be carried out immediately, temporary
protection/cover (eg. plastic sheets or equivalent) shall be laid on exposed slopes by the

19. Hardcore

19.1 Where shown and required, approved hardcore consisting of good, sound broken bricks
or stones shall be provided and laid to the thickness shown in the Drawings, well
rammed, compacted and blinded with sand. All hardcore shall be well watered
immediately prior to the depositing of concrete thereon.


Excavation and Earthwork


1.0 General

This section shall apply to the construction of all structures or parts of structures to be composed
of concrete with or without steel reinforcement. The Work shall be carried out all in accordance
with this specification and the lines, levels, grades, dimensions and cross-sections shown in the
Drawings and as required by the S.O.

2.0 Material

2.1 Cement

The cement to be used throughout the Work shall be Portland cement obtained from an
approved manufacturer. The cement shall be described under the following headings:

i) Ordinary Portland Cement to comply with MS 522

ii) Rapid Hardening Portland Cement to comply with MS 522
iii) Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement to comply with MS 1037
iv) Portland Pulverized-Fuel Ash Cement to comply with MS 1227
v) Portland Slag Cement to comply with MS 1389

2.1.1 Certificates of Test

Manufacturers’ certificates of test shall in general be accepted as proof of

soundness. Additional tests shall be carried out on any cement including those of
imported cement, which appears to have deteriorated through age, damage to
containers, improper storage, or any other reason. The test shall be carried out
at any approved laboratory at the expense of the Contractor. Any batch of
cement that has been sampled and tested and found not to have complied with
the requirements shall be rejected and removed from the Site.

The S.O. may, without tests being made, order that any bag of cement, a portion
of the contents of which has hardened, or which appears to be defective in any
other way, be removed from the Site.

2.1.2 Transportation and Storage

The cement shall be transported to the Site in covered vehicles adequately

protected against water. It shall be stored in a weatherproof cement store to the
approval of the S.O. Cement stored in bags shall not be laid directly on the
ground. It shall be taken for use in the Work in the order of its delivery into the
store. Cement delivered in bulk shall be stored in silos of an approved design.

2.2 Aggregates

Aggregates shall be naturally occurring sand, granite or limestone, crushed or uncrushed

except as otherwise specified, and shall comply with MS 29. They shall be obtained from a
source approved by the S.O.

Marine aggregates shall not be used unless otherwise specified in the Drawings.

2.2.1 Coarse Aggregates

Coarse aggregates shall comply with MS 29. For work below ground level, only
crushed granite shall be used. Unless otherwise specified in the Drawings, tests
shall be carried out according to MS 30. The property limits shall be as specified
in Table 1. The maximum nominal size of aggregate shall be as specified in the


Concrete Work
2.2.2 Fine Aggregates

Fine aggregates shall comply with MS 29. In the context of MS 29, the term
‘sand’ is used to mean ‘fine aggregate’. If it is found necessary, the fine
aggregate shall be washed and screened to the approval of the S.O. Unless
otherwise specified in the Drawings, tests shall be carried out in accordance with
MS 30. The property limits shall be as specified in Table 1.

2.2.3 Grading

(a) Coarse Aggregates

The grading of coarse aggregates shall be analysed as described in MS

30 and shall be within the limits specified in Table 2.

(b) Fine Aggregates

The grading of fine aggregates shall be analysed as described in MS 30

and shall be within the limits specified in Table 3. However, for
prescribed mixes Grading Limit M shall only be used.

2.2.4 Sampling and Testing of Aggregates

Where site mixing is used, samples of fine and coarse aggregates approved by
the S.O. shall be kept on Site. These samples shall give a fair indication of the
general quality of the aggregates for comparison with the aggregates delivered
during the course of executing the Work. Tests shall be carried out on samples of
the latter, taken at intervals as required by the S.O., or whenever there is a
change of source. The appropriate method of sampling and testing shall be in
accordance with the standards as specified in Table 1. Any batch of aggregate
rejected by the S.O. shall be removed from the Site.

2.2.5 Storage of Aggregates

Separate storage facilities with adequate provision for drainage shall be provided
for each different size of aggregate used.

Aggregate shall be handled and stored so as to minimise segregation and


2.3 Water

Water shall comply with the requirements of MS 28. It shall be clean and free from
materials deleterious to concrete in the plastic and hardened state and shall be from a
source approved by the S.O. The S.O. may instruct the Contractor to carry out chemical
tests at any approved laboratory at the expense of the Contractor. The Contractor shall
make adequate arrangement to supply and store sufficient water at the Site for use in
mixing and curing of concrete.

2.4 Admixtures

Suitable admixtures may be used in concrete mixes with the prior approval of or as
directed by the S.O.

The admixtures, the sampling and testing of the admixtures and the information to be
provided with the admixture supplied shall comply with MS 922.

All admixtures shall be used strictly in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

Before allowing the admixture to be used in the Work, relevant tests based on trial mixes


Concrete Work
shall be carried out. A control mix shall be made using a conventional trial mix that is
without using the admixture, to determine the free water: cement ratio and mix proportion
required to give the specified strength with the required slump. Using the same mix
proportion as in the control mix but with a modified water: cement ratio whenever
necessary, a test shall be carried out using the recommended dosage of the admixture.
The results of the relevant test obtained from the control mix and test mix shall be
compared. The S.O. may allow the use of the admixture only when the results are found
to be satisfactory and comparable to the effects as claimed by the manufacturer. The
admixture acceptance test shall comply with the requirements specified in Table 4.

The uses of admixtures that are chloride based are not permitted for structural concrete
containing reinforcement, prestressing tendons or other embedded metal. The Contractor
shall submit documentary evidence on the contents of the admixture to be used.

When the Contractor proposes the use of super-plasticiser, special control tests shall be
carried out with prior approval of the S.O. The tests shall be carried out in accordance
with the latest standard and the manufacturer’s recommendations.

If two or more admixtures are proposed to be used simultaneously in the same concrete
mix, the Contractor shall furnish the S.O. with supporting data on their suitability and

2.5 Additional Materials

Condensed silica fumes (CSF) complying with ASTM C1240 – 93 or any other equivalent
standards may be used provided that the concrete complies with the same grade as would
be achieved by the Portland cement concrete complying with MS 522 and prior approval of
the S.O is obtained

3.0 Classification of Concrete Mixes

Unless otherwise stated in the Drawings, the concrete mix shall be designed mix. However,
prescribed mix may be used provided: -

(a) The work is of minor nature or involving a small quantity of concrete,

(b) Prior approval of the S.O. is given, and
(c) The strength of the concrete is still the responsibility of the Contractor.

When Portland Pulverized-Fuel Ash Cement or Portland Slag Cement is specified to be used, the
concrete mix shall be of designed mix only.

3.1 Prescribed Mix

Prescribed mix shall be as detailed in Table 5. The mix prescribed in the table does not
require the use of admixture.

For small volume concreting work, volume batching is permitted provided prior approval
of the S.O. is obtained. The proportion shall be as specified in Table 5A.

3.2 Designed Mix

Designed mix shall comply with the recommendations of MS1195. The minimum cement
content and maximum free water: cement ratio to be used shall be as shown in Table 6
and this shall supersede Table 14 of BS 5328.

The Contractor shall comply with the following requirements:

a) Notify the S.O. whether the designed mix is to be produced as site mix or ready mix.
b) If the Contractor chooses to use ready mix concrete, he shall notify the S.O. the name of the


Concrete Work
supplier, location of the ready mix plant, journey time taken to transport the concrete
to the Site and production capacity of the plant.
c) Submit a mix design report covering all concrete mixes to the S.O. for approval. The
designed mix shall comply with the requirements specified in Table 6.
d) The Contractor shall ensure that the S.O. be permitted to visit or station his
representative at the plant at any stage of the concrete production.
e) The sampling, making, curing and testing of the cubes shall be carried out by the
Contractor in accordance with MS 30 or as directed by and in the presence of the
S.O. or his representative. Test cubes shall be stored by the S.O. at a secured place.
The Contractor shall provide all facilities in connection therewith.

When Portland Pulverized-Fuel Ash Cement complying with MS 1227 or Portland

Slag Cement complying with MS 1389 is used, depending on the percentage
combination used as allowed by MS 1226 or MS 1387 respectively, it may be necessary to
increase the total cement content to achieve concrete of equal strength development when
compared with concrete using Portland cement complying with MS 522. Tests on
trial mixes shall be carried out in accordance with 3.2.3 and the results shall be approved by
the S.O.

In all cases, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that the designed mix shall
be durable, workable, comply with the strength grade and other requirements as specified in
the Drawings.

3.2.1 Target mean strength

The concrete mix shall be designed to have at least the required minimum cement
content, as specified in Table 6, and to have a target mean strength greater
than the required grade of concrete by at least the current margin.

The current margin for each particular type of concrete shall be determined by the
Contractor and shall be taken as the lesser of:

a) 1.64 times the standard deviation of cube tests on at least 100 separate
batches of concrete of nominally similar proportion of similar
materials and produced over a period not exceeding 12 months by the
same plant under similar supervision, but not less than 2.5 N/mm2 for
concrete, of grade 15 or 3.75 N/mm2 for concrete of grade 20 or above.

b) 1.64 times the standard deviation of cube tests on at least 40 separate

batches of concrete of nominally similar proportions of similar
materials and produced over a period exceeding 5 days but not
exceeding 6 months by the same plant under similar supervision, but
not less than 5 N/mm2 for concrete of grade 15 or 7.5 N/mm2 for
concrete of grade 20 or above.

Where there are insufficient data to satisfy (a) and (b) above, the margin for the initial
mix design shall be taken as 7.5 N/mm2 for concrete of grade 15 and 12 N/mm2 for
concrete of grade 20 or above. This margin shall be used as the current margin
only until sufficient data are available to satisfy (a) or (b) above. However,
subjected to the approval of the S.O., when the specified characteristic strength
approaches the designed target mean strength of concrete made with a
particular aggregate, a smaller margin not less than 5 N/mm2 for concrete of
grade 15 or 7.5 N/mm2 for concrete of grade 20 or above may be used for the
initial mix design.

3.2.2 Suitability of Proposed Mix Proportions

The Contractor shall submit for the approval of the S.O., prior to the supply of
any designed mix, the following information:


Concrete Work
a) The nature and source of each material,
b) Appropriate existing data as evidence of acceptable previous
performance for target mean strength, current margin, workability and
water: cement ratio; OR full details of tests on trial mixes carried out in
accordance with 3.2.3, and
c) The proposed quantities by weight of each material per cubic meter of fully
compacted concrete.

3.2.3 Trial Mixes

Unless otherwise stated and approved by the S.O in writing that the Contractor
has complied with the submission specified in 3.2.2, trial mix shall be carried out.

The Contractor shall give early notice, to enable the S.O. to be present at the
making of trial mixes and preliminary testing of the cubes. The Contractor shall
prepare trial mixes, using samples of approved material typical of those he
proposes to use in the Work, for all grades to the approval of the S.O. prior
to commencement of concreting.

Sampling and testing procedures shall be in accordance with MS 26. Three

separate batches of concrete shall be made. The workability of each of the three trial
batches determined by means of the slump test or compacting factor test
or vebe consistometer test or as specified in accordance with MS 26,
shall be appropriate to the proposed uses and methods of placing and compaction of
the mix and shall be approved by the S.O. Six cubes shall be made from each
batch. Three from each set of six shall be tested at an age of 7 days and three at an age
of 28 days. The average strength of the nine cubes tested at 28 days shall
exceed the specified characteristic strength by the current margin minus 3.5 N/mm2.
The approved trial mixes shall then be designated as the ‘designed mix’ and
its corresponding workability as the ‘designed workability’.

During production, the S.O. may require additional trial mixes to be made before a
substantial change is made in the materials or in the proportion of the material to be
used. Trial mixes need not be carried out when adjustments are made to the mix
proportions in accordance with 3.2.4.

3.2.4 Control Strength of Designed Mixes

a) Adjustment to Mix Proportions

Adjustment to mix proportions shall be made to the approval of the

S.O. in order to minimise the variability of strength and to maintain the target
mean strength. The specified limits of minimum cement content and
maximum free water: cement ratio shall be maintained. Changes in
cement have to be declared.

An increase or reduction of cement content by greater than 20 kg/ m³,

or of fine aggregate by greater than 5%, or any changes in the type or
dosage of admixture, or any changes in the type of cement, or
consistency is considered a change in mix design.

b) Change in Current Margin

A change in current margin used for judging compliance with specified

characteristic strength becomes appropriate when results of a
sufficiently large number of tests show that the previously established
margin is significantly too large or too small.

Recalculation of the margin shall be carried out in accordance with

3.2.1. Although a recalculated margin is almost certain to differ numerically


Concrete Work
from the previous value, the adoption of the recalculated value will not
generally be justified if the two values differ by less than 18% when
based on tests on 40 separate batches or less than 11% when
based on tests on 100 separate batches or less than 5% when based on
tests on 500 separate batches.

On the adoption of a recalculated margin, it shall become the current margin

for the judgment of compliance with the specified characteristic strength of
concrete produced subsequent to the change.

3.3 Requirements for Concrete

3.3.1 Workability

The workability of the fresh concrete shall be judged by its suitability for the
condition of handling and placing so that after compaction, it surrounds all
reinforcement, tendons and ducts and completely fills the formwork.

Workability of the concrete shall be within one of the following limits:

i) Slump
± 25mm or ± one third of the ‘designed workability’, whichever is greater.

ii) Compacting Factor

± 0.03 where the ‘designed workability’ is 0.9 or more.
± 0.04 where the ‘designed workability’ is between 0.8 and 0.9.
± 0.05 where the ‘designed workability’ is 0.8 or less.

iii) Vebe
± 3 seconds or ± one fifth of the ‘designed workability’ whichever is

3.3.2 Concrete Grade

The grade of concrete to be used in the work shall be as stated in the Drawings
and /or in the Bill of Quantities.

(Concrete shall be designated as GRADE X/Y where ‘X’ is the numerical value of
the characteristic strength at 28 days in N/mm2, and ‘Y’ is the nominal maximum
size of aggregate in mm. For prescribed mix, a suffix ‘P’ shall be added after ‘X’).

3.3.3 Cement Content

Cement content in this specification shall refer to the total quantities of cement as
approved in 2.1, or the total quantities of cementitious materials comprising Portland
cement and p.f.a or g.g.b.s. Minimum Cement Content

The minimum cement content shall be in accordance with Table 6,

unless otherwise shown in the Drawings. Maximum Cement Content

The maximum cement content shall not exceed 550 kg/ m3 unless
otherwise shown in the Drawings or as approved by the S.O.

3.3.4 Total Chloride Content

The total chloride content of the concrete mix arising from the aggregate or any


Concrete Work
other source shall not in any circumstances exceed the limits in Table 7
expressed as a percentage relationship between chloride ions and weight of
cement in the mix.

When necessary, tests shall be carried out in accordance with BS 1881: Part 124
for each grade of concrete, to demonstrate that these limits are not exceeded.

3.3.5 Maximum Sulphate Content

The total estimated sulphate content of any mix, including that present in the
cement shall not exceed 4% by weight of cement in the mix. Where necessary,
tests shall be carried out in accordance with BS 1881: Part 124 for each grade of
concrete to demonstrate that this limit is not exceeded.

4.0 Concrete Compressive Strength Tests and Compliance

4.1 General

All sampling, curing and testing of concrete, fresh or hardened, shall be carried out in
accordance with MS 26 and the relevant Parts of BS 1881. The compressive strength of
concrete shall be measured by crushing tests on nominal 150mm cubes as specified in
MS 26. Tests shall be carried out in an engineering laboratory approved by the S.O.

4.1.1 Prescribed Mix

A prescribed mix shall be judged on the basis of the specified mix proportions
based on the batches observation. The mix proportion shall be within 5% of the
values specified and the workability shall be chosen to suit the construction
requirements as described in Table 5.

4.1.2 Designed Mix

The characteristic strength of a designed mix concrete is the compressive

strength below which not more than 5% of the test results may be expected to fall.
Compliance with the specified characteristic strength shall be judged by tests made
on cubes at an age of 28 days. The workability shall be as described in 3.3.1.

4.2 Sampling and Testing

Notwithstanding this, compressive strength tests shall be carried out during the progress of
Work. The rate of sampling shall be as specified in 4.3. For each sampling, three cubes
shall be made from a single sample taken from a randomly selected batch of concrete. The
sample shall be taken at the point of discharge from the mixer or, in the case of ready mixed
concrete, at the point of discharge from the delivery vehicle. All cubes shall be clearly
marked with undeletable paint with the date of casting and serial number. A record
shall be kept to identify each cube by date and by serial number relating to the part of the work
from which they are taken.

One cube from each sample batch shall be tested for the 7-day compressive strength. The
remaining two cubes from the sample batch shall be tested for the 28-day compressive

4.3 Rate of Sampling for Testing

The indicative sampling rate shall be as follows:

a) One sample per 10.0 m3 or every group of 10 batches for critical structures e.g.
prestressed concrete, masts, cantilevers, columns, footing, pile caps, shear wall,
retaining wall.


Concrete Work
b) One sample per 20.0m3 or every group of 20 batches e.g. slabs, beams.

c) One sample per 50.0 m3 or every group of 50 batches e.g. raft foundation and
mass concrete.

Notwithstanding the above, a minimum of two samples shall be taken on each concreting
day for a particular grade and source of concrete for prescribed mix.

However, for designed mix, at least four samples (12 cubes) shall be taken of concrete on
the first day of concreting for each grade of concrete to be used in the Work, irrespective of the
volume of concrete produced or the sampling rate. Subsequent rate of sampling shall be at
least one sample from each source of production on each day that concrete of any
particular grade is used.

The actual rate of sampling may be increased in appropriate circumstances e.g. for
critical elements, when required by the S.O.

4.4 Cubes Strength at 7 Days

One cube from each sample batch shall be tested for the 7-day compressive strength.
The cube compressive strength shall not fall below the corresponding values given in Table 8
for prescribed mix, and two-third of the 28-day compressive strength for designed mix.

4.5 Cube Strength at 28 days and Compliance Requirements

The remaining two cubes from the sample batch shall be tested for the 28-day
compressive strength.

4.5.1 Prescribed Mix

The appropriate strength requirement shall be considered complied if at least one of

the following conditions is satisfied with:

a) None of the two test cubes is below the specified compressive strength
as specified in Table 8
b) The average strength of the two test cubes is not less than the specified
compressive strength and the difference between the two strengths is
not more than 20% of the average.

4.5.2 Designed Mix

The average strength of the two cubes shall constitute the 28-day compressive
strength of the sample. When the difference between the two results divided by their
mean exceeds 15%, the test results shall be deemed invalid.

For compliance purposes of the specified compressive strength, both of the following
conditions shall be satisfied:

a) The mean strength determined from the first two, three or four consecutive
test results, or from any group of four consecutive test results complies
with the appropriate limits in column A of Table 8A. In this respect,
consecutive samples are samples taken at intervals for the day of concreting or
one complete continuous process of concreting.
b) Any individual test result complies with the appropriate limits in column B of
Table 8A.

4.6 Tests for Consistency

While work on concreting is in progress, tests on workability of the mix shall be carried out at
suitable interval and in addition whenever any materials or the proportions of the mix


Concrete Work
are changed, or when directed by the S.O. The test shall consist of the Slump test, the
Compacting Factor test or Vebe test where applicable as described in MS 26. The workability
shall be as described in 3.3.1.

4.7 Action to be taken in the Event of Non Compliance

In the event that the compressive strength results of the test do not meet the specified
requirements mentioned in 4.4 and 4.5, or otherwise arising from the result of the statistical analysis
carried out in 4.11, the S.O. shall determine the action to be taken.

If the 7-day strength is less than the specified strength requirements, no more concrete
shall be placed on the suspect concrete and no removal of propping on the affected area
shall be allowed until the 28-day strength result compliance is available, or unless
otherwise approved by the S.O in writing.

For non-compliance of 28-day compressive strength, the section of work represented by the
samples which fail the test carried out in accordance with 4.5 shall be removed. However, in the
event of non-compliance arising from the result of the statistical analysis carried out in 4.11 for the
designed mix, the whole of work represented by the samples used in the analysis shall be removed.
The work shall be replaced by concrete meeting with this specification. For the case of designed
mix, the Contractor shall redesign his mix based on an increased target mean strength.

Alternatively, the S.O may direct other measures to be taken to make the works secure. The S.O
may instruct that additional tests be carried out on the hardened concrete to determine the quality
of the suspected concrete. The test may include non-destructive methods (MS 26), taking
cored samples (MS 26), load test or combination of several methods. The results shall
be assessed in accordance with BS 6089. The results of any such tests shall not nullify
the establishment of non-compliance with 4.5.

All works instructed under this clause shall be at the Contractor’s expense and no extension
of time shall be granted for such works.

4.8 Other Failures

All defective concrete works such as badly constructed concrete members with poor
alignment and plumb, honeycombing, badly formed surfaces, and failure during
construction such as sagging of beams and slabs shall be removed and made good or
otherwise rectified in accordance with the S.O.’s instruction at the Contractor’s expense.

4.9 Additional Cubes

Additional cubes may be required for various purposes. These shall be made and tested
in accordance with MS26 but the methods of sampling and the conditions under which
the cubes are stored shall be varied according to the purpose for which they are required.

For determining the cube strength of prestressed concrete before transfer or of concrete
in a member before striking formwork, sampling shall be at the point of placing and the
cubes shall be stored under the same conditions as the concrete in the members.

The extra cubes shall be identified at the time of marking and shall not be used for normal
quality control or compliance procedures.

4.10 Recording of Test Results

All concrete cube test results and summary shall be recorded using appropriate forms in
a manner and format approved by the S.O. The 7-day and 28-day strength results shall
be recorded separately with its corresponding cement content obtained from the batching
record submitted during delivery (if ready mix concrete is used) of fresh concrete. The
corresponding workability shall also be recorded.


Concrete Work
Changes to sources of materials, concrete supplier, current margin, target mean strength,
cement content or any other such changes to the parameters of the concrete mix, shall
also be recorded separately. All records shall be duly verified jointly between the S.O or
his Representative and the Contractor.

The records shall be analysed to meet the following compliance requirements as

stipulated in 4.5:

a. The individual test result and the average values obtained from the samples
noting the validity values and to comply with column A of Table 8A.

b. The group test results and analyse the mean values to comply with column B of
Table 8A.

4.11 Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis shall be carried out based on the test results recorded in 4.10. The
Contractor shall submit to the S.O, the following analysis:

a) Running analysis of group test results and the mean values plotted for normal
distribution graph. Standard deviation (S.D) is then calculated. The value of S.D
obtained, when multiplying with 1.64 (statistical constant complying with MS
1195) will give the value of the current margin.

b) The current margin value should not fall below the designed current margin
specified when performing the earlier trial mix. If the current margin falls below
the designed value, the S.O may inspect the plant supplying the concrete,
instruct the Contractor to redesign his mix and to take appropriate action as per

5.0 Production of Concrete

5.1 Supervision

The Contractor shall ensure the required standard of control over materials and
workmanship. The S.O. shall be afforded all reasonable opportunities and facilities to
inspect the constituent materials and the production of concrete and to take samples for

5.2 Batching and Mixing

The quantities of cement, fine aggregate and various sizes of coarse aggregate shall be
measured by weight unless otherwise approved by the S.O. A separate weighing
machine shall be provided for weighing the cement. Alternatively, the cement may be
measured by using a whole number of bags in each batch. The quantity of water shall be
measured by volume or by weight. Any solid admixtures to be added shall be measured
by weight; liquid or paste admixtures shall be measured by volume or weight.

The batch weight of aggregate shall be adjusted to allow for the moisture content of the
aggregate being used. All measuring equipment shall be calibrated on site or their
calibration status established by certificates from accredited laboratories.

The mixer shall comply with the requirements of BS 1305 where applicable. The mixing
time shall be not less than two minutes and not more than five minutes or any other time
recommended by the mixer manufacturer after all the ingredients have been placed in the

Mixers that have been out of use for more than 30 minutes shall be thoroughly cleaned
before any fresh concrete is mixed. Unless otherwise agreed by the S.O., the first batch


Concrete Work
of concrete through the mixer shall contain only two thirds of the normal quantity of
coarse aggregate. The mixer shall be thoroughly cleaned before changing from one type
of cement to another.

The water content of each batch of concrete may be adjusted so as to produce concrete
of the workability required. However care shall be taken to ensure the free water: cement
ratio is maintained. The total amount of water added to the mix shall be recorded.

5.3 Ready Mixed Concrete

Ready mixed concrete is concrete produced by a third party supplier for delivery to a
Contractor in a plastic state. The materials of the concrete are batched, either dry or wet,
at a control plant and transported in purpose-made agitators operating continuously or
truck mixers to the Site.

Ready mixed concrete shall comply with the requirements of designed mix as in clause
3.2 and MS 523. All concrete materials, including water and admixtures shall be mixed in the
plant and delivered to Site in purpose made truck mixers. No extra water or admixtures are allowed
to be added after the concrete has left the plant.

Ready mixed concrete delivered to the Site shall be accompanied by delivery ticket and
manufacturer's batching record stating the details of mix proportions by weight, the grade of
concrete, type and size of aggregate, date and time of loading at plant, type and dosage
of chemical admixtures and other relevant production details in suitable format, failing
which the S.O, or his representative, shall immediately reject the total load of the concrete.
The S.O, or his representative, and the contractor shall ensure the information provided in the
delivery tickets and the manufacturer’s batching record complies with the details of the
approved ‘designed mix’ and its corresponding ‘designed workability’ as in 3.2.3 before
discharging the concrete.

Rejected concrete shall be removed from the Site. The delivery ticket shall be marked

5.4 Transporting

Concrete shall be transported from the mixer to the formwork as rapidly as practicable by
methods, which will prevent segregation or loss of any constituents or ingress of foreign
matter or water and maintain the required workability. It shall be deposited as near as
practicable in its final position to avoid rehandling or moving the concrete horizontally by
vibration. The concrete shall be conveyed by chutes or concrete pumps only with
permission from the S.O.

5.5 Placing

5.5.1 Placing of Concrete in Dry Condition

For all concrete whether mixed on or off the site of the Work, each batch shall be
placed and compacted within two (2) hours of adding the cement to the dry
aggregates and within 45 minutes (or any other period of time based on the trial
mix as per 2.4, 3.2.3 and approved by the S.O. if an admixture is used) of adding
water to the cement and aggregate. Concrete shall not be placed in any part of
the structure until the approval of the S.O. has been obtained. If concreting is
not started within 24 hours of approval given, approval shall again be obtained
from the S.O.

All formwork and reinforcement contained in it shall be clean and free from
standing water immediately before the placing of concrete. Concreting shall be
carried out continuously between and up to predetermined construction joints in
one sequence of operation. It shall be thoroughly compacted by either hand
tamping or mechanical vibration or both and shall be thoroughly worked into the


Concrete Work
corners. After tamping into place the concrete shall not be subjected to
disturbance other than such as incidental to compaction by vibration. In the event
of unavoidable stoppage in positions not predetermined, the concreting shall be
terminated on a horizontal plane and against vertical surfaces by the use of stop
boards. The location for termination shall be subjected to the approval of the

Fresh concrete shall not be placed against in-situ concrete which has been in
position for more than 45 minutes (or any other period of time based on the trial
mix as per 2.4, 3.2.3 and approved by the S.O. if an admixture is used) unless a
construction joint is formed in accordance with sub-section 6.1. When in-situ
concrete has been in place for four hours, no further concrete shall be placed
against it for a further 20 hours. Where retarding admixture has been used, the
S.O. may approve variation to this limit.

Except where otherwise approved by the S.O., concrete shall be deposited in

horizontal layers to a compacted depth not exceeding 450 mm when internal
vibrators are used or 300 mm in all other cases. The surface of the concrete shall
be maintained reasonably level during placing.

Concrete shall not be dropped into place from a height exceeding 1.5 meters.
However, higher drops may be allowed provided the mix has been well designed
and proportioned. When trunking or chutes are used, they shall be kept clean
and used in such a manner as to avoid segregation.

The Contractor shall maintain an experienced steel fixer at the site of reinforced
concrete works during the placing of concrete to reposition any reinforcement
which may be displaced.

5.5.2 Placing of Concrete Under Water

No concrete shall be placed in flowing water. Underwater concrete if deemed

unavoidable, shall be placed in position by Tremie pipes from the mixer.
Concrete to be placed under water shall be of an approved mix with the amount
of cement increased by 20%. During and after concreting under water, pumping
or dewatering operations in the immediate vicinity shall be suspended until the
S.O. permits them to continue. Where the concrete is placed by a Tremie pipe,
the following requirements shall be applicable: -

i) The hopper and tremie pipe shall be a closed system. The bottom of the
Tremie pipe shall be kept as far as practicable beneath the surface of
the placed concrete.

ii) The tremie pipe shall be large enough with due regard to the size of
aggregate. For 20 mm aggregates, the Tremie pipe shall be of a
diameter not less than 150 mm and for larger aggregates, a bigger
diameter Tremie pipe approved by the S.O. shall be used.

iii) Unless otherwise agreed by the S.O., the first charge of concrete shall
be placed with a sliding plug pushed down the Tremie pipe ahead of it to
prevent mixing of concrete and water.

iv) The Tremie pipe shall always penetrate well into the concrete with an
adequate margin of safety against accidental withdrawal if the pipe is
surged to discharge the concrete.

v) The concrete shall be deposited wholly by Tremie pipe and the method
of deposition shall not be changed part way up to prevent the laitance
from being entrapped within the structure.


Concrete Work
vi) All Tremie pipes shall be properly cleaned after use.

5.6 Placement Temperature

Placement temperature shall comply with MS 1195 to prevent premature setting and loss of
water during placing of concrete in the formwork and the following precautions shall be taken:

a) At the time of placing, no part of the concrete shall have a temperature

exceeding 36oC. This may be achieved by cooling the water and aggregate prior to mixing.

b) Concrete shall not be placed in forms or around reinforcement whose temperature

exceeds 36oC. This can be achieved by providing shading or other means to
protect from direct sunlight.

c) Freshly placed concrete shall be protected from direct sunlight and from loss of moisture by
covering, shading or other means.

d) No concrete shall be placed when the air temperature at the point of deposition
exceeds 36oC

However, higher temperatures may be allowed provided it can be proven that it shall not
result in any detrimental effect to the concrete work.

5.7 Compaction

Unless otherwise approved by the S.O., concrete shall be thoroughly compacted by

vibration and thoroughly worked around the reinforcement, tendons or duct formers,
around embedded fixtures and into corners of the formwork to form a dense,
homogenous mass, free from voids and which will have the required surface finish when
the formwork is removed. Vibration shall be applied continuously during the placing of
each batch of concrete until the expulsion of air has practically ceased and in a manner
which does not promote segregation of the ingredients.

The concrete maintained between the two walls of formwork shall be compacted by
internal or external vibrators. Concrete in slabs with no formwork on its upper surface
shall be compacted either by vibrators of the pan type or by a vibrating screen.

The internal vibrators shall be inserted and withdrawn slowly and at a uniform pace of
approximately 100 mm per second. Compaction shall be deemed to be completed when
cement mortar appears in an annulus around the vibrator. Over vibration leading to
segregation of the mix must be avoided. The internal vibrators shall be inserted at points
judged by the area of mortar showing after compaction, with a certain allowance made for
overlapping and they shall not be allowed to come into contact with the formwork or the
reinforcement and shall be inserted at a distance of not less than 75 mm from the

The pan vibrator shall be placed on the surface of the concrete, which shall have
previously been tamped and leveled leaving an allowance in height for compaction until
the cement mortar appears under the pan. The vibrator shall then be lifted and placed on
the adjoining surface and this operation shall be repeated until the whole surface has
been compacted. Alternatively, a vibrating screen spanning the full width of the surface
may also be used.

Whenever vibration has to be applied externally, the design of formwork and disposition
of vibration shall receive special consideration to ensure efficient compaction and to avoid
surface blemishes. The vibration shall be such that there will be no excess water on the
top surface on completion of compaction.

External vibrators shall be firmly secured to the formwork which must be sufficiently rigid
to transmit the vibration and strong enough not to be damaged by it.


Concrete Work
Internal vibrators shall be capable of operating at not less than 10,000 cycles per minute
and external vibrators at not less than 3,000 cycles per minute. Sufficient vibrators in
serviceable condition shall be on Site so that spare equipment is always available in the
event of breakdowns. Vibrators shall be operated by workmen skilled in their use.

Concrete shall not be subjected to any disturbance within 24 hours after compaction. No
standing or flowing water shall be allowed to come into contact with exposed concrete
surfaces during the first two (2) hours after placing and compaction of the concrete.

In the event where inadequate or improper compaction is suspected, the S.O. has the
right to inspect and to carry out further tests. The tests may include non-destructive and
destructive methods. All expenses incurred in carrying out such sampling, testing and
remedial works shall be borne by the Contractor irrespective of whether the tests prove
the structure to be sound or otherwise.

5.8 Curing and Protection

All concrete work shall be cured for the full period of curing which shall not be less than five (5)
days for F1, F2, F3 and F4 surfaces, but not less than three (3) days for F11, F12, F13,
F14 and F15 surfaces.

Curing and protection shall start immediately after compaction of the concrete to
protect it from:

a) Impact damage such as shock, overloading or falling earth which may disrupt the
concrete and interface with its bond to reinforcements.

b) Premature drying out from direct sunlight and wind.

c) Leaching out by rain and flowing water.

d) High internal thermal gradients.

5.8.1 Normal Curing And Protection

Concrete, after it is placed and until the expiration of the curing duration, shall not be
allowed to dry out. Provision shall be made for adequate protection against direct sunlight
and wind to allow the process of curing to complete within the specified period.

Curing and protection shall be accomplished by covering the exposed

concrete surface with an impermeable material such as polyethylene sheet,
which should be well sealed and fastened and if required, this treatment can
be continued efficiently throughout the whole period of curing.

When the concrete has attained its final set, one of the following curing methods shall
be adopted:

a) Water curing shall be accomplished by keeping the surface of the

concrete continuously wet by ponding with water.

b) Curing may be accomplished by sealing in the water as specified

above by covering with an approved waterproofed curing paper or
plastic sheeting laid with airtight joints. It must be securely positioned to prevent
displacement by wind and protected from tearing or other injury.

The use of other methods of curing may be deemed necessary when the concrete is
subjected to high internal thermal gradient, or with large exposed surface area. The
Contractor shall submit a method statement to the approval of the S.O.
In the event where the Contractor does not do proper curing, the S.O. has the


Concrete Work
right to inspect and to carry out further tests which may include destructive
methods. All expenses incurred in carrying out such sampling, testing and
remedial works shall be borne by the Contractor irrespective of whether the tests
proved the structure to be sound or otherwise.

5.8.2 Accelerated Curing

Elevated temperature curing may be used only with Ordinary Portland Cement.
After the completion of the placing of concrete, four (4) hours shall elapse before
its temperature is raised, unless the Contractor is able to prove that curing can
start earlier by furnishing all the relevant supporting data to the S.O. The rise in
temperature within any period of 30 minutes shall not exceed 10oC and
maximum temperature attained shall not exceed 70oC unless it can be proven
that any deviation from this provision shall not result in any detrimental effect to
the concrete work. The rate of subsequent cooling shall not exceed the rate of
heating. The use of accelerated curing methods for concrete containing other
types of cement or any admixture or any additional materials shall be to the
approval of the S.O.

6.0 Construction with Concrete

6.1 Construction Joints

The position and detail of any construction joints not described in the Drawings shall be to
the approval of the S.O. and shall be so arranged as to minimise the possibility of the
occurrence of shrinkage cracks.

If for any reason the Contractor has to interrupt a planned pour for more than 45 minutes
(or any other period of time based on the trial mix as per 2.4, 3.2.3 and approved by the S.O.
if an admixture is used), additional construction joints shall be positioned and constructed
as directed by the S.O.

The number of construction joints shall be kept as few as possible consistent with
reasonable precautions against shrinkage. Concreting shall be carried out continuously
up to construction joints. The joints shall be at right angles to the general direction of the
member and shall take due account of shear and other stresses.

Concrete shall not be allowed to run to a feather edge and vertical joints shall be formed
against a stop board. The top surface of a layer of concrete shall be level and flat unless
design considerations make this undesirable. Joint lines shall be so arranged that they
coincide with features of the finished work, wherever possible.

At horizontal construction joints, gauge strips about 25 mm width shall be placed inside
the forms along all exposed surfaces to ensure a straight joint on those surfaces.

Where a kicker (i.e., a starter stub) is used for the construction of walls and columns, it
shall be at least 50 mm high, to be constructed monolithically with the base concrete.

Where vertical construction joints are necessary in mass concrete structures, reinforcing
bars shall be placed across the joints so as to make the structure monolithic, all to the
approval of the S.O.

Prior to recommencement of concreting on a joint, the surface of the concrete against

which new concrete will be cast shall be free from laitance and shall be roughened to the
extent that the coarse aggregate is exposed but not disturbed. Care shall be taken to
avoid damaging the lines of the joint. Care shall also be taken that the joint surface is
clean and damp but not wet and the exposed adjoining surfaces shall be of consistent colour.
Immediately before the fresh concrete is placed against the joint, fresh rich cement mortar
(1:2) shall be applied to the exposed surface.


Concrete Work
Where the S.O. considers that special preparation is necessary, e.g. for an in-situ
structural connection, preparation shall be carried out, preferably when the concrete has
set but not hardened, by spraying with a fine spray of air and water or brushing with a stiff
brush sufficiently to remove the outer mortar skin and expose the larger aggregates
without disturbing them. Where this treatment is impracticable, sand blasting or a needle
gun shall be used to remove the surface skin and laitance. Hardened surfaces shall be
chipped manually or mechanically to be free from laitance and properly roughened to the
extent that the coarse aggregates are being exposed.

6.2 Fixing Blocks, Brackets, Built In Bolts, Holes, Chases, etc.

All fixing blocks, brackets, built in bolts, holes, chases, etc. shall be accurately set out and
formed and carefully sealed prior to the concrete being placed. It is the responsibility of
the Contractor to obtain all such information for these items of work and obtain the
permission of the S.O. before incorporating such work prior to the concrete being placed.

Bolts and other inserts to be cast into the concrete shall be securely fixed to the formwork
in such a way that they are not displaced during the concreting operations and that there
is no loss of materials from the wet concrete through holes in the formwork.

Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings or instructed by the S.O., reinforcement shall be
locally moved so that the minimum specified cover is maintained at the locations of
inserts, holes, chases, etc. In the event where the minimum cover cannot be maintained,
the Contractor shall take the necessary precautions to protect the reinforcements against
corrosion by applying an approved coating materials to the reinforcements and the
concrete cover.

Temporary plugs shall be removed and the threads of built in bolts shall be cleaned and
greased before handing over any part of the Work.

6.3 Precast Concrete Construction

6.3.1 Manufacture off Site

After the method of manufacture has been approved, no changes shall be made
without the approval of the S.O.

The Contractor shall inform the S.O. in advance of the date of commencement of
manufacture and casting of each type of precast concrete component.

When the S.O. requires tests to be carried out, none of the precast concrete
components to which the tests relate shall be dispatched to the site until the tests
have been completed and the results approved by the S.O.

All precast concrete components shall be indelibly marked to show the

identification marking as specified in the Drawings, the production batch on
which they were manufactured and the date on which the concrete was cast. If
the components are symmetrical, the face that will be uppermost when the
member is in its correct position in the work shall be clearly identified.

6.3.2 Storage

When the precast concrete components are stored, they shall be firmly
supported only at the points specified in the Drawings. No accumulation of
trapped water and deleterious matter shall be allowed in the components. Care
shall be taken to avoid rust staining and efflorescence.

The precast concrete components shall be stacked in such a manner that their
removal in correct order of age is facilitated.


Concrete Work
6.3.3 Handling and Transport

The precast concrete components shall be lifted only at points specified in the
Drawings or otherwise approved by the S.O. and shall be handled and placed
without impact. The method of lifting, the type of equipment and transport to be
used, and the minimum age of the components to be handled shall be to the
approval of the S.O.

6.3.4 Assembly and Erection

The method of assembly and erection specified in the Drawings shall be strictly
adhered to on site.

Immediately a unit of precast concrete component is in position, and before the

lifting equipment is removed, temporary supports or connections between
components as necessary, shall be provided. The final structural connections
shall be completed as soon as is practicable.

6.3.5 Forming Structural Connections

For structural purposes, cement mortar shall compose of one (1) part of cement
to one (1) part of sand (1:1), mixed with water so that the free water: cement ratio
does not exceed 0.4 by weight and cement grout shall have a water: cement
ratio between 0.4 and 0.6, or such other proportions as shall be directed by the

No structural connections shall be made until approval has been given by the

Unless otherwise approved by the S.O., the composition and the free water:
cement ratio of the in-situ concrete or mortar used in any connection and the
packing of joints shall be in accordance with the assembly instructions.

Levelling devices shall be released or removed only with the approval of the S.O.

Non load bearing joints between precast concrete components and adjoining
structures shall be filled with appropriate grout and/or mortar protected by
proprietary sealants and backing rod. They shall be waterproof.

Load bearing joints and connection shall be grouted, mortar packed or

concreted. The respective mix design shall be free of lime and chloride. They
shall be durable, waterproof, non-shrink and possess a strength higher than that
of precast concrete. Curing for at least three (3) days shall be provided.
Designed mixes shall be submitted to the S.O. for approval.

The method of sampling and testing of grout and mortar shall be carried out
according to MS 26. The compressive strength shall be determined by crushing
test on 100 mm cubes. For each casting day and for each grade of grout and
mortar, three samples shall be taken from three (3) separate batches. Two (2)
cubes shall be cast from each sample for testing at seven (7) and 28 days. The
appropriate strength requirement shall be considered to be satisfied if the
average strength is greater than the specified characteristic strength.

6.3.6 Protection

At all stages of construction, precast concrete components and other concrete

associated therewith shall be properly protected to prevent damage to
permanently exposed surfaces, especially arrises and other decorative features.


Concrete Work
6.4 Permanent Structure Joints.

6.4.1 Expansion joints, contraction joints or other permanent structure joints shall be
provided in the positions and constructed and sealed with waterproofing
materials as detailed in the Drawings.

6.4.2 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, all exposed expansion joints shall be
covered with 0.7 mm thick aluminium cover strips fixed with masonry nails at
300mm centers.

6.5 Sealants and Special Materials

6.5.1 General

The installation method and the selection, mixing, application and curing of all
joint waterproofing materials shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations. The Contractor may propose to use alternative joint
waterproofing materials by submitting supporting technical information, test
reports and samples of the proposed waterproofing materials to the S.O. for

6.5.2 Waterproofing Materials

All waterproofing materials used at public access areas shall be protected with
non shrink grout covering.

6.5.3 Waterstops

Waterstops shall be as specified in the Drawings and shall be installed and butt
jointed according to BS 8007 and the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Waterstops shall be securely positioned in the formwork to prevent displacement
during concreting.

6.5.4 Two-part Polysulphide or Two-part Polyurethane Sealant

Two-part Polysulphide or two-part polyurethane sealant for external use shall

comply with the following requirements:
(a) Conformance to BS 4254
(b) Minimum joint movement capacity of ± 27.5% of joint width at 27.5oC;
(c) Shore ‘A’ Hardness of 25 ± at 27.5oC;
(d) Resistance to dilute acids, alkali and all kind of fuel.

6.5.5 Preformed Flexible Strip Sealant

Preformed flexible strip sealant shall comply with the following requirements: -
a) Shall only be used in horizontal joints and be subjected to pressure
throughout its length;
b) Good adhesion;
c) Water resistant;
d) Non-staining.

6.5.6 Bitumen/Rubber Cold Applied Membrane

Bitumen/rubber cold applied membrane shall comply with the following

requirements: -
a) Minimum joint movement capacity of ±10% of joint width at 27.5oC;
b) 90% solid content;
c) Resistant to dilute acid and alkali.


Concrete Work
6.5.7 Hot-Poured Rubber/Bitumen Sealing Compound

Hot-poured rubber/bitumen sealing compound shall comply with BS 2499.

6.5.8 Bituminous Sheeting

Bituminous sheeting with non asbestos fibre shall comply with the following
a) Resistant to lime water (no visual effect after two weeks immersion);
b) Maximum water absorption of 10% of dry weight;
c) Minimum tensile strength of 50 kg/cm²;
d) Ozone and ultraviolet resistant.

6.5.9 Neoprene Bearing Pads

Neoprene bearing pads shall comply with the following requirements:

a) Shore ‘A’ Hardness of 60 ± 5 at 27.5oC;
b) Minimum rupture strength of 105 kg/cm²;
c) Minimum rupture elongation of 300%.

6.5.10 Polyurethane Foam Backing Rods

Polyurethane foam backing rods used as sealant stops in panel joints shall have
the following properties: -
a) Minimum compressibility of 75% of original volume at 27.5oC;
b) Excellent resilient properties;
c) Density between 35 kg/cm³ and 45 kg/cm³;
d) Total resistance to common acids, lubricants and detergents;
e) Total resistance to water infiltration by capillary action;
f) Suitability for up to 70oC.

7.0 Steel Reinforcement

7.1 General

The Work shall consist of furnishing and placing reinforcing steel in accordance with this
specification and in conformity with the Drawings or as directed by the S.O.

7.2 Materials

Hot rolled mild steel and high yield bars shall comply with the requirements of MS 146.
Cold worked steel bars shall comply with the requirements of BS 4461. Hard drawn mild
steel wire shall comply with the requirements of MS 144.

Steel fabric reinforcement shall comply with the requirements of MS 145 and shall be
delivered to the Site in flat sheets, unless otherwise specified.

Dowel bars shall be plain, round bars conforming to the requirements of MS 146. They
shall be free from burring or other deformations restricting slippage in the concrete. Dowel
bar sleeves used for debonding shall be of approved synthetic material. The closed end
of the sleeve shall be filled with 25 mm thick compressible foam fillers and the sleeve
shall fit tightly over the length of the bar to be debonded.

Before any reinforcement steel is brought to Site, the Contractor shall furnish the mill
certificates of tests and these shall be submitted for acceptance by the S.O. In addition the
Contractor shall on request, furnish the S.O. with a test sheet from approved laboratories
for any batch of bars, giving the results of each of the mechanical tests and/or chemical
composition analysis required under the Malaysian Standards or any equivalent
international standards approved by the S.O. The specified characteristic strength of steel


Concrete Work
reinforcement shall be as given in Table 9.

During the course of the work, any reinforcement found to be not in accordance with the
Malaysian Standards or British Standards may be rejected by the S.O. notwithstanding
any previous acceptance on the strength of the test certificates. The S.O. may call for
additional tests to be made at the Contractor’s expense on samples taken from the batch
of the defective reinforcement. If the samples do not comply with the Malaysian
Standards or British Standards, then the S.O. may reject the whole batch and instruct its
removal from the Site.

Steel reinforcement shall be stored in clean and dry conditions. When placed in the work
it shall be clean and free from loose rust, mill scale, oil, grease, paint, dirt or anything
which may reduce its bond with concrete. If directed by the S.O., the steel bars shall be
brushed or otherwise cleaned before use, at the Contractor’s expense.

Binding wire shall be 1.6 mm diameter soft annealed steel wire complying with the
requirements of BS 1052.

7.3 Construction Methods

7.3.1 Cutting and Bending of Reinforcement

Bars shall be of their correct lengths and bent to the exact shapes required
before being fixed in the work.

Bars shall be cut and bent cold by the application of slow, steady pressure or in
an approved bar-bending machine. Bending at temperatures in excess of 100 oC
may only be carried out with the S.O.’s approval and under his supervision.
Except where otherwise indicated in the Drawings, bars shall be bent and
measured in accordance with BS 4449.

Cold worked and hot rolled bars shall not be straightened or bent again once
having been bent. Where it is necessary to bend the free end of mild steel
reinforcement already cast in the concrete, the internal radius of the bend shall
not be less than twice the diameter of the bar.

Special care shall be taken that the overall length of bars with multiple bends is
accurate and that after bending and fixing in position the bars remain in place
without wrap or twist.

7.3.2 Fixing of Reinforcement

The number, size, length, shape, type and position of all reinforcing bars, links,
spacer bars and other parts of the steel reinforcement, shall be in accordance
with the Drawings.

Reinforcements shall be secured against displacement. Unless specified

otherwise, the actual concrete cover shall be taken as the distance between face
of concrete and the nearest steel surface. All intersecting bars shall be tied
together with binding wire and the ends of the wire shall be turned into the main
body of the concrete.

Reinforcement temporarily left projecting from the concrete at construction or

other joints shall not be bent out of position during the periods in which
concreting is suspended except with the approval of the S.O.

The Contractor shall take particular care that the reinforcement is laid out
correctly in every aspect and temporarily suspended by annealed wire or
supported on concrete blocks or other approved spacers in the forms to prevent
displacement during the placing and compacting of concrete. Links shall tightly


Concrete Work
embrace the longitudinal reinforcement to which they shall be securely wired or
spot welded. The top reinforcement in slabs shall be rigidly supported on mild
steel ‘chairs’ or equivalent spaced in each direction to prevent sagging during

No concrete shall be placed until the reinforcement has been inspected and
approved by the S.O.

7.3.3 Splicing

Joints to reinforcement bars shall be effected by lapping of bars at positions

shown in the Drawings. Where other types of joints are to be used, prior approval
of the S.O shall be obtained and their use shall be strictly in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions, at the positions approved by the S.O.

7.3.4 Supporting and Spacer Blocks

Supporting and spacer blocks required for ensuring that the reinforcement is
correctly positioned shall be as small as possible, consistent with their purpose,
of a shape approved by the S.O., and designed so that they will not overturn
when the concrete is placed.

The nominal size of aggregates used shall be 10mm. The concrete spacers shall
be of at least the same strength and material’s source as the concrete to be
poured. Wires cast in these blocks for the purpose of tying them to the
reinforcement shall be as described in clause 7.2.

Spacers left in situ shall not impair the desired appearance or durability of the
structure by causing spalling, rust staining or allowing the passage of moisture.

Other types of spacers may be used only with the approval of the S.O.

7.3.5 Welding of Reinforcement

Reinforcement in structures shall not be welded except where detailed in the

Drawings or permitted in this specification.

Welding shall be carried out in accordance with BS 5135 and BS 638. Butt welds
shall be of the double V type and two butt weld bond tests shall be carried out on
a specimen prepared to represent each form of the butt welded joint used in
welding the reinforcement and for each position of welding. The method of
making butt weld tests shall be as laid down in BS 709. The specimen shall pass
the test to the approval of the S.O. before using the joint, which the specimen

Welded joints shall not be made at bends in reinforcement. Unless otherwise

approved by the S.O., joints in parallel bars of the principal tensile reinforcement
shall be staggered in the longitudinal direction at a distance not less than the end
anchorage length for the bar.

All welding shall be performed by a competent welder approved by the S.O.

The S.O. shall be informed in advance of when welding is to be carried out so

that he may supervise and inspect the work. Welding shall not be performed in
the field during rain or other adverse conditions.


Concrete Work
8.0 Formwork and Surface Finish For Structure

8.1 Design and Construction

8.1.1 Description

Formwork shall include all temporary or permanent forms required for forming
the concrete, together with all temporary construction required for their support.
The Contractor is deemed to have made a study of the Drawings at tender stage
and is aware of all areas of construction, requiring heavy and specially designed
propping to provide the support and the necessary bracing for the stability of
such propping.

The design and construction of formwork shall be carried out by a competent

person. The Contractor shall identify all critical formwork design and submit the
strength and deflection calculations and Drawings or the proposed design,
certified by a Professional Engineer to the S.O. for prior approval.
Notwithstanding any approval by the S.O. with respect to the design submitted
by the Contractor, the responsibility or the adequacy and safety of the design
shall remain with the Contractor. The Contractor shall also appoint a competent
formwork coordinator whose duties would be similar to those outlined in BS

When the use of proprietary type of formwork is proposed by the Contractor, the
design shall be certified by a Professional Engineer.

The formwork shall be sufficiently rigid and tight to prevent loss of grout or mortar
from the concrete at all stages of construction and shall be appropriate for the
methods of placing and compacting.

Formwork (including supports) shall be sufficiently rigid to maintain the forms in

their correct position, shape, profile and dimensions. The supports shall be
designed to withstand the worst combination of forces due to self weight,
formwork weight, formwork forces, reinforcement weight, wet concrete weight,
construction and wind loads, together with all incidental dynamic effects caused
by placing, vibrating and compacting the concrete. Guidance on these loadings is
given in The Concrete Society Manual Formwork – Guide to good practice, and
in CIRIA Report 108, Concrete Pressure in Formwork, and in BS 5975. Vertical
propping to formwork shall be carried down sufficiently far to provide the
necessary support without overstressing the completed concrete structure.

Metal ties may only be used with the prior approval of the S.O. Where metal ties
are permitted, the use of storey height steel soldiers shall be used to reduce the
number of tie bolts required. Tie bolts with rubber or plastic cone against the form
face are to be used to prevent unsightly grout loss. No metal part of any device
for maintaining formwork in the correct location shall remain permanently within
the specified concrete cover to the reinforcement. Except for ties used for
anchoring void formers, all ties shall be at least 1.2 meters apart and through
bolts will not be permitted on exposed form finished faces. All holes left by ties
shall be made good within one day of the removal of the formwork using a mortar
of the same strength as the cast concrete. Metal ties which allow for holes
through the concrete being cast shall not be permitted to be used in concrete for
water-retaining structure, roof slabs and walls.

The formwork shall be so arranged as to be readily dismantled and removed

from the cast concrete without shock, disturbance or damage. Where necessary,
the formwork shall be so arranged that the soffit form, properly supported, can be
retained in position for such period as may be required by the condition of the
maturing concrete or the specification. If a component is to be prestressed whilst
still resting on the soffit form, provision shall be made to allow for elastic


Concrete Work
deformation and any variation in weight distribution. As far as practicable,
formwork joints shall coincide with construction joints.

8.1.2 Form Lining

The type and treatment of any lining (plywood, metal, plastic, Controlled
Permeability Formwork liner etc.) of the forms shall be appropriate to the
concrete finish required.

The Controlled Permeability Formwork (CPF) liner shall have the following
i. The requirement for a special finish shall be as for traditional formwork
finishes except that the formwork shall be covered by a CPF liner.

ii. CPF liner shall be used on all surfaces as detailed on the Drawings.

iii. The CPF liner shall be a Water Bylaws Scheme – Approved Product for
use with potable water in accordance with BS 6920.

iv. The CPF liner shall have the following properties:

a) Compression of less than 10% under a pressure 200kPa.
b) Maximum pore size of less than 0.030mm.
c) Minimum water retention capacity of 0.35 litres per square
d) Result in bleed water from the liner which is free from cement
and fine aggregate particles.

v. The concrete cast against the CPF liner shall have an even uniformly
textured matt finish and shall be free of blowholes and other surface
blemishes. The use of the CPF liner shall meet the following
performance requirements which should be demonstrated by the supply
of test certificate:
a) The mean surface strength for the CPF cast face shall exceed that
for the control face by at least 70%.
b) The mean 10 minute ISAT result for the CPF cast face shall be not
more than 15% of that for the control face.
c) The mean depth of carbonation for the CPF cast face shall be not
more than 15% of that for the control face.
d) The mean concentration of chlorides at a depth of 11mm from the
CPF cast face shall be not more than 15% of that for the control

vi. The CPF liner shall be used once only. Release agents shall not be
used with the liner and any residual release agent remaining on forms
from previous use shall be removed.

vii. To ensure conformity with the performance requirements, the CPF liner
is to be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s technical guidelines.

viii. The CPF liner shall unless otherwise directed, be left in place on the
concrete after formwork removal for the curing period specified by the
S.O. It shall be kept wet and covered with plastic sheeting to promote
efficient curing.

8.1.3 Projecting Reinforcement, Fixing Devices

Where holes are needed in form to accommodate projecting reinforcement or

fixing devices, care shall be taken to prevent loss of grout when concreting or
damage when removing forms.


Concrete Work
8.2 Surface Finishes for Concrete

8.2.1 Control of Colour

When specified in the Drawings, the Contractor shall obtain each constituent
material from a single consistent source. The aggregates shall be free of any
impurities that may cause staining. The mix proportions and the grading,
particularly of the fine aggregate, shall be maintained constant. The same type of
plywood or timber shall be used in formwork throughout similar exposed areas.

8.2.2 Formed Surfaces

Formed concrete surfaces shall have one of the following classes of finish.
Unless otherwise specified, all exposed concrete surfaces shall be of Class F12,
all unexposed surfaces shall be of Class F1. Other classes of finishes shall be
used only where shown in the Drawings:

(a) Class F1

This finish shall be obtained by the use of properly designed forms of

closely joined sawn timber or other approved material. Small blemishes
caused by entrapped air or water may be expected but the surface shall
be free from voids and honeycombing.

(b) Class F2

This finish shall be obtained by the use of properly designed forms of

closely jointed wrought boards, approved plywood or other approved
material. Only very minor surface blemishes shall occur, with no staining
or discolouration.

(c) Class F3

This finish shall be obtained by the use of properly designed steel forms
or plastic coated plywood or wrought boards or other approved material.
The surface shall be improved by carefully removing all fins and other
projections, thoroughly washing down and then filling the most
noticeable surface blemishes with a cement and fine aggregate paste to
match the colour of the original concrete. Form release agents shall be
carefully chosen to ensure that the surface shall not be stained or

After the concrete has been properly cured, the surface shall be rubbed
down where necessary, to produce a smooth and even surface.

(d) Class F4

The requirements for Class F4 are as for Class F3 except that internal
ties and embedded metal parts will be permitted. The ties shall be
positioned only in rebates, or in other positions as shown in the
Drawings or as agreed by the S.O.

(e) Class F11

The requirements for Class F11 surface finish are identical to those for
Class F1 except that it shall be achieved using Controlled Permeability


Concrete Work
(f) Class F12

The requirements for Class F12 surface finish are identical to those for
Class F2 except that it shall be achieved using Controlled Permeability

(g) Class F13

The requirements for Class F13 surface finish are identical to those for
Class F3 except that it shall be achieved using Controlled Permeability

(h) Class F14

The requirements for Class F14 surface finish are identical to those for
Class F4 except that it shall be achieved using Controlled Permeability

(i) Class F15

The requirements for Class F15 are as for Class F4 except that plywood
shutters lined with an approved patterned formliner shall be used to
produce a patterned profile finish. Where possible, full height formliners
shall be employed so that no horizontal joints in the liners are required.
Tie holes shall be spaced so that they occur at overlap joints in the lining

8.2.3 Unformed surfaces

(a) Class U1

The concrete shall be uniformly levelled and screeded to produce a

plain, ridged or broom roughened surface. No further work shall be
applied to the surface unless it is used as the first stage for a Class U2
or Class U3 finish.

(b) Class U2

After the concrete has hardened sufficiently, the concrete Class U1

surface shall be floated by hand or machine to produce a uniform
surface free from screed marks.

(c) Class U3

When the moisture film has disappeared and the concrete has hardened
sufficiently to prevent laitance from being worked to the surface, a Class
U1 surface shall be steel-trowelled under firm pressure to produce a
dense, smooth uniform surface free from trowel marks.

(d) Class U4

This finish is for surfaces that are to receive waterproofing systems.

The concrete shall be levelled and floated to produce a uniform surface

and immediately before the waterproofing operation this surface shall be
water jetted or grit blasted to provide a lightly textured finish.

The finished surface shall not deviate from the required profile by more
than 5mm over a 3m gauge length or have any abrupt irregularities of
more than 3mm.


Concrete Work
8.2.4 Trial Panels for Exposed Form Finished Surfaces

In order to ensure that the specified formed finishes can be obtained by the
method of construction proposed and to provide a standard by which the finishes
in the Works can be assessed, trial panels shall be cast on Site. These panels
shall be subjected to the S.O.’s approval before similar casting is permitted in the

The trial panels shall employ the materials, plant and concrete mix proposed for
the Works. They shall be at least a storey height and 1m wide. They shall be of
similar thickness and similarly reinforced as the elements they represent and
shall incorporate all features which contribute to the final appearance of the

8.3 Preparation of Forms Before Concreting

Before concreting, all forms shall be thoroughly cleaned out, free from sawdust shavings,
dust, mud or other debris.

The inside surfaces of forms shall, unless otherwise approved by the S.O., be coated with
an approved non-staining form oil or other approved material to prevent adhesion of the
concrete. Such release agents shall be applied strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions and shall not come into contact with the reinforcement or
prestressing tendons and anchorages. For any exposed surface only one release agent
shall be used throughout the entire area.

All formwork shall be inspected by the S.O. after preparation and immediately prior to
depositing concrete and no concrete shall be deposited until approval of the formwork
has been obtained.

8.4 Removal of Forms

The Contractor shall inform the S.O. and obtain his approval before striking any
formwork, but such approval shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities for the
safety of the work.

Formwork shall be removed without such shock or vibration as would damage the
concrete. A period of time shall elapse between the placing of the concrete and the
removal of the formwork for various parts of the structure so as to suit the requirements
for its curing.

The minimum periods between concreting and the removal of forms are given in Table
10. The periods stated in this table are based on the use of Ordinary Portland Cement.
They may be changed with the approval of the S.O., if other types of cement as described in
2.1, admixtures or additional material as described in 2.4 and 2.5 are used. The result of the
compressive strength obtained from the additional cubes taken as described in 4.9 may also
be used for early removal of forms provided always the Contractor provide proof of
calculation to the S.O for approval.

For prestressed in-situ components, temporary supports shall not be removed until the
components is stressed to the approval of the S.O.

Where it is intended that forms are to be reused, they shall be cleaned and made good to
the approval of the S.O.

Following the removal of forms, no further loads shall be imposed upon the concrete until
at least after the completion of the curing period or until such later time as in the opinion
of the S.O. the concrete shall have attained sufficient strength to safely withstand such
loads. Full design loads shall not be applied to any structure until all load bearing
concrete is at least 28 days old.


Concrete Work
8.5 Inspection and Making Good

The surface of the concrete shall be inspected for defects and for conformity to the
surface finish specified and where appropriate, with approved sample finishes.

Subject to the strength and durability of the concrete being unimpaired, the making good
of surface defects may be permitted but the level of acceptance shall be appropriate to
the type and quality of the finish specified and ensure satisfactory permanence and

Any remedial treatment of surfaces shall be approved by the S.O. following inspection
immediately after removing the formwork and shall be carried out without delay.

9.0 Mass and Lean Concrete

Mass and lean concrete shall consist of cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate in the
nominal ratio by volume of 1:3:6 and 1:4:8 respectively. However where a denser and more
workable concrete can be produced by a variation in the ratio of the fine aggregate to that of
coarse aggregate, this ratio may be varied within the limits (1:1½) and (1:3), provided that the
volumes of fine and coarse aggregate, each measured separately, shall nevertheless equal the
sum of the volumes of fine and coarse aggregate appropriate to the nominal mix. The concrete
shall be mixed as described for reinforced concrete.

10.0 Building Accuracy

After removal of formwork, the Contractor shall take measurements as directed by the S.O. to
check the deviation of the reinforced concrete works from specified dimensions shown in the
Drawings. All measurements shall be recorded and submitted to the S.O. Any deviation in
building accuracy shall comply with BS 5606.

11.0 Apparatus

The Contractor shall provide the following apparatus for use on the Site at all times: -

(a) Concrete slump test apparatus or flow test apparatus complying with MS 26. One set of
the apparatus shall be provided for each concreting location.

(b) At least twelve (12) numbers of steel or cast iron moulds for casting 150mm concrete test
cubes and six (6) numbers of 100mm mortar or grout test cube moulds complete with
tamping bars and base plates in accordance with MS 26. A minimum number shall be
provided such that no stripping of cubes is required prior to 24 hours setting and
hardening period.

(c) Three (3) measuring cylinders of 250 ml capacity, graduated to measure to the nearest
2.0 ml., for determination of silt content (field setting method).

(d) An approved apparatus for measuring moisture content in fine aggregate.

(e) One electronic calculator with statistical functions.

(f) One 300 mm steel rule.

(g) One set of sieves in compliance with BS 410.

(h) Scale or balance 25 kg maximum capacity and weights.

(i) Trowel, shovel, spanner and other tools.


Concrete Work
12.0 Other Requirements for Building Works.

Other requirements for building works shall be as in Appendix D/1.


Concrete Work


Properties Type of Test Methods Limits


Grading Both MS30 Table 2 & Table 3

Elongation Index Coarse MS30 Not exceeding 30%

Flakiness Index Coarse MS30 Not exceeding 35%

Water Absorption Both MS30 Not exceeding 8%

Clay Lumps Coarse MS30 Not exceeding 1% by weight

Clay, Silt and Dust Fine MS30 Not exceeding 3% by weight or

8% by vol.

Organic Impurities Fine MS30 Not exceeding 0.4%

Aggregate Crushing Coarse MS30 Not exceeding 40%


Soundness Test Coarse MS30 Loss in mass after 5 cycles shall

not be more than 12% for sodium
sulphate or 18% for magnesium

Chloride Content Both MS30 Not exceeding 0.06% by weight of

chloride ions

Sulphate Content Both MS30 Not exceeding 0.44% by weight of



Concrete Work

Percentage by mass passing BS 410 sieve for nominal sizes

Sieve size Graded Aggregates Single-sized Aggregate

40 mm 20 mm 14 mm
to to to 40 mm 20 mm 10 mm
5 mm 5 mm 5 mm

50.0 mm 100 - - 100 - -

37.5 mm 90 to 100 100 - 85 to 100 100 -

20.0 mm 35 to 70 90 to 100 100 0 to 25 85 to 100 -

14.0 mm 25 to 55 40 to 80 90 to 100 - 0 to 70 100

10.0 mm 10 to 40 30 to 60 50 to 85 0 to 5 0 to 25 85 to 100

5.0 mm 0 to 5 0 to 10 0 to 10 - 0 to 5 0 to 25

2.36 mm - - - - - 0 to 5


Percentage by mass passing BS 410 sieve

Sieve size
(BS 410) Overall Additional limits for grading
C *M F

10.0 mm 100 - - -

5.0 mm 80 to 100 - - -

2.36 mm 60 to 100 60 to 100 65 to 100 80 to 100

1.18 mm 30 to 100 30 to 90 45 to 100 70 to 100

600 μm 15 to 100 15 to 45 25 to 80 55 to 100

300 μm 5 to 70 5 to 40 5 to 48 5 to 70

150 μm 0 to 15# - - -
# Increase to 20% for crushed rock fines, except when they are used for heavy-duty floors.
* For prescribed mix only Grading Limit M is applicable. See also clause 2.2.3(b).
NOTE: Individual sands may comply with the requirements of more than one grading. Alternatively some sands which
satisfy the overall limits but may not fall within any one of the additional limit C, M or F may also be used provided
that the supplier can satisfy the S.O that such materials can produce concrete of the required quality.


Concrete Work

Stiffening Time Minimum Length change,

Categories Water Strength as a maximum
of Admixture Reduction percentage of shrinkage
the control Age
Time from completion of mixing to reach a % of Increase
resistance to penetration of:- control

0.5 N/mm² 3.5N/mm² 27.5 N/mm² Compressive

Type 1: - More than Within At least 1hr. 125 24 hrs.

Accelerator 1hr. 1hr.and 3hrs. earlier than 125 3 days
earlier than control mix 100 7 days 135 0.010
control mix 100 28 days

Type 2: - At least Within 1hr. Not more 90 3 days

Retarder 1hr.later and 3hrs. than 3hrs. 90 7 days 135 0.010
than control later than later than 95 28 days
mix control mix control mix

Type 3: Within + 1hr. Within + 1hr. Within + 1hr. 110 3 days

Normal At least and - 1hr.of and - 1hr. of and - 1hr. of 110 7 days 135 0.010
water- 5% control mix control mix control mix 110 28 days

Type 4: Within 1hr. At least 1hr. 125 24 hrs.

Accelerating At least More than and 3hrs. earlier than 125 3 days 135 0.010
water- 5% 1hr. earlier than control mix 100 7 days
reducing control mix 100 28 days

Type 5: At least 1hr. Within 1hr. Not more 110 3 days

Retarding At least later than and 3hrs. than 110 7 days 135 0.010
water- 5% control mix earlier than 3hrs.later 110 28 days
reducing control mix than control


Concrete Work

Grades of Nominal Max.Size of Aggregate (mm) 20 Max free

Concrete 28-day water:
Strength of Workability Medium High cement ratios
(N/mm2) Slump limits(mm) 25 - 75 75 - 125

15P 15 Cement (kg) 280 310

Total aggregate(kg) 1800 1750 0.6
*Fine aggregate (%) 35 - 50 35 - 50

20P 20 Cement (kg) 320 350

Total aggregate(kg) 1800 1750 0.55
*Fine aggregate (%) 25 - 40 20 - 45

25P 25 Cement (kg) 360 390

Total aggregate(kg) 1750 1700 0.5
*Fine aggregate (%) 25 - 40 30 - 45

30P 30 Cement (kg) 400 430

Total aggregate(kg) 1700 1650 0.45
*Fine aggregate (%) 25 - 40 30 - 45
* Fine aggregate is expressed as a percentage by weight to the total weight of the dry aggregate.



Mix Proportion Slump Cubic Meters of Max. Quantity

(Grade) Limits Aggregate Per 50 kg Free of
of Concrete
(mm) of cement Water: Water
Fine Coarse Ratio (Liters) At 7 Days At 28
(20mm) (N/mm2) Days

1:1:2(30P) 25-50 0.035 0.07 0.45 22.5 20 30

1:1.5:3(25P) 25-50 0.05 0.1 0.5 25 17 25

1:2:4(20P) 25-50 0.07 0.14 0.55-0.6 27.5-30 14 20

1:3:6(15P) 25-50 0.10 0.20 0.6 30# 11 15

# or as approved by S.O.


Concrete Work

Prestressed Reinforced Plain

Concrete Concrete Concrete Max.
Exposure Nominal max.size of Nominal max.size Nominal max. Water:
aggregate of aggregate size of aggregate Cement
(in mm) (in mm) (in mm) Ratio
40 20 10 40 20 10 40 20

a)Surface sheltered (kg/m³) (kg/m³) (kg/m³)

from severe rain:-
1) surface protected
by a waterproof

2) internal surfaces,
whether or not
subject to 300 320 360 300 320 360 250 280 0.55

3) surfaces
buried and/or
submerged under

b) soffits;

c) surfaces exposed
to driving rain, 330 350 390 330 350 390 270 300 0.50
alternate wetting
and drying, e.g.,
in contact with

d) surfaces exposed
to the action of
sea water with 360 380 420 360 380 420 320 350 0.45
abrasion having
a pH of 4.5 or

e) surfaces exposed References shall be made to Table 6.1 - MS1195 Part 1:1991
to sulphate


Concrete Work

Type or Use of Concrete Maximum Total Percentage of

Chloride Ions by Mass of Cement

Concrete containing embedded metal and made with 0.4

cement complying with MS522

Prestressed Concrete and Heat-Cured Concrete 0.1

containing embedded metal

Plain, non-structural concrete No limit

Notes on Table 7:-
(1)% Chloride ions x 1.648 = % equivalent sodium chlorides.
(2)% Chloride ions x 1.56 = % equivalent anhydrous calcium chlorides.


Grades of 28-day Strength of Concrete Cube Strength at 7 Average Cube Strength

Concrete Days* at 28 Days*

N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

20P 20.0 14 20.0

25P 25.0 17 25.0
30P 30.0 20 30.0
40P 40.0 27 40.0

*Only for Portland Cement


Concrete Work

Specified Grade Group of Test Results: A B

of Concrete The mean of the group Any individual test result
of test results exceeds is not less than the
the specified characteristic
characteristic compressive strength
compressive strength less:
by at least:

N/mm2 N/mm2
20 and above First 2 1 3
First 3 2 3
Any consecutive 4 3 3

N/mm2 N/mm2
Below 20 First 2 0 2
First 3 1 2
Any consecutive 4 2 2



Type Nominal Sizes (mm) Specified Characteristic

Strength, fy (N/mm2)

Hot rolled grade 250 All sizes 250

(MS 146)

Hot rolled grade 460 All sizes 460

(MS 146)

Cold worked All sizes 460

(BS 4461)

Hard drawn steel wire Up to and 485

(MS 144) including 12


Concrete Work

Vertical faces of beams, wall, columns, piles, foundation plinths 3 days

and precast components

Slabs (props left under) 4 days

Removal of props to slab 10 days

Beam soffits (props left under) 8 days

Removal of props to beams 21 days

Note: This table is applicable only for Ordinary Portland Cement. Where other types of cement, admixtures or
additional material are to be used, the minimum periods between concreting and removal of forms shall be as
approved by the S.O.


Concrete Work

1.0 Foundation

All reinforced concrete footings and pile caps shall be constructed according to the Drawings and
to the exact depths required. The Contractor shall supply, maintain and remove any necessary
planking and strutting, sheet piling and coffer dams, and shall by pumping or other approved
means keep the excavation free from water.

The bottom of excavation shall be cleaned or if in loose or disturbed ground shall be well rammed,
and the whole shall be approved before it is covered with a blinding layer of lean concrete not
less than 50 mm thick. The required cover of concrete under the reinforcement shall be entirely
above the blinding layer.

2.0 Pile Caps

Before commencing to construct pile caps, the Contractor shall check and verify the eccentricities
and the cut-off levels of all piling works in the ground are as provided in the Drawings, and shall
notify the S.O. in the event of any discrepancy.

The Contractor shall straighten the steel reinforcement projecting above the piles for anchoring
pile caps, carry out excavation, erect formwork and temporary timbering for the construction of
pile caps and ground beams.

3.0 Lift Pits

For lift pits below ground level, the concrete in the base slab and walls shall be of reinforced
concrete with minimum cement content and maximum free water: cement ratio in accordance with
the exposure C in table 6 and shall be constructed in operations which shall ensure water
tightness in the structure below the ground level.

All external or internal wall surfaces of lift pits shall be waterproofed with three (3) coats of
bitumen solution complying with BS 3416 or any other type of waterproofing material as approved
by the S.O. The concrete surface shall be thoroughly cleaned and dried before application of the
waterproofing material.

4.0 Floors

After initial set, the upper surface of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete floors shall be trowelled
smooth with a steel float to true level and even surface. No screeding of any kind shall be applied
to the floor slabs except where specified. Care shall be taken to ensure that the steel
reinforcement is not displaced or lowered during trowelling.

For areas, which are to receive rendering or other finishes, the fresh concrete shall be trowelled to
true level or as required using a long timber trowel. Before it hardens it shall be brushed with a
stiff broom in one direction to give a rough and tidy surface.

The reinforced concrete ground floor slab shall not be laid directly onto earth surfaces. A blinding
layer of 50mm minimum thick of lean concrete as specified in clause 9.0 shall be laid on well
prepared firm ground. Plastic sheeting or other suitable material with sufficient overlaps at joints,
shall be laid on the blinding layer before any reinforcement is placed in position.

5.0 Toilet Floors

The Contractor shall ensure that all suspended floor for toilet areas are constructed to be
watertight and leak proof. All construction method or alternative details proposed by the
Contractor must be based on his acceptance of and compliance with the requirements for
watertightness. The Contractor shall ensure that holes and fixings are properly constructed. The
floor must be concreted in one sequence of operation. No construction joints for toilet floor are to
be allowed. All pipes and fittings encased in the concrete floor shall be provided with sleeves to


Concrete Work
the approval of the S.O and shall be build in situ. No holes shall be left for later incorporation of
fittings and no subsequent hacking of floor shall be made. Not withstanding whatever shown in the
Drawings, all toilet floor slabs shall have a minimum thickness of 150mm.

5.1 Testing for watertightness

The toilet floor areas should be ponded with water continuously over a period of 7 days.
During this period the exposed soffit shall show no signs of leakage and remain dry. If
any area is found not to be watertight, the Contractor must repair at his own expense.

6.0 Roofs

6.1 Reinforced concrete roofs shall be constructed to fall as shown in the Drawings and finished with
steel trowelling, leaving the surface smooth and free from mortar droppings.

6.2 The base slab shall be concreted as described for concrete generally, ensuring thorough
compactions by the use of a pan vibrator or a vibrating screen. Concrete shall be
poured continuously between pre-determined construction joints as decided by the S.O., or as
shown in the Drawings. Expansion joints, where applicable, shall be allowed and constructed
exactly as indicated in the Drawings.

6.3 Unless otherwise specified or shown in the Drawings, waterproofing screed to reinforced
concrete flat roof shall consist of a 32 mm thick screed reinforced with temperature steel.

6.4 The waterproofing screed shall consist of one (1) part of cement and three (3) parts of
clean well-graded sand (1:3), and shall be mixed with an approved waterproofing agent
and approved plasticiser in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer.

6.5 The temperature steel shall consist of a mesh 6 mm diameter mild steel bars at 150 mm
centers each way, or alternatively steel fabric of MS 145. The temperature steel shall be
placed directly on top of the base slab, and a minimum cover of 19 mm to top bars of the
temperature steel shall be maintained.

6.6 The screed shall be laid after the base slab concrete has sufficiently hardened but not
later than 36 hours after the concreting of the base slab, to obtain a thorough bond
between the screed and the base slab. The surface shall be finished with a wood float,
and followed by a steel trowel to a smooth finish.

6.7 Unless otherwise specified or shown in the Drawings, joints in the screed shall be allowed
and located over the main roof beams and shall be filled with approved bituminous
compound as soon as possible.

6.8 After the screed has been placed, the full area shall be properly protected and cured for a
period of at least seven (7) days. Alternatively as soon as the screed has sufficiently
hardened to withstand a man’s weight without marking, an approved plastic sealing agent
shall be sprayed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

7.0 Drips

Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings or directed by the S.O., a 15mm wide drip shall be
formed along edges of soffits to concrete roof slabs, hoods, undersides of balconies, cantilevered
beams and slabs and other parts of building where rain water is likely to adhere in drops.

8.0 Refuse Chutes

Where shown in the Drawings, all cast-in-situ reinforced concrete refuse chutes shall be
constructed without bolt holes made through the chute walls. If such holes are unavoidable then
they shall be completely grouted with cement mortar as specified in clause 6.3.5 or sealed and
waterproofed by other means to prevent leakage to the approval of the S.O.


Concrete Work
Frames which shall not be of asbestos cement, shall be cast into refuse chute walls for fixing
chute hoppers. Such frames shall be obtained from the same supplier of chute hoppers.


Concrete Work

1. Cement

1.1 The cement, unless otherwise described, shall be Ordinary Portland Cement complying
with MS 522 and as specified under SECTION D: CONCRETE WORK.

2. Sand

2.1 Sand for mortar shall comply with MS 29 and as specified in SECTION D: CONCRETE

3. Mortar

3.1 Mortar shall consist of one (1) part of cement to six (6) parts of sand, with the addition of
an approved mortar plasticiser used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions. The ingredients for mortar shall be measured in proper gauge boxes and
shall be mixed on a clean boarded platform or in an approved mechanical batch mixer.

3.2 All mortar shall be used within 45 minutes of mixing and no remaking up of mortar shall
be permitted thereafter.

3.3 Mortar for brickwork below damp proof course or ground floor level shall be in the
proportion of one part of cement and three parts of sand.

4. Bricks and Blocks

4.1 Samples

Separate samples of each type of bricks and blocks taken at random from the load, shall
be submitted to the S.O. for approval before the bricks and blocks are used. All
subsequent deliveries shall generally be up to the standard of the samples approved. No
soft, broken, twisted or otherwise defective bricks and blocks will be permitted to be used.

4.2 Clay Bricks

All ordinary clay bricks shall be machine-made and wire cut complying with MS 76 and
shall be hard, well burnt, sound, square and clean.

4.3 Cement Sand Bricks and Hollow Blocks

4.3.1 All cement sand bricks and hollow blocks shall comply with MS 27.

4.3.2 Size

Cement sand bricks shall be of a nominal size as given below:

Length(mm) Width(mm) Depth(mm)

225 ± 3.2 113 ± 1.6 75 ± 1.6

Dimensional tolerances for hollow blocks shall be ± 3mm on all faces. The shell
of each hollow block shall be 38mm thick minimum on all sides.


4.3.3 Composition

Cement sand bricks and hollow blocks shall consist of an intimate and uniform
mixture of sand and cement. The sand and cement shall be mixed in the ratio of
six (6) parts of sand to one (1) part of cement by volume in a mechanical mixer
capable of taking one (1) bag of cement (50kg of cement shall be taken as 0.035
cube). The sand used shall be as described hereinbefore and the maximum size
shall pass through a 4.8mm mesh BS sieve. The cement used shall be Ordinary
Portland Cement as described under SECTION D: CONCRETE WORK.

4.3.4 Supply

The Contractor shall only use cement sand bricks and hollow blocks supplied by
approved manufacturers.

4.3.5 Compressive Strength

The minimum permissible average compressive strength shall be 5.2N/mm sq.

for bricks and 2.8 N/mm sq. for hollow blocks per 10 samples taken at random
from the Contractor’s stock pile of 1000 or part thereof. All rejected or
condemned bricks shall be removed from the Site at the Contractor's expense.

4.4 Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block

4.4.1 Autoclaved aerated concrete blocks shall be high pressure steam cured
consisting of a mixture of ordinary cement, sand and lime. The mix shall be free
of asbestos or toxic substances.

4.4.2 Where autoclaved aerated concrete blocks are used in lieu of clay bricks, the
equivalent thickness shall be as below: -

Thickness of Brickwall Thickness of Autoclaved Aerated

Concrete Blockwall

Half Brickwall 100mm thick

One Brickwall 200mm thick

4.4.3 The autoclaved aerated concrete blocks shall have the following performance
criteria: -

(a) dry density of between 500kg/m3 and 700kg/m3;

(b) dimensional accuracy of ± 1.5mm on all faces;
(c) the minimum permissible compressive strength shall be 2.5 N/mm sq.
per 10 samples taken at random from the Contractor’s stock pile of 1000
or part thereof.
(d) minimum fire rating of two (2) hours.

4.5 Patented Block

Patented blocks shall comply with MS 27 and shall be used strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.


5. Walling

5.1 Brick Walling

5.1.1 The whole of the brickwork shown in the Drawings, unless otherwise specified,
shall be constructed with standard size clay bricks in mortar as described and
leave the surface ready for plastering.

5.1.2 Notwithstanding paragraph 5.1.1 above and anything else to the contrary
elsewhere contained in the Drawings and/ or Bills of Quantities, the Contractor
may with approval of the S.O. construct all non load bearing brickwork above
damp proof course or ground floor level and which will be plastered on both
sides, with cement sand bricks thereinbefore specified. Provided always that in
the event of the S.O. allowing the substitution of clay bricks with cement sand
bricks, a deduction shall be made from the Contract Sum for such substitution at
rates to be derived from the prices to Site of clay bricks and cement sand bricks,
and the average size of the clay bricks and cement sand bricks concerned, using
the formulas shown in APPENDIX E1.

5.1.3 All clay bricks shall be soaked in a suitable tank or pit to be provided by the
Contractor for at least half an hour before being laid and shall be kept wet whilst
being laid. The top of walls left off shall be thoroughly wet before work is
resumed. All constructed walling must be left wet and properly protected from the
direct sunlight during the following day. The Contractor shall provide sufficient
means to ensure that this is done.

5.1.4 Cement sand bricks shall not be soaked but dipped in water before being laid
and all constructed brickwork shall be protected from direct sunlight during the
day on which it is laid and also during the following day and the Contractor shall
provide sufficient means to ensure that this is done.

5.1.5 All bricks shall be properly bedded in mortar and all joints shall be thoroughly
flushed up and raked out to a depth of 13mm as the work proceeds. No joint
shall exceed 10mm in thickness.

5.1.6 Brickwork shall be carried up perfectly true and plumb in a uniform manner. No
one portion being raised more than 1m above another at one time. No overhand
work shall be permitted and scaffolding shall be carried up as the work proceeds.
The vertical points of every alternate course shall be kept perpendicular over one
another, and all perpends, quoins, etc. shall be kept strictly true and square.

5.1.7 All intersections and angles of walls shall be properly bonded together, and all
walls and piers of lengths and widths not multiples of brick sizes shall be cut and
bonded in the best approved manner. No broken bricks shall be used except
where required to form bonds.

5.1.8 All half brick (113mm) walls and partitions shall be reinforced at every fourth
course with approved brick reinforcement commencing two courses above floor
level. For block walling, reinforcement shall be at every second course
commencing one course above floor level.

5.2 Hollow Block Walling

5.2.1 The cement sand block wall shall be laid in the manner specified for brickwall.
The hollow block shall not be soaked but dipped in water before laying. The
hollow block wall shall be reinforced at every second course with reinforcement
commencing one course above floor level.


5.3 Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block Walling

5.3.1 Where shown in the Drawings and/ or described in the Bills of Quantities or as
alternative to clay bricks, the Contractor may use autoclaved aerated concrete
blocks for non load bearing walls and partitions. The autoclaved aerated
concrete block work shall be constructed strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions. Any extra cost in connection therewith shall be
borne by the Contractor.

5.3.2 The autoclaved aerated concrete block work shall be installed using an approved
thin layer of adhesive mortar to all horizontals and perpends. The first course
must be made true and level using a normal layer of mortar with thin layer of
adhesive to fully seal the perpends. The thin layer of adhesive shall be applied
using a notched trowel to obtain an even distribution of adhesive to achieve joint
thickness of 2-3mm.

5.3.3 A damp-proof course slip-joint membrane shall be laid on top of floor slab or
beams before receiving the mortar bedding to allow for differential movement
between the blocks and the supporting structure.

5.3.4 The autoclaved aerated concrete block work shall be laid in a manner that the
vertical joint of the lower course shall be staggered at least 100mm relative to the
vertical joint of the overlaying course.

5.3.5 Unless otherwise directed and/or shown, where concrete block walls abut
concrete faces, the face shall be flushed.

5.3.6 Control joints should be built into walls at spacing not greater than 8.0 meter
centres, and at locations in accordance with the manufacturer’s

5.3.7 Care must be taken to keep the walls clean, strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendation. Excess adhesive must be removed

5.3.8 In lieu of cement sand plastering, the wall surfaces may be finished with suitable
surface coating that has the dual properties of being waterproof and water
vapour permeable and shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s

6. Bond

6.1 All half brick walls shall be built in Stretcher Bond.

6.2 All other brickwork shall be built in English Bond or as shown in the Drawings.

7. Damp Proof Course

7.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, bituminous sheet damp proof courses shall
comply with BS 8215 laid in brickwork on a level bed of cement mortar (1:1) and coated
on the upper surface with hot bitumen and lapped at least 150mm at angles and joints.

7.2 In all cases of doubt as to the exact location of the damp-proof course the Contractor
shall refer to the S.O. before laying the damp-proof course.


8. Building in Cramps

8.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, cramps for frames, metal windows and precast
units shall be built in at 1m centres on the vertical side of the frame. Mild steel cramps
shall be 25mm x 3mm x 225mm long for fixing wooden frames, etc. One end of the cramp
shall be turned up and screwed to back of the frame and the other end shall be split and
fish-tailed for building in. Cramps which are to be fixed to concrete shall be embedded in
concrete and built into brickwork as the work proceeds.

9. Scaffolding

9.1 All scaffolding shall be carried up as the work proceeds and shall be safe for use.

10. Facing Brickwork

10.1 All facing brickwork shall be executed in first quality approved facing bricks in Stretcher or
Flemish Bond as shown in the Drawings, properly bonded into any backing walls, piers,
etc. Joints shall be raked out to a depth of 13mm and point up in coloured cement mortar
to approved tints, finished with a neat struck weathered joint.

10.2 Facing brickwork shall be kept perfectly clean and no rubbing down of brickwork will be

11. Cutting

11.1 All arches, cuttings, sinks, setbacks, and projections shall be properly formed. Chases
and holes through walls and slabs for the passage of pipes, wiring and the like shall be
neatly cut or formed.

12. Stonework

12.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings or described in the Bills of Quantities, all stone
blocks used shall be of limestone or granite whichever is more readily available within the
locality of the Site and shall be free from cracks, fissures or other defects to the approval
of the S.O. The stone blocks shall in general, have their largest faces parallel. Unless
otherwise required, the maximum thickness of the stone blocks shall in no case exceed
the thickness of the wall or portion of the structure into which it is being built.

12.2 Stone walling shall be laid random uncoursed or random coursed as shown in the
Drawings. Through or bonded stones shall be used at one stone per metre square for
random uncoursed work, and two stones per metre square for random coursed. Where
backing brickwall is shown, the through stone shall be properly bonded in such brickwall.

12.3 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, all stonework shall be bedded in cement and
sand mortar (1:3) mix and finished with a flushed joint rubbed down with sacking. All
interstices between individual stone shall be filled with mortar. Finish to exposed surfaces
or random walling shall be hammer-dressed.




Description of Rate of Deduction Per Sq. M


(1.025Ht1) (1.100Hsp)
1. Half Brickwall 1,000,000 ________________ - ________________
(Pt1 + 10)(Tt1 + 10) (Psp +10)(Tsp + 10)

2. One Brickwall 2,000,000 (1.025Ht1) (1.100Hsp)

________________ - ________________
(Pt1 + 10)(Tt1 + 10) (Psp + 10)(Tsp + 10)

Where, Ht1 - The price to Site of clay to be agreed

Pt1 - The average length of the clay bricks concerned in millimeters
Tt1 - The average thickness of the clay bricks concerned in millimeters
Hsp - The price to Site of cement sand bricks to be agreed
Psp - The average length of the cement sand bricks concerned
Tsp - The average thickness of the cement sand bricks concerned in



1. General

1.1 The work to be done under this section unless otherwise shown or described in the Bills
of Quantities shall consist of the supply, delivery, construction and testing of all soil
drainage and ancillary works, connecting the vertical stack to and including the septic
tank or imhoff tank and all necessary works up to the point of final discharge of the
effluent. In the case of discharge into the public sewer or the package sewage treatment
plant, the work shall terminate up to and including the last manhole or intercepting trap of
the system. This section of the work shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the
appropriate by-laws and to the approval of the S.O.

2. Cement, Sand, Aggregates and Bricks

2.1 Cement, sand and aggregates shall be as previously specified in SECTION D:

CONCRETE WORK. All bricks used unless otherwise shown in the Drawings or
described in the Bills of Quantities shall be clay bricks as previously specified in

3. Layout

3.1 The whole of the drainage work shall be carried out to the layout as shown in the

4. Excavation

4.1 Generally, all excavation works in this section unless otherwise specified hereunder shall
be as previously specified in SECTION C: EXCAVATION AND EARTHWORK.

4.2 The depth of excavation for manholes, septic tank/or filter bed shall be as shown in or
inferred from the Drawings.

4.3 The trench shall be excavated to the depths intended or as shown in the Drawings and
shall be finished and trimmed to the correct level and grade. Unless indicated otherwise,
the bottom of the trench shall be graded so that the pipe invert slopes evenly between the
appropriate outlet invert of the proceeding manhole and the inlet invert of the next

4.4 The trench shall be excavated to such width so as to ensure that a working space of
150mm will be available on either side of the pipe when properly aligned. At all joints, the
trench shall be so excavated to give a minimum working space of not less than 300mm
all round the joint.

4.5 The sides of all excavation unless otherwise approved by the S.O. shall be cut vertical
and where necessary shall be protected against caving in by timbering to the approval of
the S.O.

4.6 Should the ground be so wet or soft that does not form a firm base for the pipe, if it is
necessary in the opinion of the S.O. then the trench shall be excavated 225mm below the
level intended or shown in the Drawings and then brought to the correct level with good
selected earth, quarry dust or sand well rammed into place. Such deepening of pipe
trench and filling back shall be treated as a variation under the terms of the Contract.
Should the bottom of the trench be inadvertently excavated below the specified level, it
shall be brought back at the Contractor's expense to the correct level with good selected
earth, quarry dust or sand carefully rammed into place.


Soil Drainage
4.7 When excavating pipe trenches in roadway or other paved surfaces, the Contractor shall
first remove all metal, slabs or bricks forming the existing pavement to the width of the
trenches and reinstate to the approval of the S.O. after the trenches have been backfilled.

4.8 Generally where rock is encountered in the trench excavation, it shall be removed to the
approval of the S.O. Where layer of rock is encountered along the bottom of the
excavation, it shall be cut and trimmed to the required level of the trench. All voids formed
at the bottom of the trench by the removal of rocks shall be back filled to the required
level with 1:3:6-20mm concrete or other suitable materials well rammed and compacted
all to the approval of the S.O. Jaggered surfaces of rocks at the bottom of the excavation
due to the trimming shall be levelled and smoothened with sand blinding to the approval
of the S.O.

5. Pipes and Fittings

5.1 Generally, all soil drains unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, shall be vitrified clay
pipes and fittings complying with MS1061.

5.2 All drains shown passing under buildings up to the immediate manhole outside the
buildings, roads, pavements and the like and exposed pipes above ground shall be
coated cast iron pipes and fittings complying with BS 437 or complying with BS 416 and
BS 78 respectively whichever is appropriate.

5.3 Where pitch impregnated fibre pipes and fittings are shown in the Drawings, they shall be
to the approval of the S.O. Where unplasticised polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) pipes and
fittings are shown, they shall be manufactured according to MS 979 for under ground
installation and MS 1063 for above ground installation. For pumping application, pipes
and fittings shall be manufactured to MS 628 and to the approval of the S.O. All pipes
and fittings shall be of an approved manufacture.

6. Joint for Drain Pipes

6.1 Unless otherwise approved by the S.O, joints of flexible and watertight type shall be used
on all vitrified clay pipes. The spigot and socket of each pipe shall be cleaned and
lubricated before the running of each joint.

6.2 Cast iron pipe shall be jointed with a gasket of hemp or yarn and malleable lead well-
caulked home to the approval of the S.O. The internal side of each pipe shall be carefully
cleaned after jointing to leave a clear and unobstructed water way.

6.3 Where pitch impregnated fibre pipes and fittings are shown in the Drawings, they shall be
jointed by means of tapered coupling joint. Couplings shall be made either of the same
materials as the pipe or of a plastic material to the approval of the S.O. The pipes and
coupling shall have accurately machined or moulded tapered ends, the internal taper of
the couplings matching the external taper of the pipes.

6.4 Where uPVC pipes and fittings are shown in the Drawings, they shall be jointed by using
solvent weld joints.

7. Pipe Laying

7.1 All pipes shall be laid in compliance with MS 1228 and in accordance with the sizes,
locations, dimensions, grades and other particulars as shown in the Drawings. Each pipe
shall be carefully examined on arrival at the site. Sound pipes shall be carefully stored.
Defective pipes shall be marked and removed from the site forthwith.


Soil Drainage
7.2 Prior to fixing or laying all pipes and fittings shall again be carefully examined for damage
and only those found to be sound in every aspect shall be fixed or laid. Any pipes,
specials, etc. found to be damaged in any way shall be clearly marked, set aside and
removed from the site.

7.3 No pipe shall be laid until the trench has been inspected and approved by the S.O.

7.4 The pipes shall be gently lowered into the trench by means approved by the S.O. No
pipes shall be rolled or dropped onto the trench. The pipe shall be laid true to alignment
as shown in the Drawings or as instructed by the S.O. Interior and exterior of each pipe at
the joint shall be thoroughly cleaned before the joint is made.

7.5 To prevent the entry of earth and other foreign matter into the pipes, the Contractor shall
provide and fix suitable stops for efficiently closing all open ends of pipes in the trench
while work is not actually being carried out at such open ends.

7.6 Socketed pipes shall be laid with the sockets laid against the direction of flow. At every
position of pipe joints, the foundation shall be recessed sufficiently to allow the workman
room to work right round the pipes.

7.7 Where drains are to be laid on concrete bed, haunched or encased in concrete
surrounds, these shall be as shown in the Drawings and as specified hereinafter.

7.8 The soil pipes shall be laid to the gradients as shown or inferred in the Drawings. Where
the gradients are not shown or cannot be inferred, the drain shall be laid to the following
gradients: -

Size diameter (mm) Gradient

100 1 : 60
150 1 : 80
225 1 : 110
250 1 : 120
300 1 : 140
375 1 : 170
450 1 : 200

7.9 Where drain pipes are laid above ground, they shall be supported at intervals to the
details as shown in the Drawings or to the approval of the S.O.

7.10 All external underground soil drainage shall have a minimum cover of 450mm unless
otherwise shown in the Drawings.

8. Concrete Bed, Haunching and Surround

8.1 Concrete bed, haunching and surround shall be of concrete (1:3:6-20mm aggregate).

9. Connections

9.1 The Contractor is to allow and provide for all bends, junctions, traps, gullies as shown in
the Drawings or where necessary. If a gully is used, it shall be of the inlet type, and shall
be set level on a concrete base, with a riser to finish 50mm above the surrounding
surface level, complete with concrete surrounds rendered on all sides and galvanized iron
grating. Bends turned up to receive various stacks shall be set on concrete bases to the
approval of the S.O. The bends at the foot of vertical stacks shall be of gentle radius


Soil Drainage
9.2 All underground fittings shall be completely surrounded in concrete and the Contractor
shall allow for any additional excavation and jointing of pipes.

10. Manholes and Inspection Chambers

10.1 Manholes and inspection chambers shall be constructed to the sizes shown in the
Drawings. Unless otherwise shown or specified, all dimensions on the plan shall be the
inside measurement.

10.2 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, manholes and chambers shall be constructed
in brickwork in cement mortar (1:2) and the brickwork shall be of clay bricks and
constructed on (1:3:6-20mm) concrete foundation. The thicknesses and sizes shall be as
shown in the Drawings. Each manhole and chamber shall have channels and open
channel junctions of sizes stated in the Drawings. Concrete benching shall be to a
gradient of 1:6 and shall be of (1:3:6-20mm) concrete finished with 19mm steel trowelled
water proofed cement and sand (1:3) rendering. The internal sides of the manholes and
chambers shall be lined with 20mm thick water proof cement render (1:2). Externally, the
exposed concrete or brick surfaces shall be rendered with 12mm cement and sand
mortar (1:3) and terminated 150mm below the finished ground level. All internal angles
shall be rounded off. Manholes and chambers shall be provided with covers and unless
specified or as shown in the Drawings, covers shall be medium duty 450mm x 600mm
cast iron covers with air tight frames. Approved type wrought iron steps shall be built into
the brick wall of all manholes and chambers of depth 1m or more and they shall be
spaced not more than 300mm apart, projecting 100mm over the face of the wall.

11. Septic Tank, Filter Bed & Sewage Treatment System

11.1 Septic tank and filter bed shall be constructed as shown in the Drawings and to the
approval of the S.O.

11.2 Sewage Treatment System

11.2.1 All sewage treatment system shall be manufactured only by government

approved sewage treatment system providers producing quality assured
products and services, to the approval of the S.O. The limit for sewage effluent at
the discharge point shall comply with Standard A of Environmental Quality Act as

11.2.2 Prior to the installation of the sewage treatment system, the Contractor shall
submit to the S.O two (2) copies of design calculations, Drawings and method
statements certified by an independent Professional Engineer to be used in the
construction and installation of the sewage treatment system.

11.2.3 As soon as practicable after the completion of the installation of the sewage
treatment system and prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Practical
Completion, the Contractor shall submit the following documents to the S.O for
information and record:

i) System Provider’s Guarantee against any defects or damages which

may arise during a period of five (5) years from the Date of Practical
Completion of Works due to any defect, fault or insufficiency in design,
material or workmanship or against any other failure which an
experienced Contractor may reasonably contemplate but shall not
include normal replacement and maintenance The terms of the
Guarantee shall be such as approved by the S.O.


Soil Drainage
ii) Two (2) sets of as built Drawings of the sewage treatment system
signed by the system provider and certified by a Professional Engineer.

12. Connections with Public Sewer

12.1 Connections to the public sewer, if any, shall be strictly carried out in accordance with
requirements of the Local Authority and to the approval of the S.O.

13. Testing for Soil Drainage Installation

13.1 The Contractor shall carry out tests to the soil drainage installation in accordance with the
method and requirements as described hereinafter. The Contractor shall give reasonable
notice in writing to the S.O. before such tests are carried out.

13.2 Testing of pipework shall be carried out before backfilling and wherever possible, such
testing shall be carried out from manhole to manhole. Short branch pipes connected to a
main sewer between manholes shall be tested as one system with the main sewer. Long
branches and manholes, shall be separately tested.

13.3 All pipework shall be subjected to water tests or any other test required by the Local
Authority and to the approval of the S.O.

13.4 For the water test, the pipe shall be subjected to an internal test pressure of 1.2metre
head of water above the crown of the pipe at the higher end but not more than 6 metres
at the lower end. Steeply graded pipe shall be tested in such a manner that the above
maximum heads is not exceeded.

13.5 The test shall be carried out by inserting suitably strutted plugs in the lower end of the
pipe and in connections if necessary and by filling the system with water. The test section
shall stand full of water for at least 15 minutes prior to testing and such testing shall be
applied for a testing period of not less than 30 minutes.

13.6 The loss of water over a period of 30 minutes shall be measured by adding water from a
measuring vessel at regular intervals of 10 minutes and noting the quantity required to
maintain the original water level. For the purpose of the test, the average quantity added
for pipes up to 460mm diameter shall not exceed 0.12 litres per hour per linear metre per
100mm of nominal internal diameter of pipe.

13.7 Any leakage, including excessive sweating which causes a drop in the test level, and the
defective part of the work shall be removed, made good and subsequently retested as

13.8 The pipework may also be subjected to mirror test to ascertain the straightness of the
alignment between manholes as and when required by the S.O. The test shall be carried
out by inserting a light source at one end and viewing its image on a mirror placed at the
other end of the pipe.

14. Backfilling

14.1 After the pipes have been tested and approved, the trench shall be backfilled with
approved fill material, free from rock and other hard material, well compacted around the
pipes up to a level of at least 75mm above the top of the pipes. After this has been
approved, the remaining excavation shall be backfilled in 300mm layers, each layer being
well compacted.


Soil Drainage



(1) (2) (3) (4)

(i) Temperature °C 40 40
(ii) pH Value - 6.0 – 9.0 5.5 – 9.0
(iii) BOD5 at 20°C mg/l 20 50
(iv) COD mg/l 50 100
(v) Suspended Solids mg/l 50 100

(vi) Mercury mg/l 0.005 0.05

(vii) Cadmium mg/l 0.01 0.02
(viii) Chromium Hexvalent mg/l 0.05 0.05
(ix) Arsenic mg/l 0.05 0.10
(x) Cyanide mg/l 0.05 0.10
(xi) Lead mg/l 0.10 0.5

(xii) Chromium, Trivalent mg/l 0.20 1.0

(xiii) Copper mg/l 0.20 1.0
(xiv) Manganese mg/l 0.20 1.0
(xv) Nickel mg/l 0.20 1.0
(xvi) Tin mg/l 0.20 1.0

(xvii) Zinc mg/l 1.0 1.0

(xviii) Boron mg/l 1.0 4.0
(xix) Iron(Fe) mg/l 1.0 5.0

(xx) Phenol mg/l 0.001 1.0

(xxi) Free Chlorine mg/l 1.0 2.0
(xxii) Sulphide mg/l 0.5 0.50
(xxiii) Oil and Grease mg/l Not detectable 10.0

A : Discharge upstream of water supply sources

B : Discharge downstream of water supply sources

Source: Environmental Quality (Sewage & Industrial Effluent) Regulations 1979


Soil Drainage

1. General

1.1 Unless otherwise stated, the pitch and laps for each type of roof covering shall be strictly
in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

1.2 Unless otherwise approved, all roof covering accessories such as eaves piece, hips,
ridges and valley pieces, shall be of the same material as the general covering.

2. Interlocking Concrete Tiles

2.1 Interlocking concrete tiles shall be of approved type and colour and shall conform to MS
797. The tiles shall be free from all defects.

2.2 Interlocking concrete tiles shall be laid on timber or steel battens approved for roofing at
spacings and tightly screwed as recommended by the manufacturer.

2.3 Tiling fillers consisting of 1:3 cement mortar as specified under SECTION E:
BRICKWORKS, shall be provided at the feet of the rafters.

2.4 Verges, ridges, hips and valley tiles shall be provided and laid to bond with the general
tiling in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

3. Clay Tiles

3.1 Unless otherwise stated in the Drawings, clay tiles shall be of Marseilles pattern
conforming to BS 402. The tiles shall be 400mm to 425mm in length by 225mm to
263mm in width and shall be free from cracks, chips and warps.

3.2 Clay tiles shall be laid on timber or steel battens approved for roofing at spacings and
tightly screwed as recommended by the manufacturer.

3.3 Ridge capping, hip and valley tiles shall be provided to match the general tiling and these
shall be bedded in matching 1:3 coloured cement mortar.

4. Corrugated Aluminium Roofing Sheets

4.1 Where aluminium roofing sheets are to be used, unless otherwise stated, they shall be of
the type, gauge and finish as shown in the Drawings and to be fixed strictly in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions.

5. Concrete Flat Roofs

5.1 Concrete flat roofs shall be as specified under SECTION D: CONCRETE WORK.

6. Galvanized Steel Prepainted Steel Roofing and Wall Cladding

6.1 Where metal roof decks or wall claddings are to be used, unless otherwise stated, they
shall be of prepainted hot-dipped zinc-coated roof decking of standard nominal thickness,
width and length prior to corrugation and shall comply with JKR Standard No.2-95(BN)
JKR 20709-0347-95.

6.2 Surfaces of galvanized steel roof decking or wall cladding shall be uniformly produced by
coating and baking durable synthetic resin paint over either one or both surfaces of hot-


Roofing Work
dipped zinc-coated steel sheets and coils using cold rolled steel sheet base metal as
specified in JKR Standard No.2-95(BN) JKR 20709-0347-95. Where quality is guaranteed
for one side only, the reverse side shall be coloured beige.

6.3 All fixing accessories shall be rust-resistant and of suitable design and construction as
recommended by the manufacturer for the roofing system and shall conform to every
aspect of JKR Standard No.2-95(BN)JKR 20709-0347-95 or other equivalent standards
as approved by the S.O.. All connectors such as fasteners and screws shall be of the self
drilling type either concealed or screwed fixing, complete with preassembled neoprene
bonded washers. For non self drilling fasteners, holes through the sheets must be drilled
and not punched.

6.4 Identification, storage and packaging of galvanized steel roof decking or wall cladding
shall be strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction and comply with JKR
Standard requirements.

6.5 All roof decking sheets, capping, flashing etc. or wall cladding shall be new, clean,
regular, straight and true to shape with sharp defined profiles, free from cracks, chips,
bends and defects detrimental to practical use or from other surface imperfections.

6.6 On arrival at the Site, the sheets should be lifted from the transport carrier by a crane and
properly stacked clear of the ground, ready to be lifted up to the roof structure for laying.
Where sheets are to be manually lifted, care should be taken not to drag the sheets to
avoid scraping away the surface coating. The sheets shall arrive just-in-time for
installation. Where storage is necessary, stack heights shall be kept to a minimum and
the sheets shall be stacked in a sloping position. Sheets shall be stacked off a dry firm
ground, under cover by tarpaulin or polythene sheets but ventilated and away from
building operations. Should the stacked sheets become wet, they shall be immediately
dried to prevent staining and degradation of the surface coatings.

6.7 If it is necessary to cut sheets, care should be taken to ensure that sheets are cleanly and
squarely cut using preferably a power driven saw or electric nipper. If power tools are not
available, fine-toothed sheet metal saws or hand shears could be used.

6.8 The Contractor shall be responsible for the absolute watertightness of the roof and must
ensure that the method of installation, fixing and fastening decking sheets, caps,
flashings etc. including acoustical, insulation and expansion joints, whenever required
shall conform strictly to the manufacturer’s instructions.

6.9 The completed portions of the roof should be clear of all metallic particles such as blind
rivet shanks, screw, nuts, nails, etc. and dirty foot prints should be wiped off to avoid early
deterioration/corrosion and discolouration. Damages to the coating shall be repaired with
touch-up paint as recommended by the manufacturer and approved by the S.O.

7. Heat Insulation

7.1 General

Heat Insulation System shall comply with MS1020. Samples of the insulation material
shall be submitted to the S.O. for approval before they are used and subsequent delivery
shall be up to the standard of samples approved.

7.2 Reflective Insulation

7.2.1 Reflective insulation material may be used on its own with all types of roofs
except with metal decking roof. Where roof is of metal decking, the reflective
insulation material shall be laminated on rockwool or fibreglass quilt.


Roofing Work
7.2.2 The insulation material shall be installed strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instruction. A uniform air space of 20mm between the roof
covering and the insulation material shall be provided to ensure the effectiveness
of the reflective surface. All punctures shall be effectively sealed with similar
reflective material to prevent air leakage and moisture transfer. The reflective
surface shall be free from any thin film of oil, plastic or lacquer coatings. All dust
and/or moisture, if any, shall be thoroughly cleaned prior to installation. Printings
and/or trademarks shall be limited to a maximum of 5% of the total reflective
areas. The insulation shall be fitted closely around electrical outlet boxes,
plumbing etc., and taped securely to eliminate gaps or voids through which air or
water vapour might pass into the cooler space.

7.3 Fibreglass Quilt Insulation

7.3.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, fibreglass insulation quilts shall be
50mm thick with a nominal weight of 9.6kg per cubic metre. It shall have a
thermal conductivity of 0.032-0.035 Kcal /mh degree centigrade at normal
building temperature.

7.3.2 Where a fibreglass insulation quilt is to be used, it shall be laid over 13mm
chicken wire mesh unless otherwise specified.

7.4 Rockwool Insulation

7.4.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, rockwool insulation shall be 50mm
thick of sheet size 1200mm x 600mm with a nominal weight of 60kg/m³, a
maximum service temperature of 350oC and thermal conductivity of 0.29 Kcal/mh
degree centigrade at 20oC.

7.4.2 Where rockwool is to be used, it shall be fixed in accordance with the

manufacturer's instruction and to the approval of the S.O.


Roofing Work

1. General

1.1 Unless otherwise specified or shown in the Drawings, the timber species used for the
Works shall be as stated hereinafter in the Schedule of Timber Species /Grouping and
Usage. The strength grouping for timber shall be in accordance with Malaysian Standard
MS 544-Table 2.3 as shown hereinafter in the Schedule of Strength Grouping.

1.2 All carpentry and joinery work shall include all necessary notching, halving, morticing and
tenoning, wedging, scarfing, dovetailing, sinking for heads of bolts and nuts and trimming
for opening.

1.3 All carpentry work shall be left with a sawn surface except where particularly described to
be wrot. All joinery shall be wrot and finished with sand paper as required and all sizes
stated are the finished sizes. Sizes for carpentry shall be within the tolerances stated in
clause 3.1 and sizes for joinery shall be within the tolerances stated in clause 3.2.

2. Treatment of timber

2.1 All timber except the heartwood of the naturally durable timbers as schedule hereinafter
and timber for formwork, scaffolding, and other temporary works shall be impregnated by
means of vacuum pressure processes in accordance with MS 360 using
copper/chrome/arsenic (CCA) wood preservatives conforming to MS 733 in the treatment
plant registered with the Malaysian Timber Industry Board. The minimum nett dry salt
retention for CCA shall be as follows:

Use Minimum nett dry salt

retention for CCA

(i) Interior and above the ground 5.6 kg/m3

(ii) Exterior and above the ground 8.0 kg/m3
(iii) Exterior and in contact with the
ground (other than foundation piles) 12.0 kg/m3
(iv) Foundation piles 16.0 kg/m3

2.2 The timber shall, as far as is practicable, be cut to its final dimensions before treatment,
and timber for joinery shall be wrot and fully worked and ready for framing before
treatment. Where crosscutting cannot be avoided or where further dressing is necessary,
all surfaces exposed by such work shall be liberally swabbed with the approved

2.3 The Contractor, when required by the S.O. shall produce a certificate from a preservative
treatment plant which certifies that timber required to be impregnated by means of
vacuum pressure processes has been impregnated and has achieved the necessary nett
dry salt retention. Notwithstanding the certificate, the S.O. reserves the right to carry out
independent tests to determine the nett dry salt retention and the result so obtained shall
be conclusive.

2.4 All sapwood shall be fully penetrated by the preservative and for heartwood, the depth of
penetration shall be 12mm for uses in clause 2.1 (i), (ii) and (iii).

3. Timber Grades and Size Tolerances

3.1 Unless otherwise specified, sawn timber for carpentry work shall be as stated hereunder:

(i) Select Grade – for roof truss


Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works

(ii) Standard Structural Grade - for structural work
(iii) Sound Grade - for General Market Specification (GMS) and strips
(iv) Serviceable Grade - for scantling.

Grading shall be carried in accordance with the Malaysian Grading Rules (MGR) by
timber graders registered with the Malaysian Timber Industry Board. Every timber
consignment shall be accompanied by the Grading Summary certified by the registered
timber grader. The sizes of sawn timber, except where otherwise specified, shall be
within the margin of permissible variations stated hereunder:

(i) For widths, depths or thicknesses not exceeding 75mm - within 3mm of the
specified size
(ii) For widths, depths or thicknesses exceeding 75mm - within 5mm of the specified

The Contractor shall provide any necessary blocks, wedges or battens to compensate for
irregular surfaces caused by any variations in size of timbers hereby permitted.

3.2 Unless otherwise specified, sawn timber for joinery work shall be of Sound Grade
(General Market Specification (GMS) and Strips) and Serviceable Grade (Scantlings).
The finished size for joinery, unless otherwise specified, shall be within the margin of
permissible variation stated hereunder:

(i) For widths, within 3mm of the specified finished size.

(ii) For thicknesses, within 2mm of the specified finished size.

4. Moisture Content & Storage

4.1 On delivery to the site, all timber other than timber for foundation piles, formworks and
temporary works shall be properly open-stacked, under cover. Kiln dried timber shall be
properly wrapped and stored under cover if it is not used immediately. At the time of
installation, the moisture content of the timber for the various applications shall not
exceed that as specified in the Schedule of Moisture Content as shown hereafter.

4.2 Moisture content for foundation piles, formworks and temporary works is not critical for
these applications and therefore is not specified.

4.3 Moisture content of timber shall be determined in accordance with MS 837.

5. Prefabricated Timber Roof Truss System

5.1 All prefabricated components shall be manufactured only by reputable licensed truss
fabricators producing quality assured products and services, to the approval of the S.O.
The design, supply, delivery and erection of the trusses shall be in accordance with JKR’s
Standard Specifications for Timber Roof Trusses No.JKR 20600-0020-99.

5.2 Prior to the fabrication of the roof truss system, the Contractor shall submit to the S.O.
two (2) copies of the Drawings, certified by an independent Professional Engineer as
required in clause 2 of the JKR Standard Specification for Timber Roof Trusses, to be
used in the construction and installation of the roof truss system.

5.3 As soon as practicable after the completion of the installation of the roof truss system and
prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Practical Completion, the Contractor shall submit
the following documents to the S.O. for information and record:

i) System Provider’s Guarantee against any defects or damages which may arise
during a period of five(5) years from the Date of Practical Completion of Works
due to any defect, fault or insufficiency in design, materials or workmanship or


Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works

against any other failure which an experienced Contractor may reasonably
contemplate but shall not include normal replacement and maintenance. The
terms of the Guarantee shall be such as shall be approved by the S.O.

ii) Certification that the connector plates conform to the relevant standards and are
protected against corrosion, together with proof that such certification have been
verified by tests carried out by SIRIM for the current year or the previous year.

iii) Certification that the correct timber grades were used in the fabrication of the
trusses and roof structure by including of a copy of the grading summary for the
timber used in the truss system, certified by a timber grader registered with the
Malaysian Timber Industry Board.

iv) Certification that the timber used in the fabrication of the trusses and roof
structure has been adequately treated by including a copy of the treatment
certificate for preservation on the batch of timber that was treated in the
preservation process.

v) Two (2) sets of as built Drawings of the roof truss system signed by the system
provider and certified by a Professional Engineer.

6. Plywoods

6.1 Unless otherwise specified, plywood used for interior and exterior purposes other than for
formworks and temporary works shall be manufactured with Moisture Resistant (MR)
bond and Weather and Boil Proof (WBP) bond respectively in compliance with MS 228.
Boards which are to be painted or varnished shall be properly sanded down and holes
and crevices filled with approved wood putty or filler.

6.2 Plywood intended for use as shuttering board shall be of the Weather and Boil Proof
(WBP) type.

6.3 Plywood intended for structural use, shall be of Malaysian Basic Structural Grade
(MBSG) rated or equivalent or better and shall comply with MS 544:Part4:Section1.

6.4 Plywood to be used in marine or severe wet conditions shall be in accordance with MS
544: Part 4: Section 2.

7. Blockboard

7.1 Blockboard shall comply with MS 1123. Fixing of blockboards shall generally be in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Boards which are to be painted or
varnished shall be properly sanded down and holes and crevices filled with approved
wood putty or filler to the satisfaction of the S.O.

8. Chipboards

8.1 Chipboards shall be of the type manufactured from wood chips or shavings combined
with a thermosetting synthetic resin glue binder bonded and hot-pressed together and
complying with MS 1036 for medium density chipboard. The type and quality of boards
shall be as approved by the S.O. The boards shall be fixed as detailed in the Drawings
with a minimum edge distance for nailing of 12mm. Boards which are to be painted or
varnished shall be properly sanded down and holes and crevices filled with approved
wood putty or filler.


Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works

9. Fibre Building Boards

9.1 All fibre building boards namely, Hard Board, Medium Board and Medium Density Fibre
Board (MDF) shall comply with BS 1142. The type and quality of fibre building boards
shall be as approved by the S.O. Perforated hardboards shall be not less than 3.2mm
thick with maximum of 4.8mm perforation at 19mm centers unless otherwise stated in the

9.2 All fibre building boards shall be fixed strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instruction. Unless otherwise detailed in the Drawings, the ceiling boards shall be butt
and ‘v’ jointed.

10. Gypsum Plasterboards

10.1 Gypsum plasterboards shall comply with BS 1230 Pt.1 and shall be of the type and
quality approved by the S.O. They shall be fixed/ installed strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instruction.

11. Composite Boards

11.1 The type and quality of composite boards shall be as approved by the S.O. and shall be
fixed strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

12. Woodwool Slabs

12.1 Woodwool slabs shall comply with MS 1036 and shall be of the type and quality as
approved by the S.O. Unless otherwise detailed in the Drawings, the slab shall be laid
with its length at right angles to support, fixed strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer's instruction.

13. Wood Cement Boards

13.1 Wood cement boards shall be manufactured from wood fibres chemically treated and
mixed with Portland Cement, compressed and cured in temperature controlled conditions.
These boards shall complying with the requirement of MS 934 or MS 544: Part 4: Section
3. In fixing, the board must be supported on all four edges and at intermediate positions
at centres not exceeding 610mm. Joints between boards shall occur on centers of
supports. Minimum edge distance shall be 20mm. Boards which are to be painted shall
be lightly sanded and any dust shall be removed from the surface with a piece of clean
coarse cloth. Any filling compounds used shall be alkali-resistant. Fixing of the board
shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

14. Structural Assemblies of Timber

14.1 The workmanship and method of assembly of structural timber shall generally be in
accordance with MS 544 and in particular, the following requirements.

14.1.1 The quality of the surface, as finished, shall be appropriate to the position and
use of the timber.

When grade or other necessary marks are removed, provisions shall be made for
remarking in accordance with Malaysian Grading Rules. Surfaces at any joint in
an assembly shall be such that the parts may be brought into contact over the
whole area of the joint before connectors are inserted or any pressure or restraint


Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works

from the fastening is applied. These surfaces shall have a good sawn or planed

Bearing surfaces of notches and other cuttings shall be true and smooth and in
appropriate relation to the other surfaces of the piece.

14.1.2 Notches other than at the ends of beams shall be U-shaped formed by parallel
cuts to previously drilled holes. The diameter of the hole shall be equal to the
width of the required notch.

14.1.3 Where splitting is likely to have a deleterious effect, end sealing is

recommended. For timbers known to split and check especially after installation,
the ends of the boards and scantlings shall be protected with a coating designed
to minimise end checking and checking and splitting. In severe cases where the
ends and sides of heavy joists of timbers are liable to excessive split and check
due to exposure to windward slanting sunlight, appropriate skirting or cover with
a thin timber board shall be necessary.

14.1.4 Where necessary to avoid splitting, nails shall be driven into pre-drilled holes or
diameter not greater than four-fifths of the diameter of the nails. Care shall be
taken to avoid placing nails in any end split.

14.1.5 Lead holes shall be used to ensure good workmanship in making screwed joints.
The diameter of the hole for the shank shall be equal to the diameter of the
shank, and for the threaded portion, the diameter of the hole shall not be greater
than seven-eights of the diameter of the root diameter of the screw thread
adjacent to the shank. Care shall be taken to avoid placing screws in any end

14.1.6 Bolt holes shall be drilled to diameters as close as possible to the nominal
diameter of the bolt and in no case more than 2mm larger than the bolt diameter.
Care shall be taken to avoid placing a bolt in any end split. A minimum of one
complete thread shall protrude from the nut.

A washer shall be fitted under the head of each bolt and under each nut. The
minimum sizes of washers are as given in Part 6 of MS 544. Where joints using
split-rings are to be used, as shown in the Drawings, the members of the joints
shall be fitted together in their appropriate positions and clamped or spiked
together before drilling. Alternatively, drilling jigs or multiple head boring
machines may be used, or individual members may be marked out from the
setting-out or by use of prepared templates.

If either of the latter methods is employed, sample members (usually the first
ones produced) shall be carefully checked against the setting-out.

In all instances bolt hole positions shall be accurately determined by reference to

the point intersection of the center lines of the member. Great care is necessary
if the first set members marked out is to be used subsequently as drilling
templates. Greater accuracy can usually be obtained by the use of special
marking or drilling templates located by a pin at the intersection of the center

Bolts holes shall be drilled at right angles to the surface of the joint. The contact
surfaces of the members should be grooved to the appropriate dimensions as
given in Part 6 of MS 544.

Drilling and grooving may be done in a single operation; alternatively, if the hole
is predrilled the pilot of the grooving tool shall fit in the bolt hole, thus centering
the groove about the hole.

Care shall be taken to ensure that all chips and shavings are removed, and rings


Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works

shall be expanded before being placed in the grooves.

The joint shall be finally assembled and bolts inserted. Washers of the correct
dimension shall be placed under the head of the bolt and the nut, and the nut
tightened to hold the members together.

14.1.7 Recess for shear-plate connectors shall be accurately cut by means of a suitable
tool to be appropriate dimensions as given in Part 6 of MS 544.

14.1.8 Assembly of units shall be done on a level bed and in such a way as to avoid
damage to any of the members and so that the finished structural units conform
to detailed Drawings and specification supplied.

When assembly is to be performed on the site, one set of component parts shall
be fitted together and dismantled prior to dispatch to the site, in order to ensure
that the assembled structural units conform to the detailed Drawings and
Specifications. Twisted or damaged members shall be replaced before erection
on the site.

Before proceeding with bulk production, a complete assembly of one of each

framed truss or other structural unit shall be checked to prove the accuracy of the
templates, etc. A similar check shall be carried out from time to time to control
the wear and tear on templates and gauges.

Timber members and built-up units shall be marked in accordance with a

marking diagram.

15. Carpentry Works

15.1 All carpentry shall be accurately set out in strict accordance with the Drawings and shall
be framed together and securely fixed to the satisfaction of the S.O. Timber framing shall
be properly braced and checked, halved, screwed or bolted together as required.
Longitudinal joints in plates, ridge, fascias, etc. shall be formed over supports. Those
timber members with lapped joints shall lap at least 150mm or twice the depth of the
timber whichever is the greater. The brads, nails, screws, spikes, plugs, bolts, framing
anchors and timber connectors shall be provided wherever necessary and as detailed.
Other than those detailed, no joints are permitted in structural work unless prior
permission is obtained from the S.O. No structural member shall be notched unless
instructed by the S.O.

15.2 For other carpentry works, timbers shall, as far as possible be in one piece between
continuing lengths. At corners, timbers shall be halved for materials of the same
thickness, and sufficiently lapped for materials of different thicknesses.

16. Joinery Works

16.1 All doors, windows, louvres, screens and the like shall be constructed as shown in the
Drawings. Frames shall be assembled at the commencement of the work and all
members shall be carefully morticed and tenoned together but no wedging, pinning or
gluing shall be done until the framing is prepared in readiness for immediate fixing. All
doors, windows, louvres, screens and the like shall be properly stored on site.
Immediately before fixing in its final position, joinery shall be wedged and pinned by
drawn hole pinning with 10mm diameter Strength Group 1 and 2 timber dowels pins. The
pins shall be left projecting until permission is given for flushing off. The methods of
framing and putting together of all Works shall be approved by the S.O. before being
executed. Any portions that warp, twist or develop any other defects shall be replaced
before wedging up. All framed work shall be pinned before being framed together.


Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works

17. Flooring

17.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, timber floors shall be constructed using 100mm
x 38mm wrot, tongued and grooved boardings, well cramped up and secret nailed to
each joist or batten with 62mm wire nails. Floor boardings shall be in long lengths with
splayed heading joints and no two adjacent joints shall occur over the same joist. On
completion, the flooring shall be planed, sanded and all gaps sealed with an approved
sealer. The floor shall then be cleaned off and unless otherwise specified, it shall be
finished with three coats of approved polyurethane paint applied strictly in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions.

17.2 Wrot timber skirtings shall be provided where shown and as detailed in Drawings.
Skirtings shall be in long lengths with splayed heading joints and with mitres, returns and
ends neatly cut and fitted and fixed to grounds.

18. Ceilings

18.1 Chipboard for ceilings shall be fixed to the frames with butt `V' joint using nails or screws
as described hereinbefore. Asbestos-free cement flat sheets for ceiling shall be 5mm
thick fixed to frames using mitred timber cover battens and brass screws. Ceiling panels
shall be set out symmetrically from the centre line of the ceiling.

19. Partitions

19.1 Partitions, screens and vent panels, shall be constructed as detailed in the Drawings.
Where shown, galvanised welded wire mesh or expanded metal of the required sizes and
patterns shall be fixed to vent panels and window openings. The mesh shall be secured
in position using rebated and mitred timber battens and screws.

19.2 Where proprietary partitions are used, they shall be constructed in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions.

20. Fascia and Barge Boards

20.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, fascia and barge boards shall be 25mm thick
wrot timber and supplied in long lengths. The boards shall be fixed in whole lengths and
where joints are necessary, they shall be scarfed jointed and the joints shall occur only
over the ends of roof framing members and mitred corners. Boards, 250mm wide and
less shall be in one width and those deeper shall be formed by multiple of boards jointed
together by tongue and groove and `V' joint.

21. Doors

21.1 All fire doors to be provided shall be of the appropriate Fire Resistance Period (FRP) in
accordance with the Ninth Schedule of the Uniform Building By-Laws.

21.2 All fire doors including frames shall be constructed to a specification of the relevant FRP
in accordance with MS1073 Pt.1 and shall be tested by a laboratory, approved and
certified by Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat and have obtained a Product Certification
Scheme from an accredited certification body.

21.3 All double leaf fire doors with rebated meeting stiles shall be provided with coordinating
device so as to fit fully within the door openings with a gap of not more than 3mm
between the frame and the edge of the door when closed.


Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works

21.4 Where shown in the Drawings, vision panel of size not exceeding 25mm x 25mm per leaf
shall be incorporated in the Fire Rated Door.
21.5 Flush doors shall generally comply with MS 1506 with plywood facing and strength group
1 and strength group 2 timber lipping, mitred around all edges. The plywood and strength
group 1-4 timber shall comply in all respects with the Specifications mentioned

22. PVC Toilet Doors

PVC toilet doors shall be of full single panel of flush type. It shall be 100% waterproof, strong
impact resistance and not be discoloured easily. Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, the
door shall be 38mm thick. PVC door shall be delivered to Site complete with ironmongery as listed

23. Built-in Fittings

23.1 Built-in fittings shall be constructed and properly framed in wrot timber as detailed in the
Drawings. Where fittings are not to be painted, unless otherwise specified, they shall be
stained and varnished as hereinafter described under SECTION M: PAINTING WORK.

24. Staircase and Balustrades

24.1 Staircases and balustrades shall be constructed as detailed in the Drawings.

25. External Boarding

25.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, all external boarding shall be formed with
150mm x 19mm horizontal, vertical or diagonal boarding in wrot pressure-treated timber
in long lengths and to the sectional profile as detailed in the Drawings. Unless otherwise
shown, lapping for plain weather boarding shall be 38mm. Boardings shall be secured to
the frames using 75mm galvanised steel nails and in the case of plain weather boarding,
nails shall not be driven through the lapped portions. The exposed bottom ends of all
external vertical boarding shall be splayed inward at an angle of 30 degrees and treated
with preservatives.

26. Ironmongery

26.1 Unless otherwise shown and/or scheduled in the Drawings, the Contractor shall supply
and fix all ironmongery as listed in the Schedule of Ironmongery attached hereinafter,
complete with fixing screws of the same material and finish.

26.2 Proper sockets shall be provided for all bolts to fix flush in floors, cills and door and
window frames. Each lock shall be provided with two keys and no two locks shall have
identical keys, unless specifically required by the S.O.


Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works


Schedule Of Timber Species In Accordance With Strength Grouping

(MS 544- Table 2.3)

S.G 1 S.G 2 S.G 3 S.G 4 S.G 5 S.G 6 S.G 7

A) Naturally Durable

Balau Belian Bekak Giam Jati

Bitis Mata Ulat Delek Malabera Tembusu

Cengal Kekatong Keranji Merbau

Penaga Resak
B) Requiring Treatment

Dedaru Agoho Berangan Alan Bunga Bayur Ara

Kempas Balau Merah Dedali Babai Damar Minyak Batai

Merbatu Kelat Derum Balik Angin Bopeng Durian Geronggang

Mertas Kembang Semangkuk Kapur Bintangor Jelutung Laran

Kulim Kasai Brazil Nut Jenitri Pelajau

Pauh Kijang Keruntum Gerutu Jongkong Pulai

Penyau Mempening Kundur Kasah Sesenduk

Perah Meransi Kedondong Macang Terentang

Petaling Meranti Bakau Keledang Medang

Ranggu Merawan Keruing Melantai/ Kawang

Ru Merpauh Ketapang Meranti Merah Muda

Surian Batu Nyalin Kungkur Meranti kuning

Tualang Perupuk Melunak Mersawa

Punah Mempisang Sengkurat

Rengas Mengkulang Terap

Simpoh Meranti Merah Tua

Meranti Putih





Kayu Getah



Notes :
1. For naturally durable timbers, sapwood should be excluded. If sapwood is included, preservative treatment is necessary.
(Source: MS 360:1986)
2. For timber requiring treatment, they should be amenable to preservative treatment.


Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works



Foundation Piles SG 1 – Balau, Bitis, Chengal

SG 2 – Belian, Mata ulat, Kempas, Merbatu, Mertas
SG 3 – Keranji, Kulim, Pauh kijang, Petaling
SG 4 – Giam, Merbau, Resak, Merpauh, Punah, Simpoh
SG 5 – Keruing, Mengkulang

Structural Components
• Columns, beams, bearer, studs, joists, ties and SG 1, SG 2, SG 3 and SG 4

• Formwork SG 1, SG 2, SG 3, SG 4 and SG 5

• Rafters, ties, struts, purlins and bracing SG 1, SG 2, SG 3 and SG 4

• battens SG 1, SG 2, SG 3, SG 4 and SG 5

• stringers, treads, trimmer beam and handrail SG 1, SG 2, SG 3 and SG 4

• balustrades
SG 1, SG 2, SG 3, SG 4, SG 5 and SG 6

• floor boarding and parquetry SG 1, SG 2, SG 3, SG 4 and SG 5

• skirtings SG 1, SG 2, SG 3, SG 4, SG 5 and SG 6

• wall, partition framing and external wall SG 1, SG 2, SG 3, SG 4, SG 5 and SG 6

• internal wall boardings SG 1, SG 2, SG 3, SG 4, SG 5, SG 6 and SG 7

• fascia boards SG 1, SG 2, SG 3 and SG 4

Ceiling Frames
• cover battens to joints of ceiling sheets SG 1, SG 2, SG 3 and SG 4

• ceiling strips and soffit battens SG 1, SG 2, SG 3, SG 4, SG 5 and SG 6

Door & Window Frames

• door, window and vent frames including their SG 1, SG 2, SG 3 and SG 4
stops and grounds

• door leaves, window and vent sashes SG 1, SG 2, SG 3, SG 4, SG 5 and SG 6

• built in fittings, furniture generally and workshop SG 1, SG 2, SG 3, SG 4, SG 5 and SG 6

• science laboratory tops SG 1, SG 2, SG 3 and SG 4

Beading fillets and edgings generally SG 1, SG 2, SG 3, SG 4, SG 5 and SG 6


Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works

(MS 544) – (Ref. Cl. 4.1)



Structural Components
• columns, beams, bearer, studs, 30% Not applicable
joists, ties and struts (Thickness >100mm)
25% Not applicable
(Thickness <100mm)

• rafters, ties, struts, purlins and bracing 25% Not applicable

• battens 25% Not applicable

• stringers, treads, trimmer beam and 19% 12%

• balustrades 19% 12%

• floor boarding and parquetry 19% 12%

• skirtings 19% 12%

• wall, partition framing 19% 12%

• external wall boardings 19% Not applicable

• internal wall boardings 19% 12%

• fascia boards 19% Not applicable

Ceiling Frames
• cover battens to joints of ceiling sheets 25% Not applicable

• ceiling strips and soffit battens 19% 12%

Door & Window Frames

• door, window and vent frames 19% 12%
including their stops and grounds

• door leaves, window and vent sashes 19% 12%

• built in fittings, furniture generally 19% 12%

• workshop furniture 19% 12%

• science laboratory tops 19% 12%

Beading fillets and edgings generally 19% 12%


Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works

(Ref. Cl. 24.1)

No Type of Doors, Windows etc. Ironmongery for each type of doors, windows etc.

1. Single Leaf Door

1.1 Plywood Flush Door a. 3 nos.of 100mm x 69mm galvanised steel butt hinges with nylon
b. 1 no.upright 3 lever mortice lockset with satin chrome lever
handle furniture of approved manufacture with 2 nos chrome
plated keys of different serial number for each building.
c. 1 no. rubber door stopper.

1.2 Timber Panelled Door a. 3 nos. of 100mm x 69mm stainless steel butt hinges with nylon
b. 1 no.medium duty cylindrical lockset, 5 pin tumbler with knob and
rose of stainless steel with hairline finish complete with 2 nos.
nickle-plated brass keys of different serial number for each
c. 1 no. rubber door stopper.

2. Double Leaf Door

2.1 Plywood Flush Door a. 6 nos. of 100mm x 69mm galvanised steel butt hinges with nylon
b. 1 no. upright 3 lever rebated mortice lockset with satin chrome
lever handle furniture of approved manufacture with 2 nos.
chrome plated keys of different serial number for each building.
c. 1 set of 150mm anodised aluminium barrel and 250mm anodised
aluminium bolt.
d. 2 nos. rubber door stopper.

2.2 Timber Panelled Door a. 6 nos. of 100mm x 69mm stainless steel butt hinges with nylon
b. 1 no.medium duty cylindrical lockset, 5 pin tumbler with knob and
rose of stainless steel with hairline finish complete with 2 nos.
nickle-plated brass keys of different serial number for each
c. 1 set of 150mm anodised aluminium barrel and 250mm anodised
aluminium bolt
d. 2 no. rubber door stopper.

3. PVC Door To Toilet/Bathroom a. 3 Nos. 100mm x 69mm galvanised steel butt hinges with nylon
Cubicles ring.
b. (i) For residential Quarters
1 no. cylindrical mortice bathroom lockset complete with
locking device operated by turn from inside and knob handle
furniture in satin chrome finish.
(ii) For non-residential buildings
1 no. indicating bolt
c. Anodised aluminium hook with rubber buffer.

4. Single Leaf Fire Rated Door

4.1 For standard size of a. 3 nos of 125mm x 87mm x 2mm thick heavy duty stainless steel
800mm x 2100mm ½ hr & butt hinges.
1 hr fire rated door b. 1 no upright 3 lever mortice lockset with satin chrome lever
handle furniture of approved manufacture with 2 nos. Chrome
plated keys of different serial no. for each building.
c. 1 no rubber door stop.
d. 1 no hydraulic floor springs for double swing door.
e. 1 no automatic door closer of hydraulically spring operated type
(for swing doors) or of wire rope and weight type (for sliding


Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works


No Type of Doors, Windows etc Ironmongery for each type of doors, windows etc.

4.2 For standard size of a. As per item 4.1a

900mm x 2100mm ½ hr & b. As per item 4.1b
1 hr fire rated door c. As per item 4.1c
d. As per item 4.1d
e. As per item 4.1e

4.3 For standard size of a. 4 nos. of 125mm x 87mm x 2mm thick heavy duty stainless
900mm x 2100mm 2 hr steel butt hinges.
fire rated door b. As per item 4.1b
c. As per item 4.1c
d. As per item 4.1d
e. As per item 4.1e
f. 2 nos. of ball bearings
g. 1 no of heavy duty stainless steel latch with 75mm long

5. Double Leaf Fire Rated Door

5.1 For standard size of a. 4 nos. of 125mm x 87mm x 2mm thick heavy duty stainless
1200mm x 2100mm steel butt hinges.
b. 1 no. 3 lever rebated mortice lockset with satin chrome lever
handle furniture of approved manufacture with 2 nos. chrome
plated keys of different serial number for each building.
c. 1 no. 150mm stainless steel barrel bolt.
d. 1 no. 200mm ditto.
e. 2 nos. rubber door stop
f. 2 nos. hydraulic floor springs for double swing door.
g. 2 nos. automatic door closer of the hydraulically spring
operated type (for swing doors) or of wire rope and weight type
(for sliding doors).

5.2 For standard size of a. 6 nos. of 125mm x 87mm x 2mm thick heavy duty stainless
1800mm x 2100mm steel butt hinges.
b. As per item 5.1b
c. As per item 5.1c
d. As per item 5.1d
e. As per item 5.1e
f. As per item 5.1f
g. As per item 5.1g

5.3 For standard size of a. 8 nos. of 125mm x 87mm x 2mm thick heavy duty stainless
2400mm x 2100mm steel butt hinges.
b. As per item 5.1b
c. As per item 5.1c
d. As per item 5.1d
e. As per item 5.1e
f. As per item 5.1f
g. As per item 5.1g

6. Single Leaf Fire Escape Door a. 3 nos. of 125mm x 87mm x2mm thick heavy duty stainless
steel butt hinges.
b. 1 complete set of approved make fire rated panic bolts.

7. Double Leaf Fire Escape Door a. 6 nos. of 125mm x 87mm x 2mm thick heavy duty stainless
steel butt hinges.
b. 1 complete set of approved make fire rated panic bolts.


Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works


No. Type of Doors, Windows etc Ironmongery for each type of doors, windows etc.

8. Kitchen Cabinet Door/ Workbench a. Galvanised steel continuous ‘piano’ butt hinges.
b. 1 no 100mm aluminium ‘D’ handle.
c. 1 no.bales catch.
d. 1 no galvanised steel cupboard lock in satin chrome finish.

9. Wardrobe a. 3 nos. of 75mm brass butt hinges (per door leaf).

b. 2 nos.100mm anodised aluminium barrel bolt (for double
leaf doors)
c. 1 no 100mm aluminium ‘D’ handle.
d. Chromium plated steel clothes hanger rail.
e. Steel cylinder cupboard lock in satin chrome finish.

10. Drawer a. 1 no. steel cylinder drawer lock in satin chrome finish.
b. 1 no.100mm aluminium ‘D’ handle.

11. Sliding and Folding Door/ Partition a. Top or bottom running set sliding and folding door gear,
complete with tracks, channel, brackets, roller guides, hangers
and all necessary butt hinges, flush bolts and flush door pulls,
etc. as recommended by the manufacturer.
b. 1 no.upright 3 lever rebated mortice lockset for sliding and
folding door with satin chrome lever handle furniture with 2 nos.
keys of different serial number for each building.

12. Straight Sliding Door a. Top or bottom running set straight sliding door gear complete
with tracks, brackets, hangers, roller guides, channels, door
stops, flush brass bolts, brass flush pull etc. as recommended
by the manufacturer.
b. 1 no. upright 3 lever mortice lockset with satin chrome finish for
straight sliding door with 2 nos. keys of different serial number
for each building.

13. Timber Casement Window a. 2 nos. 400mm long approved electro-galvanised steel friction
b. 1 no. approved brass with satin chrome finish combination
handle and fastener.

14. Top Hung Casement Timber a. 2 nos. 750mm long approved electro-galvanised steel friction
Window. hinges.
b. 1 no. approved brass with satin chrome finish automatic locking

15. Top Hung Vent/Sashes a. 2 nos. 400mm long approved electro-galvanised steel friction
b. 1 no. approved brass with satin chrome finish automatic locking


Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works


1. General

All materials shall conform to the relevant Malaysian or British Standards. Other equivalent standard
may be accepted with the approval of the S.O.

2. Hot Rolled Structural Steel Works

2.1 All hot rolled structural steelwork design, materials and workmanship shall comply with the
JKR Standard Specification For Structural Steelwork No. 20600-0019-99 and shall be in
accordance with the latest version of BS 5950.

2.2 Materials

Unless otherwise approved by the S.O, all structural steel components shall conform to the
standard as shown in Table A.

The Contractor may with the approval of the S.O propose other equivalent structural steel
components at no extra cost. The Contractor shall submit with his proposal his design
calculations, sketches, detailings and Specifications which shall be certified by a Professional
Engineer. In addition, the Contractor shall submit documents and details as listed in Clause
2.3 hereof, if required by the S.O.

Proprietary products may only be used with the approval of the S.O and shall be installed in
accordance with the manufacturer’s specification and recommendation.


Form Material Quality Dimension Dimension


H - Sections JIS G3192 JIS G3192

Joists JIS G3192 JIS G3192

BS EN 10025
Channels JIS G3192 JIS G3192

Angles JIS G3192 JIS G3192

Plates & Flats Not Applicable BS EN 10029
Structural Hollow Sections Hot Finished BS EN 10210-1 BS 4848:Pt.2 BS 4848:Part 2

Hollow Sections Cold Formed BS 6363 BS 6363 BS 6363

Galvanised Open Sections & Strips BS EN 10147 Not Applicable BS 2989

Notes: 1 Material quality requirements for Fine Grain Steels are given in EN 10113
Material quality requirements for Weather Resistant Grades are given in EN10155
2 BS EN 10210 -1 contains material quality requirements for non alloy and fine grain steels
3 Tolerances for plates cut from wide strip produced on continuous mill are given in BS EN 10051


Structural Steel and Metal Works

Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, the equivalent steel grades are as in Table B


BS 5950: Part 1 BS 4360 BS EN’s

Design Grade 43 43 S275

Design Grade 50 50 S355

All materials testing and verification shall comply with BS 4360 and not limited to the
requirements as specified in the JKR Standard Specification for Structural Steelwork.

The manufacturer’s mill certificates shall be produced to the S.O before any structural steel
can be accepted. All test certificates shall contain embossed seal and/or watermarked logo of
the manufacturer.

2.3 Contractor’s Design

Unless connections and other details are provided or where the Contractor is required to
design any structural member/ truss or temporary support system, the Contractor shall
engage an approved structural steelwork fabricator to design such details and prepare
fabrication Drawings in accordance with Section 2.4 hereof.

Prior to fabrication, the Contractor shall submit the following documents and details for the
S.Os’ approval:

a. The design plan defining the principal design activities in a logical sequence, type of
design output, target dates to meet the programmed requirements and allocation of
design responsibilities.
b. Design documentation, production and checking procedures (verification).
c. Fabricator’s certification that the software used has been validated.
d. Method Statement for handling and transportation requirements for unusually shaped
or large components to ensure stability during movement.
e. A report of the design review before the issuance of detailed Drawings.

2.4 Drawings

The Contractor shall prepare Drawings with details in accordance with BS 5950 or other
relevant standards. The Drawings shall be certified by a Professional Engineer. He shall also
prepare Drawings and arrangements of temporary steelworks for the different stages of
construction in compliance with the requirements specified in the JKR Standard Specification
for Structural Steelwork.

2.5 Workmanship

The workmanship for all aspects of fabrication and erection shall comply with the JKR
Standard Specification for Structural Steelwork. All permissible deviations and tolerances for
accuracy of erection work shall strictly adhere to the values specified therein.

All welding shall be of metal arc process in accordance with BS 5135 and BS 4570.


Structural Steel and Metal Works

All welding works shall be executed by qualified welders with valid certificate issued by
approved Authorities such as Pusat Latihan Pengajar & Kemahiran Lanjutan (CIAST) and
Malaysian Oxygen Bhd. MOX).

Visual inspection of welds shall be carried out by a suitably qualified welding supervisor or
welder who can provide evidence of having been trained and competent in visual inspection
of the relevant types of welds.

Prior to erection work, the Contractor shall submit for the S.O’s approval, the Method
Statement for erection which among others shall include the following:

a. Pre- erection survey and formal acceptance of foundations.

b. Phased component delivery.
c. Safety and environmental controls.
d. Operative certification.
e. Plant and equipment certification.
f. Inspection of each phase of construction.

Whenever bolts and nuts are tightened by part turn method as in accordance with BS 4604
part 1, each nut shall be tightened, preferably with power operated wrench, by the amount
given in Table C below:


Nominal size & thread Grip of bolt for rotation of the nut (relative to the bolt shank)
dia.of bolt
Not less than ½ turn Not less than ¾ turn

M 16 Up to 115 mm -
M 20 Up to 115 mm Over 115 to 225 mm
M 22 Up to 115 mm Over 115 to 275 mm

M 24 Up to 160 mm Over 160 to 350 mm

M 27 Up to 160 mm Over 160 to 350 mm
M 30 Up to 160 mm Over 160 to 350 mm
M 36 Up to 160 mm Over 160 to 350 mm

If after final tightening, a bolt or nut is slackened off for any reason, the bolt, nut and washer
or washers shall be discarded and not re-used.

Whenever bolts and nuts are tightened by the torque – control method, in accordance with
BS 4604 part 1, such tightening shall be carried out with a calibrated tightening device, either
a power-operated or a hand-operated torque wrench. The wrench shall be calibrated
regularly at least once per shift or more frequently as instructed by the S.O. The equipment
shall be re-calibrated if there is a change in the diameter of bolt used or a change in grip
length exceeding one fifth of that used for calibration.

For inspection purposes, a sample of at least 32 bolts, shall be selected at random from a
batch such as that comprised in the daily work of one gang. If the torque for any bolt is less
than that found in the calibration required to induce the correct shank tension, every bolt in
the batch shall then be examined and tightened further.

Bolts and nuts found to be in any way defective shall be discarded and replaced by new


Structural Steel and Metal Works

2.6 Surface Preparation And Protective Treatment

All procedures and precautions mentioned in JKR Standard Structural Steelwork

Specification Section 10 shall be adhered to strictly for the cleaning and coating process of
structural elements.

The Contractor shall submit the Method Statement for the surface preparation and protective
treatment to the S.O for his approval before commencement of fabrication works, giving
details of the protective treatment specification and shall indicate quality control and
inspection to ensure conformity with the JKR Standard Specification for Structural Steelwork.

2.7 Welding Inspection And Testing By Independent Authority

The Contractor shall appoint an independent Inspection Authority to endorse the welder’s
certification and also to approve the welding procedures and test procedures for welding

Welding inspection and testing shall be carried out by an independent Welding Inspector who
holds a valid certificate of competence from a nationally recognised body such as SIRIM and
CIDB or other established recognised private organisation. Not withstanding such inspection
by the independent Welding Inspector, the S.O may at his absolute discretion carry out any
test to verify the integrity of the weld.

2.8 Fire Protection

Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, all fire protection materials and systems, shall show
evidence that they have been subjected to the fire resistance test in accordance with BS 476
and shall be endorsed by the local Jabatan Bomba Dan Penyelamat Malaysia. The
Contractor shall provide the manufacturer’s Data Sheet of the material proposed which shall
contain important information such as the characteristic and application techniques of the
proposed material as formatted in Appendix I/1.

The materials proposed shall be suitable and appropriate for the protection of the structural
steel element, wherever they are located whether internally or externally.

The materials supplied shall be free from defect and of equivalent quality to that supplied for
testing and approval purposes. The materials shall be designed specifically for the fire
protection of structural elements and shall be suitable for this purpose when applied/installed
in accordance with the manufacturer’s comprehensive instructions. The materials shall be
handled and stored as directed by the manufacturer and shall be applied/installed by a
recognised trained applicator/installer.

All fire protection works in progress shall be regularly monitored in order to eliminate the risk
of defective workmanship or failures.

The use of intumescent coating systems to metallic substrates for providing fire resistance
shall comprise a primer, an intumescent coating, a top sealer coat and/or a decorative coat.

The minimum thickness of any sprayed mineral coating type of fire protection materials
applied shall be as in Table D below:


Structural Steel and Metal Works


Hp / A Thickness in mm to provide fire resistance of :-

½ hour 1 hour 1½ hour 2 hour 3 hour 4 hour

150 10 12 25 36 57 79

170 10 13 26 38 60 83

190 10 13 27 40 63 87

210 10 14 28 41 65 90

Note : Hp - Perimeter of section exposed to fire (m)

A - Cross sectional area of the steel member (m²)

However, for any type of fire protection applied, the minimum thickness of protection to be
applied and the minimum dry film thickness required shall strictly adhere to the requirement
stated in the Data Sheet of the relevant proposed material.

2.9 Records

The Contractor shall submit to the S.O, document and records which shall include but not
limited to:

a. Document register
b. Drawings and design calculations and documentation registers.
c. Certificates for materials and consumables.
d. Calibration of equipment.
e. Weld procedures, concessions etc.
f. Inspection and test reports.
g. Delivery schedules and method statements.
h. Surveys and final inspection results.
i. Completion of erection and hand over certification.

2.10 Quality Assurance

The Contractor shall submit a Quality Assurance program as specified in the JKR Standard
Specification for Structural Steelwork.

3. Prefabricated Cold Formed Steel Roof Trusses

3.1 All prefabricated cold formed structural steel roof truss components shall be manufactured
and assembled only by truss fabricators accredited by system provider. The design, supply,
delivery and erection of the trusses shall be in accordance with JKR’s Standard
Specifications for Prefabricated Cold Formed Steel Roof Trusses No.JKR 20600-0022-2001.

3.2 Prior to any work on a roof structure, the Contractor shall seek the S.O’s approval by filling in
the application form to use the intended proprietary prefabricated cold formed steel roof truss
system for the roofing works. The roof truss system shall be selected from the most current


Structural Steel and Metal Works

list of approved Cold Formed Roof Truss System Providers issued by Pengarah Cawangan
Pakar dan Kejuruteraan Awam, Ibu Pejabat JKR Malaysia.

3.3 The Contractor shall enclose with his application all other documentation as mentioned in the
JKR Standard Specifications for Prefabricated Cold Formed Steel Roof Trusses No.JKR

3.4 The S.O shall have the absolute discretion to reject any system provider or their accredited
truss fabricators regardless of their status in the approved list, if in the opinion the S.O their
track record has been unsatisfactory.

3.5 Notwithstanding the requirement above, the Contractor shall be held responsible to supervise
the supply, fabrication and installation work carried out by the system provider or their
accredited fabricator. In addition the Contractor shall ensure that all works are carried out with
due regards to public safety.

3.6 As soon as practicable after the completion of the installation of the roof truss system and
prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Practical Completion, the Contractor shall submit to
the S.O all relevant documents as mentioned in the JKR Standard Specifications for
Prefabricated Cold Formed Steel Roof Trusses No.JKR 20600-0022-2001 for information and

4. Metal Frames For Doors And Windows

4.1 Steel Frames

4.1.1 The Contractor shall supply, assemble and fix steel frames for doors and windows as
shown in the Drawings. The steel frames shall comply with BS 6510, and shall be
from an approved source and shop-primed with two coats of red lead oxide or other
approved rust resisting primer.

4.1.2 The steel frames shall be manufactured from sections rolled from good commercial
grade galvanised mild steel in single sections, mechanically straightened with all
corners pre-cut with a 45 degrees mitre joint giving a snug and accurate fit, fully
electrically welded, and carefully ground and cleaned, or shall be mechanically
jointed by an approved method.

4.1.3 All screws, nuts, bolts and washers shall be of stainless steel.

4.1.4 Steel frames shall be painted as specified in SECTION M - PAINTING WORK.

4.2 Aluminium Frames

4.2.1 The Contractor shall supply, assemble and fix aluminium frames for doors and
windows as shown in the Drawings. Unless otherwise specified, all aluminium
frames shall be fabricated from sections extruded from aluminium alloy conforming to
MS 832.

4.2.2 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings or described in the Bills of Quantities,
aluminium surfaces shall be natural anodised finish, free from alloy defects, dye
marks, scratches and other surface blemishes in accordance with BS 3987 with an
anodic coating of 25 microns average thickness.

4.2.3 All coloured anodised finish to aluminium exposed surfaces shall be subject to the


Structural Steel and Metal Works

S.O.’s approval.

4.2.4 All aluminium extrusion or sheet exposed surfaces after anodising and after
colouring, if required by the S.O., shall be sealed, and the adequacy of the sealing
shall be determined by method specified in BS 1615.

4.2.5 All screws, nuts, bolts, rivets, washers and other fastenings shall be of stainless steel
or aluminium.

4.2.6 Ancillary members such as sills, couplings and the like formed from sheet materials,
shall be fabricated from designated aluminium alloys complying with BS 1470 or

4.3 Frames For Adjustable Louvre Windows

4.3.1 The Contractor shall supply, assemble and fix frames for adjustable louvre windows
as shown in the Drawings.

4.3.2 Unless otherwise specified, the frames shall be of approved manufacture.The frames
shall be supplied complete with weather seal and non-ferrous bearings, spring clips,
locking device and weather stripping with all necessary spacing pieces. The frames,
coupling mullions and spacer brackets shall be minimum 1.219 mm thick (18 SWG)
or otherwise specified cold-rolled steel strip galvanised with hot-dipped process. The
clips to receive the louvres shall be minimum 0.711 mm thick (22 SWG) rolled steel
strip galvanised with hot dipped process.

4.3.3 The operating rods shall be 2.132 mm thick (14 SWG). The handle and lock shall be
2.642 mm thick (12 SWG) steel.

4.3.4 Bolts, nuts and screws shall be of stainless steel.

4.3.5 Unless otherwise specified, the finish shall be of aluminium lacquer.

4.4 Accessories

Each steel or aluminium frame for doors and windows shall be supplied complete with:-

i. Sufficient number of built-in stainless steel hinges as per Schedule of Ironmongery


ii. Two (2) rubber buffers per closing jamb, to reduce noise and vibration;

iii. Welded mortar guard;

iv. Adjustable stainless steel striker plate with a gently curved lead-in edge;

v. Removable spreader bars, to ensure a perfect square during transportation and

installation; and

vi. Minimum of eight (8) pieces of 4mm brick ties, to ensure a tight permanent fit.

4.5 Samples

Samples of steel or aluminium sections for the doors and windows frames, together with
completed shop Drawings of all works shall be submitted for the S.O’s approval prior to the


Structural Steel and Metal Works

commencement of any work.

4.6 Installation

4.6.1 Unless otherwise specified or shown in the Drawings, fixing and installation of all
types of frames shall be strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions
and procedures.

4.6.2 Frames for adjustable louvre windows to be fixed to brick or concrete jambs shall be
screwed to patent wall plugs in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions;
otherwise the frame shall be screwed to timber surround.

5. Ceiling Suspension System

5.1 General

5.1.1 Where shown in the Drawings, ceiling suspension system shall consist of metal
members comprising main tees, cross tees, wall angles and hanger wires
complete with hanger jackets and clips, designed to support the suspended ceiling,
light fixtures and/or air diffusers with a maximum deflection of 1/360 span.

5.1.2 Unless otherwise specified, all exposed members of the suspension system shall be
of colour to match that of ceiling tiles, to the approval of the S.O.

5.2 Design Considerations

5.2.1 The width of all main tees and cross tees with double-web design shall be 24mm.
Wall angles shall be of the same width as the exposed tees.

5.2.2 Hanger wires shall be galvanised carbon steel, soft tempered, pre-stretched with
a yield stress load of at least three (3) times the design load, but in any case shall
not be less than 12 gauge (12.6 mm) diameter. Thicker gauge wire shall be used for
heavier load carrying installation or in situations where the hanger wires spacing
exceeds 1200mm centre to centre.

5.2.3 The system shall be designed with double locking system to ensure safety, as well
as to allow easy and speedy installation.

5.2.4 Stainless steel wire or nickle-copper alloy wire shall be used in corrosive

5.2.5 Supplementary bracing or substantial hanger devices such as metal straps,

rods, or structural angles shall be installed for installations subject to wind uplift.

5.3 Installation

5.3.1 Installation shall not be carried out until all wet work such as concreting, laying of
floor finish, plastering or painting has been completed and thoroughly dried.

5.3.2 All suspension systems shall be installed strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations.


Structural Steel and Metal Works

5.4 Warranty

5.4.1 The Contractor shall submit to the S.O., a manufacturer’s warranty against any
defect or damage which may arise during the period of 10 years from the date of the
issuance of the Certificate of Practical Completion. Terms of the warranty shall be
such as shall be approved by the S. O.

6. Collapsible Gates, Roller Shutters etc.

6.1 The Contractor shall provide and fix approved collapsible steel gates, folding shutters, roller
shutters, etc. complete with all necessary accessories as approved by the S.O. to the sizes
and positions as shown in the Drawings. Unless otherwise specified, they shall be galvanised
and fixed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

7. Sundries

7.1 Mild steel balustrading to staircases, verandahs, balconies, etc. shall be fixed as shown in the

7.2 All iron and steel for the sundries shall be of the quality approved by the S.O. Screws and
bolts shall have washers where appropriate. Hooks for carrying ceiling fans shall be formed
from 13mm diameter mild steel rods bolted to timber ceiling members or ragged into

7.3 Welded mesh, expanded metal, aluminium sheets etc. shall be provided and fixed as shown
in the Drawings.

7.4 Mild steel grilles, drain cover gratings shall be provided and fixed as shown in the Drawings.
Unless otherwise stated, all steelwork shall be jointed by continuous welding.

7.5 Ant caps shall be of 16 gauge galvanised iron sheets formed to shape as shown in the
drawing. The caps shall be fixed between concrete stumps/brick piers or walls and timber
posts or plates as required. The caps shall project 60mm and inclined at 45 degrees from the


Structural Steel and Metal Works


Data Sheet of Proposed Fire Protection Material


1. Product Description

2. Name of Manufacturer

3. Name of Supplier

4. Protection Technique

5. Application Technique

6. Steel Preparation Requirements

7. Additional Mechanical Fixing or Reinforcement

8. Nominal Density

9. Thickness Range

10. Fire Resistance Range

11. Constraints For Fire Resistance

12. Appearance

13. On Site Use

14. Durability

15. Other Application


Structural Steel and Metal Works


1. General

1.1 Cement

1.1.1 The cement, unless otherwise described shall be Ordinary Portland Cement,
complying with MS 522 as specified in SECTION D: CONCRETE WORK or Masonry
Cement complying with MS 794.

1.1.2 White and coloured cement shall be of approved manufacture.

1.2 Plasticiser

1.2.1 The plasticiser shall be of approved manufacture and used strictly in accordance with
the manufacturer's instructions.

1.3 Plasterlime

1.3.1 The plasterlime shall be of approved manufacture and shall comply with BS 890 and
shall be applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

1.4 Sand

1.4.1 The sand for external rendering, internal plastering and floor screeding shall comply
with MS 29 for fine aggregates. Sand for plastering using gypsum shall comply with
MS 701.

1.5 Water

1.5.l Water for mixing shall be clear and free from harmful matter as specified in

1.6 Mixing

1.6.1 All mixing of mortar for plaster and screed shall be done by machine. Hand mixing
shall only be allowed for small quantities and with the approval of the S.O. Hand
mixing shall be done on a clean platform. The water content of the mix shall be only
the minimum required to give a workable mix.

1.6.2 Mortar for plaster and screed shall be used up within 45 minutes after mixing.

1.6.3 For gypsum plaster, mixes shall be used up within one hour after mixing.

1.6.4 No remaking of the mix shall be permitted thereafter.

1.7 Surface Preparation

1.7.1 Where possible cement paving, screeding and rendering on concrete surface shall
be laid while the concrete is still green i.e. after the final set but not later than 24
hours of laying concrete. The concrete surfaces shall be brushed with a stiff broom
before it has hardened to remove laitance and give a roughened surface. Hardened
concrete surfaces shall be thoroughly hacked to form key to the approval of the S.O.


Plastering, Paving and Tiling Works

1.7.2 Before any paving, screeding or rendering is applied, all surfaces shall be thoroughly
cleaned and wetted and be in damp state at the time the paving, screeding or
rendering is applied.

1.7.3 Where plastering and rendering are to be applied in several coats, the surface of
each preceding coat shall be scratched while still green to form key for the
subsequent coat.

1.8 Bay

1.8.1 Paving and screeding shall be laid in alternate bays. On hardened concrete bases,
each bay shall not exceed 15 sq. metres. On the surfaces where the concrete is still
green, each bay shall not exceed 30 sq. metres. Where bays are not square, the
ratio of the length between adjacent sides of each bay shall be approximately 1:1½.
The joints in paving screed shall coincide as nearly as possible with joints in the

1.9 Curing and Protection

1.9.1 Unless otherwise specified hereinafter, the screeds shall be cured for 3 to 7 days
after laying, and protected from rapid drying by covering with polyethylene sheets or
tarpaulins and shall also be protected from any damage.

1.10 Making Good

1.10.1 Defective screeds shall be cut out and made good with fresh screed and sufficient
time shall be allowed for the screed to dry prior to the laying of the floor finish.

1.10.2 Defective plastering and rendering shall be made good by cutting out the defective
part to a rectangular shape, and the edges shall be undercut to form dovetail-key
and finished flush with the surrounding work.

1.11 Samples

1.11.1 The Contractor shall supply the S.O. with samples of materials and/or sample of
finished work for approval. Approved samples shall be kept at site for reference.

1.12 Tools

1.12.1 Proper tools shall be used for all scribing, scoring, splicing, smoothing edges, making
angles etc. of tiles, bricks and others so as to produce neat and fit joints.

1.13 Types of Finishes

1.13.1 The appropriate type of finishes to be used in the various locations of the works shall
be as shown in the Drawings or as tabulated in the schedule of finishes. Unless
otherwise shown in the Drawings or described in the Bills of Quantities, the finishes
and their dimensions shall be as specified hereinafter.

1.14 Cornices and Angles

1.14.1 All cornices and moulded work shall be run clean and accurately formed to the
section shown in the Drawings. All mitres, stops and enrichments and moulding shall
follow the details as shown in the Drawings, all to the approval of the S.O.


Plastering, Paving and Tiling Works

1.14.2 All arrises, rounded and moulded angles shall be of the same material mix as the
adjacent finish. For narrow reveal, splays and returns under 30mm wide, Class D
plaster to BS 1191 may be used.

2. Plaster Work

2.1 Plain Plaster

2.1.1 Plain plaster shall consist of one part masonry cement to six parts sand by volume.
Where Ordinary Portland Cement is used, plasticiser or plasterlime shall be added to
the mix in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

2.1.2 The plaster shall be applied in two coats generally to a total thickness of 16mm to
brickwall and 12mm to soffits, beams, columns, block-walls and other smooth
surfaces. The first coat shall consist of rough plastering to a thickness of 10mm for
the 16mm plainface, and 6mm for 12mm plainface. The second coat of 6mm thick
shall be finished with a steel trowel for internal surfaces and with a straight-edged
wood float for external surfaces.

2.2 Granolithic Plaster

2.2.1 Granolithic plaster shall consist of by volume, two parts cement, one part sand, five
parts granite chipping passing 6mm mesh and retaining upon 3mm mesh, applied in
two coats to a total thickness of 10mm to a backing coat, finished smooth with wood
float. The backing coat shall consist of 12mm thick plain plaster as described
hereinbefore. The finished surface shall be brushed lightly to achieve the required
texture after it has reached initial set.

2.3 Shanghai Plaster

2.3.1 Shanghai plaster shall consist of two parts approved coloured cement, one part sand
and five parts of selected lime-stone chipping passing 6mm mesh and retaining upon
3mm mesh by volume applied in two coats to a total thickness of 10mm to the
backing coat, finished smooth with wood float. The backing coat shall consist of
12mm thick plain plaster as described hereinbefore. The surface shall be brushed
lightly to achieve the required texture after it has reached initial set.

2.4 Textured Finish Plaster

2.4.1 Textured finish plaster shall consist of a 20mm thick backing coat of plain plaster as
described hereinbefore ruled into a plain and even surface and a finishing coat as
shown in the Drawings and described hereinafter.

2.4.2 For rough cast finish, the mix shall consist of selected cement, sand and aggregate
in the proportion to give the required finish to the approval of the S.O.

2.4.3 For Tyrolean finish, the mix shall consist of one part selected coloured cement and
two parts sand by volume applied to the backing coat by means of a Tyrolean
machine in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The finish shall be built
up in three layers to a total thickness of not exceeding 6mm. Each coat shall be
allowed to dry before the application of a subsequent coat.

2.4.4 For pebble-dash finish, the dry pebble for the finish shall be thrown onto the backing


Plastering, Paving and Tiling Works

coat while the latter is still wet. The pebbles to be used shall be clean and of size and
quality approved by the S.O.

2.5 Lath Plaster

2.5.1 Lath plaster shall consist of metal lathing and plaster. Metal lathing shall be
galvanised expanded metal sheets having a minimum weight of 1.5 kg/m sq. and
complying with BS 1369. The expanded metal sheets shall be fixed with the longer
side of the mesh spanning across the supports. All sheets shall be lapped not less
than 25mm at the sides and ends. The lapping shall not occur within 150mm along
the axis of angles or curves and end laps shall occur only at supports. Sides of
sheets between supports shall be wired together at every 75mm spacings with
galvanised wire of not less than 1.22mm diameter. Cut ends of wire used for fasten-
ing, etc. shall be bent inwards and not towards the plaster finishing coat. The
expanded metal shall be secured to timber supports by means of galvanised nails or
staples at intervals of not more than 100mm. Where expanded metal sheet is to be
fixed to steelwork, it shall be secured by wire or clips at interval of not greater than
350mm apart. Proprietary types of metal lathing, where used, shall be fixed strictly in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

2.5.2 The plastering to metal lathing shall be applied in three coats. The first and second
coat shall consist of cement and sand in the proportion of 1:6 by volume with an
approved mortar plasticiser applied in accordance with the manufacturer's
instruction. Approved fibre shall be incorporated in the mix in the proportion of 5 kg of
fibre to one meter cube of sand, well beaten and evenly distributed. The final coat
shall consist of cement and fine sand in the proportion of 1:3 with an approved
mortar plasticiser applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The
total thickness of the first and second coat shall be 10mm measured from the outer
surface of the metal lathing. The thickness of the final coat shall be 3mm. Each coat
shall be scratched for key after an appropriate time interval and be allowed to dry
thoroughly before the subsequent coat is applied.

2.6 Barium Plaster

2.6.1 The plastering for internal surfaces of X-Ray room walls shall be of barium plaster
consisting of one part cement, one part barytes (barium sulphate) fines and three
parts barytes sand by volume.

2.7 Plaster to Sides of Manholes, Inspection Chambers and Septic Tanks

2.7.1 Plastering to sides of manholes, inspection chambers and septic tanks shall be as
specified under SECTION F: SOIL DRAINAGE.

3. Paving Work

3.1 Cement Paving

3.1.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings or described in the Bills of Quantities,
cement paving shall be 20mm thick consisting of one part cement to three parts sand
by volume. The paving shall be thoroughly rammed within 30 minutes of laying and
trowelled smooth after it has stiffened sufficiently to prevent laitance being brought to
the surface. Paving to apron shall finish to a slight fall towards surface drains.

3.1.2 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings or described in the Bills of Quantities,


Plastering, Paving and Tiling Works

skirtings shall be formed to a height of 150mm and thickness of 20mm, coved at
bottom and rounded at top.

3.1.3 The paving forming the nosing edge of concrete stair treads shall be slightly rounded
and shall have four rows of 6mm half round grooves set at 12mm apart as non-slip
nosing edge.

3.2 Granolithic Paving

3.2.1 Granolithic paving shall be 20mm thick, consisting of two parts cement and five parts
granite chipping passing 6mm mesh and retained upon 3mm mesh by volume. The
chipping shall be washed and free from dust. The paving shall be trowelled smooth
to proper level or fall where appropriate. After initial set the surface shall be brushed
lightly to achieve the required textured finish. Unless otherwise shown in the
Drawings, granolithic skirtings shall be 100mm high and 20mm thick, coved at
bottom and slightly rounded at top.

3.2.2 The edge of threshold and treads of concrete stairs shall be finished with 150mm x
75mm x 12mm thick vitreous non-slip nosing tiles laid lengthwise bedded and
pointed in 1:3 cement and sand mortar. The sides of open stringers shall be finished
with granolithic plaster worked to profile of treads and risers to the approval of the

3.3 In-Situ Terrazzo

3.3.1 In-situ terrazzo shall consist of one part approved coloured cement and three parts
selected limestone chipping passing through 12mm mesh and retained upon 3mm
mesh by volume. The terrazzo topping shall be 20mm thick laid on 20mm thick
cement and sand (1:3) screed. The concrete base to receive the screed shall be
thoroughly cleaned and wetted. While laying the screed, aluminium or brass strips of
size 32mm wide x 3mm thick shall be set in vertically on edge into the screed to form
panels. Each panel shall not exceed 4 sq. metres with top edges of the strips
standing sufficiently high to finish flush with the finished terrazzo floor level. The
terrazzo shall be trowelled to a dense even finish. When sufficiently hard but not
less than two days after being laid it shall be rubbed down to a smooth surface by
means of Carborundum stone. Tile impregnator then shall be applied strictly in
accordance to the manufacturer’s instructions onto the terrazzo surface to prevent
future staining.

3.3.2 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings or described in the Bills of Quantities,
terrazzo skirtings and girths shall be of 100mm high x 20mm thick rounded at top
and coved at bottom.

3.3.3 The edge of the threshold and treads of concrete stairs shall be finished with 150mm
x 76mm x 12mm vitreous non-slip nosing tiles of approved colour laid lengthwise
bedded and pointed. The sides of open stringers shall be finished with in-situ
terrazzo working to profile of treads and risers to the approval of the S.O.

3.4 Waterproof Paving to Roof Slabs

3.4.1 Waterpoofed paving to roof slabs shall be as specified under SECTION D:


3.5 Precast Concrete Paving

3.5.1 Precast concrete paving slabs shall be of size 600mm x 600mm x 50mm thick each


Plastering, Paving and Tiling Works

and made of 1:2:4-20mm concrete reinforced with `A6' fabric reinforcement to MS
145. The top surfaces of slab shall be brushed with stiff broom or wire brush after
the initial set to give a rough finish. Paving slabs shall be laid to the pattern as
shown in the Drawings or approved by the S O. The slabs shall be bedded on 25mm
thick semi-dry cement and sand (1:3) screed laid on 100mm properly compacted and
blinded hardcore. The joints shall be 20mm wide filled with cement mortar (1:3) and
raked to a depth of 6mm.

3.6 Interlocking Concrete Paving

3.6.1 Interlocking concrete paving shall comprise of segmental interlocking concrete

paving units laid on minimum 30mm thick sand bedding course. The grade of the
concrete and the thickness of the paving unit shall be as detailed in the Drawings.
Concrete edge restraints shall be provided at the perimeter of the pavement to
ensure the paving units are tightly abutted and to separate areas of different laying
pattern. The gap between paving units shall be filled with fine sand of different
grading to that required for the bedding sand. The pavement which has been laid
shall be compacted by vibrator.

3.7 In-Situ Concrete Paving Footpath

3.7.1 In-situ concrete paving shall consist of 75mm thick concrete of 1:3:6-20mm mix by
volume as specified in SECTION D: CONCRETE WORK, laid on 100mm thick
properly compacted and blinded hardcore to panels as shown in the Drawings or as
approved by the S.O. The concrete shall be well compacted and floated with a
wooden float to a smooth and even finish. After the concrete has achieved the initial
set, the surface shall be brushed with stiff broom or wire brush to give a rough finish.
The joints between the panels shall be filled with approved cold-poured polyurethane
joint filler.

3.8 Brick Pavings

3.8.1 Bricks for paving shall be of semi-vitreous bricks 225mm x 75mm x 50mm thick of
approved quality and colour. The bricks shall be soaked as specified in SECTION E:
BRICKWORKS before laying and shall be laid flat on 25mm semi-dry cement and
sand (1:3) screed with 6mm spacing to the pattern as shown in the Drawings or as
approved by the S.O. The screed shall be laid on 75mm thick concrete (1:3:6-19mm)
base founded on properly compacted and blinded 100mm thick hardcore. The joints
shall be filled with cement mortar (1:2) and finished flush.

4. Tiling Work

4.1 Precast Terrazzo Tiles

4.1.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, precast terrazzo tiles of an approved
manufacture shall be 300mm x 300mm x 20mm thick machine-pressed tiles
comprising of 6mm limestone aggregate and coloured cement. The tiles shall be
soaked prior to laying and shall be laid butt jointed on 20mm thick semi-dry cement
and sand screed. The laying shall be done while the screed is still green. All joints
between the tiles shall be grouted with coloured cement to match. The tiles shall be
rubbed down to a smooth surface after a minimum of two days or laying by means of
Carborundum stone. Tile impregnator shall then be applied strictly in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions on to the terrazzo surface to prevent future


Plastering, Paving and Tiling Works

4.1.2 All skirtings, girths, edges of threshold and treads etc. shall be as described for in-
situ terrazzo.

4.2 Mosaic

4.2.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, mosaic tiling to floors shall be semi-glazed
tiles and shall be of an approved colour and manufacture.

4.2.2 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, mosaic tiling to walls shall be fully glazed
tile and shall be of approved colour and manufacture.

4.2.3 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings or described in the Bills of Quantities, all
skirtings shall be 100mm high to match floor tiling. The tiles at the bottom of the
skirting shall be set at 45 degrees to the horizontal and the top finished with cove
tiles. The tiles required to form angles to skirting shall be neatly cut and fit to all

4.2.4 Mosaic tiling to floors shall be bedded on 20mm thick semi-dry cement and sand
(1:3) screed, laid on the concrete base which has been thoroughly cleaned and

4.2.5 Mosaic tiling to walls shall be evenly buttered with cement paste before bedding on
20mm thick cement and sand (1:3) screed which has sufficiently hardened.
Alternatively the tiling shall be bedded with 6mm thick approved adhesive onto the

4.2.6 During bedding, the surface of the mosaic shall be checked and any unevenness
shall be made good. Any misaligned or defective tiles shall be adjusted or replaced.
All joints shall be grouted with approved adhesive or cement grout to match. The
tiling shall be allowed to mature under damp condition for at least four (4) days
before cleaning down.

4.3 Quarry Tiles

4.3.1 Quarry tiles shall be of non-slip type 150mm x 150mm x 12mm thick complying with
MS 1088, 1089, 1090 and 1091. The tiles shall be bedded on 20mm thick semi-dry
cement and sand (1:3) screed with joints about 2mm wide, laid on the concrete base
which has been thoroughly cleaned and wetted. All tiles shall be soaked overnight
before laying.

4.3.2 All skirtings shall be 100mm high with rounded top edge to match the tiles flooring.
The tiles required to form angles to skirting shall be neatly cut and fit to all

4.4 Glazed Wall Tiles

4.4.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, glazed wall tiles shall be 200mm x 200mm
x 6mm thick cushion-edged glazed tiles complying with MS 858.

4.4.2 The tiles shall be bedded with cement paste or alternatively with 6mm approved tile
adhesive on 20mm thick cement and sand (1:3) screed which has sufficiently
hardened. The surface of the screed shall be properly roughened to form key to the
tiling. The tiles shall be laid closed-butt and all joints shall be filled with adhesive or
approved white cement. Exposed edges of tiling shall be finished with rounded on
edge tiles.


Plastering, Paving and Tiling Works

4.5 Ceramic Tiles

4.5.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, ceramic tiles for floor shall be vitreous hard
wearing non-slip glazed tiles 200mm x 100mm x 12mm thick complying with BS

4.5.2 Unless otherwise stated in the Drawings or described in the Bills of Quantities,
ceramic tile skirtings shall match flooring and shall be 200mm x 100mm x 12mm
thick laid lengthwise on cement and sand (1:3) screed as described. All angles to
skirting shall be neatly cut to fit all abutments.

4.5.3 Unless otherwise stated in the Drawings, nosing and edging tiles to edges of flooring
and treads of concrete stairs shall be of an approved type and to match with the

4.5.4 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, ceramic tiles for walls shall be scruff-
resistant glazed tiles 200mm x 100mm x 6.5mm thick complying with MS 858.

4.5.5 Unless otherwise stated in the Drawings, all ceramic tiles shall be of approved colour
and manufacture.

4.5.6 Ceramic tiles shall be bedded with cement paste or alternatively with 6mm thick
approved tile adhesive on 20mm thick cement and sand (1:3) screed as described.
The tiles shall be laid close-butt and all joints shall be filled with tile adhesive or
coloured cement to match.

4.6 PVC Tiles/Sheets

4.6.1 PVC tiles or sheets shall be of approved pattern and colour. PVC tiles or sheets are
to be of non-slip type and shall comply with MS 602. Tiles shall be 250mm x 250mm
x 2mm thick. Sheets shall be 1.5m wide x 2mm thick.

4.6.2 The tiles or sheet shall be laid and jointed on 20mm thick cement and sand (1:3)
screed with an approved waterproof adhesive strictly in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions. The screed shall be finished smooth with a steel trowel
to an even surface and shall be dry, clean and free from dust and sand before laying
the tiles and sheets.

4.6.3 Accessories such as skirting, stair nosing, edging strips etc. shall be of the same
manufacture from similar material to match flooring. Unless otherwise described
skirting shall be 100mm high; stair nosing shall be 60mm wide laid full length of the
treads and of bullnose profiles; and edging strips shall be 25mm wide.

4.6.4 On completion, the flooring shall be well-cleaned and treated or polished in

accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

4.7 Timber Strip Flooring

4.7.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, timber strip flooring shall be ready-made,
laminated three ply timber strip or floor board of approved manufacture. The timber
species for use in timber strip flooring shall be as specified in SECTION H:

4.7.2 The flooring shall be laid to the pattern as approved by the S.O, on 20mm thick
cement and sand (1:3) screed with an approved waterproof adhesive applied in
accordance with manufacturer's instructions. The screed shall be finished smooth


Plastering, Paving and Tiling Works

with a steel trowel to an even surface and it shall be dry, clean and dust free before
laying the timber strip flooring. After the adhesive has set, the timber strip flooring
shall be sanded to a true smooth and even surface using suitable sanding machine.
Any misaligned or defective timber strip shall be adjusted or replaced.

4.7.3 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings or described in the Bills of Quantities,
skirting to timber strip flooring shall consist of 100mm x 12mm thick wrot timber
skirting rounded at the top, and fixed to the wall or column using 38mm masonry
nails spaced approximately at 600mm centres in two rows 26mm away from the top
and bottom edges. The nails shall be punched below the surface and the holes filled
with approved putty. Any jointing of the skirting shall use splayed butt joints.

4.7.4 The face edges of the flooring shall be lined with wrot timber edging to match. The
edging strips shall be 38mm wide approximately x 12mm thick fixed to the base
using adhesive as specified hereinbefore, projecting 12mm from the finished sides of
floor slabs. Edging strips shall be jointed using glued splayed butt joints.

4.7.5 After sanding the flooring shall be cleaned, any gap sealed with approved sealer,
stained and finished with three coats of approved polyurethane paint. Each coat
shall be applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

4.8 Parquet Flooring

4.8.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, parquet tiles shall be ready-made 120mm
x 120mm x 10mm thick consisting of 120mm x 25mm x 10mm pressure treated
kempas, keruing or other approved medium hardwood timber battens. The timber
species for use in parquet flooring shall be as specified in SECTION H:

4.8.2 The flooring shall be laid to the pattern as approved by the S.O, on 20mm thick
cement and sand (1:3) screed with an approved waterproof adhesive applied in
accordance with manufacturer's instructions. The screed shall be finished smooth
with a steel trowel to an even surface and it shall be dry, clean and dust free before
laying the parquet flooring. After the adhesive has set, the parquet flooring shall be
sanded to a true smooth and even surface using suitable sanding machine. Any
misaligned or defective parquet shall be adjusted or replaced.

4.8.3 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings or described in the Bills of Quantities,
skirting to parquet flooring shall consist of 100mm x 12mm thick wrot timber skirting
rounded at the top, and fixed to the wall or column using 38mm masonry nails
spaced approximately at 600mm centres in two rows 26mm away from the top and
bottom edges. The nails shall be punched below the surface and the holes filled with
approved putty. Any jointing of the skirting shall use splayed butt joints.

4.8.4 The face edges of the flooring shall be lined with wrot timber edging to match. The
edging strips shall be 38mm wide approximately x 12mm thick fixed to the base
using adhesive as specified hereinbefore, projecting 12mm from the finished sides of
floor slabs. Any edging strips shall be jointed using glued splayed butt joints.

4.8.5 After sanding the flooring shall be cleaned, any gap sealed with approved sealer,
stained and finished with three coats of approved polyurethane paint. Each coat
shall be applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

4.9 Homogenous Tiles

4.9.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, homogenous tiles for flooring shall be of


Plastering, Paving and Tiling Works

Gred A 300mm x 300mm x 8.5mm thick (interior flooring) and 100mm x 100mm x
11mm thick (exterior flooring) fully-vitrified hard-wearing, non-slip unglazed porcelain
tiles of approved colour and manufacture.

4.9.2 The tiles shall be bedded with cement paste or alternatively with approved tile
adhesive 6mm thick complying with ANSIA 118.1-1992 on to 20mm thick cement
and sand (1:3) screed as described hereinbefore.

4.9.3 Accessories such as skirting (bull nose or cove base), step tiles, step nosings,
edging strips, angle tiles (internal and external), etc, shall be of standard
manufacture from the same material to match flooring. Unless otherwise shown in
the Drawings, skirtings shall be 77mm high, stair nosing 20mm wide laid full length of
the treads and of bull nose profile, and edging strips 25mm wide.

4.9.4 The tiles shall be laid closed-butt with joints not exceeding 3 mm wide and shall be
filled with coloured grout mixed with grout admix. For polished tiles, tile impregnator
solution shall be applied before grouting to prevent grout haze. On completion, the
tiles shall be well-cleaned with tile cleaning solution.

4.10 Granite Slabs

4.10.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, granite slabs shall be 600mm x 600mm x
25mm thick shall be bedded with cement paste or alternatively with 9mm thick
approved tile adhesive onto 25mm thick cement and sand (1:3) screed as described
hereinbefore. The slabs shall be laid butt-jointed. Any gap shall be filled with
approved grout powder mixed with grout adhesive. After grouting, the surface then
shall be polished, buffered and finished with a layer of impregnator.

4.10.2 If used in wet or exposed areas, or on ground floor, waterproofing system shall be
installed prior to laying of granite slabs.

4.11 Marble Slab

4.11.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, marble slabs shall be 600mm x 600mm x
25mm thick shall be bedded with cement paste or alternatively with 9mm thick
approved tile adhesive onto 25mm thick cement and sand (1:3) screed. The slabs
shall be laid butt-jointed. Any gap shall be filled with approved mixture of the
adhesive and grout powder. After grouting, the surface then shall be polished,
buffered and finished with a layer of impregnator.

4.11.2 If used in wet or exposed areas, or ground floor, waterproofing system shall be
installed prior to laying of marble slabs.


Plastering, Paving and Tiling Works


1. Water Supply Plumbing

1.1 General

1.1.1 The whole of the water supply plumbing and installation shall be executed by a
licensed plumber having valid and relevant license issued by the relevant state
water authority. The Contractor shall at his own cost be responsible for
employing the licensed plumber, and shall be responsible for all the work
performed by the licensed plumber.

1.1.2 All water supply plumbing and installation shall be executed in accordance with
the relevant state water supply rules and to the approval of the state water
authority, notwithstanding any approval given by the S.O.

1.1.3 All pipes, fittings and equipment used for water supply plumbing and installation
shall be of the type and make approved by the relevant state water authority.

1.2 Pipework

1.2.1 Pipework for water supply plumbing shall be to the dimensions shown or as
specified hereinafter and shall be complete with all bends, tees, sockets, plugs,
reducers, brackets, supports and everything else necessary to complete the

1.2.2 Unless otherwise shown or stated in the Drawings, the unplasticed polyvinyl
chloride (uPVC) pipes and fittings used in cold water supply pipework in
distribution pipes above ground, below ground or concealed, shall be executed in
approved Class 7 of MS 762 for sizes 50mm and below. For sizes greater than
50mm, a minimum pressure rating of approved Class ‘E’ of MS 628 (PN 15)
(equivalent to 12 bar derated at 30oC) shall be used. Both Class 7 of MS 762 and
Class ‘E’ of MS 628 uPVC pipes and fittings shall comply with BS 6920 or MS
1583 on their effects on drinking water quality. Solvent cement used for both
types of pipes and fittings shall be approved in accordance with MS 628. All
uPVC pipes, fittings and solvent cement shall be supplied by the same

1.2.3 Where polyethylene (PE) pipe is shown or stated in the Drawings, the PE pipes
and fittings used in cold water supply pipework in distribution pipes above
ground, below ground or concealed, unless otherwise stated or shown in the
Drawings, shall have a minimum wall thickness and pressure rating of PN 12.5 at
20oC (equivalent to 10 Bar derated working pressure at 30oC) and manufactured
to MS 1058 or EN 12201. All PE pipes used shall be marked with SIRIM
certification numbers. All metal fittings moulded integrally shall be dezincified
brass with BSP threads to CZ132 of BS 2872 or BS 2874 and Nickel &
Chromium plated to BS 1224, service condition No. 2, classification number
Cu/Ni 10b Crr.

1.2.4 Where Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) pipe (for cold water applications
only) is stated or shown, ABS pipes and fittings used in the water supply
pipework in distribution pipes above ground, below ground or concealed, unless
otherwise stated or shown in the drawing, shall have a minimum wall thickness
and pressure rating of class 9 to MS 1419 or PN 10 to EN 15493.

1.2.5 Where polybutylene (PB) pipe (for cold and hot water applications) is stated or
shown, PB pipes and fittings used in the water supply pipework in distribution


Water Supply Plumbing, Sanitary Installation and Rain Water Goods Installation
pipes above ground, below ground or concealed, unless otherwise shown or
stated in the Drawings, shall have a minimum wall thickness and pressure rating
of PN 12.5 at 20oC (equivalent to 10 Bar derated working pressure at 30oC) and
manufactured to EN 12319 or AS/NZS 2642. All metal fittings (in contact with
water) moulded integrally shall be dezincified brass with BSP threads to CZ132
of BS 2872 or BS 2874 and Nickel & Chromium plated to BS 1224, service
condition No.2, classification number Cu/Ni 10b Crr.

1.2.6 Where polypropylene random co-polymer (PP-R) Type 3 pipe and fitting (for cold
and hot water applications) is stated or shown, PP-R Type 3 pipes and fittings
used in the water supply pipework in distribution pipes above ground, below
ground or concealed, unless otherwise shown or stated in the Drawings, shall
have a minimum wall thickness and pressure rating of PN 16 or SDR 7.4 at
20oC, designed for 10 Bar working pressure at 60oC for a minimum operational
life of 50 years and manufactured to DIN 8077, DIN 8078 and DIN 16962 Part 5-
8. All metal fittings moulded integrally shall be dezincified brass with BSP threads
to CZ132 of BS 2872 or BS 2874 and Nickel & Chromium plated to BS 1224,
service condition No. 2, classification number Cu/Ni 10b Crr. The minimum wall
thickness and pressure rating for cold water system, unless otherwise stated or
shown in the Drawings is PN 10 or SDR 11 according to DIN 8077.

1.2.7 Where stainless steel pipe (suitable for cold and hot water) is stated or shown, all
service pipes, pump delivery pipe works, plumbing works below and above
ground level shall be welded austenitic stainless steel pipes ( using Schedule
40S pipes for sizes ranging ½" to 2" diameter and threaded, and Schedule 10S
pipes for 2" to 8" Diameter pipes by way of welding ) manufactured according to
ASTM A312/A312M together with stainless steel butt-welding fittings
manufactured according to ASTM A403/A403M or stainless steel screwed fittings
manufactured according to ASTM A351/A351M.

However for pipe work in plumbing above ground level (which include service
pipes, pump delivery pipe works), as an option, stainless steel tubes
manufactured according to BS4127 specification for light gauge stainless steel
tube, primarily for water application, may be used. It shall be made of stainless
steel material grade 304 S15 of BS 1449 Part 2. Compression fittings and
capillary fittings made in accordance with the following standards shall be used
with stainless steel tubes conforming to BS 4127:

(i) Copper alloy to BS 864

(ii) Stainless steel to BS 4368 or ISO 8434

1.2.8 Where copper pipe is shown, it shall be to BS EN 1057. Fittings to be used for
joining copper pipe shall be to BS 864.

1.2.9 Unless otherwise shown or stated in the Drawings, service pipes and distribution
pipes except those buried under ground level, shall be concealed. The
Contractor shall execute the work in such a manner so as to avoid cutting into
finished work in walls, aprons, beams, etc. where practicable as the work
proceeds. Pipework to be buried or concealed shall not be covered or plastered
before they are examined, tested and approved by the state water authority,
notwithstanding any approval given by the S.O.

1.2.10 Unless otherwise shown or stated in the Drawings, final branches to fittings shall
be 12mm diameters and the sizes of feeders from which these branches are
taken shall be as follows: -


Water Supply Plumbing, Sanitary Installation and Rain Water Goods Installation
No. of Fittings Served Diameter of Feeders

1 12mm
2 20mm
3, 4 25mm
5, 6, 7 30mm
8, 9,10,11,12 40mm
13, 14, 15,16,17,18 50mm

1.2.11 The installation and construction of all pipework to storage tanks shall be carried
in such a manner that where necessary, flexible rubber joints of approved
standards shall be used for connection next to the panel to avoid stress.
Mechanical joints shall also be used for connection between the flexible rubber
joints and the pipework.

1.2.12 Flange joints (nozzles) used for the inlet, outlet and scour of storage tanks shall
be made of hot dipped galvanised mild steel externally and stainless steel grade
304 or polymeric coated hot-dipped galvanised mild steel internally. Joint gaskets
shall be of 5mm thick, medium rubber reinforced with two-ply flexible fabric and
complying with BS 5292, or approved silica sealant used in the Glass Reinforced
Polyester Panel (GRP) tanks. All bolts, nuts and washers used for flange nozzles
shall be made of stainless steel grade 304 or polymeric coated hot-dipped
galvanised mild steel.

1.2.13 The Contractor shall provide all the necessary flexible rubber joints and
mechanical joints for the proper installation and construction of the pipework to
the tank.

1.3 Storage Tank

1.3.1 Storage tank for water supply shall be of the type and capacity shown or stated
in the Drawings. The storage tank shall be watertight and properly supported.
The storage tank shall be provided with dust and mosquito-proof cover. The
cover shall be so constructed that it shall not be airtight. The storage tank shall
be provided with a high pressure ball valve to BS 1212 on the inlet and of the
same size as inlet pipe. Overflow/ warning pipe, scour pipe and outlet tapping
shall be in accordance with the relevant state water supply rules. The scour and
overflow/warning pipe shall discharge outside the building or to a point shown or
stated in the Drawings.

1.3.2 Storage tanks of pressed steel sections shall be of approved type and shall
comply with BS 1564 and shall be hot-dipped galvanised to MS 740.

Either one of the following liner systems is acceptable:

(A) Hot-dipped Galvanised Pressed Steel Tank With HDPE Liner

The internal surfaces of the storage tank shall be lined with an approved
non-toxic potable water quality grade high density polyethylene (HDPE)
liner of minimum thickness of 2 mm. All internal cleats and bracings to
tank plates, bolts, nuts, washers and internal ladders shall be of
stainless steel grade 304 or polymeric coated (cold-applied epoxy
AWWA C210 or equivalent) hot-dipped galvanised mild steel. Roof
covers and trusses to tank shall be fully hot-dipped galvanised mild steel
and polymeric coated internally.

(B) Hot-dipped Galvanised Pressed Steel Tank With Epoxy Resin Liner

The internal surfaces of the storage tank together with the roof covers
and trusses shall be treated with a suitable etch primer before applying


Water Supply Plumbing, Sanitary Installation and Rain Water Goods Installation
2 coats of solvent free, high solid epoxy resin with an approved non-
toxic potable water certificate. The overall film thickness shall be not less
than 500 microns. All internal cleats and bracings to tank plates, bolts,
nuts, washers and internal ladders shall be of stainless steel grade 304.

Application requirement for Epoxy Resin Liner:

i) The new galvanised pressed steel shall be cleaned with a

suitable degreaser to remove grease and other contaminates.
The Etch Primer shall be applied by airless spray at a dry film
thickness of 15-20 microns. The 2 part epoxy resin liner must be
thoroughly mixed at the prescribed ratio with each coat giving a
dry film of average 250 microns. Precaution must be taken to
prevent contamination between coats.

ii) The minimum bond strength of the coating shall be 1.5 N/mm2
to be determined by using an Elcometer adhesion testing
machine. The testing requirement is one (1) pull-off test per
every 100 m2 of tank lining and one (1) pull-off test for tank
lining less than 100 m2. Any damage to the coating shall be
rectified by following the original method statement.

For both the liner systems, beads of non-toxic elastomeric sealant shall
be applied to cover all gasket joints. All external bolts, nuts and washers
to tank plates, tank support, steel I beams and external ladders shall be
hot-dipped galvanised mild steel.

The Contractor shall provide the tank manufacturer’s guarantee for the
new hot-dipped galvanised pressed steel water tank with any one of the
above liner systems for a period of ten (10) years from the date of
completion against leakages and all manufacturing, installation and
liner’s defects.

1.3.3 Storage tanks of stainless steel shall be of approved type and shall be made of
stainless steel grade 304 and manufactured to JKR Standard Specification for
Stainless Steel Water Tanks No.20200-0041-99.

1.3.4 Storage tanks of fibre glass (FRP) shall be of approved type and shall comply
with MS 1241.

1.3.5 Storage tanks of high density polyethylene (HDPE) shall be of approved type and
shall comply with MS 1225.

1.3.6 Storage tanks of glass reinforced polyester (GRP) panels shall be of approved
type and shall comply with MS 1390.

1.4 Tank Components and Accessories

Unless otherwise shown or stated in the Drawings, the installation of storage tanks shall
include the provision and installation of the following accessories and fittings to the tanks:

i) Openings for piping connection for inlet, outlet, overflow and drainage pipe
connections with positions approved by the S.O.

ii) Access manholes with cover, the number, locations and details of which shall be
approved by S.O.

iii) Air vents to the tank cover at the positions and as per details approved by the


Water Supply Plumbing, Sanitary Installation and Rain Water Goods Installation
iv) Water tanks of two metres depth or more shall be provided with internal and
external ladders. The internal ladder shall be made of aluminium or of stainless
steel grade 304 or polymeric coated (cold-applied epoxy AWWA C210: 1994 or
equivalent) hot-dipped galvanised mild steel. The external ladder shall be made
of hot dipped galvanised mild steel in accordance with MS 740. The ladder width
shall not be less than 300 mm and the length shall be suitable for the tank

v) Suitable type water level indicators and scales graduated in metres to suit the
depth of the panel tank.

vi ) All internal cleats and bracings to tank plates, bolts, nuts, washers in contact with
water shall be of stainless steel grade 304 or polymeric coated (cold-applied
epoxy AWWA C210 or equivalent) hot-dipped galvanised mild steel. All external
bolts, nuts and washers shall be of hot dipped galvanised steel. The diameter of
all bolts in accordance with BS 4190, shall not be less than 10 mm.

vii) Sealing material shall be nontoxic and chemically resistant to the water stored.
The sealants shall also be able to withstand the prevailing environmental
conditions during service.

viii) The internal supports and reinforcement members for the panels shall be
chemically resistant to the water stored. They shall be made of stainless steel.
The exterior reinforcement metal parts shall be fabricated from hot dipped
galvanised mild steel.

ix) The exterior of the water storage tanks for the purpose of firefighting shall be
painted as required by Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat.

1.5 Storage Tank Foundation

i) Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, the Contractor shall construct

foundations to provide continuous support to all base panel joints in one direction
at 1000 mm nominal centres according to panel size. The concrete foundation
shall have a width of at least 300 mm and height of at least 500 mm.

ii) If continuous foundations are used, dwarf walls or steel beams shall be placed
between the tank and the base level to allow a minimum clearance of 500 mm to
enable ease of tank installation and subsequent bolts tightening and adjustments
after installation.

iii} Whenever recommended by the tank manufacturer, the steel skid base shall be
designed and constructed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions,
details and BS 5950 or equivalent. In such cases, the continuous support can be
spaced at greater than 1000mm nominal centres as recommended by the

iv) The steel skid base shall be joined by welding neatly and uniformly flushed with
each other to enable the base of tank plate to be placed and sit properly on the
skid base. Uneven surfaces of the skid base will be rejected. The skid base shall
be rust free.

1.6 Stop Valves

1.6.1 High pressure full way brass screw-down stop valves of the same diameter as
the pipe shall be provided and fixed for control in the following positions:

i) On the service pipe before it enters the building.

ii) On each branch of the service pipe.
iii) On the inlet to each storage or feed cistern.


Water Supply Plumbing, Sanitary Installation and Rain Water Goods Installation
iv) On the inlet to each flushing cistern.
v) On the outlet of each storage or feed cistern.
vi) In other positions on the pipe as shown or indicated, other than on
overflow/warning pipe.

1.6.2 All stop valves shall be of the type approved and complied with MS 1022.

1.7 Examination, Test and Approval of Water Supply Plumbing

1.7.1 On completion of all the water supply plumbing and fittings installation, the
Contractor shall notify the relevant state water authority that they are ready for
examination and test and the Contractor shall carry out the test as required by
the state water authority.

1.7.2 Test for water tightness and chlorination of storage tank

i) After completion, the tank shall be filled with water to the maximum
operating capacity level and the level of water surfaces shall be fully
recorded. The tank shall be accepted as satisfactory if after a period of
48 hours there is:

a) No measurable reduction in water level, due allowance being

made for evaporation.
b) No visible signs of leakage from any parts of the tank and
c) No deformation of any part of the structure.

ii) If the test results do not satisfy the above conditions of tests, the
Contractor shall proceed to locate and rectify all defects and leakages
and the test shall be repeated as often as necessary until the structure
satisfies the stipulated conditions. The Contractor shall bear all costs
and expenses for all tests and remedial works.

iii) On completion of the water tightness test, the Contractor is required to

chlorinate the water in the tank to the satisfaction of the S.O.

1.7.3 Testing of Pipework

i) The testing of pipework shall be carried out before the pipework are
covered up or plastered.

ii) The Contractor shall at his own cost provide complete plant, including
portable hydraulic pumps, blank flanges, "test-end" units fitted with caps
or plugs, pressure gauges, all pipe connections and other fittings
necessary for the testing of the pipework. All pipes attached to the tank
shall be tested to the maximum head which they will attain under normal
operating conditions. Only a closed end test shall be required for the

iii) Pressure Testing

When a pressure test is carried out, it may be necessary to disconnect

and cap the water service to isolate it from the water main, fixtures and
appliances which may be damaged by the test pressure.

a) For Plastic Pipes ( uPVC pipes, PE pipes, ABS pipes, PB pipes,

PPR-R Type 3 pipes etc), the pipework shall be filled with
water and the system shall be charged to a hydrostatic pressure
of 15 bar at embient temperature 27 ± 2oC.
For accurate testing, the installation must be filled slowly and be
fully ventilated. Calibrated measurement devices, which show


Water Supply Plumbing, Sanitary Installation and Rain Water Goods Installation
pressure changes in steps of 0.1 bar, shall be used for the test.
It shall be noted that a temperature change of 10oC causes a
pressure change of up to 2 bar, depending on the size of the

The pressure test shall be carried out in two stages: i.e. a

preliminary test and a main test.

Pressure Testing may take place

• for compression joint, immediately after the last joint
has been made.
• for fusion joint, no earlier than 1 hour after the last
fusion joint.
• for solvent weld joint, no earlier than 24 hours after the
last joint made.

Preliminary test:

The duration of the preliminary test depends on the size of the

system, but usually requires about one hour and includes the
following activities.
1) Measurement devices shall be installed at the lowest
point of the piping system, if possible.
2) The piping system shall be filled with potable water,
thoroughly ventilated and separated from the mains
3) Increase pressure with a pressure pump to 15 bar (a)
(refer to Pressure Test Diagram in Appendix K/2-1 and
Log Sheet in Appendix K/2-2.)
4) Repeat pumping back up to 15 bar, 2 more times over
the next 30 minutes (b) at an interval of 10 minutes.
5) After a testing period of another 30 minutes, the test
pressure shall not have decreased by more than 0.6
bar (c).

The preliminary test is considered successfully completed when

there are no leaks and the pressure drop in the last half hour of
the preliminary test does not exceed 0.6 bar.

Main test:

6) The main test shall be carried out immediately following

the preliminary test. Its duration is two (2) hours. The
test pressure after the preliminary test at point (c) shall
be recorded.

7) The main test is considered successfully completed, if

the test pressure does not drop more than 0.2 bar (d)
from the beginning of the main test and if no leakage is

If the pressure drop is more than 0.2 bar during the main test,
then the whole test must be repeated. There must not be any
leakage in the system.

The results of the pressure test shall be recorded on a log sheet

(see Appendix K/2-2). The test shall be accepted as satisfactory
if there are no signs of leakage and pressure drops within the
acceptable tolerances in the system. The Contractor shall make
good all leakages, replace any defective parts and retest the


Water Supply Plumbing, Sanitary Installation and Rain Water Goods Installation
whole system all at his own expense to the approval of the state
water authority.

b) For Metal Pipes (stainless steel pipes, copper pipes etc), the
pipework shall be filled with water and the system shall be
charged to a hydrostatic pressure of 15 bar and maintained for
a period of not less than 30 minutes. The results of the pressure
test shall be recorded on a log sheet (see Appendix K/2-2). The
test shall be accepted as satisfactory if there are no signs of
leakage and pressure drop in the system. The Contractor shall
make good all leakages, replace any defective parts and retest
the whole system to the approval of the state water authority all
at his own expense.

1.7.4 The Contractor shall obtain a written certification from the relevant state water
authority to prove that the examination and test have been satisfactorily
concluded. Where the installation is proven to be unsatisfactory, the Contractor
shall rectify the works in accordance with written notice of the state water
authority all at his own expense. The repair or replacement of a faulty pipe or
fitting shall be reported by the Contractor to the relevant state water authority
within one week.

1.8 Meter Chamber

Where meter chambers are required, these shall be to the details shown in the Drawings.
Unless otherwise shown or stated in the Drawings, connection to the meter, supply of
meters and all communication pipes up to the meter point shall be done by the relevant
state water authority.

2. Sanitary Installation

2.1 Fittings

2.1.1 Unless otherwise shown or specified in the Drawings, all fittings including all
necessary brackets and accessories shall be as scheduled in Appendix K/1
hereinafter. The Contractor shall be responsible for determining the type of trap
required for each fitting. All necessary concrete backing shall be provided to
fittings secured to floors.

2.1.2 Vanity Top

Where shown in the Drawings, vanity tops of approved manufacture and colour
shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. It shall be
moulded as one solid piece with it’s top sloping gently towards the wash hand
basin and having a slight upturn or kerb as it’s outer edges. It shall be
manufactured from non-porous composite product composed of polyester
resin and calcium carbonate marble dust with the permanence of stone and
an aesthetic appeal of natural marble or granite. The slab surface shall have a
glossy finish, and protected by suitable polymer to ensure durability and
impermeability. It shall be stain and chemical resistant, and UV stabilised.

2.2 Water Supply Plumbing for Low Pressure W/C Flush Valve and Low Pressure W/C
Flushing Cistern

2.2.1 Plumbing for Low Pressure W/C Flush Valve

A separate internal plumbing system shall be provided for low pressure w/c flush
valves to have adequate dynamic pressure and flow, to ensure effective
operation of each flush valve, i.e. for hydraulics of water closet to function


Water Supply Plumbing, Sanitary Installation and Rain Water Goods Installation
properly, as shown in Appendix K/3.

Alternatively water supply to flush valves for w/c pan shall be derived from a
feeder tank which is isolated from the potable water supply main and is not
connected in any way with all other fittings serving to basins, sinks, heaters etc.
in the building.

The following requirement for each low pressure w/c flush valve as in Table A1
shall be followed in the design of internal plumbing for flush valve system.

Table A1 – Low Pressure W/C Flush Valve

Requirement W/C Flush Valve

a) Dynamic/ operating head at the inlet of 3.25 m

flush valve
b) Flow rate 1.8 litres/ sec

2.2.2 Plumbing for Low Pressure W/C Flushing Cistern

An internal plumbing system shall be provided for low pressure w/c flushing
cistern, w/c taps, taps for toilet wash hand basins and urinal flush valves as
shown in Appendix K/4.

The following requirement for each low pressure w/c cistern, urinal cistern and
urinal flush valve as in Table A2 shall be followed in the design of internal

Table A2: Low Pressure W/C Cistern, Urinal Cistern and Urinal Flush Valve

Requirement Low Pressure Urinal Cistern Urinal Flush

W/C Cistern Valve

a) Dynamic/ operating 3.2 m 2.0m 2.0m

head at the inlet of
cistern/ valve

b) Flow rate 0.1 litres/ sec 0.1 litres/ sec 0.1 litres/ sec

2.2.3 Materials for Pipes, Fittings and Isolating Valves In Pipeworks

a) Pipes and Fittings For Internal Plumbing, Concealed and Buried


Pipework for water supply plumbing shall be to the dimensions shown or

as specified in the Drawings and shall be complete with all bends, tees,
sockets, plugs, reducers, brackets, supports and everything else
necessary to complete the installation. All the pipes and fittings
mentioned in clause 1.2 are suitable for internal plumbing. Galvanised
iron pipes and fittings shall not be used for internal plumbing.

b) Pipes and Fittings for Exposed External Pipework

ASTM A312 Schedule 40S stainless steel pipes and ASTM A351


Water Supply Plumbing, Sanitary Installation and Rain Water Goods Installation
stainless steel pipe fittings or BS 143 & 1256 brass threaded fittings for
external pipework shall be used. High strength composite plastic/ metal
pipes and fittings may be allowed with the S.O’s approval. Galvanised
iron pipes and fittings shall not be used for external pipework.

c) Isolation Valves for Internal Plumbing and External Pipework

Valves used for isolating the water supply system shall be of approved
full bore brass gate valves (BS5154) or Type B ductile iron gate valves
(JKR Standard Specification 20200-0083-00), brass ball valves (BS
6675:1986 or BS 1552:1995) shall be used. All fittings used shall be
made of brass, stainless steel or other approved non-corrodible material.
Stop valves (stop cocks with reduced flow areas) shall not be used for
external pipework and internal plumbing systems for w/c flush valves
and flushing cistern.

2.2.4 Operating/ Dynamic Pressure More Than 30 Metres

Unless otherwise instructed by the S.O, air vents and pressure reducing valves
of approved type (JKR Standard Specification 20200-0114-01), shall be installed
at 30 meters intervals along downpipes in order to restrict the pressure sustained
by the fittings to prevent water hammer and other effects.

2.3 uPVC Soil, Waste and Vent Pipes

2.3.1 Unless otherwise shown or specified in the Drawings, approved uPVC soil,
waste and vent pipes shall be provided.

2.3.2 uPVC pipes shall conform to MS 978 and MS 1063. The pipes shall be provided,
fixed and connected to fittings and sanitary installation complete with all
necessary bends, tees, sockets, branches, offsets, inspection pieces, hopper
heads, holder bats etc. Pipes shall be joined with approved solvent cement in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

2.3.3 Expansion joints (expansion couplings for uPVC pipes)

Where pipework is constructed using solvent welded joints, expansion joints shall
be provided to compensate for the linear thermal expansion of uPVC pipes which
have a coefficient of linear expansion of 7x10-5 mm/mmoC(e.g. for a difference of
10 oC, linear expansion of 3 m length uPVC pipe =10 x 3000x 7x 10-5 =2.1mm).
Expansion joints must not be placed below ground level. All expansion joints
shall be installed with the proper fittings in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions. Expansion joints shall be provided at a maximum spacing of 6 meters for

cold water pipelines and 4 meters for hot water pipelines (e.g. kitchen or
etc.) or wherever specified The permissible maximum length of pipelines between fixed points

without an expansion joint or provision for movement is 2 meters for cold
water pipelines and 1 meter for hot water pipelines. A fixed point is one
at which longitudinal movement of the pipe or fitting is restrained. An expansion joint shall be constructed with a device or a definite

means to ensure the provision of the desired gap for thermal expansion
between the two pipes during installation. Any expansion joint provided shall incorporate a permanent shield to

provide protection to the sliding surfaces and rubber ring seal from
ingression of dust particles.


Water Supply Plumbing, Sanitary Installation and Rain Water Goods Installation Rubber ring seal used in the expansion joint shall be made of natural
rubber or mixture of natural and synthetic rubber or synthetic rubber
complying with MS 672.

2.4 Cast Iron Soil, Waste and Vent Pipes

2.4.1 Where shown or stated in the Drawings, 100mm diameter cast iron soil and vent
pipes internally coated with anti corrosive bituminous coating shall be provided,
fixed and connected to the fittings and sanitary system. The pipe shall be jointed
with an approved resin with molten lead and well caulked. All necessary bends,
branches, offsets, inspection pieces, hopper heads, holder bats shall be provided
where necessary.
Vertical stacks shall terminate 600mm above roof level with open ends and
provided with approved galvanised balloon grating.

2.4.2 Where shown or stated in the Drawings, 50mm diameter anti siphonage pipes of
similar quality as above shall be provided and fixed.

2.4.3 Galvanised wrought iron waste pipes of the same diameter as the outlet served
shall be provided and fixed to fittings complete with all necessary bends, tees,
sockets, plugs, etc. The waste pipes shall be carried through walls and angled to
flow into concrete surface drains or if from upper floors connected to the waste or
soil stack as shown in the Drawings. Cast iron waste pipes shall be as specified
hereinbefore for soil pipes and shall be of an adequate diameter unless
otherwise detailed in the Drawings.

3. Rain Water Goods

3.1 Flashing

Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, all flashing shall be of aluminium sheet, free
from cracks, dross, scales, excess blisters and any other defects which might be
detrimental to its wearing or working properties. Sheets shall be reasonably flat before
forming and cutting. All aluminium sheets used for flashing shall be at least 1.2mm thick.
Flashing shall have a minimum depth of 180mm with the upper edge turned into the wall
and pointed in cement. Where nails or screws are used for fixing, they shall be of the
heavily galvanised type. The flashing work shall be performed by skilled workmen.

3.2 Gutters

3.2.1 General Where gutters are to be provided they shall conform to the shape,
dimensions and materials shown in the Drawings. All gutters shall be
provided and fixed complete with all necessary angles, squares and
obtuse, stop end, outlets and other necessary gutter fittings. Gutter outlets shall be located at the position shown in the Drawings and
each provided with a galvanised iron wire balloon grating. All gutters other than those of reinforced concrete shall be properly fixed
and adequately supported and all necessary brackets shall be provided.
Brackets shall be of the type and pattern that will conform to the profile
of the gutter and unless otherwise shown or stated in the Drawings, shall
be of galvanised steel screwed to the fascia. Unless otherwise shown or stated in the Drawings, all gutters shall be
laid to a minimum fall of 12mm in 1m with properly constructed laps or


Water Supply Plumbing, Sanitary Installation and Rain Water Goods Installation
joints laid in the direction of flow.

3.2.2 Aluminium Gutters

Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, all gutter linings, valley and eaves
gutter shall be of aluminium and shall conform to the following weights and sizes:

Gutter lining:
1.2mm thick, 225mm minimum depth against walls, 330mm minimum width
under roofing, to a fall of 50mm in 3m.

Valley gutter:
1.2mm thick, turned under roofing 330mm minimum each side.

Eaves gutter:
1.2mm thick jointed using soldered seams neatly and accurately executed.

Gutter linings and valley gutters shall be laid on 25mm thick close timber
boarding adequately supported.

3.2.3 Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride (uPVC) Gutters

Where shown, approved uPVC gutters to BS 4576 shall be provided and fixed.
The gutters shall be jointed using approved solvent cement used in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions.

3.3 Rainwater Downpipes

3.3.1 General

Where rainwater downpipes are to be provided, they shall conform to the shape,
dimensions and materials shown in the Drawings and fixed in the position
indicated therein to receive the gutter outlets.

All downpipes shall be provided complete with all necessary fittings including
rainwater heads, rainwater shoes, radius, bends, offsets and everything else
required. Outlets in flat roof and balcony connected to downpipe shall be
provided with an approved uPVC or stainless steel grating.

All downpipes and fittings shall be properly installed and adequately secured into
position using necessary clamps, brackets or holderbats. Unless otherwise
shown in the Drawings, clamps, brackets or holderbats shall be secured using
approved galvanised nails or screws driven not less than 8mm into hardwood
plug or other approved plugs in walls or columns.

3.3.2 Aluminium Downpipes

Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, all downpipes shall be fabricated from
aluminium sheets of 1.2 mm thick. Joints shall be formed using slot-in joint
neatly and accurately executed.

3.3.3 Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride (uPVC) Downpipes

Where shown, approved uPVC downpipes complying with MS 1063 shall be

provided and fixed. The pipes shall be jointed with approved solvent cement in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.


Water Supply Plumbing, Sanitary Installation and Rain Water Goods Installation
Appendix K/1
(Ref.Cl. 2.1.1)


1. Wash Basins(a) 560mm x 410mm wash basin in approved colour vitreous china complete with
chromium plated tap, blank tap hole stopper, 30mm ‘p’ or ‘s’ trap with
40mm seal, waste fittings, plug with chain and painted bracket supports.

(b) Ditto, but with two chromium plated tap, marked ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ (for cold
and hot water supply only).

2. Vanity Tops (a) Vanity top as specified, with integrated sink as shown in the Drawings,
complete with chromium-plated tap, blank tap hole stopper, 30mm ‘p’
or ‘s’ trap with 40mm seal, waste fittings and plug with chain.

(b) Vanity top as specified, but with holes pre-punched to receive an

under-counter vanity basin and tap respectively, as shown in the
Drawings, complete with 555mm x 415mm under-counter vanity basin in
vitreous china, complete with chromium-plated tap, 30mm ‘p’ or ‘s’ trap
with 40mm seal, waste fittings and plug with chain, and painted
bracket supports.

3. Sink (a) 600mm x 400mm x 200mm earthenware plain edge sink in white fireclay
complete with chromium plated tap, 40mm ‘p’ or ‘s’ trap with 40mm seal,
waste fittings, plug with chain and painted cast iron brackets.

(b) Metal sinks in stainless steel to size and shape as shown in the
Drawings, complete with chromium plated tap as required, 40mm ‘p’ or
‘s’ trap with 40mm seal, waste fittings, plug with chain and painted cast
iron supports.

4. Water Closet (a) Pedestal closet in white vitreous china conforming to MS 1522:2001 or
JKR Standard Specification 20200-0110-01 complete with pedestal pan,
‘p’ trap and ventilation outlet, plastic hinged seat and rubber buffers.

(b) Squatting closet in white vitreous china conforming to MS 1522:2001 or

JKR Standard Specification 20200-0110-01 complete with pair of raised
foot treads in white fire clay with ‘p’ trap and 40mm diameter uPVC flush

5. Urinals (a) Single urinal bowl in white vitreous china conforming to JKR Standard
Specification 20200-0131-01 or AS 3982:1996 complete with back
inlets, hangers and steadying brackets, 40mm outlet with hinged
gratings and 50mm uPVC waste pipe.

(b) Urinal range of 2 or more bowls as (a) but with white vitreous china
division between bowls.

6. Cistern for (a) All W/C Cisterns shall be low pressure or Type B flushing cisterns
water closet conforming to JKR Standard Specification 20200-0160-03.
Type B flushing cistern – flushing cistern complete with low pressure inlet valve that at
34.5Kpa (5psi) static pressure and 0.1 litre /sec flow rate, the time taken for refilling 6 litre
of water through the inlet valve into the cistern shall be within 60 secs after flushing. The
dynamic pressure at the inlet of the inlet valve shall be not less than 31.8 kpa.
(b) Single flush 6 litres or dual-flush 6 / 3 liters low level vitreous china


Water Supply Plumbing, Sanitary Installation and Rain Water Goods Installation
cistern conforming to JKR Standard Specification 20200-0160-03 with
40mm flush pipe, low pressure water inlet valve, 20mm diameter
overflow for discharge externally and chrome flushing lever handle.

(c) 6 litres high level vitreous china cistern conforming to JKR Standard
Specification 20200-0160-03 with 40mm flush pipe, water inlet valve,
20mm diameter overflow for discharge externally and chromed lever

(d) Each flush cistern for w/c shall be tested as stipulated in the
requirements of JKR Standard Specification 20200-0160-03.

7. Cistern for urinal (a) Single flush 2.5 litres urinal flushing cistern in white vitreous china
conforming to JKR Standard Specification 20200-0136-02 complete with
chromium plated flushing inlet pipe, 20mm diameter overflow for
discharge externally and chrome lever handle.

8. Flush valve for (a) W/C flush valve shall be low pressure single flush 6 litres gravity flush
water closet valve. It shall have a non-hold-open feature or an automatic shut-off
system. Vacuum Breaker is optional, only applicable to w/c flush valves
intended to be connected to direct potable water mains. It’s performance
requires proper match of valve and w/c pan conforming to MS 1522:01.
Low pressure gravity flush valve shall, at 34.5Kpa (5psi) static pressure, flush 6 litres of
water and pass all the tests stipulated in MS 1522:01. The dynamic pressure at the inlet of
flush valve shall be not less than 32.5 kpa.

(b) Each flush valve shall be made of metal (preferably copper alloy) and
corrosion resistant. All exposed surfaces to the users shall be chromed
plated or made of stainless steel.

(c) Each water closet flush valve used shall comply fully with ASSE
1037:1990, performance requirements for Pressurized Flushing Devices
(Flush meters) for Plumbing Fixtures. Testing and certification by other
approved testing body may be allowed with the S.O’s approval. Each
flush valve together with w/c shall pass all the tests listed below:
i) Endurance test;
ii) Hydraulic test;
iii) Performance tests according to test methods stipulated in MS
a) Newspaper test;
b) Simulating solid test;
c) Sawdust test and
d) Ball test

9. Flush valve for (a) Urinal flush valve shall be Single flush 2.5 litres gravity flush valve.
urinal It shall have a non-hold-open feature or an automatic shut-off system.

(b) Each urinal flush valve shall be made of metal (preferably copper alloy)
and corrosion resistant. All exposed surfaces to the users shall be
chromed plated or made of stainless steel.

(c) Each urinal flush valve shall be tested as stipulated in the requirements
of JKR Standard Specification 20200-0131-01 or AS 3982:1996.

(OTHERS: state if required)


Water Supply Plumbing, Sanitary Installation and Rain Water Goods Installation
Appendix K/2-1
(Ref. cl 1.7.3)

Pressure Test Diagram


"I~ I


Tilli e In MIIlll1es
Priliminary Test Main Test

Water Supply Plumbing, Sanitary Installation and Rain Water Goods Installation
Appendix K/2-2
(Ref. cl 1.7.3)

Pressure Test Log Sheet

for water services installations JKR Malaysia

Project: ____________________________________________________________________

(A) For Plastic Pipes ( uPVC pipes, PE pipes, ABS pipes, PB pipes, PP-R Type 3 pipes etc)

I. Preliminary Test
Test begin at ____________(at least 15 bar) (a) _____________ bar

Pressure after 30 minutes (b) _____________ bar

Pressure after 60 minutes (c) _____________ bar*1

*1 - shall not be more than 0.6 bar after 30 minutes

Leakage 9 yes 9 no

II. Main Test

Start after preliminary test completed _________ (c) _____________ bar

Pressure after 120 minutes (d) _____________ bar*2

*2 - shall not be more than 0.2 bar

Leakage 9 yes 9 no

(B) For Metal Pipes ( stainless steel pipes, copper pipes etc)

Test begin at __________( at least 15 bar) (a) _____________ bar

Pressure after 30 minutes (b) _____________ bar

Leakage 9 yes 9 no


Date: _______________ Completed by: ________

Water Supply Plumbing, Sanitary Installation and Rain Water Goods Installation
Appendix K/3
VALVES FOR A FOUR-STOREY BUILDING (in accordance with 2.2.1)

Note: separate system for top floor

Appendix K/4

Water Supply Plumbing, Sanitary Installation and Rain Water Goods Installation
(In accordance with 2.2.2)

1 ill (3.3')

Rooftop water
tank buildin•.
Ceiling Level A
~50 mm dia Pip'

40 mm dia Pipe

+ 0.6 (2 ' ) m
3rcl. Floor

Rate of flow per

20 mm dia. Pipe Cistern = 0. 1 lis
3.6m (11.8')
Dynamic pressure
a inlet of cistern
Identical to ground floor =3.2m
schematic layout
z!xl, Floor
AB = 4.5m (14.8 ')
BF= 1 ill (3. 3')
FG = 1 ill (3.3')
GH = 1 ill (3.3')
Identical to ground fl oor
III =lm (3.3')
sch ematic layout IJ = 1 ill (3.3')
FK=4m (13.0' )
KL = 2 ill (7. 0')
A'C = 8. lm (26.6')
I· . Floor
we we - water d oset
wei - water doset lap
wb - wash basin
25 mm dia. Pipe
bd - ~ale valve
25 mm dia. Pipe
wet whLC__xLC~~__~
Ground F loor
20mmdiaPiP~J *~ _____ ...J'
25 mm dia Pipe

Note: separate system for top floor

Water Supply Plumbing, Sanitary Installation and Rain Water Goods Installation

1. Glass

1.1 All glass shall conform to MS 1135 and shall be free from bubbles, specks and other
defects. Samples shall be submitted for the approval of the S.O.

1.2 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, the type and thickness of glass and sealants
shall be as stated in the Schedule of Glass in APPENDIX L/1.

2. Sealants

2.1 Unless otherwise stated in the Drawings, sealant shall be silicone, polysulphide or other
approved type applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

2.2 The putty for glazing shall be of an approved type and shall comply with BS 544.

3. Glazing

3.1 All doors, windows, etc. except louvred windows shall be glazed as shown in the
Drawings or as scheduled. All glass shall be cut to size with 2mm clearance all round the
rebates. All exposed edges of glass panes shall be rounded off.

3.2 All glazing works shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s

3.3 Figured or textured glass surface for windows shall be installed facing the interior.

4. Glazing to Timber Windows

4.1 The grooves or rebates to be glazed shall first be cleaned, primed with wood primer,
painted with one coat of oil paint and allowed to dry, followed by the application of a thin
bed of glazing putty or sealant.

4.2 The glass panes shall then be properly placed and secured in the grooves or rebates with
timber beading as detailed in the Drawings.

4.3 Where the glass pane is to be secured with putty or sealant, the glass shall be placed
and held in the grooves or rebates with approved sprigs driven at intervals of not
exceeding 300mm centres. The glass shall then be finally secured with back-putty or
sealant finished true to profile and as detailed in the Drawings.

5. Glazing to Metal Windows

5.1 The grooves or rebates to be glazed shall first be cleaned of rust and primed with an
approved metal primer and allowed to dry, followed by the application of a thin bed of
glazing putty or sealant. The glass panes shall then be properly placed and secured in
the grooves or rebates with metal beadings or neoprene rubber in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions or as detailed in the Drawings.

5.2 Where the glass panes are to be secured with putty, the panes shall be placed and held
in the grooves or rebates with spring clips set in holes in the frame. The glass shall then
be finally secured with back-putty or sealant finished true to profile or as detailed in the


Glazing Work
6. Glazing to Louvred Windows

6.1 The glass blades for fixed louvred windows shall be properly housed in the grooves of the
timber frames and secured in position with timber beadings as shown in the Drawings.

6.2 In the case of adjustable louvred windows, the louvred frames shall be fixed on to the
vertical members of the window frame and secured with 20mm long dome-headed
galvanized screws fixed at 200mm centres. The louvre blades shall then be inserted and
secured in the flanged clips, all in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

7. Glazing to Patented Windows, Doors, Panels, Sky Lights, etc.

7.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, the installation and glazing of patented
windows, doors, roof-lights, etc., shall be strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's

8. Fixing of Glass Blocks

8.1 Glass blocks shall be laid butt-jointed in cement and sand mortar (1:4) by volume. Before
the first course is laid, the base to receive the glass blocks shall be coated with an
approved bitumen emulsion or similar material. Each panel of the glass blocks shall have
a clearance of 13mm at sides and top with the surrounding structure. The clearance shall
be filled with non hardening compound and finished as detailed in the Drawings or as
approved by the S.O. Approved expanded metal reinforcement shall be provided at every
fourth course. Unless otherwise shown or specified in the Drawings, all joints between
the blocks shall be pointed with white cement and the exposed areas of the non
hardening compound shall be painted to match the surrounding structure.

9. Cleaning on completion

10.1 On completion, all glass shall be cleaned both inside and outside and any broken,
cracked or defective panes shall be replaced to the approval of the S.O.


Glazing Work


No. Type of Glass Thickness Application


1. Clear Float Glass 5 • External use on windows and doors

• Interior framed glass screens, partitions
• Display windows, showcases, display shelves
• Furniture :table-tops

2. Tinted Float Glass 6 • External use on windows and doors

• Interior framed glass screens, partitions
• Display windows, showcases, display shelves
• Furniture :table-tops

• Windows
3. Clear Figured (obscured) Glass 5
• Furniture, display bases, house fittings,
partitions etc.
• Decoration eg.front doors, display etc.

4. Grey / Tinted Figured Glass 5 • Windows

• Furniture, display bases, house fittings,
partitions etc.
• Decoration eg.front doors, display etc.

5. Toughened / Tempered Glass 6 • Furniture & interior decorations, table tops,

showcases, partitions and the like

6. Laminated Glass 6 • Skylights, glass roofs and the like

• Animal observatory windows & aquariums
• High security places eg. Burglar-resistant
showcases and the like
• Places where safety is necessary eg.
Verandah side panels and the like

7. Wired Glass 6 • Places where safety and security are

i) Clear & Polished

ii) Figured & Translucent

• X-ray rooms
8. Lead Glass Minimum total thickness of
9mm laminated crystal clear
glass with minimum 2mm
thick lead sheeting
sandwiched in between

9. Glass Block 190mm x 190mm x 80mm


Glazing Work

1. General

1.1 All paints to be used shall be those supplied by approved manufacturers. The quality of
paints shall comply with MS 125 in respect of oil/ enamel paints and MS 134 in respect of
emulsion paints/acrylic paint.

1.2 Prior to commencement of the painting work, the Contractor shall submit the following to
the S.O:

i) Name of the paint manufacturer and the manufacturer’s certification that the
paint conform to the relevant standard as specified in clause 1.1 hereof together
with the proof that such certification have been verified by tests carried out by
SIRIM or KISB in the last three (3) years.

ii) A copy of method statement including procedure for the painting works in
accordance with this Specification and manufacturer’s instruction.

1.3 Paints shall be delivered to the Site in the manufacturer's original sealed containers
unopened and shall be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

1.4 Paints shall not be adulterated and any paint that has deteriorated shall not be used and
shall be removed from the Site forthwith.

1.5 Unless otherwise stated in the Drawings, the types of paints to be used for the work on
exposed surfaces shall be as stated in the "Schedule of Paint Finish" attached

1.6 The colours and tints of paints shall be selected by the S.O. and the priming, undercoats
and finishing coats shall be of approved differing tints and shall be obtained from the
same manufacturer.

1.7 No painting shall be done under conditions which may jeopardize the quality of finished

1.8 During painting, care shall be taken to prevent stain or damage to other works.

1.9 Surfaces to be painted shall be dry, free from dirt, oil, grease, old loose paint and other
deleterious matter. All cracks shall be raked out and stopped and all holes and dents
shall be filled.

1.10 Unless otherwise specified in the manufacturer's instructions, each coat of paint applied
on timber or metal surfaces shall be allowed to dry and subsequently rubbed down lightly
with sandpaper before the next coat is applied. Any dirt or dust shall be removed from
preceding coats immediately before proceeding with application of the next coat.

1.11 All priming to shop fabricated components shall be done at the shop.

1.12 All prime surfaces shall be inspected and approved by the S.O. before commencement of
painting works.

1.13 Finished surfaces shall be uniform in finish and colour and be free from brush marks or
other defects.

1.14 Sample areas showing all tints of paints to be used shall be prepared by the Contractor
as and when required by the S.O.


Painting Work
2. Painting to Timberwork

2.1 Painting to New Timberwork

2.1.1 Unless otherwise stated in the Drawings, all exposed wrot surfaces of timber
shall be painted as specified hereinafter.

2.1.2 Before painting to new timberwork, all knots shall be covered with knotting and
all nail holes, cracks, etc. shall be stopped with white lead and putty (1:3) and
shall be primed with aluminium wood primer well brushed in. The prepared
surface shall be painted with one undercoat and unless otherwise specified, shall
be finished with two coats of gloss enamel paint. Each preceding coat shall be
allowed to dry thoroughly and rubbed down lightly with fine sand paper and
thoroughly cleaned before applying the next coat.

2.1.3 All timber surfaces abutting concrete or brickwork shall be primed before fixing or

2.1.4 All ironmongeries except hinges shall be removed before painting begins and
shall be carefully refixed.

2.2 Repainting Existing Timberwork

2.2.1 Where repainting to existing timber work is specified, the following procedure
shall be adhered to. If the surface is intact, it shall be rubbed down with fine sand
paper to the approval of the S.O. Then one coat of undercoat shall be applied
followed by two coats of gloss enamel paint unless otherwise specified. Where
cracking and flaking have occurred, the entire existing paint shall be removed by
burning off or by use of paint remover as approved by the S.O. The surface shall
then be thoroughly cleaned and shall be applied with one coat aluminium wood
primer followed by one undercoat and unless otherwise stated in the Drawings,
shall be finished with two coats of gloss enamel paint.

3. Painting to Metalwork

3.1 Painting New Steel and Ironwork

3.1.1 The areas to be painted shall be cleaned down and be free from rust, scale, oil,
grease, dirt and dust. One coat of approved metallic primer shall be applied
followed by one undercoat and unless otherwise specified, shall be finished with
two coats of gloss enamel paint. Soil and vent pipes shall be primed as above
and given two coats of approved bituminous paint.

3.2 Repainting Existing Steel and Ironwork

3.2.1 Where repainting to existing steel or ironwork is stated in the Drawings, the
following procedure shall be adhered to. Where a firm surface exists, it shall be
scuffed with fine sand paper to the approval of the S.O. and spot primed if
necessary before the application of one undercoat and unless otherwise
specified, shall be finished with two coats of gloss enamel paint.

If the old paint is in a bad, deteriorated condition the whole paint shall be
removed by the use of approved paint remover or by scraping as approved by
the S.O. The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned and shall be applied with one
coat approved metallic primer, one undercoat and unless otherwise specified,
shall be finished with two coats of gloss enamel paint.


Painting Work
3.3 Painting New Galvanized Ironwork

3.3.1 Where painting to new galvanized ironwork is specified, the surfaces shall be
applied with one coat of approved self-etching quick drying metallic primer
followed by one undercoat and unless otherwise specified, shall be finished with
two coats of gloss enamel paint.

3.4 Repainting Existing Galvanized Ironwork

3.4.1 Where repainting to existing galvanized ironwork is specified, the following

procedure shall be adhered to. If the surface is not corroded, it shall be slightly
sanded and all dirts, oil, and grease removed by washing with an approved
solvent and applied with one coat approved metallic primer followed with one
undercoat and unless otherwise specified, shall be finished with one coat of
gloss enamel paint. If the surface has corroded, the whole paint shall be
removed by the use of approved paint remover or by scraping as approved by
S.O. When the surface is completely clean, it shall be applied with one coat
approved metallic primer, one undercoat and unless otherwise specified, shall be
finished with two coats of gloss enamel paint.

4. Painting to Masonry Work

4.1 Painting New Plastered/Masonry Surfaces

4.1.1 The new plastered or masonry surfaces shall be allowed to dry completely and
shall be cleaned down to remove dust, dirt, plaster splashes, and the like. In
case of old unpainted walls, all fungus, mosses, lichens and vegetative growth
shall also be removed. The cleaned surfaces shall then be applied with one coat
approved alkali resisting primer sealer and, unless otherwise stated in the
Drawings, followed with two coats of emulsion paint.

4.2 Repainting Existing Plastered or Masonry Surfaces

4.2.1 Where repainting to existing plastered or the masonry surface is specified, the
following procedure shall be adhered to. If existing paintwork is still intact, the
surfaces shall be washed down and applied with two coats of emulsion paint. If
the existing paintwork is loose or chalky, the paint shall be removed by scraping
and the surface shall be washed. All cracks and other imperfections shall be
made good and the surface allowed to dry completely. The surface shall then be
applied with one coat approved alkali resisting primer sealer and, unless
otherwise stated in the Drawings, followed with two coats of emulsion paint.

4.3 Where shown in the Drawings, acrylic paint to MS 134 shall be applied on new or existing
surfaces such as brickwork, plaster and cement rendering in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions. Acrylic painting work shall be carried out by painting
applicator approved by approved manufacturer. Prior to commencement of the painting
work, the Contractor shall submit to the S.O the following:

i) The paint’s performance warranty by the manufacturer to the Government on

the performance of the paint against any peeling, cracking, fungus/ algae growth
and discoloration which may arise during a period of three (3) years from the
date of practical completion due to insufficiency in material or workmanship. The
terms and conditions of the warranty shall be as stipulated in APPENDIX M/1.

ii) Name of the painting applicator approved by the manufacturer including written
evidence of the current approval.


Painting Work
5. Treatment to Fair Surfaces

5.1 Surfaces that are to be left bare such as for fair-face brickwork, fair-face concrete or
stones and the like shall be thoroughly clean, dry and free from grease, dust and loose or
flaking materials. The surfaces shall then be treated with an approved colourless silicon-
based water repellant liquid to BS 6477 applied in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions. The solution shall be applied in two coats over the entire area and crevices
by brushing.

6. Painting to Timber-Based Products

6.1 Chipboard Surfaces

Before painting, all nail holes, crevices and the like shall be stopped with white lead and
putty (1:3). The surface shall then be smoothened by rubbing down with fine sand paper
and finally cleaned to remove dust. Where the board is to be finished with enamel paint,
one undercoat and two finishing coats of gloss enamel paint shall be applied. If the board
is to be finished with emulsion paint, two coats of emulsion paint shall be applied. Where
repainting to existing enamel paint finished chipboard is required, the following procedure
shall be adhered to. If the paintwork is still intact, it shall be rubbed down with fine sand
paper to the approval of the S.O. Then one coat of undercoat shall be applied followed
by one coat of gloss enamel paint. Where cracking and flaking has occurred, the entire
existing paint shall be removed by burning off, as approved by the S.O. The surface shall
then be thoroughly cleaned and shall be applied with one undercoat and finished with two
coats of gloss enamel paint. Where repainting to existing emulsion paint finished
chipboard is required, the surface shall then be thoroughly cleaned and applied with two
coats of emulsion paint.

6.2 Hardboard Surfaces

Before painting to hardboard, all nail holes, crevices and the like shall be filled with
approved putty. The surface shall then be applied with two coats of emulsion paint unless
otherwise specified.

6.3 Wood Cement Board Surfaces

Before painting to wood cement board, all nail holes, crevices and the like shall be filled
with approved filling compound of alkali resistant type. The surface shall then be lightly
sanded and any dust should be removed from the surface with a piece of clean, coarse
cloth. The surface shall then be applied with two coats of emulsion paint unless otherwise

7. Painting to Gypsum Board and The Like

7.1 Before painting the surfaces shall be clean and free from dirt. The surfaces shall then be
applied with two coats of emulsion paint. Similar procedure shall be followed where
repainting to existing painted surfaces is required.

8. Painting to Laboratory Bench Tops

8.1 Timber tops of benches in laboratories that are required to be painted shall be prepared
as described hereinbefore for timberwork. The surfaces shall then be applied with one
coat aluminium wood primer followed by one coat approved chemical resistant primer
and finished with two coats of approved chemical resistant gloss enamel paint in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Where repainting to existing timber tops
laboratory benches is required, the surfaces shall be rubbed down lightly with fine sand
paper. The surfaces shall then be thoroughly cleaned and shall be applied with one coat


Painting Work
of approved chemical resistant primer followed by one coat of approved chemical
resistant gloss enamel paint.

9. Varnishing

9.1 Varnishing to New Timberwork

9.1.1 The surfaces to be varnished shall be smoothened with fine sand paper and all
crevices, holes and the like, if any, shall be filled with approved whiting. It shall
be clean, dry, free from dust, dirt and wax before the application of varnish.
Unless otherwise approved by the S.O, the surfaces shall be applied with two
coats of approved varnishing mixture used strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions. Where non patented products are allowed to be
used, the varnishing mixture shall consists of methylated spirit, shellac and
approved stain forming the first coat followed by one coat of an approved mixture
consisting of thinner and lacquer. The mixtures shall be of uniform consistency
throughout. Unless otherwise stated in the Drawings, the finish shall be gloss.

9.2 Revarnishing to Existing Timberwork

9.2.1 Where revarnishing to timberwork is stated in the Drawings or described in the

Bills of Quantities, the surface shall first be thoroughly scuffed to remove the
existing varnish. The surface shall then be smoothened with fine sand paper,
cleaned, dried and free from dust, dirt and wax. It shall then be varnished as
described hereinbefore for new timberwork.

10. Completion of Painting Work

10.1 On completion of paintwork, all paint marks inadvertently left on glass, floors, tiles and
other surfaces shall be removed. Any stain or marking on finished paintwork shall be
removed and touched up to the approval of the S.O.


Painting Work

Surfaces to be painted Type of paint

1.0 Masonry

1.1 Plastered surfaces

1.1.1 Internally Emulsion
1.1.2 Externally Weather resistant acrylic
1.2 Concrete blockwalls and grillwork
1.2.1 Internally Emulsion
1.2.2 Externally Weather resistant acrylic
1.3 Fair-faced brickwork (externally) Water repellant solution
1.4 Fair-faced concrete and other self-finished Water repellant solution
plastered surfaces such as Shanghai plaster,
terrazzo, etc. (externally)
1.5 Stonework (externally) Water repellant solution

2.0 Timberwork

2.1 Wrot timber surfaces including plywood Enamel

(other than 2.2 and 2.3)
2.2 Timber ceiling Stain and varnish
2.3 Joinery fittings Stain and varnish

3.0 Timber-based products

3.1 Chipboard ceiling Emulsion

3.2 Chipboard panelling Enamel
3.3 Hardboard Emulsion
3.4 Other timber boards Emulsion

4.0 Gypsumboard and the like Emulsion

5.0 Steel and Metalwork Enamel


Painting Work


1.0 Coverage of Performance Warranty

We .................................. the paint Manufacturer hereby warrants that for a period of three (3)
years from the date of Practical Completion, the paint system shall not be affected by the following

• Peeling

This condition is manifested when the paint film peels away or detaches from the

• Cracking

This condition is manifested by any visible cracking on the paint film other than that
caused by plastering cracks and structural defects.

• Fungus/Algae Growth

This condition is established when there is growth of micro organisms on the surface of
paint films which results in the marring of the appearance of the paint film through

• Discoloration

This condition occurs when the coating loses its original color in patches and excessive
discoloration appears.

In the event of the occurrence of any defects covered under this warranty the Manufacturer shall
take rectification action at his own cost.

2.0 Exclusion of Performance Warranty

This warranty is subject to the following conditions:

i) The applicator is to be approved by the Manufacturer

ii) The Manufacturer reserves the right to inspect and test the paintwork as and when
iii) The substrate must not be affected by seepage and constant dampness in the wall.
iv) If the walls are persistently damp with a moisture content above 15% as per reading of
protimeter, this warranty, is not valid. Such high levels of moisture will cause the paint to
fail and exhibit watermarks, discoloration, peeling or flaking which are not covered by this
warranty. The onus is on the paint Manufacturer to substantiate the evidence.
v) This warranty does not cover any defect, damage or deterioration of the paint system
arising from the structural defects, mechanical / electrical causes, physical knocks, job
damage, accumulation of atmospheric dirt, stains on the paint system or repair work by
others without notification to the Manufacturer.
vi) Claims for incidental or consequential damages resulting from a breach of this warranty
are specifically excluded.


Painting Work
3.0 Procedure for Claims

i) Any defect claims shall be made in writing and delivered by post or by hand to the

ii) A technical team from the Manufacturer will be despatched to evaluate the nature of the
claim. Should their findings conclude the defects as within the scope of warranty, then
the Manufacturer shall make good such defects.

iii) Should the Manufacturer’s technical team conclude that the defect falls under the
“Exclusion of Performance Warranty” or other factors alien to the scope of warranty, the
Manufacturer will not be held responsible for the claim.

iv) Should the Government disagree with the conclusion of the technical team pertaining to
the defects in particular, then an independent third party competent in such technical
evaluation shall be appointed to investigate the disputed defects.

The appointment must seek prior mutual agreement between the Government and the

The findings of the independent third party shall be conclusive and mutually accepted
by the Government and the Manufacturer.

v) If the finding of the independent third party are within the coverage of this performance
warranty, all cost shall be borne by the manufacturer; otherwise such cost shall be borne
by the Contractor.

vi) All claims for the defects must be received by the Manufacturer not later than 14 days
from the expiry of the warranty period.

Manufacturer -------------------------------------------------
Company Stamp

------------------------------------------------- Date

Witness -------------------------------------------------
Company Stamp

------------------------------------------------- Date


Painting Work


1. General

1.1 The construction of roads and hardstanding shall generally be carried out only after
completion of all drainage systems, services and ducts which may affect the Works,
unless otherwise agreed by the S.O.

2. Subgrade

2.1 Material for the top 300mm of subgrade shall have a minimum soaked laboratory
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of 5% when compacted to 95% of the maximum dry
density determined in the BS 1377 Compaction Test (4.5 kg Heavy Rammed Method).

2.2 Throughout the top 300mm of subgrade, the materials shall be compacted to not less
than 95% of the maximum dry density determined in the BS 1377 Compaction Test (4.5
kg Heavy Rammed Method).

2.3 In cut area, the top 300mm of the subgrade shall be scarified and recompacted to 95% of
the maximum dry density determined in the BS 1377 Compaction Test (4.5 kg Heavy
Rammed Method). If the S.O. is fully satisfied that the subgrade in its natural state
possesses a density exceeding the requirements, then the surface of the subgrade shall
be trimmed and rolled to obtain a smooth finish.

2.4 Where the material in cut area is found to be unsuitable for use in the top 300mm of
subgrade or to a suitable level to be determined by the S.O., it shall be removed and
replaced with suitable material which shall be compacted as indicated above.
Alternatively, stabilizing agent may be used subjected to the S.O. approval.

2.5 The subgrade shall be finished in a neat and workmanlike manner, and the widths of
embankments and cuts shall be everywhere at least of those specified or shown in the
Drawings on both sides of the centreline. The top surface of the subgrade shall have the
required shape, superelevation, levels and grades and shall be finished everywhere to
within + 10mm and - 30mm of the required level.

i. Where rock surfaces extend over the whole width of the formation:

The rock surface shall be trimmed to a free draining profile, at or below formation
levels. No high spot shall protrude above the formation level.

Any voids or cavities more than 0.5 metres below the formation level shall be
filled up with approved lean concrete having 7-day cube strength greater than 7
N/ The rock surface shall then be brought up to the formation levels with
approved crushed rock or gravel, regulated and blinded.

ii. Where rock outcrop occurs over part of the formation only: -

The rock outcrop shall be cut down to at least the formation level.

3. Lower Subbase

3.1 Where shown or stated in the Drawings, this work shall consist of furnishing, placing,
compacting and shaping lower subbase material on a prepared and accepted subgrade


External Works
in accordance with this Specification and the lines, levels, grades, dimensions and cross-
sections shown in the Drawings and/or as required by the S.O.

3.2 The lower subbase material shall be of inorganic soil, sand, gravel, weathered or
fragmented rock, or a mixture of any of these materials, essentially free from vegetative
and other organic matter.

3.3 Prior to placing any lower subbase material, the underlying subgrade (particularly the top
300mm of the subgrade) shall have been shaped and compacted in accordance with the
provisions of subsection 2. Notwithstanding any earlier approval of finished subgrade,
any damage to or deterioration of the subgrade shall be made good to the satisfaction of
the S.O. before the lower subbase is constructed.

The lower subbase shall be placed over the full width of the formation to the required
thickness as shown in the Drawings or directed by the S.O. in one layer or more, each
layer not exceeding 200mm compacted thickness. Where two or more layers are
required, they shall be of approximately equal thickness and none shall be less than
100mm compacted thickness.

Each layer of lower subbase shall be processed as necessary to bring its moisture
content to a uniform level throughout the material suitable for compaction, and shall then
be compacted using suitable compaction equipment approved by the S.O. to not less
than 95% of the maximum dry density determined in the BS 1377 Compaction Test (4.5
kg Heavy Rammer Method). Compaction shall be carried out in a longitudinal direction
along the formation and shall generally begin at the outer edge and progress uniformly
toward the crown on each side in such a manner that each section receives equal
compactive effort, all to the satisfaction of the S.O.

The lower subbase shall be finished in a neat and workmanlike manner, and its average
thickness over any 100-metre length shall not be less than the required thickness. The
top surface of the lower subbase shall have the required shaped, superelevation, levels
and grades and shall be everywhere within the tolerances specified in subsection 8.

4. Subbase

4.1 This work shall consist of furnishing, placing, compacting and shaping subbase material
on a prepared and accepted subgrade or lower subbase in accordance with this
Specification and the lines, levels, grades, dimensions and cross-sections shown in the
Drawings and/or as required by the S.O.

4.2 The subbase material shall be of a natural or prepared aggregate comprising crushed
rock, weathered or fragmented rock, gravel or crushed gravel, sand, or a mixture of any
of these materials. The gradation of the material shall conform to one of the envelopes
shown in Table 1.


External Works

BS Sieve % Passing by Weight


50.0 mm 100 100 - - - -

25.0 mm - 79-95 100 100 100 100
9.5 mm 30-65 40-75 50-85 60-100 - -
4.75 mm 25-55 30-60 35-65 50-85 55-100 70-100
2.0 mm 15-40 20-45 25-50 40-70 40-100 55-100
425 μm 8-20 15-30 15-30 25-45 20-50 30-70
75 μm 2-8 5-20 5-20 5-20 6-20 8-25

4.3 Prior to placing of any subbase material, the underlying subgrade (particularly the top
300mm of the subgrade) or lower subbase shall have been shaped and compacted in
accordance with the provisions of subsection 2 or subsection 3.3 as appropriate.
Notwithstanding any earlier approval or finished subgrade or lower subbase, any damage
to or deterioration of the subgrade or lower subbase shall be made good to the
satisfaction of the S.O. before the subbase is constructed.

The subbase shall be placed with an equipment approved by the S.O. over the full width
of the formation to the required thickness as shown in the Drawings or directed by the
S.O. in one layer or more, each layer not exceeding 200mm compacted thickness. Where
two or more layers are required, they shall be of approximately equal thickness and none
shall be less than 100 mm compacted thickness.

Compaction shall be carried out in a longitudinal direction along the formation and shall
generally begin at the outer edge and progress uniformly toward the centre on each side,
except on superelevated curves where rolling shall begin at the lower edge and progress
uniformly toward the higher edge. In all cases, compaction shall be carried out in such a
manner that each section receives equal compactive effort, all to the satisfaction of the

Throughout the placing, adjustment of moisture content and compaction of subbase

material, care shall be taken to maintain a uniform gradation of the material and prevent
its separation into coarse and fine parts, all to the satisfaction of the S.O.

The subbase shall be finished in a neat and workmanlike manner; its width shall be
everywhere at least of that specified or shown in the Drawings on both sides of the
centreline; and its average thickness over any 100-metre length shall not be less than the
required thickness. The top surface of the subbase shall have the required shape,
superelevation, levels and grades, and shall be everywhere within the tolerances
specified in subsection 8.

5. Crushed Aggregate Base Course

5.1 This work shall consist of furnishing, placing, compacting and shaping crushed aggregate
base course material on a prepared and accepted subgrade or lower subbase or subbase
in accordance with this Specification and the lines, levels, grades, dimensions and cross-
sections shown in the Drawings and/or as required by the S.O.

5.2 The crushed aggregate base course material shall be of crushed rock, or crushed gravel,
or a mixture of crushed and natural aggregate, which is hard, durable, clean and


External Works
essentially free from clay and other deleterious materials.
The material shall conform to the following physical and mechanical quality requirement: -

i) The plasticity index shall not be more than 6;

ii) The aggregate crushing value when tested in accordance with MS 30 shall be
not more than 30;
iii) The flakiness index when tested in accordance with MS 30 shall be not more
than 30;
iv) The gradation shall comply with the envelope shown in Table 2 for the type



BS Sieve % Passing by Weight

Type 1 Type 11

50.0mm 100 100

37.5mm 95 - 100 85 - 100
28.0mm - 70 - 100
20.0mm 60 - 80 60 - 90
10.0mm 40 - 60 40 - 65
5.0mm 25 - 40 30 - 55
2.36mm 15 - 30 -
2.00mm - 20 - 40
600μm 8 - 22 -
425μm - 10 - 25
75μm 0-8 2 - 10

5.3 Prior to the placing of any crushed aggregate base course material, the underlying
subgrade or lower subbase or subbase shall have been shaped and compacted in
accordance with the provisions of the appropriate section of this Specification.
Notwithstanding any earlier approval of finished subgrade or lower subbase or subbase,
any damage to or deterioration of the subgrade or lower subbase or subbase shall be
made good to the satisfaction of the S.O. before crushed aggregate base course is

The crushed aggregate base course shall be placed to the required width and thickness
as shown in the Drawings or directed by the S.O. in one layer or more, each layer not
exceeding 200mm compacted thickness. Where two or more layers are required, they
shall be of approximately equal thickness and none shall be less than 100mm compacted
thickness. Spreading shall be done by a mechanical spreader approved by the S.O. or, if
approved by the S.O., by a motor grader.

Prior to spreading, crushed aggregate base course shall be processed as necessary to

bring its moisture content to a uniform level throughout the material suitable for
compaction. Spread material shall be maintained at the correct moisture content for
proper compaction by sprinkling with water or drying as may be necessary, and shall be
compacted using suitable compaction equipment approved by the S.O. to not less than
95% of the maximum dry density determined in the BS 1377 Compaction Test (4.5 kg
Heavy Rammer Method).

Compaction shall be carried out in a longitudinal direction along the carriageway, and
shall generally begin at the outer edge and progress uniformly toward the centre of each
side, except on superelevated curves where rolling shall begin at the lower edge and


External Works
progress uniformly toward the higher edge. In all cases, compaction shall be carried out
in such a manner that each section receives equal compactive effort, all to the
satisfaction of the S.O.

Throughout the placing, adjustment of moisture content and compaction of crushed

aggregate road base material, care shall be taken to maintain a uniform gradation of the
material and prevent its separation into coarse and fine parts, all to the satisfaction of the

The material shall have a CBR value of not less than 80 when compacted to 95% of the
maximum dry density determined in the BS 1377 Compaction Test (4.5 kg Heavy
Rammer Method) and soaked for 4 days under a surcharge of 4.5 kg.

The crushed aggregate base course shall be finished in a neat and workmanlike manner;
its width shall be everywhere at least of that specified or shown in the Drawings on both
sides of the centrelines; and its average thickness over any 100-metre length shall not be
less than the required thickness. The top surface of the crushed aggregate base course
shall have the required shape, superelevation, levels and grades and shall be
everywhere within the tolerances specified in subsection 7.2.

6. Binder and Wearing Course

6.1 Asphaltic Concrete

Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, this work shall consist of furnishing, placing,
shaping and compacting asphaltic concrete wearing course on a prepared and accepted
bituminous or bitumen primed pavement courses immediately after the application of a
tack coat. The materials shall be supplied in accordance with JKR Specification No.JKR
20401-0029-97 and laid in accordance with the Guidelines for The Laying of Asphaltic
Concrete as described in the same Specification, and to the lines, levels, grades,
dimensions and cross-sections shown in the Drawings and/or as required by the S.O.

6.2 Bituminous Macadam

Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, this work shall consist of furnishing, placing,
shaping and compacting bituminous Macadam wearing course on a prepared and
accepted bituminous or bitumen primed pavement course immediately after the
application of a tack coat. The materials shall be supplied in accordance with JKR
Specification No.JKR 20401-0030-97 and laid in accordance with the Guidelines for The
Laying of Bituminous Macadam as described in the same Specification, and to the lines,
levels, grades, dimensions and cross-sections shown in the Drawings and/or as required
by the S.O.

7. Horizontal Alignment, Surface Levels and Surface Regularity of Pavement Courses

7.1 Horizontal Alignment

The horizontal alignment shall be determined from the centreline of the pavement surface
shown in the Drawings. The edges of the pavement as constructed and all other parallel
construction lines shall be correct within a tolerance of + 50mm and - 0mm from the
centreline. Kerbs, channel blocks and edge lines shall be laid with a smooth alignment
within a tolerance of + 25mm and - 0mm from the centreline.

7.2 Surface Levels of Pavement Courses

The design levels of pavement courses shall be calculated from the vertical profile, cross
fall and pavement course thickness shown in the Drawings. The level of any point on the


External Works
constructed surface of a pavement course shall be the design level subject to the
appropriate tolerances given in Table 3.


Pavement Course Tolerance

Wearing Course ± 5mm

Binder ± 5mm

Road base + 0mm

- 20mm

Subbase and Lower Subbase + 10mm

- 20mm

The combination of permitted tolerances in the levels of different pavement courses shall
not result in a pavement thickness less than that shown in the Drawings. Each pavement
course shall have an average thickness not less than that shown in the Drawings.


External Works

1. Excavation

1.1 Excavation Generally

1.1.1 Unless otherwise specified hereunder, all excavation work in this Section shall
be as specified in SECTION C: EXCAVATION AND EARTHWORK. Excavation
for all surface water drains and culverts shall be carried out so as not to cause
any danger or obstruction to the traffic or public. It shall be carried out to the
dimensions and levels as shown in the Drawings or as approved by the S.O. All
excavation shall be inspected and approved by the S.O. prior to further work
being carried out. The trench shall first be excavated to a depth of 150mm less
than the depths intended or shown in the Drawings. The remaining excavation
shall be carried out immediately prior to the placing of blinding materials. Should
the bottom of the trench be inadvertently excavated below the specified level, it
shall be brought back at Contractor's expense to the correct level with good
selected earth or sand, carefully rammed into place.

1.2 Hard Materials/ Rock Excavation

1.2.1 Where hard materials/ rock is encountered in the trench excavation, it shall be
removed to the approval of the S.O. Where layer of rock is encountered along
the bottom of the excavation, it shall be cut and trimmed to the required level. All
voids formed at bottom of the trench by the removal of rocks shall be backfilled to
the required level with 1:3:6-20mm concrete or other suitable materials well
rammed and compacted all to the approval of the S.O. Jagged surfaces of rocks
at the bottom of the excavation due to the trimming shall be levelled and
smoothened with sand blinding to the approval of the S.O.

2. Surface Water Drains

2.1 Precast Concrete Drains

All precast drain units shall be of concrete (1:2:4-19mm max. aggregate) and shall be of a
dense and impermeable type, free from air holes and other defects and to the approval of
the S.O. The precast drain units shall be cured for seven days before being laid. The unit
shall be in 600mm lengths, true to shape, sizes and dimensions as stated and shall have
smooth internal faces. Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, the units shall be laid on
1:3:6-20mm concrete base, 75mm thick, to the proper falls and jointed straight, true to
lines and levels. The joints shall be cement grouted.

2.2 Cascade Drains

Cascade drains shall be constructed from precast concrete drain units and laid stepping
on a 150mm thick bed of mass concrete (1:3:6-20mm) as detailed in the Drawings or as
approved by the S.O.

3. Culverts

3.1 Pipe Culverts

3.1.1 Pipes

Pipes for culverts shall be of spun reinforced concrete of approved manufacture

complying with MS 881 or any equivalent alternative acceptable and approved by


External Works
the S.O. with spun concrete collars or spigot and socket type as shown in the
Drawings. On each section of the pipe the following markings shall be clearly
shown: -

(i) The date of manufacture

(ii) The name and trade mark of the manufacturer

The S.O. reserves the right to request for test certificates and to request for tests
to be carried out on samples, all at the Contractor's own cost.

Individual sections of pipes may be rejected due to any of the following: -

(i) Fractures or cracks passing through the wall, except for a single end
crack that does not exceed the depth of the joint.

(ii) Defects that indicate imperfect proportioning, mixing and moulding.

(iii) Surface defects indicating honeycombed or open texture.

(iv) Damaged ends where such damage would prevent making a

satisfactory joint.

3.1.2 Laying of pipes

The pipes shall be laid with collars or spigot and socket ends true to lines and
grades as shown in the Drawings or as approved by the S.O. The laying of pipes
and concreting for bedding and haunching shall be carried out strictly in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Unless otherwise specified, the ends of the pipes shall be butts and the collar
centred about the joint using wedges or other approved means. The annular gap
shall then be filled with cement sand mortar (1:3) with only sufficient water added
to ensure adequate workability and the wedges removed before finally fairing the
joint. Special care shall be taken to see that any excess of cement mortar, etc. is
neatly cleaned off while each joint is being made and any earth, cement or other
material thoroughly cleaned out of the pipes by drawing a tight fitting wad
through them as the work proceeds, or by any other approved means.

3.1.3 Haunching and Surround to Pipes

Bedding and haunching of pipes shall be of concrete (1:2:4-19mm) and be

constructed as shown in the Drawings. The Contractor shall pack the concrete
under and around the pipes to ensure an even bedding and solidity in the
concrete. The concrete shall not be thrown directly onto the pipes. The upper
surfaces of concrete shall be struck off with a wooden screed or template and
neatly finished off.

3.1.4 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, concrete surrounds shall be carried up
from the bed to a square section with a minimum thickness of 150mm all round
the barrel of the pipes.

3.2 Box Culvert

3.2.1 Concrete Boxes

Reinforced concrete box culverts shall be of precast concrete of approved

manufacture complying with MS 1293 or any equivalent alternative acceptable
and approved by the S.O. Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, the box shall
be capable of withstanding a proof load test of 112.5 kN applied over an area of


External Works
320mm x 320mm at any position on the cover slab. The S.O. reserves the right
to call for test certificates on the concrete boxes supplied.

3.2.2 Individual sections of the box may be rejected because of such defects specified
hereinbefore for pipe culverts.

3.2.3 Laying of Concrete Boxes

Box culvert units shall be laid as close as possible and the maximum gap in
between shall not be more than 13mm and the difference in level, not more than
3mm. The gap shall be filled with cement mortar (1:3) and finished smooth. To
ensure uniform bearing, a layer of cement grout shall be spread along the top of
the walls of the invert where the lid will sit.

4. Backfilling of Trench

4.1 Backfilling of trenches shall be carried out immediately after completion of drain laying or
installation of culverts and as soon as the S.O. has inspected and given his approval.

4.2 In backfilling the trenches for drains, approved fill materials shall be placed evenly in
layers not exceeding 150mm. To provide uniform support, loosed thickness of fill
materials on both sides of the drain shall be thoroughly compacted with mechanical
rammers. This procedure shall be followed for the whole depth of drain section.

4.3 In backfilling of trenches for culverts, heavy earth moving and compacting equipments
shall not operate closer than 2 metres to the culvert until covered to at least one fourth of
the depth of the culvert, but in no case less than 600mm. Light weight equipments may
be operated within the above limitation after the embankment has been placed and
compacted to give a minimum cover of 300mm over the top of the culvert.


External Works

1. General

1.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, fencing shall be of chain link type as specified

1.2 Unless otherwise stated in the Drawings, the height of the fence shall be 1500mm from
the ground up to the full height of the chain link.

1.3 The fence shall be erected to the extent and location as shown in the site plan. Where
fencing is to be located on the boundary of the Site, the Contractor shall ensure that its
construction shall not infringe the adjoining properties.

2. Mild Steel Post and Bracings

2.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, mild steel angle posts and bracings shall be of
size 57mm x 57mm x 6mm. All steel members for fencing and gates shall be free from
rust, scales and other defects and shall be to the approval of the S.O. Previously used
steel members shall not be used in the construction of new fencing and gates. Before
delivery to the Site, the steel members for fencing and gates shall be precut and
assembled at the Contractor's workshop and painted with one coat of approved metallic

2.2 Where three strands of barbed wires are required, a mild steel angle arm 430mm long, of
the same cross sectional dimension as the post shall be welded at the top of the post at
45 degrees inclination. Where six strands of barbed wires are required, two pieces of
mild steel angle arms as specified hereinbefore shall be welded to the top of each post
forming the shape 'Y' with each arm having three strands of barbed wires. The welding
used shall be of continuous fillet welds. Necessary holes shall be made in the posts,
arms and bracings for insertions of fixing bolts and clips.

3. Chain Link Mesh, Straining

3.1 Chain link mesh, straining wires and barbed wires shall be made of galvanized steel and
of approved quality. The mesh shall be of size 64mm made up of 3.25mm (10 gauge)
diameter wire. Straining wires shall be of 4.06mm (8 gauge) diameters and barbed wires
shall be of 2.64mm (12 gauge) diameters.

4. Fencing

4.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, the mild steel angle posts shall be erected at
3000mm centres commencing from the gate post and the posts shall be embedded
plumb in 1:3:6-25mm concrete footings of size 250mm x 250mm x 600mm deep. Mild
steel angle bracings of the same cross sectional dimensions as the post shall be fixed at
all corners, bends, junctions, gate posts and at every five bays of straight fencing.

4.2 The bracings shall be fixed at an inclination of 45 degrees to the horizontal with top end
bolted to the post, 300mm below the top of the post and the bottom end encased in
concrete footing as described hereinbefore.

4.3 The chain link mesh shall be stretched across the posts and secured in place using
approved fencing clips. The end of chain link fencing abutting mild steel gate posts shall
be fixed by means of 19mm x 3mm mild steel flat straps drawn through the mesh and
bolted using 10mm diameter mild steel bolts to 25mm x 25mm x 6mm mild steel plates


External Works
welded to the posts at equal intervals of 300mm. Where gate posts are non metal, the
termination of the fencing at the gate shall be by means of another mild steel angle post
fixed to one side of the gate post and strengthened by bracing as described hereinbefore.
The chain link mesh shall then be strained by three strands of 4.06mm (8 gauge)
diameter galvanized steel straining wires threaded through the mesh and fixed to the

4.4 Where shown in the Drawings, the bottom of the chain link mesh shall be buried in
continuous 1:3:6-25mm concrete curbs. Unless otherwise detailed in the Drawings, the
cross-sectional dimension of curbs shall be 125mm wide x 375mm high with 150mm
protruding above the ground. The portion of the curb above the ground shall be rendered
with 13mm thick 1:6 cement render to a wood float finish.

5. Gates

5.1 The gates shall be constructed as detailed in the Drawings.

6. Painting of Fence and Gates

6.1 The metallic primer previously applied to the steelwork at the workshop shall be touched
up where necessary. Unless otherwise specified, the posts, bracings and gates shall be
finished with two coats of approved aluminium paint.


External Works

1. General

1.1 All landscaping works shall be as shown in the Drawings. All turfing and tree planting
shall be carried out in such a manner as to minimise risks of damage to turfs and plants,
and stunted growth. Turfing on all slopes shall be carried out immediately after slopes are
formed. Tree planting shall be carried out as soon as practicable.

1.2 All landscaping works shall start as early as possible so that trees and plants are well
grown, and fully adapted to the new environment when the project concerned is handed
over upon completion.

1.3 All landscaping works shall be furnished, installed and maintained by the Contractor as
specified herein, or as shown in the Drawings, using the best horticultural management,
giving special attention to planting practices, soil mixtures, and application of agricultural

2. Classifications and Characteristics of Plants

2.1 Plants shall mean trees, palms, shrubs, ground covers, and plants of other descriptions
to be provided by the Contractor, as shown in the Drawings or listed in the plant

2.1.1 Each tree shall possess characteristics of its variety and growth typical to such
tree. All trees shall be well-branched, with straight trunks characteristic of the
species, with well-shaped top and intact leader. The height shall be measured
from the stem's earth line to the top of the tree.

2.1.2 Palms shall have vigorous root system, crown of new leaves, proper colour of
leaves of adult palms, and sufficient hardlines. The height of palms shall be
measured from the stem's earth line to the base of the first frond.

2.1.3 Shrubs and vines shall possess characteristics and growth habits typical of their
species. All shrubs shall be well-shaped and bushy, with well-spaced branches,
and not skinny. The height of shrubs or vines shall be measured from the stem's
earth line to the top branches.

2.1.4 Ground cover is defined as any plant or groups of plant, other than grasses,
which shall satisfactorily cover the ground, forming a compact and attractive

2.2 All plants shall be in healthy growth condition, free from pests and diseases, and shall be
representatives of their normal species or variety. All plants shall have well-branched
heads and vigorous root systems, and shall be injury-free. Unless otherwise shown or
specified in the Drawings, only nursery-grown plants shall be used. Plants which are
potted or plastic-bag-grown shall not be root-bound.

3. Size of Plants

3.1 The size of plants refers to plantable size i.e. the size that is required for planting out on
sites. All plants shall have the following sizes:-

3.1.1 Ground Covers

Ground cover plants can be supplied in plastic bags. If supplied in 150mm-size


External Works
bags, they shall have at least nine (9) cuttings per bag, and not less than 150mm

3.1.2 Shrubs

Height of shrubs shall range between 150mm and 1000mm.

3.1.3 Trees

Trees shall be either container-grown, or grown on the open ground. They shall
be of the following three types:-

i. Tree Saplings

Tree saplings shall mean trees grown from seedlings or cuttings. They
shall have straight main stems of not less than 1200mm in height from
the soil level to the lowest branch, and a stem diameter of 12mm, and a
well-branching system.

ii. Rooted Stump Cuttings

These refer to plants which can be easily grown from stem cuttings
instead of from seeds. They shall have straight main stems of 2400mm
to 3000mm in height, with a diameter ranging from 37mm to 50mm.

iii. Instant Trees

An instant tree is generally referred to the semi-mature tree with a

minimum trunk height of 2000mm for palms (measured from earth line to
first frond), and 3000mm for other trees which shall have well-spread

3.1.4 Palms

Palms shall be either container-grown or grown on the open ground, and shall be
of two types:-

i. Single-Stem Palms

These refer to palms with single main trunk. Their trunk height shall be
not less than 1200mm measured from the earth line to the base of the
first frond.

ii. Cluster Palms

The palms referred to are those which grow in clusters. They shall have
a minimum of three (3) palms clustered together, measuring 750mm to
1000mm from the earth line to the base of the first frond.

4. Handling and Transplanting

4.1 Handling

Plants shall be transported, handled and stored in such a manner as to prevent

deterioration, damage or contamination. All plant materials shall be carefully protected
and, if necessary, wrapped with hessian or gunny cloth during lifting, transportation,
unloading and storage on site.


External Works
4.2 Transplanting

4.2.1 Pits

Generally all pits for palms and trees shall not be less than 1000mm x 1000mm x
1000mm OR 1/3 size bigger than the root ball, spaced at intervals as shown in
the Drawings or approved by the S.O.

For shrubs, the pit size may be reduced to 500mm x 500mm x 500mm deep (for
big shrubs), or 300mm x 300mm x 300mm deep (for medium shrubs).
Alternatively, continuous trench 500mm or 300mm deep respectively, shall be
formed where required.

The bottom of all pits and trenches shall be forked loose to a depth of 300mm
prior to backfilling with approved soil mixture before transplanting. All pits and
trenches shall be soaked with water before planting.

Flower beds or trenches shall be made to the size as shown in the Drawings,
and to a depth not exceeding 200mm.

4.2.2 Transplanting

Transplanting shall not be carried out in very hot, dry weather conditions which
may result in initial drying out of the root system and / or scorching of leaves.

Immediately before transplanting, the plants shall be carefully removed from the
nursery bags or pots. The plants shall be placed into the pits and the surround
filled with approved black earth making sure that the roots are not excessively
disturbed. The earth around the base of the stems shall be recessed slightly to
facilitate watering.

4.2.3 Plant Supports

All newly planted plants shall be supported either by staking, tying or guying.
Stakes shall be of wood, steel or plastic of an approved type, driven into the
ground before planting so as not to damage the root ball or aerial parts of plants.
Stakes shall be long enough to penetrate the undug soil to come flush with the
lower branches of the plants and to be released during maintenance. Ties shall
be nailed to the stakes, not the plants, with one (1) tie per stake set 150mm from
the bottom.

5. Soil Mixture, Soil Conditioners and Chemical Fertilisers

5.1 Soil Mixture

Soil mixture for ground planting and backfill shall be in the ratio of 1:3, i.e. 1 part of soil
conditioner or organic materials to 3 parts of black earth.

Planter box soil mixture shall be in the ratio of 1:2:3, i.e. 1 part of sand to 2 parts soil
conditioner or organic materials to 3 parts black earth.

5.2 Black Earth

Black earth shall consist of fertile and friable topsoil obtained from a well-drained flood-
free site. It shall be of medium texture and without admixture of stones, lumps, plants or
roots, and other extraneous matter. It shall be delivered or used in a damp state.


External Works
5.3 Soil Conditioners

Soil conditioners shall be organic materials such as composted coconut fibre, peat or
other approved materials which shall be composted in a stable condition, free from toxic
impurities and containing no substance injurious to plants. The organic matter with 45%-
55% moisture content and with Ph adjusted to 5.5 - 6.5 shall be used.

5.4 Chemical Fertilisers

Chemical fertilisers shall be granular slow release compound fertilisers with a minimum
four (4) month release period at 32 degrees Celsius. They shall be stored in waterproof
sealed bags and kept under shelter. The Contractor shall submit manufacturer’s technical
data on the proposed fertiliser for the S.O.’s approval prior to the application of the

6. Turfing

6.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, turfing shall be provided to all exposed earth
surfaces throughout the site. All surfaces to be turfed shall be completely cleared of all
incidental Contractor's debris, stone and other obstructions.

6.2 The ground to be turfed shall be graded to fall towards surface water discharge line as
shown in the Drawings, or approved by the S.O.

On level ground, minimum gradient of 1:60 shall be provided to eliminate ponding

hollows. Any undesirable vegetation, debris, stumps or roots shall be grubbed up and
removed from the site.

6.3 50mm black earth shall be provided on a prepared surface, and compacted to provide a
suitable tilt for the growth of the turf.

6.4 All turfs shall be of good, healthy, dense indigenous cow grass (Axonopus Compressus)
from an approved source. The grass shall be of even density, vigorous growth and green
in colour, forming a turf sufficiently fibrous to hold together when installed. They shall be
free from lalang, mimosa, weeds or other foreign vegetation.

Each turf shall be approximately 300mm x 300mm x 50mm thick with roots still attached
to the soil. They shall be kept moist and in shade, and shall be planted within 24 hours of
lifting. Samples of turfs to be used shall be submitted to the S.O. for approval before any
turfs are brought in for use. The sources of material shall be stated by the Contractor.

6.5 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, close turfing shall be provided to slopes, and
extending two (2) metres of the platform at the top and bottom of the slope, one (1) metre
to the sides of all drains, and two (2) metres wide of road shoulders, so that they cover
the whole area without any space/gap between them.

Each sod shall be pegged in place with wooden/bamboo pegs 12mm diameter and
200mm long through the sod and into the soil base. These pegs shall be removed after
the turfs have firmly established. On steep slopes, netting shall be laid onto the turfed
areas for protection.

6.6 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, spot turfing shall be carried out on all level
ground. The turf shall be laid at 450mm centres, embedded 25mm in the black earth.

6.7 Turfs shall be fertilised with approved slow release fertilisers high in Nitrogen content,
one (1) month after planting at the rate of 60gm/sq.metre area, and evenly spread over
the whole area. The turfs shall be well watered after each fertiliser application which shall
be done once in every three months after grass cutting.


External Works
6.8 Grass cutting shall be done every three weeks after one (1) month growth/establishment
by grass cutter/mower as often as is required to give a well trimmed sod not more than
25mm in height for flat surfaces and not less than 50mm on slope. All clippings shall be
removed from the site before watering is carried out.

7. Football and Playing Fields

7.1 General

Unless otherwise specified hereinafter, turfing for football and playing fields shall be as
specified hereinbefore. Turfing works shall start as soon as possible and shall be
completed and fully established not later than three (3) months before the date of
completion of the Works. The supply and installation of subsoil drains shall be as
specified hereinafter at the locations and in accordance with the lines, levels and grades
shown in the Drawings and/ or as directed by the S.O.

7.2 Materials

7.2.1 Sub-soil Drain Pipes

Subsoil drain pipes shall be of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) peforated

corrugated drainage pipe to DIN 16961 PT 1&2:1989 or equivalent, or Polyvinyl
Chloride (PVC) pipes for subsoil drains complying with Australian Standard
Specification 2439.1 or BS 3656 or equivalent, of diameter and lengths of pipe as
shown in the Drawings.

7.2.2 Filter Materials

Filter materials shall consist of an angular, clean, hard and durable crush rock
with uniformly sized particle of 14mm, free from lumps of clay or organic matter.

7.2.3 Geotextile Fabric

Geotextile fabric shall be of non-woven type thermally bonded with minimum

weight of 100g/m2, or equivalent and shall be of approved manufacture.

7.3 Site Preparation

The site area shall be completely cleared of all debris, large stones, discarded gravel and
other unacceptable materials. The site shall then be graded to form a crown at the centre
of the field with a minimum gradient of 1:300. The soil shall be of good texture and
structure with the majority of the crumbs of size 1mm to 2mm and not contaminated with
seeds, stolon or rhizomes of noxious weeds.

7.4 Trenching For Sub-soil Drain Pipes

Trenches shall be excavated and trimmed clean true to grade and alignment and the
geotextile fabric shall be laid as shown in the Drawings. The fabric shall overlap the full
width of the trench at the top. Where the fabric requires jointing along the trench, it shall
overlap a minimum of 500mm at the joint.

7.5 Laying and Jointing Subsoil Drain Pipe

Subsoil pipe shall be laid and bedded as detailed in the Drawings. Subsoil drain pipe
shall be jointed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.


External Works
7.6 Backfilling

The trench shall be backfilled with the filter material in layers not exceeding 150mm loose
thickness and uniformly compacted by suitable method approved by the SO to the level
as shown in the Drawings. Care shall be taken that the pipe is not damaged or displaced.

7.7 Outlets

Outlets shall be constructed as shown in the Drawings.

7.8 Laying of Sand and Turf Mixture

The prepared surface of the field shall be laid with a first layer of 100mm thick river sand
or other suitable course grained granular materials, and a second layer of 100mm thick
turf mixture before receiving the turf.

The Contractor shall carry out final gradient check prior to the turfing works.

Before turfing works commence, the Contractor shall submit samples of the turf mixture
for the approval of the S.O. The turf mixture shall be laid to the required formation level
and gradient.

The turf mixture shall have the following composition by weight of 4% - 5% organic
matter, 12% - 15% clay and 81% - 85% river sand. The PH value for the root zone
medium shall be 5 to 7.5.

7.9 Inspections

The Contractor shall give not less than twenty-four (24) hour notice prior to the
commencement and upon completion of the under mentioned works. The Contractor
shall not proceed with the next succeeding operation until specific approval has been
given for the following:

a. Trench excavation.
b. Trench lining with geotextile fabric and laying of subsoil drain pipe.
c. Filter material backfill.
d. Sand laying.
e. Turf mixture.
f. Turfing works.

7.10 Levelling of Field

The turf shall be compacted with a roller weighing not more than one (1) tonne once a
month. The roller shall be of sufficient weight to press the roots firmly into the soil to
produce a close, well knit surface without over-compaction and binding of the soil.

7.11 Watering

The Contractor shall water the turf at least twice a day or as instructed by the S.O.

The rate of application and frequency of watering shall be sufficient to maintain the turf
mixture in a moist condition to ensure proper and healthy growth of the turf even during
the dry weather.

Water shall be applied as fine spray by means of suitable pumps and hose or sprinkler or
any other method approved by the S.O so as not to disturb the turf mixture.


External Works
7.12 Weed Control

Weeding shall be carried out on the newly turfed area about ten (10) days after planting
to get rid of foreign species and maintain a pure culture of Axonopus Compressus (Cow
Grass). Weeding on a continuous basis shall be carried out to prevent weeds from

7.13 Fertilisation

The first fertilisation shall be carried out two (2) weeks after planting, using mechanical
spreader. Subsequently, the fertiliser shall be applied at three (3) weeks interval.

7.14 Mowing

Mowing shall be carried out using properly sharpened and adjusted machine tools so that
the turf is cut cleanly and no tearing takes place.

The first cut shall be carried out when the turf reaches 50mm - 70mm in height. The turf
shall be cut to 25mm - 30mm in height. Subsequently, mowing shall be done at least
once in every two (2) weeks.

7.15 Top Dressing

The Contractor shall, from time to time or whenever directed by the S.O, check the
flatness of the field and if found uneven, rectify by top dressing with turf mixture and
followed by proper compaction.

7.16 Maintenance During Defect Liability Period

The Contractor shall be responsible for carrying out full-time intensive maintenance of
the turfing works for the entire duration of the Defect Liability Period of the Works.

The maintenance includes watering, weed control, fertilisation, moving and top dressing,
all as specified hereinbefore.

7.17 Handing Over of The Works

On handing over of the works, the field shall be in good playable condition with all the full
line markings to the dimensions as shown on the Drawings.

8. Relocation and Protection of Existing Trees

8.1 Relocation of Trees

Where shown in the Drawings or if directed by the S.O, all existing trees having girth of
300mm and below identified and marked for relocation, shall not be cut, but shall be dug
up, prepared for, and relocated by the Contractor to other areas within, or in the vicinity of
the site. In the event of any such trees being accidentally cut or damaged, the same shall
be replaced with trees of equivalent size and species by the Contractor. The Contractor
shall protect and maintain the relocated trees by fencing to a height of 1.2meter, watering,
manuring, pruning, and other necessary treatments throughout the contract period
(including the Defects Liability Period) until satisfactory growth is established. Any
relocated trees which are accidentally damaged, or fail to re-grow satisfactorily within the
Defect Liability Period, shall be replaced accordingly at the Contractor’s own cost.

8.2 Protection of Trees Retained On Site

All existing trees having girth of 800mm and above identified and marked by the S.O to


External Works
be retained on site, shall be protected and maintained by fencing to a height of 1.2meter,
watering, manuring, pruning, and other necessary treatments throughout the contract
(including the Defects Liability Period)so as not to jeopardise their growth. The ground
around the tree spread shall be protected to prevent contamination from materials and
chemicals detrimental to plant growth. Method of protection shall be to the approval of
the S.O. In the event of any such trees being accidentally or otherwise cut or damaged,
the same shall be replaced by the Contractor with trees of equivalent size and species at
his own cost.

9. Maintenance of Plant and Turf

9.1 General

9.1.1 After planting and prior to the onset of the maintenance period, the Contractor
shall be responsible for carrying out all necessary measures to ensure that all
plant materials and turfing thrive and become established, and that the
landscaped areas are kept in a clean and tidy condition.

9.1.2 The Contractor shall protect and maintain the plants and turfing from any
damage and destruction, by way of watering, manuring and tilling, and by staking
and fencing, where necessary, to support and protect the plants, until the end of
the Defects Liability Period. All plants and turfs which are defective and / or fail
to grow within the Defects Liability Period, shall be replaced and / or replanted
accordingly, at the Contractor's own cost.

9.2 Weeding and Hoeing

9.2.1 Weeding and hoeing shall be done frequently, depending on weed growth or
whenever directed to do so by the S.O. The Contractor shall be responsible for
maintaining areas close to the base of trees or shrubs. Weeding shall be done
manually by hoeing (cangkul) or forking at least once a month, with care taken
not to wound plant stems.

9.3 Fertilisers and Application Rate

9.3.1 Feeding to plants shall be done with an approved organic manure or slow
release fertilisers at regular intervals to maintain healthy growth. The S.O.
reserves the right to request the Contractor to use any kind of fertiliser, let it be
straight mixture, complex or slow release fertiliser, at the Contractor’s own cost.

9.3.2 Six (6) applications shall be required during the maintenance period. The first
shall be carried out during the second (2nd) month after planting. The second
and subsequent applications shall be worked into the soil above the roots, and
lightly watered in. The fertiliser shall be applied, preferably, when the plants are
in their active stage of growth.

9.3.3 Slow release fertilisers shall be applied strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer’s directions and recommendations.

9.3.4 The Contractor shall take note that plant feeding shall be carried out only after all
other maintenance works like weeding, hoeing and trimming or pruning have
been carried out.


External Works



MS 26 Pt.1:1991 Methods of testing concrete - Pt.1: Methods of sampling fresh concrete

Pt 2:1991 Methods of testing concrete - Pt.2: Methods of testing hardened concrete

Pt.3:1992 Methods of testing concrete - Pt.3: Recommendations for use of non-destructive testing of concrete

MS 27:1996 Specification for precast concrete masonry units

MS 28:1985 Specification for test for water for making concrete (First revision)

MS 29:1995 Specification for aggregates from natural sources for concrete (First revision)

MS 30:1971 Methods of sampling and testing of mineral aggregates, sands and fillers

MS 30 Pt.1:1995 Methods of testing aggregates - Part 1: General requirements for apparatus and calibration

Pt.2:1995 Methods of testing aggregates - Part 2: Guide to sampling and testing aggregates.

Pt.3:1995 Methods of testing aggregates - Part 3: Methods for sampling.

Pt.4:1995 Methods of testing aggregates - Part 4: Methods for determinations of particle size distribution (First revision).

Pt.5:1995 Methods of testing aggregates - Part 5: Methods for determinations of particle shape (First revision).

Pt.6:1995 Methods of testing aggregates - Part 6: Methods for determinations of shell content in course aggregates.

Pt.7:1995 Methods of testing aggregates - Part 7: Methods for determinations of moisture content (First revision).

Pt.8:1995 Methods of testing aggregates - Part 8: Methods for determinations of aggregates crushing value (ACV)(First

Pt.9:1995 Methods of testing aggregates - Part 9: Methods for determinations of ten per cent fines value (TFV).

Pt.10:1995 Methods of testing aggregates - Part 10: Methods for determinations of aggregates impact value (AIV).

Pt.11:1995 Methods of testing aggregates - Part 11: Methods for determinations of resistance to degradation or course
aggregate by abrasion and impact in the Los Angeles machine (First revision).

Pt.12:1995 Methods of testing aggregates - Part 12: Methods for determinations of polished-stone value (First revision).

Pt.13:1995 Methods of testing aggregates - Part 13: Methods for determinations of water soluble chloride salts.

Pt.14:1995 Methods of testing aggregates - Part 14: Methods for determinations of sulphate content.

Pt.15:1995 Methods of testing aggregates - Part 15: Methods for determinations of acid-soluble material in fine aggregates.

Pt.16:1995 Methods of testing aggregates - Part 16: Methods for testing and classifying shrinkage of aggregates in

Pt.17:1995 Methods of testing aggregates - Part 17: Methods for determinations of soundness.

MS 76:1972 Specification for bricks and blocks of fired brick-earth clay or shale

MS 125:1995 Specification for gloss enamel paint

MS 134:1989 Specification for latex emulsion paint for exterior and interior use

MS 144:1987 Specification for cold reduced mild steel wire for the reinforcement of concrete (First revision)

MS 145:1987 Specification for steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete (First revision)

MS 146:1988 Specification for hot rolled steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete (First revision)

MS 159:1994 Specification for cut-back bitumen for use in the construction and/or maintenance of pavement (First revision)


MS 161:1994 Specification for cationic bitumen emulsions for use in pavement application

MS 228:1991 Specification for plywood

MS 360:1991 Specification for treatment of timber with copper chrome/arsenic preservatives

MS 522 Pt.1:1989 Specification for portland cement (ordinary and rapid hardening) Pt.1: Standard specification

Pt.2:1989 Specification for portland cement (ordinary and rapid hardening) Pt.2: Physical tests

Pt.3:1989 Specification for portland cement (ordinary and rapid hardening) Pt.3: Chemical analysis

Pt.4:1989 Specification for portland cement (ordinary and rapid hardening Pt.4: Spectropphotometric analysis of cement.

MS 523 Pt.1:1993 Specification for concrete, including ready-mixed concrete Pt.1: Guide to specifying concrete

Pt.2:1993 Specification for concrete, including ready-mixed concrete Pt.2: Methods for specifying concrete mixes

Pt.3:1993 Specification for concrete, including ready-mixed concrete Pt.3: Procedures to be used in producing and
transporting concrete

Pt.4:1993 Specification for concrete, including ready-mixed concrete Pt.3: Procedures to be used in sampling, testing and
assessing compliance of concrete

MS 544:1978 Code of practice for the structural use of timber

MS 544: Pt. 4:Sec. 1 Code of practice for structural use of timber

Sec. 2 Permissible stress design of solid timber (first revision)
Sec. 3 Permissible stress design of glued laminated timber

Pt. 6 Workmanship, inspection and maintenance (first revision)

MS 602:1979 Specification for flexible, unsupported thick PVC sheeting

MS 622:1986 Specification for vitrified clay pipes and fittings with rigid joints (first revision)

MS 628:1982 Specification for unplasticised PVC pipe for cold water services

MS 628:1999 Pt.1 Specification for unplasticised PVC (uPVC) pipe for water supply
2.1, 2.2 &

MS 672:1999 Specification for elastomeric seals for water works purposes

MS 701 Specification for commercial sand

MS 733:1992 Specification for copper/chrome/arsenic wood preservatives (first revision)

MS 734:1981 Specification for wood preservation by means of pressure creosoting

MS 740:1981 Specification for hot-dip galvanised coatings on iron and steel articles

MS 794 :1982 Specification for masonry cement

MS 797 Pt.1:1982 Specification for concrete interlocking roofing tiles

Pt.2:1982 Code of recommended practice for the installation of concrete interlocking roofing tiles

MS 832:1984 Specification for aluminium alloy windows

MS 837:1995 Method for the determination of moisture content for timber

MS 858:1983 Specification for glazed ceramic tiles for internal walls

MS 881 Pt.1:1991 Specification for precast concrete pipes and fittings for drainage and sewerage Pt.1: Specification for pipes and
fittings with flexible joints and manholes

Pt.2:1991 Specification for precast pipes and fittings for drainage and sewerage: Part 2: Specification for Inspection
Chambers and gullies

Pt.3:1991 Specification for precast concrete pipes and fittings for drainage and sewerage Pt.3: Specification for pipes and
fittings with ogee joints

MS 922 Pt.1:1984 Specification for concrete admixture Pt.1: Accelerating admixtures, retarding admixtures and water reducing


MS 934:1986 Specification for wood cement board

MS 978:1985 Specification for plastics waste pipe and fittings

MS 979 Pt.1:1985 Specification for unplasticised pvc under ground, sewerage pipe and fittings Pt.1: Pipes of diameter 100
millimeter and 155 millimeter

MS 979 Pt.2 Specification for unplasticised pvc under ground, sewerage pipe and fittings Pt.2: Pipes of diameter 200
millimeter and above

MS 1020:1986 Specification for mineral fibre thermal insulation material

MS 1022:1986 Specification for stop valves for water services (screw down pattern)

MS 1036:1986 Specification for wood chipboard and method of test for particle board

MS 1037 Specification for sulphate-resisting portland cement

MS 1058 Specification for polyethelene (PE) piping system for water supply

MS 1059:1986 Specification for asbestos cement sewer pipes joints and fitting

MS 1061 Specification for vitrified clay pipes and fittings and pipe joints for drains and sewers

MS 1063:1986 Specification for unplasticised PVC soil and ventilating pipes, fittings and accessories

MS 1088:1987 Specification for dust pressed ceramic floor tiles

MS 1089:1987 Specification for extruded ceramic floor tiles

MS 1090:1987 Method of sampling ceramic tiles

MS 1091 Pt.1-12:1987 Methods of test for ceramic tiles

MS 1123:1988 Specification for blockboard and laminboard

MS 1135:1989 Specification for float and polished plate glasses

MS 119 Pt.1:1991 Code of practice for structural use of concrete. Pt.1: Design and construction

Pt.2:1991 Code of practice for structural use of concrete. Pt.2: Special circumstances

Pt.3:1991 Code of practice for structural use of concrete. Pt.3: Design charts for singly reinforced beams, doubly
reinforced beam and rectangular columns

MS 1225:1991 Specification for cold water storage and feed expansions cistern (Polyolefin and olefin copolymer) and cistern

MS 1226 Pt.1:1991 Pulverised-fuel Ash Pt.1: Specification for pulverised-fuel ash for use as cementitious in structural concrete.

MS 1227:1991 Specification for portland pulverised-fuel ash cement.

MS 1228:1991 Code of practice for design and insulation of sewerage system

MS 1241:1991 Specification for fibreglass water tanks - effective capacity of less than 2000 litres

MS 1293 Pt.1:1992 Specification for precast concrete box culverts Pt.1: Small culverts.

MS 1304 Pt.1:1993 Specification for treatment of construction timber components with copper/chrome/ arsenic preservatives .Part
1: Timber for roof and ceiling construction

MS 1314 Pt.1:1993 Specification for precast concrete piles Pt.1: Standard design precast concrete pipes.

MS 1302:1993 Specification for light organic solvent preservative treatment of timber

MS 1387:1995 Specification for ground granulated blastfurnace slag for use with portland cement.

MS 1389 Specification for portland blastfurnace cement

MS 1390:1995 Specification for glass reinforced polyester panels and panel water tanks.

MS 1419: Pt.1, 2, 3 & 4 Specification for acrylonitrile butadiene (ABS) pipes and fittings for pressure application


MS 1506:2000 Specification for wooden door

MS 1522:2001 Specification for vitreous china water closet pans (first revision)


JKR-20709-0539-95 Standard specification for precast concrete piles smaller than 200mm for building projects

No.2-95(BN) JKR 20709-0347-95 Standard specification for prepainted galvanised steel sheets for roofing and wall cladding

JKR 20401-0029-97 Standard specification for asphaltic concrete for road pavement

JKR 20401-0030-97 Standard specification for bituminous macadam for road pavement

JKR 20600-0020-99 Standard specification for prefabricated timber roof truss

JKR 20600-0019-99 Standard specification for structural steel work

JKR 20600-0022-2001 Standard specification for prefabricated cold formed steel roof trusses

JKR 20200-0110-01 Standard specification for vitreous china water closet pan

JKR 20200-0041-99 Standard specification for stainless steel water tanks

JKR 20200-0083-00 Standard specification for ductile iron type 3 gate valves for water works purposes (DN 50 to DN

JKR 20200-0114-01 Standard specification for ductile iron automatic control values for water works purposes (DN 15 to
DN 1000)

JKR 20200-0131-01 Standard specification for urinals

JKR 20200-0160-03 Standard specification for WC flushing systems (including (dual flushing system) and flush pipes
(revised edition 2003)

JKR 20200-0136-02 Standard specification for flushing cistern for water closets and urinals


BS 4 Structural steel section

BS 4 Pt.1:1993 Specification for hot rolled sections

BS 78 Specification for cast iron spigot and socket pipes (vertically cast) and spigot and socket fitting

BS 143 Specification for malleable cast iron and cast copper alloy threaded pipe fittings

BS 402 Clay roofing tiles and fittings

BS 410 Specification for test sieves

BS 416 Discharged and ventilating pipes and fittings, sand-cast or spun in cast iron

BS 417 Pt.2:1987 Metric units

BS 437:1978 Specification for cast iron spigot and socket drain pipes and fittings

BS 476 Fire test on building materials and structures

BS 544:1969 (1994) Specification for linseed oil putty for use in wooden frame

BS 638 Arc welding power sources, equipment and accessories

BS 638 Pt.4:1996 Specification for welding cables

Pt.7:1984 Specification for safety requirements for installation and use

BS 709:1983 Methods of destructive testing fusion welded joints and weld metal in steel


BS 864 Pt.2:1983 Specification for capillary and compression fittings for copper tubes

BS 1052:1980(1986) Specification for mild steel wire for general engineering purposes

BS 1091:1963(1980) Specification for pressed steel gutters, rain water pipes, fittings and accessories

BS 1142:1989 Specification for fibre building board

BS 1191 Specification for gypsum building plaster

BS 1212 Float operated valves

BS 1224:1970 British standard specification for electroplated coating of nickel and chromium

BS 1230 Pt.1:1985 Specification for plasterboard excluding materials submitted to secondary operations

BS 1305 Specification for batch type concrete mixers

BS 1369 Steel lathing for internal plastering and external rendering

BS 1370:1979 Specification for low heat portland cement

BS 1377 Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes

BS 1387:1985 (1990) Specification for screwed and socketed steel tubes and tubulars and for plain end steel tubes suitable for
welding or for screwing to BS 21 pipe threads

BS 1449 Pt.2:1983 Specification for stainless and heat-resisting steel plate, sheet and strip

BS 1452:1990 Specification for flake graphite cast iron

BS 1474:1987 Specification for wrot aluminium and aluminium alloys for general purposes: bars, extruded round tubes and
st nd rd
BS 1552:1995 Specification for open bottomed taper plug valves for 1 , 2 and 3 family gases up to 200 mbar

BS 1564:1975(1983) Specification for pressed steel sectional rectangular tanks

BS 1615:1987(1994) Method for specifying anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium

BS 1881 Pt.101:1983 Method of sampling fresh concrete on site

Pt.102:1983 Method of determination of slump

Pt.103:1983 Method of determination of compacting factor

Pt.104:1983 Method of determination of vebe time

Pt.106:1983 Method of determination of air content of fresh concrete

Pt.107:1983 Method of determination of density of compacted fresh water

Pt.108:1983 Method for making test cubes from fresh concrete

Pt.111:1983 Method of normal curing test specimen (20ΕC)

Pt.116:1983 Method of determination of compressive strength of concrete cube

Pt.124:1988 Methods for analysis of hardened concrete

Pt.125:1986 Method of mixing and sampling fresh concrete in the laboratory

Pt.201:1986 Guide to the use of non-destructive methods of test for hardened concrete

BS 2494:1990 Specification for elastomeric seals for joints in pipework and pipelines

BS 2499 Hot-applied joint sealant systems for concrete pavements

BS 2499 Pt.1:1993 Specification for joint sealants.

Pt.2:1992 Code of practice for the application and use of joint sealants.


BS 2600 Radiographic examination of fusion welded butt joints in steel

BS 2872:1989 British standard specification for copper and copper alloy forging stock and forgings

BS 2874:1986 British standard specification for copper and copper alloy rods and sections (other than forging stock)

BS 2910:1986 Methods for radiographic examination of fusion welded circumferential butt joints in steel pipes

BS 2989:1991 Specification for continuously hot-dip zinc coated and iron-zinc alloy coated steel of structural qualities: wide
strip, sheet/plate and slit wide strip

BS 3100:1991 Specification for steel casting for general engineering purposes

BS 3260:1969(1996) Specification for semi-flexible PVC floor

BS 3416:1991 Specification for bitumen-based coating for cold application suitable for use in contact with portable water

BS 3923 Pt.1:1986 Method for manual examination of fusion welds in ferritic steels

Pt.2:1972 Automatic examination of fusion welded butt joints in ferritic steels

BS 3987:1991(1997) Specification for anodic oxidation coatings on wrought aluminium for external architectural applications

BS 4027:1996 Specification for sulphate-resisting portland cement

BS 4127:1994 Specification for light gauge stainless steel tubes, primarily for water application

BS 4190 Specification for ISO Metric Black Hexagon Bolts, Screws & Nuts

BS 4254:1983(1991) Specification for two part polysulphide-based sealants

BS 4320:1968 Specification for metal washers for general engineering purposes, Metric series

BS 4360:1986 Specification for weldable structural steel

BS 4368 Pt.4:1984 Specification for compression coupling for tubes Pt.4: Specification for type test requirements

BS 4395 Specification for high strength friction grip bolts and associated nuts and washers for structural engineering

BS 4449:1988 Specification for carbon steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete

BS 4461 Specification for cold worked steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete

BS 4466:1989 Specification for scheduling, dimensioning, bending and cutting of steel reinforcement for concrete

BS 4570:1985 Specification for fusion welding of steel castings

BS 4576 Pt.1:1970 Specification for unplasticised pvc rain water goods Pt.1: Half round gutters and circular pipe

BS 4604 Specification for the use of high strength friction grip bolts in structural steelwork. Metric series

BS 4848 Hot-rolled structural steel sections

BS 4848 Pt.2:1991 Specification for hot-finish hollow sections

BS 4872 Pt.1:1982 Specification for approval testing of welders when welding procedure approval is not (1995) required

BS 5082:1993 Specification for water-borne priming paints for woodwork

BS 5135:1984 Specification for arc welding of carbon and carbon manganese steels

BS 5154:1983 Specification for copper alloy globe, globe stop and check, check and gate valves

BS 5268 Specification for structural use of timber

BS 5268 Pt.2:1991 Code of practice for permissible stress, design, materials and workmanship

Pt.3:1985 Code of practice for trussed rafter roofs

BS 5292 Specification for jointing materials and compounds for installation using water, low pressure steam or 1 2 & 3
family gases

BS 5328 Pt.1:1990 Guide to specifying concrete


Pt.2:1990 Methods for specifying concrete mixes.

Pt.3:1990 Specification for the procedures to be use in producing and transporting concrete.

Pt.4:1990 Specification for the procedures to be use in sampling, testing and assessing compliance of concrete.

BS 5358:1993 Specification for solvent-borne priming paint for woodwork

BS 5606:1978 Code of practice for accuracy in building.

BS 5606:1990 Guide to accuracy in building

BS 5629 Pt.2:1979 Test methods

Pt.3:1979 Method for specifying requirements for individual materials

BS 5950 Structural use of steelwork in building

BS 5950 Pt.1:1990 Codes of practice for design in simple and continuous construction: hot rolled sections

Pt.2:1992 Specification for materials, fabrication and erection: hot rolled section

Pt.3: Section 3.1:1990 Code of practice for design of simple and continuous composite beams

Pt.4:1994 Code of practice for design of composite slab with profiled steel sheeting

Pt.5:1987 Code of practice for design of cold formed sections

Pt.6:1995 Code of practice for design of light gauge profiled steel sheeting

Pt.7:1992 Specification for materials and workmanship: cold formed section

Pt.8:1990 Code of practice for fire resistant design

Pt.9:1994 Code of practice for stressed skin design

BS 5975 Code of practice for falsework

BS 5979:1993 Code of practice for remote centres for alarm systems

BS 6089:1981 Guide to assessment of concrete strength in existing structures

BS 6363:1983 Specification for welded cold formed steel structural hollow sections

BS 6431 Ceramic floor and wall tiles

BS 6477:1992 Specification for water repellents for masonry surfaces

BS 6510:1984 Specification for steel windows, sills, window boards and doors

BS 6675:1986 Specification for servicing valves (copper alloy) for water services

BS 6699:1992 Specification for ground granulated blast-furnace slug for use with portland cement

BS 6920 Suitability of non-metallic product for use in contact with water intended for human consumption with regard to
their effect on the quality of water

BS 7668:1994 Specification for weldable structural steel. Hot finished structural hollow section in weather resistant steels

BS 8004:1986 Code of practice for foundation

BS 8007:1987 Code of practice for design of concrete structures for retaining aqueous liquids

BS 8110 Structural use of concrete

BS 8110 Pt.1:1985 Code of practice for design and construction

BS 8215:1991 Code of practice for design and installation of damp-proof courses in masonry construction

BS EN 499:1995 Welding consumables. covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of non alloy and fine grain steels.

BS EN 875:1995 Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials. Impact tests. Test specimen location, notch orientation and


BS EN 876:1995 Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials. Longitudinal tensile test on weld metal in fusion welded joints

BS EN 895:1995 Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials. Transverse tensile test

BS EN 910:1996 Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials. Bend tests

BS EN 10029 Specification for tolerances on dimensions, shape and mass for hot rolled steel plates 3mm thick or above

BS EN 10143 Continuously hot-dip metal coated steel sheet and strip. Tolerances on dimensions and shape

BS EN 10147 Continuously hot-dip zinc coated structural steel sheet and strip-technical delivery conditions

BS EN 1043-1:1996 Hardness test on arc welded joints

BS EN 10051:1992 Specification for continuously hot-rolled un-coated plate. sheet and strip of non-alloy and alloy and alloy steels.
Tolerances on dimensions and shape

BS EN 1057:1996 Specification for copper pipes

BS EN 10025:1995 Hot rolled products of non-alloy structural steel. Technical delivery conditions

BS EN 10113:1991 Hot-rolled products in weldable fine grain structural steels

Pt.1:1993 General delivery condition

Pt.2:1993 Delivery conditions for normalized/normalized rolled steels

Pt.3:1993 Delivery conditions for thermomechanical rolled steels

BS EN 10137-1:1996 General delivery conditions

-2:1996 Delivery conditions for quenched and tempered steels

-3:1996 Delivery conditions for precipitation hardened steels

BS EN 10155:1993 Structural steel with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance. Technical delivery conditions

BS EN 10210-1:1994 Technical delivery requirements

BS EN 50078:1994 Torches and guns for arc welding

BS EN 60974-11:1996 Electrode holders

EN 10113 Hot-rolled products in weldable fine grain structural steels.

EN 10155 Structural steels with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance. Technical delivery conditions

EN 12201 Specification for polyethelene (PE) piping system for water supply

EN 12319 Pt.1, 2, 3 Specification for plastic piping systems for hot and cold water - polybutylene (PB)

EN 15493 Specification for acrylonitrile butadiene (ABS) pipes and fittings for pressure application



American Standard

ASTM A 312/A312M-87a Standard specification for seamless and welded austenitic stainless steel pipe

ASTM A 351/A351M-86 Standard specification for steel casting austenitic for high temperature service

ASTM A 403/A403M-86 Standard specification for wrought austenitic stainless steel piping fittings

ASTM C88 Test method for soundness of aggregates by use of sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate

ASTM A 312 Standard specification for seamless and welded austenitic stainless steel pipes

ASTM A351/A351M-86 Standard specification for steel castings, austenitic for high temperatures service

AS 3982:1996 Australian/New Zealand Standard for urinals

Japanese Standard

JIS 304 Specification for the properties of hot-rolled stainless steel sheets

JIS G3192 Dimensions, mass and permissible variation of hot-rolled steel section year 2000

JIS A5526 Japanese Industrial Standard Steel H Piles

Australian / New Zealand Standard

AS/NZS2642 Pt.1, 2 & 3 Specification for plastic piping systems for hot and cold water - polybutylene (PB)

ASSE 1037:1990 Performance requirements for pressurized flushing devices (flush meters) for plumbing fixtures

China Standard

CNS 9443:1982 China National Standard (Taiwan) specification for stainless steel tank

AWWA C210 Specification for liquid epoxy coating systems for the interior and exterior of steel water pipelines

AWWA C210-84 Specification for liquid epoxy coating systems for the interior and exterior of steel water pipelines

AWWA C210:1994 Specification for liquid epoxy coating systems for the interior and exterior of steel water pipelines

DIN 8077:1997 Polypropylene (PP) pipes (Dimension)

DIN 8078:1996 Types 1, 2 and 3 Polypropylene (PP) pipes (General quality requirements & testing)

DIN 16962 Pt.5 – 8 Pipe joint assemblies & fittings for polypropylene (PP) pipes

DIN 16962 Pt.5 - 9 Pipe joint assemblies & fittings for Polypropylene (PP) pipes

Part 1

2.1 Building foundation: types and functions

2.1.1 Shallow Foundation

- strip footings , pad footing, raft foundation.

Wind load

Wind load

Dead load

What is Substructure?
 FOUNDATION is a part of SUBSTRUCTURE components

 foundation is the lowest portion of the building structure.

Extends from the bearing surface to the main structure.)

 Usually located below the ground level.

 A foundation is a part of the structure which is in direct contact

with the ground to which the loads are transmitted.

 Foundations can be located at; below ground, at ground level, or

above ground level.

Deep Foundation
Shallow Foundation
Main functions of the foundations
 To supports the weight of structure and
distribute the load of the structure over
a greater area.
 To transmit the load uniformly under
the structure.
 Anchors the structure to the earth,
providing a firm, level and strong base
over which the superstructure may be

Main functions of the foundations
 To avoid any settlement or other
movement that can cause damage to any
part of the building (a stable foundation
should bear the loads without sinking or
settling more than an inch at the most).
 To increase the stability of the structure
by preventing its tilting or overturning
against winds, earthquakes and uneven
distribution of live load (Lateral Stability).

Selection Criteria
 Loading of the building, big load
need big foundation such as raft
foundation or piling.
 Types of soil such as peat soil
prefer piling or deep foundation
 Most economical but capable to
support numbers of building or
storey (pad footing or pilling?)

Selection Criteria
 The loads that must be transferred from the structure to the soil strata supporting it. This
also should evaluate the ability of the soil to support the ultimate loads.
 The capability of the structure that will safely transfer the loads from the superstructure
to the foundation bed.
 The possibility and extent of settlement of the soil due to the presence of mines and
quarries in the vicinity.
 The possibility of the underground water has sulfates or other salts that can degrade the
foundation materials.

Factors That Need To Be Considered in the Foundation
 Soil Investigation (S.I) is needed to determine the subsoil includes the
soil type, strength, soil structure, moisture conditions and the presence
of roots.
 Purpose of S.I-determine the bearing capacity, seasonal volume changes
and other possible ground movements.
 Common methods obtaining soil samples;
 trial pits,
 boreholes,
 window sampling and
 dynamic probe test.

Factors That Need To Be Considered in the Foundation
 For more safety precaution use factor of safety FOS = 3
 Increase number of bore hole or sufficient number of
borehole so that the result of the report is more
 Choose the critical point load for borehole
 Every end of the building
 Supervise the S.I properly make sure no mistake

Factors That Need To Be Considered in the Foundation
 For the safety of the foundation design use the lowest of
bearing capacity value.
 The engineer must have good enough data for the S.I such as
previous soil report, cutting or filling area.
 Engineer also must make sure the original ground level and
purposed level or formation level while designing the

Factors That Need To Be Considered in the Foundation
 The correct parameter is important to
prevent from foundation failure that may
occur causing building collapse. It will cause
a big loss of material and even peoples life.

Highland Towers-

Shanghai-China residential building
Soil Quality Is The Key
 Building rely on soil beneath to stay put. If the soil under the house moves up, down,
or sideway, the house is in trouble.
 The soil profile may be varies as we move across from side to side, and when we dig
deeper downward.
 Strong soil- weak soil type range from;

STRONG Bedrock-gravel-course sand-fine sand-clay-silt-organic material. WEAK

The following are the different types of soils on which foundations are constructed:
 Soft soils - This soil is compressible and yields when loaded. Examples are clayey
soil and loam. Small buildings or ordinary structures can be built on these types of
 Spreading soils - These are non-cohesive soils. Examples of this type of soil are
sand and gravel.
 Hard or rocky soils - These are incompressible and strong soils. They can
withstand heavy loads without yielding. Multistoried buildings and water reservoirs
are designed on such soils.
Types of Foundation
• Strip/Spread Footings
• Pad Footing/Foundation
Shallow • Raft/Mat Foundation

• End Bearing Pile

• Friction pile (spun pile,
Deep bored pile, bakau pile and
micro pile)
• combine



Strip Foundation
 Most suitable, economical type of foundation for
small building on compact soil.
 Strip foundation should be build/construct on soil
with high bearing capacity.
 This type of foundation is also known as wall
foundation or continues spread footing
 Consist of continuous strip of steel-reinforced
concrete, from centrally under load bearing walls.
 The continuous strip serves as a level base on
which the wall is build and the width is design to
capable to support the load without undue

Strip Foundation
 The greater the bearing capacity of the subsoil, the less the width of the foundation.
 Width of strip foundations depends on the bearing capacity of the subsoil and
the load on the foundations.
 Refer table 3.2 for minimum width of strip foundations.
 Types of strip foundations;
 stepping strip,
 wide strip and
 narrow strip (trench fill or deep strip).

Characteristic of Spread/Strip Footings
 Low Cost
 Ease of construction
 For small-medium size structures with moderate-good soil.
 For large structures with exceptionally good soil or shallow
 Spread/strip footing may be built in different shapes and sizes to
accommodate individual needs.

Types of spread footings based on size and
Types of Spread
No Footings Applicable

1 Square for a single centrally-located column

2 Rectangular when large moment load are present

3 Circular for light standards, flagpoles etc

4 Continuous for bearing walls

(wall/strip footings)

5 Combined when columns are close together

6 Ring for walls of above-ground circular storage tanks

Strap (cantilever when very close to a property line/other

7 footing) structure

In both
situations shown
the thickness (T)
of the foundation
should be equal
to P or 150mm,
whichever is
greater T T
T=P or 150mm
greater) Foundation width Foundation width should be
should not be less than not less than the
the appropriate appropriate dimensions in
dimension in Table 3.2 Table 3.2 plus offset
dimensions A1 and A2
If P is greater than T, then the
foundation may shear at 45°
reducing the width of the
foundation and bearing area.
The foundation fails
where tension is P
exerted on the concrete

Shear failure angle

Following the shear failure, the
load is concentrated on a smaller
area, the ground may consolidate
under the increased load

 When strip foundation used in
sloping sites-stepped the
 The full thickness of the upper
foundation should overlap twice
twice the height of the step
(O=2xT), or 300 mm whichever is
 The brickwork and blockwork on
the top of the foundation should tie
in at the step to avoid the needs of
cutting bricks/blocks and to avoid
the possibility of reducing the
stability of the wall.

Figure 8: Wide Strip


 Wide strip foundations distribute loads over a larger area and reducing the
load per unit area on the ground.
 Wider strip foundation is most suitable for subsoil with poor bearing
capacity such as soft sandy clays.
 Widening and deepening the concrete foundation (to ensure the foundation
does not shear) – uneconomical. Alternatively-form a strip of steel-reinforce
concrete for safe-economical wide strip foundation (figure 8).
 Also known as trench fill/deep strip foundation.
 Suitable for good bearing soil with no seasonal volume
change soil/clay; e.g: stiff clay.
 The base of narrow/deep strip will extend up to a depth
where the clay soil is unaffected by seasonal changes in
moisture content.
 50-mm thick compressible sheet material may needed to
prevent lateral pressure to the sides of the foundation
(saturated and dries out condition cause expansion and
contraction of soil at the external face of the foundation)

Rectangular Spread Footings
 It have plan dimension of B x L, where L is the longest dimension.
 These are useful when obstructions prevent construction of a square footing with a
sufficiently large base area and when large moment loads are present.

Circular Spread Footings
 This foundation are round in plan
 These are more frequently used
as foundation for light standard,
flagpoles, and power transmission
 If these foundation extend to a
large depth, they may be have
more like a deep foundation.

Continuous Spread Footings
 This type of foundation is also known as wall foundation or strip
 It uses is to support bearing wall.

Ring Spread Footings

 This footing are continuous footing

that been wrapped into a circle.
 This type of footing is commonly
used to support the walls of above-
ground circular storage tanks.

Forces pushing down
must equal the forces
pushing up -


If the forces pushing up is greater

than the forces pushing down the
building will be pushed upwards –

If forces pushing down is greater

than the forces pushing up the
building will sink – SUBSIDENCE

Problems if the rules are not The load spreads at about
followed 400 through the foundation


Loads Acting on the Foundation
 The foundation has to bear more than just the load of
the superstructure.

 A load can be defined as anything, which exerts

pressure or thrust on a structure.

 The following are the different types of loads that act

on the building foundation:

 Live Load (Qk) - A live load or imposed load is a

movable, temporary or transferable load. This can
include moving vehicles, people walking or children
 Dead Load (Gk)- This load is permanent and
immovable. It is the non- transferable load of the
structure itself.
 Wind Load (Wk) - This load is applicable when
the structure is tall.
 Snow Load - This load is considered when the
structure is situated in snowy, hilly areas.
Rock or soil Typical bearing value
Massive igneous 10,000
bedrock 2,000 to 4,000
Sandstone 600 to 2,000
Shales and mudstone 600
Gravel, sand and gravel,
Medium dense sand 100 to 300
Loose fine sand Less than 100
Hard clay 300 to 600
Medium clay 100 to 300
Soft Clay Less than 75
Typical allowable bearing values
 Similar to continuous footings
accept for they are usually lain under
a single pier/column.
 Pad foundation spread the load out
(in a square) with the column/pier
sitting in the middle of the square.
 Can also be designed for loads of the
walls and the buildings are
transferred through ground beams
that rest on the pad foundations.
 The pad foundations will transfer
the loads to a lower level where soil
of sufficient load bearing strata

Construction sequence of pad foundation

Marked out and excavate The clean and leveled Formwork for the footing
ground to correct level. ground then poured with installed at the correct
Excavation level should up 50mm thickness lean position
to good load bearing concrete.

After pad footing detailing

inspected and approved than
concrete can be poured and
leave the foundation to dry
(curing process)
Install reinforcement according
39 to construction detailing
 The advantage of this system of
foundation is that pockets of
tipped stone or brick and concrete
rubble that would obstruct bored
pile may be removed as the pits are
 The nature of subsoil also may be
examined as the pits are dug to
select a level of sound subsoil.

Square Footings

Combined Footing Foundation
 In this type, the two walls or
columns of a superstructure are
provided with a single combined
 This is designed so that the center
of gravity of the supporting area is
in proportion to the center of
gravity of the tow column loads.
 These can be rectangular or
These are usefull when trapezoidal in shape.
columns are located too close
together for each to have its
own footing.
 Depending on its position raft
foundation also known as Mat
foundation in floating position.
 Sometimes also called as Floating
 Used where heavily constructed
loads are to be distributed over a
large surface area.
 It is used where the soil is marshy,
clayey or soft, with weak bearing


 This consists of reinforced

concrete slabs covering the
entire area of construction,
like a floor.
 Always made of reinforced


 If ground pressures are
likely to be excessive
at different seasons,
reinforcement may be
required; this is
known as fabric
when in sheet mesh


Conditions for Raft/Mat Foundations
-Structural loads require large area to spread the load
-Soil is erratic and prone to differential settlements
-Structural loads are erratic
-Unevenly distributed lateral loads
-Uplift loads are larger than spread footings can
-Mat foundations are easier to waterproof


Building foundation:

1. Shallow Foundation

 Strip footings ,

 Pad footing,

47  Raft foundation.
Building foundation:

1. Deep Foundation

 Driven pile , Methods:

1. End bearing pile.
 Drilled pile,
2. Friction pile.
 Spun pile.

 Bored pile.
Part 2
2.1.2 Deep Foundation
 Piles
• Driven pile
• Drilled pile
• spun pile
• bore pile


Reasons why Deep Foundation??
Conventional strip foundations is uneconomical to excavate.

The bearing ground located at some distance below the

surface level of the made up ground. A solution is to use
deep/pile foundation to support reinforced concrete ground
beams on which walls are raise.

The pile/deep foundation takes the load of the building

through made-up ground or week soil to load-bearing strata.
The ground beams transfer the building loads to the piles.

Piles are a convenient method of foundation for works over

water, such as jetties or bridge piers.
Main Components of Deep Foundation




 Piles are long and slender members which transfer
the load to deeper soil or rock of high bearing
capacity avoiding shallow soil of low bearing
 The main types of materials used for deep piles
are wood, steel and concrete.
 Piles made from these materials are driven, drilled
or jacked into the ground and connected to pile
 Main functions of a pile;
i. to transmit a foundation load to a solid ground
ii. to resist vertical, lateral and uplift load

Driven pile

Drilled pile

Factors Influencing
The Choice of Pile

Location and
Ground Conditions Durability Cost
Type of Structures

Ground containing
Over water Boulders- Concrete Installation cost

clay with
On Land Steel materials
ground heave

Not causing vibration

Loose water
to existing/nearby Timber time
bearing sand

Heavy Structure Under-reamed bases Test load

Existing Structure Supervision

9 overhead and etc.
Factors Influencing the Choice of Pile
Location and type of structures

 For structures over water, such as wharves and jetties,

driven piles or driven cast-in-place piles (in which the
shell remains in place) are the most suitable.
 On land, driven cast-in-place types are usually the
cheapest for moderate loadings.
 It is necessary for piles to be installed without causing
any significant ground heave or vibrations because of
their proximity to existing structures, the bored cast-
in-place pile is the most suitable.
 For heavy structures exerting large foundation loads,
large-diameter bored piles are usually the most
 Jacked piles are suitable for underpinning existing
Factors Influencing the Choice of Pile
Ground conditions

 Driven piles cannot be used economically in ground

containing boulders (large rocks), or in clays when
ground heave would be detrimental.

 Bored piles would not be suitable in loose water-

bearing sand, and under-reamed bases cannot be
used in cohesion less soils since they are susceptible
to collapse before the concrete can be placed.

Factors Influencing the Choice of Pile

 Most important criteria especially in the choice of

material. For example, concrete piles are usually
used in marine conditions since steel piles are
susceptible to corrosion in marine conditions .

 timber piles is not the most suitable type under

marine conditions because it can be attacked by
boring molluscs .

 On land, concrete piles are not the best choice,

especially where the soil contains sulphates or other
harmful substances.
Factors Influencing the Choice of Pile

 Considerable important decision over the choice of pile.

 The overall cost of installing piles includes:

 the actual cost of the material,
 the times required for piling in the construction plan,
 test loading,
 cost of the engineer to oversee installation and
 cost of organisation and overheads incurred between
the time of initial site clearance and the time when
construction of the superstructure can proceed.
Classification of Pile With Respect to Load
Transmission and Functional Behavior

 End bearing piles

(point bearing piles)
 Friction piles
(cohesion piles )
 Combination of
friction and
cohesion piles


End bearing piles
 Typical end-bearing piles are driven
through very soft soil, such as a loose silt-
bearing stratum underlying by
compressible strata.

 This pile acts on the basic concept of

digging through the top soil (relatively
weak) to an underlying firmer rock to
anchor the foundation.

 The piles transfer their load on to a firm

stratum located at a considerable depth
below the base of the structure.

This pile behaves as an ordinary column. In weak soil, this pile will
not fail by buckling

End bearing piles

End bearing piles-cast in place

End bearing piles - driven or jacking
(R.C or Steel Pile)

Piling Rig

Pile Driving

Friction piles
 Friction piles, also known
as floating pile
 Commonly used in
construction to provide
underground support for
buildings, bridges, docks
and other structures.
 They are often used when
end-bearing piles are not
 Friction piles rely
specifically on the friction
created between the soil
and the surface of the pile
material in order to
provide stability.
 The combination of
friction and adhesion with
the soil causes them to
stay in place.
Friction piles
 The load is transferred to
the adjoining soil by friction
between the pile and the
surrounding soil.
 The load is transferred
downward and laterally to
the soil.
 In order for friction piles
to be effective, the soil
surrounding the area must
be fairly uniform in type
and density.
 For more complex
situations, construction
companies sometimes rely
on a combination of friction
and end-bearing piles.

Friction Pile Types

Placement Installation Repetition

of pile of Pile process




Spun Pile
Standard Characteristics
 Pre-stressed concrete spun pile (cast in the factory) and deliver
to site for installation.
 Size : 250mm to 1000mm diameter
 Lengths : 6m, 9m and 12m (Typical)
 Structural Capacity : 45Ton to 520Ton
 Material : Grade 60MPa & 80MPa Concrete
 Joints: Welded
 Installation Method :
–Drop Hammer

Spun Pile

Spun Piles Vs. RC Square Piles

Spun Piles have …

 Better Bending Resistance
 Higher Axial Capacity
 Better Manufacturing Quality
 Able to Sustain Higher Driving
 Higher Tensile Capacity
 Easier to Check Integrity of Pile
 Similar cost as RC Square Piles with
higher pile integrity

Advantages & Disadvantages of Spun Pile

No Advantages Disadvantages

1 Best suited for use as friction piles that Expensive to splice and cut

don't meet refusal during driving

(refusal: pile can't be driven any further, so

it becomes necessary to cut off the portion)

2 Best suited for toe-bearing piles where the Difficult to cut

required length is uniform and predictable

3 Less expensive than steel piles Susceptible to damage during handling

or driving

4 Have a large load capacity Not suited for hard driving conditions


Bored piles
• Foundation structure made of
reinforced concrete on site.
• Used to carry heavy loads by
transmitting the load to a stable soil
• Varies in diameter and depth.
• Dimension varies from 450mm to
• Designers will decide the size
according to the load requirement
and as well as the soil condition of
the site.
• widely used and can be
constructed in most soil condition
and over water.

Bored Pile Construction
• Bored piles is constructed
by first drilling a hole in
the ground until a
competent load bearing
layer is reached.
• Once achieved, a
reinforcement steel cage
is lowered into the drilled
hole and the hole is filled
with concrete.
• It is also known as cast in
place piles.

Bored piles
 High flexibility and are widely used in
deep foundation for :-
 high rise buildings,
 jetties,
 bridge foundation and
 as vertical retaining structures like a
retaining wall or sheet piles wall. (In this
case the bored piles is known as
contiguous bored pile wall).
 Designed either as a point bearing piles
or friction piles.
 If competent load bearing layer like
bed rock is present, then the bored
piles will be designed as an end-bearing
pile. This means that the load carrying
capacity of the piles is mainly derived
from the bearing capacity of the rock
layer at the toe of the pile.

Bored Piles

 Bored pile-single pile

- pile groups.

 can be inclined to a certain angle. When bored piles are
Angle bored piles also known as constructed close to one
raked piles (found in structures that another or overlapping slightly,
this is known as contiguous
requires resistance to horizontal bored piles wall or secant piles
load like in a retaining wall or bridge wall.
and piers foundation).

Standard Bored Piles Characteristics Considerations…
 Size : 450mm to 2000mm  Borepile Base Difficult to Clean
 Lengths : Varies  Bulging / Necking
 Structural Capacity : 80Ton to 2,300Tons  Collapse of Sidewall
 Concrete Grade : 20MPa to 30MPa  Dispute on Level of Weathered
 Joints : None Rock
 Installation Method : Drill then Cast-In-Situ

Advantages & Disadvantages
Bore Pile
No Advantages Disadvantages

1 Less costs of mobilizing and demobilizing a drill rig Dependent on contractor's skills

2 Less noise and vibration Lower unit end bearing capacity

3 Soils excavated can be observed and classified Expensive for full-scale load test

during drilling

4 Size of shafts can easily be changed during const.

5 Can penetrate soils with cobbles, boulders and

many types of bedrock

6 Possible to support each column with one large

shaft (no pile cap)

Part 3
2.1.2 Deep Foundation
• micro pile,
• pile cap
• Column stump,
• ground beam,
• ground slab


 Size : 100mm to 350mm Diameter
 Lengths : Varies
 Structural Capacity : 20Ton to 250Ton
 Material : Grade 25MPa to 35MPa Grout
 N80 API Pipe as Reinforcement
 Joints: None
 Installation Method :
–Drill then Cast-In-Situ
–Percussion then Cast-In-Situ

 Micropiles also known mini piles.
 Applicable for foundations of a wide variety of
construction projects such as highways, bridges and even
transmission towers.
 Can be installed at varying angles i.e. from vertical to
obtuse (angle between 90-180 degree incline).
 Highly capable of resisting both lateral and axial loads
due to the fact that they are made of steel with varying
diameters of between 70 to 200 mm.
 Sheer ability to provide a combination of both tensile and
compressive resistance, micropiles tend to be quite useful
where there is a need for resistance to uplift.
 Very little or no vibration at all.

Technological process of carrying
out micropiles
2a) realization of a
borehole with the
rotary technology
2b) pulling out
drilling tools and
filling the hole
with grout
2c) setting a
thick-walled steel
2d) grouting of the
micropile root
2e) finished micropile

Pressure-grouted micropiles construction

Securing overburdens of underground works
(tunnels, galleries) with the use of a
micropile umbrella

Examples of underpinnings of existing

structures with the use of micropile space
piers or individual micropiles

Carrying out pipe micropiles to protect the driven

6 tunnel calotte, the New Connection in Prague
Cast in-situ micropile construction

Timber/Bakau Pile
 Timber is a hugely capable civil
engineering material, with the
additional advantage of being
 Trees, in particular conifers, make
natural piles.
 Timber foundations may be particularly
suitable for countryside structures
such as bridges, forest chalets and
activity centres, as well as post-and-
beam timber buildings in waterfront or
flood prone locations.
 Preservative treated softwood or
durable hardwood timber can be used
for the construction of retaining walls,
bank seats, and for foundation pads
9 and footings.
Timber/Bakau Pile
 For many structures, timber piles are a highly suitable choice of
foundation, given appropriate ground conditions.
 They are economical, easy to transport, handle, cut to length and
work with on site; and particularly suited for locations with access
difficulties, or where excavations and the delivery of concrete
would pose problems.
 Short, driven timber piles can be the solution for foundations in
ground with a high water table, and where firm strata exists below
surface material of loose sand, soft clays, or organic soils.

Timber/Bakau Pile
 In deep silt deposits, where the capacity of the pile is determined by shaft friction, timber
piles are especially suitable being tapered and easy to splice.
 Timber piles are suitable to be used below the water table, where they have proved
practically invulnerable to decay, and extended to the surface using concrete sections.
 They are resistant to acidic and alkaline soils, and soils with high sulphate or free carbon
dioxide content.
 Timber piles can also be driven for ground improvement, to density loose granular soils.
 For the decay reason-treated with preservatives such as creosote oil which impregnated
into the wood (preventing dry-rotting and against damage from most animal and plant

Timber/Bakau Pile
 The installation of timber piles is a process that involves dropping a
weight on top of the pile in order to drive the pile into the ground.
 Timber piles have been used for centuries to support man-made
 The equipment that is used to install timber piles includes a crane,
a boom, a set of leads, a hammer, a helmet, a pile gate, pile monkey,
and pile (see Figure).

Advantages & Disadvantages
Bakau pile

No Advantages Disadvantages

1 Low construction cost Medium axial loads (100 - 400 kN)

2 Used as waterfront structures Susceptible to decay

Susceptible to damage when

3 For light driving conditions driving

(in loose sands and soft to medium clays)

Piling Techniques
 Damage during driving can be controlled by using proper
 Among the soultions are:-
√ Using lightweight hammers
√ Using steel bands near butt
√ Using a steel shoe on the toe
√ Pre-drilling

Drilled Equipments

 Drilling Rigs
 Truck-mounted
drilling rig
 For usual
d=500 –
1200mm and
 Specialized
 A-Shaped
Frame Rigs

 Drilling Tools
 The helix-shaped flight auger
(most common used)
– Effective in most sols and
soft rocks
 Augers with hardened teeth
and pilot stingers
– Effective in hardpan or
moderately hard rock
 Spiral-shaped rooting tools
– Help loosen cobbles and

 Bucket augers
– To collect cuttings in a cylindrical
– Used in running sands
 Belling buckets Bucket augers
– To enlarge the bottom of the shaft
(bells or under reams)
 Core barrels
– To cut a circular slot creating a
removable core
– Used in hard rock
 Multi-roller percussion bits
– To cut through hard rock
 Cleanout buckets
– To remove final cuttings from hole

Belling bucket

Drilled Techniques
 Drilling in Firm Soils
 Using dry method (open-hole method)
 Most common used: simple, economy and good reability
 Steps:
 Holes usually advance using conventional flight auger
 Holes remain open without any special support
 Check the open hole for cleanliness and alignment
 Insert steel reinforcing cage
 Pour the concrete

 Drilling in Caving (Cave-in) or Squeezing Soils
 Caving:
 The side of a hole which is collapse before or during concrete
 Usually in clean sands below the groundwater table.
 Squeezing:
 The sides of hole bulging inward during or after drilling
 Usually in soft clays and silts or highly organic soils.
 Most common techniques:
 Using casing
 Drilling fluid (slurry method) using bentonite clay or
attapulgite clay.


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Pile Cap (BS 8004), “a pile cap is
defined as a concrete block cast on
the head of a pile, or a group of piles,
to transmit the load from the
structure to the pile or group of
• Pile cap transfers the load form the
structures to a pile / pile group, then
the load further transfers to from
•Pile caps are thus incorporated in
order to tie the pile heads together so
that individual pile movement and
settlement is greatly reduced. The
stability of the pile group is greatly
Foundations relying on driven
piles often have groups of piles
connected by a pile cap (a
large concrete block into which
the heads of the piles are
embedded) to distribute loads
which are larger than one pile
can bear.
Pile caps and isolated piles are
typically connected with grade
beams to tie the foundation
elements together; lighter
structural elements bear on
the grade beams while heavier
elements bear directly on the
pile cap.

Pile Arrangement below pile cap

Pile cap

 Function:
 To distribute the structural loads to the piles.
 To tie the piles together so they can act as a unit.
 To laterally stabilise individual piles thus increasing overall
stability of the group
 To provide the necessary combined resistance to stresses set
up by the superstructure and/or ground movement


Column Stump
 The stump is the simplest and most familiar footing used for the vertical
support and the transfer of building loads to the foundation.
 Stumps are used to support timber-framed houses for which they are
currently the most cost effective.
 Three types of materials are commonly used for stumps:
 timber
 concrete
 steel.
 Stumps must have a concrete or timber footing placed underneath the base
of the stump. This is to spread the load transferred to the stump from the
building. This support beneath the stump is called a 'pad' or 'soleplate'.
 Usually concrete stumps are provided with concrete pads poured in situ on
the site. Timber stumps are provided with timber soleplates.


 Beams and slab are normally named
by its location.
 Ground beam refers to the structure
of beam located on the ground.
 Ground Beams are designed to
support brick/blockwork or to form
a permanent shutter to the edge of
in-situ concrete floor slab.
 The amount of reinforcement
introduced into the design will be
used to suit specific loading
requirements and the beams can be
designed to withstand any heave
forces with the use of void forming
or compressible materials.
Ordinary Ground Beam
 This type of ground beam is the most
used in building construction.
 It is the beam which both its ends are
tied up at the column and lying between
the two column.
 The beam fixes and holds fitly the
columns in order to stabilize it.
 In addition, it also acts to bear all the
loads come from the wall which
constructed parallel with the beam.

 A ground beam normally
should consist of following
 Reinforcements,
 Concrete,
 Linkers
 The reinforcements can be
placed at center of that
 The sizes of main
reinforcement play
important role in determine
the strength of a beam.
 Ground beam usually does
not have secondary beam,
only has primary beam.


•The cantilever beam is same as the beam explained before but only
one end of cantilever beam is tied up at the column stump. The
other end is free without joint with any column.
•The cantilever beam usually used for external structure such as
beam for corridor and also partition wall outside the building.
 The functions of ground
cantilever beam are almost same
but it cannot bear the loading
such the ordinary beam. This is
because, one end of that beam
is not holding by any structure.
As a result, it does not achieves
the strength like the ordinary

Beam Construction Method
 The ground beam construction starts after a column stump has been
fixed in the foundation as needed.

 Beam formwork will be placed tidy so that it look tough and strong to
ensure that formwork does not move or expand during concreting

 After that, The reinforcements will be installed along with linkers

and surrounded by block spacers below and at the sides

 Purpose of the spacer block is to keep the steel in place and to

protect the reinforcement from corrosion due to aggressive

Important during the ground beam construction
• clearing the ground.
• The span between the columns
or piers is compacted.
• A blinding layer is done with
quarry dust.
• Spacers are placed with Spacers
sufficient number
• The reinforcements are then
tied and bent separately.
• The reinforcement is laid
straight with spacer blocks put
at the bottom and sides


Formwork Reinforcements

Removal of Formwork Concreting

Ground Beam
The ground beam construction procedure (10 steps);
1. clearing the ground.
2. The span between the columns or piers is rammed and compacted.
3. A blinding layer is done with quarry dust.
4. The column or pier reinforcements should be left a foot high to join
with the beam.
5. The reinforcements are then tied and bent separately.
6. Once ready, they are carried and laid over the columns and blinding.
7. The reinforcement is laid straight with spacer blocks put at the
8. Once the beam steel is in place, form work is erected to the sides.
These must be firmed into the ground and made very tight. This will
prevent the escape of the cement slurry when vibrating.
9. After the form work is complete, concrete is prepared and poured
into the forms. The process continues while vibrating to ensure the
concrete is well bonded with the steel.
10.The top is tamped to be smooth. The forms are removed after seven
days while curing.


Ground Slab
 In construction, slab can be design in two conditions.

• is built when the ground is good enough

to carry the load from the building.
1 • In this condition, the slab is designed to slab
carry the load of the building with the
help from the ground support.

• is built when the ground is not good

enough to carry the load from the
• In this condition, the slab is designed
just like the floor of upper floor that Suspended slab
can carry the load without the help
from the ground support.
• In this case, more cost is needed.
Ground Slab

Damp Proof Course Damp-proof membrane

Ground Slab
 Function of ground slab:
 To support column and stump
 To received the load from the building
 To reduce the pressure on the column and stump
 The main base of construction to ensure that the construction is done well
 Create the easier job on floor finishes
 The construction of a solid ground slab floor should includes:
 Hardcore
 Binding
 Concrete bed or slab

Ground Slab

 The purpose of hardcore is to fill in any small pockets occur during

site excavation, to provide firm base on which to place a concrete

bed and to help spread any point loads over the greater area. It
also acts against capillary action of moisture within the soil.

 Hardcore is usually laid in layers of 100-150 mm to the required

depth, and its is important that each layer is well compacted, using
a roller if necessary, to prevent any unacceptable settlement
beneath the solid floor.

Ground Slab
 This is used to provide clean, level and dry surface of hardcore if a
damp-proof membrane (DPM) is to be place under the concrete bed
or if a reinforced concrete bed is specified.
 First, it will prevent the damp-proof membrane from being punctured
by the hardcore and, second, it will provide a true surface from
which the reinforcement can be positioned.
 Blinding generally consists of a layer of sand 25-50 mm thick or a
50-75 mm layer of weak concrete (1:12 mix usually suitable) if a true
surface of a reinforced concrete is required.

Ground Slab
Concrete bed
 Unreinforced or plain in-situ concrete, 100-150 mm thick;
 Reinforce concrete, 150 mm minimum
 Suitable concrete mixes are produced to BS EN 206-1:
 The reinforcement used in concrete beds for domestic work is
usually in the form of welded steel fabric to BS4483.
 Sometimes a light square mesh fabric is placed 25mm form the
upper surface of the concrete bed to prevent surface crazing and
limit the size of any cracking.
 In domestic work the areas of concrete are defined by the room
sizes, and it is not usually necessary to include expansion or
construction joints the construction of the bed

Concrete Reinforcement Mesh

Ground Slab
Other materials needed for ground slab:

(1) Damp Proof Membrane (DPM)

 Water penetration is a prime cause of deterioration in
building structures and materials and the presence of
excess moisture encourages the growth of moulds and wood
rotting fungi. Because of this, building regulations require
that buildings are so designed that water neither damages
the fabric nor penetrates to the interior where it may
constitute a health hazard as well as spoiling decorations.

Ground Slab
 Other materials needed for ground slab:

(2) Damp Proof Course (DPC)

 DPC is a physical barrier inserted into the fabric of a building
to stop water passing from one place to another. This can be on
a horizontal plane, stopping water rising up from the ground by
being sucked up by the dry masonry above, or vertically to stop
water passing from the outside of a building, though the
masonry, to the inside. DPC's have taken many forms through
the ages and one of the earliest forms was to use a layer of
slate in the construction. Slate is still used but the less
expensive plastic version ( below right ) is now more widely


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