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1 Anica

I. Underline the verb in each sentence. Write “A” for an action verb and “L” for linking verb.
___________________ 1. The sheets were clean and fresh.
___________________ 2. Franklin rode his bike to my house.
___________________ 3. The meal is now too cold.
___________________ 4. The man rested his head on his pillow.
___________________ 5. Marty and his friend play hockey.
II. Read the sentence and encircle the correct verb in the parenthesis.
1. I ( play/ plays ) football every Saturday.
2. He (do / does ) the dishes.
3. I always ( watch / watches) TV before dinner,
4. The children ( is /are ) attentive to their teacher.
5. We often ( visit/ visits ) my grandfather in Negros Occidental.
III. Irregular Verb. Fill in the blanks with the past tense of the verb.
1. Fanny (throw) __________ the ball over the fence.
2. The students (write) __________ their names at the top of the page.
3. Last summer, we (swim) __________ at the lake.
4. Johnny (take) __________ guitar lesson with a great teacher.
5. Your dad (buy) __________ a new car.
6. I (see) __________ you at the park last night.
7. Lila (set) __________ the table before supper.
8. The students (rise) __________ for the national anthem.
9. The children (sing) __________ a song together.
10. Last night, we (go) __________ to the market.
IV. Rewrite each sentence in the past tense.
1. They water their garden.
2. Jackie finishes her homework.
3. You complete several puzzles this year.
4. I compose poems for my friends.
5. We wash dad’s car.
Select the correct meaning of each word in bold.
1. There is a book that belongs to you in the classroom if you would like to pick it up before you go home.
a. to be owned by
b. to forgot
2. My friend from Brazil really suffers in the cold during our snowy Chicago winters.
a. to endure, to feel misfortune
b. enjoys, find delight in
3. The old woman offered the young boy some money to cut her grass, but he refused, saying it was unnecessary to
pay him.
a. to force
b. to show a desire to do or give something
2 Anica

4. The players were obviously rattled by the quick goal scored against them and took time to settle down.
a. to be happy and enjoy
b. to confuse or upset
5. A thief stole my friend’s purse while she was out shopping.
a. a place to buy things, such as fruits and vegetables
b. someone who steals
6. One of Genghis Khan's first important achievements was to unite the people in the scattered tribes all over
a. a group of people who share the same language and customs
b. leaves that are blowing in the wind
7. My grandmother will use soft yarn to knit a scarf for the cold winter months.
a. to go to the store to buy something
b. to join yarn together to make things like sweaters or blankets.
8. The students will vote tomorrow to elect the class president.
a. to guess
b. to choose or decide
9. Bees fly from flower to flower to collect the nectar so they can make honey.
a. the sweet liquid of a plant
b. a place where bees live
10. After choosing the feathers, I had to paste them onto my paper bird art project.
a. to cause to stick to
b. to take apart
Improve each sentence by crossing out the words in bold with writing in better words. Use the word bank for clues!

attic belong rattle suffer elect offer paste

1. The monkey grabbed the bars of his cage and shook ____________ them.
2. She mixed the powder in water to make a thick substance __________.
3. Her classmates chose ________________ her president of the student council.
4. This store has been the property of ________________ to our family for three generations.
5. The children were wearing heavy jackets, hats and wool mittens to insulate ______________ themselves from the
severe cold.
6. The store presents _______________ a 25% discount on all clothing bought before midnight tonight.
7. Hundreds of excited teenagers endured ______________ cold wind and rain to attend the concert.
8. Tom climbed the stairs up to the room below the roof ____________.
Circle the correct homophone.
1. A (hair / hare) raced with a tortoise.
2. Christopher Columbus set (sail / sale) for the New World in 1492.
3. Please, (wait / weight) just a moment!
4. They started working (right / write) away.
5. Many trees lose (there / their) leaves in the winter.
6. Butter is (made / maid) from milk.
7. He spent the (hole / whole) day reading in bed.
8. He ran (threw / through) the woods.
3 Anica

9. A mouse scurried out of the (hole / whole).

10. I (right / write) in my diary every day.
For each word, underline the root word. Then match the word to its definition.

Write the word that best matches the clue.

1. master - 9. certain -
2. syllabus - 10. harbor -
3. wagon - 11. argue -
4. happy - 12. fail -
5. emptiness - 12. atom -
6. giggled - 13. representative -
7. yard - 14. dressing -
8. frighten - 15. reflector -

Draw lines to make compound words. Write the compound words.

4 Anica

Write the opposite of each word shown.

demand provide consider whole earlier

behave confession married night prove
bound winter examine copy enemy thrill

1. disclaim - 9. disregard -
2. day - 10. later -
3. single - 11. friend -
4. part - 12. calm -
5. original - 13. offer -
6. overlook - 14. take away -
7. denial - 15. free -
8. misbehave - 16. summer -
5 Anica

Match each idiom with its meaning.

Circle the word that comes first in alphabetical order. Cross out the word that comes last.

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