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Task 4: week 4

coding languages
For web development

Report by: Aruna Popat Khatkale

Assistance by: The mentor Gyan

_empowering India's future engineers

Web development involves creating websites and web applications using
frontend (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and backend (server-side languages and
frameworks) technologies. It includes designing user interfaces,
implementing functionality, ensuring responsiveness across devices,
optimizing performance, ensuring security, and adhering to accessibility
standards. It is a dynamic field that blends creativity with technical
expertise to deliver engaging and functional online experiences.
Top coding languages for web development

1. JavaScript

JavaScript is a high-level programming language used for building interactive and dynamic

It was initially created to enhance the user experience of websites and web applications.

However, with the introduction of Node.js, JavaScript can now be used for server-side
development as well.

As a result, developers can create full-stack applications using only JavaScript, making the
process a lot faster.

Benefits Downsides

Versatility: JavaScript allows Single-threaded execution: Operations in

developers to build interactive user JavaScript are performed one by one. If an

interfaces on the client side, and operation takes a significant amount of time,
robust backend infrastructures on the it can block the execution of subsequent

server side. operations, potentially leading to

Wide adoption: It is supported by all performance bottlenecks.

major browsers, so you do not have to Nested callback: Asynchronous code can

worry about compatibility issues. sometimes lead to nested callback

Ecosystem: JavaScript boasts a rich structures, which can be challenging to

ecosystem with numerous libraries manage.

and frameworks, including React,

Angular, and Vue.js).

Server-side capability: Thanks to

Node.js, JavaScript can be used for

server-side scripting, enabling full-

stack development in a single


Asynchronous programming: This

approach enables developers to

efficiently handle concurrent

operations and improve user

2. Python

Python is a versatile, high-level programming language known for its readability and ease of

Originally designed to emphasize code readability, Python has evolved into a powerhouse for
various software projects, ranging from web development to data science.

You can use Python’s frameworks, Django, and Flask, to streamline web application

Benefits Downsides

Readability and simplicity: Python’s

clear syntax and structure enhance code

readability and reduce the cost of program Global Interpreter Lock (GIL): In multi-

maintenance. threaded Python programs, the GIL can

Extensive libraries: With a rich standard limit the execution of multiple threads,

library and numerous third-party libraries which may affect performance.

like NumPy, Pandas, and TensorFlow, you Not made for mobile development:

can accelerate development across While possible, Python is not the first

domains. choice for mobile app development

Community support: A large and active compared to languages like Swift or

community fosters collaboration, Kotlin.

providing ample resources, tutorials, and

Versatility: Python is suitable for various

applications, including web development

(Django, Flask), data science, machine

learning, and automation.


HTML, which stands for Hypertext Markup Language, is the standard markup language used
to create the structure and content of web pages.

It is the backbone of web development, providing a set of elements or tags that define the
structure of a document.

Benefits Downsides

Ease of learning: As a markup language, Limited styling: HTML primarily

HTML is easy to learn, making it accessible focuses on structure and lacks

for beginners in web development. advanced styling capabilities. Stylistic

Standardization: HTML provides a elements are often handled by CSS.

standardized way to structure web content, Static nature: HTML documents are

facilitating better collaboration among static, and achieving dynamic

developers. behavior requires the use of

Flexibility: HTML allows developers to additional technologies like

create a wide range of web content, from JavaScript.

simple static pages to complex, dynamic Security concerns: HTML itself is not

web applications. a programming language and does not

Integration with other technologies: HTML have security features. Security

seamlessly integrates with other web considerations are often addressed

technologies, such as CSS (for styling) and by server-side technologies and other

JavaScript (for interactivity), forming the core security measures.

trio for modern web development.

4. CSS

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a style sheet language used in web development to control
the visual presentation of HTML documents.

While HTML focuses on the structure and content of a web page, CSS defines the layout,
styling, and appearance, allowing developers to create visually appealing and responsive web

Benefits Downsides

Seamless code maintainability: Promoting Learning curve: For beginners,

the separation of content and presentation, understanding how CSS works may

CSS makes it easy to maintain code. This require some time and practice.

approach results in seamless collaboration Global scope: CSS rules have a

among developers, designers, and content global scope, which means that

creators. styles can affect multiple elements.

Consistent styling: Developers can define This can lead to unintentional styling

styling rules centrally, ensuring a consistent conflicts if not managed carefully.

appearance of elements across the entire Limited dynamic capabilities:

website. While CSS can handle static styling

Responsive design: CSS is adaptable to well, it has limitations in handling

different screen sizes. Plus, its media queries dynamic changes based on user

allow developers to apply specific styles interactions. JavaScript is often

based on the characteristics of each user’s needed for more complex dynamic

device. behaviors.

Animations and transitions: With keyframes

and transition properties, adding animations

and interactive elements to web pages will

feel effortless.

5. PHP

Originally known as Personal Home Page, PHP is an open-source server-side scripting

language designed for web development.

It is embedded within HTML code and processed by a PHP interpreter on the web server,
generating dynamic content that users see and interact with.

PHP is widely used for creating dynamic web pages, handling forms, interacting with
databases, and performing various server-side tasks.
Benefits Downsides

Server-side scripting: Developers can

embed PHP code directly within HTML

files, making it easier to create dynamic

Inconsistency in function names:
and interactive web pages.
PHP’s function names and parameter
Database integration: PHP supports
orders can be inconsistent, which may
interaction with popular databases like
create confusion for developers.
MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. This is
Scalability challenges: While PHP is
crucial for handling dynamic content and
suitable for small to medium-sized
data-driven applications.
projects, it may face scalability
Ease of learning: The syntax is
challenges for larger applications.
straightforward, and developers can
Less modern language features:
quickly start building dynamic web
Compared to some newer programming
languages, PHP may lack certain modern
Wide popularity: Many well-established
language features. However, ongoing
websites, including WordPress,
updates and new versions have
Facebook, and Wikipedia, are powered by
introduced some improvements in its
Integration with web servers: PHP is

often used in conjunction with popular

web servers like Apache and Nginx. This

integration allows the PHP interpreter to

process PHP scripts and generate

dynamic content on the server.

6. Java

While sharing a similar name, Java is a completely different language from JavaScript.

Traditionally known for enterprise-level applications, Java has become a prominent player in
web development, offering robust solutions for building scalable, secure, and dynamic web

Benefits Downsides

Scalability: Known for its scalability, Java Steep learning curve: The language

is perfect for developing large-scale and has a comprehensive set of features,

enterprise-level applications. It can handle which might be overwhelming for those

increased workloads and users effectively. new to programming.

Strong ecosystem: Java has a robust Slower startup time: Java applications

ecosystem with a vast array of libraries, may have a slower startup time

frameworks, and tools. Popular compared to some other languages.

frameworks like Spring and Hibernate This can impact the user experience,

simplify development tasks, enhance especially for smaller web applications.

productivity, and ensure code best Memory consumption: Java is a

practices. resource-intensive language that takes

Highly secure: Features like bytecode up loads of your memory space. In

verification, runtime security checks, and a other words, you may need to spend

strong security manager helps you create more money on high-resource servers.

secure and reliable web applications. Lack of modern language features:

Multi-threading support: This allows your While Java has evolved for a long time,

web-based app to handle multiple tasks developers may miss certain

simultaneously, while still delivering conveniences found in more modern

maximum performance. languages.

7. Ruby

Known for its simplicity and dynamic nature, Ruby makes web development enjoyable for

The primary framework that has propelled Ruby to prominence in the web development
sector is Ruby on Rails, often simply referred to as Rails.

It follows the principles of Convention over Configuration (CoC) and Do not Repeat Yourself
(DRY), promoting a more efficient and streamlined development process.

Benefits Downsides

Productivity: Ruby is designed to

Performance: Ruby has been criticized for
optimize developer productivity. Its
its performance compared to some
syntax and conventions allow
compiled languages. While improvements
developers to focus on solving
problems rather than dealing with have been made, certain types of

unnecessary complexities. applications might still run slower.

Object-oriented nature: As a purely Global Interpreter Lock (GIL): It limits the

object-oriented language, Ruby treats execution of multiple threads

everything as an object. This approach simultaneously, affecting the scalability of

helps developers organize code and Ruby applications.

enhance the maintainability of web Less popularity in some sectors: Ruby is

applications. highly popular in web development,

Extensive libraries: Instead of working particularly with Ruby on Rails. However, it

from scratch, you can integrate ready- may be less prevalent in other sectors or

made packages known as Gems to enterprise environments compared to

speed up web development. some other languages.

Rails framework: Ruby on Rails (Rails)

is a powerful web application

framework built on top of Ruby. It

streamlines development, resulting in

faster time-to-market.

Metaprogramming capabilities: With

Ruby, developers can write code that

generates other code dynamically,

which leads to more concise and

expressive programs.

8. Golang (Go)

Golang, commonly referred to as Go, was developed by Google engineers Robert Griesemer,
Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson and first released in 2009.

Go aims to provide a balance between ease of programming, execution speed, and scalability
in the context of modern web app development.

Due to its concurrency features, Go is well-suited for building server-side applications and
APIs. That said, it can also be integrated with front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and

Benefits Drawbacks

Concurrency support: Goroutines and

channels are key features that facilitate

Limited web framework ecosystem:
concurrent execution without the
While there are several web
complexities often associated with
frameworks and libraries available for
traditional threading.
Go, the ecosystem is not as extensive
Efficiency and performance: Designed to be
as some other languages like Python
fast and efficient, Go’s runtime is optimized
or JavaScript.
for quick startup and low memory

consumption. This makes Go suitable for

both small-scale projects and large-scale

distribution systems.

Simple syntax: Its straightforward and

minimalistic syntax contributes to faster

development, easier maintenance, and

reduced chances of errors.

Garbage collection: This feature removes

the need for manual memory management,

reducing the likelihood of memory-related


Powerful dev tools: Go includes a set of

powerful tools, such as golf mt for code

formatting and go vet for static analysis,

helping developers maintain high-quality


9. TypeScript

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing to the language.

Created by Microsoft, it was designed to make JavaScript development more scalable and
maintainable, especially for larger projects.

TypeScript is commonly used in conjunction with popular frameworks like Angular and React
for front-end web development.
Benefits Downsides

Static typing: TypeScript introduces static

typing, allowing developers to specify the types

of variables, function parameters, and return

values. This helps catch errors during

development rather than at runtime. Steep learning curve: Developers

Rich tooling: Features like autocompletion, familiar with JavaScript may need

navigation, and refactoring come in handy some time to get used to

when it comes to enhancing the development TypeScript, especially when dealing

experience. with advanced type features.

Code readability: Explicit type annotations Build step: TypeScript requires a

make the code more readable and self- build step to transpire code into

documenting, making it easier for developers JavaScript before it can be

to understand and maintain the codebase. executed in a browser or a

JavaScript Compatibility: TypeScript is fully JavaScript runtime. This additional

compatible with JavaScript. Existing JavaScript step can lead to delays in the

libraries can be used without modification, development workflow.

allowing for a smooth transition. It also

supports ECMAScript features and proposals,

providing access to the latest JavaScript

language features.
10. C#

C# (pronounced C sharp) is a modern, object-oriented programming language also developed

by Microsoft.

Initially designed for building Windows applications, it has since evolved into a versatile
language used for various purposes, including web development, mobile app development,
and game development.

To build dynamic and robust web applications, you can combine C# with frameworks like

Benefits Drawbacks

Integration with .NET framework: C#

Windows-centric: While C# has expanded
seamlessly integrates with the .NET
its reach beyond Windows, it still has strong
Framework, providing a
ties to the Microsoft ecosystem. This can
comprehensive set of tools, libraries,
limit its adoption for projects targeting non-
and features that simplify web
Microsoft platforms.
development tasks.
Dependency on Microsoft technologies:
Object-Oriented Programming
Related to the previous point, most of its
(OOP): This approach puts the center
web development features work best when
stage on code organization, reuse,
used with Microsoft tools and platforms.
and maintainability, leading to cleaner
Less flexibility with hosting: Some hosting
and more scalable web applications.
providers may have limited support for C#
Strongly typed language: As a
compared to other popular web
strongly typed language, C# is great at
catching errors at compile-time, development languages like PHP or

enhancing code reliability. JavaScript.

Large developer community: C# has

a large and active community of

seasoned pros, providing access to

resources, documentation, and

community support for up-and-

coming web developers.

The most preferred coding language for web development

According to various surveys and sources, including the Stack Overflow
Developer Survey and the GitHub State of the Octo verse report, the
most preferred coding languages for web development are:

1. JavaScript (used by around 90% of web developers)

2. HTML/CSS (used by around 80% of web developers)
3. PHP (used by around 50% of web developers)
4. Python (used by around 40% of web developers)
5. Ruby (used by around 30% of web developers)

JavaScript is considered the most dominant language in web

development, followed closely by HTML/CSS.
what about advantages and disadvantages of these languages
Here are some advantages and disadvantages of the top web
development languages:



- Ubiquitous: Runs on most devices and browsers

- Dynamic: Enables interactive client-side functionality
- Flexible: Used for both front-end and back-end development
- Extensive libraries and frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, Vue)


- Complex: Steep learning curve

- Browser inconsistencies: Different browsers handle JS differently
- Security concerns: Vulnerable to attacks like cross-site scripting (XSS)


- Simple: Easy to learn and use

- Universal: Supported by all browsers and devices
- Structure and style: Essential for building websites and web applications
- Constant evolution: New features and improvements are constantly


- Limited functionality: Not a programming language, relies on JS for

- Style and layout limitations: Can be restrictive and require workarounds


- Server-side: Enables dynamic server-side logic and database interaction
- Open-source: Free and community-driven
- Extensive frameworks and libraries (e.g., Laravel, WordPress)
- Cross-platform: Runs on various operating systems


- Security concerns: Vulnerable to attacks like SQL injection and cross-site

scripting (XSS)
- Performance: Can be slow and resource-intensive
- Steep learning curve: Especially for beginners



- Easy to learn: Simple syntax and indentation-based code structure

- Versatile: Used for web development, data analysis, machine learning,
and more
- Large community: Extensive libraries and frameworks (e.g., Django,
- Cross-platform: Runs on various operating systems

- Slow performance: Compared to other languages like JavaScript and C++

- Limited support: Not as widely supported as JavaScript for client-side



- Easy to learn: Simple syntax and focus on readability

- Dynamic: Enables flexible and efficient coding
- Extensive libraries and frameworks (e.g., Ruby on Rails)
- Cross-platform: Runs on various operating systems


- Performance: Can be slow and resource-intensive

- Limited support: Not as widely supported as JavaScript for client-side
1. What is your role in web development?

a) Developer
b) Designer
c) Project Manager
d) Quality Assurance (QA)
e) Other (please specify)

2. What type of projects do you work on?

a) E-commerce websites
b) Blogs
c) social media platforms
d) Online forums
e) corporate websites
f) Other (please specify)

3. Which front-end framework do you use most?

a) React
b) Angular
c) Vue
d) Bootstrap
e) None

4. Which back-end framework do you use most?

a) Node.js
b) Django
c) Ruby on Rails
d) Laravel
e) None

5. What is your favorite programming language?

a) JavaScript
b) Python
c) Ruby
d) PHP
e) Other (please specify)
6. How many years of experience do you have in web development?

a) Less than 1 year

b) 1-3 years
c) 4-6 years
d) 7-10 years
e) More than 10 years
The answers I got:
- Roles:
- Developers: 60%
- Designers: 20%
- Project Managers: 10%
- QA: 5%
- Other: 5%

- Project Types:
- E-commerce: 40%
- Blogs: 25%
- Social Media: 15%
- Corporate: 10%
- Other: 10%
- Front-end Frameworks:
- React: 40%
- Angular: 30%
- Vue: 20%
- Bootstrap: 5%
- None: 5%
- Back-end Frameworks:
- Node.js: 45%
- Django: 25%
- Ruby on Rails: 15%
- Laravel: 10%
- None: 5%
- Favorite Programming Languages:
- JavaScript: 50%
- Python: 25%
- Ruby: 10%
- PHP: 5%
- Other: 10%
- Experience:
- Less than 1 year: 10%
- 1-3 years: 25%
- 4-6 years: 30%
- 7-10 years: 20%
- More than 10 years: 15%
Conclusion (what I think)
The web is a wild and crazy place for a developer.......****************
A technology only invented a few decades ago, the Internet, has spawned
one of the most fantastic and diverse realms of enquiry and
In some sense it is all as simple as some HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but in
another sense, it is not about those technologies at all. The languages in
use on servers are as numerous as they are diverse.
Countless web stacks in circulation each have different fundamental
philosophical approaches to the task of web development. They each
have certain strengths and goals, and each has within it a nugget to learn
Web development is a complex and multifaceted field that involves
various programming languages, frameworks, and technologies. The
most preferred languages for web development are JavaScript,
HTML/CSS, PHP, Python, and Ruby, each with their advantages and
When choosing a language, consider the project's requirements, your
personal preferences, and the language's:
• - Ease of use and learning curve
• - Performance and efficiency
• - Versatility and scalability
• - Community support and resources
• - Security features and vulnerabilities

A well-rounded web developer should be proficient in multiple languages

and technologies to adapt to diverse project needs and stay up to date
with industry trends. The web development landscape is constantly
evolving, and staying curious and open to learning is essential for success
in this field.

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coding languages
For web development

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