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Spanish Co-ordinator: Silvia Stanton



Spanish Co-ordinator: Silvia Stanton, ss15@gre.ac.uk, 020 8331 9012

Course Co-cordinator: Luis Fernando Rodríguez Romero, 020 8331 9007

Rooms: SL001 (Wednesdays: 11.00 am – 13.00 pm)

D236 (Thursdays: 14.00 pm – 16.00 pm)
D236 (Fridays: 11.00 am – 13.00 pm)



 TEXTBOOK: ES ESPAÑOL 1, Nivel Inicial by Alcoba, Santiago et al

(Libro del Alumno + Cuaderno de Recursos y Ejercicios) / DICTIONARY

 TIMETABLE: 2 teaching hours + one hour conversation class.

 ASSESSMENT: Languages are assessed in three different ways usually

throughout and at the end of the Course.

Assignment 1: Speaking skills (Weighting 25%).

Date: Weeks commencing 21st and 28th April 2008

Assignment 2: Reading and writing skills (Weighting 50%)

Date: 5th – 23rd May 2008

Assignment 3: Portfolio (Weighting 25%)

Date: 23rd April 2008


Week Lesson Language Functions Grammar and Vocabulary

1-2 Lesson 1 Greetings. Introductions. Asking Grammar: Interrogative pronouns.
for personal information: name, Gender. Verbs llamarse, ser, tener
nationality, age. Spelling and vivir. Vocabulary: The
Alphabet. Countries and
Nationalities. Numbers (1-100).

2-3 Lesson 2 Talking about professions. Grammar: Gender and number

Description of people. Identifying agreements of adjectives.
a person within a group. Possessive adjectives: mi, tu, su…
Vocabulary: Main parts of the
body. Physical Description. The
family. First names and surnames.

4-5 Lesson 3 Talking about hobbies. Expressing Grammar: The Present Tense.
intentions and goals. Irregular forms of the verbs ser,
estar and ir. The personal
pronouns nosotros, vosotros and
ellos. Sentence word order.
Possessive adjectives nuestro,
vuestro, su. Vocabulary: Hobbies
and sports. Everyday actions.

6-7 Lesson 4 Inner locations. Describing the Grammar: Possessive adjectives

parts of the house. and pronouns. Difference between
the verbal forms hay and está(n).
Definite and indefinite articles.
Adverbs as intensifiers.
Vocabulary: Furniture and objects
in a house, office or classroom.
Parts of the house.

8-9 Lesson 5 Directions. Asking and giving Grammar: Demonstrative

instructions to find a place. How adjectives and pronouns. Stem
to order in a restaurant. changing e>ie in the Present
Tense. The adverbs of place aquí,
ahí and allí. Ordinal numbers.
Vocabulary: Boroughs and cities.
Food and drinks. Menu.

10-11 Lesson 6 Asking for prices. Describing Grammar: Uses of qué and cuál.
things. The most commonly used
comparative and superlative forms
of adjectives. Vocabulary:
Clothes, colours, shops, numbers
(from 1000 onwards), money and

12-13 Lesson 7 Time. Talking about timetables. Grammar: Irregular form of

Comparing actions. Present Tense (e>i). Suffix –go in
1st. person singular Present Tense.
Estar + Gerund. Temporal
references. Adverbs and adverbial
expressions of frequency.
Vocabulary: Days of the week and
habitual actions.

14-15 Lesson 8 Expressing likes, emotions and Grammar: Constructions with

opinions. Expressing physical pronouns. Difference between the
sensations or pain. Expressing verbs ser and estar. Vocabulary:
agreement or disagreement. Leisure and shows, parts of the

16-17-18 Lesson 10 Expressing actions in the Past Grammar: Past Tense (Pretérito
Tense. Biographies. Expressing Indefinido), time expressions.
knowledge and possibility. Vocabulary: Months of the year.

19-20-21 Lesson 11 Expressing actions in the past. Grammar: Past Tense (Pretérito
Relating events in the past. The Imperfecto). Algo/nada,
weather. alguien/nadie, alguno/ninguno.
Vocabulary: The weather.

24-25 ORAL

Spanish Co-ordinator: Silvia Stanton, ss15@gre.ac.uk, 020 8331 9012

Course Co-cordinator: Silvia Stanton, ss15@gre.ac.uk, 020 8331 9012

Rooms: Thursday 9-11 (D235)

Friday 14-16 (D236)



 TEXTBOOK: ES ESPAÑOL 2, Nivel Inicial by Alcoba, Santiago et al

(Libro del Alumno + Cuaderno de Recursos y Ejercicios) / DICTIONARY

 TIMETABLE: 2 teaching hours + one hour conversation class.

 ASSESSMENT: Languages are assessed in three different ways usually

throughout and at the end of the Course.

Assignment 1: Speaking skills (Weighting 25%)

Weeks commencing 21st and 28th April 2008
Assignment 2: Reading and writing skills (Weighting 50%)
Assessment period: 5th - 23rd May 2008
Assignment 3: Portfolio (Weighting 25%)
24th April 2008


Week Lesson Language Functions Grammar and Vocabulary

1-2-3 Lesson 1 Greetings. Introductions. Asking Grammar: Present Tense. Past
for personal information. Tense. Present Perfect.
Describing people. Likes and Interrogative pronouns. Possessive
dislikes. pronouns. Vocabulary: Clothes.
Physical appearance. Character.
Likes and dislikes.

4-5 Lesson 2 Talking about travelling and Grammar: Imperative. Personal

tourism. Warning and advising. pronouns. Adjectives. Vocabulary:
Giving instructions. Expressing Geography. Means of transport.

6-7 Lesson 3 Giving and receiving advice. Grammar: Giving advice.

Expressing uncertainty. Expressing frequency.
Vocabulary: Teaching institutions.
Teaching material.

8-9 Lesson 4 Leisure time. Relating Grammar: Adverbs. Cause and

information. Cause and consequence. Vocabulary: Leisure.
consequence. Ask for opinion. Art.
Giving opinion.

9-10-11 Lesson 5 Speaking about the past. Grammar: Revision of the Past
Controlling communication. Using Tense (Pretérito Indefinido and
different words to express similar Pretérito Imperfecto). Vocabulary:
ideas. Relating different moments Past stories.
in the past.

12-13-14 Lesson 6 Formal and informal social Grammar: Subjunctive. Wishes.

meetings. Invitations. Accepting/ Vocabulary: Celebrations.
rejecting an invitation. Giving/ Invitations. Parties.
receiving a present. Wishes.
Telephone conversations.

15-16 Lesson 7 Expressing possibility and Grammar: Future. Demonstratives.

hypothesis. Speaking about the Adverbs. Vocabulary: Traditions.
future. Making predictions. San Fermín, Semana Santa, Feria
de Abril, etc.

17-18 Lesson 8 Speaking about health. Expressing Grammar: Subjunctive and

fear and worry. Indicative. Quantification.
Vocabulary: Health centres. Parts
of the body. Illnesses.

19-20 Lesson 9 Communication. Expressing Grammar: Reported speech. Lo

happiness, surprise and sorrow. que + verb. Vocabulary:
Television. Radio. Internet. Press.

21-22 Lesson 10 Cities and boroughs. Introducing Grammar: Expressing opinion

topics. Giving examples. with the Subjunctive. Numbers.
Organizing parts of speech. Coordination. Vocabulary: Public
Ending a conversation. Expressing buildings. Parks. Landmarks.
agreement and disagreement.

22-23 Lesson 11 Writing formal and informal Grammar: Subordination and

letters. Coordination. Linking words.


24/25 Oral Assessment


Spanish Co-ordinator: Silvia Stanton, ss15@gre.ac.uk, 020 8331 9012

Course Co-ordinator: Silvia Stanton, ss15@gre.ac.uk, 020 8331 9012

Rooms: Thursday 11-13 (QM168)

Friday 9-11 (D236)



 TEXTBOOK: SINTESIS by Belchi Arévalo, Mercedes & Carter J. Paul /


 TIMETABLE: 2 teaching hours + one hour conversation class.

 ASSESSMENT: Languages are assessed in three different ways usually

throughout and at the end of the Course.

Assignment 1: Speaking skills (Weighting 25%)

Weeks commencing 21st and 28th April 2008
Assignment 2: Reading and writing skills (Weighting 50%)
Assessment period: 5th - 23rd May 2008
Assignment 3: Portfolio (Weighting 25%)
24th April 2008
Week Unit Grammar Skills
1-2 1 Presente de indicativo (verbos con Cartas
irregularidades) personales
Complemento directo e indirecto
Los pronombres

2-3 2 Usos del adjetivo Cartas a

Muy/mucho desconocidos
Expresiones idiomáticas
4-5-6 3 Adverbios y preposiones de lugar Cartas
Presente de indicativo (verbos con comerciales
irregularidades que afectan a las tres personas
del singular
y a la tercera persona del plural)
Verbos con ortografía irregular
Pretérito indefinido
Verbos reflexivos
Expresiones idiomáticas

6-7 4 Adverbios y expresiones de frecuencia Cartas para

Pretérito perfecto de indicativo pedir
Saber/conocer información
Expresiones idiomáticas

8-9 5 Descripciones de carácter Currículum

Pretérito indefinido Vítae y cartas
Expresiones idiomáticas de presentacion

9-10 6 Usos del imperfecto de indicativo Narraciones

volver a, acabar de
Adverbios y expresiones de tiempo pasado
Expresiones idiomáticas

11-12 7 Cantidades Recetas

Mid- "Se" impersonal para describir procesos y dar
course instrucciones
test Expresiones idiomáticas

Week Unit Grammar Skills

12-13 8 Futuro
Ir a + infinitivo
Pensar (en + infinitivo)
Adverbios y expresiones de tiempo futuro
Expresiones idiomáticas

14-15 9 Imperativo Dar direcciones

Tener que/hay que/deber/poder + infinitivo en forma escrita
Expresiones idiomáticas

15-16 10 Condicional con "si"; Si + presente de Carta: formal,

indicativo + futuro/presente de quejas.
indicativo/imperative; Presente de subjuntivo;
Contraste - indicativo y subjuntivo; Empezar a
+ infinitivo
Seguir + gerundio; Expresiones idiomáticas

17-18 11 Imperativo negativo

Presente de subjuntivo con pronombre relative;
Expresiones idiomáticas

18-19 12 Presente de subjuntivo Preparar una

Ojalá/Qué + subjuntivo presentacion oral
Dar + sustantivo
Dar de + infinitivo
Expresiones idiomáticas

20-21 13 Para; Tener que + infinitivo/Deber + Llenar formas

infinitivo/Hay que + infinitivo
Para que + subjuntivo
Por + adjetivo/adverbio + que
Expresiones idiomáticas

21-22 14 En caso de que/siempre que/como/dado que +

Expresiones idiomáticas

23 15 Usos del condicional Llenar formas

Expresiones idiomáticas

24-25 Oral Presentations


Spanish Co-ordinator: Silvia Stanton, ss15@gre.ac.uk, 020 8331 9012

Course Co-cordinator: Luis Fernando Rodríguez Romero, 020 8331 9007

Room: SL103 (Fridays: 9.00 am – 11.00 am)



 TEXTBOOK: AVANCE by Moreno, C., V. Moreno & P. Zurita /


 TIMETABLE: 2 teaching hours + one hour conversation class.

 ASSESSMENT: Languages are assessed in three different ways usually

throughout and at the end of the Course.

Assignment 1: Speaking skills (Weighting 25%)

Date: Weeks commencing 21st and 28th April 2008

Assignment 2: Reading and writing skills (Weighting 50%)

Date: 5th – 23rd May 2008

Assignment 3: Portfolio (Weighting 25%)

Date: 30th April 2008

Week Unit Grammar Grammar and Vocabulary

1-2 1 Presente de subjuntivo: Opinión, Expresión oral, Estereotipos: el
Oraciones sustantivas subjuntivas: carácter español
la influencia, Ser-estar:
3-4 1 Presente subjuntivo, Verbos de Relaciones personales, Lectura y
sentimientos, La probabilidad y la escritura: Vocabulario temático,
posibilidad, expresiones estudio de caso
impersonales con infinitivo y
5-6 2 Presente subjuntivo, Reciprocidad Relaciones interpersonales,
y verbos reflexivos, Causa: Audición: La onda de Cupido
Locuciones casuales: ya que,
7 3 Futuro imperfecto simple y Conjeturas en presente y en pasado
compuesto, expresión de
probabilidad (presente y pasado)
8-9 3 Pretérito indefinido / imperfecto, Escritura de CV, carta de
Pretérito pluscuamperfecto, presentación, Mundo laboral
Narraciones de sucesos en el
10 4 Verbos de cambio e influencia, Desarrollo y progreso, Lectura: El
Revisión: el futuro simple, la comercio justo, Audición: el futuro
causa y la consecuencia, el del ser humano
presente continuo
11 4 Ser-Estar: Cambio de significado Inmigración y emigración, Lectura
de adjetivos, Oraciones y debate, Ejercicios gramaticales
condicionales (imperfecto,
subjuntivo, condicional simple)

12-13 5 Pronombres OD / OI, Imperfecto Audición: Imperativo / Presente

subjuntivo (influencia), La
publicidad: Crítica y opinión
14-15 6 La comparación, Expresiones Una entrevista de trabajo: consejos
temporales, Anterioridad / prácticos
Posterioridad (cuando) con
indicativo y Subjuntivo
16 Mid-course practise (1h30) Práctica audiovisual (30’)
17-18 7 La Concesión: Aunque +
indicativo y subjuntivo, Oraciones
condicionales: ‘Si’
pluscuamperfecto subjuntivo +
condicional compuesto,
Imperfecto indicativo: La Cortesía
19-20 7 Estilo indirecto, Imperfecto Prensa y noticias, Práctica
subjuntivo y acciones pasadas audiovisual
(dijo que…reported speech),
expresión de finalidad (para, para
que + infinitivo y subjuntivo)
21 8 Por y Para, Repaso de La gastronomía: Hábitos
preposiciones alimenticios
22 9 Revisión de tiempos verbales,
Locuciones de causa,
consecuencia, finalidad
23 Revisión general
24-25 Presentaciones orales

Spanish Co-ordinator: Silvia Stanton, ss15@gre.ac.uk, 020 8331 9012

Course Co-cordinator: Luis Fernando Rodríguez Romero, 020 8331 9007

Room: D236 (Wednesdays: 16.00 pm – 18.00 pm)

Teaching Aims:

- To consolidate and develop students’ oral and written communication skills

- To promote greater accuracy in vocabulary and syntax
- To improve specific language skills, such as translation and summary
- To promote peer appraisal of foreign language skills

Learning and Teaching Activities:

- Class discussions on contemporary issues related to Latin America and Spain

- Seminars based on students’ presentations of topics selected from the list
below. Students can present other topics but need to obtain previous approval
- Translation/summary of written/video material
- Commentary of texts written in Spanish

General Seminar Topics:

- Contemporary Latin America: social, economic or political issues

- Contemporary Spain: social, economic or political issues
- Latinos in the United States: social, economic or political issues
- Spanish as a global language
- Spanish in the United States
- Spanish in the European Union
- Spanish language films and/or theatre
- Hispanic culture: visual arts, music, or literature

Course Assessment Details:

- Final oral presentation 25%
st th
Date: weeks commencing 21 and 28 April 2008
- Essay (2,500 words) 25%
Date: 18th April 2008
- Final written examination (*) 50%
Date: during assessment period: 5th - 23rd May 2008

(*) The final examination will consist of two components:

1. Translation of a text
2. Commentary of a text

Spanish Co-ordinator: Silvia Stanton, ss15@gre.ac.uk, 020 8331 9012

Course Co-cordinator: Silvia Stanton, ss15@gre.ac.uk, 020 8331 9012

Room: Wednesday 16-18 (D233)


This course will take students who have reached a high level of competence
to a near-native level of oral and written Spanish. The course aims at
developing and refining students' research, oral and written presentation skills
in Spanish. It is increasingly oriented towards resource-based learning,
making intensive use of Spanish language sources for an extensive research
project in Spanish.


 Written Research Report 50%

 Oral Presentation of Report 30%
 Work-in-Progress Presentations 20%

Written Research Report

You will conduct a research project to be chosen in consultation with your

tutor according to your specialisation. The project will consist of a written
report of minimum 4000 words and you must include research sources in
Spanish. Class contact would consist of work-in-progress seminars in which
you will present aspects of your ongoing research.

Marking Criteria
 Language 50%
 Content 50%

Oral Presentation of Report (20-25 min.).

Marking Criteria
 Language 40%
 Content 40%
 Presentation techniques 20%

Work-in-Progress Presentations
You will do seven (10 min.) work-in progress presentations throughout the
course. It is extremely important to do the presentations in the order/dates
established (see Teaching Programme below).

Marking Criteria
 Language 40%
 Content 40%
 Presentation techniques 20%


The course is divided into two parts.

First Part

During the first part of the course you will study grammar (comparative studies
English/Spanish) and Spanish for academic purposes. You will do two oral

 First oral presentation: it should be 10 minutes long and you must also
hand in the presentation in writing. This presentation is your research
project proposal and it must include:
 Title page
 Synopsis

 Second oral presentation: it should be 10 minutes long and you must

also hand in the presentation in writing. This presentation will focus on
the structure of the research project. It must include
 Title page
 Synopsis
 Table of contents

Second Part

During the second part of the course you will continue to revise grammar and
Spanish for academic purposes. You will do 6 oral presentations including the
Final Oral Presentation of the Research Report.

 Third oral presentation: it should be 10 minutes long and you must

also hand in the presentation in writing. This presentation
must include:
 Title page
 Table of contents
 First part of the project
 Bibliography

 Fourth oral presentation: it should be 10 minutes long and you must

also hand in the presentation in writing. This presentation must include:
 Title page
 Table of contents
 Second part of the project
 Bibliography

 Fifth oral presentation: it should be 10 minutes long and you must also
hand in the presentation in writing. This presentation must include:
 Title page
 Table of contents
 Third part of the project
 Bibliography
 Sixth oral presentation: it should be 10 minutes long and you must
also hand in the presentation in writing. This presentation must include:
 Title page
 Table of contents
 Fourth part of the project
 Bibliography

 Seventh oral presentation: it should be 15 minutes long and you must

also hand in the presentation in writing. This presentation must include:
 Title page
 Table of contents
 Introduction
 Conclusion
 Bibliography

 Final oral presentation of research project (20-25 minutes)

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