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School of Humanities



Name of course

Course code

Level of course

Name of course co-ordinator

Name of course leader (if not the course


Student performance statistics (based on the June SAP report: see Note 1)*

Total number of students

of whom 70+ 50-59 30-39

60-69 40-49 0-29

Average course mark (%)

Comment on student performance statistics:

* Students who have submitted no work should be excluded from consideration of

the performance statistics
Student feedback (see Note 2)

Feedback from external examiner or other external sources (see Note 3)

Course co-ordinator’s overview (see Note 4)


Head of Department’s comment


Student performance statistics should be based on the June SAP report

(i.e. without reference to possible September retrievals): this provides a
simple and accessible basis for comparison between courses and sessions.
Course co-ordinators should comment on the overall student performance,
and where appropriate on the performance of particular sub-groups (e.g. by
programme, mode of study) and/or in particular assessment tasks. It may also
be useful to compare marks awarded with those achieved by the same
students (or sample thereof) on other courses: this can be done by using the
student transcript facility in BannerWeb.

Student feedback should summarise the process by which feedback was

received, including (where appropriate) the number of evaluation
questionnaires returned and any difficulties in gaining student feedback. It
should also record the main points raised and, where appropriate, any
differences between the feedback from particular sub-groups (e.g. by
programme, mode of study).

Feedback from external examiner or other external sources should

summarise the overview that the external examiner has had (e.g. vetting of
examination questions, or sampling of student coursework or examination
scripts). It should also report any significant course-specific comments
provided orally or in writing by the external examiner at any point during the
year. Where other external scrutiny has occurred (e.g. QAA), any significant
feedback should likewise be reported.

Course co-ordinator’s overview should comment on any action taken in

response to the previous year’s report, and identify any action proposed in
time for next delivery of the course, particularly action taken or proposed in
response to issues identified by students, external examiners etc. It also
provides an opportunity to record the course team’s own views concerning
delivery of the course and feedback received; to identify any good practice
which might be of interest to others; to comment on any resourcing,
timetabling, curriculum, assessment or staff development issues; and report
on any further issues affecting some or all of the programmes and students
for whom this course is provided.

Submitting the report

The course co-ordinator should complete this form and send it electronically
to the Head of Department and interested programme leaders.
The Head of Department should add his/her comment in the box provided,
noting in particular any issues that require immediate or longer term attention
(which should also be relayed to the course co-ordinator and interested
programme leaders), and should archive the completed report on behalf of the
department. Exceptionally, the Head of Department may return a report for
further work.

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