Critical Essay

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Reflective essay:
Critical Thinking:
Facebook whistleblower
Facebook whistle-blower Francis Haugen's interview with “60 Minutes” One of
the most successful television broadcasts in history was posted on the fourth
of October this year, attracting a huge amount of attention. In this video, the
young woman who worked at Facebook for two years before leaving in May,
claims that due to the conflicts of interests between “what was good for the
public and what was beneficial for Facebook” Facebook once again chooses
profit over safety by amplifying hate, misinformation, and political instability.
Francis Haugen's job was mainly focused on tracking the spread of
misinformation on the platform and ensuring that the platform was not used
to destabilize democracy. Before quitting Facebook, the thirty-seven young
women made sure to take tens of thousands of internal company documents
and leak them to the “Wall Street Journal”, so that no one question her
validity. To support her accusations, the researchers conducted by Facebook
and disclosed to the public affirms that the platform’s 2018 algorithm change
focuses on rankings and ensuring longer sessions. To do this, Facebook often
amplified negative emotions, such as anger and violence. Furthermore, scared
of losing its investors, Facebook kept research about its shortcomings secret.
According to statics, 13% of teenage girls say that Instagram insights thought
of suicide, while 17% states that eating disorders worsen with Instagram. And
as if it wasn’t enough Haugen Francis declares losing faith in Facebook soon
after the civic integrity team was disbanded just after the US presidential
elections in 2020. “Her goal was not to get people to hate Facebook but to
save it” she attests. From a first glance, what Haugen Francis was done may
seem heroic but when giving it second thoughts it is all seen orchestrated by a
more powerful backing. First of all, her claims and accusations were nothing
new, it’s not like any of us was oblivious to Facebook and all other social media
schemes, when you aren’t paying for any service, in other words, the
customer, be ready to be the product, nothing is free in life. Secondly, I am

personally puzzled as to how this is whistleblowing and not just illegally

releasing documents related to work and being extremely obvious about it,
plus losing the chance to find any new job and ruining your whole career, I
don’t blame them who would want a traitor in their team, someone who could
betray you at any second. Francis Haugen succeeded in landing jobs at high
corporations. Acting this foolishly may be translated to two things. Either she’s
backed and receiving benefits for it, seeing how Facebook reacted and
responded to the accusations when they could easily deny everything and
bring her to silence by multiple methods or revenge at oneself accord. They
were some flaws to the logic. But overall, her tone and expressions made the
video very stimulating and believable. Especially after delivering what seemed
more like facts to the audience and convinced them of Facebook wrongdoings.
I strongly agree with her statements. Mainly when it comes to justifying
genocide and deactivating safety systems following the US presidential
elections to plan the Capitol riot on January 6. That’s immoral, repulsive,
sickening, and against Humanity. As for misinformation, the conflict between
minorities…It’s understandable considering the number of Facebook users that
is estimated to be 50% of all internet users, no one can control that number of
humans whom ages oscillate between 15 and 60, adults and teenagers. And
Instagram simply became what society is today, setting unhealthy standers
when it comes to beauty, studies, jobs …Life in general.
Many of us access social media purely out of habit or to mindlessly kill
moments of downtime. Childhood and the teenage years can be filled with
developmental challenges and social pressures. Using social is the only escape
from reality. Facebook and other social media's intentions weren’t bad at first,
creating platforms where everyone can express his opinions freely.
Unfortunately, our world isn’t that simple, whenever there is war, racism,
political fractions, hate …. Everything is bound to be corrupted by power.

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