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Water ● Joint Lubrication: Major component of

● TBW: 60 - 70% (Up to 90%) in neonates synovial or joint fluid; can be used to diagnose
○ ICF (67%) different joint pathologies
○ ECF: Interstitial (25%) and Plasma (8%) ○ Articular cartilage – provides
● Affects TBW lubrication and prevents wear
○ Body fat ● Temperature Regulation – acts as a buffer
○ Activity or purpose against overheating due to its high specific
○ Stage of growth heat
■ ECF volume: adult levels by 6 ○ Specific heat - how much heat an
months of age object can absorb without increasing
its own temperature
Sources of Water
● Drinking Water Properties of Water
○ Species, breed, age, and physiologic ● Large heat capacity, large capacity for
factors affects volume of water vaportization
requirements ● Electronegativity – measures the affinity of
○ Increased environmental an atom’s nucleus for its outer electrons
temperature increases water needs ● Polarity
● Feed – Water content affects water intake ○ Its partial separation charge allows
● Metabolic water – Produced during the for a dipole moment, which allows
catabolism of biomolecules to CO2 and H2O each water molecule to form H bonds
via hydrolysis or oxidation with other molecules
○ Affected by feed composition ■ Adhesion and cohesion
■ High fat and protein diets ■ Capillary action
increase water intake due to ○ H bonds stabilize complex protein
increased metabolic waste, structures and DNA
urinary excretion of urea and ● Universal solvent – uses its partial charge to
heat produced in metabolism dissolve compounds
○ Glucose > Protein > FA ○ Miscibility – occurs between two
○ Water deprivation increases food liquids of similar polarity
intake to oxidize more macronutrients ○ Amphiphilic – intermediate level of
■ Lipids are oxidized first solubility
■ Prolonged water deprivation ○ Hydrophobic effect – the chemical
leads to switch to property of non-polar parts of a
carbohydrate oxidation to molecule to associate with each other
enhance metabolic water to the exclusion of water
production and minimize ■ Liposome
respiratory water loss ■ Micelle
■ Bilayer sheet
Functions of Water ● Ionization – can act as a weak acid or base
● Hydrolysis and Energy Production
● Digestion: Ingested as drink or as moisture Potential or Power of Hydrogen (pH)
content in feeds ● Negative logarithm of the proton
○ Activates sodium bicarbonate layer to concentration
protect stomach against HCl ● Change of 1 ph unit = tenfold increase in
○ Saliva and mucus lining: mostly water proton concentration
○ Ruminants chew their food for several
hours Importance of pH in Animals
■ Saliva adds to the volume of ● pH of our blood: 7.35 to 745
ruminal or stomach fluids to ○ pH of < 6.8 or > 7.8: bonds of critical
regulate pH of stomach proteins will be destroyed → results in
● pH regulation: Acts as acid or base when it death
ionizes ● Intracellular pH: 6.0 to 7.4
○ Extreme alterations in extracellular pH ○ Strongest but slowest effect (hours to
can disrupt integrity of the days)
intracellular environment → interfere ■ 2 - 5 days for maximum effect
with metabolism ○ Regulate bicarbonate blood levels
through renal absorption and/or
Acid-Base Physiology excretion of hydrogen ions as acidic
● The ph balance of the body is achieved urine
through the coordinated activities of the ○ Excreted urine: acidic or alkaline need
lungs, liver, and kidneys to readjust ECF [H+] toward normal
○ Net H+ production = Net H+ excretion
● Dietary intake and metabolism of Carbonic acid-Bicarboante Buffer System
macronutrients are sources of both acids and ● CO2 + H2O* ⇌ H2CO3 ⇌ H+ + HCO3-
alkali ○ *Carbonic anhydrase: abundant in
○ Volatile acid (~7,000 mEq/day) (CO2) lung alveoli walls and epithelial cells
eliminated by the acids of the renal tubules
○ Non-volatile acid (H+) (~30 mEq/day) ● Regulated by respiratory (carbonic acid
is excreted in urine concentration) and urinary (bicarbonate
● Hydrogen Ion Concentration concentration) system
○ In ECF, it's maintained within narrow ● Only one measured for calculation of
limits: normally ~40 nmol/L acid-base status of patients
○ One-millionth the concentration of ● Most commonly evaluated buffer system
other common electrolytes ○ Bicarbonate is found in relatively high
○ Have profound effects on metabolic concentrations in the body
events, largely through interaction ○ Relatively easy to measure
with cellular proteins ○ The buffer system over which the
○ Interactions alter protein body has the biggest control
configuration, which alter function ● Mechanism in the respiratory system (CO2 +
H2O* ⇌ H2CO3)
Systems that Regulate pH ○ Venous blood entering the lungs has
● Extracellular and Intracellular Buffer System more carbonic acid
○ Only takes seconds ○ Carbonic anhydrase reverses the
○ Extracellular buffers: Bicarbonate reaction to produce CO2 and H2O
and phosphate buffer pairs, plasma ○ Exhalation lowers [CO2] and [H2O]
proteins ○ Oxygenated blood has lowered
○ Intracellular buffers: Protein, organic carbonic acid concentration
and inorganic phosphates, ● Mechanism in the urinary system (H2CO3 ⇌ H+
hemoglobin (in RBC) + HCO3-)
○ Bone – source of carbonate; ○ Only certain parts are involved in the
contributes up to 40% of buffering reabsorption and excretion of the ions
capacity when there’s acute acid involved in this buffer system
load ○ Hydrogen is released in the urine and
● Respiratory System the bicarbonate is reabsorbed in the
○ Ventilatory control of plasma CO2 blood stream and the kidneys
○ Takes 2-3 minutes
○ Lungs function in ventilation by Phosphate Buffer System
removing pCO2 (and therefore H2CO3) ● H2PO4 ⇌ H+ + HPO4-
from the blood ● Plays a major role in buffering the renal
■ High blood CO2 - increase in tubular fluids and intracellular fluids, but not in
respiration the ECF
■ Low blood CO2 - decrease in ○ Phosphate is greatly concentrated in
respiration the kidney tubules
● Urinary System ○ The tubular fluid in the kidney has a
○ Urinary excretion of bicarbonate or an considerably lower pH than the ECF,
acid urine
bringing the operating range of the lumen where it combines with
buffer closer to pKa 6.8 of the system ammonia to form
○ The concentration of phosphate in the ammonium, and it is secreted
ICF is many times higher than that of into the urine while
the ECF, and the ICF pH is usually bicarbonate ions are
closer to the pKa of the phosphate reabsorbed into the blood
buffer system compared to the ECF stream
● Doesn't play a major role in maintaining blood ■ For each ammonium
pH because it has very low concentration in secreted, a new bicarbonate
the extracellular fluids is generated and added to
● Majority of phosphate is eliminated in urine the blood
● Includes both organic and inorganic ● Hemoglobin
phosphates, concentrations are too low ○ H2CO3 + Hb- ⇌ HHb + HCO3-
● pH range = 7.2 (pKa) ± 1 ○ Binds with the small amounts of acid
● Mechanism in the blood before it can alter the pH
○ Hydrogen ion secreted into the ○ Happens with the erythrocytes
tubular lumen combines with a ○ The input of CO2 in the erythrocyte
phosphate buffer to form dihydrogen causes an increase in hydrogen
phosphate, and bicarbonate ions are formation
reabsorbed into the blood ○ It is believed that the free-carboxyl
○ Since hydrogen binds with a buffer and amino groups of the hemoglobin
other bicarbonate, there is a net gain provide little buffering, and it is the
of bicarbonate by the blood imidazole group of the 38 histidine
residues of hemoglobin that are the
Protein Buffer System important buffer
● Can occur both in the ICF and ECF ○ Mechanism
● Ammonium-Ammonia ■ In the erythrocytes, carbon
○ NH3 + H+ ⇌ NH4+ dioxide is rapidly converted to
○ Largely comes from the deamination carbonic acid by carbonic
of glutamine and amino acid from the anhydrase, and most (80%) of
kidneys, where it is pronated to the it ionizes into hydrogen and
ammonium ion bicarbonate ion. Hemoglobin
○ pKa = 9.0 combines with hydrogen
○ NH3:NH4+ is ~1:100 at pH 7.0 while the bicarbonate ion is
○ Protonated NH4+ does not cross the transported out of the
blood brain barrier (BBB) easily erythrocyte
○ Alkalemia: increase in free NH3 ■ The remaining carbon dioxide
uptake into CNS leads to coma can bind non-enzymatically
○ Loop diuretic overuse: increased NH3 to the amine terminal of the
uptake into CNS leads to hypokalemia globin peptide of the
and metabolic alkalosis ensue hemoglobin, forming
○ Mechanism carbaminohemoglobin
■ Upon metabolism in the
proximal tubular cells of the Acidosis and Alkalosis
kidney, glutamine produces ● Metabolic Acidosis (↑ H+, ↓↓ HCO3-, ↓ pCO2)
two ammonium ions and two ○ Primary deficit of bicarbonate ions in
bicarbonate ions the blood
■ The ammonium ion is ○ {HCO3-] loss
secreted into the tubular ■ Diarrhea (loss of alkaline
lumen in exchange for fluids in the GIT)
sodium ○ [H+] addition (↑ formation or
■ In the collecting tubules, ingestion of acids)
hydrogen is secreted by the ○ [H+] removal
tubular membrane into the
■ ↑ uric acid - kidney disease or ■ Diuretic usage — increases
renal failure because H ions water secretion
are not excreted ○ Contraction alkalosis
○ Compensatory Mechanism: ■ ↓ ECF volume loss or
Hyperventilation to remove CO2 sequestration of Na and Cl
■ Urinary excretion of NH4Cl without enough HCO3- loss
and monobasic phosphate - ○ Compensatory Mechanism:
voiding of acidic urine Hypoventilation to increase CO2
● Respiratory Acidosis (↑ H+, ↑↑ pCO2, ↑HCO3-) retention
○ Abnormal retention or high levels of ■ Urinary excretion of HCO3 ions
CO2 in the blood due to hypercapnea - voiding of alkaline urine
(high pCO2) or improper elimination ● Respiratory Alkalosis (↓ H+, ↓↓ pCO2, ↓
of CO2, leading to accumulation of H+ HCO3-)
ions ○ Deficit of CO2 in the blood
○ Increase in reabsorption of (hypocapnea)
bicarbonate ions in the renal system ○ Increase in reabsorption of
○ ↓ CO2 removal - Hypoventilation bicarbonate ions in the renal system
■ Respiratory center depression or increase in urine output of
■ Neuromuscular disease bicarbonate ions by the kidneys
■ Restrictive extrapulmonary ○ Hyperventilation due to hypoxemia
disease ■ Pulmonary disease
■ Intrinsic pulmonary and small ■ Congestive heart failure
airway disease - pneumonia, ■ Severe anemia
pulmonary fibrosis, and ○ Medullary respiratory center
edema stimulation
■ Large airway obstruction - ■ Salicylate intoxication
obstruction of trachea and ■ Encephalitis
larynx ■ Brain tumor
○ ↑ CO2 production ○ Evaporative processes
■ Malignant hyperthermia ■ Prevent overheating
■ Cardiac arrest in some cases ○ Psychogenic disturbances
○ Compensatory Mechanism: Metabolic ■ Pain, fear, anxiety
■ ↑ formation of HCO3- by ○ Compensatory mechanism:
kidney tubular cells Metabolic
■ Renal excretion of H+ ions as ■ Urinary excretion of HCO3 ions
NH4+ ● Respiratory + Metabolic Disorder
■ Buffering blood pH ions with ○ Dog in shock with thoracic injury
hemoglobin ● Combination of 2 Metabolic Disorder
● Metabolic Alkalosis (↓ H+, ↑↑ HCO3-, ↑ pCO2) ○ Dehydrated and vomiting animal
○ Primary excess of HCO3- ions in the
blood Heat
○ [HCO3-] addition ● Definition: The total energy of the molecular
■ Ingestion of alkaline salts of motion inside that object
organic acids (NH4Cl) ● SI Unit: Joule
○ ↑ [H+] removal ● Units: Joules, Calories
■ Gastric vomiting (loss of HCl) ● Depends on the factors, such as speed, size,
■ Abomasal reflux of HCl into and number of particles
the rumen
■ ↑ renal excretion of H ions Temperature
● Excess aldosterone ● Definition: Measure of the thermal energy or
(mineralcorticoid) average heat of the molecules in a substance
secretion or ● SI Unit: Kelvin
hyperaldosteronism ● Units: Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin
● If heat is added or removed, temperature Classification of Animals' Body Temperatures
goes up and down depending on its specific ● Endotherms - animals that can produced
heat capacity, which is related to density heat endogenously or within themselves and
can regulate their own body temperature
Effect of Temperature on Cells through metabolic processes
● Cells function best at normal physiological ● Ectotherms – animals that can’t produce
temperature (37C for most mammals) their own heat, so they rely on ambient
● Fluid State of Membrane temperature by moving to environments with
○ High temperatures: Increased favorable temperatures
membrane fluidity and permeability ● Homeotherms – animals that maintain body
○ Very low temperatures: Decreased temperature at a constant temperature
membrane fluidity and permeability ● Poikilotherms – animals with variable body
■ In prolonged exposure to temperature due to variation in ambient
subfreezing temperature, temperature
liquid in the cell could also ● Most domestic animals are endotherms and
freeze, forming crystals that homeotherms
pierce the membrane and ○ Function best at a specific
might ultimately kill the cell temperature range called the
● Enzyme Activity thermoneutral zone
○ Affected by abnormally high ■ A range of temperatures
temperature, resulting in denaturation within which the metabolic
○ Their optimal rate of activity is at a heat production is unaffected
narrow temperature range by temperature change and
● Protein Synthesis maintain constant body
○ At elevated temperature, forces temperature
between charged groups disrupt the ■ Heat lost = heat gained
bonds between non-polar groups of ● Lower critical temperature (cold stress) –
proteins, affecting its higher structure hypothermia
and function ● Upper critical temperature (heat stress) –
○ Integral and peripheral proteins in the hyperthermia
cell membrane function as
transporters and receptors are Hydroregulation and Thermoregulation
affected by temperature ● Hydroregulation – the set of behavioral and
○ At physiological temperature, cells physiological mechanisms to control water
protein translation from RNA occur at balance and remain hydrated
a normal phase without the help of ● Major Mechanisms
heat or cold shock proteins ○ Water conservation processes
■ Proteins that help in the ○ Through physiological and behavioral
folding of the proteins changes, as well as the production
and regulation of urine and feces
Pathways of Heat Gain and Loss ○ Mechanisms to regulate water intake
● Body heat = heat produced (within the through habitat selection and
animal) + heat gained (from the drinking behavior
environment) - heat lost (to the environment) ○ Foraging behavior and metabolic
● TOTAL = MET + COND + CONV + RAD + EVAP water production
● Physiological Changes
Metabolic Heat Production ○ Water evaporation
● Heat metabolism - produced by metabolic ■ Cold-defense: Inhibited
reactions ■ Heat-defense: Sweating,
● Energy transformation that’s not perfect in the panting, saliva spreading
body → some of the energy is lost in the form ○ Skin blood flow
of heat ■ Cold-defense:
■ Heat-defense: Vasodilation
○ Shivering thermogenesis ○ A hydrolase that catalyzes the
■ Cold-defense: Activated cleavage of kappa casein chain to
■ Heat-defense: Inhibited form soluble paracasein, which then
○ Non-shivering (BAT) thermogenesis reacts to calcium to form a curd
■ Cold-defense: Activated ● Pepsin and renin: endopeptidases that
■ Heat-defense: Inhibited cleave peptide bonds on the carboxyl side of
● Behavioral Changes aromatic and acidic amino acids
○ Postural changes ○ Also for leucine and methionine
■ Cold-defense: Reduced ● The acidic chyme is neutralized when mixed
exposed surface with the alkaline bile and pancreatic juice in
■ Heat-defense: Increased the duodenum
exposed surface
○ Temperature choice Peptide Bond Cleavage
■ Cold-defense: Heat-seeking ● Chyme stimulates the release of
■ Heat-defense: Cold-seeking cholecystokinin in the duodenum and
○ Altering microenvironment activates the pancreas
■ Cold-defense: Nesting, social ○ Cholecystokinin: a hormone that
huddling stimulates gall bladder contraction
■ Heat-defense: Air and acinar pancreatic enzyme
conditioning secretion
● Water intake ● The proximal small intestine has a borderline
○ Animals that feel cold drink less and acidic pH of 6 due to pancreatic bicarbonate
feed more secretions
○ Animals that feel hot drink more and ● Protein digestion and amino acid absorption
feed less starts at the duodenum, but occurs mostly in
the jejunum
Protein Sources ● Luminal digestion of proteins results in small
● Exogenous dietary proteins – absorbed as and large peptides and free amino acids,
amino acids and peptides in the small brought about by pancreatic proteases and
intestine peptidases
● Endogenous or de novo amino acid ● Most enzymes are from the pancreas and
synthesis – new amino acids synthesized secreted in active form
from carbon skeletons and alpha amino ● Proteases – a subset of hydrolyses that
groups of other amino acids specifically hydrolyze peptide bonds and are
○ Transcription of DNA to RNA and able to separate one amino acid from
translation of RNA to polypeptides to another amino acid
synthesize proteins is also possible ○ Exopeptidase – act on the terminals
● Protein turnover – amino acids are derived (aminopeptidase, carboxypeptidase)
from the breakdown of cellular and tissue ○ Endopeptidase – act on interior
proteins for the synthesis of new proteins peptide bond
● Trypsinogen is activated by enterokinase
Protein Denaturation into trypsin by cleaving a hexapeptide from
● Folding or coiling of proteins are dissolved, its end terminal
and only a single polypeptide strand can be ○ Enterokinase: an enteropeptidase on
seen the duodenal brush border
● The stomach has a highly acidic pH of around ○ Trypsin: an endopeptidase with a
2 (ranges from 1.5 to 12.5 in some mammals) positive feedback mechanism and
because of the HCl secretion from the fundic activates other endopeptidases
parietal cells ■ Trypsinogen to trypsin
● The chief cells in the stomach secretes (breaks down basic AA)
pepsinogen I and II, which is activated by ■ Chymotrypsinogen to
acidic pH (1.8 to 3.5) into pepsin chymotrypsin (breaks down
● In young ruminants, the renin, also known as aromatic AA)
chymosin, is present in the abomasum
■ Procarboxypeptidase to ● The absorbed amino acids are usually in the
carboxypeptidase portal vein and directed to the liver for
■ Proelastase to elastase further processing or used to make new
● For the small intestine, there are also proteins
aminopeptidases and dipeptidase
Interorgan Amino Acid Exchange
Peptide Uptake and Absorption ● Amino Acids
● Occurs in the small intestines (from the lumen ○ Smallest products of the GIT protein
to mucosal cell) digestion and the primary source of
● There is another set of peptide bond nitrogen in the body
cleavage, especially for peptides with more ○ Found intracellularly and in the
than three amino acids circulation
● Pumps ○ Normally, amino acids obtained from
○ Na-K ATPase Pump the cellular and tissue protein
■ 3 Na, 2 K breakdown are 2-3 fold more than
○ Na-H Pump dietary protein
○ Na-AA Pump ● A normal adult mammal degrades 1-2%
● Larger peptides are poorly absorbed and percent of their body protein daily, mostly
further hydrolyzed by brush border from the liver or other visceral organs
peptidases ● Protein turnover occurs in other different
● Once larger peptides are hydrolyzed into free tissue types at different rates
amino acids or smaller peptides, they can ○ Half-lives of immunoglobulins and
then be absorbed intact in the mucosal cells collagen: measured in years
○ Certain small biological active ○ Half-lives of liver proteins and
peptides exert effects, even if given regulatory enzymes: measured in
orally hours to days
● Generally, oligopeptides enter the apical ○ Proteins of visceral organs turnover at
aspect of enterocytes via proton-dependent a faster rate than those of the skeletal
transporters (H-AA PepT1) muscles and connective tissues
● Free amino acids and small peptides enter via ■ In the latter phases of
carrier-mediated processes, such as physiological starvation
sodium-dependent transporters (Na-AA) during cachexia, muscle
● Once inside the cytoplasmic compartment of protein is degraded at a
the intestinal mucosal cells, these peptides faster rate due to lack of
can either be further hydrolyzed by energy source
intracellular peptidase or diffuse directly into ● 75% of amino acids generated from tissue
the portal blood proteins digestion are used for the
○ Aminopeptidase and dipeptidase re-synthesis of new tissue proteins, while the
seen in the enterocytoplasm remainder enter hepatic gluconeogenesis
● L-amino acids are absorbed by and/or ketogenesis
carrier-mediated mechanisms that require ● Amino acids removed from the tissue pool are
sodium, while D-amino acids are apparently placed through the digestion of dietary
transported only via passive diffusion protein and from de novo biosynthesis in the
○ L-amino acids are physiologically cells
found in mammals ● Amino acid, unlike glucose and fatty acids,
○ Bacterial cell wall proteins contain are stored in the body in a functional capacity
D-amino acids ○ Amino acids are continually utilized,
○ For glucose or carbohydrates, it is or removed from the body when in
D-glucose (dextrose) excess (e.g., uric acid or creatinine
● Amino acid products pass through the production or loss/secretion through
basolateral membrane aspect of the the urine)
enterocytes through the interstitial fluids and
into the blood vessels for systemic distribution

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