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Smuggler’s Den

4. Prisoner Hold and Supplies

What is this PDF about
This PDF is part of Plundered Paradise: The Isle of Within this room, three small cells can be seen, crudely
Hidden Riches by DiceQuest and is given free to all constructed from wood and coarse rope by the pirates.
backers of the adventure. It is a map accompanied by a The unfortunate occupants, serve as unwilling pawns in
brief description of each room and a plot hook, meant to their nefarious schemes. Adjacent to the cells, stacks of
act as inspiration for a GM to expand. crates and barrels containing supplies are haphazardly
Introduction 5. Captain’s Quarters and
Nestled in the heart of an untamed isle, a concealed Hidden Vault
cavern accessible only by sea, harbors the operations of Dominating the room are numerous shelves laden with
a ruthless band of pirates. Here, hidden beneath the books, creating a small library within the heart of the
sheltering cascade of a waterfall, the pirates amass their cave. A sturdy desk commands attention, its surface
ill-gotten riches and hold their unfortunate captives. covered in parchments, quills, and navigational charts.
The party’s motivations could be plenty, vengeance At one corner lies a simple sleeping arrangement atop
against the marauders, a desire for untold wealth, or a animal skins.
hero’s heart yearning to free innocent souls from their However, a keen eye might catch the odd arrangement
captors’ clutches. Getting inside will be risky since the of barrels that seem out of place. Cunningly concealed
place is heavily guarded all day long. among them is a hidden lever. When activated, the lever
Dungeon Summary triggers a concealed passage to swing open behind the
bookshelves, revealing a small compartment of the cave.
A summary follows for each of the rooms found inside Here, the gleam of untold riches captivates the gaze,
the cave. and a magical teleportation circle that can be operated
only by the Captain offers an escape to a secure location
1. Entrance Cove beyond the cave in times of urgency.
A cavernous entrance greets you as the waterfall Besides the magical escape route, the Captain has taken
cascades, veiling the entrance from prying eyes. A other precautions. The initial steps beyond the entrance
makeshift dock rests by the water’s edge, offering just are ensnared with potent magic traps, a defense that
enough space for a small boat. The air is humid and the only he knows how to avoid. Also, there are 2 good-
sound of dripping water echoes softly. looking mimic chests along with the barrels hiding the
lever, these chests are to act as a trap for anyone who
2. Guardroom and Loading Area
tries to open them to steal.
Stepping inside the cave you find a chamber bustling
with activity on some days. A table, surrounded by
chairs, playing cards, and empty cups - evidence of the
pirates’ moments of camaraderie. Crates and barrels
are haphazardly stacked, indicating ongoing loading and
unloading activities. A cannon, aimed at the entrance,
stands as a stern guardian.
3. Sleeping Quarters
Within this dimly lit chamber, the floor is strewn with
makeshift beds resembling sleeping bags, a testament
to the transient nature of the pirate crew’s life.
Alongside a few scattered personal belongings, many
weapons such as swords and pistols can be found. A
guard stands at the entrance, ready to alert the crew at
the faintest hint of intrusion.

License & Credits
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a 2. The License: This License applies to any Open
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15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a
Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document 5.0 Copyright 2016,
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy
Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee,
James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris
Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material
by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Copyright © 2023 DiceQuest

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