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Part 2


Describe a plant, flower or tree that you like.

You should say:

 what type of plant, flower or tree it is

 where it grows or is usually seen
 when you first saw it
 and why you like it.

Answer: I think one of my favourite trees, which also has flowers at certain
times of the year, is the cherry tree.

It seems to grow almost anywhere – I have seen it in towns, parks, cities and the

One thing I could say about its habitat is that usually seems to
grow somewhere where it has been planted, in other words near to human

People often plant cherry trees in their gardens, although I guess cherry seeds are
also spread by birds.

I can’t remember the first time I saw a cherry tree, but I do remember that there
was one in a park near where I lived as a child and I used to love looking up at
it in the sunlight.

In the spring, it was especially memorable because that was when it was in

There are so many reasons why I like this tree. In spring, its branches are
heavy with bright pink blossoms, which are often one of the first signs of spring.

The blossoms cover the tree and brighten everyone’s day, making people smile.
They also attract bees, which drink their nectar.

When the blossoms start to disappear, their soft pink petals blow like confetti in
the spring breeze, showering any passers-by.
In the summer, the cherry tree bears a delicious fruit, the cherry.

This small, round, dark red fruit has a seed inside, and when the fruit is ripe, it is
deliciously sweet and also extremely healthy to eat.

In autumn, the leaves of the cherry tree turn a beautiful orange colour, so once
again this tree is a delight to look at.

Another reason I like the cherry tree is that it provides valuable food for wild
animals, such as birds, squirrels and so on.

Sample 2
There are many plants that are particularly important for our country given that our
country is still an agricultural economy. I am honestly spoiled for choice because
there are way too many plants that I can describe. But I'm gonna talk about cotton.
Gotta represent Uzbekistan, you know?

Alright, so cotton is like this super versatile plant that grows pretty much
everywhere in the country. I mean, we're talking fields upon fields of fluffy white
cotton bolls just waiting to be picked and turned into all sorts of awesome stuff.

Back in the day, cotton was a major cash crop for Uzbekistan, and it may still be
honestly. My history teacher was going on and on about how it played a huge role
in the early agricultural economy. Families would have these massive cotton
farms, and during harvest season, everyone would be out there picking away.

Nowadays, while cotton production has slowed down a bit compared to its heyday,
it's still a significant part of the country's agriculture. Lots of farms keep the
tradition alive, you know? Driving through the country, you can't miss those
stretches of cotton fields swaying in the breeze.

What's really cool about cotton is just how versatile it is. Yeah, sure, we all know it
gets turned into clothes and stuff. But did you know that cotton is also used to
make cooking oil, cattle feed, and even plastic? Wild, right? It's almost like the
duct tape of plants - so multi-purpose.
This plant has been cultivated for literal thousands of years. Ancient civilizations
were all about that cotton life for making clothes, fishing nets, you name it. It's one
sturdy, hard-working plant, that's for sure.

So there you have it - cotton is an iconic crop with deep roots and amazing
versatility. It might not be as flashy as wine grapes or almonds, but cotton keeps on
trucking and providing us with all sorts of useful products.

Next topic part 2

Describe something you own that you want to replace
You should say:

 What it is
 Why you want to replace it
 When you plan to replace it

And explain how you decided it needed replacing.

Something you would like to replace Cue card Sample Answer

Okay, so the main thing I need to replace soon is where I live. It’s not that I don’t like sharing
with my friends, but because of my work, I’m expecting to be posted to another city within the
next 6 months or so.

It will mean having to find and buy somewhere new to live. And because the new position is
effectively a promotion with a better salary I’ve decided to replace my old apartment with a new
house which I’m going to buy.

It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while now. And now seems like a good time to do
it, as I’ll have to move anyway for work.

It’ll be nice to have a bigger place of my own, a real home. A bit more space and somewhere
which is more permanent because I can imagine living there for many years if things go well.

I know the city quite well and already have a good idea of the area in which I would like to find
a house. So, I’ve already started an initial search for the right place.

Even though it may be some months before I actually move I’d like to get everything organized
as soon as possible.

As for the decision, well, I’ve been living in my apartment for a few years now, ever since I
graduated from university and started working.
It’s okay, but it’s so much better having your own house. You can do what you want with it, you
know, change it, improve it, and make it a real home.

So, the decision was a logical one, as now my work has become more stable and my income will
allow me to finally buy a nice house to live in, which will actually be better than my current
apartment, so I’m looking forward to it in the long run.

Follow up question:

Is it likely that you will replace your accommodation sooner?

I’m not sure, I don’t think so, because it depends on my company and exactly when they want
me to move and take up the new position. It might happen sooner, but there’s no indication that
it will at the moment, so I’m planning for around 6 months from now.

Alternative rounding-off question:

What are other things that you want to replace?

As well as thinking about moving to a new house, I'm considering replacing a few things. I want
to get a more eco-friendly car to be kinder to the planet, some sleek, minimalist furniture that
looks cool and works well, maybe a new laptop and smartphone for work, and top-notch kitchen
appliances to make cooking at home easier and healthier. The goal? To make my life smoother,
comfier, and more in line with what I care about.

Part 3 Discussion Questions

Replacing things:

Why do you think people frequently replace things?

Part of it is human nature I guess. You know, we get bored with the same old things and always
like to have something new and fresh in our lives.

It’s also a way of showing progress. I mean when you replace something and upgrade it, for
example, your car, or where you live, it shows that you are making progress financially in your

It can also be a way of rewarding yourself, or in some cases, people replace things to stop
themselves becoming bored with life. Even replacing old clothes for new ones makes people feel
better, for a while.

In your opinion, it is a good idea to replace things frequently? What are some of
the advantages?

Yes, it’s generally a good thing. It makes you feel good, even if only for a short time. There are
also times when you need to replace things, for example, when they are worn out or broken, so
you maybe don’t have much choice in the matter.

For example, last month I had to replace my mobile phone because it was damaged, and it was
beginning to bother me. Sometimes, it would just switch off without any warning.
I didn’t mind having to replace it because I had had it for almost three years, so it was about time
to replace it anyway to take advantage of all the new features that current phones have.

Is the younger generation more likely to replace things regularly? Why is that?

I think that’s probably true. Especially when it comes to technology, which gets updated so
regularly. In the past things didn’t change so much, or so quickly, but nowadays, every couple of
months there’s something new, and each year there are newer and better versions of all your
gadgets available.

It’s only natural that young people always want the latest things and so are willing to replace
them frequently. Younger people tend to see the advantages of newer versions of products more
than older people.

Young people are generally bigger consumers than the previous generation – it’s how they’ve
been brought up – to consume constantly.

Shopping habits:

Why do some people not like doing online shopping? Why do they still like doing
shopping in the traditional way, in a shopping mall, for example?

Possibly because it’s a habit, a tradition for them, and they like doing it. And if you’re happy
walking around a bunch of shops and trying on clothes or whatever, then it’s okay.

They might also be a bit wary of financial transactions online; I know my grandmother just
doesn’t trust online shopping, it’s a generational thing I think.

Young people have been brought up with online shopping, banking, and everything else online,
it’s natural for them.

Also, some people might not like online shopping because you can’t actually touch or try
products before you buy them. For some people, that’s a big disadvantage, because they like to
have a product in their hands to make a buying decision.

What are some of the disadvantages of online shopping?

Really, there aren’t many. Like I said, you can’t touch or feel products before you decide to buy
them or not. And you might have to wait a couple of days for it to be delivered. But apart from
that, it’s a lot easier and quicker to buy online.

Once you’ve bought online a couple of times and become familiar with the process, it just seems
natural. I’ve bought lots of things online and only had to return a couple of things, and even then,
it wasn’t a problem. I just shipped the items back to the supplier and they refunded the cost to
my credit card – easy!

How do you think shopping will change in the future?

It’s going to change a lot. There are already innovative projects in the pipeline to make shopping
online even more engaging for customers.
There will be solutions such as being able to walk around an actual shopping mall virtually, by
using virtual reality technology. Imagine being able to walk around a mall in another country and
see the products for sale and buy them if you want.

Buying cars will also be different, as you will be able to test-drive them virtually before making
a decision to buy a particular model.

Again, technology will make all this possible, and soon. You might even be able to feel and
touch products if the right technology becomes widely available.

You’ll certainly be able to walk around places and see products three-dimensionally rather than
just looking at product photos on a website to make your selection before purchasing.

Useful words and phrases for speaking topic "describe a thing you want to

 outdated
 broken
 old
 unwanted
 surplus to requirements
 superfluous
 redundant
 no longer needed
 replace with something new, better, fancier, more up to date
 get a new one
 swap it for a new model
 trade in
 dispose of
 throw away (out)
 discard

21 Describe your first day at school that you remember

The first day of school is a memorable experience for most people, and I am no
exception. The day I started school for the first time is etched in my memory
forever. It was a sunny morning in September, and I was seven years old at the
time. I remember feeling excited and nervous at the same time. I had heard so
many stories about school from my parents, and I couldn't wait to see what it was
like. At the same time, I was anxious about making new friends and being away
from my parents for the first time. The school was a small building located in the
heart of the town. It was surrounded by trees, and there was a playground where
we could play during recess. I remember the school had a big sign with the name
of the school written in bold letters. As soon as I walked into the classroom, I felt a
rush of emotions. The room was full of children, and I felt overwhelmed by the
noise and activity. My teacher, Mrs. Brown, greeted me warmly and showed me
where to hang my coat and backpack. She then introduced me to the class, and I
remember feeling shy but excited at the same time. I spent most of the day getting
to know my classmates and learning about the rules of the school. We sang songs,
read stories, and did some simple math exercises. I even made a new friend, a girl
named Emily, who sat next to me. Looking back, I remember this day because it
marked the beginning of a new phase of my life. It was the first step towards
becoming an independent individual and making my own decisions. It was also a
day that taught me the value of friendships and how they can make any situation
more enjoyable. In summary, my first day of school was a mixture of excitement,
nervousness, and curiosity. It was a day that I will always remember and cherish.

Part 3
• What do you think is the most important skill for people to have in order to
succeed in their job? I think the most important skill for people to have in order to
succeed in their job is adaptability. With the pace of technological change and the
constantly evolving nature of industries, it's crucial for individuals to be able to
learn and adapt quickly. Also, being adaptable allows individuals to pivot their
skills and knowledge to different roles and industries, increasing their job security
and potential for growth. • In your opinion, what changes could be made to
improve the education system? One change that could be made to improve the
education system is to incorporate more project-based learning. Instead of just
learning information and taking tests, students could be given real-world problems
to solve and work on collaboratively. This would not only help students develop
critical thinking and problem-solving skills, but Abdurazzoq Khanov Speaking
Book also provide opportunities for them to practice working in teams and
communicating effectively. • Do you think it's important for parents to encourage
their children to have a specific career in mind when they're still in school? While
it's important for parents to guide their children and expose them to different career
paths, I don't think it's necessary for them to have a specific career in mind while
they're still in school. Many individuals end up in careers that they never would
have thought of while in school, and it's important for children to have the
flexibility to explore their interests and passions without feeling pressured to
choose a specific path. • How do you think technology will change the job market
in the future? I think technology will continue to automate many jobs that are
currently done by humans, which will lead to a shift in the types of jobs that are
available. However, I also think that technology will create new opportunities and
industries that we can't even imagine yet. It's important for individuals to stay
curious and adaptable to take advantage of these new opportunities as they arise. •
What are some of the benefits of having children participate in extracurricular
activities? Participating in extracurricular activities can provide children with a
variety of benefits beyond just learning new skills. For example, they can help
children develop social skills, such as teamwork, communication, and leadership.
Additionally, extracurricular activities can help children build confidence and a
sense of identity, which can be important in their personal and professional lives in
the future. And let's not forget the most important benefit - keeping parents sane by
giving their children an outlet for their boundless energy!

T-shirt ---
Outer space and stars ---
Numbrs ------
Keys ---------
First day at school +++
Thing you want to replace+++
Jobs, kids
Countryside, plants
Replacing thing, consumerism

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