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ZOTC 115

Water Buffalo Production Exam


20 items; 2 points each (Total points: 40)

1. Some examples of Asian wild buffaloes are: Bubalus arnee, Syncerus cafer and Bubalus

2. Mastitis in water buffaloes occurs if there is trauma to the teat or udder, faulty milking
machines, poor milking technique and dietary problems in the farm.

3. Water buffalo milk is thicker and whiter compared to cow’s milk.

4. Feeding and calculating for the nutrient requirement of lactating buffaloes require specific
information such as age of the animal, stage of lactation as well as yield and fat content of
the milk produced.

5. Pregnant, dry, lactating and mature bulls will each require 0.75m of linear feeding space.

6. Selection of water buffaloes is done by checking the physical traits (soundness) and or by
analyzing production or reproduction traits (ADG, EBV’s, BW, milk yield etc) and merits.

7. Water buffaloes are more resistant to foot (hoof) rot and mastitis as opposed to cattle.

8. Performing a triple cross of a carabao, Murrah and Malaysian swamp will produce an F2
offspring which is considered as a meat type buffalo.

9. Twenty lactating water buffaloes will require a total of 1,200L of water, daily.

10. A 7-hectare flat land propagated or planted with Mombasa grass can sustain 10 cows and 8
yearling heifers.

11. Maintenance, affordability, effectiveness to contain animals and durability are some
considerations in choosing materials for fence construction in a ruminant farm.

12. Sexually mature female buffaloes are expected to ovulate within 3-5 days after single
prostaglandin injection when this ES protocol is implemented in the farm.

13. A dairy water buffalo with an ideal BCS will have rounded hip and pin bones; ribs and
backbone not identifiable; anal region that is well-filled and a thick fat later which is palpable
under the skin.
14. Artificial breeding thru AI in water buffaloes should be done 8-14 hours before estrus.

15. Artificial rearing (bottle feeding) of water buffalo calves can shorten post-postpartum estrus
and increase farm income by selling the milk collected daily.

16. Both animal and human welfare must be considered during planning and constructing a
housing facility for water buffaloes.

17. Negative mentality towards meat coming from water buffaloes (tough carabeef) and limited
VBAIT’s (village-based artificial insemination technicians) are some specific problems of the
local water buffalo industry that needs to be addressed.

18. Milk production less than 2 liters per day, tendency of the animal to become repeat
breeders, short calving interval and presence of lameness of leg problems are all basis for
culling of dairy water buffaloes in a farm.

19. Three breeding services within 90 days after calving (post-calving) is generally acceptable
in relation to breeding efficiency in a water buffalo farm.

20. A desirable dairy water buffalo must have well-shaped hooves with strong legs and feet, a
mammary system with strong suspensory ligament, hips that are narrow and very high and
produce 1 live calf per year.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Match each statement with the following concepts regarding farm
biosecurity measures (for numbers 1-6)

6 items; 1 point each (Total points: 6)

1. Provision of emergency hotlines and use of logbooks to monitor visitors.

_ Sanitation

_ Traffic

_ Assessment

_ Isolation

_ Resistance

_ Security

2. Disinfection and cleaning of vehicles and equipment in the farm.

_ Sanitation

_ Traffic

_ Assessment

_ Isolation

_ Resistance

_ Security

3. Quarantine of new stocks or ruminants for 30 days.

_ Sanitation

_ Traffic

_ Assessment

_ Isolation

_ Resistance

_ Security

4. Development, review and implementation of local policies, regulations and biosecurity

plans of the farm.

_ Sanitation

_ Traffic

_ Assessment

_ Isolation

_ Resistance

_ Security

5. Provision of foot and vehicle baths as well as new set of clothes for changing.
_ Sanitation

_ Traffic

_ Assessment

_ Isolation

_ Resistance

_ Security

6. Provision of good housing and nutrition.

_ Sanitation

_ Traffic

_ Assessment

_ Isolation

_ Resistance

_ Security

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Determine the approximate dairy production periods in the timeline
below (for numbers 7-10).

4 items; 1 point each (Total points: 4)

7. Identify the RED line:

_ Calving interval

_ Drying-off period

_ Lactation period

_ Gestation period

8. Identify the BLUE line:

_ Lactation period

_ Gestation period

_ Drying-off period

_ Calving interval

9. Identify the GREEN line:

_ Drying-off period

_ Gestation period

_ Lactation period

_ Calving interval

10. Identify the ORANGE line:

_ Gestation period

_Lactation period

_ Calving interval

_ Drying-off period

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