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Quantifying angular distributions in multinucleon transfer reactions with a semi-classical


Zehong Liaoa , Zepeng Gaoa , Yu Yanga , Yueping Fanga , Jun Sua,b , Long Zhua,b,∗
a Sino-French Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai, 519082, , China
b Guangxi Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Technology, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, 541004, China

The multinucleon transfer (MNT) process in low-energy heavy ion collisions can be utilized to produce unknown nuclei far beyond
the stability line. However, the reaction products exhibit broad angular and energy distributions, which could lower the experimental
detection efficiency. We present a classical approach that employs a parameterized angular distribution to describe the complex
arXiv:2407.05395v1 [nucl-th] 7 Jul 2024

issue. By analyzing limited experimental data on angular distribution, we proposed a three-parameter formula to calculate the
angular distribution and identified the dependencies of the parameters. We also discuss the sensitivity of these parameters within
this method. A comprehensive comparison with microscopic models and experimental data across a wide range of conditions
is conducted. The proposed formula offers an efficient and straightforward way to determine the angular distribution of MNT

In the 1970s and 1980s, multinucleon transfer (MNT) reac- traction, the system breaks apart and separates in the direction
tions between massive nuclei began to attract significant atten- of the deflection angle. Wolschin [20] observed that the deflec-
tion [1–3]. Since then, the significant experimental and theoret- tion angle Θ is related to the rotation angle ∆θ by
ical efforts have been made to understand the characteristics and
mechanisms [4–7]. The complex rearrangement of nucleons Θ(li ) = π − θi (li ) − θ f (li ) − ∆θ, (1)
that occurs during the evolution of the neck between the col-
liding partners can be used to produce new isotopes far beyond where θi (li ) and θ f (li ) are respectively the Coulomb deflection
the stability line [8]. The advantages of MNT reactions for syn- angles in the entrance and exit channels and li is the entrance-
thesizing neutron-rich nuclei have been widely discussed [9– channel relative angular momentum. The above equation can
12]. However, separating the MNT products with wide angular be written as
and energy distributions remains a challenging task, because
Θ(li ) = ΘC (li ) − ΘN (li ), (2)
the reaction products in the MNT reactions exhibit strongly
anisotropic angular distributions [6]. where ΘC is the Rutherford deflection function and ΘN is the
Accurately describing the differential cross-sections of mult- nuclear part of the deflection function. The Coulomb deflection
inucleon transfer reactions, such as angular distributions, is a is given by the Rutherford function as
theoretical difficulty. Recent years have seen significant theo-
retical advancements [13–19], driven by increasing experimen- Z1 Z2 e2
tal data from large acceptance magnetic spectrometers used in ΘC (li ) = 2arctan . (3)
2Ec.m. b
heavy-ion reactions. These advancements have improved the
accuracy of reproducing differential cross-section data, such as The term ΘN can be parameterized as
angular and energy distributions. Nevertheless, the validity of
gr li δ li
these models, based on the assumptions used to simplify calcu- ΘN (li ) = βΘC ( ) lgr , (4)
lations, often introduces the uncertainty of the interaction po- lgr β
tential parameter and dynamics frictional form factors. The gr
goal of this work is to develop an efficient, semi-classical de- where ΘC is the Coulomb grazing angle at the grazing angular
flection function to calculate the global angular distribution in momentum; lgr is the grazing angular momentum, which can
MNT reactions. be calculated as 0.22Rint [Ared (Ec.m. − V(Rint ))]1/2 . The reduced
Due to high nuclear viscosity and significant overlap of nu- mass of the projectile and target nuclei is denoted as Ared , and
clear surfaces, two massive nuclei in the MNT reaction can V(Rint ) represents the interaction potential at the interaction ra-
stick together and rotate at a certain angle. When the Coulomb dius Rint . β and δ are two free parameters that depend on the
and centrifugal forces between the nuclei exceed the nuclear at- degree of focusing observed in the experimental angular distri-
bution. β and δ can be further constrained by fitting them to
the experimental gross angular distribution using the classical
∗ Corresponding author: approximation given by
Preprint submitted to Physics Letters B July 9, 2024
Coulomb scattering
Nuclear scattering 1 (θ − Θ(li ))2
G(θ) = √ exp (− ), (6)
120 Deflection function σθ (li ) 2π 2σ2θ (li )

where the width coefficient σ2θ (li ) is a function of the initial

60 relative angular momentum. The value of this width coefficient
will be discussed later. The central value Θ(li ) is given by Eq.
0 As illustrated in Fig. 1, we present the deflection function of
the reaction 136 Xe +209 Bi at the incident energy Ec.m. = 569
MeV. The contributions of Coulomb and nuclear deflection in
0 100 200 300 400 500 the scattering process are also depicted. There is only one exit
Angular momentum ( ) angle for a particular angular momentum, which corresponds
to the orange line in Fig. 1. When we apply a Gaussian expan-
sion to this deflection function, indicated by the black contour,
Figure 1: Black contour lines for the probability in the reaction 136 Xe +209 Bi
at the incident energy Ec.m. = 569 MeV. The orange line corresponds to the
the angular distribution broadens as the angular momentum de-
mean deflection angle, and the parameters used in this figure are the optimal creases. Statistically, the width around the average scattering
ones shown below. The Coulomb and nuclear deflection angles as a function of angle correlates with the reaction time. This relationship ad-
angular momentum are denoted as red and blue lines, respectively. heres to Einstein’s fluctuation-dissipation theorem: the more
intense the reaction dissipation and the longer the reaction time,
the greater the fluctuation. In this analysis, a linear dependence
of the interaction time on the scattering angle has been assumed
dσ 2π X dl
= 2 ln . (5) [29, 30] :
dΘ k n dΘ l=ln
Li [21] investigated the dependence of β and δ on the mod- τint (li ) = (ΘC (li ) − Θ(li )), (7)
li ℏ
ified Sommerfeld parameter η′ by comparing angular distri-
butions of various heavy systems to obtain the approxima- where Itot is the moment of inertia of the double nucleus sys-
tions. The modified Sommerfeld parameter is defined as η′ = tem. According to the Fokker-Planck equation with constant
Z1 Z2 e2 ′ transport coefficients, the variance of the angular distribution
v′ , where v represents the velocity at the interaction bar-
rier V(Rint ). Furthermore, the empirical formula also can be ex- increases linearly with time. This variance, as a function of the
tended to evaluate the interaction time as a function of the initial initial angular momentum, can be written as:
angular momentum [20, 22]. Due to the limited availability of σ2θ (li ) = 2Dθ τint (li ). (8)
experimental data at that time, Li utilized only a few experi-
mental systems and did not mention the limitations of the the- Here Dθ is the diffusion coefficient, which is adjusted to fit
oretical calculations, which could affect the fitting results [21]. the angular distribution. The equations described above al-
Furthermore, although the peak values matched, the overall fit- low us to determine the global angular distribution by adjust-
ting of the angular distribution was too narrow compared to the ing three parameters: β, δ, and Dθ . For the reaction 136 Xe +
experimental data [20], which may affect the reliability of the 209
Bi (Ec.m. = 569 MeV), we found that the parameters β = 11,
deflection function. δ = 0.09, and Dθ = 12 most closely matched the experimental
As we discussed, using the two-parameter deflection func- data. Generally, the parameter β determines the depth of the de-
tion allows us to relate the entrance-channel angular momen- flection function, while δ determines the deviation of the scat-
tum with the exit-channel angle θ. Additionally, fluctuations tering angle from the Coulomb grazing angle. For the heavy
are highly noticeable [24–28], especially in the case of violent system 136 Xe +209 Bi we studied, strong focusing can be ob-
∂2 σ
collisions. Experimentally, the differential cross section ∂θ∂E , served in the deflection function, which is consistent with the
as depicted in Wilczynski diagrams, sometimes reveals ridges experimental angular distribution characteristics of heavy sys-
that suggest the validation range of a deterministic trajectory tems.
predicted theoretically. This is especially true for small energy In Fig. 2, we apply this procedure and different sets of param-
losses and for masses that are close to those of the entrance eters to calculate the angular distribution in the reaction 136 Xe
channel. However, fluctuations significantly obscure any clear + 209 Bi (Ec.m. = 569 MeV), where the experimental data [23]
indication of a deterministic trajectory. This notable evolution provide complete and sufficiently precise information on the
is associated with a progressive increase in both interaction time gross angular distribution. Due to the total kinetic energy loss
and energy dissipation. In this work, we consider performing a (TKEL) truncation of the experimental data, for example in this
Gaussian expansion of the deflection trajectory provided by this experiment 136 Xe + 209 Bi, the detected data is in this range 309
deflection function and adjusting the width of the angular dis- MeV > TKEL > 23 MeV. Therefore, some cut-off conditions
tribution by introducing an additional parameter to control the need to be considered in the calculations of the angular distri-
variance of the Gaussian distribution. butions. The upper limit of our angular momentum integral is
=11 =0.09 D =12 =11 =0.09 D =12 =11 =0.09 D =12
(a) =5 =0.09 D =12
=20 =0.09 D =12
(b) =11 =0.05 D =12
=11 =0.15 D =12
(c) =11 =0.09 D =5
=11 =0.09 D =18
d /d (b/sr)


40 60 80 40 60 80 40 60 80 100
c. m. (degree)
Figure 2: The effects of the parameters β, δ, and Dθ on the angular distribution in the reaction 136 Xe + 209 Bi at the incident energy Ec.m. = 569 MeV. The black
circles are taken from Refs. [23].

roughly estimated by this condition

2π X
σexp = ln , (9)
k2 n

where lcut is the upper limit of the collision relative angular mo-
mentum in the process of fitting the angular distribution, en- (a)
suring that the fitted cross-section is consistent with the experi- 100
mental cross-section. This approximation is also used for para-
metric fitting of other systems in this work.
Understanding the effects of these parameters on the angular
distribution is the first step. Figs. 2(a), (b), and (c) show the ef-
fects of the parameters β, δ, and Dθ on the angular distribution, 0
respectively. In Fig. 2(a), we chose two other different values
β = 5 and β = 20 to compare with the optimal value of the pa-
rameter β = 11 while keeping other parameters unchanged. It is
clear that the parameter β does not significantly affect the peak
value of the angular distribution but has a great impact on the 0.10
distribution in the front angle region. Larger values of β lead to
more forward angle scattering, while smaller values of β result 0.05
in smaller forward angle contributions, where the nuclear rain- 20
bow of the deflection function moves close to or coincides with (c)
the Coulomb rainbow.
For the parameter δ shown in Fig. 2(b), it is evident that δ
is associated with the peak of the angular distribution. This is 10

mainly because the deviation from the Coulomb trajectory near

the grazing angle is determined by δ. Larger values of δ lead
to a more left-sided peak of the angular distribution compared 0
to the experimental data. In addition, the physical significance 250 500 750 1000 1250
of the parameter Dθ becomes more apparent, as it controls the
width of the average scattering angle under the deflection func-
tion governed by the first two parameters β and δ. As shown in
Fig. 2(c), the higher the value of the parameter Dθ , the wider Figure 3: (a-b) Parameters β and δ determine the mean deflection angle Θ(li ) as
the angular distribution, and vice versa. functions of η′ . (c) Parameter Dθ determines the fluctuation around the mean
deflection angle as a function of η′ . Blue symbols represent fits to the angular
Given the scarcity of MNT experiments and the limited avail- distributions, while the solid curves represent the analytical expressions given
ability of angular distribution data, only 17 sets of experimental in the text.
data were utilized in this study. Employing the method outlined
earlier, we adjusted the three parameters to align with the over-
all experimental angular distribution, resulting in a total of 17
parameter sets. It was observed that β, δ, and Dθ exhibit smooth
variations as functions of η′ , as illustrated in Fig. 3. In the fit-
ting process, we found that δ and Dθ related to each other. This This trend reflects the changes in the dominant role of nuclear
relation primarily arises from the parameter δ also controls the and Coulomb forces at different distances. The comparison re-
width of the angular distribution to a certain extent. By fitting veals that the calculations from all three methods yield rela-
the dependence of β, δ, and Dθ on η′ , we obtain the following tively similar results when the relative angular momentum L >
approximations 200 ℏ. Actually, for depicting the general shape of the angular
distribution, the contributions from large angular momentum
η − 160.8
 " ′ #
β(η ) = 4.7 + 81.2 · exp −
′ To validate the effectiveness of the parameterized formula

 ;

 126.5 in describing angular distributions, we compared its calculated
η′ − 176.3
 " #
(10) results with experimental data shown in Fig. 5. The quasi-

δ(η ) = 0.029 + 0.127 · exp −


classical method demonstrates reliable predictive capability,

 364
D (η′ ) = 21 − 0.0178η′ .

 showing good agreement between predicted angular distribu-
tion values and experimental data across most reaction systems.
From Fig. 3, it can be seen that there are minor discrepancies However, discrepancies are observed in the forward-angle re-
between the data points and the fitted function. Our objective gions of some light projectile-target combinations, primarily
is to establish an empirical parametric formula that accurately due to the presence of a significant nuclear rainbow effect in
describes the overall angular distribution pattern, and these de- such systems. Minor adjustments may be necessary as addi-
viations fall within acceptable limits for this study. tional reactions are analyzed. For sufficiently heavy systems,
where the deflection function lacks a nuclear rainbow angle,
175 This work
the Coulomb force predominates. It is clearly shown that our
103 method effectively describes angular distributions on both sides
Deflection angle (degree)

IQMD of the peak value.

150 TDHF Given the challenges in efficiently separating and detecting
neutron-rich unknown isotopes in experiments, the overall frag-
125 102

ment angle distribution predicted by the model provides cru-

cial information for optimizing detector placement in MNT ex-
100 periments. In previous analyses, the capability of the param-
101 eterized angular distribution was demonstrated through com-
75 136
Xe + 208 Pb parison with existing experimental data. For systems lacking
experimental angular distribution data from MNT, the IQMD
50 @526 MeV
0 100 200 300 100 model was employed to validate the extrapolation capability
of the quasi-classical method. For several prominent MNT re-
Angular momentum ( ) action systems 136 Xe+198 Pt at Ec.m. = 643 MeV, 136 Xe+208 Pb
at Ec.m. = 526 MeV, 136 Xe+238 U at Ec.m. = 706 MeV, and
Figure 4: Model comparison of the deflection angle as a function of the relative 238
U+198 Pt at Ec.m. = 756 MeV [23, 41, 8, 42], we compare
angular momentum for the reaction 136 Xe+208 Pb at the incident energy Ec.m.
the angular distributions obtained using the IQMD model with
= 526 MeV. The theoretical result was obtained using the TDHF (Black open
squares), IQMD (Yellow open squares), and newly developed formula (Red those from our parameterized formula in Fig. 6. To maintain
open squares). consistency in the calculated cross-section values between the
two models, we set the upper limit of the collision parameters
To illustrate the effectiveness of the newly developed semi- as b < bgrazing . The comparison reveals that the results obtained
classical method in this study, we conducted a comparative in this study, particularly in terms of width, closely resemble
analysis using the 136 Xe+208 Pb reaction at Ec.m. = 526 MeV. those from the IQMD model, albeit with slight deviations in
The primary fragment results from time-dependent Hartree- peak position.
Fock (TDHF) theory [31] and the isospin-dependent quantum In summary, we have introduced and validated a method for
molecular dynamics (IQMD) model [32] are employed. The studying angular distributions in multinucleon transfer (MNT)
comparison of deflection angles as a function of angular mo- reactions. Utilizing the limited experimental data available for
mentum is depicted in Fig. 4. The TDHF model provides a MNT angular distributions, we adjusted the key parameters β,
deterministic trajectory of the deflection angle. The mean value δ, and Dθ to construct the deflection function. This approach
of the deflection angle from the IQMD model is displayed by circumvents the need for complex dynamic calculations that
yellow squares. Based on the numerous simulated results of could introduce additional uncertainties related to potential pa-
the IQMD model, the contour plot shows the count of the re- rameters and frictional form factors. Our method shows rea-
sults on a logarithmic scale. As the angular momentum de- sonable and consistent results in comparison with the two mi-
creases, it is evident that the calculated deflection angles from croscopic approaches TDHF and IQMD in a representative re-
all models gradually deviate from the Coulomb deflection angle action 136 Xe+208 Pb at Ec.m. = 526 MeV. The three approaches
indicated by the red dashed line. However, upon approaching generally produced consistent results for large angular momen-
central collisions, these angles gradually converge back towards tum, but significant deviations were observed at small angular
the Coulomb deflection angle and eventually reach 180 degrees. momentum. Besides, a systematic comparison involving a di-
1.5 136 Xe+209 Bi@569MeV 2 136 Xe+209 Bi@684MeV 136 Xe+209 Bi@861MeV 1.0 144 Sm+144 Sm@500MeV 1.0 154 Sm+154 Sm@485MeV

1.0 5.0
1 2.5 0.5 0.5
30 50 70 90 10 30 50 70 5 25 45 65 25 45 65 85 30 50 70 90
238 U+238 U@882MeV 132 Xe+120 Sn@370MeV 0.75 86 Kr+139 La@311MeV 1.0 86 Kr+139 La@376MeV 86 Kr+139 La@438MeV
0.4 0.50 1.5
0.50 1.0
d /d (b/sr)

0.2 0.25 0.25 0.5

90 110 130 35 55 75 95 30 50 70 15 35 55 75 10 30 50
84 Kr+208 Pb@351MeV 84 Kr+208 Pb@363MeV 84 Kr+208 Pb@511MeV 1.5 84 Kr+144 Sm@375MeV 3 84 Kr+144 Sm@454MeV
0.3 0.4 2
1.0 2
0.2 1 0.5 1
45 65 85 105 35 55 75 95 5 25 45 65 85 10 30 50 70 5 25 45 65
2 84 Kr+165 Ho@473MeV 86 Kr+166 Er@463MeV
1 This work Exp

5 25 45 5 25 45 65 85
c. m. (degree)
Figure 5: The experimental and predicted angular distribution. The results obtained from the parametrized angular distribution formula are shown with the red line,
while the black circles denote experimental data taken from Refs.[23, 33–40].

verse dataset encompassing various bombarding energies and

reaction systems would provide further clarity on the effective-
ness of our method. The robust performance of the method in
predicting angular distributions offers a new avenue for inves-
tigating other reactions of interest. To demonstrate the extrap-
olation capability of the method, we employed our model and
the IQMD model to analyze the gross angular distributions of
(a) 136 Xe+198 Pt (b) 136 Xe+208 Pb
2 @643MeV 0.75 @526MeV reactions such as 136 Xe+198 Pt, 136 Xe+208 Pb, 136 Xe+238 U, and
b <9.6fm 0.50 b <7.3fm U+198 Pt. Our model effectively captures the characteristic
features of angular distributions in deeply inelastic collisions
0.25 between heavy nuclei, including the transition from weakly fo-
d /d (b/sr)

cused, with a contribution from negative angle scattering, to

0 0.00
40 50 60 70 60 70 80 90 100 strongly focused at positive angles, with increasing system size
0.75 or decreasing energy. For the currently widely used dinuclear
(c) 136 Xe+238 U (d) 238 U+198 Pt
system model, this method can be a more reliable option to be
2 @706MeV @756MeV
b <9.6fm 0.50 b <7.3fm implemented in extended dynamics calculations.
1 0.25

0 0.00
40 60 80 80 100 120 Acknowledgements
c. m. (degree)
Figure 6: Model comparison of the angular distributions for the reactions
(a) 136 Xe+198 Pt, (b) 136 Xe+208 Pb, (c) 136 Xe+238 U, and (d) 238 U+198 Pt. The The authors would like to thank Pei-Wei Wen for helpful dis-
results from our semi-classical approach are represented by black lines, while cussion and suggestions. This work was supported by the Na-
those from the IQMD model are shown in red lines.
tional Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants No.
12075327 and 12335008; The Open Project of Guangxi Key
Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Technology under
Grant No. NLK2022-01; Fundamental Research Funds for the
Central Universities, Sun Yat-sen University under Grant No.
23lgbj003. The work is supported in part by National Key R&D
Program of China (2023YFA1606402).
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