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bjhl®ã‰F :

j®kf®¤jh lh¡l® S.$j®

âU. rªâunrfu FU¡fŸ - 9444729512
$ fªjRthÄ âU¡nfhÆš

jy tuyhW
brŒô® jy És¡f« :
brŒô®, fhŠáòu« kht£l¤âš cŸs xU jhY¡fhthF«. ïªj jhY¡fhÉ‹
jiyikafkhf brŒô® efu« És§F»wJ. g©il ehËš ï›ñ® b#a«bfh©l
nrhH ešÿ® v‹W«, åuuhn#ªâuešÿ® v‹W« bga® bg‰¿UªjJ v‹W«, ïJ
b#a§bfh©l nrhH k©ly¤J br«ó® nfh£l¤J òiwô® eh£il nr®ªâUªjJ
v‹W« fšbt£L¡fŸ _y« eh« m¿a Ko»wJ.
nkY« ï›ñU¡F nrô®, brŒifa«gâ, tsthòÇ v‹w bga®fS« ïUªJŸsd.
brŒôiu kJuhªjf« tÊahfî«, »H¡F fl‰fiu rhiy tÊahfî« milayh«.
ï›ñ®, kJuhªjf¤âÈUªJ 29 »nyh Û£l® bjhiyÉY«, »H¡F fl‰fiu
rhiyÆš všiya«k‹ nfhÉš¯ÃW¤j¤âÈUªJ 5 »nyh Û£l® bjhiyÉY«
ï›ñiu mila mU»ÈU¡F« Ékhd Ãiya« br‹id. mU»YŸs uÆš
Ãiya« br§fšg£L, kJuhªjf¤âÈUªJ« »H¡F fl‰fiu rhiy tÊahf
bršY« ngUªJfŸ _ykhfî« eh« brŒôiu milayh«.
brŒô® $ fªjÞthÄ âU¡nfhÉš Mya mik¥ò :
ï¤âU¡nfhÉš bj‰F neh¡» mikªJŸsJ. thÆÈš nfhòu« vJîÄšiy.
_yÞjhd« »H¡F neh¡» cŸsJ. f®¥g»uf¤âš mUŸÄF fªjÞthÄ, tŸË,
bjŒthidíl‹ fh£áaË¡»wh®. ïUòwK« Råu‹, R#d‹ M»a
Jthughyf®fSl‹ R¥ukÂa® fh£á jU« mHF gutr¤ij V‰gL¤J»wJ.
nfhÉÈ‹ ãujhd thÆÈš EiHªjJ« btË¥ãufhu« fhz¥gL»wJ.
btË¥ãufhu¤âš ïUªJ K‹ k©lg¤âš EiHªjJ«, ïl¥òw¤âš $ nrhkehj®,
Ûdh£áa«ik r‹dâí«, mj‹ mU»š gŸËaiwí« ïU¥gij¡ fhzyh«.
ï¢r‹dâÆ‹ K‹ eªâ njtU«, ïUòw« ãu«khî«, ÉZQî«
ï¡ nfhÉY¡F ïu©L EiHî thÆšfŸ. bj‰F¯thÆš _ykhf c£ãufhu¤ij
milªJ KUfid jÇá¡fyh«. btË¥ãufhu¤â‹ »H¡F òw¤âš ¥uhÓd fš
ÔgÞj«gK« bfhokuK« _yÞjhd¤ij neh¡»athW fh£á mË¡»‹wd. »H¡F
thÆš _yK« eh« c£ãufhu¤ijí«, Ôghuhjid k©lg¤ijí« milayh«.

ï¡nfhÉÈ‹ k‰bwhU áw¥ò ï§F nfhZl bjŒt§fŸ mid¤J« R¥ukÂa
%g§fshf fh£áaË¥gjhF«. tH¡fkhf irt¤ jy§fËš Éehaf®,
j£ázh_®¤â, ȧnfh¤gt® mšyJ ÉZQ, ãu«kh, r©onfÞtu®, J®¡if
k‰W« igut® nfhZl bjŒt§fshf És§Ft®. Mdhš, ï¡nfhÉÈš
ÉehafU¡F gâyhf ÃU¤jÞfªjU«, j£ázh_®¤â¡F gâyhf ãu«krhÞjhî«,
ÉZQî¡F gâyhf ghyÞfªjU«, ¥u«khî¡F gâyhf átFUehjD«, J®¡if
ïU¡F« ïl¤âš ò˪jU« (ntl® cUÉš ïU¡F« KUf‹) fh£áaË¡»‹wd®.
nkY« át¤jy§fËš fhz¥gL« r©onfÞtuU«, igutU« ï«KUf‹
Mya¤âš mtutU¡F cÇa ïl¤âš mk®ªâU¡»‹wd®. 炙U¡F« NÇa‹
FANÇa‹ v‹W miH¡f¥gL»wh®. bj‰F neh¡»a nfhòu thrš tÊahf
Ôghuhjid k©lg¤â‰FŸ ãuntá¥nghU¡F jÇrd« ju MWKf RthÄí«
btË¥ãufhu¤âš ãuj£ázkhf tU«nghJ KjÈš Éehaf® r‹dâí«,
_yÞjhd¤â‰F tl¡nf eªjtdK« fhz¥gL»‹wd.
ïªj nfhÉÈ‹ jyÉU£r« t‹Å k‰W« fU§fhÈ ku§fshF«.
bfhoku¤J¡F tl¡»š m«k‹ r‹dâí«, mj‰F K‹ r®t th¤âa k©lgK«
mikªJŸsJ. 1947-M« M©Ltiu ï«k©lg¤âš âUÉHh¡fË‹nghJ
rfyÉjkhd th¤âa fUÉfS« ïir¡f¥g£lJl‹ eld Ãfœ¢áfS«
elªJŸsd. Jt#Þj«g¤â‰F ã‹dhš et¡»uf§fS¡F jÅ r‹dâ cŸsJ.
ï¡nfhÉÈš cŸs xU áw¥ò m«r« ntW vªj CÇY« cŸs nfhÉšfËš
ïšyhj x‹whF«. mJ btË¥ãufhu¤ij R‰¿ mikªJŸs e£r¤âu
ntjhs§fshF«. rhjhuzkhf eh« ntjhs§fis¥ g‰¿ É¡»ukhâ¤j‹ fijÆš
go¤âU¥ngh«. Mdhš, ï§FŸs ntjhs§fŸ KUf‹ Nug¤kidí«, ãw
mu¡f®fisí« tij¡F«nghJ mtU¡F JizòǪj átfz§fshF«. x›bthU
e£r¤âu¤â‰F« x‹whf bkh¤j« 27 ójfz ntjhs§fŸ ï¡nfhÉiy¢ R‰¿
mikªâU¥gJ xU ï‹¿aikahj jÅ¢áw¥ghF«.
ï›ntjhs§fŸ igutÇ‹ Miz¡F¡ f£L¥g£lit. vdntjh‹, ï¡nfhÉÈš
ntjhs§fŸ k£Lk‹¿ igutU« fhz¥gL»‹wh®. x›bthU njŒãiw
mZlÄÆY« mtutu® e£r¤âu¤â‰FÇa ntjhs§fis tÊg£L j«
nfhÇ¡iffis mt®fŸ K‹ it¤jhš, m¡nfhÇ¡iffis ntjhs§fŸ igut®
_ykhf KUfÅl« bfh©L nghŒ nr®¤J, mit Ãiwnt‰w¥gLtjhf IÔf«.
ï¥ói# _y« gadilªnjh® mnef®. x›bthU njŒãiw mZlÄÆY« gy
k¡fŸ ï¡nfhÉiy eho tUtnj ïj‰F xU ešy rh‹whF«.
njŒãiw mZlÄ m‹W khiy ntjhs ói# Éehaf r§fšg¤Jl‹
bjhl§F»wJ. ãwF 5 k¡F x›bthU e£r¤âu ntjhs¤â‰F br›tuË ó¡fshš
ói#í«, khiy 7 k¡F _yt® mãnõfK«, ïuî 8 k¡F igutU¡F mZl
òZgh®¢ridí« eilbgW»‹wJ.
MjhËia x‹(W) m¿naid, mw¤
ÔjhËia M©lJ br¥òknjh !
Tjhs »uhj FÈ¡(F) ïiwth !
ntjhs fz« òfœntytnd !
fªj® mDóâ

27 e£r¤âu ój ntjhs§fË‹ g£oaš :
1. ehfhíjgh ój ntjhs« - mÞÉÅ
2. t{ujhÇ ój ntjhs« - guÂ
3. ituh¡a ój ntjhs« - »U¤âif
4. f£fjhÇ ój ntjhs« - nuh»Â
5. Phd ój ntjhs« - ÄUfÓÇõ«
6. njhku ój ntjhs« - âUthâiu
7. t¡ujªj ój ntjhs« - òd®ór«
8. Érhs ne¤u ój ntjhs« - ór«
9. Mdªj igutg¡j ój ntjhs« - MÆša«
10. Phd Þfªj g¡j ój ntjhs« - kf«
11. j®gfu ój ntjhs« - óu«
12. åughF nrtf ój ntjhs« - c¤âu«
13. Nug¤k Jt«r ój ntjhs« - AÞj«
14. jhufhRu ï«r ój ntjhs« - á¤âiu
15. Mdªj Ff g¡j ój ntjhs« - Rthâ
16. Nu Ãòz ój ntjhs« - Érhf«
17. r©lnfhg ój ntjhs« - mDõ«
18. á§f KfhRu ï«r ój ntjhs« - nf£il
19. guh¡uk ój ntjhs« - _y«
20. knAhju ój ntjhs« - óuhl«
21. C¤Jt áfhgªj ój ntjhs« - c¤âuhl«
22. fjhgu ój ntjhs« - âUnthz«
23. r¡ugh ój ntjhs« - mÉ£l«
24. ngU©l ój ntjhs« - rja«
25. nfhu%g ój ntjhs« - óu£lhâ
26. UU igut nrtf ój ntjhs« - c¤âu£lhâ
27. Fnuhjd igut g¡j ój ntjhs« - nutâ
nkY« ï¡nfhÉÈš bgÇah©lt® ói#í« mDZo¡f¥gL»wJ. nfhÉY¡F
btËna etrªâÆš et¡»uf§fŸ óͤj Éehaf®fŸ fhz¥gL»wh®fŸ. ïJî«
ï¡nfhÉÈ‹ xU jÅ¢áw¥ghF«.
ï¡nfhÉȉF nk‰nf br£oFs« v‹w âU¡Fs« cŸsJ. br£o v‹gJ KUfÅ‹
xU âU¥bga®. ï¡Fs« Mya¤â‰F brhªjkhdJ.
âUÉHh¡fŸ :
x›bthU M©L« $ fªjÞthÄ Mya¤âš Mo¹»U¤âif,¹fªj¹rZo
Nur«Ahu«,¹fh®¤âif¹Ôg«, ijór«,¹g§FŹc¤âuÒ
âU¡fšahz«,ÒitfháÒÉrhf« M»ait Vuhskhd #d¤âuS¡F eLnt
õZoÆš 3-« ehŸ ntš tH§F« ÉHh, óuhl e£r¤âw¤â‰F cÇa knAhju
ntjhs¤â‰F ã‹òw« bfh©lh¥gL»wJ.

jy r«gªjkhd üšfŸ :
brŒô® fªjÞthÄ bgUkhid¥ gho mªjf¡ fÉ åuuhft KjÈah® ïa‰¿a
nrô® KUf‹ ãŸis¤jÄœ, nrô® fy«gf«, nriw fÉuh# ãŸisÆ‹ nrô®
KUf‹ cyh, $ KUfjhr ÞthÄfË‹ nrô® KUf‹ gâf¡ nfhit, át¥ãufhr
RthÄfË‹ beŠRÉL öJ M»a üšfŸ njh‹¿íŸsd.
Äf K¡»akhf ï¤jy« mUz»Çehjuhš âU¥òfœ ghlš bg‰w xU jykhF«.
ï¤jy KUfid òfœªJ ghoa mUz»ÇehjU¡F Ôghuhjid k©lg¤âš
áiyí«, mt® ghoa gâf§fË‹ fšbt£L« fhz¥gL»wJ.
mUz»Çehj® ghoa nrô® KUf‹ âU¥òfœ
K»yhbkD« th®FH yh®áiy
òUth®faš ntšÉÊ ah®¢á
Kfth®ju shbkd nteif òÇkhj®

KiykhÈiz nfhòu khbkd

tlkhol ntbfho üÈil
KJghËj nriyF yhÉa kÆšnghštu®;

m»nrušF yh®bjhil thiHÆ‹

mHfh®fH yh®ju ntŒjU
mHfh®fd üòu khol eilnkÉ

mdkhbkd ahiuí khšbfhs

ÉÊahšRH yhÉL ghita®
mt® ghaÈ nyao naDl yÊntndh;

Rfdh® gâ nah®Kiw nfhbtd

ïUŸfhuR uh®gil öŸgl
fl nyœ»Ç ehfK ü¿l ÉL« ntyh

fkyhya eha» thdt®

bjhGÛRu dhÇl nkÉa
fUzhfu Phdg uhgiuaUŸ ghyh;

k»œkhyâ ehtšg yhfK

Fldhlà yhkÆš nfh»y
k»œehLiw khštË eha» kzthsh

kâkhKf thto naÅU

ÉidöŸ glnt mÆnyÉa
tsthòÇ thœkÆš thfd bgUkhnd !

Mjhu«: brŒô® K¤ija KjÈah® ïa‰¿a nrô® jytuyhW

History of Cheyyur
Sri Kandaswamy Temple

About Cheyyur
Cheyyur is a taluk in Kanchipuram district of Tamilnadu, India.
Cheyyur town is the headquarters of the taluk. In olden days, this town
was known as Jayamkonda Chola Nallur and Veerarajendra Nallur.
We know that it belonged to Jayamkonda Chola Mandalathu
Chembur Kotta Puraiyur through the epigraphic evidences found at
Cheyyur. This town was also called Sei oor, Seigaiyampathy and
One can reach Cheyyur through two routes, one through
Madurantakam and the other through the East Coast Road, that goes
towards Puducherry. This town is about 29 kms from Madurantakam
and 5 kms from the Ellaiamman Koil Bus Stop on East Coast Road
The nearest airport is Chennai and railway station is Chengalpattu.
About Sri Kandaswamy Temple
The temple faces South. There is no gopuram at the entrance. The
main sanctum sanctorum faces East. Inside the main shrine, one can
see Sri Kandaswamy with his consorts Valli and Deivaanai. Sri
Kandaswamy is flanked by the Dwarapalakas, Suveeran and Sujanan
on either side.
On entering the temple, one can find the Sri Somanathar,
Meenakshiammai Shrine to the left of the front Mandapa. Here
Brahma and Vishnu flank either side of the shrine and Nandi is found
in front of the shrine.
There are two entrances to the temple. One is through the South
facing main entrance . To the East of the outer Prakaram, one can see
the ancient stone Dwajasthamba and Kodimaram facing the Main
shrine. There is an entrance through the East through which also one
can reach the inner prakaram and the Artha Mandapa.
An unique feature of this temple is that all Goshta Devathas are
different forms of Sri Subramanya. Usually in Saivaite temples one
can see Vinayaka, Dakshinamoorthy, Lingothbhavar or Vishnu,
Brahma, Chandikeshwara, Durga, Bhairava, and Surya are seen as
Goshta Devathas. But in this temple, one can see that there is
Nrittaskanda instead of Vinayaka, Brahmasastha instead of
Dakshinamoorthy, Balaskanda instead of Vishnu, Sivagurunatha
instead of Brahma and Pulindhar (Lord Muruga in the form of a hunter)
instead of Durga. Moreover, Chandikeshwara and Bhairava who are
normally found in Shiva temples are found here in their usual places.
The Surya in this temple is called Guha Surya. Apart from these forms
of Muruga, there is also an Arumughaswamy facing the Southern
On the outer prahara, as we circumambulate, we can find Ganesha
shrine and a Nandavanam to the North of the Sanctum Sanctorum.
The Sthala Vrikshams of this temple are Vanni and Karungali.
To the North of the Dwajasthamba, is the Amman shrine and there is a
Sarva Vadya Mandapam in front of it. Till the year 1947, all kinds of
musical instruments were played and dance recitals conducted during
festivals in this mandapam. Behind the Dwajasthamba, there is a
separate Shrine for Navagrahas.
Yet another unique feature of this temple is something that cannot be
found in any other temple in the world. There are 27 star Vethalams
(Bethals) one for each star. We may recall reading about Vethalams in
King Vikramaditya's story. The Vethalas found here are those
Sivaganas that had served on Lord Muruga's army and helped to fight
demons like Soorapadman and others.
These Vethalas obey the instructions of Bhairava. Which is why we
find Bhairava here alongside the Vethalas. On the Ashtami that falls
after Full moon day (Theipirai Ashtami) devotees worship the Vethala
that belongs to their star and pray before it to find their wishes being
fulfilled. Every month several devotees are benefitted through this

On the Ashtami after full moon day, the Vethala Puja starts with
Vinayaka Sankalpa. Then at 5 pm, the Vethalas are worshipped with
Red Arali flowers, and then at 7 pm, abhishekham is performed to Lord
Muruga. This is followed by Archana to Lord Bhairava with eight
different types of flowers.
List of the 27 Star Vethalams:
1 Nagayudhapani Bootha Vethalam Aswini
2 Vajradhaari Bootha Vethalam Bharani
3 Vairagya Bootha Vethalam Krithigai
4 Katkadhari Bootha Vethalam Rohini
5 Gnana Bootha Vethalam Mrigaseerisham
6 Thomara Bootha Vethalam Thiruvaadhirai
7 Vakradantha Bootha Vethalam Punarpoosam
8 Visaala Nethra Bootha Vethalam Poosam
9 Anandha Bhairava Bhaktha Bootha Vethalam Aayilyam
10 Gnanaskandha Baktha Bootha Vethalam Magam
11 Tharpagara Bootha Vethalam Pooram
12 Veerabahu Sevaka Bootha Vethalam Uthiram
13 Soorapadma Dwamsa Bootha Vethalam Hastham
14 Thaarakaasura Imsa Bootha Vethalam Chithirai
15 Anadha Guha Bhaktha Bootha Vethalam Swathi
16 Sooranipuna Bootha Vethalam Visakam
17 Chandakoba Bootha Vethalam Anusham
18 Singamukhasura Imsa Bootha Vethalam Kettai
19 Paraakrama Bootha Vethalam Moolam
20 Mahodhara Bootha Vethalam Pooradam
21 Oorthuva Shikhabandha Bootha Vethalam Uthiraadam
22 Gadhapani Bootha Vethalam Thiruvonam
23 Chakrapani Bootha Vethalam Avittam
24 Perunda Bootha Vethalam Sadhayam
25 Goraroopa Bootha Vethalam Poorattaadhi
26 Ruru Bhairava Sevaka Bootha Vethalam Uthirattaadhi
27 Kurodhana Bhairava Bhaktha Bootha Vethalam Revathy

Periyandavar Puja is also observed at this temple. Outside the
temple, on the Navasandhis there are nine Vinayakas said to have
been worshipped by the Navagrahas. These also add to the
uniqueness of the temple. To the West of the temple, is a tank called
Chettikulam. Chetty is one of the names by which Lord Muruga is
known. This tank belongs to the temple.
Festivals celebrated at the Kandaswamy Temple
Aadi Krithigai, Kandha Sashti, Soorasamhaaram, Karthigai Deepam,
Thai Poosam, Panguni Uthiram and Vaikasi Visakam days are
celebrated at the temple amidst a huge crowd of devotees. During
Kandha Sashti, the Vel Vaangum Vizha is celebrated behind the
Mahodhara Bootha Vethalam belonging to Pooradam star.
Literary works on the Cheyyur Kandaswamy Temple
There are several works on Sri Kandaswamy at Cheyyur. Andhaka
Kavi Veeraraghava Mudaliyar has composed the Cheyyur Murugan
Pillaithamizh and Cheyyur Kalambakam. Cherai Kaviraja Pillai has
composed Cheyyur Murugan Ula , Sri Murugadas Swamigal, Cheyyur
Murugan Pathigam and Sivaprakasa Swamigal, Nenju Vidu Thoodhu.
By far the most important aspect of this temple, is that it has a verse
sung on Sri Kandaswamy by Arunagirinathar and features in the
Thiruppugazh. The verses of the Thirupugazh are found inscribed in
the wall of the Artha mandapa and there is also a statue of Saint
Arunagirinathar in the temple.

Source: Seioor Thala Varalaru by Shri Muthia Mudaliyar, Cheyyur


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