Descriptive Essay 14-3

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Looking over the horizon of the sea where the sky and the water were merging together, I observed
how the waves were covering each other, and the sun that was reflecting its rays from the glittering
water, forming another distorted reflection of a bright orb in it. The sun was high up in the sky
spreading its rays everywhere trying to touch every object around. The colour of the sun was creamy
yellow, contrasting against the cerulean blue colour of the sky. There were few and far-in-between
clouds, glowing an ivory white like untainted cotton candy under the sun. Closing my eyes, I could
feel a slight breeze brushing against my skin and the rhythmic blow of the waves against the shore.
Everything seemed so calm.

As it was dusk the sun was going down slowly. I opened my eyes to an intense assortment of colours,
the sky changing from amber and tangerine to salmon pink and indigo progressing from day to night.
In a few moments the sun was already glowing a vivid red and mirroring its colour against the shore.
Even the sea was changing too. It began to get more dynamic with more waves, each taller than the
last. Like a beer in a glass, they splashed the shore with foam covering it, simultaneously turning the
beach white as if it was the snow but not the water. Quietly, the sun sank into the water, a piece of
live ember extinguishing itself with a shimmer in the air and allowing darkness to emerge into the

As the day closes to an end, I look out into the horizon, and the sun has relatively set now and
simply; the tip is left to vanish shyly descending, quietly, gradually trying to hide into the water. The
emergence of the darkness has completed, the gentle lapping of the sea almost drowned by the still
silence that nature has brought onto; a serene, placid and the passive side of mother earth. On the
blank obsidian canvas of the sky, tiny pinpricks of light shone from it, as if needles poking through
nature’s embrace. Soon more and more became visible, cascading heavenly light onto the land.

Looking up into the night sky, I am welcomed by countless stars, constellations, and distant celestial
objects full of mystery. I took a deep breath, and walked to my car, knowing that night has fallen,
and it’s time to rest.

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