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B.Com. (Hons.

): Semester – IV
Duration: 3 hrs. Marks 100

(External 80 : Internal 20)

Unit 1. Conceptual Framework of Indian Economy

Nature, Structure and Basic Features of Indian Economy (i.e. Economic,

Demographic, Technological, Social and Political Characteristics), Emerging
Features of Indian Economy

Unit 2. Growth, Development and Structural changes

Concept of Economic Growth and Economic Development, Basic Features of

Economic Development; Developed and Under-developed Economy

 Meaning, Objective and Importance of Economic Planning,

 Achievements and Failure of Planning in India (Analysis of current five year plan)
 Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization and its progress
 New Economic Policy 1991, Economic Reforms since 1991

Unit 3 . Human and Infrastructural Development in India

Concept, Component and Role of Human Resource in Economic Development

 Formation of Human Capital in India: Problems and Suggestions

 Meaning and Types of Infrastructure; Details study of Transport – Road, Rail and
Airways and Communication (information technology)

Unit 4 . Sectoral Trends and Issues

a) Agriculture: Features, Importance and Problem of Indian Agriculture,

Performance of Agricultural Productivity Post Green Revolution; Challenges in
productivity of agriculture; Technological Development and Agriculture; Recent
Price Policy (MSP); Salient Features of New Agriculture Policy 2000.
b) Industry and Service Sector – Large Scale Industries its role and performance,
Present Problem and Position of Iron and Steel, Sugar, Jute and Cotton Industries
Micro Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) – Growth, Importance and
Problems; A brief outline on Startup.

Unit 5 . Financial Sector

 Concept of Financial System; Structure of Indian Financial Sector;

 Concept of Foreign Trade, Balance of Payment and Balance of Trade
 WTO and India
 Foreign Direct Investment and its impact in present Indian economy

Unit 1

1. Describe the main features of Indian Economy.

2. What do you mean by Indian Economy? Explain the nature and emerging features of
Indian Economy.

Unit 2

3. Discuss the meaning of economic development. Differentiate between economic

development and economic growth.
4. Explain the difference between under developed and developing economy. What are
its characteristics? Is India a developing country?
5. Discuss the meaning and essential objective of economic planning.
6. Discuss the achievements and failure of the recent planning in India.
7. What is the concept of Globalization? Appraise it in Indian Context.
8. Explain the new economic policy in India.

Unit 3

9. What do you mean by human resource development or human or intellectual capital

formation? Explain the role of intellectual capital in economic growth.
10. What are the main problems of human capitals formations in India? Give suggestive
measures in this regards.
11. Explain the present position and development of information technology in Indian
12. Explain the present position of Indian Airways?

Unit 4a

13. What is the place of agriculture in Indian Economy? Explain.

14. Describe the measures taken by the government to raise the productivity or to
improve Indian agriculture.
15. Critically evaluate the agricultural achievements of Green revolution in India.

Unit 4b

16. Describe the growth and problems of Iron and Steel Industry in India. Explain the
problems faced by this industry.
17. What do you mean by MSME? Explain the importance and problem faced by MSME
in India.

Unit 5

18. Explain the structure of Indian Financial system.

19. Give the concept of Foreign Trade. What are the main features of FTP (2004 – 09)?
20. Write an essay on WTO and India.

Q: Write notes any two of the following:

Unit 1

1. Concept of Economy.
2. Structure of Indian Economy.
3. Mixed Economy.

Unit 2

4. Liberalization / Privatization

Unit 3

5. Brief the role of intellectual capital in economic development.

6. Indian Railway / Road in India.

Unit 4a

7. Technological Development of Agriculture.

8. MSP (Recent Price Policy of agriculture)
9. New agricultural Policy 2000

Unit 4b

10. Present Industrial Policy of India.

11. Cotton / Sugar Industry.
12. A brief outline on Startup.

Unit 5

13. Balance of Payment and Balance of Trade

14. FDI in India.

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